Topic: Yule Seasons and Traditions


Date: 2006-11-27 19:53 EST
Preparation for Yule

The chill nights of late autumn have settled over Palazzo Drachen Walde. Frost grows on the lawns and garden plants only to evaporate with the rising of the sun each morning, but for a few moments just after the sun rises, the world becomes highlighted briefly with glittering bits of diamond dust as I walk alone in the chill air. Yule is coming, and with it a deepening sadness that is settling into my bones as surely as the frost settles on the world at night.

Yule. That time of year when scores of people will gather with their families to begin the month long series of festivities. The Yule season is a time of year where merriment, and joyful reunions with friends and family will herald in the shortest days of the year amidst a flurry of gift giving and feasting surrounded by the glow of candles, and the chill winds from the depths of winter. It also heralds a generosity of spirit that somehow seemed to diminish with the returning of the sun.

My spirits should have risen at the prospect of such a joy-filled season; however, I find myself saddened and disinclined to remain in RhyDin for the season of lights. I would go home to Rigel instead. Find solace at my parents? mausoleum for a time and have precious moments alone with the souls of the two people I miss the most in this world. While my father had known RhyDin, my mother had never traveled here. She was loath to consider leaving the ?civilization? of Rigel for the ?frontier? of RhyDin she had always told me. She had loved the city of my birth, and at one time, so had I. However, time has changed my views of RhyDin, and it has become a place more tolerant of diversity; it is also less restrained by the past and painfully formal protocol of Rigelian Court. Overall, RhyDin has replaced Rigel as my home, but now I find a deep need to return to my birthplace to honor my parents during these candle lit days of Yule.

Klinton has been away again, and I do not know if it is because of the loss of our daughter, or the needs of his project. He has not spoken of what happened, and there grows a barrier between us that I cannot explain. I am uncertain I desire an explanation. Moreover, while Dyson and the staff into a Yule showpiece have transformed the Palazzo, it does nothing to bring me closer to the spirit of the season. I discover that my evenings are empty and lonely despite the number of people under the roof of my home. Loneliness is not something I had ever suffered from in the past, but find myself suffering now with Klinton?s absence, and the loss of our child. Alone, I feel totally alone amidst a house full of people. How incongruous.

Prince Mikhail and his intimates remain, but we have not seen one another much since my return from Auriga. Mikhail knows what has transpired, and I have shared with him what Gabriel had said about that being his last trip home. We are both worried that Gabriel was preparing to walk into the sun, and Mikhail had garnered a promise from Gabriel that he would not do such a thing without speaking with his Prince first. I hope that Mikhail could keep Gabriel from seeking the sun, and yet, I felt a weariness in him that I had never sensed before, a weariness that found a responsive chord in my own heart.

These mornings in the garden just as the sun rises are my time to let my emotions rule. They are those precious moments when I do not impose a strong will to keep them buried deeply, for the one thing mother taught me was that one could never keep emotions bottled inside. They must be given an outlet, or they will take over at the least appropriate time or place imaginable. And so it is here in the gardens where the statuary and the plants will not care if my decorum slips, or my tears fall onto the flagstones. They will not ask me questions, and they will not offer meaningless platitudes. The purpose of these gardens is to provide a soothing place for the soul, and to that end, they perform their tasks admirably.

This morning as I wandered through the courtyard, I saw the first blue bird I had ever seen in RhyDin. I had been told they were scarce here, on the verge of extinction in fact, but there it was, perched atop the marble fountain, just out of reach of the splashing water droplets. It was too early for him to sing, and so it sat there watching me as I studied its brilliant blue plumage with its contrasting burnt orange neck ruff. An old children?s rhyme came to mind about blue birds being the harbingers of happiness. Perhaps in time happiness will return, but I seriously doubt it will be due to the appearance of this rare little bird. It remained motionless atop the fountain as I resumed my stroll, as though knowing I could not reach it, nor bother it where it sat. It sensed it was safe in that protected garden. It remained there until I returned indoors, and when I turned around to close the door, I glanced at the top of the fountain. It was gone.


Date: 2006-11-27 19:54 EST
The Palazzo smells of fresh pine and winter berries. There are garlands of pine boughs festooning each archway and mantle. Gold lace and crimson velvet bows punctuate the garland every meter or so as strands of pearls weave around the garland for decoration. Candelabra bear scented pillars that add to the m?lange of scents unique to this time of year. The Great Room has a large wreath of Noble Fir and Juniper boughs hung above the mantle, accented with Juniper scented pillar candles clustered upon three of the tables in the room. Tiny white lights twinkle from every garland, and the feeling is one of ages past. They have done a beautiful job of trying to bring the feelings of the holiday into the Palazzo, and I am told that upon the morrow there will be a grand tree delivered for the great room. It is a two and a half meter tall Noble Fir tree, which is scheduled to be decorated in the crimson and gold theme Dyson has used throughout the Palazzo this year. They have cleared an area beside the fireplace for this monstrous tree, and are beginning to collect the decorations they plan to hang upon its branches.

I wrapped myself in a cloak of vair and headed for the office of Drachen Walde Industries. The garage was warm, and the closest vehicle was the restored Murcialago, but I could not find it in me to drive that car yet, and so I settled behind the wheel of the McLaren. It purred to life as the keyless go was pressed, and before long I was pulling into the parking lot of my company. As I shut down the engine, I glanced up at the bank of windows above me. Anne had been gone for months now, and the young woman she wanted me to use to replace her was already here working. She seemed to be a morning person, as many days she was here when I arrived, and normally my workday began around 6 AM. Her shipments had all gone flawlessly, and I had to admit that Anne might have found the right person to assume her position, although I would have preferred to have Anne here any day.

I touched the sensor on the left side of the door with my hand to gain admission into the building and headed for my office. Charlotte looked up from her desk where she was just settling in for the day. I asked her to join me in a few minutes to discuss my plans to return to Rigel. She would be kept busy today and tomorrow arranging with the authorities to schedule the flight and to have the ship readied. Traffic this time of year would be abundant, and scheduling a departure, this late would prove to be a challenge even for Charlotte, who is an absolute wizard at arranging the impossible.

The computer screen flickered to life as I settled behind my desk as the motion detection systems activated the interface. Kendrick 2.0 was just as ensconced here as he was at my residence. In fact, it had been determined that it was from this location that Kendrick, the former Earl of T?bingen had managed to plant his odious program. Since his infiltration into Drachen Walde Industries, we have changed our hiring policies in an effort to assure there would be no further duplicities. Not so much that Kendrick would ever return here, but if he could accomplish such subterfuge, then so could others, and that was what I sought to amend with the changes to the hiring policies.

Kendrick 2.0 greeted me cheerily as though the Yule mindset had affected his AI essence. Lucien had held several conversations with the automated intelligence during his search to find a way to eliminate or neutralize the program. It manifested a profound tendency to ?need? communication with me, and while I know that AI is not capable of ?feeling? hurt, somehow Kendrick had imbued this program with the ability to give me a guilt trip over seeking to ignore it. Therefore, I might as well put it to work helping Charlotte bring about the arrangements for departure, and allow it to make the contacts on Rigel for our arrival. I have to wonder just how closely Kendrick monitors his creation and the information it garners about my activities and the businesses I manage. The thought is not a pleasing one knowing that Kendrick could interfere given his connections throughout the galaxies. It also gives the former Earl more information about my enterprises than I have about his, and that puts me at a disadvantage.


Date: 2006-11-28 20:11 EST
For several hours I worked on end of the year orders, and closing out open issues. The accountants would begin working on the tax preparation and I liked to keep their questions at a minimum when possible. The Yule spirit has infected most of the employees, and Charlotte asked me if we would be having a Yule dinner again this year. It seems the appropriate thing to do, and she gave me a smile as she headed back to her desk undoubtedly with the intention of arranging our traditional meal for employees. The gift certificates and luncheon were small enough price to pay for keeping employees happy, and the last day of work before we shut down for the holiday was not precisely the most productive days of the year anyhow.

The afternoon advanced and the hour grew late before I left for Twilight Island. The trip through town demonstrated the extent of the Yule preparations. It seemed as though every shop and store-front had become decorated in one manner or another. Some of the shops had the traditional evergreen roping across the building fronts, or around the peripheries of their doors, and some used lights to decorate while others had hung wreathes or placed candelabra in their windows. There were several beautiful menorahs in the shop windows in preparation for lighting ceremonies, and I enjoyed the craftsmanship of the various candle holders.

The center of town sported a very large evergreen tree that was not usually present, and it was being decorated by children from the local schools, and had long streamers of glittering ribbons trailing from the very top of the tree. There were candles and popcorn strung about its boughs, and snowflakes made of cleverly trimmed paper hanging onto the branches. The city street lights were strung with lights and forms of snowflakes and ornaments as far as you could see down the main road. This season of short days and longest nights brought out many forms of lighting, but candle light seems to be the preferred source, and I suppose that is due to the warmth that candle light radiates in both color and heat.

I parked the McLaren near the portal and left Eoin to visit the isle still pondering this burgeoning sense of Yule.

I walked through the portal and headed for my chaise in the sand, asking a goblin to bring me a glass of scotch en route to my usual place. Bran was there and glanced at me with a curious expression as I sat down and greeted Topaz before taking my scotch from the goblin and kicking off my stilettos. She commented that I was looking better with each passing day, and she truly seemed pleased by that observation. The outside perhaps, but the inside is slower to heal it seems.

Just then Bran spoke up, ?did you have your baby, Azjah?? The scotch solidified in my throat as Topaz sought to head him off. The only thing I managed to croak past the scotch was ?no.? I could not elaborate, and in fact, would not have expounded even if I could have managed it past the constriction of my throat. His timing was uncanny.

Topaz shushed him quickly and Bran seemed to realize he?d said something amiss, but was not quite certain what it had been. The look Topaz gave him promised an explanation at a later time, and presumably without my presence. Bran quickly covered by inviting anyone present to duel, and I decided to take him up on his invitation, just as Gnimish and Drakhan popped through the portal. Topaz gave the old Gnome an odd look as she seemed to peer behind him, looking for something or someone that did not seem to be present before asking him ?where?s the girl??


Date: 2006-11-28 20:14 EST
Gnimish was in the process of tossing out the requisite waves to all and sundry as Drakhan left a trail of drool in the sand upon seeing his food buddies as Gnimish referred to both Topaz and I. So, in the spirit of the season, I had the goblins bring a plate of beef strips for Drakhan as I headed into the ring to face Bran.

Gnimish glanced at Topaz, confusion etched in his wizened features, ?Girl? Wha? Gi?. Ohh, yes, I know who?s she?s talkin? about Drakhan.? He gave the dragon a sharp look before adding, ?be quiet.? As though the diminutive dragon would enlighten anyone in the room about this mystery girl. Then he released the leash and let Drakhan make his way toward my chaise to consume his plate of beef while I dueled.

Topaz was not about to let things rest, ?the one you brought to Michelle?s and Rab?s duels.? The look on Bran?s face suggested that he could not fathom Gnimish with a female companion. And since Gnimish was not explicating rapidly enough to suit the fairy, she prompted again, ?Well, Gnim, where is she??

The old gnome looked a trifle embarrassed about people noticing that he had brought a guest as he mumbled ?she?s at home studyin? for some bakin? tests I believe, yep.? There lacked conviction, but the telling part was that she was ?at home?, which would leave him open to further queries about this female. Drakhan said something to him, and he gave the dragon a glowering look, ?No, you shush, I?m not gonna go interruptin? her studyin? every day just because you want pies.?

Rena stepped through the portal muttering something even I could not hear at that distance, and I wrapped up my match with Bran in that same moment. Before heading back to my chaise, and the drooling Drakhan, I thanked Topaz and Bran. My mind was already working out some of the details from the plan Charlotte had given me as I settled comfortably onto the chaise once more. I pulled the valise out and withdrew the planner to review some of the details when Rena approached me, ?may I?? She queried as she indicated a seat beside my own.

This was indeed a surprise. Rena and I have not particularly been on friendly terms, and her arrival now was unexpected. I motioned to the seat and invited her to sit down and join me. Clearly there was something on her mind, and as she sat down, she asked how I was. I set the planner down and looked at her then, she had heard the news, that much was evident in her features, and I owed her an honest answer no matter how our past relationship had been chilly to cold. ?I am functional, how about yourself?? Functional. That would best describe my condition. I walked, talked, and managed to run the day to day demands in my world, but that would be the extent of it.

She nodded, ?I am good,? and then noticed that I had stopped my study of the planner to focus on her presence. It was required of me to pay attention to the person speaking to me, but she objected, ?Don?t stop because I interrupted.? She seemed a bit uncomfortable, as I know I was. Polite chat was not something we have previously engaged in between us. Usually it was a tossed barb meant to prick one another more than anything remotely pleasant. Not outright battle, but enough animosity to seek to place a barb now and then.

I shut off the planner, ?No, I am just going over Charlotte?s plans before I leave town, it will wait.? I was curious to know what had brought her over to talk, and despite our coolness toward one another, it would not do to be outright rude and continue to focus on the planner. She gave me a surprised look, not expecting me to be leaving with the holidays fast approaching, or so it seemed to me, and I elaborated, ?with the Yule season upon us, I am going back to Rigel for a bit. What will you be doing?? I have never heard her speak of family here in RhyDin, but then, she is not prone to lengthy conversations where I would have been likely to hear her discuss her personal life.

She frowned a bit, ?I?m sorry to hear that. Decorating the Temple, mostly, since I have no family here.?

Her words took me by surprise, but I tried to cover that surprise with a smile, ?I have no family in either place.? Which is strictly not true since Klinton lives here, but he has been gone with no word when he will return from his travels. And so I would essentially be without family here for all intents and purposes.

She caught that point, saying that I did have family here, as well as close friends. The problem is that while I have acquaintances here in RhyDin, there are not truly ?close? friends. And that is part of the cause for the loneliness I am feeling as this Yule season descends upon us.


Date: 2006-11-28 20:16 EST
Gnimish rose to leave, and grabbed Drakhan?s leash, giving the little dragon a tug, ?no more buggin? the ladies for food.? But simultaneously Rena and I both told Gnimish it was alright to leave Drakhan with us. He released the leash and let Drakhan waddle his way toward Rena and I.

