Topic: Keep Your Friends Close: 160 characters is enough?

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-09 03:24 EST
Evening, March 8th..

Toby Aradam: 'what abotu now? XD'
Claire Farron: "May have to kill Khoom."
Toby Aradam: 'of course. hes' a cat'
Claire Farron: "He did that thing again. I think I may die"
Toby Aradam: 'what hapepned to that dangerous girl i met?
kick his ass.'
Claire Farron: "Currently quite comfortable with a certain NON
Toby Aradam: ' sure you are. Look youre either irked at the
cat or you're not. make up your mind.'
Toby Aradam: 'should serisouly reconsider my offer to bail you
Toby Aradam: 'youre on your own'
Claire Farron: "Fine."
Toby Aradam: 'sorry.'
Toby Aradam: 'but sitll. youre on yur own. XD'
Claire Farron: "Been on my own for a pretty long time. Guess
I'll just have to survive then."
Toby Aradam: 'mayeb your NOn boyfirend can help XD'
Claire Farron: "Don't make me come down there and kick your
Toby Aradam: 'thought you were too COMFY'
Claire Farron: "If it means getting you to shut up, I'll gladly
lose my spot."
Toby Aradam: 'guess youll never find otu'
Claire Farron: "I swear, one more comment and I'm coming
after you."
Toby Aradam: 'comemnt'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-11 01:13 EST
Evening, March 10th..

Toby Aradam: 'hey mayu. that
snake amn thing sadi you and i threaten
ed to kill minoko last year. head's up.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: Eh? Snake thing? Uh.
Toby Aradam: 'nothing to worry about.
just thought you hsould know. in case
were hanging out and he says something
and i feel the need to kick his ass.'
Toby Aradam: 'if he even has one. i
don't think he does'
Toby Aradam: 'whaever. tell eri i say hi,
Mayu Tsuzuki: Snakes don't have
butts. I will keep a look out. Not really
going to address it. Minoko never
mentioned it. Must not bother her
anymore or it's from that weird loss of
memory thing. Starting over means I
can't focus on it. So, won't.
Toby Aradam: 'godo to know. i msis
you. :)'
Mayu Tsuzuki: You're still a jerk. Miss
you too.
Toby Aradam: 'XD'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-13 04:01 EST
Early morning, March 13th..

Toby Aradam: 'hey, soryr i disappeared earlier'
Claire Farron: "Where'd you go? I went to the bathroom and
came back you were gone!"
Toby Aradam: 'i went ofr a walk. and swimming. XD'
Claire Farron: "Well I'm glad you didn't drown."
Toby Aradam: 'oh come on. oyu really htouhgt that?'
Claire Farron: "Haha it crossed my mind for a moment.
Then I got distracted"
Toby Aradam: 'really? by what?'
Claire Farron: "By the pretty lady. Then by other stuff"
Toby Aradam: 'are you going to start kissing girls to get over
Claire Farron: "There's nothing to get over"
Toby Aradam: 'plase tell me that's not what you do ot get
over somenone'
Toby Aradam: 'im screwed if thats true'
Toby Aradam: 'oh. good!'
Claire Farron: "But if kissing girls makes things better, then
I may have to"
Toby Aradam: 'please dnot'
Toby Aradam: 'i see that enogh at home XD'
Claire Farron: "But she's so pretty!"
Toby Aradam: 'somethign's wrong with you. really'
Claire Farron: "Why do you say that?"
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'i dont know. it kind of just came otu'
Claire Farron: "I'm sure there's plenty wrong with me. The
world would explode if I were perfect."
Toby Aradam: 'XD'
Claire Farron: " :D Did you make it back okay at least?"
Toby Aradam: 'im still here. it's nice here'
Toby Aradam: 'i dont psend a lot of time alone'
Toby Aradam: 'its kind of nice'
Toby Aradam: 'its quiet. ill get lonely in a while, but right
now it's not so bad'
Claire Farron: "The place reminds me of...where I came
from. Not home, but Etro's place. It kinda creeped me out."
Toby Aradam: 'ahh. taths why you wer so werid'
Toby Aradam: 'you didnt want anyone else to know did you?'
Claire Farron: "Yeah...they were all so happy I didn't wanna
kill any of the good feelings you know?"
Toby Aradam: 'youre sweet'
Claire Farron: "Not really"
Toby Aradam: 'told you you were a good big sister XD'
Toby Aradam: 'are too'
Claire Farron: "Don't tell anyone that or they may start
expecting me to be nice or something"
Toby Aradam: 'news flash, claire. you dont put off a
menacing vibe'
Claire Farron: "I can if I want to."
Toby Aradam: 'guess you jut dont want to'
Claire Farron: "Hard to act tough when I don't know many
people...but the ones I do know are so unbelievably kind to
me its impossible to be mean."
Toby Aradam: ':D well thanks'
Toby Aradam: 'theres nothing wrong with people htinking
youre nice'
Claire Farron: "But I'm not nice, that's the thing."
Toby Aradam: 'why? becasue of all that stuff you did?'
Claire Farron: "Nah, I was a b*tch before that all happened."
Toby Aradam: 'keyowrd before. right?'
Claire Farron: "No, I'm saying I've always been not very
nice. Duhhhh."
Toby Aradam: 'youre impossibel '
Claire Farron: "Glad you're starting to figure that out! XD"
Toby Aradam: 'unless you hurt me, claire, i'm never going to
believe you're a bad person. ok?'
Toby Aradam: 'ets talk baout osmething else'
Toby Aradam: 'XD'
Claire Farron: "Haven't I punched you in the face?
Claire Farron: "Okay new subject"
Toby Aradam: 'What did you want to takl to me about
Claire Farron: "You remember that stuff with Ssaliist, the
snake looking guy? I had some thoughts about it that I was
gonna mention. But I cant remember all of them right now"
Toby Aradam: 'really'
Toby Aradam: 'what do you remember?
Claire Farron: "It's moreso, do you remember anything at all
about what he said happened?"
Toby Aradam: 'what do you mean remember?'
Claire Farron: "Unless of course you think he was making it
all up"
Toby Aradam: 'you dont?'
Claire Farron: "I could lie and say I don't, but that's not fair
to you. I think there are things you maybe don't remember."
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'I guess it's time i told you that story too'
Claire Farron: "Oh?"
Toby Aradam: 'probably not something ofr the phone?'
Toby Aradam: 'not that i odnt wnat to tell you. its just hard
with limited space'
Toby Aradam: 'oyu kwno?'
Claire Farron: "I get you."
Toby Aradam: 'can you tell me what he said?'
Claire Farron: "Nothing that he didn't say the other day I
don't think. Just that he doesn't think you remember it but that
it still happened"
Toby Aradam: 'did he get more detaied?'
Claire Farron: (1/2)"Not really. I'm sure I could have asked
but it really came down to him saying it happened, me saying
you were upset about it, him saying"
Claire Farron: "that didnt change that it happened & that he
didnt trust you & i said i thought you should look into it but
that i trusted you. I think thats how it all went"
Toby Aradam: 'wow'
Claire Farron: "he also thinks theres probably more than
that that you dont remember"
Toby Aradam: 'Have you ever thought to ask him how he
knows so much about me?'
Toby Aradam: 'I don't know him from any other snake guy,
like i siad'
Toby Aradam: 'i odnt' even know any snake guys
Claire Farron: "I didn't get the time, conversation got cut
short. Do you want me to?"
Toby Aradam: 'i figure that's something i shoudl do myself'
Toby Aradam: 'but thanks. :D'
Toby Aradam: 'and thanks for trusting me. that means a lot'
Claire Farron: "You're one of the few"
Toby Aradam: ':)'
Claire Farron: "Cant explain it, just feel like I should."
Toby Aradam: 'im glad
Toby Aradam: 'its always nice to hear'
Toby Aradam: 'i trust you too, claire :)'
Claire Farron: "Good, I'm glad"
Toby Aradam: 'not going to lecture me about how you cant
be trusted and are a horribel person?'
Claire Farron: "Blahblahblah *insert lecture about how
Claire's so terrible* There better?"
Toby Aradam: 'XD'
Toby Aradam: 'i ws expecting it'
Claire Farron: "Didnt want to disappoint"
Toby Aradam: 'way to go XD'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-13 05:21 EST
Early morning, March 13th..

