Topic: Dragon Bound Adventures!


Date: 2012-09-22 06:11 EST
Moonshine had taken up walking one of the older paths in the Southern Glen. Most of the normal paths travelled didn't yield anything that screamed adventure to him. Though honestly adventure could sneak up on him and bite him in his scaly rear and he wouldn't notice it. Walking on all fours, his war hammer swinging from the leather belt, he looked around the quiet hilly grass lands noticing the area looked really old and ancient.

Bresser was thrumming in idle consternation. A large old tome was clutched in the small gold dragon?s clawed hands. He was festooned with saddlebags and leather harnesses. Lowering the tome he looked around with silvery eyes at the hilly plains. He could have sword if he followed this trail that the Ancient Halls of Wisdom would be around here. Flicking a few pages with care he made sure there was no references to the place being hidden or concealed.

Moonshine started humming an old smithy tune he loved when hammering out metal until he saw a gold dragon sitting in the pathway looking over an old book. This struck him as odd. He's rarely seen gold dragons in this area and this one was decked in many saddle bags to boot. Moonshine approached the gold dragon slowly. "Uhm, excuse me? Are you from around here?"

Bresser looked from his tome to see the gray and white scaled dragon addressing him. "Sort of. I'm from a little ruined tower on an island called Stormy Glass. You?"

"Oh, uhm, I am actually from this glen. My mate and I have a lair in one of the nearby mountain cave systems in the forest. Not to be rude, but I've never seen a gold dragon before." Moonshine said with plain curiosity.

"That's because I prefer to read my books and scrolls that I love to collect instead of doing whatever it is you do. What is it that you do?" Bresser asked a bit irked at being studied so curiously.

Moonshine bristled a little. The little golden scaled snot sounded uppity to him. "I'm a metal smith. Make the finest weapons, armor and jewelry that the Southern Glen and the Lupinossai Den have ever seen." He thrummed proudly.

Bresser looked closer at the other dragon. "Ah, a craftsmen then?" He could be strong then? Perhaps the type of fellow I need when I reach the Halls?

"Yes, I am a craftsman. Moonshine Silverwood-Shimmerscale." He said proudly.

"I am Bresser Ignitus Reaposium, scholar, librarian and bookworm. I apologize about my lofty attitude. You aren't perchance free for a while, are you?" Bresser asked.

"Well I am on a holiday from my craft for while. Did you need help with something?" Moonshine asked.

Bresser just smiled. "Actually I am on my way to find a very old library that is in these parts. The books and scrolls within are very valuable and should be removed and stored in a proper library and not an old ruin. Would you mind helping me out?"

Moonshine hesitated for a moment or two. The gold dragon wanted to collect books from an old library? What could possibly go wrong? "Sure, what do I get out of the deal?"

"Oh I am sure if there are any scrolls or books on your craft you can have them and any artifacts you may find interesting. Does that sound fair?" Bresser offered with a clack of talons together.

"Hmm. Sounds fair, but I want to add one more condition. You offer a donation of books to the Shimmerscale Clan for my help as well. Deal?" Moonshine said raising an eyeridge.

Bresser winced. Now this was getting a little costly. Books were his treasure. His shinies! But well he knew once they got to the Ancient Halls of Wisdom there would be some sort of security about it, maybe in it and after all the Shimmerscale Clan was the largest Clan in the region. Only fair to pay tribute for using one of their members for this venture to increase his library hoard. "Deal." Bresser held out a clawed hand.

Moonshine shook the offered clawed hand with his large scaled clawed hand that was calloused and work hardened. "So where did you say this old library was?"

"Well according to this tome.." Bresser cracks open the book again. "The Ancient Halls of Wisdom should be along the path and somewhere out there along that northern plain but I haven't seen anything yet." he mused.

"Northern plains you say?" Moonshine looked over the rolling hills of dead grass; nothing was seen in the blowing grass though something didn't seem right. Some of the grass farther out wasn?t moving right in the wind. Moonshine slid his goggles down over his eyes, the agate crystal lenses specially treated to see magical constructs when he crafted or worked on artifacts. The northern plains shimmered and suddenly a very large castle was in the fields of dead grass. "I see it. The Halls are hidden by magic."

