Topic: we must confess -- Texts, voice mails, etc.


Date: 2016-03-14 15:09 EST
Ring. Ring.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-15 00:20 EST
Text to Aaron Murray: Hey, it's Ray. Saila gave me your number - I bullied it out of her.
Text to Aaron Murray: Curious - did you see Charlie this morning?

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-03-15 01:01 EST
(When Aaron saw it was Ray texting, he promptly added the number and input a brand new contact name.)--

Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: Bullying girls? No wonder Charlie's so into you.
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: But I sure haven't. I hope you didn't lose her. She's probably with Cris.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-15 01:14 EST
Text to Aaron Murray: So let me tell you what I know.
Text to Aaron Murray: I know you just f*cking lied to me.
Text to Aaron Murray: I know Charlie was with you this morning.
Text to Aaron Murray: I know you went to see Isaiah.
Text to Aaron Murray: I know you don't want to lie to me again.
Text to Aaron Murray: I know you don't want to find out what'll happen if you do.
Text to Aaron Murray: Where is she?

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-03-15 01:55 EST
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: Impressive, Raymond. You sure know a lot.
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: Gold star.
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: I think she mentioned something about Alaska.
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: Or was it Australia..
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: Maybe you should go investigate. Report back if you find anything. I'll wait here.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-15 02:23 EST
Text to Aaron Murray: And where is 'here,' exactly?
Text to Aaron Murray: I'm pretty good at helping to jog memories.


Date: 2016-03-15 03:14 EST
Text to Trouble ~ 3:10 A.M. Second night in a row people have sought me out to ask about you.
Text to Trouble ~3:11 A.M. A) Are you okay? B) Something I should know?

Trouble, in this instance, is one Aaron Murray.

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-03-15 03:28 EST
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: I'm sure you'll find me soon enough if you really want to.
Text to Midwestern Ass*hole: Sleep well, Ray.


Date: 2016-03-15 03:38 EST
To Ray


I can't get a clear read on her location. But wherever it is, it is certainly not somewhere that any of us want her to be.

I see a dim room, warped as if through a haze. It appears to be some sort of hospital facility. Or at least a place with access to medical supplies. Tubes, restraints.

I do not see Aaron, but there are glimpses of another body here besides hers. Their features resemble Isaiah's.

I am going to keep trying. But perhaps you can begin to look into it.


Date: 2016-03-15 03:40 EST
Text to Lolia: hope this wakes you up. on my way back. heard something interesting enough to share.

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-03-15 03:50 EST
Text to Saila: Sounds like I'm on quite the roll.
Text to Saila: I'm fine though. Must be some kind of misunderstanding. Maybe we can talk about it next time I see you.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-15 04:18 EST
Text to Cris: Not a hospital, nothing official, I don't think, unless there are some big deal connections involved. I checked them all earlier.
Text to Cris: So someplace underground, black market.
Text to Cris: Windows? Sounds? Any details on the room - the building, age, materials used, state of repair, anything.
Text to Cris: I'm looking into it.

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-03-15 05:57 EST
Text to Eve: Mission accomplished, I'm up!
Text to Eve: Are you trying to cheer me up from my recent captivity? If so, it's working.
Text to Eve: I love a secret. Come spill.


Date: 2016-03-15 10:31 EST
Text to Trouble: Oh, Aaron.
Text to Trouble: If you're going to lie to me, at least make it interesting.

Text to Raychicago: Hey, it's Saila. Heard anything yet?

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-15 18:51 EST
Text to Saila: Working on it.
Text to Saila: Have a lead I am trying to work through.
Text to Saila: Also trying to find Aaron.

Text to Cris: It's kind of disturbing, how many non-medical facilities buy significant amounts of medical equipment here.
Text to Cris: Like I-don't-want-to-think-about-it disturbing.
Text to Cris: But trying to track them down based on purchase. Crossing my fingers it's their own operation and they're not using someone else's stuff.
Text to Cris: So if anything stands out about the setup, or what all is there - would help narrow things down.
Text to Cris: Will be in Chicago for a few hours, just as an fyi, but keep me looped in


Date: 2016-03-15 20:03 EST
Text to Raychicago: Heard from him once but nothing substantial.
Text to Raychicago: If you need any help, lemme know.


Date: 2016-03-16 00:03 EST
To Ray


I'm sorry I did not respond right away. I wanted to try again.

There is one window with its blinds drawn. The sound comes through as padded white noise. It is the spotless paint that catches my attention most.

It is sterile and thick, but not in the way mundane medical facilities are. There are crisp lines. Nothing seems battered or out of place.


From what I've gathered so far, the connections I've been making are solid.

That leads me to believe she's still somewhere in town, with minimal warding if any at all. I can't be completely certain.

This method is not foolproof.

All of my attempts have been leading me decidedly south through town. I will investigate what I can.


The window is still dark, though at this time, there should be sunlight spilling through it.


Still dark.


There is something unnatural about the way that no light has come in, regardless of the hour.

Lest it is not a real window.

Or some sort of fabrication.

If Isaiah is involved, I would be hard-pressed not to think there is some sort of spell at work.

Take care, Ray.


If I do this any more, should we find something, I'll be ineffective.

Have you found anything else?

I am going to drink.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-16 09:04 EST
Text to Cris: Thank you, thank you.
Text to Cris: Makes sense. No paper trail this way (was a long shot) - probably set up somewhere abandoned, staged this to look like what it does for some reason
Text to Cris: I have been searching the south side of town all night, every condemned building, empty warehouse
Text to Cris: It's taking forever - we don't have forever.

Text to Aaron Murray: Are you done playing games?
Text to Aaron Murray: I will find her. And I will remember if you dicked me around or if you managed to do right by her this one time. Once.
Text to Aaron Murray: Where?

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-03-16 22:37 EST
Text to Cris: Got an address.
Text to Cris: Where can I get you?
Text to Cris: Sounds like a showdown - be ready to rock.

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-03-17 03:53 EST
Text to Eve: I can so totally feel you casting magic without me!
Text to Eve: Where are you?!
Text to Eve: Boo! You whore.