Claire Farron: "Ugh Toby, tell me he's not worth it."
Toby Aradam: 'excuse me?'
Claire Farron: "You know who I'm talking about. Tell me he's not worth the hassle"
Toby Aradam: 'of cousre i know who you mean. whatd he do nwo?'
Claire Farron: "Nothing. He just...ugh. It's not worth it right?"
Toby Aradam: ''
Toby Aradam: 'look, dont listen to me'
Claire Farron: "That was convincing."
Toby Aradam: 'i took too long to say somethng to the girl i liked'
Toby Aradam: 'hes not giving you real trouble is he?'
Toby Aradam: 'liek he didnt screw some other girl or want to feel you up all the time?'
Toby Aradam: 'what is it about him that pisses you off so mcuh?'
Claire Farron: "No no. I just get all giddy around him and I can't think straight."
Toby Aradam: 'youve liked people before, havent you?'
Toby Aradam: 'thats what happeens'
Claire Farron: "No, I haven't."
Toby Aradam: 'hES OYUR FIRst ONE?'
Toby Aradam: 'like everythign?!
Claire Farron: "NO! I've been with people But as far as actually liking someone enough to want some semblance of a relationship, I've never really had that want"
Toby Aradam: 'yovue got to be kidding me'
Toby Aradam: 'youre kidding right?'
Claire Farron: "I dont do "close" remember? Besides, I never had time for it"
Toby Aradam: 'that still doesn't mean you cant have feeligns for peopel'
Claire Farron: "It's just a weird feeling. And I don't like how scatterbrained I get. It's heart is in my ears and I can't think and I can't breathe and UGH. It's stupid."
Toby Aradam: 'claire, i know i told you not to listen to me, but listen right now.'
Toby Aradam: 'or. read'
Toby Aradam: 'you reading?'
Claire Farron: "Reading"
Toby Aradam: 'The more you try to run away from it, the more it'll chase you.'
Toby Aradam: 'Just admit it. To yourself, you don't even have to say it to me.'
Toby Aradam: 'Just say it to yourself. YOu'll feel better'
Claire Farron: "And what am I supposed to do after that?"
Toby Aradam: 'Breathe.'
Claire Farron: "Overrated"
Toby Aradam: 'not right now'
Toby Aradam: 'Thirdly? dont freak out so much'
Claire Farron: "I'm good at freaking out, you know that"
Toby Aradam: 'well knock it off'
Claire Farron: "You're not my real mom, you can't make me"
Toby Aradam: 'if you put that much emphasis on wigging out around him, you're going to twice as hard.'
Toby Aradam: 'no, I'm your kid brother and its my job to keep you out of trouble. XD'
Toby Aradam: 'besides, i've got more experince than you. surprisingly'
Toby Aradam: 'i still can't belevie that'
Claire Farron: "Shouldnt it be the other way around I keep you out of trouble?"
Toby Aradam: 'You did that for me last night, now its my turn'
Toby Aradam: 'quit chanign the subject'
Claire Farron: "I love cupcakes. (I swear I'm not changing the subject)"
Toby Aradam: 'claire, seriousy'
Toby Aradam: 'its ok to like someone'
Toby Aradam: 'youve got it easy, why are youf ighting it so hard?
Claire Farron: "because i know ill do something to screw it up. and hes far too nice to hurt"
Toby Aradam: 'Youve never been in a relationship, how would you knwo?'
Claire Farron: "I know I'm good at screwing stuff up"
Toby Aradam: 'what because if you hurt him he wont hurt yoyu?'
Claire Farron: *a couple minutes later*
Claire Farron: "something like that..."
Toby Aradam: 'youve never been hurt though'
Claire Farron: "like to keep it that way"
Toby Aradam: 'thats the real problem, isnt it?'
Claire Farron: "no"
Claire Farron: "maybe"
Claire Farron: "im quite good at pushing people away if i get the slightest hint that theyre going to do something that may hurt...done it to serah...done it to others, why not him too"
Toby Aradam: 'but youre letting him right back afterward, arent you?'
Toby Aradam: 'its not working, no matter how much you try'
Claire Farron: "i havent tried really hard yet"
Toby Aradam: 'do you want to?'
Claire Farron: "it feels like when you take two magnets apart...its fine when theyre far enough apart but if they get too close they come right back together"
Claire Farron: "does that make sense"
Toby Aradam: 'perfect sense.'
Claire Farron: "im dumb arent i"
Toby Aradam: 'no, youre not. you want to protect yourself, but you dont know what the danger is'
Claire Farron: "thats always been my job"
Toby Aradam: 'i think...that youve just got to think a little bit'
Claire Farron: "thinking sucks Toby. what do i need to think about"
Toby Aradam: 'everythin gi said?'
Toby Aradam: 'typed'
Claire Farron: "gah thats a lot"
Toby Aradam: 'i went through all this too'
Toby Aradam: 'the only thing i didn't do was push her away'
Toby Aradam: 'you want to know why?'
Claire Farron: "why"
Toby Aradam: 'because it felt too good to be with her, and wrong to be away from her'
Toby Aradam: 'i dont know if youre there yet'
Claire Farron: "who knows"
Toby Aradam: 'let go for one night?'
Toby Aradam: 'enjoy it for once. see how it feels'
Claire Farron: "i did that and ended up waking up the next day wondering how i ended up in his bed"
Toby Aradam: 'letting go doesnt mean get drunk'
Toby Aradam: 'it means being around the damn guy with the knowledge that you like him'
Toby Aradam: 'that's what a relationship is'
Claire Farron: "idk, maybe ill get to that point eventually"
Claire Farron: "im also not too keen on letting my guard down when i dont even know if hes sticking around"
Toby Aradam: 'well if you think about it, he doesnt know if youre strickign around either and he doesnt seem to have a problem'
Claire Farron: "because hes a guy. arent they just happen if they get action on a regular basis?"
Toby Aradam: 'im a guy.'
Toby Aradam: 'that doesnt make me happy at all'
Claire Farron: "ugh"
Toby Aradam: 'XD'
Toby Aradam: 'if it makes you feel better, were just as confused about you as you are abotu us'
Claire Farron: "That's because women are evil."
Toby Aradam: 'course you are'
Toby Aradam: 'makes me wonder why i like you so much. XD'
Claire Farron: "Because I kick so much ass"
Toby Aradam: 'i meant women as a whole, you dork'
Toby Aradam: 'XD'
Claire Farron: "Because girls have boobs. That's why"
Toby Aradam: 'im not that into them'
Claire Farron: "ugh whatever. revoking your man card"
Toby Aradam: 'hey. i didn't say i hated them'
Toby Aradam: 'but i cant walk down the street without getting flashed'
Toby Aradam: 'im desensitized, that is all'
Claire Farron: "fiiiiiiiiiiiiine"
Toby Aradam: 'XD'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-14 03:48 EST
Early morning, March 14th..

Toby: 'sher'
Toby: 'sheeeeeer'
Toby: 'hello'
Toby: 'hey, i know youre awake, its thurdsay morning. dramacube's marathon's not over til 6'
Sheridan: 'omg, what?! jean-claude was about to say I DO to marie-therese and george-paul crashed through the chapel doors on a harley!!!!!'
Sheridan: 'what could be more important than that?! DX'
Toby: 'XD'
Toby: 'you want anything from chiroru?'
Sheridan: 'i love you!!!!! ^3^'
Toby: 'sure you do. hey, you also want to hang out tonight?'
Toby: 'or. this morning.'
Toby: 'whatever.'
Sheridan: 'hang out? now? it's so late o.o'
Toby: 'and help me clean out the guest room'
Sheridan: 'I knew there was a catch! >X'
Sheridan: 'what are we doing that for?'
Toby: 'mayu's girlfriend's moving in with us.'
Sheridan: 'Ohhhh!!!!!! Im so excited! we can have extra fun girls nights!!!'
Sheridan: 'And you're not invited'
Toby: 'im crushed'
Toby: 'theyre not going to get anything unless i get it cleaned out'
Toby: 'can you help me? there's outlets in there, we can bring your TV in.'
Toby: 'so you can see what happens with jean whatever'
Sheridan: 'Jean-claude!!!!!'
Sheridan: 'sheesh, pay attention'
Sheridan: 'Sure Ill help. can i decorate?!'
Toby: 'you're girlier than I am, i'd hope so.'
Toby: 'you cant clean to save your life anyway'
Sheridan: 'Just bring me my donuts, you jerk.'
Toby: 'XD'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-19 04:22 EST
Early morning, March 19th..

