Topic: Myrleen Wolf-Spiritor, Our Daughter

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-01-26 22:23 EST

This SL takes place well in advance of the current Alchemist on the Run, but events have a way of happening in live role play. This is one of those events, started from the results of Fleet returning to Rhydin and Ammy wanting a family.

Basic info on Myrleen as follows, but will be built on as she grows up in Rhydin.

Myrleen Wolf-Spiritor
Born: 1/8/09 3am
Age: 3 years old*
Height: 3' 1" (When mature. 15years)
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Violet
Fur: Violet
Wings: Usable for Flight
Black Feathers
Abilities: Magic and Alchemy
Deity Genes: Recessive

Soul Guardian or (SolGardo) is: Fen Stridar
*Refer to her first encounter with eh Nexus.*


Date: 2009-01-29 01:48 EST
Fleet came home from his night out on the winds. He loved flying to clear his mind. Ammy was sitting at her bench. Myrlene was sleeping soundly in her crib by her mother. Fleet padded up quietly to Ammy and rubbed her neck and shoulders.

Ammy looked back at him. "Clear your head yet?"

"Oh yes. Ran into Fen in the Southern Glen. We have a new addition to our family. Fen is Myrlenes SolGardo now." Fleet said with a smile.

Ammy just grinned, kissed Fleet, and went back to making something for Myrlene. She was happy now. Myrlene had a soul guardian now.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-02 14:22 EST
Click and clack, click and clack. Sounds came from Ammy's work bench. She held several fine tools in her paws, mouth, and behind her ears. For an alchemist she sure seemed to be finding herself building and tinkering with things. Her latest project, a fascinating pendant locket.

She'd started working on the pendant after the battle with a Cursed Lupinossi put her and Myrlene in danger. She was hoping to craft a pendant of protection for her daughter. She wasn't sure if it would work as she was making a Lupinossi relic in a foreign realm. Books that Arak had given her were opened to various spots and littered the table.

Myrlene made a little whine in her crib. Ammy laid down her tools and spat the two screw drivers in her mouth out.

"Ah, someone is awake from their nap." Ammy said in a happy, high pitch voice. She leaned over to the crib by her work bench and pulled Myrlene into her lap. She had picked up healthy weight and her eyes were now able to focus a bit better and track light. She was also proving to be a little grabber of noses, ears, and hair.

She nuzzled Myrlene with her own cheek and nose. Myrlene cooed and blinked her eyes. Her ears swiveled a little as her hearing was starting to develop more. Ammy just looked amazed at her daughter. Did she really create this little bundle of life?

Ammy placed Myrline into the chest harness and let her have a snack. She went back to the pendant and began working away again. In the back of her mind she thought, "I wonder if mother would be smiling at me for bringing a life into this world. Ah mother, knew you little and lost you twice. I hope your soul is resting well."

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-05 03:04 EST
Myrlene was barely a month old and Ammy noticed a few things that a pup that age shouldn't be able to do. Myrlene recognized objects, people, colors. She made grasping motions for what she wants, and she no longer wanted just milk. Juice, water, and some smashed food were on her list already.

Myrlene was starting to get mane in and she stayed awake more. Ammy was not exactly scared or concerned, just puzzled. She found Fleet sitting in the Den's Square tracing and sketching the Den and making new layout designs for more buildings.

Ammy sat by him and looked at the marvelous details of their community and what he was hoping to do. She never would be able to draw like Fleet. Alchemy symbols and Transmutation circles were the best she could do.

Myrlene, quiet till now in the chest harness, made a cute whine at Fleet. Hearing his daughter near him, Fleet sat down the sketch pad and stroked her head. He looked at Ammy and saw some worry in her emerald green eyes.

"Whats wrong love?" Fleet asked.

"It's Myrlene. She just seems to be doing things that a nearly month old pup shouldn't be doing." Ammy told him.

"Ah yes. Was wondering when it would start. Myrlene, has recessive deity genes. Even in recessive form, deity genes speed up the maturation of the recipient. Myrlene is going to grow up fast."

Ammy looked at him and just shook her head in amazement. "I guess we will be discussing and talking about things sooner than 15 years."


