Topic: Whisper Paws Clinic


Date: 2009-02-20 22:26 EST
((This is a house call clinic as the Den has no physical facility yet. Modern medicine is under close scrutiny from the Healers in the Den as they do not like it. They wish to stay with the old ways of Magic. This SL will be a tale of Fleet and Fen trying to bring modern medicine to there people. The current base of operation is Fleet and Ammy's house. Fliers can be seen around the Den and Rhydin City. All are welcome to come for medical attention. Anthros and Ferals are a specialty of the clinic.))

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-02-21 20:18 EST
"That's it Nallania. Keep pushing. The third pup is just about out." Fen voice rang out in the small den like a soothing mantra.

Nallania was one of the clinics 10 expecting mothers, however, she was special. Her family genetics had an issue with carrying the puppies to full term. Two other mothers were flagged for this condition as well and Nallania just happened to draw the short straw.

Fen was positioned at the end of her bed. A clean towel held both paws as he coached her. Her husband stood by her side with fatherly grin glowing on the two puppies already delivered. Even though she was a full 2 weeks early, the puppies had grown enough to survive.

Nallania let out a howl as another peristallic wave contracted her womb and coaxed the next puppy out. Fen cupped the newborn as it crowned and came into the world. He began clearing the airways and rubbed the pup. It squealed at the stimulation.

"Good job Nallania. You have another life to be proud of." Fen assured her with a tired smile. It was 3am and he had already covered all the shifts for the day as well as the night. He really hoped Anya and Star can get those prosthetics made for Fleet. He was running near exhaustion.

Her husband took the puppy out of Fens paws and laid it with the other three. Fen didn't even realize the husband had asked a question and saw him repeat it with a worried look.

"Are their any more in her belly, Healer?" He asked with nervousness tinging his low voice.

"I will find out in one moment." Fen responded. He picked up a sensor unit from the clinics only medkit. It was a marvel of alchemy and technology. A gift from Ammy to help Fleet and Fen. The sensor was shaped like a wand and passed it gently over Nallania's belly. A small screen flickered and a black and white picture came to life. Fen kept scanning.

After 10 minutes, Fen was confident that all the puppies were whelped. "Nallania, you did a good job. Your puppies have all been delivered safely." Fen assured her.

"" Nallania said between pants.

"Give her the puppies. Let them suckle. It will start her bodies own hormones to lessen the pain. I will be back in two days to check on Nallania and her pups." Fen instructed.

The husband just nodded and watched Fen clean the instruments and pack up the medkit. Fen stepped out of the room and into the living room. As he walked for the door the husband stopped him with a paw on his shoulder.

"Thank you Healer. Without you, my children may not have survived. The other healers would not come to me call. They looked at me with disdain and told me they knew I had come to you when Nallania was pregnant." The last part was tinged with anger.

Fen just nodded. "I was honored to deliver them for you. I am sorry the other healers are being rude to their people."

The husband just shook his head side to side. "Don't apologize for them. They have their heads buried in the dirt. Now don't go away just yet. I wish to pay for your services."

Before Fen could protest, a small bag was placed in his paws.

"It is not much healer, but I wish you to have it."

Fen opened the bag and dumped out the coins. It looked like their entire house income. Fen just shook his head, pulled out 2 silver to cover the coffee and sandwich he had at the inn and handed back the pouch.

"I appreciate the kind offer, but your puppies will need you to be able to support them. Buy your wife good food, and take care of yourself." Fen told the husband.

The male looked down at the bag in his paw with awe. Fen turned around and left the Den. In his head, his mind was dismayed that he turned down the money. He wasn't making anything and he and Mokkie were to be wed soon.

In the night he whispered. "How can I ask for money though when Fleet continues to heal others with his heart when he is injured."


Date: 2009-02-22 22:43 EST
It was late at night or perhaps early morning when Fen returned to the apartments in the den that he shared with Ammy and Fleet and Mokkie, since their promise of being chaperones until the wedding was one they were taking seriously. But the living room was not deserted when he stepped in, as his fiancee was still up, sitting on the couch, writing out something, and she looked up concernedly when he stepped in looking so worried and she asked him what was wrong.

"Oh Fen," Mokk whispered when he confided his doubts to her after returning from the successful whelping he had assisted at, "you don't have to worry about money, I have enough saved from my unicorn hunting that we will be fine for some while." She reached up to take the bag of medical supplies off his shoulder while she guided him to a chair to rest. Plunking the bag down by the bench to be gone through and restocked before it was needed again she turned back to Fen smiling, "and no, you didn't wake me....i was already up trying to plan out my ritual wedding dance for you." She smiled shyly at him at the thought of that ritual, a traditional part of her heritage on both part of the wedding the bride danced for the groom and the witnesses, so everyone could be sure she was well formed and healthy enough to bear children and attractive enough that her intended husband would want her. "It won't be anything too revealing or...umm naughty, but you will be able to see more of me than you have so far, if i wear the traditional choli and half skirt anyway......." She scooted into the kitchen to reheat some water for tea and grabbed him a plate of bread and cheese and meat, with a few small fruits added in for a taste of something sweet. "Here, eat this, put your feet up and relax.....I will refill your medical kit with supplies, I've watched you do it often enough, I can do it." And so saying she did restock the kit, in between getting him tea when the water boiled and taking the empty plate out to the sink to wash quickly. She finally sat next to him to chirrup in that way she did when she had one of her "famous" bright ideas...."and if you are still worried about money, if we don't consummate the marriage right away, i can still stay in the unicorn business.......or if you don't want to do that.....we could always ask Ammy if she would let us borrow Myrlene for a few hours to draw some unicorns in......i think they would like her as much as she would like, now that you've had a chance to rest....tell me about the did it go?"

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-02-23 02:46 EST
Fen was just amazed and grateful for the help she was giving him. "The whelping went fine. First time for me, but Nallania, she's a strong mother. Those three will be in good paws." He just smiled.

"The Den will get to welcome in two girls, and a boy. And those three are just the first. Mimi and Tammany are on watch. They share Nallania's early whelping genetics. I do hope they don't deliver soon though. The pups need as much time in the womb as possible." Fen explained and sounded very tired.

"I am going to see Anya sometime and ask how the limbs are coming for Fleet. I could use his help badly. As for Myrlene, I am sure Ammy would let her come with you. She trusts you with Myrlene." Fen grinned.

He leaned over and scooped up Mokkie in his arms and held her close. "You've been really busy around the Den too I've noticed." He gave her a long kiss and held her. Being tired as he was, holding he made him feel like nothing was wrong.

A knock at the door interrupted his happy time. Gently sliding Mokkie off his lap, he went to the door and opened it. It was Tammany's husband. Fen suppressed a groan. They exchanged words in Lupinossi and Fen retrieved his med kit. He gave Mokkie a parting kiss.

"Tammany is not doing well. I am going to go check on her and see what I can do." He caressed her cheek and left the house.

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-02-23 02:47 EST
Fen was just amazed and grateful for the help she was giving him. "The whelping went fine. First time for me, but Nallania, she's a strong mother. Those three will be in good paws." He just smiled.

"The Den will get to welcome in two girls, and a boy. And those three are just the first. Mimi and Tammany are on watch. They share Nallania's early whelping genetics. I do hope they don't deliver soon though. The pups need as much time in the womb as possible." Fen explained and sounded very tired.

"I am going to see Anya sometime and ask how the limbs are coming for Fleet. I could use his help badly. As for Myrlene, I am sure Ammy would let her come with you. She trusts you with Myrlene." Fen grinned.

He leaned over and scooped up Mokkie in his arms and held her close. "You've been really busy around the Den too I've noticed." He gave her a long kiss and held her. Being tired as he was, holding he made him feel like nothing was wrong.

A knock at the door interrupted his happy time. Gently sliding Mokkie off his lap, he went to the door and opened it. It was Tammany's husband. Fen suppressed a groan. They exchanged words in Lupinossi and Fen retrieved his med kit. He gave Mokkie a parting kiss.

"Tammany is not doing well. I am going to go check on her and see what I can do." He caressed her cheek and left the house.


Date: 2009-02-25 00:57 EST
Fleet's wheel chaired whirred up the cobble sidewalk and to the door of Tammany's house. A desperate knock and call at his door had woken Fleet from his sleep. Tammany's husband gave him a short description on the events happening, and Fleet hurried, with some help form the husband into his chair.

The door opened for Fleet. He had sent the husband ahead of him, while he gathered some reserve supplies. The scene he wheeled into was a bit of a nightmare. He could see Fen crouching on his knees trying to coax out a stuck pup. Two puppies were wriggling in the arms of a friend who was trying to keep them warm. Concern was etched on the muzzled of the friend.

Fleet pulled up as close as he dared, then did something odd. He put the brakes on, tossed the pack of supplies by Fen and hopped out of the chair. His butt was going to protest the jolt later, but he needed to be on Fens level to help.

"Stuck pup?" Fleet asked the obvious.

"Yes. Stuck good and tight. Tammany is getting tired. Her pups are big Fleet. The first two took an hour to deliver. This one feels wedged against the cervix. She's dilated as far as possible." Fen gave a short report. His brown paws were dark rust with blood and amniotic fluid.

"Slide over for a moment Fen, and check Tammany's vitals." Fleet gave the order in a quiet, but calm voice. This was not good.

As Fen rolled out of the way and sprang to Tammany's side, Fleet placed his left paw on the pup's rump. The puppy was stone cold. He bit back a curse. He tried pushing the puppy back into Tammany. It gave after a little effort. Tammany moaned.

"Pulse is weak Fleet. Temp has dropped to 98F. Breathing shallow. Her eyes are dilated." Fen gave an unprompted update.

Fleet winced as he heard the numbers. Did he dare ask. "Capillary Refill Time?" The pup, now inside, could be repositioned. Fleet maneuvered the pup head first and pulled. The puppy slid free. It was large, 8lbs, by his guess, and was a male. He sighed.

"CRT is 4 Fleet." Fen responded evenly.

Either he is calmer than I give him credit for, or Fen doesn't understand the number he just said. "How many pups were there to be delivered?" As he asked, he felt as far as he could with his paw. He felt another backside.

"Ultrasound showed a standard litter Fleet. She has two more pups." Fen responded.

"Ultrasound her belly Fen. Turn on audio." Fleet instructed and pulled his paw out. Tammany's husband came near. Fleet could smell tension and fear in him. Well he had reason to fear. He held up a finger to forestall the husbands coming questions.

Fen passed the ultrasound wand over her belly. Other than the ultrasound pings, silence filled the room. Fleet cursed this time. He placed his paw back into Tammany, and tried to grab a puppy. He kept loosing balance.

"Tammany, be a brave girl okay. Fen I need your help. I can't do this with one arm." Fleet said. His voice was brittle with concern.

Tammany gave a weak whimper in response to Fleet's encouragement. Fen dropped by Fleet, and leaned close when Fleet motioned him with one finger. Fleet whispered into his ear.

"Grab the fetal loop. We need to snare the other two pups. And hurry." Fleet instructed.

Fen didn't have to ask. The fetal loop was for ER extraction of dead pups. He nodded, swallowed hard, and grabbed the stiff cord with a noose in it. Fen began the process of extracting the pups from Tammany's belly. Fleet crawled over to her and managed to stand by her.

"We are doing all we can for you and your puppies Tammany." He said in a soothing voice. His pale blue eyes took an updated evaluation of her as he spoke. Her eyes were blank. Breathing shallow, and her gum's paled with a hint of blue.