Claire Farron: "These two are so disgustingly cute
together I may throw up"
Toby Aradam: 'which two?'
Claire Farron: "Mayu & Eri. Duh."
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'yeah i know'
Claire Farron: "Where're you even at, I thought you said you were
goin to be back like...hours ago XD"
Toby Aradam: 'i got sidetracked.'
Toby Aradam: 'you want me to rescue you?'
Claire Farron: "no, it's okay. don't want you to have to torture
yourself. you just missed out on some strange stuff here heh"
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'honestly i wasnt sure how to take your first text. i
was about to murder this phone'
Toby Aradam: 'what strange things?'
Claire Farron: "plz dont murder it. who would i text random musings
to then?"
Toby Aradam: 'someone else?'
Claire Farron: "oh, like the random people coming in all beat up,
though that seems kinda normal now. um, i may have found a job
depending on some things"
Toby Aradam: 'really? doing what?'
Toby Aradam: 'hopefully soemthing other than drinking'
Claire Farron: " know Khoom's pink drink stuff?"
Claire Farron: "And hey, if i could get paid to drink, id be a billionare"
Toby Aradam: 'not really?'
Toby Aradam: 'if it has to do with khoom you SHOUld drnk for a livign'
Claire Farron: "Hmm. Well, he drinks this pink water. And
makes people excessively happy. He's going to try to dilute it down so
it can be enjoyed without the"
Claire Farron: "usual effects. essentially make it possible to get a
nice happy buzz without alcohol and without a hangover. i'm his guinea
pig to find a happy"
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'i have no idea what to say'
Claire Farron: "medium. kitty's company is financing it and if it goes
well khoom wants to use me as like...idk how to explain it. the face of
it? idk"
Toby Aradam: 'advertisings fine, but the rest of it...'
Toby Aradam: 'youre a big girl, right? :)'
Claire Farron: "what the testing?"
Toby Aradam: 'yeah'
Toby Aradam: 'jus tbe careful with it'
Claire Farron: "i moreso just try the dilutions and report back to him
how it goes. ive had the full strength stuff before and that was a doozy.
the dilutions are cake"
Toby Aradam: 'and be cute with mayu and eri for me, ok?'
Claire Farron: "im not capable of being cute"
Toby Aradam: 'im sure cyrus would disagree'
Claire Farron: "he seems to think every i do is cute. hes clearly off
his rocker"
Toby Aradam: 'yup'
Claire Farron: "but yeah, im guaranteed a quarter of whatever is
made from this stuff. so maybe ill make enough money to just buy a
time machine and go home"
Toby Aradam: ':)'
Toby Aradam: 'im glad something worked out for you claire
Claire Farron: "id sell my soul to the devil if it helped"
Claire Farron: "or maybe ill just make enough to get a place of my
own so you dont have to ask if im ever leaving the inn :P"
Toby Aradam: 'im sure you could find one of those ehre too'
Claire Farron: "who knows"
Toby Aradam: 'how are they tonight?'
Claire Farron: "do you want the truth or do you want me to lie to you
in hopes of making you feel better?"
Toby Aradam: 'ill know that youre lying anyway, claire'
Toby Aradam: 'thank you for thinking to, though. thats actually real
sweet ofyou'
Claire Farron: "They're ridiuclously cute as f*ck."
Toby Aradam: ':)'
Toby Aradam: 'as much as it bothers me, seeing mayu upset would
make me feel worse'
Toby Aradam: 'so im glad'
Claire Farron: "oh btw, we're drinking the last of the strawberry soda.
:P "
Toby Aradam: 'thanks claire'
Toby Aradam: 'oh no'
Toby Aradam: 'not like my house isnt fully stocked XD'
Claire Farron: "oh yes"
Claire Farron: "thatd require that you actually go home"
Toby Aradam: 'ive got coffee now anyway, that's much better'
Claire Farron: "you really shouldnt drink coffee, itll stunt your growth"
Toby Aradam: 'id rather not get any taler'
Toby Aradam: 'muscles, sure. but taller?'
Claire Farron: "you're not even that tall"
Claire Farron: "and youre a midget compared to a lot of the guys
around here"
Toby Aradam: 'im 17 i dont need to be tall'
Claire Farron: "girls love tall guys. think about that."
Toby Aradam: 'have you seen the girls i hang out with?'
Toby Aradam: 'youre the only one thats as tall as me'
Claire Farron: "pocket sized ones?"
Toby Aradam: 'besides, what does that matter?'
Toby Aradam: 'exactly!'
Claire Farron: "hey. im not as tall. you've got a good 2 inches on me"
Toby Aradam: 'then shut up'
Toby Aradam: 'XD'
Claire Farron: "make me"
Toby Aradam: 'i could, but someone told me to watch what i say'
Claire Farron: "we're texting. therefore only you and i can read what
youre saying so im not as inclined to strangle you for it"
Toby Aradam: 'just means ill have to ge tyou back later'
Claire Farron: "you're so lame"
Toby Aradam: 'i never said i wasnt XD'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-23 05:10 EST
Early morning, March 23rd..

Offline messages received from 'Claire'

Claire Farron: ?I?m gonna assume by lack of response that you are
either still super pissed or you just flat out hate me. Both of which are
completely understandable. So, I fig?
Claire Farron: ?ured I?d send one last text (well however long this ends
up being) in hopes of trying to explain myself. No need to respond. I?m sorry I
didn?t back you like I?
Claire Farron: ?should have. I overreacted (as did just about everyone
there) and of all people I should have been on your side. It just scared the
living hell out of me to?
Claire Farron: ?ee the potential for you to get hurt, especially with
Drake?s psychotic brother in the same room, and everyone in such tight
quarters. Then to top it off,?
Claire Farron: ?I let my temper get the better of me and I intentionally
tried to goad you into fighting more when really you hadn?t done anything
wrong to me. Nevermin?
Claire Farron: ?d that Nikia probably thinks I?m a complete b*tch now
too. That?s unacceptable, especially after all you?ve done for me. So, for what
it?s worth, I?m f*?
Claire Farron: ?cking sorry. Especially if I let you down. So, I guess,
thanks and sorry and maybe I?ll see you around or something.?

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-23 05:25 EST
Toby Aradam: 'hey--i think i know how youll
answer this, but barring everything else weve already
gone over tonight, are you ok?'
Toby Aradam: 'did something else happen in
Mayu Tsuzuki: "Yes. Everything is fine. Just
didn't want to come back once I found out where I
Mayu Tsuzuki: "Was nice to be there.
Wasn't nice to leave it again like it was nothing."
Toby Aradam: 'i thought so. i'm afraid to ask--what
made you decide to come back?'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Eri. She didn't seem happy with
staying there but would for me. I don't want to
decide someone's life like that.'
Toby Aradam: 'whaaat? not me?'
Toby Aradam: 'sorry, im sorry, that wasnt funny'
Toby Aradam: 'i know its selfish of me to say it,
but i wouldnt have wanted you to stay either. even
though i know its something you really want'
Toby Aradam: 'id miss you. not being able to see
you everyday, thats not a life i want to live. or unlife,
Toby Aradam: 'i suppose that makes me a horrible
person :)'
Mayu Tsuzuki: '2233333'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-03-23 06:15 EST
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Sorry. You caught me coming out of the bathroom. Butt messaged you. You still there?'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Guess you're asleep already. You are not a horrible person for wanting that. Thinking that.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'I appreciate it. Greatly. I admire you for telling me what you really want deep down.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'More than you realize.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Thank you for telling me. See you later, ok?'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Btw: I would miss you too. Maybe staying in RhyDin will have its benefits. I will see.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Also. Thank god for this automatic text thing. I can't read a damn thing I'm having this thing type to you. I should really learn how to read English.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Shouldn't I?'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-24 04:12 EST
Early morning, March 24th..