Date: 2009-02-07 21:21 EST
Fleet sat at the bar in the Red Dragon Inn. The Inn was quiet as the hour was late. 3rd watch past midnight usually offered no sane patrons, just the ones touched with troubles or insomnia. Fleet was here for some Ginger and Echanacea tea. He had a head ache a bad cold. Normally, deities didn't get sick, but multiple realm hops in one night will drain even the most stalwart deity.

The reason for the realm hopping left a bitter taste in his mouth. He sipped his tea and sneezed. Setting his cup down, he removed his spectacles and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle. Memories wafted back up like a chilly breeze in summer.

Two nights ago, he was sitting in the den sketching up some improvements for the Dens Compound. He had just finished putting the final touches on a communal garden for the Den when the door slammed open. He had jumped sending pencils and paper everywhere. Spinning into a defensive crouch he couldn't believe what he saw.

Ammy was bleeding from a cut to her forehead, and she was drenched. Her emerald eyes were ablaze with terror and grief.

"Myrlene's been taken by the Nexus!" Ammy gasped.

Fleet let that statement sink in for a moment. "How did this happen?"

He remembered Ammy stammering about a bar fight at the Red Dragon Inn. She had stepped in to break it up and sat Myrlene in her harness on the bar stool. The fight went bad and Doctor Maranya was injured do to Ammy's actions. Before Ammy could respond to anything Nexus had claimed the Inn. When she came back, she couldn't find Myrlene.

Fleet rubbed his head again and sipped more tea. He was normally a loving and gentle mate. That night, three things made those virtues disappear.

Fleet knew only one reason why Myrlene was still missing. The Nexus had shoved her into another realm, and she may be dead. Without thinking, he had donned his armor and armed himself. Ammy was a mess and she was trying to get prepared to follow Fleet. This was not to happen though. He wasn't thinking of her, he just thought of his little daughter. Armored paw flew on its own volition and connected with Ammy's muzzle. He heard her gasp and drop on the couch as he stormed out.

He must of looked like a crazed beast of magic and rage. He tore open ten different realms in 10 hours before he found Myrlene, in her harness, crying and yipping in fear. The harness was snagged on a tree hanging over a cliff in some back water realm. Using his ethereal wings, Myrlene was retrieved safely. He brought her back to Rhydins realm. That's when another truth hit him hard.

Myrlene no longer weighed like a 1 month old. She felt bigger and weighed more in his arms. He looked down and saw his daughter, much older now. The Den healer would swear up and down that morning and look at Fleet as if he was cursed. Myrlene was now 3years old. Her gray eyes looked around in fear and her newly acquired age made her body tremble. He carried his daughter home in his arms. She would age like him if she left a realm.

Fleet never thought about his body or age when realm traveled, but when he got home, a bit of gray crept into his brown hair. He had aged 30 years in one night. Ammy was relieved to see them return home, but shocked to see Myrlene's state. Fleet just marched past her and laid Myrlene in their bed. He walked back and closed the door tight.

Several Lupinossi watch guards would show up later. Reports of snarling, fighting, and shouting could be heard. Shattered dishes and items were everywhere in their house. Ammy was sent back to the Inn to apologize and make amends. Fleet forbade her from taking Myrlene in public for 2 weeks and was under house arrest. He left that night to come here and to think things over.

Fleet was honestly scared. He didn't know what impact rapid aging would have on his daughter. He would need to get her to Doctor Maranya soon for an evaluation. The Den healer had refused to touch her. Fleet went back to his tea and sneezed more into the night.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-09 00:16 EST
Ammy sat in their house on the couch in pain. Her chest was swollen from 4 days of not nursing, and she couldn't leave the house for another week. She felt only a little sorry for hitting Fen over the head when he came into the house quietly. She thought he was Fleet.

Whimpering in pain, she moved over to the work bench and went to work on Myrlene's locket to get her mind off her swollen chest. The locket was nearly finished. It was hinged, and in the shape of a transmutation circle with a picture of her and Fleet in the center circle. She just had to finish final inscriptions on the inside of the locket and it would be done.

The door opened and a cool breeze wafted in. She could smell Fleet and Myrlene. She turned slowly and looked at them both. Tears in her eyes, she wiped them away. Fleet just looked at her and knew why she was crying. He carried Myrlene over to her.

