Topic: Sapphires & Platinum


Date: 2008-01-27 21:28 EST
Azjah walked through the doorway of the Inn with one purpose in mind. The find in the desert needed to be claimed and managed by a team. It wasn?t something she wanted to try to develop on her own, especially now with events on Pyxis heating up too. She needed someone with business savvy, exceptional wiles, and access to resources Azjah did not have. Kairee was that person. The best place to find the ravishing beauty? At the Inn.

She walked through the door and spotted Kairee sitting on the bar, sipping champagne, and talking to someone else, and so Azjah walked to a table to lay the valise down that contained the crucial information on the platinum vein, as well as the early estimates for the sapphire deposits accompanying the platinum arsenide complex. Azjah spotted a serving lad and asked for a glass of sparkling water and a plate of fresh fruit while she waited for Kairee to be available.

Rena gave her a not from her table where she was speaking with Ethan. ?It?s a good place to wander and think,? she said to him as Azjah curled up in a chair where she could keep an eye open for an opportunity to speak with Kai.

Ethan turned when Rena greeted Azjah, giving her a nod before resuming his chat with her. ?I don?t have much time to think these days. Still getting settled in and looking for work.?

Rena asked him what kind of work he was seeking, and he told her that he was a handyman, and he was pretty much looking for most anything at the moment. ?I like being able to move around and work for different sorts of folks, so the 9 to 5 job isn?t for me.?

Rena surprised Azjah then when she asked him how he was with weapons.

Ethan canted his head as he looked at her, apparently as surprised as I by her query. ?Well, that depends on what you mean.?

She pressed the query, ?do you know how to use them??

He pursed his lips slightly, ?well sure, but, I don?t use them all the time.?

Rena pushed further, asking him what kind of weapons he was familiar with using as Azjah pulled out a pen and made a note on the paper before her. She wondered just what prompted Rena to ask Ethan such questions and to push so hard for a straight answer.

Ethan shrugged, ?guns and knives, but only to the extent of hunting purposes. I?m a fast learner though.? He gave her a quick smile, ?my job depends on my ability to learn and adapt to new jobs.?

Rena gave him a slow nod before simply saying, ?interesting.?

Ethan eyed Rena with a raised brow. ?What?s interesting??

Rena smiled slightly, ?Hang around long enough and you will know that I like using that word a lot.?

Azjah took a sip of the sparkling water and glanced Kai?s way again. At precisely that moment, Xeric walked through the door, pausing only long enough to grab a bottle of beer before he gave Azjah is best smile, ?Hello Marchioness.?

Kai was now free, and Azjah rose from her chair, ?good afternoon Mr. Mues.? She had done it deliberately. He?d asked her to call him Xeric, but when he resorted to her title, she did the same out of habit.

Xeric sighed, ?I didn?t know my father was here.? He looked around, as though searching for his sire, ?I don?t see Mr. Mues.?

Azjah smiled at him as she passed him, ?Now Xeric, just what did you expect me to say when you addressed me via title? Xeric had meant to be respectful, and so had Azjah. Formality met with formality. She made her way across the room toward Kairee as Xeric greeted her as well.

Kai gave Azjah a nod as she approached, ?Kairee, when you have a moment, might I pick your brains a bit??

Kairee greeted Xeric before turning her attention back to Azjah. ?I hope you mean metaphorically, babes.?

Azjah smiled, ?Oh, my dear, I would not be so brazen as to mean literally. You?d fry me to ashes before I could begin.? Azjah leaned one hip against the bar where Kai sat.

Kai nodded, ?true.? It was Kairee?s self assuredness that Azjah respected the most. The woman never seemed weak, or uncertain, and that was a trait she found in too few. The woman also had one of the keenest minds in RhyDin. Kai returned Azjah?s look, ?what?s on your mind, babes??


Date: 2008-01-27 21:30 EST
Azjah leaned comfortably against the bar, ?You?ve had your share of, shall we say, profitable ventures around town. Might I inquire where you obtained your security help?? She didn?t want to simply lay the project on the table immediately. ?Not the standard security measures?? She let her voice trail off.

Gareth lifted his coffee cup to his lips, but was clearly listening to the early discussion between Azjah and Kairee. He mused to himself that while it had been a while since he?d done security work, work was work, and he was looking.

Kairee started laughing, ?Babes, how to even begin. My ?security? are all, how shall we say? Volunteers. There are those sworn to me, others who just adore me, and beyond that, I am capable of fending for myself.?

This surprised Azjah as she had not expected that. Xeric sat at his table drinking his beer, and openly watching both women. Azjah gave a soft laugh, ?Fending for yourself would never pose a problem, I am certain.?

Kairee gave one of her enigmatic smiles, ?It?s best that people always know how to defend themselves.?

?And do you perhaps make loan of those of your cadre with ?special? talents in that direction?? She gave Kairee a curious look. As Azjah took a sip of the sparkling water, Cara de Winter walked through the door that her man Guido held open for her. She gave the Duchess a quick smile, ?Duchess, what a lovely surprise.?

Cara gave her a quick smile as she altered her course to join Kairee and Azjah at the bar, ?I had thought I might find you here.?

Azjah smiled, ?It is the best place to get a glass of sparkling water, and to run into just the people I want to talk to today. What brings you out seeking me, Duchess??

Cara smiled, ?I understand that, at least in part. And does one need a reason to seek out a friend??

Kairee lifted an elegant brow, ?How do you mean, babes??

It?s not so much that Azjah hoped to gain Kairee?s male flock as much as to pique her interest. Without interest on Kai?s part, there would be no gaining her as a partner in developing this find. Azjah turned pale blue eyes on Kairee, hoping Cara would understand business having to come first. ?You know how poachers like to try to move in on certain ventures of great value. I am in need of specialists, and I know you have some loyal to you.?

Kairee shook her head slightly, ?Babes,? I don?t rent out my boys. If some want to involve themselves in other endeavors, they all have free will.?

Then Azjah glanced at Cara, ?Not at all Cara. Cara? Do you know Kairee?? Azjah lifted a brow at Kairee, ?Rent is not quite what I had in mind.?

Cara looked at Kairee, ?I cannot say that I have had the pleasure.?

Azjah nodded, ?Cara, this is Kairee, Kairee, please meet my friend, Duchess Cara deWinter.? Cara gave a slight nod of her head in way of greeting to Kai.

Kairee gave Cara a nod, ?Hey babes.? Then she looked at Azjah, ?You may want to talk to Mercy, she freelances.?

Azjah chuckled, ?well Kairee, it?s not Mercy I wanted involved, it was you. You do enjoy profitable ventures, or at least you used to.?

She arched a perfect brow at Azjah, ?do tell, babes. Cut to the chase.? She uncrossed and recrossed her long, splendiferous legs from her perch atop the bar.

Azjah sipped the cold, bubbly water, ?I?m in need of specialized security for a find that will generate a great deal of wealth, not that blue is particularly your favorite color, but there are many who pay extravagantly for high quality sapphires. A partner is what I wanted Kai.?

Kai?s focus sharpened, ?terms of partnership, babes??

Azjah took another sip of the water, ?to be discussed.? She hadn?t planned on open negotiation in the Inn, but that may wind up being the case.

?Are we not discussing things now? Tell me, sweet cheeks, just what sort of interlopers are you concerned about??

Azjah gave a glance around the inn. Gareth and Xeric continued to openly listen to the conversation, she would have to be oblique and hope Kai could read well between the lines. ?Indeed, claim jumpers with magic at their disposal. I can deal with techies, but I can?t defend against magic. I?m offering ownership in the operation Kairee to the right partner.?


Date: 2008-01-27 21:32 EST
Xeric nearly swallowed his bottle at that. Then coughed.

Kai?s shrewd eyes met Azjah?s, ?I will have to see the find, make my own assessment of value.? She shifted slightly on the bar, ?What sort of split are you considereing??

Azjah regarded her a moment, ?What sort of protection can you bring?? She swirled the sparkling water in the glass, ?Up to 40% interest. If you are interested, I can show you the site, of course, under NDA until you decide.?

Kai?s expression altered subtly, ?NDA? Nada? N?da? What is that??

Azjah took a sip of the water, ?Non disclosure agreement, you won?t tell anyone what you?ve seen, nor where.? She glanced at Cara, who remained silent during the business discussions.

Kairee arched a perfect brow at Azjah, ?You want to establish a partnership with me while making it clear that you don?t trust me??

Azjah shook her head, ?Kai, it?s not about not trusting you. I would not have approached you if I did not think you could be trusted.?

?Then what is this N?da for?? Her expression was not precisely friendly at that point.

Azjah met her gaze evenly, ?For anyone else you might bring along.?

Kai gave a dismissive wave, ?If I bring anyone with me, it means I trust them. If I trust them, so should you. After all, those that betray me don?t live long enough to gloat.?

Azjah was not comfortable taking anyone to the site without either a firm partnership, or the NDA. ?Those that might betray us will have done the damage before you can fry them.?

?How is this N?da supposed to prevent anyone from ?disclosin?? Is it a geis of some sort??

Azjah chuckled, seeing where Kairee was going with this, ?No, but it would offer me legal remedies assuming you didn?t fry them first.?

She laughed then, ?What law are you referring to??