Offline messages sent to Mayu Tsuzuki

Toby Aradam: 'hey, its me'
Toby Aradam: 'i had a tlak with claire'
Toby Aradam: 'well it wasnt so much a
takl as a yell. i did most of it.'
Toby Aradam: 'i dont know why she
would, bt if she tells you ihit her its true'
Toby Aradam: 'it didnt last long.'
Toby Aradam: 'katt got on my case
when i went inside, but it wast so bad. a
coupel fo people stood up for me :)'
Toby Aradam: 'aja and elaine. im going
with them to arcadia. apaprently its a 20
min monorail ride from the city. sounds
like a really great vacation place.'
Toby Aradam: 'i want to check it out for
everyone. we could have a group trip one
Toby Aradam: 'i hope your day was
good. and that you get some sleep.
anysleep, really.'
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later**
Toby Aradam: i read your messages
this morning. thank you for them, mayu.
:) what you said means a lot tome'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-03-24 04:24 EST
Mid-day, March 24th

Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Are you back yet?'
**Ten minutes later**
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Guess not.'
**Five minutes later**
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'I'm still trying to make sense of your message. You hit Claire?
Why would you do that?'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'It's not really my business. You always
have your own way to handle things.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'I don't condone what you did with Drake.
He was wrong, too. You both needed to just walk away. I don't
really condone you hitting a friend, either. You need to
think things through before you do stuff. Ok?'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Also, I don't know why Katt always finds a
way to get involved with you or I. I tried to make amends, she
mentioned willing to be polite and would chat if I wanted to. Then
acts like we're not around and hates us again. One minute it's cringing
and scowling, next it's bowing and acting like she really cares.
Then something else. Don't get it.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'She never was good about keeping herself
from minding other people's business when she herself hates it
when other people minds hers. Guess that's the problem. Nice.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Either way. I didn't talk with Claire today
because I didn't feel like I needed to get involved with this junk.
What's going on between you is between you.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'No. She shouldn't have egged you on after
you were leaving. I'm upset with her over that. That was awful.
Not a very nice thing to do. Does it deserve to be hit over, though?'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'I'm sure things will blow over in a few days.
If you want me to try and smooth things over everywhere, I will.
Just let me know.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'No matter what, you'll still have me with
you at the end of the day. Just let this go and don't dwell. Please.'
Mayu Tsuzuki: 'Have fun. See you soon. Miss you!'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-25 22:27 EST
Evening, March 24th..

Offline messages sent to Mayu Tsuzuki

Toby Aradam: 'im sorry i didnt get back
to you sooner!!!!'
Toby Aradam: 'this palce is aamzing!! i
know i lvoe it.'
Toby Aradam: 'its real sunny and warm,
mch bettr than the city, when youre here
youf eel liek you can breathe easier. i
could really live here. XD'
Toby Aradam: 'i think sher and emerill
would really like it. and i think you and eri
would have fun here'
Toby Aradam: ***Some time later***
Toby Aradam: 'I did hit Claire, once. I
felt like eveyrthing important I had to say
could be done in one fell swoop.'
Toby Aradam: 'I wont lie to you about
Toby Aradam: 'YOur guess is as good
as mine when it comes to katt, but i'll tell
you here too, I dont owe her anything.'
Toby Aradam: 'everything WILl blow
over. and i promise you, im not dwelling.
theres too much good going on in my life
for something like this to bring me down
that hard and fast'
Toby Aradam: 'i missyou too bubbles.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-03-27 19:20 EST
Afternoon, March 27th..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby Aradam: 'I didnt want to bug you
by sending you a bunch of messages.'
Toby Aradam: 'they probably woudlve
jsut come out angry anwya'
Toby Aradam: 'i ownt say that im nto
worried or curious. i want to know how
everything went, if you're ok'
Toby Aradam: 'i want you to know that
im still here for you, liek always'
Toby Aradam: ***Some time later***
Toby Aradam: 'I spoke with melissa.
she arranged for me to go back to
Toby Aradam: 'she said that emma and
the reserach team could help me figure
out which treasure is inside me. if i know
i can be prepared.'
Toby Aradam: 'maybe ill be the one tha
tprotects you this time. :)'
Toby Aradam: 'ill probbly be back by
the time you get all these. just in case
im not though. you knwo?'
Toby Aradam: 'oh hey, can i go in your
room and get my stuff if its still there?
XD melissa siad no ones permitted
without you there.'
Toby Aradam: 'miss you, bubbles'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-02 13:07 EST
Early morning, Aril 2nd..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby Aradam: 'hey, its me'
Toby Aradam: 'im sorry about last night,
i kind of snuck off, didnt i?'
Toby Aradam: 'im sorry about hw i
acted too. it was just a surprise, you
know? i mean barely a week ago you
guys were at each others throats'
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'i know we havent been
hanging out as much lately, and thats
probably all my fault, btu i dont want you
to think im not happy for you'
Toby Aradam: 'youve finally discovered
your place, you know? by eris side. not
too many people find something like that
so quickly or so easily'
Toby Aradam: 'i want you to know'
Toby Aradam: 'im poiting at the phone,
by the wya'
Toby Aradam: 'i want you to know
you're still my best friend. nothing in this
world or all the other worlds is going to
change that. im still honored that you
both wnated to share your news with me'
Toby Aradam: 'and i want to be a part of
making that day, whenever you decide
itis, something even more special. :)'
Toby Aradam: 'tell eri i say hi? and that
im sorry too. i dont really kwno how to
act when im surprised.'
Toby Aradam: 'dont be strangers and
disappear on me'
Toby Aradam: 'i miss you'
Toby Aradam: ***A few minutes later***
Toby Aradam: 'ill quit spamming you

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-05 03:15 EST
Afternoon, April 4th..

Phone call with Bubbles



"...Hey. You're awake, or--"


"--what time is it, exactly?"


"Nevermind. How are you holding up?"

"I've been awake for a while. ... What's going on? You're just waking up now?"

"Nothing's going on, I'm just checking on you."


"Is it really that obvious?"

"Is what obvious? You calling me? I answered, didn't I?"


"No, obvious that I just woke up. I think I used power last night than I realized. Kenryu says I've got trouble regulating it when we train. The moment I get serious, I've got to take a break. ... Everything worked out with Eri, didn't it?"

"Yeah, for the most part. She didn't have anything of importance to really say to me that made me change my mind about anything. You guys really need to figure out how to work together with each other. Nothing's going to get solved except everyone dying if nobody works together, you know."

"... ... ...It's not working with her that I have a problem with. I can work with and get along with just about anyone. It's one of my strong points."


"What exactly did she tell you?"

"I don't really remember. It's been just about a day and I've slept since then. ... Really, I don't. The most I remember is that you two agreed on not being around each other, but that I should still talk with you when I see you. Mm. Something about you dragging coals because she couldn't protect me."


"I agreed? What do you mean I agreed. She screamed at me to stay out of her sight. I didn't agree to anything."

***More rustling, then an exhale***

"I don't get the dragging coals part, but you're right--it's way to late to clarify any of this."


"The problem I have, Mayu, isn't her inability to protect anybody. Because, hell, if it was, then I'd have to kick my own ass for letting that bastard hurt you in the first place. ... It's that--from where I was sitting, she didn't even want to try. It makes me wonder what she thinks your life is really like, what you really deal with? Dwellers aren't a problem for everyone because they're pansies."

"No, thery're not. And if she abandoned trying to do anything just because she felt she was no use, then that's for you to decide. She said she useda ll her power to try and stop him and it didn't work for whatever reason. So, she was out. When I got injured, she went into some kind of berserk mode. You don't think that's what happened?"

"... ... ... ... ...No. What I think is that it shouldn't have taken a near fatal injury to force that kind of fight out of her."


"If she's that adamant--"


"I just keep thinking--I can't fight, Mayu. You know that. I picked up your sword, which I still have, by the way, and all I could do was hold onto it. But giving up was never an option, not even if he would've split me into a million pieces."


"You know what the scariest part of all that was?"


"It wasn't until after I'd attacked him and he backed off that all that fear really set in. I saw what he did to you, and I thought--there's no way you'll die, you'll be fine. Just like always, you know?"


"Please don't think I'm corny, okay? Or--if you do, don't say it. ... ... ...But if you died--I wouldn't know what to do. About anything. With my life, with myself."


"If it had been anyone else, I know exactly would I would do. If he killed my sister, or Emerill. If he killed any other of my friends, I would hunt him down, and kick his ass. And I'd be so mad at him, and at myself for letting it happen, I'd be able to do it. But with you--there is no afterward. If you're gone, there's nothing. ...Does that make sense?"

"... No. It doesn't. I'm like Sheridan. Or Emerill. Or hell, even Elaine and Nikia. I'm just another person who has something they're doing here. Dying is always possible. I'm willing to accept it if it comes to that, Toby. I already offered to turn away from this position and nobody seems intent on having me stop doing what is considered a duty. So..." ... "I don't know what you're trying to say."

"You're not."


"You're not like them at all. Not to me, you're not. There's no way."


"What I'm trying to say is that I--"


"I care about you. So much. Way too much, probably, more than I should if you think that you're just like everyone else."


"What I'm trying to say is that I'm dead, and it's amazing that I'm still here, but all of that becomes pointless if I'm not there with you."

"You're dead because you died in some previous life of yours that none of us remember yet everyone else seems to without having the answer. ... I don't know where this is all coming from. Or why. Maybe because we were in some traumatic experience. I told Eri I'd explain it to you, though. I'm not letting that happen a third time. So... just don't worry about it. Okay? It's not going to come down to dying because we weren't strong enough to beat one stupid kid."


