Topic: Lupinossai Deities Are Here


Date: 2011-02-10 23:55 EST
((Multi-Episode SL that deals with the Deities of Lupinoss making their presence known again. This is Part 1 of "The Fall Of A Champion"))

Fleety left the house, garbed in hir usual black bard attire. Shi was heading out of the Den for hir usual practice time with hir violin in the Glen. As Fleety walked the streets shi was hearing rumors from others that Canis and Lupis have been spotted answering whispered prayers. Shi thought on this for a long a moment.

Shi was not surprised by this fact. It was only a matter of time before the deities of Lupinoss found where their missing children had gone to. A chill ran up hir spine though. There's an old adage that states that where there are good gods, evil gods aren't too far behind.

Walking past the gates, shi gave a nod to the guards on duty and walked the trails to the southern Glen. Shi felt something following hir though every attempt Fleety made to find out who failed. That had hir a little worried, but shi shrugged the feeling off. It was just hir fem side making hir jittery, right?

Hir male side prickled at the notion that something might be lurking out there. Shi was a Loaa. Who could tangle with hir and walk away laughing? And so shi ignored the warning signs.


Date: 2011-02-11 21:33 EST
Hir paws crunched snow as Fleety walked the paths that lead to the outback. Normally shi practiced hir violin playing in the southern Glenn, but something was making hir feel uneasy. The black lacquered violin was out, the silver details glinting in the moonlight. Shi played softly to ease hir tension.

Something or someone was indeed following Fleety. It was in the form of a large, pitch black wolf whose fur absorbed all light and its eyes glowed molten red. The wolf stood at 4 ft from paw to shoulder. The large leathery nose snuffled quietly tracking the Loaa of Canis and Lupis. The ears canted slightly keeping the soft playing of the violin in range. The wolf radiated pure malice and evil.

Fleety reached a few rocks dusted in snow. Shi took a seat and played some more. The feeling of malice touched on hir loaa senses tickling them. Hir fem side growled inside hir mind sensing danger. The male side simply became aware and curious as to who would dare come after hir.

The wolf stopped scenting its prey noting the scent trail was getting stronger. The wolf shimmered once and an 8 ft tall Lupinossai stood in the snow, swirling dark armor and a wicked sword was slung across his back. The molten red eyes were contrasted by stark white hair. He was almost a twin to Lupis, but his hair and eyes and entire presence was opposite of that deity. He stalked closer for his prey. The strange Lupinossai he tracked smelled of both male and female and held the scents of his hated enemies, Canis and Lupis. He kept in the shadows and absorbed the light around him.

The violin hummed and hit a few off notes. Shi frowned. Hir nerves were making hir playing atrociously. Shi layed the violin down and looked out on the snowy outback with one blue and one green eye. Something was there. A shadow was moving and hir fur was starting to stand on end. The male side of hir was growing as uneasy as hir fem side. Shi stood up and felt defensive already. "I see someone out there. Who are you?"

He utters a deep rumbling growl that set the ground shaking. The voice that followed was deep like a chasm and as frigid as ice. "I am Fen, the Dark One. You, Loaa, are mine!" Fen sent a crack of eerie green energy at Fleety.

Shi blinked as two things hit at once. First was the recognition of the name. Before dread could hit, the second thing hit hir. The green energy of a foul, dark god slammed into hir and sent hir flying back. Shi landed on hir back with a grunt, 10 feet away.

Fen moved quietly forward, still stalking Fleety. A crunch of wood and the twang of wire were heard as his massive foot stepped on the violin Fleety must have dropped. "For a servant of Canis and Lupis you are easy to take down." he growled.

Hir breath was knocked out of hir, but in a few moments shi caught it. Those moments would cost hir though as shi felt Fen closer now. Fleety rolled up on one knee and cast arcing bolts of holy light at the Dark One.

The bolts hit Fen squarely in the chest moving him back a step or two. It tingled, but he shrugged off the effect. "You're powers seem diluted, Loaa." he grinned and black saliva started to drip from his muzzle sizzling as it hit the ground. He took a few scents of the air as well. "You smell different. Neither male nor wholly female." he stalked closer. His clawed fingers sparked purple as he summoned up a burning demon flame.

Fleety scrambled to hir feet and backed away from Fen. Hir holy bolts should have dropped him. Was Canis' blessing diluting Lupis' power? Shi decided to focus on making a single blast of plasma instead and launched the ball of superheated gas at Fen.

Fen slammed the demon fire into the oncoming plasma ball and it was consumed. The demon fire continued to travel on to Fleety.

Meanwhile... a flame serpent familiar slithers through the brush, back to its Master.

Fleety rolled to the left catching only a bit of the fire that ate away at hir pant leg. Rolling up onto hir paws she let out a sonic bark hoping to slam Fen with a concussive blast of air.

Thinking the sonic bark would be weak; he didn't dodge and found himself knocked onto his back in surprise.

Shi took this moment to summon hir vorpal katana. Fleety ran for Fen hoping to impale his heart.

Fen let hir get close then evaporated from the ground to reform behind hir. He would aim to slam a massive fist at the back of hir head.

Noting he had melted away, shi tried to stop but the snow cost hir hir footing. Shi felt pain blossom in the back of hir head. Fleety fell forward on hir knees, hir world spinning and things going bright in hir sight. Blackness was soon eating the edge of hir vision.

