Topic: On the Back Porch - OOC Thread for all

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-01-13 12:34 EST
Happy New Years to all and hopefully it is not turning sour too much with winter weather, health, etc. Once I'm more lively and off the IPad and onto my desktop I'll add an OOC thread for people to link music that comes to mind when they are in various areas of Den City, Fang Wood City, Lupinossai Glade, Winterpaws Kingdom or just music in general for their characters that they'd like. The areas mentioned all have acces to radio, television, internet and various electronic devices if the characters are techonlogically inclined.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2017-01-14 14:15 EST
Finally got a blurb started on Winterpaws Kingdom. More will come once other projects are hammered out and the time to dedicate to the kingdom comes around again. Still though, better than nothing! Woohoo!

Claire Gallows

Date: 2017-04-28 07:52 EST
Just wanted to drop by and say I'm loving the Ursa Major Realms world notes so far. Looking forward to more!

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-04-28 12:34 EST
Thank you Claire!

More spawn as I work on more posts and realize, 'Uh, how was this handled or done there.'

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-06-25 14:28 EST
Still alive, just adrift with no wind in the sails or a direction. Muse seems to have taken hiatus in the midst of RL situations.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-07-05 13:26 EST
RL work has me quite snowed under as well as a project or two that I am heavily engaged in. Writing will likely be rare for a while.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-07-15 12:08 EST
If anyone is trying to get in contact with me via a messenger service here is where to find me:
Trillian: fleety
Discord: Fleety (#3776)
Face Book: Fleetwolf

Yahoo is out
AOL is out

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-07-31 19:24 EST
Just an update on things:

I've been busy pursuing and helping out an art gallery in our local mall and will be hopefully getting into the art association in a day or two. This has taken up free time though it has happily brought back most of my artistic muse. I have been also working away on my own art site for people to see what I do without having scattered art accounts across the interwebs.

Lastly, given many, many things and the desire to do more real earnest work with my own realms (Sliinkaa and Moresh), I have started the creation of a forum for my own writings and stories and realms. With that said, over the course several months be copying and then pulling many of my world building posts over to that forum from here. These are posts regarding everything Lupinossai and Age of Air as well as Den City.

It's been an interesting 9 years being on RDI. But it feels like the winds of change are now blowing for me to bring my creativity elsewhere and let it flourish. Once things are decent enough, I'll toss a link up to let people know where they can keep in touch with the various worlds the Humarans have made and what the Lupinossai and their nations are up to. This all said, most of my time on RDI is redirected to tending to these things.

If you do wish to contact me, RDI PM's still work, you can reach me by Discord, Trillian, or Face Book. I've posted the info already in this thread. Yahoo messenger, AOL and Skype are dead programs for me and I no longer use them.

Warm Wishes,
Ammy Mun.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-08-26 14:25 EST
Making some slow head way on some things, though happily I have art website up now and an art convention to attend to in October. More work is in store for my writing once I can get things more settled with everything that has basically unsettled and jumped around on me. Also, we'll be getting all new, revised, hand drawn maps for Sliinkaa, Lupinoss, and Moresh. Been researching and using a book that shows how properly illustrate fantasy maps with cartography. It's been neat.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-11-07 18:37 EST
Seasons greetings to all. I'm still alive. This year has been chocked full of up and downs with successes and fails. Life moves on. Work is work, busy and annoying. Art is a fickle, fidgety thing still.

My corgi is getting a wheelchair after a kind soul sponsored him from Norway. No longer with the art gallery due to work being chaotic and coworkers I wish to just, nevermind.

Notes and things progressing on the Lupinossai and other races in Sliinkaa, even kicking around ideas for visual novels. Seizures are still seizures, wee. My muse and will to role play publicly has crawled into a bunker with enough ammo to outlive most doomsday scenarios, so not sure what's up with that. Oh well. You all have a great holiday season, I'll be busting my butt during it all this year.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2017-12-04 20:22 EST
So interesting news abounds. After multiple attempts at getting my seizures sorted out and still getting the same results of 'go to therapy and spend more money' a new plan is in place. My brother wishes to take a stab at sorting out my condition and being in charge of therapy. I'll be heading out to South Korea in a month or so to be with him and his family for 3 months. I haven't seen him in 16 years. Excited for this.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:35 EST
Knock, knock. Hello, it's your friendly, chaotic red head here. Checking in for a bit. Life has been interesting.

Corgi passed away last week, unemployed due to seizures, and in 25 days heading out to visit my brother in South Korea for 8 weeks to get me checked out with better medical teams. Keeping the details light just because.

Me and my collaborative partner, Raeta, have had many discussions on the realms of the Lupinossai and the steam punk world of Moresh that Amar is from. While we are not actively live role playing on RDI much, we are still working on the backlog of world notes and world building that has been needing attention for 9 years. We'll get these snippets released here and there on this forum as well as the Realms of Ursa Major forum. Granted updates are sparse as we both have a lot of real life issues that keep needing tended.

Life in Den City may come back. We are still sorting out on what all remains and who stays and what not. Winterpaws Kingdom, (Myrlenes frozen haven in the mountains somewhere in Rhy'Din) will remain. Myrlene likes her wintry get away, especially since she was born in Rhy'Din and not native to the Lupinoss Realms. So, for now, Ciao.

Ammy Spiritor


Date: 2018-03-21 01:59 EST
Oh gracious, sun butt mother of mine, may I have permission at some point to bring a satellite store of Ruby's into Den City for fun and maybe mayhem?

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-03-21 02:01 EST
Knock yourself out Kiddo. Great job so far tackling my insanity. Be sure though that you do cause just a little mayhem once in a while. Seeing a very upstanding, mellow daughter makes me think I didn't let you be wild enough as a teen. Hang out with your sister more and learn her wild ways. And I am not a sun butt. I don't have markings like a my little pony. I have sun mounds. Wink.

Leroy J. Reindeer

Date: 2018-03-24 15:35 EST
(quietly puts on sunglasses at mention of sun mounds)

Also, I might not be around much (school and work are a bit of a time drain) but I'm here if ever you need me!

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-04-19 08:04 EST
Been a fun time in South Korea. Monday the 23rd I'll be back in the US and in the days and weeks to come I'll get new art and stories rolling again. Thank you all out there still reading the materials in this folder. Known or not, your reading keeps us going.

Warm Wishes,
Ammy Mun