Topic: How to create a Lupinossai Character - Old Version


Date: 2011-02-21 19:24 EST
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Lupinossai Faqs Updated!
Welcome to the Lupinosse Den. I hear you have an interest in creating a Lupinossai character. Well you?ve come to the right place for doing this. This Faq will have most of the information needed in several posts to this Fag and Links as well to other posts that are pertinent for creating a Lupinossai.

Step 1: What age group do you wish to play as?
This is an important question as different age groups know different types of culture and Lupinossai customs. Below are the age groups allowed and roughly what they will know for you to create a back story off of.
~Young Child~ Ages 4-10
As a young Lupinossai child you would know about general manners in respecting their elders. They would know about some of the myths from the Old Country (the realm of Lupinoss). They would know some common, but very basic, and would be learning to use Lupesh more. Young Lupinossai are usually tasked with helping their parents in whatever crafts, guilds, or trades they are in. They would also attend at least one class of their parent?s choice a day at the Lupinossai Learning Center. The classes and education are free and cover just about everything including magic for magically adept Lupinossai of all ages. Young children are not usually allowed outside of the Den though a few know how to sneak out and get punished if caught. A colored band can be acquired from the Den Fang Head Quarters for young Lupinossai that are responsible and can be trusted to be alone. Young children under no circumstance will be attracted to others by love. They are too young to understand this concept.

~Teenager~ Ages 11-20
As a Lupinossai teen you get to deal with hormones, learning more about the Lupinossai culture, Myths, Legends, History, Rituals, and most teenagers are apprenticed to learn their parent?s trade. Lupinossai teens would also know Common and Lupesh and be more proficient at speaking and understanding both languages. They will also be attending one class a day at the Lupinossai Learning Center. Lupinossai teenagers are allowed to wear weapons if they have been properly trained in using them and have the colored wrist band to prove they are cleared by the Den Fang Head Quarters to use them. Lupinossai teens do know the concept of love and of mating, but are often confused due to the hormones. More on mating and love in the Mating Section of the Faq.

~Young Adult~ Ages 21-40
Lupinossai young adults are well versed now in most of the Old Countries Mythos, Legends, History, and more. By now they usually have a job within the Den or have signed up for the Den Fangs or have joined the Den Military. Some may have mates and children already. They can attend classes at the Lupinossai Learning Center as well. Lupinossai young adults are allowed weaponry without a permit. Young Adults make up a good portion of the Lupinossai Den in Rhydin. This is due to the 3-4 year history of the Den that will be summarized in The Den History portion of the Faq.

~Adult~ Ages 41-90
Lupinossai Adults are often well settled in their life in the Den, knowing what they are doing, often taking to politics, business owning, or mentoring. Lupinossai adults in the Lupinossai Den are often afflicted with what is known as The Old Ways in which they remember the way things used to be in the Old Country and often long for those days. Some Lupinossai Adults will break from the Den, go off, become lone Lupinossai and sink into a bit of a devolved dementia, living in their past memories.

~Senior Adult~ Ages 91-150
Lupinossai Seniors are rare as most of those living in the Lupinossai Den are young. A few do exist. Most are in high positions of Den government, are Judges in the Den Court of Law, or are professors and teachers at the Lupinossai Learning Center. If you wish to play this age, please consult Fleetwolf or Ammy Spiritor first to assist you in the deep back story they would have.

~Elderly~ Ages 151-250
The only elderly Lupinossai in existence is Fleetwolf but that is due to hir deity blood and being a Loaa (angel). No other elderly Lupinossai exist on Rhydin. This age group is to mark how old a Lupinossai can live to naturally if they are not a deity or a Loaa. I say this as Fleetwolf is 368 years of age but has the appearance of a 28 year old.

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Date: 2011-02-21 19:31 EST
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*Back Ground Data Of Lupinossai Common Knowledge*

Step 2: Do you want to play as an orphan or do you have NPC/PC parents? (Skip if you are playing a Young Adult or older read last section of this post.)

If you are playing an orphan then your background story would include these general basic facts:
A huge battle took place within the Den about the 2nd year of the Den?s life between the Lupinossai and the evil Goddess Takhasis (From the Dragon Lance Books). She laid waste to two thirds of the Den before being driven away. Many adults died leaving behind lots of orphans. So if you are playing an orphan, then you know about the battle and probably have a lot of nightmares from them. Depending on how old your Orphan is, you may or may not remember your parents. If you do, then think about anything thing they may have taught you. If you don?t remember, nothing wrong with that.

