Topic: What Needs To Be Said


Date: 2010-07-26 11:50 EST
Yawning widely, Aleyna made her way up the stairs of the apartment block where she lived. The afternoon shift at the Clinic had been just as busy as usual, but she supposed it made up for the fact that the morning had been quiet as anything. Checking her watch, she let herself into the apartment she shared with Declan, glancing around. There was a note on the fridge to tell her not to worry, he'd be staying at Rose House tonight. Which was just as well, because she'd asked Charlie to come around tonight. She had a feeling they needed to talk, without Declan around to distract or cloud the issue.

Dropping her bag, she shed her scrubs and climbed into the shower, washing off the excess of the day before getting into her shorts and tank. It was too hot for clothes, really, but 'Ley didn't think Charlie would be entirely comfortable talking to her if she was naked.

Aleyna wasn't the only one checking their watch. Charlie was one who was never late a day in his life. He'd even been born just on time; not that he knew that. The steps were taken two at a time as he hurried along towards the apartment.

Charlie had needed time to think things over since the last time he'd seen Dec and 'Ley, so he'd avoided them both; until now. Once at the top of the stairs, he knocked and took a step back. He was in a comfortable pair of cargo shorts, his ever present signature wife beater and hurachi sandals. His hair was unbound and hung to his waist, as usual.

Bare foot and with her own hair hanging damp about her shoulders, 'Ley padded over to the door, peeking through the spyhole before she pulled it open. Years of living with Declan had been spent drumming it into her never to open the door to anyone she was not expecting or did not recognise. Her face creased in a gentle smile as she took in Charlie's appearance. "Hey there, starshine," she greeted him warmly, pulling the door fully open and stepping aside. "Come in?"

Charlie didn't have to wait for long before the door was opened. "Well hello," his smile matched hers and he entered the apartment when invited. "So, how've you been?" He wandered slowly before picking a spot to sit on the couch.

"Busy," 'Ley answered him easily as she closed the door behind him, turning to follow him further into the apartment. "I've been back at work since we last saw each other. Would you like a drink? I mean juice or water or something, I'm not into alcohol right now," she added quickly, in case he thought she was trying to seduce him or something.

"Oh, yeah, sure." He nodded as he folded his hands between his knees. "Work's been busy. That's good, right?" He was starting to feel a bit nervous again and he began to chew on his lower lip. "Where's Dec?"

"Well, one way it's good, work being busy," she smiled, moving past to the kitchen to pour a couple of glasses of pineapple juice. "On the other hand, it means more people are getting sick or hurt, so not so good." Shrugging lightly, she brought the glasses over to the couch, setting them down on the coffee table before curling up in a corner of the couch, facing him. "Dec's been doing some work on Rose House - you know, the orphanage? He left a note, says he'll be staying over there tonight." She cleared her throat, glancing at the fridge before returning her gaze to him. "I thought we should talk, just you and me. I think I'm probably the best person to answer any questions."

Charlie watched her as she spoke and poured their drinks. "Yeah, would kind of suck to be so busy at other's expense." He didn't mean it like it sounded, but once it was out there, he didn't attempt to apologize or retrieve it. Leaning forward, he took the juice and then settled back into the soft cushions of the couch. "I don't have any questions, I don't think. I mean, I do, but I don't know how to ask them without offending so I think I'll just try to figure things out for myself." All of that was said with a single breath and he only stopped when he realized he was rambling. He quickly took a sip, as if he stopped just for that sole purpose.

'Ley frowned a little as he spoke. "Well ... let me put it like this," she attempted, tilting her head as she looked at him. "Dec misses you. Hell, I miss you being around. And it's hurting him that you seem to be avoiding us. So working it out on your own isn't working as well as you'd like."

His brows creased just a bit and he sighed when she explained what his avoidance had done. "I'm sorry, Aleyna. It's just that I don't want to mess up what you and Dec have. He's your guy and you're his girl. It's not right for me to get tangled up in the middle of that. It's not fair to either of you." He was slowly spinning the glass of juice between his hands and he lowered his head to stare into the surface.

