Topic: Mo smuaintean ne?nach


Date: 2016-06-11 18:03 EST
When she was cleaning up, she found a black journal sticking out under the bed. The cover read Mo smuaintean ne?nach. It took a few minutes for her to realize what it translated to my thoughts are strange.

Tempted to open it, but she decided to leave it on the night stand on the left side of the bed.


Date: 2016-06-11 20:39 EST
~When the journal was opened the pages were scrawled with Ewan's elegant hand writing~

I'm not sure where to start or where to begin. My therapist said it was always good to start in the middle and branch to either opposite end. Or...was it a note I saw on pintrest? I'm not entirely sure. I'm still unstable. That's not going to change but at least my life has more meaning. My disorder has a name and her name is Norah.

The scariest monsters are the ones who lurk within our souls" - Edgar Allan Poe


Date: 2016-06-12 00:49 EST
Sometimes I wonder about different outcomes in life. I read about a scientist who says there are alternate timelines in different universes. I'm not so sure about that but it's an interesting theory. I used to wonder what would have happened if I hadn't gone out that night. If I hadn't stolen a chicken from that farmer Old Man McGregor. If I hadn't run off the path and into the woods what would have happened? For some reason I reckon getting attacked by a werewolf was far better than what McGregor and his sons had in store for me. Don't take this as this me being regretful. I had mulled over it for a good while. Not anymore, everything happens for a reason. I'm not sure what that reason is but it lead me to this point. Mum used to talk about destiny. About being guided by fate. I used to think if a man was hit by a bus it was because he wasn't looking. Not because it's all some part of a master plan. I've lived a very long time. Sometimes I wonder how, or why? Is there some kind of strange infinite plan for me? I'm not sure. Something may be telling me that Mum was right after all.

"My wisdom is as spurned as chaos. What is my nothingness, compared to the amazement that awaits you."~Arthur Rimbaud


Date: 2016-06-12 12:14 EST
Insecurity is a damnable wretched thing. It crushes hope. Wrecks any thought of self worth. Makes you the worst person to talk to at a party. Oh by the by, thinking of taking that lovely lassie out for a coffee and a bit more afterwards? Ha! Not if your insecurity has anything to say about it.

"She's not that into you, mate. After all you're just a rebound for that studly broad shouldered vampire/demon/fae/howeverthesebloodysupernaturalge neticswork guy." It's that little voice that doubts you when a good deed is done for the day. When your lazy co-worker gets that stupid promotion and you're left with a simple pat on the back.

"It's ok, man. Maybe next time." Your boss tells you as you endure the smug look on Mr. Lazy's Face and wonder just who he paid or sucked off to get that bloody promotion. That little voice whispers.

"Told you, you weren't good enough." Ha well, Joan of Arc heard voices too. Oh right, look what happened to her. Good point. Let's move on. The notions of security and insecurity is said to have began with the works of W.I. Thomas and Alfred Alder. Good ol' psychology. Security is regarded as a final purpose in the life-organization of the individual. Insecurity, however is seen as a by product of certain experiences. Impelling "men" (I use this term loosely) to strive for betterment and a prerequisite of progress. Or damaging and crippling the personality. I wouldn't say my personality is crippled. It's just in a coma. That was my thought at least. Wandering through a mundane existence. Trying to figure out what life has prepared me for. I doubt anyone has their proverbial **** together at nineteen. Well. Try being nineteen for centuries. No, I'm not saying my real age. Ask me in person. Insecurity, you evil wretched beast. You almost cost me the woman I love. What would have happened if I had listened to you that night in the graveyard? I listened to you that first night when I met the golden haired goddess. I could hardly speak to her. Why would someone like her speak to someone like me? You reassured me that she was definitely out my league. (Wait, do I even have a league? Oh yes, figure of speech I digress.) It was the reason why I had never told her my name. Why I left in a hurry feeling like such an idiot. "She probably thinks I'm some kind of weird unstable man-child." Ok, you're right I am. I saw her again when I passed through that same cemetery and there she was again. I know this was probably that whole destiny spiel that Mum preached about. She seemed interested in me, despite all my faults and problems with communication. A lad with a funny accent learns not to speak very much. I did change it for awhile. Pulling off an American (New Yorkish) dialect to tee. It felt like such a lie. It is a lie and it's not who I am. So here I am scars, accent, disorder and all. I'm really glad I didn't listen to you this time, insecurity. Because she's here to wipe you away. My time with her may be short but it's been the most wonderful time in my life. Nothing that voice can tell me can ever change that. You still whisper from time to time but I'm not listening. I'm done with it. All this time when all I wanted to do was lie there and feel sorry for myself she enters my life. It's bittersweet but I would never trade this for anything in the world. All the insecurity I have would never take that away from me. So, for the now I think it's best you stopped speaking to me, insecurity. I'm closing the door.

"We look before and after, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought." ~ Percy Blysshe Shelley


Date: 2016-06-12 23:25 EST
Very little shocks me anymore. When you reach a certain point events seem to repeat themselves. Time is said to move in a straight line but I'd like to think of it zig zagging at times. Hitting one point and moving on over to the next. Time always felt like an inexhaustible well to me because of the fact that I have lived so long. So many faces, so many places, some leaving scars others healing those scars. I never thought about a future. I never thought about what lay ahead for me. I've started to care. Maybe it's because I'm around someone who's time is fleeting. It's a stark reminder of how precious life is. The cruel irony of reconnecting with someone only to know that you are going to lose them again. I look into her eyes and they are the bluest I've ever seen. They remind me of the clear ocean when I had spent an amount of time in Port Royal, Jamaica. They are so blue that you can look into the water and literally see the Ocean floor. Do I miss Jamaica? Well, I wasn't there for too long before I was transported back to Scotland. That's a story for another time, love. So much of my time is missing. My memories, a lot of my memories have been stolen. Sure there is a lot I remember, but there is also a lot that has been erased. Someone took them from me. Made me a blank sheet with nothing but a name and hospital scrubs with a note that said:
"Congratulations Ewan Malcolm Skye, you have been given a new lease on life. Choose wisely, good luck." I still have that note somewhere. I cannot for the life of me trace the writing back to anyone I know. I tell myself that I will remember it all eventually. My wife has found me again and it takes the sting of it away mostly. I don't want to think about the limited time we have together. I want to make each day with her count. Any day could possibly be her last. Time is not on my side. It never was and it never will be.