Date: 2016-03-17 03:59 EST
Text to Lolia: stop spell stalking me
Text to Lolia: on my way home, in the cab now. i'll tell you all about it.
Text to Lolia: but you have to promise not to get mad


Date: 2016-03-17 14:52 EST
Text to Lux: i need a favor

Street Alchemy

Date: 2016-03-17 14:55 EST
I'm not covering for you tonight so don't even ask.


Date: 2016-03-17 14:57 EST
Text to Lux: do you ever even look at the schedule? i'm off. can i come by? i need your help. nothing super-serious but just need maybe a little of that magic touch? pllllsssss

Street Alchemy

Date: 2016-03-17 14:59 EST
I'll trade you: Magic touch for the story of why you're even in need of it.
Also, 100$.


Date: 2016-03-20 15:46 EST
To Charlie


How is Ray? I left as Saila began to clean him up.

What about you?


Date: 2016-03-22 09:23 EST
Contacts: C: Cris

: he seemed to be fine last i saw him.
: i'm monstrously hungover and really not even trying to think about if aaron was starting shit or not or why.
: how are you?

Contacts: E: Eve (Work)

: "I didn't want to text, but I wanted... both Ray and Cris mentioned you were there that night, too, and... can we meet up somewhere to talk? I'm off the schedule for another week and a half so I'm free whenever."

Contacts: A: Aaron

: i promised myself i would just leave it alone, but ignoring it seems as dangerous as acknowledging it.
: you sold me out, you son of a bitch.
: then you try to give me one of your rank newport cigarettes in the bar like nothing happened, or was that you hoping to terrorize me?
: you slept in the bed (most nights) next to me for what, three months? how could you do that to me? how could you, aaron?
: i thought we cared about each other. i thought we had each other's backs. i thought you wanted to be friends.
: or am i no longer useful to you when i'm done sleeping with you? fuck you. fuck the shit out of you.
: nvm like anything you say to me wouldn't be a lie.
: i'm blocking your # so don't even bother. this isn't a threat, it's a fact. you put your hands on me again, i'll kill you.

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-03-23 19:32 EST
(Considering Aaron's main # was blocked, he ended up leaving her a voicemail from a miscellaneous one. He didn't think she'd bother listening if she knew it was him.)

Voicemail to Charlie: I know we're past apologies and forgiveness at this point. As deeply sorry as I am, and as sick as I feel about everything-- I won't insult you with pretending it's that simple. There's no excuse for what I did. And I know now-- looking back on it, it's something I'll carry with me and regret for a long time. I've never really been heart-broken like that. My mind wasn't right and I deserved that beating at the bar. I deserve a hell of a lot more than that.

You know, there were so many times where I wished we could just start over. There's so much I miss about you-- even when I'm trying to hate you, you always end up on my mind. I know I'm delusional for thinking about it. I realize now the only chance I have of ever bringing you happiness again is to just leave you alone and stay out of your life.

So I will. You deserve some peace. And.. I know things were never that great between us, especially for you, but for better or worse-- in those moments where the world fell away; no one ever lit my soul on fire like you, Charlie. I just want you to know that. Pretty messed up, right?

... You know what the real fuc*ked up part is, though?
(There was a beat of silence, a light laugh, followed by a sigh.)

I think I care about you now more than ever.


Date: 2016-03-23 22:51 EST
Text to Trouble: Are you dead? Lemme know if you're dead.
Text to Trouble: All The Complicated.
Text to Trouble: Please don't get dead.


Date: 2016-03-23 23:01 EST
Text to Charlie: i'm leaving tomorrow for the weekend. maybe i'll be in the mood to meet up when i get back.

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-03-25 05:22 EST
Text to Saila: Saila...
Text to Saila: I was just using you to try and make Charlie jealous..
Text to Saila: and that's all it was. but everything's over now. I'm long gone.
Text to Saila: just wanted to be honest for once. Sorry, kid.


Date: 2016-03-25 06:34 EST
Text to Trouble: Now see, that?
Text to Trouble: Much more interesting lie.


Date: 2016-04-03 01:11 EST
Text to Charlie: i was putting this off. not sure why i'm bothering. if you want to talk then give me a hint on where and when to meet with you.


Date: 2016-04-03 01:23 EST
Contacts: E: Eve

: i would like to talk, yes.
: diner, bar, or somewhere more private? up to your comfort zone. wherever is fine with me.
: when - as soon as possible.


Date: 2016-04-03 01:29 EST
Text to Charlie: i'd offer to meet up at work but given how your newest man-thing acted and your aggressive streak where cristal is concerned, i'm thinking else where
Text to Charlie: tomorrow. there's a bistro near the markets called la mirabelle.


Date: 2016-04-03 01:37 EST
Contacts: E: Eve

: ray is my boyfriend and aaron was a brief-lived, drug-induced, self-destructive mistake. to clear the air.
: he was never 'my' anything except 'problem' maybe.
: not that you care, i know, but for the sake of accuracy.
: do you know if the guy that got the cristal to the face is okay?
: let me know when and i'll be there.


Date: 2016-04-03 01:39 EST
Text to Charlie: you're right. i don't care.
Text to Charlie: noon.


Date: 2016-04-06 19:47 EST
Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: sory text lte
: tote was gonna clal andf i tried
: don tbe msd ok

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-06 19:56 EST
Text to Charlie: You're lucky I'm fluent in drunk texting
Text to Charlie: I'm not mad. But you know you need to call, and soon, right?
Text to Charlie: And just bc I'm not mad doesn't mean you're off the hook


Date: 2016-04-06 20:01 EST
Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: u jnow u woll
: ehat
: hool? ok

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-06 20:05 EST
Text to Charlie: One more time? Didn't catch that


Date: 2016-04-06 20:11 EST
Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: whjatt hok

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-06 20:18 EST
Text to Charlie: 1) you still have to call, so that one
Text to Charlie: 2) even though you are probably drunk enough for the fire escape, no - not until you call
Text to Charlie: I think I mightve implied none at all anywhere until you call, but I'm not sure about that
Text to Charlie: Are you ok? Should I come get you?


