Topic: ~Lupinossai Den Laws~


Date: 2012-02-09 01:40 EST

Within these FAQS are the Laws that both the Lupinossai Den and Fang Wood Den follow. Also included are the methods of how the Den Council of Law acts and who are the current Judges on the council.

Den Council of Laws
Howls of Wisdom
Agriculture Laws
Civil Laws
DFLEA Laws of Conduct
Foreign Laws
Honorable Dueling Laws
Laws of the Public
Life Laws
Magic Laws
Martial Laws
Matings, Packs, & Union Laws
Merchant Laws
Updates and Patches for the Laws


Date: 2012-02-09 01:41 EST
13 Howls of Wisdom:
1. Life is sacred.
2. Killing a fellow Lupinossai is murder.
3. Death in combat is a high honor.
4. Eating another Lupe or any of our canine kin is evil.
5. The soul is sacred.
6. Safety of the Den comes first.
7. Defend your Pack and Den.
8. Respect your elders.
9. Honor your mate.
10. The young shall live.
11. Share with your Family, Friends, or those we do not know.
12. The future is now, to reproduce is noble.
13. A healer shall never be harmed.
14. No one has the right to own another.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:43 EST
Agriculture Laws (AL):
1. Crops shall be sown at the appropriate times.
2. Crops are to be rotated at the end of each harvest cycle.
3. All harvests are to be stored for Den use unless it is a family plot.
3 A. Farmers are entitled to keep 1/4 of their crops for their own pack use and survival.
4. The price for crops shall be set at 6 Quartz Nukels a pound unless the crop is of a small or rare quality to which the price shall be 10 Quartz Nukels a half pound.
5. Neighbors may assist in the harvesting of crops and shall be paid a minimum of 2 Quartz Nukels a Lupe per hour.
6. Theft of any crops during harvest or storage is punishable by 1 month in confinement or compensation to the farmer stolen from for no less than the price of the crop stolen.
7. All Farmers are to rest a minimum of one day a week.
7 A. Farmers shall be compensated for crops damaged due to bad weather or drought up 1/2 the current price of said crops.
8. All livestock are shall be cared for:
8 A. Livestock shall have routine health examinations by a veterinarian.
8 B. A veterinarian shall charge no more than 4 Quartz Nukels per head of livestock for examination.
8 C. All livestock shall have proof of health by means of a certification letter by the attending veterinarian before slaughter.
8 D. All livestock shall have a tattoo, brand or mark indicating ownership to said livestock owner to prevent theft and confusion.
9. All livestock are to be kept secured:
9 A. Livestock shall be kept out of the Soul Garden.
9 B. Wandering livestock are the responsibility of the owner.
9 C. Damages caused by wandering livestock are the responsibility of the livestock owner.
10. Theft of livestock is punishable by 6 months confinement or a minimum compensation of 1 Sapphire Nukel to cover all medical costs and loss of productivity.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:44 EST
Civil Laws(CL):
1. Public fighting will not be tolerated:
1 A. Fighing in the streets is illegal and all parties involved shall be arrested until the matter is sorted out.
1 B. Fighting within a business shall not be tolerated and should be reported imediately to the nearest DFLEA.
1 C. All hostility within a hospital shall be handled with extreme measure to insure peace is restored.
1 D. All hostility within the Soul Garden shall be handled with extreme measure to insure peace is restored.
1 E. All hostility within the Temple is unforgivable and shall be handled with lethal measure to insure peace is restored.
2. Lewd and Indecent behavior is considered a misdemeanor and if caught will result in a 48 hour confinement at DFLEA HQ:
2 A. Appearing, acting or being found drunk in public.
2 Ai. Drunk is defined as unable to stand for longer than 10 seconds.
2 Aii. Drunk is defined as unable to walk or run in a straight line for 50 ft.
2 Aiii. Drunk is defined as unable to respond coherently to any verbal questions.
2 Aiv. Drunk is defined as having dilated pupils and a fever of 103F, indicative of massive alcohol trauma to a Lupinossai's system.
2 B. Appearing to be under the influence of illegal drugs.
2 Bi. Drugged is defined as pupil dilation under a light for longer than 5 seconds.
2 Bii. Drugged is defined as a rapid heart rate after a period of 10 minutes of rest.
2 Biii. Drugged is defined as the inability to face ones own actions as if in a stupor, daze or high state of mind.
2 Biv. Drugs are defined as: Red Eye, Third Eye, Pink Haze, Red Haze, Dew Drop, Wolf Bane Breeze, Silver Chaser, Black Diamond, Royal Powder and all variations of Sedge Weed.
2 Bv. Possession, sell, use or influence of any of these drugs is a capital offense and will be processed to the fullest extent.