"For she had eyes and chose me" ~ William Shakespeare


Date: 2016-06-14 05:51 EST
Hey boy, take those pills so you can be better. Hey boy, don't forget to smile. Suck it up boy, and quit feeling sorry for yourself. Hey boy, don't forget every minor detail that happened within the last month because it's sure to come back and bite you where it hurts. Hey boy, you just weren't meant for this. Hey boy, you really thought she'd trust you? Hey boy, it doesn't matter if you end up alone because you're used to it. Hey boy, you know you're crazy right? Hey boy, all these centuries on God's green earth and what have you learned? Nothing at all. Hey boy, all this love you have and what good did it do you? Absolutely nothing. Hey boy, no use explaining yourself because you're completely **** no matter what you do. Hey boy, you know she's too good for you anyway right? Isn't that why you were so scared to talk to her in the first place? Hey boy, don't you know you were just a mistake to begin with? Hey boy, all you do is cause loathing and disgust in people. Why would you want to keep doing that. Hey boy, be a good little psycho and end yourself. Hey boy, everyone is going to hate you and if they don't...they all eventually will.
Hey don't believe any of this garbage do you? Of course you don't. Hey boy, put those boxing gloves back on, get back in the ring and do what you've always been good at. Fight. Hey boy, I wish I could tell you that things will get better. You might think they will...but will they really?

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." ~Fredrich Nietzsche


Date: 2016-06-14 06:35 EST
I remember when my best mate Oliver and I would cause a bit of madness. It was in Dublin, I'm foggy on the dates. Everything tends to blur after a time. He was a hard drinking, bare knuckles fighting psychopath. I mean that in the best way possible. Oliver was a short guy. Barely standing up to five feet. Leprechauns don't grow very tall. What he lacked in stature he made up for with his fighting skills and brazen attitude. He had a thick mane of hair the color of fire with a long beard to match. His eyes were as green as the Irish mountain side and his temper was as fiery as his hair. Quite a team we were, an undersized Fae and an oversized werewolf. Oliver's philosophy in life was simple. You fight it...or you **** it. There was no middle ground with him. One minute we would be at the pub having a drink, the next minute well...Oliver would be making some poor punter's face into meatloaf. He was not one to mince words or sugar coat. He bloody well meant what he said and he never apologized. Oh, and did I mention the ladies LOVED him? Because they did.

"The trick is simple, boy. You either got it. Or you don't. You spend all your life chasing someone who doesn't want you and where does it get you? No where." Oliver would say, a comely lassie on each arm as he relayed his sage advice. What did I have on my arm? Well...the sleeves on my shirt but that was alright. She was out there somewhere. I just hadn't found her yet. I had told him as such and Oliver would merely laugh. "Such a soft heart, boy. I like that. Being kind is a good thing to be, but being good won't get you to a lot of places." A lot of places? I only wanted to make it to the end of the week and with Oliver's record every day was a tight rope. Life with Oliver was hard and fast. It was a glorious battle and it was a hard row of drinks. Oliver did eventually meet his end at the hands of a jealous husband of one of those comely ladies he had on hand that night. He was met in the back alley by a group of men who happened to be hunters. They put an enchanted sword to his neck and lopped his head clean off in one stroke. Where was I? I was passed out beneath a table while this took place. One minute Oliver was there and the next he wasn't. I wasn't there to help him. He needed me, Oliver did. He never asked for help. He never admitted that although being the tough guy was fun, it never really got him anywhere. I did track down those hunters later and I took most of them down. One escaped, jumped into the ocean waters off a cliff when I tracked him to the seaside. I don't feel any better about it. It won't bring back Oliver. We had some good years together, him and I. I just wished I had listened to him better. I wish I had been a better friend. So much I want to say to him and I can't. Where ever you may be, Oliver. I hope you're having all the shots of whiskey you want. I hope you are bare knuckle boxing some drunk who thinks it's funny to have a laugh at the fair folk. I hope you have three comely lassies attached to you. I wish I could talk to you, mate. Just have one more laugh. One more stupid adventure. Just one more...conversation. I really wish you were with me right now, Oliver. I could use a friend.

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one." ~ C.S. Lewis


Date: 2016-06-14 07:11 EST
For Norah,

You might one day read this notebook of mine. You might toss it in the fire. I'm not sure of anything, especially right now. What I am absolutely sure of is my undying love for you. I know how things may look right now. I know for some reason you think I lied to you, hell maybe even called you crazy. It wasn't my intention. Reading back on what I said it certainly sounded as such. There's no apology big enough to correct my error. We may never be right again. I'm not the same person you married. You aren't the same person I married, but my feelings never stopped. They remained the same and they always will. You might not care. You might think I'm just another ex. It doesn't matter. I know I have to prove myself in someway and I will. Maybe these voices in my head are right. They tell me you are too good for me. You deserve better. You do, deserve better. I just wish I was that better person. I don't know what else to write. This may never see the light of day. It may see flames. I don't know. I don't want this to be over. I don't want to see you walk away. I just wish this all some crazy bad dream and I'm sleeping in your arms to the sounds of silence. Norah I knew you before...and it hurts that you can't remember me. We were happy you and I. We...does it even matter now? I can't give up and you and I won't give up on you. In the end the final decision is yours. I want to stay. Believe me...I do, but there is nothing for me when the one I love can't stand the sight of me. If you are done...just know one thing. I never stopped loving you...and I never will.

