Topic: Out with the Old, In with the New.


Date: 2010-07-02 23:12 EST
Fleet walked along the town square of the Lupinosse Den. The Head Alpha didn't quite seem himself that day. His usual air of confidence and life seemed muted and bleak. His usual adornment of the red tunic marking him a proud warrior of Den Wolf was gone. In it's place was a sleeveless, silvery silk shirt and some worn looking jeans.

He lifted his natural paw and pushed the rapidly graying blue hair out of his eyes. His muzzle was peppered with platinum hair and his joints made more noise than an old house. Fleet was rapidly aging once more. The cure that Sean had given him was vanishing. His iceblue eyes looked over a gaggle of pups enjoying a game of tombulata, or kick the can in some cultures.

A couple stopped by to speak with him. The male was a picture of health. Broad shoulders, rippling muscles, and the burning eyes of a Lupe who knew how to work the earth. The female was as healthy as her mate, with curves in all the right places and ample birthing hips. They chatted about the upcoming summer festivals and the crops that were growing well. The female did ask if Fleet was okay noting that the Alphrans was seeming a bit off.

Fleet put on his best smile that had reassured many over the last 300 some years. He reassured them he was fine. Just an old wolf feeling a little stiff. The couple seemed relieved and bid Fleet a fond farewell as they headed for their crops. The smile on Fleet's muzzle fell rapidly. He was getting tired of putting up facades of good health and happiness. His long life was beginning to wear him down to nothing. Most people blessed with immortality aged slowly and would stay young for the first 500 years. Fleet seemed to be cursed with the opposite effect.

His musings carried him to the fountain dedicated to the memory of Ammy when she died fighting Takhesis. The Lupinossai community grieved for a long time for her loss then seemed shocked when she came back from the dead. Ammy for all purposes shouldn't be alive. She should have stayed dead like all Lupinossai, but Fleet had meddled with Natures grand designs. Now they both paid for it.

Fleet paid for his sin of bring her back from the dead by losing his honor as a respected magic user. The drain on him also destroyed the youth cure Sean bestowed upon him. The Vet wouldn't perform the ritual a second time. It was too risky for both of them. Now he was aging faster than last time.

Ammy was paying for his meddling by living a good portion of her new life with few memories of him or Lene. Then she got entangled with a demon to regain her shattered soul. Now she was a mutated demonic Lupinossai with a heart of gold, and a community of Lupinossai loathing her. She moved the Philospopher's Flask outside of the Lupinosse Den to stop Lupes from damaging the shop. But that was the least of her worries.

An old malady that plagued her before her death had resurfaced. Her genetics were breaking down leading to her body degenerating. She was being careful now when she went out in public. Fleet looked up at the statue of Ammy holding the broken manacles of slavery in her right paw defying the heavens. He shook his head for a moment. She was facing the timer on her life and watching it slowly tick down to zero just like he was.

Maybe they'd survive another year together. Maybe they would die alone watching the other from the edge of death. What Fleet did know is that he had to make sure everything was in place in the Den before he slipped away from the land of the living. He thought back on the discussion Sitalkis had with him on the porch last night. That was a miserable day. It was his 368th birthday and no one remembered. He wasn't really expecting anyone to remember one birthday out of a thousand things going in life.

He used to never think about birthdays, but lately, each one that went by he noted with painful awareness. Sitalkis though helped him to see that if he did pass away, no one would think he was just addled brained Lupe to forget. That he still meant something to the community he had helped create.

Fleet sat on the rim of the fountain watching the pups still playing. That was something else he needed to tend to. Vuusoolta and Myrlene. His only living legacy resided in his remaining two children. Vuusoolta was mostly his pride and joy as the young male was shaping up better than he imagined as a strong leader for the Lupinosse Den. Myrlene was still the jewel of his heart, but she ran more along the path of Ammy, her mother. Wild, chaotic, and having moments of pure calm. He would need to make sure she had a future secured.

So many things to do, and his time was running short. If someone told him two years ago, that he may be dying of old age in a realm away from his destroyed homeland, he would have laughed in their face. The reality though is they would have been right. Fleet stayed sitting on the fountain's edge watching life for now.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-07-05 04:31 EST
Ammy was passing quickly through the Lupinosse Den. Since her recent alliance with a demon, she was quickly a pariah dog in the Den she had started. Ah well, prejudices will happen. She was still a kindhearted Lupinossai that would help anyone who asked. For now though, she didn't want to make anyone nervous.

She passed the fountain raised in memory to her and paused. She saw Fleet sitting on the fountains lip looking quite depressed. Ammy changed her course and walked right for her husband. It was funny. Fleet was her husband, and Lene was her daughter, yet it was months since the three of them lived under the same roof. That should really change.

Reaching Fleet, she ran her fingers through his graying blue hair. "Hey lover, you make a really poor imitation of a gargoyle."

She sat by him and Fleet smiled a little for her.

"Fleet, you can't sit here and let all of life's troubles bother you. You're a freaking senior citizen now. You should be puttering around and enjoying retirement. Now smile bigger for me?" she grinned with pointy teeth.

Fleets smile went wider for a moment then the smile reverted back to a sullen frown. Ammy sighed lightly and coughed into her paw. Little flecks of red blood showed on her fur. She wiped the blood on her red kimono.

"I know you're worried about me being sick again. Don't be worried. It was bound to happen again. And if I die from it, who cares, right? I've done a lot of good in my life, and a lot of bad as well, but who hasn't. I am going to speak with Lene though. Remember when she cured me with that bizarre alchemy array of hers? I think she can do it again."

