Topic: New Beginnings


Date: 2006-06-19 20:14 EST
I left Lucien on the beach after Brig's successful defense against Vanion with Brigath, and the thunderous look on Lucien's features were mirrored in the dark clouds that formed almost instantly overhead. The animosity between Lucien and Brigath was still there, but I knew Brig and I needed to have this talk. We needed to clear the air between us because the uneasy truce was taking its toll on both of us.

As Brig landed us into the main room at the top of the tower, he released me quickly and strode to the liquor cabinet. We were both uncertain how to open the conversation, and so I simply commented that the view was as lovely as ever.

Brig quickly filled two glasses and returned, gesturing me to take a chair. "It really meant a lot to me that you were still willing to call. I know it's been hard for you."

I took the glass and settled into the chair. Hard? Now there was an understatement! "It has been very hard," I concurred. "I have done a lot of wrestling with my conscience." I have warred with my conscience actually. He was someone so very special to me, and suddenly turned into something I can scarce believe. I still have not reconciled this thing, yet here I sat, hoping to get past the instinctive reaction I had to his method of survival.

He nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of his scotch before telling me that he didn't know how to help me reach conclusion, but that he was at my disposal for the evening, to obtain whatever I may need to resolve it. And then he added softly, "I've missed you."

Three simple words, and yet they tore at my heart. "Brig, I have known you a very long time, but this thing you do, it seems so very wrong, and so against what I know about you." And there in a nutshell was the problem. Killing was not something I had ever associated the Brig I knew with, but I was about to learn things that would surprise me.

He looked out the window for a moment, and then began to speak without looking at me, "I was not always as you know me now. I've lived several lifetimes, and I've slowly evolved into the Brigath you know." Finally he turned toward me, "I sometimes think human lives are too short. We never get a chance to fully realize who and what we are. Well, most of us," he amended with a mirthless chuckle.

I asked him how old he was now, and he does not know, but it is more than several hundred years, and at that I rose out of my chair and walked slowly toward him, asking if that is the reason he remains so aloof. He quirked a brow at me, "Aloof? Do I do that?"

I nodded. Yes, he has remained alone and aloof from companionship a very long time. Oh, he flirts and dabbles, but always holding part of himself back. Even with Mere, and myself, he was charming and delightful, but aloof as well. When I left Rhydin, Brig simply let me go. It hurt then, and now. "Yes, you keep your distance. Is it because of this thing, or?." I let my voice trail off.

He set his drink down and looked up at me, where I stood just out of reach, "I keep my distance because you are married Azjah."

I shook my head; that wasn't what I had meant at all; "I am not talking about just myself Brig. You left me years ago. Or is Kayla more than a companion?" Had he mated his soul to the white wolf? Was he more than human? It was not a broken heart over me, I knew that much, and yet he had remained alone for so very long. "Is she your attachment? I do not understand how you came to be with a wolf that can do this soul transfer."

There was a soft smile on his lips as he shook his head, "It is nothing so mysterious. I am aloof, as you say, because I know myself, and I have no wish to cause anyone pain. If I am not aloof, I am a dog." He gave a wry chuckle, "It's painful to admit, but it's true."

I heaved an inward sigh of relief, he was as human as I was, and it was simply that he didn't think himself above a cur. While I may disagree with his self-assessment, at least it was not because he was already mated to the wolf.


Date: 2006-06-19 20:18 EST
He told me that Kayla was certainly more than a friend, but not what I was implying. In actuality, I was implying that perhaps Kayla was his mate, but as I explained to him, I was simply grasping at straws trying to understand. "I came back to find someone I thought I knew, and then discovered something that shook me deeply." Again, a serious understatement, but true nonetheless.

He gave me a sad smile, "I am the someone you knew. I have not changed at all. Unfortunately, your perception of me has changed because of my death and return." He stood up then, and I walked over toward the windows that looked out over the Isle. He continued as I studied the landscape, "You want to know how I started life, Azjah? How I began using this spell to extend my life?"

I shivered, did I want to know? I had already lost a great deal of sleep over this thing, and in the end I nodded, "I think I am interested in why more than how Brig." That seemed to be the crux of it. Not so much the how. I don't think I want to know how he does it. Some inner sense tells me that such information would only make things worse for me. But why, that holds more importance for me. Why did he begin this thing?

He pulled a rose from the air as he spoke, transforming it from rose to a dagger, a glass, a gem, and back into a rose as he told me he'd been cursed with a disfigurement curse. That he'd tried many things to undo the curse, but the only way he could free himself from it was to change from his accursed body into a new body. He closed his hand and the rose vanished.

He told me how he and Kayla met, that Kayla had come after he had lost his first love, and I couldn't bring myself to ask who that had been, but he said one day she was simply gone, and he'd never seen her again. Kayla was a gift he had long since ceased asking questions about.

He told me of the times he had used the spell, the reasons for them, and in those times I learned things about Brigath I had never even suspected. And then he asked me, "If you had a way to stop aging, to extend your life indefinitely, could you refuse it?"

I paused, my fingers toying with the glass of scotch he'd given me earlier. "I don't know Brig. I truly do not know." And I do not. If it meant another had to die for me to continue, could I accept that price?

He nodded slowly, "and you won't unless or until you actually have to make the decision. For myself, I chose to live, and I do not regret the decision, though I regret the manner in which it must take place." He held the conviction that his continuance came first. He made no apologies for choosing life.

My voice was a thread of a whisper, "at the expense of others Brig." I set the glass down before I dropped it. My hands were shaking badly.

His voice held no hint of remorse, nor excuse. "Yes, at the expense of others." He was the Brig I knew then, not hiding behind excuses or pseudo arguments. He had made a decision, and he was accepting the consequences of his actions.

I turned to study him then, "that is the only thing I struggle with Brig. There is no doubt I would rather have you than some criminal or thug, and yet, that is the crux of my issue, it does not feel like the man I once knew." Was it that simple? Was it just that I was uncomfortable learning something so important now? Or were my values of life being called into question?

He came to stand beside me at the window, never touching me, but being there just the same. He was a comfort and a stressor. "I'm not sure how to resolve that Azjah. I AM the same man, but you didn't know everything about that man, when you thought you did."

Klinton had asked me if it was more a case that I had learned something about Brig that I never knew. Was it that? Was I so vain that it was the not knowing about this ability that was causing this distress? I do not like to believe that, and I looked up at him, "No, I can see that I did not. I AM glad you survived, I am." I was trying to reassure us both I think.


Date: 2006-06-19 20:21 EST
He reached out a hand, gently laying it on my shoulder, "Azjah, I never did lie to you, though since I did not tell you about this, you may feel that way. But, I never, NEVER intended to tell anyone about this. Had things ended up differently between us, and we had stayed together, there would have come a time when I would have had to tell you."

No, he had never lied, and I had never asked. It was not something I would have ever thought to ask him. I was upset that he'd known how worried I was about his going hunting for the liches, and had not given me any hint that he would be alright no matter what happened on the hunt. Yes, that much I was upset about, but he had no way of knowing the hunt would destroy the body he'd been in at the time. I told him these things, and then looked up into his eyes, "You chose a different path, for your reasons Brig. And I am sorry you did, but that is part of both of our histories." He'd chosen to leave me when I needed to depart RhyDin, and nothing could bring that back and undo it.

He told me that he was the same man I had seduced away from Mere. And the same one I had accused of being aloof; but I asked him then if he had any other surprises or shocks that he would care to enlighten me about since we were trying to stop the brittle tension between us from continuing. It was a dangerous question for me to ask him as I have my own skeletons to share.

He chuckled then, telling me that there were no more surprises on the order of this one. I looked back up at him; "You know Brig, there is a part of me that wants to hug you, and tell you just how relieved I am that you are here, and there is another little voice in there screaming 'monster.' But I know you are not a monster."

He then stepped a little closer, "Azjah, you have known me for a long time. Think about that. This is something that has been a part of me for that entire time. Though the knowledge is new to you is doesn't change the fact that I am EXACTLY the same person I have always been. If I were some monster playing a role to fool everyone into thinking I'm something that I'm not, don't you think you, of all people, would have had some hint of it by now?"

That was the confusing part. I always thought I had known him, and yet, this had arisen. I moved into his personal space, "may I hug you once more?" I was not certain he would allow me to hug him given that I had called him a monster, and he had said he was aloof because I was married. I didn't know if he would permit me such a liberty now.

He seemed shocked by my query, " May you hug me? Azjah, it has not been *me* holding *you* at a distance." He then pulled me close and hugged me fiercely. "May I hug you... Jesus..."

I quickly wiped a pair of tears from my eyes, apologizing to him for taking this thing so badly. But, I also told him if he scared me like that again, I would personally shoot him. Now there was the issue with he and Lucien. And I tried to broach that topic with him. It was dangerous ground for me to tread.

Brig shook his head, but did not release me from the hug, for which I was grateful, "I have no issue with Lucien. He has an issue with me. He can curse my soul to hell every morning with breakfast for all I care, as long as he behaves. But he must behave. I don't want to have to try to get around him any time I wish to talk to you, or have him attacking me at random on the Isle." He shifted then to look down at me, " If there is something you would like me to do to help defuse the situation, I will. But the problem is on his end, not mine."

I then tried to explain to him Lucien's view, and his mandate from his Prince, but the only thing I could guarantee Brig was that Lucien would not attack him again unless Brig posed a threat to me. The only thing I could ask Brig was not to invite Lucien to "bring it" again as he had on the Isle.

He chuckled softly, " That I can do. I have no wish to enter into a fight with him again, especially now that he and Topaz seem to be getting along so well." But then he grew quite serious, " But please know, that should he attack me again, in spite of your assurances that he won't, I will not hold back from putting an end to the problem."


Date: 2006-06-19 20:22 EST
I shivered. I do not know who would win such an all out battle, but I know that Lucien is so much more than Brig realizes. It is not something I ever hope to see happen. I reached up with a fingertip to lightly press his lips, "shhhhh, . Things HAVE changed Brig. I didn't know Lucien and Gabriel when I loved you. He will not attack you. We have a bond only one other besides the twins and I know about. And as I would not have let Lucien kill you on the Isle, I will not let you kill him. He will not become your best friend, but tolerance is something I know you are both capable of maintaining. Who would have thought Topaz and Lucien?" My smile was meant to stop this discussion of fighting between Lucien and Brigath.

His smile was a bit forced, "certainly not I, considering my somewhat biased perception of Lucien. But, I am happy for her. She hasn't seemed this happy in a long time." There was something in his eyes I could not read, but it was gone moments later.

I relaxed imperceptibly then, he hadn't asked me what the tie was to Lucien and Gabriel. Maybe he wouldn't. I kept talking about Topaz and Lucien, and explained that Lucien would only see color and feel emotion again if he found his soul mate.

Brig shrugged, "I really don't know anything about Carpathian culture or physiology, so I can't help you there." Then his expression changed, " Wait a minute. You mean to tell me he manages to hate me as much as he does *without* feeling emotions? Then I hope to God she isn't his mate, because if he gets emotions back; that boy is going to have a heart attack from what he's got roiling inside of him."

I took a deep breath, listening to Brig's heart beat before answering him, "You have no way of knowing about Carpathian culture nor their physiology, but Lucien has no emotion in his dislike for you. His job is to control, hunt and sent to eternal rest those of his kind who have chosen to become Vampyr. You, unfortunately, exhibited traits too similar to the vile actions of what he hunts. He hunts his own Brig. He has spent a very, very, very long time killing old friends and family. There is no emotion in what he does, it is simply what is required of him." We were moving away from how I would know these things, and that was for the best.

Brig nodded thoughtfully, " So if he has no emotions, what is his interest in Topaz? Does this bond or whatever that you mentioned have something to do with that? Are you sharing your emotions with him or something?"

There it was. The question I had hoped he would not ask. I hesitated a moment, and thought about moving out of his arms then. I could not face rejection if he could not accept what had passed between the Carpathians and myself. "Neither Gabriel nor Lucien have emotions as we know them. But, they do interact with humans on many levels. Lucien may not even realize he's showing what appears to us to be 'interest'. Although, what I feel from him is something I haven't felt before. ::tenses and closes her eyes, she doesn't want to see rejection in his face:: No, I am not sharing emotions with Lucien. That is not possible. I am connected to them both, but in a way no one realizes. Are you worried that he will dishonor Topaz?" Perhaps he would accept that answer and not push for more.

He said he had no fear for Topaz, that she was capable of taking care of herself. It was simply another thing he and Lucien had to disagree over was Topaz's ability to fight and lead others into battles. He then looked down at me, "If you aren't sharing emotions though, how ARE you connected to them?"

I flinched then, " I rescued them Brig. I got to them just as the sun was rising and the villagers were about to light a pyre. They had been bled and bled and bled to keep them weak and unable to defend themselves....I'm tied to them by blood. A blood exchange actually. It is how they know where I am, and what I feel. They can see through my eyes when there is a need. And I," here I needed a deep breath as he had not released me yet. ":: I can reach out using their senses when there is a need. I don't have magic in my bones Brig, never have had any. But this thing cannot be undone, and means I have a blood tie to these two. And I have access to talents that would not make me very popular around here. If the vampire hunters knew I carried the blood exchange, I too would become a target for the Society."

I know he felt the flinch. When you are as close as this, it cannot be hidden. "Azjah, look at me. Please." His arms loosened a bit to allow me to look up, but not enough to allow me a retreat. "You You cannot truly believe that I would judge you or reject you over something like this, can you? Please tell me that I am misreading you. I don't belittle what this bond with the Carpathians means to you, or how it's effected you, but to me it is nothing. I've joined my soul with a wolf's for god's sake. Why would it matter to me that you have shared blood with Lucien and Gabriel?" There was pain in his voice that hadn't been there before. I had hurt him.

I did then look up at him, " Brigath, so many believe that blood drinkers are vile, unclean creatures....word of my blood tie would be dangerous beyond belief. To them and to me. You bound yourself to a wolf, not a monster. I bound myself to monsters. I gave him a wry smile. "It seems that we both have a monster inside." And then, I buried my face against his chest and whispered "thank you."

He had accepted me despite this thing, and his acceptance of me helped seal my acceptance of his means of survival. We had cemented the bond between us again. I was thankful.


Date: 2006-06-20 10:47 EST
Brig had asked Azjah to come to the tower after the challenge in the hopes that the divide between them could finally be mended. He had expected, and knew he deserved, her anger at being left in the dark about his ability to survive the hunt regardless of what happened. He had put blinders on about how repulsed she would be at his methods, however, even though he would have known had he chosen to see. The easy acceptance with which they had been received by Topaz and Kyndra as a necessary evil had lulled him into a false sense of security. Now, as they entered the tower, he knew that she had come as close to accepting her new perception of him as she could on her own. If there was ever to be a reconciliation, he would have to take the next steps.

He stalled for a moment while he got them drinks and prepared his emotional defenses. He would never, NEVER let her know, let anyone know, the depth of what he still felt for her. As she constantly reminded him, *he* was the one who had chosen not to follow her when she had to return to Rigel. What she didn't know was that it had been the most painful decision he had ever made in his life. And she would not know. Not now. Not ever.

But there would be no way to resolve this without him giving up something, and he had other secrets to protect as well. He sighed to himself as he turned with the drinks and made his way over to her. "It really meant a lot to me..."


She rose out her chair and moved towards him. "Is that why you remain so aloof?"

The time for the first lie had come, or at least half truth. He first tried to brush the question aside with a light joke, then deliberately misinterpreted it. But she persisted. And so the well prepared answer was provided. Sufficiently self revealing to end the line of questioning, and even a true statement, though its truth wore thin in the context of the question. He could see in her eyes her acceptance of the answer, and even a softening as she began to see him as human again instead of some monster. His gut twisted at his need to deceive her. But it was a very familiar feeling and not a hint of it made it's way to the outside world.


The next step. He talked rarely of his past, but it was not something he guarded closely. This was a piece he could give up to her without approaching the barriers he had erected. She must be given a way to understand that he had not suddenly changed. He needed to provide her a path to follow, no matter how distant it may be in time, so that her turmoil filled mind could step onto it and begin to feel that there was some sense in the situation. He spun the tale of his past for her, his early career as an assassin, his obsession with transformation magic. Sensing her need for more, he even came dangerously close to the forbidden walls and spoke of Kayla. But all this led up to his true objective.

His voice was quiet but clear in the tower room as he asked, "If you had a way to stop aging, to extend your life indefinitely, could you refuse it?"

He didn't need to hear her answer. He knew her true answer even though she did not. What he needed was to plant that seed of doubt. That tiny thought that just maybe, in the same situation, she would have done the same. Again, it wrenched him inside to have to manipulate her this way, for he knew that she would never do as he had done. Not in that manner. And to cause her to think that she might have was to him as vile an act as any other he had done in his long life. But still he did it, because he could not bear for her to remain so estranged from him. An echo of the pain of her return to Rigel threatened to buckle his knees and he unobtrusively leaned against the wall to keep himself up.


And now the second lie. He raised a hand to her shoulder, careful not to let his hand tremble. "Azjah, I never did lie to you, though since I did not tell you about this, you may feel that way." It might have even been amusing in some twisted way had he not been too disgusted with himself to even consider it. "Had things ended up differently between us, and we had stayed together, there would have come a time when I would have had to tell you."

Panic! How had that slipped out? He had been so busy berating himself that a hole had opened in his carefully maintained barriers. He barely even heard her next few sentences as he frantically regrouped in his mind.


And then it was time for the final manipulation. "If I were some monster playing a role to fool everyone into thinking I'm something I'm not, don't you think you, of all people, would have had some hint of it by now?" He was not a monster in any sense of the term, but he was playing a role. A role that kept his secrets and his self safely hidden away. And she would NOT have a hint of it for he had played it for a very long time and was well accomplished at it.

At her next words, he knew the breach had been closed, if not completely healed. A relief so profound that he felt dizzy washed through him as he pulled her into a hug and let her feel his exasperation that she had even needed to ask. The dangerous waters had been braved and he had emerged only slightly the worse for wear.


"Shhh?" It took all his willpower to keep from outwardly reacting to the jolt that raced through him at the touch of her fingertip on his lip. The intimacy of that touch, no matter how innocent the intent, nearly stopped his heart. All his careful restraint and evasion was nearly undone in that moment. But with the discipline that came with years of practice, he pushed a smile onto his face as she began to talk of the relationship between herself and Gabriel and Lucien.

When she reached the point of describing the blood exchange, it became clear to him that she feared he would turn her away because of her bond with the Carpathians. More than anything that had happened between them since his resurrection, even the lies he had been forced to tell today, this struck him to the core. She could think him a monster for his actions, she could believe he'd *wanted* to leave her when she went to Rigel, but he could not bear the though that she believed he would ever reject her over *anything* let alone something like this. As he admonished her, he did not even try to keep the pain from his voice. And as her soft "Thank you" carried to his ears, with her face buried in his chest, a single tear fell from his face unnoticed, to shatter against the floor.


Date: 2006-06-21 13:48 EST
I stepped through the portal onto Twilight Isle with Gabriel remaining outside of the visible spectrum beside me. The Isle was busier than usual, and I greeted Jaleeisa, Brig, Topaz, Kyndra and even Neo waved hello. As I found my chaise, Topaz walked over carrying her cup of coffee. At that moment I was shocked by Lord Momus, who had swooped in and stolen a quick kiss.

I gave Brigath a smile as he stunk up the rings, and the wind blew the stench away while I spoke with Topaz. It was nice to be back on comfortable terms with Brig again. I had known him too long to have allowed our relationship to disintegrate as it had begun to after his shocking revelation. I trusted Brigath with my inner secrets, and it hurt that he had not trusted me with his, but that was resolved now.

There were blue paper flower wreaths on most of the female's heads, and Topaz commented that Lucien may have started something. Somehow, I doubt he would find that thought amusing as I've never known him to give anyone flowers, but he was behaving out of character of late on many fronts.

We sat and talked, which was a little unusual, but the discussion was wide ranging and pleasant. She commented that the desert had indeed been beautiful, and Harris, in his usual style heard dessert and wanted to know if it was chocolate. I had to chuckle at him before agreeing with Topaz about the desert. But, Lucien had not taken her to my favorite place in the desert. And so I explained the location to her. It would be a trip she would enjoy, but it would take a fair amount of time to get there.

The spring is set in the desert about 2 hours by car from RhyDin, and I had gone there after the attack on myself, before Klinton was abducted. It is a crystal clear spring set in a horse shoe shaped hollow in the sandstone. Here the stone is layered in varying shades orange, beige, brown, and even pink. The water is stunningly clear, and the basin starts out off white and changes from shades of yellow to red-orange, to green to the deepest sapphire blue. It is a rainbow under water, and the basin seems to disappear into infinity as you stand at the edge and look into the heart of the pool. I tried to describe it to Topaz, but warned her that while she and I would find the great beauty there, she should not be disappointed that Lucien may not, and that went for her lake as well. She was taking Lucien to her home lake, but how do you prepare someone who has such ebullient emotions that her companion is likely to miss much of what she finds beautiful?

Topaz's next question surprised me, "wherever did you find them? Did you advertise for bodyguards and they just showed up? Fred and Walter have not a spark of magic in them, and I rather not take them along into Rhydin anyway."

I had to chuckle inwardly at the way she had worded that. The where is easy enough, but it was the how that is more difficult to describe. I settled for the short story, "They were about to be burned at the stake as the sun was rising."

She was appalled, and asked if it was like what the Catholics did to the witches. Yes, it was very much like that. It is amazing what superstitious people will do in the name of faith. Gabriel and Lucien almost met a horrible fate all because the locals had been stirred up into believing they were the dreaded vampyre. The saddest part of all though is that it was a master vampyre manipulating the populace to begin with, and they never realized it. Getting the twins out of there would not have been possible at night, but to my dying day, I will never forget that image of them bloodied and dying, tied to stakes with silver ropes, and the sun just beginning to blister their skin. Never will that image fade for me.

Harris did his famous finger wiggle at me from across the room, and I greeted him, but he did appear to be out of sorts, and he did not stick around very long.

Her next question surprised me further, "Do they know anything about herbs or mid-wivery then?"

I gave her a long look as I sipped the scotch. So, Lucien had confided the situation to her regarding their population. Unusual from my tight-lipped friend. I told her that it was not something they had much use for that I knew of. Her questions then shifted to things about why Gabriel and Lucien were so different in temperament since they are identical twins, and I told her about them being split up when they were very young. Their parents had been slain in the Byzantine wars, and they were not reunited until the Crusades when the ruling Prince had been slain, and Mikhail became the Prince.

"Where is the prince?" she then asked, and I told her that as far as I knew, he was still in the wilds of the mountains in old Romania. She liked the sound of the country, and wondered if it was like Rurdan, but I have never been to Rurdan and could not answer her rhetorical query. I did tell her that Romania is a wild country, set in the mountains that rise in a forbidding barrier to the outside world, but that is full of lovely meadows and stark, rocky mountains.

As we were talking, Brigath cast another particularly nasty stench, that did not blow the other way, and I found myself coughing as he gave me an unrepentant grin, "just for Azjah" he said. I coughed again and told him


Date: 2006-06-21 13:49 EST
I laughed as Topaz told me she was enjoying herself, but that it was not easy to tell if Lucien was, and I turned quickly to Brig before answering her and informed him that he should take it to heart that he was horrible. Then I focused again on Topaz, "Well, having lived with them for a number of years, I guess I will simply say that the fact that he continues to spend time with you means he's enjoying himself in his own way." She is worried that he will not enjoy himself, but I suspect it is her company that matters to him and nothing else. But, how do you tell her such a thing?

She nodded, "but he can't take any of the purring kitties over there," she lamented about their pending trip to her lake.

Kitties? I was confused. She then explained about the Enzo and the Testarossa, and it dawned on me she was talking about the cars! We talked a bit about them, and I explained that my favorite for comfortable car was the McLaren, but for sheer speed, the Enzo has it hands down. She couldn't remember which car in the garage was the McLaren, but perhaps I'll send Lucien with it the next time he requests one of the cars.

She then leaned a bit closer, "do you happen to know when his next day off is? I did fall asleep on the way back and forgot to ask."

I gave her a smile, " If I had my way, he'd have every day off. I keep telling them that I'm a big girl and don't need the protection, but I have not been entirely successful. I believe Gabriel is escorting me Wednesday." She blinked in surprise, and I explained that while yes, they are my bodyguards, it was never a situation I wanted, nor was comfortable with, and they alone managed my security here in RhyDin. At home, the Major Domo managed those things, but it was conventional security. Here I have something very unconventional. This activity fit their sense of honor, and as I do things for the Prince, they find that it fits in with the Prince's mandate to them.

I opened up something I should not have then. I had admitted a tie to their Prince. She caught it and asked me what my connection was. I hoped Brig was not listening. The situation faced by the Carpathian people is dire, and not something that should be generally known. I had earlier been surprised that Lucien had told her so soon, but now I filled in some missing information for her, and told her a bit about the Society that hunts them with the purposes of assuring their extinction sooner rather than later.

About then I heard Kyndra telling Jaleeisa about Brig's 'death', and involuntarily, I glanced up at her. The news was new for Jaleeisa, but while I was listening, Brigath was pointedly ignoring that topic from the ladies. Not that he ignored much else about the ladies. I had to chuckle, Brig has always been a rake. Kyndra caught my look and demurred about telling Jaleeisa anymore in my presence.

Brig released another cloud of nasty fumes, and I coughed hard, looking at Topaz, I informed her that I was going to strangle her second in command. At which point she suggested we move my chaise, and I smiled, "I'd rather strangle him."

Brig stuck his tongue out at me, and since it was such an eloquent gesture, I returned it in kind. He grinned, "Hey, Jal says that means we have to kiss, you know. Klinton won't like that!"

I quirked a brow at him, "and since when do you decline such an offer?"

He gave me a brilliant smile, "since never." So I blew him a kiss and returned my attention to Topaz.

Brigath stepped out of the ring, having concluded his duel by burying Lord Momus under a pile of rocks. I could hear a snort beneath the rocks as muttering came in muffled spurts from the rock pile. Brig kindly sent an air elemental to help dig Lord Momus out from beneath the rubble, and I gave Brig a smile, "You know Brig, burying dragons does not earn you rewards points."

He chuckled, "It's a learning thing. Soon he'll learn to get out of the way. I only have his best interests at heart."

I gave him a skeptical look as Kyndra nodded agreement with me, "Brig? You haven't heard the local adage?" He had not, and so I told him to be very careful, "for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

At that point, I needed to depart from the Isle, and I rose, bidding all and sundry a good evening. Brig walked over and asked if he could escort both Topaz and myself from the Isle, and we agreed. It was good to be back on comfortable terms with my old friend.


Date: 2006-06-21 13:50 EST
I walked through the portal in higher spirits than I had in a long time. Brig was calling, and as I headed for my chaise, we greeted with smiles and waves, and I was truly happy that we were no longer walking on eggshells around one another.

I sent a goblin for my scotch, and was greeted by the tall Scotsman Moyr as I get comfortable. I leaned back into the chaise after kicking off the stilettos and took a long, slow sip of the amber liquid. Contentment is the only word that fit how I felt in that moment.

A short while later Topaz walked along the beach, and we spoke for a little until Rena arrived, and as Topaz began speaking with her, I rose and headed for Brigath until I accepted a duel request. At which point I headed for one of Brig's rings. Topaz wished me luck, and I was going to need it. It had been a very long time since I had been in the rings.

As the match concluded, I heard Topaz ask Rena if it was true that she was challenging Lord Momus for his Barony, and she gave a slight shrug, "yeah, new grounds and all." I headed back toward my chaise and asked Rena if I had heard correctly. She confirmed it, and I bade her good luck in her pending match.

Kyndra arrived, and for a moment we spoke about the week and how things were going. She was in a cheerful mood, and as I sent the goblins for a glass of scotch for Brigath and went to sit beside him, she too joined us. We were sandwiching Brig between us while he called. I handed Brig the scotch, "calling's thirsty work."

He took the scotch with a grateful smile, "Yes, it is." He then lifted the glass in salute, and I touched the rim of my glass to his. We watched the match in progress for a bit until we heard Topaz say that she'd retired Etherean! What? Etherean was retired? Everyone was shocked, she nodded, "Yes, after ten years of officiating, and he wouldn't even let me throw him a party or announce it on the boards. Rather sad, that." It certainly was!

I felt it was a shame that we had no opportunity to say our farewells to Etherean, and Brig gave me a sly smile, 'Yes and no. With Topaz taking over his shift, that means all four regular shifts are called by four of the most beautiful women in RhyDin."

Ah yes, Mr. Silver tongue! But, it also meant that we would no longer have the gentlemen to call for the female populace, and that was a pity. I will miss Etherean despite the fact that he did not particularly like me, I did enjoy his dry humor.

Brig chuckled, "I have a feeling we'll see an increase in participation on the Isle."

I leaned my shoulder into his, "I'll miss you calling." His upcoming sabbatical was planned, and it was the reason my volunteer night was changing from Monday over to Tuesday, but I would miss having Brig in RhyDin. Especially now that I had a better appreciation for how special he was to me.


Date: 2006-06-21 15:24 EST
We had been sitting companionably surrounding Brigath when I learned that Kyndra was another scotch drinker. Brig laughed, and said he thought the Isle drew them from all areas of RhyDin. I know that Brigath is an Oban fan, and that I favor Dalwhinnie, so I inquired from Kyndra what her favored scotch is. She said it was something special from her homeland, and that it was called Bruichladdich. I have not heard of it, and suggested that she bring a bottle for sharing sometime.

She gave us both a wry smile, ?I would, but I?m afraid I won?t be returning home for a long while.?

With a chuckle, I told Brigath and Kyndra that while the Isle may attract scotch drinkers, it also seems to attract one gin soaked Keeper as well. Brig laughed, ?Farek only drinks Gin ?cause he?s cheap, otherwise he?d be on scotch too.?

I gave him a skeptical look, ?Farek is just cheap and disgusting. Gin is right up his alley.?

Brig brightened abruptly, ?Perhaps we should have a scotch tasting in the Tower?? His chuckle suggested he was teasing, but when Kyndra added that it would be fun, and I offered to bring several nice selections as well, he gave us both a surprised glance, ?Well, if both you lovely ladies are in, I can hardly NOT do it, now can I??

Kyndra looked at us both, ?I bet I could find someone that would be willing to return to my homeland and pick up a few bottles of the local Scotches around my home.?

I considered a moment, ?we could have a veritable scotch tasting party.?

Brig gave us both a smile, ?Let?s pick a date and make it happen. Can?t go wrong with a room full of scotch.?

I laughed, ?absolutely not. We?ll need some good food too.? I was thinking now about how best to present the scotch, and what the menu should be for such a tasting party. ?I think I could get Andre to come and do the honors.?

Kyndra agreed whole heartedly, ?no, you can?t, and yes, most definitely good food.?

Brig smiled, ?that would be excellent Azjah, my elementals aren?t all that good of cooks.?

I smiled, no, his elementals were not the best chefs going. If we were going to have first rate scotch, we needed first rate food. Kyndra was open to almost any date, and I smiled, ?Andre is fabulous, and I know he?ll fix us up with just the right fare.?

Brig was warming to the idea quickly, ?Oh, I have no doubt Azjah.? He shrugged and gave Kyndra an innocent look as she returned in a uniform that had shrunk mysteriously, and she wondered if Imp had been doing laundry lately. He made a strategic exit, ostensibly to change out of his uniform, which had not been shrunk. I made a note to myself to look at my uniform before my next shift.

Brig returned dressed more comfortably, and I handed him back his glass of scotch. His flight from the Tower had taken him close to Lucien?s line of sight. But thankfully, Brig chose not to antagonize Lucien. He was being true to his word.


Date: 2006-06-21 16:27 EST
Lucien however summoned a small grouping of dark clouds, and thunder echoed over the beach as Brig settled to the ground. A shaft of blue-white lightening ripped free from the cloud and landed within several feet of where Brig now stood.

Brig?s brow lifted as the bolt crashed into the sand, sending crystals flying around Brigath?s feet, ?getting careless there Lucien.?

Lucien gave him a cold look, ?I am never careless.?

Brigath sat down between Kyndra and I then, and I leaned against him. He sighed happily, ?Ahh, it don?t get much better than this,? as he took a sip of the scotch.

Cory was entering the rings with Wulfson, rolling up his sleeves to show off some of the muscle he has. I glanced at him a moment, the Ranch work was improving his physique, there was no doubt there.

I glanced between Brigath and Kyndra, ?well, perhaps from your point of view. I can think of a few ways to make it better still.?

Brig nearly choked on his scotch, and Kyndra winked back at me, ?aye, I think we could come up with a few things. Two beautiful ladies, and a gorgeous tower?.?

I hid my smile as he nearly choked on the scotch. We had managed to surprise him, and that did not happen often. He looked between the two of us with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, ?now you two are just teasing me.?

I nodded enthusiastically at Kyndra, ?Yes, that Tower is something special.?

Wulfson snorted, ?But Brigath?s tower is just full of air. No solidity.?

Brig laughed at him, and I winked at the Archmage, ?ah, have to been there to see it then??

Wulfson informed us that he has a view of all of the towers from the Citadel, then added, ?why do you think Topaz wants it so bad??

I gave Wulfson a bright smile, ?ah, but views can be deceiving. I have found Brig?s tower to be quite delightful.?

Topaz agreed that the Citadel was a fine place, and that she would love to call it hers again for a while, but that taking the Citadel from Wulfson was more difficult than one might believe.

Kyndra agreed that Brig?s tower does have a wonderful view, and I nudged Brigath, ?you see Brig, I?m not the only one who thinks thusly.?

Brigath grinned at Wulfson, ?Really, how could anyone who?s actually experienced the Tower feel any different??

Wulfson gave him a dubious look, ?I wouldn?t brag Brigath. Vanion wanted your tower.?

Brig chuckled, ?Will, everyone WANTS it, not everyone can HAVE it.?

I laughed then, ?He even denied me, but I find I still desire it.? Then winked at the Archmage.

The Archmage pronounced that Brig was lucky Vanion didn?t get it anyway because everyone has needed help cleaning the towers after Vanion has been in residence. Apparently the vampire does significant damage to each tower he inhabits. But then he added that Vanion did not seem to have any staying power when it came to the towers.

Kyndra brought us back to the scotch tasting plans, asking if we had set a date yet, and we had not. Brig decided that since he was taking his sabbatical soon, the tasting would need to be soon. He decided to consult his schedule and advise us on the morrow.

I decided since Brig would be going away for a time that I would invite him for a last dance in the rings, and thankfully he accepted. We entered the ring, and I knew that this match would either advance me in the rankings, or set me back once again. My focus was on trying to gain the next rank by defeating a man I have great respect for.

Kyndra however put us in a ring titled PEACE. Brigath and I both found it amusing. We had made our peace, but it seemed Kyndra was unaware. We had cleared the air, and honesty was once again between us.


Date: 2006-06-21 20:08 EST
Kyndra looked at us both, ?It will be ring PEACE for you two!?

I groaned and Brig chuckled, ?what a benign ring!? He then gestured me to precede him into the ring.

Kyndra announced that she was in a meditative mood, and I chuckled, ?But Kyndra, I want to TAKE his tower, not negotiate it!? I have not given up my desire to obtain his tower, but now I would need to wait. And wait I shall, and learn.

Brig faced me in the ring with his most rakish smile. I winked at him, ?Your smile is very charming Brigath, but not THAT charming.? Our duel commenced, and the level of flirtation grew with each round. We were enjoying ourselves immensely, and the old camaraderie came easily.

The first time I had dazed Brig with a mind whip, he was ripe for taking advantage of, but I refrained. The second time I caught him, I couldn?t resist as Kyndra told me he was dazed again, and I swooped in and placed a quick kiss on his cheek before darting out. He raised his hand to his cheek, and looked about in a confused manner, but I do not believe he was truly dazed and confused as he then flashed me a bright smile.

The next round was painful as Brig went for the touchy-feely spell, and snuck in a tickle to boot. It brought back old memories, and in retaliation, I got him again with the slice of blades. I winced as he protested that it was just a little tickle. ?I know, but it brought back old memories.?

He pursed his lips, ?ouch.?

As Topaz noted that I was winning, he grinned at her, ?She always did like to come out on top.?

I flashed him a grin, ?always!? With that win over Brig, I had managed to gain a level and a new spell. It was a big finish for me, especially against Brig. I ran over and hugged him, thanking both he and Kyndra for the match. When I asked him what he would recommend as my next spell, the Archmage spoke up, ?Meteor Shower?. Brig seconded that, and so when Xerzes asks, I have my answer prepared.

It was time to call it a night, and we all bade Kyndra and Topaz a fair evening.


Date: 2006-07-27 19:50 EST
Klinton has been away for long weeks now, and I find the Palazzo is too quiet for my liking. And so I left quietly and headed for the Twilight Isle. However, it was not long before Lucien joined me, and my few moments of solitude were broken. I stepped through the portal and headed for my chaise in the sand, pausing to watch Brigath a moment in the ring before settling onto my island perch and sending a goblin off to return with a glass of scotch.