"You have a fighting spirit, Loaa. But you seem to lack proper skills in dealing with me." Fen stepped up to Fleety and aimed a brutal kick for hir ribs.

Fleety heard hir ribs crack on the left side, and the loss of breath again. The momentum of the kick rolled hir. Shi used the momentum to stab at Fen with the katana.

He roared in pain as the vorpal blade sank into his left thigh. Growling, he kicked at Fleety's arm that held the sword.

Fleety cried out as shi felt hir arm break. Shi lost hir grip on the katana and tried to crawl away.

Fen yanked the sword out of his thigh, the wound closing instantly. His paw glowed red and he punched the blade, shattering the magic of the vorpal sword. He tossed the broken weapon by Fleety's busted violin. "That was at least an attempt. Now put up more of a fight, Champion. Show me what you can do." he growled stalking Fleety more.

Fleety managed to get 20 feet away leaving a trail of blood from hir broken arm. Hir head hurt and shi was losing focus. Shi felt Fen stalking hir. Shi rolled onto hir butt and held up hir good arm. "Canis and Lupis here my call. Smite this evil with thy blessed might. Unity Flare!" shi barked out. A twining platinum and silver blast of holy auras flared for Fen.

Fen raised a shield of pure malice to shield himself. The blast ate away his shield and slammed the evil deity backwards a few feet. His fur was smoking, but Fen was laughing. "Now this, this is better. But you can funnel Canis and Lupis. You have to male for Lupis and female for Canis. So just how are you," Fen went silent a moment then an evil grin showed off every tooth he had. "You are both genders." it wasn't said as a question but a statement. Those molten read eyes gleamed dangerously.

Hir vision was shrinking with more blackness. He must have wrung hir bell really good to cause a major concussion. Hir good arm waivered again. "Unity Flare!" shi summoned hir only known attack that used both gods. The twin colored blast roared but it seemed a bit weaker this time.

Fen sidestepped the blast this time. "I am not getting hit twice by that. Seems your running out of energy, Loaa." he slowly stalked toward Fleety letting an aura of pure malice and evil creep towards hir.

Shi cursed and scooted away from the numbing feel of that malice and evil. This wasn't good. Shi had told the guards shi was at the Glen but changed hir route due to the feeling of Fen stalking hir earlier. Shi was in trouble.

"Where do you think you're going?" Fen growled. "Come here my toy!" he lunged for hir.

Fleety rolled to stand and run but hir arm and ribs were jarred on the ground flaring pain through hir. Hir vision vanished as she blacked out.

Fen landed on top of hir, straddling the unconscious loaa. "I am going to have a lot of fun with you before I send you back to Canis and Lupis." He grabbed one of hir ankles and stood. Fen walked off for a small building he saw, dragging Fleety in the snow leaving a small trail of blood and drag tracks. He wrenched the lock off the shed and opened the door. Fen stepped inside and drug Fleety inside. The door slammed shut and the shed was wrapped in magic to keep all from knowing they were inside. Once inside the shed, he dropped Fleety on the floor. He grabbed a few heavy chains and in a few moments had hir dangling by hir ankles. He took a wood stool from the corner and sat watching hir face waiting for hir to wake up.

Soft pads trudge through the wood. Somewhere, a serpent hisses.

Ten minutes would pass and hir eyes slowly opened. Hir head was pounding and hir ribs flared as hir weight upside down was pulling on them. Shi moaned and started to scream.

"Ah, you're awake." he growled an inch from hir face. He grabbed Fleety's broken arm and flexed it.

The scream was ripped out of hir when he did that.

He let hir arm go. "Now then, tell me who you are Loaa and where your home is."

Fleety's scream died down to moans and whines.

"Who are you?"

Shi spat in his face.

Fen wiped away the spit. He poked hir left side agitating the broken ribs. "Who are you?"

Another scream. Shi tried to protect hir ribs with hir good arm.

"The longer you avoid answering me, the more I am going to hurt you." he eyed a few tools but ignored them. Holding up his paw, one claw glowed bright white and he touched hir thighs. The claw would be white hot.

Fleety gasps as hir right thigh was being burnt. Shi swung with hir right paw trying to knock away that burning claw.

Fens arm was batted away and he grinned. "You think your tough don't you?" he grabbed that arm and bit into it.

Fleety cried. Hir screaming was now more of a raspy croak. Blood dripped to the floor from the bite.

The pair of feet came upon the smell of magic... signs of struggle... blood on the snow.

Fen let go of hir arm. "Who are you? You must be someone special to be granted Champion of two gods. Speak!" he made all his claws on one paw glow white hot and left burning claw marks that burnt through clothing, fur, and flesh.

Shi cried more. "Fle..Fleetian....Fleetian Wolf...." shi cried out.

Fen squatted down and grabbed hir by the throat. "The Fleetian that beat me numerous times?"

Shi gurgled for breath as the paw grabbing hir neck was tight.

"Oh, this is glorious. You are no longer a worthy opponent Fleet. You are week. You've allowed yourself to be made into some abomination of both genders. But I am going to enjoy this." he squeezed hir neck more.

Fleetwolf: Shi was starting to black out again.

Fen was right by hir ear. "The last thing I want you to know, before you slip off into nighty nite time, is that I will have my way with you. I will claim your body, and then I am going to leave you to hang in open shame." he growled and raised a massive paw for hir clothing.

Fleety tried to fight or scream but shi ran out of air and passed out to the sound of ripping cloth.

