Topic: ~Lupinossai Learning Center (LLC)~


Date: 2012-02-08 23:55 EST

Okay everyone, quiet down now. Welcome to the Lupinossai Learning Center. I am sure you all are quite excited to see this center up and ready to run now. The Lupinossai Learning Center is to help provide vital and useful learning for all Lupinossai and Non-Lupinossai wanting to learn about Lupinoss.

The way the Lupinossai Learning Center will work is that bellow under each subject category a link to a posting will be made. The post will be treated as the lecture that has happened for that particular subject. Keeping with similar educational systems, everyone starts with the lowest course number under each subject and works their way up. This is of course for RP purposes. Given time schedules and real life, the lectures will be written up as often as possible and often by different players.

Now then, without further delay here are the subjects taught and the teachers that usually teach them (Substitutes are common and additional subjects will be added). In addition we now have the Fang Wood Academy that hosts the Military and Magical oriented classes. By each class will be a notation stating LLC for Lupinossai Learning Center in the Den, or FWA for Fang Wood Academy in the Out Back Wilderness easily accessed by portals. :

~Astronomy: (ASTRN) FWA~
Master Arl Skygazer

~Cooking: (COOK) LLC~
Master Orion Wolf

~Crafting: (CRFT) LLC~
Rotating Craftsmen

~Familiars: (FAMIL) FWA~
Master Handler Wi'ino Stridar

~Farming: (FARM) LLC~
Rotating Craftsmen

~Guild Lectures: (GL) LLC~

~Healing Arts: (HA) FWA~
Head Healer I'issi'ir Foxingale

~History of Lupinoss: (HL) LLC~
Professor Marsoo Parchment

HL 101: The Early Era's
Lecture 1 - Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. Era

~History of Magic in Lupinoss: (HML) LLC~
Professor Marsoo Parchment

~Luprikai Martial Arts (LMA) FWA~
Master Orion Wolf

~Math: (MATH) LLC~
Master Li'im Nukel

~Magic: Affinities (MAFF) FWA~
Masters Maril, Jari & Rasa Pentarch

~Magic: Alchemy (MALCH) FWA~
Master Ammy Spiritor

Traditional Alchemy 101: Theories - Potion Crafting
Orientation and Roll Call
Lecture 1 - Theory of Alchemy
Lecture 2 - Potion 1: Light in a Bottle

Transmutation Alchemy 201: Magic Applied In Alchemy

Philosophical Alchemy 301: Theology and Philosophy in Alchemy

~Magic: Arcane (MARC) FWA~
Master Igneous Fi'igoo
Master Ammy Spiritor

Arcane Magic 101: Basics of the Arcane Spell Casting
Master Ammy Spiritor

Advanced Arcane Magic 201: Improving Your Arcane Spells
Master Igneous Fi'igoo

Master Arcane Magic 301: Power Gates and Planes
Master Ingeous Fi'igoo & Master Ammy Spiritor

~Magic: Divine Magic of Canis (MDMC) FWA~
Sister Ali Soos

~Magic: Divine Magic of Lupis (MDML) FWA~
Brother Gremi'i Tu'us

~Magic: Magic Smithing (MMS) FWA~
Masters: Titis Steele, Draven Steele, Maru Steele, Agat Prismeer, Bress Steele, Gala Wolfs-Angel

~Magic: Runic (MRUN) FWA~
Master Tali'i Oakrim

~Magic: Song (MSONG) FWA~
Master Bard Calisoo Wavi'is

~Magic: Soul (MSOUL) FWA~
Master Fleetian 'Merlin Spiritor' Wolf

~Majitek: (MJTK) FWA~
Master Tallon Hess

~Rituals: (RIT) FWA~
Master Cammy Sool

~Sword Play: (SWP) FWA~
Master Fleetian Wolf

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2012-02-26 04:19 EST
Lupinossai children meandered into the large, five story Lupinossai Learning Center. But children weren't the only ones to wander through the new building dedicated to community education and cultural preservation. Many teens, adults and elders were also gathered around the gray marble floors of the lobby and faculty offices. This was the first day that the LLC was open for teaching and everyone was signed up for a class or two today. Some of those mingling were in fact the teachers for that day.