"What? Nonsense. It can't be hidden by magic. The book didn't say anything about the Halls being hidden by magic." Bresser huffed.

Moonshine laughed. "Not everything is written in books Bresser. Security being one of them. You don't believe me, here." He took off his goggles and stuck them on the small golden dragons head and eyes.

Bresser looked over the northern plain of old dead grass and with the goggles on, sure enough, the ancient castle ruins sprang to life. "Well.... I guess you were right Moonshine." He took off the goggles, handed them back to the gray and white scaled dragon then rummaged in his closest saddle bag, the one that was actually full of stuff. "Now where did I stash that De-Spell scroll?"

Moonshine took his goggles back and put them back on his hand. "De-Spell?" He asked a bit confused. His wife was the Mage of the family.

"Yes, yes, De-Spell is an anti-magic spell that removes magic." He kept rummaging for another minute then pulled up a scroll with a triumphant thrum of his small chest. "Hahaha! Found it! Now we'll make the Hall appear." He opened the scroll and read if for a bit then paused thinking for a moment. "Oh dear..."

Moonshine looked at the gold dragon with a little concern. 'Oh dear...' were words he never liked to hear especially around magic. His wife taught him that much. He backed up a bit from Bresser. "Oh dear what?"

Meanwhile: The wolf strolled heartily through the bushes, a spring in the young wolf's step as he whistled a joyful tune, something from his old home. Recently a father, he thought of how his future would go, raising long as he wasn't cut down by something big and nasty. Crowe leapt over a trunk, deciding to try something new since whenever he walked the same path, he always saw a familiar old path but for some reason never went down it. Well today he did, turning himself around from his normal route and onto the old, worn path, the stone barely recognizable under the thick brush over it, whistling a joyful tune. His ears raised instantly as he could hear faint noises in the distance, almost impossible for the average human, but being an animal had its advantages. He lowered himself as close as he could to the ground but still able to move quickly, watching his step as he went to investigate the strange sound soft in the distance.

"Well, I just... never mind. It's nothing. Everything is fine." Bresser said confidently. Surely nothing would happen if he removed the invisibility spell from the ruins, right? Bresser intoned the De-Spell incantations in draconic pointing his claws towards the northern plain; sparks flaring from his claws as he spoke the spell.

A shimmering haze touched the northern plain of old dead grass as that spell was spoken. The De-Spell unweaving the Minor Hide Spell upon the Ancient Halls of Wisdom Ruins. Old stone parapets, walls, and crumbling towers began to emerge as the spell faded away. All was quiet.

"There, see, no problems whatsoever. We can now see the ruins." Bresser beamed rolling up the scroll.

Moonshine started to ease up a little. He had expected maybe the magic spell to go awry or something. Perhaps adventuring wasn't so bad?

BAAAFOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!! BAAAFOOOOOMMMM!!!!! BAAAAFOOOOOMMM!!! A deep, bass rumbling call emanated from the old ruins, shaking the grounds and paths around it.

Damn it he spoke to soon! "What's that?"

Squinting his eyes through a bush, he widened them in amazement as he saw two dragons up ahead, as glorious as he heard in tales of them, and not just confined to an inn. Suddenly, the loud sound shook the ground beneath him, forcing him to wobble uncontrollably from his position to the ground in front of him, exposing himself.

Bresser was started by the rumbling call and he scurried behind the taller Moonshine. "Possibly, uhm, the security of the ruins." Bresser said with a small chuckle. He glanced in surprise at the wobbling Crowe. "Who are you?"

?Wait, Security? Couldn't you have told me about this before the spell.... oh, you..." Moonshine glared at Bresser.

Crowe looked up at the dragon staring at him, still on the ground, and mumbled nervously, all he could spew was jibberish, wondering how he was gonna die, by being crushed, burnt, etc....

The snap and beat of leathery wings in the air could be heard as 8 wyverns, deep in slumber awoke from the battlement perches by the call to arms. Seeing the three interlopers on the open trail they leapt to the skies, winging in to descend upon the foolish trespassers.

Bresser just blinked at the jibberish from Crowe. "Hey, relax, we aren't going to hurt you. Names Bresser Ig..." He looked up to the skies hearing the wing beats. "Oh Firian help us."

