Topic: The Murihnam Species (Mining Labor Mice) - Sliinkaa

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:39 EST
((Created and written by Mirius Spiritor))

This document will involve the rodent-race of Nolnare and Solnase, a bit of their history and their importance as well as their culture, traditions and more.

A brief history of the Murihnam and their continent of Nolnare and Solnase

The inhabitants of this split continent are known as the Murihnam. The name was roughly derived from Muridae and Human since these were a biologically engineered race consisting of an abundance of DNA alteration from both to create what was essentially sentient, bipedal mice that stood upright, could communicate and think for themselves. These mice were intended as a workforce for mines on the new planet they were to colonize. Given mice could reproduce at high rates, it made them perfect for what they needed as they knew after terraforming the world it was likely to be unstable in some areas and likely to result in death. Advanced machinery at the time was not used to dig massive mines as the technology had to be reserved for major colonization areas as well as to sustain the creation of more sentient creatures to do their bidding. The Murihnam were initially put on the continent of Nasare to breed, to be raised to proper adulthood and then forced into tunnels that would range for hundreds if not thousands of miles. Given the large number of Murihnam that could reproduce at high rates, this allowed a very large workforce to continually make mines for resources not just under Nasare, but other places as well. After tunnels were dug, then deep underground railways could be established for faster transportation under the many continents.

Many Murihnam were often killed in the process. Often digging into large pockets of underground water drowning many, digging under the oceans and seas into areas that were not stable equaling to cave collapse and more flooding, suffocation, toxins that caused health issues and the list went on. Given they were a relatively weak race, only intended to be a mining workforce, they were not very exceptional in fighting back, making them easy slaves at the time. Work, breed and die were their lives. The life expectancy of a Murihnam was suspected to be around 70 years old at the time. Most died in their early twenties and late teens, never living that old to find out.

Over time, the Murihnam became too frustrated and began to stop working, even if it meant being killed off by Humaran military forces. They demanded that they were to be treated better, be given better living conditions, to have their own cities and homes much like the Humarans did. They wanted an actual life, even if it meant still working, they wanted something to go home to or at least have proper places to call home for those that weren't forced to work. In a single year, it took genocide of approximately 85% of their people before the Humarans realized their intentions were suicidal no matter the outcome unless the Humarans gave in. Their population before the genocide was around five million. Knowing they couldn't lose their major workforce on the island, they gave in to demands.

One of the leading people that survived the genocide and forced the negotiations with the Humarans, went by the name of Rane'Isa E'Taisa. She had gone from being factory to make new workers (in other words, a female for breeding) to the first official leader of the Murihnam people. She helped ensure that her people were given a proper place in life. In one unfortunate way, the Humarans said they would not waste resources to give the Murihnam homes and towns; that they had to build such luxuries themselves, so they did. They were workers by heart and in a mere several years, they had anything from small villages to large towns, made of finely chiseled stone, excellent woodwork, homes made of brick and anything else they saw the Humarans create. The amount of people they had in their nation no doubt benefited them as they had large numbers to accomplish such a feat in a very short amount of time

In the middle of the continent was the capital, where Rane'isa E'Taisa resided and helped command her people. She would stay in constant communication with the Humarans, making sure work efficiency did not decrease from her people while ensuring the safety of the workers and freedom of the Murihnam in general. Not once did a war or another genocide break out while she had ruled the land and both sides were even thankful for that; the Murihnam for not having to be forced to die in uncalled for situations and the Humarans for not needing to waste more resources to make a point.

This peace lasted for approximately 50 years along with Rane'Isa exceeding expectations and lived up to around 80 years old due to a very healthy life. Although, her age showed greatly and she was beginning to look less herself and it was likely that 80 to 90 was the limit of the Murihnam race. The genetic engineering to cause the Murihnam to live longer than the ordinary rodents was a success.

Unfortunately, the progress and peace of Nasare came to an abrupt halt and they were sent all the way back to the beginning. An old colonization ship that was orbiting in space, ACE Phoenix, had taken its toll serving as a large research and colonization space station above Sliinkaa. It was no longer able to be maintained for years and the ship was abandoned and left alone for decades. It eventually fell further into orbit, partially burning up before it crashed into the planet. Its destination: the heart of Nasare.

The massive ship crashed into the very center of the island and those that saw it coming ran and tried to hide and find some way to live. The ACE Phoenix collided and soon made a massive crater in the center of the continent, even cracking it in two, causing water from the ocean to rush in. The shock wave itself destabilized most of the island, causing mountains to fall, all homes to crumble with those that hid inside, causing countless mines to collapse killing all that were inside, and the explosion from the ship even releasing volatile fuels and chemicals in the air that spread across the land, killing the inner area of land in the continent, the produce and many more Murihnam. All those years of progress, rebuilding their population to 30 million and the amount of respect they earned from the Humarans was all gone in a matter of seconds.

When the event occurred, the Humarans never went to help. It was too dangerous as they knew what dangers that ship caused that would linger for a long time and the land was likely too unstable to be safe. As for the Murihnam, they assumed all on their continent were dead and they took those that they still hand and used them to breed the race back into existence for their personal uses. As for the actual people of Murihnam, it was guessed that around only 200k had lived. Around 99% of their population was gone and those that were left struggled to survive the catastrophe. Those that were lucky to survive were located in the far north and far south areas of the continent, far away enough from the chemicals and point of impact.