When Azjah told her that it was her own home world laws, Kai laughed, ?And if they did violate this N?da, what makes you think they would be concerned with your laws? I?m not.?

Well, Kai is nothing if not blunt. ?We techie folks rely on mundane laws where magic fails.? Azjah told her then.

Kairee gave an elegant shrug, ?well, you have to, don?t you??

Azjah nodded, ?Yes, we do, which is why I am approaching you.?

?Tell you what, sweet-cheeks, I?ll oath bond anyone I let tag along.? It was definitely a stronger deterrent than an NDA.

Azjah accepted that offer, ?You make a handsome profit, I make a handsome profit, and we get both sides covered to protect us.? Azjah took a sip of the water, ?When would you like to take a look??

Kai said she could go whenever as she had nothing pressing, and Azjah admitted that she was going out to the site on the next day. Kairee agreed to go the next day and blew kisses all around the patrons still at the Inn.

Azjah pushed off from the bar and invited Cara to the table she?d taken earlier, and Azjah noted that Xeric was still watching her. She curled up in a comfortable chair and requested a refill as Xeric rose and exchanged his empty bottle of beer for a fresh one. He returned to his chair and looked at Azjah, ?I was wondering Azjah??

Azjah quirked a brow at him, after taking a bite of fresh pineapple, she said ?Yes Xeric??

?What brought about the interest in the museum?? His question startled her, even though earlier in the day she had asked him if he remembered the name of the Museum?s curator as she could not.

She covered her surprise with a smile, ?Oh, I have something I would like to offer the museum for its natural history display.?

He mumbled slightly, ?Natural history??

Azjah cut another bit of pineapple before she looked again at Xeric, ?The last time I was in the museum, that section was woefully missing key mineralogical examples. Given some of my projects, I am in a position to improve the displays.?

Xeric studied her a moment, ?Perhaps, but I?m not so s?? He stopped in mid sentence and turned the beer bottle up. She quirked a brow at him, ?not so???? She prompted, trying to get him to finish.

He put the half empty bottle back on the table, ?I?m sorry, I must remember to engage what little brain I have before I speak.?

Azjah gave the Russian a soft chuckle, ?Will you answer my curiosity and tell me what you were going to say??

He dissembled then, ?I was going to tell you how pretty you are.? That was not what he was going to say, but she let it slide.

?Thank you Xeric. What a lovely thing to say to someone.? She replied and let the issue of what he was initially going to say remain his secret.

He wiped his brow then, ?I was going to say that any contribution you have to offer would be more than appreciated.?

Azjah nodded, ?They are very nice specimens, and I do hope they can be added to the displays. Have you had an opportunity to visit the museum Xeric??

He nodded, saying he?d been there several times.

Cara remained silent during the exchange as she lifted a finger to summon one of the serving lads.

Azjah glanced at the time and excused herself, inviting the Duchess to the Palazzo for tea tomorrow. Cara accepted, then added, ?Perhaps I could offer my services as well to this endeavor of yours. I feel it?s time that I came out of my abode for a bit, in any case.?

Azjah departed and on the drive to the Palazzo, she planned for her trip with Kairee out into the desert to show her the find. She already had the surveys and initial reports for her review, but somehow she suspected Kai would make her decision based on what she saw at the mine.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:25 EST
The Palazzo felt silent and lonely, although it was no different than any other evening. Gabriel and Dominik were in Gabriel?s suite, Dyson remained innocuous, Andre reigned in the kitchen, and Arturo never came into the house. Lucien was in Atrebla with his family. It was simply so quiet that Azjah elected to go down to the new tea shop and bakery. An ?clair sounded like just the right solution to her malaise.

She entered the shop that had several people already settled in, so she headed for her usual chair in the balcony after obtaining a cup of cranberry tea and the ?clair that had beckoned her in the first place. The comfortable, overstuffed chair wrapped around her as she settled in and laid her book on the table and took a wary sip of the steaming tea. Then Azjah opened her book and began scanning the data on the mineral of interest. She was murmuring to herself as she wrote, ?Corundum, refractive index : 1.762. Strongly pleochroic.? She turned the page and continued reading.

The door?s bell jangled and in walked Rena. She looked as though she had been running as she pushed through the door, giving the bell that announced her arrival a look of disgust. She made her way through the sparsely populated shop to the counter, where she ordered a mug of tea with lemon before turning around to look for a place to sit. The tea was placed on the counter and Rena paid the woman and gave her a nod of thanks before climbing the stairs to the balcony where she took a seat near the Marchioness, ?Always talk to yourself?? She smiled and took a sip of her tea as Azjah looked up with a slightly startled expression.

Azjah put a place holder into the book and gave a light laugh, ?Hey there Rena.?

She shook her head, ?don?t stop.?

Azjah picked up her mug of tea, ?I should probably drink my tea before it gets cold. So how are you tonight??

Rena said she was doing well, but her eyes belied those platitudes. She redirected the conversation subtly by inquiring how the Marchioness was doing, and Azjah took the hint, ?I?m very excited about what I?m seeing.? She indicated the book now laid on the table.

The door jangled as a male pushed open the door. He walked in and looked around for a place to sit, adjusting small leather bags of what appeared to be herbs, that hung from his belt. His cloak was coldwarg fur and suggested he was a mage of considerable ability. He was also carrying a massive tome. Azjah peered over the railing and lifted a brow seeing the unknown mage walk inside the shop doors. He paused and looked up at the bell, which seemed to annoy him as it did Rena. Azjah caught a glance of fire lit crimson eyes that did not seem to have either pupils or irises. He made his way toward the counter, pressing a few coins down with a small parchment of paper, which he slid toward the waitress. He glanced around the room while he waited.

Rena noticed him as well, and lifted her mug to her lips for a sip of tea before saying softly, ?Glad I?m not the only one who doesn?t like the bell.?

Azjah gave an airy laugh as she wrapped both hands around the mug of tea, ?You usually give the bell the evil eye.? She sipped the tea before continuing, ?I have the early seismographic data on the intrusion.? She sipped the hot brew again and motioned to the valise beside her, ?Lawsonite in this purity has never been reported as naturally occurring. Usually Lawsonite forms under high pressure, low temperature, but in this intrusion seems to have been high pressure AND high temperature, perhaps that accounts for the purity of the crystals.?

The mage?s pointed ear twitched at the sound of laughter above him while the woman steeped his choice of rare teas. The two females in the balcony had attracted his attention, and he obliquely surveyed them with his eyes. But there was more than just the weighing of their physiques, or poise. It was almost as though her were weighing the very intangible aspects of one?s very soul. His nostrils flared slightly, catching a scent not born of spices, herbs, leather, or vellum.

Azjah felt vaguely uncomfortable and slid her gaze over the railing once again.

Rena noted her inattention as she said ?And that?s a good thing??

Azjah forced her eyes back to meet Rena?s. ?Well, it would appear so. In this case, the low concentration of silicates has allowed the Lawsonite to form very pure crystals. The higher manganese accounts for some of the color too.?

The bell on the door jangled again, and the mage below turned his attention to the woman in shocking pink. This lifted the sense of disquiet that his scrutiny had evoked. He pivoted, taking his tea, he glanced again at the high pitched ring of the bell before moving toward the woman, who appeared none too pleased to be inside the shop.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:27 EST
Rena did not seem to be bothered by the sensation that slid through Azjah?s veins. She nodded slowly, ?That?s interesting.?

Azjah laughed softly, ?Most people find crystal chemistry utterly boring.?

She chuckled, ?You do know that some of what you are talking about is going right over my head?? She sipped her tea, ?But then you make me go to the library to try to figure out what you said, and it does become interesting then.?

Azjah nodded and apologized to her, ?It is a subject I enjoy very much, and I forget that not everyone does.?

Rena told her not to be sorry, and Azjah slide a folder toward her, ?This intrusion holds sufficient promise to justify sending a crew right away.? That was something that Azjah had wrestled with for several weeks since she and Gabriel had spent the time on Pyxis. Was she being overly optimistic? The seismological reports said no.

Rena placed her mug down and picked up the folder, as she skimmed through the information it contained, she asked Azjah if she?d meant a crew sent to Pyxis, or the desert. That elicited a quick glance around the shop from Azjah, who worried about who might have heard the off hand comment. Rena winced, ?oops, sorry.?

Azjah lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, ?Both locations. The one you refer to will be a small crew though. The other one could take a very large detail.? She nodded hearing Azjah?s answer and suggested that more guards might be needed to accomplish those tasks. Azjah nodded in agreement, ?Yes, we will.?

Rena continued to flip through the folder, ?I heard that you talked to a man called Gareth.?

Azjah sipped her tea, ?Briefly, but we never discussed any details. Do you know him?? Azjah hadn?t paid a lot of attention to the man, but that was also the day she?d spoken to Kairee, and seen Duchess de Winter for the first time in many months.

Rena nodded slightly, ?We have talked, and it seems he thinks I helped him locate the house he?s moving into. He sent me a finder?s fee.? At Azjah?s chuckle, Rena added, ?I suggested Battlefield Park for what he was looking for. We took a walk around it. He found a place to his liking.? She shrugged as if to say it was not big deal.

Azjah gave another light laugh, ?that?s good.? It would do Rena some good to get out and about to help put some of her ghosts to bed.

