Topic: Blood House Onyx


Date: 2007-03-28 15:23 EST
( Author's Note: This thread will consolidate everything appearing in the BHO folder. Subject names will correspond to thread names there. Apologies for doubling up. I needed everything under one roof, so to speak. )


Date: 2007-03-28 15:27 EST
"It's just I might get distracted, and I get lost kind of easily, and sometimes I have really bad days...when, you know, I just want to hide or scream or bleed or something, and...all that..." - Delirium, in Brief Lives, by Neil Gaiman

The world was peculiarly devoid of color that evening. Viki was determined to fill it. The night, with its black sky and dark clouds, seemed anxious to swallow the ground, the sea, the air? She had wandered into the Inn that evening with only the best of intentions: coloring the world.

?Good evening to you. What can I get for you?? The tender?s voice was naturally polite, though he seemed unfamiliar.

?Uhm. Something in a particular shade of blue. Not light blue, mind you. I think perhaps there is a wine.? Her eyes became little slits of nothing as she squinted at the wall.

?There is an Elvin sapphire I think highly of... let me get a goblet of that for you...?

?Thank you. Bel'la dos. Amvel.? All three tongues came rushing forth in a mad fury.

Time ticked by slowly at first. Viki nursed her drink, sipping at the Elvin spirit intermittently. Color returned for a time. It had been long since she had anything to drink besides water.

The crowd murmured their quiet conversations. Nothing seemed of interest ? not yet. Nothing cried for notice. There were no screams from anything inanimate or deceased.

It was only when Sid decided to join their ranks did the seer snap to attention, her eyes glittering with full alertness. A slow smile found its way to her young face.

She looked her way and blew a kiss.

A kiss! A kiss! The voices were back.

The girl looked amused. Perhaps that kiss took the shape of lips, red and full, lingering in the air in the spaces by the door. She traced it with her finger before the shadows devoured it whole.

But the shadows were busy creatures. Viki twitched at her perch.

You feel that. Feeeeeel that?

Indeed, a strange feeling had washed over her lithe body, and her spine set itself straight. Her head shifted, side to side, for a look around.

Sid was at the other end of the bar, surrounded by one Jack Scot, and Icer, and a strange boy Viki had never met. She slipped from the barstool and wandered near, stepping short just shy of Sid?s circle.

?'ello, sweetlin'.? Sid?s smile was a constant presence.

?Vendui'. Hello.? The girl blinked as several tongues spilled forth yet again, and sandman-speak was sure to follow if she hadn?t stopped herself. ?There are...? Her words trailed off, but she weaved concern between the pauses, and warnings too.

But the seer endeavored to convey the message again, even as the circle around Sid carried on separate conversations. They were a distraction.

?There are..? What were there? Realities shifted and memory rewound as Sight seemed determined to make its point. ?There just are!? Alas, the girl was too frantic to do it correctly, and her head snapped side to side, with her eyes searching shadow.

?There be...? Sid began, urging her on with a soft smile.

?Penned poison things I think. They smell of ink. Fresh. Near.?

Enemies taking notice, you mean.

?There be those?? Sid gestured to the front door and the men who stood before it.

Doors. Of course! Why had she not tried this word? But it was an opening, a passage within and without. Her large eyes set their sights upon them and the beings which lingered near.

?Why?? Concern for the ancient is obvious. It trampled across her face.

But Sid, even in an atmosphere of doom and gloom, seemed hell bent on pleasantries. Or, maybe she was simply playing it cool.

?Viki, I dun believe ye 'ave met me mate. Scottie. Scottie this be Tara Rynieyn Talomar's cousin, Viki.?

?Yes. Cousin.? The girl repeated the relation with something of pride. ?Blood of my blood who is Blood.?

Scottie?s eyes were observant little creatures in their own right, and it was clear too, that he was entirely male. ?Hello luv.?

Only after the introductions were complete did Sid answer Viki?s concerned ?Why??

?For me, sweetlin',? she began. ?I believe I mus' 'ave done somethin' to yotz off the 'rents.? Laughter followed. It was warm and dark and rich like honey, reminding her of Alma instantly.

Sid?s laughter was not enough to soothe the seer. The girl?s fingers had snatched up tidbits of fabric from her dress and began to twist it with growing anxiety. Her eyes grew too, wide for Sid?s words.

?It be a'right, Viki.? Sid said, gesturing perhaps to one man over the other. The first had gone to the bar, and seemed to drink and converse with the tender in a way that bordered on jovial. The other still lingered near the door. It was the latter that Sid addressed. ?He be jus' wantin' to torture me a bit. Mayhaps smell me mate here.?

?Torture.? The girl?s brows dipped into a sharp frown, and she leered at the man from afar.

?Packmate will come if need be..? She added quickly.

Oh you have never called him that before, have you? We wonder if Domikai feels the same. You are but his second, and beta.

?An' than' ye, Viki. Let us hope to keep others out o' harm's way for as lon' as possible. Aye??

?Xas.? Viki only half understood these dealings, from both the Ancient's words and the sights and sounds and sensations she felt, both in the physical and in the psychic. Her thoughts were clouded, muddled?

After that, Sid seemed all for the attentions of her mate, Scottie, but perhaps she watched the man by the door from the mirror over the bar. Viki was rather terrified of mirrors and averted her eyes at all times.

Do you think mirror girl is still watching you?

Instead, veering far from Sid?s discretion, she turned herself fully toward the stranger. Her eyes were sharp and bore teeth. She lifted a finger to trace his outline. She would have him fully etched into memory before the night was through. Blue-green swirls of color shone brilliantly in their task.

?Viki, sweet??

The Ancient?s voice calls.

?Xas.? But the girl?s head did not turn toward Sid, and neither did her eyes.

?Be careful o' tha' one's fingers, Viki. Ezpecially if'n he moves to kiss them at ye.?

But did the Ancient not do the same upon entrance? What has she taken from you, little light?

It didn?t matter. And, unfortunately, Viki had already attracted his attention. He was deep in his study before Sid?s warning could be processed, though he did not move to blow her a kiss. Not yet.

?Blood of all the same color..? Her words fell to knowing ears, and she nodded quietly, but to no one in particular. ?Fingers? Spider-things.? Her eyes darkened, and her brows tightened and fell into place, deepening that severe little frown.

Revelations came quickly in Viki?s study of the stranger, too.

?Why if they fly do they walk?? She asked of Sid, taking her hands to her mid-section, then pinning them together at their sides. She waved them awkwardly, like wings perhaps.

The Ancient knows these things. Look up. Look who is coming for you.

Sure enough, the man in question was closing the distance.

?Very intriguing. You must call me right before you die, you would make such an excellent servant.? He spoke so very softly to her as he drew near.


?Name like bells.? Viki said as the soft tones of his voice graced the elegant curves of each odd earlobe.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:28 EST
Oracle of the Delfian Domine
Witness of Adam's frailty
Seer of the master prophecy
The stellar world her betrothed
- Nightwish

He began to question her. Did she know what Sid was? Would she help him? He needed answers. He was one of the good guys.

Five. We think there are five and perhaps they are not so good.

