Topic: Delivery from the Knights of Esp?rance

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-05-24 18:14 EST
Months ago, Drachen Walde had loaned Alain D'Mourir and the nearly two hundred refugees from Nouveau Bretagne the services of one of their surveyors in exchange for a share in any "initial find." They had made quite an impressive find, an astounding source of silver, and after getting the small mine on its feet, it was time to repay their debt.

Clattering their way through the streets of the RhyDin were two wagons laden completely with heavy wooden boxes, escorted by six horsemen. While RhyDin had its fair share of the unusual, what might be considered normal" would be six knights or mercenary swordsmen, and archers on the wagons... but each horseman wore over his trenchcoat on his back a scabbarded broadsword, and a six-shooter at his hip. The coachmen cradled shotguns over their laps, and the single passenger on each wagon held a rifle.

The strange caravan pulled up to Drachen Walde, and Alain D'Mourir shouldered his Mini-30 and hopped down from the lead wagon. He squinted through aviator sunglasses at his surroundings, set the cigar between his teeth, and made his way to the door.

"Special delivery from the Village of Esp?rance Communal Silver Mine."


Date: 2008-05-25 07:30 EST
The door had been opened by Dyson. Alain and his contingent were met by what appeared to be a rather small, elderly gentleman with white hair, who took in the presence of this rather unusual group without giving so much as a hint into his own thoughts.

Dyson's grey-green eyes met Alain's a moment, "Might I inquire sir, will the Marchioness know of this Village of Esp?rance?"

Dyson had absolutely no idea where he was going to put the contents of the two wagons, and with Mr. Gabriel unavailable, how he was even going to get them unloaded.

"Perhaps you will come in while I send for Her Grace?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-05-25 13:45 EST
"Don't know if she'll know the name Esp?rance," Alain replied, thinking. "...But she'll know me. Tell her Mister D'Mourir's arrived to pay what he owes."

At the request that he step inside, Alain looked back at the group and gave a couple of simple signals. Four of the horsemen dismounted, tethered their horses, and took up more appropriate positions for the defense of the convoy.

"Sure. Hope you don't mind me smoking." The cigar remained between his teeth as he stepped inside, and pushed his glasses back into his hair. He took advantage of the opportunity to look around and get a better feel for Drachen Walde's aesthetic.


Date: 2008-05-25 13:54 EST
Dyson frowned at the lit cigar, but as Alain stepped inside, he was already motioning for him to wait at the foyer and great room entry.

The Major Domo then announced "Mister D'Mourir has arrived Marchioness."

Azjah looked up from the computer screen she sat behind at the far end of the Great Room. She rose and moved toward the foyer with a bit of a surprised smile, "Alain, what brings you to Palazzo Drachen Walde?"

The great room was a two story open space with a large stone fire place on the far wall. That was flanked on both sides by large glass walls that looked out onto a formal garden in the center of the hacienda style floor plan. The furnishings were elegantly formal, very akin to Louis XIV in style. The floor beneath Alain's feet was polished black and white marble.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-05-25 14:58 EST
And the first thing Alain did was scan the room for an ashtray so he could knock the ash off the end of his cigar. Then he smiled at Azjah, and said to her, "Remember our agreement - that I give you a percentage of our initial find?"

He moved closer to her so he could look at the front door and gesture that way, directing her attention. "Out there is no less than one half ton of silver from the communally owned silver mine of Esp?rance. Should come out to... eighty thousand silver crowns, to ballpark it?" His grin returned. "Maybe not much for a major corporation, but much more than what you invested."

"I'm a man of my word, Azjah - the agreed fraction of our initial find sits in those two wagons. The only question that remains is, where do we put it?"


Date: 2008-05-25 15:36 EST
Azjah's eyes followed where his arm swept, 'So you were able to find and stake a valid claim for your refugees?"

Dyson returned bearing an ashtray of finely wrought silver, offering it to Alain.

Azjah laughed softly, "Where to put it indeed." She walked toward the front doors and opened them for a look at the two wagons in the drive way. "Well Alain, I think, if you don't mind, we should deliver them to the Assayer's Office. Has the silver been refined any, or is it still as an ore?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-05-25 16:22 EST
Alain tapped his cigar over the ashtray and followed Azjah.

"Through a combination of normal refinery and magic, it is all 99.96% silver. Not the purest, but more than pure enough."

He turned his head to look at her. "Where's the Assayer's Office?"


Date: 2008-05-25 16:33 EST
"The Assayer's Office is down in Dockside, near the waterfront." She studied the two wagons a moment.

"Are you certain you want to trek through the city with so few?"

She'd seen smaller caravan's attacked for lesser valuation than he'd just cited to her, and without Lucien and Gabriel, she was worried as well.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-05-29 12:53 EST
"Dockside," he said with a frown. It was where he kept his office, and he was well aware of its dangers. He hadn't expected the convoy to go south of the river. He considered for a moment...

"I'm going to link up with Lieutenant Cowrie of the Old Market Watch for an escort, and meet Lieutenant O'Brien from the West End Watch at the bridge over to Dockside. But if you have someone handy you'd like to send along, I'd be happy to have them."


Date: 2008-06-01 22:50 EST
Azjah winced slightly, the one she would have trusted with this even now lay buried deeply below them in a forced hibernation.

She glanced at Eoin, "Perhaps you can arrange for some extra manpower to support the move to the Assayer's?"

Eoin spoke into a hidden mic, "Get Trevain and Maranan onto the drive in 5 with weapons."

He nodded at Azjah, then looked at Alain. "Two with weapons, do you want them with you on the wagons, or following behind?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-06-02 00:26 EST
Alain had to think about that. He looked out at his convoy, then nodded to Eoin - "Following behind. In a well-organized raid, there's no difference between two men and twenty if they're all on the same wagon."


Date: 2008-06-02 19:41 EST
Eoin brought the Murcealago around from the garaged.

"Alright Mr. D'Mourir, we are ready when you are."

Azjah nodded her thanks to Eoin before looking at Alain again, "I am so pleased things are working out Alain, this looks very promising indeed for your refugees."

She glanced at the wagons and the troup of men, "I'll notify the Assayers Office to expect you."

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-06-07 13:31 EST
The detective, now Lord-Protector, grinned around his cigar at Azjah: "Hey, we couldn't have gotten started without your help." He would linger for more pleasantries, but it was important that they stay on the move. He nodded to Eoin, then held his cigar aside to whistle sharply through his fingers at the others. The convoy started to move, and Alain jogged alongside a few moments before scrambling back onto a wagon.

He leaned out of his seat to wave at Azjah, and then they were off to the Watch Company K headquarters and the Assayers' Office.


Date: 2008-06-08 10:32 EST
Azjah gave him a laugh and a wave as he ran alongside the wagons before hopping in. Eoin would see to it the convoy was as safe as it could be.

She went back inside the Palazzo and penned a missive that should arrived at Alain's office before he returned.


It was a great pleasure and a surprise to see you this morning. Your generosity as well as holding true to your word are appreciated. Should ever you need my assistance, or contacts, please do feel free to seek me again.

Now however, I wish to enlist your assistance again. I need some information please regarding Colonel Wil Savage. What I tell you here is for your eyes only. I need to know what the IISC knows about his craft and his disappearance, and how actively they are still seeking him. Your discretion is, as ever, valued.


Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde"

She handed the sealed message to Dyson, "See this delivered before Alain can return from the Assayers offices."

The Major Domo left the room, and Azjah returned to her screen.