They were in ruins. So many families were gone, many even obliterated by the blast. The ground was even poison and no one was coming to save them, except for one person; Rane'Isa E'Taisa. Given her closeness to the Humarans, they altered her ahead of time as well as some of the Murihnam, close to a few dozen in number, that were specifically chosen and evacuated through underground railways to a safe location a few days before the ship had crashed. They wanted her to stay, but she insisted she return home. They sent her by ship, with a few of her own, to return to her homeland. It was a cargo ship fitted for a year's worth of supplies. They had even noticed the rivers that freely led into the continent, but were deemed too dangerous and were afraid to enter. The ship went on a course to go around the entire continent to examine the damage up close. Rane'Isa was close to dying from shock as she saw all she worked for completely gone. She lived to see her people raise to the top, only to see them crushed.

But, there was hope. As the ship cruised around the cracked continent, they had seen people on the exterior shorelines, the original natives of Murihnam. Using small motorboats that were attached to the ship, she had even gone to meet people on the shores and bring them to the cargo vessel to live on to save them, and this trend continued as they went around the continent, looking for survivors. Nearly 2,000 were saved and aboard the ship. At first, everyone was so thankful she had come to help them, but it only took a few months before scrutiny started to arise. Many began questioning why she didn't die considering the government was located at the impact site. She made excuses, but many began to turn on her. In time the ship was taken over by those that thought she was with the Humarans and betrayed her people, that the ship was another genocide attempt and she was a part of it all. What could be described as a civil war broke out on the ship, people began getting thrown overboard, killed, taken hostage and tortured. Around half of the population was soon missing or dead on the ship, and those that were angry with Rane'Isa had complete control.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:41 EST
They forced the original crew to drive the ship through the channels that lead into the sea that now lied in the center of the continent. With Rane and the crew as hostage, the ship was drown near the crash site, where a lot of the Phoenix still existed, portions of it still even standing out of the water. Rane'Isa was taken out to the deck of the ship, where she was continually humiliated, tortured and defiled before they threw her off the edge and into the water that appeared to have a large area with thick, black oil like substance. They all wanted her to drown, they even waited and watched her as she struggled in the water, gasping for air and trying to stay afloat. Not wanting to die, though, Rane'Isa still had some fight in her left. She struggled to swim over to some of the ship debris through the thick oil like substance that made it extremely difficult to stay above the water surface. Out of pure determination, she climbed onto and lied on some metal debris attached to the wreckage, soaked in water and oil like substance which had a sickening strong smell.

As she laid there it took almost no time before she started to scream at the top of her lungs in horrific pain. She'd squirm and roll around on the metal debris, crying for someone to kill her now. It was seen she was even trying to wipe the oily substance off of her body as she screamed, as if it was burning her body. Those watching her from the ship were even cursing at her, cheering and insulting her from afar as if taking great pleasure in her pain.

It wasn't until they witnessed something they hadn't ever seen before, at least not with their own people. Electrical arcs began coming from her hands to around the metal that surrounded her. It was clear the discharges were coming from her body and eventually some of that electrical discharge ignited the substances on her body, engulfing her body into flames and making her scream worse than before. She had rolled thrown herself about in absolute pain until she rolled off the debris, falling behind it and into water where she couldn't be seen again and the screaming even seemed to stop.

They all stood there baffled to what they just saw. Theories and conspiracies began among the group on the deck from what they witnessed happen to the woman. They ranged from her gaining powers from Humarans, that she could have been a shape shifter; perhaps they had magical abilities that no one told them about and others thought maybe there was something in the water. After what was likely an hour of arguing, they came to one conclusion that they could test. They threw out netting on the side of the ship for climbing, and then they brought a dozen hostages to the side of the ship. They were given the choices of they either become slaves and suffer torment for being on Rane'Isa's side, or whoever survives and can climb back up onto the ship will earn their loyalty. They didn't tell the hostages, who were sheltered in the lower decks of the ship, what happened to Rane'Isa. No, they wanted feed on desperation of hostages for something far sinister.

Whether they agreed to the situation or not, all twelve were thrown over the side of the ship and into the water. At first there was screaming as people struggled to swim and stay afloat above the substance, some of them even never coming back up as they either couldn't swim or the substance on the surface was too thick for them to fight. Five of them were able to make it back to the netting that rest on the side of the ship and they climbed it back to the deck. In almost no time, the five collapsed on the deck and were screaming in pain just like Rane'Isa. The results were mixed and different. Three of them were screaming in pain, but had no electrical discharge or any oddness, just pain. The last two were much different in results. One was lying on the deck and even started vomiting. At first they thought she had ingested some of it, which was likely, but it wasn't until they noticed that vomit was even acting as acid and burning at the metal deck. The second Murihnam seemed to have an another very odd situation. It wasn't so much anything was coming out of him, but they noticed all the water on the deck was moving across the metal and coming close to him, almost as if he was a magnet for water.

That was all the proof they needed. Something was in that water causing something strange. While they were in that location, they took buckets and barrels and filled whatever they could up with this substance around this crashed spaceship in the water. They needed this for further testing when they were finally on land. All of the Murihnam on the ship that was against Rane'Isa and her allies had one agreement; this breakthrough could likely keep them from ever becoming enslaved to Humarans again if their creators ever returned.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:41 EST
After a few years had passed and the stolen ship finding a position to find permanent anchor, those that were on the ship had started life again on the northern continent, on the outer edges of the land. Much of the land had started to regrow and heal, which allowed them to start building homes and life again. During those years, they named their new land Nolnare and formed a new government by the name of System of Nolnare, which was really a government that made life very systematic in nature. Everyone worked for the greater good, they all had their jobs to do and together they'd make sure the Humarans never control them again. This lead to a very powerful government that had control of the lives of the people, which later was less about defending against Humarans and more about taking control of the people, weapons, research and more. This regime also began to heavily use those that did not obey as test subjects for years to come. It was not only mundane research, but tests of using the tainted waters from the Central Sea south of Nolnare.