The laughter drew the attention of the mage once more to the balcony. His features carefully schooled into impassivity as he glanced once more into the shadowed balcony. Then he abruptly pivoted on his heel and took the heavy tome and tea to a chair in the shadows downstairs, but he selected one that still gave him a good view of the two women in the balcony.

Rena continued, ?And, there might be another. He is not liking what he is doing right now either.? She continued to peruse the folder Azjah had given her.

Azjah quirked a brow at Rena, ?And security is right up his alley??

She gave a slight smile, ?Gareth, yes, also the other. We went running this morning. Let?s just say when I ran into him in the Inn, he was cleaning weapons.?

Azjah?s brow rose fractionally, ?Is it me, or is there a sudden plethora of guardian sorts?? She sipped the tea, ?Garry, Aaron, Gareth,? Shaking her head she looked solidly at Rena, ?Either that or I have not paid sufficient attention around town.?

Rena shrugged, ?Aaron has been around for a while. Gareth about a month or so, but I do agree.? She laid the file down onto the table, ?Gareth is the newest one, the others have been around.? Then she slid the folder back toward Azjah.

The mage?s ear tips tilted minutely as he kept his eyes focused on Uruviel, but his hearing was clearly trying to keep tabs on what the two women were discussion above him.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:28 EST
The bell on the door jangled again as Azjah slid the folder back into her valise, her eyes meeting Rena?s, ?there has been quite a bit come in on Garry.? As they talked, Topaz headed for the counter and retrieved a pastry that appeared to be drowning in chocolate before going to find a place to sit and eat it.

Rena wondered what sort of information had come in, and she asked what Azjah?s opinion of the information had been. She also gave Topaz a nod and asked if she was going to join us, or take a table alone. Topaz then altered her course and joined the pair. She told the pair that she didn?t want to interrupt them, which was uncharacteristically considerate coming from the fairy. She smiled and thanked them before taking the offered chair, keeping the plate of chocolate decorated pastry in her lap.

Azjah motioned to an empty chair, ?Please join us.? Then she resumed her discussion with Rena, ?We?ve been digging into the deeper layers, and he has doctored his wrap sheet, but that is to be expected considering what he used to do for a living.?

Rena smiled a bit at Topaz, ?I plan on taking Aaron on a trip I?m going on, I don?t know how Wil will take that though.?

Azjah quirked a brow, ?Well, if Aaron is willing, why would Wil object??

Rena chuckled, ?who know what the so called Alpha male will think.?

Azjah chuckled as she sipped her rapidly cooling tea, ?You have to watch those alpha male types.? Which elicited a nod from Topaz.

Topaz swallowed her bite of chocolate pastry, ?Sylviana needs one of thoese.?

Rena and Azjah both gave her a perplexed look, ?One what?? Rena asked.

?A puppy, isn?t that what you?re talking about?? Topaz looked at both women as though they?d sprouted extra heads.

Rena chuckled, as did Azjah, and both told her not exactly had puppies been the topic of discussion. Topaz blushed, ?Oh, sorry.?

Below the trio, the mage sat re-draping the lay of his robes to suit the comforts of his body position. He uttered a few sibilant whispers and made several ornate gestures in the air before light flared across the glyph holding the bone latch of the heavy book closed. A series of soft clicks resounded in the quiet shop before the latch folded back into itself.

Azjah?s attention was drawn to the flare of light from the magic glyph, and she only caught the tale end of what Topaz was saying, ?Well, she gave me a scare this afternoon. A dog would have been helpful.?

Azjah blinked back to the conversation, dragging her attention back to her own table, ?She did?? She asked Topaz for elaboration. When Topaz told them that the child had disappeared, Rena seemed concerned for the child?s safety. Topaz then told them ?I think Lucien might have killed me if she was still disappeared. Still, those were the worst minutes ever.?

Azjah frowned, ?He could have found her using their link, they have a tendency to give adults heart failure though, don?t they?? It surprised Azjah that Topaz would say something like that about Lucien, who simply doted on his mate and his child.

Topaz nodded, ?Yes, heart failure. One moment she was there, and the next she wasn?t. She?s too smart for her own good. And Lucien was sleeping, of course.? She took a bite of the pastry before continuing, ?It?ll be much harder keeping track of her with her picking up such tricks.?

The Mage held up his hand to Uruviel, indicating that she should bide a moment. He spoke the name Lucien and glanced again at the trio in the balcony, but they did not hear him and continued to talk amongst themselves. Uruviel however gripped the chair tighter at being shushed in such a rude manner.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:30 EST
Azjah caught just the glance from the mage, and the expression on Uruviel?s features and excused herself a moment from the women, telling them that her tea needed to be refilled. But she meant to go downstairs past the mage. If he wanted to say something, she would give him the opportunity. At the bottom of the stair, she asked the waitress for a refill of the cranberry tea.

He gave a very subtle purse of his lips as he continued to track Azjah?s movements down the stairs toward the counter. Azjah slid platinum coins across the counter as she took the fresh cup of tea and turned toward the mage. He was speaking to Uruviel, ?I want it especially graphic, so the ones that ye leave alive??His iris-less eyes met and held Azjah?s pale blue gaze as he continued with Uruviel, ?And ye will leave a small handful of their fleets alive can tell their sealord what supernatural horror plagues the seas. We want them jumping at shadows and mist.? A slow, cruel smile formed on his lips as he watched the blonde ascend the stairs to rejoin her circle of friends. Then he turned his fiery gaze back onto the woman in hot pink as he dismissed her. Then he returned to the magical grimoire seated before him. He opened the pages of the tome and a sparkle of intangible, effervescent light rose from the aged pages as he sat the book across his lap. From the balcony, the pages appeared blank with the exception of the colored lights.

Azjah returned to Rena and Topaz, catching bits of their discussion, ?Her not having wings seems not to be a handicap,? Topaz was telling Rena, who laughed, ?There are always ways to get around things.?

Topaz shook her head, ?Just not around little ones picking up things from their parents, if you want them to or not.? Topaz frowned, ?But now I won?t be able to trust her with any other than Carpathian baby sitters.?

Azjah set the silver tray down with the insulated pot of tea before curling up once more in her chair. Topaz welcomed her back, and she poured a fresh cup as Topaz said, ?I didn?t expect her to be this difficult until a few years from now.?

Rena laughed, ?Always expect the unexpected.?

Topaz glanced between them, ?It can?t be normal for children to be developing powers this early, can it??

Azjah quirked a pale brow at Topaz?s interrogative. ?I am uncertain about that development rate Topaz; but I am certain that Lucien can answer that query.?

She took another bite of her chocolate pastry, ?If he wants to. It?s one thing to play peek-a-boo, quite another to fade from the visible spectrum at will.? She shook her head, ?Scary, I tell you.?

Azjah wondered if there were ways to curtail Sylviana?s abilities as Rena sat back and listened.

Topaz considered it, ?I?m sure there is. I?d prefer to be able to make her see reason, though, rather than using mind control. She?s a little young though for reasoning.?

The mage turned the page, and as his fingers brushed the parchment, impossible diagrams and geometric shapes formed along side columns of glyphs, which were written horizontally to form geometric shapes of their own, and intersected at points by the lines of the two dimensional planes. If that were not maddening enough, the runes took light, and began to scroll in an array of colors across the pages while three dimensional patterns began to form. The diagrams came alive in places with the flare of dweomer and mana, as if sucked into the space of the page if the page were a black hole. He studied a moment before passing to the next colorful display that shifted and wove itself to a life of its own on the next two sheets of velum.

Azjah glanced over the railing again as her peripheral vision caught a shifting flash of light that reminded her of the Auroras.

Azjah had missed much of what had been said between Rena and Topaz, but she was brought back to the present, ?A dog might do it though.?

The Marchioness blinked and looked at Topaz, ?What makes you think a dog would help??

Topaz elaborated, ?It would be someone she?d want to be here for.?

Azjah nodded absently before leaning closer to Rena, ?Have you ever seen that kind of spell work before?? Azjah?s world shunned magic, but this was something that even she had to take notice of.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:32 EST
The mage below moved his arm in a lethargic stretch. His fingers coiled toward his palm like the leaves of a wilting fern. The dramatic effect of the magic script ceased the moment his flesh no longer touched the pages of the grimoire. He moved to pick up his cup of tea, and his gaze lifted toward the balcony as he prepared to drink his tea. His luminescent red eyes locked with Azjah?s.

Her attention zeroed in on the mage below until Topaz?s voice cut through her distraction. She blinked and looked away from the mage, ?You were saying?? She gave Topaz an apologetic smile.

Topaz repeated, ?from what little I do know about Carpathian babies, that doesn?t happen until they?re 5 or 8. You mentioned a spell??

Azjah?s eyes slid again toward the mage below them and the heavy tome in his lap, ?I?ve never seen writing that flares and flashes like the Auroras.? Topaz had never seen the like before either.

The Mage continued to regard Azjah as he touched a few points in the book without looking at them. That caused the glyphs to rise into the air simultaneously. They lifted from the surface of the seemingly blank pages and once again came to life. He then began tampering with them, shifting the sigili, binding the glyphs whole, only to draw them aside. He then erected new lines, drawing tracers of glowing red light in the air, inked by the power manifested from the tip of his talons. He warped the two dimensional shape into a three dimensional object. Parts of the magical geometry orbited the main core with strange glyphs, and the symbols of familiar and long expired constellations.