If you are playing a child with parents then you need to decide if you are using NPC parents that you control in the background, or have buddies playing them as PC?s. If you are playing with NPC parents then look at the Great Den Descriptions section of the Faq to decide what Great Den your parents come from as well as what they do for a living. The race of Lupinossai you choose for your parents and yourself will largely affect what Great Den?s they come from. Look at the Races of Lupinossai section of the Faq to learn what areas most live in. This also goes for PC parents though much of the background you?ll need to discuss between yourselves. If in doubt ask Fleetwolf or Ammyspiritor.

If you are playing an non-child Lupinossai then the following is a very brief look at events in Lupinoss untill now.

The government style of Lupinoss has changed several times since the first pair of Lupinossai were genetically created and set loose on the training continent called Lupinoss. A government style didn?t appear until 50 years after a strong army of 20,000 Lupinossai warriors were made. (10,000 Earthrii. 5,000 Soultrii. 5,000 Airii.) This government was a standard military command chain put in place by the human creators and trainers. After those 50 years the Lupinossai army lost contact with the humans and were facing the grim fact of being on their own. Military command continued for 20 years. Finally, the top generals, Canis and Lupis, realized that the original military goals and purposes of the Lupinossai would not happen.

The command structure was torn down in the 70th year of Life. They replaced the command structure with a pack society structure. This structure was reminiscent of their canine genes. A ruling pair of Alphas and a secondary pair of Betas would run a Den of at least 50 Lupinossai, all the way down to a Pack of at least 20 Lupinossai. With the advent of the pack structure, the Lupinossai training continent was then divided by Canis and Lupis and doled out to the 8 alpha pairs to claim as their own territory. This marked the end of the Year of Life period and ushered in the Pre Den Wars years. By now the Lupinossai population is now 50,000 strong, and several new mutations had appeared. (Riivii, Dessii, and Wuudrii)

In the 80th year Pre Den Wars, the Lupinossai population was now pushing 600,000 Lupinossai. The Hybridones or hybrid Lupinossai were now coming into their own, breaking the traditions of keeping their races pure and untainted. The current Pack System was no longer working. Thousands of packs were in each Den, and hundreds of Den?s now existed in each territory. Matters of violence, laws, and breeding were being disputed with bloodshed between packs and Dens. This started the 5 year period known as the Den Wars. 150,000 Lupinossai died trying to establish who had right to command who. Many Packs and Dens were wiped out. The largest Den in each territory, however, survived the attacks. Their Alphas sought out council with Canis and Lupis at the now ancient command center to deal with this problem.

After a week, a new government system was put into place. The Council of the Great Dens was put into place. The largest Dens were now called Great Dens. The territories they claimed were now renamed to reflect who held which territory. To dispute maters, any issues must be passed through the Alpha of that Great Den. If it was a major issue that could affect more than one Great Den, the Council of the Great Dens would meet to discuss the issue with Canis and Lupis presiding over the meetings. This system worked for 10 years. This period was known as the Council of Dens.

By the 10th year of the Council of Dens, Canis and Lupis were both reaching 230 years old. Their bodies were starting to fail, and their minds growing feeble. Even with this apparent feebleness, the Lupinossai Alphas proclaimed them god-like and granted them the honorary title?s of Hero-Deities of Lupinoss. Canis and Lupis did exhibit strong magical prowess, but were far from gods. A god has never existed on Sliinkaa. However, any Lupinossai exhibiting great works or mighty deeds were bestowed this title of Deity upon the act being recognized. This set up a period of worshiping a false pantheon known as the Age of Canis and Lupis. This lasted for 20 years. The Council of the Great Dens was still in place, but many Lupinossai, now enamored with the stories and myths of these mighty Hero-Deities were deferring or seeking them out for the final say. This caused many Alphas to hate the Hero-Deities and moved to have them removed in the 15 year of the Age of Canis and Lupis. This did not go over well.

Roughly 1.5 million Lupinossai were now on Lupinoss. Half of the nation was loyal to the Hero-Deities, the other half were loyal to the Alphas. A very brief, but bloody war known as Demons and Deity War broke out for 6 months. If you were not in support of the Hero-Deities, you were a Demon and vice versa. 300,000 Lupinossai died, and many of those honored with the title Hero-Deity were put to death. But the war was in the favor of Deities. With their side being the victors, the Deity supporters believed peace would reign and that Canis and Lupis would lead them for all eternity.

