Topic: bind us in letters and in blood

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-03-02 00:40 EST

These handwritten letters, text messages, e-mails, and Post-it? notes will mark correspondence between Lia Lusk and Eve Holloway over the course of a lifelong friendship which started when they met at the age of three in San Diego, California. Expect no chronological order, though we will date them as we skip from the past to the present and back again.

For girls that get lost in the dark, there is no way up?only through.

?It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for;
I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.?

? Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-03-02 01:05 EST
March 3, 2001
3519 Silktree Terrace
San Diego, CA 92113


my stoopid mom an dad wont ungrund me if i do not apolugeyes 4 beating crap out of amanda h. but she pulld ur hair

an i will not ever apolugeyes

i am not sorry. sorry she looks liek a monkey that is all

they cant keep me here forever.

i luv ur face all ways



Date: 2016-03-02 18:08 EST
October 30th, 2015
Hotel Gatto Bianco
Via V. Emanuele, 32 - Capri, Italy


I sat with this ticket in my hand for a few weeks. It felt heavy enough to sink with. The stipulation behind me going far, far away had always been on everyone's mind. I saw it in Jackson. Saw it in Gunner. They knew it was only a matter of time before I cut free from the cage and decided to fly on my own, broken wings and all. And this was my golden ticket.

Capri is gorgeous. You would love the view; it's miles and miles of blue waters with the buildings tucked on the side of cliffs.

I'm alone. Lonely.

But out of harms way.

I miss you.



Date: 2016-03-04 14:56 EST
November 4th, 2015
Hotel Gatto Biano
Via V. Emanuele, 32 - Capri, Italy


We believe in stupid things. We act on even stupider things.

It's what a girl wants, right?

I saw him at first as a shadow and then as a man. He was soaked to the bone. Tucked in the alley way while it rained. He seemed almost aloof to the world around him. I watched him for a while from the window.

Capri isn't known for a poverty problem. I hadn't seen anyone that seemed homeless since I arrived. He was there the next day. A repeat of the rain made me cringe at the thought of having to spend all day in it. No where to go.

I felt sorry for him.

You aren't stupid. I'm stupid.

And I can almost envision your face right about now with this letter.

You know me too well: I took him an umbrella that day. And the next day?

He's a quiet man. Takes up the full of the couch. I found him sleeping upright at the door.

Where's my fucking humanitarian award?


Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-03-08 06:03 EST
November 12, 2015
Gracie Mews Apartments
401 E 80th Street
New York, NY 10075


I wish I had done what you said. I wish I had quit this job and come to Italy with you, but I didn't, so I'm counting on you to take a thousand pictures of everything. Send me at least ten beautiful pictures a week or divorce!

I'm lonely, too. I'm never sure with you if it's because I am or if I somehow just feel what you feel. I miss you more.

P.S. I want this man's social security number, something with his fingerprints, and a picture. Just in case he serial murders you. I think I'll cast a protection spell, don't freak if the pipes in your room burst. Maybe they'll upgrade you to a nicer suite?

You are like the best person ever, but like, you are also the best at making me have a heart attack. Write me every three days or I'm quitting this job and flying to Italy!

Swear. Also I need something new by D&G, I will send you cash. You know what I like.

Is he cute? I bet he's cute. Come home soon. No! Stay out there. Bloom, make beautiful music, make love and drink wine and get fat on homemade pasta. But then come home.

Promise me you won't stay in Italy forever?

Love your gorgeous face,