Topic: Project Busy Paws

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2011-08-03 17:33 EST
Late afternoon has come upon the Den. Clouds dot the blue skies giving some shade for a very warm day. Merchants are in full swing hoping to get a few more sales done before packing up for the day. At a glance, everything looked normal within the Den. Happy Lupinossai strolling here and there, buying things, talking, laughing, or playing. Merchants making money, crafters crafting, and children playing.

Yet, take a travel deeper into the living districts of the Den and you'll start to see abandoned apartments, their tenants killed when they answered the call to arms. Boarded up windows were here and there, a few broken windows as well, and if you were quiet enough, you can hear squatters living in the vacant buildings. Graffiti adorned some buildings in bold, law defying colors claiming territory for one of many gangs.

Go a bit deeper and you'll eventually run into the Black Market of the Den. The Black Market is like one of those sea fairing myths, or an old legend. It isn't around all the time, but tends to move from building to building, and usually at night is when this rare beast of wild merchandise, some rare, some exotic, some deadly can be found.

But we mustn't dawdle in these shady streets and sinister alleyways. Let us go back to the brighter side of the Den, then go just a bit farther into an area that seems normal, save for the inhabitants are small in number. The Den Fang Head Quarters, the law enforcement of the Den is here struggling to combat the rapid increase of crime.

Their numbers are thinned from those in their ranks that filled a call to arms. The Den Fangs comprise of every race of Lupinossai and a handful of Drow mercenaries on loan from the sister den, Fang Wood, in the Outback. The air of tension, worry, and low morale is thick enough to cut with a knife. And it is here we look upon two Den Fangs deep in discussion.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene paced in the small office, her flicking tail stirred a few stacks of reports piled up on the floor around her. "We have to find another way to handle these kids Frost. Our current laws just slap their wrists, make them wait in a cell for a few days then lets them go to do more crime." she glanced over to Frost.

Frostad Shieldar: Leaning forward, he watched his best Lieutenant pace like a caged animal. "I quite agree Lene, but what do you propose to do about the problem?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She stopped pacing and looked at the floor in thought. "Most of these kids are without parents. Orphans. More orphans that our current system can handle. They have no guidance, and most likely feel they have no connection or use to the Den. If so, then why behave properly? Why not cause havoc. We need to find a way to make them feel useful and apart of the Den again."

Frostad Shieldar: "Maybe a reform program?" Frost offered, leaned back in his chair and sipping some coffee. It had been a long month of endless counts of vandalism from kids flooding into HQ. Hell, the detention cells were full.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Reform? How? The Lupinossai Learning Center is still behind in opening. Hell they don't have enough teachers now thanks to the damned war Igneous had." Her ear flattened at that thought. Most of her injuries were healed, though she walked with a slight limp now that wouldn't go away. One can only break a leg in the same place so many times.

Frostad Shieldar: "Well, Lene, the Old Country never had a public education system, and they had little crime from children. Do you know why?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene gave Frost a long look as she thought on that. The Old Country, a realm she'd never been to, but many other have. From the stories and history tomes she read, the realm was a mix of technology, but mostly fiefdoms. No modern industry, and larger territories. Hmm. More land. There is a key here somewhere.

Frostad Shieldar: He just watched her puzzle his question out with a slight grin. It was nice to see the next generation using the minds they had.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: More land meant more crops. More manual labor which meant the Old Country had larger crafting and farming guilds than the Den had. That would mean a lot of children would be learning skills as apprentaces. "Aha! We need an apprenticeship program!"

Frostad Shieldar: "Very good Lieutenant. Would you like to be in charge of spear heading this reform program?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Yes. I would very much like to start it. I'll head to all of our guilds to find out if they need apprentices. This will give the accused something to learn and maybe some pride in being part of the Den. Though I would also suggest you speak with the High Judge to work out the terms of the sentencing when they are in the program. We should also let kids come and join the program freely in exchange for ignoring their past criminal record after they complete it."