2 C. Appearing to be intoxicated from overdosing on peanuts.
2 Ci. Peanuts, peanut plants and any peanut bearing items are allowed as recreational drug use.
2 Cii. Public use of anything peanut based is limited to two servings during the daytime, three servings at night.
2 Ciii. Private use of peanut based items or products is allowed as long as the affected are not in public viewing.
2 D. Excessive verbal or physical abuse of an elder.
2 E. Open nudity shall not be tolerated.
2 Ei. Females chests and loins shall be covered.
2 Eii. Males loins shall be covered.
2 Eiii. Public sex will not be tolerated.
2 Eiv. Public prostitution will not be tolerated.
3. Social gatherings shall be calm and remain under control.
4. Protests are to be peaceful.
4 A. Violent protests will be met with extreme measures and will garnish a punishment of 6 months confinement or 6 lashes in the Den Circle.
4 Ai. Violent protest is defined as a protest that will not disperse after three warning by a DFLEA.
4 Aii. Violent protest is defined as any group protesting a cause and wearing weapons.
4 Aiii. Violent protest is defined as any group protesting and causing a physical disturbance to the public with negative outcome: Rioting, Call to Arms, Open Revolution.
4 B. All peaceful protests shall be lodged with DFLEA HQ at a minimum of 2 days prior to the protesting date and a clear definition of what is being protested.
5. Domestic violence shall not be tolerated and described as:
5 A. Domination of a female to aquire her as a mate. Punishable by 6 months confinement. Repeat offenders shall be neutered and cast out of the Den.
5 B. Violent bickering between mates in public shall result in confinement of 24 hours and a penalty of 2 Ruby Nukels each.
5 C. Parents have the right to discipline their children at home. In public discipline shall be reserved to pinching, looks, and stern words.
5 Ci. Beating a child in public is illegal.
5 Cii. Punishing a child in private is illegal as well if:
5 Ciia. The child shows physical signs of abuse in public.
5 Ciib. The child shows mental scarring of abuse in public.
5 Ciic. The child needs medical attention due to punishment.
5 D. A mate in any union has the right to report abuse to a DFLEA and be placed into protective custody at the widows compound until any threats are neutralized.
6. Injuries to a person by property owned either by the Den or built by the Den shall be assessed and compensated from the Den trust.
7. All Lupinossa have a right to a trial:
7 A. A just trial before the Den Hall of Laws Court.
7 B. Trial by blood combat:
7 Bi. Trial by blood combat may be requested if the accused feels a just trial is not possible.
7 Bii. Trial by blood combat requires both parties to duel to the death.
7 Biia. The accused is allowed a representative.
7 Biib. The defendant is allowed a representative.
7 Biii. Trial by blood combat shall be done by either swords or hand combat.
7 Biv. Should a representative be used and loses, the one being represented shall be executed on the spot as well.
7 C. Trial by magic:
7 Ci. Trial by magic shall be conducted for any mage user should they request it.
7 Cii. Trial by magic shall place the mage under magical oath to speak the truth.
7 Ciii. Given the volatile nature of magic, a trial by magic duel is forbidden.
8. Prostitution is legal:
8 A. When inside a business with permits for recreational mating.
8 B. Public prostitution in the streets is illegal.
8 C. When all involved in the recreational mating have consented.
8 D. Sex slaves are illegal to own, buy and use.
8 Di. Ownership of a sex slave shall be punished by 2 years confinement.
8 Dii. Use of a sex slave shall be punished by a fine of 3 emerald nukels and confinement for 48 hours.
8. Diii. All sex slaves confiscated will be released to a shelter for treatment and re-socialization.
8 E. All males and females used for prostitution must be examined and certified healthy on a monthly basis by a doctor.
9. All Lupinossai have freedom of speech:
9 A. Said speech is not publicly offending others.
9 B. Said speech is not inciting riots or revolutions.
9 C. Said speech is not slandering another Lupinossai's honor without proof.
10. All Lupinossai are free creatures.
10 A. Owning of a Lupinossai Slave shall be met with full punishment of 10 years imprisonment and loss of all possessions to be given to the community.
10 B. Any creature with a soul and sentience are not to be enslaved.
10 C. Enslavement for any reason: Debt, Entertainment, Military, Policing, Sex, and War is prohibited and illegal.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:49 EST
DFLEA Laws of Conduct (DLC):
1. DFLEA Fangs are to uphold the letter of the law.
1 A. All DFLEA Fangs are to know the laws of the Den.
1 B. All DFLEA Fangs are bound by the Laws of the Den.