I returned my focus to Rena then, ?In truth Rena, with Klinton away, I find a need to go home, to spend some time at my parents? grave site. This time of year makes me realize how lonely life can be.? That and a loss of a child had combined to bring about a pain in my soul that would take time to heal. There was no point in my being around the Palazzo to dull the festivities when I could go to Rigel and spend time alone in the cemetery.

She nodded slightly, ?true, how do you think I feel? But I?m going to open the Barony up for a kids? party.? She was alone too, and I wonder if she is lonely as well as alone. The two are not necessarily synonymous, but they certainly can be partners that are eminently capable of making a person quite unhappy. Was Rena in a similar boat?

Drakhan flopped down at our feet, mooching scritches as well as food. ?I am certain they will enjoy that,? I conceded to her, then asked her if there was anything I could contribute to the party. She surprised me then by telling me that she needed a Santa Claus. The mental image of myself dressed as the old bearded elf nearly brought forth a laugh, ?Well, I don?t think I would be convincing, but perhaps we could get Gabriel to help out.? If I could give Gabriel a reason to remain close to Mikhail, it was less likely that he would seek the sun, where as if he came with me, in my state of mind, he would be less inclined to put on a show of cheerfulness. Giving him a purpose would be more helpful than having him shadow me. Eoin could go to Rigel with me, and I hoped Rena would accept.

She continued, saying that she was going to endeavor to obtain a large tree from E, noting that he has some very large evergreens in his realm, and it seemed she thought she could obtain one from him for the party. I inquired when she was going to have this party, and when she planned on opening her Barony to the children. She grew thoughtful a moment, then telling me that she thought she would target the Saturday before Christmas.

I nodded at that. It would keep Gabriel here far into the Yule season, ?If you want Gabriel for your Santa Clause, just let me know. I can go to Rigel without him.? In fact, I was deeply hoping she would accept right away, but she demurred, telling me that she would not like to intrude on my plans. I glanced at her, ?Well Rena, it would actually be nice not to have my shadow along, but it is up to you.? If she chose not to accept the offer, perhaps I could find another means of keeping him here in RhyDin.

She chuckled softly, ?I?ll see what I can get the Barons to donate, should be fun.? She had a smile on her face at the thought of badgering the other Barons into helping with the party. She pondered a moment before adding, ?If you put it that way, I accept.?

I gave her a wry chuckle in return, ?Oh, trust me, Gabriel and I have spent enough time together these last weeks.? There was no point in elaborating on our flight to Auriga, but she gave me a soul touching look as she softly said she knew, and that she was sorry about it. A small knife stabbed into my heart then. So the word was out. At least in some circles. I took a deep breath before responding and saying thank you to her.

Topaz blinked, ?Gabriel? Santa?? Her incredulity surprised me. I nodded, asking her why not? Why such a thing struck her as odd eluded me. ?A little padding and a false beard,? he would be an admirable Santa Clause.

She blinked at me, ?He?ll actually do that? He has to wear red. A lot of red.?

I was still very puzzled by her reaction, ?Yes, and?? Why did such a thing seem so far fetched? And then it dawned as she said Lucien would never do that sort of thing. I took a sip of the scotch, ?no, he?s dedicated to his dark wardrobe.? In fact, seeing anything other than black and white on him was an extreme rarity.

Topaz had heard Rena comment about getting the Barons help for the party, and she shifted her focus to Rena, inquiring what sorts of donations she was looking for. Rena?s reply was vague, and so Topaz pressed, wondering if she needed food or toys or clothing, or decorations. Rena chuckled, ?whatever.? I had to smile as Topaz badgered her for more information, ?you should really be more specific.? But they settled on Topaz doing the decorating.

I took a sip of the scotch before reaching down to scritch Drakhan absently when Rena?s words brought me back to the present, ?You know, if you ever want to get away, the Temple is open, and Aaron is a good watchdog.?

Her invitation surprised me, and I confessed I had never visited the Temple. I had never had a reason to visit any of the Barons in the past. She smiled softly, ?It?s a big place, if you want to hide, there are nooks and crannies all around.? I thanked her, promising to remember her offer in future. She leaned back into her chair then, giving me a level look, ?I know we haven't been real civil to each's time to change that. Granted it won't be overnight...but we can try, can't we??

I quirked a brow at her unexpected question, and considered her motives for this before answering cautiously, ?We had our reasons, but yes, we certainly can try. I would prefer that.? In fact, I had hoped that one day this animosity could be resolved, but so far, whenever we had seen one another, old habits had led us to barbs and exchanges that did not lend themselves to friendships.

We left things at that point, and as I departed from the Isle, I wonder at the season of Yule, and its influence on people.


Date: 2006-11-30 20:59 EST
The blackness of night was just beginning to give way to the grays of dawn as I stood in the courtyard waiting for the sun to lighten the sky once more. Silence reigned in the frost encrusted garden where the trees were now devoid of their leaves, and the fruits of the high bush cranberries clung with determination to the bare stems. The fruits that remained on the shrubbery must have been what had brought the blue bird to the garden. Perhaps it would come again today I mused as the pale streaks of pink and orange began to streak the morning sky in advance of the sun rising above the horizon.

The pathway was lined with little leaved boxwood, and the edges of each leaf were trimmed with frost, creating a lovely pattern in the still morning air. I paused in the center of the garden, just out of reach of the splashing droplets from the fountain as gold spilled over the edge of the world. My two favorite times of day are sun rise and sun set, when two worlds meet, and give way to either light or darkness. It was in that moment that I felt Gabriel?s presence in the garden. He was standing near the doors, as though he did not wish to intrude, and yet he would have come for only one reason. He desired to speak to me.

The sun rise would be painful on his eyes and so I turned to see what he desired. It would also be my opportunity to ask him to remain behind and be Rena?s Santa Claus. As we returned inside, where the sun would not be so painful on him, I glance at the fountain just in time to see the blue bird alight atop the fountain. It seems as though our garden has found favor with the rare bird.

A fire had already been lit in the great room fireplace, and we settled onto one of the sofas near the crackling fire. Gabriel got straight to the point, he?d picked up on my intention to leave him in RhyDin while I return to Rigel. I nodded, explaining to him that right now, the last thing either of us needed was the deep seated sadness within me coupled to his weariness with living. The two were not good bedfellows so to speak, and therefore I felt it better for us both if Eoin came with me to Rigel, and that he remain here. Besides I added, Rena is in need of a Santa Claus for her children?s party, and he was ideal since he could read from the children?s minds just what their hearts most desired for gifts, that would make him a very believable Santa Claus indeed.

Gabriel?s black eyes held mine for long moments before he said anything. He knows I am right about our moods. We would not be good for one another right now. But his every pore screamed denial about being left behind, especially since Klinton was not coming along. Eoin is human, and that is not good enough in Gabriel?s eyes, but in the end he acquiesced, and agreed to be Rena?s Santa Claus. His word is better than a contract, and there was a bit of relief that he had agreed. He would not walk into the sun before the Yule celebrations were completed.

I rose then, the lethargy of his people was dragging at him, and as he made his way into the deeper areas of the house as I headed for the plant. Charlotte had made all of the arrangements, the ship was ready to fly, and she had the employee dinner all arranged. There was nothing holding me back and I wrapped up my day in the manner of someone who is not certain when they will return. I made my final walk through the plant, wishing all a happy Yule, despite my own morose thoughts, it was essential to convince everyone else that the wishes were sincere.

This night would be my last on RhyDin for a time.


Date: 2006-11-30 21:01 EST
I arrived on Twilight Isle with my planner and found Topaz sitting on a couch. We were alone for the time being, and she inquired whether I was ready for my ?vacation?. I greeted her and nodded, ?mmm, so it would seem. Charlotte is ever so efficient.? There had been nothing left to chance in Charlotte?s planning, and all of the required authorizations had been documented in the system, so I was ready to depart. She gave me one of those knowing looks, ?When do you expect to return??

I glanced at her, ?I have one way plans for the moment. It will depend on how much I have to do once I get there.? The truth of the matter was that I am not sure when I would return. The company could be run from Rigel, the staff was competent. In truth, I am not ?considered necessary? here at all. Everything about my life here seems to have fallen apart, and I cannot say I am in a big hurry to return at this moment.

She frowned slightly, ?that is not so good. Just keep in mind that you?re needed here too.?

I gave her a shrug, ?I usually leave my travel plans open ended. And I very much doubt that ?needed? part. RhyDin will get along just fine either way.? The comments were true in my view, and I seldom have closed ended trips, where I know precisely what my return date may be. As for the rest, I cannot think of anyone who would truly need me in RhyDin. In addition, for an inexplicable reason, Topaz?s words troubled me.

Topaz sipped her coffee thoughtfully, ?getting along is possible while missing someone.?

I was thankful at that moment for the distraction of Steven?s arrival. I had not seen him in ages, and Topaz was genuinely pleased to see him. He offered a wave to us both as he drew nearer to the rings. He had gone home for a visit, and I nodded as I was about to do likewise. It seems the Yule season creates reasons for many to travel, and spend time with family and loved ones. Even the trip I am about to embark upon is about seeing loved ones, even if it is only names and effigies in a mausoleum.

Gnimish arrived then, minus Drakhan, and when I inquired where the diminutive dragon was tonight, Gnimish informed me that he was ?working?. Now, this strikes me as odd, I had no idea that Gnimish required the dragon to perform work, but he looked at me as though I had gone quite mad, ?well of course, all that food he eats ain?t free!? I chuckled. The little dragon certainly could pack away the food, but certainly, the Gnome knew that before he accepted responsibility for the tiny dragon. Something about making one?s pets ?earn their keep? makes me wonder if people should have pets with such a mindset.

A new face slipped through the portal, and seemed a bit lost as I asked her if I could help her. She informed me that she had come looking for someone named Topaz, and since she was sitting right there, it was obvious she had no idea whom she was sent to speak to. I glanced at Topaz, uncertain whether or not to give away her location to a stranger before nodding at her, ?Sure? I admitted, but still did not indicate where Topaz was sitting. Gnimish spoke up then, ?Someone?s lookin? for ya fairy!?

Since Gnimish had indicated where Topaz was, I sent a goblin for a glass of scotch as Gnimish inquired after my well being. The woman approached Topaz and they spoke quietly together for some time as I told Gnimish I was hanging in there, but did not elaborate. I am certain the old gnome is not inclined to be troubled over how I feel since the loss. He grinned at the reply, finding something amusing in my answer and I asked how he was, ?Oh, same old stuff, ya know?? But if Topaz was right, it was not the same old stuff, there was a woman in his life now.


Date: 2006-11-30 21:12 EST
I chuckled and decided to see what I could get the gnome to provide for Rena's party. "So Gnimish, what will you be contributing to Rena's party?" He gave me a startled look and wanted to know whether he was supposed to be contributing or not, and I smiled, "well, she is looking for support from the Barons, it is for the children." The least I could do for Rena was endeavor to help her get some of the toys and food she would need since I would not be present to help.

He groused a bit then, "Well, I'm not a baron! Heck, I don't even live here...I guess if miss Rena is runnin' it though it can't be all bad..." And I knew sooner or later he'd give in and contribute to the cause then. I reminded him that I am not a Baron either, at least not in RhyDin. My title of Baroness von Drachen Walde is from my home world and not from the Rhydinian conference.

He settled back into his seat, as though he'd happily escaped being pinned down when Tasslehofl arrived. I glanced between Gnimish and Tass, determined to get something committed from both of them. "So, what will you gents be providing for Rena?" My gaze sliding between both men alternately, waiting for one of them to speak up.

Tass gave me a puzzled look, "for?.? I thought she was givin' me stuff." He moved over and stole a kiss from me before dropping onto my chaise and making himself at home.

I smiled at him as I curled up a bit more to make room for him, "She is having a children's party and opening the Temple for it. She needs things for the party, such as toys, or food, so what will you help her with for the children?" I then speared Gnimish with a steady look, waiting for him to volunteer some portion of what was needed. His expression was amusing, almost as if he wondered if people were spreading rumors around giving him a generous philanthropic bent or something, "Um, I can get?. Hmm, I dunno, I'll have Drakhan get somethin'!'

I smiled, "how about sending some toys then Gnimish? Those certainly will not go to waste." He nodded then, repeating toys and agreed to do that 'and stuff', but he seemed to be relieved that agreeing to it would get me off his case. I did chuckle then before turning to Lord Momus.

"Now, how about you Lord Momus, what will you be wiling to contribute? What will we get you to contribute?" I turned my focus on the old man, and Gnimish made a hasty exit. Tass however took the appearance of Xerzes as a means of deflecting my query, "that's my contribution, Azj!" He pointed then at Xerzes.

Xerzes halted his approach in mid wave to Topaz, "wait, what?"

I frowned at Tass, "that is no contribution, not for what is needed." Xerzes, in his usual acerbic manner wanted to know what I was complaining about and I gave him an arch look before turning back to Tasslehofl. "I am afraid the children will have no use for him Tass."

Tass grinned then, "shore it is, he's a great thing to climb on a beat on, I'm sure they could think of something."

I shook my head, "Besides, we don't want to ruin the children's holiday with a curmudgeon." Somehow I could not imagine Xerzes being any good with or around children. Furthermore, I certainly could not imagine his displeasing countenance bringing any cheer to children at all. Then Xerzes confirmed that when he announced that he did not get along with children.

I glanced at Tass then, "there, now, how about sending over some food?" Since Xerzes and I finally agreed on one thing in this world, I could try to get Tass back onto the subject at hand. Small talk with Xerzes was never something I looked forward to trying to have with him.

Tasslehofl gave me a puzzled look, "what kind?"

"She was not being especially finicky; I think that could be left up to you." Rena had been very vague, and seemed to be pretty much leaving the choices of what to do up to each individual, but food could be varied and wide-ranging. "She was not real specific; it sounds like she will be happy with anything she can get." The offering did not have to be haute cuisine, it was after all for children, and finally he agreed to see what he could scare up to contribute to the cause.


Date: 2006-11-30 21:13 EST
Topaz had concluded her discussion with the woman who had come seeking her, and I noticed that she appeared very tired for it being so early in the evening. She grinned, ?the days tend to run short of hours, and the coffee isn?t doing its job.?

I took a long, thoughtful sip of the scotch. She was looking terribly tired, and not her usual bubbly self, and I watched her send a goblin for another cup of coffee as Lucien faded into the visible spectrum. Then abruptly the callers sofa was populated with the Gnome, although he seemed to be sleeping, someone must have sent him here by activating the medallion. I wonder if such transportation startles him when he awakens.

