Topic: Followthrough (OTL)

Toby Aradam

Date: 2011-07-26 03:15 EST
There had been a lot of talk lately about how much stuff May was always carrying, and how desperately she needed something to carry it with. He had a bag and he didn't mind carrying anything for her. And then there was Tracy.

It hadn't dawned on him until recently that it was something he could do for her. Katt's suggestion had only echoed the silent thoughts that he'd already had. As soon as he was able to leave the church, he did.

He didn't have any idea of what he wanted to get for her. A bag like his was..kind of ugly compared to some of the ones he'd seen.

"She has to have a cute one," he said to himself as he meandered through the narrow lanes between market stalls. "One that she'd like or with something on it that she'd like. Both."

He wandered, the sales pitches of the merchants a wild clatter of noise in his ears. He didn't want to be told what he wanted, even if he didn't know himself. So engrossed in thought, his eyes on the ground, he at first missed the explosion of color and array of stuffed puffy things standing in brilliant display before a small shop's glass windows. It was the huff of bubblegum scent and a bubble popping in his ear that made him turn around.

...He grinned, and dashed inside.


He had finally made up his mind on how he was going to present it to her. Giving it to her face to face meant he had to see what she did with it right away. After the jar of salve for her sunburn, he found he didn't really want to know what she did with the stuff he gave her. He was happy with the opportunity to even give her something.

So he smoothed the yellow flannel bag out onto the blankets on her empty bed, straightening the strap. It was as big as his own bag, but he didn't think it was supposed to hold as much stuff. He tucked the drawstrings into the bag itself, then let himself out of the apartment before he could start snickering again at how cute the image of her using it was.

He made it back out to the street, still grinning.