Over the PA speakers, a crisp young voice spoke over the milling crowds.

"Good morning students and teachers. Welcome to the first day of classes. Will all students attending Alchemy 101 please report to room 201 on the second floor please. Once again, will all students attending Alchemy 101 please report to room 201 on the second floor please. Orientation will start in 10 minutes. Mooya.

Soon, students of all ages and sizes walked through the door and into room 201. The room had several tables with plastic chairs, 4 chairs to each black marble topped table, and heavy duty tiled flooring. The students managed to settle themselves in the classroom. There were a total of 12 students in the class for this classes quarter.

The clock in the room ticked closer to 9am and the students wondered where there teacher was. Soon, the steady tap of a cane was heard and Ammy entered through the doorway then closed the door. She was wearing a simple button down blue jean shirt, a dark green vest and wore white cargo pants. She limped up to the chalk board and with flowing cursive, wrote out her name in both common and Lupesh Glyphs. She then turned and smiled at the class.

"Good morning class. I am so happy to see a bunch of eager faces today. I see a few students that I know and many I don't. My name is Ammy Loraine Spiritor. I am a Master Alchemist and I will be teaching all of the Alchemy classes taught here in the Lupinossai Learning Center. I do hope you all will enjoy our time together.

Now then, to make sure no one is confused, this is Alchemy 101, Alchemy for Beginners. If you happen to be in the wrong class, you may leave if you wish, or you can stick around and have some fun."

Ammy smiled and took a look at the whole class. She walked over to a large, gray metal desk and opened a cabinet in it. Soon she had 12 blue text books stacked on top of the desk. She closed the cabinet, then sat on top of the desk.

"I do hope you all don't mind a teacher that likes to sit and talk with you all. I like to have a relaxed atmosphere in my classroom. The rules of this class are simple. Respect each other. Respect your teacher. Don't be rude or disturb others. I encourage questions, ideas and embrace teamwork. Now then, the Lupinossai Learning Center offers all of these courses for free and Lucky Dog Press is donating all of our textbooks.

I will read your names, one by one. When I do, stand up, come to the desk and take a copy of your first Alchemy textbook then return to your seat. Now then time to get acquainted with you all."

Ammy read off her students names and greeted each one as they came up to take a text book:
Hollo Fern
Tisha Locke
Anish Loro
Lucky Merno
Sara Oli'i
Rawsha Pojirus
Mallow Rii'too
Lassie Steele
Di'ini'i Tallow
Gi'igi'i Tallow
Winter Web
Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor

Once the names were all called and everyone received their text book Ammy spoke again.

"Today's class will be orientation and will be a bit short to give you all time to go and get supplies and read your first assignment. Most of this class will be in class hands on practice and use of Alchemy. However, it's not all magic gestures, cool symbols and energy. An Alchemist must be smart or a lot of Alchemy is going to backfire.

The class layout will be as follows. I will give you an assignment of pages to read... no groaning, reading can be fun and my text books have pictures in them too... As I was saying, you will read assigned pages before each class. I will then give you additional notes and information in class in regards to what we read and how it applies to a real life Alchemist. After that we will have lab time and do a few examples from the book or experiment.

The only supplies you will need to get for this class is one or two notebooks, writing instrument of your choice and a packet of white chalk. The Lupinossai Learning Center has a store that sells everything you'll need at very low prices or you may get them from the Den Market Place. Everything else I'll be supplying to you.

Our class will be from 9am-11:30am. We will have a 15 minute break after the first hour of class. Alchemy 101 will be a total of 20 days give or take 5 days for holidays or quick coverage of material. Now before you is your text book, Alchemy for Beginners. I want you all to read the Introduction and the first chapter Concept & Theory of Alchemy.