As I prepared to wrap things up and depart, Rena arrived and made her way to an empty table. I nodded to her before letting her know that I had some good news for her. At least I thought it was good news. She smiled, ?I have my Santa Claus??

I returned her nod, ?Yes, but Gnimish has promised some toys for the event, and Lord Momus will be sending food for the festivities.? She appeared pleased by the news as she said as much. I wanted to laugh when Gnimish opened one eye and grumbled, ?I was coerced!?

She laughed and reminded him that he was always, seemingly coerced into something. It sounds as though Gnimish has a propensity for claiming he was coerced into his actions, but the old gnome does seem to be rather sweet deep down.

I flashed a grin at the sleeping gnome, who did not seem to be sleeping at all, and then back at Rena, ?Yes, but it was for a good reason.? I hoped she would not see my meddling as offensive or intrusive upon her works. With that now wrapped up, I turned the rings and any upcoming duels over to the gnome and headed for the portal. The morning would see me departed from RhyDin.


Date: 2006-12-08 22:12 EST
At 3 AM I was in the Great Room. Dyson had arranged for my baggage to be delivered to the ship the day before, so now there was only a small valise with a couple of minor necessities. The house was silent at this early hour, although I knew Gabriel was awake and headed in my direction. I would not see today?s sunrise, nor know if the blue bird returned to the garden this morning. That saddened me to realize that no one else knew or cared that we had managed to attract a rare species to the gardens.

Gabriel?s presence soon drew my attention as he stood in the entry to the Great Room. And I glanced up at him from my desk where I was leaving some last minute instructions for Dyson and Charlotte. ?Good morning Gabriel, what may I do for you before I depart?? Since he had not spoken first, and his demeanor was so very formal, I felt it was incumbent upon me to give him what he was expecting.

Gabriel bowed formally before entering the room and striding toward my desk. ?I do not like your travel to your home without one of us, however, it would seem you are intent upon this course of action.? I gave him a single nod before he continued, ?Before you depart then, I would ask something of you.?

That brought me up short. Gabriel had never, ever asked for anything from me. ?You know that if this request is within my abilities, I will accede to it. Ask.? I watched him closely as he knelt down before my chair. What ever was on his mind was absolutely crucial to him. This formality was something we had never used between us in all of the years we have known one another.

He leaned forward and took my left hand in his before asking his boon.

I tried to retrieve my hand from him as his thoughts crystallized in my mind, but he held it fast, in an unbreakable grasp that while he was not hurting me in any way, there was no escape from either. My eyes went round as I shook my head. ?No Gabriel, you cannot ask that of me.? I reflexively curled my fingers up, not willing to give him the opportunity to seal an agreement. I had promised him that if his request was in my power, I would grant it, but this?. This was something I could never agree to give him.

He lowered his head, resting it against me knee. ?I ask you to reconsider.? His voice was barely audible. The utter resignation clawed at my conscience. I could not say no, not with the heartfelt suffering that echoed in his request. I cannot call it a plea, such a thing is not in his nature. And yet, it was a request that he had come to me seeking my commitment to provide for him. I was in a catch 22.

I took a very deep breath, lifting his head from my knees, taking a long look into those black eyes. What I saw there was more pain than I ever imagined. It was the pain of two millennia finally weighing down a spirit so noble, I would probably never see another like it. My fingertips lightly brushed his cheek, and I nodded once, but what that nod cost me was immeasurable. A single blood red tear dropped into my palm, and I closed my fingers over it. A pact with Satan himself had just been written.

He rose, offering me his hand. ?Come, I will see you to your ship. And I shall await your return.? We traveled to the dock in silence, but then, no words were needed between us. Goodbye was such a pale and useless thing between us, and I would not grieve yet. Not yet.

Eoin was aboard as I hugged Gabriel briefly before boarding. The flight suit fit a bit loosely, my weight had not yet returned to its ideal, but the difference between this flight and the previous one drove another spike into my heart. I gave Gabriel one final wave as I sealed the hatch and pressurized the cockpit. Eoin looked a bit pale as he settled into the co-pilot seat. He would not be flying, but he preferred to sit with me rather than alone in the back.

The computers were up, and thankfully there was no sign of Kendrick 2.0. I completed the checklist and received authorization for departure. The black skies welcomed the Star Dragon as she slipped into the vastness of space and began to leave behind the world of RhyDin.

During the next five days, Eoin and I discussed the security changes for the Palazzo and the company. We needed to modify security since Kendrick 2.0 was currently integrated into every facet of our systems. A secondary system would be needed that would have no interface with any of the existing systems. Even the wiring would have to be isolated and kept discreet. We worked out what we wanted, and what systems would require a back up that was not within Kendrick 2.0?s ability to infiltrate.


Date: 2006-12-11 22:03 EST
The time passed easily enough as we began to receive alarms of our pending entry into Rigelian space. I sent the clearance data as we passed an outpost, and we were quickly authorized to land. The blue planet loomed before us as we slowed for orbit. This was Eoin?s first trip to Rigel, and he seemed awed by the size of the planet. There were two moons and I showed them to him as we made our approach. At length, the continent that held the capitol city slid beneath us and I was able to show him where we would be landing. The entire continent seemed covered in white, and I explained to him that at this time of year, snow would be thick and deep everywhere we would be going. I hoped he had listened to Dyson?s admonition about what to bring along. I glimpsed his tazer beneath his coat as we prepared to disembark. He was armed with far more powerful weapons, but since he was new to Rigel, he seemed prepared to err on the gentler side of protection.

The Star Dragon touched down and was quickly docked by the port authorities, and our data disk was transferred to the port authority manager. We emerged from the ship into the cold crisp air after 5 days aboard the tightly controlled environment of the ship with mutual gasps at the sudden change. Eoin was busy scanning everything, looking for trouble where there should be none. Kendrick was gone, and no one else on Rigel would pose me a significant risk. And besides, Baumann had arranged for our arrival. The car waited just beyond the perimeter of the port. We were not at the mercy of unknown conveyance. The car sat in a restricted zone, and the family crest emblazoned on the side proclaimed that I had come home. This car was used for formal occasions, and a small wince twinged my insides as I read the motto beneath the coat of arms, In Lehenstreue und Ergebnheit f?r Gott, Kaiser, und vaterland. I had come home not to serve God, my Kaiser, nor my fatherland. I had come home to serve myself.

We entered the vehicle with the help of the driver, whom I recognized from our last visit. He must be meeting Baumann?s strict standards since he was still in the employ of the estate and had lasted much longer than the first several drivers. Eoin sat in the front seat with the driver, and I began opening the immediate communications that had been sent along by Baumann in his efficiency. Two were from the office of Kaiser Wolfgang. One was the requisite ?welcome home? note, and the other was the invitation to the Yule festivities at the palace. He was having a Twelfth Night celebration, which meant 12 nights of dancing and festivities that one could not decline to attend; well, not if one desired to remain in the good graces of the Kaiser.

Some of the other items included in the communications package were a petition from the mayor of Triberg, it seemed there would be Yule festivities that require my presence in both of my holdings, as well as at the Palace. The trip would take 3 days, one out, one back, and a day at the celebrations. I vaguely remember my father making the rounds to the holdings, and his generosity at this time of year for the vassals that lived under his protection. I would maintain his path, it had served him well in times of trouble. The keyboard made conveying that information to both mayors easy, and they were pleased to hear that I would continue the tradition my grandfather had started. It seemed I had caught them still in front of their computers for the day.

We arrived at the city house. The gates opened and revealed the house already well trimmed for the holiday. Garlands of evergreen and fir are wrapping around the railings and each doorway. The windows all sported shorter lengths of evergreen draped above the tops of each window. The corners of each window and door has been decorated with silver lace and royal blue velvet bows and very long tails to compliment the white lights hidden within the needles of the greens. Above the front door hung a large wreath of fir, also trimmed in silver and blue with twinkling white lights. The railings had white lights in the greenery, but tracing the stairs and entry were blue lights that reminded me of the taxi area at the port.

Inside they had been very busy preparing for my arrival. I could smell the spices and evergreen the moment Baumann opened the door for us. In his hands was a tray of hot winter spiced tea and cranberry scones. Everywhere I looked there were garlands of greenery adorned with fine glass ornaments, ribbons, lights and bows. A large vase was filled with branches of variegated holly and magnolia leaves, while atop the harpsichord sat a vase of winter berry and juniper. The tree in the great room is decorated with silver and blue glass ornaments, and garlanded in royal blue tulle entwined with silver beads and a fine strand of palest blue satin ribbon. The theme this year was silver and blue based on the entry and outside. The blue seemed fitting. The staff that was still present greeted me in the foyer. They were all so eager for the holidays, and I could not disappoint them. They had done a lovely job decorating, and I thanked each one before retiring to the library.


Date: 2006-12-11 22:09 EST
The fire in the library was welcome after the cold greeting the weather had provided, and I sat close to it as Eoin became acquainted with the property. Festungsmauer spread out beyond the windows, just as I had remembered it as a child. The city now buried beneath a blanket of glistening white snow provided an image that I had always associated with Yule. Crystal blue skies provided the backdrop for the pristine white field, with houses and buildings rising from the soft ground, also dusted with puffs of white on their rooftops or balconies. The streetlights are now decorated with fresh evergreen garlands; and trimmed with bright red bows, and golden lights for accent as far as one can see. But it is the homes that will give the gayest color to the season. They will be decked out in multi colored lights, and shapes, the doorways and eves trimmed with fresh greenery and berries that the advent of twilight and night will enhance. There will be candles in windows, and brightly wrapped packages carried by people as they prepare for the holiday and sharing. The season always brings out the creative side of the citizens of Festungsmauer.

Nothing had changed from my memories as a child. Nothing that is, except that now I was alone.

Baumann had laid out my planner on the desk, and I studied my appointments. I do not miss this kind of schedule while I am in RhyDin. Every day there are multiple commitments and obligations. But, here on Rigel, things are different. My titles mean responsibilities. I gave the scheduler a wry smile and activated the computer. Kendrick 2.0 came into resolution, and I gave him a resigned greeting. While this virus has not done anything mischievous, it is anyone?s guess when it will become harmful. Knowing it?s maker, I do not wish to think of what kind of mischief it might do when the time is up. It duly recorded my agenda and sent out the notices to the appropriate recipients. And briefly I wonder where Kendrick has hidden himself.

I do not know how long I worked on barony and marcher business, but when I looked out the windows, twilight had settled over Festungsmauer, and large snowflakes were swirling out of the sky to add to the already thick blanket of white. The city?s lights began to cast a golden glow in the streets, lending the scene a relaxed and deceptively warm atmosphere. A soft knock came at the library door, and Katarina entered tentatively. ?Marchioness? Will you be dressing for dinner this evening??

I shook my head ?no? and returned my attention to the screen before me, but she did not withdraw as expected. When I looked up again, she bobbed a curtsey, ?Will you be dressing for your guest?s arrival then? I have been advised that the Duchess von Regensburg will be arriving.? While she did not say it outright, her expression was one of shock that I would not be dressing for the Duchess. I gave the schedule another look, and there it was, an expected guest on my first night home. With a sigh, I rose and followed Katarina upstairs.


Date: 2006-12-11 22:13 EST
The wardrobe still held more clothing than I would wear in a lifetime, but nothing appealed. The Duchess and I were not on friendly terms on a personal level, but professionally, we had found neutral ground, and in fact, had agreed on several issues since Kaiser Wolfgang?s ascension to the throne. I chose a dove gray silk gown, trimmed in vair and chose several pieces of emerald jewelry. These are suitably formal without being excessively ebullient over her visit. Besides, technically I was in mourning over the loss of my child, but this was not something I would share with Maren. Katarina began working on my hair, and I sat thinking about my morning to come. I would return to the mausoleum tomorrow. It was after all the reason I had come home.

Dinner was painfully formal after Andre?s quiet meals at the Palazzo. The staff seemed to enjoy having someone in the house, and made a great show of welcome for just Eoin and I. There was enough food to feed 12 people, but perhaps it is because I no longer live like this in RhyDin that it seemed so extravagant. Eoin seemed to relish the meal, he ate more than I had seen him eat onboard during the flight, and I had to hide a smile as he groaned at the end of the meal. While no one mentioned it specifically, I could feel the unvoiced question, wondering where the Marquess was since he was not here with me. It is a question I cannot answer even for myself, and perhaps do not wish to have an answer for in the end.

As the meal concluded and I rose to return to the library, Baumann announced the arrival of the Duchess. She was shown into the library as I poured myself a glass of scotch and at her entrance, I poured a second glass of brandy. The Duchess was not inclined to drink scotch. Maren was dressed in a stunning forest green gown trimmed in white rabbit. It set off her skin coloring and hair beautifully as she laid her cloak in Baumann?s arms. She is a beautiful woman, but not one I could ever trust. She had been too friendly with the former Earl of Tuebingen. In fact, that she knew the day of my arrival suggested that she still had contacts with the outlaw. ?Welcome to my home Duchess; please, make yourself comfortable.? I handed her the glass of brandy before taking my seat on a sofa near the fire.

She made the obligatory small talk and greetings before taking a sip of the brandy. She glanced out the window at the falling snow before turning her too sharp gaze back to my own. ?Your return to town came as a surprise for many of the Peers. Will you be staying long?? Her unspoken questions and keen interest labeled her as the person sent to find out my intentions while I remain in the Kaiser?s city.

I gave her a cool smile, so it would begin. The Court rumor mill will surely be buzzing about my return without the Marquess. And the fact that I do not know when or if I shall return to RhyDin will add to the speculation amongst the Peers. ?My return to Rigel was rather unexpected, but certainly not so great a surprise for the Peerage. I do still have affairs here that must be overseen, and the Kaiser?s ball and celebrations surely should not be missed in his first year of his reign.? I set down the glass of scotch and regarded the Duchess. She chafed at being subordinate to my title since under normal conditions, a Marchioness would defer to a Duchess, but my Marcher status elevated me above this particular Duchess, although, she had friends whose titles held priority, and Kendrick?s title did make my own position subordinate. Thankfully, he was not here, and Anne?s son now held the title Earl of Tuebingen and Grand Duke of Fusen. It was time to find out whom she was talking to among the Peers. ?You will be attending the festivities and Twelfth Nigh ball??

