Topic: The Jade Rose

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-02-08 15:38 EST
The night was cold but the air held a touch of warmth. The type of warmth that when a living creature breathed, would turn the creatures breath to mystic smoke. The stars were bright pin pricks of white in the ebony blanket of night lending their brilliance to a nearly full moon. The Southern Glen was bathed in the silver light. The forest trails were drizzled in silver light and ebony daubed shadows.

Ammy moved along the trail. Emerald eyes catching the silver moonlight and holding the light as if it was a tasty treat. Her nose sampled the cool night air, taking in the myriad scents of the Glen. Evergreen was heavy in the air, mixing with cool, damp scent of pine needle loam. Her paws dug into the soft ground of the trail with relish. Being away from the city and the Den was a treat. To just lose ones self in nature was always a gift.

As she walked the trails her eyes caught the glint of jade among among the ebony shadows. Like a hand crafted pendant on display, the Jade Rose stood among the thick bed of pine needles. It sparkled and looked like a piece jewelry that a master craftsmen would have crafted. Ammy couldn't believe how something so rare could grow along such a well used path.

Kneeling in the soft loam of the trail, she examined the Jade Rose. No blemish or sign of disease, the rose appeared to be in excellent condition. She'd only red about this flower in the dusty tomes from Central. Actually finding one was thought impossible and yet here was a Jade Rose gleaming in the silver moonlight.

Taking her leather pack off of her back, she withdrew a plastic container and punched a few holes in the bottom of it. She couldn't leave something this rare to be trampled on or worse, picked just to be some centerpieces main attraction. The medicinal qualities of the plant alone were priceless. Setting the container on the ground, Ammy clapped her paws together. The glowed a soft white light allowing her to see more of the ground the Jade Rose was in.

Instead of pulling out her favored trowel, Ammy sunk her clawed fingers into the soft soil leaving eight inches of sod around the rose. She felt for the roots, being sure to leave as much of the root system intact. Reaching the bottom of the root ball, she slowly extracted the plant from the soil and placed it, dirt and all into the container.

She rummaged in her pack for some water to pour on the plant to ease the shock of it being transplanted. The search proved futile. She had none. Ammy did remember though that the lake was close by. Hefting the back pack and the plant, she hurried up the trail to the lake.

Reaching the gravel beach of the lake, she sat the pack down, and took the plant to the water's edge. She cupped her paws and dipped them into the lake. The glowing paws looked surreal as she scooped up water to soak the dirt around the plants roots. Once the plant was well saturated and drained, she picked up her pack and the Jade Rose. She headed for her green house next to the Philosopher's Flask. If she could get the Jade Rose to reproduce, it would open up a world of possibilities.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2010-02-09 17:39 EST
Lene's paw rapped on the green house's doorway. "Hello? You back here mom?" She called out hopefully.

"All the way in the back Lene!" Ammy howled out.

Lene stepped into the green house and looked about. Mom's been busy since she opened the Philosopher's Flask. Sales might me down, but damn, she had a sample of nearly every living plant on in Rhydin in the green house. She stopped to smell the sweet scent of a Coorrlanthis Snapper. The cinnamon scent was rich, and the plant itself, from what mom told her was remarkable in causing wounds to heal faster.

Reaching the back of the green house, she found mom at the transplant beds where she seemed to do a lot of earthy magic. Mom had a rose plant it seemed, and was fussing over it, quite a bit. Lene slipped on her silver framed half moon glasses and saw why.

"Is that what I think it is mom?" she asked softly.

Mom looked to her and nodded. She had dirt smudges on her cheek fur and few flecks of compost on her nose. "It's a Jade Rose. I am hoping I can get it to reproduce with a clone of itself that I'll make."

Lene nodded. That's how mom raised all the plants here. Pick one original sample and make a clone so the pair can pollinate naturally. This way nature wasn't over harvested. She sat her leather satchel down and watched mom prep the Jade Rose for a cloning transmutation.

Ammy gently snipped a leaf off of the Jade Rose where the stem met the stalk. She daubed the cut area with a plant salve she made to insure the Jade Rose would not take ill to the pruning. Next, she placed leaf on the soil next to the Jade Rose.

A clawed finger etched first a large, single line circle around the plant and leaf. Then another circle was etched inside the first circle. Ammy traced a hexagon next, then etched an upside down triangle inside the hexagon. She connected the three corners of the triangle that touched three corners of the hexagon to the outer circle. The array was complete.

Clapping her paws, she said a short incantation. "Gates of Life, Gates of Death, may you look favorably on one who has died twice and lived thrice. I ask merely to copy life for the good of healing. Take from me if you do not see the truth in what I speak." her paws glowed white and she touched the array.

Lene watched as the array sparked and a golden glow emerged. The snipped leaf began to sprout tendrils from the cut end. Within minutes a stalk appeared, roots went into the soil, and more leaves sprouted. Soon, an identical Jade Rose blossom was seen. Mom was smiling and I couldn't help but smile too.

I leaned over and gave mom a hug. "Who would of thought that someone born to do nothing but fight wars could be so gently with plants. I am glad to see you found constructive uses for your alchemy mom."

Ammy just grinned and held her daughter close. "This is but one of many ways I have tried to reinvent myself Lene. I am not out of the running. Not by a long shot. Let's go into the shop for a warm cup of tea and some cookies."

"That's sounds wonderful mom." Lene hefted her leather satchel and followed Ammy into the Philosopher's Flask. For the rest of the day they sat together and discussed alchemy, plants, candy, and life in general as they watched the snow fall gently in Rhydin.