If any of you need a textbook in Lupesh, let me know and I will translate the book for you after this class. If you have a learning disability, please let me know and I will help you as best as I can. Alright class, that is all for today's class. It's a nice, sunny winter day. Go have fun. See you next week." Ammy dismissed the class.

The students all grinned at being let out early and left the classroom quickly. All of them clutched their brand new text book.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2012-08-30 20:02 EST
The first week of spring greeted the Den and as is want with most children, a groan of having to go to class. Well maybe for most usual children heading to mundane classes. The Alchemy 101 classroom in room 201 was a buzz with conversations and excitement to being learning Alchemy.

Soon, preceded by a series of taps of her walking cane, Ammy stepped into the class room with a smile.

"Welcome back class. I trust you all had a fun and exciting week? Did you all do the assignment?"

All around the room, heads were nodding that they had. Ammy smiled and turned to the blackboard. Taking a piece of chalk in paw she began writing a few key notes on the board and a few descriptions. When she was done she walked to the front of the teachers desk and sat on top of it, resting her paws one furred the other of animated stone upon the walking cane.

"Today in class we are going to discuss the theory of Alchemy. Now I know most of you may be asking why we are not starting with a history of Alchemy. To be perfectly honest, all of live in a very unique realm here. We are at a cross road of realms where all walks of life, reality and races meet. This said, history of Alchemy can be quite overwhelming when you take into account all the variations throughout every known reality out there.

Instead we are going to focus on the theory behind Alchemy. That theory too can be quite varied and wide once more depending on the realm and reality if you don't break it down into it's core principles. The core principles of Alchemy are: To bring about a purer state of a selected material, To elevate the state of one material to a higher state by transmutation, To bring about harmony or discord contained within a concoction, To unravel the mysteries locked within that which is unrefined.

Don't fret if this gave any of you a headache or was puzzling. To bring the principles into clarity, simply put, Alchemy is the art and science, yes, it is a science, the oldest known, of experimenting and refining everyday materials in our environment. Alchemy is actually the older sister to modern sciences Chemistry. Chemistry was founded on the studies and principles laid out by Alchemists as they began to separate out impurities from minerals, plants, metals and organic materials, refining them and making them very potent. Alchemists were even working hand in hand with apothecaries and healers perfecting healing potions, elixirs, tonics and a wide variety of salves.

This brings me to the next note to take into consideration. There are three types of Alchemy present in the realms today. Traditional Alchemy which is the study of Brews, Potions, Tinctures and Elixirs, Transmutation Alchemy which is the study of magically altering or shifting one physical substance from one elemental state to a higher elemental state on the periodic table, and then Philosophical Alchemy which is the study of melding the mind, body and soul into a perfect fluid formula that can seamlessly interact with all material around it creating the legendary Philosophers Stone. We will touch upon a little of all three today to give you a taste of what is to come in our lectures.

Now many of you may be bursting to the brim wondering if you'll ever learn the secret of turning lead into gold or making rocks into expensive gemstones. While this is a fantastic and dreamy idea alas it is very difficult and nigh impossible to perform. The reason why this is the case is a very simple formula you will all learn by the end of the course in beginning Alchemy. It is called the Formula of Equality."

Ammy moved her paws and her fingers traced sigils in the air and soon a glowing formula in radiant gold energy hovered in the air before the class. She smiled as ever student was quickly copying this formula down. She took a sip of water from the bottle on the desk near her and continued her lecture.

"The Formula of Equality governs all actions in Alchemy and is even rewritten in Physics, Every action will have an equal and opposite reaction. That is the Physics variation. For Alchemy this formula is simple terms states that what you do one side of your Alchemy equation, must equal up exactly in energy, mass, properties and affinities to the other side of the equation, or the effect of your Alchemy. We will be getting into the terminology and how to perform Alchemy in our next class so don't worry too much if we are getting a little deep today with words.