"She said her first words tonight Ammy." Fleet smiled a little.

"And I missed them." She sniffled again. Myrlene held her arms out to Ammy. Ammy took Myrlene in her arms and almost yelped but stifled it.

"Moo....mooo...mmoommaa....momma!" Myrlene said proudly.

Ammy just smiled and cried. "Yes, I am your momma. I am you bad momma."

Fleet flinched at hearing Ammy say that. "Love, we all make mistakes, and she needs her mother just as much as her father. Your punishment is over on two conditions." Fleet said softly.

Ammy just looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"One, you are going to help Doctor Maranya at her childrens' clinic. I believe it will do you good to see how she care for the little ones. Secondly, no more fighting unless you are dragged into it. Your a mother now and not a mercernary any more. Understood?" He asked sternly.

Ammy nodded. "I will. I will make sure I never leave her again either, and if she ever gets lost again, I will go after her. And I promise, no more fighting. Ember has already taken away my weapon modifications."

Fleet was a little worried by that. "Then you're defenseless?" He stated with concern.

"No I am not. Remember what I can do with these limbs. I am just less lethal now." She said gasped as Myrlene hugged her chest. She broke down into sobs of pain.

Fleet looked at her in concern. "You need some relief dear." He pulled from his satchel a breast pump and several containers. "This may help."


Date: 2009-02-16 00:19 EST
Several nights had passed. Myrlene was now speaking in sentence fragments, and walking slowly. She was also sporting a nifty silver and gold locket from Ammy. All seemed well. They had a family now, and Fleet was considering going back to being a healer and opening a Lupinossi Clinic for the Den.

But, the other night, something made Fleet sit down and ponder things. He was in his favorite chair. Myrlene was snoozing on top of a sleeping Mokkie on the couch. He looked through the cracked door to his room and sees Ammy resting as told. She had exerted herself doing a simple alchemy transmutation. That had him worried. He had seen her wage war with more power and not even get winded.

He had consulted Doctor Maranya on possibilities and they decided to try bed resting her to see if it clears. Maybe her whelping of Myrlene had drained her body. Then there was his body. Graying forelock was expanding when he used magic. His eyesight was worse now, and he was not healing well from injuries.

Doctor Maranya was concerned for both of them. It would appear that he and Ammy were starting to reach the limits of their hourglasses. He hoped and prayed to Lupis and Canis that the grains of life would continue to flow until Myrlene was strong, healthy, and a woman. He would be glad to pass away then, knowing that his second child in his lifetime would live.

That thought brought up the image in his sketch book, still undone, and smudged in tears. His first mate Leena and his daughter Mishka. His first daughter, a miracle in herself, was born 95% human. And that was what lead to her and her mother being killed during the Den Wars.

He laid back and watched his second daughter. Purple furred and winged. She was precious to him. He would rip through a thousand more realms to find her any day.

"Myrlene will out live her sire and dam. This the stars have proclaimed." The oracles voices echoed in his mind. Fleet wandered if he would die or if she was immortal. Either way, he would put aside his magic for now, and just focus on the clinic and his daughter. The realm of Lupinoss, didn't need him as a deity anymore. So Fleet sat and just watched his daughter into the waning hours of the night.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-16 23:03 EST
Ammy reclined on the den couch with Myrlene propped on her tummy. They were experimenting with a game Fleet taught them called "Patty Cakes." Myrlene kept giggling anytime Ammy's metal paw would miss hers.

It had been a nice relaxing evening. Fleet had gone off on his medical rounds. He was so proud to have opened a severely needed clinic for the Den. Ammy just hoped he would take it easy and not tax himself.

Myrlene noticed that Ammy's paws stopped moving to hers. "Mommy miss da?" she asked in her little voice.

Ammy looked into those little gray and just smiled. "Mommy was thinking about how hard working your da is." As she thought more about Fleet, her green eyes settled on her work bench and the locket on the table. Strong paws lifted Myrlene and sat her on the floor. Ammy stood and walked over to the work bench.

Myrlene stood and toddled over to Ammy. She was learning to navigate on two legs quickly. Stopping on those two legs was another lesson entirely. Myrlene plowed into Ammy's metal leg and sat down rather rudely on her rump. She cried.

