Topic: Nation of Borathos - Prelude of the Shrouding


Date: 2015-06-02 21:46 EST
A thousand leagues west of the shores of Rhy'Din City lay a continent secluded from any visitors for centuries. It rivaled the continent of Australia on Earth for size. Many have wanted the jewels that lay beneath its soil and sand. The precious Dragon Bizarre drawing all to shop and steal. The last nation that had tried to rise upon its shores with an invading army was decimated by great behemoths of the deep, smashing asunder wood, pitch, man and Fae creatures. The land was a dust bowl of hostile deserts, poisonous wastelands and ancient forests that whispered eerily at night the sounds of the dead. Great walled cities and border barricades split the lands into five districts; unified by a long bloody war by a Dragon Emperor.

Alas that emperor now lay dying on his death bed, hand locked upon the hand of his newest heir.

"Come close my son. Closer still." Rasped the Dragon Emperor. The wasting sickness born in the dust and sand of Dracnos sapped the once barrel chested man into skin and bones.

The young man drew close. His name was Rega Durno. He viewed his father, a powerful man that united the warring corners of Dracnos into the nation of Borathos. He shouldn't have been unmanned by the site of this living skeleton but it was a gruesome fate most faced in the nation if one refused to take the Drafts of Life every day. He knelt by the bed, satin and linen sheets in jades and golds of the Emperors Colors drenched in the sickening sweat of death. He reached forward to touch a cooling cloth to his father's brow and perhaps touched the twisted crown of red gold holding the crystallized amethyst eyes of the Fiomore, the Dragon Mount of the first Dragon Emperor.

"Not yet, Rega. Not yet. I still live and breathe. I'll carry this cursed crown a bit longer and spare you the crushing fate to rule until you too whither to nothing, clutching at the ancient magical relics that gave my father and his father before him no succor.? The Dragon Emperor spoke.

"You should not speak father. Save your strength. Magistrate Lemoy has your Drafts of Life nearly brewed. Once you sip them, you will be restored and rule for a long time yet to come, father." Rega said with hope.

"Rega, Rega, Rega. I will tell you this once. Beware who you trust in this realm. No one is looking out for you, just their own hides and ambitions. Magistrate Lemoy is chief among those you should never trust. The Black Bishop has been around since the first Dragon Emperor and many wonder how the Emperor died so sudden. I will not drink his drafts anymore. Not since the days of the last dragon being spotted and captured." The Dragon Emperor started to cough, hard and wet sounding like a man beginning to drown.

His voice weaker, he waved Rega closer to his lips. "Rega. Our ways of life have abandoned us this day. We have squandered our precious gifts and resources on war. The very creatures that made our lands thrive now molder in collector?s vaults or the bellies of men and women seeking longer life. Find a way Rega. Find a way to restore our people to who we were. The mighty children who tamed dragons and ruled the world with them."

The Emperor failed to speak more as the presence of an old, wizened man shrouded in black with a iron staff bearing a cross and a crucified dragon upon it, entered the room. "Rega. You should not trouble the Emperor during his last nights. He needs his rest and his drafts." The man wheezed a moment and a young boy, clothed in the tunic and pants of a squire save it was all black bore a wooden tray with a silvered glass bottle.

Rega would stand and step back from his father as the Black Bishop came forth. "Magistrate Lemoy." Rega bowed to the old man.

Lemoy gave Rega a sickening smile and offered his hand for Rega to kiss the dragon?s blood stone ring he wore as part of his office of Magistrate of the Unknown. Rega bowed his head and placed his lips upon the ring. The stone tasted acrid and sickeningly sweet. He pulled away from it, working to get the taste from his mouth and watched the Black Bishop attend to his father.

The Dragon Emperor fastened his eyes upon Lemoy; pale green eyes no longer vibrant but a pasty, putrid shade. Lemoy smiled at him as if they were old friends without a single note of distrust among them. The boy drew up to the bed and Lemoy withdrew the silvered bottle and unstopped it. He leaned toward the Dragon Emperor.

"Now will you drink, my majesty and regain your health and vigor?" He wheezed.

The bottle clattered and broke upon the granite floor as the feeble arm of the Dragon Emperor denied the Black Bishop his request. Lemoy scowled deeply at him.

"You are a fool your majesty. Illness has taken your senses. I implore you must drink for the good of your health and your kingdom." His snarl was wet and weak.

