Topic: ~Making a Lupinossai~


Date: 2012-02-08 23:59 EST

This indexed collection of information will help you on your journey of making a Lupinossai Character. I hope you enjoy the information within these FAQS and please leave comments in OCC Central to let us know if anything needs added or might have been left out.

Character Creation Index:

Age Ranges
Setting Up Your Back Ground
Races of Lupinossai
Races of Sliinkaa, Lupinoss' Home World
Great Dens of Lupinoss
Lupinossai Magic
Optional Method of Creating a Lupinossai


Date: 2012-02-09 00:02 EST
This is an important question as different age groups know different types of culture and Lupinossai customs. Below are the age groups allowed and roughly what they will know for you to create a back story off of.

~Young Child~ (Ages 4-13)
(This age group is restricted to already in play child characters or families with children on the way. Please play some grown ups till further notice.)
As a young Lupinossai child you would know about general manners in respecting their elders. They would know about some of the myths from the Old Country (the realm of Lupinoss). They would know a limited list of common words and would be learning to use Lupesh. Young Lupinossai are usually tasked with helping their parents in whatever crafts, guilds or trades they are in. They would also attend at least one class of their parent?s choice a day at the Lupinossai Learning Center. The classes and education are free and cover just about everything including magic for magically adept Lupinossai of all ages. Young children are not allowed outside of the Den though a few know how to sneak out and are punished when caught. Young children under no circumstance will be attracted to others by love. They are too young to understand this concept.

~Teenager~ (Ages 14-20)
As a Lupinossai teen you get to deal with hormones (within reason), learning more about the Lupinossai Culture, Myths, Legends, History and Rituals. Most teenagers are apprenticed their parent?s trade. Lupinossai teens would also know Common and Lupesh and be more proficient at speaking and understanding both languages. They will also be attending Two class a day at the Lupinossai Learning Center. Lupinossai teenagers are allowed to wear weapons only if they have been properly trained in using them and have a permit to prove they are cleared by the Den Fang Head Quarters to use them. Lupinossai teens do know the concept of love and of mating. However, serious relationships do not happen often due to hormone swings.

~Young Adult~ (Ages 21-40)
Lupinossai young adults are well versed now in most of the Old Countries Myths, Legends, History and more. By now they have a job within the Den or have signed up for the Den Fangs or have joined the Den Military. Some may have mates and children already. They can attend classes at the Lupinossai Learning Center as well. Lupinossai young adults are allowed weaponry with a permit. Young Adults make 50% of the Lupinossai Den in Rhydin.

~Adult~ (Ages 41-90)
Lupinossai adults are often well settled in their life in the Den, knowing what they are doing, often taking to politics, business owning, or mentoring. Some Lupinossai adults in the Den are often afflicted with what is known as The Old Ways in which they remember the way things used to be in the Old Country and often long for those days. Some Lupinossai Adults will break from the Den at this time and either live in Fang Wood Den or go off to live independently of either Den.

~Senior Adult~ (Ages 91-150)
Lupinossai Seniors are not as common as in the Lupinossai Den or Fang Wood Den. They do exist though. Most are into politics, are Judges in the Den Court of Law, are professors and teachers at the Lupinossai Learning Center, or hold offices in the either Den's Government. If you wish to play this age, please consult Fleetwolf or Ammy Spiritor first to assist you in the back story they would have.

~Elderly~ (Ages 151-250)
The only elderly Lupinossai in existence is Fleetwolf but that is due to hir deity blood and being a Loaa (angel). No other elderly Lupinossai exist on Rhydin. This age group is to mark how old a Lupinossai can live to naturally if they are not a deity or a Loaa. I say this as Fleetwolf is 368 years of age but has the appearance of a 28 year old.