"Mmm." 'Ley's smile returned, gentle and understanding probably more than Charlie would like. "He screwed up his explanation," she conjectured with a faint snort. "Charlie, we're not conventional people. And it's more than possible to love two people at the same time, in the same way. Dec and I, we're very, very close friends, who sleep together. It's still love, but it's not the wild passion that you seem to think it is. I'm completely okay with Dec taking another lover, especially if that lover is you."

If Charlie wasn't confused before, he certainly was now. His head jerked up and his jaw began working before his mind could figure out just what words should spill out. His hands gestured towards her, as if he were holding out something that he really wanted her to have. "But how can you not be jealous?" He finally formulated a question and blurted it out.

'Ley's smile softened. "Because being in love, properly in love, includes wanting the ones you love to be happy," she said softly. "And Dec's unusual in that he's happiest when he's in love with two people. I want him to be happy, and I want you to be happy as well. Jealousy just makes a mess of everything."

"I don't think I can do it, 'Ley," he shook his head slowly. "I was taught to share my toys when I was little. I was taught to share my Halloween candy with the other kids at Rose House when I was little. But I don't think I can share when it comes to loving somebody. It's not something I was taught. Love is one on one."

"I think you can," she said quietly. "I think you know you can, deep down. You love both your parents, don't you, in the same way? How is this any different, deep down at the most basic level? Charlie, you wouldn't have come when I called if you didn't think you could do this. You'd have run a mile in the opposite direction."


Date: 2010-07-26 11:54 EST
One hand left the side of the glass, condensation moistening his fingertips, and he scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know, 'Ley. You don't share your heart and bed with your parents. You love and respect them for who they are, for being parents." His mouth set in a line before he took a sip of the pineapple juice. "I know that if I were with either of you and found you in bed with each other that I'd feel like you were cheating."

"What if you were with both of us, and both of us were with you?" she asked carefully. She really didn't want to scare Charlie off; Dec would go batshit crazy at her if she did. "I mean ... what if we, all three of us, were committed to each other? Would that still feel like cheating? Or would you instead be happy that your lover was happy and come to lie with us?" It occurred to her that this might be going a little far. "Hypothetically, that is."

"Well, when you put it that way, you make me feel like I'm being selfish." His blue eyes glanced down to his knee as he cocked his head to the side. "Of course I'd want my lover to be happy. But can somebody who loves you be happy when you're not?"

"Charlie, I want you to do something for me, okay?" 'Ley shifted to kneel on the couch facing him, sliding her hands into his as she looked seriously into his eyes. "I want you to forget all the one for one love stuff that's been drilled into it for so long, just for a moment. And then tell me ... would you really be unhappy, being secure in the fact that not one, but two people love you?"

When she got so close, he sucked in his breath and held it. Blue eyes rounded and barely blinked. "If, I, um..." Suddenly it felt as if that held breath was going to cause his lungs to explode. He exhaled rapidly, turning his head in a cough. "Two people would be great," he admitted quietly, shyly.

His answer made 'Ley smile again, though the expression was a little sad. The problem must be her, then; she couldn't see any way of resolving it without causing unnecessary pain to Dec, and upsetting the wonder that was Charlie in the process.

"Aleyna, I saw your face. You were hurt when Dec made me say that I wanted him over you. How can you sit and tell me that you don't get jealous. I saw it!" He drew back his head then and took a deep breath. "I'd do anything to wipe that memory from my head. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh, no, Charlie, it wasn't that," she was quick to refute his assumption, squeezing his hand before he could draw back. "I was ..." She hesitated, embarrassed. "It's so stupid and selfish, it doesn't bear thinking about. I don't want you to worry about it. I was hurt because you don't like me like that as well. But I'll get over it."

"You weren't being stupid for feeling, Aleyna. You've been with Declan a long time. And I'm not sure how I feel." He glanced down, as if trying to formulate what he wanted to say and garnering the courage to say it. "I came to Rhydin to work, maybe make friends. You two have come on so fast and so intense, I feel overwhelmed."

"And you're a virgin, aren't you?" No, he hadn't told her; she'd guessed. 'Ley's hand lifted to stroke Charlie's hair off his face. "I know it's a little frightening, and the excitement can be overwhelming. But we will never do anything that you don't want us to, I promise you that."

