Topic: Education & Child Rearing -old moved


Date: 2010-09-24 02:14 EST
The next topic of discussion lies not in the present, but in the future. Or the investment of our future, at least.

Once a year, a female become fertile and is capable of bearing a litter of pups. We won't go into the biology of Lupinossai development at this time, so we will skip ahead and post-birth.

Upon arrival in this world, the pup shares an instant connection to its mother, just like many other mammalian species. The young feed from its mother, and it grows stronger.

The infant period lasts until about the second year, so development from infant to child is longer than a humans. But during the second, the infant experience rapid changes in its mental and physical capabilities--in other words, the ability to walk and talk. It is during this time, the second year and about half of the third year, that the child is taught the intricacies of Lupesh, mainly by the mother. At the same time, the father educates his young on the physical aspects of the Lupinossai people, and in particular sows the seeds for that particular clan that the child is a part of, whether it be Foxingale, Shieldar, Ferrousbane, or Wolf.

As time goes by and the child possesses a keener grasp of his responsibility to Clan and Den, the mother and father than take it upon themselves to teach the child, who is now about four and a half, the ways of mating. The child is not forced to DO anything, or WATCH anything, he is simply taught "the birds and the bees" like any human adolescent. The parents, under normal conditions, stress upon the child that mating should NOT be attempted under ANY circumstances until such time that his/her Trials are passed. The sexual education does vary from pair to pair, and from child to child, based upon the parents judgement of the child's maturity, and their own particular beliefs about the practice.

From that point forward, much of the childs education becomes less generic and more specialized based on his/her Clan or his/her specific preferences about what s/he wants to do with his/her life. That will be the next topic of discussion.

Summary: From the age of two, the child is taught the simple mechanics he needs to survive in the Lupinossai culture: speaking, and fitness strictly by the parents or, in some cases, an indentured tutor. Mating is taken on solely by the parents, and the normal age for "the talk" is four and a half, when the child is typically mature enough to handle the knowledge.

This is a home school system.


Date: 2010-10-01 01:10 EST
Well done Iimiidiina on fleshing this out. I just need to make one clarifying note. Lupinossai females only cycle one whole month out of the year. Other wise you would have Lupinossai reproducing like rabbits. We don't need that many Lupes at once. Grin.