"Aw now little Lene, a little fall is nothing to be scared of." Ammy smiled and helped Myrlene stand. She gave a lick to her little nose and went back to looking at the work bench. She took the gold locket, hung on a fine silver chain and proceeded to drape it around Myrlene's neck. She fastened the clasp and was relieved to see the warding flare green briefly with activation. Her daughter would be safe now.

A small venture into the kitchen with Myrlene in her wake led to a snack of a few apples and bananas and grape juice for both. It was oddly quiet and peaceful in the house. Mokkie was off somewhere today, Fen kept to himself when he wasn't with Mokkie, and Fleet had his work. She found resting a bit of a prison some times, but Fleet was right. She had pushed her body too much of late and needed.

They were both back on the couch and Ammy was reading her a story from Lupinoss. Myrlene started drifting off to sleep and so was Ammy.

That's when the door slammed open, and in came Gilly, bearing Fleet with Fen trailing behind looking like a beaten puppy. Ammy raised eyebrows in wonder at this and soothed Myrlene from being startled.

"What happened?" Ammy asked, and before Fen could respond, Gilly laid Fleet on the other couch. She saw what was wrong. The right arm was just a small stump, and below the right knee was gone. Fleet's hair was gray now, no longer blue, and he looked sedated. The white hair on his dark muzzle made him look much older than he was.

She walked over to the couch and just looked at her shattered mate. "How? Who? and Where?" Green eyes hardened as she asked.

Fen hid behind Gilly, who pulled him back out front. Fen, seeing he had no where to go or hide told Ammy the story. How he was near dead, and Fleet was working on him. How he nearly died and Fleet, sacrificing body and soul revived him. And that was what lead to his arm and leg missing.

Ammy felt the floor lurch under her and she went down into darkness.


Date: 2009-02-19 02:58 EST
Pain is all he knew, all he felt. He tried to raise an arm not there, and kick the sheet with a foot that was gone. The pain medications gave him nightmares and skewered visions. Fleet was in agony from the sacrifice he made to magic.

Yet amongst the torture, someone touched him. That touch radiated with love. Love was a force unto itself and soothed the pain, and chased the dreams away. His body began to adjust to the missing limbs, and as he began to wake from a deep sedated sleep, he felt something lying on his belly.

His left paw came up and felt the object. It was Myrlene. She had curled up beside him, and was laying on his stomach. He could start to hear her rhythmic breathing. She was asleep with her daddy. His paw stroked her hair and his elbow nudged something next to him. Again, his paw felt and searched. Ammy was beside him, and her breathing was deep and heavy. She too was sleeping with him.

No pain medication could give him the comfort that his daughter and mate did. The did not leave him for having a shattered body. Their love and company proved they were not afraid of this new situation. Fleet laid there with eyes still closed, but tears streaming from them. He was loved and he loved. He was happy. As soon as he could get up, he would set out to enjoy what was left of his life. He would make sure the clinic would open, and stay open.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-20 22:19 EST
Myrlene was tearing around the house today. It was a bit rainy, and still too cold for her to play in the Den square. So she settled for running around on all fours. She wasn't quite steady enough on her little legs, but her Aire Lupinossi body made it easy to lope on all fours.

"Myrlene, please stop running around the den. Your going to get hurt." Ammy called out from kitchen. She hoped the weather would improve. Myrlene was growing so fast that she needed exercise, and so did she. Bed rest and staying in the house was giving her cabin fever. She stirred a pot of red sauce and took a taste. She wrinkled her muzzle, and went for the pantry. Needed some salt and a beef bullion cube wouldn't hurt either.

She poked her head out of the kitchen archway to check on Myrlene. She was still running around. She went to the pot, added some salt and the bullion cube, stirred, tasted and nodded in satisfaction. She turned the heat low and walked into the den.

Myrlene rounded the couch. In her head she only heard wind blowing and she could see clouds and the blue sky in her imagination. The fledgling black feathered wings were bobbing like a yo yo as she ran. She saw momma standing there watching her with a smile and headed straight for her as fast as she could run. Long running claws dug into the carpet for more traction.