Date: 2012-02-09 00:06 EST
*Note: As history lessons are taught at the Lupinoss Learning Center, the posts will be linked to the Era covered for more detailed information.*

Lupinoss Time Line

Unless you are playing a character born in the last 3 years of the Lupinossai Den on Rhydin, you will need to consider this section in regards to your characters background. The link above will take you to the Lupinossai Timeline and will show you the different Eras that are known in Lupinoss that span 440 years of History. Lupinossai characters may have been thrust into RDI via rifts from different time eras. Keep in mind that there are two sides to this Timeline. Depending on how you set up your character, they may know a lot about the Mundane (normal) History on the right hand side, or the may know more about the Magical History on the left hand side. They could also know both sides to a degree depending on how educated they are and if they dealt with magic users a lot.

*Note: If you are playing an orphan (Young Child Age Group) then your background story would include these general basic facts.*
A huge battle took place within the Den about the 2nd year of the Den?s life between the Lupinossai and the evil Goddess Takhasis (From the Dragon Lance Books). She laid waste to two thirds of the Den before being driven away. Many adults died leaving behind lots of orphans. So if you are playing an orphan, then you know about the battle and probably have a lot of nightmares from them. Depending on how old your Orphan is, you may or may not remember your parents. If you do, then think about anything thing they may have taught you. If you don?t remember, nothing wrong with that.

A year later, in the beginning of the 3rd year of the Den's life, a war between General Igneous Fi'igoo and the Den erupted. It lasted only 3 months, but claimed many more lives of the Den. Presently, orphans make up about 20% of the Den.

Below is just a brief look at each Era for the Mundane Side First, then the Magical Side. For further clarification, Mundane Era descriptions with have a (MD) before the Era name, and a (MJ) before the Magical Era name.

*Note: Mundane Eras are according to how long a certain ruler or government style lasted.

(MD) Project Lupinoss: 70 Years Long
This is the starting point for Lupinoss. Humarans (Humans) created a training base in a large caldera of an extinct volcano. The base was meant to train and raise a loyal, genetically engineered army of canine type anthropomorphic to help them reclaim their world of Sliinkaa from the rebelling anthropomorphic slave races. Something went wrong near the completion of the training and the Lupinossai were suddenly abandoned at the base.

(MD) Years of Life: 85 Years Long
This era marks the period of the Lupinossai switching from a military mentality and moving into a more wolf pack-ish structure. The nation is very young and the Lupinossai are stumbling along trying to make sense of surviving outside of a per-planned army role. Mixed breeding begins and without the Humaran Geneticists on hand to screen breeders, random mutations appear adding to the confined selection of Airii, Erthrii, and Soultre originally created.

(MD) Pack Wars: 5 Years Long
This brief era saw what happens when highly trained and military oriented packs react when they are created. Top dog and top pack is the name and goal of hundreds of small battles.

(MD) Council of Dens: 10 Years Long
This era sees Canis and Lupis stepping into the lime light. They were the first two Lupinossai created, known as the Master Patterns for cloning or breeding more Lupinossai. Seeing that the Lupinossai needed strong leadership like any pack, yet not wanting to rule themselves, they appointed the packs into manageable, unified Dens and set the leaders of those Dens to Rue by Council. Canis and Lupis, being the oldest Lupes alive at the time were regarded as wise and even mythical and were pronounced Deities by the Lupinossai.

(MD) Age of Canis & Lupis: 20 Years Long
This Era saw that the Council of Dens was full of problems and the leaders were still posturing for a head honcho, not a group leadership. Canis and Lupis took over the ruler ship reluctantly and peace reigned for a short time. Unfortunately Lupinossai started worshiping Canis and Lupis and this worship started a bout of followers and haters of theses Deities.

(MD) Council of Great Dens: 5 Years Long
This Era saw Canis and Lupis stepping down from leadership to deal with their followers as guides and mentors while letting other rule. They tried once more to assemble the Lupinossai into larger Dens creating the 8 Great Dens or Clans of Lupinoss. A council of the 8 head alphas was appointed to rule.

