Topic: dr?mmer om dig


Date: 2016-06-08 23:35 EST
It was a great day, one of the best she had in a long time. Maybe they were all getting better? The bed she slept in wasn?t hers, so it was hard to fall into that deep REM sleep, the kind where the body rested and healed. This sleep was in between REM and fully being awake.

At first she felt like she was floating as things started coming into focus. It felt like she was hovering behind someone or reading over their shoulder. The words were blurry at first, but coming to focus she started to read:

Annick Van Gelder
Nurse and Assistant to Dr. Louis

July 15th, 1886

The patient is locked away in a lone cell away from the others in block H. A tall lad barely out of his teens the same age as my oldest son. A skinny, slip of a thing he is with the most haunted eyes I have ever seen in one person. I must remind myself that this is no boy but a monster. He has ripped the arm off of one of the guards and cut the throat of a nurse.

He's a wild animal that needs to be put down. Dr. Louis assures me that the beast's presence here is beneficial to us. I am to check in on the beast. Take notes of his actions and what he is doing. He says nothing to me but on occasion he paces in his cell. His steps fluid and soft like the beast he holds beneath his skin. He makes no attempt at conversation. The last time I heard him attempt conversation was when he taunted Dr. Lewis. Making cheap childish jibes at the man. That was not what bothered me. What bothered me was a simple threat, or was it a warning?

When I get out of here. I am going to rip every one of your limbs from your body. I will burn this place to the ground and you will all die screaming.

He taunted in a very thick Scottish brogue. It wasn't so much his words but how he said this. How he looked me in the eye and made his claim. It was if he had made that statement directly for me. After being tranquilized and injected with a serum that will make him more...docile, I was sent to inspect his progress. It is a punishment, I gather. A punishment for letting several of his best guards get injured. Two were killed. Here I stand with the devil in the cell and I continue to write. His monstrous gaze never leav-ing me.

I can hear him singing now.

"On a fine spring evening,
As I lay dreaming,
And the lag was weeping,
For his gal, Sal.
And the auld triangle went jingle jangle,
All along the banks of the Royal Canal."

The boy had awoken in the cold corner of his isolation cell. I could see his pale blue-green eyes looked to the wall to which was a hopeless scribbling of

I couldn't watch him scribbling anymore. I had to walk away, but he kept singing.

And the wind was sighing,
As the day was dying,
And the lag still lay crying in his prison cell.
And the auld triangle went jingle jangle,
All along the banks of the Royal Canal.


Date: 2016-06-09 17:00 EST
The vision of the nurses writing faded into the cell where the boy was watching the wall.

The small thin nurse with salt and pepper hair had finally left and taken whatever she was scribbling in her journal. The man-boy sniffed the air and sensed no one else in his presence. He crawled to his feet still weak from the serum that had been injected into him.

His head was a foggy mess but he remembered the night he had fought. The night he had almost got away and that little cowardly dickless doctor had almost shat himself. The boy grinned morbidly at this. Patience was indeed a virtue and he had all he had was time.

There were no windows. The door was out of his sight and the only thing that enter-tained him as the thought of the deaths of his tormentor and words he scrawled into Gaelic within a shape of a triangle he made in the dirt upon the stone floor. Mi ?ir ban-dia.

"Soon..." the boy whispered to the words he had drawn in the dirt. They would take away his dignity. His sanity, perhaps even his soul but there was one they would never take away from him. They can't take her away from me. I'll remember...I won't forget. I can't forget. The boy breathed in deeply as he looked to the words he had written. He would remain strong like the wolf he was. He had keep one simple fact in his brain. He would get out and when he would...they will all die.

In the women's prison,
There are seventy women.
And it wish it was with them that I wish I did dwell.
And the auld triangle went jingle jangle,
All along the banks of the Royal Canal.

She woke up to that song playing on her phone. Odd. Rolling on her back to turn it off and stare at the ceiling. A glance to her right and she smiled. That's no shadow laying next to her.