They knew they couldn't continue abducting people though, so they started a demented tradition that involved showing loyalty to the System of Nolnare. They began taking frequent trips with those coming of age, often those that were in their mid-teens, to the tainted waters, where they threw them overboard. Those that drowned were not worthy, those that were able to climb back up onto ships without help were taken back home. This helped further their research in understanding the tainted waters and lead to calling the tradition the Submersion of Virtue. It was treated as something special, holy, wonderful and inspiring. The people fell for it and even admired it, and since it all went back to being as powerful as Humarans instead of weak rodents, then they were more than willing to throw themselves into the water. In a few decades it even developed into a mandatory tradition for those coming of age.

The information they discovered within those decades is that there was two types of Murihnam. There was those that were able to manipulate surrounding material and energy, but unable to produce it. Then there was those able to produce energy, but unable to manipulate it. They lacked the facilities at the time to understand it was a genetic mutation from old Humaran DNA as well as chemical mutations from the altered, tainted water activating certain inactive genes within their bodies. Given their population was growing full of users and suppliers, they decided to make an alteration of the Submersion of Virtue. Those able to manipulate power were considered to have inherited rights to be superior. Those that could only supply this energy, were considered inferior.

The only way they could manage to acquire this energy through constant replication was essentially blood donations. At first people were willing to donate their blood in order to stay on the System's generous side. Unfortunately, the demand became larger and larger and they found out through breeding that it was a much higher chance to reproduce certain types of Murihnam to have Supplier genes or User genes. This lead to them to an ironic fate of forcing the suppliers into facilities were they were forced to breed and give up their blood, which was turned into injectors or even drinkable solutions.

This led to an eventual riot and some of these breeding and donation facilities breached and those forced into servitude were allowed to escape. Those that didn't escape were executed or tormented; the ones that did escape the nightmare began a very long trek south, not knowing where else to go. They knew they couldn't go too close to the center near the Central Sea, and went along the shorelines, making it an even longer travel. Some died during the travel, being too unhealthy to continue, or they starved, dehydrated or even ate tainted natural food that was on the ground and still poison from the Phoenix crash years ago. The survivors found themselves needing to cross a channel to the southern region. With little knowledge, they had to construct makeshift rafts to cross the channel.

Once across, they continued to venture as south as they could go until they could go on no longer. Their numbers went from a near hundred down to a mere forty-three. From there, they had begun to make their own makeshift homes and begin trying to build a new life to not be slaves anymore. As time went on, they were able to gradually repopulate in the southern region, even finding old ruined cities and towns that could be inhabited again and started to rebuild them. They had even found old technology from the days before the crash and when the Humarans used to be around that helped gain a faster foothold in what to do with their lives.

For nearly a hundred years both the Nolnare and Solnase were secluded from each other, for the exception of run-away slaves fearing their lives when they were able to escape and ran south. During this century of period the land very slowly healed even more and Solnase went from community run towns to a central government as their population began enlarging. Solnase was soon ruled by the Solnase Republic, where instead of enslavement the people were allowed to live their lives and even got to chose who would rule over their cities and continent. This led to a much more peaceful life in Solnase compared to Nolnare, although the Submersion of Virtue was a hotly debated topic for them. Some thought it could still be of value, while others were not sure if they wanted to become what Nolnare had. This came to an eventual vote of something different. The tradition would be continued at certain times of the year that also did not conflict with Nolnare but a major difference was they would not let people drown or even die. They would always lift others out of the water and bring them back home. The idea was also something of symbolic. It not only showed what those before them had to suffer for the lives they had today, but also by the name of a woman of Rane'Isa, to live in peace, harmony and to never make each other suffer.

Rane'isa's name became two different meanings between the continents. In Nolnare, she was a traitor who gained favor points with the Humarans and tried to end the Murihnam race and enslave them again when it became far too successful. In Solnase, Rane'isa was seen as an angel and the words that spread over the years was how she was sacrificed for the good of the people. Although, while the word for Rane'Isa was nothing short of wonderful in Solnase, most seemed to have no connection to the name. It was almost as if it was a strange, odd cultist type ideal to even include her name, almost immortalizing her as a god. And given most history of any documentation of her was destroyed after the crash, there was no evidence that she was that great of a person. Nonetheless, it was more of a passing name to mention and wasn't very frequently argued or thought of much and just another part attached to the tradition.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:42 EST
The Murihnam Civil War (War of Kindling)

Over the next century, both southern and northern continents continued to repopulate and spread as the lands healed. Technology even made progress with the old relics and broken facilities lying around, they learned quickly in how to make their own rudimentary factories and assembly lines. A majority of both the north and southern land was inhabitable, except for the more central areas around the Central Sea, which was still considered poisoned land and incapable of making a living there. Both System of Nolnare and Solnase Republic continued to grow strong in their very opposite beliefs and as populations began getting bigger. The very polar opposite cultures developed into two sub names for the Murihnam over time as well. The Murihnare were from Nolnare and the Murihnase were from Solnase. Most consider them all Murihnam, but to them there's a distinct difference. As the two opposite countries grew, though, so did their absolute need for goods to keep up with the population. Both regions had resources the other could use and given old boiling tensions between the Murihnase and Murihnare became intolerable. This lead to war.

The motion of war was started at a Solnase Republic ritual of the Submersion of Virtue, where the ships they had were attacked and sunken and prisoners taken. The people of Solnase Republic were partially in shock from the attack, but deep down they knew this would happen one day. They knew the aggressions of Nolnare were inevitable. The government of Solnase had been stockpiling weaponry in case of the day of harm from Humarans or Nolnare. They had primarily armor of metal and shields, and swords and spears for weapons. They also found ways to make rudimentary firearms, such as handguns and even bolt-action rifles. They also developed another type of firearm that was under secret research. While they did take voluntary blood donations to help further study of what they were in Solnase, they also found ways to make harmful weaponry out of the blood by having a mixture of chemicals to make different reactions. This lead to unusual means of making very potent incendiary, acid, highly reactive explosive material and more to use against their enemies. They also at times required the tainted central sea water to help create some special types of weapons to help mix the ingredients.