(MD) Great Den Wars: 20 Years Long
This Era is almost a repeat of the Pack Wars, just on a larger longer scale. This Era had a second name to it. The Lupinossai Civil War. The Council of Great Dens fell apart and once more the battle for superiority erupted. Canis and Lupis realized that the Lupinossai will just have to get the fight out of their systems and just left the nation to settle things among themselves.

(MD) Rule of Maji'it: 20 Years Long
This Era saw the first tyranical king of Lupinos, Tyri'im Hammer Maji'it. Den Steele was one of the few Great Dens that survived the civil war with most of its population and might intact. Born of Great Den Steele, Maji'it ruled Lupinoss with an iron fist for 20 years.

(MD) Age of Deities: 40 Years Long
This Era saw Canis and Lupis reappear with a little project they had been doing over the last two Eras. The bred and raised a pantheon of Dieties and Demi-gods. When Maji'it was overthrown, this pantheon was installed and Lupinoss was placed into a Deity worship role once more.

(MD) Peoples Rule: 10 Years Long
This Era saw the Lupinossai not liking to be ruled by All-Mighty beings and rebelled. They elected there own kings for 2 year terms each, making the ruler a choice of the people, not a conquest.

(MD) Spiritor Wars: 15 Years Long
This Era saw the rise of Den Spiritor and all the conniving and cunning mentality of Spiritor himself. Lupinoss was thrown into heavy war, decimating many Great Dens.

(MD) Spiritor Rule: 40 Years Long
This Era saw the second and last tyranical king, Spiritor himself, ruling the nation with an iron fist harsher and more depraved than Maji'it's rule.

(MD) Unified Dens of Lupinoss: 100 Years Long Current History
This Era saw the over throw of Spiritor with many rebel factions taking back territory. With Spiritor overthrown, The Lupinossai finally went through enough generations to realize unification and a group ruler ship were the best for continued survival. This is the current period of history for the Mundane and has scene many good improvements to the nation. This is also the era of trade opening up with other countries in Sliinkaa.

*Note: Magical Eras are according to how active magic was used and discovered.

(MJ) Dark Ages: 75 Years Long
This Era marked when magic didn't exist. Science was the ruling factor in everything. The children of Canis and Lupis were not yet born.

(MJ) Magic is Born: 100 Years Long
Canis and Lupis' first litter of eight puppies were born. From their genes, magic was given life and erupted into existence. This Era saw the rise of many fundamental domains of magic, Arcane Magic, Healing Arts, Soul Magic, Affinity Magic, Deity Magic, and the creation of magic personified.

(MJ) Enlightened Years of Magic: 65 Years Long
This Era saw more domains of magic appear. Use of Familiars, Runic Magic, Song Magic, and several sects of practitioners appeared as well.

(MJ) Golden Age of Magic: 55 Years Long
This Era saw the mage community coming to it's full height and the first mage war.

(MJ) New Age of Magic: 105 Years Long
This Era saw a few new domains of magic, Alchemy, Magic Smithing, and Magitek. More sects rose and fell, a 2nd Mage war erupts, then a 3rd mage war and the The Ebony Knight makes his apperance to wreak havoc on the magical community. Due to the abundant use of magic in two wars, many rifts and portals appeared through out Lupinoss and Sliinkaa itself to other realms and planes.

(MJ) Twilight Years of Magic: 50 Years Long Current History
This Era sees The Ebony Knight sealed away and magical knowledge traded with other countries. This is the current era of history for the Magical community.


Date: 2012-02-09 00:23 EST
Life Span is up to 250 years old.
Height range is from 2-3ft tall.
Usual weight range is 50-95lbs.
Colors of fur is quite varied and of all colors.
Colors of eyes are about as varied as the fur colors though red, violet, and black are extremely rare.
Ear styles are only the long variation of the tri-tipped ears.
The hair styles worn in is usually braids, pony tails, shoulder length flowing hair, short cut hair, or just fur and no hair.