Viki?s singsong voice only spouted riddles, and, after a time, he turned from her, frustrated.

The exchange seemed to infuriate Sid, and though she watched carefully, she did nothing to stop it.

Viki called after him quietly. ?Messengers do naut speak for the source..? Her words were a song of sorts, and her steps trailed away from him and back to Sid.

Little did she realize, they had headed in the same direction.

?Tick tock tick tock, look whose run up the clock. You know where he is, tell me and I'll call the assassins off of you and your little family.? Gabriel?s words were harsher and the speed of his movements surprised even the seer.

Viki turned a half circle and stepped to Sid?s side, just beyond her shadow. She whispered quiet things to it in the interim, with her eyes entirely on Gabriel.

Scottie broke in first. ?Go home.?

Sid followed, hissing. ?Wha' me mate be sayin', Gabriel. Ye be nae wanted here. E'en Michael be leavin' thin's be.?

Michael. That is the drinking one. The one who sits and talks and watches but does nothing to intervene.

?Name like bells,? said the girl to Sid's shadow, and perhaps it whispered back to her, and she gave up another offering of mock wings with flapping hands.

?And what are you anyway? Dirt breathed to life?? Gabriel regarded Scottie with increasing arrogance. ?The Abomination would say something like that. You've sinned against your race, your words mean nothing. Save your own skin and give him up. What's he to you anyway, toots? A pass lay? A quick romp in the hay??

?Messengers that do naut speak for the source.? Viki was quick to anger, and not. There were times when her movements bordered on both.

Viki heard laughter coming from somewhere. It must have been Scottie. Gabriel steamed.

?You think that's funny? Wait until you hear about this one.? Gabriel leaned in. ?There was this guy once, that got in my way and I fed him his heart. Want me to show you how I did it, Monkey??

Victoria's shoulders drew inward, and she stepped back. There was truth to Gabriel's words. She could taste them on her painted lips.

Scottie?s reply was simple. ?Go home. Unless...that's closed to you now.?

Sid?s was close behind. ?Ye be jealous. Admit it an' move on.?

?You both think you can take on the world. Why don't we test that theory? I'll send some of my guys around to play with you and you. Oh, wait? You don't have any guys you can send around to play with me, do you? Closed to me? What cave are you living in??

You only know this story in parts. Step closer girl.

The seer obeyed, and stepped forward, a breath from Sid and Scottie. Her angry eyes pierced through Gabriel, stealing pieces of his tale perhaps, but Gabriel?s movements were still too quick to follow, and before anyone knew it, he had snatched Sid?s forearm. Scottie seemed equally as quick then, and all Viki could make out was a blur of bodies. Sid?s mate had in turn caught Gabriel?s arm in his own hand.

Viki tried to berate him, but it came out a whisper. ?Nau invitation to a touch!?

?Gabriel, dun.? The Ancient speaks with fear.

And it becomes apparent to Viki that Gabriel is doing more than just holding Sid?s arm. Between their two bodies, energy swelled and crashed all at once.

They are near to realms you walk.

?Touch her again and you will be closed off.? Scottie said as he yanked Gabriel?s arm, hard.

Gabriel smiled, shoving Sid away, and, with superhuman strength, Scottie was flung across the room.

?Traitor. I have your name.? He said to Sid.

The seer's scream was an earth shattering thing. She pressed her hands her ears, overcome by the outflow of energy and equally distraught as Scottie seemed to.. fly. The high pitch noise rang about the place, bouncing off walls and floorboards, threatening to shatter glass. Maybe it did crack in parts, in tiny fractures at the corners of a frame.

Sid?s fury was immeasurable. She met Gabriel?s jaw with a single fist.

?Gabriel,? the Ancient?s voice boomed.

Viki?s fingers were still curled tight over her earlobes, but the violence in her voice was a fleeting thing. The scream subsided, and unfocused energy seemed to dissipate in small waves. She stood there, a lost icon in the present state of affairs, with an equally lost look on her little face.

?Taken in darkness. Caves. Under the earth. Watchtowers.? Her hands then fell and her eyes rose to the ceiling, and perhaps, beyond what was there.

Sid?s voice sounded in her ears. Viki lost some of her words.

??Take ye toys an' go home. This be nae ye sandbox.?

?Happy to. I have some housecleaning to do. Might want to let old Oberon know I caught my snitch. Tell him I plan to make quite an example out of him.?

?Snitch? Ber??

These words were important. These words were met with images in her head, images which poured down from the sky. Viki looked as if she were about to swoon, but her head was still turned upward, and her eyes were glued to hidden things, things that called and sparkled in all their brightness, secret things that were for her eyes only.

?Messengers? No they are naut.? The seer?s lips mouthed several more words, though the sound had been swallowed.

Sid kept at Gabriel. ?Ye 'ave the stink o' madness on ye. Did Michael catch from ye??

Somewhere, in the midst of the chaos, Tina had appeared, and decided to come to Sid?s aid. Her plan? She shot tennis balls off Gabriel?s back, and then went for his head. Gabriel turned to her suddenly.

?One day? You are going to die and I'm not going to let you.?

Then, he continued his back and forth with Sid.

?What a mouth. You've lost all grace since you Fell.?

Viki caught this. ?Graces they sing.. all wrong words.. watchtowers.. hide and seek..? Her hands lifted above her head and she wrote words in the air. ?Samael.?

Sid shot back a reply. ?When ye wan' to throw down for real... Brother... Though mayhaps I should be callin' ye Da... When ye wan', Gabriel, come find me. See if'n ye can do more'n than seethe an' taunt with useless words.?

But Gabriel had turned from her and headed for the door.

He is thinking, ?if only the seer had been gravely wounded.? He wants you as a servant. You appeal to him most of all. He likes the way you speak ? riddles and rhymes and veins of truth.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:31 EST
Sunrise always burns my eyes
But I'm not tired
No, I won't sleep for hours
This city's old and full of ghosts
I can see their skulls
It makes no sense at all
- Kill Hannah

Viki?s eyes were large and clouded with memories of other places. Tina. Tina?s voice was calling her name, or some term of endearment.

?Tina...? The seer?s voice was small and soft. ?Where are you?? She could hear the younger girl, but could not see past the visions.

?Here I am, bee eff, big as life and twice as mean.? Tina positioned herself in front of Viki and waved her hand over her eyes. In an instant, the motion had broken the seer?s focus, and with a mixture of relief and gratitude, her eyes met Tina?s.

?Do naut call his name when I die.? Victoria gestured to the departing figure, but by then, he was nothing more than a shadow, and soon that was gone too.

Sid?s voice broke her world next. Viki snapped to attention. Her eyes were wide and wild things, burning with knowledge, but in a confused and disordered timeline. Her face was full of questions.

But it was Tina who spoke. ?You ok there girl? That sonic blast of a scream of yours put some real hurt on him!?

?Was that voiced? I did not realize.? Viki considered the newest revelation with a finger to her lower lip.

Yes. You were screaming. Do you not remember? We heard you for miles and miles. Who knows what that scream will later attract.

?Aye, Viki. An' I than' ye,? said Sid, who overheard Tina?s comment about the sonic scream.