Ammy saw the wind up in Myrlene and braced for impact. She caught the flying blur of purple fur in her arms.

"Momma! Outside?" She asked in her high, puppy voice.

Ammy just smiled and said "No. It's too wet and cold for you. You'll get sick Lene. How about you come into the kitchen with momma and help her?" Ammy said in a nice high voice.

"Yeah! Hewp Momma!" Myrlene chanted as she was carried in Ammy's arms.

Back into the kitchen the duo wander. Ammy sat Myrlene down on the floor. She walked back to the pot and stirred the sauce. "This is a pot." Ammy pointed it out to Myrlene. "And a ladle. And a spoon." Ammy kept naming items. Myrlene just watched and listened. Ammy had noticed she tended to do that more often now. She didn't try to repeat words right away, but seemed to think on them instead.

Once the sauce was done simmering she turned off the fire. Her legs whirred as she bustled around. "Cooking is just like Alchemy, Lene. If you don't think about your ingredients first and cook them right, something will go wrong." Her emerald eyes hunted for the spaghetti noodles. It was a meal they all enjoyed, and one that Fleet didn't feel handicapped in eating. Myrlene loved it as it usually turned her purple fur into a red orange patchwork.

Spaghetti noodles found, she handed the package to Myrlene. "Hold the noodles Lene, and I will another pot." Ammy instructed her slowly. Ammy grabbed a large pot, filled it water, and sat it on the floor. She helped Myrlene open the package of noodles. Her little fingers were deft, but not quite strong enough yet to tear open plastic. Myrlene laughed in glee as she dumped the noodles in pot of water, or at least most of the noodles. A halo of uncooked spaghetti ringed the pot.

Ammy placed the pot on another burner and lit the fire. "No we wait for it to boil." She picked up Myrlene in one arm and carried her to the sink. She let Myrlene sit on the counter top while she started some soapy water for the dishes. Bubbles began to float up in the air. Myrlene's gray eyes watched those bubbles with fascination.

A small smile touched Ammy's muzzle. "That's a bubble. The float in the air with magic." She said with a secretive whisper. "Want to know how to make one?" She asked.

Myrlenes eys about popped out of her little head. "Uh-huh." She said.

Ammy dipped her metal paw into the water and pulled it out. She made a circle with her thumb and first finger and then blew softly through them. A bubble was born, and when it got big enough, it flew off of Ammys metal paw. Myrlene clapped with joy and touched the bubble. It popped. She started to sniffle.

"It's okay Lene, bubbles are very fragile, but you can make more." She smiled and dipped one of Myrlenes little paws into the soapy water. Myrlene made the circle like momma did and blew a raspberry at it. A little bubble emerged and floated along. She giggled and repeated the raspberry. Soon the kitchen was full of little bubbles.

Ammy just laughed and turned off the pot of noodles. Dinner was ready and the rest of the house would be home any minute. She put Myrlene back on the floor and set about setting the table. Today was a nice day. No one maimed, or dying. No violence, no threats, just her and Myrlene doing mother/daughter things. Ammy was happy.


Date: 2009-02-22 22:50 EST
"Ammy, can i ask you something," Mokk murmured as she helped set the table for dinner. When Ammy nodded Mokk continued. "I was thinking of a way to help the den and the clinic and everyone. I know how to take care of human babies a little and you know how to take care of lupinossi babies now.....if Fen and I succeed there might be other cross species matings after us, and by then i will have learned how to take care of whatever children we have......what do you think of writing a book about the possible needs or ways to take care of all kinds of babies...human, lupinossi, half of each or any other race their might be in rhdyin?" She placed the last utensil by the last plate and waited for an answer.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-23 02:53 EST
Ammy paused a moment to think on Mokkies question. Pot of Spaghetti in her paws. She sat the pot down on the table.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. The clinic could use a journal as we are bound to get more puppies soon from what Fleet has told me. We should also talk to Doctor Anya. Her clinic specializes in children. They would benefit from the knowledge for caring for inter-species offspring." Ammy replied with a thoughtful note in her voice.