Temperament of Airii is usually optimistic, high spirited, and ingenious. They have wings, feathering from armpit to hips and running along tail. They can fly with aid of magic or on their own. Airii are unique in the way they have a very hollow skeleton like a bird, but the Humarans who created the Lupinossai genetically altered their skeleton to contain carbon fiber strands within the bones making them light weight but very durable. Airii are usually energetic, almost exhibiting a light hearted aura, and can be mischievous.

Life Span is up to 160 years old.
Height range is from 4-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 100-175lbs.
Colors of fur are often white, yellow, sandy brown, or a rich red brown.
Colors of the eyes are often the range of normal human eyes though grays and brown are common.
Ear styles mostly very large thin ears, similar to Fennec Fox ears, to help keep them cool in hot climates.
The hair styles worn in is usually anything short or no hair, just fur.

Temperament of Dessii is usually cautious, practical, and tough. Dessii are known for living in desert country and have thin fur, thin blood, and are known for thriving in hot weather. They can also sense the presence of water even if it is buried 50 feet below ground. Dessii are usually quiet, observant, and loyal.

Life Span is up to 150 years old.
Height range is from 7-9ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 200-400lbs.
Colors of fur are usually in shades of grays, blacks, deep brown, or a mix of these.
Colors of eyes are usually normal range of human eye colors, though having two different eye colors, mixed eye colors, or very bright eye color is acceptable as well.
Ear styles are often erect ears which are tri-tipped though floppy ears like a retriever are seen as well.
The hair styles worn are usually long braids, pony tails, or loose.

Temperament Erthrii are typical, down to earth Lupinossai. They work fields, do grunt work, and are very muscular. Typical bi-pedal anthropomorphic body for canines. Erthrii are usually calm, loyal, and they tend to be agreeable with others.

~Lunarnan~ (Genetic Shapeshifter)
Life Span is up to 50 years old.
Height is 2-3ft tall from ground to shoulder when in feral mode. No taller than 4ft when in humanoid mode.
Weight of a Lunarnan is patterned after 50-150lbs.
Colors of fur are usually in the shade of the canine the Lunarnan is patterned after (Dogs, Coyotes, Foxes, Wolves, Etc.)
Colors of eyes are once again dependent on the canine that the Lunarnan is patterned off of.

Temperament is varied. Lunarnans are sentient canines that have learned how to rearrange their DNA to allow them to shape shift into humanoids. When they do this, they have no clothing, and no weaponry. It is also considered taboo to use the Carna (Shift) unless it is really needed. When you do shift, you?ll need to find clothing and weaponry if you are in a fight or in a city. The longer a Lunarnan stays in Carna as a humanoid, the harder it will be to remember how to shift back to their normal form.

~Riivii~(River Species)
Life Span is up to 120 years old.
Height range is 4-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 100-200lbs.
Colors of fur are usually grays, blacks, greens, and brindled.
Colors of eyes are greens and grays.
Ear Styles are usually shorter variation of the tri tipped ears.
The hair styles are usually short or just fur and no hair.

Temperament of Riivii is often good natured. They have sleek, short fur, less feathering on the ears, slender tails, and webbing between paws. Riivii love water and are typically fishers and sailors. Fun loving, good natured, but can have an ornery streak. Riivii do have gills that they can keep closed when on land and open when in the water to breathe normally under the water. These gills must be kept wet often and most Riivii are seen with flasks of water on them so they can moisten the gills occasionally.

~Soultre~(Magic Users)
Life Span is up to 100 years old.
Height range is 5-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 90-140lbs.
Colors of fur are usually sand colored, pale browns, pale reds, and grays.
Colors of eyes are unique to Soultre. They only have three colors and the colors tell you how light sensitive they are. Red eyes means they can be out in the daylight with just a pair sunglasses on. Violet eyes means they need something as dark and enclosing as welding goggles to see in the daylight. Black eyes means they are not out during the day as no amount of protection in the day will keep their eyes safe.
Ear style is the usual tri tipped ears.
The hair styles usually worn are long braids with gems woven in with the braids.