?Yep, him and the Doggie guy too, that's a great pair of lungs you got there!? Tina?s words were bubbles but her face was still full of concern.

You see? You did attract the attention of another. And another still to come!

?Packmate must know,? said the seer.

And there you go, calling him that again. We wonder if the other mate will be so pleased.

?I dun wan' ye hurt, or him, Viki. If'n ye mus' tell, do so but keep safe. An' keep ye packmate to promise the same.? The Ancient said softly. She was now carefully curled about her lover, Scottie, who seemed to recover from the blow Gabriel had dealt just moments before.

?Do not call his name when I die. Must tell Skado.? Viki?s face darkened, and something crossed it. Fear?

?He willna know ye time, Viki,? the Ancient promised.

Viki nodded gravely. ?You will take me then. To the lost one, the one of gold and blue. I want to be with her.? These were half things of the past. Sid would understand, and if not, Tara definitely would. The seer was perhaps relieved by this information, and smiled in spite of everything else.

Gold and blue? Kat LeFay. But we cannot hear her, and neither can you.

?Ye 'ave nae call to worry o' tha', sweet. Gentle arms be rockin' to ye final dance.? Promises and kind reassurances glided from the Ancient and filtered into the air about the Seer. Viki?s eyes fell shut as her words were processed, their warmth apparent. Her body shifted in step, as if to sway in said arms, and she nodded softly.

Sid and Scottie began to take their leave of the Inn. The number of patrons had trickled to a few fifteen, and the tender was still obviously steamed about the bar brawl on his watch. With Gabriel gone, it seemed a good time to go, but first, Scottie approached the seer.

With open eyes all for Sid?s mate, Viki turned to Scot, who held out a bright green ribbon in offering. She studied it, and him, for several moments, before accepting it with some quiet curiosity.

Grass green mysteries. He means to fix your broken luck.

?Amvel.? Sandman speak had taken her tongue again, and Viki weaved the ribbon into the fabric of her dress. Later, it would be sewn and stitched, forever a part of the material. This was a special dress.

When the Ancient and her lover had finally left, Viki snagged a hold of Tina?s hand and small footsteps carried her and the girl in tow toward Tasha. She wanted to be near Tara?s family ? Bloods. She wanted blood. Warmth. Familiar and familial, even if she was not Blood. Tasha was seated across the way, speaking to the one Tina had referred to as ?Doggie,? and the other stranger, whose name also sounded like bells. Viki?s eyes were heavy things when they fell on the latter.

Her ears were keen, too. She heard things in parts and pieces:

?Ruination has ye to visit the realms of mortality, my friend.?

?You have knowledge of ruination. You have been there once. I know what you are. As you obviously know what I am. But the ones you have met....are they like me truly? As I said in the prelude of this conversation, creature....I am unique. I am true.?

But Tina disrupted the eavesdropping by taking her leave. The girl had an appointment, perhaps, and she apologized with a kiss to the seer?s hand.

The conversation continued. It was Tasha who spoke next.

?Daugie there is a Dracolitch Cam. Not just a creature. The thing that attacked us the other night.. "That" was a creature.. Daug's just.. Daug.?

Their words brought new illustrations. With every breath, Viki struggled to make sense of their reality, and the new one that bloomed in her brain.

She saw much.

?Tasha.? Viki?s singsong voice was frail and broken.

?Yeah Viki?? The woman?s hand landed on the girl?s shoulder with a gentle pat.

The seer shifted her focus, then slipped to Tasha?s side, pinning herself there.

?Danger. Dark.?

Tasha?s arm drew around Viki?s shoulders. She merely nodded.

?Blood of blood..? The seer continued, and distorted bits of prophecy were quick to follow. She said something of ?two wars? and then a steady stream of nonsense.

?I know and means we all need to be careful,? Tasha said.

?My cousin Tara..? The idea began, but it broke into pieces. Its ruination is not quite final, and maybe it could be resurrected if she blew on it hard enough. So she did. Her lips puckered and spilled air.

?Is Tara alright Viki??

But the girl only nodded, the movement shifted curls which bounced over a set of too-blue, too-green eyes. ?Fine, but Blood. I am not.?

There is something else within those words, woven to the family name. There was a twitch, and a loud sigh, before words followed: ?Amthy dies.. Tara loses.. her way. It's all chopped up. Like carrots.?

Viki liked carrots, usually.

?Your related to Tara therefore you are protected by us too Viki.? Tasha assured her.

?Bloods,? said the jovial one whose name also sounded like bells. ?A legend for young children...souleaters and those who commune with the dead.?

The seer?s eyes lifted suddenly and settled on the stranger. Perhaps they stole pieces of him, small bits of his aura as they stared.

?The dead say? hello.?

Was that a bit of humor in her voice? Not likely. It was more likely that they were surrounded by small spirits, all of them offering a greeting.

?They never say hello back.? The stranger grinned.
Viki nodded to Tasha, grateful, and sat back, no longer glued to her side.

?I would be so.. there to catch.. family-but-not,? the girl added.

Tasha and the stranger exchanged more words, but much of it was lost. The outside was spilling inside again, bringing with it stranger curiosities, and stranger people still, and a newcomer had set his sights right on the seer.

His name was Mr. Howe, but Victoria did not know it yet, and the shadows refused to give it up.

That was fine. She picked up other things. Her eyes were sharp, keen things, and all for his aura.

?Firefly?? Confusion and fear crossed her face all at once, because some kind of green light had clearly crossed his.

Not his face. His mind. It is full of her. Amthy.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:32 EST
White night coming down.
Silent armies all around.
Deep sleep covering.
Enemies in clean white sheets.
(The sky went off-white, it snowed for fourteen years.
The sunlight splintered into all out darkest fears.)
- Thursday

Howe wore Amthy's memory like a Halloween mask. There was something unusual about his own skin too, but Viki hadn't the time for further study.

The sandman had appeared in the doorway. Immediately, she softened, and levity took her, shaped her, and her movements became free things. She was free of awful contemplations as she drew closer.

"Skado." Her voice was a singsong for her lover, but their status wasn't at all apparent by the way they interacted in the commons. She lingered on the outskirts of touch, save for a brush of a dainty hand over his claws. Upon closer examination, she saw that the sandman had been touched by battle. The smell of blood was heavy in the air.

"Paint all over. Yours?" Something of concern sounded in the question and colored her face.

"Only some," he began before she cut in again.

"I have stories.." She peered over her shoulder, with eyes playing leap frog, jumping from Tasha to Howe to Other-Name-Like-Bells and back.

"You always carry stories." His eyes followed hers with an idea of humor.

The stories began to spill from her lips. "Seeking the firefly.. For what reason? Gone, gone.. Where things go to die." Howe's intentions were coming more and more obvious as he continued to linger in the commons.

The girl went on. "And the man with the nothing wings.." She pressed her palms together again, making a mockery of such wings. "..said to call his name when I die, but Sid has promised to take me.." Her words were a jumble of the night's events.

"And so you have several fighting over your death?" The sandman's words were soft, but the girl sensed some hostility there, and she attempted to clarify.