Date: 2016-04-06 20:22 EST
Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: uf boted you cam kpin
: ppl arw nice i jabe prerry eye
: vety food

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-06 20:32 EST
Text to Charlie: I admit it, I need a master class apparently
Text to Charlie: Gonna go for a run
Text to Charlie: Call me if you need me
Text to Charlie: Or maybe you should try voice-to-text

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-09 23:02 EST
Text to Cris: Hey, I know this is out of the blue but
Text to Cris: After that night at the warehouse, there was something about a raincheck for a drink
Text to Cris: That's still available for cashing, you know


Date: 2016-04-09 23:09 EST
To Ray

I'd like that, actually.

Very much.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-09 23:24 EST
Text to Cris: I'm out of town for a few days starting Tuesday, but other than that I'm pretty open
Text to Cris: Just let me know what works for you, and where


Date: 2016-04-10 16:27 EST
To Ray

The evening beforehand? A sendoff drink, perhaps.

I haven't any preference where.

As long as the whiskey's good.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-04-10 20:15 EST
Text to Cris: Tomorrow night - you're on
Text to Cris: I know this place Dockside - O'Donahue's
Text to Cris: A little rough, but great selection for whiskey
Text to Cris: See you then


Date: 2016-05-01 17:24 EST
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:45 a.m.: Charlie, hey. It's Saila.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:46 a.m.: Last night I learned a thing I guess I missed earlier this week.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:47 a.m.: It has me more ****ed up than I know how to reconcile, but.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:47 a.m.: Mostly it made me think of you.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:48 a.m.: Are you okay?


Date: 2016-05-01 17:38 EST
Contacts: S: Saila

: what's wrong? is everything okay with you?
: and not really, no.
: i'm a little better than i was at the beginning of the week. i think i'm a little better. i kind of have to be, right?
: thinking about making myself go to the kick-off of this beltane week. i want to see people and check in.
: will you be there?


Date: 2016-05-01 17:43 EST
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 12:15 p.m.: Life is never dull for me. But yeah, I'm mostly okay.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 12:16 p.m.: I've just never... well. I'll explain later.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 12:16 p.m.: Been thinking about contacting you anyway, but.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 12:19 p.m.: ***, I suck at verbalizing things sometimes.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 12:19 p.m.: Anyway, yeah. I'll be there. Let's get a drink, maybe?


Date: 2016-05-01 18:29 EST
Contacts: S: Saila

: no, you're fine. really. unless it's something else you want to verbalize?
: it's def sweet of you to check in with me, you didn't have to do that.
: i do appreciate it, though.
: can do, i plan to have several or more of them.

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-05-01 18:40 EST
Text to Charlie: Hey... sorry to bother you, I just heard the news the other night about Cris.
Text to Charlie: I know how close you two were.
Text to Charlie: Despite everything, it made me pretty sad to hear about what happened.
Text to Charlie: I'm really sorry. I hope you're doing alright.


Date: 2016-05-01 21:04 EST
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 8:45 p.m.: Sorry, got tangled up in a thing.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 8:45 p.m.: Anyway, I miss our dance parties.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 8:46 p.m.: Save me a dance tonight?


Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: 6:57 p.m.: Working the Carnaval all week.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: 6:58 p.m.: We have a ridiculous Fortune Telling/Kissing booth.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: 6:59 p.m.: No, for real. It's ridiculous.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: 7:00 p.m.: Come see, if you get a chance. Bring Raychicago.


Date: 2016-05-03 19:11 EST
Contacts: S: Saila

: i was thinking of bribing him to take me if we get a chance!
: if i don't see you around there tho, catch me at the inn sometime this week.
: i promised myself i'd get out there and socialize so expect it.
: ray's lips are off-limits to all, though. they are mine and i will wreck all trespassers.


Date: 2016-05-04 23:48 EST
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:44 p.m.: Sorry. This carnival thing is a blast but it's eating every available minute.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:45 p.m.: Working 12 p.m.-2:00 a.m. every day.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:45 p.m.: Good thing I don't need sleep, yeah?
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling ~ 11:46 p.m.: No worries, and congrats on the lip-ownership! We read fortunes too, though. Deliberately badly. Come see?

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-06-04 12:36 EST
Text to Lyra: Hey, I got your number from Fin.
Text to Lyra: It's Ray - I think he mentioned me to you, might be able to fill in sometimes on guitar.
Text to Lyra: Let me know if you still need somebody and we can meet up, see if I'm a good fit.


Date: 2016-06-04 13:51 EST
: oh yeah you were mentioned. we still got room when brand is doin his other gig.

: you know, we're doin this rhydin rockfest tour. opening for quite a few of the dates. lets meet up. i'll give you some tickets, bring some friends. take a listen. see if you like what you hear and we'll go from there?

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-06-05 20:29 EST
Text to Lyra: Sounds great. My schedule is pretty open right now - I'll probably show up to the next show with a couple of people.
Text to Lyra: Thanks for the chance - looking forward to it.


Date: 2016-06-06 12:46 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: hey, remember the warehouse? having some similar problems.
: based on what i've heard about you, i have this theory you might could handle a locator spell.
: i'd be willing to pay for your services if you can do it.


Date: 2016-06-06 18:09 EST
Text to Charlie: forgetting the warehouse isn't easy. and your theory might be right. depends. name a time and place? we'll discuss business.


Date: 2016-06-06 19:03 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: as soon as possible. tomorrow?
: booth at the red dragon or bar in west end, elixir.
: can you spell a crystal to make our convo private, like white noise for eavesdroppers with preternatural hearing?
: might be helpful unless you know somewhere more private.


Date: 2016-06-06 19:07 EST
Text to Charlie: tomorrow is no good. need to work. i've taken too much time off. probably won't let me skip tomorrow.
Text to Charlie: wednesday or thursday would be better.
Text to Charlie: i can make it private, yes. that or we can meet at my place.
Text to Charlie: yes, i understand i just invited you over.


Date: 2016-06-06 19:54 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: wednesday. or tonight even works if you aren't busy?
: booth at the red dragon is preferable if we can make our convo private.
: if not preferable for you, i'll meet you wherever.