Minutes passed as Fen had his "Fun". He left hir hanging still, hir clothing ripped off of hir and burning claw marks all over hir body. He stepped out of the shed and shut the door. He blasted the snow covered ground with vile energy. Then he left. The ground would be a message.


Fen stopped a moment though. He went back to the shed again. He had a great idea. He bent several metal rods into the outline of his dark symbol and began to heat up the metal. He would brand this loaa with his dark symbol.

Shi swung there not realizing yet how much he had savaged hir.

The brand was white now. He was staring at the white hot metal, the look of pure joy on his face.

Weak? Oh, is that how it is? I'imi'idi'ina comes to the shed, following the blood, and he stops just at the other end of the clearing it sits in. His familiar sits on his shoulders, an invisible rattle going. He looks at the familiar, and, with great speed, comes surging through the window, glass shattering inwards. And not just from the point of entry. All of them. The familiar grows in size, hissing and circling around. It aims at Fen with wide open maw after a single cycle, and it would collide with his chest, making him feel like he has just been hit by a train.

The door of the shed exploded out as the Dark One was hurled out into the snow. He landed on his feet, the brand still in his paw. "Well now. You belong to someone." he growled at the snake.

The fire basilisk, for it was easily the size of one now, arches its head down and hisses at Fen. And then, acting fast like a cobra, it lunges for Fen's leg.

Fen summoned a dragon of black ice to intercept the Fire Basilisk. The black ice was hungry for fire.

Shi was peppered with broken glass and hung limply.

The basilisk turns to the dragon and collides with it, its fangs biting into the dragon with the consistency of a rattler. Black Ice dragon was trying to snap the basilisks neck grappling the fire familiar sucking in the heat trying to snuff it out.

While the two creatures fought, Fen strode for the shed again with that brand. He'd brand Fleety and find the owner of the fire familiar.

The familiar does disappear, but at the beck of its Master. The energy is transferred into the furious Looa, already clad in his armor and swords crafted of metal from Bahamut's plane, as he teleports to the open door of the shed, blocking Fen's way.

"Well now. Another Loaa? I smell Canis on you and some other god. My they are picking them young." he laughed deeply dredging up demon fire. The glowing violet flames howled for flesh and soul. He sent it crashing towards Iimii.

The Looa draws his dual blades, capable of harming a Deity. "You will not touch Fleety anymore. I am I'imi'idi'ina, Looa of Protection and Healing, and you are no longer welcome here." He takes a stance looking much like a scorpion. "Shi'istroom!" He crosses the blades. The ward holds against Fen's demonic attack.

The demon fire fades when it hit that shield. He grinned. "Finally a fight!" the large sword of dark steel came off of his back and he swung the massive blade at Iimii.

The Looa raises one blade to block and swings the second one across, aiming for Fen's leg.

He roared getting cut. "You little pain." He swung the blade again and followed rapidly with the glowing brand.

He parries again, just as he practiced with Lord Kyrr's guard, and raises his bracer to block the glowing hot brand. The divine metal sizzles with the heat.

As they are locked, Fen aims a nasty kick for Iimiis body.

Iimii gets knocked back, but he uses the opportunity to cross blades across Fen's hand, bearing the brand. You know how scissors work.

Fen evaporated, the brand dropping to the floor. He would reappear behind the Looa attempting to strike at Iimii the same way he did with Fleety. That move catches him off guard and he lands heavily on his front, dropping the blades.

When Iimiidiina dropped he would have felt the whiff of barely missing the massive paw aimed for the back of the head.

"Moora!" He shouts it at Fen. Would it fling him?

"You're agile." He growled then got broad sided by the pup. He was impaled on several tools.

Iimii stands up, picking up his blades. He goes over to Fen and stares down at him.

Fen grabbed for Iimii, the impalements not even phasing him. White hot claws would be raking for the kid.

With bared teeth, Iimii plunges the divine blades into Fen's chest. "I said... you are not welcome here. Loovaa." This was a word of power, and it will send Fen back to the fiery pits of Hell should it work. The armor would hold against the claws.

Fen laughed as he was stabbed. He vanished and reappeared outside the sheds broken door. "You are better than that worthless thing!" he pointed at Fleety who still hung by hir ankles in chains. "But you need to be better. I am on this plain now. So are the others." he grinned then vanished.

Iimii knew Fen would return. But at least he proved one thing: Fleety was not alone anymore. And this Looa had professional training. Or, at least, was in the process of it.

Iimii sheathes his blades and goes over to Fleety. "Doma." The chains would unravel and Fleety would gently drop to the ground.

Fleety was a mess.

"Oh, great Canis... Fleety!" He shakes hir unbroken arm.

The unbroken arm had a huge bite in it and it oozed black blood. Hir other arm was broken. Most of hir left ribs were broken. Hir ankles were swollen from the chains. Hir clothing shredded off of hir and shi had claw shaped burn marks all over hir body. Shi also smelled of the Dark One in a not so pleasant way.

"Bu'umdaa!" He tries to heal hir vast injuries.

The healing magic scattered and rebounded, the vileness of Fen infecting hir and repulsing the healing energy from Canis.

"Oh dear. Canisian! Coomaa. Hi'isaa yi'im!" He shouts desperately to the ceiling.

The vile energy around the shed locked his prayer from Canis.

Fleety gave a small moan.