"You are a snake and a viper to be wary of in your dark dungeons, Lemoy." The Dragon Emperor labored for breath and words. "Rega. To you ... the kingdom ... now falls. May Dralmak ... take pity ... on us .... all." He went silent, eyes closed and a last, wet rattle of breath before silence.

Lemoy stood back in a modicum of shock and horror. "Alas! The Dragon Emperor has past. Woe to the kingdom of Borathos! Woe to our loss of light in our darkest times!" His wails were high and nasal. Then he looked to Rega. "Hail the new Dragon Emperor! Hail Rega Dracos, Fourth Dragon Emperor of Borathos, Keeper of the Ways of Dragons and champion of the name Dracos."

Rega was jolted from his silent stupor his father?s passing had put upon him. He looked to Lemoy confused for the moment. The gravity of the situation almost lost upon him. Rega watched the Black Bishop approach him; his mind clambered for him to be away from this strange, sickly man. His inhibitions were hard in place and he could not flee as the magistrate and his boy closed in upon him, a new silvered bottle upon his wooden tray.

"It is time for your Draft of Life, my majesty." The wheezing voice drowned out the sounds of the mourning wails that started through the palace; the shriveled Black Bishop loomed and blocked out the sun itself as Rega drank as he was told.


Date: 2015-06-03 16:54 EST
I sing to you the tale of fire and ash. The tale of conquest and greed. From a land barren and sick came ships bearing those in need. To the scattered realm they were sent, five great generals with hosts and tents. Bring back that which is sought, beasts of scale, wings and fire to stem this nightmare draught. Two were drowned by the sea, their lives and light a tale of windless misery. One was lost beyond the seas, consumed by evils at hand. One returned with tales to tell of cities full of ghosts and castles that wail. Only one remains this day, long has he stayed away. Into the realm of promise he did ride, following the shadows of scale and hide.

~Minstrel Nora of the Voices


Rexicus was not a man that liked to wait. Yet the General stood within the foyer of the Magistrate of the Unknown staring at the depictions of the First Dragon Emperor ruling the lands of Dracnos on the back of the mighty black dragon, Fiomore. The mighty beast was painted in detail making the gagging, putrid miasma it spewed from scaled lips come to life. Rexicus stepped back from the painting and rubbed at his throat seeing the vial green miasma. It was as if the painting itself was leading him to wasting sickness though the bitter sweet taste of the Draft of Life still hung on his lips. He took up pacing, the steel scales fastened to his boots clinked dully as he worried the red carpet. His left hand clasped upon a hilt carved of dragon bone as the feel of formal leathers left him feeling vulnerable to attacks.

?Pacing ill suits you, General Ulteran.? Magistrate Lemoy spoke in a nasal wheeze. ?I trust you have something worth reporting if Seren allowed you to live five steps beyond your ship.? He held out his withered hand to Rexicus.

Rexicus ceased his pacing and stared at Lemoy. The Black Bishop always made him twist inside, as if staring at a corpse that should have laid down and died centuries ago. Nonetheless, he strode to the magistrate but refused to kiss his hand or the dragon?s blood ring. He eyed Lemoy warily.

?One of these days you may find yourself wearing Seren?s name as a noose, Magistrate. I have completed my surveys and have my reports ready for the Dragon Emperor to review. The lands bear promise for our people.? Rexicus said.

Lemoy tilted his head to the side to ponder the splendid Dragon General with the same care a buzzard made when selecting where best to thrust its beak. The wizened man seemed sinister bedecked in his black satin robes and heavy grey mantle; the grim keeper?s father would have looked more inviting had he been standing by Lemoy?s side.

?I shall review your reports, Ulteran. The Dragon Emperor is much too busy reviewing his dreams to be bothered by menial tasks as this. Though I should caution you about how your tongue moves within this city. Seren is fond of collecting tongues and it would be a pity to see you replaced due to a speech impediment. I am hearing wonderful news about Lieutenant Zim making great strides in his military career.? He cackled.

Rexicus maintained a stony face, a snarl being too kind for the old man. Tugging from a messenger bag hung over his right shoulder, four brass scroll tubes, sealed with his family?s crest. The scroll tubes were handed to Lemoy with a slight look of disgust finally touching Rexicus? lips.

?As you wish, Black Bishop, but I will seek an audience with the Dragon Emperor at the earliest convenience. A good day to you. Sands burn hot?? He said, the parting words brittle.

