Topic: IC Stuffz about mah kitty!

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2006-07-03 05:29 EST
Welcome to IC Stuffz about mah kitty!!

Now that I got that out of the way, a reminder to you kitty worshipers or readers. EVERYTHING here is IC only! Which means, if you were present and heard it in LIVE CHAT or Kerri told your character(s), then you can use whatever she told you. BUT!! If you only read it here, you cannot use it, and any means to do so will result in good old fashioned deletions and cries of Nye he he he he to be rained down upon your evil self. Now that aside, it is time to get to the Kitty!

Oh yeah!! One more thing!!:Let it be known that the action known as the noddle <Ie: ::Noddle or Noddles::> is minemineminemine aaaaaaand mine! Ya hear me Charlotte Sempai? :D That is all.



Kerrithra aka Gorgonite

Race: Mithra (Feline/Human, take a gander at the profile pics)

Age: 24

Sex: Female (and occasionally Nya ha!)

Profession: Soldier/Tracker/Trouble Maker

Married: No time for love Doctor Jones!


Birthplace: Kazham, a large village in the Elshimo Lowlands, in the realm of Vana'diel.

Residency:Windhurst and Bastok

Family: None that are known of.

Bestest Friend(s):Lorelie!! Nya ha!