"The heart was made to be broken."~Oscar Wilde


Date: 2016-06-16 00:23 EST
Through out history my kind have certainly gotten a pretty bad wrap. You heard the story about the big bad wolf? A fairy tale that in actuality is more than likely a cautionary tale about what happens when innocent girls talk to creepy degenerate cretins. The wolf is the cretin. Ha! Didn't that coming. In Norse mythology. There's the big monster wolf named Fenrir who is Loki's son and is chained up by the gods. Apparently he was getting too big and they chain him up. So he grows up this big fierce nasty bugger whom everyone is terrified of. Being chained up and scorned just because of what you are would turn anyone into a howling mass of rage. Take it from someone who's been there. The question is if Fenrir was going to be so powerful and evil why would he be allowed to live? The answer? The gods had such great respect for their holy places and sanctuaries that they would not dare defile it with the blood of a wolf. Hmm...really, thanks a bunch? Despite the fact that Fenrir is supposed to be the death of Odin. I suppose the end really does justify the means, even in mythology. I suppose it didn't matter in the end. Fenrir kills Odin anyway. Thanks Grandad, it's been swell. Let's do lunch sometime, oops too soon? In turn Vidar avenges his father Odin's death by ripping apart Fenrir's jaws. Ouch. When I was a wee one I would remember hearing mothers tell their children:

"Be good, or the wolf will get you." I certainly wasn't good. I went through that rebellious phase that many children go through. Maybe me more than others. I looked different than the other children in the camp. I was taller, paler, light eyed and awkward. I always felt like I had to prove myself. I learned that fighting was the only way to earn the respect of others. So, I thought. Even when I was a child my mother would call me her "wild wolf." Maybe she somehow knew what my fate would be. Mum was good with things like that. The big bad wolf did get me. I might sound crazy when I say I'm really glad he did. Although to this day I wonder just how I survived that attack. He ripped into my shoulder. I remember that bite was like no pain I had ever felt before. It was the worst feeling I had ever felt. I still get mildly nauseated writing about it now. He tore a nice chunk out me and left me there before he finished off Old Man MacGregor and his sons. I can still hear their terrified agonized screams. The sounds of flesh ripping. The sound of crunching bones and the snarling. I remembered laying on my side. My fingers in my bloody shoulder.

"This is it." I thought to myself. "I'm done. I'm going to die. I do ONE good deed even though it was slightly bad and now I'm dead for it. Oh grand. Thanks a lot, God. You're going to hear from me if I ever reach those pearly white gates. I'm only nineteen...and I'm going to die." I thought this and the wolf turned away from the remains of his meal. His burning hell fire eyes were fixed on me. Watching me, the blood covering his ridiculously large body was a stark contrast to the pure white of his fur. He looked at me, into my eyes like he knew me. I'd never seen a wolf that big. To be honest, I'd never seen a wolf at all until that night. Something was different in those eyes. It was nearly human, that look, and I just stared back challenging the beast to end it. I was scared but I was not going to die like a coward. The wolf didn't respond but turned away from me and fled into the forest. Barely a streak of white. Did I mention too after all that bother that stupid chicken got away? I laugh about it now but you'll find me hard pressed to eat any chicken. No thanks. I reckon it left a bad taste in my mouth. My Uncle Will, found me that morning. He said I was barely conscious among those bodies. I bled a storm but I still managed to stay alive. He said my wounds were already half way healed. I don't think I ever heard my mother cry as hard as she did. I don't know if she cried because of my near death experience or because she knew that I was forever changed. I was different from that point on. I felt different everything was so much more intense vibrant. I was faster, I was stronger. Wounds that should have crippled a man healed within minutes. I didn't understand it until the following full moon when my body went through the change the first time. I remember the terror, the pain and a strange bliss when it was all over. I hadn't harmed anyone. I was completely aware. Unfortunately, I happened to shift in front of half the members of the camp. I hadn't gotten away fast enough. People fear what they don't understand. Fear leads them to misunderstanding. To them I was a threat. A threat that should no longer be in the camp. Instead of killing me on the spot the Chief allowed me to grab what little I had when I was back in human form. Let me say goodbye to my family and I was off on my way. I was mostly met with a sort of indifference. Not from my family however, especially my father (not my father by birth but I still called him my father.) It must have been devastating for Mum. She was six months pregnant and now losing her first born boy. (I had A LOT of half brothers and sisters. Romany are known for having large families and mum was as fertile as they came.) I remember her sobbing and clinging to me. Telling me how much she loved me.

"Don't make this harder for yourself, Mum." I told her. It was the last thing I ever said to her before leaving. I regret saying that to her. I really do. I wish I had told her how much she meant to me and how much I loved her before I left. Now I never will. What was love? What was the point of loving someone if they were just going to be out of your life anyway? I don't regret being a werewolf. I just regret that in my anger I took it out on the people I loved the most. Love hurts. I dare you to tell me any different. I was on my own after that. Learning how to cope with what I am. I think it was thanks to the wolf that I even survived at all. I did run into other werewolves in my lifetime. Most of the ones I met I didn't really like. I'm not all about pack mentality. I don't play by the rules. I see rules and I break them. Although, in a strange way I think I am starting to find my own pack. They are not wolves but I am bonded just the same. Norah, Ethan and Sach and the incoming twins. I feel proud to call them family. It was something I needed and something I was desperately running from. The last thing I needed was to need, to feel, to care. I always thought that saying "the strength of the wolf is the strength of the pack." It just might be true. I always thought I would find myself tearing through a violent and destructive path like Fenrir. Unlike Fenrir I found a place I can call home. With a family who supports and cares about me. Sure, it may be a whirlwind of **** at times. What family doesn't have their drama? I wonder what would have happened if Fenrir had that chance.

"We have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what we deliberately and mistakenly perceive it to be, the epitome of a savage and ruthless killer which is, in reality, no more than a reflected image of ourselves." ~Farley Mowat


Date: 2016-06-17 22:29 EST
1. What is your favorite song?

Blue Moon by The Marcels

2. What is your favorite nursery rhyme?

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf

3. What is your favorite subject in school?

4. What is your favorite flavor of jelly beans?

Butter scotch

5. Which flavor of ice-cream do you prefer?

Chocolate and Norah knows why.

6. What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic?

My large ****

7. What is your strongest talent?

Getting into trouble at any moment's notice.

8. Do you play a musical instrument, if so which one(s)?


9. What do you usually do when you have leisure time on your hands?

Ask Norah

10. What is your favorite season and why?

Autumn. Changing of the seasons.

11. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

Hawaii sounds like a lovely visit.

12. What is your favorite color?

Black because it matches my soul.