Now then, with the Formula of Equality known, turning lead into gold or a stone into say a diamond has a few flaws in the plan. For one, your materials that you are using initially are very poor quality. Next, since you have poor material and want a very pure material you would have to infuse a lot of energy into that material to change the elemental bonds and properties. So much in fact that you would end up incinerating that material and being left with nothing for the transmutation.

To visual explain this, I have here a deflated balloon. We will say this balloon represents Lead. What we want is the Lead to become Gold so we would have to blow it up to five times it's size. Now watch."

Ammy started to blow into the balloon, filling it up rapidly and it grew. the class watched as it swelled up to four times its size the burst with a loud pop. A few students twitched and some laughed when the balloon popped. Ammy slowly picked up the pieced with help from a student or two and regained her desktop perch.

"As the balloon demonstrates, all material has a finite degree it can be manipulated before it simply turns to energy and moves on to a higher state. Thus many would be Alchemist have come and gone hoping to get rich quick with only mud or base metals, but it will not work. So my advice for any in this class is to stay away from such silly nonsense of getting rich by making your riches literally by Alchemy. Granted, though you can be well off offering your services as an Alchemist and gain riches that way.

It is time for our first break, go on, get up an stretch and meet back here in 15 minutes."

The students filtered out of the class room and Ammy walked about the room reflecting on what to finish the lecture today on. She watched some of her students in the courtyard chatting and noted Rawsha reading a book. She grinned. The child was fond of books and not so much on social skills. Then there was Lassie with her teen friends seeming to be the center of attention. Of course, she was an A student in the LLC regardless of the sting of being on parol under Ammy's watch. Then a glance to Lene, hanging off in the corner of the courtyard looking friendly but radiating an aura of 'keep away'.

Soon the bell rang and the students were returning to the class. Ammy watched them all come in and smiled to them.

"Settle in and we will finish today's lecture so you all can get back to the wonderful spring day. We are down to a brief look at Traditional Alchemy and Philosophical Alchemy. Traditional Alchemy is around us and use every day. Healing potions, tonics, medicine, even herbal teas can make use of Traditional Alchemy to take full command of the pure essences that are in those concoction. Traditional Alchemy is best handled with an appreciation of herb lore and chemistry both of which will grant you an easier time down this road.

Many books are published out there on Traditional Alchemy, but I caution you on reading them. I caution you on reading my own text book. Information is not fallible. All things must be taken with a grain of salt and you must way facts out with observation and even experimentation. In time, with study you'll learn to weed out the purely fictional information from the useful information. In time perhaps, one will indeed find a why to turn base metals to gold without losing the material, but so far that gauntlet remains unclaimed.

Though supposedly there are ways to overcome the Formula of Equality which leads us to Philosophical Alchemy. Philosophical Alchemy is about transcending the laws of physics and science and finding ways to become pure energy, to find ways to bend and shape all matter around us at will to our desires regardless of rules. Used poorly, disaster happens, used wisely amazing things are accomplished. Many books have been written about Philosophical Alchemy and the numerous attempts to refine materials into a mystical liquid known as the Philosophers Stone.

Many master Alchemists have come close, but many fail. It takes decades of study to understand Philosophical Alchemy and from my own personal experience, only three Alchemy Masters have succeeded in doing Alchemy without use of the Formula of Equality. Two of them are long dead, the last is sitting here before you. The ability to overcome the Formula of Equality bears a heavy cost, a heavy burden, and it is one that I hope none of you wish to ever travel.

Rather than cast a pall over Philosophical Alchemy I'd rather have you all look at that branch as a better way to improve your minds, hearts and body and find ways to improve your lives by refining what you do and how you think to be the best person you can be. If any of you do wish to proceed down the path of Philosophical Alchemy then I implore you to seek me out as a mentor and a guide. The least I can do is spare you disasters that many Alchemists have run into before.

So some thoughts to take with you from today's lecture is that Alchemy is the study and refinement of the world around us. That many have sought to push the limits and bounds of Alchemy and the results can be disastrous and that with Alchemy as a model we can become better people. Be prepared for some fun in our next class. There will be note taking but most of the time will be delving into some experiments and exploring Alchemy and how to use it. Now go, read chapters 2 and 3 for next week. See you all soon."