Crowe continued to look terrified at the dragons, then leapt to his feet as he saw the black shapes approaching whilst growing quickly with every second. He pulled out his sword hilt and rested his thumb anxiously on the button.

Moonshine saw Crowe for a moment. He recognized him from the Inn the other day, but hearing Bresser and looking up to the skies himself put introductions away for now. Wyverns. He hated Wyverns. Unlashing his giant, hand crafted war hammer Moonshine leapt into the air flapping his wings and called down to them. "If you can fight, help me out! If not, run for the ruins!"

Bresser blinked and looked at Moonshine with wide eyes. "F...fight? I'm a scholar damn it!" Bresser started to scurry for the ruins.

The wolf clicked the button and a blinding light flew out, forming a long green saber at the end of his hilt, glowing hot with plasma. His left, synthetic hand grabbed the sword hilt as his right hand moved towards the closest wyvern to him, tensing all his muscles whilst sweat trickled down his fur.

Three of the wyverns roared a challenge seeing the gray and white scaled dragon fly toward them for a fight. They slathered, hungry for dragon flesh having not fed in millennia. Two wyvern split off to swoop in on the fuzzy creature for a snack. The remaining three broke after the gold dragon runt running for the ruins.

Moonshine roared a challenge back at the wyverns that were closing in on him. Lupis help him, he was in a fight without his mate for back up. Flying in fast he barrel rolled around one wyvern and swung his hammer with brutal force aiming for a hit along the spine.

Bresser saw the shadows of the three wyverns following him as he ran. He couldn't fly with all the gear he was wearing. Oh dear, a mistake he wouldn't make next time if he lived. As he ran he fumbled in his saddle bag for another scroll. Scholar he may be, but he did have some tricks.

The wolf almost lost his concentration as two swooped closer for the kill but luckily he had seen worse, bring his right hand down suddenly which followed with a sudden howl and one of the foul creatures plummeting to the ground with a deafening thud, dazed. The second swooped at him, the wolf only barely managing to roll out of the way and slashing his blade, another howl, more horrifying, and the creature scraped along the ground, missing a wing. He panted heavily with a sly smirk and stood.. at his highest, thinking he had won only to be sent flying forward into the solid dirt, moaning. The first wyvern glaring at him with sheer hatred, ambling over to him with his jaw open for the kill and claws bared for slashing. He reached for the blade. Not there. He looked at the sword and pulled it out from his belt, the steel glinting in the sunlight and when the creature loomed over him, raising it's claws slowly as it tried to keep balanced. Woosh. Squelch. Howl. Thud. Only sounds that went out as it fell dead, a sword protruding from its chest, having pierced the vital organs.

The wyvern that survived the hit and run on Crowe flapped up and circled roaring another challenge seeing its mate dead, smashed into the ground. It circled high and opened its maw, breathing lightning at the furry thing. The aerial combatants whirled and wheeled in roars, challenges and blows. Moonshines hit crippled the wyvern he aimed for sending it falling with a sickening thud to the ground. The other two circled the gray dragon snapping at his wings. The three after the gold dragon started a diving run and tried to snatch up the smaller dragon.

The wolf looked at the barely flying beast, mistaking the missing wing for only a small piece he had managed to slice off and dived to the left, the lightning striking the bottom of his leg, singing the trousers and fur and leaving him howling in agony. It dived again, more unsteadily though, and opened its maw for the second blast. Nothing. The beats looked bewildered at its mouth, wondering why it couldn't spout it's lighting then gargled painfully as it could now sense the sharp pain in his throat, clawing furiously at its throat as it forgot that it was in the air, plunging at the wolf's feet. He struggled to his feet and ambled to the fallen beast, prodding it with his foot and when satisfied, sighed with relieve. Suddenly, the beast jumped up with its remaining energy however a swift and powerful blow cursed it's entire skull when the wolf brought its synthetic left hand bearing onto its head, splattering blood all over him.

Succeeding in sending one nasty wyvern to its doom, Moonshine banked and climbed hastily trying to protect his wing. Yeah he could fight on the ground, but the air was the wyverns? strength and he wanted an even advantage. He could feel the snapping of teeth close to his right wing he flinched, rolled in the air and spewed a cone of freezing breath on the wyvern that got too close to him.