His head canted slightly and he brought his hand up to capture her wrist loosely. "Aleyna, you're so sweet and beautiful. Be my friend, okay? I'm into the romance of things and if they develop beyond friendship, then fantastic. But if not, I know I've got a friend."

It was an effort, but she did manage to hide her disappointed hurt this time. Why, when he was drunk, did he come on so strong to both of them, yet when he was sober, he rejected her everytime? It was perplexing, and not a little upsetting. But if it would keep the peace, 'Ley was prepared to be upset and hurt. In private. She smiled warmly. "That I can do, Charlie," she promised.

He smiled then, relieved. "I'm going to ask Declan the same thing. I hope he takes it as well as you did." he reached up to wrap her in a warm hug then. "Thank you, Aleyna." He was feeling better already.

"If he doesn't, you tell me, and I'll whip him into shape," she offered as she hugged Charlie back, squeezing warmly. "And don't let him get you drunk again - you're a sex maniac on alcohol."

Charlie laughed then and visibly relaxed. "Trust me, no more alcohol for me. I think I danced on the bar last time Declan tricked me into drinking." He shook his head, the memory was very fuzzy. "Or maybe I dreamed I did. Either way, so embarassing."

"Nah, you're a cute drunk," 'Ley assured him with a grin, settling down comfortably on the couch, close to him than before now it was safe to do so. Here's hoping the tank top and shorts didn't offer him any glimpses of something that would make him run for the hills. "And yes, you did. Dec was emphatic about that the next morning."

"Ah man." He laughed at himself and turning to the side so that he was leaning against the arm of the couch. With a smile, he canted his head and waved her in to lean against him, if she liked. "I'm sure I'll never live that down. Between the bar tender and Dec, I was doomed the moment I stepped foot into that place."

'Ley grinned, shifting over to lean against him, since he'd offered it. "Well, it was just bad luck to meet up with Dec while he was flirting with a Helston," she laughed cheerfully. "The man delights in pushing things as far as he can."

His left arm curled around her as he brought his right up to sip at the juice he still held. "Declan is unusual. I don't know what to make of him half the time. One minute he's lovey dovey, the next he's hell bent on embarassing me in front of a room full of strangers."

She smiled, hugging his arm to her. With Charlie sober, she wasn't entirely sure if he would notice exactly where his hand was, but she figured that so long as she didn't make a fuss of it, neither would he. "It's just the way he is," she shrugged lightly. "It doesn't mean he's any less affectionate. The phrase 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' applies to Dec when he's like that. Embarrass him right back, and he'll give it up."


Date: 2010-07-26 11:57 EST
"But I don't know enough about him to do it." Charlie laughed and lay his head back. He didn't realize where his hand was laying, so comfortable to just be where he was. "And he is very affectionate, I'll give him that. Possessive too. He pulled me into his lap the moment I came into reach. And the look on his face was 'mine! mine!'"

"You'll learn about him soon enough," Aleyna assured him with a grin, tilting her head to look up at him. His description of Dec's possessiveness was bang on the nail, leading her to question just how careful her flatmate was being with his heart. "He likes you. He likes you a lot. Smitten, one might almost call it."

"I don't know why," he laughed, remaining reclined with his eyes closed. "Really, there's nothing special about me. I'm skinny and I have a lot of hair that I can't get rid of. It's a pain sometimes."

"There's a lot special about you, and the fact that you can't see it just mades you more adorable." She spoke without thinking, not even considering that her comment might make him uncomfortable. "Kinda makes me wonder what would have happened if I'd seen you first."

The compliment hadn't made him uncomfortable; he'd been showered with them since he was a little boy. But her last sentence gave him pause. Lifting his head, he arched a brow. "You and Dec compete over who can bring home the hottest guy or girl?"

She laughed at that. "Oh gods, no." She patted his hand gently to reassure him. "I just mean that I'm a little more subtle when it comes to guys I like than Dec is. He leaps right in and leaves them in no doubt at all that he'd move hell and high water to have them; takes a lot of the fun out of it. Not that he's a slut, or anything ... it's rare for him to meet someone who blows him away the way you have."

"Oh," he relaxed again into that comfortable recline. "His name's Slut, regardless. He semed proud of it when I called him that." There was a soft chuckle that rumbled around his chest at the memory. "Truthfully, when I first met him, I didn't know if he wanted to throttle me or kiss me."