"Nau. Just the after-death. Sid says she will take me to the place I want." Her fingers began to drift over the bloodied cloth he wore, bloodied from battle. "But the other.. he wants me as a servant."

"Such are the games." He lifted a hand to her head. It hovered just above her hair. His eyes were for the alleyway door. "But the Ancient has parted."

"I forget his name but it sounds like bells." Her words became a steady stream of sentences as his presence beside her made her all the more focused - focused for him, that is. Her lashes fluttered for the near-touch of his hand to her hair, and she looked once over his shoulder toward the door.

"Beautiful mess you are." She grinned impishly, implying much.

But as her eyes skipped to the door with their wanting indications, she saw Howe's figure depart.

He wishes an audience. The lover is here. He wishes an alone-audience. Beware!

The sandman was a quick study of situations, and perhaps the shadows spoke to him as well.

"You have also attracted the snake's attention." He said softly, with narrowed eyes and hidden concern. He said more things beneath the surface, but they were so faint, even the seer did not pick up on them.

"It is for the Firefly." Snake. Yes! That was the way Howe seemed to move and speak and see. She imagined a forked tongue on that one, and this imagination did much to muffle other voices.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:35 EST
I watch the patchwork farms' slow fade into the ocean's arms
And from here they can't see me stare
- The Postal Service

Red Dragon Inn: Two days prior.

The air was thick that night, warmed by the dying stretch of Spring, ignited by a few flaring tempers.

"You just messed with the wrong person, and tonight I have an endless bloodlust little one, now run home to the BHO and be done with it I ain't paid to slay innocents you *&^%!"

Glanhelmion Tasartir, Trueblood, stood just a few feet from her cousin Tara. The venom which dripped from his animated words was enough to draw the seer closer, and she cut the distance like it was nothing, and stepped protectively in front of her cousin with a growl.

"Messed with the wrong.. Why you dun know who you is talkin to!" She huffed.

"Take caution." Viki whispered.

The seer's words were lost as per usual, as Tara simply shoved a blade into her hands, curled her fists, and put them up in front of her face, baiting Glanhelmion.

The instant the blade was passed, a dark brightness took hold of her face and crossed her young features. Viki grinned.

"C'mon! Let's see what ya got ya slimy bastard! Callin me a bitch! Why I'll have you as my next three course meal!" Tara clamored.

Glanhelmion took a defensive stance, drawing a blade of his own.

"You wanna' dance *Girlie's* Well you asked the wrong person."

Viki's fingers were tight, clenching the hilt. The blade was singing, or perhaps crying. Her eyes became slits, and it was a distraction that could've cost her much if the enemy wasn't so slow to move, and so quick with many mayn words.

But Tara shoved her protectively out of the way. "You keep outta this! I got this one!"

Space became a jumbled mess, and where her feet once stood, a cousin stood instead. Viki frowned crossly, but held the blade still. She had much practice in dealing with blades now.

"Why dun ye be givin' tha' to me, sweet?" Sid's voice broke her concentration, the Ancient's voice and her outstretched hand.

"Packmate has taught me much.." The girl looked torn, and reluctant to release the blade, which sang so sweetly, possessed perhaps, and the seer knew it.

Tara and Glanhelmion faded from few. Their clashing words were non existent.

"I understan'. If'n ye be sure, Viki." Sid was always so careful when it came to her. She wouldn't push.

"There is a crying.." She took several steps to Sid, and perhaps, the girl thought, she smelled of all the elements rolled into one, and perhaps she saw worlds on each of the Ancient's fingertips. She swayed, then steadied herself, and her eyes fell to the blade.

"Wrong. All wrong." Viki stepped back to examine the weapon suddenly, and her arms were instantly heavy, and the blade heavier. Her head snapped up, and her eyes became clouded and distant, not too unlike her usual seer ways, but there was something off about them. What was once green and blue was perhaps a bit darker.

"Look get that blade back, so I keep the money I earned from that kill and you got a deal." Glanhelmion stomped his boots when he spoke.

"An' for the last time it ain't YER BLADE!" Tara roared.

"Let me 'ave tha', sweet. I be takin' gran' care o' it." Sid's voice broke through the chaos, and her hand remained outstretched, beckoning and welcoming all at once.

Instead of handing the sword over to Sid, Viki dropped it, simply dropped it. Dark energy spilled from its source, and the girl was instantly repulsed. Something did inhabit the weapon, something sinister, alive and stretched about steel. As it went crashing to the floor, the vibration shattered her reality. Overwhelmed and clearly distraught, Viki rushed into Sid's awaiting arms. Instead of a blade, the Ancient received a girl.

"You smell of distant places, of newborn stars," said the seer.

The Ancient held her tight, breathing her in as well. "Ye be one o'mine, Viki."

Their connection was memorized and mesmerizing.

"Nae one will harm ye. Ye can call for me... Manon."


Date: 2007-03-28 15:37 EST
my hands are soaking in the blood of angels
on broken wings they collapsed
will I see the break of day
dark clouds exploded and torrents of rain fell
all these lost halos wash away
- Rise Against

Red Dragon Inn: One day prior

"I can see you." Said the seer to a cloaked being, a whirling mess of color, all blue and white and shadow too. There were so many shadows, but sadness seeped through. Sadness didn't need a shadow. Sadness wouldn't be concealed.

"I can see you but I am not so sure if I want to hear you just yet."

"Maybe if I drew you a place..." Then she would draw out this creature who hovered at a table nearby, there and not-there, in blue and white and seeping with sadness. She lifted her hands, extending her fingers, and began writing in the air.

The one who fought with your cousin is here. He wonders what in the seven hells you are, and how your empathy is off the scale, but he thinks your batteries are dead and your lights are out, and yet you confuse him because you read people like books. We are laughing because now he wonders how you are related to Tara.

"Spaces sing between us." Her delicate fingers were still far into her work, and by now she had mapped a wonderful world of incomprehensible light, though invisible-air-writing did not reveal these things.

The thing sat still and silent as the girl drew her pictures, but soon, the air turned wrong, and the surface of the creature's table sparked to life. Heat wafted from the surface and distorted Viki's view, making ripples in the space between them. Smoke was quick to follow, and burned the seer's eyes.

Metatron. That was its name, but that was a secret.

Viki's nose upturned and all too soon her hands retreated from the uninviting air.

The next few moments were so quick, their birth and passage caught her off guard. The air whipped her face, and the cloaked being vanished through the open door, riding some rogue wind, unseen, unheard, and unfelt.

A message lay behind, burned into the tabletop.

It says to take care of who you form alliances with, or else the Voice would be forced to Speak.

Viki recoiled and quietly muttered to herself.

"Lost his voice but not his penmanship." Smoke trails were sent to the ceiling and the table protested its scorched surface. Not surprising. The words burned her too, in the literal and in the figurative.

"Scottie," she called softly to Sid's mate, who was there all the while, perhaps watching, and not unlike how the lover observed such goings-on. "Can you read all these words too?"

"Interesting bit of graffiti. Wouldn't you say, luv?"