?? The nights freeze cold. I shall speak to the Dragon Emperors envoy. Do take care General Ulteran.? Lemoy said.

Rexicus whirled about and left the foyer to its master of shadows and research. Several of his personal guard fell in step behind him once he?d left the Tower of the Unknown. Lemoy watched the soldiers leave from a window high up in the tower. He turned his attentions back to the scroll tubes the Dragon General had left to him. The seals were cracked, one by one and Lemoy read the reports with relish. A gash of a smile touched his papery face. The Dragon General had done well.


Rega sat among the sumptuous fair of Fire Wine, brandied meats and a variety of desert fruits set upon tables of polished black dragon scales that shone like obsidian. Young maidens danced about the court, flitting in and out of doorways; they glided between couches feasting a variety of nobility. Each one showing their agility and good breeding, their curves subtly displayed through sand silks and glitter dust. Rega sipped from a dragon horn chalice, the bitter sweetness of the Draft of Life chasing away the heavy spices of rock quail he?d had a moment before. He watched his court with dull, grey eyes.

The merriment about him could not touch the laconic quagmire he sat within. Many of the maidens had danced for him and him alone, each hoping to court the Dragon Emperor to garner a family set for life. He found their youth, their curves and their lives pale and gray to his mind. He yearned for only one thing. Dragon scales glinting in the desert sun, the roar of mighty lungs and the thrum of power consumed from the still steaming blood. He sipped more from his chalice, an increasing thirst his body had, his mind slipping more and more from the desires of a young man to a miser grasping for the old ways.

He was not aware of the dancers being chased away, nor the looks of the nobles glancing from their conversations to the white marble dais, nor the old man in black bending to speak to him as he sat in a throne of Dragon Ivory.

?You?re majesty?? Wheezed a voice in Rega?s ears. ?We have found dragons!?


Date: 2015-06-04 13:03 EST
Seren applied the final twist to the fragile looking wire as the late Duke of Relos swiped feebly at his steely fingers; faint gurgles hung between the slim, tall man and the brawny Duke. He released the wire and guided the body down to lie supine on the thick piled rug of the bedroom. Darkness shrouded the men as the once roaring fire warming the Duke's chambers flickered to embers as if in agreement with the fleeing of life. With a slight grunt, the body was moved to the bed and hoisted upon the mattress. Seren arranged the robes to be in a more natural state of rest, his black leather armor a soft hush as he moved. From a belt of many pouches he withdrew a paper packet coated in paraffin.

He delicately tore one corner of the packet and sprinkled an acrid smelling red powder upon the neck of the Duke. The ghastly strangulation marks soon melted as the flesh and bruised tissues regenerated to their former state of health. He paused a moment, ear over the Dukes mouth to insure the effects of the desiccated dragon blood did not revive the man. Not a rasp or whistle of inhaled breath, the Duke was dead, by ?natural? causes. Seren left the bed chamber and swiftly climbed onto the deep sill of the window he?d left propped open. He paused a moment, his dark brown eyes watching the sun starting to rise above the roof tops of the Dukes Manor. He turned to watch the door to the chambers like a quiet shadow brought to life.

The door opened and the chamber maid slid inside with a lit crystalline orb fastened to an ivory handle. She saw the Duke asleep and went about stoking the dying embers in the fire place. She saw the curtains blowing in the wind and the shadow that watched her. Seren held a finger to his lip for her to hold her peace. From his pouch he produced a small cloth bag of crushed gray velvet with a crucified dragon upon it. He tossed it to the maid. She caught the pouch and it clinked. She looked inside and saw Gold Dragoons to buy her nobility if she was wise. Once she looked up, the shadow was gone and the window was shut.


The Magistrate of Power stared at Magistrate Lemoy over a crystal goblet of root wine. The sharp, arid bite of the Waren Root punctuated the dusty notes of Sand Berries distilled into a pale topaz color. Fingers ringed in gold, platinum and hematite scraped at the crystal in vain attempts to scratch it. Setting down the glass, a shift of silk on skin and Magistrate of Power inclined his head to Lemoy.

?I understand the candidates for Provincial Magistrate of Relos to be well picked this year. May I assume many are bubbling with anticipation to usher in more taxes to support the return of military size and research into our countries heritage?? The man smiled, showing excellent teeth.

Lemoy smiled back and sipped his own root wine. ?How astute of you Tenace. They are indeed a well-educated lot of youth. I find that from time to time, ruling blood needs to be let out and new blood injected in its place. Then again, with illness on the rise, the dead wood often falls before the fire of time.?