Topaz watched a moment, ?Curious. Do you think he?d be any good on the Isle?? She mused a bit longer, ?We?ve not had a summoner there in? in forever.? Then she paused, ?Where?s your body guard tonight??

Azjah?s brow lifted as she watched the glowing red light take the shape of familiar images from the stars. ?I don?t know.? Her attention was clearly snagged by the lights and their magical dance below. She hadn?t brought Gabriel along and it wasn?t until later that Topaz?s question struck her as being a trifle odd.

The mage made a languid withdrawal of his hand to rest it against the fiddle head of his high backed chair. He allowed the alien geometry to be absorbed into the page once again. A ripple stirred the shadow, like a rock disturbing the surface of a stagnant pont as the light went out within the pages of the tome. A slight hiss from the shadow echoed on into oblivion afterward, as if reality itself were altered upon a myriad of planes simultaneously. The mage abruptly seemed more drawn, as if the toll paid for his use of such magic was no small thing. His posture drooped slightly as he slowly sipped his tea. But something in the special brew had a noticeable restorative quality for him. The contents of the cup still steamed, and its fragrance had been left to waft into the air around him, scenting the space with a horribly bitter, almost acrid scent that brought a grimace to Azjah?s features as it reached her.

Topaz?s relieved nod was missed by the blonde as she watched the mage below, but her words did register, ?So he may still ?volunteer? for baby sitting.? It was a statement and not really a question.

Azjah blinked as the imaged vanished again, turning slowly back toward Topaz, ?hmm??

Topaz chuckled, ?never mind. You seem very fascinated by the Summoner?s magic.?

Azjah nodded, lifting the mug to her lips as she considered what she?d seen. ?Amazing.? Was all she said.

Topaz had finished her chocolate pastry, ?I should not be leaving Lucien to deal with the little imp by himself for too long. Are you sure you?ll be safe with Gabriel just being outside??

Azjah nodded blankly, ?yes, yes, I?ll be just fine.? Topaz gave her a concerned look as she rose and bade her good evening. Azjah wrapped both hands around the mug.


Date: 2008-02-03 19:33 EST
The mage?s gaze shifted back to the balcony as Topaz rose to leave. His lips pursed and his brow dropped as he stared out from shadow steeped ocular sockets with those burning, vibrant ruby eyes that were backlit with a mixture of darkness and flames. His nose wrinkled slightly, and his chin lifted a fraction as he tracked the fairy as she exited. His eyes then narrowed, almost with an inexplicable vehemence as he studied the blonde who remained behind. ?I was unaware the Barrister?s conversational companions branched so far.?

Azjah leaned back into the cushions of her chair, sliding her gaze toward Lord Veighn. ?The Barrister?? His statement had taken her by surprise.

?Lucien Mallorek,? the mage said as his fingers re-draped themselves over the end of the arm rest after he closed the tome that lay in his lap. He created a floating image of Lucien Mallorek. His head turned slowly, almost with a mechanical disembodiment for a clear, three dimensional image.

Azjah studied the image of a man she?d never seen before, ?I am afraid I do not know this Lucien Mallorek.? She sipped her tea, ?It was Lucien Daratrazanov that we were speaking about.? She smiled then, ?And his is not a Barrister, per se.? She did not feel the need to explain that what Gabriel and Lucien did for their Prince was nothing short of being judge, jury and executioner.

The image vanished, ?Very well. I thought perhaps ye might relay a message, though, I see little need for such now that the truth of mine hearing is out.? He paused, as though seeking the right turn of phrase from the vast library of his mind. ?I notice magic?s allure has nae been lost upon ye.?

Azjah colored slightly at his observation. ?Yes, and was it constellations I saw in some of them?? Her love of space and the stars had helped her pick out the long vanished systems in some of the images.

?There are heavenly patterns in the formulae of some higher magical arts. That much is widely known by all scholars of the arcane arts.? He canted his head somewhat, ?This revelation surprises ye?? His brow arched slowly as amusement outlined the twitching curve of his lips, and in the corners of his eyes. He had no way of knowing that magic was pretty much outlawed in Rigel.

She took another sip of her cranberry tea, ?My home world frowns heavily on magic and magicians.? She was still peering over the railing of the balcony as she made the observation that some of the constellations had appeared familiar. ?You have studied these arcane arts for a long time?? She suspected that he had, but there was no way of knowing for just how long.

He met her eyes fully, ?This world frowns heavily on mineself. Shouldit surprise me that yours would not grant me their favor?? His expression of humor grew despite the restraint he held in check behind a cool exterior mask, it shone in his eyes. But that sudden amusement brought more light to his features, and angular shadows were cast over his face while other portions were illuminated. She caught sight of bronze dusted flesh, and the faintest tracery of scales. ?It depends on what you consider a long time. Time is subjective to the individual perceiving it.?

She nodded at Lord Veighn, ?Very true, but while I have been in RhyDin many years, I have never seen the likes of that book.?

He nodded, ?Few have, tis of mine own composition.? He slid the book toward his thigh, angling it into the belt satchel at his hip. It disappeared within, and in moments, its outline disappeared as its cloth grew slightly more lax. Azjah assumed it was some form of ?bag of holding? as she regarded him.

Azjah grew curious, ?Are you, as Topaz called you, a Summoner??

?I am many things, and have many monikers. Though, summoning, as she has a wont to call it, is a school of magic in which I am proficient.? He nodded accordingly, his features remaining solemn, and the shadows moving around his otherwise motionless form did grant him an air of sinister ominous ness. He adjusted the drape of his Archmagi robes and the Coldwarg fur mantle as he took another sip from his tea.

Azjah asked him what kinds of spells made use of the constellations. ?Many make use of constellations. Spells, rituals, rites, incantations. It all depends on the art. The constellations are merely an element in the grand scheme of things.?

She gave a light laugh, ?A pretty way of telling me to mind my own affairs??

He sipped his tea, ?Tis a long process to explain, and takes longer to grasp. Let us say, the constellations are merely a catalyst for the working and shaping of the intangible energies in the fabric of one reality to the next. One can tear it, cut it, bend it, fold it, or otherwise manipulate each layer of fabric on itself, given the right formulae, concentration, source of power, and a study focus ot channel and control all these things.?

Azjah regarded him closely, ?Why, if I may, is your sorcery not appreciated here??

He gave a dismissive gesture with his hand, ?People fear what they do nae know. What they donnae know, they have no way to understand. Hence, what people donnae understand, they would rather destroy, or ignore. However, it seems many find this? magery? unsettling enough to rise above their attempt at veiling it from their conscious mind.?

Azjah?s steady blue gaze studied the mage, ?I should think given the magic users in this town, you would be among friends and colleagues.?

?It touches?? He made a gesture in the air with his off hand, his fingers poised and skillfully undulating into something that looked like the hand striking the chords of an imaginary lute. A zephyr whipped up behind Azjah, like a sylph, following the direction of his fingers as if it were a wand, ?the minds of even those without any great sense of magical knowing.?

Azjah canted her head at the mage as the zephyr came into being behind her. Something in his touch was dark and troubling and she knew it was time for her to leave.

?Their magic is disdainful,? he sneered slightly as the metaphorical viper coiled within him, manifesting vividly in his features in the flash of an instant. He raked his hand through his hair, his features composed and controlled once more, as though the rake of sharp black talons across his scalp had helped contain some unseen demon within.

?So you are no native of this area?? She slid her reference book into her valise and finished her tea quickly before pulling her jacket on in preparation for her return to the Palazzo.

His laughter split into three distinct tones, all of them lilting, all very different, as if the sounds of three voices issued forth from his mouth. Three narrow tongues undulated behind two rows of pearly white teeth, where his eye teeth were not a set, but a pair of sets, with the inner ones slightly distended, and the outer set just beside were even more so. Monstrous was the word the image evoked.

Azjah blinked at what she thought she saw briefly before picking up the valise and making her way down the stairs. ?I must bid you a good evening Mage, and I thank you for the elucidation.?

His smile was smooth now, ?Oh, nae, I hail naught from parts near or far from this place. More distant.? Came his quixotic reply as she descended the stairs. ?Fare thee well, and good hunting for those desert crystals.?

Azjah stopped dead in her tracks as she slowly turned to look directly at him, ?thank you,? she told him as she regained her composure and pulled the door open with the jangle of the door?s bells.

He chuckled as she departed, amused at her reaction to things he took for granted. Weaving his hands through the air, he whispered the ancient words that cause the bone lock to reform itself over the lip of the book, binding its pages sealed with a wan flare of mage-light thereafter. He then rose from his seat, depositing coin for the cup of tea before he strode toward the door himself, exiting the teahouse into the mid-winter evening.


Date: 2008-02-10 21:18 EST
RhyDin discovery

Azjah had spoken with Kairee the evening before. They would go out to the site, and Kai would determine whether or not she was interested in the partnership. Azjah had given Kai the description of the area, and would meet Kairee at 9:00 AM.