In no time the Solnase had wooden naval vessels refitted with cannons and ballistae for combat and to help attack shorelines if necessary, on the mountains in their continents they had towers and outposts to spot the enemy from afar and traps set all around their land for the enemy, but they were going to fight a defensive war instead of offensive. They knew the Nolnare were going to attempt to do all they could to win the war and they knew that the greed, the madness, the selfishness of the Nolnare would be their ultimate doom.

The Nolnare though had readied for war over the years as well, although were expecting the Solnase to be pushovers. Regardless, they had formed their own style of weaponry with armor, swords and their own firearms as well, but they were roughly on par with the Solnase. The major difference in the war was their populations. Solnase had a population of 20 million, while Nolnare had 43 million. It was going to be an unfortunate war with overwhelming force versus strategy. Solnase had roughly trained almost their entire population, even down to the younger ones that could merely hold a small gun or a sword to defend themselves. Their peaceful population turned into an army, while Solnase had given anywhere from excellent to little training to near 35 million of their own people that were certain to go to war, regardless of age. If they were capable of fighting in some way, they served.. The rest would stay in factories to continue making supplies to continue supporting the army. A majority of the workforce would rely on child labor.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:43 EST
The first battles broke out in naval warfare while the troops traveled the land. The method was to destroy the Solnase Republic Seafarers (the Solnase Fleet, SRS.) and prevent them from escaping by ship if they lost the war. The Navy of Nolnare (NoN) were proven to be superior though early in the war. They were able to actively use there, what they called their Flair, to defeat the SRS with little effort. Not only was their ships more ready for combat, but they had a tendency to use their Flair when the ships were in close quarter combat at times. This allowed them to at times throw what was essentially fireballs at other ships to burn them down, or using manipulative abilities to move water nearby to move their ships quickly or to topple an enemy, or even alter wind to make sudden bursts to rip through sails. This lead to very quick and decisive battles often and allowing the NoN to continue on forward.

That was when the SRS had a creative idea to use their own powers against them. In all their studies, they knew that the tainted water and oil always had a violent reaction when a Flair was used around them. Some things, most often flammable Flair, often ignited the oil. They began adding an ammunition to the ballistae on their ships, a type of fragile canisters that would be launched at the enemy ships and cover them in the oils, as well as mixing it with their processed blood to help the ignition. A small division of eight SRS ships was sent out to test this idea against the NoN. The first group of ships they came across outnumbered them two to one. As all the ships came into range of each other, the SRS built a few sturdier ships to be in front, to attract attention, and when they got close enough to fool the NoN into closer engagements, that is when the heavily armored ships parted and allowed 3 specially armed ships to fire their ballistae against the NoN vessels. The vile mix of fluids drenching their ships, and they would fire at every ship they could as fast as they could load the special mixture. When the Murihnare specialists would attempt to activate their Flair and throw lighting, fire or wind at the enemy vessels, it caused a violent chain reaction causing their own ships to burst into flame, to be shredded apart by violent waves and to have their own crews burned by fire and acid, electrocuted and sending them into the waters. They felt no sympathy watching them drown; they knew the same or worse would be done to them. It was the first naval victory for the SRS with only the loss of 3 ships while being so outnumbered and they then knew how to beat the Murihnare even if they were against all odds. When they returned to port, they spoke of their success. The Solnase Republic at that point knew what they had to do.

While the naval battles were still rough, the SRS were moderately and frequently successful in fighting against the NoN. That gave them plenty of time to build fortresses on land to defend their coastal cities. On land, it was much slower and progress was difficult on both sides. The Nolnare Ground Forces (NGF) had to cross mountains, poisoned land, rivers, marshes and more to reach the Solnase Republic Army (SRA). This meant that the NGF required far more supplies and time to get where they needed to go, and with the troubles in the sea and oceans around the island, reinforcements were getting harder to acquire. But when the actual battles themselves happened, they were often brutal and drawn out.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:44 EST
The SRA had made defensive towers and fortresses of stone, and where they couldn't make that they even made trenches and tunnels through mountains and in the ground as defensive perimeters. This often had the NGF have to aggressively attack with numbers at the SRA, as they had not expected a tactic of trench warfare and fortresses armed with catapults, canons and early forms of artillery. This frequently caused close-quarter battles often with firearms, swords and other melee weapons, armor and Flair, causing very bloody messes when they took place and often leaving bodies littered across the ground. The NGF had very difficult times taking the trenches and fortresses, but when they did they turned them into bases of operations. This allowed them to keep a foothold in the SRA territory while waiting for supplies and reinforcements, but the amount of effort it took to take these territories was often costly. Every battle they were losing roughly 10 people to every 1 enemy.

The defenses were proving too effective against the NGF. This resulted in a change of tactics. They began creation their own siege weapons, such as catapults that were designed to throw special weapons. They learned this trick from the Solnase and decided to try it for themselves. They would make boulders that be hollowed out and filled with mixture of blood and the oil of what they officially decided to call Kindling. They would use their Flair to alter the chemicals of the Kindling, to make the boulders full of a volatile acid, fire or even gaseous material, so when the boulders were launched at defensive positions, they would break open and send the effect in various areas. It resulted in effectively weakening defenses of the SRA, often brutally killing a majority of their people in their trenches.