I greeted everyone, and was startled to see Topaz there as well, I had missed her location when I had arrived. She wondered if I would be able to come to the party she was having at the Citadel, and I paused. It was unknown if Klinton would be back, and I find myself growing reluctant to appear socially without him. Who would have thought? I must have hesitated in my response too long because she prodded me by advising that it would start at 8 PM. I took a quick sip of my scotch,
?excellent, may I bring anything??

Her attention was drawn away as Lucien faded into sight, and I had to smile as she said, ?your husband perhaps? There will be dancing.? But her focus was clearly on Lucien and no longer upon our conversation. I doubt very much that she even heard my reply, ?If Klinton is about in RhyDin, of course.?

She did surprise me though when she said as she rose to greet Lucien, ?Aye, if. I?m sure you won?t have much of a chance to warm a seat either way.?

It was then that I noticed Brig studiously ignoring Lucien, and Lucien giving him a glacial look that could have frozen hell over. I seriously doubt those two will ever be friendly towards one another.

About that point, Brigath unleashed one of his notorious stenches, and I coughed, ?Brig dear?? He glanced out of his ring at me, ?Keep that stink off my ship!? Trillian would kill him first, but there was no way I wanted one of those spells unleashed on the inside of my fastest ship!

He laughed merrily, ?No worries there, Azjah. Trillian would space me if I gave one hint of messing up her ship.?

Thank G~d the woman has Brig buffaloed. They have flown before, and apparently Trillian knows how to keep him toeing the line.

Harris arrived and was his usual heckling self. Tonight?s victims were Rena and Cory, and I chuckled listening to the banter between them, until Harris began his ?Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenaaaaaaaaaa.....? routine. Rena did her best to ignore him, but he continued, growing louder and less able to ignore. ?REEEEEEEEEEEEEEENAAAAA!!!! ? And hen that gained no attention from the woman, Harris changed his tactics yet again, ?RENA! RENA! RENA! RENA! RENA! RENA! RENA! RENA!?

I greeted Cory, trying not to gain Harris? attention tonight as he is obviously on a roll. Cory tipped his hat as he moved closer to the bar and set about trying to pick a fight with the crazy man with the blue hair.

As I relaxed in the sand, we were joined by Gavilean. The King of Westridge arrived with his usual jovial humor and infectious smile. I greeted him and inquired how he was faring, and I confess there are things about Court I miss, and Gavilean embodies those few things I do miss. He smiled, ?Doing better all the time,? and he followed that with a wink. Ah yes, the art of courtly teasing just this side of risqu?. It is a dying art.

He was in a very sunny disposition, and I observed that marriage seems to agree with him, and that he has apparently recovered from the demands of a Royal State wedding rather nicely. He flashed me a grin, ?...m'lady...I've had time to recover.?


Date: 2006-07-27 19:51 EST
The Isle was well attended when I arrived, but Klinton?s absence was wearing on me. I would have preferred to spend a quiet evening at home with him, but it was not to be and so I returned to Twilight Isle. Brig met me with a smile and a wave as I headed for my chaise, and Destre had a goblin wearing a cowgirl hat scrambling around to take care of the patrons.

As I settled into my chaise, I commented that she looked radiant. Her marriage to Gavilean was proving to be a fine influence on both of them. I took the scotch from the hat wearing goblin and chuckled. ?Des? You threatening these guys, or what??

Brig chuckled.

I kicked off the stilettos and curled up on the chaise, inquiring whether Brig was prepared to depart. He smiled, admitting that he was just about ready, but that Trillian was requisitioning some spare parts, and departure date looked like it would be Thursday.

Trillian is good, it?s the only reason she has the fastest ship in my fleet, and Brig chuckled, ?She?s the best, in her opinion. And not that I?ve spent a lot of time ship board, but she certainly seems more than competent.?

I had to laugh, ?and she knows how to handle you.? I quipped back. It takes a special person to deal with Brig and his antics.

He waggled his brows suggestively and grinned, ?that she does. So, should we give our lovely, if mis-guided called something to do??

I shook my head and laughed, ?You just want to give me a run for my money and check out my new spell.? I could never refuse Brigath a match, and he well knows it. I miss him sometimes, and these moments in the ring bring back old memories of the times we shared.

As Brigath and Des debated her mis-guided condition, Artemus arrived, and his daughter trailing the hems of his robes.

Brig finished his teasing of Des and winked, ?I?m always up for checking out your?.. spells.? The pause between words had a blush creeping up my throat and coloring my cheeks.

I chuckled, ?Think I can take you two matches in a row?? I didn?t believe that I could, but it was the best comeback I had to cover my own memories. But, he didn?t help matters when he chimed in, ?Darlin?, you can take me any time you like.? Where upon he stood up and offered me his arm.

I took a final sip of my scotch before rising and taking his arm, whispering, ?Be very careful old friend, I may take you up on that.?

We headed into the ring together and before releasing him, I gave him a light kiss on the cheek, ?Be nice to me.?

He bowed a courtly bow in return, ?I?ll be as nice to you as you are to me. Good luck.?

And so it began. I smiled, ?this should be most interesting,? as I planned my first spell. It had to be my newest spell, and I was surprised when my shower of hot meteors hit their mark. He was pummeled by the falling projectiles, and as he unburied himself with a sigh, announcing, ?SO, that?s how it?s gonna be, eh?? I grinned back, ?well, you DID suggest it.? But I worried that his superior experience and position was about to be unleashed on me for my impudence.

He attempted next to slice my fingers up, but the heat of the mage bolt melted his knives before they could do any damage, and he blinked, ?this isn?t going so well.?

I chuckled, ?It?s going just fine Brig, just fine.? I know he is more than capable of coming back from a deficit, and no advantage was enough to make me feel comfortably in the lead when dueling Brig.

Our next round was a stalemate, and I pouted, asking if he was rejecting me. He chuckled, ?nope, I?m juust not into S&M, so a round that ?doesn?t?? involve me getting hit is a good one in my book.?

Oh, he left himself SO wide open with that one, and I quirked a pale brow at him, ?welllllllllllll?. As I recall?..? letting the words go unsaid, but the insinuation was clear for everyone, especially when he blanched and quickly changed the subject.

I laughed merrily, ?You still want to claim no interesting past times?? But in that instant, he landed a psionic lash that elicited a yelp of pain from me. ?HEY! That is NOT what you are supposed to be doing here.?

Vincent had arrived and he paused to look at our ring, ?then what is he supposed to be doing??

Brig grinned unrepentantly, ?You started it!?

I nodded at him, ?yeah, and I was supposed to finish it!? My next spell gave him a return headache as I told him there was no looking into my memories.

He gave me his best puppy dog look, ?awww, in my last peek I could swear you were remembering stuff I KNOW we never did.? He tried to use his noxious fumes on me, but I was prepared for that assault. I peeked out from behind my armor, with a wink.

I laughed as the next spell was readies. ?I have a much better memory than you do.? And my trio of blades hit their mark, bringing out a quick ?OW!!!!? from him.

It was time to try out the meteor spell again, but this time he didn?t fall for it, and I locked gazes with him, ?awww, I?m trying to learn how to use that spell Brig.?

He muttered and chuckled simultaneously, ?You?ve learned it quite well enough, thank you very much. I have no desire to get hit with it again.?

I reached out and touched him, ?Just think of the fun things I could remind you of Brig.? His own spell fizzled at my touch and I took advantage of it to move closer, ?such memories Brig, tsk tsk.?

But I should know better than to taunt Brig, he nailed me with a shower of hot rocks, and smiled as he gave me a taste of my own medicine.

I climbed out from the pile of steaming rock and summoned the worst fumes I could, and was appropriately surprised when he was unprepared for it. He coughed, ?well?. Dueled,? I moved closer, ?I had such a grand teacher you know.? We thanked Destre, and I invited him to join me for a restorative scotch.

He chuckled, ?sure, you can buy me a free scotch.? And we walked back to my chaise arm in arm. I am thankful that our easy camaraderie is restored.


Date: 2006-07-27 19:52 EST
The night of Topaz?s party at the Citadel had arrived, and Ariel had graciously provided the gift on short notice, but it was something that seemed to fit the atmosphere of the Citadel to my view of things. She had wrapped it in bright paper and meters of frothy ribbons curled and decorated the package. All in all it was a festive looking package for a festive evening.

As I stepped through the portal, the change to the Isle was instantly evident. Topaz had brought the Citadel down to the ground level so that her guests could come and go freely. It was the first time I had seen it up close. She walked toward me with a warm smile, ?Good evening Azjah, I am so glad you could come.? I had hoped Klinton would be home for tonight, but apparently he was not going to be able to attend, and so I had come prepared to put in an appearance but, not to remain long. I was certain Brigath would not appreciate having to dance with me, and a wry smile curved my lips as I followed Topaz toward her new home.

Brig and Kyndra spotted me, and we exchanged greetings before I offered the package to Topaz. ?I brought you a little something as a Tower Warming.? A goblin dressed in blue and black livery approached, and I requested my usual scotch rather than trying one of the brightly colored drinks being carried around by the goblins.

Artemus raised his glass to me in greeting, and my attention was pulled back to Topaz as she sat down and prepared to unwrap the package. As she began undoing all of the ribbons, I hoped she would enjoy it. It is a unique thing designed to delight, but I have not known Topaz long enough to know her decorating tastes.

As the packaging was undone, her expression became one of delight as the sculpture of the solar system was freed from it?s wrappings. The planets hovered around the star that marked the RhyDin sun, in a scale model of the universe here. The planets were accurate in size and color, and the local stars began to glow in the sky. They would faithfully represent this universe and provide a soft lighting where ever she would see fit to place it.

Cory oohed and ahhed a moment before diving into the buffet, and I had to chuckle. The man was about the food tonight.

Topaz thanked me, and stated that she did enjoy it, and I was pleased. Ariel?s work is one of a kind, and this one was a shining example of her abilities as an artist.

Brigath joined us then, expressing his apologies, but that he had many things to do before departure in the morning. Loneliness hit me hard then, for neither Klinton nor Brigath would be here for me to sit and talk with while I remained. I glanced around and noted that Lucien had not yet arrived. No doubt he would be here, I could not imagine his absence in light of his claiming Topaz as his mate.

I sipped my scotch and studied the decorations. Artemus and Topaz had done remarkable things with them, and the whole scene was one of festivity and abundance. Cory was busy sampling the buffet, and several others were perusing as well. I took the opportunity to walk nearer to the fountain as Topaz and Brigath said their farewells, and noticed that Lord Momus and Kyndra seemed to be enjoying the opportunity to dance alone for the time being. The old dragon was a surprisingly good dancer.

I felt it the moment Lucien arrived, he appeared behind Topaz, dropping a kiss along the back of her neck. Tera seemed very surprised to see him abruptly there, and a small ?oh my? escaped her before she regained her composure and said hello.


Date: 2006-07-27 19:54 EST
I wandered slowly around the fountain and was nearly shocked out of my skin when Klinton?s arm snaked around me from behind. His voice was a warm whisper, ?Making a wish?? His warmth soaked into my body as we stood near the splashing fountain with its dancing spouts and colored lighting.

I smiled up at him, ?Do you think it was answered?? I knew my wish had been answered, but wanted to tease him. He?d made it home, and that had been my wish.

He tossed a coin into the fountain, ?it will be now.?

I stepped closer, nestling beneath his shoulder, ?I wasn?t certain you would make it back for this.? He smiled, informing me that he had hoped to surprise me, and he had indeed done just that. I gave him a bright smile, ?You did, and I would say the wish was fulfilled.?

He kissed my forehead before moving to greet Topaz and congratulate her. It was after all important to greet the hostess. I followed along behind him as he said good evening to her. He had nodded to Lucien as he told Topaz he supposed congratulations were in order. She thanked him and commented that she was happy he could make it, and his smile seemed to say that he would not have missed it for anything before leaning close to kiss her cheek.

A low snarl rippled across the room, and I glanced sharply at Lucien. I knew he would become very protective now of Topaz, but he was snarling at my husband. That would not do. But the moment passed as Topaz suggested Klinton congratulate Lucien on their mating, and I have not had a chance yet to tell Klinton of that development. Lucien took Klinton?s hand as he offered his felicitations, but I noticed that Lucien put himself between Klinton and Topaz.

Klinton handled both the news and Lucien?s new protectiveness with aplomb, and the moment passed without incident. Excusing himself as Lucien led Topaz onto the dance floor, he gave me a quirk of his brow, ?shall we dance?? At my acquiescence, he swept me onto the floor with a grace that might be incongruous for a fighter at first glance, but it was precisely that grace that made him such a fine swordsman.

I laughed merrily as the strains of the waltz carried across the dance floor, ?We haven?t done this in a while.?

?Very true,? his hand splayed at the small of my back was sure and elegant as he led me around the dance floor. He sent me out into an elegant twirl and brought me back to a warm kiss that sent shivers down my spine. I could grow to enjoy dancing more often and told him that with an impish smile.

He faltered a moment, ?that mean you don't enjoy it now? Cause...we can stop.?

He had taken my teasing incorrectly, and I invaded his dance space to brush against his chest, ?I am enjoying it immensely, but I may desire that we go dancing more often.?

He laughed then and moved effortlessly back into the dance, ? But then, we would grow accustom, and it wouldn't be as fun. We dance just often enough to make it interesting.? He was clearly enjoying himself as well, and I was breathless when the waltz ended. He then pulled me close, whispering as we left the dance floor, ?I missed you.?

He headed for the bar, and I headed for the buffet. There is something about dancing that makes me hungry, and I had seen my favorite summer meal on the buffet, Chiles en Nogada. I asked him if he had ever tried them, and he confessed he could not pronounce them let alone having tried them before. As he retrieved a glass of scotch and asked me to bring him a plate from the buffet. I placed one of the chiles onto a plate, and explained to him what was in it as we sat down in a pair of chairs.

Kinton began to sample the food, and smiled across the small table at me, ?tasty, almost as tasty as you are.?

I could feel the blush creep into my cheeks again. How could he do that with just a word or a glance? I took a small bite of the chile, ?I was thinking about trying out a few interesting ideas.?

He gave me an inquisitive look, ?a few ideas??

I nodded, and took another bite of the chile. ?Yes.?

Now I had his curiosity, ?What kind of ideas?? he wondered aloud.

I raised pale blue eyes to his, ?Well, I was thinking there was a certain allure to savoring scotch warmed to body temperature.?

He gave me a smile that melted my insides, ?, ideas that we shouldn't discuss in a crowd??

I tried to maintain a calm demeanor when what I truly wanted to do was leap onto his lap and kiss him senseless, ?precisely.?

He laughed as though reading my thoughts and suggested that perhaps we should depart and try them out. He rose then, offering his arm and we approached Topaz. ?I don't mean to be rude Topaz...but, it has been some time since I've seen my wife. Please allow us to excuse our selves a little early??

Topaz looked at us both with a knowing smile, ?yes, it has been,? and she bade us good night. I linked my arm with Klinton?s and wished her a long tenure in the Celestial tower.

Lucien remained with Topaz, but informed us Gabriel would be waiting on the other side of the portal, and we departed. Leaving Topaz and Lucien to enjoy their festivities and other guests.


Date: 2006-07-27 19:55 EST
With Klinton?s return home, it had been several days since I had found myself with time to return to the Arena. We had caught up with one another, and our evenings were filled with enjoyment of one another and without need to socialize beyond the walls of the Palazzo. That had left Lucien with more time to spend with Topaz, and I have to smile. The man is completely out of his element, and it is amusing to see him fret over every detail.

Tonight however, I found myself with time to head for the Arena, and Gabriel remained beyond the visible spectrum as I sat with a glass of scotch talking to Xenograg Bey. The General was wearing a new scabbard of a design I had not seen before. The device upon it was not of the design I usually associated with his family and titles.

As he sat down, Marcus brought him a cup of Eldarie tea and we exchanged the obligatory greetings before I nodded at the scabbard, ?That appears to be new.?

He unhooked it and laid it gently on the table after lifting the sheathed sword free, The scabbard was made of a light colored wood and rested lightly across his palms. It was beautifully wrought, and a grain I had not ever seen. ?Indeed, I put much thought into this.?

It was finely crafted, and the wood and grain were very unique. He told me it came from the Rouwan tree, which I cannot place as it is not a tree with which I am familiar. When I commented on the lovely grain, he raised his gaze, ?Yes, in more ways than one.? It was worked with carvings and runes and other symbols. There was something very special about that scabbard, but it was not something he seemed inclined to discuss.

I asked if he had crafted it, or was it something he had commissioned, and he told me that he had created it personally for ?purity?s sake.? He went on to explain that aural contaminants could inhibit the enchantment, and the three gems set into the scabbard must have special significance. But, he was not readily forthcoming with details, and I got the distinct impression this was not something he wanted to share with me.

At about that time, the djinn arrived, as did Topaz and Lucien, shortly followed by Anjolie. It had been a long time since I had seen Anjolie, and she was busy as ever flitting in and out quickly.

Lucien paused and bowed in his usual style of formality, using both my title as well as Xenograg?s. The twins are ever cognizant of protocol and do not usually address anyone by simply their given name. They grew up in a time when titles were important, in a land where misuse of them could wind you in a dungeon or worse. Old habits die slowly it would seem.

Xenograg took the opportunity to re-affix the scabbard to his belt, and I glanced at the lovely blade it sheathed. It was clearly elven work, not the work of a Steppe Lord, ?should I ask you about the magic in that blade? Or is it something you protect by your silence??

He gave me a level look, ?The sword is not mine and thus I will not speak of it. I made the scabbard partly as a fitting receptacle for the blade, but also as a replacement for my staff.?

He then changed the subject altogether and asked if I had been dueling since our last match. I had, but not regularly, and he gave me a grin, ?winning?? When I told him I was doing better on Twilight Isle despite not having a magical bone in my body, he chuckled. It sounded as though he desired another match, but when I inquired, he demurred, ?Perhaps. I went 2-0 last night, including a shut out.?

?Impressive,? I commented, and it is an impressive thing to succeed in a shut out.


Date: 2006-07-27 19:56 EST
We sat and continued to chat as Markus returned with his tea, and I settled more comfortably into my chair. I brought the conversation back to the elven sword sheathed in the new scabbard, ?You said the sword is not yours,?

He shrugged with a sip of his tea, ?Yes, it is on loan from Queen Teleperien.?

I nodded, savoring the smokey taste of the scotch, ?I take it there has been no headway in regaining yours??

He sighed, ?There is no diplomatic lines to use. My last interaction with the Temple was the argument here with Alia Anor.?

I had been here for that argument. The young woman is unfairly blaming him for what she saw as abandonment when in fact, he had been there to be one of the few stabilizing influences in her life. ?That is a shame Xenograg. Perhaps and arbitrator should be sought?? If he could not have discussions with the Temple?s leaders, it would never be resolved. In my experience, when such an impasse is reached, often times it is beneficial to bring in a neutral third party to get things moving again.

He sipped his tea, ?I would welcome any suggestions. Though they have made their position clear.?

I nodded, ?There is always room for negotiation. Everyone has give and take. You have not gone to meet their demands, and they have not released your sword. You are both at an impasse. Sooner or later, someone has to take an alternative approach.? Sometimes just the re-opening of discussions in front of a neutral arbiter can get one or both parties to move off of their previously immovable stance.

He gave me a dubious look, ?I am not dealing with a rational party, but with religious zealots.?

I smiled, ?Precisely why it might not be a bad idea to involve a third party as negotiator. Someone they would have no reason to mistrust.? His view was clear, and no doubt they did not take kindly to being considered zealots.

He was unconvinced, but without suggestions of his own as he asked me what he could offer in exchange for his Ostego sword, then he sighed, ?I am sorry, I am not being constructive.?

His frustration was evident, and I smiled, ?Only they can determine that. But if dialog is not opened, you will never know. Such impasses are frustrating, and they hold what is yours. I understand your frustration.?

?Can you recommend someone, or a firm?? At last, he was willing to look at arbitration as a possible next step in his efforts to retrieve his sword.

?There are several in RhyDin that might be willing to help.? But before I could produce names, he astutely observed that such a statement was not a recommendation.

I laughed lightly, he was not accepting platitudes, he wanted results. ?The former Overlade, Karen Wilder has a fine sense of Justice.? I was also thinking of Detective Maddux, but Xeno asked me if I knew her views of the Temple. ?I have not discussed it with her, but she has a reputation for upholding the laws.? He was clearly hoping for someone who viewed the Temple of Divine Light with suspicion, but if we were going to find him an arbiter, they simply could not have the bias he holds toward the organization. Then I asked him if he and the Commander were on friendly terms. He informed me that they got along just fine. Good, that was a start.

When I suggested that he and the Commander might have a talk, he nodded. At least there was potential on his side of the impasse.


Date: 2006-07-27 19:57 EST
I sipped the scotch and asked him if he had managed to rid his Dojo of the ghost that had been residing there. His smile vanished and he took a deep breath before answering in a soft whisper, ?Yes,? He seemed very unhappy about his success, and he gave me a troubled look, ?Legendazona used to be an ally. Our falling out and enmity was a tragedy. Yes, I have resolved our differences, permanently.? He then fairly yelled at Markus across the hal, ?Markus?! Brandy please.?

I knew enough of the Bey to know he did not regularly drink such spirits. I swirled the scotch a moment, ?A sad thing then to have such an ending.? While I do not know what he has done to banish the ghost, the fact that he had to do so was clearly causing him distress.

Markus rushed over with a snifter of brandy, ?Yes, very sad.? He took the snifter from Markus and held it under his nose for long moments. ?I told you I basically raised Alia Anor and her brother. If I was their father, Legendazona was their mother. We began to differ over politics and philosophy.?

This came as a surprise since the ghost had very definitely been seeking the young woman?s demise. When I mentioned that, Xenograg nodded, ?came to feel the children?s mixed bloodline a liability to the realm.?

I thought about that long moments, ?How did you remover her from the Dojo?? Perhaps it was indelicate of me to inquire, but sometimes the best catharsis is to talk about the source of the pain.

He got a far away look in his eyes, ?she,? and he took a sip of the brandy before continuing, ?She violated my sanctum, I could not allow that to stand.?

What ever he had done, he was terribly torn by his actions, but I certainly could see how he could not allow the ghost into his private places. Just at that moment however, Commander Wilder arrived. He set down the glass, staring into its depths, ?Legend was unaware that my people do have some magics that specifically affect the dead. White necromancy, if you believe there is a difference.?


Date: 2006-07-27 19:59 EST
Since I was no magic wielder, I could not tell him if I believed there was a difference, not that it would have mattered, done was done, but thankfully Karen had arrived, and we could address a different topic entirely.

?Commander Wilder? Do you have a moment?? I did not give the woman a chance to greet anyone else. If she was willing, Xenograg needed to enlist her assistance sooner rather than later.

She blinked as though I had broken some reverie of her own before making her way down the stairs, ?sure.?

We greeted her and I pulled another chair to our table. A few friendly barbs were shared between Xenograg and the Commander, and I smiled. This might just be the right person to take up the position of Arbiter. At length, Xenograg looked at me, ?This was your idea Azjah.?

Karen smiled, ?so, ye prolly din?t call me o?er for advice on duelin??

I nodded at her, ?Commander Wilder, there is a situation that is in need of an arbiter of impeccable reputation. Your name was used in vain so to speak, given your reputation, would you consider acting as a third party negotiator??

Xenograg sat quietly, sipping his brandy as I inquired of Karen how she felt about the Temple of Divine Light.

She forced her features into an expression of bland indifference, ?Th' Templars feel thet th' Temple o' Divine Light is providin' needed services fer th' City.?

It was a nicely neutral statement and I smiled inwardly. ?They do provide valuable services. Have you seen the shrine within to The Liberator??

She shook her head slightly, ?I 'ave personally nae been on th' Temple Grounds. Though some... people 'ave told me much about th' public areas.?

So, she was not a frequenter of the Temple, that too was beneficial. She had no overt allegiance to either party. I continued, ?The Temple holds the General's sword, the Ostego blade, and will not return it despite his requests that they do so. They are at an impasse, and perhaps a third party negotiator could re-open discussions between the Temple and the General. What do you think??

I could see that the Commander was doing her best to maintain a diplomatic exterior, but that she had not taken one side or the other. This was precisely what I had hoped for. I continued then, ?You have a well known reputation, and are not allied with the General to a point they would not trust you. That is, if you would be interested in such negotiations.?

She held a thoughtful countenance, ?.:: t'would nae be th' first time I'd worked tae get someone's sword back.?

I sipped the scotch and continued, ?There has been no exchange, and until that is restored, no hope of resolving the issue.? Until a dialog is re-established, there is simply no chance that this can be resolved for either party.

She looked me straight in the eyes then, ?An' th' Cardinal is eager tae open negotiations wit th' Temple's people, concerning their recent build-up o' troops.?

So, she could use this as an opening tool for her own needs, all the better. Begin a dialog on behalf of Xenograg, and in the process begin to form diplomatic relations for her own purposes. I like the way the Commander thinks.


Date: 2006-07-27 20:08 EST
She leaned back in her chair, and I believe she missed the raised brow from the Bey, ?Well... looks like I may get some benefit out o' denyin' yer petition o' Loyalty thet time, General.? She chuckled softly.

I relaxed slightly, ?The situation is unacceptable to the General, their demands are a problem, and their holding the sword is unacceptable.?

She seemed surprised by my choice of words, ?demands??

Xenograg then spoke up, ?Well, that is the problem? Karen leaned forward to listen. ?The Temple sees the Ostego Blade as an item of reverence -- an icon.? Xenograg explained. ?They will not "sell" it back to me.?

Karen nodded, ?Understandable... th' Church 'as many such items.?

Xenograg concurred and continued, ?Despite the fact that their revered personage is still alive and wishes to continue using the item in question.?

Karen spoke softly then,? So they've given nae conditions under which ye could regain yer blade??

Xenograg nodded, but their demands were not something he could accept, ?They wish me to come for it -- to accept their role.? He was poised as though considering just how much to say to Karen. ?I do not wish to join the Temple, merely recover my property.?

Karen was astute, ?An' e'en assumin' it's nae some sort o' trap, it goes against yer honor tae tell them ye will do it an' then jest walk out wit th' Blade.? But in that moment, she did give away a bit of her personal views of the Temple.

Xeno relaxed a bit, ?Yes, I do fear for my safety.? He was not going to contradict her observation when he clearly mistrusted the Temple as much as he does. ?I do not trust the Temple.? He was concise and to the point, leaving no doubt that at this time, he could no longer negotiate with the authorities at the Temple.

Karen pondered for a moment, ?An' goin' in wit a force at yer back could cause too much collateral damage.?

I glanced at her then, and Xenograg added, ?And make me the aggressor.?

Since they were getting along well, and Karen seemed amenable to becoming the arbitrator, I prepared to depart, ?As you can begin to see Commander, the impasse is a serious one.?

Karen leaned back into her chair, ?'istory is written by th' winners...?

Xeno nodded, ?I need to know what they want of me -- what they say they want, at least.? Not that he would give them what they wanted, but at least to gain an understanding of the demands, and to see if there was any room for negotiation at this point.

Karen frowned abruptly, ?but public sentiment is easily swayed... especially when money is spread 'round as much as they've done.?

I lifted a brow at her, ?Money can be countered,? I said. For every good the Temple has done, they cannot buy the entire populace of RhyDin. Especially with so many distrusting the ulterior motives. Xenograg is not the only person who does not trust at face value the works of the Temple.

Xeno shook his head, ?My reputation can survive a little sullying.?

I rose then, ?If you both will excuse me? I should not be privy to this discussion. Commander, it was good to see you.? I did not need to be part of the ongoing discussions. Those should be between the Commander and Bey without intrusion.

Xenograg rose as I did, ?You have been a great help this night, Marchioness. Thank you.?

And Karen bade G~d to be with me. I departed through the great doors of the Arena with Gabriel as my shadow. It was time to go home and talk this over with Klinton.


Date: 2006-07-27 20:09 EST
We walked through the portal together for the first time in many months. Klinton had been in very high spirits for the last week, and I blushed each time he raised the subject of our current endeavor. We were greeted by Jaleeisa, who was having a beach party, and she had thoughtfully provided a small table near my chaise rather than have me sit on the ground upon a blanket.

We greeted her, and the Arch Mage just as Cory announced that the buffet Jaleeisa had set up was off limits. He was claiming the entire spread of food for himself. Topaz gave him a look that should have melted his resolve and demanded, ?What do you mean its off limits? You mean I can?t have any of those pastries to go with my coffee??

I chuckled as Cory said, ?I go' 'ere firs' so I staked my claim on the food. Maybe iff'n ya ask nicely.?

As Klinton and I got settled, I called for one of the goblins, asking him for my scotch, and then seeing what Klinton had in mind to drink tonight. He smiled, ?something Amaretto.?

Cory and Topaz agreed to duel for the pastries, and I sat back with my glass of scotch to watch. The imp in me asked Klinton if we were cheering for Topaz, or were we going to heckle her tonight?

Klinton sighed softly, ?so?.? I was talking to Topaz as she fought Cory, and leaning comfortably against Klinton, and swirled the glass of scotch in preparation for taking a sip. Klinton glanced at my drink, and just as I lifted the glass to savor it, he reached out and took the glass from my hand, ?I don?t believe you?ll be drinking that.?

I gave him a puzzled look, ?I won?t??

He placed the glass upon the table, ?You are fully aware of our current adventure. Drinking anytime in the next 9-12 months could be terrible.?

I felt myself blush scarlet as Tass and Harris arrived. I gave the glass of scotch a longing look before answering Topaz?s question about who was coming. ?I believe the Dubrinsky?s are coming. Clearly Lucien hadn?t told her.

I sighed, Klinton was right, but I did have my tastes set for that scotch. I asked a goblin for a glass of sparkling water with lime, and found that several people had heard Klinton?s comments, and I flushed again. People would know what we were up to, and I was very uncomfortable with that prospect. It was a stark contrast to Klinton, who was overjoyed.

Klinton smiled, ?You are wonderful. You can keep the scotch and sniff it if you like.? He was trying to be accommodating, but the temptation to sip the scotch would be too great, and it was better to simply leave it alone for now.

Harris had grabbed a mouthful of food, then turned toward Klinton and I, ?Look, its Azjah!? and so I mirrored him, pointing back at him, ?Look, it?s Harris!?

Klinton smiled, ?would you rather that I forego with alcohol as well? We can share this journey together.?

I gazed into his eyes, he would do so if I asked, but I smiled, ?not at all.? However, he pushed the drink he had away and ordered a glass of water. I softly told him that he didn?t need to do that, but he took my hands in his, ?I want to. I love you, and I want to share as much of this as I can.?

I leaned over, whispering to him, ?does that mean you are going to share the morning sickness as well?? I flashed him a smile and took a long sip of the sparkling water.


Date: 2006-07-27 20:10 EST
He laughed merrily. Until Harris waddled our direction.

I quirked a brow seeing Harris, and his next words about had me laughing, ?GET in my belly!? He pointed between myself and his now rotund abdomen. And then he promptly hurled a tangerine at Klinton, who deftly speared it with the dagger I had given him and began to peel it. I gave Harris a good natured laugh, ?dream on Harris.?

Topaz joined us about then, my comment about group activities and introductions had piqued her curiosity. We congratulated her on her win, and she sat down with her coffee for a moment. But Harris had more to say, ?two can't *still* be together, can you? I need someone to fill my trophy mistress position.?

I smiled indulgently at Harris, clearly he had not heard Klinton earlier, ?There must be tons of women petitioning for that position Harris.? Harris was stuffing his face, and talking about how this mistress of his would have the best of worlds with him.

I turned and asked Klinton if he was going to be dueling tonight, and he lifted his hand, running his fingers through my hair, ?I'm not up for it tonight.?

That meant I could enjoy just sitting with him, and suggested that we tell Topaz about our impending visitors.

Harris was continuing to try to sell me on the benefits of his ?job?. When I told him he was full of it, Cory chimed in with, ?Azjah is expensive, Harris. Ya can't afford'er?. I laughed, no, there was no way Harris could afford me, and I was glad of that point.

Cory continued, ?I can't wait for Stick t'find out. I bought tickets t'that brawl.? With that, I nearly choked on my water. That would be an explosion to avoid if at all possible. Then the devil got a hold of me and I suggested to Cory that we tell Stick.

Harris snorted, ?Pfft. Like she doesn't already know. I explained it to her rationally. Hey, we were dating when I was in the half naked women calendar business and she was fine with that.?

I glanced at Klinton, ?Either Stick is going to kill him when the time is right, or she's going to intimidate the hell out of any woman silly enough to apply.? Then smiling at Harris, ?I am not on the market Harris. You may be a dear, but I have my hands full with this one.? My arm linked around Klinton?s waist.

Harris gave an exasperated sigh, ?Great. So now I have to brutally murder Klinton.?

Klinton gave me a smile and a wink. He?s so adorable when he?s being charming.


Date: 2006-07-27 20:11 EST
I sipped the water, and asked Klinton if Gabriel had said when Mikhail and Raven were coming, if there was a specified date yet. He shook his head, ?no, they did not give an exact time.? With that, Klinton needed to leave, and he rose, placing a kiss atop my head. Eoin was waiting on the other side of the portal, so I decided to remain. Clearly Topaz did not know about the Prince?s visit, and undoubtedly she would have questions.

After he left, I rose and walked toward Rena and Topaz, intending only to speak momentarily with Topaz before heading for home myself. The scent of fresh cinnamon rolls made me instantly hungry, and Topaz smiled as I approached. Rena glanced up, and waved to a seat.

I paused, ?those smell heavenly.?

Rena nodded, ?Have one. Or two, before Topaz gets a hold of them.?

Topaz was busy taking a bite out of hers, but swallowed quickly, ?too late. They are tasty too.?

I chuckled, I was not certain I wanted to fight the Arch Mage for a roll, but they did smell awfully good. Cory sniffed, and the scent of warm cinnamon rolls hit his nose, ?oooooh.?

I sampled one of the rolls, apologizing to Topaz for getting distracted by Harris, and proceeded to ask her to keep some time free in the next 2 weeks. During the course of our discussion, I realized Lucien had said absolutely nothing to her about the Prince?s impending visit.

She was not impressed, nor very happy about my announcement, but she began to ask questions, and I discovered she had wonderful experience at Court, so I know she will be fine. As I finished my roll, I wanted to leave her to continue her discussion with Rena.

Rena gave me a glance, ?stay, you have her lost now.? I felt badly. Rena and I were not precisely friends, and I had intruded. I stayed, hoping I could answer Topaz?s questions quickly and slip away. At her news regarding Le?s investigations, I did make my excuses and go. I needed to speak with Gabriel, and perhaps Gregori. Urgently.


Date: 2006-07-27 20:11 EST
I walked through the portal for an evening of Trivia and dueling, heading for my chaise just as Topaz floated down from the Citadel. The Isle was quiet for the moment, and I asked a goblin for my usual scotch just as Harris fell through the portal. Harris, Portal and grace are not words that belong in the same sentence. I smiled, ?Ah, Good evening Harris. Any luck filling that position yet??

He grinned, ?I?m still working on it. Working feverishly at that.?

He was not interested in competing for the trivia contest ostensibly because he had to solicit ?the hot magic chicks that come in here and see if they want a job,? as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

Just as I was about to take a sip of the scotch the goblin had brought to me, Topaz threw a mage bolt at the glass, shattering it and spilling the liquid into the sand. ?Drop that!?

I jumped, giving her a very startled look, ?HEY! What??

She proceeded to tell me that babies didn?t like scotch.

I blinked at her, ?Who said I was pregnant??

She sipped her coffee, ?No one, but Klinton said no scotch for the next year or so,?

I shook my head, ?He's worrying before we even know anything Topaz,? About that time, Harris was rather abruptly eaten by a sand monster and was gone. But, I know he?s right, and old habits die hard.

?Well, if you really want scotch.... I wont zap the next glass,? she grinned at me over the coffee she was drinking.

I laughed, ?No, I think I will have the sparkling water just to be safe now.? Dually safe, from mage bolts, and unwanted influences of the alcohol.

She gave me a conspiratorial wink, ?Good, then the next time Klinton and I play our game I can tell him how good you've been.?

I smiled back at her, but, if I?m not, I?m going to have that glass next month!

Topaz moved closer, ?so, since you?re stuck on this couch this evening, what?s that protocol??

I sipped my sparkling water, ?Well, mostly it is simply knowing how to treat royalty Topaz. You can't touch them, no hand shakes. Respect for the position. Those kinds of things. Very old world formality.?

She nodded, ?Aye, nothing new there... royal we and the like, courtesies, only speak to the higher ranks after having been addressed. It being an evening affair it requires formal evening wear, doesn't it?? She thought a moment, ?I presume royal prince and consort ranks higher than High Commander of a small, insignificant Principality like Atrebla.?

?Formal enough, yes. More it is about making a good impression on Mikhail. You are special, and there is so much they will want to know about you.? I could tell she was nervous, but nothing I would say would allay that until she actually met the Prince. ?Well, since we are not meeting him in your principality, I rather think it's appropriate to greet him as you would a Prince of a neighboring principality to Atrebla.? She was worried about status and precedence.

She frowned, ?Most of them have been incorporated to the Empire.? Then she asked if she needed to have anyone come along from Atrebla.

I thought about that, ?Since you will become a subject in his world, it really is not different than King Henry and King Louis. Each a vassal of the other, it depended on which country they were in who was Liege Lord and who was vassal.? In this case the Palazzo would be representing the Carpathian territories.