13. Who is your best friend and how did you meet?

My wife, I don't remember how I first met her but we reconnected in a graveyard.

14. What is your favorite home cooked meal?

Pasta, steak is lovely as well.

15. What is your favorite grab and go meal?

Chinese takeaway

16. Do you prefer to wear pants or dresses?

Pants of course.

17. How many siblings do you have? one time I had about six siblings and one on the way.

18. What is you favorite snack?

Chips (as in what some would call fries) in curry sauce.

19. When do you usually do your homework?

If I had any I'd pay someone to do it for me.

20. What is your favorite electronic device?

My iphone

21. If you could be any animal which one would you prefer to be and why?


22. What kind of vehicle do you usually ride in?

A 1972 black van. Creeper status engaged

23. Do you have pets?

Does being a werewolf make me my own best friend?

24. When was the last time you visited a park and what did you do while there?

Turned into a wolf and peed on a few trees.

25. What is your favorite sport to watch?

Not much of a sports fan.

26. Which sport do you most enjoy actively participating in?

I reckon parkour is a sport. If it isn't it bloody well should be.

27. What do you usually do when you meet someone for the first time?

Say something creepy and awkward.

28. When was the last time you stayed or hosted a sleepover with friends?

No idea

29. If you have to dress and leave in a hurry what is the one thing you can easily cut out of your routine?

I don't reckon it takes me that long anyway

30. Do you plan to go to college?


31. What job do you think you would most enjoy as an adult?

Video game tester. That sounds grand.

32. Do you hope to have children of your own? If so how many.

33. What was the last item you cooked and ate?

The heart of my enemies. No, actually it was mince and tatties (mashed potatoes with doctored up hamburger meat.)

34. How many books did you read last year?

Hadn't kept count.

35. Where did you spend your last family vacation?

The jail cells

36. Do you have relatives in other states? If so, which ones?

Hadn't traced any of my brothers or sisters descendants...probably scattered every which way.

37. Have you ever made jell-o?


38. Are you ticklish?

Try to find out and get bit.

39. What size shoe do you wear?

40. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?

Maybe ten. I keep losing my shoes

41. Which one fashion accessory do you like better than others?


42. Do you have chores at home you are responsible for?

Whatever needs to be done

43. If you were called on to serve a mission where would you least like to serve?

Here I suppose

44. If you were called on to serve a mission where would you most like to serve?

See above

45. What age do you consider old?

Live for nearly one thousand years and ask me that question again.

46. Which birthday are you most looking forward to and why?

Every year I turn nineteen. It won't matter.

47. Do you prefer pens or pencils


48. Do you like your handwriting

I do

49. Were you named after anyone?


50. When did you last visit the zoo?

You mean when did I last escape the zoo?

51. Have you ever stayed on a farm?


52. Have you ever been horseback riding?

Being Romany and growing in medieval Scotland the answer would be yes.

53. Have you ever been water skiing?

Worst. Idea. Ever.

54. What do you most like to do in the snow?

Get out of it.

55. What is your favorite all-time movie?

Disney's Beauty And The Beast

56. Can you change a tire?

I can

57. Is your room more clean or more messy?

Clean I should hope.

58. Do you prefer a bath or a shower?


59. What do you prefer to drink with your morning meal?

Tea. Usually darjeeling or earl grey

60. If you had to be stranded on a deserted island with one person who would you want that one person to be?


61. Which animal would you most like for your pet?

Can I pick myself?

62. Do you like sweet treats or salty treats?

Sweet. I'm salty enough.
63. Have you ever sung in the shower?

Plenty of times. Norah hasn't complained.

64. Do you find it easy to save money?


65. Do you get an allowance?


66. Do you have more friends that are boys or girls?

I have friends?
67. Which do you prefer you had - straight or curly hair?

I'm just glad I have hair.

68. What color eyes do you most like?


69. Do you prefer colored or white socks?

Depends on my mood

70. What would you say is your normal exercise routine?

Ask Norah

71. Have you ever had acrylic nails?


72. Have you ever colored your hair?

Accidentally dyed it purple once.

73. What do you do when something funny happens?

add to the joke

74. How do you earn money?

Security guard at a hospital. Exciting aye?

75. Do you like to dance?

Aye, I'm not good at it. Norah has footage to prove it.

76. Are you on any teams or in any clubs in your school? If so which ones?

77. Where do you keep your spending money?

In the bank

78. Do you save trinkets and mementos?


79. Did you have a favorite toy as a child?

A toy sword my Dah made.

80. Do you share a bedroom?


81. Do you like drinking from the cup or a straw?

Cup. Straws are for sissies.

82. Do you like ice in your cold beverages?

Depends on what it is.

83. What is your favorite sandwich?

Anything that has meat in it.

84. Do you carry floss in your purse?

85. Where is the fartherest you have ever traveled?

Been to Australia once. Nice place.

86. Do you have family members who live in another country? If so, which family members and where do they live.

Heaven most likely.

87. Which family member do you most resemble?

I've been told I greatly resemble my birth father. Not sure what to think on that.
88. Which family member are you more like?

None. I was the odd ball.

89. What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

Being born was weird. Being attacked by a werewolf was a close second.

90. Do you live in a house, trailer or apartment, etc.?

In the process of moving right now.

91. Have you ever won anything? If so, what did you win?

A wonderful life mate.

92. Do you prefer fresh air or air conditioned air?

Fresh air

93. Do you prefer mountainous or flat regions?

Lots of mountains with great peaks.

94. What is your favorite reading material?

It varies

95. Name all of the pets you have ever had?

96. Do you mow the lawn at your residence?

Currently there is no lawn.

97. Have you ever been in a musical drama or play? If so, what was it?

Nope. Maybe some day though.
98. Have you ever visited a planetarium? if so, where?

99. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Visiting the standing stones.

100. Do you usually buy or carry your lunch when at school?

101. What is your favorite fruit?


102. What color of clothing do you most like to wear?

my random t-shirts

103. What is your favorite cereal?

frosted flakes

104. What is your favorite breakfast?

full breakfast

105. Who do you spend more time with?

my wife

106. What is the longest car trip you have ever taken?

Every car trip is long.

