Topic: Scarred: Mission 1 Free Some Captives

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-10-15 20:36 EST
Amidst the burnt out shells of buildings and shops, booted feet of patrols may be heard. Over head things may be zipping about watching the night time sky. At the intersection of Potters Way and Jewelers Row something rustled the shredded awnings of several nearby shops. Cold, smoky air emanated from the intersection. A large dragon in armor with a war angel for a rider appeared. An ear piercing, window shattering, bone numbing roar was heard from the dragon, echoing down the streets in a challenge. Once the roar died down, a massive storm of lightning was unleashed up the streets as well.

Eclipse, riding on the back of Valla looked about, waiting for the rush of troops and mentally counting in his head. Sure enough a small group of armored troops were showing. Eclipse grinned and patted Valla?s Neck. ?Let?s give them a show.?

High above the Market Place District, the slight creak of wings may be heard as Moonshine and Lene flew. A large pack was strapped to Moonshines back and Lene, stretching out with the Force, felt for the tremors of life that would be the captives they sought to free. ?To the left Moon.? She said getting a feeling of a large glow of life.

Moonshine nodded. He spotted the apartment building that was their target for the night. He beat his wings faster picking up speed. ?Ready?? he asked by communicator.

Lene patted his shoulder and opened the pack. She began tossing heavy metal disc when they were range, guiding them with the Force and hearing them clang on the roof top. She tapped her communicator. ?Fleet, your are go for teleport. Moonshine and I are beginning our extraction.?

The two hoped they weren?t spotted as they began to move in a circle. The Silver Wolves had their turn. It was time for the Invasion Forces move.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2010-10-19 20:24 EST
Riding atop Moonshine, Lene kept her Force senses extended, and noted drones patrolling the air. Relaying to Moonshine where the drones were ahead of time, the two managed to exit the Market District Air Space and soared to the Southern Glen. Once Moonshine landed, Lene dismounted.

She felt Ammy approaching her.

"Status?" Ammy asked.

"All plates dropped. No one followed us. I am assuming the insertion party has left sense I can't hear or feel them?" Lene asked.

"Yes. They have left. So far, no reports of any issues. Now we wait." Ammy responded.

Lene nodded and waved Moonshine to follow. "Let's cook up something for everyone to eat. They will be hungry after this."

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-10-24 19:52 EST
(After much thought and deliberation, I am pulling my characters out of the Scarred SL's. This is part of an effort to minimize drama SL's in the Den since I am getting complaints. So to end this SL without just dropping it like a bad migraine:)

Ammy sat at the fire in the Lair making sure some of the roasting Wyvern that Moonshine had kept on hand roasted evenly. Ivy finally explained to Ammy that he was a living vampire after she got suspicious about the way his aura felt. Now he sat silently watching everything. It seemed his mind was preoccupied by someone or something.

Lene brought in a large pot with soaked rice so it could cook. She sat by her mother and sighed. "So when will we know if Dad and the others succeeded in their mission?"

Ammy hung the pot over the fire and rotated a few more strips of Wyvern. Sitting back she replied coolly. "When they come back, I'm afraid. The headsets don't transmit past a certain distance without adding more technology to them. That is the one thing we don't want to do just yet. Just relax. I am sure they will be fine."

Moonshine landed on the lip of the entryway to the lair. "So far, no one has followed us and the Glen is safe for now. Any word yet?"

Lene shook her head. "Not yet."

Moonshine ambled over and laid down by Lene and waited with them. They didn't wait long. Several transport discs, laying on the lair floor glowed to life. They all stood in anticipation of freed captives. The anticipation died when they only saw the initial party step through.

Fleet didn't look very happy either. Stepping from the glowing discs, the runes flared then died, the magic spent and the discs disintegrating to ash. Street, and Ember were with him as well now. By the lair entry way, the smell of hot ionized energy, smoke, and ash could be smelt. Soon Eclipse and Valla appeared by Between teleportation.

Ammy looked to them and the lack of captives. "The building was empty wasn't it?"

Fleet nodded his head a little shakily. "Empty and booby trapped. We took a good pounding but luckily for us, Ember is a good medic. We didn't get anyone. This mission was a fail."

The others all nodded in agreement.

"Then let's plan for the next mission." Ammy suggested.

Before the others could respond the heard echoing explosions in the distance. Everyone stood in the entry way of the lair and looked out. In the dawning of the morning, the could see smoke billowing from the Den.

"I think we have more important things to worry about." Fleet stated in concern.

"It didn't sound like an orbital bombardment." Ember noted.

Lene and Fleet both gasped as the felt the life energy of Vuusoolta vanish as well as Ember feeling the loss of a lot of lives.

"I suggest we return to the Den. I am sure many other resistances have started. Maybe we should leave this war in the capable hands of those it touches." Ember stated.

Ammy sighed and nodded in agreement. "I was an idiot for wanting to jump into war again. Alright. You know the drill. Break down everything and pack it all up, we are heading for the Den. Lene, Moonshine, thanks for letting us use your lair. When we get things sorted out, we'll drop by and give you a hand with anything you need."

And with that said, they Silver Wolves packed up all of their gear, and took off. The group still remains, not being disbanded, just in case help is ever needed again.