"Oh good. I thought perhaps I imagined that. Yes I would say. I would say a great many things. Would you like to hear me do that?"

Their conversation bordered less on the casual and pressed into prophecy.

Scottie wrinkled his nose. "It smells burnt."

"Yes. The blue-blue-blue is now red-red-red."

"What would you tell me?" He peered at her.

"I think he has lost his voice."

"Mayhaps that is a good thing."

"I know I would be angry if I lost my voice. But I cannot burn things with my head just yet. There was a wind..."

"Did it blow him away?"

"Yes, only he rode it." She made a galloping motion with curled hands on pretend reigns.

"Do you know who he is?"

"He is the lost voice.. He has lost his voice." A hand met her forehead. She looked exasperated.

"It seems to me...the man won't speak. Unless something happens...or doesn't."

"Everything is happening now," she said in her quiet way.

"It always has." He touched her shoulder.

"Two wars." She repeated these echoes of prophecy and felt a newfound love for fresh air. She stepped further away from the smoking table.

His touch did not linger. Perhaps he wanted to make sure that she was real. " I only know of one war."

"Oh. The other is a big black secret!" She giggled, with her fingers coming to cup her painted mouth.

"War is often red and hard to keep secret for long."

"This one starts blue. They are all sad and weeping." She looked up once more, her fingers for specific points at the ceiling above.

"What do you see up there?"

"Green lights, not like the firefly. These are green with.. what-is-the-word? Want for something. Want for being not of it." Fingers swirl in air, creating perfect little storms. She too, smelled of a passing storm, all heavy and electric.

"Why are they sad?"

"Because. They want." She stretched her arms behind her head, and a hand caught an elbow, and she held them there lazily. "They want and they are sad that we are and they are not."

"Jealousy," said Scottie with folded arms. "I know this green."

"Yes! That's the world." Her limbs uncoiled from that space behind her head. "I mean word. It could be the world too. Their world."

"Who are you, luv?" He studied her sideways.

"I am Viki, Tara's cousin." She tilted her head in mimic to his own. "Did we not meet?"

"I think you are more than that. But I am coming late into this."


Date: 2007-03-28 15:38 EST
When she walks down the street,
She knows there's people watching.
The building fronts are just fronts,
To hide the people watching her.
- Interpol

Red Dragon Inn: One day prior.

"My name is Viki. I do naut know if you caught that yesterday, with all the yelling and the crashing and the crying from inside of your sword."

"My name is Glanhelmion Tasartir, pleasure to meet you, I am honored to be graced by your presence."

Red Dragon Inn: Earlier in the day that matters.

Glanhelmion and Tara were at it again.

"You and I are going to have a little chat, Mr. Tasartir.. And you're going to listen. Is this very clear to you?"

Viki caught sight of them from across the room and wandered over. She hovered by their table, with an idly tapping of slippered feet, half-listening to their words. Time drifted. She would holds its hand and turn away from them if they weren't to careful..

"Join me if you wish Viki, I am honored." Glanhelmion beckoned her near, and she happily followed, slipping into his booth in Tara's utter dismay.

"That is Princess Victoria, to you, Glanhelmion. That is my cousin you just addressed. I won't have you neglecting her title." Tara snapped, then, softened. "As for your attitude the other eve, well, I'm glad you apologized because I was going to suggest an adjustment."

"Tara-tara. This is Glanhelmion. He gave me sound. I like him. The sound is like the way their names are in my ears." Strange words for the relative, but Viki nodded in agreement. This one was to be considered "Okay."

"I apologize Lady Victoria, and Madam Tara."

"He called me lady!" Viki was all giggles and clutched the side of the table.

"And that is Queen Tara, to you. I am neither 'lady' nor 'Madam'. I was born a princess of two kingdoms and here you are talking to me like I'm some courtesan or a lower ranking member of a court. Do try not to make the same mistake again." Tara's eyes shot from Glanhelmion to Viki. "How do you know this male? Has he made you pregnant? Good God, tell me it isn't so!"

Viki's giggled swelled and grew into all-out laughter. "Nau cousin!"

"I'll not have you shacking up with a minstrel, Victoria. So if you haven't yet slept with the male but are thinking about it, I'd ask that you masturbate until such a time that a suitable mate can be found."

Viki's jaw nearly dropped from her face. Tara still knew nothing of Domikai, and perhaps it wasn't the best time to tell DCK where she'd been living all the while.

"Cousin.. there are things in the walls which would hear you."

"I helped pay for these walls, dear, so let them listen. If they've been paying attention all these years than they know better than to tell others lest I do to them what I've done to others that have betrayed me."

Betrayal. Does she know what he did? Does she know the secret you keep?

The seer's spine sunk against the booth, hoping the shadows would swallow her whole.

Tara frowned. "Are you unwell, cousin?"

Poor Glanhelmion sat between them, confused as ever, and stared between intakes of his Elven clove.

"Well is loo.." Viki's lips pursed over the sond. Llew was well spelled backwards.

Time passed between Tara's threats and Glanhelmion's increasing uneasiness. Viki twirled a finger idly about a stray lock of white. So odd. Such an odd girl. Her eyes spilled equal strangeness as they flickered from Tara to Glan.

"Dun worry. She knows you aren't the lover I think."

"Sure just... anything whatever sure." His words were short, and perhaps slurred.

"Oh, xas. Do naut worry about the cousin. Tara just loves me.. I can feel it whirling about her all the time. It takes little shapes. Do you see them? She always has these little shapes hanging from the corners of..." The sentence was severed the instant a new presence was felt.

The Presence. Ahhh. She felt him slither in through the front door. Bad guys like him never took the back door, no, and bad guys like him were always immaculately dressed.

Mr. Howe's gaze fell upon the seer and the company she kept.

"Snakeskin," said the girl, and she stood at once to attention, her eyes a brilliant off-blue for the entryway.

Glanhelmion, still speaking between smoking, batted away his confusion for the seer's words and snapped to attention.

"Whatsup? And Who in the hell is Snakeskin?"

"Seeking the firefly," she whispered as realities bent and wove at will, and she found she couldn't keep her senses straight.

People began to fill the Inn and swarm the bar. The air buzzed with conversation.

But Mr. Howe was still watching with his signature beady eyes.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Glanhelmion and Viki kept their conspiratory whispers to themselves.

We wonder why the Trueblood follows you now. That is why he introduced himself, and sits with you now, and he will surely watch you later. Your eyes are everywhere but your shadow. He seems to want to protect. But from what? What would the lover think?

"Do you hear that?" Her eyes were half slits for the shadows. She nudged Glan's side with a small elbow.

"Okay, where are the sounds coming from?" His tone was not altogether patronizing, but he did not verify the fact that he heard what she heard.

"I dun know." She stuck a finger between pursed lips, wet it, and offered it to the air. "Here and everywhere."

At the bar, a pencil tapped a newspaper, one which featured the image of a familiar green-haired pixie.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Fireflies light up green.." The girl said beside Glan, adjusting the tuning finger. First, it was for the door, then, a trail from floor to the bar. It is there that she found him again. Seer eyes were all too brilliant. "Snakeskin. There."