107. Do you know how to iron your clothes?


108. Can you sew a button on your clothing?

I can

109. Have you ever cut your own hair?

That was a disaster.

110. Are you creative in any way? If so, which way(s)?

My wife is the creative one.


Date: 2016-06-20 19:35 EST
First off I'm not good with relationships. Wolves are very social creatures. I never have been. I've been alone for much of my existence. I stopped learning to trust or really bothering to care when I left my clan. If my own people whom I trusted and loved saw fit to remove me from their life anyone and everyone would. There have been a few people who have been in my life but their time is brief. Everyone's time is brief. Everyone's time but mine. I won't lie when I say when I feel that sometimes I have overstayed my welcome. No I'm not going to end it. That's not my style. I know there's a greater plan out there for me but what? Do I really want to know who I really am? Do I want all of my memories back? It's probably not going to make any difference what so ever. All I can think about is moving a head wherever that may be.

"Two of the most powerful warriors are patience and time." ~ Leo Tolstoy


Date: 2016-06-21 19:15 EST

nuair a th?isicheas tu teagamh fh?in, cuimhnich d? cho fada a tha thu air tighinn. Cuimhnich h-uile c?il a tha thu air mu choinneamh a h-uile bl?r a bhuannaich thu, agus a h-uile eagalan a tha thu air faighinn seachad air.

"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh." ~ abairt Albannach


Date: 2016-06-21 22:06 EST
I love the woman I married. My heart and my soul belongs to her. It always will. However there's always this sinking feeling that I'm about to lose her. I'm not a bully nor am I misogynist. I was raised Romany and a Catholic. I've seen how men have treated their wives in the past. I always told myself, "No. This will not be me." Norah is a very strong woman. She's tough and brave and I respect that. I love it in fact. I'd never do anything to break that. Why would I? She thought I pulled the husband card on her when she wanted to walk by herself to Esme's place. I just couldn't let her walk alone. There's a deep dark evil that is following us. It's lurking about. Tormenting the both of us. Trying to get us at we are at our most vulnerable. It's not that I don't trust her. I do. I trust her completely. What I don't trust however, are the outside threats that are hovering waiting to take advantage. I know I sound like a total loon but trust me, if you were in this situation you would probably go a bit mad yourself. I want to take care of her. I want to be the man the my Dah was. I think I'm trying too hard. I can't be anyone but myself. I'm so used to pushing everyone away that when I try to keep someone I say something or do something the opposite. I've never seen Norah angry before. She was damn close and it's something I hate. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but I was calm. Maybe she would understand if I just stayed calm and told her how I felt. For once I was the level headed one and it was an odd feeling. She snapped at me, maybe I don't blame her for it, saying ""Only if your Christian, Catholic, Muslim or Romany." In regards to it being the husband who takes care of the wife. I felt like she was implying that I was neither Catholic nor Romany. The Catholic I wasn't sure I cared too much about. My faith tends to lapse from time to time. Maybe that's why I haven't killed myself in the long run. Is it because I'm terrified of damnation or am I just terrified of what's in the great beyond. I'm no Saint, I know that much. I'm going off topic again. Anyways...I was upset by the comment because all I could think were the other Romany children from my camp. Reminding me of how different I was from them. Telling me that I was not a real Romany. I was a half breed ****** I wasn't one of them no matter how hard I tried. My Dah gave me the best advice when he said "No one can tell you or determine who you are except for you. There is strength in you my boy."
I realize my main problem is communication. I've been silent for far too long. I've been alone for far too long. Sometimes the road to hell is paved with the best intentions. I tell myself that this trouble will just blow over but it's pushing her farther away from me. I can't let that happen. I will fight for her because she's worth it.

"The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them." ~ Stephen King


Date: 2016-06-23 19:02 EST
If you can't wake up from the nightmare, maybe you aren't asleep. Everything seems to crash and burn. Everything in me feels like it begins to shut down. I don't feel anything. I can't respond. My fire was replaced by ice. I'm starting to feel a numbness set inside of me. Every time I close my eyes it's there. The stone angel with her face hidden in her hands as if she were sobbing. She waits to drag me into the icy cold waters of oblivion. To me hell isn't fire it's ice. A painful cold that buries deep into your bones and freezes your entire being. Being trapped in icy cold water among the other damned is what I can think of. I don't want to think this is what awaits me should I be forced to leave this plane of existence. I left something behind in that dream. The dream where Claire tried to drown me. What did she take from me? What did I leave behind? When does it end?

"What terrified me will terrify others; and I need only describe the spectre which haunted my midnight pillow" ~ Mary Shelley


Date: 2016-06-29 13:22 EST
Are there moments in life that break you? Do they set the course for who you are going to be? Or is it you who define those moments? I sometimes think it is a balance of both. Sometimes things happen which are beyond your control and you emerge from them never the same but you survive. At the moment the odds seemed stacked against me. There's a ghost who won't take no for an answer. A murderous psycho who would want nothing more than decorate his wall with my corpse. The madness that always threatens to eat me alive and my wife's illness. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not afraid. In fact I'm bloody terrified. Fear is good sometimes, I think. It means that you have something worth living for. I believe I do. It's so odd this situation is. I sometimes wonder how she puts up with me. If she even believes that we're married. There's so much that points to the truth but how you can you really not be skeptical? It's the first time that I can remember that I did not run from someone. I didn't do it when I had the chance and I certainly won't do it now. I feel bad for Norah sometimes. I wonder if she thinks she's screwed being married to me.

"I don't remember saying yes." She had told me when I talked about a memory I had where I was standing near a spiral stairwell holding a ring in my hand praying that she would accept. I'm sure I changed the subject. The comment bothered me although I'm not sure why it did. Truth me told I don't remember her saying yes either. Although an acquaintance of mine had phoned to tell me he had found some very important documents that confirms what we both already know. Norah is a complicated woman but I wouldn't want it any other way. She's used to people leaving. She's used to depending on herself. I tell her she doesn't have to worry about that anymore. I'm here for her and I meant. It's not just words that matter. Actions do as well. I mess up more than I help maybe. Why would she ever have wanted to marry someone like me I'll never know probably. As now she doesn't even know. All she needs to know is that I'm here every step of the way weather she likes it or not. A man takes care of his wife. He provides for her and it is what I need to do. I am happy and I am terrified at the same. She means everything to me and nothing will ever change that. I will never stop counting all the stars in her eyes.