She smiled, ?At least Daniel took over Krollon's world and I don't have to decide if I'm one or the other. I guess I oughta be thankful for small blessings.? She seemed pleased to no longer have to be in that role, and I asked her if she missed it, which she assured me she did not miss it at all, and I can empathize.

Then she added, ?Red's not my color either. And most royal outfits were red and black. Jade and black work better. Especially if there's little of the black.? Then she chuckled, ?

I chuckled softly, ?No, your hair and skin coloring would not support such a color Topaz.? Or I could shock everyone, behave very badly and come dressed in my old goth fairy helloween outfit.?


Date: 2006-07-27 20:12 EST
I walked through the portal for an evening of Trivia and dueling, heading for my chaise just as Topaz floated down from the Citadel. The Isle was quiet for the moment, and I asked a goblin for my usual scotch just as Harris fell through the portal. Harris, Portal and grace are not words that belong in the same sentence. I smiled, ?Ah, Good evening Harris. Any luck filling that position yet??

He grinned, ?I?m still working on it. Working feverishly at that.?

He was not interested in competing for the trivia contest ostensibly because he had to solicit ?the hot magic chicks that come in here and see if they want a job,? as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

Just as I was about to take a sip of the scotch the goblin had brought to me, Topaz threw a mage bolt at the glass, shattering it and spilling the liquid into the sand. ?Drop that!?

I jumped, giving her a very startled look, ?HEY! What??

She proceeded to tell me that babies didn?t like scotch.

I blinked at her, ?Who said I was pregnant??

She sipped her coffee, ?No one, but Klinton said no scotch for the next year or so,?

I shook my head, ?He's worrying before we even know anything Topaz,? About that time, Harris was rather abruptly eaten by a sand monster and was gone. But, I know he?s right, and old habits die hard.

?Well, if you really want scotch.... I wont zap the next glass,? she grinned at me over the coffee she was drinking.

I laughed, ?No, I think I will have the sparkling water just to be safe now.? Dually safe, from mage bolts, and unwanted influences of the alcohol.

She gave me a conspiratorial wink, ?Good, then the next time Klinton and I play our game I can tell him how good you've been.?

I smiled back at her, but, if I?m not, I?m going to have that glass next month!

Topaz moved closer, ?so, since you?re stuck on this couch this evening, what?s that protocol??

I sipped my sparkling water, ?Well, mostly it is simply knowing how to treat royalty Topaz. You can't touch them, no hand shakes. Respect for the position. Those kinds of things. Very old world formality.?

She nodded, ?Aye, nothing new there... royal we and the like, courtesies, only speak to the higher ranks after having been addressed. It being an evening affair it requires formal evening wear, doesn't it?? She thought a moment, ?I presume royal prince and consort ranks higher than High Commander of a small, insignificant Principality like Atrebla.?

?Formal enough, yes. More it is about making a good impression on Mikhail. You are special, and there is so much they will want to know about you.? I could tell she was nervous, but nothing I would say would allay that until she actually met the Prince. ?Well, since we are not meeting him in your principality, I rather think it's appropriate to greet him as you would a Prince of a neighboring principality to Atrebla.? She was worried about status and precedence.

She frowned, ?Most of them have been incorporated to the Empire.? Then she asked if she needed to have anyone come along from Atrebla.

I thought about that, ?Since you will become a subject in his world, it really is not different than King Henry and King Louis. Each a vassal of the other, it depended on which country they were in who was Liege Lord and who was vassal.? In this case the Palazzo would be representing the Carpathian territories.

She smiled, ?:: At least Daniel took over Krollon's world and I don't have to decide if I'm one or the other. I guess I oughta be thankful for small blessings.? She seemed pleased to no longer have to be in that role, and I asked her if she missed it, which she assured me she did not miss it at all, and I can empathize.

Then she added, ?Red's not my color either. And most royal outfits were red and black. Jade and black work better. Especially if there's little of the black.? Then she chuckled, ?

I chuckled softly, ?No, your hair and skin coloring would not support such a color Topaz.? Or I could shock everyone, behave very badly and come dressed in my old goth fairy helloween outfit.?


Date: 2006-07-27 20:13 EST
I took a sip of the water, ?Probably not a good plan. But, there is a beautiful dress of sapphire blue for formal affairs in that closet that would compliment your coloring wonderfully. Or, the jade green one.... but of course, it is up to you.? I was trying to remind her of the clothing in the closet of beautiful things Lucien had obtained for her.

Topaz grinned, ?I do believe they are more suitable for a ball. Clothes do tend to be important at such affairs. I believe the dress uniform will do nicely.?

I cringed inwardly, Lucien would be scandalized, ?Uniform? But Topaz You know it is not expected that women have such roles.?

She continued as though she hadn?t heard me, ?Aye. Jade green full length skirt, befitting a court ball, with a black stripe down each side, like the officer's pants. And a dress Jacket, also jade, with black frogs, gold cord, the medals I earned, and the dress hat. Very pretty, really.?

I commented that it sounded very military too, and such a thing would not be well received by the Carpathian Prince.

She gave me a smile that said she was not in the least contrite about her defiant stand, ?then it?ll answer a question they won?t have to be rude enough to ask.?

?I have never known Mikhail or Raven to be rude. They will be direct, but I very much doubt they would be rude ? I took a sip from the water to keep from saying that perhaps it was rude to flaunt her military status to a Prince who would not understand it.

She continued on, ?It will also make very clear without them having to ask if congratulations are really in order or not.?

That surprised me, ?Topaz, do you really doubt this will come to pass??

She smiled, ?These little things however do go with court protocol and niceties. Yes.?

I was clearly shocked, and asked her why she felt there was any question at all. Lucien would ultimately claim her as his mate in all ways. That he had not yet done so was mildly surprising, but he was agonizing over her nature and her being the first magical creature to try this process on. ?You worry that Le's experiments bode a similar fate for you.? It was a statement and not a question as realization struck.

?Yes. That is one possible outcome, but not the worst.? She told me then. ?I do not want to become one of the things they hunt.?

Our discussion was interrupted by the arrival of a new face on the Isle, but Aeron informed me that he was not truly new, simply returning after a long hiatus from RhyDin. My discussion was cut short as Aeron engaged Topaz in a match, and I had time to consider her views toward this impending visit. Something was truly amiss for her to feel the way she was feeling.

Klinton stepped through the portal with a whistle, ?Where?s my bride??

I flashed him a smile, ?I am right here on my chaise my dear.? I was thrilled to see him. Since his absence weeks earlier, it was very nice to have his visage popping in to surprise me.

He smiled brightly, ?And how are you feeling this morning?? His look was one of concern, and hope in equal mixtures, but he does know it is too early for such symptoms.

I laughed, ?Just fine my dear, will you come join me here?? I wanted to snuggle beside him to the finish of my shift. I reached up one hand to him.

?Of course!? He stepped toward my chaise, sitting down next to me. Then taking my hand he inquired of me, ?What?s up babe??

As I snuggled beside him, I told him I was lonely tonight, and very glad to see him, and in that moment Vanion chose to appear. He walked along the water?s edge, and I gave Klinton a smile, ?it?s too soon for any sensations such as you were inquiring about.?

He nodded, ?I know, I know.? And then he smiled back, ?I?m glad to see you too.? He hugged me close a moment, ?I am excited and I really hope things went well.?

I gave him a soft chuckle, telling him that I knew he was, and that when the time was right, everything would go well. Then turning my attention to Vanion, ?Good evening Vanion, it has been a long time.?


Date: 2006-07-27 20:14 EST
He dipped down, his fingers grazing the water gently, then turned his head to look at me, ?Good evening.? Then Vanion stood up, the skin on his hands healing from damage it had sustained when he touched the water, his mouth curled downward into a frown as he realized someone was attempting to enchant the Isle against him.

Klinton snaked an arm around me, asking how long my shift was, and I told him. His smile preceded a loaded question, ?And what events are going on after that??

I turns a radiant smile to him, ?What did you have in mind?? He shrugged, ?I have no clue,? but he did, and his impish nature was fairly screaming what he had in mind. But then he was distracted by Topaz?s greeting, and my explanation to Aeron about the Trivia Contest, and winning the booby prize for incorrect answers. He gave me a light elbow and a snicker, ?You said booby.?

I glanced from Aeron to Klinton, ?yes.? And then elbowed him back, ?different kinds of boobies.?

Topaz giggled and took a sip of coffee.

Klinton gave me that grin that spells trouble, ?I know that, but ya still said Booby.?

I laid my head back against his shoulder, looking up into his face, ?As in the prize for not winning. Brat.?

He then looked at Topaz, ?I hope I?m gonna be a daddy.?

Topaz smiled, ?I heard. It seems everyone?s gonna have babies.?

I blushed as Klinton had said that, and when he asked her, ?Oh really??

Topaz nodded, ?Des and Gav, you and Azjah.?

Klinton smiled, missing my blush completely, ?Well, she may not be pregnant yet.?

I was jolted into asking Topaz, ?Des is pregnant?? She shook her head, saying she did not know, but that Des had said she was going to try to get that way.

I picked up my glass of water, shoving at Klinton?s shoulder, ?Drink, don?t talk,? and gave a soft laugh.

He glanced at me, ?What?d I say????

By that time I was stammering, ?Well, I mean, we don?t even know yet.?

He nodded, ?I know that! I just told her that!?

I curled my fingers around the glass, ?But Klinton....everyone will know what we are doing!? I could hear Topaz?s giggle and blushed even further. I was mortified. It was one thing to have people surmise, but pregnancy eliminated all guess work irrevocably.

Topaz laughed, ?What was that you mentioned about heckling yesterday? Should I prepare to be peppered by questions or just ribbing??

Klinton laughed and I dropped my head to his shoulder as he said, ?Azjah...everyone knows what we're doing anyway.? He reached up to lightly stroke my hair in a soothing gesture, but I was going quite scarlet, and Topaz?s giggle was not helping me.

I whispered to him, ?they ?suspect?, but don?t ?know??

He laughed merrily, ?Perhaps I will confirm their suspicions.? Then he proceeded to announce, ?Ladies and Gentlemen, just in case you didn't know...Azjah and I, as husband and wife, do have sex from time to time!?

Simultaneously, Topaz and I both said his name, ?Klinton!? He looked between us both, ?what?d I say??


Date: 2006-07-27 20:15 EST
I reached up and lightly placed my hand over his mouth, ?Can I have that stricken from the record Topaz??

She laughed merrily, ?of course. So, what was this heckling about? But, there?s still that bit about honey that Harris was telling everyone about,? she grinned.

I was now confused, ?honey?? and glanced between Topaz and Klinton as though they were keeping a secret that I should know about.

Topaz shrugged, ?I guess the subjects of babies and honey are not to be mentioned at the formal affair?? Her look said total innocence, but her laugh said something completely different.

I blinked, ?We are NOT telling Mikhail that just yet! We are not even HINTING at it!? I gave Klinton a meaningful look.

Topaz snickered, ?Yup, he?d lock you in a tower and throw away the key.?

Klinton looked at me scandalized, and then scooted away slightly, ?geez?

I laughed softly, ?come back here.?

He shook his head, ?not a chance? as I scooted after him. He scooted away again, ?I?m sorry I?m excited about this, but I am.?

I moved again, ?I know you are, but can?t we keep it to ourselves until we know? I mean, everyone will know what we are doing.? I never minded letting people ?think? they knew, but confirming it was something else again. Klinton nodded, ?fine.? He was not happy with me at the moment and I reached for his hand, ?You?re unhappy with me.?

He shook his head, ?never?, but he was despite his words.

Topaz was changing the subject for me, ?Will Prince Mike just ask tons of questions, or will he tease me mercilessly??

I choked, ?Prince Mike??????

Topaz shrugged, ?Mikael? Michael? Micky??

I was appalled, ?Mik ? HAI ? ale, Mikahail?

?Mikhail, got it,? she said with a laugh.

As Kyndra arrived, I rose to change, planning on returning to Klinton?s arms, if he would allow me to do so. As I exited the Tower of Air, where Brig had told me I could go to change, Dimitri appeared at the forest edge. I waved a greeting to him and headed back to Klinton.

As I settled onto the chaise, Topaz wanted to know precisely how the Prince was family. Here was quicksand if every I saw it. ?There are so few Carpathians anymore, they are all related in one manner or another.? It seemed the concept of family was new to the faerie, but she had a son, and I wondered what she was seeking.

Klinton suddenly shifted, ?I need to go.?

And I rose, asking if he minded if I came along with him just as he was asking if I would be late. I smiled when he told me he?d love to have me depart with him. We bade everyone a good evening and disappeared through the portal.


Date: 2006-08-25 20:18 EST
Trilian's communiqu? had arrived the day before, and I had spent the day considering what last minute details needed to be taken care of before we could leave, and the arrival of Prince Mikhail and his wife Raven entailed a whole new set of details that needed to be addressed. There was little time to worry for Brig, but I did. Vanion was after his tower repeatedly, and Brig would be jet lagged tonight when Trilian landed. They had turned around from Brig's vacation just to answer this challenge, but Brig would not be rested when he faced the Vampiric Elf tonight. I worried for him.

Preparations had been ongoing for the arrival of the Dubrinski's and Gregori. The Palazzo had become the gathering point for the Carpathian contingent. Tonight would see Brig face Vanion, tomorrow would see Lucien introducing his lifemate to the Prince, and the following night Klinton and I would depart to Rigel to announce the impending birth of my heir to the Kaiser. The list of things to do was overwhelming, and Dyson was showing the stress as well as I.

I left for Twilight Isle without Klinton as he was occupied with plans for our departure as well. As I curled up on my chaise, Topaz walked across the beach. We spoke for a few minutes as she headed for a shadowed table that Lucien seemed to prefer. He charmed a goblin into retrieving her a cup of coffee and I asked one for a glass of sparkling water. She inquired how I was feeling, and she wondered if she had heard correctly that Klinton and I were departing for a longer trip immediately after tomorrow's affaire. She grinned a bit nervously, "It probably can't be called a party."

I gave her a wry smile, "days and evenings are alright, but it's those mornings. Yes, we are going to Rigel to make the announcement to the Kaiser." We would make a quick trip to my homeworld and make the obligatory announcement to the new Kaiser, but I did not expect to remain on Rigel long. Well, not any longer than was required.

She nodded, "I'm sorry you're having those problems. I wasn't having any problems with mornings. Will such an announcement be required too should such a thing ever happen to Lucien?"

I smiled at her question, "everyone will know when you are. It's a bit of a family affair." Lucien was not doing much to ease Topaz into his world it seemed. The joy associated with such an event would travel quickly through the common communications between Carpathians. The only way it would not is if both Topaz and Lucien blocked off that information and that was not likely given how so much hope was placed on those lifemates who had been converted successfully carrying a child. Right now, it seemed only the converted women seemed capable of conception. But that also seemed to dwindle the longer they had been in the Carpathian world.

Topaz's expression suggested that she needed one more thing to worry about, and her tone confirmed the expression on her face, "A family affair? Did they ever hear of the word privacy? How much of a very important person is Lucien really? Chereylen got all gushy when he heard the name, and that's saying a lot for any of the cave men."

I laughed at that, she still considered the males cave men for their need to protect what they deem their own. "Lucien and Gabriel are nearly legends in their world."

She nearly groaned out lout, "Legends, like Gondar and Monk?"

I thought about those two and the histories they left behind in RhyDin, "that would be close I suppose," it was not really similar, but perhaps it would convey the status Lucien and Gabriel had attained in the Carpathian world.

Topaz muttered at that, "that would explain the visitors. Now I'll actually have to behave."

I wondered what mischief she had planned, but kept my counsel to myself, "he is rather important."

"I gathered that. Now, do you think they'll be terribly that I'm so not a Carpathian? Maybe Lucien can show me right quick how to shape shift into one." She queried of me, but she seemed doubtful.

I could empathize with her, "very hard to say, but I suspect they will be pleased for him." Any time a male found his lifemate was a reason for celebration. It was one less Carpathian who could turn vampyre.

She gave me a skeptical look, "why would they be?"

"It means he cannot become vampyre Topaz." That seemed enough of a reason for celebration to me.


Date: 2006-08-25 20:21 EST
She gave me a sad look, ?they mean for him to continue hunting, don?t they??

I nodded, ?Yes, I would suppose so.? He was one of the best, legendary in fact, and they could not afford to loose either Lucien or Gabriel.

She looked into her coffee cup, ?I guess it beats being sent away from RhyDin.?

I gave her a smile, ?I am actually surprised he hasn?t toted you off to Auriga.? The cave man mentality was prone to wanting their life mates all to themselves, and there is no place in the galaxy they prefer than the wilds of Auriga.

?Why would he do such a thing?? She sipped from her cup.

I chuckled softly, ?help you learn their ways.? Lucien may want to, and Gabriel may be encouraging it, but somehow I could not see Topaz allowing such to happen to her.

She smiled, catching my teasing tone, ?someone could just give me a book or tell stories.?

I shook my head, ?Not really the same you know, besides, such books would be dangerous.?

?No, but I seriously doubt they have a Darkwood forest there that?s quite like the one here.? She seemed to be looking for Lucien, who had not yet arrived, but I knew as soon as he had risen and fed, he would join her. Jacques was watching over Gabriel, and Eoin waited just beyond the portal for me. I took a sip of my water, and about then, Brigath arrived, nearly tripping through the portal from exhaustion, and he appeared to have virtually run from the docking bay to the Isle.

Topaz sighed deeply and finished her coffee, then handed the cup off to a goblin and waved to Brigath.

I glanced at Brig as he arrived, looking rather bedraggled and sleepless, ?looks like our traveler is back early.?

He waved at Topaz and I, and I chuckled, ?You look terrible.? Topaz agreed, and asked him if he was planning on playing to Vanion?s sense of compassion.

He grinned at us with his endearing grin, ?thanks for your brutal honesty,? and then he winked.

I chuckled, ?its just because I love you Brig.?

He gave me one of his best smiles, and told Topaz that Vanion has no compassion, so it would be a waste of time, to which I agreed whole heartedly.

Lucien had at last arrived, and faded into the visible spectrum, and was leaning against a tree a goodly distance from the rings, and Topaz?s chosen table. She smiled instantly at his arrival. She was actually staring at him, and Brigath followed her gaze, then sighed, ?Yah, what a great night. Lucien and Vanion, just the welcoming committee I was looking forward to.?

Lucien?s black eyes locked onto Topaz, and he gave her a slow smile. <<staring is impolite you know>> But then his gaze shifted to Brigath who?s lament had been heard clearly, and informed him that the feeling was mutual. Lucien did not have much regard for Brig, and probably never would, and Brig shared that mutual dislike.

Topaz?s grin was unrepentant when she said she could do without Vanion, but definitely not without Lucien, and she probably wouldn?t have been staring if he were closer to her. But, for some reason known only to Lucien, he remained aloof and well away from the rings.

Brig wasn?t going to let it go however, he shrugged, ?I *have* to be here, you at least have the option to leave.?

Topaz spoke up quickly, ?No, he does not.?


Date: 2006-08-25 20:23 EST
Lucien sneered at Brigath, ?Not with you around, and my lifemate here.? I received a quick comment from Lucien that was quickly stifled as he said something about mongrels around his mate. I had to bury the smile that threatened to escape. It seemed Lucien and Brigath were destined for mutual animosity.

Vanion arrived at length, and smoothly made his way toward Brigath, stopping his approach several feet from him. He gave Brig a slow nod, and indicated he was ready to begin.

Brig handed me his untouched glass of scotch as I headed for my chaise, ?want this? I?ve lost my appetite.?

I settled in for the match and kicked off the stilettos as I set the glass on the table beside the chaise, I gave the glass a longing smile, ?I would love it, but I cannot have it Brig, but, I will watch it for you during the duel.?

He chuckled as he moved toward the ring, ?No one is going to get on your case for a little drink while you call. I believe my opponent is ready, so whenever you wish, we can begin.?

I gave Brig a radiant smile, he had not heard the news, ?Well, no, I doubt anyone would begrudge me, except the baby and probably Klinotn.?

He stumbled in midstride, ?Wha???????

I chuckled and gave him a smile, ?I?m pregnant Brig.?

He stood there a moment unmoving other than blinking as realization set in. Topaz giggled at his reaction, which seemed to snap Brig into the present, ?Oh, uh, congratulations!?

I blushed, ?thank you Brig, shall we name it after you?? I gave him a teasing grin.

He then turned back to the ring, a rigid smile plastered onto his features as he looked at Vanion.

Vanion gave Brig a skeptical look, ?what merits the ever-sustained radiant happiness of you who attach so much of your lives to fighting??

Topaz picked up her cup and stood, and I queried Vanion whether he was still pressing his challenge, which he was, and Brigath whether he was still defending, which, he was.

Brigath faced Vanion in the ring, and muttered something low, ?could this evening get any more f-ing bizarre??

I frowned slightly at the expression on Brig?s features. Especially as Vanion grinned at him; something in Brig?s comment had triggered a more sympathetic part of the dark elf?s sense of humor.

?Then gentlemen, let this challenge begin, and may the best man win.?

Kyndra arrived, and looked quickly about the beach to see who was present, and smiled when she saw Brig entering the ring. Soon after, I heard Topaz greet Artemus who had also come for the match.

Brigath smiled seeing Kyndra and she wished him good luck, then walked toward a table to cheer for him.

Rab trudged through the portal, he was dripping wet, with mud splotched on his shirt, and there was a distinct squishing sound coming from his boots. Where ever Rab had been, it had been wet and very muddy. He saw Brig in the ring without his trusty mop, ?egad Brig! Use the mop!? Brig blinked, and then laughed as he realized it was Rab speaking to him.

Brig was focusing on Vanion, and appeared to be tuning everything else out, including the people here who wished him well. I gave Rab a smile, ?good evening Rab.?

Rab grinned at Topaz and I, trying in vain to swipe the debris from his hopelessly splattered shirt, ?loverly to see yeh all.? He then caught sight of Vanion, ?Oh good heavens, it?s Vanion, eww.? He then promptly plopped himself down on the sand beside Topaz?s chair.

Vanion summoned his staff of Necromancy, and both men opened the match by summoning noxious fumes to pollute the beach. Several of the onlookers began to choke and cough, and I could not help but chuckle inside that Brig would open with his trademark spell.

Topaz looked at Rab, ?would you not rather sit on a chair Rab??

He blinked and glanced at the sand around him, ?well, no, me bums jest fine down here.?


Date: 2006-08-25 20:26 EST
There was something very wrong as Lucien had remained near the tree line and Topaz had remained in her chair. I glanced at Lucien and queried him, but he was not inclined to tell me what was amiss at the moment. His attention was focused completely on Topaz.

Chereylen and Jaleeisa stepped through the portal as the noxious fumes began to abate, and I could feel his search of the island as he scanned for threats to his mate, and when he put up a shield around her. He was being the overly protective cave man that Topaz had thought Lucien to be. It was amusing to see the differences between Chereylen and Lucien or Gabriel, who had been well traveled and seen so much more than most of their kind.

Topaz waved to Chereylen and Jaleeisa from her table, and I glanced at Lucien, whose black gaze slid over the couple. Jaleeisa was snuggled in against Che?s arm, and it appeared they had concluded the ritual binding at last.

Etherean sauntered through the portal, avoiding Che and Jaleeisa, he gave a cold smile to Che as he moved toward an empty table, ?good evening Etherean,? I greeted him. I had not seen him upon the isle since he had mysteriously retired from calling, and I missed the termagant. And for once, he smiled at the greeting and then found a seat near the rings.

Jaleeisa and Topaz exchanged greetings and she began to move toward where Topaz sat when Brigath paused from his match to turn and send one of his wonderfully flirty greetings at her, but it died on his lips as he saw her snuggled in against Che?s arm. Another surprise for him on his first night back after an aborted vacation; I had to feel for him and the surprises he was receiving tonight. He looked then at Vanion, ?Yes, yes it could.? I can only surmise that the dark elf had told him things could not get much worse since at that moment, Brig was also losing the match. He took a deep breath and focused again only on Vanion, tuning everything else out.

Jaleeisa looked up at Che as Topaz invited them to join her, ?shall we?? It was in that moment that Lucien moved away from the tree line and stood behind the chair Topaz was seated in, it was a clearly possessive move as Che and Jal moved closer. Che nodded to Lucien as he told Jaleeisa it should be as she wished. Then he guided her toward Topaz?s table.

Lucien gave Che a nod of greeting, and glanced at Jaleeisa, ?good evening.? She offered him a smile and a greeting as they sat down, but Lucien remained standing behind Topaz. His hands were resting lightly upon her shoulders when he told Che it was pleasing to see him again.

Che bowed to Lucien and Topaz as they reached the table, and then pulled out a chair for his mate, which earned him a faintly surprised look from Jaleeisa, ?careful, that?s twice now. I might start getting used to sitting in my own chair again.?

Kyndra smiled and greeted everyone, but she was clearly curious about the man with Jaleeisa. ?soooo, how are you doing??

Topaz chuckled, ?how do did you do that?? she nodded at Che.

Jaleeisa glanced at Topaz, ?do what?? and then she chuckled at Kyndra and invited her to come and meet her lifemate.

Topaz smiled, ?Che, I?m very pleased to see he fulfills your wishes, and he has such fine manners.?

She shook her head at Topaz, ?Not all, but we work together on it. And he does have lovely manners, when he's not scooping me up and running me away from danger!?

Topaz giggled, she seemed to be relaxing under the gentle touch of Lucien as he stood behind her, ?there is that? she then conceded to Jaleeisa. And indeed, the cave men had ruffled feathers and wings with some of their actions.

Lucien gave her an indignant look, ?I have never done such to you.? He had never carried her off over his shoulder, but I suspect he?s done some things the fairy was not overly thrilled about. And she confirmed my suspicion then by telling him, ?No, Lucien, you have chosen a bubble and a wall instead.? But there was an edge to her voice that said not all was smoothed out between them, and it felt as though it had something to do with Lucien?s distance earlier in the evening.

Rab had grown quiet, watching the duel in the ring, and he sat in the sand, pushing it around with his mallet, making a pile of the fine grains.

Che moved to stand protectively beside Jaleeisa, and laid a hand lightly upon the back of her chair in a possessive stance that left little room for misunderstanding. His gaze shifted to meet Kyndra?s as she joined them, and he bowed regally to her in the Carpathian way, ?I am honored to meet ye M?Lady Kyndra.?


Date: 2006-08-25 20:29 EST
Esperwind and Artemus were engaged in a debate about the efficacy of distractions, and whether or not it was better to cheer Brigath on, or seek to distract Vanion, and I heard Etherean say, ?If he should block out distractions, you would be better off not talking to him and trying to distract his opponent instead.?

That exchange prompted Artemus to shift focus from Brigath to Vanion, ?Hey Vanion? If you get the key, the first thing I'm going to do is launch a giant mudball at the tower and make it look like an upright turd.?

Brigath appeared to have regained his composure and was successfully blocking out the distractions of the night as he lashed out at Vanion with a mind whip that hit the dark elf hard and took the lead.

Esper gave Art a look, ?If he gets the key? Acknowledging that he had ANY chance at all might actually inspire him.? And with that I did have to chuckle softly. Vanion always gives Brigath a solid fight, and tonight was no exception. It was not beyond the realm of feasibility.

Lord Momus arrived then, and as I greeted him, he winked, ?evenin? sexy.? He was ever the flirt, and the ladies adored him. But I chuckled, ?Not for much longer Lord Momus.?

He gave me a surprised look, ?What? It being evening, cause you?ll always be sexy.?

I laughed and took a sip of the sparkling water, ?Ah, Lord Momus, tell me that in 6 months.? I cannot for the life of me imagine feeling or looking ?sexy? when pregnant. He winked, and told me he would indeed do so. I smiled at him. Even if it would be a lie, it would be welcome about then, I had little doubt. And further more, I doubted Brig would see me as sexy, and that brought a bit of a frown to my features. I took a deep breath as Brig produced a handful of small shards from his robes and threw them at Vanion.

Tass looked at me then, ?Brig?s a pompous ego?? then he saw Brig, ?oh, hi Brig.? He gave Brigath an unrepentant smile before heading off to wrap his arms around Kyndra, leaning her backwards to steal a kiss from her.

Lucien watched Che a moment and then looked at Topaz, ?would you prefer cave man?? He raised a brow at her in challenge.

Jaleeisa tilted her head at Tapaz, studying her a moment, ?Che puts a shield about me as well.. can you not see it?? It was a faint shimmer, not enough to impede sight, but it was there if one looked closely.

Topaz shook her head, ?No, but it would be nice to be preferred to a tree.? And she shot a look up at Lucien.

?You are always my first love, the tree was to keep me away from your second.? He leaned closer to her and whispered something I could not hear, but clearly Lucien had remained near the tree to keep clear of Brigath and the temptation to fry him upon his arrival, but as Topaz?s second on the Island, Lucien was going to have to accept Brigath being around his mate. A difficult situation to be sure.

?It is so nice to know a tree is more capable of doing that than me,? she whispered up to Lucien, and the sarcasm was palpable.

Topaz then ignored him for the moment and looked closely at Jaleeisa, ?you didn?t put it there yourself??

Jal shook her head, ?Part of our compromises is that I let Che protect me as he wishes, and that I be able to continue my work here, in the Inn and on the Island without him needing to be right next to me the whole time.?

I glanced at Etherean as he admonished Art, ?Now Artemus, we know that Vanion has no interest in the well being of the isle or in holding the tower for any length of time, so you need to be more creative in your distractions.?

Vanion?s spell was loosed with a single word, ?Stop!? That simple word had impressive meaning, as it shut down Brigath?s ability to cast his own return spell. It brought the dark elf to within half a point, and there were several murmurs from the onlookers.

Etherean continued his discussion with Artemus, ?A win tonight will not earn him any respect, either. So what do you think his true motivations are??

Tasslehofl grinned as he overheard Esperwind, ?to make me challenge??

Vanion gave them all a look of utter disdain, ?power? was the only thing he said as his eyes met Etherean?s.

Artemus shook his head, ?Vanion doesn't care if he's respected or not. His kind never does. As to his motivations...?


Date: 2006-08-25 20:32 EST
Etherean continued as if he had not heard Vanion's reply, "If Vanion truly understood how the Keys worked, you would realize that the power he has gained is a pale comparison to actual possession of a Key. For one, if he truly gained the powers of all the Keys, he would be left with nothing, as they act in opposition. If he has determined how to get around that, then he has had to alter and lessen the properties of the powers he has gained."

Rab chimed up from his place in the sand, "blow wind in his ears Brig, Vampers hate that. I think." His conviction dying with the suggestion, but Brigath heeded him and called down the arctic winds and froze Vanion to the spot.

Jaleeisa glanced at Tass after that kiss he'd planted on Kyndra, and smiled, "Tass, I'd like you to meet Chereylen, my Lifemate. Che, this is another friend of mine, Tass."

Tass looked from Esper then to Kyn.. then to Jal and Che, "ahh.. so this is the one who's keeping me from stealing my kisses."

Che's gaze shifted from Jal to the dragon at his words then back to his Lifemate as he shook his head slowly. RhyDin and the customs were strange and most were beyond his understanding but he would not allow others to kiss what belonged to him was a certainty, and his expression darkened at the dragon, and was so very reminiscent of Lucien when another male got too close to her.

Topaz leaned back into her chair, and Lucien's hands dropped to her shoulders. There seemed to be a little more harmony between them than there had been earlier in the night. His fingers slid soothingly along her shoulders before he lowered his head and kissed her warmly. Topaz melted against him then, and Lucien trailed his finger tips down her throat.

Klinton briskly stepped through the portal with a grin on his face, and I flashed him a smile. I had not seen him since early morning, and I found it reassuring to have him here tonight. He grinned as he moved toward my chaise, "getting in your calling hours this week, huh?"

I took a sip of my water, "when I got the communiqu? from Trilian, how could I say no?"

He nodded with a smile, and told me to scooch over to make room for him, which I did with pleasure. He settled in and asked me how things were looking as he watched Brigath and Vanion square off again.

Etherean and Artemus were still in an ongoing discussion, and Etherean said, "Now granted, I cannot yet read Vanion's mind, but I do have some knowledge of how the Keeper powers work, and I have studied his taint that I removed from the Fire."

Artemus smiled, "Speaking of fire, it was pretty cute when you set the Tower of Gin on fire."

Etherean gave him an arch look, "I did not set the Tower on fire, merely the air above the lagoon. I could not set the Tower of Water on fire if I wanted to. Neither could the Keeper of Water extinguish the Tower of Fire..."

Artemus nodded, "my mistake," and chuckled.

I leaned comfortably against Klinton, then whispered to him, "I think I shocked Brig."

He gave me an odd look as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "what was shocking to him?"

"I told him we were expecting," but I kept my voice lowered and gave Klinton a worried look.

He nodded, but did not lower his voice at all, "did he think it would never happen?"

I frowned then, Brig and I had not married, and so children were never discussed, and I said softly, "I do not think he thought I would."

Klinton looked at me and sat up a bit straighter, "you're frowning because we are expecting, do you realizes that?"

I reached up to caress his cheek, "Not because we are expecting, but because I didn't expect Brig's reaction." In truth, I had never thought to become pregnant, it was not something I had ever imagined myself doing.

Klinton nodded, "I'm glad he can be happy for us," and he gave a glance and a smirk toward Brigath. His sarcasm was not lost on me, and I leaned against him with mixed emotions. He placed an arm around me then and sighed, "I'm sorry. I know you are close, and his opinion matters to you."

I nodded slightly, "yes, it matters."

He gave me a long look, "and that just kind of makes me madder, because he knows it matters as well."


Date: 2006-08-25 20:37 EST
I lowered my eyes to the sand, ?I think it was just shock my dear.? And in fact, I truly hoped it was simply that, but Brig was a master of keeping his real emotions locked away. I kissed Klinton?s cheek and he gave me a puzzled look, ?what was that for?? and I told him that it was just for being there. His presence was reassuring on a night when I truly needed it. He nodded and shot a quick glance at Brigath, as though he too knew the reason.

The match ended with Brigath securing the first win of the night. He sagged against the edge of the ring, and I worried for him and his ability to continue, but when I asked if either duelist needed a break, Vanion sneered that breaks were for Artemus, and Brig just looked at me with exhaustion showing in his eyes, ?let?s end it.?

Topaz spoke softly to Lucien, ?these chairs are hard. A cushion would be nice.? And subsequently in a smooth move, Lucien scooped her up and sat down, placing her comfortably onto his lap as she wrapped both arms around his shoulders and brushed a kiss onto his cheek. She found a way to lean against him and still watch the duel. She spoke quietly to him as she confessed her nervousness about meeting Mikhail, and he nuzzled her neck, whispering to her in the process. ?why??

Vanion spat upon the ground, turning once more to face Brigath, leveling his staff against him as he began his opening incantation.

Etherean and Art were still debating, and he posed this question to Artemus, ?For example. Do you consider Light to be an element? If you a complete master of Light, can you not create and destroy it at will? Is not destroying light, creating darkness, and vice versa??

Artemus pondered a moment, ?Would depend on the definition of "Light". And light and darkness cannot truly be destroyed. Like most opposites, they are bound to one another.?

Etherean then stated that water was not truly the opposite of fire, but that the powers the keys granted were opposites. However, there were some materials that could burn under water, and that Earth, when enough fire was applied, could become a liquid. And indeed he is correct. Molten would have been a more exact term, but there was truth in his assertion. Then he said, ?Earth can become water, water can become air.... all can become Fire....?

Tass pondered that a moment before disagreeing, ?Actually, water cannot become fire.?

I smiled at his argument, when water is disassociated split into its component atoms, it becomes hydrogen and oxygen, both of which are extremely flammable. Etherean glanced at Tass, ?You need to become a Keeper and ponder on that, Tasslehofl Momus.?

Tass grinned at him, clearly he was in no mood to argue logic tonight.

Etherean glanced at the dragon, ?Become a Keeper for a period of time. Use the power to explore the element and delve into its mysteries. The power is fleeting. The knowledge is not. Even a dragon might learn something.? He then stood to leave, ?I have seen enough.?

I bade Etherean a good evening as he disappeared through the portal.

Che smiled at Jal the one that was reserved for only her, a smile only a bonded Carpathian is capable of bestowing. His thumb brushing the back of the hand he held lightly while thoughts where shared between them that had nothing to do with the duel his Lifemate alone was paying attention to. Che was paying attention to his beautiful lady as she watched her friend defending his Tower. His attention rapt upon Jaleeisa alone.


Date: 2006-08-25 20:38 EST
Topaz gave Lucien a bit of a worried frown, ?I'm no more a Carpathian than a tree,? but then she giggled, ?You actually made me want to be a tree there for a while.?

Lucien slid his hand slowly down her arms, ?Oh no, I would not wish you to be a tree, you are much softer as you are.?

She chuckled softly, ?and not as prickly.? Then she sat more upright, ?Oh! I still don't know what to wear. Maybe you can teach me right quick how to shapeshift into a Carpathian??

Lucien lifted a brow in surprise, ?Shape shift into a Carpathian? You are as Carpathian as you will ever be Topaz.? He then gave her a warm smile, ?we are not something you can 'shift' into. It is not like taking the shape of an owl or lion.?