?Odd that illness rises when the Draft of Life is so successful. Perhaps your clerics are not producing adequate batches? Or maybe there are ?flies? in the ointment so to speak.? Tenace said with a cold note of humor.

Lemoy gave Tenace a soft, amused look. ?Batches that are not adequate? Flies in the ointment? My dear Tenace, it almost sounds like you are courting accusations about an office above skullduggery. Men and women die every day. It is life. Some just happen to be Dukes and Duchesses.?

?Yes. Some just die for no apparent reason. Now tell me, this new venture for increasing my armies is set across the Leviathan Ocean? I thought those lands were declared wastes and of no value, not to mention the distance is considerable for military logistics.? Tenace said.

?The lands to the west of the Leviathan Ocean were indeed considered wastes. Wilderness and little in the way of useful creatures for our people. However, as you well know, we?ve had to search all the lands of this realm to restore our stocks of dragons. The answers lie in the west and I do believe with a new Provincial Magistrate of Relos, you may find every port in the west of Borathos at your beck and call.? Lemoy said.

Tenace looked perplexed. ?You have found dragons? You mean one of your ill-conceived convoys has finally return with more than just tales or bodies of crew men?? He rubbed his chin and sipped more wine. ?You do realize that even I were to muster the armies for a long sail across the ocean that simply landing in foreign lands with no beach head is ludicrous. How are we to even capture the dragons? The number of hunters we have are dwindling every day.?

Lemoy smiled to Tenace. ?I have things well underway that will get us the dragons we need as well as insure when your forces land, they will have a solid beach head into realm of Rhy?Din. As we speak, the light of a new power will be shown to the world and to the dragons. A light that shall draw them to us likes moths to a flame. Prepare your forces for the day that will come to launch them. For now, enjoy the benefits from Relos.?

Tenace raised his glass to Lemoy. ?May your machinations work, Black Bishop. For your sake and the sake of Borathos. Long live the Dragon Emperor.?


Aboard a fast sailing ship, under the new moon, sailed Seren. His accommodations were little more than a storage locker, but the assassin didn?t need much space to think and wait. His eyes fell upon a heavy package wrapped in oiled seal skin, bound with leather straps and the locks and buckles sealed in black wax bearing a crucified dragon. Lesser men would have opened the package. Lesser men would be dead by now for betraying the Black Bishop. Seren was neither lesser nor considered a man these days. He was tool, a weapon, a hand, a proclamation of action. He was what his master needed.

Those needs had him sailing to the ports of Rhy?Din to search out a single name; Miphistis Copperscale. A beast man they say. Dragon like and wise in the workings of darkness. Once the delivery is made Seren would be free to do his other tasks before voyaging home once more.


Date: 2015-06-22 21:37 EST
The wastes of the outlands near the wilderness of Rhy'Din was inhospitable to most who were foolish enough to get lost in them. It was downright murderous to those intent upon crossing the outlands to reach the shattered ruins of a forgotten city once host to life, death and rebirth as the throne of Chaos before its predestined decimation once more. The fact that Seren had lost ten of the twelve guides he'd bought with Silver Drakes seemed a minor loss as he and the remaining two guides set foot in city ruins of Mist Noire. The snarls within the eternal darkness shrouding the canyon to the city made the guides quiver in fear as they pulled back to stand in the light of day. Seren remained in the darkness and stared at the men with contempt.

"So a few snarls in the darkness unman you both? Continue to follow me and you'll be paid in Gold Dragoons. Now come along, I wish to see the ruins of this Oriculn Temple. I?ve paid good money for the whereabouts of my target and it would be bad form to let the informants life be for naught." He said with a tone that promised immediate pain for any refusal.

The guides looked to each other and one began to walk away, happy enough with his payment in Silver Drakes. He landed face first into the sands of the wasteland and gasped for air as a dragon bone dagger found his back and the toxin of the Fungal Scorpion found his nerve system. Seren looked at the last guide and gave a predatory smile as the man moved into the darkness with him.

"Now tell me why Mist Noire holds such fear for any guide in Rhy'Din?" Seren said. The assassin moved about the increasing darkness as if he had lived and breathed in a nocturnal setting.