Pure blood Soultres are becoming rare in the Den. Their blood lines have been mixing with other blood lines for a long time now allowing many mixes to use magic. They always look thin and frail. They are in tune with all magic, and their body is consumed when they use magic. They are crafty, devious, and can be very deceitful.

~Wuudrii~(Woodland Type)
Life Span is up 220 years old.
Height range is 5-6ft tall.
Usual weight range is from 150-250lbs
Colors of fur are browns, some greens, and yellows or a mix.
Colors of eyes are browns and yellows are common.
Ear style is the usual tri tipped ears.
The hair styles usually worn are varied.

Wuudrii are tall, slender, and love forests. They tend to be very recluse and often don't blend well with other races. The temperament of Wuudrii are aloof, flighty, and distrust most non-Wuudrii.

A hybridone is the polite term for mutt in Lupinoss. A mix of any of the varieties mentioned above would describe a Hybridone.


Date: 2012-02-09 00:41 EST
Races that exist on Sliinkaa, Homeworld of Lupinoss.

*Note: These races can be played, however as Lupinoss the RPG was a collaborative project that has been made innactive, data on these races are bare bones. I'll allow players to be creative with how they set up their character with one of these races.

Smaller cousin of Minotaurs:
Height: 6-8ft
Weight: 300 - 500 lbs
Eyes: All colors.
Fur: Medium Leather Skin
Fur Color: All natural colors
Mane: All styles

Sentient Dogs:
Height: d8 divide by 2
Weight: 8d10, add 10
Eyes: All colors.
Fur: d4 (1. hairless 0DP 2. short 0DP 3. medium 1DP 4. heavy 2DP)
Fur Color: All colors.
Mane: none.
Natural Ability:
*Mind Speak: Allows them to speak to others who have an open mind. They can also tap, scratch, or paw out a basic yes/no system.

Anthropomorphic Canines:
Height: d10 divide by 2
Weight: 8d10, add 50
Eyes: All colors.
Fur: d4 (1. hairless 0DP 2. short 0DP 3. medium 1DP 4. heavy 2DP)
Fur Color: All colors.
Mane: none.

Sentient Horse:
Height: 3-4.5ft from hoof to shoulder. (9-14 Hands)
Eyes: Any
Fur: Slick Coat or Curly Coat (0 nat. DP)
Fur Color: Typical Horse Patterns
Mane: Any Style
Natural Abilities:
*Mind Speak: Allows them to speak to others who have an open mind. They can also tap out a basic yes/no style message with hooves.
*Beast of Burden by Consent: 100-300lbs (75lbs.), 400-600lbs (150lbs.),
700-900 lbs. (300lbs) 1,000-1,200 lbs. (500lbs). They can also consent to being a speedy messenger.
*Tracking: Allows character to roll under 50% for tracking a target. Penalty is only for very severe or very hard to read conditons (-25%).

Equine Hybrid: (Similar to Fauns or Satyrs)
Height: 4.5-6.5ft.
Weight: 80-250lbs
Eyes: Any
Fur: Some skin and Slick coat (0 nat. DP)
Fur Color: Any Skin color with any Horse patterns.
Mane: Long mane from top of head to small of back for hair line. And tail mane. Both can be any style.
Natural Abilities:
*Run: Double spaces crossed for 3 turns.
*Persuasion: 25% or below when spoken to befriend or command, 35% percent if touched. Target is allowed an avoidance roll.
*Sure Footed: 20% bonus to any climb rolls including trees.