He growls in frustration. He looks around thinking. Wait. Lord Kyrr was in Dante's palace, hiding from Kahrah that attacked last night. Dante's palace... was in Bahamut's realm! Of course! There, shi would be beyond Fen's influence, and she can be helped! Iimii focuses his energy on the huge jump and he holds Fleety's body tightly against him. "Moora i'it Kyrr!" A cyclone of flame would circle around the pair and take them to Lord Kyrr.


Date: 2011-02-11 22:51 EST
Iimii appears with a mutilated Fleety in his arms right next to Kyrr in after a cyclone of flame appears briefly.

Then Kyrr jumps quiet tonight.."Iimii, what happened here!?"

-she took her glass..but then sat it back down..she looks up as she sees Iimii's cyclone and then she sees Fleety and blinks- "what happened?

Coughs a little and moaned again. Seems hir throat was crushed.

"Lord Kyrr! Shi was attacked by Fen! Please help hir!" The boy was almost in tears.

"Alright Iimii.." He knelt down and took Fleety in his arms, gently, using his powers..closing his eyes..he started to hum as his healing energy into Fleety's broken body.

-she stands and moves with Kyrr..worried about Fleety as she looks hir over, staying at Kyrrs side-

What those two would see is a Fleety, naked, just in hir fur, burn marks all over hir body, left arm broken, right arm with a huge bite in it, injured ankles from being hung upside down by chains, broken ribs, and a hell of a concussion. To anyone who has good scenting can tell shi was raped. Kyrr would feel in hir an evil malice that seemed to bond to the Lupinossai as if the evil was from another Lupe. It would leave hir by his healing, but grudgingly slow.

Kyrr not only saw, he felt it, hir lifestream was very weak..He concentrated hard on fixing Fleet's broken body and soul..this was going to be very hard to do..He just poured Life energy into hir.

Iimii assisted where he could as well.

"..Fen? " -she blinks as she looks to Iimii while Kyrr works to heal hir-

"Our evil deity. Well, one of them."

He went deep, deep into the Lifestream, as deep as an ocean bottom he would be as he tried to heal Fleety. IT was strenuous, this was going to be a fight to keep Fleet alive.

-she shook her head and set a hand on Kyrr's shoulder to assist him so he wouldnt drain himself-

Shi trembled as he healed hir. The evil left hir, unable to resist the foreign healing magic. The scars would linger though for a few days.

Iimii continues to help

He would move to hir throat, boosted by Iimii and Fierna, the power was even stronger, triple the heal Fleety's broken body.

The throat mended as well as the rest of hir broken body. Hir cracked skull was healed too and the concussion faded away. Shi trembled even harder in Kyrrs hold.

-she went to her knees and sent up a prayer to bahamut as she kneeled there with her hand still on Kyrr's shoulder...asking to protect her love and to mend Fleety...she would open her eyes once the prayer went up and looked over Fleety?s form-

"Pi'iwu'u, Fleetian. Yom ookaa."

Kyrr settles over hir rib's all broken, some crushed he would have to mend them all back..

Fleety tried to curl up in a ball, as he continued to heal hir. Shi felt alone, vulnerable, worthless.

Now here is where he can help. He starts to tending to hir mind and heart. He lies down next to hir and whispers in hir ear reassurances as he runs a hand on the top of hir head.

Forest_Prince: Now to the arms..burnt and bitten..this was vicious..he would sing a calming tune as he continued to heal Fleet's physical body..

The touch from Iimii sent hir screaming in terror.

-she was still there next to Kyrr her hand on his shoulder she wanted to give him a backup as he healed she would balance his lifestream and energy..she laid a hand on Fleety and sent a calming wave over hir-

"Pi'iwu'u! Eet mi'itu'u. I'imi'idi'ina. Ni'ithoom wi'is aashbu'um yom."

Between Fierna and Iimii, shi stopped screaming but couldn't stop trembling. Fleety started to cry.

"Pi'iwu'u." He touches hir face. "Pi'iwu'u."

Kyrr would be as gentle as he could in holding Fleet..he knew it was a male entity that had done this to hir..

Fleety flinched from the touch and tried to curl even tighter. "Worthless." shi said in a whimper.

Kyrr gave one final big burst of healing energy into Fleet's body to make usre that he didn't miss any part that was broken inside or out.

Iimii looks up at Kyrr. ~Is shi healed?~ He asked across mindlink.

"no...not worthless..Fleety...not worthless" -she spoke softly as she looked her over hir-

Shi was healed. The burns would still linger, but that was something special Fen did to hir. To mark hir.

"Failed Canis. Failed Lupis...Worthless." shi cried. "Make him stop touching me." hir eyes were closed tight.

He did a long, hard look at Fleet's lifestream.."Fleety is healed, for the most part, physically yes, the burns, seem to be a mark..and hir soul is fractured." Kyrr laid Fleety down, gently on a blanket, that he would move over hir naked form, it was a big blanket, thick and warm.

He waves a hand at Kyrr and Fierna, indicating they should leave the pair alone now. He sets himself next to Fleety on a chair.

-her hand never left Kyrr's shoulder as he healed Fleety she looked at him and kissed his cheek softly and took his hand-

Kyrr stood up and took Fierna's hand..he was in tears and angry. They moved a good distance away.

The boy reaches over and takes Fleety's hand. "You're alright, Fleety. You'll be okay."