Date: 2010-02-20 00:52 EST
The chiming bell lit a note of perfect joy through the Philosophers Flask. The catalyst to the chiming bell was the glass door that was now held open, letting in a bit of cold air and a ballet of snowflakes. The entity responsible for opening the door entered the shop quickly. The glass door was left to it's on devices to battle against the chill wind to win a victorious shutting.

The figure stopped in the middle of the room, white snow fading fast to transparent water in the warmth of the shop. The watery slush glistened on steel chain mail, slightly grungy, and well used. Crimson red fabric peeked between the gray links announcing the user wore a Lupinossai warrior tunic died in the Great Den State Wolf colors.

One blue eye glowed from under dark gray fur, it's twin a soft brown shared the task of taking in the shop. A paw swiped blue hair tinged with auburn highlights away from the canid muzzle. Feathered ears canted about fixing on the subtlest sounds snaring the conversation of Ammy and Lene in the back room.

The tall Lupinossai warrior looked regal with an invisible cloak of imposing, encouraging, and galvanizing attitude. That cloak was suddenly shirked as the figure suddenly succumbed to a little twitch at the feathered ears that soon flowed into a full body shake. Slush and water was shed as well an orchestra of clinking steel links.

Ammy poked her head through the bead curtained door way.
"Well hello, my rugged mate. Have time to stay for tea and chat with me and your daughter?" her voice was graceful, beautiful.

The figure bore a dazzling grin on his muzzle. Glasses were withdrawn from a leather pouch on a belt. The pouch was nestled against a battered sheath that housed a well used, but well loved katana. Spectacles balanced precariously on the figures muzzle, he looked over to Ammy.

"How can I say no to someone as beautiful as you. Lene is here as well?" he asked.

A second furred head poked through the beaded curtain. "Yep. I am definitely here dad. Mom found a Jade Rose on the trails in the Southern Glenn. We've been discussing possibilities." Lene spoke. Her voice almost a perfect reflection of her mothers, yet tinged with a highness born by youth.

The smile managed to grow bigger at hearing the news, and soon more clinking of chain mail was heard as the figure was hugged by Lene. Ammy just looked to the Lupinossai and smiled.

"Fleetian James Wolf. I dare say you are one of the most handsome man to ever come into my life. And you make one great father too. Come on in. We have Pearled Jasmine and Oolong green tea steeping. Hope you like snicker doodles." she gave Fleet a smile that has made several State Alchemist long for Ammy.

Fleet hoisted Lene up in one arm and tickled her purple furred belly. "Yes, I am handsome, rugged, and I work hard to keep you guys happy. The combination of tea sounds marvelous and when have you known me to refuse cookies?" another huge grin.

His eyes looked over to Lene's pools of dull gray. "Have you lost some weight? You hardly weigh a thing to me, my jewel."

Lene just giggled and laughed. "Just the Airii genes from great auntie Miilliis Leaf Gatherer. I can take a beating and keep on ticking. I can fly now too!" the excitement just oozed out of the 15 year old Lupinossi.

Fleet just chuckled and walked through the beaded curtain with Lene in his arms. The smell of tea and cookies was delightfully welcomed. It scrubbed away the copper scent of blood and fear from the battle fields. He sat Lene down in the chair she was occupying and then he took a seat between Lene and Ammy.

Ammy pushed a traditional Japanese teacup toward Fleet. The white, bone ceramic cup had Hibiscus flowers enameled on it. Accepting the tea, he blew the on the tea only once, so not to offend the spirits of good company, and took a slow sip. Pleasant warmth, and a perfumy flavor spread through him.

He sat the cup down and let out a long, content sigh. He looked to Ammy, who was doing quite well to keep her excitement contained.

"Now why don't you tell me about this Jade Rose? The last time you mentioned one was when we had the nasty little skirmish with the State Alchemists in Central last year."

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2010-03-10 01:10 EST
Ammy sat at her research table, fingers entangled in her red hair. She had a headache. The cause was from detoxing her system from the aerosol chemicals the Jade Rose could throw off. The discussion she had with her family over what the Jade Rose could do was concealed behind a fog amnesia induced by the plants natural chemicals.

But she still knew from the books piled in front of her and the reams of research notes that the Jade Rose was universal matrix akin to water. You could add essence of Jade Rose to anything and get a myriad of results. Blood shot emerald eyes fell on the top page of notes.

~Possible effects and uses of Jade Rose:

Effects: Regenerative augmenter, Body purifier, New blood stimulant, adrenaline boosting, impacts magic on all levels by various means, severe psychological effects, amnesia inducing, emotional lifter, anti depressant, state of mind alterer, deep cognitive recaller, genetic memory key.

Uses of Jade Rose: Everything from life to death and even war. ~

She'd just uncovered natures Pandora Box in rose form. This plant could help and hurt everyone. Maybe that is why it releases the scent heavy pollen in the air. The amnesia inducing effects may be to ward off creatures that feast on it so as to confuse them about where their meal is. Hmm, if she could narrow down the proteins and psycho-pharmaceutical compounds, she could make a very effect spray mace that would cause an assailant to forget why they where attacking the target.

Ammy jotted that down. Already she had several beakers of the Jade Rose sap distilling for further testing. Patience. She need patient. Haste led her to finding out about the pollen. Her breathing mask was due for replacement and she ignored that being in a hurry to unlock the mysteries. Now she nursed her head and took it easy for a day or two.