The wars on land became more brutal over time, developing new methods to see who could murder each other the fastest. Kindled weapons and armor in close quarters, firearms were becoming more effective as was artillery weaponry. But there was one more trick that the Solnase Republic had that would ensure their victory; Operation Fire Eye. As the war raged on, they found out more and more about how Kindling, Flair and the Oil worked, how to ignite them and how to make them excessively effective. Time was running out for the Solanase, so they did the last thing they knew. They took nearly a dozen hostages from the engagements they had with the NGF, they stealthily made their way to the upper-center shoreline of Solnase. From there, they did what they had to do to end the war. With consumable solutions and injectors, they force-fed and injected excessive amounts of Kindling into their bodies. This caused a critical overdose into their bodies, making them lose control of their Flair and die in either slow agony or even spontaneously combustion into flames, acid and other Flair types. This reaction caused them to lose control and resulted in a chain reaction with the land and shoreline and water that was tainted and filled with the toxins from the ship. The land, central sea, and the shoreline between the continents soon burned with glorious, colorful destruction that would spread more rapid than any Murihnam could run. Those that were caught in the flaming monster were burned alive and where the fires didn't reach, the toxins could be smelled across both continents. It was sickening, made people very ill and those that inhaled too much had died. The SRA was more than lucky to have numerous tunnels to take cover into while the outside burned, and when the NGF attempted to take cover in tunnels that were occupied; they were slaughtered if not locked out. And those that lived on the mountains indeed saw why it was named Operation Fire Eye. The very fire itself blazing across the land and in the center was seen the oil that started the madness, like very center of evil that cursed the land and wouldn't go away.

The fire burned for week and it killed millions, but it's ultimate goal was accomplished at the cost of most land between both the north and south being completely destroyed. A war that lasted 20 years was finally gone, and 41 million Murihnam died from various causes, most of them from Fire Eye. The remaining population of the Murihnase was approximately 6 million, while the Murihnare were around 8 million. The population of the Murihnam was once again nearly diminished to nothing from absolute catastrophe, but it was the final major war the Murihnam would ever have with themselves.

After that war, both the Nolnare and Solnase government agreed for a truce and for no more blood to be shed in terms of war, and whatever disagreements they would have would be settled in a more civil way. This lead to both nations entering trade agreements after the war to help each other rebuild their once again destroyed homes. As decades passed, they even came to more agreements that both could not survive without each other, while also agreeing they'll never see eye to eye or live in each other's land. There was also a voluntary agreement that those with the natural Kindling in their blood in the Solnase Republic, could donate their blood through the government and be sent to the System of Nolnare, for those able to use their Flairs to be in constant supplies, and in return the donors were given money in compensation. This allowed a reasonable system and even allows an economic boost.

The land once more healed after given time from the ravages of war. Except this time a lot of the toxins were burned from a majority of the land, although the inner shorelines and land was still polluted with the chemicals and oil as the ship had leaked more of the substance after the fire ended. This resulted with the Submersion of Virtue to be a continued tradition, each nation doing it their own way as before and not interrupting the other. Although, the name of the tradition was later changed to Eye of the Sea, as in relation to the horrific events of Operation Fire Eye.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:45 EST
The Modern Era

As life continued elsewhere in Sliinkaa, with progress in technology and life among other races, the Murihnam had slowly caught up with the times, but even as their ships sailed and went into trade routes with other nations across Sliinkaa, they became two very isolated nations. They had very little trust in Humarans and other anthropomorphic species that lived on Sliinkaa. The xenophobic nature of the Murihnam was strong to the point that it was rare to ever find another sentient species in Nolnare or Solnase. Even when they were abroad it was seldom to even find them in relations with anyone but their own kind. This often resulted them being viewed as very unfriendly to anyone that was not a Murihnam, and anyone that was of bi-species of Murihnam and another race was often looked down upon greatly, considering the parents to even lack self-respect and pride as a Murihnam. Even if that was the case, in modern era their populations had gotten larger, which lead to population increase, they had to expand and even start living elsewhere in the world. Their beliefs still strong, but those that lived among other races most of their lives were generally friendlier compared to a native from Solnase and Nolnare.

Despite what could be defined as harmony in the two continents, their tensions did turn elsewhere and have looked at the world with wary eyes. Some of what they distrust the most were the Lupinossai and the Humarans. They knew of the Silver Council and knew that the Humarans created the Lupinossai as a means for wars. Given that Lupinoss was located directly to the south of the Murihnam caused them great concern. They would make as little contact as they could with the Lupinossai, as well as staying prepared for a possible war with them. Given the Lupinossai were a race that actively used what they called ?magic? and had extraordinarily powerful people among their population, it gave them even more reason to despise the Lupinossai race as a whole. This even lead to the Murihnam to research and progress their technology as quickly as possible to put them on an even playing field with the Lupinossai and the world, and to study their Flair and Kindling as effectively as they could if they ever wanted to stand a chance in a war.

Aside from extended tensions, many old traditions and celebrations continued to the current time, but new ones were also created to remember all the hardships their people have been through to be where they are now. Tensions still remain rough between Nolnare and Solnase, but never did another war break out. Instead, they have relied on special events and celebrations to ease the tension between the two nations. It was proven very effective to be a means to an end rather than another genocide of their race.

As for actual life in the Murihnam continents in the modern era, their lives had relatively stabilized and become what could be considered normal if compared to their past. Slavery was to a minimum as was violent aggressions. They lived in ordinary homes, had work schedules, families, bustling economies, markets, corporations and small businesses, sport events and more. Life was becoming far better than ever before, even if some negative social behaviors still lingered, which likely was more than off-putting to other races in the modern era.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:46 EST
Current life and cultures

The Murihnare and Murihnase have some things in common, but at times live their lives very differently as well. The major differences were often in special celebrations involving their own nations and their war efforts, as well as their lifestyles, social behavior and how their governments functioned.