She giggled. "I'd have liked to have seen that. You should feel proud; that only happens when he really likes someone." She glanced up at Charlie with a fond smile. "He probably came on, and then turned off, and then came on again, right?"

"Like a light switch," he nodded in agreement. "Then Ms. Millard said something about collars. I still don't get it, but they thought it was pretty funny." He scratched his scalp again and shrugged. "All I said was that he needed to be put on a collar and led around for a bit."

"Oh ..." 'Ley smiled gently. "A collar can be a sexual thing - it's a sign that you've submitted to someone in a very specific way," she explained, hoping he wouldn't want her to go into detail. How did you explain D/s to a virgin?

"You're kidding, right?" He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Ms. Millard, the matriach and icon of matronly things to him, could even consider, much less know, about such things. "I guess I stuck my foot into my mouth that time."

"No, it's sweet," she chuckled softly. "And sexy, too. Dec was probably pretty shocked that you proposed collaring him, though - he's not the submissive type."

Now he blushed a bit, but was unable to do his usual trick of hiding behind a curtain of hair. "He seemed eager, almost. It was Ro that suggested him collaring me, too."

"It sounds like this Ro person likes stirring the pot," 'Ley grinned, reaching up to stroke his blushing cheek. "Maybe she thinks you need looking after, too."

"Ro's a nice lady," he murmured as his cheek was stroked. "She's been looking out for me almost my entire life. So if anybody would know whether I need looking after or not, it's her."

"And she obviously approaves of Dec, or she wouldn't have suggested it." Since he seemed to be enjoying it - and she certainly was - 'Ley kept her fingers stroking gently against his cheek, watching him for the first signs of discomfort so she could pull her hand away in time.

"But who wouldn't approve of Dec? He's funny and charming and smart and good looking. He has the world around his little finger." There wasn't a single ounce of poison or regret to his voice. Her fingers against his cheek was quite relaxing and his eyes fluttered closed as he smiled.

"Not the whole world," she murmured softly, lowering her voice as his eyes closed, not wanting to disturb what seemed to be a very promising turn of events. "He doesn't make friends as easily as you might think."

"Mmmm.." his arm shifted, fingertips gently brushing the material of her shirt. "I can imagine him with an entire harem." His laugh was soft and light. "I think you're trying to put me to sleep."

"He wouldn't be happy with a harem." It was said with complete confidence; 'Ley knew Dec only wanted what he needed. It was just unusual that what he needed was a little more than most people when it came to his heart. "And hey, no sleeping on the job. You're keeping me company, remember?"

"He wouldn't? But I thought one wasn't enough for him." At her last remark, he kept his eyes stubbornly closed and tried not to laugh as he feigned a loud snore.

"Two isn't a harem, it's family." She glanced up at the snore, rolling her eyes wth a chuckle, and spoke a threat she was more than capable of carrying out. "If you're really asleep, you're going to wake up with me in your lap."

"You practically already are." He grinned and snored again. "And two's company, three's a crowd." His eyes opened a crack just to see what her reaction would be to his last statement.

Her cheeks flushed at that statement of his, and she looked down quickly, just in case he was looking. Her hand fell from his cheek as she swallowed hard. It was a slap in the face, to be reminded that he didn't want her at all.


Date: 2010-07-26 12:01 EST
"Mmhmm." He put the warm juice down on the ground beside the couch, and then brought his hand up to curl under her chin. Lifting gently, he guided her face upwards so he could look her in the eyes. "Please, don't lie to me anymore, Aleyna. You're hurt by what happened." He took a breath then and slid out from behind her. "I'm sorry I hurt you, I really am," spoken as he stood up.

"Charlie, don't go ..." She rose after him, reaching out to catch his arm and hand. "Yes, I am hurt, but ... Charlie, that's my problem, and I'll deal with it. So you don't want me; so what, right? I'm a big girl, you can tell me to my face. It's just little phrases like that two's company ... that's a slap in the face. It makes me feel like I'm not welcome, and I don't want to make you feel bad about it, because you really have no need to."

Charlie stopped when she caught his arm and hand. He turned to look down at her, a sad expression on his face. "I don't mean to hurt you or insult you. It's not just you, I don't want anybody. Even Dec, I only want to be his friend. This is all crazy!"

