Topic: Guideline to a believable Character.

Nolan Dean

Date: 2012-01-08 16:11 EST
This is kinda standard, and its mostly just understandable information on the basis of posting a new thread, or adding to a thread. It is not meant to insult or say that anyone reading this does not know how to properly create a character. remember its your creation, but a few pointers are always welcome right. This is mainly here to help new players, or even veteran players understand that your character should not be perfect, its the little things that make your character flawed and capable of failure that can possibly compel other to enjoy and come to like your character. With this said, I'm going to give a few pointers. Well update this post somewhat regularly. Or if you have any criticism feel free to Personally message me, or take it to the general discussion board. Your call really.

1. When posting take into consideration you are only human. Not a perfect survivor. Picking a specific type to play on will greatly improve your writing style, and improve the level at which your thread can be enjoyed. There are two basic Survivor archetypes:

Solo- This should be self explanatory. This particular survivor has been on their own for some time and they have developed a somewhat better knack at surviving alone. But this does not, or should not make them absolutely perfect. They should have a basic understanding of what it take to make it through an apocalypse, what is needed to crape by and if at all possible flourish in their new much more hostile environment. If they get sick, or wounded they have no one to run to. So its suffice to say they may have a basic understanding of medical routines, nothing to complex unless their life prior to the outbreak says other wise.

Group- Well this has all in all better benefit, but just as many problems. A group of survivor all working together and watching out for one another is ideal for any new survivor. Some of the draw backs, is that some of the people may not get along. One or two may possibly wish and actively pursue harm to the Player, or a player's loved one. In a group format, you should try and make each individual as real as possible. Make the reader enjoy or hate some of them. That way if and when their time comes they are like, "NOO!" or "Bout time!"

2. Back story (Prior to point of joining folder.) This is possibly the most integral piece of information you, yourself should supply. And it can get relative sloppy if you aren't careful. Now I know that we all wish we could have every single skill there is out there to have at our disposal in situations like this. But we don't, we're only HUMAN. Lacking skills, or having very low understanding of them is natural and it makes the belief that there is an actual person in an actual situation. Just try and keep it reasonable. For example if your a auto mechanic, you could most likely lack the fundamental knowledge of hacking a computer system. i know I do! I'd just beat the lock until it opened or find a security password, or an entire other way to get around any doors associated with the hacking related issue.