"I try to be as honest with my feelings as I can--that's why. It's not even coming out of nowhere, I've felt this way for a real long time. If it has something to do with our past, that's fine. I'm starting to learn that I've just got to accept all that."


"You're not the only one that's not going to let it happen. I can't really complain seeing as how he got you much better than he got me, but god did it hurt."


"Look, Mayu. I'm not worried. I'll get stronger. I'll learn what I have to, do what I have to. I just--"


"Honestly, I just wanted to tell you all that. And I wanted to hear your voice for a bit--is that bad?"



"I guess so. I probably sounded real girly, huh?"

"Yeah. A little bit."

"Yeah, well."


"I'm injured. I'm allowed a few girly moments until I'm back at full strength. ... I'm sorry, though."

"Don't be sorry. Just don't worry about it. I'm not mad at you for what happened. I'm not really mad at her, either. I'm not taking sides anymore in anything that goes on. Not unless I have my own opinion that happens to share with someone else. And, right now, I think you're both stupid for fighting."


"Music to my ears."


"It'll all blow over in a bit. I think we're all just real shaken up. I know I was, but I think I hurt that bastard. I'm not sure how badly, though."


"I'll do my best to hold all that back. All I can promise you is that I'll try to do my best."

"If he's gone, it just means he'll come back. He doesn't seem to like it when people show up in numbers. Three or more, he bails. Keep that pattern in mind, maybe we can find a way to jump him."

"Right. I guess I have to work on more than just fighting. If I can't sense anything, I'm more than just a sitting duck with a target on my face."


"I wonder what he wants with you anyway? He went after you right before you gave all your power to me, you think he's just trying to finish off what he started while you're still weakened?"

"No. If I had to guess, releasing myself from my Gigai alerted him to where I was. He didn't waste any time. ... I can't exactly suppress myself in a natural state like that. I'm going to assume he'll do it again if I come out for any reason while in the city. Perfect bait, if you ask me."


"As perfect as it is, I'd rather us not have to use you as bait until we've got a surefire plan. And like you said, we really suck at teamwork right now. I'll do my best to change that."


"You want me to bring your sword by, or did you want to come pick it up? I'm staying at the church for the day. Sera's the only one here who could heal me up."

"I'll come pick it up later."

"I'll wrap it up. You know which room I use."


"Ah--no, forget it. I'll see you later, Mayu."

"I think I do. Sure thing. See you later!"


Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-07 22:10 EST
Evening, April 7th..

Toby: Text: 'hey howre you
Bubbles: "We're okay. Is
something up?"
Toby: 'no i just ran into jesse.
made me think of what the hell XD'
Toby: 'she hasnt eaten your
fridge or anything has she?'
Bubbles: "She ate all of our ice
cream. And some butter."
Toby: 'together? haha'
Toby: 'where are you guys
Bubbles: "The Market. I forgot
what it was we were supposed to be
looking for. And yeah. Together."
Toby: 'you dont mind if i head
over too, do you?'
Bubbles: "Not in particular. We're
at Second and Lancaster at the moment.
I think."
Toby: 'see you soon, bubbles

Second Chances

Date: 2013-04-09 16:48 EST
Late afternoon, April 9th

*Offline messages sent to Toby*

Nikia: Hey. you there?
Nikia: *Several minutes later*
Nikia: Duude. answer me.
Marlena hasn't locked you
up in the pantry has she?
Nikia: *several more minutes*
Nikia: I'm assuming she has
and that youre tied up so you
can't get to your phone
Nikia: I got attacked today
by some creep, on my way
to the inn this morning
Nikia: never going thr back
way again not alone at least.
Nikia: i guess I can tell you
more about it later, if youre at
the church tonight
Nikia: and just so you know
i'm fine just a little shaken. No
need to worry!
Nikia: ...if i don't see you later
tonight at the church feel free
to call me.. or something
Nikia: anyways, i'm done
spamming your inbox. atleast
for now. XD

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-09 22:30 EST
Evening, April 9th..

Offline messages sent to Nikia

Toby: 'wait you were what?'
Toby: 'seroiusly?'
Toby: 'what the hell where are
Toby: 'you'd better me like
pristine when i see you later'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-04-10 11:42 EST
Morning, April 10th

One New Voicemail Sent

"Checking in, Toby. I talked a little with Arthour today about what happened with the Dweller kid. Garnered some interest out of a few people who are there, so if you happen to get asked a question or two about everything that happened, it's just because of me.

"I'm out for the day and should be home later tonight. Eri-chan and I are going to spar in order to figure out a few of her powers plus give me a proper chance to practice my Flash Step. If you feel like tagging along, I'll send you details from my Denreishinki in a bit.

"See you later. Keep me posted if you hear anything."

Robyn Granger

Date: 2013-04-10 11:59 EST
Text sent to Toby:

Robyn: Hey! I have a space picked out for your party! You just need to tell me when and get me the guest list!
Robyn:Miss you! We need to do lunch or something.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-10 22:26 EST
Afternoon, April 10th..

Voicemail sent to Bubbles

"Hey, it's me. How did all of that junk come up anyway? Nothing happened today, did it? ...I suppose not, I would've felt something, or you would've said it, huh? What kind of interest could all of that get, anyway? I didn't think anybody cared about what went on behind the scenes. That shows me, I guess.

"I haven't been anywhere near anybody for them to ask me anything. I'll keep my ears open, though. Sooner or later I'll end up in the inn.

"Also, I'm shocked you'd even ask about me joining you guys. I'm looking forward to it. See you soon, Bubbles. I won't have to miss you much longer, haha."

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-10 22:44 EST
Afternoon, April 10th..

Offline messages sent to Robyn

Toby: 'youve got a place?'
Toby: 'where is it, where is it?'
Toby: 'youre not going to tell
me are you?'
Toby: 'XD'
Toby: 'my birthdays' in a fwe
days, the 14th. im trying to keep it on the
downlow. its hard for me to get in the
birthday spirirt for some reason'
Toby: 'i mean its not like
Toby: 'so far--i know i want
mayu there. where mayu goes eri goes.
nikia o'neill, i dont know if you know her. i
work with her at st. agnes'
Toby: 'and my family'
Toby: 'ill send yo uall their
Toby: 'is it weird that im helpin
gto plan my own surprise party? not
pathetic or anything? XD'
Toby: 'youre real sweet for
doing this for me, robyn. i owe youlunch
and a gigantic hug when i see you'
Toby: 'we definitely need to
catch up'

Robyn Granger

Date: 2013-04-12 07:36 EST
Offline messages sent to Toby.

Robyn: Of course I got a place.
Robyn: Let's just call it a birthday celebration and not a surprise, that takes any hint of pathetic out of the picture. :)
Robyn: Set it for this Sunday! Yay! Starting at 5 because there will be food for dinner.
Robyn: I think you're going to love it. It's a maid-style place with games and music and random people there to serve us dressed in maids outifts
Robyn: Male and female because that's fair.
Robyn: It'll be all ours for four hours and then we can retire to my house where I'll have snacks and drinks and games
Robyn: Good??
Robyn: I hope so cause I sent invites to everyone you sent me :)

Second Chances

Date: 2013-04-12 11:43 EST
Late evening, April 11th.

*Offline messages sent to Toby.*

Nikia: 'Hey. i got home safely.
and it wasn't anything big. '
Nikia: 'Sammy ended up getting
into someone's room and made
a lot of noise'
Nikia: 'that person freaked out,
caused an uproar'
Nikia: 'made everyone think the
coven was being invaded. Stupid
kitten XD'
Nikia: 'Oh! i got the invite fot your
party on sunday! i'll try and make
Nikia: 'And im going shopping for
you in the morning, on my way
to the inn.'
Nikia: 'Anyways Hopefully i'll see
you tomarrow soon-to-be- Birthday

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-13 23:22 EST
Evening, April 13th..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby: 'i dont think i couldve todl
her harder than i did tonight'
Toby: 'i told her to come find me
when she grows up'
Toby: 'i really think i hurt her
Toby: 'i didnt want to, mayu'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'you can tell me im
imagining it'
Toby: 'btu were you realy
annoyed earlier?'
Toby: 'i dont want to put a word to
Toby: 'but thanks :)'
Toby: 'im glad to kwno youre
looking out for me'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'miss you bubbles'
Toby: 'i hope is see you tomorrow'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-04-13 23:28 EST
Evening, April 13th

Bubbles: Really?
Bubbles: It just trips me out that she continues to flirt when you're not interested.
Bubbles: People like that need to learn and you can't spare feelings if they won't stop.
Bubbles: I know what it's like. You did the right thing.
Bubbles: I'll try to make it tomorrow.
Bubbles: Need you to tell me where it is. If it's not Royal Tea, I'm on.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-13 23:36 EST
Evening, April 13th..