Ammy smiled as the class emptied out again and she left for the day.


Date: 2012-10-12 20:30 EST
History of Lupinoss: 101 The Early Era's (Project Lupinoss through Age of Canis & Lupis)
Professor Marsoo Parchment - Historian of Mundane and Arcane History
Lecture 1 - Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. Era.

It was a bit cool, a nice fall morning. The class was crammed full of students today, every size, shape and race. Young kids were seated next to teens who rubbed elbows with adults and even some elders. Elves mingled with Dwarves, Gnomes teased Airii, and a few Orcs and Humans were chatting with Erthrii and Riivii teens. The wood tables were all laden with History of The Lupinossai Volume 1, the prerequisite book for HL 101.

Soon, the door to the classroom open and a very short, yet wiry looking Erthrii entered the class. Attired in a simple blueberry blue tunic and tan cotton pants he moved behind the teacher?s desk. He had no flowing mane, and his ears were slightly large for his size. Upon his snout was a thick set of glasses. He laid down a copy of the same text book the students had, turned and with a flourish wrote out his name on the chalk board.

"Good morning class. Please settle down, find your seats and have your text books at the ready. This is History of Lupinoss 101, the Early Eras and I am your lecturer, Professor Marsoo Parchment. If this is the wrong class for you, by all means let me know and I will assist you in finding the right bastion of knowledge for the day." He looked around the class and nodded seeing no misplaced students.

"Let us begin then. You are here today to quench your thirst for the history of the Lupinossai. A very deep thirst you must have then and I do hope to quench it for you. During this class we will be discussing the early era's of Lupinoss known as; Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S., Years of Life, Pack Wars, Council of Dens, and the Age of Canis and Lupis. These early eras are what set the stage for how Lupinossai evolved to become the collective races and nation we are now. To know how any civilization or nation became great you must look at its past so we will start with the era known as Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S.

Open your text books to page 6 please and read along if you wish or you can listen and take notes. Either way is up to you. The Lupinossai are not, nor were they ever a natural race. You can listen to all of the spiritual and holy mumbo jumbo you wish to from the priests and priestesses of Canis and Lupis but we were created by Humans and not by our 'Deities'."

A collected gasp from most of the Lupinossai students was heard in the classroom. The other students looked about the room at the sound of the gasps and listened quietly not sure if something disrespectful had been brought up. Professor Parchment clapped his paws loudly.

"Settle down. Settle down. You are all here to learn. Learning means we leave behind presumptions, falsities and spoon-fed lies that we have heard since puppy hood or since we have suckled from our mothers. In this class room an open mind is expected or you will find a lot of history quite unsettling to the fairy tales of your youth."

The class settled down once more. Some of the humans and elves were nodding approvingly of Professor Parchments words, the Dwarves and Gnomes weren't quite sure if they agreed, and the Orcs and Lupinossai students looked a little ruffled at being told their beliefs in Canis and Lupis were false.

"The more you learn the less you know and knowledge comes with a price, my dear students. Moving on, bear with me and you will see what has lead up to the belief system you all partake in. Now then, we call the era Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. as that is the time the Humarans, that is the nation of Humans in the realm of Sliinkaa, came to the volcanic islands that were named Alpha Site and Beta Site. They began terraforming with technology and magic the land we now call Lupinoss or the Old Country. This area was terraformed to allow them to set up a facility to create, raise and breed an experimental type of anthropomorphic soldier that would give them a loyal army.

Why would the Humarans need such an army you may ask? Records show that the other anthropomorphic races on Sliinkaa at that time, also created by the Humarans, were in open revolt and fighting the enslavement roles placed upon them. The Humarans wished to oppress them and push them back under their control with a fierce and dedicated military force up to the task of fighting creatures on a sentient and physical level higher than most humans could attain. Thus their brightest minds and master alchemists crafted the first Lupinossai pair, Canis and Lupis. The pair proved to be an exquisite and perfect blending of DNA, mythological and virological agents. Vastly intelligent, rivaling most humans and stronger than most anthropomorphics created the Humarans were quite happy with this new venture in playing with the powers of creation.