1 C. All DFLEA Fangs will be held to the full extent of the law shall they break any laws themselves.
2. DFLEA Fangs will serve the community:
2 A. DFLEA Fangs will respond to all calls of need by any Lupinossai or foreigner within Den territory.
2 B. DFLEA Fangs will report all incidents to DFLEA HQ for a proper logging of all events.
2 C. DFLEA Fangs will serve as intermediaries in all civic disputes in the public.
2 D. DFLEA Fangs have the right to arrest anyone if the law is clearly being broken.
3. DFLEA Fangs are authorized to respond to a situation by the following means, dependant on the circumstances at paw and the civil laws pertinent to the situation:
3 A. Persuasive Force:
3 Ai. Verbal communications will be used first to ask for the suspect(s) to comply with DFLEA Fangs instructions or requests.
3 Aii. Den Laws shall be cited openly to the suspect(s) clearly stating what law is violated as a means of verifying a law has been broken.
3 Aiii. The suspects shall have their rights read to them as a last warning before arrest occurs:
3 Aiiia. "You have the right to cooperate peacefully. You have the right to demand a fair trial or trial by honor. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to a lawyer or to represent yourself. Anything you say will be used for or against you in a trial of law."
3 B. Minimal Physical Force:
3 Bi. Persuasive force has been tried and has failed.
3 Bii. Rights have been read.
3 Biii. Unarmed contact is used to move the suspect(s) away from the public to attend to the matters of law that have been broken.
3 Biv. Another DFLEA may stand close enough to lend a sense of impeding flight.
3 C. Restraining Physical Force:
3 Ci. Persuasive and Minimal Physical Force has failed.
3 Cii. Use of Luprikai martial arts is permitted to subdue the susptct(s).
3 Ciii. Use of handcuffs are to be employed with the suspect(s) paws to be bound behind their backs.
3 Civ. A ring of DFLEA Fangs to surround and pin the suspect(s) down.
3 D. Severe Physical Force:
3 Di. Resistance to Restraining Force.
3 Dii. Presence of weaponry on the suspect(s).
3 Diii. Stunners are allowed to be used at this level.
3 Div. Sticky rounds are allowed to be embloyed at this level.
3 Dv. Physical blows are allowed to be employed at this level if the suspect is physically striking the DFLEA Fang.
3 Dvi. Tear gas and knock out gas is allowed to be employed at this level if dealing with barricaded areas or groups of more than 3 Lupinossai who are out of control.
3 Dvii. Nethicite powder or Nethicite release cannisters are allowed to be employed against any magic user that is showing hostility.
3 E. Lethal Force:
3 Ei. When all prior levels of force have failed.
3 Eii. DFLEA Fangs are allowed to use firearms, bladed weapons or lethal Luprikai strikes to subdue a suspect(S) in a manner that will wound and disable said suspect(s).
3 Eii. DFLEA Fangs are allowed to kill if fired upon by a suspect(s).
3 Eiii. DFLEA Fangs are allowed to kill if a hostage situation is present.
4. DFLEA Fangs are to serve a minimum 1 year before being promoted from Patrol to:
4 A. Captain: Will be in charge of one patrol of DFELA Fangs of three 3 Fangs in that patrol.
4 B. Seargent: Will be in charge of one fist of DFLEA Fangs of 4 four patrols.
4 C. Lieutenant: Will be in charge of one division or section of DFLEA HQ pertaining to:
4 Ci. Domestic Abuse: Pertains to all cases involving violence in public between mates and their children as well as unrully public behavior.
4 Cii. Evidence: Pertains to the evidence gathered by all other departments and the keeping and organizing of it all.
4 Cii. Filing: Pertains to the records used by DFLEA on everything.
4 Ciii. Fire Arms & Drug Sales: Pertains to the areas of policing the use, selling and distribution of Fire Arms and Drugs.
4 Civ. Forensics (CSI): Pertains to the areas of the crime scene and all lab work upon evidence found to track down those responsible for the crime.
4 Cv. Hommicide: Pertains to all cases not labeled suicide.
4 Cvi. Magical Misuse: Pertains to all cases of magic being used against the laws of magic.
4 Cvii. Missing Persons: Pertains to all reports of people missing whether child or adult.
4 Cviii. Processing: Pertains to booking and admitting all arrested into DFLEA holding cells.
4 Cix. Reports: Pertains to all offical reports gathered and written by all DFLEA employees.
4 Cx. Special Investiagations: Pertains to all cases that do no fit neatly above.
4 Cxi. Theft: Pertains to all break-ins and theft of property.
4 D. Chief: Will be in charge of the running of all department Lieutenants and answering directly to the Commissioner.
4 E. Commisioner: Repsonible for the running of DFLEA.
5. DFLEA Fangs are to receive and be equiped with the following during their shift:
5 A. DFLEA Fang uniform adjusted to fit specific needs.
5 Ai. Bullet proof vest.
5 Aii. Stab resistant lining.
5 B. Two sets hand cuffs: 1 set standard steel & 1 set mythril cored and laced with nethricite for binding mage users.
5 C. One steel batan for self deffense.
5 D. One stunner gun: Carries three cartridges that will launch two barbs 30 feet in distance and will stun the victim with electricity.
5 E. One double edged short sword.
5 F. One .45 Cal semi automatic pistol with a clip size of 10 rounds. As well as two additional clips carried upon the DFLEA Fang. Every shot must be recorded and reported.
5 G. DFLEA Officers may:
5 Gi. Carry more than one bladed weapon of their choice as long as it is practical.
5 Gii. Carry more than one fire arm, including a fully automatic weapon.
5 Gii. Carry flash bangs, stun grenades, or tear gas grenades.
5 H. All DFLEA Fangs will have a whistle for audible alert.
5 I. All DFLEA Fangs will have a headset linked to Magik Net for communications.
5 J. All DFLEA Fangs will have recording gems upon them to record all events.
6. Family?s of DFLEA Fangs will be cared for if the Den Fang member is killed in the line of duty.
7. If the DFLEA Fangs are not able to suppress a riot, the Den Military will be called in and Martial Law Declared.
8. Striking of a DFLEA Fangs or Den Military soldier is subject to 6 months of confinement and a fine of 10 ruby Nukels.
9. Striking of an officer in either Den Fangs or Den Military is subject to 6 months of confinement and loss of rank.
10 Killing of a DFLEA Fang or Den Military member is punishable by death on the spot.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:50 EST
Foreign Laws (FL):
1. Any acts of law breaking 5 miles outside of the Lupinossai Den is considered within DFLEA jurisdiction.
1 A. Any acts of law breaking beyond 5 miles outside of the Lupinossai Den shall be reported the authorities of Rhydin.
1 B. Cooperation shall be provided to Rhydin and any other provinces where a Lupinossai has committed a crime.
1 C. The Lupinossai Den has extradition rights and will turn over any criminals from Rhydin and other provinces to Rhydin authorities.
2. Any Lupinossai arressted outside of Lupinossai Den jurisdiction shall be accorded rights to a just trial and just treatmen while waiting for said trial.
3. Any Lupinossai arrested outside of Lupinossai Den jurisdiction shall be allowed a representative or lawyer for a just trial.
4. Any Lupinossai arrested outside of Lupinossai Den jurisdiction shall be allowed to represent themselve in a trial.
5. Offenses resulting in death or bodily harm to foreigners will be viewed as killing or harming a fellow Lupe.
6. Matters involving foreign laws that are not clear, complicated, or resulting in the insulting of a foreigner may be settled in the Den Council of Laws Hall so that the offended may enlighten the Judge of Foreign Affairs to any new or unknown laws or customs.
7. All Den Ambassadors are held accountable by the Judge of Foreign Affairs.
8. All trade and negotians with foreign powers must be done through Lupinossai Den ambassadors or the Judge of Foreign Affairs.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:52 EST
Honorable Dueling Laws (HDL):
1. Lupinossai are entitled to a sense of personal honor.
2. Should a Lupinossai feel that their honor is insulted beyond forgiveness and public duel of honor may be arranged.
3. Public duels of honor are forbidden between Lupinossai under the age of 16.
4. During a public duel a choice of weaonry is allowed:
4 A. Bladed weapons shall be blunt and shall be in the form of long blades.
4 B. Fire arms shall be loaded by the officiator with approved rock salt for no none leathal injuries.
4 C. Hand combat shall be allowed until one party taps out, falls unconcsious or draws first blood.
4 D. Death is not acceptable during a public duel of honor.
4 E. The outcome is final:
4 Ei. Prior to the public duel of honor both sides shalle arrange terms.
4 Eii. The party defeated must make recompense to the victor as per arranged terms.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:53 EST
Laws of the Public (LP):
1. Lupinossai are entitled to wear, own, and use weapons:
1 A. Lupinossai above the age of 14 are allowed weapons:
1 Ai. The Lupinossai has completed training with that weapon from a DFLEA approved instructor.
1 Aii. The Lupinossai has a permit to carry the weapon.
1 Aiii. The Lupinossai is not a known criminal.
1 Aiv. The Lupinossai has had no prior arrests when applying for the permit.
1 B. Weapons permited for civillian use:
1 Bi. Bladed weapons that are under 1 foot long, such as:
1 Bia. Daggers, either smooth edged or serrated.
1 Bib. Hunting knives, either smooth edged, serrates or curved.
1 Bic. Another other sharpened knife like weapon.