The 20th year of the Age of Canis and Lupis, Canis and Lupis passed away in their sleep. Many supporters were shocked. Many supporters would not believe. The Lupinossai society was thrown into panic. The Council of the Great Dens seized power quickly, taking over the old command center and making new decrees. The decrees renounced the Deities, and put control firmly back in the united leadership of the council. This lasted for 5 years. This period was known as the Age of the Council of Great Dens.

The 5th year of the Age of the Council of Great Dens, an heir was born of the Great Den Wolf. The heir showed the same aura and spirit of Lupis. Many kept this secret with hopes of a revival of the reign of Deities. The Council of the Great Dens caught wind of this heir, and troubled descended on the Alphas. Soon the Great Den Alphas were turning paranoid and skittish fearing a vengeful retribution from the heir when he grows older. The Great Dens of Steel, Stridar, Spiritor, and Griidool united together. They pushed into the territory of Great Den Wolf to find and kill the heir. This sparked fear and anger in the Alpha?s of Great Den Wolf over the intrusion and intensions of murdering one of their own. Great Den Wolf allied with Foxingale, Sprintar, and Shieldar.

The stage was now set. The Great Den Civil War ignited. It was a war that lasted for 20 years. Great Den Wolf was decimated. Only 3 males survived the war. The heir was one of them, but the heir fled to another realm. The Great Den Spiritor was the only Great Den not suffering heavy casualties. 550,000 Lupinossai perished during the Great Den Civil War period. Bringing their magic to bear, the Great Den Spiritor seized control of Lupinoss and ruled the lands with a Tyrannical government.

20 years passed under this rule. This period was known as The Rule of Mages. Multiple pockets of resistance rose up during these years, fighting against the tyranny. Mage Killers came to light as a new type of warrior bent on killing just mages regardless of the side they were on. Lupinoss did recover their numbers quickly despite the guerilla tactics employed. Lupinoss was now sitting at 2 million Lupinossai now.

The 18th year of The Rule of Mages, the heir returned. He made known his presence and rallied supporters to his cause. Soon the Fleetian Fangs arose. The Fleetian Fangs was 600,000 strong. A 2 year war raged known as The Spiritor Hunt. Anyone who was of the Great Den Spiritor were hunted down and killed. By the 20th year of the Rule of Mages, all of Great Den Spiritor?s influence was shoved back to their own territory. Too this day, Spiritors are still held in contempt and in a bad light. The heir, Fleetian Wolf, brought back the rule of the Deities. He appointed new Deities and put them in charge of ruling the Lands of Lupinoss.

The Age of Deities now took place for 40 years. Peace reigned, the Lupinossai rebuilt their lives, and the Heir vanished again during this period. The Lupinossai now totaled 6 million and a new species now shared the lands with them. The Wolfral arose from The Rule of Mages. A strong mage named Fen Stridar created dire wolves that were sentient and could cast magic. Now they live with the Lupinossai, their own miniature nation within Lupinoss. By the 30th year of The Age of Deities, corruption and old age was striking the new pantheon. The son of Fleetian Wolf, Vuusoolta was sent to find Fleetian Wolf to return and appoint new Deities. Fleetian Wolf returned in the 38th year of The Age of Deities. He was hesitant to appoint new deities. During his absence, he had time to reflect on the history of Lupinoss. With his arrival, he met with the remains of the pantheon and surveyed the dismal remains.

On the 40th year of The Age of the Deities, he spoke to the whole nation of Lupinoss. He decreed that the age of Deities, Gods, and myths of higher powered beings ruling the common Lupinossai was over. The common Lupinossai would listen to their brethren to lead them by means of a council of agreement. Fleetian Wolf introduced Parliament government to the Lupinossai.

The introduction of Parliament ushered in the beginning of a new period. The period is called The Phoenix?s Flight. It was named this as the nation was rising out of the ashes of so many failed governments and wars. They now had access by sea to the rest of Sliinkaa. Fleetian Wolf and Ammy Spiritor are now the Head Male and Female of Parliament for 2 years. After that, who knows who will lead.