Date: 2016-06-06 21:55 EST
Text to Charlie: i'm busy tonight. it'll have to be wednesday.
Text to Charlie: red dragon is fine. i'll have something prepared. just let me know what time.


Date: 2016-06-14 02:36 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: "Eve, it's Charlie?oh fuck, fuck, please call me back. Please check your voice messages immediately and call me back, please - oh please, fucking please, it's - something's happened, I just need you to call me, can you do that, can you just call me?" She sounds frantic, emotionally charged and raw-voiced like any minute she'll break, and there's a masculine, hushed voice in the background urging her to calm down, just take a deep breath and calm dow? "Shut up! Stop trying to tell me to calm down, I won't calm down!" It's slightly less audible like she's briefly holding the phone to the side then she's back at normal volume, the phone back up to her mouth. "Eve, something terrible-- oh god, please just call me back, I need you to do that spell immediately, whatever you need, whatever, just tell me and I'll-- it's Ray, Eve, it's Ray. Just please?" The voice messaging system cuts her off there.


Date: 2016-06-14 21:43 EST
Tuesday -- 3:47 AM

Voicemail to Charlie: "Charlie?", the voice is half confused, half drowsy; it was the tone of stirring awake with the dawn of a frantic message greeting you. Eve sounds to be waking up by the moment as she speaks. "I'm sorry, Charlie, I was sleeping -- I just got your message. Call me. Call me back when you get this. I'll get dressed; send me your address. I'll come over. I'll come over, Charlie." Most it is just recycled lines but it's all she can muster while urging her body to move and her mind to wake.

"I'm coming over."



Date: 2016-07-08 21:11 EST
Text to Charlie: i'm going to be just a little late to your party but if i don't see you when you're not completely smashed, happy birthday charlie.


Date: 2016-07-12 03:48 EST
13 Jul 2016 12:48 AM

Contacts: R: Madison Rye

: salome showed up at charlie's bar as i was closing, wanted me to forward a message.
: sucks to do this in text, but i don't want you to hear it from someone else in the form of street gossip -
: and i don't want to call, might wake up the baby.
: they resurrected cris. good news, he's not yet showing an appetite for brains.
: not funny, i know. :(

Contacts: M: Lucy Mitford

: i didn't want you to be the last to know this time around so as a heads up -
: they resurrected cris. allegedly not with dark magic, but i'm not sure of the details.
: salome says he needs time to adjust to being alive again before people contact him.
: i also have a gift for a luxury spa day with four guests. i think news like this calls for serious mani pedi time.
: you in?

Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: have i told you lately (again) how much i love my birthday present from you?
: also, have the most weird news in the world and am kind of disturbed.
: how do you feel about mani pedi time with me, madison, lucy, and serah?
: serah gave me a gift for a luxury spa day with four guests. please come!

Contacts: F: Serah Farron

: you free wednesday? girls' day at the spa! you, me, lucy, eve, and madison! i need this, you cannot say no.
: it is forbidden.


Date: 2016-07-12 17:26 EST
Text to Charlie: you can tell me how amazing that gift was as many times as you want. i'm glad it go to someone who might be able to use it. sorry i'm unable to really read it but you're a smart girl. sometimes. :P
Text to Charlie: i could swing a spa day, for sure. also, did you want to go get fitted together for the wedding fair? i got a call asking to meet with them. we could play dress up?


Date: 2016-07-12 17:32 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: spa on wednesday!
: no work for me on thursday either - we can schedule our fittings then together? i'm for it!
: i want to ask your opinion on something, but maybe not while we're doing pretty girly stuff together.


Date: 2016-07-12 17:35 EST
Text to Charlie: wednesday. got it.
Text to Charlie: thursday for fittings. check. i don't work either day.
Text to Charlie: and sure. you know me; i'm always available to share my typically unwanted opinions.

Serah Farron

Date: 2016-07-12 21:13 EST
Text to Charlie: just because it is you I will be there
Text to Charlie: but you have to feed me
Text to Charlie: and have fun
Text to Charlie: not relaxing and enjoying yourself is forbidden

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-08-11 00:48 EST

Aaron had a real strong intuition. When he felt something in his gut, he knew better than to simply brush it aside. Certain coincidences demanded to be noticed. Maybe it was the rumors he heard from dependable mouths, or perhaps the believable details those stories consisted of. It could have also had something to do with the photograph of her that he was holding and staring at. A kind of dead intensity in his eyes, looking like he wanted to rip her in fucking half even as he subconsciously rubbed his thumb across the smooth polaroid texture of her face. He wasn?t surprised when she didn?t answer.

?...You must think you're pretty clever.. " He sounded spiteful yet calm. Aaron didn't bother clarifying who was speaking.

"I honestly never thought I'd see you again, Charlie. Not that I'm sure I ever truly saw you to begin with, but despite that, I think I know enough about you to draw some conclusions. For example, I know you don't mind backseat driving. And I also know that you prefer not having your breath taken away, if given the option. Which is a shame considering the view from my hotel. I think you'd love it. The windy-city looks nice this time of year..?

He inhaled and exhaled slowly. Aaron was smoking mid-conversation, gazing out a big glass window at the city from high above. The bright lights created dark shadows below, so contrasting and contradicting ? very similar to the feelings Charlie brought to life inside him.

".. But? there's one thing.. I'm still trying to piece together.." Degree by degree, his voice could be heard losing it's restraint, becoming colder and more distant with each syllable that passed. Acquiring a harshness. ".. Because I'm starting to get this.. distinct .. suspicion.. that you must actually like the idea of pain, Charlie. I can?t think of any other reason why you?d be doing what you?re doing. You must enjoy the idea of not being able to breathe... because you?re swimming in the fucking deep end. What do you think this is, exactly? Some game? Some pretty bitch thrill ride you can just hop off whenever you feel like it??

Aaron had no idea what was fueling her, what her plan was, or her motif. Nothing. All he knew was that he didn?t trust her to begin with, and now her popping up again and going through a similar routine with new players was raising a red flag.