Sentient Cat:
Height: d6 divide by 2
Weight: d10, add 10
Eyes: All colors.
Fur: d4 (1. hairless 0DP 2. short 0DP 3. medium 1DP 4. heavy 2DP)
Fur Color: All colors.
Mane: none.
Speed: 3
Natural Abilities:
*Mind Speak: Allows them to speak to others who have an open mind. They can also tap, scratch, or paw out a basic yes/no system.

Wild Felinoid Anthropomorphic: (Tigers, Lones, Etc.)
Height: 6-7ft
Eyes: All colors
Fur: Short (0 nat. DP)
Fur Color: Striped. Colors All.
Mane: Short mane, all styles.
Natural Abilities:
*Stalking: Allows 20% to be added to any stealth or sneaking actions.
*Piercing Gaze: Allows character to stare at one opponent. Target must make a fear roll or be frozen in fear.
*Force Roar: Allows character to emit a sonic roar at one target.
Target must make a perception roll. If failed, target is shoved over and takes 2 points of damage. If roll is successful, target is just shaken and takes ?20% on all rolls.

Height: 4-6ft
Eyes: All colors
Fur: none (0 nat. DP)
Skin Color: Tan
Hair: All types
Natural Ability:
*Adaptability: Add 20% to most rolls for using techs, weapons, and other useable items.
*Technology: Can use all advanced types of weaponry and armor.
*Omni Language: Can understand and speak most languages.

Sentient Dire Wolf
Height: 6-8ft from paw to shoulder
Weight: 250-600lbs.
Eyes: Blues, Greens
Fur: Thick (2 nat. DP)
Fur Color: Blacks, Grays, Browns, Reds, and White.
Natural Abilities:
*Speak Lupesh: You can speak and understand the
Lupinossi Language.
*Act as Mount: Up to two people, (350lb max) can be
*Runic Advantage: Unlike feral most feral wolves, you
have access to Runic magic.

Anthropomorphic Badger
Height: 5-61/2ft
Weight: 250-350lbs
Eyes: All colors
Fur: Thicker Fur (2 nat. DP)
Fur Color: Salt and Pepper, Sable, Blond, Albinos, Blue
Mane: All styles
Natural Abillities:
*Vicious Bite: Jaw can unhinge to latch onto target with ease. 15 dmg and a roll of 20% or under to break.
*Iron Stomach: Immunity to consumed normal poisons. 25% or under to save against unnatural or magical poisons.
*Rising Red: Player chooses reasonable trigger point. Charactes is rogue and does melee attacks on closest targets. D4 3 rounds. Strength boost of +2 Reflex boost +2. If HP is zero, character has 2 rounds to fight, then they collapse unconscious.

(Often Winged, and Can Fly)
Height: 2-4ft
Weight: 55-120lbs.
Eyes: All colors, Green is common.
Fur: Normal skin (0 nat. DP)
Fur Color: Often green tone to skin, but most color hues available.
Mane: Long hair, all styles, the more extreme the better.
Strike: Inherited Orc strength 20 dmg
Natural Abillities:
*Creature Transformation: Runic roll to hit percentile goal. 1 roll per attempt. 1 roll per 2 turns to maintain form.
*Invisibility: Runic roll to hit percentile goal. 1 roll per attempt. Invisibility is negated if an enemy?s perception roll succeeds, or player ends it.
*Mind Muddle: Perception roll to hit percentile goal. 1 roll per turn. If successful, target falls asleep instantly for d10 rounds.

Anthropomorphic Rabbit
Height: 2-4ft
Weight: 55-120lbs.
Eyes: All colors.
Fur: Light Fur (0 nat. DP)
Fur Color: All colors.
Mane: All styles.
Spring Loaded Kick: 3d10 + 20 dmg
Natural Abillities:
*Jumping: Add 15% too all acrobatic rolls.
*Keen Hearing: Add 20% too all perception checks involving sound.
*Regeneration: d10 points of HP per turn.

Mouse: (Chris Miller)
Height: 4-51/2ft
Weight: 110-150lbs
Eyes: Green, Yellows, Reds are rare. Particolor
Fur: Light Fur (0 nat. DP)
Fur Color: All natural colors (brown-charcoal gray), others rare.
Mane: All styles
Natural Abillities:
*Heightened Senses: Makes perception checks 85% or lower.
*Scamper: Use 60% or below for all maneuverability and acrobatics.
*Prehensile Tail: Can use tail for crude or minor tasks. Can use it for attack like a whip for 3 points damage unless sheathed in something.

Anthropomorphic Bear
Height: 5-8ft
Weight: 200-500lbs
Eyes: All colors
Fur: Heavy Fur (2 nat. DP)
Fur Color: All natural colors
Mane: All styles


Date: 2012-02-09 00:45 EST
*Note: Most Lupinossai can trace their lineage back to a Great Den. Some just take a lot longer due to heritage and mixed blood lines.

~Den Foxingale~
(picture of crest)
Den Foxingale was known for raising most of the healers that lived in Lupinoss as well as training others in the arts of healing. The most interesting thing to note about Den Foxingale is it is heavily populated with females. This is due to their patron demi-god Foxingale, and patron goddess Canis that only impart their healing magic to females unless there is a male descendant from Foxingales blood line.
Races of Lupes common in Den Foxingale: Erthrii, Dessii, Lunarnan, and Riivii.
Environment: Small hills, Grassland, Lake

~Den Graydol~
(picture of crest)
Den Graydol was known for its large fishing industries, ship building, and gem harvesting from the river and lake bottoms. They are also the only Great Den that prefers neutrality in any conflicts.
Races of Lupes common in Den Graydol: Riivii
Environment: Rivers, Lakes, Grassland, Some Forrest

~Den Shieldar~
Den Shieldar was known for sending in burly troops to defend areas of Lupinoss during the many wars that raged in that land. Most Lupes in Den Shieldar have a fierce sense of protection in them.
Races of Lupes common in Den Shieldar: Erthrii
Environment: Grassland, Some Forrest

~Den Spiritor~
Den Spiritor is still known for being magical oppressors to most Lupinossai that are not of Den Spiritor. They are the most magically attuned Great Den of Lupinoss though due to the magic feeding off of their souls and bodies when cast, the life span of a Spiritor Mage is short.
Races of Lupes common in Den Spiritor: Dessii and Soultre.
Environment: Sand, Rock, Caves, Dessert

~Den Sprintar~
(picture of crest)
Den Sprintar is known for being very athletic and having very fast Lupes. They have supplied more Dire Wolf Calvary to the wars in Lupinoss than any other Great Den. They also have an abundance of bright and ingenious Lupes as well. Den Sprintar has control of the largest forest in Lupinoss.
Races of Lupes common in Den Sprintar: Airii, Erthrii, Lunarnan, Riivii, Wuudrii.
Environment: Rivers, Forrest

~Den Steel~
(picture of crest)
Den Steel is still known for being the first Great Den to work any metal and they have a large standing army that they use to head off the first signs of trouble.
Races of Lupes common in Den Sprintar: Erthrii
Environments: Grasslands, Forrest, Metal Mines

~Den Stridar~
(picture of crest)
Den Stridar is known for having the best archers in all of Lupinoss as well as the best known rangers and forest healers. Den Stridar controls the second largest forest in Lupinoss.
Races of Lupes common in Den Stridar: Airii, Lunarnan, and Wuudrii.
Environments: Forrest, Mountain

~Den Wolf~
Den Wolf at one point in time was the ruling Great Den of Lupinoss, but after several great wars, has all but become extinct. Only four surviving males remain in existence. Den Wolf was known for being a mixing pot of Lupinoss and had all races of Lupes in their Great Den.
Environment: Grassland, Mountain, Rivers


Date: 2012-02-09 00:48 EST
Lupinossai have access to a wide array of magic. The different types of magic that are native to Lupinoss (The Old Country) are Affinity Magic, Alchemy, Arcane Magic, Divine Magic of Canis, Divine Magic of Lupis, Healing Arts, Magitek, Magic Smithing, Runic Magic, Song Magic and Soul Magic.