For those who have read the above post on the time line of various Lupinossai Governments, you may have noted that it was mentioned that Canis and Lupis passed away in their sleep. Current facts, and a resurfacing of these two as actual deities has lead to the belief that the records may have been tampered with by supporters of the Deities on purpose.

Canis and Lupis may have passed away from their physical bodies, but their souls did ascend to god hood and they are very much alive. It is believed that the records and any evidence of their continued existence was hidden by their command to prevent even worse blood shed.

Now that Lupinoss has passed into a more enlightened era, Canis and Lupis, as well as a whole host of demigods and angels have reappeared.

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Date: 2011-02-21 19:50 EST
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*Lupinossai Races*

Step 3: Races of Lupinossai.


Life Span is up to 250 years old.
Height range is from 2-3ft tall.
Usual weight range is 50-95lbs.
Colors of fur is quite varied and of all colors.
Colors of eyes are about as varied as the fur colors though red, violet, and black are not allowed.
Ear styles are only long variation of the tri tipped ears the Erthrii have.
A style the hair is worn in is usually pony tails, shoulder length, short cut, or no hair just fur.
Temperament of Airii is usually optimistic, high spirited, and ingenious. They have wings, feathering from armpit to hips and running along tail. They can fly with aid of magic or on their own. Airii are unique in the way they have a very hollow skeleton like a bird, but the humans who created the Lupinossai genetically altered their skeleton to contain carbon fiber strand within the bones making them light weight but very durable. Airii are usually energetic, almost exhibiting a light hearted aura, and tend to be mischievous.


Life Span is up to 160 years old.
Height range is from 4-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 100-200lbs.
Colors of fur are often white, yellow, sandy brown, or a rich red brown.
Colors of the eyes are often the range of normal human eyes though grays and brown are common.
Ear styles mostly very large thin ears to help keep them cool in hot climates.
A style the hair is worn in is usually anything short or no hair just fur.
Temperament of Dessii is usually cautious, practical, and tough. Dessii are known for living in desert country and have thin fur, thin blood, and are known for thriving in hot weather. They can also sense the presence of water even if it is buried 50 feet below ground. Dessii are usually quiet, observant, and loyal.


Life Span is up to 150 years old.
Height range is from 7-9ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 200-400lbs.
Colors of fur are usually in shades of grays, blacks, deep brown, or a mix of these.
Colors of eyes are usually normal range of human eye colors, though having two different eye colors, mixed eye colors, or very bright eye color is acceptable as well.
Ear styles are often erect ears which are tri-tipped though floppy ears like a retriever are seen as well.
Styles the hair is worn in is usually long braids, pony tails, or loose.
Temperament Erthrii are typical, down to earth Lupinossai. They work fields, do grunt work, and are very muscular. Typical bi-pedal anthropomorphic body for canines. Erthrii are usually calm, loyal, and they tend to be agreeable with others.

~Lunarnan~ (Genetic Shapeshifter)

Life Span is up to 50 years old.
2-3ft tall from ground to shoulder when in feral mode. No taller than 4ft when in humanoid mode.
Depending on the type of canine the Lunarnan is patterned after 50-150lbs.
Colors of fur are usually in the shade of the canine the Lunarnan is patterned after (Dogs, Coyotes, Foxes, Wolves, Etc.)
Colors of eyes are once again dependent on the canine that the Lunarnan is patterned off of.
Temperament is varied. Lunarnans are sentient canines that have learned how to rearrange their DNA to allow them to shape shift into humanoids. When they do this, they have no clothing, and no weaponry. It is also considered taboo to use the Carna (Shift) unless it is really needed. When you do shift, you?ll need to find clothing and weaponry if you are in a fight or in a city. The longer a Lunarnan stays in Carna as a humanoid, the harder it will be to remember how to shift back to their normal form.


Life Span is up to 120 years old.
Height range is 4-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 100-200lbs.
Colors of fur are usually grays, blacks, greens, and brindled.
Colors of eyes are greens and grays.
Ear Styles are usually shorter variation of the tri tipped ears.
Styles the hair is usually worn in is none.
Temperament of Riivii is often good natured. They have sleek, short fur, less feathering on the ears, slender tails, and webbing between paws. Riivii love water and are typically fishers and sailors. Fun loving, good natured, but can have an ornery streak. Riivii do have gills that they can keep closed when on land and open when in the water to breathe normally under the water.