?I?m just really worried about you, Charlie.? It didn?t sound sincere at-fucking-all. ?Remember what you told me that night we first met? ? I don?t wanna? see you end up in a room alone with the wrong kind of man again..? He even sighed, to sound sympathetic in the midst of his indirect threat.

After a few seconds of silence, he sucked at his teeth audibly and decided to wrap things up. He went through one last drag off his cigarette and then put it out. It sizzled as he crushed it to death in the background.

?Tell your boyfriend I said hello. I?ll be seeing you real soon, Charlie ? and I?ll be sure and bring plenty of singles.?

Clearly he knew where to find her.



Date: 2016-08-11 01:15 EST

?I?m going to be candid here, Aaron ? I don?t know what the fuck you?re talking about, but your threats are making me think this is because I didn?t screw you back in Manhattan since there?s a sexual undertone ripe enough in your voicemail to make me want to lose my dinner at the very concept of having your hands on me again.

?Don?t worry about me, asshole. It?s funny because the only time I?ve ever ended up in a room with the wrong man and ?no way to get out? was you in Manhattan ? I haven?t forgotten what you did to me at that party and what you almost did. What you probably remember is having mercy, letting me go before you went too far. What I remember is being a split-second from having a ballpoint pen in my hand that I planned to jab into your jugular. You come anywhere near me like that again and I?ll put you in a fucking pine box. Newsflash, stalker: I?m not your damsel.

?You leave Him out of it ? whoever the fuck you think He is.?

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-08-11 01:21 EST

Aaron fell back onto his hotel bed, exhausted. His lean torso stretched out with an inked arm folded beneath his head for comfort; a tan canvas of tattoo's and inspirations that once meant so much to him and now serve as a constant reminder that things often change, but some don't-- like the black scorpion that had crawled to a resting stop on his neck for eternity, right above a rough babygirl-mouthed bite mark on his skin. There was a comfort in that gray area. Knowing not everything was up for debate, that sometimes losing was a part of life. Aaron lit himself a cigarette, angling his head and staring at the television set. Infomercial sales reflecting in his lethargic blue eyes-- $$ FOR FIVE EASY PAYMENTS-- that is, until the blinking alert light on his cell caught his attention.

He had a decent idea who it might be.

At first, listening to Charlie's voice flood into his ear through the phone kept his thoughts circling back to Lia-- the unexpected, dainty silhouette that he bumped into on the balcony of a house-party. Puffy-pink lips, naked thighs, pristine white fabric -- surrender, innocence-- both fell off the ledge, and all he had time to grab was her. She looked so much like Charlie, he was convinced it was a ghost at first. A delirious manifestation brought on by drugs and an avid imagination, but the more details that were uncovered about Lia, the less imaginary she became. And by the end of it all, as highly inebriated guests stumbled off the residence to collect their DUI's-- and she paused by the bathroom door to look back at him one last time, she became about the realest thing he'd experienced in quite some time.

But... as for Charlie. It was time to switch tactics, if any ground was going to be made. When his voice came on the line, it came dressed in a patient, flat-toned sarcasm-- playfully pretentious, just because.

"My apologies, Charlie Darling. The last thing I'd wanna do is interrupt your in-between-jobs.. job, you're right. I guess I didn't consider that as a possibility, seeing that I view women of all walks of profession in the same respectful light, so it would never have occurred to me to look down on you or any of your co-in-between-job workers. So if you feel -- your words, not mine-- that it's too degrading of an atmosphere, then fine.. Public. Alone. I can't promise well lit, but modestly lit might work..--"

She might even be able to hear him smiling a little through the words at the end, which carried over.

"But yeah.. it is a pretty real matter to discuss and you need to hear about it. I know your ego might not be able to process it, but I wouldn't have come this far unless it was important. I'd just rather not talk about it over the phone. And you've got my word-- 'sex' won't even leave my mouth. Promise... and, as a show of good faith, you can consider yourself un-tailed for the time being. I'll contact you later with details on where we can meet."

Presumably that was the end of the call but it didn't end immediately. Aaron felt some guilt. On her leaving NYC, on her being in this spot now, on their short past. There was a brief silence, then eventually the sound of his voice came back-- although this time it sounded almost like it belonged to another person. Lighter.. and alarmingly genuine. ".. For what it's worth, Charlie..... I'm sorry.."

The line went dead.


Date: 2016-08-11 01:38 EST

?I?m calling you back against my better judgment because I won?t lie ? the last thing I want to do is see you at my in-between-jobs job and you should know that?s just low, Aaron Murray. A man like you doesn?t come to see a girl like me on business in a place like that, and to imply otherwise only insults my intelligence. If you show up there, it?s going to set a tone and it?s going to tell me that you want to degrade me as part of some sick fuck sexual fantasy you?re having and if you imagine it?ll better put me in my place, you?re not wrong: you don?t know the first thing about me.

?If you didn?t stalk me from Manhattan to Chicago for that purpose and there?s something of real substance to discuss, we should meet elsewhere. Well lit. Public. Alone ? if I catch even the faintest whiff that I am being followed or any part of your entourage is nearby, I?m gone. And if the conversation veers anywhere toward the sexual, there won?t be any second chances to deal with each other in a reasonable manner again because this is already making me think I?ve lost my mind. Don?t mistake me for one of those girls that ends up in rooms they can?t get out of. I can take care of myself, if I have to.

?As a show of faith, maybe you could call off this tail. You do that, and I?ll meet you under the conditions I?ve mentioned. Don?t make me feel like a silly little fool for taking this chance, okay? Show me there?s a chance I?m wrong about your intentions and you?ve been sniffing too much of the white lately to realize you?re??

Aaron Murray

Date: 2016-08-11 01:46 EST

It'd been a while since Charlie Darling had crossed his mind. Her name inspired a rapid and crudely cut film-reel of memories to flash through his thoughts like home-movies on a projector, the film spinning so fast and hot that smoke slithered up from the gears-- gray snakes that rose and vanished, a fading sort of evil that he remembered her by. How they took a little of him, and a little of her-- and made something so wrong, so doomed, short-lived, combustible.

Charlie was a book that Aaron Murray ripped all the pages out of before he knew what he was doing. And now there remained nothing left for him to translate, nothing to comprehend-- just ripped up chapters, scattered prose, a table of contents that led nowhere. Letters. No distinguishable words.