Maren sipped the brandy before replying, ?Yes, we are all planning to attend, and we are wondering about your attire for the events, have you been able to secure the right gowns? The theme for the ball has been set as Ice Crystal you know, and personally the thought of having to wear all white has several of us quite unhappy since it will not be a flattering color for us. And I mean no offense, but white on you will not look flattering either.? She gave me a cool smile that could only be called a smirk. She knew I had not been virginal when Klinton and I had wed. It had been widely known that I had been involved with Brigath, and was broken hearted when he would not return to Rigel with me, and elected to remain in RhyDin. I had been young enough and foolish enough to let my personal life become fodder for the rumor mongers. But that time was past.

?It would seem an odd thing for the Kaiser to want everyone in white, perhaps a bit more creativity is what is needed,? I would not rise to her bait, and I could think of about 6 of her likely cohorts who would not look good in white that she had implicated with her comment. By no means did that list all of her clique, but it certainly gave me some ideas to work from to help shape what I could and could not say to her.

Our conversation touched on mundane things after that. She had come to find out how long I would be on Rigel, and she had delivered a small prick to my person with her reminder that white was not my color. After a socially acceptable time period, she rose and bade me good night, and Baumann escorted her to the car waiting for her in the driveway. The Duchess had garnered little in the way of my plans and intentions, and precious little else. There was no reason to let any of them know how dispirited I have become. Such knowledge would be as blood in the water for sharks. Disastrous.


Date: 2006-12-11 22:14 EST
I sat in the library with only a small candle burning as I watched the snow continue to fall. There would be another several centimeters on the ground by morning as the cloud cover promised moderately heavy accumulations. The fire began to burn low and I rose to prepare for bed. Tomorrow would be busy, and Charlotte had provided me with a list of gifts for the staff and the Kaiser, which I would send to Baumann and have him arrange for the procurement of the items. In the morning, I would need to face my parents in my own way. And part of me hopes to find some peace, if no answers with this visit.

The door to my rooms opened quietly, and there sat Katarina, still half asleep from my waking her. She had waited until my return here to let my hair down and attend to my gown. A pang of guilt rippled through me, I had grown so used to either doing for myself, or having Klinton?s help that I had failed to recognize that she would await my return. Here I had kept the girl up late as I sat and mused when I could have donned a robe and mused while the girl sought her own bed hours ago. But I had not, and here she sat, waiting my return. She put a bright face on as she helped me prepare for the night, and I told her I would be going to the cemetery in the morning, and would need appropriate clothing, boots, and gloves. When she was finished, I bade her good night, but was not ready to climb into my bed.

Memories came back vividly as I slowly wandered about the room, at first came the memories of Klinton and Lucien, and the misunderstanding of Lucien?s abilities to hear everything that happens in the house, and even now I can hear the staff that is awake whispering and carrying on their own conversations in other parts of the house. I was the topic of conversation for a trio in the kitchens, and two others were in the staff quarters discussing the holidays and wondering how much time they would have to spend with their families. Then Gabriel?s request settled over my soul like a shroud as I thought about our parting. What he wanted from me would be as painful as leaving Brig had been. But this was even more important. The question was; could I actually go through with it? I stared at the face in the mirror, not recognizing it as my own for some time. Could I give Gabriel what he sought? I had to. There was no choice really.

The memories then slid back in time, and I could see my mother seated before this very mirror, brushing out her long blonde hair as it slid like silk through the brush. She let me sit beside her in the evenings as she brushed her hair, and we would talk about everything under the sun, but somehow, she had always imparted a wisdom or bit of advice without seeming to be ?teaching? me. How I wish she were sitting there now! I needed her advice, her quiet wisdom, and her sure guidance. Ozeana had always been serene and poised, no matter what transpired. She would have been able to help me make sense of the events of my life lately. My marriage to Klinton and his subsequent abandonment of both the child and myself; the loss of our child on top of his departure without so much as a word. Things that made no sense to me would have become clearer with her guidance.

Nevertheless, a creak in the room above shook me out of my reverie, and my image of my mother faded into the shadows of the room. Silence settled into my room, except for the crackle of the fire as I turned down the comforter in my bed. Silence was not what I sought. But, what I wanted was not going to happen in this life, I was reasonably certain that the dead did not regularly talk to the living, no matter the depth of need.

The creak sounded again, and I focused on trying to identify it. Above my rooms there was nothing but storage, and at this time of night, I could not believe anyone would be rummaging around up there. Yes there was a regular periodicity to the noise I heard; thus it could not be simply the settling of the house either. Someone was upstairs in that storage area. I wrapped a robe about myself and slid my feet into a pair of soft slippers before heading for the stairs that would gain me access to this area of the house. On my way out, I reached for my DE. While this is the season of festivities and parties, it is also a time when home invasions rose, and since I did not know what to expect, it was wiser to be prepared.


Date: 2006-12-11 22:19 EST
I reached for the door and found it locked. I frowned then. Who would be in the storage area with the doors locked? I touched my palm to the sensor and the lock clicked open. Slowly pushing the door open, and holding the DE at the ready with the safety off, I peered into the darkness of the room. No lights had been turned on and a cold frission of apprehension skittered along my nerves. I slipped inside and closed the door softly, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before I saw movement at the far end of the room. The man was tall, 190 cm if he was a centimeter, and dressed in dark or black clothing. He wore a long cape, more in keeping with a 17th century gentleman than someone from this time and place. He rose and slowly turned toward me as I leveled the gun at him. ?You vill haff no need of that veapon Marchioness.? His accent quickly told me he was from Auriga, but how he had gotten here, and how he gained entry to my home was a complete mystery.

I remained where I was, and did not lower the gun. One thing Gabriel and Lucien had taught me was to be certain there was always silver in bullets, even some would be problematic for the vampyre, or in this case, a Carpathian. ?Who are you, and why are you in my storage room?? But then his eyes glittered in the dim light. They were the metallic green I had only seen once before in Dominik, and they were the eyes of a special Carpathian, a Dragon Seeker. No other creature in all of my travels ever had such eyes. ?Dominik?? I could not quite believe what I was seeing.

He moved slowly, but steadily closer to me, and as his face resolved into recognizable features in the dark room, I lowered the weapon, but did not completely give up my protection. He nodded before telling me that he had been sent by Prince Mikhail since I had not taken Gabriel nor Lucien for this trip. I was stunned. How had Dominik gotten here so soon? He had not been aboard the Star Dragon, and there are no passenger transports from Rhydin to Rigel that I know about, so just how did he get here?

He gave me a soft laugh as I stood next to the door contemplating what to do next. ?Do you plan to shoot me, or are you going to asking me vhat ist preying on your mind at zis moment?? His approach had been silent, the creaks I had been hearing beneath him vanished. He had wanted me to come up here to find him. But why the subterfuge?

?Dominik, how did you get here, and why did you lure me up here rather than come through the front doors as a house guest?? Dominik was old. Older than Gabriel or Lucien in fact, although how much older could not be determined without asking him. He appeared to be in his late forties, maybe early fifties in human terms, but for a Carpathian to look that age meant he was well into his third millennia, if not older. No one truly knew how long a Carpathian lived. Most either turned Vampyre, or walked into the sun after a thousand years or so. Sadly, more and more turned Vampyre with the dwindling of their race and the growing scarcity of female children. Hope was fading for these people. And Gabriel?s plight knifed through my thoughts.

He gave a wave of his hand and lit several candles in the darkness of the attic room, more for my benefit than any other reason before turning to me with his answer. ?How I came to be hier vas aboard your ship, and as to vhy I did not valk in zee front door, zee reason should be obvious. I am here to be a shadow, to protect you in zee absence of zee twins.? He waited for his words to sink in. He had been stowed away on my ship, and not once did Kendrick 2.0 advise me of that fact.

I could feel myself frown at his words. ?I have Eoin, while I appreciated the Prince?s support, I still fail to see why you have chosen to be a shadow. Eoin is out in the open.? I would have to have a discussion with the AI, stow aways should have been reported immediately. Any life form that should not have been there should have been reported instantly by the system. And why hadn?t Eoin known he was aboard? The answers rocked me to the core. Dominik had made himself invisible and gone into the sleep of his people. He would not have registered as a life form in that state.

?My purpose hier ist protection, und I vould prefer to remain unseen.? He recognized my revelation the moment I had it, and a smile creased his features. ?You are unhappy that I haff evaded your security aboard your ship.? It was a statement, and he was absolutely correct. The system would have to be augmented to include unexplained kilograms of weight aboard.

We spoke into the hour just before dawn. He had chosen a place here in the storage area where no light could reach him, and his wards would assure that none of my staff would approach his resting place. My job was to keep silent about his presence, even to Eoin. Prince Mikhail had sent a Dragon Seeker to watch over me. A powerful magic user in a land where magic is unknown, and scoffed upon as a parlor trick at best. Magic is thought to be nothing but a sleight of hand by shady characters or a means to entertain the unenlightened. I wonder how many would think that after a trip to RhyDin.


Date: 2006-12-17 13:39 EST
The Rigelian sun rose to a world further buried in snow. The light rays struck the crystalline water and radiated back a glistening scene replete with myriads of tiny rainbows. It was a beautiful morning. I opened the doors to the balcony and breathed in the chill air. Everything beyond the doors had been wrapped in soft puffs of white that glittered in the morning rays, and as I looked out over the city, I could see the harbor where my parents had met their fate. It was a lovely shade of blue water dropped into the center of white snow and boats that before long would be locked within the harbor as the cold settled over Festungsmauer. While the harbor itself would not freeze, the water beyond the breakers would, and large floating rafts of ice would pose a hazard to smaller craft.

Baumann met me at the foot of the stairs with hot tea and sent for my driver while I consumed that. The view of the harbor had altered my plans. I would go there first. The wreath of fresh flowers and greens had been delivered, but now I needed two. I would go out to where our yacht had been blown up and lay a wreath in the water there first. Kendrick may have stolen my parents, but he could never sully memories.

Carsten negotiated the streets down to the harbor, and I told him I would walk the remaining distance. There was a small boat used by the harbor authorities that would take me out to the breakwater. The Harbor Master gave me a surprised look, but agreed to take me out to drop the wreath, and it did not take him long to cast off from the moorings and slowly make our way across the smooth water. I stood inside the cabin due to the icy temperatures outside. As we got close to the original site of the explosion, I bade him slow the boat down and circle a moment. Memories flooded back to a child who had been standing onshore waving her parents off on a day cruise. Memories flooded out the vista of clear blue water on a fine winter day, and were replaced by the fireball, the flying debris, and then the smoke that rose from sun drenched waters as the yacht made its way through the break water into the open lake itself.

My hands were shaking as I clutched the evergreen wreath, decorated with white flowers and silver trim. I gave myself a mental shake before stepping out of the cabin and moving toward the bow of the small boat. Images of floating debris rose from the water beneath me. When I blinked in the bright light, the images faded and were gone. My heart had constricted within my chest as I tossed the wreath into the waiting water. As the wreath floated and settled a little deeper into the blue, I glanced toward the shore, where I had been all those years ago. I was seeing what my mother would have seen as she waved farewell to me.

I froze where I stood as a black limousine paused in the same spot Kendrick had paused to watch as my parents lives were snuffed out by his ruthless actions. The window was cracked open, but from here I could not see whose vehicle was there. This vehicle was unmarked, there were no heraldic devices visible on the car, and no way to identify the vehicle registration. A cold chill gripped me that had absolutely nothing to do with the air temperature. Kendrick could not risk returning to Rigel, not with the assassination of the Kaiser still clear in everyone?s mind, and the manhunt for him that continued to this very day. It could not be Kendrick, but he has friends. Powerful friends.

The Harbor Master nudged the small boat back toward shore, and I stood transfixed watching the black limousine. As the small craft bumped against the pier, the window slid closed and the car pulled into traffic and vanished onto the main drive that left the area. It was d?j? vu I thanked the harbor master and quickly made my way to my own car, pausing to ask Carsten if he had seen the black car. He had not paid attention, and I now wished Eoin had come along. As I settled into the car, I contacted Baumann, and requested that he send Eoin to the cemetery to meet us. That cold chill remained in my bones despite the fur coat that wrapped completely around me.

We arrived at the cemetery, and the snow had not yet been removed from the road, but it was not so deep that we could not discern where to drive, and Carsten moved the car into the cemetery. The mausoleum rose before us as we drove up a slight incline and the road split to circle around a plot of ground that was isolated from the common areas. The structure is built of white orthoclase feldspar. It blended in with the snow and briefly appeared to be an extension of the white drifts that swirled around the foundation. The car rolled to a stop and I studied the locked and gated entrance for long moments. This was the first time I had come here since my parents had been interred so long ago. I had never wanted to come here, the pain was too great, and for a long time, I believed I did not need to come here to remember them.

The estate has paid to have the mausoleum cared for, the shrubs and grass trimmed, the structure kept maintained, and even to place flowers here for birthdays and special holidays. But I had not come personally. Now the wrought gates stared back at me, and above those, my family?s name has been engraved deeply into the stone, a reminder for eternity whose remains dwelt within. Carsten glanced into the mirror, waiting for me to decide whether or not I would be exiting and making my way through the snow to the gates of the stone edifice. From where I sat, I could see inside the glass doors to the orthoclase vaults, and the winged statue that watched over the silent space.


Date: 2006-12-18 21:25 EST
As I moved, Carsten moved faster, exiting the driver?s seat and opening my door. The snow was deep and undisturbed here. No one had trod the path from the road to the doors of the mausoleum since the snow had begun to fall this winter, and cold white powder encased my legs nearly to the knees as I stood at the junction between the road and the walkway. Carsten went to the rear of the vehicle and obtained a second wreath from the boot, which I would hang upon the doors that have been locked and sealed for over 15 years. The wrought gates that closed over the glass doors remain sealed and as I pulled my glove off to allow my palm to be scanned, I peered inside. Everything is white with the exception of the names upon the vaults. I was about to violate the solitude and sanctuary of the dead.

The lock clicked open as my print was identified, and I swung the gates open with slow deliberation. A cold draft cut through my coat as I put the glove back on, and I shivered as I pushed open the latch on the glass doors. Neither the gates nor the doors hinges made a sound. They had been maintained well by the cemetery staff. Inside I went, dragging bits of snow with me into the interior. It was cold inside. The stone had taken on the temperature of the surrounding air, and while I was out of the wind, there was no respite from the deep, penetrating cold. Carsten brought in a cushion and placed it upon one of the stone benches, and I bade him return to the car. I am not certain how long I will remain here, and I do not wish for company of any kind.