Frostad Shieldar: Frost clapped his paws in approval. "Marvelous. You take after you father and mother so well it's frighteningly fun to watch. I'll speak with the High Judge in the morning. Oh, and you may want to expand the program to include training children in Fang Wood Den. They need a lot of help building the city and can probably offer more trade skills as well as they are not solely Lupinossai inhabited."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Brilliant Frost!" she grinned showing all teeth. She headed for her office with a slight limp.

Frostad Shieldar: "Lene. Use your cane when you go."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "I don't need it. I can walk just fine!" she answered back with a bit of a snap to her voice. She was a mother and a lover. She didn't need a stupid cane to walk. So what if she limped.

Frostad Shieldar: Frost just chuckled sipping more coffee and going over a murder case. "Yes. You indeed take after your parents Lene. A bit too much." he whispered.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Stopping by her desk, Lene picked up a clipboard, blank sheets of paper were attached with a pen. She looked at her gun and badge wondering is she should take them, then she looked at the brand new mythril scale vest Moonshine had made for her. Bullet proof and knife proof.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: She did promise her mate she would try to be as safe as possible. She took off her loose top and slid the vest over her fur. Lene smiled as it hugged her curves and caressed her fur like her mate would. Moonshine was the best metal smith in the Den though he was a dragon. She put her top back on, tucked her pistol into its holster under her left armpit, and with a though, clipped her DFLEA badge to the vest letting the top hide it.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Happy with being armed and protected she left the Den Fang HQ on her mission for reform.

N.P.C.: We find Lene moving from merchant to merchant, guild to guild, breathing life into her program.

Iimiidiina: Iimii walks through the Den, Valla following along behind despite the stares. He doesn't trust the Den yet, although his Rider can see, or sense, a glimmer of hope.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene had managed to speak with most of the guilds and merchants and had several willing to enroll in the program. Her travels were taking her to the smithing guilds which were the closest area to the usual hangouts and crime reports.

N.P.C.: The metal smithing guilds were noisy tonight as many crafters were helping with the many building projects around. Being short handed meant the worked longer and later.

Igneous: Igneous approached the Den gates and gave a polite bow to the Den Fangs on patrol. A mix of hate, surprise, and interest were given to him, though the Drow Den Fangs he came across just gave him a nod. He was heading into the Den to negotiate for some more building supplies and to find out when he could hammer out a treaty on paper between Fang Wood Den and the Den.

Rachill: Rachill was wandering through the street near the smithing guilds with her paws in her pockets of her black cargo pants. The rest of her attire was as usual: black T-shirt under a black hooded jacket that could open in the front that had pockets in it as well. Her eyes looked around from up under the hood and she grinned to herself. Though it would be no surprise if Theo was trailing behind her. The young boy never bothered her anyways; she looked at him as a good friend, too.

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo had been out on the streets, tonight he wears the leather and black cloth clothes (seen in profile) and only carried with him his knife and a leather pouch with a few key things inside on his belt, he was headed down a road on the way to his fathers home,..oh how he hated going home..but he was moving that way as he walked along-

Iimiidiina: Valla stops and looks back, smelling a familiar presence. His Rider stops as well and looks up at the dragon. "Valla? What is it?"

Igneous: Igneous was in bound for the smithies as they provided a lot of supplies he needed. His one topaz gem eye glowed eerily as he walked.

Iimiidiina: ~I smell somebody. Somebody powerful and familiar, though I can't quite put my finger on who it is...~ "Somebody from your imprisonment?" ~I don't know.~

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene stopped in by the Steele Family Smithy and called out for the foreman.

N.P.C.: A large, burly Erthrii came over to Lene and greeted her. He was the father of Faan. "Evening Myrlene. How can I help you? Is Moonshine needing some help at his own smithy?"