She was an unreachable place a few blocks down the street, hidden somewhere in the heart of The Bronx. Some kind of secret the body kept from the soul, a neglectful form of denial. So close and so far. She might as well have been a blurry mirage shimmering over the running-hot engines of yellow taxi-cab's, dark-eyed youth out of focus; the same thing she'd always been to Aaron-- an undeveloped picture.

"Your boyfriend called and told me to stay away from you." He almost sounded like a part of him took pleasure in that. As he stood in the doorway of his bedroom-- his shoulder leaning against the pillar with a phone to his ear. His heavy-lidded blue eyes distracted with deciphering the sight of a small body laying in his bed, captive in his sheets, light skin and dark hair everywhere.

"He said you told him about what happened between us. I guess he ended up following you home after all. Not sure why I'm being brought up now, but I know how you operate. I figure a smart girl like you can always use the ammunition in one way or another. A heated argument about being too possessive, maybe you can get a good grudge fuck out of it.."

It was his way of labeling Charlie was a mind-fucker, a game-player. Maybe she wasn't. Maybe he was projecting himself onto her unfairly-- thinking they had something in common when they didn't. But; things change.

"If anything, it gave me a reason to leave you an annoying voicemail. I think I'm in love.." Was it possible for a man to be more random? As if on cue, in the background: there was the faintest, barely audible sound of sheets rustling -- followed by the pretty lilt of a tired girly voice, half whine: half tease.

Baby, come back to bed--Click.


Date: 2016-08-11 02:00 EST

?I told him about that night... a month and a half, two months ago. If you are calling me to insinuate I should leash my dog, Murray, I should tell you: that one does not belong to me, nor do I think he'd take kindly to a leash. Certainly, he is not doing my bidding for how am I served if things become tense between us as they were before? It sounds bad for business.

?If there is something to resolve, work it out between yourselves and leave me out of it. I think our problems, however, mine and yours, always happened because you have no idea how I operate.

?I think enough time has passed that any imagined infatuation between us has had time to die out, or else you are messing with me because I amuse you when I'm grossed out. If you are referring to someone else and you're serious, God save that poor girl's soul, Aaron Murray; God save yours.

?I may need a favor soon; I'll let you know.?


Date: 2016-08-11 02:17 EST

: side trip to chicago lasted longer than i thought. tied up.
: coming back to work saturday. cover for me tonight? i'll owe you one.

: i'll owe you a lot.


Date: 2016-09-19 00:39 EST
09.19.2016 ~ 12:35 a.m.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: Hey, so. I know we haven't really addressed what happened at the Booze thing.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: Partially because I got a job and turns out having a job is a lot of work.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: Anyway. I'm in a show that starts tomorrow at the Shanachie. Sabine's in it, too.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: I can leave discounted tickets for you and Raychicago at the box office if you want to come?
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: Oh, merde. I just realized what time it is. You might be sleeping.
Text to Charlie (dance partner) Darling: I hope you weren't sleeping.


Date: 2016-09-19 04:37 EST
Contacts: S: Saila

: yeah, i feel kind of bad about that? i'm not sure exactly what happened,
: but it looked like things got tense, and hex's body language implied he might get aggressive from where i was standing
: and my auto-response was kind of just like 'oh hell no'?
: jobs are a whole lot of work. i still have two so things've been busy,
: but i'll talk to ray and we'll come out to see it if we can make our schedules work.
: what did happen at booze fest anyway?


Date: 2016-10-05 12:42 EST
To Charlie


It's done.

Salome mentioned that she'd bade Lucy tell you.

Three days, and I've yet to experience any complications.

Chinese soon?


Date: 2016-10-05 23:04 EST
Contacts: A: Crispin Ashwood

: she did that night, but i didn't see it until the morning after.
: i thought i'd give you a few days to adjust and ease back in.
: are you all better or still recovering?
: i'll never say no to chinese food. you're on.

Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: decided to catch dinner with lucy in town.
: will bring you pasta!!
: want to pick me up after? i'll do that thing you like.

Ray Kowalski

Date: 2016-10-05 23:20 EST
Text to Charlie: Thanks, babe. Fettuccine?
Text to Charlie: That thing I like? How can I say no to an offer like that?
Text to Charlie: Let me know when, and I'll come get you.


Date: 2016-10-05 23:36 EST
Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: fettuccine it is!
: i will arrive at this restaurant wearing panties, but i promise you i'll leave with them in my purse.
: i'm meeting her in ten minutes, so let's say an hour and a half? look for the girl in a plaid dress.
: should be able to locate my phone btw, i downloaded the app for you. ♥♥♥


Date: 2016-12-20 16:41 EST
Text to Lolia: seeing as that neither of us probably have any major plans for nye, we should go to this club opening
Text to Lolia: you can't say no to me either. you owe me.

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-12-20 16:55 EST
Text to Eve: You should see the dress I've been working on. I have another in about your size - want to try it on?
Text to Eve: To clarify, just the two of us or will your other BFF Charlie be coming with us?
Text to Eve: Pencil me in either way. Voodoo doll optional.


Date: 2016-12-20 16:57 EST
Text to Lolia: you better get that all out now, girl. the new year won't tolerate your sass mouth.
Text to Lolia: but if it makes you feel better, i texted you before i did her. i can invite her still. i know how much you two have in common. <3

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-12-20 17:08 EST
Text to Eve: The New Year or you? You can't quit me and you know it.
Text to Eve: Who would you be wicked with? Who would carry your secrets for you?
Text to Eve: Reading the newest issue of Vogue would be so lonely.
Text to Eve: No! Just the two of us. Let's give the new year a chance before we flush it down the toilet. ;)


Date: 2016-12-20 17:29 EST
Text to Lolia: i'm not sure who you mean; i have no secrets. :P
Text to Lolia: i'll give you the vogue one, though. it would be lonely.
Text to Lolia: okay just the two of us. pinky swear.

