Topic: The Right Decision

Ro Millard

Date: 2010-07-19 18:31 EST
Trudy's voice echoed through the first two floors of Rose House, overlaid with the metallic clatter of her ladle over the cupboard doors of the kitchen. A close listener would notice that the studious noises from the two classrooms suddenly halted at that sound, becoming louder. There was the slam of several desks from the quieter of the two classrooms, several yells of delight from the louder, and the quiet call of two feminine voices trying to bring some order to the children now advancing with all due speed out along the hallway, through the kitchen, and up to the dining hall.

The older kids, adolescents and those just approaching it, were the first to reach the kitchen, chattering and laughing among themselves. After a few weeks at Rose House, even the most introverted of children became sociable; it was what Ro and her team were becoming known for. Under Trudy's indomitable gaze, they quieted a little, sharing grins as they filed past the cook and up the stairs under her watchful eye.

After them came the younger children, gathered together around Christian, the carer who assisted Beni with their care and education. He led them past Rowena Millard, who was leaning in the doorway of the now empty teen classroom, and they, too, made their way through the kitchen under Trudy's gaze. The unrelenting cook always relented on seeing the littler ones, cracking a smile as little legs stumped their way up the stairs, counting them automatically as they went. She glanced up at Ro.

"Missing one, you know," she commented, nodding toward the gaggle of children making their slow way to the top of the stairs.

Ro nodded, smiling faintly. "Two, if you count Beni," she pointed out, turning to walk back up the hallway and lean in through the doorway of the younger childrens' classroom.

A glance inside was all it would take to find out where the two who were missing had disappeared to. Bernice Wilson - Beni - was curled up on the carpet at the back of the classroom, with little Seren snuggled warmly in her lap. The red and brown heads were held close together as Beni rocked the little girl back and forth, murmuring softly to her. From where she stood at the door, Ro could just about make out what was being said.

" - of me 'cos of my tail, an' it's not my fault it waves 'round an' stuff," Seren was sniffing, holding on tightly to her teacher's cardigan as she was rocked gently.

Beni's smile was audible, if not visible, as she answered, proving beyond a doubt once again that Ro had done right in choosing to employ her.

"I don't think they meant to upset you, little one," she told the little girl in her gentlest voice, stroking her palm over Seren's hair. "They like your tail - I know Josiah does, he told me himself. But you know what? I think that you're beautiful, no matter how different you are from the other kids."

There was another snuffle, and Seren looked up at Beni, scrubbing at her nose.


"Really really," Beni assured her with a smile. "You're sweet, and smart, and kind. You're the best little helper I've got. And, you know, you're the only one who can stop David from running circles around me. You've got so much to offer, Seren ... don't let silly words upset you. I like seeing you smile."

True to form, there was the requested smile, and Ro was pleased to be able to watch as the little girl flung her arms around Beni's neck in a throttling hug. As she watched, Beni dragged herself up to her feet, Seren's little hand tucked into her own, and the pair made their way towards the door, both looking rather sheepish at having been caught in their little snuggle-fest. Ro stepped aside, not deigning to insult either of them by asking what had happened, and walked with the pair back down the hallway, to join the rest of the school for lunch.

Rose House had been in place for ten years, and yet it was only recently that things had settled down into the comforting rhythm and routine that seemed to work so well for the children who came to them, and left them for better lives. Ro smiled to herself. Yes ... the decision to employ Beni, Trudy and Christian had been the right one, for all involved. Now all she had to do was keep them from finding out the deadly secrets right under their noses.