She fidgeted in his lap, ?but none of you have wings.?

He gave her a slow smile, ?Your wings are beautiful, why would you want to hide them?? And then he ran a light caress along the edge of her wings.

She nearly stammered, ?because you?re a legend!?

Both of Lucien?s brows went up, ?who told you such a thing??

She glanced between Lucien and myself, ?Azjah?.

Lucien glanced at me and in a brief touch wanted to know why I had put such worry into his mates mind. I simply told him that it was truth, and it would not do any good to let her find out tomorrow night.

Topaz glanced at him, ?it explains so much though.?

Then resting my head against Klinton?s shoulder, I asked him if we should leave after the match. Brig would need to spend some times with his friends, and I did not think I could face him if he were still in shock over my news. It was a heartbreaking thought.

Klinton nodded, ?yes, that would be fine.? He watched the match avidly, though I know he has not studied the magic arts to truly know what to look for in such a match, but I loved him dearly for just being here, and scooted over a bit more, ?get comfortable so I can lean against you please. ?I wanted to lean against his chest and feel his breathing and heart beat while we finished.

Gnimish arrived with Drakhan, and he was greeted roundly as he wandered over and plopped down onto a seat to watch the fighting, but he made a concerted effort to keep his back to the swarm of lovebirds that he felt had suddenly infested the place. He had made his opinion clear on many occasions. However, when Topaz greeted him, he turned around to face her, ?why good evening fairy.?

Gnimish looked between Vanion and Brigath, with confusion and apparently no idea which side he was on before shouting, ?Go? umm? Vanigath!?

Tass grinned at the Gnome, ?Brigan works better.?

Gnimish grumbled, ?quit, you old codger!?

Tass snickered at him, and I had to hide a grin. This was a serious case of the Pot calling the Kettle black when it came to aged souls.

Lucien took exception to Gnimish?s too friendly greeting of Topaz and a dark storm cloud loomed above the beach.

Brigath and Vanion once again poisoned the beach area with mutual noxious fumes, and set all of us coughing, and I glared at the Ring, ?BRIG!? He laughed and began his next spell without a bit of remorse.

Jaleeisa waved her hand and wafted the smell away from her with a grimace at Brig as well.

Che glanced up at the cloud Lucien had summoned, but decided it was no threat, although he did strengthen the shielding around his mate just in case. The dark cloud however simply hovered.

Jaleeisa glanced at Che and the cloud, although her expression said she did not recognize it as the making of a jealous Carpathian male and not simply a natural storm cloud, but storms do not occur on the Isle naturally.

I gave Klinton a slight hug, ?when we get airborne, I am going to put the ship on auto-pilot as I need a nap.? I was tired, and mornings were wearing on my stamina in the evening. He nodded and said he?d assumed I would, and I gave him a grin, ?will you be my pillow??


Date: 2006-08-25 20:40 EST
He grinned widely, ?Of course I will!? With that I let my head rest against his shoulder.

The former Archmage, Will arrived, and Tass perked up considerably, ?WILL!?

Wulfson grinned and greeted Tass as Tass began to instigate trouble, ?I can turn you into a girl again!?

Will laughed, ?I?d still be the Archmeanie, but then I?d be desirable too.?

Tass shook his head, ?you wouldn?t be the archmeanie though, you?d be the arch hottie.?

Will grinned, ?What would I be, the Archb?? I could get used to the Archb? title if I was a girl I wouldn?t even mind not being the Arch meanie.?

Tass laughed, ?What do you wanna be then??

Topaz waved as Will had arrived, and was now giggling at his conversation with Tass.

About then, Brigath secured the final score and the second win. He had done the unprecedented by defending for the eighth time. A feat never before accomplished.

I turned in Klinton?s lap and hugged him, Brig had won! We both rose and I whispered to him, ?let me go congratulate him?, and Klinton called his congratulations to Brig as I walked barefoot across the sand toward him.

Tass grinned at Brigath, ?nice win, now I don?t have to challenge.?

Vanion bowed to Brigath, I will see you again, when the time comes.?

Brig nodded at the dark elf, ?why not just let it lie??

Vanion sent his staff into the ether, ?It isn?t a matter of pride, or you, or myself. It is far more important than you think. It is unfortunate that you are the only one who can manage to beat me these days, and you are the only one with something I need.?

Brig shook his head, ?Oh I know how important it is to keep you out. So sure, bring it on again, but I'll send you packing just like every other time.?

Vanion gave him a nasty smile, ?But, I?m not getting any older.?

Brig grinned wickedly at Vanion, ?neither am I.? And I felt a pang at the memory of how that was arranged.

Vanion dissolved into mist form, his words echoing across the island, ?Then I will see you in eight weeks, Keeper.?

Brig stepped from the ring with a weary smile for those who had come to cheer for him, and I paused at the edge of the ring, handing him the glass of scotch I had kept safely for him. He took it with a grateful smile, ?thanks, and thanks for calling.?

I hugged him close a moment as Klinton waited a respectful distance away, and I leaned against him and whispered, ?be happy for me, please.? I looked into his eyes with a pleading that I hoped he understood.

Tass stood closer than Klinton and may have heard my request of Brig as he was close enough.

He hugged me back and looked down at me, ?I *am* happy for you. I was just surprised. You DID tell me right as I was heading into the ring to defend against someone who wants to corrupt the tower, and I had just run in from the spaceport, and had to see Lucien?s face, and, and, and, and?? his laugh was soft and I reached up to touch his cheek, ?I know? was all I could say, and then I stepped back.

Klinton?s voice was soft, ?ready to fly?? I turned toward him composing my features, and we headed for the portal.

Brig took a sipof his drink as Klinton told Brig congratulations, and I heard Brig say ?Thanks. And congrats to you as well.?


Date: 2006-08-29 19:37 EST
I had left Lucien working on the computer, and decided to head toward Twilight Isle, there Eoin could wait and I would not require his presence at all. As I walked through the portal, I found Rena and Topaz there, and Bran, whom I have never really spoken to in the past there, and a duel in progress.

Rena greeted me and inquired after my health, which was a bit of a surprise, and I smiled back, ?Yes, once we get past mornings, thank you.? Then sending a goblin for my sparkling water, I headed for my chaise to get comfortable and watch the duels.

Topaz spoke up then, ?Perhaps you want to try something sweet before getting up. It's supposed to calm the stomach. Like honey or a piece of candy.?

I nodded, ?something has to help,? I told her. Mornings were a definite trial, and not getting any better. And there was no point in continuing to discuss it as Topaz seemed to be somewhere else, and I suspect she was conversing with Lucien.

A short time later, Brigath flew down from his tower, and was greeted happily by everyone on the Isle, and about then Lady Kyndra arrived through the portal. The attendance was improving, and I curled up happily with my glass of sparkling water. Then the friendly camaraderie of the group was tarnished as Syous walked in from the southern side of the rings.

Brig smiled and waved just as Klinton stepped through the portal. I smiled at Brig, ?recovering??

He chuckled and settled himself on to the sand, ?aye, feeling much better.? Then he greeted Syous and I couldn?t help giving the old grouch an impish grin, ?Hey there old man.?

I moved over on the chaise as Klinton approached, and asked if he was going to join me. He gave the bar a quick, longing look, but didn?t order anything to drink as he stood near my chaise. I nudged Klinton, ?go ahead.? He was abstaining along with me, and it was not something I felt he needed to do, but he did, and he sat down, ?no, no, that?s ok.?

Syous smiled slightly at the greetings and nodded his head a bit, but he paused distinctly at the sound of my voice, and I winked at him, ?I haven?t been here of late to harass you Syous, I could not resist.?

He rolled his eyes as if to say ?it was starting again,? and passed by me with a cold glare, ?Indeed, things were quite peaceful for a while here, it seems good things are not meant to last.? His grin was wry, and not entirely what one would call a ?grin?.

I chuckled softly, ?awwww Syous, I am simply crushed that you did not miss me.?

The wry grimace remained, ?It seems you do not know me as well as you think you do... the only thing I've missed in my absence is competing within the rings.?

I chuckled merrily, thoroughly enjoying needling the man, his dour nature was the perfect foil for fun. ?Syous dear, I don' t know you at all, with the exception of how to irritate you.?

He narrowed his eyes at me, and must have realized that whatever he may think of me, my words rang true enough. He then sighed, ?perhaps, perhaps. Though I find sometimes it takes a bit of irritation and frustration to motivate one to act.? He seemed to consider a bit more before adding, ?So perhaps I owe you my thanks after all ...? But those words seemed to pain him to admit as he rolled his eyes at the mere thought of owing me a thanks of any kind.

Klinton draped an arm around my shoulders, ?so my darling, entertain me.? His tone was teasing, and I leaned against him, ?alright, but order that scotch first.? Then I glanced at Syous, ?Syous? Have you met my husband??

Klinton laughed as he told me no, he wouldn?t be having any scotch.

Syous however lifted a brow before shaking his head, his sarcasm fairly dripping as he muttered, ?I didn't know a soul could be so fortunate....?

I leaned over and kissed Klinton?s cheek, ?The menus are planned, and Andre is in a tizzy.? But as I heard Syous? sarcastic murmur, I slide my gaze to him, ?Well, then allow me to introduce you to the man who I do not irritate at every opportunity.?

Syous glanced at Klinton, his brow arching even higher than before, ?Please tell me that?s your husband.?

Klinton laughed hearing Syous, ?I?m wondering if fortunate is the exact word I would use,? and he nudged me playfully in the ribs before extending his hand toward Syous.


Date: 2006-08-29 19:39 EST
I gave Syous a radiant smile, ?Yes Syous, he is. There is only one other man I kiss, and that?s Brigath, and then only on the cheek.?

Brig glanced at me then, and chuckled, and I winked back at him before focusing again on Syous, ?Of course, that was different before I met Klinton.? I let that hang there and smiled as Kyndra waved toward Klinton and I, and Klinton blew her a kiss.

Syous grinned as he turned toward Klinton, looking down at the extended hand for a moment before taking it as he quickly shook his hand and gave another sarcastic murmur, ?you have my deepest sympathies.?

Klinton nodded, and smiled up at Syous, ?Eh, she has a great chef.? I almost burst out laughing then.

Syous shuddered visibly at the memory, knowing the name and associating it with the Girls Night Out discussion I was having with Kaja Adair, and remembering that it was that night that began our bantering relationship perhaps. ?So I?ve heard, so I?ve heard,? was about all he managed to get out at Klinton?s comment as he paused and glanced at me a moment, ?he must really be a great chef.?

I gave a merry laugh then at his shudder, ?Perhaps Andre was not the best subject to bring up Klinton,? and I glanced then at the ring as Mask tried to touch fearsome thoughts into Brig, who was just announcing, ?You think I LIKE getting scared out of my pants?? I snickered playfully as I looked at Brig assessingly, ?Yes.?

Brig pointed at me from his ring, ?Quiet you.?

Klinton looked a bit confused, but dismissed it, ?fair enough.?

I gave Brig a sweet smile, ?I have a great Major Domo too!? And winked playfully at Klinton.

Kyndra chuckled, ?Well, I wouldn?t exactly say scared.?

I gave her a charming smile, knowing all the while Syous was scandalized by our playfulness, ?Kyndra, any excuse to get out of his pants works, but, he does look good in a bathing suit.?

Brig snorted, ?That?s cause I don?t wear one!? He grinned at me then.

Kyndra chuckled merrily, ?Good point Azjah! Good point Brig!?

I flashed Brig a grin, ?I know.?

Klinton flexed slightly, as if to say, ?but I look better, right??

Brig raised a brow at Klinton?s pose, ?not bad.?

I reached up to lay my fingertips on Klinton?s arm, ?But, I wouldn?t trade? I told Brig with a wink. Klinton leaned over and whispered to me just as Brig chimed in to Klinton, ?I wouldn?t kick you out of bed,?

I blushed furiously at Klinton?s teasing whisper, as Syous glanced between Klinton and myself, and another slight sigh escaped him, his murmur more for himself than anything, but I heard it due to his proximity. ?Yes, the peace could only last so long, just so long.?

Klinton grinned at Brigath, ?I?m deeply honored Brig.?

Kyndra raised a brow as she heard Syous mutter as well, then she looked at me, ?so who is the sarcastic one?? She motioned her head in Syous? direction.

I grinned at her, ?an old coot I met here one night.? Then I gave Klinton a questioning look, ?So you and Brig are a thing now my dear??

Kyndra chuckled, ?I don?t even know him, but old coot sure does seem to fit.? Then she gave Syous an assessing glance.

?Oh, trust me Kyndra, it fits.? I chuckled softly as Klinton and Brigath continued to tease on another.


Date: 2006-08-29 19:40 EST
Syous glared in Kyndra?s direction as she too began to call him by one of my pet names for the old curmudgeon. ?I am NOT an old coot!?

Klinton wrapped his arms around me then, ?only as much a thing as YOU and Brig are.? He nuzzled my neck a moment. Brig looked like he was about to say something, but then shut his mouth as Klinton gave me an answer. I leaned against him a moment, ?good? I whispered back. Klinton gave me a varlet?s grin then, ?He does keep me warm on lonely nights though,? and then he shot Brig a grin.

I chuckled, ?He is warm, isn?t he?? Klinton tightened his arms around me and gave me a dreamy sigh.

Syous on the other hand raised both arms to his sides, ?what on earth about me seems old?? His tone was one of utter exasperation.

I lifted a pale brow at Syous, ?Do you really want to know?? I knew he didn?t, but I had to ask.

Kyndra smiled at Syous then, ?I didn?t actually call you an old coot, I just said I could see how it would fit.?

Syous gave her another cold glare that then passed to me, and began muttering at me, ?You know my answer.?

I winked at him, ?And THAT Syous is how you earned the ?old coot? badge.?

Syous blinked then as he turned his attention once more on Kyndra, he looked like he was composing a response to her, but did not follow through on it.

I chuckled softly at Klinton, ?So, have you decided where you want to put our guests? It seems the entourage is larger than I thought it would be.? Topaz did not seem to be paying me any attention, so I felt it safe to discuss the Prince?s visit while she was distracted.

Klinton thought for a moment, ?Why don?t we get some rooms with Matt??

Kyndra was dueling Brigath, and she quickly slipped into a tight fitting armor that showed off every curve to perfection, ?Oh, it?s been a long time since I?ve had this on,? and she gave Brig a temptresses smile, ?what do you think? Do I still have it??

Brig gave her a grin that spelled sin all over it, ?Yah baby, and then some!?

She winked at Brig?s compliment, ?thaaannnnk yooooouuuu!?

I winced a bit hearing the banter, realizing that I could not pull off such a pose any longer, and it would be a very long time before I could, then blinking from my distraction at Klinton?s answer, ?Matt?? Who was Matt?

?Simon, Matt Simon? Klinton gave me a look, leaning closer, ?You alright??

I nodded, but cast a longing look at Kyndra?s lithe figure before saying, ?You don't want to put them in the guest suites? Or should we reserve those for the Prince himself, and put the others at Matt's??

He kissed my temple then, ?Well, the Prince will certainly have his personal assistants for those rooms. And, if worse came to worse, the stables are certainly nice enough! If you would dare leave your horses out for a few nights.?

I rested my head against his shoulder, ?With wolves in the woods, I don't think that would work.? I had missed his teasing tone about the beauty of our stables, and that he was not truly serious. ?And there was a big cat at the neighbor's that took a pair of calves from his cattle.?

He chuckled, ?Just making a jab at your extravagance.? Then he gave me a hug, ?shall I talk to Matt then??

I nodded tiredly, ?That would probably be a good idea, but make sure he knows its for a royal entourage.?

Syous sighed as he turned back toward me, again, as if he wanted to say something more, but once again, words failed to come, and he resorted to simply shaking his head as he closed his eyes for a least a moment out of the spot light Kyndra and I had put him into.


Date: 2006-08-29 19:41 EST
I glanced with a smile at Syous, ?cat got your tongue old boy??

Syous turned toward Topaz then, and inquired in a tone that was entirely too innocent for the old grouch, ?I don?t suppose I could trade you your doll for one of Azjah?s, could I?? The only thing missing from his entreaty was to have said ?pretty please, with a cherry on top.?

Topaz glanced at Syous, ?I was not aware of the existence of an Azjah doll. Are you unhappy with your dolls??

Syous gave another sigh that denoted his disappointment, ?No, no, you are just?. Much more ?tame? in comparison.? Then he glanced pointedly in my direction.

Kyndra had unleashed Brig?s favorite spell using one of the skunks I?d given her, and chuckled at Brig?s expression, ?well, I didn?t really mean to do it,? as she pointed at the skunk, ?it was his fault.?

Syous lifted a brow at her and asked how she?d ?earned? the skunk, and she chuckled, ?I earned it in a way from Azjah, by giving a wrong answer.?

I winked then at Kyndra, and asked if she was going to try for another skunk on the morrow, and she shooed the skunk from her ring, ?Well, I think I?ll try for your other prize,? she smiled softly.

?Wonderful!? I told her then, and turned pale blue gaze on Syous, ?Will you be joining us tomorrow?? Not that I expected him to, but it would be rude not to inquire.

Syous peered back at me, as if he expected trouble each time I spoke to him, ?Excuse me??

Kyndra grinned, ?Yes, will you be on the Isle tomorrow? I want to see if old coot really does fit.?

Syous glanced between us with a nearly blank expression, ?please tell me you?re not having ?another? one of your ?events?.?

I dropped my head with a smile upon hearing Kyndra, and worked to compose my features into a straight face for Syous, ?Every 4th Tuesday Syous, I hold a challenge night. At the end of twelve challenges, the holder of the most Drachen Walde flags will win a Staff of Enchantment from Klinton and I.?

Brig slipped out of his ring and looked at Syous, ?What?s wrong with Azjah?s ?events???

I smiled at Brig as Syous lifted a brow, as if he couldn?t believe anything with me was just that simple, ?What?s the catch??

Kyndra was chuckling softly, ?what are you giving for the one with the most skunks? And Enscented Staff??

Brig about died with laughter at that, and I glanced up at Klinton with a mischievous grin, ?What should we give for the holder of the most boobie prizes??

Brig fairly shouted, ?Boobies!!!!!!!!!!?

Klinton chuckles softly, ?a bra??

Topaz chuckled, ?perhaps a year?s worth of skunk food??

I laughed hearing Topaz, ?Now there?s an idea!?

Syous turned and gave Brigath the ?hairy eyeball? and looked again like he truly wanted to respond before more fun brok out, but then simply closed his eyes to retain some composure.

I spoke up then, ?Syous, the contest is a geography trivia night and to get a clue, you must win a match.? Then I glanced at Kyndra and whispered, ?coot.? She chuckled softly.

Brig regained his outward composure and looked at Syous once more, ?Sorry about that, you were about to say??

Klinton wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest, ?how?s the baby treating you tonight??

I smiled up at him and leaned against his chest comfortably, ?At night? She?s fine, but she hates me in the morning.?

He looked at my still flat belly, rubbing gently, ?well, it?s gotta be hot in there.?

With a soft laugh, ?Klinton, she's going to get a lot hotter before she joins the world.?


Date: 2006-08-29 19:43 EST
Syous turned back to me, though there was still suspicion in his eyes, ?no swimsuit donning chefs, or lingerie wearing duelists??

Brig glared at me, ?Lingerie wearing duelists? Hey! Why wasn?t I invited to that event???

I had to stifle a smirk at Brig as I answered Syous first, ?Not at all Syous. It?s on the up and up, but you must come up with the City AND the country,? then I did smirk at Brig, ?no Brig, you were not.?

Kyndra chuckled, ?now that sounds more like the beach party,? as she listened to Syous.

Brig gave a harrumph, ?I've got a black lace teddy that's to die for and I never have a good occasion to wear it.?

I nearly choked on my water hearing Brig, ?And you never showed me?? Now I AM crushed!?

Syous seemed to ponder long moment before shrugging, ?perhaps I?ll at least take a look then.? He narrowed his eyes slightly at me, ?though, knowing you, it wouldn?t surprise me if you tried to pull something.?

I nodded at Syous, ?The contest is serious business. The Staff of Enchantment is a very expensive item, and I want someone appropriate to win it.?

Brig stuck his nose in the air, ?Invite me to the lingerie party next time!?

Klinton laughed, and so did I, but what surprised me was Syous, as he nodded in agreement, ?Yes, yes, invite him, NOT me.? I was shocked, humor from the old coot?

I smiled radiantly at Brig, ?deal Brig, but it will be awhile before we have another one. I am?. Well?? and I just couldn?t finish that thought, but I knew I would not look good in lingerie for a very long time.

Klinton grinned at my hesitation, ?She?s impregnated!?

Brig chuckled merrily, ?so? Why should that stop you??

I glanced up at Klinton with a worried look before leaning over to whisper to him what was troubling me. Then I glanced at Syous as he shuddered, as if he were contemplating the portly chef in a swimsuit or some such image, ?My contest nights are safe Syous, even for your sensibilities.?

?Good..? Syous muttered, ?it's hard to believe you would take something seriously considering the antics you seem to encite...? he paused and pondered his words as he glanced at Klinton, ?but perhaps your husband there has simmered some of that flare.?

I gave Syous a quick smile, ?As you said of my knowledge of you, you simply do not know me very well.?

He grinned slightly at my retort, ?Fair enough, fair enough.?

Klinton simply smiled, and said somewhat loudly for those assembled, ?Baby, you are gorgeous, and will always be.? Then he looked at Brigath, ?You think she?ll still be hot after she has this kid??

I blushed furiously and could feel the heat of it all the way to my toes, ?Klinton! Shhh!? He simply smiled at me.

Brig chuckles at Klinton then, ?I refuse to answer on the grounds that you are her husband and I shouldn't speak of your wife in that manner in your presence.?

Klinton kissed my forehead, ?see, you?ll still be a hottie.?

Kyndra laughed, ?Azjah will still be sexy when she?s 9 months pregnant. She just has that special quality about her.? I shook my head at Kyndra, as I very much doubt that.


Date: 2006-08-29 19:44 EST
I gave Brig a look, ?Hey, you?re the only man with the right to an opinion, besides Klinton.?

He raised a challenging brow at me, ?Are you certain you want me to share that opinion in public like this??

I smiled, not truly expecting Brig to say anything to the crowd, ?Ah Brig, you never cease to surprise me.?

Klinton then grinned at Brigath, ?we?re on your turf, go right ahead.?

Chuckling, I raised my hand at Brigath, ?no, don?t purger yourself Brig.?

He looked at Klinton and then at me, ?Ummm, hmmm, how to put this in an appropriate manner?.?

Klinton wrapped me up soundly, ?don?t pay attention to her, let?s hear it,?

Brig chuckled, ?tell you what, I?ll share it with you Klint, and you can make the decision if its fit for public consumption,? and with that he walked over and whispered to Klinton.

I paled then, ?No! no no no! Brigath Cedran!!!? If he told Klinton, Klinton WOULD repeat it to the group. He was laughing merrily as Brigath continued to whisper to him. Then Brig stepped back and waggled his brows at Klinton.

I darted off the chaise to run and hide behind Syous and his robes. Klinton grinned at Brigath, shook his hand ?my sentiments exactly.?

Syous shook his head as he glanced between the three of us, as if to say this was a prime example of the ?antics? that seemed to follow me around, and much to his detriment.

I muttered from behind Syous, ?where is Harris? sand monster when I need it??

Klinton smiled dangerously, ?All I will say Azjah is that it start with M and ends with ILF.? Brig simply winked at us both and wrapped an arm around Kyndra to sweep her away into a ring.

I peered around from behind Syous and his robes, and Syous glanced behind him at me, shaking his head even more, ?Having you here is enough, we don?t need to add Harris to the mix to incite even more chaos.?

I lifted a pale brow at Syous, ?Allow me to ask you a serious question??

He peered at me then, still suspicious, and apparently uncomfortable at having me behind him, ?what??

?Syous, do you know how to let your hair down and have a little light hearted fun? I offend you with pure fun, and that is not my intention.? Clearly he abhorred my bits of fun and teasing, and I did not wish him to take it so seriously.

His expression quickly matched the seriousness of my question as he responded, ?I am not here to have 'fun' as you call it Azjah. I come to the isle to duel... nothing more, nothing less.? He paused then.

I nodded, ?I shall endeavor to remember that. Good evening to you.?

Klinton then smiled, ?and with that, I believe I shall retire.?

I lifted a brow at him, ?Ack! You'd leave me here with an old coot and those two?? as I pointed at Brig and Kyndra.

Klinton laughed, ?I trust Brig with you perhaps more than I trust myself.?

Syous glanced upwards towards the night sky as I referred to him as an ?old coot? once again. Kyndra chuckled, ?those two? I feel loved.?

Brig started to say something, but closed his mouth at Klinton?s comment, and I moved toward Klinton, I was ready to go as well, ?I'll come with you Klinton, I'd like to discuss the presentation program if you have time??

He nodded happily, ?Always have time for you darling,? he nodded then at Syous, ?A pleasure meeting you.?

Syous nodded deeply toward Klinton, ?Good luck,? and followed it with a slight grin. Then he glanced at me, ?Don't worry about offending me, if you truly were offending me, you'd know it.?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:39 EST
The guests had arrived from Auriga, and Mikhail and Raven were exploring around RhyDin as Azjah arrived at Twilight Isle. Gregori had gone into solitude in the desert. Jacques and Shea were at Matt?s place in town, and several others were staying in various locations, but all in all, everyone was here. In fact, they were going to awaken Gabriel tonight for the first time since his attack.

I headed toward my chaise, sending a goblin for a glass of sparkling water and fresh lime as I settled in for the Trivia Challenge night.

As I got comfortable, a man stumbled through the portal and looked about slowly, ?By the Gods I am not taking that way again,? he declared. I laughed, ?It's the only way onto the Isle.?

He grinned, ?Damn...guess I'll have to put up with does

I smiled, and inquired if he was new to the Isle, and he grinned, ?Yes as new as anyone could be I guess..first time is tonight.?

Taking a sip of my water, I welcomed him to Twilight Isle and the Duel of Magic. ?We have a series of allowed spells that you cast at other users of magic. The more wins you amass the higher your rank goes, the more spells become available to you. And tonight is the Trivia Challenge night for this month.?

He began to make his way toward me, ?Well slap me and call me gramps I am lucky.?

?I don't think I'll slap you, but I can call you gramps.? I told him with a merry laugh.

He flashed me a bright grin, ?no thanks..miss..just an expression, I'm not even 35 yet.?

We bantered back and forth for a bit as we waited for more to arrive for the night?s festivities, and he asked my name. I told him, and suggested that Jake Lee Catron either flag down a goblin, or head for the bar himself for whatever he enjoyed drinking.

Querylon appeared on the beach, and I took the opportunity to introduce Jake Lee Catron to Querylon, and the two of them arranged the first duel of the night.

Tass moved through the portal then, and walked slowly across the sand toward the small group, and Alais greeted him with a faint smile which Tass returned with a tired looking smile of his own, ?evenin hun.?

Kyndra made her way toward Tass, ?good evening to you...I'm sorry to hear you're tired.? He gave her a wink and explained that he had had little sleep this past month, and Alais seemed to wince, as though she had some inside knowledge about his sleeplessness.

As I greeted the newly arrived, Anne floated through the portal, her purplish mist twisting and turning until it resembled the woman I had called my friend. She floated cross legged above the sand as I announced that tonight was Trivia Night, ?Tonight is Trivia Night, don't let August be like July where there was no winner of a Drachen Walde flag.?

Tass and Anne accepted a ring and they bantered a moment about Caleb, and I remembered what Kendrick 2.0 had told Lucien. I had to smile at that.

The currently reigning Overlord from Duel of Swords arrived then, and was greeted as befit a man of such title, and found himself minus his lovely bride to be, Anjolie. When I asked him if they had set a date yet, he shook his head, ?No date yet, bu' I think Quinn is tryin' t'set sumthin' up wit' Tera's weddin' services.? He chuckled, ?I do know I wanna have the ceremony on Overlord Isle. 'N all our friends are gunna be invited. Includin' ever'a single onna ya'll here.?

The question there was could he hang onto the Island long enough to reach his wedding day?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:40 EST
As I was watching my rings, Klinton appeared through the portal, and began to walk toward me. He smiled brightly, ?Evening beautiful!? I slid over on my chaise hoping he would come and sit with me rather than grab his own chair, and he obliged, placing a kiss gently upon my lips and then his arm around my shoulders. It felt wonderful to just lean against him while I watched my duelists.

When I told him I was happy to see him, he simply nodded, and we began to talk about those guests that we had put up at Matt Simon?s place. It was a great relief that he took care of those arrangements since between Andre and Dyson, my day had been completely wrapped up with detail management.

He asked me how I was tonight, and I snuggled against him, ?I?m tired, but it?s wonderful to have you here to keep me awake.? He grinned impishly and poked me in the ribs, ?WAKE UP!? Then he gave me one of his most charming smiles.

Cory was faced off with Kyndra, and I heard him lament, ?So we're duelin' fo' a chance t'answer a trivia question? I's nev'a was good at trivia, or pop quizzes.? Kyndra laughed, and I missed what her reply to him was as she continued to lead the match.

The white wolf Kayla trotted out from the trees, and gazed around the isle briefly before padding over to sit near Kyndra?s ring to wait for the woman, and Alais watched the wolf intently for a few moments until Syous arrived on the Southern side of the Isle. He headed for the rings, nodding greetings to some of those gathered.

I snuggled closer to Klinton, ?mmm, I'd rather snuggle and drift off to sleep,? I purred at him, and he squeezed me lightly, ?I'm sorry baby. How much longer you got?? I had about 45 minutes left, and looked up with a teasing smile, ?Unless you want to finish and I can snuggle and nap??

He laughed, ?If I had any knowledge of magic, you know I would.?

I glanced at Syous as I told him I knew he would, but alas, I would need to remain until Kyndra changed into her uniform. As Syous approached, I smiled, ?Well Syous, glad you could join us.?

Syous turned in my direction, peering a moment before glancing around the Isle as if he sought to ensure that no one was without clothing, nor displaying lingerie. When he looked back at me, he mutters, ?It seems it is "safe" after all...?

I gave him a sweet smile then glanced up at Klinton, ?Perhaps you can put Syous at ease?? Clearly I could not.

Syous noted that 3 rings were in use, and a smile quirked his lips momentarily as Klinton gave me an odd look, ?Why would I do that??

I grinned and lowered my voice, ?because the old coot needs some lightening up.?

Klinton glanced at Syous, ?DO you need lightening up??

Syous turned back toward Klinton and I, the grin he had from the rings being busy fading quickly, and he replaced it with a cold stare as I mentioned his favorite new pet name. Where upon, I gave him the sweetest smile I could muster.

He gave Klinton a stern expression, ?No, I do not believe I do... until your wife here started showing up on the isle I doubt anyone else would have ever thought as much.?

Kyndra had commented about the ?coot? as well, and he shot her a lethal look, it seemed the name had not only stuck, but others felt it fit him to a tee.

Klinton rose, ?Well...our guests are in town. I suppose I will entertain.?

Syous gave him a quick look, as he placed a kiss on my forehead, ?You're not taking her with you tonight?? There was an almost pleading tone to his voice. But, Klinton simply chuckled and continued to head for the portal.

I glanced at Syous with a wink, ?Care to sit here?? I patted the recently vacated place on the chaise beside me.


Date: 2006-10-01 21:41 EST
Syous muttered, ?I?ll take that as a no,? then turned back toward me, ?No... I think I prefer keeping a bit of distance...?

I laughed merrily, ?I actually don?t bite Syous.?

He nodded slightly at Kyndra?s greeting, then looked back at me, ?No... but I think it's best to be wary...? But, he failed to take note of a small dragonet that was stalking across the sand in his direction, and it looked like it wanted to take a chunk out of his leg and was making a direct line toward the mage.

Tass nodded at Kyndra and slipped from the ring, moving toward Alais, and deftly scooped up the little dragon as it determinedly made its way toward the old curmudgeon, holding it gently in his arm as he moved. The little dragon chirruped at Tass but the metallic eyes were locked on Syous.

Tass spoke softly to the little one, telling him that, he kept telling him Syous would not taste very good.

Cory then noticed Syous? arrival, and spoke up loudly enough for all to hear, ?Syous! Ya ol? coot!?

Syous groaned as Cory called him an old coot too, ?not you too.?

Cory chuckled, ?'ey now. I can be classified in the same boat as ya.?

Syous pondered a moment, ?that?s not very comforting.? He continued to mutter, ?it's one thing to consider yourself an "old-coot"... it's quite different when others consider you an "old-coot".?

Anjolie sauntered casually through the portal then, and gave a quick salute to the favorites of hers that were upon the Isle.

Alais chuckled at Tass, ?le? ?im bite ?im, ?t migh? teach ?im a lesson.? Tass laughed and had to agree.

I grinned at Syous, having heard his lament, ?Ah, but you see Syous, it fits you so well.?

He turned back toward me, and caught side of Alais as she had moved along with Tass, and then Syous paused to glance at the ground around him. Alais moved to speak with the old codger, ?Mine apologies Syous, th? creature doth nae seem tae li? ye.? Tass continued to hold the wee dragon. ?Ah dinnae ken why 'e ist sae bound 'n d'termined tae seek ye oot.?

Syous seemed to be ensuring that the feisty creature was no where near him before cautiously glancing at Alais, ?That I gathered the previous evening...?

Cory continued to match wits and spells with his opponent, but I heard him say, ?ya better win this, I dun feel like embarassin? m?self by getting? th? trivia question wrong.? And Anjolie approached me, ?Evenin', lady. No luck on locatin' a pony yet, but I've got a few places in mind ta check out this next week."

I told her we were in no great hurry, that the request was more to keep her eyes and ears open, and then I saw Syous move, placing his back against one of the empty rings to give him ?cover? from the wee dragon, he glanced at me, ?I still fail to see how "old-coot" is a fitting term.? He seemed awfully nervous about getting bitten by the small dragon.

Tass let the dragonet go then, and took a seat.

I glanced at Syous, ?Syous my old man, you are a kill joy, and have zero sense of humor around here, and thus, you are an old, old coot.?

Syous gave me a cold look, ?Perhaps if I were old and grey, and I had nothing better to do than scare children away, I would accept such a label... but I hardly see myself fitting the description.?

I sized up Syous a long moment, ?Oh, it fits.?

He snorted slightly but missed the impending approach of the little dragon, ?I hardly see how that justified such a label. The isle was not created for "fun and games" despite whatever it is you may believe.?

I gave Syous a soft laugh, ?Sport is one thing, and can have friendships, this is not war, it's not meant to be violence, and you're just an old sour puss.?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:42 EST
Alais watched as the little dragon charged for Syous, shaking her head at Tass, ??e?ll learn a verra ?ard lesson.? It skittered beneath the chairs and sand sputtered from beneath its taloned feet. Its metallic eyes locked on Syous? boots. As it reached the chair next to the mage, it snapped out, locking its jaws around the ankle of the boot.

Anjolie eyed the small creature in the sand a moment, and her expression suggested that she didn?t think the Isle would ever be a ?normal? place.

Syous was still debating with me, ?it was created as a venue to pit ones strengths against another. I see no value in the mindless banter that you seem to incite whenever you visit the isle,? his tone was practically venomous. ?and so you have my deepest apologies if I somehow "subdue" your fun.? Right about then he felt the bite from the dragonet. ?OW!?

?To you it is mindless banter, to the rest of us there is fun or entertainment; that is precisely why you are an old coot.? I told him, and then I chuckled seeing the dragonet attached firmly to his ankle, ?I would never permit you to subdue my fun Syous.?

Syous hopped at the sudden striking pain, his gaze immediately looking down at the dragonet that had its teeth solidly sunk into his boot. He began trying to stomp at it to get it to release its grip, and the pain grew in intensity as it dug in and clung even more tightly.

The wee dragon hissed as it hung on for dear life to the ankle and the boot. Alais smiled and called the dragonet in that mellifluous language she uses, but the little one was too busy hanging on for dear life at that moment.

Syous tried kicking his foot quite violently in an attempt to throw the little creature from his ankle, his teeth were gritted at the pain and in his concentration to rid himself of the pain, but, the small creature simply wrapped its tail around his calf and continued to clamp its jaws down.

Syous managed to regain a little of his composure then, despite what must have been significant pain being inflicted by the small dragon and raised an arm as though he were contemplating releasing a bolt of magic on the dragonet.

As though it understood the peril it was in, the dragonet hissed and released Syous, flying in a bee line straight for Tass.

Tass chuckled as he was used once again as a shield for the wee one. It landed upon his shoulder and chittered in an agitated manner, then nuzzled Tass, saying something in dragon to him. *He tastes like rotten eggs.*

Tass grinned at the little one on his shoulder, ?told you.?

Syous grimaced at the wound from the dragonet, his jaws clenched quite tightly as he leaned himself back against the empty ring, lifting his leg up to inspect the bite to his ankle.

The dragonet chittered some more and cast it?s metallic gaze once more upon Syous.