They began to create more Lupinossai from the genetic samples and forms collected from Canis and Lupis, altering them so they would have three distinct types of Lupinossai; Erthrii with their grand stature and robust frame and strength for the infantry soldier, delicate, small, agile and gifted with flight, the Airii for the ever alert scout and sentry as well as an Ariel attacker, and finally, a little less durable but with a an insane intelligence and a burning spark for magic, the Soultre for the commanders of this growing army. With this growing army being created and an excellent training site established away from prying eyes, Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. was initiated. L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. stands for Lycanthropic Utalizing, Programmed Infiltrating, Neo-Oppression Super Soldier. Quite a mouthful to the Humarans so they attached the permanent name of Lupinossai or Lupe to our general race.

The Humarans continued to raise and increase the numbers of Lupinossai Army for the first 50 years, training them and even allowing them to breed under supervision and killing any mutations that their odd collection of DNA could throw. During this time records indicated that the Soultre could learn well and lead troops well, but few of them could every manage the task of leading the Lupinossai Army as a whole. Thus they turned to Lupis, the original male, who by this time had increased in intelligence beyond measuring and placed him in charge of the army and to work obediently with the Humaran staff. Canis was placed in charge of the facility and Alpha site to keep it maintained and to ensure all units functioned well and received medical attention.

From this point on, records are a bit unclear as to what happens during the 51st year of Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. What is indicated is that the Humaran staff lost contact with the Humaran military on the mainland of Axiim. Scouting parties of both Humarans and Lupinossai were sent to investigate. Records state none ever returned. The conclusion was derived that the Anthros, as the anthropomorphic freedom fighters were now being called at that time, had overrun the Humaran military base on Axiim. The following year, 52 P.L., communications with Beta Site was lost as well. This had the remaining Humaran staff panicking. The Lupinossai army were calm. Losses in battle are expected.

Against all rational and wise directions the Humaran staff order Lupis to keep the Lupinossai Army on Alpha Site, Lupinoss, and went to investigate Beta Site. Records of that time state they never returned."

Professor Parchment paused to take a sip of water from a bottle on the desk. A glance to the clock on the classroom wall. "We will break for 15 minutes. Come back by then and we will conclude the lecture on the Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. era."

The students, relieved to bolt from the class room and the torrent of words and information flooded out and into the courtyard all talking about what they heard. Marsoo looked through his notes for a moment or two. The reactions of the students today to his statements was nothing new. Few ever liked hearing that the tales and beliefs their parents ground into them were false. Sipping more water he looked over the notes a bit more. Oh how far we have come. He thought. Soon the courtyard bell rang and the students all filed back in mumbling and glancing at the professor.

As soon as they all quieted again, Professor Parchment continued the lecture. "Welcome back. We are to the point now that the Lupinossai Army, lead by Lupis and cared for by Canis are left on Alpha site, Lupinoss. They remained vigilant, trained and had faith the Humarans would contact them. Three years passed and finally Lupis had to do something with the Lupinossai army. With no contact with the outside world, the original military site now reaching overcrowding, he had to make choices in what to do with a military army with no way of completing its purpose.

Lupis conferred with Canis and the ruling Soultre commanders and they all agreed that it would be wiser to stand down the military, allow the troops to try and form familial packs and try to implement civilian tasks and expand the facilities out into the wild territories of Lupinoss. Agreed upon this course of action, the Lupinossai Army was disbanded, packs allowed to form and move out of the military facility. Thus ended the Era of Project L.U.P.I.N.O.S.S. From this point on Lupinossai severed ties and forgot most of their dealings with Humarans. Records were kept though and as you can see now we have classes to remind how we came about and started.