"Both puppies are out Fleet." Fen called out with a cracked voice. Fleet nodded. He dropped and crawled over to Fen. Fen looked concerned and worried. His paws were slicked with fresh crimson. Fleet knew why. Tammany's body twitched once, and a gasp was heard.

Fleet saw her husbands paws on the floor by him. He looked up. Wide eyed stare on the males face. Fleet didn't know an easy way to say this, so he stalled for a moment. "Fen help me back into my wheelchair please."

With some help Fleet sat in the chair. He motioned the husband close. "Diego, you have been gifted two girls. Congratulations." His voice wavered a little, but he kept Diego looking at him and not Tammany. His left paw motioned to Fen to see to her.

"Be proud of them, but.... we were not able to save you other three pups. They were too big, and Tammany was too small." He paused a moment, swallowed then proceeded. He grabbed Diego's paw. "Tammany, didn't make it either. She lost too much blood."

Fleet's words brought deafening silence to the room. Diego's two little girls began to yip for mother. Diego stood there and stared at his wife's body. Fen had pulled a sheet over her rigid muzzle and stood by her frozen like a statue. He didn't know what to do. Diego trembled and rushed to his wife. But Fleet's words were true.

Fleet motioned for Fen to move away and gather the equipment up. He wheeled over to Diego.

"Tammany, was a brave girl to sire your pups Diego. I feel your pain." He laid a paw on Diego's back. "I am sorry for your loss. I will let the Tenderer know she has passed on. Come see my when you need to talk. I will ask one of the nurses if they are ready to nurse pups."

Fleet felt his words were hollow. Nothing said ever would calm or soothe the loss. He removed his paw and just hung his head. Fen's steps were heard near him. Diego turned around, and looked like he was run through. His muzzle opened and shut a few times.

Words finally came out. " two the world...I...she..." he sobbed.

Fleet just nodded silently. "I will send a few things over for you Diego. I am sorry."

Diego looked at Fleet with tears in his brown eyes. "Fleetian, you do not control death. I don't blame you." he said with a tight voice. He walked over to his new born daughters and hugged them closely. "You control life. I will accept theirs for hers."

Fleet couldn't speak. A good size of gauze seemed to appear in his throat and wouldn't go away when he swallowed. He bowed his head, turned the chair and left the house with Fen in his wake.

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-02-28 01:30 EST
Fen sat at the hearth in the Red Dragon Inn and felt icy cold. He stared at the wood grain of the floor. A wheel chair was in his field of vision, but he didn't want to look up at Fleet. He felt like he had failed Fleet and the Clinic. He could still hear Tammany's labored breathing, see that pup wedged tight during delivery, and Fleet telling him to pull out the dead puppies. He felt a stab of cold when Fleet told Diego, Tammany's husband, that she was dead.

His mind played the scene over and over. He kept puzzling out what he could have done, or not done. His eyes didn't see much. He heard a voice and looked up to Fleet. He realized that Fleet had been talking and he had tuned it out.


Date: 2009-03-01 05:27 EST
Fleet knew the look Fen had. He had worn it too many times on the battlefield patching up the wounded. He sat back in his chair and let his left paw rub the empty socket where his right arm used to be. It had been two days since the night Tammany died from child birth. Fen had been avoiding Fleet, and worse Mokkie because of it. He had finally cornered him and told him to meet him at the Inn for a relaxing night off to discuss things.

He now sat in his wheel chair and watched his intern bottle up and wrestle with the guilt and emotions. It was not good. He sat there and thought of what to say to open him up.

"Fen, you seem a bit quiet and troubled lately. Is there something you wish to tell me?" Fleet asked softly.

Fen just snorted and looked away.

Ah, the tough guy act. "You're still upset with the death of Tammany aren't you?"

That got Fen to fidget ever slightly. He was on the right track.

"You can't blame yourself for her death. You had no idea what to do with a breach birth." Fleet continued.

"I could have saved her if I would have called you in earlier, or turned on the medical kit." Fen replied thinly.

"Maybe, maybe not. The medical may not have worked. I may have arrived too late still. The matter of the fact is, death, as much as all healers hate it, is a part of our life. Do you remember what Diego said to me that night?" Fleet asked with a slight rise in his voice.

"You are not a controller of death, but a controller of life." Fen mumbled.

"Exactly. You can't control death. You can do what you can to prolong it, but when it wants too, it will come." Fleet stated simply.

"But, we used to be deities, Fleet. You and I. We have both done our share of raising the dead with magic. Why can't we do that with patients like Tammany?" Fen asked. His voice was tense and a sharp edge was in that tone.

Fleet nodded for a moment. So this is what had been gnawing at Fen. Not that she died, but why we didn't just bring her back from the dead. He sighed and put words to thought.

"Fen let me tell you a story about a conversation I had with death. When I pulled you back to life back when Kalli had hold of you, death pulled me through the door of life. Ammy pulled me back out of it. But, during that brief time, death decided to have a chat with me. He was livid with all the deities and mages that are reviving dead people.

I asked him why. He told me that life's clock can not be rewound when it stops. Once time is done it is done. When one is revived with magic, you steal life's time from the clock of another person, shortening their life. Life has one exchange rate. Life for Life. This is why I am getting the healers to understand that magic is not the only answer. That is why I didn't offer to revive Tammany. I have already lost limbs to revive you once already. If she and her pups were revived, who will die quicker now?" Fleet let the story roll around the room.

Fen mulled it over for a while. "But why did she die? It was a normal whelping."

"She would be a difficult case. She was a 5ft Rivre mated to a 9ft Earthre. She was too small to begin with." Fleet laid his paw on Fens shoulder. "You did what you could, let it go. Diego has two daughters now. He will mate again in time. You let this death stay with you, it will just drive you insane. Learn from it and use what you know now about breach birth for the next case." Fleet said firmly.

Fen stared at Fleet for a few minutes, and the hardness in his amber eyes just broke. Fen hugged Fleet and just cried. Fleet just held him and kept a strong arm around him.

"Welcome to the first lesson of medicine. You can not save everyone."


Date: 2009-03-03 22:21 EST
The next several days were busy for Fleet and Fen. Events, seemed to spin by. He and Myrlene had had their first check up at the Riverview Clinic by Anya. Star, their chief surgeon for prosthetic cases, jumped on his medical records like a dolphin on a tasty sardine. Fleet was getting additional scans and set for surgery on Friday night, February the 27th.

He rubbed his head as he sat with Fen in the wee hours of the morning of February the 26th. He was still giving councilling to Fen over Tammany's case. Fen was pulling through, but Fleet had to encourage him to take baby steps to build confidence back up.

Amid the councilling, Fleet and Fen encountered something neither of them expected. Myrlene came walking into the Red Dragon Inn with her wolf plush named Tinn, and began hunting pirates and slinging spells. A 3 year old Lupinossi should not have access to spells so young, but she did.

End result for that night, a bar with a burnt kitchen door, one person with a burnt foot that was then healed by his daughter. This last act reported to him by Ammy when Myrlene snuck out of the Den again. And Myrlene getting an abrupt lesson in how to land from a float spell.

Added to this, Fleet sighed, was one injured Fen. During Myrlene's magical flight, her Soultra, Fen, tried to lasso her with magic. Ammy's protection pendant worked like a charm around Myrlene's neck, and flung Fen into the bar.

Fleet now sat in the waiting room of the Riverview clinic, waiting for final admittance for surgery. Ammy and Myrlene were there, and Fen was home with Mokkie and a dislocated shoulder. He hoped and prayed to Lupis and Canis, that no medical cases would happen while they were both out of commission.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-07 17:47 EST
Ammy sat at the coffee table in their tiny den room. A been scribbled and scratched across several clip boards. She had been compiling and taking messages while Fleet was in surgery and recovering. He had several non-pressing cases lined up for him when he got back, and one case that may turn into a potential problem.

Green eyes glanced up at the clock. It was 8am and Fleet was already out checking in on his previous cases. Eyes went from clock to coffee table. Drinks, some wonderful rolls, fruit, and some cheese where sitting on a platter waiting for the morning meeting to come. Fleet was calling in all who were helping with the clinic for a morning meeting at 9am.

She returned to filling out more paper work. With the last patient entry filled and ready for review, she turned to the roster now forming for the staff of the clinic.

Fleetwolf- Director and Chief Healer of Whisper Paws Clinic
Fen Stridar- Intern/Associate Healer of Whisper Paws Clinic
Ammy Spiritor- Current Laboratory and Equipment Chief
Mokksha- to be discussed.
Sari Whispre- to be discussed. Possible Records Keeper/Nurse
Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor- Assistant to Fleetwolf.

She just chuckled. Their clinic was small, but growing. They should talk to Anya about how things run at Riverview Clinic. And for that matter, they really needed to find a clinic building. Their little home can't stay open 24/7 forever.

A knock at the door got her attention. She stood and walked over to it. An envelope was slipped under the door. She opened it. It was one of their new medical forms. Emerald eyes traced over the information. The case didn't sound good. Ammy pulled up Fleet's pager number on her left arm, and punched in a brief description of the case.

She sat back down to fill out this new patient request. Myrlene toddled in rubbing little eyes. Her nose found the scent of breakfast and momma together. She made it to Ammy's chair and curled up for some more sleep.

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-03-08 16:44 EST
Fen walked into the Den. Medical Case slung over his good shoulder. He had convinced Fleet finally, that if he didn't do some of the light work, he was going to get rusty, and Fleet was never going to get sleep. He laid the case on the refill station to restock after the meeting. He saw Ammy sitting with with a clip board and a stack of 15 cases in front of her.

"Looks like today is going to be busy. Any for me?" he asked with a grin.

Ammy took 5 cases off the top and plopped them on the side of the coffee table where Fen usually sat. She went back to filling out a report. Fen moved to the chair, sat, and grabbed a cup of coffee on the tray. Sipping the coffee to wake up a little more, he sat the cup down, and leafed through the cases.

"Oh lovely. I get to remove Streets cast today. Well he'll be happy with that I hope." he said with sarcasm.

The other cases were light. Minor illness, sprains, and one young male with a severe case of premature shedding. He sighed a little, but with his shoulder still healing, this is what he gets. He looked at Ammy still filling that record out and then her sending a page to Fleet.

"Is that a case I can help with?" he asked.

"Ask Fleet when comes in. He is going to stop by and do a preliminary check on Merno Stranado. Parents state he's been acting odd. They think maybe the flu, but he keeps acting listlessly and staring at them like he doesn't know them." Ammy replied.

Something niggled in the back of Fens head. Those symptoms were trying to bring something to the surface, but the thought would not rise. Fen nodded, went back to his coffee and the 5 cases for him today.

Sari Wolf

Date: 2009-03-10 02:40 EST
Sari was ready for another morning of work. As she entered into the clinic she met the others with a warm smile and set off towards the paper work. Her sleek form moved behind the counter and soon she was elbow deep with the papers before her.

Her muzzle pursed over a few and filed them in fitting order. She was content to work as hard as she could, get things done before the meeting later in the work day. The more she could get done now, the more time she would have later to spend with Street. Always, the thought of him made her anticipation mount. The female was always eager to see him and today was no different.

She didn?t know how long she had been in the office, but through the time she had been there it was warm. But it was getting warmer and Sari seemed to be the only one affected by it. Tugging at the collar of her smock she turned to look over at Fleet for a moment,? When did we start to adjust the heat?? Another tug was given to her collar while she waited for an answer.