Syous gently pulled off his boot, trying not to aggravate the wound as he took a closer look, rubbing it slightly before casting some minor curatives upon himself to numb the remnant pain. He then narrowed his eyes as he glanced in Tass? general direction, and caught sight of the metallic gaze of the small dragon that had just bitten him. Then he gave Alais a glance before returning his focused attention on the dragonet, ?If it tries anything like that again... your "pet" wont be around much longer.?

Alais gave Syous a small smile, ?He hath taken a mislike tae ye, 'n fer tha' Ah dae apologize.?

Syous turned back toward Alais, his tone rather stern, ?:It'd be in the dragonet's best interest if you keep it in control when you bring it with you to the isle.?

Alais lifted a sable brow at Syous, ?Ah'd li' tae dae tha', bu' 'e ist a free creature m'lord.?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:44 EST
Syous slowly put his boot back on, gingerly putting weight back onto the foot bitten by the dragonet. His eyes narrowed slightly at her response, it had clearly not been what he wanted to hear. Then he looked back toward the dragonet, ?Then as I said... its actions will have consequences.?

Alais called the dragonet to her and walked toward Syous. Kyndra admonished him, ?now don't hurt that little's just a baby.?

He gave Kyndra a bewildered look, ?It just bit me!?

I chuckled, ?Be glad it wasn?t full grown Syous, think of the tooth marks then!?

Syous muttered to no one in particular, ?I suppose my reaction to getting bit also falls into your category of an "old-coot" right? It's just me not having fun.? He shook his head in what could only be described as disgust at me, ?Had it been full grown, I would not have been so careless to let you distract me.?

Kyndra snickered, ?well..maybe it was just a love bite, you're just so lovable.?

Syous feigned a sincere smile back in Kyndra?s direction, it was not as creepy as one of Esper?s, but it was close, and Kyndra shuddered.

Alais had moved close enough to speak to Syous, but not close enough for the dragonet to take another piece out of the man, ?ar? ye alrigh???

Syous glanced between Alais and the dragonet, nodding slightly, ?I am, but I do not take kindly to being bitten.?

She nodded in understanding, ?Nay, Ah'm ascertes ye dinnae, Ah rather thought ye'd teach 'im a lesson 'n manners, bu' ye didst nae.?

Syous muttered some more, peering at the dragonet again, ?I should?ve, unfortunately, I was a bit too busy trying to get it to release its bite. Should it try it again though, believe me it will learn its lesson, and then some.?

Alais gave him a long look, ?Ah'd ask ye nae tae 'urt 'im, bu' manners 're important.?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:45 EST
Kyndra tried to keep a straight face, but failed, ?probably one taste of you is enough for the little dragon.?

I couldn?t resist any longer, ?If that little dragon had any sense, he'd get some antiseptic to drink.? And Kyndra had to cover her mouth to keep from bursting out laughing.

Alais glanced at Kyndra and I as she spoke with Syous, ?'f th' bite doth nae 'eal, ye'll le' me ken??

Kyndra grinned at Alais, ?I was more worried for the wee one.?

Syous nodded at Alais slightly, ?As long as it controls itself, I'll have no need to do it harm, should it attack again however; I will defend myself.? Then he shot me a cold look, my jab having hit home apparently, but then he looked at Alais, ?it will heal.?

Alais gave him an assessing look, ?Ye mayst d'fend yerself, bu' nae 'urt th' wee one.? She then gave Syous a nod, ?Nae,' f ye'll excuse me, Ah've a d'sire tae duel.?

I snickered as Anne and I had been speaking about dinner, and she wanted to bring a young woman over for me to interview as her replacement. The details had been set, and I was just introducing Anne to Topaz, explaining that Lucien had found his lifemate, and that Topaz was it. But Syous? words dragged my attention back to him, ?Good reason for that, not only is coot not good for you, but sometimes it's just rotten.?

Syous shrugged at Alais, as he focused on the dragonet, ?If I am forced to defend, you can be assured someone will be hurt.?

Alais paused and turned back toward Syous, ?dae ye 'urt th' wee one, ye'll deal wi' me.?

Syous? eyes seemed to flicker, ?so be it.?

Somehow I do not believe Syous understood the challenge he threw at a mage capable of bringing several very large, very adult dragons into the mix. She gave him a curt nod of clear understanding between them.

Clearly Syous felt himself to be in the right, but just as clearly, he had no idea just how serious retribution could be should he hurt the little dragonet. And it seemed as though just for good measure, the little dragon hissed once more at Syous as Alais prepared to depart.

Kyndra snickered as she looked between the dragonet and Syous, ?I think that was dragon for ?old coot?.?

Alais glanced at Kyndra, mellifluous laughter riffling from her, ?th' dragonet didst say 'e didst taste li' rotten eggs.?

Syous peered between Kyndra and Alais, clearly his view that an infection was running rampant was written all over his face, and Alais chuckled seeing it. Then Syous resolutely focused on the duels in the ring, but the metallic eyes of the little one were locked on its quarry. It did not appear that things were finished between Syous and the dragonet.

Alais rose as the last spell was cast in Tass? ring and she moved toward it, and the dragonet hopped from Alais to Tass. Anne?s voice reached them with a request to join Tass when he returned to the Emerald Isles, but then he studied Alais again, absently scritching the dragonet on his shoulder, and giving Syous a soft chuckle seeing his expression.

Alais paused to speak to Tass, something about making preparations to return to Matlal, and asking Tass to let Khirsah know where she could be found. Tass smiled, ?I'm sure he will know.. but I will pass the word in any case.?

Alais did not seem pleased by something and she shrugged, and Tass advised her to rest easy, as apparently this Khirsah had surprised her before, and probably would again. She held out her arm for the dragonet, and vanished just before the portal.

Anne by then had left me to walk with Artemus, and so I wrapped up my things and departed for the Palazzo without even rubbing it in to Syous that there had been no lingerie showing, and no lascivious doings tonight, as I had promised him.

He was rubbing his ankle gently and murmuring to himself as I left, probably muttering that he should have stayed away from the isle even though I were not to blame for his ?pain?.


Date: 2006-10-01 21:46 EST
Things were hectic at the Palazzo, with the entourage from Auriga here, and the staff wanting to make the guests comfortable, but their desire to please was laced with a bit of awe and maybe just a little fear at having 16 people in the house who only consumed blood.

Gregori and Gabriel had gone out hunting and catching up on things as they stood in RhyDin, while Mikhail had a look at the virus Kendrick had placed into the Drachen Walde systems. He enjoyed electronic things, and the computers were something he could lose himself in for hours, well, unless Raven was about. Lucien had told me about his ?discussion? with the AI, and Mikhail was fascinated by such technology.

Jacques and Shea kept mostly to themselves, Jacques was still not completely himself after the Society's nearly successful attempt to end his life. And Shea was careful to keep him calm and distracted as much as possible. She was also keeping an eye on Gabriel after his ordeal with the acid, but pronounced him fit.

Julien and Alexandra seemed to like to walk in the vineyards, and made several suggestions to the head gardeners how to improve the output of the vines. Julien had always had a darker side, a loner from the start, and he kept to that tendency now. He also seemed to avoid Gregori where possible.

All in all, life was very hectic and the chance for me to escape to the Isle for the Arch Mage challenge seemed like a heavenly break. I stepped through the portal and headed for my chaise shortly before the challenge was to begin. Lucien was to arrive later, and for the moment it was just Jake and I.

Topaz floated down form the Citadel with a nervous smile, ?good evening Azjah.?

I was not certain if her nervousness was from the challenge, or if she and Lucien had still not resolved her issue over the clothing he had purchased for her. ?Are things smoothed over??

She nodded, ?Yes, I think so.? And when I told her I was glad to hear it, she smiled, ?Not half as glad as I am.?

The goblin brought my water, and Jake asked who was challenging Topaz. I told him it was Syous Myst, and he chuckled, ?The old man? Well, this should be fun to watch.? I had to chuckle, it was a good thing Syous wasn?t here to hear Jake?s comment, for I have little doubt that he would blame me, and yet, I couldn?t resist answering Jake, ?The old curmudgeon himself.?

Jalieeisa arrived and slid into an empty chair. Her mating to Che seemed to have agreed with her, but Che was still keeping her under a shield of protection. She asked who was challenging Topaz, and when I told her Syous, she grinned, ?Ahh, I recall reading about him. Kind of?stodgy, isn't he? I've not met him since his return.?

I laughed merrily, ?Hasn?t improved with age Jal.?

And it always seem that when you speak of the devil, he makes himself known, and so it was with Syous. He arrived after the appointed time, but the Arch Mage was generous with him, and he hurriedly made his way toward the rings. ?Ah, here comes the old curmudgeon, good evening Syous.?

He nodded greetings to everyone, and grumbled softly at my greeting. Then of course, Jake?s comment earned a peer at him as well before Syous confirmed that he did indeed plan on carrying through with his challenge to Topaz.

Brig floated down from his tower and I gave him a radiant smile before inviting him to join me on the chaise. Klinton was unavailable, and Brig was someone he trusted, and it would give me a chance to speak with my old friend. He accepted my offer and I sent a goblin to retrieve a glass of Oban for him. As he plopped down onto the chaise he bade Topaz good luck and the first match in a best of three challenge began.

Brig snagged the glass from the returning goblin, and I lifted my water to him, as our glasses clinked together, I asked him if he would do me a favor while Klinton and I were gone. He acquiesced instantly, and I gave him a radiant smile, ?Keep Lucien out of trouble while we?re in Rigel?? I swirled my glass playfully, and he choked on his first sip of the scotch.

I gently patted his back, ?I take that as a yes??

He shook his head negatively as he sought to catch his breath, ?no, it?s not.? Then he chuckled.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek, ?I could not resist, but we will be gone. We have to go announce the pending heir to the Kaiser.?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:47 EST
He asked me how long, and by my best guess, I told him 2 weeks. He nodded then, ?not too bad, I?m sure he can manage to stay out of trouble for that long with Topaz?s assistance.

I gave him a winning smile, ?Oh, I doubt it Brig, you?re the perfect foil for him.?

He gave me a sardonic look, ?Exactly, which is why I?ll just?.? But he did not finish his thought as the first round began.

I leaned my shoulder against him then, and softly asked if he was ever going to get along with Lucien. He tipped his head toward me, ?Not unless he becomes a different person than he is now, and I don?t see that happening any time soon.?

I couldn?t help the laughter that bubbled up inside of me, ?will you do me the favor of coming to meet the Prince and help Topaz feel more at home?? Here was the true question I had meant for him.

He suddenly looked very uncomfortable, ?Carpathian Prince??

I nodded, ?yes.?

?Is he anything like Lucien?? Brig was clearly wishing I hadn?t asked.

I quirked a brow at him, ?does it matter? It?s for one night, and to help Topaz.? I knew Brig was capable of being completely charming, and perhaps having someone Topaz knew and trusted there would help ease her worries over meeting Mikhail.

Brig coughed slightly, ?It matters in so much as I need to know what frame of mind to be in. And will it help Topaz if I?m there but am not acting like myself at all??

I reached for his hand, ?Prince Mikhail is a very nice man, and so is his mate Raven.? I gave him an apologetic smile and shrugged before adding, ?It?s the younger brother, Gregori you might have issues with.?

Brig shook his head, ?I?ll come, but I can?t promise I?ll stay. Better to leave than get in a fight, I imagine.?

?You are a dear,? I smiled at him. He would no more pick a fight in a room full of royalty than he would make a serious pass at me.

He gave a resigned soft chuckle, ?it?s only ?cause its you asking, you know.?

I took a sip of my water, pale blue gaze meeting his, ?I know, but you know I truly appreciate it.?

He took a long sip of his scotch as if he were wondering just what the devil he?d gotten himself into now, ?I know.?

Just as I was about to ask him about Thyrasa, Lucien?s thoughts slipped into my own. *You are interfering.*

I kept my eyes on the ring so as not to draw attention to the discussion that ensued. *It is not interference, your mate is very nervous about this meeting, and it is my home, and my guest list.*

The dark clouds overhead rumbled then, *That monster should be no where near Mikhail. Topaz will have me for company and security. It will be over soon enough.*


Date: 2006-10-01 21:48 EST
I simply shook my head at that, *Brigath is my friend Lucien, and I want him there. That is the end to this discussion.* I then resolutely turned toward Brig, ?So, how are things going for your friend? The pretty one you took home last night??

He chuckled, ?Thyrasa? Pretty well from the sound of things.?

I smiled, ?She is very pretty Brig.?

He gave me an utterly insouciant grin, ?Would you expect anything less from me? You know I have impeccable taste in women.? Then he winked, and I laughed. He then added, ?I met her at the spaceport on my way out. Didn't expect her to still be in town when I got back... but then I guess there's a silver lining for having to come back early.?

I nodded, but then asked about Trillian, because the two of them have a bit of a history as well. Brig chuckled, ?Trillian is Trillian. We had a great time on the trip and we'll have great times in the future, but she's got her own things going just like I do.?

Aylysia Dawn had found her way onto the Island, and as she glanced around at the duelists, she grinned, ?well, if it isn?t Sy. He the Archmage, or the challenger??

I laughed softly hearing her, ?The Olde Coot? He is the challenger.?

Her musical laughter rang out, ?Olde Coot, eh? Yeah, that fits.?

I gave her a smile then, ?We all think so. He disagrees.?

She found a place in the sand then, ?Nah, it fits well, I remember him.?

I shot Syous a triumphant smile that he may or may not have seen, and then winked at Brigath. Had Syous heard the exchanges, there is little doubt he would have responded in his usual acerbic manner.

Brig nodded in agreement, ?Yah, Tass lumped us all together last night and Syous took offense, though, he IS the youngest of the bunch.?

I chuckled softly, ?chronologically that may be true Brig, but he?s still a curmudgeon without equal.? Besides, it?s tough to compete with a dragon and Brig?s method of survival and come out being the eldest.

Syous confirmed his spell before the start of the second match, and I smiled sweetly at him, ?so noted Olde Coot.?

He passed a momentary cold glare back toward me as he stepped into his ring. I grinned at Brigath, ?I don?t think he liked that.?

Brig shook his head with a laugh, ?nope.?

About then Kyndra arrived, and I noted that Brig?s scotch glass was terribly low, and as Kyndra approached us, I send the goblins for another scotch and another glass of sparkling water. Brig scotched closer to me, trying to make room for Kyndra on the chaise as well, ?Mind if Kyn joins us??

I moved over as far as I could with a laugh, ?I?m going to need a bigger chaise if anyone else comes along.?

Brig gave one of his trademark grins, ?Some of you can pile on my lap.?

Jaleeisa chuckled, ?gonna need a bigger one in a few months anyway.?

I blushed hearing her, ?I don?t think Brig will let me sit on his lap in about 6 months.?

He raised a brow at me, ?I dare you to try it and see what happens.? There was merriment and a bit of mischief twinkling in his eyes.

I quirked a pale brow at his challenge, ?You know I will.? How could I resist such a challenge from him? In truth, I can?t.

He laughed then, ?why do you think I dared you?!?

I shook my head with a laugh, ?If I cut off the circulation in your legs, you have no one to blame but yourself.?


Date: 2006-10-01 21:51 EST
The goblin showed up with the refills, and he handed my the glass of water, and his Oban to Kyndra. As I took the water, I sent the goblin off for a second glass of Oban for Brig. Kyndra took the scotch and laughed, ?I don't think he long as your willing to sit on his lap.? She gratefully took the scotch and told Brig she?d been out looking at land, and chuckled as she explained that she had too many points to choose from.

Brig gave her a playful grin, ?Well if you need help deciding, I can always give you a view from the air.?

At that I had to laugh, ?The view from that Tower is simply superb. I should challenge you for it again.?

He winked at me, ?The queue is open. Vanion can't challenge me again for another couple months.?

Sipping the water, I admonished him that he would have to lose it some time or another, but then he grinned widely, ?I don?t HAVE to, I could just ascend to Arch Mage at some point.?

I laughed, and winked at Kyndra, ?You know, that almost sounds like an invitation to me.?

He winked back, ?Any time, just let me know.?

Kyndra grinned, ?if he has to lose it....I would rather have you in the tower than Vanion.?

I laughed, ?I think there are a lot of people who would suffer me over Vanion, but come after me first opportunity.?

About then Wyheree was asking who had won the first match, and Brigath informed her that Topaz had, and she smiled and nodded at him, ?thank you kindly, sir.?

Brig blinked, ?Sir? Brig will do.?

Kyndra chuckled as she muttered ?sir? and she earned an elbow in the ribs for her mirth. She gave him one of ?those? looks, ?makes you sound old.?

I grinned at Brigath, ?well, I think Sir fits, when he?s not being an utter varlet.?

Brigath turned incredulous eyes on me, ?You take that back! I?m ALWAYS a varlet!?

We both laughed merrily at him as he informed Kyndra that his IS old, but that he simply wears it well.

Kyndra gave him a conspiratorial smile, ? least you're not an old some that visit the Isle.?

It was most fortunate that Syous was so absorbed in his matches that he missed all of the quips about his being an old coot, because otherwise, he might have been very frustrated.

Wyheree then asked Brigath if anyone has ever held a tower longer than he had, and none of us could think of anyone who had managed the feat, but when Brigath told her, ?and I?m happy to keep extending the lead.? I had to chuckle. I am of two minds about that, and when I said so, he just grinned at me. The invitation was there to try again to take it away from him.


Date: 2006-10-01 21:53 EST
Kyndra asked then about Thyrasa, ?so...I've been meaning to ask you about your new friend that has been visiting the Isle...and the one staying in that tower of yours.?

Brig grinned, ?She's not *technically* staying in the tower, She does have lodging in town.?

I commented that everyone was curious about her, and Brig laughed, ?I'm sure you are, Azjah. And yes, Kyn, that's her name. I thought she might stop by tonight, but she did mention that she had some business to attend to.?

Kyndra chuckled, ?well...I heard you tell her you would have someone get her things from the i just figured she was staying at the tower.?

I winked at Kyndra, ?That's the varlet side talking Kyndra.?

Brigath snickered, ?Let's just say that she's has everything she needs, regardless of where she lays her head for the night and leave it at that.?

Chuckling softly, I told Brigath that some pillows are more fun than others. He simply winked back at me and then draped one arm over Kyndra?s shoulders, and one over my own, ?You know you are both always welcome to partake of my pillows.?

I rested my head against his shoulder, ?Will you bring those pillows in 7 months??

He chuckled softly, ?Certainly, eternally fluffed.?

Smiling up at him, ?Knowing how well you fluff pillows Brig, I'll count on you.? The match continued, and I looked up at him, ?I could get used to calling like this Brig.?

He chuckled, ?in Klint?s absence, I do my best.?

There was a satisfied chuckle, ?he even trusts you.?

Brig shook his head mournfully, ?poor deluded soul??

I chuckled, ?You would not do anything untoward my dear, there is simply too much honor there whether you want to admit it or not, but I am flattered that we can tease one another as we do.? But I kept my voice very, very soft so that I would not give away his secrets.

He still made shushing sounds at me, his eyes darting around to make certain no one had heard me, but his secret is very safe with me. I yawned then, and laid my head on his shoulder, ?I may need to stay at the tower tonight Brig....? Morpheus was closing in fast, and with the house so full of people, no one would miss me tonight.

He chuckled softly, ?There's a bed waiting for you, dear.?

I kissed his cheek then, ?good, I'll take you up on it.?

About then Gnimish awoke, and I teased the old Gnome, ?Gnimish, when will you and Drakhan step into our rings??

He blinked at me, ?Me *and* Drakhan? That'd be a weird duel indeed.?

Kyndra chuckled, ?I?ll call that duel.?

Smiling at Gnimish, ?I would love to see little Drakhan duel. There's a little dragonet that bit Syous around here, could be interesting.?

Gnimish shook his head, ?He'd just make a big mess outta the ring, Azjah...then ya'd send me the cleaning bill, too!?

I gave Gnimish a startled look, ?He would??

The old Gnome nodded solemnly, ?He?d drool it into a mud puddle.? Then he looked at the little dragon beneath his chair, ?Now don't you be fibbing, you know darn well I'm right!?

I laughed softly, ?That would take quite a bit of drool The sand is pretty porous.?

Gnimish was now busily engaged in a discussion with Drakhan, ?Wha? Oh, where?? He peeked up and spotted Rena then.

The third and final match was decided as the reigning Arch Mage secured her second win, and retained the title for another cycle.

Gnimish looked at Syous, ?Guess yer just too olf for this, Syous!?

Brig gently nudged me then, ?I gotta skedaddle.?

I smiled, ?take me with you,? and bade everyone good night, and congratulatory words for Topaz. I took his offered hand and we left the beach behind and Lucien muttering in my thoughts about protocol.


Date: 2006-10-01 21:55 EST
The introduction of Lucien's lifemate to Prince Mikhail was less than a rollicking success. Azjah sat in her room at her dresser letting her hair down pondering the evening's events. The hair brush slid through her hair as she seemed to stare at her reflection, but was actually not seeing the present at all.

Brig had come, and she had hoped that it would help Topaz feel more at ease, but she had misjudged things badly. Topaz was not in the least nervous about the meeting as she had come representing everything the Carpathian's resist. She had come in military attire, and had brought a weapon into the presence of the Prince, which was a huge sign of disrespect. The fact that she called the Prince by his name without leave to do so, and that she argued with him was rather shocking to the Marchioness, but there had not been anything she could have done to stop it once it had begun.

Perhaps Gabriel was right. Perhaps Lucien should take his mate home for a time. Let her learn about the customs and the people. But Lucien had been adamant that he would not force her to go to Auriga. And to make matters worse, the Prince was remaining in RhyDin rather than moving on as he had originally planned. Whether it was to allow Raven time to spend with Topaz, or for some other reason she did not currently understand, it seemed the Palazzo would be hosting the royal couple for an undefined period of time.

Klinton stood behind her for long moments, watching her run the brush repeatedly through her hair before he reached out and rested his hands lightly on her shoulders. "come to bed, there is nothing to be done about it now." He seemed to understand her thoughts without a word being spoken, and she glanced up at his reflection in the mirror. He was right, there was nothing to be done now, and in the morning, they would leave for Rigel.

Morning dawned fair and cool as they headed for the docking station where the Star Dragon had been prepared for the long flight. Baumann had notified authorities on Rigel of the inbound flight, and the flight plans were properly filed. The controller released the ship and the Marquess and his wife departed RhyDin once more.

The starfield spread out before them in the blackness of space. The onboard systems were all set for auto pilot despite the shock at finding Kendrick 2.0 in these systems as well. There would be 3 days of simple checking on the systems and little else to do, along with hoping that Kendrick 2.0 would not send them off course, or fly them through a nova! The Star Dragon was as sleek and fast as personal craft could be, and it fostered several amenities that the couple made use of on the flight. Azjah was acutely aware of the flight suit not fitting right any longer, and it troubled her to move through the ship with the flight suit showing every curve. Klinton of course was thrilled, but Azjah brooded alone at times.


Date: 2006-10-01 21:56 EST
When she returned to the cockpit as they approached Rigel, her nerves were strung tightly. Trips to Rigel were always trying, and now she returned with news of an impending heir for the Kaiser. Something she never thought to have to announce. Klinton was on cloud nine over this, and while she should be thrilled, she found herself more depressed over it than anything else. And to top everything off, Kendrick had managed to get his software insinuated into the shipboard functions as well as the land based system in RhyDin.

The landing and docking were uneventful as she shut down the star drive on the ship and turned the ship over to the Rigel Port Authorities, and told them of the 'virus' in her software. She left them with a request to see what they could do about removing it before they needed to return to RhyDin. She would not remain on Rigel any longer than was absolutely necessary.

Baumann had the car waiting for them, and they rode through Festungsmauer in silence. As they turned onto the street where their house sat perched on a ridge overlooking the capitol city, Azjah sighed. Home. It should have had a good feeling about it, but every time she came here, something terrible happened. She'd left Rigel to escape this place, and the memories it held. Klinton noted her sigh, but did not press her.

Baumann opened the door as they reached the entry, bowing formally to the Marquess and then to Azjah. "Welcome home your graces." She greeted the Major Domo formally before excusing herself to retreat to her rooms upstairs. Klinton had looked askance at her, but let her go, figuring she needed a few minutes alone before he followed her to see what was going on.

In her room sat a silver tea service, still piping hot, and a small plate of fruit. She sighed. Every bit of the formality was back. Every starched action and reaction with no change what so ever. She felt strangled in this environment, and yet it was where she had been born and raised to one day take her place among the Society of Rigel. She picked up an image of Tornach and Ozeana that had been captured right before their deaths at Kendrick's hands. They would soon have been grandparents, and she would have had her mother to turn to during this time. But now, she was alone again. Alone, and with no one to turn to for support or advice.


Date: 2006-10-01 21:57 EST
A soft knock preceeded Klinton's entry into their rooms. He paused as he recognized the photo in her hands. "Missing them badly, aren't you?" She nodded and then set the image back upon the table where it had rested when she'd arrived. She rose then, pacing about the large room with her arms wrapped around herself. Klinton watched, knowing she would talk to him when she was ready.

"Klinton? I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what's happening to me. I'm afraid I won't be any good at this." She paused to study her husband long moments. "I miss my parents, what I would not give to have her for advice and support right now. This is not like taking over the business. I was prepared for that. Trained, educated, but this.... I'm lost." He walked toward her then, wrapping his arms around her and found her shaking.

The next day a courier arrived with a missive bearing the Royal seal. It was an invitation from Kaiser Wolfgang IV to his Presence Chamber the following day. At least he had not kept them cooling their heels for days or weeks. His father had been wont to do that sort of thing, and Azjah was relieved to see that she would not have to remain a long while waiting.

Katarina had brought out several of her court gowns, and she selected a pale blue silk that matched her eyes perfectly. The unfortunate thing however was that it no longer fit, and Katarina scrambled from the room to send for the seamstress to alter the dress for the next day. Azjah sat alone, waiting for the seamstress in an absolutely morose mood.

Several hours later the gown was altered, and she was alone in the solar. She and Klinton would see the Kaiser tomorrow, and with any luck, could be returning to Rhydin within 3 days. If luck would hold. The sparkling water she held had no taste, and so far nothing had tempted her. She should be losing weight, not gaining it, and yet it seemed every day she grew larger. She had a moment of panic, what if the dress didn't fit tomorrow?

Baumann had taken Klinton to see Bishop Wilhelm. There were documents to be filed, and recorded to assure this child would be recognized as the rightful heir of their Rigelian holdings. Unless it were a daughter, and then she would only be entitled to a portion of the holdings. How well Azjah knew that inequality.

Dinner was a quiet affair, just Azjah and Klinton and a house hold staff hovering around them. She knew they were left alone too often, and that this was their chance to shine and be noticed for promotion, but she found the night a long and irrationally irritating affair. She knew every move she made, every piece of silverware she used and in what order was being made note of by the staff. Every dish she sampled or did not sample was also noted, and it was driving her to complete distraction.

She did not wait for dessert, nor for the after dinner retirement to the library as she made her way upstairs, away from the prying eyes of staff and even Klinton, who seemed to note that she was not eating. She just wanted this whole thing to be finished so they could return to RhyDin.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:00 EST
The morning dawned grey and cloudy, fitting her mood to perfection. A faint drizzle threatened, and the humidity made her hair want to be limp and lifeless. Just what Katarina needed as she tried to get Azjah?s hair up in the elegant chignon that she wore to such Court affairs. Azjah studied her reflection in the mirror as Katarina worked diligently, wondering if makeup would hide her wan coloring. After all, this was supposed to be a happy affair. What happened to the adage that pregnant women ?glowed?? As far as she could tell, it was a fairy tale that had no basis in truth.

The gown fit, thankfully, and Katarina fastened it in the back before selecting the jewelry. It was an afternoon meeting, so she could be a bit more modest about what she wore, and with the pale blue silk she chose the deep blue sapphires set in platinum. The necklace pendant rested between her breasts in the moderately low cut bodice, and the ear rings were simple studs and did not dangle about her ears. A platinum comb with sapphires in a fanciful swirl pattern held most of her hair in place, and a narrow bracelet graced her wrist. Against the rain, she would wear a light cloak of deep blue to protect the silk from the rain. She was ready.

At the bottom of the stairs stood Klinton, and he was dashing. He was dressed in black trousers and black Hessian boots with a royal blue jacket and the official sash proclaiming his status as a Peer of the Realm. He offered his wife his arm and they braved the inclement weather to step into the car for the short ride to the Imperial Palace. It was a silent ride.

Palace guards allowed the car to pull under a covered portico and assisted the Marquess and Marchioness from the vehicle before they were escorted into the audience anteroom. There were a small handful of people waiting to see the Kaiser, and they milled about in small groups waiting their summons into the Audience chamber proper. Azjah slid her pale blue silk gloves on, and Klinton followed suit, sliding on his white dress gloves in preparation. Still it was silent.

At length, the Chamberlain summoned them inside and they were escorted to the Kaiser, who was seated alone today. Azjah dropped into a formal curtsey, her body screaming in protest as she held the pose waiting for the Kaiser?s leisure to release her. It came fairly quickly as she rose, waiting for his address to them. He wasted no time as he looked at Klinton, ?You come before Us with news that We will rejoice in hearing?? It was a question, but clearly the Kaiser knew the reason for their request for an audience.

Klinton nodded, ?Yes Your Highness, we have come to share with you the news that we are expecting our first born, who will be a loyal subject to your reign.? Klinton had practiced, and it came off as though he had been addressing the Kaiser for years.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:01 EST
The Kaiser then looked at Azjah, his features dissolving into a smile. ?We began to lament that you would ever give Us an Heir to inherit your properties, and your father?s holdings.? He rose then, stepping off the dais to take Azjah?s hand, ?You will bring the child here for Us when it is born that We may christen it properly.?

He turned then and shook Klinton?s hand, congratulating him on this wonderful news. And then they were dismissed. It was over. No orders to remain for other events, and Azjah took five steps backward as custom dictated. One never turned one?s back upon the Kaiser. He left the audience chamber which meant they were not forced to walk out of the chamber backwards. They made their exit and returned to the house.

They lingered one more day as duty demanded some of the affairs of Rigel?s holdings be closed, and there were documents to file with the officials, but mostly it was simply approving or rejecting things that had already been documented and decided. The formality of the Marquess? signature was all that remained.

The day of departure dawned cold and stormy. Rain lashed against the windows, and Katarine tried to convince the Marchioness to remain, to fly another day, but Azjah was in a mood as dark as the weather, and her home in RhyDin was where she wanted to be. Not here in the starched and detached world of Rigel.

The Port Authorities advised her that they had not been able to remove Kendrick 2.0 from the system, but they did not deem the ?virus? to be dangerous to her planned flight. She glowered as she sat down in the cockpit and began the preflight check list. The flight suit was uncomfortably tight, and she glanced at Klinton as he took the co-pilot seat beside her. ?It is a good thing we did not delay coming. This will not fit by next week.? He smiled and reached for her hand as it rested on the control panel. ?This is temporary you know. And you are beautiful despite what you think.?

She gave him a skeptical look. She did not feel beautiful, she felt fat and ugly.

They were cleared for departure and soon left Rigel far behind. Azjah spent a lot of time alone in the cockpit, the image of Kendrick driving her deeper into her dark mood. She preferred to sleep in the flight deck, and Klinton gave her the room to do so, though his questions showed in his eye when he did join her.

Their arrival in RhyDin found Eoin waiting with a driver and the Maybach for them, and they rode to the Palazzo in virtual silence. The weather was mild and sunny, but it did little to brighten Azjah?s mood. Eoin told her that the Prince and his entourage remained, and had been perfect guests, which brought a nod from the Marchioness.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:02 EST
Klinton has been traveling since our return to RhyDin, and I have not had to discuss my revelation on Rigel. Work had kept me busy during the day, but alone at night in the Palazzo I was alone with my thoughts, and my new found worries.

Gabriel had taken over the responsibility of seeing to Mikhail and Raven?s stay, and it was very seldom that I even knew when they were within the walls of the Palazzo. That was just as well. The last thing I needed was for Raven or Shea to sense my unhappiness. Dyson seemed to know something was amiss, but he kept himself very circumspect, although there was always hot tea waiting for me, and periodically a small plate of fruit would be resting beside the steaming water.

I glanced at the fruit, and then down at my thickening waist line. Food was the last thing I needed. I got up and walked hurriedly away from the temptation to eat and out into the gardens. The twilight was just beginning to fall and soon I would need to make my way to Twilight Isle. The night should distract me from my dismal thoughts, at least for a while.

There came a soft brush of telepathic question, and I threw up the walls Gabriel and Lucien had taught me so long ago to keep out whomever it was that had sought to console me. I plucked a cluster of stephanotis from the gardens and slid them into my hair as I chastised myself. I did not even know whom had tried to reach me, the walls had gone up too fast for me to check. With a sigh, I turned and headed for the portal in town.

When I arrived at the Island, the Arch Mage was there, as were Gnimish and Artemus. As I took my chaise and got comfortable, our discussion took a turn I wish it had not. Topaz was far too astute, and her questions brought out some of the frustration I have been suffering of late. She looked at me after I had told her that shopping for the baby was not high on my priority list, and that having the boutique owner send things to the Palazzo was sufficient.

She was shocked, and began to admonish me about the joys of picking out baby clothing personally, which I simply cannot get enthusiastic about in any form. The very idea sends a shudder of revulsion through me.

She felt my choice of permitting the local boutique owners to do the choosing for me was missing the whole point of this time during my condition. She tried changing tactics then, ?You mean you have horses, and have someone else feed them and ride them and clean out their stable?? She grinned, ?What for do you have them then??

I see absolutely nothing wrong with paying people to send the things the baby will need without my having to go pick them out, and the preparations for the child?s arrival are certainly being handled well enough by the contractors and Dyson. The child certainly will have no idea whether what it is wearing is ?cute? or not, and whether or not I have had any input into its selection. It is not a matter that concerns either the child nor myself.

Artemus had been listening, but his own spoiling of his daughter has given him a bias that I cannot hope for him to see beyond. He does not believe in reining in that one, and she will grow up to be a very spoiled child, which the world simply does not need any more of in any land. He took a seat, ?in some regions, the person who raises the child is often viewed as more the child?s parent than the one who birthed it.?

I glanced coldly at Artemus. The last thing I wanted was his pearls of wisdom given his bias. Then I turned back to Topaz, ?Absolutely.? Arturo does a fabulous job with the horses, and I am no professional and must rely on his expertise to get the most out of my horses. The employment of professionals to make the crucial decisions seems to me a very logical and sound way of approaching any situation.

Gnimish piped up then, and I was thankful for it, ?Everyone knows babies are evil anyway, ya know.? He nodded sagely then.

I smiled at him, ?Thank you Gnimish, they are.? The whole situation of having a baby destroying my clothing, of keeping me up at night, of embarrassing me in public was beginning to weigh on my mind heavily. There were too many places I needed to be where having a baby would prove disasterous.

Topaz?s expression was one of pure shock, ?Oh my.?

Gnimish gave Artemus and Topaz a winning look, ?A-ha, wise woman over there!? At least I had one person who understood my sentiments. Gnimish was the last person I expected to agree with, but having one ally was better than none as it seems that babies bring out the irrational factor in otherwise normal adults of any species.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:03 EST
I smiled at the Gnome, ?A vile necessity it seems.? Then I gave him a wink. Procreation of all species is a necessity, but it does not have to be a pleasant experience, and in deed, it is looking more and more vile in my view point. Why so many adults go all mushy over a necessity will probably elude me for the remainder of my days.

Topaz blinked, ?Did your parents think of you as a vile necessity, Azjah?? Artemus perked up at her question, as though he were about to voice the same query.

She was clearly one of those who believe that pregnancy is something to be cherished and something to be thrilled about, and this sentiment is one I simply cannot understand. Nor do I wish to embrace such sentiments. Why do rational adult creatures go completely irrational over an impending birth? I glanced at her, ?I do not know Topaz.?

Gnimish snorted then, ?Bah, that ain?t relevant anywa? fairy!? And in truth, it is not a relevant point. The point is that I view this thing as onerous and vile. What my parents may or may not have thought about this process has nothing to do with what I am feeling.

I could have hugged the old gnome. It certainly is not relevant. The relevance is that pregnancy is a painful, onerous condition that will result in a messy, filthy birthing of a slimy, screaming entity that will not be independent for 20 years after its arrival. What could possibly be ?enchanting? or ?thrilling? about this condition?? And that I am responsible for it.

Topaz grinned, ?I couldn?t answer that question either. But, how vile could a kid be of you and Klinton? I?m sure it?ll be completely charming.?

I gave her a dubious look, ?Somehow, I doubt that.? Then amending, ?At least until it?s 20 or so years of age.?

Cory and Anjolie had been quietly enjoying one another when I heard Cory say to Anjolie, ?we could join Topaz?s cause ?n help convince Azjah.? And subsequently the gnome, who seemed to understand where I was coming from mumbled, ?as vile as any other little, crawling, drooling, and messin? thing.? I groaned. Topaz and Artemus did not need encouragement nor support.

Cory snickered, ?Like Drakhan, Gnimish??

The gnome looked over at Cory, ?Nah, I was more thinkin? of you after two drinks.?

Cory snickered back, ?Much mo? than two, gnome, I?m southern, ?memba??