Glanhelmion's eyes followed her finger. "Look Viki maybe you should split, because if this gets messy I might have to let the soul from the stone." His voice seemed hard, strained.

"Yes. I think perhaps your sword is crying and I do naut like it. Maybe the inside should be on the outside."

He shook his head. "Different stone, the one that holds me..." His words trailed off as he sensed something the seer did not, and he turned his head to the crowd, watching with keen eyes. "Something is very amiss..."

"A miss? I miss things all the time. Sometimes people.. Like Amthy." But the words slipped out before she could swallow them.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:40 EST
necks are cracking sideways
hit me from the back side
I am on the white side
you are on the black side
cut a piece thats bite size
shoot me from my good side
if you got a straight line
this would be a good time
- The Dresden Dolls

Red Dragon Inn: Later in the day that matters.

"Scottie says they are green with.." A fingertip now tapped her chin, tap tap tap, in rhythm with one across the room. "..not like the firefly was green. Green with want-of-something."

Mr. Howe still sat at the bar, scotch in hand, and eyes still beady and ever-watchful. Glanhelmion tensed in the booth, and his hand slipped beneath the table, perhaps hovering over a weapon he had concealed on his person. Viki didn't notice. She was lost in some new vision, and she was up, and.. dancing.

Yes. Dancing. The seer's half steps about the booth had shifted, and now resembled a dance indeed, with fluttering fabric and many layers and colors. Her arms were stretched out, then in, and up over a head. She was humming something, but it was barely audible.

"Messengers," she whispered.

Glanhelmion had interrupted. "Yo Viki I think I'll take a walk wait here kay?" He rubbed his temples to relax himself, then headed for the door.

We like him. He's always angry and hungry.

Vision churned and burned and painted her face. Her eyes were canvases for the other worldly. She turned and dipped with each step to a song played only within. "Waiting," she called out quietly, to the Trueblood, who was gone before she knew it.

But she was not alone for long. Domikai appeared in the alleyway door.

"Skado!" Her theatrics died down and she flashed him a knowing smile. Feet, once small, graceful things, steadily gained speed and fury as she rushed to meet him.

Unbeknown to the lovers, Mr. Howe scowled from afar. Perhaps it was because her pseudo protector (or perhaps official protector), Glanhelmion, had disappeared, allowing easy access to the seer, but the opportunity was shot down by Domikai's sudden appearance.

The realm may never know.

Still, Howe sat tapping away, always in threes, and every now and then the seer's movements picked up on this rhythm, and eyes blinked in threes and feet tapped in threes and similar things occurred, but the girl was oblivious as to why. She was a beacon, yes, and a conduit, and a window too, but much was misunderstood.

Sometimes the sandman understood, though. Perhaps that was why she was so attached to him.

"Am I so little?" He had called her "little dancer" again. It was something his brother Irrykin said too, but she hadn't told him much about that. Now, she was beaming, tap-tap-tap, and feet turned on toes and heals clicked along polished floorboards. There was a spring in her step as she skittered around his shadow, and then landed promptly beside him.

"Perhaps not so." He said softly, however distracted. His black eyes were watching Howe too.

"Does it want after something you know?" Pieces of his shadow began to rise up and whirl around the girl. The magic of his people was always a cause for surprise.

"Want I think." She whispered a reply in regard to Howe, but aqua eyes flickered back and forth as that rising shield of shadow swirled around her figure. "Protection?" She asked, but she didn't really need to. She knew what he was doing, and there was gratitude woven in the word, and love too, though she wouldn't try to say it. She knew better than that. And he could always read that on her face.

"He seeks the firefly. Whether you met her or not.. is black." Blank, she meant, surely. And she watched patterns form in the shadow, and pretty soon the occupants of the Inn looked less and less real.

Across the room and at the bar, two enemies spoke. One was Howe, the other Lucien Mal, whom Viki would later get to call "Uncle Lucky." Do read on.

"Oh, its you. The pest who enjoys cluttering our offices. However did you accomplish it, Mal? Rhy'Din courts are typically so slow. And yet? You have such a flair for igniting them against us."

"I can't imagine what you are speaking of, my good man." Lucien said with an easy smile. "May I join you. Thank you." It wasn't so much a question.

"I was waiting on someone. Why don't you excuse yourself, Mal, take a walk off a short pier, before I am forced to take care of you myself."

"Come now. What is a drink between friends? Where is your sense of professional courtesy?"

"Friends?!" Howe roared. "You dare to name us such after all the trouble you've caused us? All our re-- work has been suspended in Rhy'Din because of you, Mal."

"If you didn't like whiskey, you should have just said so," Lucien quipped.

But let's get back to our lovers, Victoria and Domikai, or Viki and Skado, as some liked to call them. Tasha Oberon, daughter of Corwyn, had appeared, and though she looked somewhat out of focus through Domikai's shadow-wall, she was still within the seer's Sight.

"Blood-not-blood," she whispered to her lover and shifted at his side. Little feet pressed into a ballerina's third-position, and fingers found their way along his hand. Soon, her fingers were tangled with his, but she was still so careful of his claws.

"You know her and you do not," she motioned to where Tasha perched. "She knows of the snake. Should we speak?" All those lovely s sounds spilled from seer lips in equal irony.

And they had much to discuss, if she could only form coherent sentences.

"Perhaps for you to speak, and us to listen," he replied.

"Okay! But come.." She urged with eyes and hands and all the features of a lovely face. "I like the shadow." The confession was a shy thing, and her smile was half-there.

When the two finally joined Tasha, with slow steps and equal strides, the woman greeted them as if they'd been expected. Pleasantries were passed with necessary speed.

"Um.. Viki.. I talked to Bel, Luse, Luc and such and told em about the trouble.. and they told me I needed to give ya this." Tasha's hands gripped a small box she'd set upon a side table and slid it to the seer.

The trouble? With Name-Like-Bells? You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

Meanwhile, Howe and Lucien's conversation became less civil - if it ever was - and more heated.

"Don't think we don't know who was behind the wreckage of our local office, Mal, and our security branch. Did you like what you saw? Leaving that feather." Howe's angry laughter drowned out most other sounds. "You think you're so smart?! You have no idea with whom you are playing Mal. I will see you rotting, your soul captured in a stone for me to play with when the mood takes me!"

"All is fare in love and war, Howe. Surely you prescribe to that."

"Love and War. You have no idea what war with us means, Insect."

"So why don't you sit back down, have a drink with me and you can educate me on what war means to you."

"After what you have done to us! You have gone as mad as that insane Blood, Tara. Why don't we step outside, Mal? Where fewer eyes lurk. Then perhaps I can show you what I mean by war." It was clear to the casual observer that Howe was having a hard time holding himself together.

"Careful who you call insane, Howe."

"But you are insane, Mal. You've declared war upon the wrong people. You are fighting your own kind."

A moment, if you please! Let's shift our attention back to Viki, Domikai, and Tasha, and the mysterious box of course. The girl had to release her hold on the lover's hand to accept the curious present, which she was somewhat reluctant to do.