Iimiidiina: "You want to investigate?" ~I don't know if I should. It's so hard to remember, the drugs, or whatever they used, really took a toll on my memory.~ "Well, let's not worry about it. Come on, let's go see Faan. I'll bet he's still working right now. Besides, it's been a while since we've seen him." ~Right.~ Too small of an area to jump Between safely, so they start walking toward the smith guildhalls.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene just smiled. "Evening. Moonshine is doing quite well. Just as busy as you guys are. I was actually in the neighborhood gathering the names of guilds and merchants that may be interested in helping with a new reform program I am starting."

N.P.C.: "Reform program? What are you reforming little lady?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene gave a small sigh. "The troubled youth of the Den."

N.P.C.: "Interesting. Well come over and have a seat. I'll get you a drink and you can tell me more. I need a break anyways." he would usher Lene to a lunch table and rustle up two beers.

Rachill: Walking down the street she spotted a familiar little fellow. Theo is who she saw and it seemed they were heading each others' direction. Rachill walked for him with a big grin on her muzzle and waved a paw to him. "Hey, Theo! How's it going?" she said out loud for him to hear as she got closer to him.

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo made his way down the path he was on and turned onto a more used trail, he was moving slowly in no big hurry..he was always careful of who he was around when he was out on his walks...everyone but Rachill, Martin and a few others were a risk to bump was just about that time he looked up and saw someone coming toward him, a grin on his muzzle as he saw it was Rachill- "Hey Chilly..its going alright...i..i was just out on a walk...going to see dad"

Igneous: He was soon at the Steele Family smithy and poked his head inside. The clang of metal and hammers and the heat was overwhelming. "Hello?" He called out.

Rachill: She stopped in front of him and looked down at him with a raised brow. "Going to see your drunk-tailed dad? When's the last time you seen him anyways? And don't he like not care or something since he's too drunk to notice you are gone?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Sipping her beer with great relish as the smithy was quite hot, she filled the smith in on her program.

Iimiidiina: Having walked across most of the Den already, breaking up trouble where they might find it, mostly with just Valla's presence, the pair's travel time was relatively short. Coming to the smith guilds, Valla stops again and stares. Straight at Igneous, who he now remembers from just the sight of him. Iimii, as well, stares though not for the same reason as Valla. He remembers Igneous from the wanted posters. It is the Rider who speaks first. "You!"

N.P.C.: A long sip and a thoughtfull rub of his muzzle listening to Lene. Hearing Igneous, he bellowed. "Come on in!' Turning back to Lene he spoke slowly. "Let me get this straight, you want to know if I will be willing to take on a bunch of thieves and hooligans you've arrested and train them in the craft of metal smithing in an attempt to give them self worth?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Yes. You don't have to if you feel it's too much a risk, but we can't keep turning these kids back out onto the street. I would hope that if I ever pass away that someone would find it worthwhile to teach my son how live and earn a living in this world. Would you want the same for Faan if you passed away?"

Theo Swiftfoot: -he stops as they meet and listens to her- "this is the longest i been away from home....hes prolly fine..passed out drunk..but..i left some stuff at the house..i where are you going?." -loweing his voice some- "you got a job tonight?"

Igneous: Hearing the call to come in, Igneous started to move inside, then paused hearing Iimiidiina. He glanced at the boy with one red eye, and one topaz gem posing as an eye. "Do I know you?"

Iimiidiina: The young mage, despite being slowed down by his robes, surges over to Igneous... and proceeds to kick him hard in the shin. "That's for stealing my dragon, yom baastri'i!"

N.P.C.: "You're right. Fen, I've been training him since the day he could lift a hammer. I guess those of us alive owe the tikes of this Den the courtesy of teaching them our ways and crafts. I would like to join the program. How long do we keep them?"

Igneous: The ring of metal shin guards would be heard. "Stealing your.... oh, you were the former owner of Valla. I see he has returned to you in good health."