Date: 2009-03-10 03:30 EST
The lupe den. Legion moved to the front gates of the compound where she was of course met by gaurds. " We have buisness with Fen." She spoke in that buzzing tone of hers. Her insect armor shifting about her form slowly. Wings spread here a click there. Making her way through the compound two of her minions detatching and fluttering off to get a sky high view of the place while her escort remained oblivious. Stopping her at the entrance to Fen's home. The pair knock.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-10 11:37 EST
Ammy looked up at Sari with her emerald eyes. Her own stack of files was getting slowly smaller.

"The heat hasn't been touched Sari. Don't push yourself too hard. There will be plenty of time after the meeting to attend to the records. Why don't you come sit down and have some juice and a bite to eat?" she said with gentleness that would surprise most.

Ammy was not a mean Lupe by any means. She has her moments when she's over her head, but right now, they have all been working hard on getting the clinic running well for Fleet. She knew how hard Sari was working ever since she nervously approached Fleet for the job.

Sari Wolf

Date: 2009-03-10 15:23 EST
There was a slight glaze to her eyes, nothing defining as of yet. Her nod came, easy and soft before she managed a murmur,? Food does sound like a good idea. I didn?t get much to eat before I left Street?s place.? Her muzzle wrinkled a bit and she paused in a gaze at her papers. Just staring at them for a moment, before her head shook and she managed to turn her head up towards Ammy.

?I?m sorry, you were saying something?? No big deal, so she spaced. She shrugged it off and went back to her paper work. Almost as if the conversation hadn?t happened. As far as she knew she was doing fine. Her paws shuffled through the paper work for a few moments longer before she paused. Another long stare coming from her, yet it looked like she was thinking.

Sari shook her head and went back to work. Sorting through the same pile she had previously sorted. So far all it looked like was that she was tired, no more, no less. That was it, she was tired. Blinking a few times, she moved to rub at her eyes. A light blink coming from her, the glaze still at a dull and weakened state, yet to the trained eye? It wasn?t hard to miss.

One more tug was given to her collar and she spoke up," When did we start adjusting the heat?


Date: 2009-03-11 00:39 EST
Fleet opened the door and stepped into the den of Merno Stranado. His mother came to greet Fleet. Ears forward and a slight look of concern on her muzzle. "Fleetian, I am so glad you could stop by to see our Merno. He's been acting very odd.

Fleet nodded to her. "Let's go see what Merno is doing." He followed the mother through the small den, and into the boys room. Sunlight streamed in through a window pane. A small shelf of books were on one wall. Small bed, just about too small for the resting Lupe was by the window. Sunlight spilled over Merno's brown fur.

Or, what was brown fur. The fur had faded in color to a sickly whitish cream color. Fleet raised an eyebrow. He set the med kit on the floor by the bed, and approached Merno.

"Verbal record begin." He spoke and something in his robotic right shoulder chirped once to indicate the command was received.

"Fleetian of Whisper Paws Clinic. Medical case #54. Merno Stranado. Male, 18-19 year. Actual height 5'6", projected height 6'5". Parents contacted our clinic with concern for their son. Listed symptoms were Fever, Listlessness, Aches, and an onset of Short Term Memory loss with a window of 2-5 seconds per cycle.

I am on scene now with Merno, and his mother stands as witness to what I say and report. First thing that is presented is Merno's brown fur color or lack thereof. It is now a pale cream color. While the patient lies in the sun during this illness, time has not elapsed enough to account for bleaching. Suspect protein and melanin scavenging."

Fleet kept speaking as he began to palpate and administer a physical exam.

"Merno has lost weight. By rough estimate, he is at 140lbs. Current weight for him should be at 200 and climbing as he continues growth. Eyes are pale brown, pupils constricted, no response to visual stimulus. Body does respond to being touched and pain is felt and confirmed by vocalization and uniform flinching. Auditory stimulus appears to cause patient to lock onto speaker."

Fleet paused for a moment as his mind swept over these symptoms. Something was coming to him, the symptoms were clicking, but the illness slipped from him. He proceeded to detach sensors on his arm to continue the exam.

"Temperature is 103.5F and climbing. Patient will not sustain life for long at this rate of thermal increase. Heart beat and rhythm falling. BPM is 53 and declining. Ultrasound scan shows no accumulation of fluid in lungs or in the pericardium. Patients lungs though sound other wise with a wet rasp. I am drawing samples of Merno's blood for diagnostic testing. Symptoms to date are not matching anything specific at the moment. I have a recurring thought that I have treated this illness before."

Fleet removed 4 vacuutubes and a needle. It didn't take long to draw four vials of blood.

"Further note. Blood is light red and indicates poor oxygen uptake. Clotting though appears to be rapidly increasing regardless of the heparin coating on the tubes."

He inserted the tubes into the med kit and let the small, but powerful blood machine churn out the samples. While waiting he turned to Merno's mother.

"Did he do anything peculiar or go anywhere not familiar to you?"

"No Fleetian. He was helping his father tend to one of the communal gardens and complained about being too hot. It was sunny yesterday like today. Maro told him to go rest in the shade, but even in the shade he kept complaining of the heat. Then..then he didn't know why he was sitting in the shade. He kept asking why he was outside. We thought it was from working too hard in the sun. Last night we were afraid when he asked who we were. She was twisting a rag in her paws. Her violet eyes were on the verge of tears.

The med kit chimed indicating results were ready. Fleet tapped a few buttons and sent the results to the cpu in his arm. The results swam before his eyes and only his eyes. A long list of chemical, protein, and mineral levels were displayed as well as hormones, and other key bio data. At the end of it, it flashed one small phrase. It was a code of some sort. LPCRS2M

It was odd for the blood machine not to mach up the results. The entire collection of medical knowledge from Lupinoss and other realms were stored in it. He tapped a button and recorded the number. He blinked to find Merno's mother staring at him. He had been staring at her while the data scrolled past his eyes.

"I will need to research the results more. He is in serious condition. I need to move him to my house for round the clock care and supervision. You may visit as often as you wish."

She just nodded and went out to call Maro. Soon a litter was rigged and attached to a Pillmoo (Lupinoss variety of Yak) and Merno was loaded gently on it. He was becoming non-responsive to touch. As Fleet began to lead the Pillmoo, his cell phone went off. He flicked it open.

"Healer Fleet here."

"Fleet, it's Ammy. Hurry back to the house. Sari is acting bizarre. She keeps asking the same question over and over, and oh Lupis, she's burning up!"


Date: 2009-03-13 02:46 EST
Fleet arrived at the clinic with Merno in the stretcher. Fen came out to help him move the patient into the house. By the looks of it, Ammy had already cordoned off part of the living room in anticipation of an emergency.

Merno was moved from stretcher to a comfy bed. Ammy was right beside Fleet. IV drip sets, lines, and fluids in a large bowl with an assortment of catheters. Fleet had to smile just a little. She was getting very good at anticipating needs.

10 minutes later, Merno had Lactated Ringers dripping into him at bolous dosage. Fleet checked his vitals again. They were plummeting fast.

"Ammy, go to the lab cooler and mix this list of medications exactly as measured out into an IV bag, then a separate IV bag with his list." he handed her two separate scripts. "The first will turn blue from the chemical reactions, the second red. Hurry if possible."

Ammy nodded and took off for the lab to mix up the solutions. Fen was standing there and looking at Merno. He had a haunted look in his amber eyes. Fleet stood and walked over to him.

"What's on your mind?" Fleet asked.

"Merno's condition and symptoms remind me of illness in my land for some reason. Do you have an up to date list of sympoms? Fen asked. He looked down as Fleet shoved the disc into his brown paws. He read the holo files and groaned. "Fleet, I know what it wrong with him. He has Lupanecrosis."

Fleet just stared at Fen as if he had hit him. "How can you be sure? The last known case from my homeland was 200 years ago?"

"Fleet I know, because I made the virus. But this is not the way it's suppose to act." His voice said in disbelief.

Fleet just stared at Fen for a long moment, then sighed. He had forgotten that Fen used to be an evil deity. This shouldn't have surprised him. "You said it was different. How?"

"The virus was to latch on to the bodies chemical producers and flood the system with neural toxins to allow easy control of the victim by voice command. It never showed the tendency to cause rapid wasting of the victim or that." he pointed to Merno's dire condition.

"It mutated Fen. That's what viruses do." he sighed. He looked up and saw Sari looking uncomfortable and hot though it was still early spring. He walked over to her.

"You look a little unwell Sari. Are you feeling allright?" he asked.

Sari just stared at him for a moment, then her eyes went wide. She bolted out the door of the house and disappeared. Fleet looked at her vanish and wonder what had gotten into her. He shrugged and thought it was just her being tired or nervous again. He walked back to Merno and began another examination.

Late into the evening, Fleet was at the Red Dragon Inn pouring over the test results and exams of Merno. He began ripping into the virtual libraries in the on board cpu's of his arm looking for references to the code he received. He found the notes in the dusty tomes of the Spiritors from his homeland. They had documented a similar mutation.

He made notations on what was needed to help combat the disease. He wished he had the information sooner. Merno passed away 2 hours after he arrived. Ammy had just finished mixing the treatments needed when he died. Fleet tried to revive him but his body was too wasted to bring back.

Fleet didn't like the frowns, the anger from the parents, and the questions as to what happened to Merno's body. He had Ammy disintegrate the body to ash to prevent the possible spread of Lupanecrosis. He politely worked with the parents to explain what was going on. When the word 'Lupanecrosis' came out. A whole new eruption of anger emerged. The went right the Healers Guild.

He was expecting a sneer, jibe, or some threat to come soon against him and the clinic. So far, it hasn't.

The following morning Sari was noted as acting odd again, and disappeared once more out the front door. Fleet decided to put a stop to this. She couldn't keep being flighty like this and he talked with Ammy about it.

"Fleet, she's not being flighty or paranoid of her own will. She keeps complaining about being hot. She often stares out into no where, and then asks the same question that was asked a minute ago." Ammy said firmly in Sari's defense.

Fleet heard the symptoms in that defense. He knew what was up. He told Ammy that he was sorry for assuming she was being paranoid. He left the house in search of Sari. He had to get to her and get her back to the clinic.

5 hours had passed and Fleet's search brought him to the Red Dragon Inn. Inside he found Sari at the bar talking to herself and going into lapses of silence. She was worse than this morning. He flicked open his cell phone and called Street.

"Hey Street. Fleet here, you're going to want to come to the Inn. Sari doesn't look well and she may need you." He flipped the phone closed and made his way to the bar. Sitting by her, he watched how she acted.

She turned and looked at him. She even asked him several times where she was, and who he was. Each time she got more panicked and her woodre genes were kicking in. He kept telling her that he was a healer sent to keep her safe until a friend arrived. He had seen Street and Sari smooch and do more than just be casual strangers. He was hoping he was right.

About this time a familiar Ion whine was heard. Soon Street's bike was heard screeching to a halt outside. Thumps were heard as Street hobbled up the porch and into the Inn at full speed.

"What's wrong with Sari?" he asked, red and orange eyes glaring around. Sari practically leaped on him and wouldn't let go. She kept telling him she was scared and didn't know who the man was over there. Street swallowed and felt fear well up in him for Sari.

Fleet watched the dialogue between the two, then noted that Sari tried to walk out the door to escape again. This time it wasn't going to happen. Her right leg appeared to buckle and she went down with Street trying to catch her. She was sobbing and crying. She kept rubbing her right leg and telling Street it wouldn't move.

Fleet was now concerned. She was starting to lose fine motor skills. He walked over and helped Street stand her up.