I heard another vehicle pull up behind our car, and a quick glance confirmed that it was Eoin. I closed the glass doors and walked toward the winged statue that dominated the center of the mausoleum. There were white candles on either side of the sculpture, and I lit them. They would not provide a great deal of heat, but right now, something was better than nothing. The golden glow of the flames is more conducive to invitation than the stark white of the stone, which is as cold and uninviting as the snow outside. I looked around the room slowly. The cemetery staff had maintained the room free from leaves and dust. There were no cobwebs or other intrusions of insect life within the space. But it was too clean, too perfect. It was cold and dead as the two people who lay within the vaults. This place is the epitome of ?lifeless?.

Why was I here? What did I hope to gain by coming to this cold stone building, which houses the unfeeling, dead remains of my parents? I moved toward the right side of the enclosure, where my father?s vault rested against the wall. Father was on the right as I walked through the doors, and mother was on the right, but above father?s tomb. There are two empty vaults along the left side of the room, but only one has a name engraved into the stone. My own name and my date of birth are engraved and gilded into the stone face. There is something troubling about staring at your own epitaph. Even though there is no date of death beneath my name, it still makes me distinctly uncomfortable or uneasy.

..................... .Azjah Telyria Danaan Caer
............................ .Markgraefin von Triberg
...........................Baroness von Drachen Walde

Born on the 17th day, 2nd month of the 54th year of the Reign of HRH Kaiser Joachim II
To the Grand Duke & Duchess von Hessia


Date: 2006-12-18 21:28 EST
The stone workers had come and added my married name now, as well as my existing titles. The results are unnerving. At least they had not yet put Klinton?s name into the stone beneath my own tomb. That would have been overwhelming. And it would seem that I am not going to be blessed with the kind of union my parents had enjoyed. He may not even desire to rest here, and this close, well, it would seem he prefers his distance for now. At least so far, the auspices do not point in that direction of happiness that my parents shared.

I tried to put that image of my own mortality out of my mind as I turned to study the epitaphs of my parents. The finality of seeing that fateful day engraved and gilt in the stone brings tears to my eyes. Of their own volition, my fingers traced over my father?s name.

Tornach Eirik Velcon Danaan
Grand Duke von Hessia
Markgraf von Triberg
Baron von Drachen Walde

Born on the 18th day, 4th month of the 28th year of the Reign of HRH Kaiser Joachim II
Died on the 4th day, 7th month of the 14th year of the Reign of HRH Kaiser Joachim III
In Lehenstreue und Ergebenheit f?r Gott, Kaiser, und vaterland

The image of my father that resides upon the altar of this mausoleum shows a vibrant man in his early forties. Father was tall, and loved to be out of doors, and his tanned skin showed his love of sport and sun. The image was captured of him standing on the deck of the yacht in which he had died at the murdering hands of Kendrick Albrecht. He had loved his boat. Whenever he could manage time away from the affairs and demands of his holdings, he would be out on the water. I believe he loved the water even more than he loved flying.

Memories flooded in on me. The good times and the bad ones. Father had always seemed so self-assured, and he never appeared to falter, even when Drachen Walde fell into economic depression and the people there turned to him for their lives as the economy had collapsed. He steered the holding back into prosperity, and never gave a hint of indecision about his course of action. Then there were the travels and the adventures we had had together as I grew up, turning each trip into a lesson of learning and experience without ever becoming pedantic about it. He had always seen to it that my education was well rounded and included travel, history, politics, and diversity along with the usual studies my contemporaries were obligated to endure in ordinary classrooms.

But he had been slain in the prime of his life, with so many works begun but not finished. A man who had risen to the highest positions in Rigel without being a member of the Imperial blood. Killed by an egotistical b*st*rd who had not a sliver of his gifts for making the world a better place. My anger rose sharply and painfully as that day replayed itself in my mind again for the second time today. The fireball erupting from the water?s surface, followed by the sound of the explosion echoing across the water as the yacht splintered into uncountable and unrecognizable pieces before my eyes.


Date: 2006-12-18 21:41 EST
I pulled my hand abruptly away from the cold stone, it felt as though I had just been burned, but that was not possible through my gloves and in the heart of winter. It is cold that rules here now, not heat. Fire only exists in the twin candle flames behind me. Still, my fingertips hurt, as though I had touched hot metal. There was no heat emanating from the stone, only bitter cold, which had permeated the stone and created this chilled space out of the wind.

Curling my fingers into my palm, my focus shifted to my mother?s vault. She had loved my father dearly, and even in death, that was something I could practically feel here amongst the cold stone. She had insisted that when the mausoleum was built that she would rest with my father, and not on the opposite wall, as so many of the peers had done. Theirs, while a match of political convenience had turned into something wonderful. It took me several long minutes before I could study her epitaph. As if reading it would make this tragedy too real all over again, but finally I lifted my eyes to her image and then her name.

Ozeana Arelea Baerwulf Danaan
Grand Duchess von Hessia
Markgraefin von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

Born the 22nd day, 10th month of the 32nd year of the Reign of HRH Kaiser Joachim II
to the Earl & Countess of Hohenstein
Died the 4th day, 7th month of the 14th year of the Reign of HRH Kaiser Joachim III

I swallowed hard. Here was the one person in this whole cosmos who could help me understand and cope with what had just happened to our child, and to me, and she could no more talk to me than the stone that separates us. Just what was I doing here? What did I expect to find beyond this cold and dead space? I knew a moment of pure frustration that had no rational explanation. She should have been here, alive, and preparing to become a grandmother. Instead, she lay dead within these stones, as dead as the grandchild she would never know. I cannot remember when the tears began to slip down my cheeks, but they did, and I cannot tell you for whom they fell. Perhaps they were for us all.

There are only four vaults in this mausoleum, and my child would never come to rest on Rigel. Gabriel had seen to the burial on Auriga, deep within the land of the Carpathians rests a child none but he and I will know. There is no marker there on Auriga, no name given to the child who had died so soon after conception. To the rest of the universe, Klinton?s and my child never was. Only the loss and pain he and I share marks the passing of that young soul. Perhaps it is selfish of me to want to share this with my mother. Perhaps I am remiss in needing her comfort now. I studied her image as tears continued to slip down my cheeks. She had always been a warmer, more understanding person than I had been. Stronger too. I cannot help but wonder how she would have coped with such an event in her life.


Date: 2006-12-20 21:37 EST
Movement beyond the glass doors snapped me from my thoughts, and I turned to see Eoin approaching the door. He motioned for me to back away from the glass as he slid his right hand under his coat. I stepped back out of the visible areas from the glass doors, but there is only one way in or out from the mausoleum. In essence, I am trapped in a stone corner. Since I am always armed, I untied the coat to make access to the shoulder holster easier, but the cold instantly chilled me to the bone. The minutes ticked by as I waited in silence for a sign from Eoin that things were clear.

About 20 minutes passed before Eoin tapped on the glass, and I moved then to blow out the candles and meet him at the doors. A long black limousine had pulled to a halt just inside the cemetery, and from the description Eoin gave me, it seemed that it was the same car that had also been loitering at the harbor. Eoin wanted me out of the mausoleum and back at the house while he investigated who might be following me, and whether it was risk or something else that motivated my apparent stalker.

As the car slid through the streets of my hometown, my thoughts drift back to the mausoleum. Why was it so important to me that I finally go there? My parents cannot speak to me from the grave, and yet, in light of the death of my child, the need to be there seems almost irresistible. But it also makes no reasonable sense to sit there with the dead seeking?? seeking what? There in lay the crux of the problem. What am I seeking? And why do I seek it among the dead?

Gabriel?s words echoed in my thoughts then, ?the dead know far more than we can in this life, do not mourn overly much.? The veil that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead is a cruel one indeed. The knowledge lost when that connection was severed cannot be calculated, and how many of the living suffer needlessly when a simple touch, a few words from someone on the other side, could ease the pain of the living. Gabriel had meant for me to understand that the reasons for my child?s death are known to her; even if I could never know the reasons. Mourning is alright, but must be moderated with understanding that I can never know what she knows about the reasons for the tragedy. At least not in this life may I have all of the answers I seek now.

The car pulled beneath the portico and Eoin got out first as I remained inside the protection offered by the vehicle. At his signal, I stepped from the car and entered the house. There had been no sign of the black car since the cemetery, but it is too much of a coincidence that it was in both locations today. Security would be tightened now that whoever was following me had tipped their hand so blatantly. And it is flagrant. If someone desired anonymity, they certainly would be more discreet, and yet, this person will not simply come and speak to me.

Baumann met me with hot tea and my daily planner. Tonight was the first in a series of social events that I cannot decline. As I pulled my gloves off, I glanced at my fingertips, which had felt burned in the mausoleum. They were unmarred, and yet the sensation of having been burned remained, although there were no other indicators of such damage. I left my coat and gloves with Baumann as I retreated upstairs to prepare for the evening.


Date: 2006-12-20 21:45 EST
Katarina was waiting for me, and had laid out several gowns for me to choose from. Since tonight was the opening salvo in a series of engagements, I decided to begin fairly simply and chose the cranberry silk that she had included in the choices. It was elegant, but not overly ornate, and is more in keeping with my somber mood. She began to put away the others as I settled into the hot bath she had drawn for me. I had time to savor this luxury and I intended to do just that. She had added a touch of ginger scent to the water, and as I closed my eyes and relaxed, the heat brought out the aroma and surrounded me in a cloud of ginger spice. I could hear Katarina moving about in my suite as I wished it were possible for me to remain here, in this sanctuary, but at length the water cooled and she would need time to attend to my hair and put the final touches on the gown for tonight?s dance.

Wrapping a robe about myself, I left the bath, which still held the hint of ginger to brave my lady?s maid. She is an absolute perfectionist, which is why she had found herself a place in Baumann?s staff. She chatted amiably as she set to work on my hair first. Once that was coiffed, she began to work on the makeup, understanding the vagaries of light and evening as she chose the perfect colors to compliment both my complexion and the gown I was to wear. Next came the selection of jewelry, and I glanced again at the gown, certainly gold would be preferable to platinum and so I chose a necklace of gold and tourmaline. The blending of the shades of pink and green in the tourmaline were set off nicely by the cranberry silk, and once that was chosen, the hair comb that matched was also taken from the jewelry chest. I would wear my wedding rings on my left hand, and the diamond and tourmaline emerald cut cocktail ring on the other hand. Earrings in diamond and tourmaline would complete the trimmings.

Finally it was time to head downstairs, and I was very surprised to see Dominik dressed in black silk tuxedo awaiting me at the bottom of the stairs. He spoke softly to Eoin and Baumann, neither of whom appeared to be surprised by his presence. At my appearance, he bowed formally to me, ?Markgraefin, Tun Sie mich die Ehre des Erlaubens mir, Sie heute abend zu eskortieren?? His metallic green eyes seem a striking contrast to the black and white of his tuxedo, and silence reigned just a bit too long before Baumann gave a discreet cough and I nodded my assent to his request that he escort me this evening. I had not expected him to show himself plainly to the staff, but here he was, as visible to them as he was to me.

So the extra security has begun.

Carsten had the car waiting in the drive, and Baumann held my cloak as Eoin stepped outside first. Dominik offered me his arm as we stepped into the chill of the night and quickly entered the Maybach. This was the closest I had ever been to a Dragon Seeker, but I am certain neither Eoin nor Baumann know what he is. He settled into the seat behind the driver as custom required. Silence reigned for several minutes as we negotiated the streets toward the home of Herzog von Seenplatte. When we were about half way to the estate, I looked at Dominik, ?Why have you decided to become visible??

His brilliant green eyes practically glow in the darkness, and remind me very much of a cat in the night. ?Ich bin mit den Entwicklungen von heute unbehaglich. Es ist einfacher, an Ihrer Seite, wenn zu bleiben ich sichtbar bin.? He had adopted the official language of my homeworld in an effort to fit in and be less obtrusive. His Aurigan accent was less noticeable as well this way, although I believe he would stand out in any group or place, even among his own people.

?So you plan to remain at my side during the evening outings?? This would raise speculation among the Peerage. They will assume that Dominik is more than my escort with the absence of my husband. Although I suspect Dominik will maintain absolute formality and propriety in view of any who would wish to make him more than he is to me, and close enough to keep them all wondering. I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it. My heart and soul belong to Klinton, where ever he is right now, and Dominik could no more desire me than I could him. Had I been his lifemate, he would have laid claim to me the moment he saw me, and while he and I know the truth, we will become the source for gossip and speculation. Yes, I was home.


Date: 2006-12-21 20:58 EST
The car rolled into the entry of the estate belonging to the Herzog. His household staff has been liveried in uniforms befitting the season, in shades of red and gold and black points. As Carsten brought the car to a halt in the driveway, he gave a surreptitious glance about before opening the door for Dominik, who in turn sent out his thoughts in search of danger before opening my door. I shook my head at it all as I reached for his hand, which was properly gloved in white silk. We entered the foyer where our cloaks were taken as well as our names before we were escorted to the top of the stairs, which overlook a grand reception hall that is already well attended. The Major Domo announced our arrival and we descended the stairs to greet our host for the evening.

Herzog Seenplatte is slightly older than I am, and we attended the University together for 3 years. Time has treated him well, and his love of sport has helped him maintain a fit countenance. He inherited his father?s titles several years ago, and my impression of his ascension is positive. He and I have voted similarly when issues have been placed before the Peers, so for now, I count him an ally in the intensely dangerous footing we all must negotiate at Court. He took my arm as we greeted, which earned him a hard look from Dominik. We walked toward one of the doors that opened out into the gardens as he pulled me away from the crowds, his words were softly spoken, but Dominik heard every word despite his distance from where we stood. ?There is word in the peerage that some of the Kaiser?s supporters are in danger. Watch yourself Azjah. You have already had one attempt on your life, and there have been, shall we say, ?accidents? that have plagued some others. It is but a matter of time before one of those accidents results in death.?

I looked up at him, and his expression told me he was sincere and the warning was meant as friendly advice and not as a threat. ?Can you tell me who else has been targeted Algis?? It would help if I knew who else was at risk, and briefly I wondered if Kendrick was at the root of this, but quickly dismissed it, he had murdered the old Kaiser, he would not now target supporters of the new one. Algis quickly ran down the names of several of the Peers I would count as allies before he gave me a long, assessing look, ?you have been targeted too, haven?t you??