Rachill: She grinned to Theo and chuckled. "No, I'm free for tonight, though I was planning on snooping around some. These smithing shops here work so late at night. Some of them leave their things unwatched since they get so busy. They're bound to make mistakes." She said in a hushed tone. "So, anyways. What you need to get at your house?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "I was planning on having my boss, Frost suggest to the High Judge a term of 2 or 3 years."

N.P.C.: He nodded and grunted in agreement. "Long enough to make a decent craftsmen. Allright. I need to go Lene. I think I have a customer up front. You be careful around here. Lots of hot metal." he stood, gave her a pat on the head and walked for the front of the smithy and Igneous.

Iimiidiina: "He's my friend and partner, not my pet!"

Igneous: A raise of a furred brow. "My appologies." he turned and walked inside the smithy. Seeing the big Erthrii smith, he slowed and smiled. "Evening. I was hoping to speak with about some supplies I need."

Theo Swiftfoot: -he grinned at her- "well i hope you have some luck" -he looked around a bit, he heard someone deeper into the crafters area yelling..but he looked back to her- "well..just some clothes..and a chain my mom gave me. a few years ago"

Iimiidiina: Insulted now, anger rising, Valla stretches his head forward and stops Iimii before the kid does something stupid. *Stop it, Iimii.* "He kidnapped you and kept you for an escape pod!" *That was in the past. Now, you've had your vengeance, let it go.*

Iimiidiina: "Aaf, lemme go!" *No. Not until you calm down and apologize for kicking his shin.*

N.P.C.: "We're a bit behind on a few things, but soon we should have all the help we need. What supplies do you need?"

Igneous: "Getting in new crafters?" he asked in surprise. "From where?"

Rachill: "Alright, you go get your stuff. If you want you can bring it to my place. Better safe there than some drunk's home where he can just be robbed unconsciously. Want to meet me back around here when you're done, kid?"

Iimiidiina: He growls and eventually does calm down, though it's obvious he is furious about the General suggesting that he owns Valla like a child owns a dog, no pun intended.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Learn heard Igneous and walked to the front. "General Igneous?" her ears flattened a little and she tried to hide her small limp.

Igneous: A raised brow at Myrlene now. "Do I know you?"

Iimiidiina: He heads inside after a good nudge on the rump from the dragon, but hesitates. Why should he apologize to -him?-

Theo Swiftfoot: " be...sneaky and good luck!" -he waves and moves off toward the housing district were his fathers home is- "meet you back here"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene hesitated in telling Igneous the truth, but did anyway. She turned to her human form and smiled. "You may remember me as Ashe."

N.P.C.: The smith just laughed boomingly. "That's our Lene for you. Ever the talented magic user. Get's it from her mum, Ammy Spiritor."

Igneous: Cue the jaw drop. "You're the child of Ammy Spiritor?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Shifting back to her lupe form again she nodded. "Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor."

Rachill: Rachill chuckled and waved to Theo as they departed from each other. She continued walking down the street with a shady look. Her eyes would only glance at the smithing guilds she passed every now and then. Was hard to tell if she did happen to have a pistol or knife on her with all those pockets and places to hide things.

N.P.C.: "She's starting a reform program for all of these orphans that are running wild. That's where I am getting help from."

Igneous: Snapping his jaw shut he thought about what the smith said. "Really now." he eyed Myrlene now. If he was the Igneous of old, he would see another grand mage weapon, but he learned his lessons the first time. "So how does one enter this program? I could use a lot of help raising the buildings of Fang Wood Den."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Lene smirked. "Actually I was hoping to speak with you, General, about using Fang Wood Den for any youth that the Den cannot use."

Iimiidiina: Iimii stands back, letting Lene deal her business with Igneous before they settled far more personal affairs.

Igneous: "Interesting. I will gladly accept and we can discuss this further during the formal treaty signing. And I am not a General anymore. It is simply Mayor Igneous." he looked back to the smith. "I need sevearl hundred pounds of iron, a few hundred pounds of steel, and a lot of fasteners."