The common traits, culture and behavior

Life Expectancy, Growth and Breeding ? Murihnam grow unusually fast compared to most species, given they were designed to be rapid breeders for constant, cheap workforce and in massive numbers. The period in which a pregnancy lasts is commonly 4 to 5 months. By the time a Murihnam is of the age of 8-10, they are considered near adults as far as body maturation is considered. This means around this age they are capable of breeding. Their bodies will often finish fully grown by the time that are around 14 years old. They are known to be quick learners, but their mental capacities still require time to fully develop, which often leads towards the 30s. This leads to a problem that their bodies mature faster than their minds, and may have resulted in their frequent irrational past, as well as their social problems. As Murihnam reaches towards their age of 30s and 40s, this is considered their prime age. They are at full mental capacity as well as body health.

Unfortunately, their body begins to degrade severely by the time they are in their 50s. The imbalance of how their bodies grow leads to severe genetic defects, and often by the time they're in their 60s they are often blind, deaf, mute, and unable to walk and even result in paralysis. This comes as no surprise as they were not designed for a luxurious, long life like most species and their genetics are unable to support long extended life, since the previous expectancy of them was much shorter when the Humarans developed them.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:47 EST
Kindling and Flair - As the history would discuss, the Murihnam decided to use the terminology of Kindling and Flair to describe the alterations to their bodies after being affected by the toxins in the water in the Central Sea.

The Murihnare of Nolnare, are those that have Flair. The term Flair can be interchanged with terms such as Magic, Powers, Abilities and more. It is known as Flair due to lack of knowledge of what magic was at the time as well as it is seen very differently in their eyes than the rest of the world. Flair is the power that the individual may have, although it is noted that no one can simply learn Flair and practice it. This is a complete attack and alteration to the genetics inside the people themselves. The genetics will allow people to only have certain types of Flair, or none at all. You either have it or you don't. What type of flair the individual has is what they are destined to stay with. It is extremely rare that an individual may be capable of more than one Flair type.

As for Kindling, this is specific to the Murihnase of Solnase. It is basically a fuel in which Flairs must have in their bodies to be capable of using their powers. After they run out of Kindling in their body then they are incapable of continuing any use of their power. It is essentially a chemical and nutrient the Flair's body requires to function, but their bodies cannot reproduce. The Murihnase though are able to create Kindling within their bodies after being affected by the toxins in the central sea, which leads to the description of the different types of Kindling. There are three forms of Kindling in the modern era. Raw Kindling, Natural Kindling and Processed Kindling. Raw Kindling is what the oil and toxins in the Central Sea are referred to. This is the required toxins for the Eye of the Sea ceremony for people to gain their abilities of Kindling and Flair. Natural Kindling is what the Murihnase are able to create in their body. This chemical is within their very bloodstreams and often their blood is drawn out for the Natural Kindling they produce. It can be used as is or processed into something further. This leads to the last type of known as Processed Kindling. After Raw and Natural Kindling is taken (almost all cases are the latter in modern times.) they are taken to a facility where it is processed to filter out the blood for the purest possible Kindling. Processed Kindling is far more effective and can be injected or ingested in smaller doses for higher efficiency for those with Flair.

It should be noted that Processed Kindling is even a commercial product and can be bought with money. Kindling and Flair is very ingrained part in the Murihnare and Murihnase life.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:48 EST
Eye of the Sea Ceremony ? This ceremony is very important to the Murihnam entirely. Whether it's from those in Solnase or Nolnare, they take odd pride in being able to be a part of the Eye of the Sea Ceremony. While the start of the ceremony in history was of horrid events and the violence it later caused, it now stands as part of the very culture that Murihnam live on. The major common ground the Murihnase and Murihnare have in the ceremony is they take the young, generally those of about age 8, when their bodies are well enough matured and they are thrown off the ships and into the Raw Kindling. This is generally to have them acquire the Flair or the ability to produce Natural Kindling. The event happens four times a year, at the same times each year. But there were slight variations in how they went about this ceremony.

Murihnares from Nolnare were much more aggressive in their methods. When people were thrown overboard they were not assisted in any way. This often leads to some drowning if they're unable to swim or stay above the surface due to the thick Raw Kindling. Those that are strong enough generally swim back to the boats and climb back up. The second task is if those in the ceremony survive the mutations. Generally, they are often killed due to the severe body changes that often killing their internal organs. But those that live will get to live on freely with their newly acquired Flair. In the chance someone lives and gains no alteration, then it is viewed as an embarrassment and even a shame on the family they live with. It should be noted that this is a required ceremony in the Nolnare culture.

Murihnase from Solnase take separate ships or boats from the Murihnare so there is no conflict. Instead of throwing those participating in the ceremony overboard, they let them dive into the water themselves. They are often more likely to save anyone drowning if possible. And when all are brought back on board they are most often cared for and helped with any difficulties they may face. Any that return to the ship and never gain the ability to create Natural Kindling in their body are left to live a normal life. They are neither shamed nor exiled for their inability to create Kindling. The Eye of the Sea Ceremony is not required in the Solnase culture, but most go through with it anyways.

Outcasts - There are seldom cases where a Murihnase may gain Flair and a Murinare gains Kindling. There are agreements with both nations that those with Flair and Kindling may voluntarily leave to go live in the other nation, but if they choose not to associate with those of similar abilities then they are subject to possible hardships when living among those with the opposite of their abilities. This does at times result in public shunning and not wanting to associate with the Outcasts and this causes them problems in being able to live normally in their culture. Those that do go to associate with those of similar abilities are often subject to major culture shock and often find it difficult to live with the opposite nation. Both scenarios have often resulted in either death from those that hate them, suicide from being able to cope and even leaving homeland to go far elsewhere in Sliinkaa where they may be accepted.

