Topic: Heart Strings. Knowing each other.

Vuusoolta Wolf

Date: 2013-03-26 15:31 EST
Vuu stood on the polished wood deck of the Moorawaam. It had been 2 years since he and his little crew had stubbornly sailed the threemasted, steam powered, paddle wheel assisted ship from Sliinkaa into the mythic realms of Rhydin. 2 years and searching for a father he had found, a new family he was still trying to accept and something new on the horizon for the scholar/sailor. Love.

He ran a furred hand over the scuffed ship's wheel, fond memories of piloting the vessel on every known body of water in Lupinoss, then later the seas and oceans of Sliinkaa looking for father. Now she just sat here, resting in the harbor of Den city, coddled like a queen. The ship needed to stretch her legs and feel proud again. Work had always gotten in the way. Not anymore. He was free of the paperwork, free of the choices, free of the decisions of leading a city. He was simply free.

Vuu left the wheel, descended to the main deck and disembarked the ship. He began a trek up the harbor and into town. There was something on his mind. No, several things really. He wanted to get to know a certain someone much better than the roles of Den Leader would have allowed. He was just hoping she was in the mood to return the favor. His musings had lead him to the shop and house that he was so familiar with, and the owner of it.

Sweet, sweet Garnet Prismpaws. His Garnet.

Garnet Prismpaw

Date: 2013-03-29 21:10 EST
-Garnet was indeed home, sometimes she seemed more at home in the workshop, today she stood at the forge on the far side of the large shop, using a hammer and tongs as she pounded out piece of metal for a large plate, that would sometime be part of something larger, she paused a moment to douse the metal into the water tub letting it cool, she used a semi-clean cloth to mop her brow and cheeks, watching the steam come up from the water, she stuffed the cloth back into her work belt and stood waiting for the cooling point of the steel-

-the shop was open for business, thick blue curtains in the front windows had been opened wide and tied back with silver rope, various wondrous wares stood and laid on pedestals in display, the door's little bells jangled if someone were to venture inside, customers were welcomed by rows of table style shelves on either side, beside them on either side where shelves for books and the item cases lined the walls, at the back of the shop shorter cases formed a counter, which were only broken by a small spring-loaded gate which bares a sign reading employees only-

-on a tall thin wooden perch, Nebula, the white spotted black raven was watching over the store, golden beady eyes alert and watchful-

Vuusoolta Wolf

Date: 2013-03-31 17:30 EST
Vuu entered the shop side of Garnets residence, a smile on his muzzle as the jingle of bells is heard. He'd approach Nebula and offer the familiar a few pets if accepted as he looked about the shop. He was guessing Garnet was in the forge.

He moved for the break in the counters, past the sign that said Employees Only and headed for the forge. He was sure she would enjoy his company and perhaps a mention or two of some plans.