N.P.C.: The smith nodded. "Alright. I'll put that order next. Anything else?"
Igneous: "No. That'll be all. Let me know the expense and it will be paid."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Writing down that Fang Wood was for the program, Lene gave Iimii a small wave, then limped away through the rear entrance of the smithy. Her path took her by several forges and soon, she was panting, sweaty, and a good deal smudged with soot. Leaving the smithy, she didn't look like any official, and thanks to her tattoos, her wings were hidden. She just looked like a Lupe youth that was a bit grimy holding very dusty papers on a clipboard.

N.P.C.: The smith nodded and returned to the forges calling out orders and checking things crafted.

Igneous: He turned and regarded Iimiidiina now.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: Rubbing her neck she looked at the stars for a moment and walked the up the street. She had a long day.

Iimiidiina: Iimii waved to his sister as she left, but his attention was completely on Igneous. For the moment, he was silent, letting Iggy have the first word.

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo made his way along the path, past homes he was in the average homes were families lived, he stopped every once in a while to just let time pass.he watched people moving through the neighborhood, he knew some of them had money and items that he could easily lift..but not tonight he wasn't working tonight-

Igneous: "Can I help you with something? Other than being a target for staring?"

N.P.C.: Lupes would pass Theo. Adults chatting. Kids playing though their parents were starting to call them in for dinner.

Iimiidiina: "You have no idea how much I want to see you suffer for what you did to my dragon. He is the only reason I'm not trying to burst you into flame right now... You have no idea how important he is to me."

Rachill: Rachill was still making her way down the street in her all out black clothing. Her eyes moved from the smithing guilds and to the night life crowd. Her walk was slow as was her casual starings at people at things that she passed. There wasn't anyone she really knew and the night felt a little stale. Sometimes the market would just have its down days, but would pick up the next.

Igneous: He was slowly starting to remember the kid and how annoying he was during the war. "I see. Well let me tell you something." he leaned in close to Iimiidiina so he could see his scarred face and gem eye. "Hate will maim you."

Iimiidiina: "That's exactly what Canis would say. That's basically what Valla is saying. But that does not mean I am not angry." He crosses arms over his chest. "I want payback, I really do. But I also am bound by oath to never take the offense again."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: As she walked, Lene saw Rachill and gave the lupe a small, polite wave. She didn't know Rachill, but Lene wanted to let the youth of the Den know she was looking out for them. Her only sign of being a DFLEA was clipped to the vest she wore under her top keeping the mythril scale vest hidden as well as her ID. Lene would be noted as having a slight limp to her walk.

Igneous: "Payback you say? Well, I would love to have all of my men back, my daughter, and my eye, but that will never happen." he stood back up. "You should listen to these people. They have good advice. Don't turn into what I was."

Iimiidiina: "It's not the same. I don't care that you joined us. In fact, I'm glad you saw the light. But you still hurt me, more than you could ever know."

Igneous: "Well then, I can not do much about that but apologize."

Rachill: Rachill gave a grin and a wave of a paw to Myrlene. "Hello," she greeted in a calm sweet voice. She kept herself still hidden mostly in the jacket, hood, and all the clothing. Even if she wasn't exactly robbing or anything tonight or as of right now, she liked being secretive.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Evening. How's the night going?" she asked Rachill.

Iimiidiina: ~He is being sincere, you know that.~ I know, Valla. But it's difficult to forgive him for what he did us. ~What is it the humans say, hatchling? Forgiveness is next to godliness?~ But I'm not a god. ~You are Ambassador of the Pantheon. It is your place to be more than what others can be. No, you can't be a god. But you can, and should, behave as one.~ So I should forgive him? ~Yes. It is what Canis would do.~

Theo Swiftfoot: -he would make his way toward a house set back on a slightly large yard, he sighed a little but things looked so peaceful and right outside the home, well kept yard and all...he stopped to lean against a tree near the front of the house and daydreamed a bit..perhaps of how things could be or would have been if his mother were still around-

Rachill: "It is going...smoothe you could say." She said with a chuckle Rachill came to a slow stop to speak with this little stranger. "And as for yourself?"