Bresser was panicking now; the shadows of the wyverns were getting larger on the ground. He knew he was seconds from being a snatch and run banquet. His clawed hand found the scroll he wanted and he pulled it out. That?s when the first wyvern missed him and the sound of massive claws scraping the ground by him, made Bresser dodge right and roll onto his back to look up at the two plummeting wyverns on an easy target. Snapping open the scroll he read the short spell within and sent a rolling blast of arcane fire out at the two wyverns? in a thick column.

Well, Crowe had his wyverns under control. Moonshine froze the second wyvern attacking him to a solid block. It fell to the ground below breaking to pieces. The third wyvern had climbed high above Moonshine and now came down upon the gray dragon, rending claws seeking to tear hide, scales, flesh and wings that got in their way. The two diving wyverns upon Bresser were ashed by the massive fireball spell the gold dragon had cast. Their ashes dusting the gold dragon. The wyvern that had missed Bresser circled around and prepared to swoop in again.

The wolf dusted himself off and decided enough was enough, ambling back home as he picked up his weapons, waving away the ensuing battle.

Moonshine lost sight of the third wyvern and then roared as he felt claws tear into his left wing and shoulder then the wyvern as it landed on him. He couldn't bear the weight with the injury and was beginning to fall for the ground in a fast spiral. Roaring more he started to bite at the chest and neck of the wyvern, desperate to get the beast off of him.

Bresser righted himself and watched the circling wyvern. "I see you!" he read from the scroll again. Being an elder mage scroll it had a few more uses left and sent another rolling column of flame at his wyvern tormentor.

The wyvern locked with Moonshine roared as it was bitten repeatedly by the gray dragon. It continued to rake the dragon as they spiraled for the ground. Its mission was simple. Kill all intruders. The wyvern snapped at Moonshine's neck. The circling wyvern looped away from the conjured fire ball and answered in retaliation with a spewed crack of lightning at Bresser.

Bresser back peddled as lightning cracked and scorched the old path beneath his clawed hands. Oh this one was slippery! He didn't have time to look for another scroll and the beast would just dodge way up there. He needed the wyvern closer. Closer? But how? Ah there! Bresser ran for a nearby battlement and began scaling it, the elder mage scroll tucked safely in his maw.

Moonshine felt teeth graze his neck scales. Roaring he reared his head back hoping to head butt the wyvern. The ground was dizzyingly close. Moonshine used his hammer now, trying to beat the wyvern off of him.

The circling wyvern found the climbing runt of a gold dragon amusing. Oh this was an easy snack indeed! It swooped in close, talons open ready to rip into warm dragon flesh. Moonshine's head butt connected with the wyverns snout and the wyvern snorted shaking its head to rid itself of the sensation until an errant swing of the war hammer hit its head and the wyvern went slack toppling off of Moonshine to hit the ground that was 40 feet below.

Bresser managed to scale the battlement and get onto just in time to miss the talons, hearing them rake along the old stone. Bresser turned around and intoned the spell again from the scroll sending another fire ball at the wyvern.

Moonshine had fallen too far, too fast. He had no hope of pulling out of the fall without some issues. He rolled, flapped his wings and bellowed in agony as his torn left wing membranes shredded more, spattering him with his own coppery blood. 40, 30, 20, 10, thud, he hit the ground hard with all four limbs, folded his wings in tight, collapsed and rolled along the ground coming to a stop by the ruins, in a bit of a daze.

The wyvern roared in anger missing it's gold dragon snack a second time then roared in pain as the fire ball caught it between the wings and slammed it into the castle wall silencing the wyvern once and for all.

Bresser snorted. No more wyverns. Looking about the ruins he spotted Moonshine on the ground in a heap. Oh dear. The small gold dragon scaled back down the battlement and moved over to Moonshine. "Hey, Moony? Moony? You going to be okay?" He hoped he would be okay, this dragon was his muscle for this trip. A glance around and he didn't see the odd wolf thing around. Must have been eaten? Pity.