"Speaking of which. Myrlene hasn't had a check up yet. I should see about stopping by the Riverside clinic for an appointment for her. Fleet is concerned about him or Fen treating our family members. He wants no mistakes to be made by emotions. I think it's ridiculous that he wont give Myrlene her first exam, but he is disabled at the moment." a slight sigh at the last part.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-02-28 01:45 EST
Myrlene rubbed her gray eyes with little paws. It was raining again outside. She pouted when she looked out the window. Mama wouldn't let her out of the house again. She sat up in her little bed and looked at the My Little Pony bedsheets. She just smiled.

She feel asleep listening to Mokkie tell her about magical ponies, and they would prance and play. She also told of her bad pirates that would capture the ponies and hurt them. She cried when she heard that. Mokkie sang her a song to quiet her down, and she fell asleep. She looked from sheets to window a sighed a little sigh.

She laid back down and felt Tinn behind her. Tinn was her bestest plushy wolf friend she ever had. She pulled him out and hugged him.

"It's waining again Tinn. Momma won't let us out today, I just know it." Tinn just stared at her with his blue button eyes.

She held him closer and perked her little purple furred ears at him. "You wanna go out? But momma won't let us." She held him close again.

"Slip out? How?" She listened to Tinn again and just grinned with sharp puppy teeth. She nodded, slipped out of her bed, slipped on her Levi jumper, grabbed her tiny pack, and tucked Tinn under her arm.

She got to the door of the room and cracked it a little. She poked her little nose through and saw momma working at her table. She went back to her bed, hopped up, opened the window, and hopped down to the ground. Her paws squished in the mud with delight. She darted around the house, up the pathway, to the town center and she stopped to splash in the fountain. The rain was just a tiny drizzle.

She pretended she was as big as momma's friend Gilly, and that she was stomping pirate ships in the water. Tinn would be her flying mount and breath fire on them. She giggled and laughed, then felt the drizzle turn to fat drops of rain. She looked to the house and realized momma wouldn't be happy she slipped out.

She looked at the path out of the Den. She had walked with momma and da to a fun place in the big town. She hopped out of the fountain and ran on all fours down the path, dodging rain drops and laughing.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-07 20:14 EST
The stars were out, and the rain had stopped by the time Myrlene and Tinn reached the Red Dragon Inn. Her wet and muddy paws thumped up the steps. Her gray eyes just watched every nail head and crack in the wood porch with fascination. So distracted with the porch, Myrlene never saw the big entry door until she ran headlong into it.

With a thud and a yip, she fell flat on her bottom and dropped Tinn.

"Oww." She rubbed her rump. The door loomed above her like a giant. How did ma and pa ever open the thing? Standing, she grabbed Tinn, and stood at the door. She touched it, pushed on it, even kicked it. The door didn't budge.

"Maybe we should chawge it Tinn?" she suggested. Blue button eyes just stared back in agreement.

Myrlene ran to the front of the porch and before she turned, she saw a nice long stick in the rose bushes. Her little paws grabbed the stick and yanked it free. She held it out for a moment, the swung it a few times. It made a neat swooshing sound.

"Hey Tinn. This sounds like a swowd Mokki told us about. One used against the piwates that steal the magic ponies." her little muzzle dropped in realization.

"Maybe thewe is piwates inside. Yeah, that's why the doow is closed tight. Let's go get those piwates!" She shouted and picked up Tinn. Heading back to the porch she scrunched down, and sprung at the door full tilt.

Thud and yip. Rubbing rump and nose she tried again, and again. On the fourth try, the door opened and she slid right in on muddy paws.

"Death to piwates! Feaw the pwotectows of magical ponies! All in the name of Spoon!"

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-23 00:07 EST
Several patrons started at having a little fuzzball shouting at the top of her lungs. Most just went back to their drinks, but a few clutched head from the forming hangovers. Myrlene quickly looked around. She didn't see any pirates at all. No evil looking men. No peg legs. No hooks. Not even a unicorn in sight. They must be hiding.

She put Tinn in her mouth and dropped to all fours and scurried under the bar stools. She began looking for pirates everywhere, under everything, and suspecting the pirates were just being sneaky. She sat under a bar stool, unaware that Fleet and Fen were in the bar chatting. She was sitting right under Fen's chair. She kept looking for pirates.