The guide stumbled about as he tripped on the bones of dead ogres and knocked shins upon the cracked skulls of giants. "This has always been a cursed ruins, my master. The first city became the dwelling place of the undead once the priest of Oriculn showed his true intent. Then the great darkness moved in with its armies to be crushed by a heroine of flaming red hair."

Seren listened well, his footfalls deftly feeling ever dry bone that could snap and avoided them. So the money he'd spent on information about Mist Noire was adequately correct. "No one lives here now?"

A bone chilling wail clawed into the darkness and the guide dropped to his knees holding a relic of faith about his neck. A small tin chalice with a compass set into its mouth, the mark of Delnu, Goddess of Safe Passage and Guidance. Seren began to laugh seeing the man. He scoffed at the paltry symbol and reached into a pouch upon his belt.

"It is just a lich crying in the darkness. Stand up and don't bother with such a weak goddess. If this is really a cradle of Chaos, you need a stronger, darker power to help you." From his pouch he produced a black cross with a crucified dragon upon it. Both were carved from the horns of Fiomore, the child of Dralmak, Dragon God of Eternal Night. He held up the crucifix and spoke plainly. "Dralmak. He who eats the night, the stars, the moon and the sun, guide us in this darkness and subdue those here to your mighty hunger."

Around Seren and the guide the darkness began to thin and fade, the wails in the darkness quieted as the valley to Mist Noire bore witness to sunlight for the first time in two years. The guide gasped in amazement at the miracle Seren performed. He looked to his chalice relic with confused despair. Seren put the crucifix away and looked to the guide.

"You can debate on whether to doubt your faith or keep it later. We continue to move on."

~ ~ ~

Miphistis, a former cleric of Takhasis and now a free roaming scholar of the dark arts had found the tome of Lazares Tel Moreth moldering in the crypt of its long dead author. He'd seen many compilations of this book for sale, but they were rough summaries and theories. This tome was the pure word of the Necromancer that once was a Lich King and brought down low by the Ebony Knight. He raised his coper scaled head from the tome as the frequent wails of master less shades and lesser liches turned silent. He took up a balefire candle and ascended the treacherous remnants of the stairwell from the crypts to the now rubble strewn courtyard of the Oricun Temple. The tome was cradled to his chest in loving respect as he squinted his eyes against something that had returned to this cursed city; the blaze of sunlight speared the shadows and devoured them and the many restless souls as well.

His coppery eyes stared at the approach of a man in black leathers and one of the many greedy guides the realm of Rhy'Din had in abundance. The draconian contemplated the appearance of them here in Mist Noire. Not since the war that the Lupinossai had waged on the Ebony had any living being been foolish to step here except for him. He was close to darkness, appreciated it, and loved it. His once dabbling in good were weak, shallow and uprooted by the allure the darkness always held for him. His goddess was long ago sealed away in her realm, his clerical powers now dust and ruins, sending him to seek out new powers to invest in. Perhaps this chance meeting was a sign from Takhasis.

The guide leading Seren paused and pointed to a tumbled down mess of black granite and refused to go any closer. "There is your Oriculn Temple."

Seren surveyed the ruins and noted the creature emerging from the ruins to stare at them. It was draconic in appearance, stood like a man and was copper scaled and clothed in tattered burnt orange cloth. The creature seemed to clutch a moldy old book to his chest with a symbol carved upon it that Seren had seen often in Borathos; the mark of Necromancy. Seren regarded the draconian a long moment.

"Hail, stranger. Do you speak in common tongue?" He asked the creature.

Miphistus bore an amused look on his scaled snout. Humans were sometimes dull in the mind. "I indeed speak in common tongue. What are you doing in this cursed city, travelers?"

"I was sent on a mission to find a draconian named Miphistis Copperscale. Are you he, by any chance?" Seren asked. His hands did not stray from a matching set of dragon bone long knives strapped at his hips.

The subtle threat was not lost on Miphistis nor the scent and sight of dragon bone weaponry. This was a unique, if not a deadly stranger. "I am indeed Miphistis Copperscale. My name is little known in this realm and my goddess is not worshipped either. What would you have need for a powerless cleric?"

Seren grinned, hearing Miphistis. "That, Miphistis, is where you are wrong. You are a cleric but not powerless. Have you ever heard of Dralmak, Dragon God of Eternal Night?" He withdrew the crucifix from his belt pouch holding up the black dragon nailed to the cross.