Topaz giggled, ?Of course, Lucien?s would be an arrogant, overbearing little hellion.? There was a sparkle in her expression that made me distinctly uncomfortable. ?And it?ll put scorch marks all over the palazzo, every time I have to say ?no? to something.? She pondered that a moment, ?How expensive is fixing scorch marks??

Artemus was speaking up again, ?Azjah will probably do what my parents did with me. Hand the kid over to a complete stranger when it turns like 8 years of age and never see it again till the kid is in his teens and has been brought up by those who actually care.?

I glanced again at Artemus, ?How about the moment it?s born? Why wait until it is 8?? I knew Klinton would never allow such a thing, but Artemus? personal baggage is not my concern. And whether or not I hand the child over to Klinton and a nanny are my business and not Artemus?. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a well trained Nanny, and boarding schools are fine establishments where manners and poise are well taught along side academics. The right boarding school can gain a child entry into some of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Artemus did not take the hint, ?In the first few years it when the impression is made that the child will know who its parents are.?

I gave Artemus a dismissive wave, ?Artemus, its not like it won?t know who its parents are.? Klinton would see to that. The child will know who its parents are without any doubt. The thing it may not know is the kind of coddling and running absolutely wild that Artemus? daughter knows.

Artemus was not going to give up, ?It may know you?re its parents, but will the child actually love you? Or resent you for not acting like a parent??


Date: 2006-10-01 22:04 EST
At that point, I resolutely turned away from Artemus. His philosophizing was growing annoying, and I had been in poor enough humor as it was. I didn?t need his making matters worse. If a child resents its parents for doing the best they can for it, so be it. Resentment for making sure it has the best life can offer? Nonsense.

I gave Topaz a chilly smile, ?I?ll let Lucien take care of those details Topaz.? While Lucien had not said anything about Topaz expecting, there was something in her tone that suggested she was breeding as well. It was in her countenance, and her extreme view on pregnancy and shopping for the baby who is not yet here.

Topaz eyed me a moment, ?You?re missing out Azjah, by letting everyone else do all the fun things.?

I choked on my water at that, ?Fun??

Gnimish snickered, ?Clearly ain?t true, fairy, she?s already past the ?fun? part if she?s worryin? about havin? a kid.?

Topaz ignored the gnome, ?Yes Azjah, fun. Like falling off a horse, falling into the lake, getting dirty.?

I gave her a dubious look, ?somehow Topaz, those do not sound like ?fun? to me.? The fairy?s ideas of ?fun? certainly did not mesh with my own ideas. Filthy fingers, drooling, runny noses, screaming and don?t even mention the other end of the child. I shuddered. None of those things sounded like ?fun? to me. They sounded more like nightmares.

She giggled, ?You just never had a mud baby gurgle at you. The image will cheer you up a hundred years later.?

Cory frowned as he made his way my direction, ?Wha' on Gods green earth has ya in this state o' mind, Azjah? When I firs' heard news from ya being pregnant ya were all shades o' red 'n pink wit' excitement.? Cory was there when Klinton had made the announcement to the Isle.

I winced hearing Topaz, ?I very much doubt that Topaz.? A mud baby would mean another set of ruined clothing as mud does not come out of silk very successfully. Then I closed my eyes hearing Cory, ?things changed.? There was no point in going into what had happened on Rigel. No point in talking about my fears when there was absolutely nothing that could be done to change it. I had mentioned ?wishes? twice in front of the fairy, and she had simply ignored my attempted query.

He gave me a dubious look, ?so drastically??

Artemus, in his usual vein was so far off the mark as he commented, ?she probably heard how much it hurts,? as he nodded at Cory.

Anjolie quipped at Artemus, ?It?s not that bad,? Thankfully Anjolie answered him, and my response would have been far more acerbic. He has no idea what I have been through, nor the pain that I have suffered since I left Rigel. The pain of childbirth is hardly the thing that gnaws at me now. I sighed at Artemus, ?Pain is not the point.?

Topaz interrupted my reverie, ?that Kaiser must be ten times as nasty as Mikhail. Would you like for us to go run that Kaiser through for you??

I could not believe that Topaz believed Mikhail was ?nasty?, but before I could change the topic, she asked about going after the Kaiser. Such would be tantamount to treason, and I very much like this Kaiser, ?It was not the Kaiser Topaz. It was something totally different.? The last thing I wanted was for anyone to believe the Kaiser was someone I did not respect and like.

Cory then seated himself on the end of my chaise, his gaze shifting from Anjolie to me as Topaz asked me just what had changed my views. I glanced at them both, ?It really doesn?t matter, I can?t change it now.?

Cory frowned as Topaz said, ?Sure it matters. It has you all sad and turned inside out.? Cory then added, ?We're ya friends, dear. 'course it matt'ahs.?

Artemus continued to grasp at straws that demonstrated how little he knew or understood, ?Is it because while you?re pregnant you can?t drink any scotch??

Gnimish made me smile then, ?That's probably exactly it, that she's sober she's seein' how evil babies are.? I shall be owing the wee gnome a debt of gratitude for his defense of my views.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:05 EST
Anjolie gave a sharp look at Artemus and Gnimish, her voice icy in its clarity from the ring, ?now is not the time for sarcastic comments.?

I shook my head at Gnimish and Artemus, ?I am not missing my alcohol.? Then turning to give Cory a wan smile, ?and I appreciate my friends.? It was both comforting and distressing to have anyone worrying about my feelings. It?s just that some things are not meant for public scrutiny and dissection.

Anjolie glanced at me from her ring, ?Have ya considered adoption if you?re so unsure?? I shook my head at her, there was no way Klinton would allow that to be an option. We had entered into this with the intention of keeping this child and that is precisely what we would do. My worries and concerns would not change that.

Cory made himself comfortable on the end of the chaise, ?We're all here fo' ya. Bu' somethin' like this is a big shock. There's an explination t'this ya no' tellin'.?

I curled up into as tight a ball as I could with my waist expanding on what felt to be a moment by moment basis, ?There is, but it is utterly pointless. I can't "wish" this undone, now can I?? I kept myself from glancing at the fairy when I mentioned a ?wish? again. But she gave me a long look, ?Of course you can, Azjah. Wouldn't be the first to wish for a miscarriage. It?s a stupid wish though.?

Then Topaz decided to speak directly to Cory as if I were not present, ?She said something changed, but not what. And she?s worried it?ll ruin all her clothes.?

Cory frowned, ?No, ya can't undo wha's been done in this situation. Had ya 'n Klinton talked 'bout havin' children??

I dropped my head to my knees to regard Cory, ?Yes, we did.? Oh, we had talked about it in great detail, but talking about it and living it, well, they were simply not the same thing, and realizing while I was home that I did not have my mother to talk to through all of this just made it that much more frightening.

Cory spoke very softly, ?was it mutual?? He heard Topaz?s comments about ruining a woman?s wardrobe, and he could account for many shirts sullied by spittle and the like, he glanced at me then, ?clothes are only cotton and wool. They can be replaced.? His voice was very soft, as though he believed that such a thing would be the cause of my change of heart.

I glanced at Cory, ?I wear silk, not cotton and wool. Those are washable, silk is a different matter entirely.? If they believed it was simple vanity, perhaps this discussion would end sooner rather than later.

Topaz gave me a surprised look, ?then buy something washable.? I raised both brows at her, and asked her why my life should have to be altered? I had always been told that children were as adaptable as the parents, so why was everyone trying to make me change? She gave me a shrewd look, ?I don't think it's the clothes you're so worried about. It's not like you're allergic to anything but silk.? She pursed her lips before continuing, ?Because Babies do that. You will be a mommy.? The tone of her voice changed into one of near rapture as she informed me that I would ?be a mommy.? Again, as if this was something to be so overjoyed about. ?Your life changed when you married Klinton, didn?t it??

Artemus was not taking the hint that I did not care to hear his views on parenting, as his parenting skills were one?s I simply abhor. ?Because that's what having a baby means. You have to change some things to fit the baby into your life, not your life into the baby.? He informed me, and I cannot disagree with him more. A child must fit into its family, not the family altering itself around the child. That simply cannot work in the long run.

I muttered at Artemus? comment, ?that?s what Nanny?s are for.? Then I spoke up to Artemus, ?I disagree 1000% Artemus.?

He sneered slightly, ?Of course you do Azjah, you like everything to conform to how you run things, something comes along that swims against the stream, you don't want anything to do with it.?

I nodded at Artemus, ?Precisely Artemus.? I have plans and goals, and everything must conform to those plans. But I do not expect him to understand those goals and needs. He has changed his whole life and path to drop everything for his daughter, something I cannot and will not do.

He shook his head, ?Being a parent means compromise, Azjah, you have to be willing to let some things change. You don't want your kid to grow up thinking you a cold, emotionless, robot do you??

I turned slowly to regard Artemus then, ?Don?t ask me that right now.? No one wants their child to think that about them, and yet, I cannot believe that doing the right thing for a child could result in such a thing. I also did not wish to engage in that discussion with the man.

He rose then, ?Nothing but a big spoiled brat not ready for the greatest gift life can give her.? With that, he headed for the bar, and I was thankful to be spared any further pearls of wisdom from him. He was welcome to believe whatever he chose to about me.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:06 EST
I shook my head at his departing back, ?It is a gift to some, a curse to others Artemus. Never forget that.?

He turned then, ?It's only a curse to those who never wanted children and have them. The people who say they never want children, always end up having them, either on accident or just to appease their partner.?

Topaz heard my muttered reply, ?No. Your life changed when you became an official, everything brings about a change in your life.? She turned blue eyes on me then, ?So, you said something changed... did your awareness of this change, or were you willing to adjust your life to being a mom and are not anymore??

Cory moved a bit closer, ?I can understand some worries, bu? this path concerns me Azjah.?

I shook my head at Cory, ?sorry,? It was better not to say anything about not being able to eat. He would just worry more, and I would not place that burden upon him.

He brightened a bit then, ?Is this ya first experience wit? children, Azjah??

I nodded at him as Artemus once more interjected, ?Proper course of action there...get to the root of the change.? I do not know why Artemus believes this is any of his business. Cory I understand, we have a friendship, but Artemus and I have nothing but a passing relationship from the rings.

Cory smiled then, ?tha? explains some, it?s nerves dear.?

I gave Cory a faint nod and very softly told him, ?that must be it Cory.? I picked up my glass of sparkling water, and took a deep breath before finishing the remainder of the glass.

Cory was watching Anjolie, but whispered to me, ?Wha' I suggest, is ya go home... sit Klinton down 'n explain wha' ya feelin'. Open up 'n confide in him. He's ya husband, he'll listen 'n offer ya solace.?

I shook my head vehemently at him, ?Not a good idea. He?s so over bubbly, it?s not something I can do.? And I did not want Cory grabbing Klinton and ruining his pleasure at this time.

Cory gave me a puzzled look, ?He's ?bubbly? 'n ya are somber. Direct opposites. If an'athin' he could cheer ya up mo' than ya friends.?

I gave him the best smile I could, ?I?ll live Cory. No point in ruining his thrill.?

Cory mistook my words, ?Ya sure will, Marchioness, ?N ya?ll both have a l?il bundle t?call ya own.? He took my hand, ?we?re here t?help, ya know.?

Others began to arrive, and Anjolie?s match was over. I could retreat to the privacy of my home without comment now. Druid had arrived, and I headed for the portal. I could feel Cory?s gaze follow my retreat until I stepped through the gateway into RhyDin.

I found Eoin near the car, and we slid silently into the vehicle. The thought of going home sat uneasily on my stomach, and I headed instead for the bluffs above RhyDin. I would need to get my thoughts under better leash. Another public discussion like that one could well get back to Klinton, and that was the last thing I wanted. It was in fact, the last thing I needed.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:07 EST
We spend an hour or so on the bluffs before I returned to RhyDin and headed for the Isle. Perhaps I could undo some of the damage from tonight, but it was not to be. As I stepped through the portal, the first person I saw was Syous. Just the grouchy old man I needed to ice the cake tonight. I muttered, ?wonderful.?

Gnimish heard me, and peered out from his ring, ?and we agree yet again Azjah.?

I gave the gnome a soft chuckle as I found my chaise again. Topaz was no where to be seen, and I must suspect that Lucien must have finished his hunt earlier than usual.

Syous managed to snap out of his reverie, and quickly tried to focus solely upon the rings rather than myself, but I was of no state of mind to let it be, ?And so Syous, have you sufficiently recuperated enough to venture out once more??

He closed his eyes momentarily before turning toward me with a brow arched, ?Recuperated??

I gave him a cool smile, ?Well, given your age and all Syous.... I am surprised to see you out and about so soon.?

Syous narrowed his eyes as our usual banter began again, ?so soon? Perhaps it is you who are suffering from old age Azjah? your senses seem to be failing you. I don?t believe I ever left.?

His words bit harder than they should have. My senses might be failing me, maybe that is why this malaise has crept so insidiously into my life. ?All the more astonishing Syous old man. that would account for the added grey I see.?

Syous flashed a wicked grin, ?Well, say what you wish. Your perceptions are no longer shared by all around these parts...?

I gave him an equally wicked smile, ?They never were old boy, they never were.? One thing I have never been was vanilla, and that always breeds people to disagree with me. I like it that way.

He nodded sagely, ?just the other evening two individuals happened to comment that they thought I looked quite young.?

I laughed, there were always blind souls to be found, and Gnimish chimed in, ?No they didn?t Syous! I was here!?

I chuckled then, ?Quite young as compared to what? It?s all in one?s perception of time.?

Syous glanced at the gnome, ?You weren't here... and even if you were, you were probably too drunk to notice in your depressed stupor.? He then glanced at me, and murmured as he did not have a come back for my observation, ?true enough, but the fact remains, I have not needed to recuperate to ?venture? out once more, I?ve been here all along.?

I smiled slowly, ?Ah, too exhausted to find a home, hmm?? Nodding slowly, ?well, it?s certainly understandable old man.?

Druid felt that he had the perfect dueling partner for Syous and in fact called Syous and I into a ring as Syous peered my direction, ?Hardly. Though were I rest is my business? be it here on the isle or elsewhere.? He then grinned in Dru's direction, ?That may not be wise...?

I took a sip of the sparkling water the goblin had recently brought, ?Yes, old moldy men can collapse where ever they need to Syous.? Then turning my attention to Druid I said, ?Not a good idea at all.? At lease one thing Syous and I agreed upon, perish the thought!

Druid grinned, ?You two obviously have the hots for one another, so might as well get it out of the way.?

Syous quirked a brow at me, ?I?m moldy now, am I??

I nodded, ?So I have heard Syous.?

Syous glanced at Druid, ?Just when I thought the two of us thought so much the same, you go and make a comment like that!? Then he narrowed his eyes at me, ?Excuse me??

Druid laughed merrily, ?It's true, the two of you wouldn't fight this much if there weren't secret feelings of desire. So Saythe Dr. Ruthe and Phil!?

?Dr Ruthe and Phil are mistaken Druid.? I gave Syous a sweet smile then, ?hearing failing you as well??


Date: 2006-10-01 22:08 EST
Syous muttered at my jab and the smile, shaking his head as he turned back to Druid, ?You really are resembling Esper more and more each day.? Then he turned back to me, ?It seems these past few days of peace and quiet in the dueling venues were but a momentary retrieve...?

?Of course Syous.? He certainly did not think I was disappearing on a permanent basis.

Syous muttered softly to himself before peering at Gnimish, ?You haven?t found that dragonet as well, have you??

Gnimish gave him a bright smile, ?Why do ya think I finally got some sleep, Syous??

Syous grumbled softly as he glanced upward for a brief moment, then he turned back toward the gnome, ?did it get squashed?? His tone sounded almost hopeful.

The gnome smiled, all friendly-like at the old curmudgeon, ?Nope, I brought it along with me tonight! Is that it behind you?? I nearly choked on my water at the obvious taunt.

Syous peered toward the gnome, as though not quite believing him, ?I don't see any additional bandages on that small hand of yours... so I must say I'm not convinced.?

Gnimish kept smiling and gave Syous a shrug, ?can ya take that chance?? I hid my smile behind my glass.

Syous grinned slyly as he folded his arms over his chest, ?knowing you, yes I can.?

I spoke up then, ?perhaps you would like a few more perforations Syous? I heard it told Tass that you tasted like rotten eggs. A bit sulphurous are you?? Then I gave him a sweet smile.

Syous glared slightly in my direction as he recalled a memory that seemed rather sour judging by his expression, ?I?m glad you seem to take such pleasure of the account. As I stated that night, should it try to ?taste? me again, I will not be as ?kind? as I have been in the past.?

Both brows winged upward, ?You called that ?kind?? I didn?t know you have kindness in you old boy.?

As for how I taste, I rather don?t care how I taste, or whether I am a bit sulphurous. Perhaps it?ll help keep such vermin away.?

I shrugged, ?doubtful, but then, some cultures do eat rotten eggs.?

He grinned wryly back at me, ?You?d be surprised.?

I smiled, ?Surprised at which point? That you taste of rotten eggs? I do not believe THAT would surprise me.? The acerbic taunting between Syous and myself was helping take my mind off other problems, and since I love a good exchange of barbs, I have found no one in RhyDin as perfect for such sport as Syous.

He quirked a brow at me, ?I must say, that comment does not flatter you.... seeing how I can't seem to stop you from circling overhead.?

I gave him a soft laugh, ?well, buzzards do follow carrion.? If he wanted to insinuate I was a vulture, then he must be the carrion that drew me.

Things went down hill from there. Gnimish was enjoying the barbs as well, and Syous left himself open for one of them, which brought the comment from Druid, ?You left yourself wide open for it, I was just obliging enough to take the shot.?

I blinked at Druid, ?Syous has admirers? Gnim, I had no idea!?

Druid laughed, ?Yeah, it was a shock to me too.?

Gnimish chuckled, ?Eh, don?t lower yerself to the druid?s level Azjah.? I returned his chuckle then.

Druid was clearly enjoying himself, ?I mean, it's already apparent that you like him, Azjah, but now we've got a love triangle.? He shook his head, ?That's right out of a fantasy/adventure story.?


Date: 2006-10-01 22:08 EST
Syous glanced at Gnimish, telling him not to do him any favors, to which Gnimish replied, ?Oh shut up, ya old coot!? I barely contained my laughter.

Druid continued speaking mostly to himself, ?The Gnome, The Marchioness, and the Mage,? which brought a grumble from Gnimish not to include him into any of that story that the Druid was beginning to concoct.

Syous shook his head as he turned back toward Druid, pausing to give the gnome another cool glare, ?How many times do I have to tell you Dru, I stay far, far away from the women of the isle?? Gnimish laughed, agreeing with Syous for a rare change.

I quirked a brow at Syous, ?So Syous old boy, do you sleep in the rings after everyone leaves, or just haunt the groves?? Then laughed hearing Gnimish, ?Ah, but the women are no worse than the males of this isle.?

Syous grinned slightly then, ?As much as I'd love to haunt the groves, I do not reside on the isle any longer... where I reside is none of your business. You seem to stalk me enough here on the isle. I?d rather not have you visiting my home as well.?

I shuddered at that thought, ?Ah, so when you said you hadn?t left, you were in error??

Druid got very silly then, he glanced at Syous, ?In that first part, he wanted to say, ?as much as I?d love to haunt your groves,? he was speaking to Gnimish, but made certain that both Syous and I could hear him.

Syous shook his head no, ?I simply meant I hadn?t left the duels.?

I gave him a smile, ?Oh, well, you?re obviously an OLD fixture in the duels.?

Syous shrugged, ?I admit, I?ve been here longer than most. How you can deduce I must therefore be an old, decaying curmudgeon from that, I do not know.?

Druid grinned at Gnimish, ?I?m not even gonna comment on that one. That?s too easy, Azjah?s comment on Syous and his OLD fixture.?

I smiled at Syous, ?woman?s intuition.?

Syous grinned wryly at me, ?indeed? I?m not surprised that?s how you?ve made your deduction.?

I sipped the water, ?antiquity is not always chronological.?

His tone was very sarcastic, ?Unfortunately, I?m quite skeptical of that ?magical? system of logic.?

I had to laugh, ?Oh, I have no doubt of that Syous, but it?s because of the curmudgeon side, I am certain.?

Druid made a face behind his mask, ?She wants his curmudgeon...I coulda gone my life without that visual.?

Syous muttered, ?Call it what you will, but that is who I am and who I continue to be.?

I smiled slowly at him, and practically purring, ?we know.?

?If you perceive it as such, then so be it. As Dru said, I still have my admirers.? He glanced then at the gnome, ?as undesired as they may be.?

Druid grinned at Gnimish, ?that translates into ?take me as I am, for what you see is what you get,? He grabbed a typewriter and started hammering away on the keys, with a running side commentary of Syous and my banter. He glanced at me, ?And she would purr at those words with a?. heated gaze?.?

I glanced at Syous, ?Darling, every single celled amoeba has an admirer. Usually, it?s the creature that?s going to have it for dinner.?

Druid kept up his rattatattat on the keys, ?care for dinner, later??

I slid a smile at Syous, ?did you know Syous, that there are even admirers for slime molds?? About that time Rhaine walked through the portal for the first time in ages since I had seen her.

Syous quirked a brow once more, then slowly grinned, ?then it seems I am quite fortunate to have so few admirers. Perhaps the ?curmudgeon?s? way of life is not so miserable after all.?

Druid was happily typing away, ?there?s a slime mold I think you?ll admire, Syous.? Type type type.


Date: 2006-10-01 22:09 EST
I flashed the vampire a smile, ?good evening Rhaine, it has been forever!? Then turning toward Syous, ?the more disgusting the creature, the fewer admirers it has however.?

Druid was still writing in a fever, ?its kinda disgusting, but it?s had several admirers?? type type type.

Rhaine smiled, ?I?m not sure how long is forever.? She sat down at my chaise, and I told her that I simply meant it had been much too long since I had seen her. She shrugged, ?any time is too long when its spent in a cage.? She got herself a glass of water and made herself comfortable in the sand.

I gave Syous a smile, ?unless of course, the disgusting thing is just so fascinating it cannot be ignored, then that changes things somewhat.? Turning with a startled look at Rhaine, ?cage?? I was hoping she would elaborate, but Druid?s voice brought my attention to him, ?drat, the lovers quarrel?s been stalled.?

Syous smirked, ?You seem to fail to see that your words simply support my philosophy.?

I gave Syous a charming smile, ?Ah Syous, but which category are you? Old, disgusting, and with a few admirers who enjoy disgusting things, or rare and with a few select admirers?

Rhaine looked at me with a lazy smile, ?speaking of some vampire??

I chuckled at Rhaine, ?not at all, we have been discussing the finer points of admiration.?

Druid sat back down, writing in a fever again, ?which would you say I am? Rare with a few select admirers, or fair with a few disgusting admirers?? This is semi-good stuff.

Syous shook his head as he believed that our discussion had once more returned to perception. I smiled, ?that Syous is a failing of language, to which Syous, there can be no common ground between us.? I took a sip of my water and smiled again, ?The age gap is too great.

Druid kept writing, ?It?s all in your perception, Azjah my dear,? type type type, ?that is a failing of my, beloved Syous, which is ever a rift between us,? type type type.? ?No matter how long it takes, I will ever truly feel for you,? He was grinning like a madman as he kept up his side commentary, ?but you tempt me so, Syous,? I think I have a best seller on my hands here he told Gnimish as he kept writing.

Rhaine chuckled, ?I won?t comment, being an old hag that prefers to listen.?

I smiled at Rhaine, ?I need to return to the Palazzo now.? While I would have enjoyed spending some time with her, I needed to leave. She returned the smile,?by the way, I?d hope to see Gabriel one day or another, and thank him for his timely and efficient actions.?

I nodded, ?He has been resting after his run in with a Master Vampyre.?

She nodded, ?You've a gift of finding good workers... I'll be around more and will have enough patience to wait.? I rose and gave her a quick hug, ?I must depart, but I am certain Gabriel will be pleased to hear that I saw you tonight.?

Syous quirked a brow as he nodded slowly, ?Then simply heed this Azjah as you continue to "target" me in the future... I have learned restraint in my time here on the isle... but push too much, and you may just get a taste of how truly "disgusting" I can be.?

I gave him a charming smile, ?Is that a threat or a promise??

He grinned wryly as he tapped at his left temple, ?perception my dear, perception. Perhaps we?ll find out one day.?

?Do your best, or worst, as the case may be Syous.?

Druid continued to type, ?Though my heart says different, I must restrain myself? Type type type ?Do not hold back for fear of my rejection Syous? Type type type.

Syous simply nodded his head deeply in response, ?so be it.? He paused, then continued, ?though, I hope for both our sakes that day need not come.?

?Syous, you do need to learn to live a little bit before your time is up.? I then stepped through the portal and found Eoin waiting with the car.


Date: 2006-10-11 17:12 EST
?The entire city has gone crazy? the Marchioness growled as Dyson brought her a cup of hot tea as she worked in the Great Room. He knew better than to reply, and simply placed the cup upon the desk and vanished.

Later that night, I went to the Arena. Klinton has been traveling for so long now, I begin to wonder if he will recognize me when he returns. My thoughts were bleak as I stepped down the stairs, and found Gnimish tossing a wave in my direction. I gave him a smile, and asked how he was doing, to which he replied, ?Same old, same old.? How I wish I could say the same. I gave him a smile, ?I meant to thank you for your support the other night Gnimish.? He gave me a blink, and seemed to have forgotten that he was in my corner when it came to babies.

As I settled into a chair, Topaz said hello and I kicked off my stilettos before greeting her as well. I should have known it would be a very odd night when Koy arrived wearing a silk evening gown and asking who wanted to fight her. She gave me a smile, ?Ye better be careful, dear. There?s someone on the loose killin? reporters with stilettos. Based on our fantastic tastes in shoes, we?re both likely suspects I?d think.?

I blinked at Koy. A killer? How had I missed that crucial announcement? She told me then that she had read it in The Oracle, which I had not yet gone through. I made a mental note to do so when I got back to the Palazzo.

As Koy and I were talking, Anjolie headed down the stairs with anger written plainly across her features. Fury might be closer to what was there when Koy spoke to her, ?Ooh, Quinn, ye decided ta join us after all! I bet ye?d like ta box my face in, no??

I glanced between Koy and Anjolie as Quinn answered, ?Koyliak, I?d hate ta box your face in, but seeing as how it might help both our moods, I?d be happy to oblige.?

?Dare I ask what happened?? There was clearly something that had set Anjolie off, and she was glaring daggers at Wyheree and Cassius while she accepted Koy?s invitation for a fight,

Anjolie then glanced my direction, ?Let's just say some of RhyDin's patrons have complete disrespect for the Barons and their Overlord."

Koy beamed, ?She?s not mad at me, Azjah, she?s jest bein? a good friend and vice versa.?

It seemed that these two had used one another previously as a means to vent their anger or frustration by pounding the living day lights out of one another at the Outback. I gave Koy a skeptical look, to which she continued her explanation, ?Oh, don?t get me wrong, she is mad. Jest at other people.?

I turned and regarded Anjolie, ?Alright, just what is it you are mad about Anjolie??

?Disrespect, Azjah, I?m mad at disrespect and cowardice.? Anjolie?s whole countenance was radiating anger.

?And who was disrespectful?? Clearly I was missing something vital.

Cory ambled in after beating Skyler and retaining his title as current Overlord as Anjolie fairly growled, ?"The ice queen and the Empress...."

I followed her gaze to the ring and then looked back at Anjolie with a slight frown of incomprehension. She gave me a forced smile, ?I can?t stand arrogance, lady. I can?t respect it, and nothing would please me more than to tear it apart.? With that, she sauntered toward a ring to cool off before trying to explain further.

As I watched Anjolie in pure puzzlement, Topaz approached, she smiled wide and leaned down to whisper, ?I thought of something Azjah,? and I gave her a quick smile and asked her on which topic since I was apparently having difficulty following such things tonight, she grinned more, ?One thing fun about the baby thing ? you can tease Gnimmy about babysitting and bouncing it on his knee telling stories.? She straightened again, still grinning.

I could feel a frown flit across my features as she returned to her table. I took a deep breath then and glanced at Cory, who had remained rather closed lipped about whatever was aggravating his bride. I motioned to an empty chair after catching his attention, determined not to let Topaz?s teasing bother me, but it did.

Cory mosied over while cheering on his wife, ?Beat'er up darlin'! I'm still collectin' teeth 'n ain't go' Koy's yet!?


Date: 2006-10-11 17:14 EST
I quirked a brow at him and his comment, ?Collecting teeth? That sounds barbaric Cory.?

Topaz heard him, ?Eh, Cory, you?re no tooth fairy!?

I shook my head, ?scotch Cory, or something else??

Cory shot Topaz a grin, and the smiled at me, ?Nah Azjah, I made a commitment t? Anjolie tha? I?d no? drink until she can again. But I could use a tall glass o? sweet tea.?

I blinked at him in utter shock, ?Should I ask why she cannot drink?? Then I sent Marcus for a glass of that sickening sweet mess he called ?tea?. When Marcus returned, I set the glass before him as he was watching his wife and Koy release some of their anger on one another. There simply must be some kind of epidemic in the water of RhyDin.

Koy looked a bit green as she pulled herself up from the last punch Anjolie had delivered soundly to her midsection, ?Ooh, I?ll be sure ta collect.? She gritted as she fought to keep her meal inside her body rather than releasing it all over the ring.

Anjolie laughed, telling her she had better, and then headed toward where Cory and I sat. She collapsed into a chair and I asked if she was feeling better now. She was, and I ventured to ask her if I had understood Cory correctly. She gave me a puzzled look and asked what her husband had said, so I told her, ?That you cannot drink alcoholic beverages, thus he was abstaining. There is usually only one reason for such commitments.?

Right at that moment, Koy flopped down into a chair near Cory, Anjolie and I, where she retained a somewhat greenish tinge about her.

Anjolie stammered, ?Oh, he, uhh?. We had a little tiff ?bout thin?s and I?ve been feelin? sick lately,? She gave a weak smile, ?that woul? be cool though.?

Cory promptly brought his glass of tea to his lips to avoid having to say anything at precisely that moment, and I shuddered as he drank a big gulp of that nasty brew down, and Quinn gave him a hard look, ?You been tellin? people I?m pregnant??

I glanced at Cory then, ?insinuating it at any rate.?

Cory?s eyes went wide over the rim of his glass and more gulping noises ensued, while Anjolie?s expression darkened into a clear frown. She then looked back at me, ?In short, no, I?m not pregnant.? And her tone was a clear indicator that in her view, the subject was closed.

I glanced at Cory then, ?And Cory Havoick, what happened to all that advice about being happy about such an event?? Then I returned my attention to Anjolie, ?Alright. I have truly missed something of major importance to you both.?

Cory slowly lowered the glass and swallowed the last bit of his tea as he spoke very quietly, ?all I had t?go on was wha? ya were tellin? me. I pu? two ?n two t?geth?a when the pieces did?na really fit.? He too sought to change

Anjolie then brightened, ?By the way, lady... I did find someone who breeds ponies."

I smiled, and she continued to explain, ?I most certainly have. They're not nearby... but they exist."

I was happy to hear that she had found a likely process, ?Distance is not truly important if the blood lines and temperament are right.? For the right animal, no distance was insurmountable.

Koy spoke up then, ?it?s hard work breedin? ponies?? Her interest was idle, but she seemed happy not to be discussion fashion for a change.

I nodded, ?doing it right is, Koy.? And Anjolie added, ?it?s extremely hard work.?

Cassius glanced from his ring as he overheard the conversation, and muttered something indistinct as we continued. Koy wondering what I was going to do with a pony. And I was pleased to have Anjolie resume her discussion of this new find before I had to explain what I needed a pony for. ?Anywho, it won?t be cheap, but their lines are great, their temperament is perfec?, an? I even like their color.?


Date: 2006-10-11 17:14 EST
I nodded at Anjolie, ?Do they have any foals due for spring that are available for review of pedigree, or perhaps siblings on the ground from this year? Or did you see something you liked already on the ground??

She shook her head as Cory seemed a bit depressed that Anjolie was not expecting her own ?foal?, as she continued, ?Spring lady, I want somethin? that will be under Arturo?s training only.?

Druid sighed as we discussed the proper training of horses and ponies, muttering ?they will never learn.? Rena quirked a brow at him and asked what Druid was referencing. Druid mittered some more, ?speaking of animals as if they are slaves, don?t think either of them would like it if I threw a metal piece in their mouth and rode them around, but they do it with horses.?

Cassius shot a glance at Druid from his ring.

Druid returned Cassius? look, ?The experience might be good for them, teach them a few things about how to view creatures they take for granted. Training horses..: He made a rude sound, ?If feel like riding a horse I ask it if I can.?

Koy was listening, and the topic seemed to hold her interest after long days and hours of fashion, and horses are usually a topic near and dear to elven hearts.

I sipped the sparkling water, ?please keep me posted, when the foal crop arrives, we?ll schedule a trip to have a look.?

Anjolie offered to take a trip with me to see this year?s foal crop since they will be very similar in temperament and quality, but then she also explained why she wanted to wait for next spring?s foals, as she does not like their methods for the riding lines. I told her I could make arrangements to go whenever she was free to do so.

Then deciding to change the subject, I invited both Anjolie and Koy for a ride as I was feeling cooped up, and the weather was to be fair. Both of them seemed surprised by the invitation, but both accepted and we settled on a ride at 10. ?There's a perfect waterfall and an ideal place for a picnic lunch. Thought we could ride there and have a change to all of our routines.? Anjolie seemed thrilled with the idea, and finally Koy agreed to come along, although she had not ridden since she had left Elanthia.

Koy offered to make sandwiches and we agreed a picnic by the water would be a delightful diversion. I promised a bottle of sparkling grape juice to accompany Koy?s sandwiches, and Anjolie promised finger food to join the growing list of picnic fare.

Cassius had completed his match and made his way toward us, nodding to each as he came within respectable speaking distance. I nodded, ?good evening,? Anjolie was less inviting as she asked if he was leaving. Cassius dismissed her remark, ?I overheard your conversation and I just wanted to give my advice in regards to the horses.?

Anjolie softened then a bit, ?Please, feel free to join us.? Horses seemed to bring out the better side of her nature.

I lifted a brow at Cassius, ?I did not realize you enjoyed horses Cassius, with your history.? I know that Cassius is of Roman background, but most of the Roman?s were foot soldiers, and his interest in horses was somewhat surprising. But, I too invited him to join us, which he declined in favor of the duels, but he did continue standing, ?There's an expanse of steppeland to the northwest of the city ramparts, roughly 35 to 40 Roman miles.?

Anjolie and I both were curious where Cassius was going with his reference to the steppes.

?Breeding ground for bandits, but the people can be reasonable. I'd consider sending an envoy to a local leader with an armed escort. Horses are numerous there; very cheap compared to Rhydin prices. And they're the best type of ponies one can find.? He glanced a little uneasily toward Anjolie; he realized that he was possibly blocking her business, after all, ?And thank you, but I think I'd like to duel again.?


Date: 2006-10-11 17:15 EST
I studied Cassius a moment, ?steppe ponies for children? Are they trustworthy?? Anjolie was keeping quiet, but her expression clearly said she did not think much of blood lines that could not be traced, while Druid slouched in his seat muttering about the stupidity of man and how they do not realize their own place in nature?s design.

My question seemed to take Cassius slightly off guard, ?their own children ride them. As for the nomads? Actually, yes. They?re quite strict on a code of honor once business has been concluded.?

It hit me then that Xenograg had a steppe pony, but Cassius had misunderstood my query, ?Forgive me, I meant are the ponies trustworthy with small children.?

Cassius shrugged, ?I?m not certain, not my area of expertise. I do know they ride them since the age of three.?

I pondered a moment, ?The Nomads have a reputation for shunning the outside world however.? The likelihood that they would negotiate with me for their prized ponies was not very good.

Cassius gave me a sharp look, ?Send an envoy to them. Do *not* go yourself.?

I lifted a brow at him, ?Thank you for the warning, I shall heed it. You're trying to buy property, not become it.? At that, he stalked toward the ring, his blade, Imperator unsheathed as he stepped into a ring.

I flashed Cassius a smile, ?I would never make good property.? The last thing anyone would want to do is try to lay claim to me as chattel.

Druid muttered some more, ?wonder if she ever asked her horses if they liked being property.?

Cassius shot me a quick look of warning, ?They won?t care.?

Anjolie decided it was time to head for home, and I too felt a need to retreat to the Palazzo for the evening. We said our farewells and agreed to meet for our ride. Koy and I walked out together talking about Matt and his efforts to rebuild the Outback.


Date: 2006-10-12 17:16 EST
the moment, the Twilight Isle was quiet. Just Topaz and I seemed to be anywhere in sight, and she seemed inclined to talk. Unfortunately, of late, my mood has been lack luster, and I have not felt it incumbent upon me to maintain a fa?ade for the public, although I know my father would have remonstrated me for that failing. Jaleeisa arrived and was sitting quietly on the couch with a folder of papers that seemed to be nearly forgotten in her lap.

We greeted and it was then that inspiration struck, ?If you get the opportunity Jaleeisa, you and Che should come meet the Prince.? While Mikhail was in town, it made sense to introduce him to as many of the Carpathian?s living in RhyDin as possible. It might help his mood about the demise of his people to know some do still exist in unlikely places.