"You need to take her to the clinic now Street. She seems to remember only you. You've been promoted to being her nurse." He pulled out four vacuutainers and drew four vials of blood while Sari lapsed into a daze. He shoved two vials into Street's paws.

"Get these to Ammy. Tell her to analyze and begin working on the results. Have her run the protocols that we were starting for Merno. Sari has a good chance to pull through. I am going to stay here for a while and do my own analysis on the blood samples. I will arrive at the clinic soon." Fleet instructed.

Street just nodded and with Fleets help got Sari onto his bike. He hopped and started the bike up. It was pretty banged up and bare still, the shells not finished yet.

"When did you get the bike running again?" Fleet shouted over the whine.

"Just today Fleet. Ammy let me borrow her lab." Then he gunned the throttle and roared off.

Fleet watched the two disappear and walked back into the Inn to do some research.

The bike whined down the streets. Building slew past them as Street focused on two things. Reaching the Den safely, and making sure Sari to let go.

Sari was scared, and as she clung tighter to him it showed. There were times that her daze would claim her for a moment or two, but her grip never slackened. It seemed she was almost glued to him.

"We'll get you fixed up Sari. Fleet and Ammy will pull you through and I will be there teh make sure you don't give up."

"I won't give up Street. I have something to live for." She said as she clenched her eyes shut tightly," I'm just scared. What's wrong with me?" Like she'd remember it.

"Lupanecrosis is what Fleet keeps saying."

She didn't remember hearing about Lupanecrosis or what it was. It seemed she was baffled even then. All she had to ask was," Who's Fleet?"

"Just don't let go love. The Den is just up ahead."

Clinging to him, she nodded and tightened her grip," Stay with me through all this please Street? Please?"

"I wouldn't let death rip me away."

"I won't let it get that far, I won't..." She promised. She would fight it, do what ever it took to get better from this.

The den loomed ahead, and the gates only half opened as Street roared through them. A marduk messenger was ringing ahead already.

Sari was starting to go into another daze, her grip was slacking a bit as she tried to fight the haze. But the fog was winning out as her eyes glazed a bit more.

The bike came to a sidding halt at Fleets house. Ammy was outside with Fen and a stretcher waiting. Street dismounted, limped and began to move Sari. Ammy and Fen helped move her to the stretcher.

Sari was practically a frozen lump in the stretcher. Her eyes staring aimlessly at the sky. There was a white haze in her eyes .

He handed the vials to Ammy and told her what Fleet wanted done. She nodded, and held the door open while Fen and Street moved Sari into the clinic. A small group of Lupes gathered looking to see what was going on. They murmured that the clinic was getting hit by a strange disease.

Soon Sari was coming to. Her paws were working at her tank top again as she wriggled," It's hot.. I'm hot." She said as she squirmed on the stretcher.

Sari was moved into the makeshift ward. Ammy was barking out orders. "Fen, I.V. Blue bag first, then Red. Street, keep her calm." Ammy's paws set to work removing Sari's clothing.

At the sight of Ammy Sari practically went into shock. She screamed out loudly. Her body kicked and thrashed as she started to pull away. Trying her best to get away from Ammy, who she saw as nothing more than a stranger.

Street held her in place. "Sari, Sari. They are here to help. They wont hurt you. I will make sure of that." He whispered in her ear.

Ammy tried again then stopped. It was pointless. "Street you're the only one she trusts. Take her tank top off then work on the jeans. We've gotta get her temp down. Fen, ready yet?"

A whimper came from her and she clung to what she could of Street. Her eyes turned up, locked on Street the best she could. Wriggles came from her, her tense form trembling slightly while she tried to calm for Street.

Street nodded, pushed her down gently. "I need to get your clothes off. You'll be cooler Sari." He began to work on removing the tank top. Ammy and Fen discussed something behind him.

"It's still so warm..." She whimpered, wriggled, and squirmed as the top was removed. She wasn't kicking, but she was still trying to cool down.

Street nodded and moved his paws down to her jeans.

Ammy came up next to Street. "Leave the undergarments on. When your done, you're going to have to insert the IV. If she thrashes when we do it, we'll be blowing veins."

Her eyes closed tightly for a moment as her pants were moved down. A sweat was already building at her form. Her paw was working to fan her form.

Pants off he dropped them with the tank top. Ammy had the IV kit waiting. She instructed him on where to place the tourniquet and how to soak the fur down with alcohol. She gave him the need and guided him step by step. "Sari, be brave." Street whispered.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-15 01:59 EST
Ammy sat hunched over a flat screen display of her electron microscope. She had lost track of the time that had gone by. She leaned backed and winced. Her metal paw reached back and rubbed cold and cramped muscles of her back.

Her emerald eyes were a bit dull and bloodshot. She hadn't slept since Sari was brought into the clinic with Lupanecrosis. The event scared them all. Fleet barely slept when Merno was sick. Even after Merno passed away, he kept doing his rounds, then researching when no cases were pressing. She reached over and grabbed a bottle of juice and sipped away.

Sari seemed so scared when she was brought in. Little wonder about that, when Fleet told her that memory loss was the most common symptom. What surprised her more was how a nervous, woodre hybridone managed to snag the heart of Street.

She just grinned a little. Street had followed all directions well, like a veteran soldier could only do. He was very gentle. She knew he could be, just needed the right person.

Her eyes turned back to the screen as she watched neat rows of medical nannites sat their waiting for the programming they needed. She designed them with care and made them special. They were to be the first class of Lupanecrosis treatment. A.I. would guide them to the virus deposits, and with surgical precision launch a salvo of nano charges with chemotherapeutic drugs to the mutated RNA.

Once that was accomplished and Lupanecrosis serum levels were not detected, they would go into stage 2. Each nanite would settle at preprogrammed locations throughout a patients body and monitor the rise of any Lupanecrosis levels. If detected, they would detach a new wave of nanites that they would replicate with another salvo of chemotherapeutic drugs. This cycle would continue for as long as needed keeping patients in permanent remission with slight outbreaks as a 20% possibility.

She rubbed her eyes. That programming was done already. She had found a very curious Marduk sentry that had done a stint of nanite programming at the hive in their employ. It was more than happy to help their precious Ammy. What she needed to do now was create a second group of nanites that would be mixed in with this batch. They would be used for molecular repairs on damaged tissue from the virus locations, fever effects, and any neural paths damaged. They would also send updates to Fleet's on board CPU in his arm about how the virus acts with the body.

It was a large order for her to fill. She was learning Marduk tech and medicine rapidly, but she was feeling overwhelmed. Nano medicine was ground breaking to some, old to others, yet on this world, it was still new. There was a new silver lining in all of this. Fleet and Ammy's research showed that Lupanecrosis and Osteo Saromas (Bone Cancer) shared the same mutated RNA. They were looking at offering hope to Anya's patients as well.

The Marduk came in with barely a hiss, but Ammy knew it was there. She had gotten used to it's movements. It proceeded to continue working on the secondary programming. It turned to her and spoke.

*Lady Ammy. You need rest and food. I will oversee programming. You can double check me when you have rested. Do you want me to start the base matrix for the secondary nanites?*

Ammy stared at the Marduk wearily. It had a point. She nodded to it. "Yes, continue the programming as discussed. Start the matrix and then wake me when they are ready for me. I will be sleeping in the corner."

The Marduk made a confirmation beep and went to work. Ammy walked over to a very plump bean bag chair. She fell into it. Nanites and schematics burned into her mind. She drank more juice and saw a small platter of food sitting by the chair. She smiled tiredly. Mokkie again. She was very helpful in her own way. The clinic would fall apart with out Mokkie there making sure everyone wasn't pushing their limits.

She snacked on the meats and fruit on the platter, and belly full, fell fast asleep.

Arak Kryyn

Date: 2009-03-15 03:09 EST
Arak had hmself been hard at work ever since that chance encounter with Ammy and learning about the Lupanecrosis outbreak in the Den. He was determined to ensure that this did not become an epidemic.

So far the only information he'd had on the disease were the records from one of the Lupinoss realm shards. In that copy of the world, the hybrid curse and virus had sweapt across the realm and decimated the population.
In it's native form, the disease created what amounted to continuually decaying zombies that were contagious in the extreme.

This new strain had lost some elements of the original curse aspect, however there was still a magical component that ensured that once infected, a host of the virus would continue to produce viral cells no matter how many times those cells were wiped out with medicines.
Unless that magical component could be neutralized, the best Ammy and her people could do was to contain the disease. Anyone infected could seemingly be cured of the symptoms, and might in fact be mostly non-contagious, but at any moment the curse could activate and spread the virus before the cures would take effect. Then there was the chance that the virus could mutate again and end up infecting Rhydin's entire population.

Arak sat in the middle of a hexagonal stone room, a meditaiton and experimentation chamber of sorts. Along all the walls and floor were traceries of crystal veins, carefully grown into mystic patters and runes.
Many of these patterns now glowed with energy being provided by a series of ten mana-stones set into recesses in a circle surrounding the mage. He bent over the innermost circle of the room, which contained within a tiny homunculus copy of a Lupinosse who had been infected with this new strain of lupanecrosis.
Arak had already run through ten of these magical constructs, attempting to dispell the curse component of the disease. While he was closer to his goal, something eluded him. It was as if the original spells and aetherial weave that brought the curse into existance had mutated along with the virus; but that was supposed to be impossible. A spell that complex could not sustain itself if even a tiny portion of said spell changed too much.

Squawking in frustration as the homunculus finally succumbed to the disease and died, Arak activated the disposal runes and everything inside the center circle was blasted into a void plane, vanishing totally from the multiverse.
Another sigh as the gryphon rubbed his forehead, exhaustion was setting in. He had best get some rest before he mis-cast a spell and blew himself to hell and back.

Tomorrow he would tackle the problem again, and again, and again until he had solved the riddle...


Date: 2009-03-16 22:32 EST
Fleet lay sleeping in bed, the first time in many days since the outbreak of Lupanecrosis. It was not a choice, but a command by all at the clinic. They didn't want him overworking himself. He was still recovering from the aging affects from the rift incident two months ago that aged him and Myrlene rapidly.

Now there was a second problem that Ammy worried about. She was leaning by the doorpost watching Fleet and Myrlene sleeping soundly. They had both gone to help paint the walls with the other children at Riverview Clinic. It was her turn today to take Myrlene. She let out a silent yawn. She herself was beyond exhaustion.

She kept watching, emerald eyes slightly glowing from her inherited gifts. Fleet was also infected with Lupanecrosis from his own time. A rare case it was. Type 3 known to kill deities. Yet with him, it was mutated by his genetics and made non infectious. Yet, she knew, when he was tired, the symptoms would surface and make him hurt all over, even border on losing sanity. That was dangerous with what magic he could still do.

She walked over silently to the bed. She came to wake him up. He only had 4 hours of sleep, but he wanted to be up when the first trial batch of nanites was ready. Sari was depending on them for her life. What she couldn't understand is why he wanted a backup syringe drawn as well. She touched his metal shoulder and gave a mental shiver. She thought she had a rough life, but Fleet was always battling with something she could only barely fathom.

"Fleet. Fleet. The treatment is ready when you are."

Fleet opened bloodshot blue eyes and blinked for a moment. He was cradling Myrlene in his sleep. He stroked her lavender hair for a moment and smiled when she rolled over and continued sleeping. Rolling on his side, he saw Ammy standing there. He rubbed his eyes.

"I see." he got up slowly so as to not wake Myrlene. He followed Ammy into the den where a fresh set of scrubs and lab coat waited for him. He began undressing. Ammy came up and began brushing the tangles out of his fur and removing what she could of the finger paints from his fur.