1 Bii. Blunt weapons are allowed except for maces and war hammers.
1 Bii. Fire arms:
1 Biia. Firearms in the calibers of .22, .38 and .45 are restricted to pistols.
1 Biib. Firearms in the calibers of .22, .306, and .44 are allowed for rifles.
1 Biic. All firearmes are to be semi-automatic or single fire for civillians.
1 C. All weapons are to be registered with DFLEA HQ to record serial numbers and strike patterns.
1 D. All civillians are required to carry their weapons in plain site.
1 E. All civillians are required to carry their weapons permit in clear site as well.
1 F. Weapons permits shall be 5 Ruby nukels:
1 Fi. Weapons permits allow the Lupinossai to carry the weapon specified on the permit.
1 Fii. Weapons permits will last for one year before renewal of the permit is required.
1 Fiii. After 3 years, retraining and testing for the weapons permit is required.
1 G. Punishment for being caught with a weapon and no permit is 2 months confinement and a fine of 5 Emerald nukels.
2. Children 14 and under are allowed blunt staves or wood swords for play fight under supervision.
3. Accidental death will be viewed as murder until the origin of the accident and the possibilities of whether it was preventable have been ascertained. Punishment is by the Judge?s discretion.
4. Curfew of the Den:
4 A. Children regardless of age are not allowed beyond the borders of the Lupinossai Den territory (5 miles past the city walls.)
4 B. All children outside of the Den walls will be accompanied by an adult for their safety.
4 C. The Den Walls will close the gates by 12 midnight and opend them once more at 7 am. Magic portals will stay open to the Glen 24 hours a day.
4 D. Entry to the Den after 12 midnight or before 7 a.m. must be gained by speak with the DFLEA sentries at the gates.
4 E. Children caught beyond the borders of the Lupinossai Den territory will be returned to their parents. The parents will be responsible for punishment of the child.
4 F. Anyone bearing a blue Honorable Identification Badge is excluded from the above mentioned curfew laws. Those wishing to seek an H.I.B. must come to DFLEA HQ and apply for one. 3 Ruby Nukel fee is expected.
4 Fi. All bearers of the Honorable Identification Badge must renew the right to wear this badge every six months. The fee of 3 Ruby Nukels is to be paid per renewal.
4 Fii. To be eligible for the H.I.B. the Lupinossai must have no criminal records on file.
5. Destruction of another Lupes property is punishable by 1 month confinement or compensation of the value of property destroyed or replacement of property destroyed.
6. Theft of another Lupes property is punishable by 2 months confinement or compensation or return of stolen property.
7. Extortion to provide protection shall be punished harshly. Punishment is at the discretion of the Judge.
8. Killing another Lupe on purpose is considered a high crime. The accused will be brought before the High Judge.
8 A. Punishment for killing another Lupe:
8 Ai. 20 years confinement.
8 Aii. Severe lashings in the Den circle (Minimum 20 lashes).
8 Aiii. Exile.
8 Aiv. Castration or Sterility.
8 Av. Death by execution.
8 Avi. Death by family retribution.
9. Assault of an Elder will be punished by 6 months confinement. Children will be given over to their parents for punishment.
10. Defiling the Soul Garden is punishable by 1 year confinement or community service for 2 years with the elderly and widowed to instill respect for the departed.
11. All children and teens are to attend at least 1 class at the Lupinossai Learning Center to improve their knowledge. The teaching is offered for free.
12. A Lupe is deemed a child (Yuunoa) up to the age of 14.
13. A Lupe is deemed a teenager from 14-20 years of age.
14. A Lupe is deemed an adult:
14 A. After the passing of their 21st year of life.
14 B. If they have met the challenges and tests of adulthood administered by a patron adult of their Den.
14 C. Papers and a gold earring shall be bestowed upon the new adult.
14 D. An adult is fully responsible for themselves and will be treated as an adult under the laws of the Lupinossai Den.
15. Deities are bound to the same laws as all Lupe citizens.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:54 EST
Life Laws (LL):
1. The injured, sick or ill have a right to be treated.
2. Healing services will be paid for by the Den Trust for widows, orphans, or those in need.
3. Healers are sworn to heal all injuries.
4. Healers are sworn to do no harm.
5. Healers are permitted to end the suffering of a Lupe if that is the Lupes request and has been heard and confirmed by the family.
6. Healers will be held responsible for negligent practices resulting in further injury or death of a Lupe, excluding euthanasia.
7. All equipment is to be sterile.
8. All outbreaks of illness are to be reported to the public.