Moonshine could here Bresser asking him if he'd be all right. He might be all right if he'd stop hurting. He ached all over. Slowly Moonshine stirred and straightened out his limbs and got out of his tangle. His left wing was a third of the way shredded and he was bleeding from his left shoulder. He had some good scrapes and cuts in his hid too from the rough landing. "I think I'll live. Wings a mess and I am bleeding. Don't suppose you have any bandages or medical supplies in your saddlebags do you?"

"Of course I do." Bresser beamed and looked in one of the other saddle bags and pulled out several packs of bandaging material. Looks like the gold dragon had some idea this little trip was dangerous.


Date: 2012-10-24 02:35 EST
Moonshine looked at all of the medical supplies and got that feeling too. He started to instruct Bresser on how best to patch up his left shoulder and wing since he couldn't reach it easily. "Just how much security does this 'old library' have?"

"Hardly any really. Just some light wyvern patrols. Maybe a surprise or two inside." Bresser said nonchalantly while bandaging Moonshine.

That was a light wyvern patrol? And what did he mean by a surprise or two inside. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What surprises? Talk to me before I get torn up any further you little gold scaled liar."

"I am not a liar." He poked Moonshine in the gray scaled snout. "I am a scholar thank you and like you say, security isn't always written in the books. All I know is the Ancient Halls of Wisdom are guarded by a light detail of Wyverns and inside by two Cerberus'. How bad can they be?"

Something about Cerberus' had Moonshine worried. "What's a Cerberus?"

Bresser finished bandaging Moonshine. "Oh a Cerberus is a three headed guard dog." he said casually, expecting Moonshine to know something about mythology.

"Oh, okay. I like dogs. My mate is a Lupinossai. Doesn't sound that bad at all. Probably wanna lick me and get some pets right?"

Bresser gave Moonshine a slightly odd look. "Rrr..right, right. Pets and licks."

Standing on all fours again, wincing a little from the injuries, Moonshine slung his war hammer. "Well let's get going and get these books and meet these three headed guard dogs." Moonshine rumbled a little and walked into the old ruins.

"Coming. I'll be right behind you. Completely behind you good friend." Bresser reassured Moonshine.

As both dragons worked their way into the Ancient Halls of Wisdom the old ruins would show their mysteries. Built by a long dead race of Higher Planes and Lower Planes beings the ruins were larger on the inside magically, than they were on the outside. Once the dragons had reached the actual halls, the massive ebony columns and old, dusty silk carpets and tapestries about the halls greeted them in silence. Dust and giant spider webs hung everywhere. Suits of armor and artifacts also lined the hallways. Open door ways lined the halls leading to massive cavernous rooms within which was shelf upon shelf of ancient books, scrolls and chests of untold treasures.

"Hahahaha! Behold Moonshine. The Ancient Halls of Wisdom!" Bresser trotted in circles happily. He was like a little kid in a candy store. "Where to begin? Oh my there are more treasures here than I thought. We'll have to come back here a few times to get everything out. For now, we'll fill all of my saddle bags and whatever you can carry. How does that sound?"

"Like a pain in the ass." Moonshine grumbled. He looked around the halls feeling a little nervous for some reason. "Don't forget, you promised me books on my craft. I'm.. going to look at the armor and artifacts..." He moved away from Bresser slowly. "So, where do you think these three headed, Cerberus dog beasts could be?" he asked curiously. Maybe he could bring one back to Lene as a pet for Calcifer if they were small and cute.

"No clue Moonshine." Bresser said distracted as he moved into the first huge library room; so many books and scrolls. He began scanning the shelves and pulling many of the books and scrolls down. He had a saddle bag designated for Moonshine and the Shimmerscale clan, the rest was for him. Oh look, a whole row of arcane books from the lower planes. Bresser began to work on removing them not realizing their removal triggered silent magical alarms within the ruins.

Moonshine poked at the old suits of armor snorting. All of them were parade quality. Rusty and cheap. He moved among the artifacts hoping he'd find something worth getting roughed up and injured over. Oh, now what was this? Among a collection of dusty weapons and shields he found a pair of gauntlets that were huge. He picked up one to inspect it.

Soon those alarms were going to be answered by the deep rumbles of snuffling and sniffing. The click and clack of massive claws on the old stone hall floors echoed throughout the ruins.