Fleet stopped her before she could touch the art on his metal limbs.

"That's Myrlene magic. It's so her papa will always have a reason to smile." he grinned.

Dressed, brushed and coffee in his paws, he followed Ammy to a separate, well organized room. It was larger than their house. She had used alchemy to create the Lab to give her more room for the equipment needed for the clinic. This was the only expansion they could do.

They reached one of her many work tables. Two syringes lay on clean linen towels on a silver tray. The glowed faintly blue. She brushed them with her metal paw.

"The first doses of the LNC treatment."

Fleet just smiled proudly at her and gave her a strong hug. "Well done Ammy. The LupanoNaniteChemo injections will help greatly to study and halt the virus."

She looked up at him with her green eyes.

"Why did you have me draw two doses? One is more than enough for Sari."

"Because, the first dose is to be used as a test on me." He said firmly. "I have Lupanecrosis, albeit mutated, but the blood samples from me I have analyzing shows the target RNA is still the same. If it works well on me and doesn't harm me, then we can move on to injecting Sari. She's scared to death of dying and what to put her doubts to rest."

Ammy just looked at Fleet with worry. He just smiled to her, pulled a lab bench out and sat down. He rolled up his lab coat sleeve, and placed a tourniquet around his arm. He looked to Ammy.

"I know you can inject me love. Will you please?"

Ammy swallowed a protest and just nodded. She took the first syringe, and very gently inserted the needle. Fleet winced just slightly and motioned for her to start pushing the nanites. As she pushed on the plunger, he let up on the tourniquet. In a minute the nanites were administered.

"Record on. Healer Fleet Wolf of Whisper Paws Clinic. Experimental test of LNC treatment for Lupanecrosis has been started at 6:15 am, March 15/09. 10cc's of LNC nanites were injected intravenously into my blood system. On board cpu will keep records of all vitals of my body and all feeds from the nanites. If results prove successful. LNC will be administered to Sari Whispre, known patient with Lupanecrosis. Vaccinations and preventatives will be further investigated from both results. End record."

His arm beeped in confirmation that the message was recorded. He looked to Ammy with blue eyes and just smiled. "Good so far. My cpu will put you on alert if anything goes wrong. Now then, what cases do I need to attend to today?"


Date: 2009-03-17 16:54 EST
The day could have gone better. It seemed like it was. Fleet blazed through the cases that day like he was 20 again. He felt better than he ever did. A running percentile on his remission levels kept rising. By late afternoon he was pegging at 89.5%. This was good. The LNC treatment looked to be working well.

He was getting a bit thirsty and stopped by the Red Dragon Inn for a drink. On his way there, a Lupe handed him an exam request. He stopped by the house and examined the male. He didn't like what he saw. The Lupe was showing the early signs of Lupanecrosis. That made 3 now infected. It was beginning to spread. He recorded the entire exam and told the Lupe he would be in touch in the morning.

Fleet walked off to the Inn, his nose buried in the report. His paws knew this route by memory, and soon he was at the bar. He looked up and saw Anya smiling at him and talking with others. He gave a smile back to her and went back to the record. His metal paw lifted and a cola appeared in it. The magical act didn't even phase him like it used to.

He began chatting with Anya about the treatment. She nearly climbed over bar and put a boot up his rear when he told that he was the test guniea pig for the LNC. He just chuckled and reminded her that without him, who was going to patch up the Inn patrons while she was on probation.

That was when Ember Palling walked in. The Den's resident human Force user. He looked like he came out of malfunctioning droid factory. Burns and blood was on his gray cloak. He just sauntered over to the bar and sipped his Nerdan brandy like nothing was wrong. Fleet wouldn't buy into it. Ember even tried a Jedi mind trick to persuade Fleet he was fine. It didn't work.

Stripping burnt clothing from Ember and cleaning the wounds he learned that Sith had attacked his ship the Bi-Duran. The aft hyper drive coil blew and he caught the shrapnel and sparks. Fleet set about patching him up. 15 minutes passed and the Force user was in better condition than when he walked in.

Fleet went back to his cola. Another wounded patient tended to. Arak Krynn, an old friend to him and Ammy walked in. He was a magical gryphon, a very powerful Mage Knight. He sat at the bar and looked about as dead tired as Fleet was the last few weeks. He was helping Ammy unravel the Arcane portion of the virus. He set into question mode with Fleet and began asking him about the virus more.

Amid the queries Fleet felt a little odd and looked right at Ember. He asked him who he was? Ember looked a bit concerned at this and told Fleet that he was just worked on by Fleet. Fleet asked the same question repeatedly of everyone.

They all looked at him worried. He was showing signs of sever Lupanecrosis levels. At that point Ammy burst in in full panic. She had her lab kit over one shoulder and was injecting more LNC into his IV port before Fleet knew what happened. He began to feel better. Ammy swore colorfully as the readouts from her kit showed that the virus was attacking the nanites in the treatment rapidly.

Fleet managed to calm her down and gave her the next series of steps to take in modifying the LNC treatment. She left in a hurry to implement the changes. Her mate and friends were on the line.

He turned his attention back to Arak and Anya. They were discussing a magical scanner to detect the virus and they could have it ready in three days. Fleet knew with the readouts they had, he and Ammy could make a medical scanner as well. Arak was looking at him, so was Anya. He asked and they both confirmed he had a lapse in memory. His arm readouts confirmed what they told him. He shook visibly with fright. He may just well die during this battle the Den was having.

Arak gave him a comforting squeeze of his shoulder and they both got up to leave. As they walked out, they forgot about Ember who was listening quietly to everything. He made a suggestion. Scan all the Lupes and get the younglings and mothers out of the Den and onto his ship for safety. Fleet was hit again with fear. All he could think about was Myrlene getting infected. Ember left to prepare his ship for the refugees to come in three days.

As they walked back to the Den, Fleet asked Arak to start at the Healers Guild when they began searching for the virus' origin. He hoped he was wrong but he had a sickening feeling that that is where it came from. Arak just looked at him in shock at someone unleashing this virus on the Den.

Ember Pallin

Date: 2009-03-19 22:42 EST
Ember Pallin walked down the dusty road to the Lupinosse Den. It was a lovely morning. The clouds had scattered after the previous nights rainstorm, and the sky was a deep blue. He saw small contrails from the Adaptus circling above waiting for him if needed.

As he looked out at the small valley that was the resting bed of the Lupinosse Den, Ember's gray eyes saw something disturbing. The wrought iron gates were barred tight, and a row of Marduk sentries barricaded the inside of the passageway.

Even more disturbing was a a tired looking Ammy standing behind the gates. She had a wild look to her green eyes. He knew that look. It was the look she showed when she had used the Force to sense him coming from afar. She had her paws hanging out of the gate. Myrlene dangled in the air by her paws. She was screaming her little head off and kicking about in the air.

Ember quickened his pace and reached the gate. He stopped and gazed at Myrlene trying to claw her way back into the Den. He looked to Ammy and saw she her green eyes had red rings around them. She had been crying.

"Ember, Master Ember, please take Myrlene far away from the Den. Don't come back until we call you."

Ember paused to think for a moment. He looked right at Ammy. "What is wrong here? Do you need assistance?"

Ammy just shook her head and asked Ember to take Myrlene again. Ember, remembering vague parts of the virus running around the Den, began to understand what was happening. He nodded to Ammy.

"Is she safe to take from the quarantine?"

Ammy nodded to Ember. He lifted both metal hands and firmly grabbed the thrashing Myrlene. She struggled even more when this man she didn't know much tried to take her from moms arms. She tried to scratch, tried to scream, hell she even managed to bite his metal arms twice. Ember just looked stern at Myrlene and held her tight.

Turning from the gate he walked away. Over his shoulder he called out. "I will watch over her Ammy. Let me know when the refugees are ready to board the Bi-Duran."

Ammy watched the two leave. She weaved herself through the Marduks and vanished back into the Den.

Arak Kryyn

Date: 2009-03-20 00:27 EST
((Removed due to sync issue. Posted in the right order.))


Date: 2009-03-20 00:34 EST
After returning from the Inn the previous night, Fleet didn't sleep. He jumped right into working on a medical scanner to detect Lupanecrosis. It scanned for an odd serum type he named Fenraris. He thought the name appropriate for a serum normally helpful to the body until the virus hit. It was turned into the neurotoxin responsible for the mental degradation that occurred in most victims.

Three hours of readjusting the sensors in his right arms medial array, he tested a fresh sample of his own blood. The scan showed only .09% Fenraris levels. The LNC was working as planned, just higher dosages were needed. He heard Ammy pad into the lab. She had just returned from attaching the bracelet to the other Lupe infected. Arak was using the bracelets to collect arcane data on the victims. The virus had two parts to it. The medical part looked to be treatable almost. The arcane part was just plain hideous.

He looked up to see Ammy plop onto a lab stool. She was exhausted, and looked like she was crying.

"You okay love?" he asked concerned. He shut the access panel on his arm.

"I just handed Myrlene off to Ember. I had to get her out of here." she said in a trembling voice.

Fleet winced in sympathy. He had told her that Myrlene and the other pups needed out, but they realized that only Myrlene had magical protection from contracting the virus. He stood and walked over to her. He squeezed her shoulder gently.

"She'll be fine. Ember is a good guardian. Now then, I am going to Street's house to inject Sari with the modified LNC treatment you just made. I suggest you start making more doses for the rest of the Den. Once we scan them, we inoculate them." Fleet instructed.

Ammy nodded numbly and began loading the nano matrix with raw materials to begin a large batch of LNC. Fleet grabbed his med kit and walked to out the door and headed for Streets house. When he got there, he was surprised to find the door opened before he could even knock.

"It's gotten worse laddy. She don't remember et all now." Street muttered with a hint of true concern in his voice.

Fleet moved in towards the bed in Street's one room home. He set the med kit on the floor and took Sari's vitals. She was getting dangerously close to Merno's condition. She was in a full daze and responded little to any external stimuli. Fleet pulled out two syringes, and began to administer 25cc of the LNC treatment. It was a high dose for her size, but it was the only way to overcome the hunt and kill abilities of the virus.

He sat and waited after he injected her. The nanites, spreading quickly and administering their chemo payloads at the viruses began sending Fenraris levels back to him. The level's were at 85%. She was close to too far to rescue. The numbers glowed in the dim lit house. Street had kept the lights dim so her eyes wouldn't hurt. The blue numbers painted everything with a light saintly glow.

2 hours pass and the numbers dropped to 50%. Sari blinked and asked for water. After she drank 2 gallons of water she looked up to Street and smiled. No hint of fear. She looked over to Fleet and smiled even wider.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Sari." He spoke softly. He strung a bracelet around her wrist. It matched one around his left wrist. "Wear this until I tell you to take it off. It will Arak, a friend of ours, magical readings on your body to help him unravel the virus." Fleet said firmly.

He stood and slung the med kit around his shoulder and approached Street. "Report to my house this evening. We are doling out LNC doses to all Lupes after we scan them." He put his metal paw on Street's shoulder. "Good work on keeping her alive Street. She is a fine lass, and I am sure you two will be happy together." he winked and walked out the door. Street's house was a pinprick of happy lite in the dark shadows of the outbreak.