'Ley looked at him quite seriously. "Charlie, you're lying to yourself now," she pointed out gently. "You can't possibly expect to find any kind of peace with other people if you can't tell yourself the truth. And you can't keep running away from it either."

"Lying to myself?" He glanced down at the hand on his arm, then back up at her. "I'm not lying to myself, Aleyna. I came to Rhydin to work for Ms. Millard, to make a few friends. I honestly didn't come here to get romantically involved with anybody. It never even crossed my mind. Please, stop pushing so hard."

"I'm not trying to push." Frustrated, she let go of him and paced away, waving her hand around in a futile gesture of that same frustration. "I just want you to be clear on everything. Before you hurt Dec any more. I know, alright, I know you're confused, and probably scared, and taking a step back is what you need. But you can't just disappear, not without hurting people. We care about you, Charlie, whether you like it or not, and no amount of confusion or walking on eggshells is going to change that!"

Charlie literally took a step back as Aleyna paced and shouted. Before you hurt Dec any more. Another step, to the side and towards the door. The painful expression of Aleyna's earlier, flashed in his head. He was frowning now, and stepped even closer to the door. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone." His hand was on the doorknob, behind his back. "I'm sorry." The door was opened then and Charlie stepped out into the sweltering, humid air. He gasped for breath and clung to the railing.

"Charlie ..." 'Ley was too late to stop him from running out of the door, padding quickly across the room after him. She almost crashed into him outside the door, though, taking a grasp on his shirt to turn him around to face her. "Stop apologising, you've done nothing wrong," she told him fiercely, her chest heaving. Quite the little spitfire, in her skimpy clothing.

Charlie got whirled around and he stared down at her, anguish written all over her face. "I hurt you, I hurt Declan." He shook his head and took a step backwards. "Stay away from me, Aleyna. Stay aw.." He put his hand up and took a step back. He didn't calculate how small the landing was and his foot only contacted air as he'd reached the edge where the steps led down. His arms pinwheeled and his eyes went round as saucers as he went down the stairs, a tangled mess of hair and limbs.

"No, Ch - Charlie!" Aleyna stared in horror as he seemed to fall in slow motion, wincing as he connected with every stair and railing on the way down. Ignoring the fact that she was not suitable for public sight, she ran down after him, dropping onto her knees at his side only moments after he landed. "Charlie?" she ventured in a softly voice, reaching out to find a pulse point.

Charlie groaned as he rolled onto his back; he felt like he'd been beaten with a baseball bat. Slowly his eyes cracked open and he tasted blood on his lip. "Did you get the number of that bus?" He laughed once, then groaned. His arms went around his stomach and he rolled to his side, curled into a ball.

Aleyna watched him curl into a ball, and she didn't even hesitate. Rubbing her hands together to prepare herself, she gently pushed his shirt up, so that her palm could press gently against his bare skin. "Try to relax, Charlie," she told him quietly, with an air of real confidence in her own ability. Slowly, carefully, she started to locate the sources of his pain, and Heal them, the shadows of various injuries appearing on her own skin as she did so.

Charlie lay still as her hands caressed his torso and limbs; Healing him from the inside out. In reality, he was a lucky boy. There wasn't a lot of damage done, mostly bumps, bruises and scraped elbows and knees. "You don't have to," he sucked in a breath and moaned out as she hit on a particularly sore rib and healed it nearly instantly.

"Shh," she hushed him, eyes closed as she worked, following the line of most of his injuries over his torso with her hands, though she didn't try to tuck her hands into his shorts. Those injuries, she Healed from distance; it took longer, but it still worked. When she was done, she let out an explosive breath, falling back against the wall, trembling. "Done."

Once she was done, Charlie sat up and turned to look at her. "Are you alright, Aleyna?" She certainly didn't look alright to him. He curled his body so that he was on all fours as he crawled over to her. "I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy. And now you look sick."

Her eyes opened to find him looking at her with such concern. "It's just bumps and bruises ... I'll be fine in a few minutes," she assured him, lifting an arm to show him the shadow of a bruise that had been his. It was Healing by itself, shrinking away even as he watched. "I could do with a hand back up the stairs, though. Unless you really have to get away from me, in which case I can manage." To prove the point, she started to rise up, painfully.