Life Span is up to 100 years old.
Height range is 5-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 90-140lbs.
Colors of fur are usually sand colored, pale browns, pale reds, and grays.
Colors of eyes are unique to Soultre. They only have three colors and the colors tell you how light sensitive they are. Red eyes means they can be out in the daylight with just a pair sunglasses on. Violet eyes means they need something as dark and enclosing as welding goggles to see in the daylight. Black eyes means they are not out during the day as no amount of protection in the day will keep their eyes safe.
Ear style is the usual tri tipped ears.
Styles the hair is usually worn in is long braids with gems woven in with the braids.
Soultre are rare in the Den as they were oppressing the people of Lupinoss before the Den was founded. They always look thin and frail. They are in tune with all magic, and their body is consumed when they use magic. They are crafty, devious, and can be very deceitful.


Life Span is up 220 years old.
Height range is 5-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 150-250lbs
Colors of fur are browns, some greens, and yellows or a mix.
Colors of eyes are browns and yellows are common.
Ear style is the usual tri tipped ears.
Styles the hair is usually worn in is varied.
Wuudrii are tall, slender, and love forests. They tend to be very recluse and often don't blend well with other races. The temperament of Wuudrii are aloof, flighty, and distrust most non-Wuudrii.

A hybridone is the polite term for mutt in Lupinoss. A mix of any of the varieties mentioned above would describe a Hybridone.

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Date: 2011-02-21 19:54 EST
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*Lupinossai Great Dens*

Step 4: The Great Dens of Lupinoss
~Den Foxingale~
Den Foxingale was known for raising most of the healers that lived in Lupinoss as well as training others in the arts of healing. The most interesting thing to note about Den Foxingale is it is heavily populated with females. This is due to their patron demi-god Foxingale, and patron goddess Canis that only impart their healing magic to females unless there is a male descendant from Foxingales blood line.
Races of Lupes common in Den Foxingale: Erthrii, Dessii, Lunarnan, and Riivii.
Environment: Small hills, Grassland, Lake

~Den Graydol~
Den Graydol was known for its large fishing industries, ship building, and gem harvesting from the river and lake bottoms. They are also the only Great Den that prefers neutrality in any conflicts.
Races of Lupes common in Den Graydol: Riivii
Environment: Rivers, Lakes, Grassland, Some Forrest

~Den Shieldar~
Den Shieldar was known for sending in burly troops to defend areas of Lupinoss during the many wars that raged in that land. Most Lupes in Den Shieldar have a fierce sense of protection in them.
Races of Lupes common in Den Shieldar: Erthrii
Environment: Grassland, Some Forrest

~Den Spiritor~
Den Spiritor is still known for being magical oppressors to most Lupinossai that are not of Den Spiritor. They are the most magically attuned Great Den of Lupinoss though due to the magic feeding off of their souls and bodies when cast, the life span of a Spiritor Mage is short.
Races of Lupes common in Den Spiritor: Dessii and Soultre.
Environment: Sand, Rock, Caves, Dessert

~Den Sprintar~
Den Sprintar is known for being very athletic and having very fast Lupes. They have supplied more Dire Wolf Calvary to the wars in Lupinoss than any other Great Den. They also have an abundance of bright and ingenious Lupes as well. Den Sprintar has control of the largest forest in Lupinoss.
Races of Lupes common in Den Sprintar: Airii, Erthrii, Lunarnan, Riivii, Wuudrii.
Environment: Rivers, Forrest

~Den Steel~
Den Steel is still known for being the first Great Den to work any metal and they have a large standing army that they use to head off the first signs of trouble.
Races of Lupes common in Den Sprintar: Erthrii
Environments: Grasslands, Forrest, Metal Mines

~Den Stridar~
Den Stridar is known for having the best archers in all of Lupinoss as well as the best known rangers and forest healers. Den Stridar controls the second largest forest in Lupinoss.
Races of Lupes common in Den Stridar: Airii, Lunarnan, and Wuudrii.
Environments: Forrest, Mountain

~Den Wolf~
Den Wolf at one point in time was the ruling Great Den of Lupinoss, but after several great wars, has all but become extinct. Only four surviving males remain in existence. Den Wolf was known for being a mixing pot of Lupinoss and had all races of Lupes in their Great Den.
Environment: Grassland, Mountain, Rivers

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Date: 2011-03-12 04:35 EST
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*Lupinossai Magical Aptitude*

Lupinossai have access to a wide array of magic, however, one should consider Lupinossai race, Great Den affiliation, and where they are born when deciding what type(s) of magic their character can do.