The gauntlet Moonshine had found was of a superior make and craftsmanship long forgotten. A blend of Higher Planes, Dwarven and Lower Planes in perfect harmony made of a steel like material with a dark hue to it. Blood red rubies were set with the gauntlets.

Bresser heard those snufflles. Oh dear, the Cerburus' were awake! The gold dragon began hunting through the shelves faster taking only the most important books and scrolls now and he included books on this ruin in his plundering. More research was needed! Yes, more research!

Moonshine remarked on the gauntlets make seeing how well it was made. He snagged it and the mate and placed it within a large pouch of holding on his belt. He heard the snuffling sounds. Great. Now what?

From the dark shadows of the large hallway emerged first one, then two, then three bristling, snarling massive muzzles in black fur. Six red eyes glowed in the darkness staring at Moonshine. Flames curled from the snarling beasts muzzles, and as it got closer, the massive body nearly rivaled Moonshine's in size. Massive tree trunked sized paws thudded on the stone ground.

Right, pets and licks. Bresser I am going to hurt you if I live. Moonshine stared at the massive guard dog in awe. Okay, it wasn't cute. The dragon took several steps back bellowing a warning roar not to attack him.

All six eyes narrowed on Moonshine when the dragon bellowed that roar. It's massive chest swelled and it let out a bellowing roar in response vibrating the walls of the ruins. Heat rushed along with the roar making the hall way very hot.

Feeling the heat and the roar, Moonshine gathered that this might be one creature not to tangle with, even if he was a dragon. He backed away more, not sure. He was near the opening to the first library room.

Saddlebags crammed full with books, scrolls and a few lose artifacts, Bresser heard the rumbling roar and poked his head through the opening to the hallway and saw Moonshine first, then the towering Cerberus beast. Oh Dear indeed! "Moonshine..."

Moonshine eyed the opening and saw Bresser loaded down with loot. Great. A fast retreat wasn't an option. Lupis and Bahamut help him for getting tangled up with a gold dragon! Moonshine pulled his war hammer from his leather belt and grabbed one of the ornate shields from the wall. It was flimsy but may take a shot or two from the beast. "Bresser, I'm a bit busy. Get your shiny ass to the exit now!"

"My ass is not shiny!" Bresser growled.

"Now is not the time to bicker about your butt!"

All three heads tilted a moment as the two dragons argued. The eyes slit in glee as the Cerberus saw its chance to get closer to gobble up the intruders. Thump, thump, thump, it moved closer, the flames around its muzzle curling and growing larger. Roast dragon was on the menu tonight! It spat three fire balls at the two arguing dragons.

"I will bicker about my rear when it's being insulted...eep!" he ducked as a fireball roared, tumbling in hot gassy elegance past his gold scaled head, singing a scroll or two and setting a tapestry on the far wall up in flames, charring and melting some of the stone behind it. "Right. The exit." He scurried out of the room behind Moonshine and headed for the entry of the ruins.

Moonshine barely missed being hit by the first fireball; his gray and white scales glowing brilliantly. These weren't normal fire balls, but hell fire spawned ones. The next fire bale he brought the shield up and watched the metal warp and screech as it melted from the heat. The third one hit the shield tearing past the buttery metal and globbing a bit on his chest scales. He roared as the fire singed and a few scales were melted and tender hide under it blistered. Cerberus' were definitely not cute!

The Cerberus continued its approach lowering its head, jaws dripping brimstone on the old stone floor, snapping teeth now at Moonshine.

Moonshine backed up as the Cerberus advanced. He would smack any muzzle that got close with the molten metal shield he still had in his clawed hand, and follow up with a swing of the massive war hammer he'd made.

The molten shield caught the middle muzzle and liquid hot metal splashed along the muzzle and into the eyes of that head blinding it for a moment. The war hammer caught it under the muzzle cracking the heavy jaw bone. The Cerberus snapped with its other two heads in retaliation.

Bresser had made it to the exit of the ruins, the valuable scrolls and books safe in the saddle bags. "Run Moonshine, just run!"