-she moved with him and hugged him once they let the others have privacy..she stayed silent for now-

Hir paw felt limp, the scars just feeling wrong. "I couldn't stop him. I used everything and .... he just laughed."

"I know. I know. I couldn't beat him either. You can't let this get to you, though, Fleety." He comes to kneel beside hir, coming face to face with hir on hir level.

He shook his head..holding his love..."If that ever happened to you my love, I will tear the one responsible apart..What happened to Fleety, is beyond..horrible..I have seen it, in the war, Karranathi soldiers would do that to Cyrean women.."

"I was hung up like a piece of meat." shi cried.

-tears came to her eyes once they were alone and she just stood in his embrace-..

"I know.." He presses his forehead to hirs and cries with hir.

"I am not a Loaa."

Empath, after all. He was just soaking all these negative emotions. "Now that's silly, Fleety. You're the best one. You have the best of both worlds."

He sighed..."Oh sweetheart.." He held her..close kissed her..

Shi cowered hearing that. "I am not the best. I...I.. lost.. He...took something from me." shi pulled the blanket over hir head. Trying to hide hirself from the world and the shame.

"You only lost if you let him beat you, Fleety. You are stronger than this! You can't let him smash your pride like this!"

"My pride let me ignore that I was stalked."

she shivered some and pulled the cloak closer but then she took a breath and stayed with him..she didnt say anything she just stayed with him her hand moving to her tummy softly she closed her eyes a moment-

Fleety went still for a moment with dread. "Iimii... don't tell Ammy this happened...or Lene."

"No. That was deception. You must be strong, and come out stronger from this, Fleety. You can beat him, even though you lost the physical war."

Kyrr created a warm blanket for him and Fierna to keep them both warm..He just held here.."I love you, sweetheart, no matter what happened." He whispered in her ear.

"i love you so much Kyrr" -she whispered to him as she stayed close to him-

He found a soft patch of grass to rest on for him and his love to sit on.

-she smiles and sits with him staying close to him for warmth and comfort she smiles feeling better with the blanket and him keeping her warm-..

Shi stopped crying some thinking about what hir mate and daughter would think. Shi tried to battle hir way through the trauma. "If I lost physically...what do I have left?" shi whispered.

"You have the love of your family, and Canis and Lupis." He ducks his head under the blanket. "The love of the Den."

"They'd love someone defiled?" shi shivered.

"They will gain inspiration from you, if you use this to your advantage. Just think of the insult you will give to Fen if you emerge from this even stronger than you were before, faithful and resolute in your Creators and your people."

"Stronger?"shi asked, a tiny note of hope hanging on in a flood of doubt.

"Yes." He places a paw gently on hir face. "Stronger in that you beat Fen's hold over you, and don't answer to the pains of the flesh. Only to Canis and Lupis. For in them, true salvation rests, and in them, Fen is powerless."

-she would lean her head on Kyrrs shoulder and look up at the stars in the sky-

"You promise?" shi asked in a meak voice. This 368 year old former deity was reduced to asking a question with the faith of a two year old. Hir shivering did stop though.

Kyrr looked at the night sky too, holding his love.."I am proud of Iimii, a brave boy..just like Seto and Faan, he was brave too, gives me hope for the future. And I know Eranar will be brave too."

"Yes. I promise." He smiles reassured at hir.

"yes love they are all so young and makes me proud to know Eranar will have these boys to grow up around" -she smiles at him -

Fleety sat up slowly, and fought back some tears. Shi looked like an emotional wreck.

"No no no. You need to relax. Just rest, okay? I won't leave you." He presses gently into hir head.

"Yes good role models all, the hope of youth and the fearlessness of youth." he smiled to his love.

-she smiles brightly thinking about her newly adopted soon Seto and the unborn son Eranar..she had had a horrible few days and her body and mind had been under much stress but being near Kyrr and knowing they were safe made her calm-

Shi just sat there and let him touch hir. "Used." shi said the word with the taste of ash in hir muzzle.

Troubled, the boy climbs into the bed next to Fleety and sits next hir.

Shi rubbed the back of hir skull remembering the massive paw cracking into it.

He caressed his love's back.."I hope Fleety will be ok though shi is a good person and brave..shi is strong though, to survive that, with help, Fleety will take back what was taken. I trust in the strength of the Lupinossai."

"aye my love...i agree" -she smiles as she watches the sky-

The boy is worried. He takes Fleety's paw and rubs his thumb along the back. He must be trying to keep hir in reality... but why? So he doesn't feel as useless himself?

Hir eyes narrow as shi catches Fen's scent once more. "I..need to go talk to Dr. Stridar... I... want to be..sure I won't have Fen's kid..." that was a nightmare unto itself.

"You know I was thinking my love just last night as I walked on the wallwalks, how it would have been an honor to have the Lupinossai as fellow warriors in the Cyrean army. Honorable people, I would have been proud to have served by them."

"No, you need to rest first. We can talk to the doctor tomorrow."

-she nods at him hearing that-

Shi leaned into Iimii and cried some. Fleety glanced at hir wrists, a thought going through hir mind.

Iimii picks up on the thought and slaps hir gently. "You will do no such thing! How can you even consider that?"

"Though they might have been targets of the Church of the Silver Flame a fanatical faith in the nation, known as Thrane, a Theocracy, bent on purity..They lead a terrible crusade against all Lycanthropes and Shifters, the children of regular humans and Lycanthropes..Before the Last war started centuries ago. Nearly wiped out all Lycanthropes and Shifters..Thrane was a major enemy of Cyre."