The different types of magic that are native to Lupinoss (The Old Country) are Affinity Magic, Runic Magic, and Soul Magic.

Affinity Magic: Affinity magic is the ability to manipulate certain elements in your present world. Most Lupinossai are born with one affinity that they may be sensitive too and can manipulate from an early age with some training. Other affinities can be learned, though it will take twice as long to learn it. Often the surrounding environment you were born in will affect what dominant affinity you will be sensitive to. Check the Great Den descriptions for environment descriptions. Some may call this elemental bending, yet their are a few additional types of elements available to Lupinossai than most elemental mages. The following is the list of the 11 Affinities available to Lupinossai to manipulate:

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Float, Gust, Void, Rending Air, Tornado

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Poison, Pain, Acid, Break Bone, Curse, Life Drain.

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Shape Earth, Stone Spike, Wave of Earth, Stone Shell, Boulder Throw, Earthquake

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Shock, Jolt, Paralyze, Energize, Absorb

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Befriend, Tame, Train, Summon, Understand Beast, Manifest Beast.

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Heat up, Ignite, Fire Ball, Flare, Fire Wall, Flame Breath

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Growth, Entangle, Vine Armor, Splinter, Possess Tree or Plant, Tree to Ente,

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Heal, Purify, Mend, Full Heal, Resuscitate.

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Lighten, Melt, Brittle, Bend, Mold Metal, Attract Metal.

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Charm, Fear, Illusion, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Shield, Psychic.

General Forms of Manipulation, but not limited to: Manifest Water, Condense, Water Ball, Vaporize, Bubble Shield, Freeze, Flash Flood.

Runic Magic: Runic magic is in essence taking a mineral known as magite which is hematite in color and exudes magical energy and grinding it into a fine powder. This powder is then mixed with a binding agent of blood sap from a plant called Magus Deeguu (Mage Blood). This mixture is then used to tattoo the skin to allow the bearer to cast that specific spell in the tattoo. The spell is reusable, though frequent use of the spell will cause the tattoo to fade over time and will need be re-inked to renew the spells power. Runic Spell tattoos can be Lupes Glyphs (Coming Soon), or Arrays with symbols (Coming Soon).

Known Runic Tattoos: (More will be added)

~Magic Wire~
Create wire of any length, or thickness from thin air.

Literally disarm and disable spells.

~Draining Nightmare~
Put one target to sleep filling them with nightmare that drains the health of the target as well as robbing sanity for up to 3 days.

~Manipulate Ice~
Create Ice in any shape you desire from thin air.

Instantly induce sleep in your target for up to 4 hours.

~Smoke Bomb~
Instantly create a thick smokescreen (your choice on color) that surrounds a 20 foot radius.

~Spider Claws~
Allows you to walk, run, or climb any surface.

~Zotters Revenge~
Allows you to fling a massive, 4 foot diameter orb of lightning.

~All Seeing Eye~
Negates all illusions, all stealth spells, and allows you to see magic.

Soul Magic: Soul magic is unique and only accessible to Soultre's or those with Deity, Demigod, Angel, or Demon blood. Soul magic is cast by the mage using his/her soul as a filter or point of focusing the energy around them into manifesting into what they want or causing the desired effect. In effect, Soul magic allows the caster to create one of a kind spells tailored to their desires. Soul magic though will often crack the Crystal (What Lupinossai consider your soul) with frequent use. This can lead to the caster slipping from a good and sane person to one who has become dark, paranoid, and somewhat evil. Besides the cracking of your Crystal, your body expends a lot of energy when casting Soul magic making you think and hungry all the time.

Different Types of Magic not native to Lupinoss, but are compatible with Lupinossai are:

~Alchemy~ (Circle and Array, Circle Less Alchemy)
~Arcane Magic~ (Written or Memorized Spells)
~Force Adept~ (Light Side, Dark Side, Gray Side {Neutral})
~Divine Magic~ (If a divine force or god accepts the Lupinossai)
~Song Magic~ (Bardic music, Singing magic, Instrumental Magic)

The types of magic not native to Lupionss a Lupinossai can know if they have been trained or have studied in another realm.

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Date: 2012-01-15 23:18 EST
** Currently in progress is a roll table for using to make or generate a Lupinossai character. Patience is needed, but soon we shall have one! **