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw


Date: 2016-07-05 12:06 EST
I've been feeling mildly cynical as of late. I reckon even more so than usual. Its not easy when you're married to a near stranger. For every question answered five more spring forth. Like a hydra who grows five more heads every time one is cut off. We've been erased and now trying to figure out who we are since then. How different are we now? I haven't been the most attentive I realize, so caught up with fighting against Claire, the threat of Sebastian other things I just can't really write at the moment. At least the voices are not there. No, unfortunately now it's my own anger and frustration talking. More than ever I feel that there is a brick wall between us. Separating us, and the hardest part of all is that I somehow know in the past no wall existed. I have images, visions at times of us in the past. Laughing, holding hands and talking. I don't know what it's about, but I feel insane jealousy towards the couple in the Victorian garb. The couple with our faces. A part of me wonders if it's just all in me head. If they are just images I have in my head to make myself feel better. The ugly painful truth is that I am being shut out. What is marriage if you can't be there with the person you love while they are going through a life or death situation? **** logic! There is no logic in that no matter what I am told. Still even after everything she thinks I'm going to leave.

All I want to do is scream "I am NOT R______!! Don't expect me to do what he did!" Every time the thought surfaces I keep it to myself. I signed up for this. In sickness and in health. We may be married but I get the feeling that we aren't exactly a team. She's already made her mind up and for the most part I am excluded. It's probably my fault. It's probably hers. It's probably both of us. There are moments of happiness but they feel so few and far between and all they seem to be are moments. I asked her once, what makes her happy? I didn't get an answer. How would someone feel if the person they loved with their heart and soul, more than life itself told them they didn't want them to be there with them in what could be their final moments? I'm holding on with everything that I have. But it just isn't enough. All I have is a record of our marriage and memories that happened to another couple in another place and in another time. Will we ever be that couple again? The clock is ticking away and the time draws near and I still stand behind that wall taking it apart. Brick by brick if that is what I must do.

?Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.?
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring


Date: 2016-07-05 19:53 EST

Goodnight, my love,
the tired old moon is decending,
good night
my love,
my moment with you now is ending.
It was so heavenly,
holding you,
close to me,
it will be heavenly,
to hold you,
in my dreams.
The stars,
has promised to meet us tomorrow,
till then,
my love,
how dreary the new day will seem,
so for the present dear,
we'll have to part,
sleep tight,
my love,
good night,
my love,
remember that you're mine

Ma tha ann a-mh?in mo aislingean am faic mi thu a-rithist an uairsin d?cha mi gu br?th a 'fuireach ann an aislingean

?In one of those stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night. And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend...I shall not leave you.?
― Antoine de Saint-Exup?ry, The Little Prince


Date: 2016-07-08 20:05 EST
Night she haunts me. Day she haunts me. The whispers of her voice within my ear. Like the soft dulcet tones of a siren's hymn. Her touch slides along my flesh like the electric pulse of a spark. In darkness she waits for me and I will willingly go. She beckons me with a call to bring her back from the beyond which I will do. Every wrong I have committed. Every ounce of pain I have caused I will atone for. Perhaps God has pulled her from my grasp because I am so undeserving. I will take my angel back whatever the cost may be. I may deal with the devil to make it so and thus I must. I am filled with resolve to right this wrong and undo my grievous sin. May the Lord in Heaven and may my loved ones forgive what I must do. Time waits for no one.

"That is not dead which eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die." ~ H.P. Lovecraft


Date: 2016-07-31 01:15 EST
Saint Jude is the patron saint of lost causes. Catholics have many saints and only a few have really stood out for me. Saint Dymphnia and Saint Jude. Right now I am praying to Saint Jude and I hope to the heavens that he hears my plea because my time is running out and I may lose the one I love forever. Have you ever fought for something, fought for it with every last breath and have it ripped away from you? I feel like I have come so close. I am so very very close and my last light is snatched away from me. I have a week to figure it out at least. The clock is ticking away and by God I hope I can right this wrong I have created. I've been told to move on. I've been told to let it go. I won't. I can't, not when I have come so close. Please, let there be some kind of answer to all of this. Why would Disa give me all these clues to bring her back only to have Ethan and Sach rip it all away. Please please don't let this be the end. It can't can't.

Most holy Apostle St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered the beloved Master into the hands of His enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases, of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable; make use, I implore you, of this particular privilege accorded to you, to bring visible and speedy help, where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolations and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (here make your request), and that I may bless God with you and all the elect forever.

I promise you, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you. Amen.


Date: 2016-08-10 23:36 EST
White light messing up my mind,
Don't you know it's gonna make me go blind?
White heat tickle me down to my toes,
Lord, have mercy, goodness, no.
White light messin' up my brain,
White light is gonna drive me insane
White light tickles me down to my toe,
White light, I said, goodness, no.

White light messing up my brain,
White light is gonna drive me insane.
White heat tickle me down to my toe.
White light, I said, damn, goodness, no.
White light, it lightens up my eye
Don't you know it filled me with surprise.
White heat tickles me down to my toe
White light, I tell you, goodness, no.

With light messing up my mind,
Don't you know it's gonna make me go blind?
White heat tickle me down to my toe,
Lord, have mercy, goodness, no.
Lord, have mercy, goodness, no.


Date: 2016-08-12 20:05 EST

I don't think I'm the only creature in existence who wishes they had a rewind button for the all stupid **** they've done. There's no use in wishing and I can only move forward. I've never wanted to get attached to anyone. I think deep down I was terrified of letting them down or hurting them. I'm equal parts scared of getting close because I know how deeply it would cut me to loose them. Every attachment is temporary. I'm sticking it out however and trying to find my path even though I feel as if I am walking blind. I'm not giving up and I am still moving through my journey even as it is not as I expected. I won't give anyone the satisfaction of thinking that I have given up. This road has an end at some point. Mum always told me that it would be darkest before the dawn. Here I am sitting here and waiting for the dawn. My hope is that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a bloody freight train. The outcome to this journey may not be one that I would find favorable but no one could ever say that I didn't try and that I never ever gave up.


