Topic: OCC - Lupe Lexicon Questions/Clarifications

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2016-01-14 17:28 EST
Have questions about what you just read? Perhaps you find something unclear or muddled in the historic records. Notice something missing or want to know more about certain topics or eras?

Well here is where to ask away and get all the clarification you would like regarding Lupe Lexion postings or anything dealing with Lupinossai or the Universe they come from.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-01-09 01:58 EST
It's been some time since the last post of the Humaran Query thread but it does take a while to nudge and prod the detail notes of the Sliinkaa world loose that are basically the deep bone structure of the world that Lupinoss runs upon. I hope many of you are enjoying reading the historical note entries and though many are often brief gloss overs, other threads may be done later one that will link to the red highlighted dates in the posts for further details.

The most recent post was going to run way too large and so for the sake of readers eyes has be intentionally split into two entries. Part 2 of Sliinkaa Colonized will start prepping the world and history for what brought about the whole reason for Humarans messing with genetics again that will set the stage for several wars that will lead the Lupinossai.

The Humaran Timeline for Sliinkaa has been edited and adjusted to reflected to posted entry as each posted entry is considered the most finalized or accurate details possible for that time period, era or timeline entry.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-09-05 00:39 EST
After some reviews some of the Humaran history may need rewritten to make more sense of how the radiation was dealt with and used. Discussions so far have come to the following conclusions:

Komodo Dragon DNA is used in common Humarans to provide tougher, lizard like skin in higher irradiated regions of Earth, but more of a recessive like trait where the skin smooths to snake like quality in more hospitable, less irradiated areas of Earth. All of this is dependent on levels of radiation impacting DNA matrices of newborns in each area.

On a side note the Riivii variation of Lupinossai or River Lupe has the possible DNA Matrices added to them for aquatic survival. Fejervarya Cancrivora (Crab-eating Frog DNA) to allow them to survive in fresh water as well as limited periods of time in Salt Water or Brackish Water. And to breath on land Carcharhinus Leucas (Bull Shark) for osmoregulation with allows their system to function with high Urea and Trimethylamine N-oxide to handle high saline. As well as razor sharp shark teeth.