She gave me a warm smile, ?I should be honored, as would Che. But I'm not very courtly. I would not wish to shame my Lifemate.?

I lifted a brow at her, ?I?m certain you could survive a brief introduction.? Certainly Mikhail was not perceived to be such an onerous ruler.

?Say no Jal.? Topaz shot her a grin, ?or even better, ?hell no, over my dead body. That?s what I should have done,?

Jaleeisa chuckled, ?I?m sure I would. It was not a demurral, Azjah, merely a statement of fact.?

I glanced at Topaz in surprise, ?You would have had to meet him Topaz. And I suspect had you gone dressed in something other than militaristic attire, things would have gone much better.? I smiled, but it troubled me that she held such disparaging views toward Mikhail.

She continued on her negative comments about my friend, ?their idea of a celebration is to frown down their noses and glare at Brigath.?

Carefully setting my glass of water down, I looked hard at her, ?The Prince did no such thing.? She was being very unfair to Mikhail, who had tried to meet her as a new member of his people, an honor she should have appreciated but instead was condemning because he was offended by her clear defiance of their ways.

Jaleeisa broke the tension, ?I expect he will be much like Che, courtly, old world manner, only more so.?

?A very apropos observation Jaleeisa.? I shook my head as Topaz rebutted that Mikhail was busy keeping Gabriel from attacking Brigath, ?Gabriel was not doing any thing of the sort.? Yes, Gabriel had moved in to intimidate Brigath, but there would never have been a scene and Gabriel would not attack Brig, who is near and dear to my heart as well.

She shrugged, ?He looked like he was about to.?

Jaleeisa seemed to consider a moment, ?so, with the proper attire, and knowing my Chereylen, and his way, aye, I believe his blessing on our bonding would be appreciated.? At least Jaleeisa seemed to understand the importance of seeking the Princes? blessing.


Date: 2006-10-12 17:17 EST
Topaz however is another matter.

?I did meet the prince, that was the problem.? She grinned at Jaleeisa. ?He never acknowledged the letter I sent him either. So much for manners.?

I was growing less patient with each moment, ?there may well be reasons for that Topaz.? How dare she judge the Prince for not responding to a letter that should never have been required in the first place?

Topaz smiled unconvincingly, ?Of course there are reasons. There always are. I quess I should be happy to have dropped off his list of priorities.??

I turned my attention back to Jaleeisa, ?am not certain how long he is staying Jaleeisa, but certainly we will have some kind of informal gathering in the next weeks.?

My stomach cramped hard, and I curled up in the chaise, wrapping an arm around myself and taking a big drink of the water. I am eating nothing, and still grow bigger by the day, which is not adding to my sense of humore.

Jaleeisa nooded, and I dragged my attention back to her, ?Aye, Che says just to let us know when the Prince may receive us and we shall be happy to attend.?

I nodded, ?very good.? Then kicking off the stilettos, I glanced at Topaz, ?will you be traveling then to Auriga Topaz??

She gave me a mildly puzzled look, ?hmm? Why would I want to do that??

I quirked a brow at her before answering, ?to see where Lucien?s homeland is.? It seemed an obvious enough thing to me, but perhaps she was not capable of leaving her ties to magic here?

She shrugged, ?I guess the real thing would be more fun than roaming through Lucien's memories of the place.?

?I would think so, yes. The reality is always more impressive.? The great snow capped mountains are truly awe inspiring, as are the forests and sense of history. It is a place where imagination can truly take flight, and the intrusion of humanity is significantly lessened.

She chuckled, ?Perhaps if there?s ever a time when he?s less busy we can do that.?

Jaleeisa glanced down at her folders, ?Che informs me that my gown will be rather Victorian in design. Apparently I will be gowned, not my trousers. And Victorian. We're debating all the drippy lace.?


Date: 2006-10-12 17:17 EST
I chuckled softly as she announced that she absolutely refused to wear a Victorian head covering because they were ?positively ghastly?. But I tried to allay her fears, ?I think you are safe enough not keeping your hair covered.? While there are places where head coverings are required, Mikhail has no such requirements in his presence.

Jaleeisa snickered, ?Aye, so I say as well. But Che wishes me well covered with other males about, even though I'm thoroughly bonded, claimed and converted.?

I nodded, ?Ah, it?s a failing of their kind Jal.? Every male I had met had archaic notions about their women and how best to protect them, and while sometimes it was endearing, other times it was annoying.

Topaz then expressed an unexpected query, ?So, seeing as everyone seems to want me out of Rhydin, does that mean I'm not expected to be there??

I quirked a confused brow at her, ?How do you mean everyone wants you out of RhyDin??

She chuckled, but it did not have the sound of mirth, ?Well, you and Gabriel seem to want me off world entirely. That is, Auriga is off world, isn't it??

?Yes, Auriga is off world, but it's not that we want you gone, so much as we would like to see you learn about Lucien's home.? I was not sure why she felt anyone was trying to ?get rid? of her. Jaleeisa fell quiet and lapsed into private communication with her mate judging by her expression.

Topaz smiled, ?When Lucien wants to show me his home we will go.? Then she laughed, ?Oh this is funny. Can you imagine having a whole village upset with you??

Jaleeisa and I both blinked and looked at her in confusion.

She said by means of explanation, ?It took like what, all of half an eye blink, to step on every foot in the impromptu court??

I sighed as Jaleeisa observed that her introduction to Mikhail must not have gone well before speaking up, ?Correct me if I am wrong Topaz, but you did know their sentiment about women and warriors.? I knew for a fact that Topaz had been told that Carpathians did not expect nor want their women fighting on purpose.

She shrugged, ?You mentioned it. I also mentioned my choice of what I might wear. Lucien said to wear whatever. I asked about the protocol, and received no answers. So, I went with what I knew of courts and who I am.?

I shook my head, ?You heard me, you knew how Lucien felt about your hunting. I am surprised by your choice.? It still confounded me how anyone could know such things about a new ?family? and still flaunt it in their faces. Most people I know prefer to make a good first impression, and not take a known stand that is contrary; unless of course they do not care about having a good first impression, or having a good relationship with their new ?family.?


Date: 2006-10-12 17:17 EST
It was her turn to give me a puzzled look, ?my hunting??

I thought back to the hunt for the liches on Twilight Isle, where Lucien had first voiced his shock and aversion to having Topaz joining the hunt, ?As I recall, he did not want you hunting the liches, nor hunting vampyres. Did he not explain that women do not engage in such activities??

She remembered things differently, ?As I recall one of our dates was hunting the liches. The original hunt, well, that was before we figured out that we ought to be together.?

I shook my head, selective memory was always difficult to overcome, ?We remember different things then. I remember he did not want you along, it was not safe for you to be there. It was Brigath and he that nearly came to blows over your presence.? In fact, Lucien told me how hard he had tried to convince her that hunting was not something he wanted her to do because it was dangerous. And, he had run into her on the topic again when he had recalled a search party in the Atreblan valley contrary to her wishes and upset her in front of her Captain. She knew his beliefs on the subject very clearly.

?Lucien and Gabriel have been in Rhydin for years. They really oughta know better by now. And Brigath and Lucien nearly got to blows once Lucien found out about how Brigath survives otherwise deadly injuries.?

I nodded, ?Very true, they have been here for years, it does not mean they have adopted Rhydinian ways.? But she was ignoring the fact that Brigath had told Lucien to ?get over? having Topaz present for the hunt, and that had nearly set them at one another yet again.

My stomach cramped hard again, and I took another sip of water before asking Jaleeisa, ?so you are not a fan of frothy lace Jaleeisa?? I was not going to get through to Topaz at all regarding Mikhail.

Jal shook her head, ?Nae.. I fear I am not so feminine as that. The thought of swathes of lace everywhere makes me ill.?

I chuckled, ?I am no fan of lace either. It itches.?

She shook her head, ?But I am sure that Che and I shall fine a suitable compromise. That seems to be our best strength. Respecting each others needs and finding a compromise we can both support.?

I smiled, ?As I said, I shall endeavor for a more relaxed atmosphere.?

She smiled, ?Just let us know. Che will still wish us presentable before our Prince.? Then she chuckled, ?So, perhaps I can convince him that there is no need for hoops to conceal my form.?

I was relieved, she seemed to understand that as a Carpathian, she did belong to the Prince?s realm, which seemed not to be the case with Topaz.


Date: 2006-10-12 17:18 EST
I gave her a smile, ?Well, I would not plan mud wrestling, but perhaps a garden party that does not require formal gowns.? Something non-formal in the gardens would be perfect. And no one would remark on the absence of food, which was so much the better.

Jaleeisa gave a wide grin, ?Should you manage that, Azjah, I will be indebted! Then mayhap I might not have to worry over brocades, velvets and laces!? She smiled at Topaz, ?Well, in a more relaxed setting than the formal reception, I hope you will find a way to ease the impression. I'm a little nervous myself. But I'm not a ruler meeting another ruler. And I've known no liege aside from my Captain. I've not met the rulers of my Mother's peoples.?

Topaz returned her grin, ?Apparently I wasn't either. Only I didn't find out about that til after.? She sipped her coffee, ?Lucien doesn't seem to dislike anything I wear, but my tastes don't run into revealing clothing to begin with. But he's certainly nice about the dueling. Much nicer really than some humans are once they get married. And I think we found a way for dealing with me being the Commander of GoT and Atrebla, too.? She then lowered her voice to a whisper, ?But it does me rather deeply that the court got such a bad impression of me.?

Jal nodded to her, ?Well, Che doesn't care for the revealing clothing, but he does see mine as more tasteful than some of the females in Rhydin. He doesn't mind me dueling, he feel it keeps my skills sharp should I need to protect myself, since the rings are warded. Aye, I can see how it would.?

Topaz continued softly, ?I truly wish there was an opportunity to amend that. I'm not nearly as out for fights as Azjah made it sound. And if she got that impression, I can imagine how bad things may have looked to the prince.?

?Perhaps you can find a way to ease the first impression.? Jaleeisa suggested.

Topaz regarded her a moment, ?If the gods permit. It appears I'm not invited to the garden party. Maybe I'll run into one of them by accident. Ah well, no sense in crying over spilled milk, is there??

Topaz then asked me if I would like to duel, but I find my strength failing me, ?I would, but I cannot stay tonight.? With that, I found it wiser to remove myself from the rings rather than let anyone see how little of my strength remains.


Date: 2006-10-12 17:18 EST
Topaz walked up the beach, ?good evening Azjah.?

I glanced up from my reading and returned her greeting. ?How are you?? It appeared that tonight would start out slowly, which might give me a chance to finish the book. Rena had been reading, and it struck me that I could bring some of the things I have been meaning to read as well.

She gave my book a curious glance, ?I?m splendid for the most part. How are you?? She then chose a seat close to my chaise since it was just the two of us.

I gave her a wry smile, ?Missing Klinton.? I closed the book and kept my hands wrapped securely around it to keep the tremors from being obvious.

She nodded in understanding, ?He sure is gone for a long time. I do hope for you that he won?t be much longer in returning home. I can barely stand being without Lucien for half a day.?

We spoke a bit about Carpathian?s and their cave men attitude, where they would drag a mate along kicking and screaming if it fit their goals. But being without Klinton is lonely, even though I understand his need to seek out information on his mother. The whole thing was beginning to worry her more and more. What on earth had she done?

Syous arrived on the Isle, but even that did little to perk my interest in much of anything. He sought to ignore me for the most part, and for the most part, that was a good thing in my present state of mind. He watched the match in progress quietly, seemingly putting forth quite a bit of concentration in doing so.

I closed my eyes and kicked off the stilettos as Topaz sought a match with Syous. I opened my eyes and looked at Topaz, ?Try not to wear him out too badly Topaz.? She did not think that was possible, but I suggested that it would not take much to wear the old coot out.

She grinned, ?it doesn?t take much with Gnim either.?

Syous seemed to be holding his tongue tonight, and that was probably a good thing. In my current humor, it could digress and become ugly all too easily.

Topaz and Syous were engaged in their duel when Lucien arrived. Topaz?s attention was divided between Syous and Lucien, and that gave me a chance to retreat with my own thoughts.

Syous glanced between Topaz and I as I told Topaz to grab a hand full of his hair to see if it was real after she?d observed that at least Syous had hair, where as Rab did not.

Syous just shook his head, ?Now you?re just making this ridiculous.?


Date: 2006-10-12 17:19 EST
I sipped the sparkling water, keeping one arm wrapped about my waist, what is left of it, as Topaz told me one day I would have to get Syous a ?huge box of chocolates and a big bottle of brandy to make up for all the teasing.? I lifted a brow at her and asked why.

Topaz grinned, ?It would boggle his mind??

I wanted to say something disparaging about his even having a mind, but bit my tongue, ?I would hate to give him a heart attack? was the come back I allowed to be heard publicly.

Syous muttered about his heart being quite strong, but he mostly kept his thoughts to himself. I smiled slowly at his expression. He is much too much fun to torment.

Later that night Syous dueled Ryn as well, and I warned Ryn not to be too rough on the elderly one. Syous peered back at me as I winked Ryn?s direction.

I heard Lucien groan, and he explained to me that Topaz had asked him about my garden party planning, and whether they would be expected to attend. I told him of course they were expected, why on earth would they not be? The question seemed an odd one.

I smiled as Gnimish and Drakhan arrived. The plump little dragon giving me a drooly grin as Gnimish untied his paper and pens in preparation for his turn to volunteer.

I quirked a brow at Gnimish, ?You are making Drakhan carry your supplies??

He shrugged innocently, ?Wha'? He's gout four legs and a sturdy back, doncha Drakhan?? But the lizard did not seem to take Gnimish?s ?compliment? quite as well as the gnome would have thought. He shook his head and flopped down on the floor at Gnim?s feet. I could not help but smile seeing Drakhan?s reaction.

Wulfson did a double take as he arrived and caught sight of Gnimish in uniform, but otherwise said nothing overt.

I wrapped up my current duel and sent a goblin after a plate of medium rare beef for Drakhan. The dragon happily scarfed down the beef and made himself comfortable on my foot.

Gnimish grumbled, ?Now he?s got two caramel buddies and a meat buddy, yer a little chick magnet Drakhan!?

I laughed, ?He?s too adorable Gnimish.?

Drakhan opened one eye to give the gnome a secret, smug little grin before closing the eye and going back to resting on his new found foot pillow. It was regrettable that I needed to go, but my hands were shaking badly, and I did not wish anyone to notice. With that, I headed slowly toward the portal, and left Syous fairly unscathed for the night.


Date: 2006-10-13 16:17 EST
Hunger has a way of coloring everything. The last meal had been shared with Klinton, but he?s been gone these weeks, and I know Andre and Dyson are beginning to talk. Dyson?s expression is enough for me to know I will have to do better at convincing them I am eating. While I do not sanction table scraps for the dogs, it would be one way of easing their worries to share with them.

I walked slowly into the Arena tonight, pausing to catch my breath before attempting the stairs. I find the ability to spar in the rings has failed me, and so I did not come with the saber at my side. Topaz met me at the table I chose with her cup of coffee in hand, and I quickly sought out Hubie or Marcus to obtain a glass which I could wrap my hands around that she would not see the tremors. ?Good evening Topaz, how are you tonight??

She smiled, ?I think I?m fine, but you look horrible. I thought this morning sickness thing was supposed to go away eventually.?

I glanced at her, ?morning sickness left me a couple of weeks ago.? Perhaps it was time to remain within the walls of the Palazzo if people were beginning to remark on my appearance.

?Really? Then what is wrong?? she queried. It seemed I would not be left alone on this topic.

Gnimish came stomping down the stairs, dragging Drakhan along and humming a little tune. ?Good evening folks.? His entry allowed me to ignore Topaz?s question a bit longer before having to give her a vague shrug, ?nothing.?

?Evenin? fairy, Azjah,? he tossed a wave over on the way to his seat. And I sent Marcus for a plate of medium rare beef.

Topaz however was a terrier on the trail of a varmint, ?Hmm, you should see a healer or maybe have Gregori have a look at you, just to make sure. You wouldn't want the baby to get hurt by whatever it is that has you looking so....well, not your best.?

I gave her a cool look, ?Pregnancy is not agreeing with me, perhaps that is why I do not look my best?? Certainly that much was truth, and it seemed things were only getting worse with time.

?Perhaps. I just would hate to see you get seriously sick or end up with a less than healthy baby.? The slid into a chair and sipped from her cup of coffee with a look that clearly said she was not buying my responses.

I took the plate of beef from Marcus and leaned over to offer Drakhan a bit as I told her I would be alright. As I reached for another piece of beef for Drakhan, I had to concentrate on not letting my hand shake in front of the fairy. Drakhan however appeared to be the picture of happiness as all three of his food buddies had arrived. Rena was just taking her seat and Gnimish groaned, ?Oh, peachy, and Drakhan is, oh, he seems to be enjoying himself.? About then Hubie arrived with towels and Gnim tossed one in front of Drakhan before he could drool too big a puddle on the floor.

Out of the blue, Topaz commented that she was looking forward to someone by the name of Michelle and her pies, but the thought sent a wave of nausea through me. I focused on Drakhan then as Gnimish commented that he couldn?t take him anywhere.

I chuckled, ?He?s too cute not to take anywhere Gnim.?


Date: 2006-10-13 16:18 EST
The gnome gave me an incredulous look, ?Ya think Drakhan?s cute, eh??

I nodded, ?absolutely.?

Gnimish regarded the lizard a moment, ?I wonder what would happen if ya stuck equal amounts of food on opposite sides of the room.? He tried but failed to stifle a snicker as he envisioned the scenario.

I told Gnimish that would be mean, and that it was much better to hand feed him as Topaz reasoned that Drakhan would eat his favorite first, or which ever was closer and then go eat the remainder. Which sounded logical to me, and then I offered Drakhan another bite of the beef.

Cicero made his way into the room with an imperious gait for one of his years, commenting that it was the ?usual crowd? before taking his sofa as caller. He made his announcements and looked around for duelers to fill his rings.

Gnimish was in rare humor, and pointed behind Bran, ?Oh look, a giant bug!?

Bran spun around several times, ?where? Where?? Before realizing that the laughing gnome was just teasing, and the gnome flung a water balloon at the back of Bran?s head.

Rena must have kicked the gnome in the shins as Gnimish reached down and rubbed his shin giving Rena a look, ?What?re ya? My conscience??

She shrugged, ?Got to be something.? Then she and he stepped into a ring for a match.


Date: 2006-10-13 16:18 EST
I pulled the stilettos on slowly, and pulled myself to my feet using the railing before making my way up the stairs. I would escape the too watchful eyes of the fairy in favor of a darkened corner at the Inn.

I headed for a table in the corner, asking the bartender for a glass of sparkling water, but was nearly given heart failure when Klinton?s voice came from behind me, ?Why don?t you throw in a hamburger or something with that water??

I whirled around nearly losing my balance in the process, ?Klinton!? I was overjoyed to see him, and for a moment wondered if I had conjured him up as wishful thinking, but he was there as real as could be.

He looked me over with a bit of a frown in his features, and I can only assume he was disappointed at what he saw. I had grown so fat, but I flew into his arms anyway, and he lifted me off the ground with a kiss I had missed these weeks gone by. He whispered, ?hey you,? and smiled at me as I wrapped both arms around his neck.

?When did you get back?? Gads but he was a sight for sore eyes.

?It?s good to see you dear,? he told me, and yet there was something in his eyes that was not right. During his absence, I had put on a number of extra kilograms, and I did not look like the wife he had left weeks ago.

I flashed him a smile, ?better to see you, I?ve missed you.? That was an understatement. I had more than missed him, but we were in public and it was best not to make too big a scene. I stayed put in his arms, looking up at him, ?I?ve been lonely, and growled at everyone, including Dyson.?

He shook his head, ?well, now you won?t be lonely. I have one thing to follow up on tomorrow, but after that, I should be around quite a bit more. And if I wasn?t eating, I?d be grouchy too.?

I lifted a pale brow at him, ?Not eating? I?m getting quite fat.? How did he know?

He looked me over again, ?not nearly plump enough, in fact, it?s a bit concerning to me.?

I shook my head resolutely, ?I?m fine, really. Better now that you are here.?

He smiled that smile that always makes me feel safe and loved, ?good, so promise you?ll eat??

I swayed a bit on my feet, but couldn?t give him the promise he sought, ?Shall we sit down??

He kept an arm around me and agreed that we certainly should sit down, for I was in danger of falling down, and I smiled, ?good, I?m worn out.?

He pulled a chair out, and helped me get comfortable. ?from what??

I happily settled into the chair, ?We will probably have our guests another couple of weeks. And have you heard that Lucien and Topaz are expecting?? I kept talking very quickly in order to keep the topic of discussion from being me. The last thing I wanted was for him to delve too deeply into my eating habits.

He shook his head, ?NO...I didn't know that. Perhaps you can have a few meals together.?


Date: 2006-10-13 16:19 EST
I let that go since Carpathians do not eat, that would not make him feel any better, so I continued as though I had not heard him, ?They are ecstatic, and I've hired Rina to take Anne's place at the plant. Anne found her, and she has some of the skills we need.? He told me that was great, and so I continued, ?: I thought we would have a garden party to introduce Jaleeisa and Che to Mikhail. What do you think??

He studied me a moment longer, ?Sounds great. Will you be eating at said party??

I shook my head, ?Well, the Carpathian's won't have need or want of food,? then involuntarily my hand slid over my bulging abdomen, ?besides, I don?t need food.?

He gave me a worried look, but did not argue, so I continued, ?So what did you find? Anything??

Klinton shook his head, ?wild goose chase.?

I reached for his hand, focusing on keeping it steady, ?I?m sorry.?

He sighed, ?I'm sorry. It was wrong for me to leave you like that.? He gave my hand a long look before lifting his gaze to mine.

I was puzzled, ?Sorry? Why are you sorry? The lead sounded promising.? I gave him a warm smile, ?but you?re back.?

He frowned slightly, ?I am, but I left my pregnant wife at home.?

I slid closer to him, ?Lots of people do that.? Then I leaned against his shoulder, ?how about taking me home??

He rose then, ?But I didn?t think I would.? Then he scooped me up into his arms, ?I?ll carry you there.?

I wrapped my arms around his neck, snuggling into the warmth of his chest, ?I?m glad you?re home.?

He carried me through the door, ?I?m glad to be home.?


Date: 2006-10-13 16:19 EST
He fell sound asleep upon reaching the Palazzo, and while I wanted to remain curled into his arms, I could not sleep. Pain gnawed at my insides, and so I slid from our bed and wandered the Palazzo alone for a while. Until Gabriel came soundlessly into the room.

We talked for some time, and at length he agreed to escort me into RhyDin. We arrived at the Arena, and I made my way carefully and with deliberation to an empty chair near the stairs. Topaz and Rab both waved simultaneously, and as Gabriel took a position against the wall, Topaz rose and took her coffee with her to go speak to him.

I sent Hubie for a glass of sparkling water as Gnimish tossed a wave my direction, which I returned as Hubie brought the water. I removed the stilettos and curled up. Wrapping one arm around my expanding waistline, and taking the glass in the other hand, I enjoyed a moment to myself as Gabriel?s attention was diverted by Topaz.

Xenograg walked into the Arena shortly thereafter, and I was reminded of the discussion the other evening with Anjolie and Cassius. I invited him to have a seat if he had the time to discuss ponies with me. He agreed and walked over, taking the offered seat.

He smiled and opened with the usual light banter, inquiring after my health, which I announced that I was getting fat, and he laughed, telling me he was fighting the same fight that I was. I smiled and told him I had a question if he did not mind.

He gave me an enigmatic smile, ?You can ask.? He sat back and set the scabbard across his lap.

?I thought that I remembered that you had steppe pony or two, did my memory fail me?? I was fairly certain he had steppe ponies, but needed him to verify that before we went any further.

He nodded, ?you are correct, I own both horses and ponies.?

Then I began to tell him about the discussion a few evenings prior, ?We were having an interesting discussion the other evening about ponies, and Cassius suggested I send a negotiator into the steppes to try to obtain a steppe pony.... what do you think of such animals for children??

He seemed to ponder that a moment, ?Ponies do have advantages where children are concerned.... Stallions are stallions, so I suggest a gelding either way.?

I nodded, ?Yes, a gelding is best, mares and their heat cycles are trouble too.?

He then wanted to know how old the child in question was and I told him about 3 to 4 years of age.


Date: 2006-10-13 16:20 EST
I asked him if he believed the nomads could be safely dealt with, and that earned a pained expression from Cicero. It seems the Romans shared a view of the nomads.

Xeno smiled, ?but then, I am a lord of such nomads.? He felt they could be safely dealt with, but he had an inside track.

I chuckled, ?Cassius felt it would not be safe for me to go to do the negotiating.? There was a short, soft gasp and I glanced at Cicero, but he looked away and I could not catch his attention.

Xeno shrugged, ?Perhaps, but perhaps no more than any other strange land or culture.? He did not seem overly worried about the prospect.

?So this would not be as risky as Cassius thought?? I pressed him slightly.

He smiled, ?Now that I know of your interest, no.?

I gave him an answering smile, ?I do not believe Anjolie likes the idea, but the nomads have bred the steppe ponies for centuries.?

He nodded his agreement, and then brightened, ?Oh, are you aware of the steppe saddles? They are short-stirrupped. This will help with a child of age 4. The downside is you cannot use them to step up into the saddle.?

?Not really, I do not know much about the steppe ponies other than that they are hardy, and resilient.? I knew next to nothing about the steppe peoples, but I would have to remedy that weakness.

Cicero spoke up about then, ?Longer than that.?

I turned my gaze back to Cicero, ?Indeed? I suspect Arturo will be helping the child mount the pony anyway,? I was curious how Cicero know about horses. I had always believed that the majority of Romans were not horsemen, that such was reserved for the commanders and charioteers. But perhaps I am mistaken in their history.

Cicero continued, ?thousands of years have passed, I am told.? And then he offered no more.

?have they kept breeding records?? My question was directed at both Xenograg and Cicero.

Xenograg told me to be certain to include a saddle in the negotiations, and that reminded me to inquire about a bridle, but he felt a modern bridle would be just fine. Then he answered my question about breeding records, ?Such records are oral but surprisingly informed. Breeding is a matter of prestige amongst the clans.?

I considered his recommendations, ?So I would like to make arrangements to see these nomads about negotiating for a pony. Any suggestions how best to open negotiations??


Date: 2006-10-13 16:20 EST
Xenograg nodded, ?I can arrange access, security, and introduction to a reputable -- and suitable -- breeder.?

He could open the pathway for me, and that was most helpful of him. He then wanted to know if I had a suitable groom, and I told him about Arturo, who is my very capable Master of Horse. I repeated my query, ?Any hints how to best open these discussions? I know next to nothing about the Steppe people.?

But he sidestepped my question again, ?If you are not too choosy about bloodlines, you and Arturo could look over my small herd.?

I thanked him, ?We are looking for the right animal, the blood lines only need to be sound of temperament and conformation. I do not plan to begin breeding ponies.?

He smiled, ?I have been buying with my own children in mind, so temperament has been paramount. What transport do you have for a trip to Xenodar??

I thought about it a moment, ?I had thought to take the McLaren. How will they feel about technology??

He frowned slightly, ?Would likely scare them greatly. We can arrange for a landing area away from any active pastures. Many of my retainers have been here in the City, and have seen some tech.?

?I see. So an alternative as we get closer would be in order?? It would not be much longer and I would no longer be able to ride a horse, but if I went sooner rather than later, perhaps I could weather a couple of hours in the saddle still.

He chuckled softly, ?There are always alternatives.? He adjusted the lay of the wood scabbard for his comfort. ?I would offer you the hospitality of Xenodar, but my manor is unfinished.?

I leaned back in the chair, closing my eyes tightly for a moment as a flash of pain tore through my stomach again. I would not remain in Xenodar any longer than necessary, but there was no point in risking an insult to him. ?I should be going, I thank you for your information General.?

He stood then, ?My pleasure Azjah.?

Gabriel was instantly at my side, offering his arm to me as support. I thanked Xeno and took Gabriel?s arm.

Gabriel D

Date: 2006-10-13 16:23 EST
The Marchioness was in no condition to be out and about, but her restlessness was a living thing that I could feel, and so I agreed to take her out, but resolved to bring her back at the first indication of trouble. We arrived at the Arena, and I found a place against the cold stone wall, leaning my shoulder against it, and crossing my arms to wait.

As I did so, Lucien?s lifemate approached me, clearly she did not understand that Lucien would not approve of this action, especially since I am unmated, and so I retained a cold and aloof demeanor with her, trying to help her understand this was not something she should do on any kind of regular basis. She had said she wanted to thank me, and I gave her a slight frown, ?Tell me thank you? May I inquire for what??

?Of course. Lucien told me that you are once again patrolling in the Valley.? She said it as though such a thing deserved thanks, but in fact it is our responsibility to our people, and those who live in RhyDin.

I acknowledged that we were there hunting the vampyre, and she got in her barb, ?no more acid trap accidents though I hope??

I lifted a brow at her, ?no, no acid traps of late.?

She continued on in a very un-Carpathian manner, ?If it wasn't for that promise Lucien made me give, I guess you rather get hurt than have me around anyway. There's something else I don't quite know how to ask.? Her shrug spoke volumes, but it will not change our views on women accompanying a Hunter on a vampyre hunt.

?It is not that at all, but we are used to hunting Topaz.? We do not seek injury, but sometimes it happens. Putting our women in danger is simply not an option.

She smiled, ?And you're very good at it. I just don't like knowing you got hurt by something I could have helped with. There's something else I don't quite know how to ask.?

Her self assuredness was amusing, ?We cannot know that you could have prevented it. And what question would that be??

Her voice dropped low, ?Can you keep Azjah from making herself sick??

?How do I do that Topaz?? So, she had noted it as well. This was not good.

She shrugged helplessly, ?did you already try and fail??

Discussion of the Marchioness? business is not something I engage in, but this could not simply be ignored. ?She is viewing this differently from the rest of us. But do you recommend we force her??

Topaz thought about that a moment, ?know I'd be very angry if anyone forced me to do anything I don't want. But there must be something acceptable other then to wait until she passes out, miscarries or worse.? Her voice remained very soft, but still, the Marchioness would hear her if she were paying attention. I could only hope she was more attuned to her discussion with the General.

Gabriel D

Date: 2006-10-13 16:24 EST
It was time to end this line of discussion, ?we can speak with her.? She nodded and thanked me, and my gaze slid over the too thin woman in question.

I thought she would depart, but the fairy continued to stand before me, ?Are you getting used to the idea of being an uncle??

I lifted a brow at her, ?I will get used to the idea when it is time. Has Lucien not told you about why our race is dying??

Her smile was totally unconcerned, ?Yes, he has. I have spent a lot of thought on it too.?

?Then you know even if the child is birthed, it may not survive?? I reminded her.

She blithely informed me that hers would survive, and I hope she is correct, but will not be so confident as she. But she simply grinned, ?I know I am. Julian made a wish.?

I lifted a brow at her, ?A wish?? I was incredulous.

?Aye? came her simple reply.

?Let us hope your wishes are strong enough.? For Lucien?s sake, I hope wishes are enough.

She went on to elaborate, ?Mine are useless unless they are the kind Lucien can make come true. I can't wish of myself.? Thunder echoed over the arena, and I knew Lucien was sensing my presence too close to his mate, and a gave a faint smile. Would the fairy understand the warning my brother was giving me?

Apparently not as she continued to remain too close and speaking directly to me, ?Anyway, true wishes made of me all have come true, so you don't need to worry about that.?

?Again, I do hope you are correct.? Then inspiration struck, ?Have you decided to visit Auriga??

She chuckled, ?I am sure Lucien and I will go on a little vacation when the time is right and responsibilities allow to slip away for a few weeks.?

?You should see our homeland.? He knew she did not want to be taken away to learn their ways, but if he pushed hard enough, she might retreat to a safer distance from him.

?I would like to see it,? she said with a smile, ?if it was any easier to reach and return from, I?m sure I would have already.?

?Can you leave the magic here?? Perhaps she was tied to this world permanently.

?For a few weeks, and so long as nothing untoward happens, yes.?

I nodded, ?I see.? So she could be removed from here without ill effect.

She gave me a smile, ?I guess it may be a little like can you go some place that has no earth.?

Touch?, ?I can, but it does not mean I like to do so.? She understood our ties to the earth.

She smiled, seemingly content to have found an analogy. ?But I am curious enough to go have a look when the opportunity presents itself. I'll just have to be careful with the use of magic.?

The Marchioness was struggling, and I could feel her distress as I glanced her direction, but told Topaz that the Carpathian mountains are stunning. And that our homeland is in the heart of these beautiful mountains.

?I like mountains and forests,? she chuckled then added, ?You?ve seen Atrebla and its mountains. Is it anything like that??

I shook my head, but kept my focus on the Marchioness, ?these are sheer, rocky faced mountains that rise in jagged splendor much wilder and more untamed than Atrebla.?

She told me that Lucien should enjoy seeing it in color as well, but I felt the pain rip through Azjah, and I unfolded my arms and began to move toward the Marchioness, ?If you will excuse me? I believe we are about to depart.? I moved silently to stand beside her, and the wan smile she gave me spoke more than any words she could have uttered, I offered her my arm as she bade everyone a good evening. Always the lady, she would never abruptly leave, no matter the pain she felt. I escorted her from the Arena back to the Palazzo.

It was time to have a discussion with the Marquess.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:20 EST
Klinton had gone again, he had said there was one more thing he needed to do, and again I was alone in the Palazzo with just Dyson and Lucien. It has grown easier to refuse food, I do not even desire it now. The water is about all I can keep down now, and not even that if it is too cold, so I have taken to letting it sit until it becomes room temperature. Then I can keep it down.

I focused on walking into the Arena with a steady poise that I did not feel. I paused on the landing as Lucien faded into visibility behind me. With his unseen support, I made my way down the stairs, one at a time as Lucien moved with me. Topaz waved to us both, but she had only eyes for her mate.

Des greeted us as I found an empty table at the base of the stairs. My strength was gone, and a walk further into the room would not have been possible. Lucien pulled out a chair for me, and Topaz walked toward us. I put on a smile as she approached. ?Good evening Topaz.?

Lucien slipped an arm around Topaz then, and I send Hubie for the sparkling water, asking that he bring it without ice.

Anjolie waved from her perch with Cory, and I waved back, but I was happy she did not join me, as I was simply worn out. Rena nodded a greeting, but her attention quickly reverted to the diminutive dragon, and I thankfully took the water from Hubie. ?Good evening Rena.?

Drakhan was cheerfully begging sweets from Amaltea, sitting at her feet drooling as he looked up at her with the most adorable expression.

Amaltea smiled as she looked at Drakhan, then told her husband, ?ahhh, I came prepared!? She then pulled some caramel out of her pocket and tossed it across the room, away from where they sat. ?Go fetch? she told the lizard.

The lizard gave Amaltea a happy, innocent look and planted a big drooly lick on her foot before running off to chase the caramel. I do not believe Amaltea understood that ?fetch? meant go get it and bring it back to me. I had to chuckle softly as I kicked off the stilettos and curled up in the chair. I wrapped both hands around the glass, seeking to warm it up with my hands before taking a sip of it.

Drakhan did not disappoint, he went waddling right back to Amaltea after consuming the caramel. Not quite a ?fetch? in the true sense of the word, but like a proverbial boomerang, he was back at her feet with an adoring expression, and a puddle of drool forming at her feet.

She pulled her feet up into her chair with a whimper, ?GNIMISH!!!!?

The gnome jumped, ?wha?? He spun around, ?I didn?t do it, it was broken when I found? er?oh?. Drakhan!?

She shot the gnome a pointed look, ?Yeah! Drakhan!? Xenograg tried to grab the lizard?s chain without getting his boots ruined, but missed.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:32 EST
Topaz gave me a worried look before she smiled up at Lucien, and his eyes shot toward me a moment before he shook his head. He leaned close to Topaz, ?he will not touch you again.? His obsidian eyes locked onto Falon, who was still downing the meade. She slipped an arm around him, whispering, ?Of course not.? It had angered Lucien as we had made our way here when he sensed Falon grabbing Topaz by the arm.

Amaltea and Xenograg made their greetings as I took an experimental sip of the water.

Topaz gave me an assessing look that I was growing accustomed to seeing, ?still just water, Azjah? How about a glass of milk, or juice instead??

I shook my head, ?the water is fine, thank you Topaz.? No point in telling her neither of those would stay down, she would simply worry more.

She sighed, ?that baby is starving.?

I gave her a disbelieving look, ?it grows ever larger.? If it were starving, it would not be growing. This was becoming a regular discussion, and I was grateful when Lucien leaned over to kiss her neck gently. Asking her what he could get for her since she seemed to enjoy eating right now.

I sent Marcus for a plate of medium rare beef to tempt Drakhan with as Topaz was distracted sufficiently to cease her mother henning of me. Rather than coming outright and telling me I was killing the child, she chuckled at her mate, ?more of that.? Then she smiled up at him, ?A cup of coffee for now will have to do though.?

A pang of envy rippled through me at their flirtatious play. Klinton had been gone so long, and his one evening home was just not enough to make up for all that we had been missing. I wonder if my father had left my mother during her pregnancy, and how she made up for the lonely hours. Then shaking my head, it would not do to dwell on things I will never know the answers to.