Arak Kryyn

Date: 2009-03-20 01:38 EST
Arak stood in a MagiTech bubble, and watched fear and stress tear a people apart...
He had finished the artifact that would allow him to detect the presence of the curse portion of this strain of Lupanecrosis, and had even contacted a Drahkanid associate of his to furnish him with a hybrid magical/technological isolation bubble. The thing used a force-field to screen physical agents, and a mana-shield to keep out any magical influences.
The outbreak had nearly become an epidemic, and it was more imperative than ever that the healthy be removed from the infected. To this end, the Den had the entire contingent of Marduk drones circling the main areas of the Den, ensuring that no lupe entered or left the cordon. A double line of the big mechanical Gunner class drones stood to either side as the entire population of the Den was lined up single file towards the gates.

At those gates were Arak on one side and Ammy on the other, both encased in the isolation bubbles. From both sides, each Lupe was scanned by science and magic for any trace of the Lupanecrosis. Any that were found to be infected, even early stage, were escorted by more machines back into a segregated part of the Den square. Any who were clean were passed through the gates, and more Marduk, to the waiting transports. There were enough ships to hold the entire population of Lupinosse...

Arak feared that they would not all be needed.

Already too many were scanning out as infected, though that number did not yet outnumber the healthy. Since they were only a quarter through the Den's population however, Arak personally expected that situation to change as the day wore on.
Watching as families were separated, children forcibly removed from crying parents, siblings from their litter-mates; Arak's resolve hardened more and more. The gryphon had managed to arrange things so that the elders of the Healers Guild would end up being the *very last* Lupes scanned. If those bastards were at all responsible for unleashing this hell on their own people, they would pay the ultimate price.

And so, the day wore on, and the line moved forwards...


Date: 2009-03-21 17:48 EST
She had been keeping her hope alive inside her own soul that they would survive the epidemic, that all would turn out well, that she and Fen would marry. She had been repeating to herself a rhyme she had heard somewhere about marriage and good luck that went..."Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, keep a half penny in your shoe." It had become her mental talisman as she had spent the days and nights of the illness sweeping the den apart from Ammy and Fleet and Fen...most of all Fen.

She missed his touch, his voice, his smell, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the way he told those little jokes, how safe she felt when he put his arms or even just one arm around her. There had been so little of that recently, and she had been pushing herself so hard recently, as hard as everyone else had thanks to the outbreak and it was as if her soul felt starved.

It was at that point when she got the call on her "cell" as Ammy called it, Mokkie thought of it as a magic talking device and left it at that, to come to the market square, that there was an innocculation possible, that the ill and the infected were going to be separated and treated separately for the rest of the quarantine and she needed to be there too. As the only human who had mixed freely with the lupinossi and had not yet been visibly affected or infected, it was important she be there, so Mokkie complied.

Now she had known that Arak Krynn, her first sweet heart in Rhydin, her first sweetheart ever, in fact, had returned to Rhydin after leaving her behind to go to war in his home realm. They had parted sorrowfully but amicably when he had left and she had been in the inn when a comrade in arms of his overheard her talking in the inn and introduced himself and let her know Arak was still alive and returned to Rhydin. She had not yet seen the gryphon mage yet, not with the epidemic that had swept the den, she'd been too busy to do anything but what was needed right then, right there, where ever it was she happened to be whenever something had needed an extra pair of hands to be done. She had heard in a vague way that Arak was helping with the magical portion of the cure, but she had not had any idea that he was actually in the den at the time or things might have gone quite differently.

She stepped into the market square and saw the lines of lupinossi awaiting evaluation and innoculation or further quarantine. She saw the Marduk units there, smelled the fear of the crowd, felt it, it was palpable....looked in the distance and saw a shining golden form she thought could not possibly be real.

It triggered old memories of the days when Arak and she had first met, when Ammy and the lupinossi had been joined with the Marduk to fight against evil Fen, and her mind stuttered, whirled, the past obliterated the present, her eyes saw nothing for a moment, her limbs trembled with weakness, she shook all over. Was it exhaustion from doing too much too long, was it shock, or had the disease done the one thing they all feared, mutated yet again and jumped the species barrier? Mokkie didn't make a sound as she folded in on herself and fell to the ground in a slump. The blackness had simply claimed her and drawn her into the silky embrace of unconsciousness on the very spot where she stood.

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-03-22 17:11 EST
"Mokki?" A gentle paw would be felt on her cheek as well as something cool and wet on her forehead.

"Mokki?" A familiar Lupe voice would be heard.

Fen was crouched by Mokksha on a cot at the Den square. It was a small rest station set up a few feet away from the exam lines. What was a long line was now dwindling to no more than 30 Lupes left. Arak and Ammy had been running the scans all day. The sun slowly sinking behind the trees.

Fen stroked Mokki's cheek again. "Moki?" he repeated. It wasn't an alarmed call to her. He had scanned her himself and she was clean. She would however have a sore arm from the inoculation he gave her. He sat back on his haunches and changed out the now warm rag. She was merely over worked he would guess. The virus that raged and the blending of endless days kept him from thinking it might be something else.

He looked out the tent at the gold just touching the sky. 50 Lupes sat or lay on the ground in the quarantine section crying or stunned. Those still in line trembled as they waited the verdict on their lives. The past came to him of Lupinoss. The wars that had claimed that land so many times. The prisoners, the slaves, all victims to blood lust. He shook his head.

"Mokki, we have sailed a sea of endless turmoil since our meeting. Storms, shoals, and rocks of strife have torn, punctured, and beached our love many times. Yet.. we manage to sail on in hopes of finding the land of our union. I look out at the setting sun of one life, one civilization, and turn my muzzle to the east to wait for the rise of dawn on our love and hope. The star are beautiful as I wait, and I would like to share the view with you. Please come back to me safely, and we will sail the ocean blues once more, united in love, and bearing precious cargo soon."

Fens voice was soft as he let his thoughts out. He looked over to Mokki as she slept, and put another cool washcloth on her forehead. He genuinely felt horrible for not being there for her enough. Once this nightmare was over, he was thinking of resigning from the clinic and just settling down with her. He let a small smile touch his lips, then remembered other smiles he had seen on pups, and adults alike as he had treated them. He could never resign. He truly loved the new life of healing and not killing.

So he sat and watched the line begin to shrink more, holding Mokki's hand in his paws. They didn't need him for a while. He laid his muzzle on her shoulder and closed his amber eyes, a picture of love and commitment in a time of death, stress, and despair.


Date: 2009-03-23 23:17 EST
Mokksha opened her eyes to see Fen's sweet gaze looking at her from his position half sitting and lying right next her and partly on top of her. He hadn't moved from his vigil by her side since she had passed out from exhaustion and stress combined. She looked around and saw that the den square was empty, all the lupinossi had been treated and were either on Ember Pallin's ship or still in quarantine and she and her beloved were alone for a few moments of privacy at last. She gently ran her fingers thru the fur on his head, smiling up at his sweet face, relaxed at last as the last of the outbreak had been treated while he stayed by her. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. His face, his eyes, his tired smile, she whispered to him "I love you Fen" and then fell back into her own exhausted and dreamless sleep in his arms.


Date: 2009-03-25 01:02 EST
Fleet closed the eyes on another victim of the virus in the quarantine square. He then turned and injected the LNC into another Lupe hoping it was in time to save the life. He was walking among rows of Lupes in despair. They cried, howled in loneliness, and moaned from the fever and hallucinations. Their bodies wracked in pain now.

He everywhere he looked, percentages wafted up in front of his eyes that matched with muzzle he looked at. A few were recovering, but more were submitting and dying. 70 Lupes were down with Lupanecrosis. Only 20 Lupes remained in the exam lines. The sun had set, and twilight was approaching. All the cleared Lupes where packed onto shuttles and taken to Ember Pallin's ship the Bi-Duran.

This was a day when Fleet was glad that not all humans were alike. That there were humans that were kind and compassionate. He returned to the Lupe that just died and whispered on old rite of voyage for the soul. His voice was too low to be heard by many, but those nearby could hear the sorrow ripping into each vowel.

Metal paw held out he uttered the words most Lupes would be honored to hear, but in these times, just brought sorrow.

"Solne travlen tel peacne. Teh memron captre til solgrema." the body of the Lupe glowed green and then faded to a mist. The mist condensed and hardened. A soul gem was left behind in his metal paw. Even though he wore his crimson scrubs and lab coat with pride he felt like a cloaked vulture. A crimson clad grim reaper.

He placed the gem into a bag that was now very heavy with soul gems, when it was once empty an hour ago. He stood and walked to the makeshift gate separating the square from the lines. Shutting the gate he leaned against it. He didn't care if anyone saw him cry. His muzzle was wet with tears.

53. 53! 53 Lupes now lay in his bag of soul gems. He just collapsed on the ground and sobbed. 75% of those infected have died. The Den would sorely miss the ever dwindling race. Amid the sobs, his ears heard something from the line.

He looked up from bleary eyes and saw that the last 20 Lupes was the entire populace of the Healers Guild. They were giving Arak and Ammy flack about something. He couldn't hear them from where he was, and he truly didn't care at the moment either. He just remained crumpled by the gate. Sorrow had him in its grip.

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-25 01:46 EST
Ammy stood in the bubble and rubbed her back. Her and Arak had been going at this for 14 hours straight. Popping her neck she looked up at the last group to be examined, and felt her heart ice over. It was the Healers Guild.

Just stay calm Ammy girl. They are innocent until proven guilty. Just scan them and get them to the ships like everyone else. She held up her left metal paw for them to stop. They were not stopping. They kept walking, and their eyes said they were not going to stop.

"Hold it right there. Everyone is to be scanned medically and magically for Lupanecrosis. If your infected, you proceed to quarantine. If your are clean, you will be assigned a housing number and allowed to board the nearest shuttle." she rattled off the tired speech for the umpteenth time today.

"We need none of this scientific charlatanry. We are fit and healthy. We are the Healers Guild. Only those who pretend to work the art of healing will fall to this malady. A malady we hear one of your own staff made. Odd, that some upstart wants to open a clinic and can't stand us dismissing him would have a member of his clinic with knowledge of this peculiar disease. Now stand aside and let us through. We are your superiors."

Ammy blinked her green eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She twitched once. Maybe it was the crying that got to her, the families broken up, she looked across the square seeing Fleets crumpled form crying, seeing her mate torn apart by the disease. Ammy lost her thinning edge of diplomacy.

"Charlatans? Who treated your mate for a fatal iron deficiency? Fleetian! Who has been throwing his life on the line to stop this virus? Fleetian! You say we are suspicious? What about you? Not needing a scan says you have something to hide! Now you will stand there and be scanned and not move otherwise without my permission!" her voice was heard clear across the Den and most likely the outskirts of Rhydin.

A few of the guild member quivered, but the leaders just flicked their ears forward in challenge.

"What right do you have to challenge us you condemnable freak of nature. You should never be alive, a copy of a true creature. We are Alphrans to you, little bitch! Now move, or we will teach you and your pet," the leader snarled at Arak, "your place in this Den. As a submissive female!"

That pushed the final switch, cut the last line, and just shorted Ammy's civility. She stepped out of the bubble. Her eyes were aglow. No longer green, but fading to pure white.

"I'll show you what I was made for, you over bearing Dohgrah!." Her metal arm shifted without any effort to a long and nasty blade.

"I was made for war. Pure and simple. To go and kill all with my talents of Alchemy and Magic. I have sworn to harm no one anymore, but to heal them. This day I break that oath to teach you your place. You are above no other life lost here." In a blink of the eye, she had the Guild leaders tunic in her normal right paw. White eyes bore hot death into his muddy browns.

The guild member panicked. 10 of them broke and ran for the Guild. Oddly clinking as they ran. 4 others ringed Ammy and the leader. Shortened Wolf's Angels sliding out from lose robes. The other 5 turned their attention on Arak. Chanting had already started.