Date: 2016-08-14 18:42 EST
What does it matter if rain comes your way
and raindrops patter along?

The rain descending should not make you blue
The happy ending is waiting for you

Take your share of trouble, face it and don't complain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain.

Happiness comes double after a little pain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain.

What if your love affair should break up,
as they sometimes will
When you kiss and make up, boy what a thrill!

Sadness ends in gladness, showers are not in vain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain.

Look for brighter weather, oh watch for the Sun again
If you want the rainbow then you must have the rain.

Pull yourself together, whistle a happy strain
If you want the rainbow then you must have the rain.

So if your lucky star deserts you, and if shadows fall
Even though it hurts you, laugh through it all

Be a cheerful loser, you have the world to gain
If you want the rainbow, why, you just must have the rain.

That's all!


Date: 2016-08-20 14:05 EST
It's hard when you discover a very ugly truth about yourself. Something you hadn't realized that you did and is brought to light under a very caustic circumstance. I reckon I was probably in denial. When you think things are a certain way and they really aren't. The reality of the situation is distressing but all I can do is learn from this and move my way on forward. What do you do when you meet a stranger? A stranger who has the body of the person that you love but none of those things that made you love that person in the first place. I don't know who this person is. She doesn't know who she is but I will do what I can to make sure she is safe and has what she needs. It is all that I am able to do at the moment. It's also hard when you realize that you are in love with a ghost. A memory that you desperately try so hard to cling on to and your rational mind screams to let it go but you can't. Like a piece of driftwood you are grabbing onto lost in a raging sea.

I'm getting ahead of myself. The situation is harsh to be sure but I am confident that whatever happens, has to happen. God has given me this chance and it is a test that I am confident that I will pass. I don't know what's going to happen and maybe that's the part that puts the fear in me the most. All I can do is weather the storm and at the end of every storm the sun eventually shines. The greatest star of all.


Date: 2016-08-31 08:36 EST
Darling, you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I'll be there till the end of time
So you gotta let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

I'll always tease,tease,tease
You're happy when I'm on my knees
One day is fine and the next is black
So if you want me off your back
Well, come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
And if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know

The indecisions bugging me
(esta un decision me molesta)
If you don't want me set me free
(Si no quieres librame)
Exactly who I'm supposed to be
(Diga me que tengo ser)
Don't you know which clothes even fits me?
(saves que robas me querida)
Come on and let me know
(Me tienes que decir)
Should I cool it or should I blow?
(Me debo ir o quedarme)


Date: 2016-09-10 11:53 EST
I remember
Things were different
In a place
Not far away

I remember
We never listened
To anything
They had to say

I remember
People screaming
We were dreaming
Wide awake

Faces changing
Minds rearranging
Chancing all
Just not to break


Date: 2016-09-12 10:31 EST
What is worse, alone or surrounded?
Perpetually dance with but fear what's not grounded

You can do what?s easy
What they say is ?right?
But remember
When you can?t sleep through the night

Do what you have to
To have somewhere to scream
But feel the restlessness
Bred in the ache torching your dreams

A mouth opened and closed
Then expressions arose
All the lights in my head
Lighting up when you said

?Don?t tell me you feel me
I don?t want to know that you do
?Cause I know that it?s true
I see what you see too?


Date: 2016-09-21 21:12 EST
Childhood living is easy to do
The things you wanted I bought them for you
Graceless lady you know who I am,
You know I can't let you slide through my hands

Wild Horses couldn't drag me away,
Wild, wild horses, couldn't drag me away

I watched you suffer a dull aching pain,
Now you've decided to show me the same
No sweeping exits or offstage lines
Can make me feel bitter or treat you unkind

Wild Horses couldn't drag me away,
Wild, wild horses, couldn't drag me away

I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie,
I have my freedom but I don't have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried,
Let's do some living after we die

Wild Horses couldn't drag me away,
Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them someday

Wild Horses couldn't drag me away,
Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them someday

The Sundays - Wild Horses Lyrics


Date: 2016-09-22 19:06 EST
Bad things happen to good people.
Good people do bad things.
Bad people judge good things.
Good things go to bad people .
When the good become second to the bad,
Everything good is lost,
And the bad think they`ve become the good.


Date: 2016-09-23 13:44 EST
There's a saying, "be careful what you wish for." Just because a wish comes true doesn't mean that it will entirely work in your favor. Such is the way of things. I always believed that no matter what the situation, you should make the best out of what you are given. It sounds quite simple enough, aye? Not quite. Unfortunately it's a wee bit more complex than that. Say for example...your wish is granted and it comes back to you shining and new. New as in the slate wiped clean and they don't remember a bloody thing about you or who they are. You are a bit perplexed by this, maybe a bit confused and probably somewhat sad because things just aren't what they used to be. However you accept this. You think to yourself: "Ok this is a chance for renewal and I can just be a guide and take each day as it comes." It's not easy. I never expected it to be. In fact I knew it would be challenging. I knew what I signed up for. Sickness and in health. Death do us part and all that comes with it. I'm Catholic and I don't believe in divorce. (The only way for that to happen is if I am cheated on and I highly doubt that will happen.) I believe in working things out. Trying to find a balance. Right now the balance is teetered and misaligned. Miscommunication is happening. Hurt feelings and misunderstandings. It's understandable seeing what the other person is going through. I think about how much I want to help. I do my part. I tell myself "if the memory never returns that will not deter me from doing as I vowed to do. Love is being there no matter what. Seeing through the darkest days and moving on towards the light."

From what I remember this is certainly some of the darkest days I have been in. However that can only mean that there only has to be a light somewhere, I just need to find it. I am trying. I'm doing what I can, but what when everything you are doing has a reverse effect, when everything you have done just seems to be a wild goose chase to nothing. You can do everything you possibly can. You be there. You can try your best and in the end it just crashes and burns and it seems to fail. I am carrying on. I always have carried on. Sometimes things don't work out like how you would expect or how you want it to. It's a lesson and sometimes that lesson is harsh. I don't want to think that I have failed. When we truly fail it is when we haven't tried at all. God knows that I have and I am continuing to do so. Things change, people change and it's a harsh painful reality. My heart feels heavy. Am I doing more harm than I am good? I have so many questions and no real answers. There are no right or wrong answers in this situation but glaring distrust and dislike is a painful reality. I never thought to stop and think "it just might not work out." Because I honestly thought it would. I'm hoping it will. God knows I want it too. A few drinks and a few hours later and this glaring reality isn't going away. You can love all you want. Hope all you want but if it means nothing to the other person than what else is there? What happens when they can no longer stand the sight of you? I wish I knew what the answer was or what to do. I'm doing the best I can but deep down I don't know if it's enough.


Date: 2016-09-23 13:49 EST
Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on,
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on.
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning, round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On - with the show -
I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the -
On with the show -
The show must go on...


Date: 2016-10-05 21:48 EST
They slowly cut the smiles
Into all of our faces
Then they stack us up in piles
And ship us out in cases

Survival is demanded
But living is outlawed
We just sit there while we?re branded
Like lifeless little dolls

We?re scared but we?re there as we?re watched through the glass
So gritting teeth we close the shade
We turn and we burn then put back on the masks
Thrown down into the masquerade

Dripping of deterioration
Grit your teeth because you?re next to play
It?s denial and slow mutilation
The killing machine will have its way


Date: 2016-10-27 14:38 EST
The Scientist
Come up to meet you
Tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you...
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start...
Running in circles; coming in tails
Heads on a silence apart
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science; science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start
Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh


Date: 2016-11-04 22:37 EST
A man doesn't know what a crooked line is, unless he knows what a straight line is. Likewise, the outrage you feel when something is wrong, or bad things happen, proves that you have an innate sense of right and wrong, of good and evil. That sense or right or wrong is developed (or sadly, stunted) as you grow and learn, but we all have an innate sense of what is good, and what is bad.

What does this mean? Simply, that good exists, that right exists. Justice, truth and kindness exist - they're out there. And if you're seeking that, it may be closer than you think.

Just keep looking and you will find it.


Date: 2016-11-08 11:27 EST
I swear your smile is the most wonderful thing in the world. I remember the first time I saw your smile for a good few seconds. You were laughing and the corners of your mouth widened and your eyes sparkled. My heart melted at your happiness and I smiled like crazy back. The moment felt slower and longer than it should have been but that was when I learned how your smile was something really special.


Date: 2016-11-12 19:42 EST
Tha iad ag r?dh am madadh-allaidh howls airson a 'ghealaich. Mi a 'smaoineachadh a tha iad ce?rr. Tha am madadh-allaidh howls airson a rionnag.


Date: 2016-11-30 19:03 EST
If there is one thing I've been sure about myself it's that I have never stayed in one place for too long. The definition of "too long" meaning more than two years. Maybe it's part of being Romany. The wanderlust and all that. I think it's also that I despise confinement. Locking myself into a cage so to speak. Ironic once I think about it considering what I have to do once the moon is full. It's a necessary evil you might say. The years that I have been here however seemed stagnant at times. There was a feeling that I was standing around and anxiously waiting. Waiting...waiting...waiting...why was I waiting? The moment I wanted to grab my things and go through the nexus there was a voice telling me to stay put. To just wait and I'd find out why. Sadly, being as old as I am patience was never a virtue of mine. However, I did as I was told. (Another thing I seldom do...I'm sensing a pattern.) I waited and I waited...and now I finally figured out why I was waiting so long. Why I was waiting. I think I have part of the answer now. It's not all of it, I reckon but it's what I have for now. It's like the saying goes "something is better than nothing." I'm probably botching it. I wished upon a star and she came to me. All there is now is to figure out the rest. I would be lying if I didn't say that I wanted to get out this place and take Nora with me. However, I get the feeling that something would bring us right back.

I couldn't do that to Ethan or Sach or the wee ones. I get the feeling that there are answers out there somewhere. Maybe not in this place. Maybe not in this time. I've been having those dreams again. The grey dreams. I call them. They are more frequent now. More vibrant and at the same time almost surreal. They took place in a hospital or an asylum rather. Was I a caretaker? Was I a patient? I tried to brush it all off as nonsense. Just dreams induced by my late night readings of HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. I can't shake this off no matter how hard I try. There's that voice of reason whispering in my ear when I try to brush it off.
"These are the grey dreams, Ewan. The grey dreams don't lie."


Date: 2016-12-02 18:40 EST
Let The Right One Slip In
Let the right one in
Let the old dreams die
Let the wrong ones go
They cannot
They cannot
They cannot do what you want them to do
Let the right one in
Let the old dreams die
Let the wrong ones go
They do not
They do not
They do not see what you want them to
Let the right one in
Let the old things fade
Put the tricks and schemes (for good) away
Ah...I will advise
Ah...Until my mouth dries
Ah...I will advise you to...
Ah...let the right one slip in
Slip in
Slip in
And when at last it does
I'd say you were within your rights to bite
The right one and say, "what kept you so long?"
"What kept you so long?"

(Lyrics by Morrissey)


Date: 2016-12-19 20:54 EST
If you feel like you've reached the end, it's not the end if you make your story part of a larger story.

If you feel like you're done, and down and out, and you've got nothing left, take a break.

But don't let that be the end.

This is the part in Independence Day where the aliens nuke the White House. It's not the end of the movie. It's the middle of the movie where Humanity learns to rally, get back on its feet, and fight back with everything they've got.

It takes a lot of guts, and it takes a little hope and a little preparation but it's always going to take a lot of work if it's worth having.

It ain't over unless you quit.


Date: 2018-05-27 15:44 EST
With evidence being clear to her, the journal which was not hers was opened. She did not read any entry but left her own.

You are free.

No signature. No prints. No further evidence leading to her.

She returned to where he had been kept alive for the past several months thanks to Sachar's finding. There was instruction for the staff, they were to advise the wolf to see an attorney in town if he woke from the coma.

He would have his clothes, a key to where he could find his other belongings, but the journal was with him.

With the assurance the witch cast the spell, it was done. He would never recognize her, perhaps not even see her.