Miphistis eyed the relic from a distance. He could feel the draw of power to it. An incessant need to feed and eat things it was set to eat. He clutched the tome a bit closer to his chest as he knew the relics symbolism. "So you speak on behalf of the Father of all Dark Dragons."

Seren gave a slight nod of his head. "So you are familiar with the mythos and pantheon of Dragon Gods. Were you not serving the Mother of All Dark Dragons, Tiamat?"

"Takhasis is the name she wore in my former realm, but yes. I was a cleric to her." Miphistis said.

"I never knew the Dragon Gods to be fond of Necromancy." Seren said, waving a hand to indicate the tome Miphistis clutched to his chest.

Miphistis snarled possessively and held onto the tome tighter. ?Dragon gods no longer exist in this realm, even though you bear the relic of one, what makes you claim that he exists here? This is a realm where gods are born, raised, beaten and die before their greatness is attained.?

?You stand in the light among a place always bathed in darkness. Do you require more proof?? Seren asked.

Miphist did indeed notice the light. It was possible the man had extinguished the darkness with a divine prayer, or perhaps a strong arcane spell. Then again the Chaos born darkness may have followed its own entropic destiny and finally dissolved. ?If you are what you say you are, a follower and perhaps a fellow cleric bearing that relic of Dralmak, then perform something only Father and Mother could do. Perform the passages of Soul Transition and create a Draconian before my eyes.?

Seren listened and a thin, slit of a smile appeared on his face. There was a heavy, unspoken ?And if you don?t? that hung between him and the draconian. He was no cleric, merely a tool but he would not lose the possible edge the assumption held for him. Raising the crucified dragon he spoke simply to his god. ?Dralmak, he who eats the night, the stars, the moon and the sun, a miracle is to be granted. Show to this doubting creature the power of your existence to rule over this world and to one day devour it all if we fail to serve thee. Grant us the miracle of Soul Transition and bring to us a Draconian to prove your power and mighty terror."

The guide looked around to see what would happen as the second miracle he?s to witness this day. The canyon grew very cold for a hot summer day, their breaths showing as men and draconian breathed with tense observation. It would seem, after several long minutes that nothing would come to pass. The guide looked disappointed, his faith in his goddess Delnu restored by a small measure. He then felt ill and clasped at his belly and gave a wail of agony. It had felt like something was gnawing away his insides and squeezing his heart in a vice. Seren and Miphistis both watched the man wail more and fall to his knees tearing at his clothes to bear his naked chest and abdomen. He was breathing raggedly and his skin turning ash gray as his eyes turned milky white.

Miphistis drew close to the guide, sniffing the air and tasting it with his tongue. He sense and taste a higher power at work here without taint that Necromancy left. He continued his watch, seeing the man?s expression go slack and vacant of any life. The man slumped onto his back, his knees popping wetly like a broken chicken joint. The chest of the man glowed sickly green as the soul of the man slithered into the bloating belly of the body. All was quiet for a few minutes as the belly swelled more then it ruptured forth, steaming in the unnatural coldness of the day. Nestled among gobbets of flesh and entrails was a dragon egg of gold with mottled patches of black upon it.

Miphistis gaped in true as the egg snapped open with a powerful crack and from it emerged an Aurak Draconian, its mottled black and gold scales gleaming in the sun. Seren watched the gruesome process and recorded each detail to pass on to the Black Bishop. The Aurak looked to Miphistis as its body rapidly aged to adulthood before their eyes. It hissed and chirped in draconic to Miphistis.

My Liege, command me, first born of your dark flock of brethren.

Miphistis looked to Seren with a new found appreciation of the man. ?What is your name stranger and how may I serve you and the Father who will eat all, Dralmak.? He bowed to Seren and took a knee.

?My name is of no importance to you, Miphistis, but the missives and the book that the Black Bishop bade me to give you should be followed with care and true faith. The Black Bishop speaks for Dralmak within the Nation of Borathos.? Seren produced from his backpack the oil skin wrapped package. ?I bid thee, read all that is within, instruct your new charge here and then meet me at the docks of Rhy?Din City in week from this day. You will travel to Borathos with me and receive your decree from the Black Bishop, himself.?

Miphistis rose and claimed the package from Seren. The assassin back away and was soon gone, lost among the rocks and returning shadows of the canyon. The draconian now looked upon the nude Aurak still kneeling before him. There was a lot to consider, much to read, lodging to be had and his servant to outfit and dress as well as himself. He looked to the sky and smiled. Darkness had smiled upon him once more.