Toby: 'for gods sake its not royal
Toby: 'im going to find that place
now and see whats so terrifying abour it'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'when i think about it im no
better than nikia'
Toby: 'i just havent been todl off
Toby: 'or maybe im just stubborn'
Toby: ':)'
Toby: 'oh well. ill learn my lesson
one day'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-04-13 23:44 EST
Evening, April 13th

Bubbles: Find me the name. Then we'll talk!
Bubbles: If you go in there, don't talk to Collette. Or Nadie. Or anybody. Just leave!
Bubbles: Never mind. It's not open this late.
Bubbles: Why aren't you better than Nikia?
Bubbles: Just let it go. She'll figure out you're not her type and move on.
Bubbles: Maybe we can set her up with a cute boy from church.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-14 00:07 EST
Evening, April 13th..

Toby: 'oh, i flirt with girsl
that arent interested all the time'
Toby: 'but im a guy. were jerks'
Toby: 'there ARE no cute boys at
the chuch either. there arent eeven any boys
besides me, patrick and uly. patricks
married and uly's old'
Toby: 'i dont think she has luck
with guys'
Toby: 'if one kiss is all it atkes. i
mean, i knew i was good at it but im not
legendary. XD
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'wow. i wish i could take
that back'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'how in the hell do you
know all that abotu royal tea anway?'
Toby: 'you must have been in
there a lot'
Toby: 'to know all those names'
Toby: 'there has to be somethign'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'DIDI You wORK THERe?'
Toby: 'ive been trying to figuer it
Toby: 'thats kinda...'
Toby: 'hm'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'i like it'
Toby: 'XD'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-04-14 00:10 EST
Evening, April 13th

Bubbles: I'm putting my phone down now. Goodbye.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-14 00:12 EST
Evening, April 13th..

Toby: 'XD'
Toby: 'goodnight'

Second Chances

Date: 2013-04-15 09:03 EST
Early Morning, April 15th

Offline messages sent to Toby

Nikia: '...hey.'
Nikia: 'Can we talk, please?'
Nikia: 'i'd really like to tho I can
Understand if you don't want to'
Nikia: 'Im sorry, okay?'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-15 12:53 EST
Toby: 'yeah, we can takl'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-16 16:05 EST
Afternoon, April 16th..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby: 'i think it got through to
Toby: 'nikias hanging out with
jesse later. she said something about it
being romantic?'
Toby: 'but its jesse so i have no
idea whats goign on'
Toby: 'either way im glad she's
doing something else'
Toby: 'maybe she wont get in
trouble with you after all :)'
Toby: 'miss you bubbles'

Second Chances

Date: 2013-04-18 12:25 EST
Late Afternoon, April 17th

Voicemail Left for Toby.

*Sounds of a shakey breath being taken.*

"I'm done. Okay? I'm done trusting random strangers that'd like to Talk to me. Or people saying the have a Message from the church, Or from you. I should have realized that you would've just texted me, If you had something to tell me. I'm never going to be that stupid again."

*Sounds of another breath being taken, it's not as shakey as the first.*

"The guy was a god damned Vampire Hunter. A crappy one, yeah, because He's got a bloody nose, a broken collar bone... and is probably dead by now, but a Vampire hunter all the same. I.. Ugh. Call me back, Okay? Or text me. Or come find me. I'm going back to the church. I'll tell you more about then. My brain's not... wanting to work, and explain things right, I need to calm down."

*Mumbled sounds, before everything goes silent.*

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-04-18 23:01 EST
April 17th..

Voicemail left for Nikia

"Stay at the church, don't go outside. I'll be by to check on you later, okay? You can tell me everything. The important thing is that you're fine, he didn't get what he wanted.

"It'll be okay, Nikia."

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-02 06:47 EST
Late evening, May 1st..

Text to Mayu: happy birthday bubbles
Text to Mayu: i miss you
Text to Mayu: :)

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-08 09:13 EST
Early morning, May 8th..

Voicemail left for Mayu

"Hey, uh. I know we just saw each other and everything--" *Clears throat* "I just... I want to ask you something. Later, when we see each other again. Okay? Don't let me forget. Bye" *Sniff* "Goddamn sun." *Click*

Second Chances

Date: 2013-05-08 17:19 EST
Late morning May 8th.
Messages sent to Toby

Nikia: 'hey. Sorry I didn't
Get to day hi last night'
Nikia: 'Jesse distracted
me before I really could'
Nikia: 'and by the time I
wasn't busy you were
Nikia: 'so I"l say hi now.
And you seemed really
happy last night'
Nikia: 'i"ll ask you about
It later!'
Nikia: 'Ill stop spamming
Your phone now. Later!'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-15 06:31 EST
Early morning, May 15th..

Offline messages to Bubbles

Toby: 'hey'
Toby: 'have your hiccups
stopped yet? XD'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'also--what kind of curry
do yo u liek? there's a bunch of differnet
Toby: 'i dont want to start learing
the wrong one'
Toby: 'it was good to see you
laughing tonight'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'yorue cute when you

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-20 11:02 EST
Morning, May 20th..

Text to Bubbles: 'more important than my
soul, mayu'
Text to Bubbles: 'i wont ever let you forget

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-05-21 04:35 EST
Evening, May 20th

Text to Toby: Yeah, I know that.
Text to Toby: You're only one of two that'd tell me that.
Text to Toby: I need time to comprehend it.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-21 13:37 EST
Morning, May 21st..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby: 'only one of two? XD'
Toby: 'i think im the only one'
Toby: 'cause if no ones ever
told you before me, anyone who tells you
after me is just copying'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'besides... i liked it when
it was just me. you know?'
Toby: 'heh, anyway'
Toby: 'take your time bubbles'
Toby: 'ill always be here'

Second Chances

Date: 2013-05-22 10:23 EST
Late morning, May 26

Offline Messages to Toby

Nikia: 'Hey'
Nikia: We need to hnag out soon
theres stuff i i want to talk to yuo
Nikia: 'plus my birthday's next
Nikia: 'txt me back, call me.. or

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-22 12:17 EST
Late morning, May 22nd

Offline messages sent to Nikia

Toby: 'you make it soudn all
seriosu XD'
Toby: 'and its going to be
soemthing ilke--jess and i want to get
married for real'
Toby: 'and then ill push you for
making me start to think abd thigns'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'honestly though, we can
takl. ive jstu been busy lately, diong a
bunch of stuff'
Toby: 'WHy diDNT YOU TELl
Me YOur birTHDAY was COMing UP?'

Second Chances

Date: 2013-05-22 14:13 EST
Around Noon-ish, May 22nd

Nikia: 'pffft. no. not anytime soon.
and whay kind of bad thngs?'
Nikia: 'the busy part i cna understand.'
Nikia: 'Now that Marlena's found out
that im satying at the church she
puushes me to the kitchen alot'
*A couple of minutes later*
Nikia: 'And i didnt tell you... b/c it
slipped my mind with everything going
on. the hutners i mean.'
Nikia: 'oh when do you thnk youll have
some free time?'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-22 22:54 EST
Evening, May 22nd..

Offline messages sent to Nikia

Toby: 'hopefully soon'
Toby: 'is this one of those short
talk important things or long talk?'
Toby: 'just so i know, so i dont
stat makign jokes'
Toby: 'im sorry i havent been
around much. maybe i can takl to you
about some things too'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-23 14:00 EST
Late morning, May 23rd..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles and Eri

Toby: 'hey summer says she
wants to play zero g laser tag with us'
Toby: 'im pretty sure that
means we can fly while were shooting at
each other'
Toby: 'you guys should come
play, itd be fun!'

Second Chances

Date: 2013-05-24 11:10 EST
Late morning, May 23rd

Offline messages sent to Toby

Nikia: 'Just a short serious one...
Nikia: 'its aboyt something that
happened the other day with drake
and me.'
Nikia: 'and a queestion jesse wanted
me to aks.'
Nikia: 'if it turns into a long talk, it our
fault xD'
Nikia: 'and of course you cab takl to
me about things. that's whgat friends
are for right?'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-24 14:34 EST
Afternoon, May 23rd..