"I..." shi couldn't explain why shi wanted to slit hir wrists. "I've always been the strong one." shi trembled.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hit you. But you can't even consider such a thing! You're too important." He holds hir close and rubs hir arm.

"that sounds horrible..trying to wipe a race out "-she leans into him and frowns softly but she understood..she sat there near Kyrr and shivered thinking about it-

"Important? For what? Come get some Fleety. Prime meat hanging here for your enjoyment." shi hugged hir knees to hir chest.

"You're important to me!" Was that anger in his voice?

"Yes a so called crusade to wipe out all that was impure in their eyes..The crusade lasted some fifty Grandfather was part of an army that put a stop to the Silver Flame crusade..Sadly, the Silver Flame still rules supreme in Thrane."

-she shakes her head listening to him- "cant anyone do anything about that?? i mean are they too many in number?" -looking up at him_

Fleety flinched from the anger and literally rolled on hir back in submission, tail between hir legs.

The boy whimpers and presses his face into hir chest, sobbing wildly. He had never lost his temper like that before.

"Well my love..if Thrane was attacked it could start a new war..and trust me..I don't think a second war could be stopped. That and Thrane is a strong sadly no..many people in Thrane follow out of utter devotion or fear."

-she had a look in her eyes as if thiking about something as she listened to him-

That didn't help putting his head there. Shi about screamed and scrambled away from Iimii, cowering.

"Wait, Fleety! Please!" He stretches paws after hir. "I'm sorry."

Shi knelt on the sand and hugged hirself. Shi tried calming down again.

He waits, letting Fleety come to him as he gets onto his knees.

"Tainted, tainted, tainted." shi looked at the burns all over hir. "I am his aren't I?" shi asked in fear.

Iimii shakes his head. "No. Never. Never his."

Kyrr bolted up to see if everything was alright.."Iimii, Fleety?!"

Those wrists of hirs looked appealing. He can't have what's dead right?

-she curled up there some as she was thinking and looking up at the stars-

Fleety clutched hir head after that thought.

Now he is officially worried. He shouts up to the heavens. "Canisian!"

"I think..Iimii, Fleety!? Oh no..I think Fleety wants to take hir life..!" He rushed to see where they were at..

A vivid memory of hir wearing bandages on both wrists. Lene, a very young Lene was crying by hir side. Shi was male then. That was when Ammy had died.

Iimii would get a muzzy echo as if Canis and Lupis had their paws full with Fen's arrival.

Iimii is panicking, and doesn't know what to do.

-she would get up hearing Kyrr and follow after him quickly coming up to his side as they came back to Iimii and Fleety-

"Fleety, don't you dare take your life or Fen wins! And claims your soul!" He found the two lupinossai.

"No way out." shi whispered. "I tried once, back then to kill myself. It didn't work." shi looked utterly defeated and sobbed. "Can't die, don't want to live. What do I do?"

Iimii looks at Kyrr.

"Am I evil? am I worthy of being loved again?" shi asked hirself distantly.


Date: 2011-02-11 22:52 EST
He knelt down and not touching her looked at her.."You have to live Fleety, your people have been through so much tragedy, they need your wisdom, your daughter and grandson love you and need you..Fleety. You cannot take your life..or forever you will be apart from those you are not Evil..and you are worthy to be loved, always.."

Shi stared up at Kyrr then at Fierna as if looking through them. "I was used as a message to Canis and Lupis. I was used like some territorial prize."

-she moved to Fleet..with Kyrr and kneels there not touching hir but just wanting to support hir- "you have people who love you and respect you are far from evil...i see good in everything around you...your family...your Den...Kyrr and I are touched by some way everytime Iimii comes around us as you have had a hand in teaching and raising him"

Saying what shi did, hir voice quivered. Those eyes were slightly hard. "Like some corner to pee on." shi started to growl. Magic was spiking high in hir.

Iimii manages to calm down some. "Then spit in his face. If he really thinks he can claim dominion over you, test it."

"Then you take back what was taken Fleety, you defy Fen, make yourself stronger, believe in yourself, your family, your friends..those that love you..have faith in Canis and Lupis, who lead your people from Tragedy to here, that gave you strength through all adversity. Trust in these things..take your anger, focus it and use it to conquer any foe.."

The magic surged more in hir. Hir eyes glowed as shi fueled a cascading temper. Shi was overloading in rage.

"Kyrr, get back. Get back now!" The boy starts to run.

"Thats it now turn your anger outwards and use it to crush your enemies to dust.." A teaching of Karrn..He heard Iimii, grabbed Fierna and teleported a good distance.

-Fierna felt the energy building and would move back from Fleety with Kyrr-

Good thing too. Shi howled in rage and blew a 50 ft wide, 30 ft deep crater around hir as shi let everything build up then explode in a blinding display of magic twined together from two deities of light.

Iimii just manages to get out of range. He stops and looks down over the rim of the crater.

Kyrr closed his eyes..that was bright...shielded his eyes too..but felt the power in that..

-she would shield her eyes in Kyrrs chest-

Fleety laid in the bottom of the crater, gasping and panting in exhaustion. Spent from the emotional magic storm.

He runs down into the crater and comes to Fleety's side. "Fleety?"

He looked now..the crater..He heard Fleety breathing..felt shi was alive..

"Not helpless." another breath. "Need training."