Azjah left the Palazzo at 5:00 AM, it would take three hours to drive out to the site, and she wanted to be certain she was there when Kairee arrived. Gabriel slid into the Mc Laren beside her as she prepared to turn over the sleek car?s engines.

?We will be traveling when the sun rises my friend.? Azjah glanced at Gabriel, knowing how badly the sun would hurt his skin and eyes.

He nodded. ?Yes, I am aware of that fact.?

She pursed her lips before suggesting that perhaps Eoin should come along, but Gabriel declined. ?You need me, not a Scottish mortal with only a gun for protection.?

Azjah simply nodded and turned the ignition and the car?s powerful engine growled to life. They left the garage and headed through RhyDin, heading East and toward the desert. The canyon was one she knew well. It had the most beautiful spring she?d ever seen, and until now, a solitude that had never been matched.

The sun began its ascent for the day with a pink and pale gray streaking of the night sky. Gabriel faded from view to avoid the effects of the ascendant sun as we headed into the desert. The scrub pines struggled to make a living in the arid soil, and soon they too gave way to sage grasses and small cacti. The colors of the desert can be simply stunning, and as she drove, Azjah marveled at the early morning shades that would fade beneath the full daylight sun.

She?d driven to the final turn off that would lead to the canyon where the platinum vein had been discovered. Slowing the vehicle and checking for other traffic or followers before turning the silver car onto the rock and dirt road. A small river ran along side of the road, twisting and turning as it went. The rocky soil created a beautiful backdrop for the shallow, but rapidly moving water. She was surprised that no one had stumbled on the sapphires before now. The platinum vein would be easy to miss, but anyone panning in the river would have found the sapphires.

The canyon is a box canyon, which means that there is only one way in or out. A beautiful pool of crystal clear water reflects the sky overhead, and hides the entrance to the cavern where the platinum lay.

Gabriel would be safe once they were inside the cavern, away from the sun?s burning rays. She rolled the car to a halt near the edge of the pond. Two men, dressed as hikers milled about a tent set up and as she got out of the car, they gave her a nod before resuming their activities. Eoin had given her images of the men he?d put out there to guard the site, and Azjah had a visual confirmation that these were her guards.

She and Gabriel made their way around the serene pool toward the tall rocks that rose behind it. They would wait for Kairee inside the entry to the cavern.


Date: 2008-03-01 10:53 EST
It happened without sound nor sign. Those sensitive to the arcane may feel a shiver run along their spine or the hairs on the arms stand on end. Perhaps it will be more than a sudden flash of color in the far corner of their eye, too fast to consciously notice, too ethereal to focus upon. But none the less it presaged Kairee?s entrance in time immeasurable by natural means.

Through the rocky wall from deep within the mountain, she strode, aglow in gossamer blue bright like the sapphires found deep within this earthy mount. Kairee?s high heels made nary a sound as she stepped onto the gravely foot of this cave mouth. She paused a moment to run her hands over her hips, smoothing down her short fitted dress. The turquoise color set off her fair luminescent skin and her fiery red hair.

Stepping with her through the wall of stone and also under the effect of Kairee?s spell that allows such travel, is a muscular man, at least six inches taller than Kairee?s six foot height and a good three inches tall that she is in her heels. His eyes a deep, nearly black, brown and his head bald. At his side her wore a scimitar sized appropriately for his bulk.

?Come along, Dorin.? Kairee?s voice cut through the silence as she glanced back at the wall.

Kairee?s emerald eyes turned fall up Azjah, ?Did I keep you waiting, babes?? she idly asked the other woman as her gaze danced over Gabriel.

It wasn?t long before a grumbling voice was heard, ?I have not the long legs ye do!? On the heels of that declaration, the speaker stepped through the rock. As the other man was taller, this one is short by at least a third, if not more so. His beard long and blond like his locks that fell from under a simple steel cap lined in read. His clothing typical of the natives here at Rhydin, a brownish tunic and dark pants with leather boots. Around his barrel like body a tool belt of sorts hung complete with hammer, chisel and hand axe. His beady blue eyes critically considered Azjah and Gabriel and the magical glow encasing the three dissipated.


Date: 2008-03-09 20:48 EST
Gabriel moved closer to Azjah as Kairee materialized inside the cavern. Every instinct warned him about this beautiful woman who was so much more than she portrayed to the average soul. What bothered him though was that he couldn?t place EXACTLY what Kairee was. Psionic? Yes. Sorceries? Yes. Old? Yes. But WHAT she was remained occluded from his mind.

Azjah smiled warmly seeing Kairee?s entry. Though she had expected Kai to come through the main entrance, somehow it didn?t surprise her when her partner simply appeared as though the rock walls surrounding them had no more significance than a curtain.

?Kairee, I am so pleased you could come!? Then she spotted the tall male with her, and before she could ask for introductions, another, much shorter and grumpier person joined them to form a trio of unique abilities.

Azjah knew a moment of discomfort as she realized that is was just she and Gabriel representing the partnership from their side. But, if she?d chosen as well as she thought she had, Kairee and her partners were just what they needed to extract the best sapphires and optimum Platinum from this deposit.

Kairee met Azjah with a quick glance around the cavern.

After Kairee and her team departed, Azjah went back to the mouth of the cavern. Gabriel remained inside the darkness of the cavern as he senses her desire to wander alone around the glassy, blue lake.

Azjah headed west as she left the cavern, following the lake shore as it shimmered in the afternoon?s sun. She found a rocky promontory that was shaded by an old cottonwood tree and decided to sit down there to simply watch the play of light on the water. The coolness of the still water of the lake was in direct opposition to the heat waves lifting off the desert landscape all around them.


Date: 2008-03-09 20:49 EST
As she sat there enjoying the solitude of the canyon and its pristine lake, a Red Necked Grebe, one of the largest of the Grebe family, paddled toward a bed of cat tails. She had in tow six hatchlings. They appeared to be a week or so old, and they stuck as close to their mother as they could. She maintained a leisurely paddle that would build these chick?s muscles while they grew in their feathers and shed their down. These Grebes are not overly cautious and accounted for why they were the first birds Azjah saw as she settled in at the edge of the lake.

Several Northern Fulmar circled over the lake before landing with soft splashes at the far side of the lake from where Azjah sat. They settled into a close knit group and began to forage for small fish. While at a quick glance these birds can be mistaken for gulls, their flight quickly distinguishes them from gulls. They have a fast, quick wing beat followed by stiff winged glides that allow them to wheel effortlessly along windy shores. These have flown a long distance to be here as they nest in the Bering Sea cliffs.

Silver arrows darted beneath the surface of the water as small schools of fish hunted for insect larvae and other tasty morsels. The birds greedily followed the fish, maintaining a balance in nature?s cycle of life.

Hidden in a thick patch of cat tails a Northern Gannet sat sunning itself. It had one leg pulled up and balanced on one leg with its eyes closed. It was the picture of contented satisfaction. This bird is one of the largest seabirds of the Northern seas. It will dive into the water in pursuit of fish. It has a spear-like bill and a spiky tail, so it looks pointed at both ends.

Just on the edge of the weeds stood a Least Bittern. It blended into the weeds so beautifully that Azjah wasn?t certain she?d seen it until it moved again. The Least Bittern is one of the smallest Herons in the world. It climbs around in the weeds and cat tails rather than wading. It?s small, thin body is perfectly adapted for life amidst the dense vegetation at the edge of the lake.

Paddling in for a closer look at Azjah came a King Eider. This gorgeous duck is adapted for arctic waters where it dives and swims underwater in search of fish. They will collect on ice flows, preen their feathers and assure their down is dry before launching off the ice and into the water once more to hunt. Their grey heads, white breasts and coal black wings and back are set off with a patch of orange just above a tangerine bill. They are truly one of the prettiest ducks Azjah had ever seen.

The old cottonwood tree that shaded Azjah had on branch that hung low over the water, and perched there sat a Ringed Kingfisher. It usually hunted from higher branches, but the visibility was so good in this pool that it sat close to the water as it searched for fish, small snakes along the edge of the water, and the occasional frog. The vibrant blue chest and wings were segregated from the blue head by a wide white band around its throat. As it watched the Marchioness, it raised its blue crest before giving her its unique ?tchack tchack? call and dove into the water after a rather large fish.


Date: 2008-03-09 20:51 EST
The deeply ribbed bark of the old tree offered plenty of hiding places for insects, and it wasn?t long before Azjah heard the rap-rap-rap of a beak as a Downy Woodpecker hunted for insects in the bark overhead. It was seeking beetles and ants primarily. When she found it, it was hanging upside down so it could hunt for insects and still keep a wary eye on Azjah.

A small flock of Bridled Titmouse worked diligently in the higher branches for insects. They hopped about, chattering the whole time amongst themselves. The interesting black ?bridles? clearly marking them as the desert native titmouse species rather than the similar Tufted Titmous, that lack the black bridle.

The sun slid across the afternoon sky and Azjah rose. The birds overhead took flight as she stood, and she regretted disturbing them from their hunt for dinner, but they would soon enough return to their feeding as she vacated the rock perch.

She continued along the shore as the sun prepared to slide behind the canyon rim. The long shadows were reaching for the water line as Gabriel met her on the far side of the lake. They had 3 hours of hard driving to do before they would be back in RhyDin. It was time to go.

