Topic: Lupinossai Breeding (Caution May be mature) - Old Moved


Date: 2010-10-01 00:44 EST
Lupinossai Breeding:

Not to embarrass anyone, but I feel this needs to be explained as few people really understand or know about the breeding cycle of the Lupinossai. Let us begin:

Lupinossai males are pretty much identical to human males with only one exception. They have a sheath of skin protecting their member standing, walking, or running. The sheath can be pulled or moved down to allow for elimination.

Lupinossai females are pretty much identical to human females with three exceptions. They have two pairs of breasts. Only one pair is visible, the second pair remain hidden within the fur until pups are conceived. The second pair will start to fill with milk when whelping (birthing) time nears.
Lupinossai females can have anywhere from one to four pups. The pups are often no more than 6 lbs each in larger Erthrii Lupinossai or as light and fragile as ? a lb for Airii Lupinossai. Lastly, Lupinossai females will cycle for an entire month, but only for one month out of the entire year. This was a genetic hard wire for keeping the Lupinossai from growing too rapidly in numbers when the Humarans were breeding them for their own military use.

Given the unique genetic engineering the Humarans used to create the Lupinossai, females can mate and conceive most offspring of other races. Likewise, Lupinossai males can impregnate females of other races as well. This was intentionally built into their genetics to allow optimal integration with a continent to be taken over and the populace enter mingled and subdued.

Now that the physical aspect of breeding and male and female differences explained, an explanation on Unions, Packs, and Mating shall be discussed.

Mating to a Lupinossai simply translates to sexual relations with another Lupe. It is not always tied to the concept of procreation. Due to the unique issue of females only cycling one month out of the year, a lot of tension can happen with both males and females. Thus Lupinossai culture has a broad, open mind on open mating with others as long as it is not the month of cycling. When it is the month of cycling, if the Lupes have a union with another Lupe, they must be with that Lupe during that month for procreation. Lupes with no union are forbidden to mate during that month. There are many contraceptives used as well to prevent social disease and as stated in an earlier discussion by Iimiidiina, everyone, including children (Yuunoa) are taught the facts of reproduction, mating, and when it is appropriate.

Union is the term that Lupinossai use in place of marriage. They do not view their mate as property thus they prefer not to use the word marriage. Unions may be large celebrations involving packs or whole dens or very small and discreet performed by the Council Judge of Mating/Packs/Unions. The mates may choose to have an open Union or a closed Union. An open union is where both mates agree that if they wish to, they may mate with others throughout the year to fill the need of the body if they are unable to be together. A closed Union is where both mates agree to be with each other and only mate with each other. This is often chosen by mates that are not both Lupinossai as the foreign culture sometimes frowns open this practice, or by Lupinossai that feel they have no need to mate with others. Unions may be broken if either mate finds one or the other unworthy of their love or trust.

Pack is the word Lupinossai use in place of family. A pack may be composed of the two mates, several litters of pups, or blood siblings, or elder sires and dams. A den is similar to a clan where multiple related packs live together. It is considered and honor to whelp pups into a pack, but it is viewed a disgrace to whelp pups outside of a pack. All in a pack look out for each other, care for, and support one another. Pups whelped outside of a pack are considered low class and the spawn of a male who knew no control of his desires or a female desperate for support to mate during the cycling month for money.