Lia Lusk

Date: 2016-12-21 16:31 EST
Text to Eve: New year for new beginnings, right? I might give this girl a chance. You think I should?
Text to Eve: A year later, it seems pathetic to be mad at her over a man like Aaron Murray. You're sure she's not a total waste?
Text to Eve: New Year's is still a private party, though. Circle only!


Date: 2017-01-20 01:06 EST
Contacts: K: Ray Kowalski

: i know you're working late, but wanted to give you a heads up -
: it's an alcohol party kind of night. my ability to text articulately is on limited time, already started.
: going to our place. not that one. the one with the alcohol.
: love you, major tom. be safe out there.

Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: it's been awhile. i've been back from paris for a couple weeks now, but things've been -
: you know. girl slays the big bad, everything's golden again. isn't that what they say it's like?
: want to meet up soon? social call.
: i never say no to business, though, if it comes up.


Date: 2017-01-20 02:06 EST
Text to Charlie: good ol' fairy tale ending. if only we could all be so lucky.
Text to Charlie: don't fret, ma belle. some big nasty will come back to your doorstep. you think girls like us are ever domestic enough not to attract that kind of trouble? they don't write stories about girls like us for nothing.
Text to Charlie: i'm pretty free. schedule is open. i haven't had to go arm-in-arm with anyone to save you lately so i've been pretty bored. ;)


Date: 2017-01-20 02:13 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: what's the world coming to when damsels save themselves? oh the scandal. the indignity.
: speaking of big nasty, guess who i just ran into at the red dragon? aaron murray.
: my schedule's wide open, too. join me tonight? or sometime this week, forget drinks -
: let's cause some trouble. can i call you sooner if i need help moving the body?
: speaking of drinks, it's a damn shame i don't have one in my hand yet. need to remedy this.


Date: 2017-01-20 02:17 EST
Text to Charlie: i guess we were never damsels to begin with.
Text to Charlie: shh, don't say his name out loud. it's like he'll come to haunt you more often if you do. such a parasite.
Text to Charlie: tonight? there? with he-who-shall-not-be-named? i like keeping some image of myself as being a posh lady rather than a feisty brawler.
Text to Charlie: also, i just got my nails done. he's not worth a single scratch i might acquire if i try to claw his eyes out.
Text to Charlie: but soon! i haven't gotten into actual trouble since -- new years eve? we'll say last year.


Date: 2017-01-20 02:32 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: truer words were never spoken.
: that's only if i say it three times in a bathroom with the lights shut off, eve. once still stirs darker forces than i like to entertain, though.
: maintaining a flawless manicure is a cause i'm willing to concede to. i want to know all about this trouble you got into on new year's!
: very, very soon - please! big trouble. promise.

Lia Lusk

Date: 2017-01-26 09:19 EST
Text to Charlie: It's Lia. Lia Lusk. You ran off to California with my ex boyfriend last winter before he was my ex.
Text to Charlie: I think it's time we had a chat. You owe me that much, don't you think?


Date: 2017-01-26 17:59 EST
Contacts: L: Lia Lusk

: i'll meet you.
: when? where?

Lia Lusk

Date: 2017-01-26 23:37 EST
Text to Charlie: The Red Dragon. Saturday, 8:00 PM. A buzz can only help make this less awkward, right?
Text to Charlie: I hear there are booths in the back for privacy. You're buying the first round.


Date: 2017-01-27 01:23 EST
Contacts: L: Lia Lusk

: can't saturday, i'm going to this whiskey-related event.
: also, i fear the people at the red dragon already know much more of my private business than i prefer.
: different venue, non-negotiable. drinks on me.
: let me text you tomorrow - i'm not alone.


Date: 2017-04-30 17:13 EST
Contacts: H: Eve Holloway

: i don't want you to hear this from anyone else, so: ray proposed at beltane!
: i was so shocked that i almost said no by accident. obviously i said yes in the end.
: i think we're going to elope. either this week just the two of us or probably within the next month or two with only a few of our closest present.
: if it's the second, i'd love you to be there. besides, i bet you miss europe, right?
: it'll be in paris or somewhere in italy, we think. if we don't make a run for it by ourselves, we see it as a two-day affair -
: get married and rent out some rooms somewhere, party all night, then everyone can fly out the following evening if they want to sight-see some during the day.
: i'm posting the ring on instagram tomorrow so i won't have to send pictures to everyone i know, lol.

Contacts: K: Griffin Kinnaird

: let's meet up tomorrow!
: lunch at tanta then millennium park? you know i prefer grant,
: but we can go to lurie garden then stop at goose island for a bottle - or two - of wine.
: it's important. also it'll be fun.

Contacts: R: River

: let's meet up at the inn for drinks sometime this week!
: i found another book for you at this shop for mystics over there in rhydin. this one is for keeps.

Contacts: M: Lucy Mitford

: i know it's been awhile since we've spoken properly. i've been busy and i figure you have too - i hope everything's ok now that i think of it.
: ray proposed at beltane and i said yes! i know it seems fast, but we've been together for fourteen months so it isn't as fast as it seems.
: maybe we can meet for drinks sometime this week or next if our schedules allow?

Contacts: S: Saila

: ray proposed at beltane and i said yes!
: speaking of which, you are super sure that there was no knight blessing magic involved?
: i mean, i guess he already had the ring, but...
: how crazy is that?

Contacts: S: Sabine

: you told me when it was super secret that josiah proposed and then when you were married!
: how is married life btw?
: i didn't see you at beltane, so you should know ray proposed!
: it isn't a secret, but i also didn't want you to hear from the grapevine instead of me.
: marriage only makes things better, right? it's just a ring and a promise so we can still be wild and free together, me and ray.
: howl at the moon and be crazy and young and all those things. right??


Date: 2017-04-30 19:37 EST
Text to Charlie: Married life is good. Regular life is questionable.

Text to Charlie: Congratulations Charlie. I wish I could have been there to see and wish you both well.

Text to Charlie: Good call on the grapevine. Not that I'd hold it against you.

Text to Charlie: In my experience, yes. I haven't regreted my choice for even one minute.

Text to Charlie: I'm not really doing so well TBH. I just got back in town. Josiah and I were away. I have a new play starting, come see if you can. We'll catch up soon.