I thought about that for a minute. ?I honestly cannot say Algis, but twice now I have been followed by someone who wants me to know of their presence. An unmarked black limousine, it followed me to the harbor, and it followed me to the cemetery. But who ever it is will not get out, nor will they approach me, so I do not know what they are after, and it is not the paparazzi.? Nothing overtly hostile had come of these encounters, but they are a bit unnerving. And these actions have in fact made Eoin and Dominik very suspicious. Algis was sought by one of his staff, and he pulled me close placing a chaste kiss atop my head as he whispered to me to be very careful. However, that innocent act resulted in a growl that echoed low and threateningly across the room, and brought many discussions to a halt as everyone felt the menace that briefly flashed through the halls and was gone the moment Algis released me. I glanced at Dominik, and his expression was one of darkest promise should Algis not behave more appropriately. He shook off the moment and promised to seek me for a dance later that evening. Dominik instantly moved to my side.

?Markgraefin, seine Warnung soll ernst genommen werden. Ich habe zwei andere Gespr?che ?ber diese 'Unf?lle' geh?rt. Sie verlassen nicht das Haus ohne Eoin oder selbst. Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit.? His tone was laced with a ?push? to emphasize his point as he led me onto the dance floor and away from too curious ears. On the floor, it is harder for anyone to eavesdrop unless they have the hearing of a Carpathian, and here on Rigel, only those with technology at their hands could approximate the sensitivity of a Carpathian or an elf. But here it would be very difficult to arrange technology that would not be noticed unless Algis has something installed in his home for just such occasions.


Date: 2006-12-24 14:49 EST
The Herzog?s ball is well attended, and is the traditional opening of the Yule Season for the Peers. Protocol dictates who hosts which celebratory events in what order, with the culmination of Twelfth Night at the Palace, although this year, the Kaiser is holding more than one event at the palace. I am permitted foregoing hosting any social events this season after the loss of my child was made known to His Majesty. There are many reasons for my relief at not having to host such events. Klinton?s absence is the most conspicuous reason, but further reasons exist. I have been away and am uncertain about allies and opposites. These things can and do shift with the prevailing political breezes. It would seem that Algis and I remain allied for the time being. As for the other reasons, perhaps it is better that I not put voice to them.

Dominik remained at my side as we moved through the dances. Snippets of comments gave me an insight into friend and other, which would be helpful as the Season progresses. As midnight approached, the gala was drawn to a halt as the trumpeters called for attention. The Major Domo for the Herzog stood at the top of the stairs and announced the arrival of His Majesty, Kaiser Wolfgang and his Empress. This was a shock, and the Herzog moved quickly to the foot of the stairs, dropping to one knee as the Kaiser began his descent of the stairs.

The room remained silent as the Emperor reached the bottom and greeted the Herzog, raising him from his obeisance. Several of the Kaiser?s guards moved in to surround him as he remained near the stairs. No one would be permitted onto the stairs for as long as the Kaiser was in residence. The Herzog?s people were moved away from the entry as the Kaiser?s own people took position at the doors and the hallways at the top of the stairs. This is a surprising turn of events. For the Kaiser to attend events outside of the Palace is most unusual, and I glanced at Dominik, whispering for his ears only my surprise.

Dominik regarded the emperor a moment before offering me his arm. ?We should greet him. Make your position in his corner clear for one and all to see.? His words were low for my ears alone, and such a move would certainly proclaim my position, which would have its own repercussions. But, I had been clear in my choice before I had left Rigel, so this would not be out of character for me. We approached, and I dropped His Majesty a deep, very formal curtsey as Dominik stepped back and bowed formally.

My move toward the Kaiser was the action that broke the silence and I was soon followed by the Peers in order of their positions at Court. Algis came quickly toward me, taking my arm from Dominik as he lead me out of earshot before thanking me for breaking the stunned silence of his guests. It was an awkward moment, and both Algis and His Majesty were grateful for the renewed festivities.

Algis ignored Dominik?s glower as he pulled me into an alcove, ?why is he here? Have you any clue what brought this about?? He was clearly shaken by this turn of events, as I would have been had such a thing happened in my home. We spoke for a few moments, not daring to spend too long withdrawn from the crowd. Algis and I agreed, something had brought out the Kaiser, and with the ?accidents? that have been plaguing his loyal supporters, we both believe His Majesty is trying to lure the mastermind into making his move.

Algis then went to hover near the right hand of the Kaiser, after all, he is the host of the fete. I moved slowly with Dominik to take up a position to the left of his Empress, but not so overtly as Algis. Both of us believe the mastermind behind the ?accidents? is present, and will be present for all of the events. Now we must ferret out who is behind the threats to supporters of the Kaiser. Preferably before someone is seriously injured or slain.

The Kaiser departed as the clock struck one am, and the great hall erupted into the buzz of hundreds of people suddenly whispering and murmuring to their respective confidantes about what had just happened. As far as I can remember, the Kaiser had never joined any of the fetes outside of the Palace, and this marked a first. I heard several wonder if the Herzog had earned some special favor, or was he about to be appointed to a higher post. Supposition and guessing were rampant, and Dominik and I moved closer to Algis. He would need friends now, and I suspect he has moved up the list of pending ?accidents? with this night?s events. Dominik agreed.


Date: 2006-12-26 19:44 EST
The next 4 days were a blur of activity, and I had no time to return to the mausoleum. There had been two accidents that resulted in the hospitalization of Baronet von Ulm from a vehicle mishap, and a near miss at the Judicial Hall for Cardinal Roehm, where he had ?taken a mis-step? and fallen down some of the stairs. The Cardinal was bruised during his fall; but not seriously injured from his ?accident? according to the reports that were released.

But that was just the beginning. The computer beeped insistently and when I looked up at the screen, there was an urgent message from Algis. The Arch Bishop had just been found dead in his quarters, and this time, it appeared that a sophisticated poison has been used, delivered in a regular envelope, and delivered by standard courier. All mail should be scanned before being opened, and preferably should be sealed inside an air tight container until it could be checked.

The Arch Bishop had married Klinton and I in forced circumstances, but I never could have held that against him. And certainly never wanted to see the old man meet his deity this way. Now there would be a vacancy to fill, and the services for tomorrow night would ordinarily have been led by the Arch Bishop. Now the Kaiser would either have to appoint a new Arch Bishop quickly, and risk angering the faithful, or the Bishops would have to decide who to elevate for the evening. Who ever was instigating these things was moving boldly and decisively as the Yule date moved closer.

The first night of the Kaiser?s fetes has arrived. Katarina has laid out the gown for tonight, she did not need to ask since there were 5 new gowns, all labeled for which night they would be needed. The Kaiser?s theme was Ice Crystals. I know the vast majority of women will be wearing white, and their complete lack of creativity will show. White gowns, silver lace, no matter that their coloring will be washed out and totally inappropriate for white.

The ritual began, Katarina arranging my hair, and doing the makeup. I could feel the platinum picks slide into the chignon, and the gentle pull as she attached the platinum snowflakes to dangle and dance as a snowflake in the breeze might. The gown is the shade of aqua that sea ice takes on as it floats in the north sea, wandering into the shipping lanes and becoming a navigation hazard. It is deepest and richest at my waist, and fades slowly toward my neck and hemline, just as that iceberg fades to white as the light penetrates more pronounced at the edges. The hemline is uneven and trimmed in sparkling crystals in dense snowflake patterns, and becoming less dense as the gown approaches the neckline. The off the shoulder wrap is platinum threads woven into white silk in a diaphanous confection that does not cover anything, but highlights beneath the shifting translucence of the green gown. It is reminiscent of the sea fog that often surrounds the ice fields.

Tonight?s jewelry has to be aquamarines and platinum. The necklace is an emerald cut aquamarine surrounded by several rows of diamonds all set in platinum. The bracelet is the same, as are the earrings. I paused to look into the mirror and was surprised to see the woman looking back at me. She is too thin, with eyes too large for her face, but the haunted shadows are lessening. Time heals all wounds, it appears that is so, at least on the outside.

Dominik waited below, and his black and white tuxedo was augmented with a charcoal silver grey cumber bund. His only concession to color was a stick pin and cuff links in aquamarine and platinum. Either the Dragon Seeker had guessed at my choice having heard the description of the gown, or he had heard me telling Katarina, and had produced what was needed on the spot. It is better not to ask Carpathian?s too many questions.


Date: 2006-12-26 19:45 EST
Baumann awaited us with the white fox cloak and we stepped into the night as Eoin opened the door for us. Our trip to the Palace was short and uneventful. In fact, we could have walked had it been less of a risk. From the front door of my home one can see the Palace gates at the Empress? Gate. There are 6 main or public entrances to the Palace, and the Empress? Gate is the second largest public entry to the grounds. It is well guarded and well lit, but with the events of these last days, Eoin would have had apoplexy if I had suggested that we simply walk. Besides, these next nights are about presentation.

Carsten drove us to the main gates, the Kaiser?s Grand Gate, and Dominik exited the car first. He lifted his head and surveyed the courtyard with an intensity I have never seen in him before. At length, he opened my door and I stepped into the courtyard. Cars were pulling in behind us, but a decent distance was being kept between cars by the Imperial Guards.

We entered the Palace and presented our invitation to the Major Domo, who took it and showed us to the stairs for introductions. The Kaiser and his Empress were at the head of the receiving line. We were announced to the Kaiser and other guests, and we moved then to take our places in the reception line. Dominik remained on high alert as the formalities were observed. Pockets of people who had already been through the receiving line were gathering together, and talk repeatedly touched on the death of the Arch Bishop.

I made my curtsey to the Kaiser and the Empress before turning to glance more carefully about the assembly. Algis moved through the crowed and with a glance at Dominik, pulled me toward the doors that opened out into the formal gardens of the Palace. Dominik followed as we found a quiet, protected corner. ?You cannot dance tonight, stay off the center floor, and stick close to an exit.? His look was very intense, and I reached up to touch the label of his tuxedo. ?Is this precautionary, or do you have inside information?? I wanted him to simply be precautionary, but he shook his head and whispered that he had information that an attempt would be made tonight on the Kaiser himself. I gave him a sharp look. That kind of information could only come from someone in on the plot.

Algis shook his head, ?do not ask me.? He then escorted me back to Dominik, advising him to keep me close, and not too far from an exit, although Dominik had clearly heard everything the first time around. Algis left us to consider his words. Algis is loyal to the Kaiser, he would not be in on an attempt on his life, unless this attempt is meant to be unsuccessful and lure the real threat into the open. I frowned apparently as the Countess of Aalen paused, ?for a celebration, you look very unhappy Marchioness.? She spoke to me, but her eyes were roving over Dominik with undisguised interest. She is clearly not someone I would care to trust with my true thoughts, and I smiled then, ?it is nothing of importance Countess, and may I introduce Dominik Von Schreider.? Dominik gave her a formal bow and I had to hide a smile as he gave her a mental push to go away. We were left alone as I glanced about for Algis.

Dominik grabbed me a moment before I heard the unmistakable growl of weapons fire. We slipped through the doors into the garden patio as chaos erupted in the Palace ballroom. I could not see anything as Dominik kept me pressed between himself and the stone wall of the Palace, well away from the glass doors and out of sight of anyone on the inside. People ran in panic through the doors and into the gardens, seeking shelter from the weapons fire behind statuary and low walls. Dominik had chosen a spot that kept us hidden and we were far safer where we were than we would be if we sought more distance from the ballroom. Silence followed the chaos, but that did not last very long. The Palace Guards were quickly bringing order to the room. Algis stepped onto the patio and appeared to be looking for someone. Dominik reached out and touched his shoulder before making a shushing sign to him. Algis joined us in the shadows next to the walls. ?The shooter was slain in the melee, but everyone will be questioned before allowed to depart for the night.?

I gave him a puzzled look, ?Algis, tell me you are not involved in these events.? I don?t know if I expected him to honestly tell me if he were involved, but his expression told me he was not being entirely honest when he told me he was not involved in the ?accidents.? I took his arm and pulled him close despite Dominik?s low growl. ?Algis, I refuse to believe you are on the wrong side.?

He gave me a sad smile and asked if he could come to my home on the morrow. When I nodded, he slipped away and Dominik and I returned to the ballroom. There were table cloths draped over two bodies, and weapons fire had marred the stairs and balustrade. The Kaiser was no where to be seen, but we were all assured he was unharmed. Our statements were taken and we quickly ascended the stairs and had the car brought for us.


Date: 2006-12-31 22:09 EST
Carsten brought the car under the portico and Dominik handed me into the car. His expression was one of deep concentration and as we left the Palace, he spoke softly so that Carsten could not hear. "I will see you home, and then I have something I need to investigate." I lifted a brow at him, and asked if he was going to visit Algis. His metallic green gaze gave away nothing as he told me it would be better if I not know where he was going, nor whom he was seeing. I do not want to believe Algis is involved in these 'accidents'.

Eoin met me at the house and Baumann brought me tea as Dominik faded into the night. I would contact Gabriel, and hope that I can be oblique enough not to rouse Kendrick 2.0's interest and perhaps prevent his contacting his maker. Where ever Kendrick is hiding these days, I do not want him to know what is going on here. I sat down before the computer and glanced at a photograph of my father. He had always made things look clear and unmuddied by the intrigues of Court. His vision had always seemed so clear, and his actions were always done with certainty that I do not feel.

Gabriel's image came into focus as he must have sensed I would try to reach him. We spoke of inane things for a bit, he told me about the Yule festivities, that was my opening to tell him about the events here, and I started with the unexpected appearance of the Kaiser at Algis' opening ball. Gabriel's brow lifted as he considered that, and then I told him that Algis had returned the favor by putting in an 'unexpected' appearance at the Kaiser's first ball of the twelfth night festivities, an appearance that was not quite what anyone would have expected if my hunch was correct. Gabriel gave me a sharp glance, and I told him that the Kaiser's ball was too similar to my last trip home with Klinton. At that point, he wanted to join me on Rigel, but I had the ship, and nothing in RhyDin would be coming this way as there are no diplomatic ties between Rigel and RhyDin. "Dominik has gone to investigate a hunch of his own Gabriel, I am in no more danger than I would be in RhyDin. And actually, it was RhyDin where I was shot, not here." He did not seem appeased, but knew that with Dominik and Eoin, there is little more that can be done to safeguard me.

