Topic: Return of the Sea Wolf

Captain James Black

Date: 2008-10-24 22:51 EST
They were never married.

At least not in any way that could be proven on paper.

They were nearly officially married on Tawela Island in the Gulf. They even wrote out their vows and arranged for Governor to do the ceremony, but that night on the beach they discovered why no wedding should begin with the reception.

Pirates take wedding receptions seriously ? too seriously. In fact, so seriously that the actual ceremony was at first delayed and then later completely discarded as an unnecessary intermission in the wedding reception.

That was a close they came to making it legal. It didn?t matter. They were totally in love and totally inseparable. Captain James Black and Captain Kathleen ?Sully? Sullivan became renowned for their remarkable success at pirating the king?s treasure ship, and then became infamous for the subsequent piracy that was so bold and audacious that even other pirates were concerned about the bad reputation they were giving to more cautious pirates.

The treasure was now buried in a dozen different places, and the crew ? those who had miraculously survived - were so wealthy that they would now only have to pirate for the shear fun and not the lucre.

The Sea Wolf sailed home to Rhydin and quietly harbored in the middle of the night.