The facts to take away from this first lecture is we, as a nation were created by humans for a specific task long ago. A task no longer our priority but as we proceed in our lectures evolved with us and mutated to become part of our everyday life. War, conflict, violence and oppression. Take heart though, just because this is our roots does not mean we are all war mongering barbarians bent on subjecting everyone to our will. It is though a good place to start when some tend to stray and gain that spark of wanting it all. You have seen some of these Sparks of Domination as I call them recently in our Den history. General Igneous Fi'igoo is one to note, few alien nations from space, The Ebony Knight of myth and legend, even the horrendous Vuusoolta Wolf coup that led our Den from being a Council ruled city to a Single Patriarch Monarchy. Through history you will see more.

Now with your appetites whetted for now with a sip of knowledge I bid you a good morning, best of luck in any remaining classes and see you next lecture. Please read pages 30-70 of your text book for a better understanding of the Years of Life era we will be discussing next lecture. Good day class, you are dismissed." Professor Parchment smiled and gave them a little bow and watched as the class emptied.

So far an interesting start of the class session and perhaps an interesting duration to come.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2012-10-24 01:19 EST
The class bell rung as the student filtered into the classroom for another lecture and today a bit of laboratory work in Alchemy 101. With Fang Wood Academy now fully open during the fall season, Ammy had informed all students that all her Alchemy classes were to be held at Fang Wood Academy for peace of mind to the rest of the Den Cities government officials. The classroom was currently attired in thin cottony spider webs, magically animated rubber spiders and a few illusion spell ghosts and goblins to keep in theme with the coming of Samhain and Halloween. A few mini bonfire illusions were cast in the stain glass windows of the room as well.

Dressed in deep maroon blouse, velvet black pants and a velvet forest green vest Ammy let the students settle in as she quickly noted down a few things on the chalk board behind her. Turning she took a quick roll call, found that two students were sick with Lupe Fever and made a mental note to alert the school board to tell parents to have their children immunized or kept home if feeling ill. Laying the piece of chalk on the desk, she walked to the front and sat on the metal desk and smiled at the students.

"Welcome back class. I am glad you all have endured your summer breaks well and had the patience to wait for a facility that would allow us to actually practice real alchemy. Today we will be getting to the part of alchemy you all have been waiting for, creating potions with alchemy!" Ammy grinned then slid off of the desk.

Waving a paw and using her Force skills, she sent several trays to float upon each table before the students. Each tray held ingredients enough for each student to make one potion today. The students all murmured and spoke with constrained excitement. Ammy smiled watching the eager faces looking at the odd array of ingredients.

"Now, before we start making a potion we need to lay down safety rules for the laboratory.
Rule 1. Follow my instructions.
Rule 2. No rough housing or goofing around with reagents or equipment.
Rule 3. Ask before mixing any reagents.
Rule 4. Too little is better than too much!
Rule 5. The anti-magic Nethicite powder release button is red and placed at intervals around the room. Take note of the nearest one to you.
Rule 6. Ask me to check your potions before trying them on yourself.
Rule 7. No stealing of reagents from class.
Rule 8. Gloves, Goggles and Breathing masks are to be on hand and worn every time.

With the rules explained, we'll begin creating a Light in a Bottle potion. Now some potions are made to drink, some to pour out and some to keep in the bottle. This potion is meant to stay in the bottle and provide light when you shake it! Before you in the trays you will have several items..."

Ammy lifted her own tray from behind the teachers desk and sat it down on the desktop. She began to point to the various items in the tray and explain what each item was.

"You all have: one Glass Globe and Cork, black sealing wax, a bottle of crystal clear rose oil, a small vial of phosphorus match heads, a jar of hearth fire crackles, tube of liquid smoke, a packet of dried grass, a small tray of assorted powdered gems, a flash of lightning in a quartz gem and moonbeams in a black jar. Alright, alright enough with the odd looks. In alchemy, anything and everything can be used for your potions. You may also be wondering why so many ingredients for one potion?