I broke the link to Gabriel and headed for my suite. There was little point in waiting for Dominik. He is a creature of the night, and as such, will not likely return until just before sunrise. But, I laid awake in my bed, my mind going over what Algis had and had not said. He had requested permission to come to my home tomorrow, and if he followed social etiquette, he would arrive around 11:00 AM. Sleep did not come for many hours as I considered possibilities.

I awoke to find a sealed envelope beside my bed resting atop the nightstand. It has been sealed with dark green wax, and pressed into it was the ring Domink wore on his right hand. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I broke the seal and read the flowing script. 'Marchioness, my hunch has borne fruit, and you will not find disfavor with the Herzog when he visits. I will explain tonight some of the other findings. Your Servant Madam, Dominik Von Schreider." I laid the envelope and parchment into the fire and watched it burn before preparing for Algis' pending arrival.


Date: 2006-12-31 22:11 EST
Algis arrived promptly at 11:00 AM and Baumann showed him into the library, where I closed the door, against convention and propriety. He lifted a brow at my action, and I smiled, ?do you worry for your reputation Algis?? He laughed with a rich baritone laugh before he rose and locked the door before answering, ?No, if I were, I would not be as deeply involved as I am in these events.? He listened at the door a moment before returning to his chair across from my own. ?Azjah, I need you to know that we have decided that events have gone too far, and it is time to flush the culprit or culprits from their lairs before someone dies. Toward that end, we have decided to try to flush them by this ?attempt? on the Kaiser. If they believe someone has exceeded their authority, perhaps we can get them to make a mistake and tip their hand.?

I sipped the steaming tea thoughtfully. ?So you and your associates are in this with the Kaiser?s knowledge? Otherwise you risk a great deal.? I watched him closely for long minutes, wondering if Dominik had revealed his presence to Algis, or if he had remained beyond the visible spectrum, but decided not to ask, if he had been visited, he would tell me since Dominik has been my constant companion, and he would recognize him assuming Dominik made contact with him.

Algis gave me a wry smile. ?You do not need to know who we are, but rest assured, the Kaiser knows well who we are, and is part of what happened at his ball last evening. He is worried about his loyal subjects being attacked as they have been. But today I have come to ask for your help tomorrow night at the final ball. Will you consider helping us?? His countenance was rigid and serious.

I curled both hands around the china cup as I studied him. Dominik had said I would not be discontented with Algis, but what would I be committing to if I agreed to help now? Especially given that he was reluctant to tell me who else was involved. ?Algis, I would be a fool to walk into something this close to the throne without knowing far more than I do right now. You know I am loyal to Wolfgang, or else you would not ask me to help, but there is a great deal of risk involved, and I do need to know more than you have told me.?

He set his cup down with a smile, ?You would be a fool not to demand more information, and yes, I know you support the Kaiser, for otherwise you would be on my suspect list. Azjah, all I am at liberty to tell you is this, the power struggle would be enough to destroy Rigel and all of her holdings if Wolfgang were to die in one of these attempts, or lose his support and influence in Court. If either of those things happened, we could be plunged into civil war as factions fight for control of Rigel. That is my motivation, and for the moment, I have to ask you to trust me, which is no small thing given our Peers.? He leaned back into the chair, the epitome of comfortable and giving no inkling of any concern or tension as he waited for my answer.

We remained cloistered for nearly 2 hours as Algis outlined my role in tomorrow night?s final gala. I also learned a great deal more about the ?accidents? that have been occurring to the Peers who are known to be loyal. And Algis made no mention of Dominik, so it appears he remained undisclosed to Algis last night.

Algis departed long after social convention dictated such a social engagement should have concluded, but Baumann made no comment, and while servants do talk, I have faith in his discretion. I sent for Eoin after the Herzog departed and gave him the status and my involvement in this endeavor. Eoin favored me with a disapproving look before he began to consider how to make my part of things look dangerous when in fact, I would be out of harm?s way.


Date: 2007-01-03 20:52 EST
The news media was full of reports from the attempted shooting of the Kaiser. There were headlines that sensationalized it, and headlines that did credit to the actual events of the evening. Speculation runs rampant in the city now, and it will not take much to push the populace into complete chaos. Fear and bizarre actions are resulting in huge demands on private security firms, which has resulted in some inexperienced ?body guards? making matters worse. Some of these new raw recruits are well meaning, but others remind me of street thugs from RhyDin, or Lacerta. They have no discipline, and are apparently just spoiling for a fight. There are reports of gunfire several times a day, but usually it is from one of the inexperienced guards doing something utterly stupid for little or no provocation. Eoin thankfully has remained calm and level headed, as has Dominik. Dominik?s ability to sense the thoughts of those around us has kept the insanity far enough away so as not to be personally troubling, but if this continues, there will be needless deaths in the next days.

Preparations for the ball tonight have included some unusual steps. I cannot wear bulletproof clothing under the ball gowns, and that worries Dominik, but there is no point in fretting over what cannot be changed. In keeping with the theme of ice crystals, tonight?s gown for the final event is deep sapphire blue silk that is shot through with shimmering silver threads in an ever shifting glimmering fabric that clings and moves as though it has a life of its own. Tiny snowflakes dot the surface in a spiraling column from shoulder to floor. Eoin worked with some of the technology of Rigel and I am wired for sound in some most unusual ways. Nary a breath that I take will go unrecorded.

Katarina spent nearly 40 minutes working to get my hair up and when she at last slid the platinum picks into my hair, I gave a sigh of relief. Tension had me coiled tightly as she attached 3 star sapphires to the platinum hair picks. They dangled gracefully above my hair as I stare into the mirror. The clock downstairs chimed 8 PM, it was time to depart for the Palace.

Dominik met me at the bottom of the stairs, his metallic green eyes appear to glow they are such an intense color tonight, or perhaps it is the lighting, but the usual calm reserve most Carpathians exude is not so calm tonight. There is much at stake with the game we are all about to play. And in this game, lives will be forever changed, and if anything goes wrong, lives could be lost. The realm of cloak and dagger is more Kendrick?s arena. I have spent my adult life jousting with words and business deals, not with front line confrontations where blood could be spilled in an instant. Tonight I step into the shadowy world of assassination and subterfuge.

Dominik wore one of my shoulder holsters beneath his tuxedo jacket. I had provided him with two weapons. One is my favorite DE, the one I had laid on a table in the Duel of Swords for Tareth Thorn to see, and it is loaded with hollow point ammunition that is laced with silver just in case. It is a precaution I have adopted since living in RhyDin. Tonight Dominik wears it, although with his command of Carpathian skills, he may have no use for it. But he is also armed with a pulse energy weapon. Faster, more certain to kill what it hits, it is growing in use on many of the systems around Rigel. I find it an in-elegant weapon, but my preferences do not come into play tonight. Tonight is about being able to defend ourselves against the unknown but sure to happen attempt on either the Peers who support the Kaiser, or the Kaiser himself. The last night of the fetes and with everyone in attendance, this is simply too tempting an event for the orchestrator of past events to pass up. In one fell swoop, every Peer who supports the Kaiser could be eliminated. That is a frightening possibility.


Date: 2007-01-08 20:20 EST
Eoin preceded us out to the car, and opened my door as I stepped off the landing. Night has fallen and the stars are glittering overhead. We have an old gibbous moon tonight, which means we have a fair amount of moonlight on the snow, and there was a great deal of ambient light tonight. Shadows moved across the snow, and it will make watching the grounds at the Palace more difficult, although anyone prowling the grounds would be uneasy with the illumination. I checked my clutch for the specialty spheres that I have made for Mr. Thorn. If needed, they would be close.

Dominik sat down beside me, and Eoin closed the doors before taking a seat next to the driver. We would have one extra person in the group tonight, with Eoin and Dominik to flank my sides, although neither of them has voiced the concern, I have considered the possibility of our attacker using gas to disable a large group. In that event, we will have to trust in Dominik?s sensory acuity to get us out before we can be disabled. The ace we hold is that no one knows Dominik is Aurigan let alone Carpathian.

We entered the Palace ball room as before, awaiting our announcement before descending the stairs for the reception line. Eoin looked distinctly uncomfortable as he scanned the crowd, but I suspect it is more from the presence of so many Peers and not from anything he?s feeling as a threat. This last night of the 12th Night Celebrations is the most ostentatious. Tonight, the goal is to impress everyone in attendance, and the finery glitters at every movement of both the males and the females in attendance. This room is a veritable field day for anyone with a penchant for jewelry heists. I had to chuckle at my impression. Few here would consider that as a possibility, and I confess I never had before either, but life in RhyDin has altered my perception of the worlds I visit. We greeted the Prince first, and then the Empress. She took my hand and murmured her greetings and then very softly her condolences over the loss of my child and potential heir. She stopped short of inquiring about when we would try again, and I am thankful, as Klinton and I seem rather estranged at the moment with his disappearance and failure to return to the Palazzo even for the Yule season. Dominik offered me his arm as we moved toward the Kaiser, and gently covered my hand in a reassuring gesture. His expression clearly telling me he had heard her comments and knew how much pain I still suffer from that event. In moments like this, I feel especially badly for the Carpathian people and their life mate bonding. They cannot feel until they find their mates, and some of these males never do find the other half of their souls. It is tragic.

I made my curtsey to the Kaiser and he took my hand from Dominik?s arm as I rose. ?You will enjoy the view from the second floor balcony Marchioness. I have arranged for you to have a private room tonight.? It is not uncommon for the Kaiser to grant special guests a place to get away from the press of crowds, but apparently Algis has told the Kaiser of my participation in tonight?s plans. A liveried servant stepped forward as the Kaiser instructed him to take me to the second floor and to help make me comfortable. We followed the servant to the side wall away from the gardens and a doorway that vanishes into the woodwork of the wall opened for him, and we ascended a set of stairs to the second floor. Another hidden doorway opened out onto the balcony where I had a view of the ball room, and the servant handed me an ornate key after opening a sitting room door that faced the grand stairway, where everyone who attended by invitation must cross.

Eoin immediately checked the room for listening devices and other electronic gadgets that would not be desirable. A soft knock sounded on the door and Dominik cracked the door open to find Algis standing outside. He was elegantly dressed tonight in formal black tuxedo, but the man was resplendent as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. ?Good evening Marchioness. I see you have found your sanctuary here at the Palace for the evening. When you are ready, would you do me the honour of returning to the ball upon my arm?? He gave Dominik a quick glance, though it was not one seeking approval, it was more a challenge to the Dragon Seeker to deny his request.

I glanced between Dominik and Eoin before agreeing to be his companion for the return. It would free up Dominik and Eoin to remain aloof from the crowd and still watch over everything. All in all, it was the perfect solution for us to separate, and remain within sight of one another. We established our visual warning codes for one another before returning to the crowds below. From the balcony, there were none who appeared out of place in the crowd. There were no hints of violence or pending assault in the minds of those Dominik could read as we stepped onto the inlaid floor. Algis and I swept immediately onto the dance floor so at not to draw attention to ourselves, and to move and mingle freely with the crowd. Many a covert statement is made upon the dance floor where people do not think they can be heard, but with Carpathian hearing, such is not the case, and no electronic sensors can detect that ability. Unlike the enhancements some have implanted for augmented sensory perception.

Algis is a splendid dancer, but our attention remains on those around us rather than the enjoyment of the dancing as we all wait for the next move of the ?Accident? maker. And we were not to be disappointed.


Date: 2007-01-08 20:22 EST
As the Palace bell tower began to chime midnight, the attack that we had been expecting erupted. The explosive device went off as the third chime began, and obliterated the remaining bell peals as it echoed in the high ceilinged hall. Smoke followed the detonation and filled the hall with a dense, burning smoke as rapid fire shots from a semi-automatic weapon split the air. Chaos ensued, as Dominik found Algis and I and began to lead us out of the panic stricken crowd. We headed for the rear doors that led into the gardens. Many others made for the doors, but we used the little known exit near the beautiful glass doors. Everyone was making for the obvious exit, and they would be sitting ducks as they stepped into the gardens. Dominik halted us at the door, out of sight from whomever was firing into the crowded ballroom. ?Someone is on the roof, and I sense an intention to shoot specific individuals, this must be a specialist sniper with a list of targets.?

The people blindly making their way to the gardens were unknown targets. The question was, who was on the list and who would be safe? And how did the sniper know which were his targets? Someone had to have conveyed that information to the sniper or snipers, but if they used clothing to mark their quarries, then the orchestrator was in the crowd, as we suspected. Algis peered around the corner before making his way toward the hidden stairs that we had used earlier. He was going to the roof, and so was I. I reached for my DE in Dominik?s holster and made to follow the Herzog.

Eoin grabbed my arm, pulling me back into the protection of the alcove where we had been standing. ?You cannot go up there without body armor, let me go with the Herzog. You and Dominik remain here.?

I frowned, but he was right. There was an armed person or more up there, and I had no armor. Algis and Eoin did have protection from shots fired at a distance, but they would be vulnerable to high powered shots at close range. I handed the DE to Eoin reluctantly. ?Keep Algis safe if you can.? And with that, Eoin vanished up the stairs hot on the Herzog?s heels.

Dominik?s metallic green eyes fairly glowed in the smokey air. ?They arrived about an hour ago, at least that is when the first waves of murderous intent were released for me to pick up on. The one you introduced me to as Count Schaefer was wearing a wire, and reporting who was wearing what to someone on the other end of his communications devices. But, I do not get the impression that he is the mastermind for all of this. Someone else is pulling the strings.? He had moved to stand between me and the ball room, so that stone walls were at my back, but I kept looking over his shoulder toward the sound of the confusion and gun fire.

The chaos around us made it difficult to tell how much of the gunfire was inside, and how many shots were being fired into the fleeing crowd, but the sound of shattering glass drew both of our attention. The distinctive sound of a helicopter?s rotor beat the air and Dominik instantly grabbed my arm and made for the hidden doorway. A gas canister has been shot through the doors and was releasing a disabling gas cloud on those who had remained inside in hiding. There was no time to determine what the agent was, we only knew we had limited time to get out and hope it was not instantly toxic. We came out behind a series of tall hedges which were meticulously pruned, but dense enough to provide cover from the gardens and roof top.

The helicopter veered away from the Palace and made a fast departure toward the southeast. It was unmarked and bore no visible identifying call sign or insignia. Which is not surprising, but worth noting was that this is a new machine, and that it is outfitted with the latest technology which suggests ties to powerful, well-funded interests. It was clearly not a stolen machine, but tracking it to its current owners would prove to be challenging. The dark body faded into the night, and no beacons flashed to give away its location. Only the fading thump of the rotors gave away its general direction, and then those too were gone.