Shi tried to get up and crumpled again. That power was something that was not to be used lightly.

"I hope..Fleety is ok, that was a lot of power.."

Iimii wraps hir up in a gentle hug. He rocks them both back and forth.

Kyrr may feel that some of hir soul was mended now. Mended and stronger that before. Shi tried to stand again but was too weak. Fleety let Iimii rock hir. The memories were coming back to haunt hir but shi didn't have any more strength to cry.

-she would look down toward the center of the crator after a moment..and she would see Fleety and felt shi was alive seeing hir try to move. comforted that Iimii was with hir....she nods to Kyrr and takes his hand caressing it..she was worried for Fleety hoping shi got some strength back and could fight this-

-she moves close to Kyrr standing there-

"You're alright. You're okay." The boy warms hir up with his natural fire affinity.

"Mom, I'm cold." shi said weakly.

Kyrr held his love's hand and kept close to her.."Fleety, needed that..good thing we got out of the way though..I didn't think Lupinossai..well then again Faan was very impressive..Fleety well be alright, in time..she'll be alright..I hope."

*Seto had been wandering the island when he heard the howl. He looks where the power and howl where coming from to see a bright light. He cries out in pain as he looks at closes his eyes. *

-she nods and smiles softly...then she looks up having heard that familiar cry-

Iimii combs hir fur back on hir head as he starts to hum a lullaby he remembers his parents sung to him that made him feel better after a nightmare.

"Don't leave, mom. Don't leave dad. I don't want to learn magic." shi curled up shivering despite Iimiis' warmth. Hir memories were battling the trauma and put hir back to being about Faan's age.

-she moves off toward it quickly. recognizing Seto's cry.- "Seto? i hear you where are you?"

Seto Sohma: *Seto whimpers and sits down. His eyes hurt from looking at the blindingly bright light.* " Mama, it hurts."

Forest_Prince: "Our wondering..the isle.." He went to look for Seto as well.."Seto? Seto! son.."

Iimii, ironically enough, was starting to act like his own mother. The lullaby and caressing continues.

-she finds him near the crater and takes him up in her arms cradling him she looks at his face- "shhh its alright"

Following the sounds of his son crying, Kyrr would find his boy..just as Fierna did. He would hold Seto and Fierna in a close hug.."Its ok son, Mama and papa are here."

*Seto did not want to open his eyes, they hurt. Otherwise he was fine. He clings to his mom and whimpers in fear*

"Its ok son..let papa help you.." He would lightly place his hand over Seto's eyes sending warm healing energy into Seto's eyes.

-she holds him kneeling there on the ground .and feels Kyrr she smiles- "its alright my .little one"

Another memory flicks over in hir head. A battle had happened. Shi knew lene was crying. "Must find Ammy. She can't be dead." Fleety whimpered and forced hirself to stand. Shi took slow pained steps trying to climb the crater wall. "Well brother, how does it feel to be the only other male left in our Den?" shi saw Street in bloodied bandages after the Den Wars. Shi clutched hir head still moving.

*Seto whimpers loudly as his eyes are touched. He tries to pulls away till he felt his dad trying to help him.* " It hurts Mama, Papa"

Iimii follows close behind hir, making sure shi doesn't walk into any danger.

Kyrr pulled back some..taking his hand off Seto's eyes..he just would sent the wamr energy into his son's eyes, hand was cool and warm at the same time.. "its alright...daddy will make it feel better" -she smiles holding him and hugs Kyrr-

Fleety just made it over the edge though shi was on hir belly. Hir legs twitched trying to obey the command to walk but hir body was forcing itself to rest. "Iimii?" shi asked in confusion.

He comes to hir front, on hir level. "It's okay. I think you were having a flashback."

" What happened Mama?" *Seto relaxs some as the pain slowly ebbs away*

Shi blinked glazed eyes. "Is Ammy alive? Did, did we save Lene?"

Kyrr would continue with the healing energy, making sure the pain would be gone before he was done.

"Yes. They are alive." He smiles and caresses hir face. "And they love you so much more for it."

"a friend was trying to relieve some just looked at the light from it thats all" -she wanted to reasure him after scaring him earlier tonight she didnt want him to run away-

"It hurt to look at." *Seto said as the pain left. He still didnt want to open his eyes*

"Its ok son..all is fine..Mama and me are here sweetie..and we love you..the pain well be gone soon son."

He hugged his beloved and his son close, kissing Fierna on the cheek..Seto on the head.

-she smiled at her small family as they remained there-

Shi took a long breath and gave a small sigh. "So tired." shi slowly curled up right there, breathing heavily.

*Seto hugs them both.* "Mama, will my eyes be ok?"

"Okay. Do you want to go home?"

"i think so...try to open them?"

"Iimii. I want to sleep, but I affraid of the dark." hearing his question shi shook hir head no. " this.."

Kyrr would shade Seto's eyes it would not be too bright for his son to look.

Iimii curls around hir, holding hir close. "Don't worry. I'll look over you. I'll keep you safe. You sleep."

"Promise?" shi shivered.

"Yeah. I promise." And he is serious, too. His familiar is dispatched to keep watch. Familiar's don't need sleep.

*Seto slowly opens his eyes and whimpers. Even though he had opened his eyes, he chouldnt not see anything* " I opened my eyes, right?" * His emerald eyes had a foggy look to them.*

Fleety closed hir eyes. Hir breathing soon was soft and rhythmic though hir body was still tense. In time, shi'll be allright. In time.

