Topic: Feline Diplomacy

Revenant Mior

Date: 2012-02-18 18:51 EST
((I suppose this would fall somewhere in the middle of them leaving, Mior's out of classes, but still working on her projects. Just, not at school anymore.))

"Wait...You're actually going to keep working on the item enchantments? Here?" The speaker was sprawled across the comforter, rather effectively claiming the bed that wasn't hers. For the moment, at the very least. A low alto voice radiated clear confusion at the concept she'd outlined, though it didn't fit the blond-and-lithe body that went with it, it seemed this was the configuration she liked today.

No one could say that the woman didn't have a sense of humor.

"Mhmm. We don't know how long this will take, but I'd rather not like to be stuck as a Noviate for two years because I didn't take the time to bespell my items properly." Kneeling on the wood floor, drawing in chalk on the floor as she spoke. "Besides, the protections aren't that complicated.." Dusky skin and dark eyes, black hair, blue jeans and a green shirt. She was tall and comfortable in her own skin, that much was clear. One circle done, she started on the intricacies of the inner rings. The cloak folded in the middle was untouched by all this.

Silence made sound carry well, the noise of the sheets rustling sounded loud. "I do see your point..Think you got it. For a basic 'dispel magic'?" Gold eyes examining the drawing on the floor, palms flat on the edge of the bed.

Deeper browns lightened a bit as she nodded, "Bingo Sam." A deep breath taken, energy gathered. Hands clapped palm-to-palm, letting the current deepen and solidify before she set palms to floor.

The inner circle glowed a brilliant orange, ranging up to a sphere about a foot past her, where it was contained by an amorphous fog. It took the span of several heartbeats for the glow to spread to the cloak, but once it had, the black fabric looked almost alight. Head bowed, a couple words spoken and the energy settled. Circle died first, then the lines, as the energy dropped, the cloak remained glowing.

Enchantment taken and held. Mission accomplished.