Fleet gave Ammy a long look for a moment. "You really think no one cares if you die again? What about me? I care a lot about you. I may not show it much, but I do. I lost one wife. I don't want to watch another one die before I do. And yes, I remember when Lene healed you. I was so happy that I wouldn't lose you. If she can help you again, please, get her to do it."

Ammy just smiled and put her automail arm around Fleet's shoulders. "I forget some days that there are people who still care about me, no matter how crazy I become or what hell's I endure. I do care about you and Lene as well. I know I've been selfish in what I've been doing, but I felt that you and Lene didn't need me. You were off to war a lot and when Lene went blind, her maturity shot up faster than a weed I didn't know what to do. So I pulled away. I was wrong, and I regret pulling away. No I want help put thing back together. If we have to live outside of the Den, so be it. The Den no longer needs us anymore."

Fleet gave Ammy a slow hug hearing what she said. "Thank you. Thank you for saying what you did. I thought I was the one who did something wrong. I thought I made our family split. In many ways I did, but I am glad to hear that it was not only me. I am ready to make things right. I am aging rapidly again and would like to enjoy what I have left in life."

Ammy nodded hearing Fleet. "Lene and I may be able to find something to help slow down the aging as well. Maybe a strong pain reliever too for your hips?"

"That sounds wonderful dear. You know what? I have an itch to go look at a plot of land with a beach view. Shall we go take a walk and find some land to buy for a new home? One where we can all live together regardless of who belongs to who or did what when?" Fleet asked with a sparkle in his blue eyes.

"That would be great love." Ammy stood and helped Fleet up. They both left the square to look at beachfront property. Along the way they would find Lene and maybe drag her along too.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2010-07-05 21:40 EST
Lene heard a knock at her room door. She stood from the small desk, Sliinky, her Siberian Husky Guide Dog looked up from her doggy bed in curiosity. Crossing the small room that she was renting from the Red Dragon Inn, she opened the door, its fading wood paneling and a black 27 painted on the door had seen better days. The optic buds on her forehead whirred slightly as the caught sight of her visitors.

"Hi mom and dad. Come in please." Lene stood to the side with a smile on her face.

Ammy and Fleet stepped into the small room and sat on the neatly made bed. Lene closed the door and returned to the small desk. She turned to face her parents, that smile still in place. It was a rare treat to have both of them visiting her at once.

"So what brings you guys over here today?" Lene asked. Sliinky had moved from her bed to greet Ammy and Fleet with tail wagging furiously

Fleet smiled at the husky and gave the dog a good scratching behind both ears while looking to Ammy.

"We stopped by for to talk with you about a few things. That and we both miss you Lene. We are a family regardless of what has happened. I wanted to ask if you could help me with making two cures for me and your father?" Ammy asked in her musical voice.

Lene leaned back in her chair to watch both of her parents. Fleet was looking quite worn and old. That had Lene worried, but what was mom sick from? She had just allied with a demon and should be right as rain. Her optic buds couldn't spot anything out of the usual, but her nose, fine tuned from her blindness picked out the stale tang of old blood from Ammy's paws and muzzle.

"Are you coughing again mom?" Lene asked with worry.

Ammy nodded and a cough managed to seize her airway for a moment. Fleet gave Ammy a gentle pat on the back then looked to Lene.

"She's got the same genetic issue as before. Your mom mentioned you used a particular alchemy array to heal her before. Do you think you can remember it again Lene?" Fleets voice had the softness an elderly man usually had.

Lene chewed on one of her finger nails in thought. "It's been a few months since then dad. I haven't really used my alchemy much since losing my eyesight. Even with the optic buds Ivy implanted, I haven't found a reason to use my magic much. I'm really rusty, but I can try to research the array out again. Do you want me to find one to reverse aging as well?"

Fleet shook his head slowly hearing Lene's offer to reverse his old age. Lene looked a bit confused at the refusal. Ammy finally was able to breathe again and spoke up.

"Lene, dear, your father doesn't want to be young again. He's come to terms with being old again and would rather slow the process down. As for me, if you can find the array, that would be great. If not, maybe you and I can use my lab to research away to slow the genetic deterioration as well. Or at least keep it from spreading beyond my lungs."

Lene nodded slowly as she thought about a few things. "Okay. I'll need to make a trip to Icer's lair. I sent all of the books dad got me when I lost my sight and we had our fight. She's been holding them for me. I am sure they'll have a clue or two about the array I used. As for dads problem, I don't want to sound rude or disrespectful, but you guys are the one with the medical knowledge. I'm just a teenage daughter who's still trying to figure out what to do with me life."

Ammy and Fleet just chuckled and nodded. Fleet spoke again.

"We may have medical knowledge Lene, but often times a cure works best when the one needing it isn't the one who made it. Anyways, now that we've discussed that, we were on our way to look at some property by the beach. Would you like to come with us to look at a new place to build our home?"

Lene's eyebrows raised in surprise. "You guys are moving out of the Den? Wow. Yeah, I'll tag along. Sliinky needs a good walk anyways, though if you want a water front view, may I suggest seeing about a house boat? I could speak with Aja about having one built for you?"

Ammy grinned hearing Lene. She looked to Fleet then back to Lene.

"I would love to live in a house boat. Yes, Lene, ask Aja about getting a house boat made. Now then, let's all get out of this stuffy room. Maybe a family drink downstairs?" Ammy suggested.

They all agreed to a drink and left the room with Sliinky in tow.