9. Healers wishing to charge for their services must be approved by the Council Judge of Life.
10. None approved healers are allowed to practice only if their services are free and they report to Whisper Paws Clinic any troubling cases.
11. Anyone suspected of being injured due to a crime is to be reported to the DFLEA Fangs.
12. Healing will be offered to any non-Lupe that is in need.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:55 EST
Magic Laws (MGL):
1. Magic is to be used with the utmost respect.
2. Any child showing magical talent shall be enrolled in magical schooling to learn, control, and respect magic.
2 A. Any child not attending a magical class, but has proof that they are being trained to respect magic and control from home may be given a green Magic Users Badge. 3 Ruby Nukel fee is expected.
2 Ai. All bearers of the Magite Users Badge must renew the right to wear this bracelet every six months. The fee of 3 Ruby Nukels is to be paid per renewal.
2 Aii. Any reports of misuse of magic in public by a wearer of the Magite Users Badge will have the privilege permanently revoked.
3. Any child unable to show a will to control and understand the magic born to their blood shall wear a device of magic suppression until such time the child wishes to learn.
4. Magic may be used in self defense but only when all other means are exhausted.
5. Magic should never be used in aggression unless the wielder is of the Den Military.
6. Students shall wear a badge indicating they can wield magic and have learned to respect it.
7. Any students that cast magic other than for study shall be punished by wearing a collar of magic suppression for 2 months.
8. Killing with magic is the same as killing by paw or weapon. The accused will be tried by the High Judge and the penalty the same as for murder, with the inclusion of a welded collar of magic suppression that shall never be removed.
9. Use of magic to steal will be met with confinement for 1 year and suppression of magic for that year. Repeat stealing with magic shall lead to permanent suppression of magic.
10. Magic is not to be used to ensnare any sentient against their will:
10 A. Binding magic is not be used unless it is to offer temporary protection.
10 B. Enslavement via magic of any sentient creature is a heinous crime and the practitioner shall be permanently stripped of power.
10 C. Control or Manipulation of a sentient beings mind with magic is forbidden. Any acts of this shall be met out with permanent stripping of power and exile.
11. Magic is not to be used inside of the Den unless it is deemed necessary for defense, healing, or aiding someone in need.
12. Use of soul gems in weaponry is forbidden. Punishment will be severe and at the discretion of the High Judge.
13. Resurrection of the Dead is considered Taboo unless valid reason is given and the soul is happy to be among the living. If this is not the case, the risen shall be put to death immediately.
14. Those with Loaa blood are forbidden to produce offspring with another Loaa. They must mate with non-Loaa blood or a different species to reduce the increase of deity class magic within the Den territory.
15. All magic users living within the Den or within 5 miles of the Den noted as Den territory will be registered with DFLEA HQ. Their magical abilities and talents shall be noted to aid in settling the breaking of any laws by the use of magic.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:56 EST
Martial Law (MAL):
1. A member of the Den Military shall serve no less than 4 years in the millitary.
2. A member of the Den Military is allowed to kill only during war time.
3. A member of the Den Military is allowed to serve as a Den Fang.
4. A member of the Den Military may carry their military weapons only if in military uniform among the citizens.
4 A. Military weapons are classified as automatic weapons, weapons of an explosive nature, weapons of high lethality or weapons directly used to penetrate armor.
4 B. Military uniform will be of a distinct camoflauge.
4 C. Bullet proof vests, panneling, and metal armor may be included in a millitary uniform.
4 D. Miliatry rank shall be denoted on a band around the upper right arm.
5. The family of a Den Military member will be cared for should that member die in combat.
6. Striking of an officer in either Den Fangs or Den Military is subject to 6 months of confinement and loss of rank.
7. Killing of a Den Military member is viewed as punishable by death on the spot.
8. The Den Military will not take control of the Den unless the Den Alpha has declared a time of Martial Law and the DFLEA Fangs are low in number.
9. Hostile actions from outside foreign powers will be seen as a direct threat to the lives within the Den territory and grounds for Military Action.