Iimiidiina: The boy sighs as Valla convinces him. As usual, the dragon was right. Iimii walks right up to Igneous and hugs him. "I forgive you, Igneous. And I'm sorry for kicking you."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Been better. Leg hurts some, and I've been a bit hot poking around the smithies. They have some cool things inside." she rubbed some soot off of her muzzle. She always loved to compare the Den smithies tools to Moonshines tools.

Igneous: He nodded simply. "Consider us squared away then. Now, pardon me, but I must go. I have a Den to run." and he walked past Iimii and offered a pat to Valla's shoulder then left the Den.

Rachill: "Like what kind of cool things?" she asked curiously and so innocently to Myrlene.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Some really nice tools. Bet they could fetch a nice price and a lot shiny metal. The gold smiths and silver smiths have a lot of ingots in bins. So tempting just to snag one while walking by." She rubbed her leg a bit with a small frown. "Damn injury."

Iimiidiina: ~Feel better, Iimii?~ Yeah... I actually do. That felt... good. ~I'm glad. And how do -you- feel?~ Better. Like a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders. ~That was much easier than fighting him, wasn't it?~ Infinitely easier. ~You see? War is not the only option. Your Mistress knows that. You should probably try talking to her about this.~ No. We shouldn't bother her on such a trivial issue. ~But an important one. Forgiveness is powerful, but one must be smart with it. She knows how.~

N.P.C.: Soon Den fang patrols were out in force, patrolling the streets to enforce curfew.

Rachill: She chuckled. "Oh, yeah. I've seen a few of the gold and silver jewelers and things around here, too. Some nifty things people make." Rachill noticed Myrlene and what she said about an injury. "You hurt?"

Iimiidiina: I won't bother her about it, though. We should, however, talk to Mary about it. She would want to know about the encounter and the new peace between us. ~As you wish.~ Can you take us home? ~Of course. What about Faan?~ We'll see him later. Maybe tomorrow, we'll hang out. ~As you wish.~ The boy mounts his dragon, who waits outside, and they jump Between back home.

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo was looking off in his daydream as he leaned there against the tree, he was quiet and just staying to his self-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Yeah. Damn Den Fang shot me when I was helping some people in the Outback."

Rachill: "A Den Fang shot you?" She asked a little further and kept an brow raised.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Yep. Bullet from a musket. Pegged me in the leg. My friends got me out of the area quick, but well, I've busted this leg several times already. The doc says I've got a permanent limp now." she didn't know why she was so comfy talking with Rachill, but she was.

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo shook his head as he stood up, looking back up the path toward his fathers house, he nodded- "better get on with it then..Theo" -he would move up the stone path toward the front door-

Rachill: "What about magic healings or something? Or special medicines or something without magic that can regenerate the injured area and make it as new again?" She asked Myrlene. It almost seemed like it may have sounded like an offer.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "They tried. Seems my blood don't like magic much. No surprise. I barely know my father or mother anymore. But that's to be expected. Stupid war came and both vanished."

Rachill: "Well, like I said. There are methods that don't use magic to heal you." She winked to Myrlene and grinned. "And yeah I know what you mean. Lots of people suffering from those wars. But everyone's finding the good life one way or another. Am I right?"

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Yeh, I guess. I wish I knew some place to get my leg fixed. You thirsty by any chance?"

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo tried the door, finding it locked he would dig through the pouch on his belt and take out an old keyring he would use it to unlock the door and listened just inside the door as he stepped inside and looked around quietly staying quiet-

Rachill: "I could maybe help you get your leg fixed. Might cost something, but can surely be helped out. And as for a beverage....I guess I could go for a little something right now."