Then someone shouted something about needing rescued and dashed for the kitchen door of the Inn. Her ears perked up. That's where the pirates are! She darted under the stool, causing Fen to stop his conversation and watch Myrlene in amusement. She ran for kitchen door as fast as she could and promptly bounced back as it swung shut smacking her nose.

A yip and a glare. A door wouldn't stop her now. She knew pirates must be in there. She stood, took Tinn out of her mouth, and pointed at the door. She heard a voice in her head. 'Fuego' it whispered. Myrlene mouthed the word herself.

"Fuego!" and the door went up in flames as fire leaped from her little finger. Something on the other side yelped. She knew it. Pirates were there. To a little 3 year old, the thought that pirates may not exist never occurred to her or the fact that the ones that did, were usually not nice at all. But she didn't get to think about that. She heard a voice she didn't want to here.

"Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor! You do not set fire to things!"

It was dad, and he didn't sound happy. She looked over her shoulder and saw him wheeling towards her in his wheelchair. Not so much angry but worried. That little mind of hers though, saw him coming and went from concern to tag mode. She darted away from him on all fours, Tinn back in her mouth again. The wolf plush bounced along for dear life.

When she looked back it was both Fleet and Fen now running after her. She leaped onto a table, dove under chairs, and right when Fen thought he had her, she jumped. The voice whispered another word to her. 'Flotara' Myrlene mouthed it as she reached the height of her jump. She didn't come back down with gravity. She kept floating.

Instincts kicked in and her little wings flared out a little as she hung in the air floating 5 feet off the ground. Her momentum left had her moving forward in the air and heading for the nearest wall. She began to panic and began flailing. She heard Fen chant something, a shouted warning from Fleet, and then a loud crash behind her. The wall came closer.

"Myrlene, lean to the right. That a girl. Now then swim to me like you would at the fountain. There you go. Say 'Returnra Groondar'." Fleet instructed Myrlene from his wheel chair.

She followed dads commands and began to turn in the air. As she faced him, she saw that Fen lay in a crater of debris that was part of the bar. She didn't know what happened, but looked like he would have a big owwy. When she said the words dad told her, she began to gently float down to his lap.

She felt dad turn the wheel chair around and watched as they approached where Fen lay in the debris. Fen twitched some. Fleet sat Myrlene on the Bar top and pulled himself on top as well. Da' was asking Fen a few things, then dad grabbed for Fens left arm looked like he was tickling Fen with his foot. She saw dad jerk on the arm and heard a wet pop and Fen screaming. Some of the words she heard sounded odd.

Da told Fen to go home after putting his arm in a funny looking sling, then he sat back down in his wheel chair. He took her off the bar top and wheeled them out the front door of the Inn.

"Let's get you home before your mother punishes us both." Fleet just grinned.

Home once more, and stuck back in her bed again, she looked at the window and the bright stars out now. The rain and clouds were gone now. She heard da and ma talking in the other room. Ma didn't sound to happy, and da sounded like he was calming her down. Soon she heard the front door close and could hear dad wheeling to his favorite spot by the fireplace.

She tried to go to sleep, but she kept thinking of the yelp behind the kitchen door, and knew she had to see if it was a pirate. She slipped out of her bed, Tinn in her arms, and slipped on her jumper and a jacket. She went to the door and peeked out at Da. He was staring into the fireplace. She closed the door quietly, the hopped on her bed and opened the window. Out she went into the night once more.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-04-06 20:39 EST
And off the little pirate hunter would go. Everyday Myrlene would find new ways to sneak out of the house. Soon, Ammy and Fleet just laughed and let her have her adventures. If only they knew what she was experiencing.

She learned pirates were just like normal people and it's really hard to tell who is or isn't one.

She learned that unicorns were not ponies and that both can protect themselves.

She learned about pain from getting shots at the clinic when the Lupanecrosis plague broke out.

She learned that mom and dad could cry too, a lot.

She learned that she could do magic, and alchemy.

She met a kind man named Ember Pallin and learned she could use the Force.

So much had happened in the last month, she was still a little dizzy, and now it was a special day for her. It was her birthday, even if it was just a month since she was born. She was now 6 years old thanks to the Nexus an her deity genetics.