Non-Native and the Ceremony ? Those that are not native of either Murihnam continent are not obligated to take part of the Eye of the Sea ceremony. These Murihnam generally do not take part in the scenario and often go on to live normal lives. However, those that do are free to join the ceremony whenever they wish and afterward they are obligated to return home or live in the more appropriate place in Nolnase or Solnase as they desire. They are also not obligated to the more strict culture of how either side participates in the ceremony. In the chances they do go to live among the natives, it's often viewed as the ?right choice? among their standards. If they don't go to live with them then it does not matter as they'll likely never see them again.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:49 EST
Native vs Non-native Murihnam ? There is one large social difference between a Native and Non-native Murihnam. While they do not mind each other personally, it's how they interact with other races. Native Murihnam often have an extreme dislike of other races and do not like to associate with them. This often leads to them not leaving their homeland due to distrust of the outside world. Non-native Murihnam are those that come from families that were either brave enough to venture out into the world or came from families that were still under Humaran control that never lived in Solnase or Nolnare. These are often more friendly and are willing to communicate and associate with other races and visit other lands. Their numbers are very small compared to Native Murihnam, though, so they're less often seen.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:49 EST
Naming Structures ? The Murihnam in general use a first and last name. This was something that stayed with them ever since the Humarans had ruled over their people and has become a part of their culture. Although, their names are pronounced and written differently than the average Humaran name. They had taken a liking to apostrophes and hard pronunciations around those apostrophes. While pronunciations of all the letters were often based on English, it was at least the apostrophes that were enough for them to set a difference. For the most part, a form of English is their main language, due to close relations with the Humarans and it being the only language they were ever taught and able to function with. As for examples with apostrophes and pronunciation, the name Rane'Isa E'Taisa is a good example of how they sound out their names. It is pronounced Ray-een (as in Rain) Ee-sah and last name is 'ee' 'tay-sah'. It should also be noted that they also took habit of English pronunciations that some letters may often take on different, multiple sounds and often at times ignore some rules of sounds. So never be surprised if their names are oddly spelled and sound odd at the same time. This is no doubt the result of their troubles of their mentality when growing up and trying to understand while having a very rocky and unstable culture.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:53 EST
Murihnare cultural and life differences:

Relationships and breeding ? In the Murihnare culture, relationships with others is often viewed as a very disconnected or even overly aggressive form of partnership with others. While love is not void from these people, they often indulge in themselves to take who they desire. This often ends up in a form of spouse-enslavement situation where the aggressor may even use their Flair or another method to even brand their mate.

In other cases, the disconnected forms of relationships are often when individuals often choose someone they like and often mate with them, many times by force which those outside their culture could even be viewed as unwanted and forced. This form of relationship often leads to single parents (often single mothers) to be left with children, only for that spouse to come back for them for more, while also having no obligation to remain with that mate.

The latter most often results in the mother or father (whoever is stuck with the children). Instead of carrying this burden, it is not uncommon that they give up their children to the System of Nolnare, who then takes the children, places them in orphanages to later be used as a workforce and indoctrinate them with their own form of education to continue and enforce their cultures and beliefs more easily. System of Nolnare also uses these unwanted children to grow up and continue this lifestyle, essentially keeping SoN in permanent control.

There is no limit to the amount of breeding that goes on in the Murihnare life and it often starts as early as possible among their people. Breeding is also important in their life due to very short life spans and the mortality rate of new births is high. The odds of a child dying are often 1 out of 3. So even when having a litter of 8 children, some of them are most likely to die. Infertility is also a problem among the Murihnare due to the major defects the Raw Kindling has caused with their bodies. All of this leads to what may often be as excessive breeding by some standards, but to not do this means the death of their population.

Lifespan, life and death ? Life for a Murihnare is extremely short. Due to their constant use of Flair and their bodies being genetically altered in unnatural ways and being poisoned by Raw Kindling, the average lifespan of Murihnare is approximately 37 years. This nearly half of what a very normal Murihnam lives. Those that rarely use their Flair, but are still poisoned by the Raw Kindling are known to live up to 45 to 50 years. Genetic defects that often happen in their later years are also expedited by the Raw Kindling, making crippling effects happen by the time they are in their late 30s. This means their body's health goes down rapidly before death. Given how common this problem is, the term for this scenario is called the ?Collapse?. So, when it is said someone is suffering from Collapse, this means they were literally dying and likely only had a few years at most. Many die within a year due to the rapid downfall.

Given how short life is in the Murihnare, they generally do not waste time by celebrating with special events or holding life as something precious. Instead, they often live life to the fullest. This relates to their aggressive and careless mating behavior to continue life and to enjoy it while they can. When death comes for them, their afterlife is not celebrated either. Death is so common in the Murihnare life that it is treated like a normal circumstance. There is even very little mourning time for the dead. Bodies are generally burned as there is no possible way for them to constantly make graves with the large death rates.