Ammy was aware of the hostility that broke loose. She heard the four surround her. She pivoted quickly and threw the leader away from the gate and into the nearest adversary to her right. Sharp glass clinking noises were heard when he collided with other guild member. She noted the sound.

A lunge was made at her back with a curved Wolf's Angel, it's nasty sword snaring curves aimed at her exposed kidneys. A pivot to her left and she spun away from the blade. She whipped her right leg around and clipped the Lupe with her claw tipped metal paw. It opened a few nasty gashes to the back of his head and he sprawled to the ground crying.

A lumbering male in front of her lunged and brought his Wolf's Angel down with an over hand strike. Ammy darted forward and blocked his blade with her own at the shallowest point of his swing. She just grinned wickedly as he looked dumbfounded that she had blocked his attack. Ammy cracked him on the jaw with her normal fist, then spun and planted an elbow in his stomach. He went down like a sack of potatoes.

The Guild Leader was up now and snarling in rage. One of the attackers was beside the first one she had ripped open, obviously not interested in fighting any more. The remaining attacker didn't hold a Wolf's Angel, but a nasty toothed scimitar. He stalked for her, the Guild Leader coming behind her as well.

She had no idea how Arak was or what he was doing. She was absorbed in her fight. The Guild Leader removed something long from his tunic. Another clink of glass. He held a tube to his muzzle. Blow Gun! She heard the faint thwapt as the dart was blown out at her. Her metal arm barely deflected the projectile. That distraction cost her. The Lupe with the scimitar lunged and scored a deep slicing gash on her right hip and side.

Ammy wince at the pain and clamped her right arm over it to stem the bleeding. The Guild Leader was loading another dart. She dodged another lunge from the scimitar, and a dart missed her barely. She wouldn't be able to keep this up with the wound she had. She fought many battles and knew the first hit was bad.

The other 3 attackers were getting their wind again and stood. Ammy looked at impeding doom. She would die here for her people and leave Myrlene motherless. She blocked the scimitar with her blade and waited for the dart to bury itself in her back. It never came. Thrusting the scimitar away she glanced over for a glimpse of the others.

Fleet was behind one Lupe. It's muzzle was frozen in shock. A black bladed katana sprouting from his chest. It glowed as it absorbed the Lupes soul. The body of the Lupe with the head wound was already a husk from the blades effect. Fleet yanked slid the katana straight down and out to the right, splitting the lupes body in half.

The third attacker had no chance. He was dropped by several ice spears to his chest, cast from Fleet's paws. He turned on the Guild Leader next. Ammy looked back in time to see her current attacker striking a blow to her head to fast to dodge. She flung out her emotions and froze him with the Force as Ember had taught her.

The Lupe was in a panic. His blue eyes stared wide at being frozen. Ammy's whitened eyes just glared at him. He rose in the air following the path of her metal paw. Then she did something she remembered from the Slaver Association days. From one Sith named Verishia. Moving her arm away from the wound, she simply made pulling motions and ripped out an arm here, a leg there, then finally twisted the Lupes head completely around. She let the body fall to the ground.

She looked over to Fleet and saw he had the Guild Leader on his back with his katana at his throat begging for mercy. The blow gun in pieces. She blinked a few times and the emerald returned to her eyes. She felt an intense burning pain in her side and crumpled.

Arak Kryyn

Date: 2009-03-25 04:13 EST
Through the hell of this day, Arak had kept one thought in the back of his mind; that whoever was responsible for this atrocity would pay not only with their lives, but their souls.
Arak had not performed necromancy in over two hundred years, but if he discovered that any of these 'Healers' had deliberately unleashed a plague just to prove a point or to assure their dominance; then Arak intended to see to it that none of their souls rested. They would suffer eternally for their sins.

"What right do you have to challenge us you condemnable freak of nature. You should never be alive, a copy of a true creature. We are Alphrans to you, little bitch! Now move, or we will teach you and your pet," the leader snarled at Arak, "your place in this Den. As a submissive female!"

The Sunari heard the words, the arrogant tone of voice they were delivered in. To Arak, it was as good as a confession.
"Pet? Pet?!" His eyes began to glow crimson, the energy inside his body beginning to boil over. "I am Arak Vennik Tal Kryyn! Battlemage and Mage Knight of Skyhaven Eyrie, of the Sunari people! I am noone's pet, and today I will show you what I am!"

The five lupes who turned on Arak began chanting, preparing their spells to deal with the gryphon... It wasn't enough.
Many races called on or used magic. Sunari were magic. They breathed it. Magic swam through their very bodies and gave them life. Without magical energy, a Sunari would perish as all other life suffocates without air.
Because of this, an enraged Sunari could use raw magical energy with a mere thought.

The gryphon stepped out of the containment bubble, his wings spreading as the feathers burst into blue-white flames like a phoenix. The cold-fire spread across his entire body, being drawn down his arms to either clenched fist. The first lupe to finish his spell sent the fireball sailing towards Arak, only to be deflected with an annoyed flick of the gryphon's wrist.

"You think yourselves my superior?! You are not even my equal!" Arak raised his hands and pointed at two lupes. Coldfire poured out of his body and washed over the unfortunate pair, their clothes turned to ash in an instant, their fur and flesh soon to follow. Within seconds, there was nothing of the two Healers but drifting ash. Then Arak turned on the other three, their comrades incineration disrupting the concentration of the last two who hadn't gotten their spells off yet.

Already one was trying to turn and run, his eyes wide with fear. Arak drew a single rune in the air and sent a paralysis spell slamming into his back, after which he toppled over like a statue. Remembering his personal oath from before, loosed a similar spell on the other two still facing him. The sheer amount of power he poured into the third paralysis spell ended up stopping the heart of the female lupe.

The Sunari was not finished however. His hands moved through the air rapidly, blurring as he began tracing a very complicated series of runes in the air. Already the spell was coalescing, drawing together the souls of the Healers who had just been killed by Ammy, Fleet, and himself. Save for the one who's soul had been consumed by Fleet's black blade, that soul was gone forever.
As the gryphon wove his spell, the severed souls began to appear as softly glowing blue ghostly forms near where they had died, their expressions frozen in whatever pose they had had just before death.

Still Arak drew, crafting a cage for these souls, and the souls of those Healers still living. Once cast, this spell construct would bind those souls in a false reality; a reality designed to punish them for eternity. It was worse than most universes notions of hell. It was the blackest of arts. And it was Arak's sentence for those would would abuse their authority.

"Know this, O ye dammed! You have now but one chance to avert the fate I have chosen for you! Tell me now which among you are responsible for this plague, and I will free your souls to pass on to whatever afterlife awaits you. Any who do not confess will know nothing but eternal suffering. A thousand fold the suffering you have inflicted on your own people!" The gryphon's fury was etched onto his face, in every lick of flame that crossed his body.

"Tell me now, and tell me truthfully!" Arak held the spell in check, waiting for the replies of both living and dead...

Fen Stridar

Date: 2009-03-26 13:14 EST
Fen started from his exhausted sleep by Mokksha at the rest station. The sounds of shouting and the ring of blade on blade pierced the fog of fatigue. Neither of those sounds should be heard in the Den. He sprang to his feet, motioned for Mokki to stay low, and peeked his head out. What he saw ignited something dark in the back of his mind.

Ammy was holding her own barely against a nasty scimitar swords Lupe, and Fleet was on a blood rampage. He just saw Arak vaporize two Lupe healers, and crafting soul binding magic. What the hell had happened? The he saw 10 of the Healers Guild running past the rest station. Glass clinking heard. His nose caught the smell of something all too familiar from their robes. Pure Lupanecrosis Strains.

The darkness that started in the back of his mind merged with the light of all the healing he was trying to do for the clinic. He darted out of the rest station and barked out to the running cowards. Right paw signing in the air, and his Golem Slayer appeared in his paw.

"Stop you worthless creatures! You can not hide what a master has created!"

5 healers stopped and whirled about to face Fen. The other 5 kept running. Fen wouldn't have that. Oh no, not today.

"Sumra Frosteen! Returnre te straglons!" he shouted out. A blue gem on Golem Slayer winked to life. A radiating, blue frost dragon demon appeared and soared off after the running healers.

The 5 who had stopped approached Fen. They looked like they were backed in a corner and that this was the last day they lived. They were so very right. Two pulled out blow guns, fitting darts to them. He could smell the darts tainted with the virus. His ire grew more, and he snarled as the other 3 pulled scimitars.

Blow guns came to bear and the darts were launched right at Fen. He had no armor on, or did he? In a flash, amber eyes went red. Paw out, the darts halted, reversed and impaled two of the scimitar wielders. Fens scrubs went from crimson to ebony black armor. Two of the healers quaked at this.

"You feel you have free reign to dabble with something I created out of hate! You dare bring it to life again! You really want to see what it can do! Behold your stupidity!" Fens voice was deep, cold, and something lived in it.

The two dart impaled Lupes went blank. Pure Luapanecrosis coursed through their veins. Fen just glared at them both.

"KILL THEM!" he commanded in icy tones.

The two turned and cut down the blow gun wielding healers in a heart beat. The other Lupe threw his scimitar down foolishly in some attempt to surrender and bargain with his former friends. He was cut down just as quick. A jar materialized in Fens paws, and the three souls loosed filled it. A pure crystal gem atop the soul battery.

"HALT! You please your master well with your performance. Kill each other as a gift to me." his voice had no emotion to it. The two Lupes saluted each other and their heads rolled to the ground simultaneously. Two more souls went to the jar.

Frosteen flew back to him and landed.

"Master, I have caught the stragglers." she said in a frigid voice.

Indeed, she did. Caught them in demon ice. Frozen in a block of the stuff. Never to move, but never to die either till released.

"Good. Take them to the Sunari. I will be bringing these souls as well." he stopped and crouched by the dead bodies. He flung open the cloaks. They were laden with rows upon rows of the virus. On second thought, he was keeping these 5 souls. Frosteen hadn't eaten in a millennia.

He began to walk to the rest of the fight and saw that Ammy was on the ground bleeding. Red faded to amber, and he was sprinting for her. Ebony armor faded to crimson scrubs. He tossed the jar to Frosteen, and knelt by her. Her blood slicked the cobblestones. He rolled her over. Deep wound to her side.

His med kit was at the station. He cursed, then began weaving magic, ancient magic older than time. Two souls from the jar Frosteen held, vanished. They glowed in his paws and he placed them to Ammy's wounds.

"A life for a life, traitors. You will be used to heal the one you tried to kill." A few flashes of blue and green flared out. The wound sealed, and Ammy began to stir.


Date: 2009-03-29 02:46 EST
Fleet's blood was pounding. All he saw was the Healers Guild attacking his mate and friends. One would could call it blood lust, others may say berserker, and some may say it was divine justice. All Fleet knew was that 3 healers were dead from his katana, souls absorbed by its blade forever locked in its depths.

The Alphrans of the Healers Guild lay on his back at Fleet's feet. The Blade of Lupinoss lay at his throat asking for his soul. Fleet gritted his teeth and took control of his body and rage. Using the keen edge of the katana, he made the healer crawl backwards. He herded the healer to Arak. As he approached he could hear Arak's question.

"Know this, O ye dammed! You have now but one chance to avert the fate I have chosen for you! Tell me now which among you are responsible for this plague, and I will free your souls to pass on to whatever afterlife awaits you. Any who do not confess will know nothing but eternal suffering. A thousand fold the suffering you have inflicted on your own people!"