Offline messages sent to Nikia

Toby: 'try to catch me today?'
Toby: 'jsut tell me when your'e

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-05-25 17:14 EST
Afternoon, May 25th

Messages delivered to Toby successfully

Bubbles: Hey.
Bubbles: Crap, I forgot why I was messaging you.
Ten minutes later
Bubbles: Hey.
Bubbles: ?craaaap.
Forty minutes later
Bubbles: So, I don't think I'm going to the party/whatever it is.
Bubbles: Me and people are like vinegar and really moldy baking soda.
Bubbles: Baking soda gets moldy, doesn't it?
Bubbles: ?yeah. Anyway. Thanks all the same.
Ten minutes later.
Bubbles: I forgot. That's what I wanted to text you about earlier. Bye.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-25 17:20 EST
Afternoon, May 25th..

Messages sent to Bubbles

Toby 'that made me laugh XD'
Toby 'you make me laugh
Toby 'dont worry about laser
tag. i didnt really think youd come in the
first place, but i wanted to ask you
Toby 'otherwise it doesnt feel
right to me'
Toby ***A few minutes later***
Toby 'i dont know why that is'
Toby 'by the way everything
gets moldy'
Toby 'im stopping by later'
Toby 'to fix it, that is. the
Toby 'at least figure out that
youve got a trash cn in yrou kitchen.
Toby ***A few minutes later***
Toby 'miss you'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-05-25 17:25 EST
May 25th

Messages sent to Toby successfully

Bubbles: Huh? Why are you laughing?
Bubbles: You're mean, you know that?
Bubbles: I know where the trashcan is, stupid dog?
Six minutes later
Bubbles: Fine. Where is it.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-25 17:27 EST
Messages sent to Bubbles

Toby 'beacuse youre cute you
Toby ***Half an hour later***
Toby 'under the kitchen sink'
Toby 'you were glaring at your
phoen this whole time wernt you?'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-05-25 17:27 EST
May 25th

Messages sent to Toby successfully

Bubbles: ばか

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-25 17:28 EST
Messages sent to Bubbles

Toby: 'bless you'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-05-27 02:03 EST
Early morning, May 27th..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby: 'I
Toby: ***A couple hours later***
Toby: 'sorry! i dindt know it
sent you anything'
Toby: 'i hope that didnt wake
you up'
Toby: 'everythings oaky right?'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'of couse it is'
Toby: 'im being stupid i guess'
Toby: 'you can ignore all

Second Chances

Date: 2013-06-06 09:37 EST
Early morning, June 6th.

Offline messages sent to Toby

Nikia: 'I think yesterdya was the
Most interesting day I've ever
Nikia: 'it involved drake, a gun
and the woman taht took his
eye. And me.'
Nikia: '(he rest ill yell you the
Next time we hang out.'
Nikia: 'since itks somethin better
told in person than over the
*A few minutes later*
Nikia: 'ill aslo tell you about
The part time job offer some
one at the watch offer me. :D'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-06 20:51 EST
Early evening, June 6th..

Offline messages sent to Bubbles

Toby: 'hi bubbles.'
Toby: 'i want to say im sorry'
Toby: 'for not always believing
you when you try to tell me people are
dumb sometimes'
Toby: 'i feel like the world will
fall apart if i start doubting everyone'
Toby: 'but sometimes even im
surprised. you know?'
Toby: 'wahts giong on barely
has anything to do with me, all i can do is
give advice and sit back'
Toby: 'but i dont even want to d
that anymore'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'anyway, i miss you'
Toby: 'we should go on another
date XD'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-06-08 02:00 EST
Very Early Morning, June 8th

Bubbles: Sorry I didn't respond earlier. Was working.
Bubbles: How come people are stupid? You shouldn't doubt them.
Bubbles: I have my reasons. I can't imagine yours are becoming the same.
Bubbles: Off-topic, Send me an update to my denreishinki concerning all the Reikon you've been in contact with recently. Something's off.

Several Minutes Later

Bubbles: It wasn't a date...
Bubbles: ばか

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-08 03:11 EST
Early morning, June 8th..

Toby: 'working? XD'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'and its because...'
Toby: 'i dont know'
Toby: 'they dont think'
Toby: 'i mean--im not really the
smartest guy on the planet, but even i
know that if i run around when im injured
and people are after me, im just asking for
Toby: 'drake got hurt and he
panicked and hes not trusting anybody.
so when he went off on his own he got
caught again. nikia got hurt'
Toby: 'it wasn't that big a deal,
she's a vampire, she can heal and
Toby: 'but if you love someone
like drake loves her, you dont let anything
touch them'
Toby: 'you dont let anything
think about touching them. you wouldnt
stand for it, you know? you'd kill the
threat first'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'maybe im being too hard
on them. im looking at it like i was in
drake's shoes and if it was the girl i loved'
Toby: 'letting her get hurt isnt a
possibility. you know? i just--wouldnt
allow it'
Toby: 'im sorry for all these. its
irritating. i think i talked some sense into
him though. *some*'
Toby: ***An hour later***
Toby: 'i sent what you asked for.
whats going on?'
Toby: 'and it was too a date XD'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-06-08 08:45 EST
Morning, June 8th

Bubbles: Yeah, working. Don't go getting crazy thoughts now...
Bubbles: Is that stuff still going on? With Nikia and all that? Jeez...
Bubbles: I guess the world really doesn't change as often as I liked to believe.
Bubbles: That stuff isn't on you. You probably shouldn't even have your nose in it. Won't do you any favors.
Bubbles: I agree with you, though. Don't let a thing happen to the person that you care for.

Several minutes later

Bubbles: Just try to distance yourself from it all.
Bubbles: I don't want to see another situation where people find a reason to gang up on you.
Bubbles: They'll do it. And then I'll murder them for thinking it's okay to be as*holes. Because it's not.
Bubbles: Not to you, anyway.

Twenty minutes later

Bubbles: WASN'T A DATE

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-08 12:36 EST
Morning, June 8th..

Toby: 'crazy thoughts. i dont
knwo waht youre talking about'
Toby: **A few minutes later***
Toby: 'still going on'
Toby: 'i dont think nikia stopped
it much before because she liked having
somebody feel that way about her. like it
was flattering or something'
Toby: 'she told me that one day.
now she's realizing it's gotten way out of
hand if hes willing to hurt himself to protect
Toby: 'i dont know! loving
somebody--it's never the way everybody
makes it out to be'
Toby: 'it's harder than it seems.
you have to think, you have to be smart.'
Toby: 'i feel bad for drake
because he has no idea what he's doing.
and i still dont think nikias worth all the
trouble. especially cause she has
someone else'
Toby: 'i have been, distancing
myself from it that is'
Toby: 'i only got involved this
time because of what happened to nikia'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'have i ever told you you
make me smile?'
Toby: 'now that i think abotu it,
that might not be a good thing'
Toby: 'thsi girl told me i smile
like a moron'
Toby: 'anyway, thanks mayu. :)
i never doubted that you have my back
but--i never get tired of hearing it either'
Toby: ***A half hour later***
Toby: 'daaaaaaaaaaaaaaate'
Toby: 'im kidding. you're cute.

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-06-09 14:36 EST
Morning, June 9th

Bubbles: You
Bubbles: You're impossible
Bubbles: You know that?

Couple minutes later

Bubbles: OK. Want to meet at Frankies? You can tell me the whole story.
Bubbles: Not at it matters to me. But you're upset about it.
Bubbles: I think I need to help you get your mind off it.
Bubbles: Parfaits on me.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-09 20:25 EST
Morning, June 9th..

Toby: 'of course im impossibel,
but thats why you like me XD'
Toby: 'well, maybe not.'
Toby: 'why do you like me?'
Toby: 'we can talk about that
too, on our date'
Toby: 'ill stop now, i promise.
Toby: 'you could get my mind
off anything'
Toby: 'see you soon bubbles'

Elisa Clarke

Date: 2013-06-10 04:45 EST
Late Evening, June 9th

Bubbles: Impossible...
Bubbles: I like you because you're what a true friend should be.
Bubbles: I don't know how else to put it...
Bubbles: Not that I like you for
Bubbles: Oh shut up

Five Minutes Later

Bubbles: I realize now I never told you that while we were at Frankies.
Bubbles: So there you go.
Bubbles: I'm going to sleep in a little.
Bubbles: I'll give you an update to the data you sent to my denreishinki in the morning.
Bubbles: Ayane thinks something is up with the increase in Reikon in the city.
Bubbles: He says it's not a good sign. Don't know what yet.
Bubbles: See you.

Robyn Granger

Date: 2013-06-17 08:48 EST
Robyn: Tooooobyyyy! Need to talk to you. Name a time/place?

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-17 19:44 EST
Toby: botu what?
Toby: um mayeb you can call me?

