Topic: The Templar


Date: 2011-03-21 23:30 EST
There has always been a great number of people born with magical talents in the World be it the Old Country or even in the Southern Glen there has been a chance of a baby bearing the powering to use magic. But like any individual with the ability to choose it was only a matter of time till they had taken to using their magic for vile purposes such as Blood Magic or Necromancy. That was when the Templar Order brought about the power to slay mages and remove the evil of dark magics. The Templar Powers could be taught to nearly any race. Drow, Orc, even a Lupinosse.

The Templar's are trained in the practices of silencing techniques as well as heavy armor and blade work. They usually wear armor made of magic neglecting white steels as well as a cloth waist wrap baring the mark of their order which is a flaming sword over a purple eye. Templars commonly work alone and travel a lot in their search to destroy foul magic and remove evil spirits and demons from unholy places. One such example is a newer Templar apprentice who is as green as it gets. A Lupinosse by the name of Hawke who carried a two handed great sword and is greatly happy to be part of the order and help others in the world. His travels have led the young Lupinosse to the City of the Den where others of his kind reside.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2011-03-23 01:45 EST
(Just a quick OCC note: This is very plausible given the number of Lupinosse traveling to other realms. You have my permission to take this SL for a test spin!)