Lucien had a tray of fresh fruit and a fresh cup of coffee brought for Topaz. He offered to have something brought for me, but I declined silently as Topaz whispered to him, ?that would have been mean to say.?

Lucien leaned over and whispered to her, ?she feels differently than you or I.? That was an understatement, but I appreciate that Lucien understands. No one else seems to understand.

I sipped the water slowly, feeling it settle into my stomach. There was a brief moment of concern that it would not stay there, but it did, and I leaned back into the chair then.

Topaz reached for a banana and began to peel it as she told Lucien that there were less torturous ways to do what ever it was she thought I was doing. She would not listen to me that I was fine, and seemed convinced that I was trying to kill either the child or myself. Neither of which is the case.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:34 EST
I took the beef from Hubie, tempting the lizard as he raced off toward some flowers Gnimish had conjured to pull the dragon off Amaltea. I gave him a wry smile, ?seems I cannot compete with flowers tonight.?

The lizard grabbed a mouthful of flowers before turning to peer at me, and my offering of medium rare beef, he left half of the bundle on the floor and came bouncing my direction. I lowered the beef to his level as he arrived.

Xenograg prompted his wife that they should leave before Drakhan remembered them, but Amaltea was busy cheering on an overgrown Orange currently in the ring.

Topaz nibbled on the banana, ?there?s really not much more I feel would be okay for me to do, but that doesn?t keep me from worrying.? Lucien kept an arm around her, but reached for a strawberry, dipping it in chocolate and teasing her with it. The fairy looked at the chocolate dipped strawberry hungrily and whispered a soft ?oh!?

Drakhan gobbled up a good portion of the beef in pretty much one bite, swallowing it essentially whole, but then he bit the plate and raised his head, trying to get me to take the other portion of beef back. I have never seen Drakhan refuse food. I gave him a surprised look, ?not hungry?? Perhaps he had had too much tonight.

The lizard shook his head a bit, slinging drool about, and tossing some of the beef off the plate, but then he stretched waaaay up, trying to offer me the plate once more. I took the plate from him, setting it on the table with a concerned look at the diminutive lizard. I did not understand his actions, and gave him a sad look, ?I don?t have any caramels Drakhan.?

He shook his head, and looked between the plate and myself several times before slapping his tail hard against the floor. It dawned on me then, somehow Drakhan had picked up on Topaz?s concern and was offering to share his beef with me, I gave him a smile, ?I am not hungry, I had Hubie bring this for you.? I hoped he would understand me.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:34 EST
About then, Gnimish peered at the lizard, wondering what mischief he was up to tonight, and then the gnome called him. ?Drakhan!?

I gave the gnome a worried look, ?He?s turning down this lovely beef Gnimish.?

Gnimish canted his head at Drakhan, he as confused as I as Drakhan sat there staring at me, occasionally thumping his tail on the floor. Finally Gnimish told the lizard to cease and go bug Amaltea or something.

Amaltea was appalled, ?Gnim! Don?t send it here!?

Gnimish pointed at Drakhan, ?But he?s buggin? Azjah!?

I have never considered Drakhan to be a nuisance, and was trying to see if there was something else I could get the little dragon, and asked him if I should have cookies or something else brought, but he simply shook his head sadly then turned and waddled away sadly, his head drooping a bit as he made his way toward Amaltea and Xenograg, as though he were simply following orders, but did not truly wish to go.

I watched the lizard walk away, a frown creasing my features. I took a sip of the water, and set the glass down, I was not feeling well, and decided it was time to return to the Palazzo. I slid the stilettos back on and Lucien gave Topaz a hug as I pulled myself to my feet, pausing to let the dizziness pass before bidding Topaz and Gnimish good night.

Xenograg also bade me goodnight, and as he told me to take care, his expression was grave.

Lucien moved behind me, a hand lightly on my waist as we went up the stairs


Date: 2006-11-07 11:35 EST
It was unexpected to meet Topaz so early in the morning, although I knew she was within the Palazzo walls as Lucien?s mate. It was just a very seldom thing to run into either Lucien or Gabriel unless they were departing with her, and so seeing Topaz walk into the Great Room was a bit of a surprise from where I sat at my desk trying to ignore Kendrick 2.0 and get some shipments ready for delivery and get the information Rina needed to make her first delivery in her position as Anne?s hopeful replacement.

Topaz paused carrying the box, setting it on the desk beside my interface to the computer. She quickly explained what the little tablets were, and how to use them before she quickly left me alone with her ?gift?. There was concern, and something more in the fairy?s eyes, but today she did not reprimand me for my appearance.

My stomach cramped at the mere thought of food, but these were not food per se. I opened the box and peered inside. Vitamins and glucose she had said. But if those vitamins brought back the hunger? Then what? I had just recently gotten past the stabbing pains hunger had caused, and I did not want to go through that again. That had been some of the most intense pain I had ever endured.

Besides, how much longer would I have to go before my weight returned to where it should be? There had to be an equilibrium point that would be reached where the growing child and my weight would remain in balance. I could not imagine going 9 months with continuous fattening. My word, I would not fit into any of my clothes!

I gingerly picked up one of the individually wrapped tablets that she had provided, studying it as though I could give me the answers I sought, but it did not. I turned to the computer interface and began a search on how glucose would act on the system, because the last thing I wanted was for these things to stimulate a need for food again. The screen lit up with these words, ?Glucose is an energy source, and one of the most important carbohydrates in biology. It is the ubiquitous fuel in biological systems, and is the key source of energy for human beings.? I read further, ?some of glucose goes directly to fuel brain cells and erythrocytes, while the rest makes its way to the liver and muscles, where it is stored as glycogen, and then converted to fat.? 1 I stopped reading. She had given me pills to increase my storage of fat!??

I put the wrapped tablet back into the box. Why would she do such a thing?

(1.: Wikipedia,


Date: 2006-11-07 11:37 EST
Azjah sat before the interface with her computer, the image of Kendrick remained, and her temper was growing shorter by the moment when she heard Topaz enter the Great Room, ?good morning Azjah.?

She looked at the screen with a frown as the image spoke to her, she hadn?t heard Dyson admit anyone, so she surmised that Topaz had been below the Palazzo all along, but she looked up in surprise anyway. ?Topaz, good morning to you.?

She walked in and glanced at the computer, and in a voice Azjah had not heard her use before she began to speak, ?Is there any place I shouldn?t set this? Do you prefer milk or broth??

The Marchioness slammed her hand down upon the table as hard as she could then, still glaring at the image of Kendrick on the screen and muttering unrepeatable epithets at the image there, ?You may set it anywhere Topaz.? Then she raised her gaze to the fairy again, ?I? I would like just the tea Dyson brought earlier.? But then her attention was dragged back to the image of Kendrick as it spoke again.

Topaz seemed nonplussed as she thanked her and continued speaking in the odd voice, ?that tea has no nutrients, but if it helps, you can pretend it?s tea.? She set the tray down within easy reach and picked up a very small bowl of milk and a tiny spoon as she leaned against Azjah?s desk to face her, ?Le said the milk would be better, so we?ll try that. Are you ready Lucien??

Azjah lifted distracted blue eyes to the fairy then, ?excuse me?? But as she opened her mouth to speak, she found it suddenly obstructed by the tiny spoon and several drops of the warm milk Topaz had inquired about earlier. Azjah frowned as the drops were slid between her lips to wet her tongue, and she frowned deeply at Topaz, ?Really! This is not necessary, and I do not desire milk at the moment.? The mere thought of food of any kind nauseated her, and having Topaz there force feeding her was more than her dignity was prepared to tolerate.

But Topaz seemed to be waiting for just such an opportunity and managed to get the second spoonful into her mouth, ?You do, too. You just don?t want to admit it.? Topaz firmly ignored her protest.

Azjah was clearly stunned by this tactic, and slid as far back into her chair as she could, ?I can?t. You don?t understand!?

The spoon Topaz was holding, of course, followed her as she retreated into the back of her chair. ?I understand fully, and you can. Lucien?s going to help. And, I won?t tell anyone if it doesn?t work.? She pulled back the spoon then and refilled it.

?Topaz, stop this! I have not been able to keep anything down for days?. Even with help.? She warily watched the fairy, hating to admit to anyone how serious things had become. But her protestations went unheeded.

?Le said to have no more than fits into one of these little egg cups at once for a start.? She kept talking in a calm, monotone manner, ?this is different, like mommy?s milk, sort of. Here, open up and have one for Klinton, or would you rather I play airplane?? She grinned faintly at that.

Azjah frowned at her levity, ?it will not stay down, trust me. It is not for lack of trying.? Pain lanced through her features as the richness of those few drops brought about the usual gag reflex, and the Marchioness fought to keep the miniscule contents where they were. But this was more than just her body rejecting nutrients. This was different. Deeper, more primal than before. Fear slithered up her spine, she had not the strength to rise alone, and Lucien was clearly helping Topaz.

?Sure it will. You just look at the flickering lights and distract yourself,? as the fairy ?flew? the spoon up and down making motor humming noises, ?here comes the space ship,?

Azjah closed her eyes, now oblivious to Kendrick or Topaz. She gasped in pain as another ripped through her body, worse than the first one. Topaz set down the spoon, ?Quick, think of something else, like the steppe pony. Who is the pony for??

Perspiration beaded slowly on the Marchioness? forehead, and her voice was only a faint whisper, ?the child.? She wrappaed both arms around herself, calling Gabriel via their pathway, she needed help, and she needed it now.

Gabriel faded into view then, standing immediately behind her chair, taking on some of the pain that ripped through the too thin woman?s frame, and he gave Topaz a penetrating look, her message to Lucien having been conveyed to Gabriel as well, ?You have no need for a midwife.? Gabriel had known the instant the child?s heart had ceased to beat, and the moment death had taken the small life that had begun to grow within Azjah?s womb. But it was there no longer.

Topaz smiled at Gabriel before she turned back toward Azjah, she seemed to be listening, ?I guess I should ask if you?d like the attempt made to save it??

Gabriel shook his head very faintly, but it was a gesture clearly meant for Topaz.

Azjah made no reply, but asked Topaz for Andre?s tea as pale fingers grasped the arms of the chair hard.

Topaz?s cryptic words were missed as Azjah tried to wrap shaking hands around the cup, ?at least you are not alone, what kind of tea is this anyway?? She seemed to take a long sniff of the steaming brew.

Azjah did not know, she only knew it was soothing, and something Andre had concocted for her that remained down. Gabriel?s hand rested lightly upon her shoulder, and his connection to her strengthened as he felt the waves of pain rise again.

Topaz asked if she would like to be somewhere more comfortable, but Gabriel did not wait for a reply before scooping up the too thin woman and fading from view. A look of profound pain in his features as Gabriel vanished from the Great Room.

Gabriel spirited the Marchioness directly to the space port, and aboard the Sky Dragon before telling Lucien where he was going. The child was lost, what remained was for the Marchioness to know it, and her body to reject the now dead part of itself. He would need all of his abilities to bring her through what was to come, and only in Auriga could he do that.

As the space craft powered up, Gabriel sent Azjah into a suspended animation. He would need focus for what lay ahead.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:40 EST
Suspended animation is a very pleasant state. There is no sensation of pain, no nagging lists of things that need to be done, there is only peace. The kind of peace one might feel just at the edge of waking after a glorious night?s sleep, or that blissful fuzzy moment just before drifting off to sleep. Star pilots often remark on the moment of vexation when suspended animation ends and consciousness returns. It is the kind of state everyone needs to experience to appreciate.

I was in that state, although I do not know why or for how long. It is common for star travelers to use this for long flights, and I was no stranger to it, but this time was different. The settings on the sealed chamber were not set for me, and that meant that I was more aware than was usual for this traveling state. Not fully cognizant, but my mind worked slowly but it was working. The settings had been altered, but not by myself, that puzzled me slightly, but not enough to drag me toward the surface.

The last thing I remembered was being at the Palazzo, working on trying to rid myself of the software intruder Kendrick had planted and not having any success. Topaz and Lucien had come, she was still trying to force me to eat, but for weeks that had not been possible. It was easier to focus on other things, and Klinton had been so angry that I was not eating. So angry. He had left again. Things demanded his attention. I couldn?t focus on them now, but I knew they were important.

And still Klinton remained gone; away more than I ever thought he would be. A part of me wanted to break down and weep, but I had been alone for most of my life, it was not a weepable event. Even now when our child struggled as I did to survive, I could not rationalize weeping.

As I look back now, it was in that sluggish moment that clarity struck me. I was aboard one of my vessels, bound for a destination unknown, and held in suspended animation. There could be only one reason for that. Something had happened that morning, something terrible had happened, and Gabriel was spiriting me away. He was the only one who would fly the Star Dragon besides me.

Voluntary movement was not possible, but I remember seeking inside myself for any sign of life from the child Klinton had wanted so deeply, but all I felt was hollowness. How much of that was the state I was held in, and how much was reality I will not likely ever know. Now I can look back and make myself believe that I knew even then, but I do not believe in that state the stark reality registered completely. Such a realization should have pulled me from the lethargy of suspension, but it had not.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:42 EST
The ship landed, and I became aware of movement, being released from the stasis, but it was not a complete release. Gabriel wrapped his thoughts around my own, holding me closely and keeping pain at bay. His melodic voice kept up a steady stream of comforting words, and I did not struggle against him. It was as though I knew that waking would bring me the worst pain of my life. I hid within the cocoon of his care as we left the city behind, and traveled into the wilderness of Auriga. His power over the minds of humans is something I knew existed, and yet I was not frightened by his control. Perhaps I should have been afraid. I was used to being in control, but I had none, and did not fight it.

I knew we were on Auriga, for Gabriel told me as much. He explained that he would need the help of a special person, and the power of his people. I do not recall how long we traveled but I do remember sensing one of the most beautiful sunsets imaginable. How much of it was Gabriel?s influence, and how much was real doesn?t really matter. That I remember it as I do is what matters. That image would come back to me again and again.

We reached deep into the Carpathian Mountains, far away from what many would call ?civilization?. The cold mountain air was so fresh it almost hurt to breathe it in, and yet we continued to travel. The gypsies of the area have many stories of the deep wilds. Where creatures of legend live; and where no one goes without the blessing of Gabriel?s prince. It is a world of mystery, and fear, but I felt none of that fear as we reached the tree line upon a slope of a mountain I had only heard stories told about. I knew where we were before Gabriel confirmed it. My bones knew. My blood knew. My spirit knew.

We had reached the place that legend tells birthed the Carpathian people. The mountain and its magic gave birth to the special gifts of Gabriel?s people. I had been brought to the fountainhead of his kind. There was only one reason for him to bring me here.

I was dying, as my child had already done.

It was here that I would live or die, based on the powers that be in that place. There was no fear in that realization. There was acceptance that my child was dead, and that it was quite possible that I would follow it. Acceptance of what ever would come to pass.

Night has a texture. It has substance, and in this place, I learned that the night has power beyond anything human beings can comprehend. Gabriel wrapped me into that darkness; wrapped himself around me and let that substance take shape into something I cannot adequately put into words. Words older than time slid into my body, flowed through my blood, became light and heat and healing as they wove golden notes in that tangible blackness that flowed around and through both of us.


Date: 2006-11-07 11:45 EST
I do not know how many helped Gabriel, and I do not understand the source of the power that made the Carpathian people, but that time has left an indelible impression upon me. There was a purity of thought and emotion that I never could grasp, yet it was there as surely as I was. If it had a body, I never sensed it. There was a shifting pattern of scents, as though herbs were being crushed and released into the wind only to subside and be replaced by another. Some held subtle fragrances, and others were quite pungent, enough to take your breath away. But through it all, there was only the velvet darkness in a cocoon that I did not ever want to leave. Once, I felt myself separating, seeking to join with the darkness and spread myself throughout it, but was pulled back by a scent of coppery sweetness. I wanted to follow the darkness, but the golden notes gently put me back into the body I claimed as my own.

The night lasted longer than I thought it should, but time really did not have meaning, so it is difficult to judge how long Gabriel and I laid within the embrace of the magic. The golden notes in the velvet blackness faded to silvery glimmers and were replaced by twinkling stars overhead.

Gabriel never spoke of the loss of my child. There would be another time to mourn when we left Auriga. For the time being, we remained upon that mountain, healing what could be healed. Gabriel seemed to be more alive than I have seen him in all of the years of our relationship. The place worked its magic on both of us, but I knew the moment he had resolved it was time to leave.

The trip back I remember with the lucidity of making the journey, unlike the arrival which was more impressions and ghosts of memories. But as we left the great mountain behind, the details of the mountain itself grew fuzzy, and Gabriel explained that it was protection for his kind that few knew how to arrive there, and fewer still left the slopes of that place. That I remembered at all was a bit of a surprise, but as I said, it left an indelible impression, as though what made that place special wanted me to remember it, though I may never know why the power there wanted me to recall that event and place. I might not be able to return there on my own, but what happened there was not taken from me.

The trip back took just over a week, and as we paused on the cusp of civilization, Gabriel stopped to watch the sun sink into his beloved homeland. ?This is my last trip home.? There was finality to his voice that troubles me. As though he is preparing to walk into the sun now that his twin is mated, and his years have dragged on without a mate of his own. I looked up at him as he watched the reds and pinks fade into shades of purple and black. I reached out to touch his arm lightly as a wolf howled in the distance, and he answered it. The call was one of profound sadness and weariness.

The next day, we left Auriga to return to my world in RhyDin. To face the hollowness of my loss, and to set about doing what I can for the one who saved my life.


Date: 2006-11-22 18:33 EST
It had been weeks since I had been to the Isle. The past weeks were ones I would like to forget, but know that I will never be able to vanquish from my mind completely. I suppose the pain will dull with time, but being alone and going through the loss of Klinton?s child with Gabriel for company was hard. Even now I cannot find it in me to think about it, let alone discuss what happened. And so I felt it incumbent upon me to resume my regular routine.

I headed for my chaise in the sand as Topaz stepped through the portal and headed for the dueling area. She had already charmed a goblin for her coffee before she was seated. She looked tired, something I cannot say I have seen in her countenance before now.

She smiled, ?Good evening Azjah.? She sipped her coffee, but seemed intent upon studying me over her glass. When I commented that she looked tired, she replied, ?.:: I'm always tired these days. IT's getting to be winter. The Valley had plenty of snow already.? She grinned a little, ?The Isle with its permanent spring is nice, though.?

Spring, life cannot be held in perpetual spring, for it defies the cycle of things natural, and I sipped my scotch, not wanting to address her concerned looks, ?Winter wears thusly upon you??

She smiled vaguely, ?Hmm? Not quite this bad, usually, but a growing baby uses up a lot of energy.?

I closed my eyes a moment before taking another sip of my scotch. ?I see,? was all I could bear to say to her then.

She inquired how I was doing, and there was more than her usual interest in the question, to which I truly do not have a satisfactory response. I limited it to simply shrugging, ?I am functional.? How cold and hollow that answer seemed, and yet it described perfectly the hollow, cold feelings within.

She smiled amiably and nodded, as though it was better then she had expected to hear, ?the rest will work itself out with time, too. You certainly are starting to look a lot better.?

I thanked her and took another sip of my scotch. I truly did not wish to talk about the recent past. Not with Topaz, not with Gabriel, and not even with Klinton. It was my own world of pain, and I would deal with it. I glanced at her and said that I felt better.

Topaz smiled, ?that makes me glad, and just in time for all the yule goodies too.?

The Yule Season. I had already decided to spend it on Rigel. Away from the people I knew here. On Rigel I would fit right in with the formalities of the Court, and not be required to revel and be gay. None of which I felt I could pull off right now. ?I will be returning to Rigel, but I wish you a fine Yule Season.?

She quirked a brow at me, ?Don?t let that Emperor mess with you or your holiday fun,? she admonished me.

I smiled slightly, ?The Emperor will host most of the festivities, but he is aware of my situation.?

She smiled then, ?thank you, I wish you the same, of course. He had better be nice about it too.? She added, but Topaz would never understand our Emperor, nor the politics of my home world.


Date: 2006-11-22 18:34 EST
Rhaine walked in through the portal wearing what appeared to be an official style black dress and high heels. It was a uniform I had never seen her in, and she appeared ill at ease in the shoes. But, she smiled and waved to Topaz, and then at me as she sought out a place to sit in the sand. I commented to her that it had been a long time since I had seen her, and she settled comfortably before saying, ?Hardly got out of that headache, causing boring chitchat. Well as always, but mortally bored,? she added with a fanged grin.

I sipped the scotch, ?be careful what you wish for Rhaine.? With a fairy about, wishes could prove interesting.

Topaz spoke up then, ?That is not a nice thing to be. Could always go back to the swamp.?

Rhaine smiled, ?Interesting idea.?

I had no idea what they were referring to until Topaz laughed, ?maybe that Ulgu is still there if the weird scaly things have disappeared. And it shouldn?t be interesting Rhaine, it should be a distasteful idea.?

When I inquired what an Ulgu was, Topaz chuckled, ?Oh, just some baby, oh, what are those things called Rhaine??

Rhaine half shrugged, ?no idea about their correct classification, Cyclops is the standard name.?

I sipped my scotch in mild surprise as Topaz nooded, ?Ah yes, one of those. Rather cute really, though a little on the large side.?

Rhaine laughed, ?but it was so clumsy.?

I choked a little on the scotch, ?Cyclops? I thought those were the things of legend and myth.?

Topaz giggled, ?Uhm, like fairies?

I gave her a wry smile in return, ?something like that.? I shook my head in disbelief. It seemed just when I had come to accept all of the diversity of RhyDin, something new presented itself. ?I have never seen such a thing here in RhyDin.?

Rhaine added, ?Better not to see them. Ugly being, from all points of view.?

I chuckled, ? I shall take your word on that Rhaine.? I confess, I am in no hurry to meet up with a cyclops.

Topaz disagreed, ?not so much ugly, but clumsy. Not at all convenient to have around lots of little flightless things.?

I glanced around the Isle and gave a soft sigh. It appeared I would not have many duels tonight, and I had so hoped to have enough to keep my mind occupied. Alas, it did not appear that my hope would bear fruit.

Topaz gave me the same admonishment I had earlier given to Rhaine, and I laughed, ?Were I at home, I could fight with Kendrick 2.0.?

Rhaine blinked, ?Kendrick 2.0? Is that a droid??

I turned to face Rhaine, ?I wish Rhaine, it is a virus implanted into my systems some months ago. We cannot seem to rid ourselves of it. We have been trying, but thus far, no success.?

Topaz frowned, ?It is keeping Lucien busy too.?


Date: 2006-11-22 18:37 EST
?Cool, so the programmer was a smart one.? Rhaine observed with a bit of glee.

I shook my head at her enthusiasm, ?It?s even managed to get into all of the onboard ship systems, and yes, you might say that Rhaine. I only wish I had a smarter programmer to get rid of it.? No matter what we had done to eradicate the program, we had been unsuccessful. Kendrick had found a way into my systems that seemed entirely too robust!

She smiled, ?I could have ordered one of my employees to check it out. He?s been born for such things and loves the challenge. But, allowing him to deal with that, hell, that?s a violation of security policy.?

I gave her a puzzled look, ?who?s security policy??

She gave me a rather incredulous look back, ?Don?t you have any??

I chuckled, ?Yes, we do, but so far, neither Lucien nor Gabriel have been able to remove the virus.? Our security was reasonably tight, but clearly not tight enough since Kendrick had gotten in to things.

She shrugged, ?I do not know if you can allow yourself to invite an outsider.?

?If I trust the outside, yes.? I sipped the scotch watching her. She had access to high technology, and might indeed have a programmer who could disable or in fact rid me of Kendrick?s presence.

She smiled that fanged grin again, ?IF? with heavy emphasis on the single word. To which I simply nodded. Would I trust her in the systems? I sipped the scotch pondering that as I morosely studied my empty rings.

Rhaine?s question intruded on my reverie, ?Would I be correct if I assume you have experience in dealing with people so proud of their blood line that they turn irrational??

I gave her a faint smile, ?more than you might guess, yes.? Many of the courtesans as the Rigelian Court would fit that description, and Kendrick himself came prominently to mind.

She sipped her coffee before continuing, ?Several high-born idiots in... the place where my assignment is... they tried to engineer several attacks on newly initiated, disguising them as duels. I have caught them. But now I have no idea what to do to them.?

I studied her a moment, and asked her what she would like to do with them now that she had them. She shook her head, adding, ?There are several year-old laws against duels in that place, but you know, we have enough enemies already... If it was only my will there - I'd spank these foolish youngsters and send them home. But there's no punishment to those who sent them. And the laws of that land are ridiculously harsh.?

I asked her if they had powers, or were sorcerers, or whether they were simple mortals, which would drive what I would do with such spoiled brats. Foremost would be stranding them on some isolated planet and let them fend for themselves until they learned some manners.

She shook her head, ?Their parents have power. High blood... dratted dhoine. Their parents have sent them with poison on dueling twin-sabers. ?

It was a pity really that they could hide behind the power and money of their parents as well as being put up to their nefarious behavior by those same parents. ?There should be something constructive that could be done with them. How long can you detain them??

She told me, ?Several months. That's maximum from one point of view, if I follow the law strictly, I'd have them imprisoned or executed. But that would ruin the efforts of last months there.?


Date: 2006-11-22 18:38 EST
Execution seemed a bit harsh, but had they succeeded, that?s what they would have condemned their opponents to, and that had to be considered too. ?Can you force a penance or public service on them?? Perhaps forced public service would mend their ways, but Rhaine doubted she could do that. So the next logical thing for me was could they be publicly humiliated.

Rhaine pondered a bit, biting slightly on the rim of porcelain cup. ?That may be a good thing to do to them. And as to humiliation, we're good at finding ways to do that.?

Somehow, I did not doubt her that she and the Asmodeans would be good at humiliation. There was something dark and cold in Vitus that I could well picture in Rhaine as well.

She continued musing, ?If we find the right manner, that may press on their parents in the correct way... Yes, that can work. Sorry, Azjah, my head is cracking lately from all the overloads that drop on me.?

I nodded as she considered her options silently, ?Public humiliation is often the hardest to bear when you are used to privilege and power.? I sipped the scotch and added, ?No apology needed Rhaine. I have not been myself of late either.?

She sighed softly, ?Guess everyone has such times. I'm learning to walk on high heels required by their damn dress codes... So odd to be three inches taller than normal.?

Ah, so that explained the high heels she wore tonight.

I lifted a brow at that, ?You are not used to wearing such things?? Then I leaned over and retrieved my stiletto heels, ?I feel terribly short without them.?

She gave me a dubious look, ?I usually prefer something convenient. When you have to lose half a second jst because of high heels, it's a killer.?

I gave her a slow smile, ?Learn to use them to your advantage then. Have you ever thrown a kick with the heel of a stiletto? Makes a wicked hole in soft tissue.? She just had to look at it from the right frame of mind. Dress for defense, and make them a part of the defensive repertoire.

She chuckled then, ?That might be fun.?

I took a sip of my scotch, ?Everything I wear has advantages, and is worn for a reason. The stilettos are no exception.? From the platinum picks in my hair to the heels of my stilettos, I was dressed with a purpose. Rhaine simply needed to look at it from a different perspective. And then make sure the shoes are constructed accordingly.

She drew quietly on the sand... a single line easily contours a feline shape.... erased the line, ?That doesn't change the fact that I still have to learn walking on them. So far it's been horrid.?

I smiled at her, remembering my lessons in how to carry myself in the 5? heels, ?Do everything in them Rhaine. Walk, run, practice your arts.... live in them, they will become second nature.? At least no one would be taking a baton to her back if she let the books fall from atop her head as she moved in them.


Date: 2006-11-22 19:15 EST
Wyheree arrived in a flurry of ice crystals, and she appeared positively radiant. She informed me that she was nervous about her pending nuptials, but that it was scheduled for Friday aboard her soon to be husband?s boat. Rhaine glanced at her and gave a mock sigh, ?Oh, poor girl.? And I wondered if Rhaine had ever given her heart away. But it was not my place to ask her.

As I gave her my best wishes, she thanked me, ?I understand it is usual for brides to feel nervous before the wedding.? And I confirmed her statement. It was indeed usual for the pending bride to be nervous and aflutter in the long lists of things that needed to be done. She smiled, ?Des said she was as well. So I feel better knowing it is not unusual.?

I asked her where the ceremony would be, and she informed me it would be aboard the ship, and that the honeymoon destination was a secret even from her.

Lucien and Topaz were debating the merits of putting weapons in a woman?s hands, and I hid a smile behind my glass. That was not a discussion I was going to enter for anyone or anything.

Rhaine accepted a duel request from Wy, and as she rose, she gave me a wry smile, ?You said - do everything in them, Azjah? Even walk in the sand? Who was the bastart to invent them.?

I chuckled and confirmed that indeed, she should do everything in them. Make them an extension of her own body.


Date: 2006-11-22 19:16 EST
As Rhaine dueled, Syous flickered into existence and moved toward the rings. I had heard earlier in the week from two people something that I would never have guessed about the old mage. But now that it had been said, it made a great deal of sense. I had heard that Syous was one of those men who preferred men. Surprising, but fitting. My attention remained on Syous as he approached.

He was murmuring to himself, which seemed to be a constant state for him, and I barely caught his words as he noted that his two ?favorite? callers were present. I glanced around and saw Gnimish arriving with Drakhan in tow. I greeted Gnimish, and as Drakhan settled next to the caller?s couch, I reached down and scratched Drakhan before ordering him a plate of medium rare beef strips. Again, glancing at Syous and not quite believing that he was homosexual.

Syous glanced around as though he were searching for something, but settled instead upon watching the duel in progress.

I glanced at Rhaine as she sank the heels into the sand and became mired and unable to move quickly enough. She would soon learn to walk on her toes and not allow her weight to settle into the heels at all. ?Move more naturally Rhaine, stop thinking so much about it.?

Wy glanced down at Rhaine?s feet then, ?What are those??

My gaze wandered back toward Syous before I shook my head. He would make some matronly woman a fine spouse, but not if he preferred men. Very softly, ?no accounting for some tastes I suppose.? Gnimish glanced at me but said nothing.

Syous muttered a bit more to himself as he noticed my glances his direction, and it began to irk him. But, I continued to sip my scotch and ponder the rumors. His jaws clenched in aggravation before he turned his gaze to meet my own, ?What is the problem??

I gave him a cool smile, ?Not so much a problem as a bit of a surprise.? I have no issue with such preferences, but admittedly, I was surprised by this revelation.

He arched a brow at me, ?surprise at what? That I?m not resting comfortably in a grave somewhere?? His tone was unquestioningly sarcastic. ?Yes, wonderful, let the old jokes begin.? He added irritably. His expression took on one of utter disgust as he shook his head to himself, turning his attention back towards the duels but obviously getting himself a bit riled up after having been away from the banter for so long.

Drakhan thumped his tail on the floor, seeming a bit happier now that he had his food fixes around him rather than just Gnimish.

I lifted a pale brow at Syous. ?Not precisely what I was surprised by, but if you wish.? I was not in a mind to exchange barbs with Syous after my ordeal, and so I was prepared to let it go, but he was not.

He sighed slightly, his eyes narrowing a bit as he peered back towards me. ?What might I ask are you surprised by then... since I know you'll end up telling me one way or another anyway??

?Not that I have anything against homosexuality, but I was a bit surprised to hear it of you. It would explain many things.? I told him as my ice blue eyes locked once more on Syous.


Date: 2006-11-22 19:20 EST
Gnimish gave both of us a look of utter astonishment, ?err, okee.?

Syous? expression went a bit blank as the words somewhat hit like a brick seeing how he thought it would simply be another quip about his supposed age, but was unprepared for anyone to know his secret desires. His brows arced once more as he considered that he may have heard me incorrectly, ?Excuse me??

I continued then, ?That would explain why you have such a dim view of the females about.? He had never made any secret of what he thought of women in general, but I had not heard him voice such sentiments about the men, and now it was all making more sense.

Gnimish fidgeted slightly, ?Azjah, I mean really, he's grumpy enough, do ya gotta poke him and make it worse just before my shift?? He glanced back at the old man.

I smiled at Gnimish, ?My apologies, I did not realize he was sensitive about his preferences.?

Gnimish nooded, ?oh, he?ll stomp around all night fussin? at me over it.?

I gave Gnimish a puzzled look, ?Why would he fuss at you? There is no shame in one?s preferences.?

?I dunno, he?s always talkin? like I?m supposed to understand what he?s fussin? about,? and the gnome tilted his head to ponder that. I glanced over at Syous, who?s left eye twitched, but otherwise he remained silent. I set my glass down and glanced a long moment at Syous.

Syous closed his eyes a moment, as though he were trying to compose himself. Apparently no one had ever spoken so openly with him about his being gay. I smiled and suggested to him that perhaps his age was not such a hinderance with men as it would be with women, and told him it was actually a good choice.

He opened his eyes and looked straight at me, ?Not that it should be any of your concern, my preferences are my own... I must state however, that once again it's become quite apparent to me that your abilities of deduction have a serious flaw.?

Gnimish?s cough sounded suspiciously as though he were trying to mask a laugh as I told Syous it was common knowledge in RhyDin, and that he need not deny it to me as I have no issues with it at all.

But Syous was on a roll about telling me how little I understood, ?I mean, who makes such a bold statement, ? but he was brought up short when he realized I had heard it in RhyDin, ?What do you mean?? He gave a hasty look around the room to see if anyone else were agreeing with me before looking back at me directly.

I lifted a brow at him then, ?I heard it in town twice. Two separate people, must be something to it.?

Gnimish continued to try to look innocent in order to avoid any unpleasant attacks by the mage later that evening while Syous? eyes widened slightly in surprise. Whether it was surprise that anyone spoke about him off the Island, or surprise that the topic of discussion was his preference toward a partner, I could not tell. Instead I glanced at Gnimish, ?Have you not heard it Gnimish?? Since he lived mostly in Shylasa, it was possible he had not heard.

Syous shook his head vehemently, ?Is this some sort of sick joke you're trying to play here? I know you're petty, but I must admit, this is quite low... even for you.?

I lifted a brow at him. Petty? I schooled my voice then, ?I would not joke with you Syous. You have made your sentiments well known around here. And why would it be low to understand now why you hate women so much??

About then, Anuska arrived, and made a bee line straight for Syous. She stopped in front of him and gave him a toothy smile and a brief hug, ?good evening handsome,? she told him and the expression on Syous? face was midway between shock and horror as he informed me, ?I hardly think I need to explain why?.?


Date: 2006-11-22 19:22 EST
I was surprised to see the woman throw herself at the old codger, and added placatingly, ?Perhaps everyone is mistaken and you are more varied than you are given credit for being.? Perhaps he would go both ways? Or, perhaps Anushka was actually a male in drag??? I sipped my scotch thoughtfully.

Syous glanced down nervously at Anushka before glancing at me, confusion clearly foremost in his expression. ?Errr, ? But Anushka gazed up at him, ?You?re varied in what? What did I miss??

Rena was speaking with Soerl, and I heard her comment to him, ?Going to get interesting now.? But I patiently waited for Syous to respond and was even further surprised when Anushka laced her fingers with Syous?.

Gnimish grumbled down at Drakhan, ?Why?s this stuff always goin? on at my shift??

Syous smiled faintly down at Anushka before shaking his head, telling her that she hadn?t missed anything, it was just another ?meanie? so to speak.

She asked him if he enjoyed the cookies, and I quickly hid my confusion. She spoke like a female, but many of the cross dressers and drag Queens could pull off being more feminine than many women were capable of doing. From where I sat, it was simply too hard to tell, and would be only a guess.

Syous tensed up then as he looked at me, as though he were hoping I had not seen and heard the exchange. I glanced at Gnimish to agree we were all confused, and smiled, ?I can certainly see why Gnimish. First women are vile things to be evaded, then understanding comes to light that he prefers men, and then he sits down and cozies up to a female.? I would keep my suspicions about Anushka to myself for now.

Rhaine dropped into the sand near my chaise after her match, and I glanced at her as she told me with certainty that the next time she would not get stuck in the sand. I chuckled and reached for my own stilettos, ?it takes practice, but is worth it.?

She shuddered, ?Wearing these monstrosities? I?d prefer riding something in them. Horse, care, anything that doesn?t let you get stuck!?

I laughed, that would work too, they would make great spurs if the occasion warranted it.

I glanced at Syous then, who was studying Anushka and nodding as he said, ?indeed I did. Although I like them all, I?d have to say those peach sandwich cookies were my favorite.? She winked up at him and confirmed that she would have to make him some more then.

Clearly Syous was worried about being overheard, and it is probably a good thing that he is unaware of my ability to hear as well as any vampire or Carpathian. But I didn?t need to hear the conversation to see their hands entwined as new lovers were wont to do.

I handed the goblin my empty glass and told Gnimish that I needed to depart. The rings were all his before handing him a plate full of medium rare beef strips I had intended for Drakhan.

As I headed for the portal, I saw Syous flush slightly before whispering back to Anushka, and with a slight shake of my head at this turn of events, I stepped through the portal to meet Gabriel before returning to the Palazzo. On the way home, I discussed with Gabriel what had transpired regarding Syous and the rumors I was hearing.