They had come to get Kairee?s opinion on the viability of this find for a partnership. She had left with the agreement that the site held promise, and that took a great deal of concern away. They could depart for Pyxis secure in the agreement with Kairee that she would provide the magic to protect their claim, and Azjah?s mining engineer would arrive from Rigel on Wednesday. Although she?d promised his services to Alain, it wouldn?t be difficult for him to monitor and direct mining operations here in the canyon as well.


Date: 2008-03-09 20:55 EST
Azjah slid behind the wheel of the sleek Mc Laren once more and turned the car toward the city. She decided to stop in at the little shop that she?d grown to like called Tea?s n Tomes. They hadn?t eaten since early morning, and her stomach grumbled at being ignored for so many hours. Azjah parked the car and walked through the door to the cheerful chiming of the bell. She glanced around and saw only two women, who looked vaguely familiar, and a male whom she did not know at all. Azjah headed for the counter and smiled at the girl wearing a white apron as she decorated a small cake. Azjah requested a cup of tangerine tea and an ?clair before sliding several platinum coins across the counter to her. She picked up the plate and tea and headed up the stairs to her favorite chair near the balcony railing.

Lydia?s pale blue eyes drifted from the counter toward Azjah, and she offered her a friendly smile as she too seemed to think Azjah looked familiar, but she couldn?t quite place from where. Then she turned once more to the other woman and man as their private conversation continued.

Erin also watched Azjah head up to the balcony and then at the male, ?I?m not sure. I think she has a thing for Jake, though. She looks at him in a way I don?t much appreciate,? she whispered to Erin.

Jake glanced at Erin, ?Hey guys, I hate to dash and all.? He made his farewells and made for the door.

Azjah gave Lydia a quick wave as she settled into the comfortable chair and took a long, appreciative sip of her tea as she opened her book.

Lydia smiled at Erin, ?Well, it?d be good to see you around here again. I?ve been spending a lot of time there myself lately.?

Ering laughed, ?Yeah? Make any unsavory friends??

Lydia grinned like a Cheshire cat, ?Aside from G? Not really. There are some pretty nice people around there though.?

Erin smiled and shook her head, ?Nevermind.? Then she looked up again at the balcony, squinting a little to see who was up there, if anyone besides the blond who?d entered earlier. Azjah was the only one up there, and she was reading her book with a cup of steaming tea sitting on the table near her left hand.

Lydia?s gaze followed Erin?s momentarily before she leaned closer, lowering her voice, but not so low that Azjah could not hear her, ?Do you know who she is? I?ve seen her around the Arena, I?m sure.?


Date: 2008-03-09 20:57 EST
Erin inquired, ?You think we?re bothering her?? She nodded up at Azjah as she peered over the railing, ?I have too, I think I caught her name once, but I?m not sure. Aiah, or something like that. Maybe we should invite her down? Then we?re less likely to bother her.? She gave Lydia a wide smile.

Azjah glanced over the railing a moment, then laid her book down, ?Good evening ladies. How are you this evening?? She picked up the fork and broke off a bite of ?clair.

?Oh, hi!? Erin called up.

?You?re not bothering me.? She nibbled the ?clair. ?I just usually come up here to read, and enjoy these decadent ?clairs. I hope I didn?t intrude on your conversation?? She truly hoped her presence had not disrupted the conversation they had been having when she?d entered the shop earlier.

Lydia chuckled before waving, ?good evening?. She glanced at the display case, ?I?ve had their ?clairs before, they?re good.?

Azjah waved her next bite that was currently on the fork, ?I confess a weakness for them.?

Erin smiled, ?Not at all. Come on down and sit?? She raised her brows, ?I promise not to steal your ?clair!?

Azjah chuckled as she picked up her book and tea, and the remains of her ?clair, ?Thank you, I would love to join you.? She headed down the stairs to join them.

Lydia shot Erin a sidelong look, ?You?ve stolen my food before.?

Erin winked back, ?Yeah, but I know I can take you.?

Lydia sat up and shuffled her chair off to the side to make room at the small table for Azjah, ?Oh yeah, I?m sure,? came the dry retort.

Azjah chuckled as she set the plate onto their table and settled into the chair, laying her book beside her. ?Thank you, I?m Azjah, and you are Lydia, correct?? Pale azure eyes met Lydia?s a moment.

?Yeah, that?s right,? she confirmed Azjah?s guess. ?It?s nice to meet you Azjah.?

Azjah smiled, ?Nice to meet you too. I?ve seen you in the duels as well.? Then she glanced at Erin, ?I do not believe we have met either.?

?Erin Dunbridge,? she supplied her name to Azjah, ?Lovely to formally meet you.?

?Very nice to meet you too Erin. You both duel swords then?? Azjah had seen both women at the Arena, but never seen either of them on Twilight Isle.

Lydia thumbed in Erin?s direction, ?She?s the expert at it. I do a little bit, but I?m still new at it.?

Azjah laughed, ?It?s a great sport.?

Erin blushed slightly, ?That?s debatable.? Then she shrugged, ?I?m all right, rusty though.? Apparently Erin had been away from the rings for a time, and was just now returning.

Lydia nodded in agreement, ?I like it, though I duel with staves. I?m not really a fan of the more? violent? aspects of it. Though most I?ve seen there don?t seem particularly violent.? There are of course some who thrive on blood shed and violence, but no one had seen Vanion of late, or Anubis, so some of the more hateful duelists have also taken a hiatus.

Azjah nodded, ?there are many with your view point. Brig used his dirty mop, Mystic uses a pillow, Tass uses a staff. The good thing though are the wards. No one comes away seriously wounded.?

Erin added, ?Well, if everyone was disemboweling everyone else, there?d be no one left to duel with. Even with the wards, I?d imagine that would turn people off to the sport.?

Azjah chuckled then as images of the blue menace surfaced, ?Then there?s Imp, who loves a good blood letting.?


Date: 2008-03-09 20:59 EST
Lydia mused, ?Well, the wards are good for those they work on at least.? Something in Lydia?s tone suggested that the wards may not work well for her.

Azjah took a bite of her ?clair, ?True enough. How long have you been dueling Lydia??

?Mmm? Ah, I think a couple of months now?? Lydia glanced at Erin, ?Started it regularly around January, yeah??

Erin nodded agreement, and Azjah smiled at Lydia, ?Rising in the ranks??

?Oh, no no,? She chuckled, ?Still way behind, I?ve been doing okay lately I suppose, but it?s not really making up for all the bad duels.? She pondered a moment, ?I think I?m probably at least five duels down or something. Probably more.?

Azjah chuckled, ?Sounds like me. I never do seem to get out of the basement.?

Erin smiled at both of them, ?It?s the end of the cycle. We all get to start clean.?

Azjah glanced at Erin, ?What about you??

She laughed, ?Oh, I?m hovering at Warlady. Every time I duel, I lose and lose it as well.?

Azjah?s brow rose fractionally, ?Congratulations on having made it that far.?

Erin smiled, ?Thank you. I?ve been dueling for a while now??

Lydia agreed, ?Yeah, I still think that?s gotta be really hard, to make it that far.?

?Agreed Lydia, I?m not certain I will ever get that far.? Azjah concurred.

Lydia grinned, ?I?m not counting on it either, so you?re not alone there.?

Azjah sipped her tea, ?You two have been friends for some time then??

Erin shook her head at their comments about making it to Warlady, ?Nothing great about it really. Unless you have your eyes on Overlord. Which I only want to make Nova get in a ring.? She snickered at that, then nodded at Azjah?s question about the two being friends, ?For here, yeah.?

Lydia?s brows lift just a touch, though she didn?t say anything further, but simply nodded in agreement with Erin?s words.

Azjah sipped her tea, ?There are Warlords with no aim further than enjoying being a Warlord. They have no aim to be a Baron or Overlord. I don?t believe I know Nova.? She commented as an aside to Erin.

Lydia shrugged, ?I don?t see any appeal in being a Baron or Overlord honestly.? But the comments about Nova brought a grin to her features, ?Nova?s the fast guy who?s always pawing after Erin. She?s not been around much lately, so neither has he, now that I think about it??

Azjah smiled at Erin, ?Ah, a beau??

Erin shook her head negatively as she laughed, ?No! He wishes. But, he?s not nearly good enough for me.? She snickered then as Azjah lifted a quizzical brow and asked if he was not her sort of gentleman. ?He?s great. I just have a guy that lets me keep chickens in the bedroom. Can?t compete with that.? She then winked at Lydia.

Azjah chuckled, ?Chickens in the bedroom? Dare I ask??

Lydia spoke simultaneously, ?should I ask why you WANT chickens in your bedroom??

Erin gave them both a shocked look, ?They were cold!? As if that comment explained everything.

Azjah blinked, ?cold chickens?? She was truly confused at that point.

Lydia smirked, ?So you take them into your bedroom to? warm them up??? The subtle innuendo was not truly subtle, especially as dryly as it came out. Azjah nearly choked on her tea.


Date: 2008-03-09 21:00 EST
Erin raised a brow at the pair, ?It?s cold out. So, yes, I brought them in the house to warm them up.? She gave them a challenging look then. ?They were sad!?