"This? It is a box, all corners." Her eyes danced over the edge of the item, falling to the floor and back to Tasha's face. Viki's fingers were careful to receive the package and place it in her lap.

"Why?" She asked. Questions, questions. And you thought she knew everything.

Tasha spoke quickly, and her head bobbed between words. "It's a Blood Pin actually. Means your one of us and that affords protection and stuff. Later, if ya want I can take ya to pick out a coat too. Seemed easier this way. Sides, Bel seemed really keen on it and the rest agreed. Ya just gotta think really hard and hold on to that little lapel pin when ya get in trouble and it will transport ya to the Manor.. and trust me, ain't nothing gonna get in there."

The lover seemed awfully quiet at Viki's side.

"I am Blood?" The girl's eyes were wide, and her fingers were wild, and they threw the lid off the box in a start. Maybe her voice was a bit louder than the rest, and ate up the white noise of the crowd for only a moment. Soon, her eyes were only for the pin which lay inside.

"Well.. Tara is, so it's only right you are too... Don't ya think?"

Across the way, Lucien Mal was all smiles as he watched the exchange between Tasha and Viki at the corner of his eye. "I've never said I wasn't insane."

Howe spun around in disbelief. "YOU DID THIS!" His voice boomed over the crowd.

"I've done nothing at all. Just came over to see if I could share a drink with a fellow barrister." Lucien said ever so calmly.

Howe reached for him and snatched him by the jacket from across the bar. Lucien made no move to stop him.

"This is an expensive jacket. Careful you don't ruin it. Or else I'll just have to send you the bill."

Howe only hissed into Lucien's face. "You can't keep her from me, not with a piece of paper, not with a pin, not with the stain of Blood. You can't stop me. Oberon will pay for what he's done, and so shall you!"

"The order requires you to remain away from the family. All members of the family," said Lucien.

And then the Inn erupted, a mess of chaos and violence, with Howe in the offense, Lucien and the Bloods in the defense...

And that is how Victoria Alexandra Chylde Buckhannah LeVey LeFay Valir D'Amberville Tesser became a member of Blood House Onyx, and a Blood too.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:42 EST
(Author's Note: Lyrics to follow are all Tiger Army.)

Poor Glanhelmion Tasartir. He was the official appointed bodyguard to Tara and Viki, and boy, did he have his hands full these days.

Viki was the Beacon, attracting both friend and foe alike. Lately, it was pretty much all foe. We can count them, if you want. Here: Howe (Snakeskin), Gabriel (Name-Like-Bells), the Farseer Uruviel (the one with the too-big eyes eating up everything), and Lucy and Alex Ravenlock, and Lain (the Doll), after she had involved herself with the attempt on Jewell Ravenlock's life.

Poor Glanhelmion Tasartir. He sent shadow sentinels to watch after her and her lover Domikai when they departed for Unhome. Unfortunately, Domikai was a desertman, a creature of shadow too, and usually Glanhelmion's shadow sentinels were eaten alive by Domikai's own.

Poor Glanhelmion Tasartir. It made his job all the more difficult, but he neglected to tell the Sandman of his mission, and the Sandman neglected to tell the seer about the shadow sentinels.

And shadows neglect to scream when they die.

So we'll open to one night in particular, with Glanhelmion battling the Farseer. It is only appropriate for what comes later. You'll see.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:43 EST
Under dark waters the light glows
In the eyes of cats at night it shows
All pain and sorrow left behind
And through the darkness my love shines

Red Dragon Inn Porch: That Night In Particular

The seer and the Farseer were locked in a mental battle on the porch. Uruviel was trying to invade her mind, for reasons unknown. Glanhelmion did not neglect to examine the situation before striking, but he did not waste any time either.

"Fight me in the plane we know best afar from mortal physical contact. Or we both die here... And none of us win. There is meaning to this attack... Indulge me... Let me see if your kind is worth my effort in your alliance with."

Oh, but there was the reason!

Viki was not without weapons to defend herself from this mental attack. As Uruviel pushed into her mind, Viki warped the landscape. It turned topsy-turvy and lay sprawled out for the invader in an all too welcome way. Pathways were patchwork, similar to her dress, all clashes of color. Somewhere, there was a voice, a bit too-high, but no presence - no astral body for this plane. This was her playground, and it was her right to appear.

"Follow-the-leader," said the mind of the seer.

The path curled underfoot, and the two in this reality looked as perfectly still and statuesque - young and old, near and far. If Uruviel continued this intrusion, she would surely be lost.

While Viki took care of the mental aspect, Glanhelmion stepped up to take care of the physical.

"Release the Seer!" He shouted, drawing his broadsword as Uruviel intensified her mental attack.

Pain was a flicker of candlelight, a spark, a sensation to lure the seer back to reality. Beads of sweat gathered at her forehead, and she stirred in this trance. Fingers twitched at her sides, toes too, and knees began to buckle beneath her small weight. Soon, Viki's mouth dropped open, and the scream that followed was loud enough to shake this reality and the one invented - breaking the link, severing the tie, and the seer went crashing to the floor of the porch. Sound carried. Maybe they even heard it inside the Inn.

Viki's hands clasped her ears and shielded them from her own shattering sounds. The strength and ferocity and violence of it did not die down. She twitched on the floor, still screaming, outrage and outcry all at once as Glan and Uruviel threatened to crash into one another from above.

Then threat became real, and the two tangled, all armor and sword and steal.

Then, what was this? The woman fell too, and Viki scrambled with wild legs and hands still attached to ears to the railing of the porch.

She was not alone for long.

"Woah, there, easy, Ultrinnan. Hush, and be still." Jodiah Ayreg appeared on the porch and caught her with open arms as she threatened to topple off the side. His arms were quick to catch, even heavily armored arms, but all of that was not quite enough, for the thrashing girl-form was still violent in all directions and senses, save for hearing. She wouldn't hurt her own ears, after all. Her scream was more powerful than most forces of nature.

Eventually, he got her to settle down - eventually.

"The things I do for you, Ultrinnan. As if enough people don't already think we're lovers."

He's funny, since he calls you Daughter on the inside.

And they went inside.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:48 EST
A thousand miles we are apart
So tightly wrapped in thorns my heart
My song is heard in owls' cries
And through the darkness my love shines

Red Dragon Inn: That Night in Particular, about a half hour later.

She tried to explain the situation on the porch to Lady Belial, but it came out something like this:

"This lady with the too-big eyes outside tried to fit herself into my head and maybe you should go see because Glanhelmion is still out there though I believe he lopped her hand off." Then, with a small lopsided smile, she added, "Paint all over."

Ayreg didn't do much better with his explanation:

"Just some elf I barely remember and some person I didn't know having it out."

Belial excused herself and stepped out onto the porch to investigate. Viki took this all in with some quiet amusement, despite the fact that Glanhelmion was covered in blood and body parts just a few feet away. Other things were coming to light here, secret exchanges between beings both near and far. Her fingers twirled into her mismatched hair, catching locks of white and chestnut, tangling them all the moreso as she peered up at Ayreg in quiet study.

"Smoke?" He asked her quietly, reaching for a pouch latched to his belt. It wasn't the first time he offered her his pipe, and it wasn't the first time she accepted it, but it might've been the last.