Charlie got crawled up to her, trying to ignore the fact that she'd taken on his wounds so that he didn't have to suffer. Lifting up on his knees, he took her arm and curled it around his neck, then he stood, bringing her up with him. Hanging onto her arm with his right hand, his left arm curled around her. "Don't be silly. A friend doesn't just leave a friend when they're hurting."


Date: 2010-07-26 12:05 EST
"It's not so ba-aaad," she gasped as he drew her up with him, painful twinges setting off right through her as various places protested at being jostled. Her arm held tight around his neck as she leaned against him. "Okay, so maybe I'm being optimistic."

"I'm sorry!" With each step, grimace, groan and caught breath, Charlie stopped and apologized. There were thirteen steps and thirty apologies made before they got to the landing where the apartment was. "Do you want me to get Declan?"

By the time they reached the apartment door, Aleyna was laughing, as well as wincing, at all the apologies. "Charlie, shush, it's fine," she kept saying. "No, Dec doesn't need to know what's happened. Just ... help me get settled somewhere, okay?"

"Okay!" His head hurt, still, as he maneuvered her into the apartment. "Bedroom or couch?" Charlie glanced around, his head owl-like on his neck as he looked back and forth.

"Bed." She made the decision quickly enough; she was more likely to relax there, without the added concern of having to get up again to settle more comfortably.

"Okay!" He turned towards the triple doors and chose one. Luckily it was hers and soon he had her lying down. He didn't lie with her; in fact he stood three feet from the bed, wringing his hands. "Are you sure you don't want Declan here?"

"I'm sure," she insisted, pushing herself to sit up painfully. "Come here."

Charlie glanced about, an unsure look upon his face. He crept forward, until he was standing over her. "Yeah," he swallowed hard.

Aleyna rolled her eyes, reaching up to give him a gentle tug. "Seriously, Charlie, you're not going to make it more than a couple of blocks before you pass out," she told him firmly. "You just got Healed - it takes more than just my energy to do that, you know."

His arm was tugged at and he nearly sat down. Centimeters from his bottom hitting the comforter, he stood back up. "I don't know that being in bed with you is a good idea. Last time you held me down and Dec ... Dec ..." His face turned red as he scowled. "Well, you know what he did."

"Well, it's sleep in here, or anywhere else in the apartment, where Dec's likely to walk in on you and get the wrong idea," 'Ley pointed out, laying back. "I'll keep my clothes on."

"What do you mean, get the wrong impression?" Now he was confused again. "Dec said that we weren't allowed to touch each other."

"Oh gods ..." 'Ley groaned. "He means not to play around with each other, get each other's hopes up and then break them," she explained. "Everything's clear, isn't it? You're not interested in me that way, and I won't press you. But trust me ... unless you lie down soon, you're going to collapse, and I'm not strong enough to get you anywhere."

His knees began to tremble and he looked down at the bed, warily. "Why would he get a bad impression if I'm anywhere but here?" His right knee jerked out from under him and he was barely able to catch his balance. It was enough to make him sit down on the coverlet near her feet.

"Not a bad impression, the wrong impression." 'Ley reached over and gave him a tug back. "Just give in, Charlie; you're safe with me." She stretched, pushing herself back on the bed until her head found one of the pillows. "C'mon."

"What wrong impression?" He fell back, then curled on his side. There was much wriggling and adjusting to do to make sure those golden locks didn't get pinned under himself.

"That you're here for him, the way he's been fantasising about," she murmured, making certain to curl up with her back pressed to his, no matter how unnatural it felt. "He'd take advantage of it without thinking, and hate himself for it."

"Oh." Reaching for a pillow, he tucked one under his chin and closed his eyes. "And with me in here, he's going to think I want you and back off of me."

"No, he won't." She reached back and slapped his hip. "Trust me, he won't think twice about it. We're dressed, remember?"

"Oh yeah, thought I was uncomfortable." He chortled softly and hugged the pillow even more tightly. "G'night, Aleyna."

"Sweet dreams, Charlie," she murmured back, nuzzling her face into the pillow with a soft sigh. Sleep came quickly for them both; what needed to be said, had been said.