Lydia grinned, ?You scare me sometimes Erin.? It was said lightly, without any seriousness to it. She then glanced at the window and back at Erin and Azjah, ?It?s about time I head home real quickly before I head to the Arena. Maybe I?ll see you two there later??

Azjah nodded, ?I shall look forward to it Lydia.?

Erin jested right back at Lydia as she prepared to depart, ?Oh, you would have done the same thing! I never brought home a wayward gryphon!? She smirked, ?I?ll see you later though.?

Azjah chuckled, ?Wayward gryphons, chickens in the bedroom, I suspect you two are great fun.?

Lydia stood, plucking her bag off the floor, ?Maybe Erin, but Aeriel?s never been in my bedroom.? She grinned widely, ?Though Mellon sleeps with me sometimes, so I suppose you have a point.? Her free hand lifted to them both in a wave as she paused at the door, glancing at Azjah, ?Erin?s the fun one really.? With that, she slipped out the door.

Erin chuckled, ?She?s lying,? which was said loudly enough that Lydia could hear it through the door, ?She?s the one who really knows how it?s done.?

Lydia opened the door a crack, ?And I wouldn?t know how it?s done with chickens actually.? She ducked out quickly as the bell rang in her absence.

Azjah dropped her head with a laugh, ?I don?t think I?ll pursue that avenue.?

Erin started to say, ?I?.? She paused, laughed a bit??See what I was saying? Wow.?

Azjah chuckled, ?That leads into a direction that could be? shall we say?. Disturbing??

?Absolutely disturbing!? Erin nodded in complete agreement. ?I have never thought of a chicken that way. Perhaps Lydia has been hanging out with Gnort too much.?

Azjah chuckled merrily, ?Well, Gnort is known for being?. Unconventional.?

She nodded, ?Touch?!?

Azjah sipped her tea, ?Where do you hail from Erin??

?Originally?? She raised her brows in question. When Azjah nodded, she smiled, ?England, on Earth. Have you heard of it??

Azjah nodded, ?Yes ma?am, I have indeed. I adore the Medieval period of your England.?

Erin smiled, ?Oh, thank you. I like the museums that had that stuff. It was really pretty.?

Azjah chuckled at that as the RhyDin Museum?s Torture exhibit came to her mind, ?Have you visited the RhyDin Museums? They are trying very hard to get some worthy displays on culture and art. Perhaps you can assist them in obtaining some good exhibits??

?No, no I have not? Lydia commented when asked if she?d visited the museums, ?I should stop by though, see what they have. I could help a little with identifying, but I?m not sure where I would get things.? She told Azjah.

Azjah smiled, ?I know the curators are thankful for any exhibit materials they can obtain.? It is surprising how many old things people hang onto that have a place in the museum. ?May I ask you what brought you to RhyDin??

?Here? I was, um? looking for a change.? She shrugged and stood abruptly, ?Would you like to go to the Arena? If just for a little bit??

Azjah caught the abrupt shift in subject and decided not to push, ?Certainly, the tea is cold.? She rose and the pair headed for the Arena and the opportunity to get in a duel.


Date: 2008-04-25 20:56 EST
The sun set over the desert and Azjah was finally forced to return to the car and Rhydin. The turn of events with Garry meant she'd have to go to Pyxis, and soon. As she drove in silence, she pondered Kairee's words, about leaving her people here as part of the team to oversee the extraction of the sapphires. Perhaps it was a better notion than she'd first thought. Although she remained somewhat concerned over this turn of events.

"Gabriel? Please leave a message at the Temple of the Divine Nexus for Kairee. Advise her that I'm making an unscheduled trip first to Enceladus, and then to Pyxis. There is a Gem Singer arriving from Auriga, Bryce, and he will need to be shown the site. Ask her if her people can arrange to meet him and show him around?"

The arrived in RhyDin late, and Azjah left the Mc Laren with Gabriel as she entered the offices of Drachen Walde Industries. Hopefully the missive would reach Kairee before she flew out. She worked for several hours getting documents in order. Garry was not looking promising as a site leader. He was able and capable as a worker, but perhaps site manager was too big a jump too fast. She?d have to consider that aspect.

Kairee glanced from tome she was reading while lounging on her sofa, to the offering table. The ripple of magic as a missive appeared where gifts are normally transported. Closing the Observations regarding Ley Line Disruptions during Periods of Catastrophic Physical Turmoil and setting the dense tome on the glass topped table arranged in front of her sofa, Kairee first stretched in place; arching her back, stretching her arms. Reaching as if her arms could reach the Offering Table across the room from her, the tri-folded missive appeared in her hand.

Emerald eyes swept through the ?Memorandum?, as it was so titled, from sullen Gabriel, Azjah?s pet. She yawned as she rolled her eyes. ~So tiresome. I should engage a secretary.~

Without leaving the comfort of her cushioned couch, words, as if written by a pen, in a fine and elegant hand, appeared along the top of the ?memorandum.?

Master Thorfin, Contact Dorin, son of Hallmar, and inform him he?s my new Mine Master and tell him he has a Gem Singer being delivered to him.

With that the boring bit of paper shimmers away from her hands and she turned her thoughts to sullen Gabriel. A wicked grin grew across her ruby lips.

Wherever Gabriel happens to be, regardless as to how busy he is or what he is doing, he cannot escape the pinch to his bottom and the words caressing his ear, ?Master Dorin, son of Hallmar, is Mine Master, Sweetcheeks, he can deal with the little details. He has more use for a Gem Singer than I.?

A soft teasing chuckle and the sense of her is gone.

Gabriel had left the Temple and returned to Drachen Walde for the Marchioness. As he entered the sealed building, he was ?accosted? by the unknown pinch and the voice of the woman he?d been introduced to as Kairee. A low snarl slithered into the air as the whispered voice faded. ?And precisely where do I find this Master Dorin, son of Hallmar?? He gave a feral curl of his lips at being called ?sweetcheeks? but materialized inside Azjah?s office.

?Your message has been delivered, received, and replied to from your ?partner? in this. She advises that this message should be delivered to Dorin, son of Hallmar. Unfortunately, she does not say just where to locate Dorin. Shall I see if that dwarven curmudgeon remains at the site??

Azjah glanced away from her computer screen, nodding to his query before shutting down the system and rising.

He waited for her to finish her last minute messages for Charlotte before they departed and headed for the Palazzo. After dropping Azjah, the Carpathian vanished from the visible spectrum before returning to the Temple. Perhaps a bit of a surprise of his own was now in order.


Date: 2008-04-25 20:58 EST
He stood considering the Altar before producing a large emerald in the rough. It was approximately four carats. He then inscribed several lines over the outside of the gem before laying it on to the alter surface. Departing only after it shimmered out of existence. Likely Kairee had safeguards to assure that nothing dangerous was transmitted, but it looked as though his ?offering? had not been rejected. There was no malice in his ?offering?, so it should pass any warding for such intentions.

He turned after several moments to make certain the emerald had not been rejected and exited the Temple. The fanged grin remained on his features as he went hunting for his evening meal. The docks were full of ne?er do wells, and it was there that he headed for a meal.

Meanwhile, Azjah shook her head with a bit of a laugh. It was going to take some time to figure out Kairee, but it was the woman?s uniqueness that had sent her to seek her as a partner. She sent a message to the Gem Singer, his contact would be a dwarf by the name of Dorin, Son of Hallmar. The message was the same for the mining engineer and the mineralogist. They were directed to meet with Dyson, who would have them taken to the mine, and they were all instructed to work constructively with the team put in place by Kairee.

Once again, Kairee?s attention was diverted by the magical alert of the Offering Table. Glancing out from her boudoir, her attention is caught immediately by the large raw emerald sitting in the center of the Offering Table.

With a smirking smile and a saunter to the gift, Kairee approached. Pausing as she neared it; she felt a lingering bit of the arcane clinging the prize. A slight frown as she noted the writing only the rough surface, anchoring the arcane to the scrawl.

Sensing the wierding to be non-hostile nor directed at her, Kairee reaches out to pick up the gem, the better to read the inscription. Barely did her finger graze the surface when the large uncut gem shattered.

The touch enough to trip the trap and to provide her the insight as to who set this prank.

Petty and vindictive. She smirked He will have to be watched. In the meanwhile, I know exactly how I will have these chips set.

Kairee chuckled as she imagined his surprise in learning he still provided her with a gift after all.

Gabriel left the Temple and shifted into the form of a falcon. Swiftly flying across the desert once more, he covered the distance in much shorter time than it had taken to drive it. He soared above the site for a few minutes, keen eyes of the hawk noting any movement below before he dropped from the skies to land just inside the mine?s entry.

He heard the mutterings of the dwarf that Kairee had brought along. It surprised him that he hadn?t recognized that the creature had remained when he and Azjah had left earlier the day before. Briefly he wondered just how well a dwarf might conceal himself within the rocks of the tunnel. But at the moment, he could hear muttering quite clearly.


Date: 2008-04-25 21:01 EST
?Master Dorin?? Gabriels black velvet voice rang out and carried down the mine?s main shaft. The Carpathian moved with the stealth and silence of a great cat as he followed the sound of the dwarven mutterings.