10. Killing of a Den citizen by a foreign military member will be grounds for war.
11. The Den Military will disband during peace time and return to their guilds and crafts until a call to arms is made.
12. A call to arms may only be issued by the Den Alpha or a majority vote of the Den Council Judges should a Den Alpha be absent or unappointed.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:57 EST
Matings, Packs, and Unions Laws (MPUL):
1. Legal age of consent without sire or dam approval is 16 years of age.
2. Legal age of consent with sire or dam approval is 14 years of age.
3. Whelping of a litter is to be put off till the age of 18 to provide adequate maturation of body and mind of the mother.
4. The male of the mating, or union must be employed and be able to provide for his mate and family.
5. Mated pairs may choose closed mating, that is they mate with each other and no one else, or open mating, that is they may mate with others during the months that they are not in season. The month of breeding will require all mates to be with their partners and no one else for that month.
6. Contraceptives are mandatory to prevent social disease during the none mating months.
7. Free mating must be of mutual consent.
8. Free mating may be participated in past the age of 14 to help relieve social tensions.
9. Mating against the will of either male or female is punishable by 1 year confinement, and or castration or sterility for repeat offender.
10. Should any pups be whelped by any other than the actual mate, the dam and the pups will be cared for until the pups are of age to be adopted by other packs. The dam shall be charged 3 Emerald Nukels and the Sire charged 3 Emerald Nukels. These funds will go to caring for the children. Both Sire and Dam shall then be free to return to their mates or family.
11. Should a mating pair be unable to yield pups, a second mate (male or female) may be brought into the mating to conceive pups. The second mate is part of the mating pair and the family.
12. Packs are to be no larger than 12 before the Sire and Dam are to stop breeding.
13. Naming of the pups is up to the sire and dam.
14. Pack names may be merged to create new pack lineages.
15. Pups may keep their pack names till mated themselves, or they may take a new pack name of their own design.
16. Packs are to care for their members.
17. Kidnapping of pups is deemed vile and punishable to the full extent of the law.
18. Any Lupes that are orphaned shall not be left to fend for themselves. They shall be moved to the Wings of Foxingale Orphanage for care until they reach Young Adult status.
19. If a pack loses their male Elder (Alphrans), that pack shall be allowed to move to the widows compound and receive care.
20. Unions may be done publicly or privately.
21. Unions of Male/Female, Female/Female, or Male/Male are accepted.
22. Multiple unions are allowed only if conception has failed.
23. A mate may leave the union if they feel the other mate is unworthy or has abused them.
24. Unions must be between Lupinossai if at all possible or if all parties involved are consenting.
25. Unions between Lupinossai and other races are not illegal, but are not encouraged unless a union with a Lupinossai is not possible, or the Lupe in question shows no desire to be united with another Lupinossai.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:57 EST
Merchant Laws (MEL):
1. No merchant may monopolize on any trade item.
2. All goods sold shall be subject to a tax of3 Quartz Nukel.
3. The merchant tax shall go towards the Den Trust to assist those in need and to maintain the Den.
4. Items sold to those outside the Den territority are to be subject to a tax of 6 Quartz Nukels.
5. Merchants from outside the Den interested in selling within the Den shall pay 5 Quartz per day to use a merchant stall as well as the tax of 6 Quartz Nukels per item sold.
6. A donation of goods may be made in place of the tax to the widows compound.
7. Cheating, price gouging, or shady practice will result in the loss of your items, stall, and the merchant shall be thrown out of the Den Territory. If it is a Den Merchant, the Lupe shall lose the business, be confined for 6 months and work for the community for 2 years to learn the meaning of honesty. The family of the merchant shall be cared for.
8. All businesses are required to purchase permits every year to remain in business. Each permit shall cost 5 Ruby Nukels:
8 A. Craft Permits for all crafts to operate.
8 B. Entertainment Permits for all entertaining clubs to operate.
8 C. Food Permits for selling, growing, cooking and feeding operations.
8 D. Guild Permit for all guilds to operate.
8 E. Medical Permits for all healers and hospitals to practice.
8 F. Trade Permit for all travelling merchants.