-she looked at his eyes and blinks..she knew that look all to well-

-her own white iris'd eyes look down at the child-

Iimii snuggles into hir, keeping them both warm, and he soon falls asleep with Flame on watch.

He was in tears.."Son..I am going to try to help you..stay calm.." His son, blind..he reached into himself and sent out more healing energy to try and cure the blindness.

-she looks up at Kyrr then looks at Seto and hugged him close-.."its alright."

Fleety opened one eye, bright blue and looked at the others. Shi had blinded their son?

"Please Lord Io, help me in this.." He said to himself..using his power to try to heal his son's eyes so he could see again.

*The optic nerve was beyond repair. His young eyes had looked at the light too long. A look of fear crosses his face as nothing happens*

If he could not heal, he would try to recreate..using his powers he would try to remake Seto's eyes..

-she looks at Seto and not wanting to scare him..she just holds him close while his father worked to set him straight..-

Fleety closed hir eye. Shi wanted to help, but had nothing left. Shi had hurt someone else. Canis, if you can still hear your useless servant, please don't take the boys eyesight on my account. Give him my eyesight if that will hep. This shi prayed in hir mind.

Kyrr heard..Fleet's prayer, he felt it..He shook his head, the look was, it's not your fault Fleet.

-she held Seto comforting him with her eyes closed while Kyrr worked-

Shi fell into a deep sleep not hearing Canis reply. One last tear slid down hir cheek.


Date: 2011-02-20 14:35 EST
Amaretto opened her tri-colored eyes a crack. Her world swam and her head was throbbing. This was not supposed to happen. She was a daemon and she was supposed to be very pain tolerant. She couldn't remember why she was in pain so she shoved the question out of her mind.

Her eyes opened more as she decided to get a look at where she was. She was on the floor of some cavern. By the looks of the floor it was ancient cooled lava. The rotten egg smell of sulfur was in the air as well as brimstone. Lovely, she must be in some sort of hell.

Amaretto managed to push herself into a sitting position and heard the clink of the chains that were attached to the collar she now felt around her neck. Well now, someone had managed to catch her? Not for long. She lifted her paw to do alchemy and found her link to all magic severed. How the hell did she get cut off from all of her magic?

A memory of running on roof tops, hunting for more pack members to fill her meager pack of two came to light. As well as a slavering, dark furred Lupinossai in armor. That Lupinossai was radiating immense evil. She remembered him shorting out her alchemy during a brief fight. A fight she thought she had one but didn't.

"So I really am not so bad ass as I thought?" she rubbed at the collar. The Lupinossai holding her captive was powerful though and she did remember him saying she was his now. Maybe she'd found an Alpha she could deal with. Maybe. For now she closed her eyes, leaned against the cavern wall and let her body heal naturally. This was going to take forever.


Date: 2011-03-08 00:12 EST
A week, maybe two weeks passed by. Fen the Dark One came and healed my injuries, called me a pretty little thing and left every day promising to either kill me or make me his demon.

Finally I got sick of the cat and mouse games. He had come back from killing some hapless Lupinossai who was dumb enough to wonder the night time alone.

"If your done killing the innocent and wreaking chaos, I would like to get out of this stinking cave. I'll be your demon if it means I don't have to watch you drool as you stare at me. I may even make it worth your while." I smiled turning on my demonic charm.

Fen the Dark One just laughed long and hard. "You are indeed a spitting image of your sister. Sassy and cocky to the end."

He walked right up to me and placed a paw on my chest getting in a good grope before chest burned. A mark of evil was upon my chest now, etched into fur, flesh, and bone. I was his demon now. A wave of his paws and the shackles were gone.

"I am now your master, Amaretto. You are now me demon, my servant, and a squire to the Ebony Knight. You shall address me as the Ebony Knight and strike fear into others with that name. Is that clear?" He growled in my face.

"Crystal clear. What is my first task, oh liege." I said with sarcasm.

It earned me a good backhand drawing blood. The guy could hit hard.

"Curb you tongue Amaretto. Go, and cause trouble to all who wish to do good. Especially the Loaas of Canis and Lupis." He commanded.

"I can not do as you wish. My sister has placed within me spells of bind protecting those she knows." I spat.

"Not any more." He snapped his fingers and I felt fire burn through my insides undoing the protective wards Ammy had set into place.

"You are now unhindered. Go my sweet Amaretto. Bring havoc to the Lupinossai of this realm and if possible, recruit others." His voice rumbled.

I bowed and vanished to do as he commanded.


Date: 2011-03-13 21:46 EST
The skies over the Den were dark and cloudy. Evil had come to the realm of Rhydin. This was nothing new to Rhydin. It was new to the Den though as that evil was in the form of the Lupinossai's evil deity, The Ebony Knight. But where evil is, so is good to keep things in balance.

The dark clouds in the night sky cleared and the star shown brightly as two Lupinossai appeared before the Den. One was a tall male with black fur, platinum hair, blue eyes, and shining armor. He was Lupis, male deity of the Lupinossai. Next to him in creme fur, flowing robes, and violet hair with green eyes was Canis, his mate, and the female deity of the Lupinossai. They looked upon the Den and the crater that was left in the ground before it marking a source of evil that was driven off.

It would seem that had arrived in time. They both vanished and awaited the prayers of Lupinossai to ask for their aid.