Myrlene felt a thud against her head as a floating pillow smacked her. She shook her head and looked around a little dazed. She was on the Bi-Duran, and Master Ember was just laughing. He had nailed her with a pillow she forgot she was deflecting during her Force training lessons.

She rubbed her head, stuck her tongue out at Ember and put out a paw. The pillow leapt in the air and she sent off to her Master with all her might. Master just raised his metal hand and the pillow flattened against an invisible wall.

"Good Myrlene. You're manipulation with the Force improves, but your daydreaming does not. There must be something wrong with that fuzzy head of yours."

Then Master snapped his fingers and just laughed with an idea.

"Silly me, it is your birthday today. You must be six now. A Master can not be called master if he forgets a padawans life day."

Another smile and a wrapped box wafter out of a cargo locker and landed at Myrlenes paws. She looked down in surprise and knelt on the deck plating. She opened the box and cried in joy. She pulled out fabric and was soon securing a crimson Jedi cloak just her size. She looked down and noted the clasp was in the image of her Den's symbol, and on the cape, alchemy symbols of protection. She was dancing around with joy and was clocked with another pillow.

"Master!" she hollered in protest.

"It may be your life day Myrlene, but the celebration does not start for some time. For now, we return to training."

Another pillow came sailing her way.

Ember Pallin

Date: 2009-04-20 19:01 EST
He was impressed at how the Lupe child caught on. She was deflecting all pillows he sent to her with ease. She never thought and just reacted. So he decided to knock the training level up one notch.

He touched a pillow and charged it with a small jolt of force lightning and sent it sailing to Myrlene. He watched her grin and surround her paws with Force energy to bat the pillow away. She lost the grin as the lightning tingled its way up her body and made her yip.

"Over confidence will lead to disaster Myrlene. The Force is more than just energy to be used physically. Reach with it, and touch the pillow as it comes to you. Let the Force warn you of any danger and react accordingly." He instructed.

He sent another charged pillow towards her. She wasn't fast enough and yipped once more. Another pillow, another yip. She stayed on the ground and cried.

He walked up to her and crouched down. He put a hand on her and channeled Force energy into her to make the pain go away.

"Force training is not easy or always fun Myrlene. I am sorry it hurts, but that is how you must learn some times. Now then, lets try again. This time, I am going to hold the pillow charged with the lightning and I want you to touch it with your mind through the Force."

He leaned over and picked up a pillow. He charged it and let the Force lightning play over his metal hands as he held it. Myrlened focused gray eyes on it and they widened a bit.

"I hear whispers Master. Whispers that say it will hurt me if it touches me. Whispers that tell me to imagine dirt to cover it in."

Ember's own gray eyes gleamed a bit at what she said. She was learning and the Force even told her how to negate Force lightning.

"Good job padawan. Now then, stand up and let's try this again."

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2009-05-01 14:50 EST
Master Pallins training was relentless some days. She was lifting all kinds of objects with the force. Shredded dozens of pillows flung at her, dodged and countered electrified pillows, and was soon racing around the ship at Force speed.

Master Pallin even taught her how to use the Force to make her wings stronger so they wouldn't be fragile to injury and still let her fly. He even showed her how to use the Force to summon fire and control it. She was happy that day as she was finally allowed to take off her bracelet to use her Fiega fire spell.

This training kept on for days, and after a while Myrlene was beginning to hate it. It was getting boring. Then, the next day, as she padded into the cargo bay Master Pallin was standing in the center with a small cylinder in his hands.

"Come Myrlene. You've grasped the basics of padawan training and have shown good control. Now we will begin to train on harder aspects of Force use, and you will start training with a light saber." He tossed her the small cylinder.

She sprang in the air, caught the saber and landed with ease. She looked at the saber a moment and the small buttons.

"It is not a full saber padawan. Merely a training saber. It will not cut you, but it will burn or shock you if the light blade touches you. You will have a full saber when you are ready to be a master. The saber will have to be built by you as a last test, but for now, that time is still a ways off. Now then, activate the saber by pressing the red switch and we will begin todays dueling lesson."

Myrlene thumbed on the saber and her gray eyes glinted from the green blade. Today, she was one step closer to not being a child. She was now 9 years old, thanks to her accelerated growth, and Master Pallin must be keeping the training to match her maturation.