The souls hesitated and looked at their leader on the ground at the point of one of the cruelest blades made by Lupinossai paws. Their leader just snarled a silent threat to them. The souls, seeing he could do no worse that this creature of magic binding them spoke in one voice.

"We are all guilty. We feared Fleetian would do away with our ways healing by magic. We did not like this new type of sorcery he was using to heal people. The sorcery called science. So our Alphans researched a way to render Fleetian discredited. He opened a rift to Lupinoss, but we found it was not our homeland, but a time very twisted.

A demon came in contact with us. His name was Fenrassan, a twisted offspring of the Fen Sprintar before your mate. He was enraged at being disturbed during his complete rule of Lupinoss. He was going to destroy this realm until we offered a bargain. We offered him the daughter of a deity that caused him a great deal of grief though Fenrassan killed the deity already. We offered Myrlene Wolf-Spiritor to him to prevent his coming through the rift, but we required of him a means to bring Fleetian down. He gave us the mutated virus that affects you all.

Once we saw how well the virus would affect our kind, and that Fenrassan stated the whole Den was needed to be infected to jump to infecting humans, we became greedy. We sought to sell the virus to those wanting it for the many wars on this realm. We were to go today and sell the virus, then once the Den was cleared, we were to contact our loyal servants to kidnap Myrlene. Fenrassan is expecting by tonight. If she does not appear to him. He will come through. He prevents us from closing the rift.

The Alphrans of the Healers Guild looked like he was about to explode in rage at the complete confession of his dead brethren.

"Is this true?" Fleet's voice was thin, and the air about the Den square dropped several degrees.

"Yes. I wi.."

The Alphrans never finished what he was going to say. Fleets katana first stabbed the Alphrans heart, then his head, and ended with his throat. The souls quavered. It was a ceremonial killing of one who was too vial to exile. The soul would be forever in pain and locked into one of the many gems on the handle or hilt. Slave to the possessor of the sword. The body then turned to ash.

Fleet was breathing heavy anger. How could they do this? He shook his head and shoved that thought out of his mind. Worse, they had a demon due to break through tonight. He about jumped when his cell phone went off. His adrenaline numbed fingers fumbled with the buttons. The cell phone went to speaker mode.

"Fleet! This is Ember. Problems on the Bi-Duran. We are under attack from a small nest of Lupes. The keep babbling about glory to the Healers Guild. They have blocked themselves in the cargo bay and they have Myrlene."

"Get her back at all costs Ember. Kill the group. They are dead to us now!" He looked to Arak.

"Find the rift. It must be at the Healers Guild. See what you can do to seal it, then see about getting what you need to get rid of this virus. I am going to get my daughter back!"

Ammy stood slowly, then spoke.

"Send me Fleet. Arak will need your help with the Fenrassan. You saved Myrlene last time. My turn."

Her green eyes sparked and showed it would be pointless to argue with her. Fleet just nodded, and in a blink of an eye. Ammy disappeared.

Ember Pallin

Date: 2009-03-29 03:13 EST
Ember stood on the bridge of the Bi-Duran. He was looking over the refugee log of Lupes accepted on board. The old Dreadnaught class cruiser housed the 250 Lupes that were cleared of the virus easily. All were in their quarters and the last shuttle Arak Krynn had hired for transport left the cargo bay.

He went to his captains chair and sat the data pad on one of the many consoles. He began readjusting environmental controls to accommodate what the Lupes were used to. He then proceeded to make sure the maintenance crews and repair teams hired to repair the damage done by the Sith, were well away from the housing section of the Lupes.

A flashing alarm code caught his eye. One of the Lupes had hit a panic button on deck 12, section E. He reached out to reset it, as he knew children were on board, then he paused. He could feel tenseness in the Force, and his vision blurred. He saw a group of twenty Lupes grabbing blasters hidden in their supplies and shooting any who got in their way as they moved up to Myrlenes room. Ember snapped wide awake as the last of the Force vision left him in a chill sweat. Myrlene was to be a hostage.

He jumped out of the chair and raced down the main corridor of deck 1, and hit the down button on the lift. He hit deck 12 as the destination and pulled out a comlink patched into Ammy's cell phone network. A moment later he heard Fleet fumbling with the cell phone. His vision blurred once more and he saw what had happened at the Den.

"Fleet! This is Ember. Problems on the Bi-Duran. We are under attack from a small nest of Lupes. The keep babbling about glory to the Healers Guild. They have blocked themselves in the cargo bay and they have Myrlene." He saw no point in saying that it was in the future. By the time he reached the deck it would be happening.

Fleet's voice came in clearly.

"Get her back at all costs Ember. Kill the group. They are dead to us now!"

Ember shut the comlink off. The lift came to a stop at deck 12. He sprang out and ran for section E. As he had seen through the Force, he heard blaster fire. A few howls of pain were heard. Bodies hitting the decking echoed the howls. He smelled singed fur. He reached Myrlenes room. The door was jammed open. The lock panel was now a crater from a blaster round.

Ember stepped in briefly. One body lay charred on the floor. At least she was able to get one before they over took her. He stepped back out into the corridor and raced down for the main cargo bay. He could hear chanting and rallying. Something about the glory of the Healers Guild and victory over Fleetian.

Ember darted around 3 more Lupes, killed by a blast to the chest. How did they get blasters? And how on earth did they know how to use them? As he ran he recalled the Dens history and cursed. The Den used to be indentured slave troops to the Slavers Association. The constant missions on different worlds would be where the training came from.

He reached the cargo bay entry and was suddenly yanked to the side by a metal paw. 12 points of blaster fire had just hit were he was a second ago. Gray eyes looked up into fierce emeralds.

"Hello Master."

Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2009-03-29 03:59 EST
Ammy found herself slightly dazed as she appeared on the Bi-Duran. Familiar scents wafted back to her from the days when she was in hiding. A few unpleasant ones assaulted her nose as well. Acrid smoke from blaster fire, singed fur, and death.

She looked around to locate where she had appeared. She was standing on deck 18, section L. Her memory told her it was aft of the main cargo bay. Recent repair work seemed to be going on in this corridor. New welds and off colored panelling showed everywhere.

She flicked on her com unit, but static was all that greeted her. Whatever repair equipment was used interfered with communications. She ran forward towards the bay and came across an access terminal. Her fingers flew across the keys. She saw an alarm raised in section E, deck 12. She also noted that Ember Pallin was reported on deck 12 moving for section E. She decided to take the cargo bay by rear access.

Ammy ran to the nearest lift and punched it to rise to deck 12. In moment's she was in the corridor of deck 12, but the layout had changed. New cooling reservoirs blocked the entry and the corridor was rerouted around the bay. She ran down the detour. She would have transmuted her way through, but hyper drive coolant was lethal.

She reached the forward entry to the cargo bay just in time to see several Lupes stacking supply crates to hide behind. Myrlene was nowhere in sight. She began to move forward when a series of blaster fire from the right of the entry way peppered her metal shards. She darted back and crouched behind a terminal. They had the entry way pinned. How was she going to get through.

She heard the silent treading of boots on deck plating approaching quickly. She didn't have to use her Force training to know it was Ember. Frequent training sessions ground in the sound of his tread into her mind. She grabbed out and pulled him down as he ran by her, keeping him from being toasted.

"Hello Master." She just grinned.

Ember looked surprised to see Ammy on the Bi-Duran, then he blinked and was calm again.

"Ember, they have the cargo bay well secured with ambush and pin lines on the entry. Any suggestions?"

Ember rubbed his beard in thought then nodded.

"Remember our little training exercise on manipulating the deck plating for shielding and attacks?"

Ammy nodded quickly. Nothing more was needed to be said. Shifting her left metal arm to soul saber mode, she dropped in 2 soul batteries into the power receptacles. She would need every bit of soul energy to use the Force properly. She watched as Ember darted to the other side of the corridor.

She held out her normal paw at the same time he held out his right metal hand. Two panels of deck plating screeched as they were ripped free. Nodding to each other, Ember ran through the entry way. His panel rotated to the right catching the blaster fire. His left metal hand waved out deflecting the blaster fire from the left.

By then, Ammy was by him, her panel blocking the left barrage. In unison they sent their panels slamming outwards to the left and right. Lupes screamed in pain as they were crushed. 8 Lupes were behind the supply crates. 7 opened fire on them. The last one had an unconscious Myrlene over his shoulder. He was barking into some com unit but it looked like it wasn't working.

Ammy's azure blade came to life, deflecting blaster fire, mirrored by the snap hiss of Embers lavender blade. They circled the barrier, catching attackers with their own fire, or deflecting the deadly energy into the decking. The Lupes were looking frightened. 5 remained and backed up shielding Myrlenes captor.

Ammy's right paw came up and sent a Force blast into the nearest Lupe. The female flew through the air and impacted with a girder with a sickening wet crack. Ember sent one male through the forcefield into space. The three remaining defenders threw down their blasters and raised their paws.

It was too late. Ammy and Ember heard Fleet's command at the Den. Azure and Lavender rained down on two of the Lupes. The third ran. He didn't get far. Ammy snapped her fingers, and his legs were blown off by deconstructive alchemy. The last Lupe held a blaster to Myrlene's temple.

"Move and she dies. Fenrassan won't mind making her and undead play thing."

Ember's gray eyes hardened at the sound of those words. The Lupe was mad threatening the mother of the child in his arms with death. Ammy blinked once. Emeralds went white. The blaster in the Lupes paw suddenly melted. He gasped in pain, but that was cut short as well. Ammy's right paw was out in a choking motion. She then waved her paw to move him closer.

"Release my daughter you piece of trash!"

The Lupe, still fighting for breath, locked his hold on Myrlene's unconscious body tighter. Azure blade removed the offending arm. Ember reached out and caught Myrlene with the Force before she could hit the deck. He moved her close to him and just watched. Ammy was in full rage, and he barely managed to calm her down the last time she lost it.

Ammy eased on her grip to let the Lupe suck in breath to howl in pain at the loss of a limb. He kept him in the air.

"You picked the wrong side to be on, and the wrong Alphrans to mess with. I may be a bitch, but I am in command of my people just as much as Fleet is. And that means I control your fate in judgement on these crimes committed. You are sentenced to agonizing death!"

Azure blade faded and her metal paw reappeared. Both paws working in tandem, she snapped every bone in the Lupes body. The screams were nearly deafening. She brought the limp and broken body close to her and glared at him with white eyes. A simple sigil in the air and his fur melted away. Another sigil, and the skin slid off. The Lupe was nothing more than a writhing mass of red muscle and broken bones. Ammy reached her metal paw out and touched what used to be his chest.

"You are now forgiven wretch!" the body exploded outwards covering Ammy and the cargo bay in blood and gore. She stood quivering in divine justice. Then she turned to Ember. Emeralds had returned.

"How is Myrlene?"

"Just asleep. They must have used a stun beam on her. She'll be awake soon. I suggest you clean yourself up. Don't want to frighten her."

Ammy looked at her blood and gore soaked fur and the carnage around her. She just nodded, picked up Myrlene in bloody arms and walked off down to her old room.


Date: 2009-04-03 19:30 EST
Fleet watched the last infected Lupe carried onto a transport shuttle. Ember suggested moving everyone form the Den before they went for Fenrassan and the rift in the realm. The shuttle took off in a cloud of dust and lifted skyward to the Bi-Duran.

Fleet turned slowly and looked at Arak. He unsheathed his black bladed katana. A unholy look crossed those blue eyes of his.

"Time to go hunt a demon." his voice left the air cold.