The flimsy shield now utterly wasted and useless was discarded on the floor as Moonshine backed up more. "He's singed through my scales once already. I'm not giving him a shot at my back side. Just get clear of the ruins. I'll make a break for it when I can!" He ducked a massive snapping jaw, and jabbed at a snout with his war hammer. Moonshine let out a blast of freezing breath at the Cerberus hoping to hit one of the heads and stun it with cold. The young dragon was outclassed.

Angered by missing its bite, enraged by its blinded and smashed middle head, the Cerberus swatted at Moonshine when the war hammer smacked its third snout. The freezing breath hissed and steamed on it boiling hot hide doing little but annoying the Cerberus further.

Bresser couldn't believe what he heard. He wasn't going to run out on a fellow dragon. Quickly he dug through his personal saddle bag for another elder mage scroll. There had to be one that could be used against a Cerberus!

Seeing his breath weapon do little to the Cerberus, Moonshine tried to move away quickly. The swiping tree trunk of a paw though clipped him on his injured left shoulder and wing sending him into the hallway stone wall with a jarring impact. His war hammer clanged to the stone floor and slid towards Bresser.

Seeing the dragon down, the Cerberus moved in for a greedy kill.

All Bresser could find besides fireball spells was a telekinetic spell scroll. Opening it, he started to utter the spell in draconic, his lighter toned voice ringing in the hallways. Feeling the power build he sent suits of armor flying from the hallway walls towards the Cerberus.

Expecting a swift kill on the downed dragon, the Cerberus was not expecting a bunch of flying metal to cascade off of its skulls. Roaring in annoyance it backed away from the downed dragon to slag the suits of armor.

The roaring woke Moonshine from his daze. The impact with the wall had knocked him out for a little bit. A glance up and he saw the towering Cerberus melting floating suits of armor. Magma dripped and pooled on the stone floor by him. Slowly he began to scoot away from the beast, his limbs wanting to refuse his commands.

Bresser watched his hasty attack plan disintegrate. Reading the scroll again, building up the power he switched the spell into mage hand and looked around quickly. Seeing Moonshine's war hammer on the floor he made it float and sent it sailing for a Cerberus head hoping to buy the gray dragon more time to escape. "Get your lazy ass off the floor and move!"

The last of the floating metal vanquished, the Cerberus saw the small golden dragon behind it's irritation and began to advance. The movement of the gray dragon caught its attention as well. Well two heads can multi-task just fine. The middle head just flopped uselessly blinded with its muzzle crushed. It snapped at the gray dragon, and was about the spit magma at the gold when the war hammer smashed the third head in, propelled by magic.

Feeling teeth sink into his tail, Moonshine bellowed, turned his head and blew freezing breath at the offending head hoping to hit the eyes.

Bresser summoned the war hammer back from the crushed skull and readied to launch it again.

Stinging cold ice hit the Cerberus in the weak spot of its body. They froze over. Roaring in pain, it let go of the gray dragon and crashed about the hall as it backed away in torment.

Inspired by the new injury and close call, Moonshine's body decided that pain was second to living and the young dragon managed to get his four limbs under him and limp away down the hall quickly. "I say we leave now!"

Watching the bellowing Cerberus make more of a mess in the hall way from its blind rampaging Bresser nodded. "I agree." the small gold dragon loaded with saddle bags let the war hammer drop to the ground and scurried for safety outside.

Taking up his war hammer and putting it on his leather belt Moonshine left not bothering to look back. His first adventure and he was not so sure he like the flavor of it.

As the dragons left the ruins, the Ancient Halls of Wisdom shimmered and was cloaked in invisibility once more.

Sighing as he watched the old northern plains of the Glen become dried grass once more Bresser shook his head. "Definitely need more planning for our next adventure into the Halls."

"You want to go back?" Moonshine groaned. "Beginning to think my pay in books and scrolls isn't worth the pain."

"Nonsense Moonshine. Where?s your adventuring spirit?"

"Hiding under the bed with my teddy bear back at my lair." Moonshine said sourly.

Bresser bumped into Moonshine and chuckled. "Eh, just need a few pints and a healer. Come on buddy."

Grumbling, Moonshine stood and limped along with Bresser. He wondered if anyone would miss the gold dragon if he had an accident. He left that thought as an option and followed Bresser to a tavern.