Date: 2012-02-09 01:58 EST
((This will be where all updates to the laws will be entered when the need arises and then the law sections will be modified as such.))

2-18-2012: Upon much review and advisement, the Watch Were laws and the society of Watch Were's have been removed. Watch Were's would violate several laws in place regarding slavering, enslavement, and magic misuse. Update Applied 2-18-2012


Date: 2012-02-09 02:11 EST
Den Council of Laws (DCL)

Arrangement of the DCL:

High Judge and Council Judges for distinct section of laws known as jurisdictions.

The High Judge: Cavaaroos Shieldar
Makes passes judgment on cases that are beyond the Council Judges jurisdiction as well as approving all laws to be passed. The High Judge is appointed by tests and approval of the Den Alpha as well as a approval by the Council Judges. Duration of a High Judge is 4 years.

The Council Judges are set to make judgments, settle disputes, and submit appeals for laws governing their jurisdictions.

Jurisdictions of the Council Judges:

Council Judge of Agriculture Laws: Ji'ivroo Loam
(All disputes involving farming, livestock, and the sales and thefts therein.)

Council Judge of Civil Laws:Li'istroom Stridar
(All disputes involving domestic squabbles and claims.)

Council Judge of Foreign Laws: Fleetian Wolf
(All disputes involving issues outside the Den with non Den citizens.)

Council Judge of Honors: Tuuriim Maasuus
(All disputes involving duels, oaths, life debts, and slander.)

Council Judge of Laws of the Public: Sairuu Scaaliim
(All disputes that involve criminal actions and the breaking of laws not pertaining to other Councils.)

Council Judge of Life Laws: Fen Stridar
(All disputes involving neglect, poor treatment, misuse, or negligence by any healer licensed or journeyman.)

Council Judge of Magic Laws: Aliis Spiritor
(All disputes involving the use, misuse, and abuse of all magic soul or arcane.)

Council Judge of DFLEA Conduct Laws & Martial Law: Maariituss Ingot
(All disputes pertaining to the Lupinossai military or the DFLEA Fangs.)

Council Judge of Mating, Unions, and Packs Laws: Iisiir Foxingale
(All disputes pertaining to family.)

Council Judge of Merchant Laws: Baas Greydol
(All disputes that involve taxes, tariffs, buying, selling, and theft of mercantile property.)

All Council Judges are elected to their positions by their fellow members of their jurisdiction. For example, the Council Judge of Agriculture can only be elected by farmers and workers in Agriculture. Duration of a Council Judge is 1 year, though they may run again if no one contests them.

Description of the Den Council of Laws Hall:
The former Council of Dens Hall was gutted within and remodeled. The circular structure of the hall was maintained to show a symbolism of working in unity. Within the building though the hearing room was enlarged. A small holding section was put in to keep those on trial that were a risk for fleeing or aggression. A small conference room was added as well for lesser trials as well as official signings of documents or discreet mating ceremonies.

The hearing room is tiled with green marble. The circular dais used by the Council of the Dens was made larger, now a full 6 feet in diameter, made of cherry wood. Almost ringing the dais is a high barrier of mahogany paneling, behind which sit the Judges on raised platforms to give them a higher position to look upon the person on the dais. Sitting cushions are arranged on the floor in rows for those attending to sit upon and listen to the trials. The interior of the Hall is paneled in black oak.

The Den Council of Laws Hall always has four to six Den Fangs on duty.

Process of a Trial:
Those wishing to take a dispute or issue with another person to the public may approach the Council Judge whose jurisdiction the matter involves. If the matter is complex, more than one Council Judge may be appealed to for attendance at the trial. Disputes concerning one Council Judge may be taken in the conference room at the discretion of the Council Judge. Disputes involving more than one Council Judge or the High Judge will be held in the hearing room.

To make an appeal for a Council Judge, one is to contact any member of the Den Fangs and report the matter. The Den Fangs will then speak with the appropriate Council Judge and a date will be set or if the matter is minor, settled that day. To make an appeal for the High Judge, a dispute must have judgment passed by no less than two Council Judges and then the disputers may appeal to the High Judge. Or a Council Judge may view the dispute as grievous and defer to the High Judge to pass judgment.

The killing of any Lupe or Outsider is a direct dispute judged by the High Judge. Once judgment is passed, sentencing is carried out swiftly.

There are no lawyers in the Den. A public speaker may be asked to speak for those illiterate or unable to speak. It is the duty of all Den Citizens to know if not all the law, at the minimum the Blood Tenants of the Den.