Labor and Education ? With short lives and constant need of workforce and educating people to help continue a growing nation, the Murihnare mix both work and education together. By the time one is of the age of 5, they have already entered the workforce. While they may still be growing, they are big and strong enough to start doing simple and straight forward work, even with their young minds. During this early introduction into the workforce, they learned the skills necessary that they would need later in life to work in more complex jobs and how to survive and adapt to the world. Males, and females that cannot give birth, work more physically demanding jobs. Later in life, females that come of age and are able to have children are taken from physically demanding jobs and put in more social work. In the chance they're in relationship in which the spouse may actually help with the children, then they may be more stay-at-home mothers.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:55 EST
Murihnase cultural and life differences:

Relationships and Breeding ? Even if there is no love, care and respect is essential in the Murihnase relationship. In their minds, it is a duty to continue to procreate and keep the Murihnase population from dying out. While there are semi-aggressive relationships, there are also many of consent. The aggressive-like relationships consist of one or more actively going after another and essentially force with intimacy and relations, but doing this often means that the aggressor is willing to be obligated to staying with them and keep raising families and continue to procreate, as well as care for each other. This can lack the aspect of love as mentioned, but it is accepted in their culture due to the fact that it shows responsibility and that people are to left behind to be used. Those that act in the manner of the Murihnare are looked down upon greatly.

Relationships that are of consent follow more normal aspects of doing such behaviors like dates, seeing if each other are compatible and most of all if they can also help each other?s life to be better. This type of relationship most frequently will involve love, but they can equally exist without such emotion as well. Consensual relationships are often more preferred and show the respect for individual lives. The hardships that the Murihnase have had to stay alive in the civil war created this respect among themselves.

Breeding is very essential in the Murihnase life. With their life spans being short, although longer than the Murihnare, it is seen that to continue their way of life and to keep a proper population it is encouraged to have as many children as possible. Infertility is also a problem among the Murihnase, but the chances of their children living are 1 in 6. The Natural Kindling in their bodies does cause infertility as well as some of the death rates, but since it is not an actively used part of their daily lives they generally suffer less from the poison in their bodies. Although, it should be noted those that frequently donate their Kindling often suffer from a brief period of higher infertility, miscarriages and infant deaths after being born. This leads to females donating less in Kindling to help constantly be healthy for breeding purposes.

Lifespan, life and death ? Everyday to be alive is a good day to be alive in the eyes of the Murihnase. Multiple times they've experienced directly what it means to be alive and fight for your existence and freedom. To them this makes life precious in a way, despite all it's hardships. Murihnase most commonly live to be up to 60 years old. The poison from the Raw Kindling, and the Natural Kindling in their bodies, shorten their life compared to normal Murihnam. Considering they cannot actively use the energy their body processes in the blood, there's no way for them to actively destroy their average lifespan. Although, they also suffer from the Collapse towards the end of their days. Often by the time they are in their mid 40s, they start to feel crippling effects from the Collapse. Deafness, blindness, seizures and more. Although, given they still often have years ahead of them to live they focus on medicine and treatment to help continue people to live to their last days.

While the Murihnase suffer from the Collapse and large numbers in death, they cremate their dead. The ashes are generally sent back to the family where ceremony and mourning is allowed, and often times ashes are sent back to the Eye of the Sea, where the ashes are dumped into the Raw Kindling. With the longer lives they are allowed to live, though, the Murihnase often get to realize more how precious life is and this leads to their lack of disrespect towards the dead.

Labor and education ? The Murhinase has a three phase system for work and education that goes from their youthful to their elderly days. First there are what they call ?Early Starter? jobs. These are often menial tasks like cleaning floors, stocking items on shelves and other very small tasks that can be accomplished by just about anyone and do not require much skill and a large amount of knowledge. These jobs often start at around the age of four years old. During these years that eventually lead into adulthood, they learn skills, responsibilities and how to most importantly work. Once they start entering their teens and early 20s, they are ready academic teachings as their minds are developing and being able to understand more. This is when they learn more complex forms of math, sciences and other need-to-know material that they would not have learned in their basic jobs. They will go into these schools for several years and by the time they are in their late 20s is when they will go back out into the world and be able to work in more sophisticated areas, such as specialized laboratories for research, advanced construction and even becoming the new teachers to replace those that will be aging in another decade. This was their way of handling everyone being part of a community, learning skills and having some purpose in life and having a chance to excel. In their eyes, it is not a form of slavery forcing everyone to work in some way since that is the reason they were all made, but the reason for working and the real rewards skill and training brought is what made the major difference.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-01 14:56 EST
Murihnam general appearances:
The Murihnam are not precisely of one shape or type in body and actually encompass a variety of mouse-like species. They have varying genetics in them that allow them to have a variety of genetics to choose from, thus giving them also capabilities to avoid recirculation of bad genetics that would otherwise be more harmful than the ongoing flaws that already exist in them, allowing the variety in genes to continue to be well spread among breeding.

Fur and eye coloring
The fur that is on their bodies is very short and the most common colors that Murihnam have to fur is generally of dark and light browns, charcoal grays, light grays and in somewhat rare occurrences black and white fur. Fur colors do not really represent anything that may or may not be wrong with them or hint to anything special about them.
(dark and light brown, charcoal grays, light gray, rarely black and white)

Eye coloring is found to be Greens, Yellows and rarely Reds. Parti-color eyes are also common.

Body and weight
Height of Murihnam, regardless of their lifestyles, where they come from or were born, are all around 4ft to 5 ? ft tall. Their average weight is around 110 to 150lbs. Compared to a Humaran, the bodies of the Murihnam are on average to be slightly weaker in strength, even a bit more fragile in comparison with bone structure, but they have large amounts of natural energy and senses that often make up for their weaknesses.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-06 18:57 EST
((Rough geographical maps provided by Ammy Spiritor))

For a rough geographical view of the Murihnam Territory. More refined maps will come later once Mirius Spiritor fleshes out the finer details on them.

Nasare before the crash of the doomed derelict ACE Phoenix Ship:

The resulting continents of Nolnare and Solnase from Nasare splitting:

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2018-02-24 01:24 EST
Murihnare Troop Illustration from Nohlnare:

Murihnase Troop Illustration from Sohlnase:

((Illustrations courtesy of Ammy Spiritor mun's Cafe Corgi Illustrations))