Robyn Granger

Date: 2013-06-17 20:35 EST
Robyn: Something good. Would rather do it face-to-face. :)

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-17 22:06 EST
Toby: ok
Toby: i like good news
Toby: i kwno a drink shop we can go ot
Toby: its in the market, youll like it

Second Chances

Date: 2013-06-18 11:54 EST
Early Evening, June 17th.
Offline messages sent to Toby

Nikia: 'Hey. :D'
Nikia: 'Claire took me wedding derss
Nikia: 'apparebtly, she made a deal
with jesse to save 100 cats and hda
to take me to save them'
Nikia: 'But it's really pretty'
Nikia: 'i should send you a pic of ti'
Nikia: 'or show it to you when i caqtch
you sometime at the church.'

*A few minutes later*

Nikia: 'i also heard what happened the
ohter day.'
Nikia: 'Art told me.'
Nikia: 'i got there just as you dissappeated'
Nikia: 'i'm happy you actually told her.'
Nikia: 'but i'm sorry she beat you up. '
Nikia: 'that was the last thing i ecpected to
Nikia: 'if ypou need to talk about it, text me
or call me.'
Nikia: 'tho i can understand if yuo dont want
Nikia: 'either way, i'll stopp messaging you.
sorry for blowing up ypour phone. <3'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-18 16:51 EST
Evening, June 17th..

Offline messages sent to Nikia

Toby: 'wedding dress shopping?'
Toby: 'who's getting married
now? or again?'
Toby: 'did jess propose anad i
jsut missed it or something?'
Toby: ***Some time later***
Toby: 'of coruse arthour told
Toby: 'im not sure if i want to
talk about it, bu t dont think you cant ask'
Toby: 'because i know you
want to and ill see it in your face and itll
tick me off'
Toby: 'i know youre worried
about me'
Toby: 'thank you'
Toby: 'ill see you later'

Second Chances

Date: 2013-06-18 18:51 EST
Nikia: 'nah no one elese wedding.'
Nikia: 'apparently I needed a dress
Nikia: 'jesse is planning ours tho.
She didn't propose.'

*A couple a minutes later*

Nikia: 'of course I'm're
One of my best friends'
Nikia: 'and you can tell me when you
Feel ready. Or want to'
Nikia: ' I can understand that I feel
that way sometimes.'
Nikia: 'just don't let what happen
Get to you too much okay?'
Nikia: 'i just don't want you to
Let it eat at you too much.'
Nikia: 'like I said I'm wworried
Nikia: 'yeah, catch you later. And ii
Repeat I'm glad you told her....'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-25 03:54 EST
Evening, June 24th..

Offline messages sent to Fae

Toby: 'fae?'
Toby: 'its me. toby'
Toby: 'thanks for giving me your
number. i know ill use it'
Toby: 'im sorry for earlier'
Toby: 'i dont knwo if i wan tto
talk or not'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'im scared to'
Toby: 'but im ok!'
Toby: 'now we can bug each
other all the time :)'

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2013-06-25 04:24 EST
Evening, June 24th..

Fae: TOBY!
Fae: I didn't know if you wanted ta or not.
Fae: Sorry for what? Did you steal sweets again? Its all good.
Fae: If you wanna. I am here. I have ice cream and I hear that is great for times like this..
Fae: Memo to me..don't eat ice cream in bed. Without spoon. Oh yeah..don't be scared. A spoon is only a kitchen away.
Fae: Yay! For bugging lots...

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-25 09:35 EST
Early morning, June 25th..

Offline messages sent to Fae

Toby: 'i dont want to know that
Toby: 'please tell me youre not
in bed with somebody'
Toby: 'no wait dont tell me'
Toby: 'i dont want to know'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'youre going to start
making ice cream jokes now arent you?
Toby: 'i know youre here for me'
Toby: 'and i appreciate that'
Toby: 'thers a lot of peopel that
told me if i needed to takl i can go to them'
Toby: 'ive never wanted to. its
a different reason for everybody why not'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'with you it doesnt seem
so bad'
Toby: 'maybe because you
were there for th e both of us last time?'
Toby: 'talking wouldnt be so
Toby: 'maybe we can hang out
someplace. and eat ice cream'
Toby: 'with spoons'
Toby: 'not in bed'
Toby: 'yeah'

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2013-06-25 10:21 EST
Early morn 25 June

Offline message

Fae: You so do! I sense it in the ether and the chocolate swirl.
Fae: Ok. I will not tell you that I am in bed with anybody ;p
Fae: Fine. I'll not tell you.
Fae: ***A few minutes after that***
Fae: If you insist. A guy was found dead in the back of an ice cream truck this morning. Covered in chocolate strands and strawberry sauce. Looks like he topped himself.
Fae: I am here for you and I am sure lots of people are too.
Fae: You are a nice guy after all. People care.
Fae: You'll talk to them when you are ready.
Fae: **A good few minutes after that.**
Fae: I was there for the both of you before. I'll be here for the both of you this time and the next.
Fae: Talking helps. It saves it running around in yer head unsaid.
Fae: You've never eaten ice cream, till you do it without spoons.
Fae: **A minute or so later**
Fae: Not in bed. Mine is filled with sprinkles...
Fae: Will try not to top myself. lol

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-25 13:55 EST
Morning, June 25th..

Messages sent to Fae

Toby: 'i have n oidea what to
Toby: 'it's so...i dont knwo'
Toby: 'hwo can you be found
dead in an ice cream truck?'
Toby: 'what was he doing in
Toby: 'what happens if people
eat all the ice cream eh was rolling
around in?'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'yeah, pleae dont top
Toby: 'i dont even know how i
feel about that'
Toby: 'wouldnt having icecream
all overyou be cold?'
Toby: ***Some time later***
Toby: 'you made me laugh'
Toby: 'thats kind of hard to do
Toby: 'thank you'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-26 01:51 EST
Early morning, June 26th..

Offline messages sent to Fae

Toby: 'hey fae'
Toby: 'i think we have to takl'
Toby: 'i think...i can tell iwant to'
Toby: 'can we hang out
somepalce? soon?'
Toby: 'please'
Toby: ***A few minutes later***
Toby: 'just text me back or

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2013-06-26 04:15 EST
Morning of the 25th

Fae: Ice cream is not as cold as it looks.
Fae: Also, it melts if you sleep with it.
Fae: Glad I cheered you up. You should laugh more. I remember the sound of it.
Fae: It was nice.

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2013-06-26 04:17 EST
Early morning of 25th June

Offline text messages

Fae: Hey darlin
Fae: You ok babes?
Fae: Sure. Always happy to come talk to you.
Fae: Or text. Whatever you want :)

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-26 09:32 EST
Morning, June 26th..

Toby: 'if ice cream's not cold its
just flavored cream'
Toby: 'if you sleep with it it will
just get all over you...i see wht youre
Toby: 'youre donig this on
Toby: 'just make sure you dont
have ants all over your bed later or
Toby: ***Sometime later***
Toby: 'im not ok'
Toby: 'lying for my own pride is
Toby: 'of course im not ok'
Toby: 'didyou know that drake
Toby: 'i know a place we can go'
Toby: 'ill be there after work
Toby: 'maybe ill see youthere
too :)'

Toby Aradam

Date: 2013-06-26 09:33 EST
Morning, June 26th..

Offline messages sent to Nikia

Toby: 'i heard wht happened to

Second Chances

Date: 2013-06-26 10:12 EST
Morning, June 26th

Offline messages sent to Toby

Nikia: '....'
Nikia: 'What do you mean? What
happened to him?'

*A couple of minutes later*

Nikia: 'The last time...'
Nikia: 'Alot happened the last time
I saw him. '
Nikia: 'I tried to do what you told me
to. to look at it from his point.'

*About ten minutes later*

Nikia: 'I'd really like to talk to you.'
Nikia: 'what happened shouldnt be
explained through text.'
Nikia: 'it's definatly something that
has to be explained in person.'

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2013-06-26 14:44 EST
Morning June 26th.. Toby Texting

Fae: Ah ha! Then I have a chocolate cream river..:p
Fae: I slept holding the tub, I think I have a ice cream habit.
Fae: I never do anything on purpose, unless it is on purpose!
Fae: I live on a ship, we don't get ants.
Fae: **Sometime later then later**
Fae: Don't lie to me. It don't help you, if you do. Coz I can't help you, if you lie. Then you are a sad bunny and I don't know you are a sad bunny.
Fae: I didn't think you were. I had this vibe.
Fae: Yes, I heard he was killed. They have his soul in a honey jar.
Fae: Text me and we'll go from there.
Fae: Ps. Bring sweets. Talking and sweets make it all better :)