Potion creation is has a method that can vary from alchemist to alchemist, but I have found that one standard that works well is the Dresdenian Potion method. In the Dresdenian method, each potion consists of eight parts. A liquid base, five ingredients, each one engaging one of the five senses, one ingredient to engage the mind, and one ingredient to engage the spirit. With this method in mind looking back at our ingredients we can see where they fall in place, at least to me so I will explain further.

Crystal clear rose oil is our base liquid to provide excellent clarity for our luminescent light. For the five senses we have: Phosphorous match heads to give us a sense of warmth for our touch, a jar of hearth fire crackles for our hearing to hear the illumination, tube of liquid smoke for our sense of smell of a fire place or burning torch, packet of dried grass for the taste of bright summer days nibbling on blades of grass, a small tray with your choice of a dazzling array of colored gems powdered for our sense of sight to provide color to our light, the flash of lightning in the gem is for our mind to engage in remembering the light, and the moonbeams to harness the spirit of illumination."

Ammy took a moment to take a sip of water and let her student look over the ingredients and take notes. Quietly she took out a cauldron and a Bunsen burner, sat the cauldron on it and began to warm up the cauldron. Soon all the students were done writing and looking up at her. Ammy waved them to come up to the teacher?s desk but first told them to have goggles on.

"Okay class. I'll show you all how to create this potion and show you what the final result will look like, then I'll have you all work on your own potions and see how you do." That said she began to create the potion.

First half of the bottle of crystal clear rose oil was poured into the cauldron and she stirred it with a glass rod explaining to the students not to stir too fast. They want to keep the oil from bubbling or frothing. After ten minutes she added first the cracklings of a hearth fire, then the liquid smoke, followed by the dry grass. She explained that you want to add those first before the phosphorous match heads or you'll get a potion that will explode. The potion in the pot felt warm on its own with a smell and sound of a campfire during summer.

Next she picked out a sample of crushed ruby and stirred that into the potion. The liquid took on a candy red jewel tone for a bit then faded to clear again. The students gasped and Ammy just smiled reassuring that is supposed to happen and the color will come back again. Next she added the crystal with the flash of lightning to the mix and stirred until the whole crystal melted, the whole potion sizzled and smelled of ozone for a moment as sparks and flashes of lightning arced in the cauldron. Finally she took up the black jar holding the Moonbeams, uncorked it and with the students oooing and awwing tapped out three fat globes of pure moonbeams into the potion. Each one shimmered, sizzled then melted into the liquid turning the potion black for a few seconds. She continued to stir and the potion cleared up once more.

Turning off the Bunsen burner she let the potion cool for 15 minutes and went over the whole process with the students once more. When the potion was cool she carefully took up a special lade with a filter edge on one side and filled the empty glass globe three quarters of the way. Corking the glass globe she then sealed it with the black wax. Holding it in her paws she grinned again.

"We call this Light in a Bottle potion for a reason. When you shake it, it will light up and give you a bright light for about 6 hours then it will fade and go clear again until shaken once more. It will last for a year." Ammy shook the glass globe and a radiant, ruby red light burst forth and illuminated the classroom.

The class cheered seeing the light that streamed from the glass globe and were all now eager to make their Light in a Bottle potion. Ammy sat the glowing red glass globe on the desk and placed a wicker basket cover over it to mute the light and began walking around the tables for the rest of the class period giving pointers, advice and help to students as they each made their own version of the potion. By the time the bell rang for the end of class, the room was aglow with glass globes emitting yellows, greens, blues, purples, pure whites, oranges and even one student manage a black light.

"Well done class! A+ all around. Great work. You all can take your potions home and be proud to have a light anytime you need it. Next class we will discuss various classes of potions, why they are used and then the class after that will make a few select ones from these classes. Well class is over for the day. Farewell, safe travels, and may your crucible burn bright with knowledge and wisdom."

The class emptied and Ammy closed up the classroom and filled out her report for the day.