Text to Charlie: You'll be a lovely bride. Congratulations again.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2017-04-30 22:09 EST
Text to Charlie: Congratulations! Doesn't seem fast to me at all. You two are perfectly suited for each other.

Text to Charlie: Drinks would be great. I'm busy at the gallery until 8 most nights because of the new showing. Any time after that works. Let me know when is good.


Date: 2017-04-30 23:18 EST
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: Wait, what?
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: OMG, congrats!
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: I mean. I'm pretty sure. I didn't feel anything after I drank that water stuff, and I didn't get a magic potion vial like Mall...
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: Plus nobody else I touched got engaged, I don't think.
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: I did tell you both to be bold though?
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: Tell me about it sometime? I don't know much about proposals...
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: OMG Congrats again!


Date: 2017-05-01 01:04 EST
Contacts: M: Lucy Mitford

: thank you!! on both accounts.
: i shall do so! i am meeting up with river tonight when i'm done with my client @ the red dragon,
: but it's probably too short notice for you to meet up, too. i'll call you and we'll figure out the details.

Contacts: S: Saila

: thanks! weirdly, i am more and more excited as it begins to really sink in.
: apparently ray took your advice, lol.
: and sure! i'll tell you whatever you want to know, but to be fair, this is the only proposal i've experienced.

Contacts: S: Sabine

: you still wished us both well via text and we both appreciate it!
: also i'm glad to hear that. i'm really excited, but also kind of insanely nervous by turns. mostly excited, though!
: what's up, sabine? are you in some kind of trouble? do you need anything??
: what play is it? i will definitely try to make it out to see it if you want to relay the info. is saila in it, too?

a pretty cage

Date: 2017-05-02 18:29 EST
Contacts: L: Lost Girl

: Wasn't Saks so much better than Lurie Garden? I remember that you're with the future mother-in-law today, but call me after.
: We need to begin searching for a dress tomorrow. With you eloping, there's no actual wiggle room for procrastination.
: Did he love how you surprised him with The last-minute xx tickets? How was the show? I told you I blew Jamie Smith.
: Better be in town on May 23 to use those tickets to see The Weeknd or you will regret it. Don't lie, I know you'd marry him if not for Ray.
: That can be our little secret. XOXO darling.


Date: 2017-05-03 16:14 EST
Contacts: K: Griffin Kinnaird

: how can the xx be anything but epic? thank you for the last-minute tickets. also...
: tmi if that was the actual truth. however, i now think you owe me two truths to go along with your lie. calling it.
: i don't have clients in the morning or afternoon tomorrow, but i do have this thing coming up with ray before we elope.
: all-day dress shopping & lunch date?

Contacts: S: Saila

: are you and sabine in the same play again? give me the details and i'll try to make it out.
: btw is sabine okay? is lucy? i've been off in my own world in chicago for awhile.

Contacts: R: River

: things are about to be stickier schedule-wise. ray has an undercover gig coming up next week and -
: ...i have something similar going on, i won't have my phone on me but i'll be able to check it once every couple days. i hope.
: keep researching and i will, too, up until then. fingers crossed we can compare notes sometime next week and figure out how to proceed.
: be safe.

a pretty cage

Date: 2017-05-03 16:29 EST
Contacts: L: Lost Girl

: Caught me. I know someone that knows someone, but resisting the urge to ruffle your finishing school feathers is sometimes impossible.
: Sure. I'll move a few things around and pen it in.


Date: 2017-05-03 17:12 EST
Text to Charlie: Not in any trouble really, just family problems. Things will work out, they always do.

Text to Charlie: I'm in Grease playing Rizzo. Saila got the starring role of Sandy! I'm so proud of her and also amused to see her blonde and squeaky clean. Come see so you can make fun of her with me.


Date: 2017-05-04 00:48 EST
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: Yes!
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: Sabine is corrupting me. She's having fun with it I think. I got the lead role!
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: ...Uh. Sabine's struggling with some things, but she's a survivor. She'll make it through.
Text to Charlie (dancepartner) Darling: I don't know exactly what's up with Lucy, only that she's seemed... very sad of late. I'm concerned.

savage lands

Date: 2017-05-04 02:44 EST
text to Charlie]: No worries, thanks for the heads up Charlie.
text to Charlie]: There were a few spots and people I was considering visiting to help with the research, so having some extra time might help.
text to Charlie]: I'll message you any important updates if anything comes up. We can touch base whenever you two are done.
text to Charlie]: Try and stay out of trouble, okay?

... maybe ten minutes later...

text to Charlie]: You can trust me.


Date: 2017-05-04 02:57 EST
Contacts: S: Sabine

: i'm sorry to hear that. if you need an ear or to share a bottle of rum, let me know. in the meantime, i'm sure they will.
: her first starring role is a very big deal! i will do what i can to come out and see you two work your magic on the stage.

Contacts: S: Saila

: congratulations on your first lead role, saila - from me and from ray!
: he isn't much for theater, but i'll definitely come out for a show. will try to acquire a ticket to monday evening's performance. expect flowers.
: no pressure for details, just wasn't sure if someone was dying again like last summer so was feeling out threat level.
: i haven't really spent time with lucy in months so i'm not sure i'm the best qualified to reach out to her. i'll try, though.
: i have an idea what it might be, but i can't discuss it. either way, lucy's a survivor too. you can see it in her eyes.

Contacts: M: Lucy Mitford

: drinks. i'm about to be hard to reach for a little while, but if we can squeeze that in beforehand, i'm for it.
: let's attempt to sync up our schedules?

Text messages typed out, backspaced, unsent.

: no one loves in the exact same way, no two relationships are truly alike, but i know what it is to miss someone desperately.
: i know i hide it well, but so do you. i know what it is to suffer and it takes one to know one.
: let's go somewhere and just not talk for awhile.

Text messages typed out, backspaced.

No message sent.

Contacts: R: River

: won't be done for a few weeks, but should be able to meet up at some point during to discuss unless you need that long.
: where's the fun in that? it's the kind of trouble we're starting that i usually try to avoid.
: i hope so, though.
: we'll see, won't we?