Artur Swiftfoot: -inside the house how ever nice it was on the outside, the inside was dirty, dusty and smelled like on the walls and nick-knacks on shelves...possibly just how they were over two years ago the living room liquor bottles and cans laid around..more so near a large chair near the fireplace..which had a radio sitting next to it, near the door was a fishing pole and box which Artur used at work sometimes-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "You could help me get my leg fixed? Hmm. I don't have much money, and yeah, I know a nice little bar where you can get a few drinks free if the tender isn't lookin."

Rachill: "So do I." She laughed. "And of course, unless you helped me with a few things sometime to help pay for some debt of getting your leg fixed."

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo looked around a moment and sniffed the air, he wrinkled his nose at the smell he caught , he didn't see his father around at least in the living room or kitchen, he would move across the room and down the hall toward the old room that had been his bedroom since he was born, he used the same key to unlock the door of the room and would go inside, there was a thin layer of dust on everything..he left the door open and went over to the dresser, looking for a few things he wanted to keep with him-

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "What kind of things?" she asked with interest.

Rachill: "Depends on the job, which do change a lot everyday. You just roll with what comes at you and have to improvise a lot." Rachill just grinned to Myrlene as she spoke. She kept her hood over her head. Maybe he was hiding something or maybe she just didn't want to be seen completely.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Cool. Maybe I can help." she looked at the stars a moment or two. "Aw damn, I need to go. My little brother is going to be waking up soon." she sighed. This was all an act as she noted a few things about Rachill kind of tipped off her DFLEA senses. "Calcifer will be crying if I ain't there to tell him mom and dad will be home soon." she stretched a little. "What's your name?"

Artur Swiftfoot: -Artur awoke from his drunken slumber and would look around he thought he had heard something...he was in the master bedroom, sheets were mostly on the floor and he was wearing the brown leather pants, his chest bare...he was very muscular and should have been in the prime of his adult life, but no he was a drunken mess..he reached over and brought a bottle to his lips from the side table...drinking what ever...lately whatever was in the house in a bottle that he could buy easily.-

Rachill: "Rachill." She said simply. Giving off her name wasn't something she was afraid of, but she kind of figured this was just some other young teen or someone with another rough life. But as always if she were to get screwed over there was always others who would help back her out of some trouble.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Rachill. Love the name." she put out her paw to Rachill. "Names Ashe."

Rachill: "Interesting name." Rachill reached out a paw to shake Myrlene's. "Good luck taking care of your little bro."

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor: "Sure thing. Run into ya later." she waved and left down the street.

Theo Swiftfoot: -Theo was looking for the necklace his mother had given him a few years ago..he was going through the drawers of the dresser in his bedroom..he looked at his old clothes and realised he was getting big and most of the clothes would be to small...he stuffed a couple small items into his pouch and finally he found the necklace he would take time to put it on fingers securing the clasp-

Rachill: "Bye-bye." Rachill waved to Myrlene and continued on walking the streets for now.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2012-01-15 23:09 EST
Dear journal. So much time has gone by since I endeavored to build a program to help turn our troubled youth into productive members of society. Sadly, I am no longer in charge of it due to my removal from the DFLEA Force. The leaving has been good for me, but I do wonder what has become of the program, Project Busy Paws?

I took a trip to DFLEA H.Q. when Commissioner Frost was not around and spoke with my former colleagues and friends. To my wonderful surprise, the project has taken off well. After my brief incarceration in stone by a Necromancer, a young Lupe named Faan Steele, took up the program that was slated for termination. Faan Steele is a remarkable young Lupe. Only 11 years old, he is already a Journeyman Black Smith and running his fathers Smithy in the Smithing District full time now allowing his father to rest more. Even better, the smithy has now become the prominent head quarters for Project Busy Paws and a roster of over 150 Lupe youths are listed in the program. All are doing well and have stayed out of crime. Some work for Faan, others work in the multitude of guilds the Den has.

I'll be making a stop by the smithy during my next visit to the Den to see how well the program is going and if Faan needs any help from me. For once I started something for the good of our people and it is following true.

Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor