Topic: Home Holds Secrets

Declan Quinn

Date: 2010-07-19 07:22 EST
The meeting between Edward and Charlie had gone well. Ed was pleasantly surprised to see how Charlie had matured and grown since the last he saw of the boy. And Charlie was eager to please, earnest in his longing to give back to Rose House what had been given to him. As the two men parted ways with a shake of the hand, Ed left the house to run errands and to make the logistical plans to move the now hiding children safely to Ro's custody.

Charlie hung back, walking through the halls of the place he'd called home. It was the first safe place he'd ever known and he was lost within his recollections of the friends and teachers that had taken the frightened child and turned him into a healthy little boy. As he walked down the main hall towards the kitchen, there was a smile on his face. He felt like he had come home.

Home was currently a noisy place - at least the kitchen was. Declan, one of the few who wandered in and out of Rose House unhindered, was hammering at one of the counter-tops, settling it back into place.

The banging didn't seem to be bothering Ro, though, who was sat at the kitchen table with a mug of something that smelled suspiciously like chocolate mint and a stack of papers. Every now and then, she would make a mark on one of the papers. She glanced up as Charlie appeared at the entrance to the kitchen, smiling. "I take it everything is settled, then?"

"Yes, ma'am. I start training with Ed on Tuesday." Charlie nodded and skirted away around the table. "That counter's always been a bit off. Glad to see somebody's finally fixing it." He knew better than to disturb Ro when she was grading papers, so he turned to the guy fixing the cabinet. "Can you use a hand?"

Declan blinked, a little surprised at being addressed. People usually looked straight past him. He paused in his hammering, turning to look the newcomer over. "Depends," he shrugged. "Can you figure out a way to stop that mane of yours getting trapped while you work?"

That reply got Charlie to laugh. "Yeah, I think I can manage that." He pulled an elastic snood from his pocket and within moments the long mane of golden curls was tucked neatly within the crocheted net. "So, what can I do to help out?"

Staring at the snood, Declan snorted, a crooked grin appearing on his face. He scratched at the stubble on his chin. "Never thought I'd see a fella wearing one of those," he muttered, taking up his hammer again. "Lean good and hard on the counter, would ya?" He drew another long nail from his tool belt. "M'name's Dec, by the way."

"What's wrong with a snood?" Charlie did as asked, he lay his hands upon the counter and applied most of his weight into the lean. "Charlie," he offered quickly. "Can you think of any other way of controlling all of this hair? I can't."

"Nothin', nothin'." Declan lifted a knee up onto the counter, centred the nail and tapped it in. After a few of those taps, he started to hammer it in for real, and both men would feel the counter shift as the nail bit in. "Could always do those pretty plait things girls like," he suggested, lowering his knee again. He winced a little, switching the hammer from right to left hand, and flexing his fingers. There were some fairly sizeable bruises on his knuckles.

"Yeah, the girls like to do that. On a hot day, feels pretty good." Charlie grimaced and grit his teeth to keep the counter in place. He caught a glimpse of those knuckles as he finally took his weight off of the counter. "I'd hate to see the other guy," he said, gesturing with a wave of his hand towards the bruised knuckles.

Charleston Pendragon

Date: 2010-07-19 07:26 EST
Hammering a second nail into place beside the first, Declan glanced at Charlie, an ever-so-slight frown on his face as he considered something. Behind the golden-haired young man, he saw Ro lean back and nod. It was safe to answer with the truth. "If you live 'round here, you probably did," he told Charlie, rubbing fingers over the nail heads to be sure they weren't going to snag.

"Actually," Charlie paused and glanced from Ro and back to Dec, "I've been away for a few years. So I probably haven't." He did notice that Dec had the same flicker of eye movement from Ro, back to himself. "Has something happened recently? Something I should know about?"

With Ro's assurance that he could be honest, Declan sniffed, lining up another nail. "Some damn fool gang tried to take over the territory," he explained with another shrug. "Got heavy handed. We ... persuaded them to leave."

Charlie understood, even if the message was in code. "Not any of Ro's kids?" he turned then and pulled the snood covered hair over his shoulder so not to trap it between himself and the counter when he leaned upon it.

"One," Declan answered in his short way, hammering the last of the nails in. "Kid got beat up pretty bad, scared the hell out of his friend. So we gave 'em what they gave him. And then some."

"One too many." Charlie took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. "I'm glad you did what you did. These kids have it hard enough without being beaten to death." Pushing off of the counter, he went to the refrigerator. "Ms. Millard, is it alright if I pour us all some lemonade?"

"Ms Millard?" Declan went off into gales of laughter at hearing Ro addressed like that. Not even her kids called her that any more, not since she cured the older ones from doing it.

"Oh, shush, you," Ro waved a dismissive hand at the snorting Declan, smiling at Charlie. "Feel free, Charlie," she assured him. "Ignore Casanova over there, he's just sore because 'Ro' is as close as he's ever got." She flashed Declan a cheeky grin, hoping the banter would put Charlie at his ease. He'd have to get used to it.

Charlie snorted when Declan began to laugh. "Show some respect!" he reached out to smack Dec in the middle of the chest with the back of his hand before sauntering over to the fridge. "And I better hear a thank you, too." He winked playfully as he began to fill the glasses.

Leaning against the newly mended counter, Declan barely noticed the slap to his chest. "Oh gods, that's a good one," he gasped, wiping his eyes. "Ed's gonna have his hands full with you, that's for certain."

The drinks were delivered to all parties and Charlie was putting the pitcher back into the refrigerator. "Now what makes you say a thing like that?" He turned and picked up the glass of lemonade and canted his head slightly. "I just want to give back what was given to me."

Taking the glass offered to her, Ro cast a warning look to Declan, who took the hint, straightening up as he calmed down. "Didn't mean to cause offense, mate," he apologised gruffly. "Not a social flower, me." He cast another, more careful look over the golden-haired Adonis. There ... he'd missed the wary cast to the eyes before. One of Ro's.

Declan Quinn

Date: 2010-07-19 07:27 EST
"No offense taken," and the warm smile proved that Charlie meant what he'd said. His hand went up to smooth the snood out of his hair and he shook his head to fluff out the mane. "It takes a lot to get me riled. I learned that here. Patience is very much a virtue."

"Reckon you'll do alright then," Declan nodded, taking what he was told at face value. He held out his hand to shake. "Welcome to the team, and all that bollocks." Offering over a crooked grin, he sipped his lemonade.

"You reckon?" The smile reached his blue eyes as he shook Declan's hand. "You've got a nice grip there, even with bruised hands. And all that bollocks." His easy going chuckle rumbled within his chest.

"Should've seen the other guys," Declan grinned, throwing Charlie's earlier comment back at him. He glanced over at Ro. "He know all about where everything is and such?" he asked.

Ro paused in her work, glancing up at the two men once again. "Well, if Ed showed him the basement, he knows about that," she shrugged, looking to Charlie. "Did he?"

A short laugh barely made it past his vocal chords and he grinned in an amused way at Declan. "Remind me not to piss you off." Then the laugh came, soft but true. "Oh yeah, he showed me and I remembered. The book case." He glanced out of the kitchen and back. "Ed said he'd have everything I need, just remember to wear black."

"And find some way of keeping that outta the way," Declan added, gesturing to Charlie's luxuriant hair. "Can't leave anythin' behind, even a strand of hair. Nothin' that'll lead 'em back here." He frowned then, a thoughtful look on his face. "Reckon you'll be here a fair bit?"

Charlie had a floppy hat in each pocket. So the snood was tucked away. His hands went into his hair, pulling it back, then swaddling his cranium in golden curls before placing the latex swim cap over. He tucked in the remaining strands. "Yes, I think I'll be here for a long spell. That's if Ms. Millard will have me."

Again, Dec stared as the young man in front of him disappeared his hair under a swimming cap. "That's just wrong," he snorted with laughter, rolling his eyes. "Well, if you're gonna be here a while, you should know 'bout the fireplace," he added, glancing just barely for Ro's approval.

An eyebrow flicked as he pulled the cap down. Charlie shook his head slowly to allow the curls to unfurl and spill down his back. "When I was here last, it was broken or something. Nobody ever used it."

"No one uses it still, Charlie," Ro told him with a faint smile. "But you need to know about it, in case the worst happens." She nodded to Declan, with a warning. "If you wake the children, I'll scalp you."

For his own part, Declan took the threat in his stride, jerking his head toward the stairs. "C'mon, Charlie," he said. "Everyone's gotta know about the fireplace."

Charleston Pendragon

Date: 2010-07-19 07:29 EST
Curious as ever, Charlie listened to the little banter between Ro and Dec as he finished off the lemonade. The glass was placed into the sink before he pushed off the counter and started to follow Dec up the stairs. "If nobody uses it, why is it so special that everybody needs to know about it?"

Glancing back at Charlie as they made their way up the first flight of stairs, Declan chewed over his answer before speaking it. "You do know what she means by, in case the worst happens, don't you?"

"I think so." Charlie was also very careful of his words. "In case of emergencies like the house being found out for what it is by the wrong people." His hand lit on the banister as light as a feather.

Declan nodded, glad he wouldn't have to explain everything. At the top of the stairs, he turned sharply to his right, heading for the next flight up. The first floor was quiet and dark, only a line of lights leading from the dormitories to the bathroom to illuminate the dining hall. "Ed'll tell you about most of it," he said quietly. "Thing is, if the house is attacked, Ro's got to have help to get the kids out. There's two ways out of this house that ain't obvious - you've seen one. The other one is behind that fireplace."

The house was as familiar to him as the back of his hand, yet he felt like he was discovering it for the first time in his life. Charlie glanced around at the darkened hall and then back up the stairs, at Dec's back. "No wonder it was never used. That's pretty smart."

"Yeah, well, you gotta know how to get through it," Declan nodded, gesturing Charlie up to the second floor. Walking up behind him, he went on. "Whole place is rigged for defense. That hallway down there - anyone gets in, Ro can set light to the runner in the hall to hold 'em back while she gets the kids up here. There's gates that'll fall into place over the stairways and such - all there to slow up any attack. By the time they get up here," he tapped the banister as they reached the second floor common room, "either all the kids'll be out, or they'll be bein' attacked from below. Or both."

As he was briefed on the house's security systems, Charlie glanced around and made note of things he'd never seen before. The lighters that were stowed high up on a shelf in the hallway. The panic buttons that were well out of a child's reach, but easily accessible; even if they were hidden. "Hopefully, both." His mouth formed a firm line and he nodded slowly. "So what's your part in all of this? You know too much to be simply a hired thug."

Declan snorted with laughter, carefully manuvering the fireback out of the way as quietly as he could. "You think I'm a hired thug? I'm touched." He grinned his crooked grin, reaching up into the chimney breast, locating the bottom of the niche in the far wall. "See, I'm the quiet sort no one looks twice at," he explained as he bent. "Do the gardenin' in a coupla houses slavers use. Intelligence, that's me." Stepping aside, he nodded to the fireplace. "Take a feel up the back wall of that chimney, and climb up when you find it. Take the ladder up; I'll be right behind you."

"Intelligence and you. Now there's a contradiction in terms." Charlie joked as he reached up and into the fireplace. His hand smacked the bricks a few times before his fingers latched onto the bottom of the niche. He ducked his head and soon the only thing visible were the toes of his boots. A second later, those were gone, too. "Whoa, this is wicked."

Declan Quinn

Date: 2010-07-19 07:30 EST
Declan's answer to that, both the vague insult and the enthusiasm, was a snort of laughter as he ducked into the chimney breast after Charlie. "Feel around a bit, you'll find what Ro calls a staircase," he offered into the darkness. More like a ladder, but what the hell."

"It's so dark in here." He felt the hard bricks until his hand curled around a metal bar. Then it was hand over hand until he reached the top. "Wow, this room is huge!" He stepped up and into the attic and moved away so as not to be in the way of Dec's ascent.

Halfway up the ladder behind him, Declan couldn't help letting out a loud laugh. He knew exactly why Charlie thought the room was so big; he'd made the same mistake himself. "Turn around," he said as his head broke cover. "That's a mirror, mate."

Charlie did as told, and he laughed out loud himself. "Now I feel like an idiot." He walked towards the mirror and reached out to touch it. "This is something else. She's thought of everything, hasn't she?" With a military precision about face, he stood looking at Dec.

"Don't feel bad, everyone does it," he assured the long-haired man. "I walked right into it, first time I came up here." Finally at the top, Declan turned and looked around. "Gods, it's gotten even more cluttered up here since last time I was here." He ran a finger over an old table; it came up coated in dust. "Right. Far as I know, only Ro can use that mirror. S'magic, she can use it to get in touch with the high ups. And there's something sorted so that if she has to, they can turn it into a portal like thing, and get the kids out that way. Or bring us in. Whatever works."

Charlie bobbed his head in a slow, understanding way as the mirror and the room were explained to him. "It's a good thing the kids don't know about this room. Talk about make out city." He chuckled then and turned to look at the toys that littered one corner. "Hey, I know this." He stooped and picked up an old, dusty teddy bear. "I used to sleep with this little guy."

Declan's head tilted curiously as he looked from the bear to Charlie. "Reckon she must keep all the stuff from all her kids, then," he mused, leaning against a table. "So you and Ro ... known her a while, have you?"

"Yeah." Charlie placed the teddy bear back down, gently, and stood back up. He wiped his hands together, clearing them of dust. "Ed came and got us one night. Took a week, but we finally got here. I must have been around eight or so." His back was turned to Dec as he spoke. His expression was graven as he recalled the incidents that led up to being introduced to Ro. "We didn't know what was happening. It took a lot of guts and patience for Ed and Ro to do what they did for me."

"Shite." Declan let out a short huff of breath. "Sorry, mate, didn't mean to bring up bad memories or anythin'," he apologised with a frown. "Never seen any of Ro's kids come back and wanna help out, that's all. Most wanna stay as far away as they can. Don't blame 'em."

"Hey, no problem." When Charlie turned back around, he bore that genuinely happy smile once again. "If it weren't for Ro I'd be an uneducated beggar on the streets. And even if all I can do is teach the kids how to take care of their bodies with diet and exercise, it's something. I can't understand not wanting to return a kindness. Even if it means facing demons from the past to do it. That's all." His hands were shoved into his pockets then. "And you? How long have you known Ro?"

"Me? 'Bout ten years." Declan shrugged, still looking around the cluttered little room. "Got myself into a spot of bother with a coupla nasty characters. Got out with one of the kids, didn't have a clue where to go. Someone sent me here. That gentle giant pretty much recruited me on the spot. Once Ro'd patched me up, of course." He shrugged again. "Reckon you've got it all in mind now?"

Charleston Pendragon

Date: 2010-07-19 07:32 EST
Charlie listened intently to every word, but was confused by the question. He canted his head as his brow furrowed in confusion. "Got all what in mind now?"

Declan blinked, grinning his crooked grin again. "Scatter-brained, are you?" he laughed. "All the information I just gave you - is it all in there?"

He pursed his lips and folded his arms over his chest. "Not scatterbrained. If you'd had said, 'understand?' or 'do you have any questions about what I've told you?' then maybe I might have understood. Proper English. You should take Ms. Millard's English course." The smile was back and he slowly walked through the room. "This place is amazing."

Letting out a 'pssh' of sound, Declan waved a hand dismissively, his grin never slipping. "I talk proper like what you do," he laughed, deliberately exaggerating his somewhat less refined manner of speaking. "Anytime you want to come up here, it's fine. Just make sure none of the kiddies see you."

"You ever bring anybody up here?" Charles stopped in his slow spin to look over at Dec. "I mean, besides me." Another laugh and he slowly walked towards Dec. "You know, to make out?"

The look on Declan's face was priceless, no doubt. He leaned backwards, eyes wide, looking at Charlie as though he was a snake coiled to spring. "Ro'd beat your arse up and down the Way if she caught you," he said warily.

"Yeah," he laughed and slightly changed his course and went for the ladder to leave the room. "She would, I imagine." Soon he was down the ladder and snaking his way out of the fireplace.

Swallowing nervously, Declan watched Charlie shin down the ladder, and followed, sliding sinuously out from the enclosed space and carefully putting the fireback where it belonged. "You often flirt with people you just met?" he asked bluntly.

"I wasn't flirting." He frowned and moved for the stairs that led down into the kitchen. "I don't flirt, and not with guys." His face flushed and he scowled as he began his descent.

"Right." Evidently there was a way to irritate the new boy, Declan thought to himself as he made his way down the stairs after Charlie. "No offense, mate. S'just bein' in a little room like that with someone makes a body think strange things."

Charlie stopped, half way down the stairs and turned to look up at Declan. "What was your body thinking?" The question was an honest one, and there was none of the previous anger or embarassment in his face as he looked up.

"That I haven't gotten laid in a few months, and here's a handsome lad who might be offering," Declan replied just as bluntly as the question had been put, looking down into Charlie's face curiously. "How'd you turn bein' angry on and off like that?"

"You mean you're...?" Charlie shook his head and regrouped. "Sorry, none of my business. And I don't have it in me to stay angry. Never held a grudge in my life." He gave Dec another questioning glance, then turned and finished the trek down into the kitchen.

Declan Quinn

Date: 2010-07-19 07:33 EST
Declan's hand clapped Charlie on the shoulder as he followed him down into the kitchen. "I'm a bit of both, you might say," he answered the retracted question, taking up his lemonade from where he had left it. He nodded to Ro. "All done."

Charlie scratched the angle of his jaw as he crossed the kitchen. "Interesting room, Ms. Millard." He was mulling over the last few moments in his head. Sex hadn't been something Charlie really thought about; he kept himself busy with his studies while in college and before that he had his gym classes and social activities. He went to the refrigerator and pulled the lemonade out to refill his glass.

"It serves its purpose, Charlie," Ro answered, looking up from her paperwork. "And it's Ro, not Ms Millard. I'm not old enough to be your maiden aunt yet." She grinned, glancing between Charlie and Declan. Her eyes narrowed on the latter. "What did you do to him?"

"What - me? I didn't do anythin'!" Declan was quick to defend himself. "Hands to myself and everythin', I swear!"

"Yes, Ms. Millard," he answered quietly. Taking a seat at the table, he sipped the lemonade. His hair was pushed over his shoulders once he leaned back in the chair. "I found my old teddy bear, that's all." He didn't dare look at Declan; he knew that it would give away the secret of their conversation.

"Oh, that's where I put it." Ro nodded cheerfully, twisting to face Charlie as he sat down. If the boys didn't want to talk about it, she wouldn't. Not yet, anyway. "I always keep the things that helped me the most. I learned more from your conversations with that bear than you would ever have told me yourself."

"You had that thing bugged?" Charlie looked up and laughed. "I always wondered how you knew so much about me. I thought you could read minds or something." He glanced over to Declan then and drew his lower lip between his perfect ivories.

In his own little world, Declan knew how to be discreet. He also knew how to be background, and that was what he was trying to do now. He had a horrible feeling he'd just scared Charlie off from even being his friend.

Ro, in her turn, laughed softly at Charlie's assumption. "No, you were always so focused on that damn bear, you never noticed I was in the doorway," she explained. "Besides, every good teacher has a few tricks up her sleeve."

"He was the only one I felt like I could talk to." Charlie lifted the lemonade and took a sip. "I'm glad you were listening."

"I still am, when you need me to," Ro said softly, her eyes gentle as she looked over her former student. "When you're ready."

"Thanks." He picked up a grape from the bowl on the table and tossed it to Declan. "I just need to think a bit before I talk about things. You know how I am. I don't just blurt things out."

Ro nodded, smiling. "Yes, I know. I'm here twenty-four, seven, like always." She watched as the grape sailed across the kitchen.

Though he appeared not to be looking, Declan's hand snapped out to catch the grape, blue eyes lifting to offer that crooked smile of his over to Charlie in thanks.

Charleston Pendragon

Date: 2010-07-19 07:35 EST
Reaching across the table, Charlie gently squeezed Ro's hand, then stood up. A wink offered to Declan in the process. "So, I was thinking about having a drink at the Red Dragon tonight. Either of you want to go?"

"Oh, I wish I could, Charlie," Ro smiled regretfully, "but I have no babysitter tonight, and with an almost full house, it's difficult to get one who can cope." She squeezed his hand cheerfully, glancing at Declan. "I'm sure Dec would love to go with you, though."

Declan glanced up with a startled look. "What - drink?" He swallowed the startled sound, though, clearing his throat loudly. "I, uh ... sure, if you're not changin' your mind on accounta Ro not goin'."

"It's alright, Ro." he tried her name out and felt a bit uncomfortable saying it. "And no, not going to change my mind. I was going to go before I invited the two of you. Having you around just may be more fun. Besides..." he shook his head with a laugh. "You can beat the ladies off of me. Already I had one try to blow through my head while she was braiding my hair. Was very awkward."

"You got it, mate." Declan nodded. "Any girlie tries to feel up your hair, I'll snog her into regretting it." He grinned his crooked grin, managing to look almost abashed under Ro's laughing gaze.

"With you doing the snogging, I seriously doubt that they'd regret it." He chuckled and plucked a grape from the bowl and popped it into his mouth. "I'm all dusty though. Need to get going so I can shower up and wash all this dirt off."

Ro burst into loud laughter as Declan's jaw dropped at Charlie's statement. "Oh god, if you could only see your face!" She reached over and patted Charlie's shoulder. "Keep coming back, I've never seen anyone turn that one speechless before."

He threw his hands up in victory. "I win!" Charlie smiled fondly to Ro. "You can't keep me away now that I'm on the team. Even if I have to deal with seeing that one every day." He jerked his thumb towards Declan and laughed impishly.

By now, Declan had his tongue back under control. "You just better watch it, mate, or you'll be seeing a whole lot more'n you can cope with," he threatened, waggling a finger at Charlie.

"Threat or promise?" Charlie teased, then leaned to kiss Ro's cheek. "Think I can trust him to behave if I put him on a leash and take him for a walk?" He wasn't quite sure where he'd found this new courage to be sassy, but he liked it.

Brushing her lips lightly against Charlie's cheek, Ro grinned. "Knowing him, he'd enjoy it," she chuckled lightly. "But only if you promise to let him have a go walking you for a while."

It was Charlie's turn to have his jaw drop. Crimson flooded his face and the tips of his ears burned hotly. The courage and sassiness was gone and the shy and quiet boy returned full force. "I, um..." Bowing his head, he hid his face in a curtain of golden curls. "What does that mean?"

"Means I'm a switch, as well as bi," Declan had obviously heard the whole thing. "I'll wear a collar, so long as he or she wears it the next night." He grinned, enjoying being the one who was teasing for the first time in the conversation. "Scared, Charlie boy?"

"Me, scared?" He took a gulp of air before he lifted his head and revealed his now normally colored face. "Terrified." he chuckled and shook his head. "Listen, this is going way beyond anything I've ever even thought about. So tone it down a few notches. Let me get used to being around a slut." he covered his mouth with his hand and laughed. "I mean.. um... I was only kidding!"

The laugh that reverberated around the kitchen at that came from both Declan and Ro, both of them howling with laughter. Declan reached over and clapped Charlie on the back. "Don't take it back, mate, that was classic!"

The surprise that registered in his face at the laugh and then being clapped on the back was priceless. He hadn't meant to be funny! But, he joined in the laughter and clapped Dec on the back. "Ok, Slut it is then."

Grinning, Declan relaxed finally, nudging Charlie's jaw with his closed fist gently. "You'll do alright, mate, that you will. I'll have to introduce you to Slutina, too."

To the mock punch, Charlie slowly moved his head to the side, as if being punched and reacting to it in slow motion. "Slutina? Now I'm really afraid." He laughed and moved towards the door. "You coming, Slut?"

"You inviting me to shower with you, Kiddo?" Declan's grin looked in danger of eating his nose. "And aye, Slutina. Female version of me, mate."

"Why would I want you in the shower?" He gave Declan a confused look and opened the door. "And I don't want to meet another slut. One is enough for me." Not realizing the implications of what he'd said, he stepped outside.