Dominik pulled a vial from his jacket pocket and looked at me inquiringly. It was time to begin my part of this charade. Since I am so publicly in the Kaiser?s corner, and was on the list found on the roof by Eoin and Algis, who had found the sniper climbing into the helicopter but had not been able to identify him. There had apparently only been one sniper, and all they found were 8 empty casings, and a list of names with brief descriptions of what they were wearing. As expected, my name had been on the list, right down to the sapphire and platinum hair picks. It was time to play my part in all of this.

The vial contained blood, my blood, and Dominik strategically drained the vial onto my skin and gown to simulate the blood from a successful shot, he also opened the skin to look more realistic, and I winced as his nails sliced into my flesh. The world would gain news of tonight?s events quickly, and we intended to make it look as though the sniper had hit me, but not finished the job. Algis slipped silently through the hidden doorway as Dominik put the final touches on our masquerade. Algis would carry me into the gardens and demand a private ambulance. From there, we would make it very public where I was being ?cared for? and that my condition was grave. Now begins the tricky part, luring the killers out to finish their deed.

The gardens were awash in terrified people, blood, and smoke. Dominik relayed to me that 7 people were known dead at the moment. The mastermind of the plot should be happy with his results, certainly the death of 7 of tonight?s guests would be deemed a success. There were about 22 wounded from the initial gunfire and stampede out of the ballroom. Some of the injuries would likely result in further deaths, but the sniper had been very, very good.


Date: 2007-01-22 15:02 EST
Algis scooped me into his arms and I went limp as he stepped from the shrubbery and into the chaos. Dominik was close beside him while Eoin sought the Palace guards. We had to get word out that I was alive quickly, and there was no better way than by alerting the Palace Guards to the need for transportation for a Peer. It worked. The demand for an ambulance was passed from one guard to another and while the palace physician was in attendance to the Kaiser and the Empress, someone was sent to procure a physician for many of the wounded.

Algis waved off one he did not know, and sought out his friend. He told what turned out to be another participant in this thing that to all intents and purposes, I am to be critically wounded, and my outlook not promising. We then headed for the facility where Dr. Wieland was the director in charge. Our ruse would be safe with him. We arrived with lights and siren to the private facility and I was taken ostensibly to the ER immediately. Once inside, I was safely hidden for an appropriate period of time for a surgery that would take several hours. I could hear the receptionist answering the telephone to the media. There had been two of us brought to this facility and she had been given prepared statements regarding my ?condition? as well as truthful statements for the other wounded soul to provide to anyone who called.

As I remained out of sight, I glanced at Dominik. ?Do you think we can draw out the mastermind, or will be get another lackey?? He sat there thoughtfully before answering. ?I believe that even if we get a lackey, they will know who hired them for the job. And that is the lead we require. From there it is a matter of following the chain of command back to the source.?

His ability to get inside the minds of humans will be a very useful advantage, but I wonder if our means of acquiring information will be accepted by the Courts. As we waited I pondered some of the laws of my homeland, and how such a precedent might be successfully introduced. In many ways, our judicial system is antiquated and relies on some of the old feudal traditions rather than having moved on to more equitable and just systems. The presence of monarchies and empires seems to foster such systems, but perhaps in this case, having the Kaiser being the target of this series of events will help our case to use Dominik?s abilities.

The rest of tonight we expect to be quiet. It is doubtful the attackers will follow up so soon, but the unseen security around me is tight and will remain so until we have the assailants. Dr. Wieland had the news on for us all to see, and as expected, word of the attack has spread like wildfire in a tinder dry forest with a good wind blowing. The official release from the Palace states that the Kaiser, Empress and the Prince are all safe, but that at this moment, there have now been 8 deaths. One of the wounded has perished since we left the Palace grounds. The next report made my blood run cold as I listened to my ?condition? and location. ?The Marchioness von Triberg is listed in critical condition at the private hospital of Hr. Dr. Wieland, the reports from the hospital indicate that the Marchioness was shot by the sniper on the roof of the Palace along with 7 others, who have all perished. The reports indicate that the Marchioness has a 50/50 chance to recover, and that the next 12 hours will be crucial.?

So, they have set this up to draw the killers in sooner, to hope they will make an effort to get to me before I can recover from the shot. As we sat there listening to the updates, my mind drifts back to my last gunshot event, that night remains forever etched in my memory as the bullet ripped through flesh and bone. We moved me into a room with a window, and deliberately set about making it appear as though I had only the hospital?s staff to look over me as we set Eoin outside the door of my room. Essentially, it appeared as though I were resting alone. Now we would wait, as Dominik faded into the deepest shadows.


Date: 2007-01-22 15:04 EST
Waiting is not something I have ever excelled at doing, and it did not come easily now as I know this is an iffy proposition at best. How determined was the killer to assure that all of the Kaiser?s strongest supporters must die? Would they make a try for me now, while I was already incapacitated, or would they wait until my condition was clarified? How important was I to their plans? Algis has indicated that there are several key Peers, ones that stand in the way of the Kaiser?s detractors. And Algis was among those who held a great deal of power at Court. As he bade me good night, I began to wonder why it was that he had not been targeted, nor had he been on the list of targets that had been found on the roof where the sniper had been. Why was Algis not worried about being a target?

I could hear Algis outside, speaking softly with Dr. Wieland and Eoin when Dominik?s thoughts brushed against my unspoken concern. ?Your suspicion would be warranted if I had not already measured the man?s worth and intentions Lady. He is not one of the assailants, but why he is not on the list confuses even him.? I glanced in the direction I could feel Dominik?s presence before closing my eyes. ?What reason could there be for someone as powerful as Herzog von Seenplatte to be excluded from the target lists, unless it is to make him the primary suspect? Or perhaps because whomever is plotting this believes he would be useful in getting to the Kaiser??

I fell asleep pondering who would be likely to consider Algis as a tool that could be used to get to the Kaiser, and what purpose could be so critical enough to warrant such a tactic. Perhaps I am on the wrong trail, but little else makes sense. I woke around 3AM, but just what had awakened me I cannot say, but I lay unmoving, listening for any sound that should not be there. Dominik remained hidden in the shadows, and his thoughts brushed my own. ?We have a visitor, but he is not using the normal avenues of admission.?

I remained unmoving, apparently either asleep or unconscious, but every sense in my body was attuned to my surroundings. Dominik felt my tension, and thankfully relayed what he could see and hear since my eyes remained closed. Someone was stealthily approaching but had paused when they had spotted Eoin outside of my door. Tense minutes passed before Dominik could sense the approach of the visitor again, and Eoin?s consciousness was gone. Dominik suspects they tranquilized or otherwise drugged Eoin and had to wait for the effects. Eoin was not dead, but neither was his conscious self discernable.

My heart about leapt out of my chest as the door cracked open slowly and then a male figure in dark clothing sidled into the room. Thank the Deity that all of the monitors were replaying a prepared monitoring program or my heart rate would have given me away. He approached slowly after checking the shadowy corners of the room for evidence of another person, and given the odd glow to his eyes, he must have had implants for night vision or heat detection.


Date: 2007-01-24 20:58 EST
Seconds passed as years, each one a lifetime, and yet when the man reached the side of the bed where I lay trying to feign unconsciousness, that slow creep shifted instantly into high speed. A gloved hand produced a syringe with liquid that he injected into the tubing that appeared to be connected to my veins, and I am most thankful that it was illusory because he had it done before Dominik could appear from the shadows.

Shock registered in the man?s features as Dominik grabbed his wrist in an iron lock, and the lights came on at his command. I scrambled from the hospital bed, and I think that about stopped the man?s heart in his chest as I moved only split seconds after Dominik appeared. Herr Doctor Wieland shoved the door open and with him one of Algis? men.

I studied the man who had come to finish me off, and did not recognize him, and neither did Algis? man. The intruder refused to utter a single word, and the coldness in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine. He was not in this for any personal reason, he had taken this task on as just a job. For him, the thought of killing me had no emotions associated at all. I was simply a job. Nothing more. That kind of cold blooded killer is the scariest to me, and I am used to dealing with all manner of weapons buyers. These types however always left me with a chill of dread, and this one was colder than most.

Dominik was interrogating him, but he simply remained mute, with his eyes on the wall ahead of him. We would not likely get any information out of him voluntarily. I have little doubt that the Kaiser?s men will be able to obtain information, and I do not like to think of what methods they might use. If we could get his information here, the man would not suffer nearly as greatly. The Doctor has drugs that are capable of loosening his tongue, but there are always risks associated with such methods.

The intensity of Dominik?s expression told me he was already rummaging around inside the man?s head, seeking answers to questions that consciously he would not betray. Abruptly the man turned to look directly into Dominik?s eyes. Shock mingled with hatred as Dominik must have let him know he was inside his mind. The eerie glow of his night vision enhanced eyes faded as he adjusted to the light in the room, but even without the chartreuse glow, he was an intimidating soul.

Without a word, Dominik used his mind control to drive the man into unconsciousness, and as he collapsed to the hospital floor, Algis? man called for assistance. They would transport him to the Kaiser?s jailor before he could awaken. His wrists and ankles were bound with shackles that would only unlock by approved biometric signatures and carted the man out of the room.


Date: 2007-01-24 21:01 EST
Dr. Wieland collected the tubing to analyze what he had endeavored to inject into my body, and Dominik moved to my side, and with a very soft whisper suggested we leave quietly and quickly. Algis has made arrangements for the Star Dragon to be ready to leave, tonight, before word of this attempt becomes public. My testimony would be entered into the Courts via shipboard telecommunications, which worries me since Kendrick still has his program installed in all of my systems. If this would be assassin had been hired by Kendrick, the last thing I wanted was for him to know how much I know. But, there was no dissuading Algis, and so with the use of the Doctor?s car, we slid unobserved into the backseats and made for the docking bay where my craft now awaited. They wanted me off Rigel, and as I discovered on the drive to the hangar, the Kaiser had mandated my removal until the dust settles from these events.

At this hour of the morning, there is very little activity, and as the car rolled to a halt near the sleek craft, Eoin stepped out and checked about for watchers before motioning for me to move quickly from the car into the ship. I headed for the sleeping space and grabbed one of the flight suits. The quicker I could get changed and behind the flight console, the better for us all. I could hear the departure activities going on around me, and knew the moment the hatch was closed and sealed as the ship began to pressurize.

It has been a long trip home, and still I have not the answers I came hoping to obtain. Although, I suppose I never did expect an answer from my mother. The dead do not usually speak to the living. Not here at any rate. My walk to the cockpit was short, and my musings cut even shorter as I paused. There on the console before me lay a single white rose in the perfect stages of opening. Its stem was wrapped in ivory grosgrain ribbon. The attached note card was penned in Algis? hand.

I sat down just as Dominik arrived and prepared to take the copilot?s seat beside me, but he glanced at the rose and retreated back into the interior of the Star Dragon. I sat down and savored the spicy sweet aroma of the perfect rose before turning over the card. ?If I could take away your pain, I would do so. If I could have spared your participation in these ill affairs, I would do so. If ever I can be of assistance to you, I would do so. May Rigel be blessed with your presence more often than she has been of late. I shall miss you. Algis.?

Dominik returned as I laid the rose beside my seat. ?He truly hated to involve you in this sordid affair. You haff a fine friend in the Herzog.? He settled in beside me and began reviewing the controls and starting his checklist.

We concluded preflight as quickly as we could. We needed to be airborne and out of Rigelian space quickly. I would have 5 days to ponder everything that had transpired on Rigel before returning to the Palazzo, where I would be faced with Lucien and Topaz and their expected child. With a wry smile I powered up the ship?s engines. ?So much for remaining on Rigel for a while.? Dominik glanced at me as he acknowledged our take off authorization and the Star Dragon lifted off from the pad.


Date: 2007-01-25 19:59 EST
Kendrick 2.0 appeared after the course was set for RhyDin and as I asked for a secure line to Algis? residence. This would be awkward, trying to convey protected and secret information through the automation software that was undoubtedly relaying everything back to Kendrick. The line flashed secure, and Algis appeared in the screen. ?Algis, I do not like being whisked off the planet like this. I should remain and help convict whoever hired that thug we caught.? I was holding the white rose in my hand as we spoke, but he was quite adamant that there was no need for me to remain and be at further risk. We closed the secure connection and I left the cockpit to find some solitude.

My trip to the mausoleum had not turned out as well as I would have liked. I wanted answers that deep down inside I know I can never obtain, and yet, I had needed that trip. I had needed to be there surrounded by the ghosts of my parents, but more importantly, the ghost of my mother. It would have been to her that I would have turned when we first discovered the conception of our child. Would I have done things differently if I had a choice? If I had been able to speak with mother would I have killed our child? Those thoughts turned over and over in my mind while I settled onto the bed for a few hours of sleep.

Eoin and Dominik would not need me for some time, the ship was on autopilot, and that freed me up to study my motives in detail.

I was returning to RhyDin, not because I wanted to do so, nor because I was needed there. In fact, Klinton had vanished and I do not know if he even knows our child is dead. Though I suppose it would explain his absence if he had somehow been told. Lucien or Gabriel could probably locate him in time of need, but I have not sought him out, and perhaps that should tell me something important about our relationship. Perhaps neither of us is ready to face the other one. How does a person tell their spouse they?ve murdered their unborn child? Somehow I would have to find a way.

The days aboard ship were quiet. Eoin and Dominik engaged in several chess matches, and I found some time to read, but as the distance closed and we approached RhyDin, I could feel the tension heightening. Would Klinton have returned? Would Gabriel seek to require me to honor my promise to him? Could I resume a normal life now? And from the confines of the Star Dragon, I could arrive at no conclusion.

We docked 5 days later as the sun set on RhyDin, and Dyson had sent the car for us. Dominik and Eoin departed first, and we made a quick retreat to the safety of the car. The night images of RhyDin flashed by as we made our way to the Palazzo, and when we arrived, thankfully the house was silent. Only Dyson was there to greet us, and I could make a quick exit to my rooms. They were empty except for one of the dogs and I sat down to pet him in the silence of the early morning. I needed to get on with life now. Find something constructive to do with my time.

Sleep did not claim me that night, and at 4:30 I gave up and prepared for my first day back in RhyDin. Charlotte would be surprised to see me, but work was what I needed at the moment, and I intended to bury myself in it.