Below will be a brief description of each type of magic. For more in depth information, a link to the magic classes in the Lupinossai Learning Center will be linked to each type in the future.

*Note: All magic draws on the user unless using an item with a magic charge. The larger the spell or magical feat, the faster the user is weakened until they go unconscious. Also, all magic except for Runic Magic, requires actual training or apprenticing. Bear this in mind if you wish to make a magic using character.

~Affinity Magic~
Ever see a Lupinossa never bothered by the cold? Could talk to plants and make them grow better? Be drawn to water? Love the heat? Have a certain friendly aura with animals? You are seeing a Lupinossai attuned to their Affinity. With more attunement and practice they can manipulate and use their Affinity. The Affinities currently understood and researched are: Air, Death, Earth, Energy, Fauna, Fire, Flora, Life, Metal, Mind and Water. All Lupinossai have an Affinity, just like all creatures are affected by the elements.

Alchemy goes down two paths in this magical domain. Actual potions creation and rudimentary chemistry and using intent, energy, and restraining arrays to transmute materials, create objects from raw elements, and if you are really special, creating things from nothing.

~Arcane Magic~
Arcane magic is using words, gestures and glyphs representing the names of the planes to tap into the energy of the many Planes about us. The 12 Planes tapped into are: Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Ice, Magma, Smoke, Lightning, Vacuum, Positive, Negative, and Radiance.

~Divine Magic of Canis~
Divine Magic of Canis is just that. Priestesses or clerics using the divine powers from the domains governed by Canis.

~Divine Magic Lupis~
Divine Magic of Lupis is just that. Priests or clerics using the divine powers from the domains governed by Lupis.

~Healing Arts~
Magic directly related to healing and methods of making ointments, potions, and medicinals for healing that hold the magical power of healing.

The study of manipulating technology and technological devices with energy as well as running them off of pure magical energy.

~Magic Smithing~
The crafting of magical energy itself and crafting materials purely out of magical energy. Simply put, think about armor or weapons that every molecule is crafted from magic and imbued with magical energies or spells.

~Runic Magic~
Runic Magic is magic used by those with no magical ability (the mundane). This is employed by use of Magicite, a dull dark gray mineral that exudes magical energy that is ground and mixed into inks and tattooed upon the user. The tattoo is activated to cast the spell or the affect desired.

~Song Magic~
Song Magic is the craft of using sound, words, rhythm, harmony and notes from instruments to cast certain desired effects upon people, things, environments and weather.

~Soul Magic~
Soul magic is unique. Soul magic is cast by the mage using his/her soul as a filter or point of focus for the energy around them into manifesting into what they want or causing the desired effect. In effect, Soul magic allows the caster to create one of a kind spells tailored to their level of intent. Soul magic though will often crack the Crystal (What Lupinossai consider your soul) with frequent use. This can lead to the caster slipping from a good and sane person to one who has become dark, paranoid, and somewhat evil. Besides the cracking of your Crystal, your body expends a lot of energy when casting Soul magic making your character hungry all the time.


Date: 2012-02-09 00:56 EST
Character Creation Options
Roll Table and how to use it.

You can use this roll table to make a random Lupinossai character if you wish, or you may simply look at the options listed and pick what you like. Refer to the following posts though to see what is available and how the races of Lupinossai are set up.

*Note: Yellow indicates all the traits you will need to roll for, bear in mind some traits have a Yes or No segment rolled first to see if you need to proceed. Every Lupinossai gets an affinity whether they can use magic or not. Only one affinity though.

You will need percentile dice for this table to work when rolling a character.

The rest is self explanatory on the table.