Though it seemed like forever, and accompanied by the grumble of muttered invective, Gabriel was soon met by the lumbering Dwarf. Already his jerkin carried the dirt of the mountain upon it as did his ruddy cheeks and beard.

He paused at the sight of Gabriel, having seen him all too clearly in the limited lighting in this part of the shaft; a hand pick in hand ready to be ?weponized.?

?Oh, it be you.? Master Dorin huffed as he slipped the hand pick into its loop on his belt, ?Gabriel is it not?? Rich earth brown eyes did not flinch in the considering of the man, ?My men will be arriving come three days hence. Tis best to have the catering all arranged for their welcome. Though a nosh would be welcome by me now.?

Gabriel?s brow rose a fraction, ?You have been made aware of the arrival of the Gem Singer and the mineralogist?? He paused, ?How many men are you bringing? Do we have them cleared for arrival? And precisely what is ?nosh???

The dwarf was clearly not intimidated by Gabriel and the Carpathian was a bit surprised by that, but given what he was learning about dwarves, perhaps it fit better than it seemed at first glance.

?Food is to be delivered thrice daily for 9 Master Dorin.? The notion of foodstuffs reminded Gabriel that he too was hungry and would need to feed, and soon.


Date: 2008-06-09 16:00 EST
Azjah walked through the doors to the Inn carrying a very small computer that she was reading as she paused inside the darker Inn, she sought an empty table, and once locating it, she headed there. It was near the fireplace and a window, so much the better for her to keep an eye on how late it was getting. She glanced about for a serving lad and sent him for a glass of scotch before curling up comfortably into the chair and resumed reading.

Not long after getting comfortable, Kairee arrived in a shimmery blast of fire and light. As was her wont, she arrived already seated upon the bar with her long, splendiferous legs crossed most appealingly.

Azjah glanced up with a smile, ?Ah, good evening Kairee.?

?Hey babes,? she said with a wink, ?My boys tell me that your boys have taken to trying to search the bags and boxes they carry in and out of the mine.?

Azjah lifted a brow at that, it was common practice that all packages, and even persons were thoroughly searched in mining operations. ?Indeed? Have there been any incidents that would drive such a measure?? She hadn?t been told there was unrest, but certainly the measures were not without good precedent.

Kairee?s emerald green eyes met hers ?They?re getting the sense that they aren?t trusted. Their honor is insulted, and it is only for their respect of me that they have not slain those that have offended them.? Then she gave a soft laugh, ?Of course not babes, but we are talking extremely precious gems. There is a sense that there is pressure to produce more, or at least ensure that there is not?.. shrinkage.?

Azjah nodded, ?There have been reports mentioning ?unusual? happenings though. Have your people had anything disappear?? She knew some of the reports appeared to have been tampered with, but for the time being, no one was blaming anyone associated with the teams. ?Shrinkage is to be avoided at all costs. Surely your dwarves understand the need to assure that neither side is gaining unfair advantages??

Kai shook her head slightly, ?Not as of yet, but there is talk of strange noises in the mines at night.?

Azjah agreed, ?I have heard the rumors that there may be ?something? in the mine, but no one can say just what. There is some unrest in the workers, have the dwarves said anything such unrest in your people??

?There have been some grumbles.? She acceded, ?They are starting to think that the mine is haunted, and so have taken precautions.?

Azjah took a sip of her scotch and nodded, ?How shall we appease the dwarves regarding standard security measures?? Search was something that happened at every gem stone mining site she knew of.

Kairee looked at her as if the answer were simple, ?Don?t search them.?

Azjah steepled her fingers as she studied Kairee, ?That is not very reassuring for our team.? As she studied Kai, a bottle began to move behind the bar, a glass followed suit, and the bottle was upended and slowly started to pour its contents into the glass.

Kai seemed taken aback somewhat, ?They are oath bound! To question their honor is begging for them to storm off, if not worse.?

Azjah frowned slightly, the magic side of things would be very hard for her own team to accept. While she was used to magic users and such bonds, her team was not. Magic was a subject forbidden on Rigel. ?That will be hard to sell on our side Kai.?

She gave me a slight smirk, ?I can convince them.?

That was not debatable. Azjah knew well just how convincing Kairee could be, ?Your powers of persuasion are well known Kai.? She figured it was some form of psionics or magic, but it was effective none the less. Behind Kai, the bottle floated back to settle onto the shelf before the glass moved toward one of the tables.

?Well, it?s either up to you or me. They?re your people, tell them.? She made it sound so simple.

Azjah sipped the scotch briefly, ?Telling them, and showing them are two different issues.? She could ?tell? them all day, but proof would be needed that magical bonding was potent enough to forego the searched of her dwarven team.

Once the glass reached the table, a form slowly resolved out of thin air, with golden eyes peering around the commons as his glass was then lifted up for a sip. Lord Alcar had arrived.

Azjah gave him a nod of greeting, then looked at Kairee, ?Perhaps an example can be used to prove that the oath binding is effective? Proof to my skeptics so to speak.?


Date: 2008-06-09 16:00 EST
Kai gave a wink to Darkmere, ?What do you have in mind??

Lord Alcar lifted his glass toward Azjah, and then gave Kairee a nod before he resumed watching the commons with a thoroughly bored expression.

?Your skills work on humanoids as well as dwarves, do they not?? Azjah asked Kai, knowing full well the answer, but trying to make her point unequivocally. ?Good evening Lord Alcar.?

?Evening,? He replied before sipping more of his wine.

Kai laughed merrily, ?Babes! You must be joking!!?

Azjah sipped her scotch with an impish smile at Kairee, ?Oath bond my people. Make it an even playing field.?

Lord Alcar murmured rather casually into his glass of wine, ?Best way to gain a person?s trust is to treat them as your equal.?

Kai gave a throaty chuckle, ?I can do that.?

Azjah smiled like a cat with the canary, ?Problem solved.? Then she glanced at Lord Alcar and his mumbled words.

Kairee smiled radiantly at Darkmere, ?The issue, cute Darkmere is that Azjah?s boys don?t trust mine. Oath binding them to me, solves the problem.?

Azjah glanced at Darkmere, ?Makes them all one team that way.?

Lord Alcar shrugged hearing Kairee, ?My people would react the same way.?

Kai tsked him, ?So distrusting, Darkmere.? Then she gave Azjah a wink, ?Excellent point.?

Lord Alcar gave her a faint smirk before taking another sip of his wine.

With that issue resolved, Azjah glanced again at Kairee, ?What precautions have the dwarves taken against ?ghosts???

?Their shamans have performed rituals and set up wardings, we will see the results.? Kairee stated confidently. When Azjah wondered if there was a tie to the ancient runes that had been found earlier, Kairee nodded, ?Yes, I do. They seem to be containment runes; some of the work broke the warding.?

Azjah lifted a brow, ?containment of?..? Any idea what they once ?contained??? Somehow that notion troubled her. If something or someone had been ?contained? in the mine, it certainly wasn?t something she wanted running around in the blackness now.

Kai shrugged, ?Don?t know, perhaps the ghosts, or, it could be something else.?

That sent a ripple of unease down her spine, the way Kairee had said, ?something else?. ?Are the shaman remaining onsite? Or should we hire back up??

Kai took a sip of her champagne, ?They are onsite and are expert in the wide range of ?mine creatures?.?

That made her feel a little better, the dwarves have surely run into all manner of subterranean creatures before now. ?Alright.? She finished up the glass of scotch, ?I will not have time to return before departing Kairee; but you know how to reach me if needed.?

About then, Elessaria strolled out from the kitchen, and headed behind the bar where she snagged a clean apron from her cubby hole. She waived and pulled on the apron, ?Evening everyone.?

Kairee added, ?They know to call me if they think it is something beyond their capabilities.? She had great faith in her team.

Azjah knew Kai?s team was good, that wasn?t the worry, ?I know things are in very capable hands. I?ll leave word that everyone on my team should expect to partake of the same oath bonding as your team has done, that should make things more even keeled.?

?Azjah, you must understand that the Dwarves are a very sensitive and emotional people, they do not like to have their competence challenged, especially as it comes to their specialties.? Kai admonished.

Azjah rose then, ?None of us do Kai, none of us do.? She smiled, ?Good evening Eless.? Then gave a nod of greeting to Tara.

Eless smiled warmly, ?Good evening Azjah, Kairee.?

Kairee blew Azjah a kiss, ?Later babes. By the way, you are behind on your gift giving, I?ve not received even a token from your master.? She gave Azjah a teasing smile, ?You are his ambassador here, are you not??

Azjah canted her head at Kairee, taking a moment for her words to register, then she winked at Kairee, ?I shall remind him as soon as I may.?


Date: 2008-11-14 18:07 EST
The mining operation was bringing to light a fine series of quality sapphires, some that Kairee showed an extreme interest in, and others that she had no desire to own, despite the high quality and great purity of the stones.

But there was something down in the tunnels that bothered the dwarves she'd sent. Something that unnerved the engineers Azjah had sent.

Something moved in the darkness.

Gabriel D

Date: 2009-01-25 14:08 EST
The wards came down and Gabriel shifted into mist, making for the mines. He would bury himself deeply in those tunnels. The darkness pressed close around him, and he had nearly done the unthinkable.

Time in the bottom of the mine, there he would have solitude and silence.

His time was near. He could feel it.