Topic: ~Origins - The Why of the Lupinossai~


Date: 2012-07-08 18:30 EST
How many of you really know the real origins and roots of the Lupinossai? No, I don?t mean the biography of the race and their role playing realm of Lupinoss on the planet of Sliinkaa. What I ask about is their real origins and what created them? What sparked the thoughts and imaginations to design this somewhat odd race of anthropomorphic wolf people and their often crazed environment and society? Who created them and why? Well for once you will get this biography on the real reason Lupinossai exist.

The beginning sparks that kindled these beings to life caught life in the mind of Sean Walley. I?m sure you?ve seen this man wandering around the realms of RDI as a mundane human playing the role of veterinarian to all of Rhydins mundane and mythical creatures. Well, that character is indeed, Sean Walley in real life with a few tweaks here and there. Honestly who wants to role play their exact life in a fantasy world? He did spend 9 years working with animals through various fields, 6 of those years were seen as a kennel worker, veterinary assistant and emergency veterinary technician. The last 3 years were spent handling animals rehabilitating from surgeries needing physical support or the senior and disabled pets. He helped with making and designing a few of the dog wheelchairs out in the real world today.

That?s all fine and dandy you may say but what does this have to do with the Lupinossai? Those 9 years were briefly explained to give an idea that Sean has spent a good portion of his working life with animals, caring for them and feeling for them. Animals, whether big or small mean a lot to him and hold a special place in his heart. This said, he has had dogs by his side throughout his life. Canine companions to help him weather the rough days those 9 years threw at him, the days he was burning out from caring too much about the hurt animals he couldn?t help or those beyond helping. Being this close, a loss of any of these canine companions was hard on him and is hard on any pet owner out there. To all of you who own pets, you know what I am talking about. When the loss of a pet is from a natural disease, accident or age not much can be done, but when they are taken; forced from your hands by reasons and people who serve their own selfish goals, the loss is great.

Sean suffered this loss about the time he began to burn out from being an emergency veterinary technician. False accusations from a boss who preferred female workers over males set the next scene. Sean brought in his sick Siberian Husky, Nugget to be looked over and instead was slandered with charges of supposed theft and opting out of unneeded services that the clinic made money off of. He was given a choice as the door to the exam room was locked. Pay up the fake charges, lose his job and go to jail, or walk out with a body bag and the fake charges would be forgotten. Shocked, angry, confused and worried about losing everything from the lies, Sean left that day with one of his dearest canine companions sleeping forever in a black bag. Two weeks later, Sean was fired anyways to make an example of him to the other employees that the boss was all powerful and did things however the boss felt like doing them.

Sean no longer looked back to the veterinary field after that incident. He was now thoroughly burnt out and pitched head long into depression by what had happened to him. Perhaps, I should explain more about Nugget.

Nugget and his sister Salinka, were two 7 year old huskies Sean adopted. They were mellow and great company for the man who lived alone so much with few friends to call upon as his work kept him busy. Sean really enjoyed Nugget the most. He was a beautiful red husky that would turn ginger gold when sleeping the sun for too long and Nugget would sing-song talk to Sean when he came home for an hour as if conversing with his long lost human. The two huskies kept him stable and showed him life was worth living when he kept seeing animals hurt or dying.

Now, with the one husky he loved the most gone, his little world shattered and jobless, Sean was adrift in deep depression. Work was hard to find again for someone who spent years in the veterinary medical field but was too burnt out to deal with it again. The handful of precious friends he had rallied to his side to help him through the dark months ahead. They hated seeing their creative and caring friend broken. They introduced him to Dungeons and Dragons and hoped maybe a bit of fantasy role play would snap him out of his bleak, depressed reality. Sean showed little to no interest in the game. The races held no appeal, not one of them seemed far enough removed from his own reality and pain. Almost giving up on this idea, one friend suggested maybe a werewolf template.

Sean listened and found the idea of turning from human to a creature of greater power able to do something that mattered, to rise above those that trampled you was interesting but he was not happy with the thought of losing control of his character when in creature mode. Once more, the friends thought they lost their goal until Sean looked at a picture of Nugget and for the first time in a few months, smiled. He asked for the book, and some note paper and a pencil. Within an hour, Nugget Sprintar, Lupinossai, was born from grief and a need to escape from depression.

The friends thought the concept and idea a bit loose and a bit odd to have an anthropomorphic creature in their game but they ran with it. They played their sessions on and off for days and weeks while Sean looked for work and struggled with depression that seemed to ease more and more as he played Nugget.

Within months, Sean had a small Island world for his Lupinossai character filled out, with other Lupinossai created to live in it.

He came up with other variations of Lupinossai as well, and began enshrining the calmness, the companionship, the loyalty, the friendship and wonder Nugget inspired when the husky was still alive. With the untimely death of a husky rose the races of the Lupinossai. Years have gone by, Sean has done better. Pets have come and gone as they do in the course of years. Salinka finally went to sleep and never woke up one morning two years back and she was immortalized in his Lupinossai world as the name of the planet they all lived on, Sliinkaa.

Over the years he began working in earnest on trying to form and build a culture for the Lupinossai out of various pieces of cultures from the real world. Fashion ideals and morals that weren?t strict and black and white as the world could be some days. In short, Lupinoss was no longer a fantasy world for Sean. It became a project of ?What if?? and the world continued to grow, scenarios and logic's tested. Finding the RDI forum by way of a friend who wanted him to spread this amazing world and races, Sean found a place to help expand the areas yet to be looked into, ideals yet to be tested, victories yet to be celebrated, losses yet to be felt. A language was even fashioned once Sean went back to college and went through a linguistics class. With help from a few on RDI, Lupesh grew and continues to grow, though a few words in Lupesh are borrowed from Tagalog, a dialect from the Philippines, the country Sean was originally born in as a missionary kid.

If you?ve managed to hang in there and read this far you may ask why I have explained any of this to you or what does it matter? I write this origins letter as a hope to all future players who take want to play a Lupinossai and to those who are playing Lupinossai. It is a simple hope. Don?t lose who you are when you play them. Yes, rules are in place, yes faq?s are written, maps drawn, culture explained and more. But really, the Lupinossai were created as an honor and a living tribute to remember those have no voice of their own. Those are enslaved to the care of others. The virtues and values we all want to live up to daily. Yeah, we all mess up the dream at times when we play the Lupinossai but that is just like real life. A picture perfect life means you?re dead and no longer living, no longer learning and loving.

Some have called me a sinner and some have called me saint, a few have applied hero or idol to my hide and I fall short so many times to all of these titles, but I am simply human as we all are. What I want and hope you all to take from this letter of origins is that many great and wonderful things are sparked often from dark things that are hidden from the world, or from the oddest and most peculiar events in a person?s life. I just want to encourage all Lupinossai players to just go out there and have fun with your characters and be the best you can be and be friendly as well. We are all individuals and I invite you all to work into your Lupinossai characters things you believe in, things you want to immortalize, ideas you want to live on in glory or infamy. I won?t always be around forever to keep the spark of the Lupinossai going that is just the way of reality and life. So I lay the crown of making the Lupinossai alive and living for generations to come at the feet of every one you players. Be bold, go out there and try things new, you never know you just might like not conforming to the norms set in place by everyone.

Warm Wishes from Lupinoss? Old Spark,
Sean M. Walley