"Oh! Xas, thank you." She tried to tone down the enthusiasm as she popped back into his view, onto his right side, with an upturned head and eyes in search of his pipe.

"You're a strange little thing, you know that, right? C'mon." He wrapped an arm around her and escorted her to the couch. "So how did that start, anyway?"

"Well.. The door spoke first and I hissed at it and she appeared."

"Hissed at it? Doesn't seem suitable, I think, for you." He presented her with his pipe and fished for his matches. It smelled of tabacco and old air.

With a twitch of her nose, the pipe was taken between delicate fingers and pressed into her mouth. "I can hiss
now. I learned how." The words were spoken through a bobbing pipe.

"And I have learned a long time ago how to snake a soul from someone's body without a touch. But that doesn't mean that I should, understand?" He lit the pipe for her and instructed her on how to properly smoke it.

"Yes but you made that lady melt that one time... " She flicked the pipe back and forth for a while, then did as he instructed, watching the smoke billow forth, up and out, and she squinted to watch for shapes.

"Yes... well.." He finished the thought with some signature Ayreg incomprehensible grumbling.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:50 EST
It lights the green fog on the hill
It burns in shooting stars as wishes are fulfilled
Glowing as bright as fireflies
Yes, through the darkness my love shines

Red Dragon Inn: That Night in Particular, about an hour later.

Sid made a sudden appearance, greeting people as she passed them by. Viki happily puffed away at the pipe, watching the smoke trail to the ceiling, taking shape around the rafters. When she spotted Sid, she shot up a hand and waved.

She greeted her with kisses blown from both hands.

Ah she marks you again and again.

"You know, Ultrinnan, sometimes I--" Ayreg's words were cut short. Perhaps by Sid's entrance, perhaps by something else. Viki didn't seem to notice. She was too busy catching Sid's kisses with a smile, save for the pipe which stuck between her teeth.

Time ticked by. Ayreg fell quiet at her side, so the pipe smoke kept her company, forming little creatures which perched above her head. She spoke to them, though silently, and they never seemed to reply.

Sometimes Viki forgot that words needed to be spoken, but all was not quiet for long.

"Mind if'n I sit down with ye, Shimmer?" Asked Sid, with a bottle of Midnight Tears in one hand, and a cup in the other. Shimmer was her new name for Viki.

"Please sit Manon.." Her words were muffled due to the presence of Jodiah's pipe. The seer had hold of it and wasn't letting it go, even as smoke rose out of their way, to the rafters and beyond. But soon there was nothing left to smoke, no shapes to be made.


"Jodiah's pipe." Sid noted as she slipped beside the seer on the sofa. Sadness colored those two words. Viki remembered that emotions never needed to be spoken.

Speaking of colors, the Midnight Tears offered a new distraction, and her off-blues charted a course for the dark blue drink.

"I wrote in a colour like that and stuck it between two more. You got it? The note, I mean." Recently, Sid forged an alliance with one Lord Erich Von Locke, and sent word to Viki to inform her. Viki replied twice, once in words, once in writing - and oh how she hated writing!

"I did, indeed, Shimmer. Than' ye. So sorry if'n the page rattled ye." Sid smiled. It was much more likely that the seer had rattled the delivery boy page.

"Nau. I think perhaps I may have rattled him. Sometimes that happens.."

You see?

"He quit, anyway, so it be nae matter."


Words and words. She does not speak the ones she wants.

"Tara an' I played dress-up the gnome on me shift Saturday. Looks like he be gettin' free o' ye cousin's paralyzer, though. I suspect I be gettin' dren for it when he sees me next."

You must press her.

"Oh. Tara does naut always play fair.." She gave a small chuckle at the thought, and the girl reclined, with legs outstretched and feet meeting at opposite ankles. "Did you get all your hair back Manon?" She pressed her now, with thoughts of Howe and Gabriel coming to the forefront.

"An'... Nae, Shimmer. I 'ave nae gotten back me pieces." Sid looked rattled.

Keep going.

"There was a big sounding thing.. We heard it from Unhome.." A quirk of a brow as some evidence crossed Sid's eyes, and Viki shifted somewhat closer. Sometimes she just enjoyed breathing her in.

"Aye, luv. The courthouse blew up. An'..." Sid swallowed harshly. "An' Lucky's home, too." Then, her eyes fell to her lap.

"Uncle.." The seer whispered, still tasting the title on her tongue because it was still so new. A small sadness touched her face, mixed with concern, and then fear for the unknown, but she pressed Sid even still. "Where?"

"I dun where he be, Shimmer. They found nae body belonging' to him. Though, he be supposedly at home. He be goin' to..." Sid took a drink and attempted to finish. "He be goin' to help me with some thin's. I jus' know 'twas tha' who be stealin' the pieces from me. I know it." There was violence in her eyes.

The girl drew her knees to her chin and sat so still between those cushions. She just stared at Sid with blue-green eyes as wide as saucers, surprised by violence, but curious all the same. "I will help. He can naut touch me now." It was Howe she spoke of, of course. Now that she was a Blood, he couldn't harm her. Right? Right. Right!

"Aye, sweetlin', ye can be helpin'. But, ye keep safe. Aye?"

"Xas. I will." Softness lingered on that young face, rivaled by an equally soft voice, and a newfound smile appeared as she looked Sid's way.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:51 EST
In the flames of candles in your room
In the smallest sliver of a waning winter moon
Electric like a neon sign
Yes, through the darkness my love shines

Red Dragon Inn: That Night in Particular, in sync.

The inanimate speak:

Look at how she presses closer to you. It is as if you both feed off of each other. She, who smells of distant universes, of newborn stars... You, on the other hand, are a raging electrical storm. So, we beg to ask, is the universe ordered or disordered? Does she match your chaos or does she kill it? We understand your attraction to each other far better than either of you. Watch.

Now. Yes. Now. Watch.

Now she will speak the words she wishes to speak.

She asks you about the unrealities, about the planes you travel to within and without. She wants to be in-between like you. She asks about the Sun. Is the Sun real? Is the Moon real? Does the Moon birth the Sun? We cannot make much sense of what she says and yet you nod your pretty little mismatched head as if you do.

She asks you to take her there. She wants to walk the paths you walk. Your mate walks them, but look at the price he has paid, at the price you both have paid. She needs you, and we know why. Her mate is still wondering what you are. Your mate wonders the same thing.

We can tell you what you are, but we don't think you'll understand. It is the other part, not of Dark Elf or Human. But even now, you are puzzled by what you hear.

Her mate is there listening, as is the Dark One, the one who calls you Daughter on the inside. Neither of them understand, but they might want to follow. Fate has other plans for the latter. Perhaps Manon's mate can follow, but we think he'll just get Lost, and Lost, though a popular destination, is not a pleasant one.

Are you listening?

Are you..?


Date: 2007-03-28 15:52 EST
( Author's Note: This one runs alongside the last bit of Comes the Inquisitor. )

Burning like pagan fires of long ago
Luminescent my heart shines for you -
So don't let go

Red Dragon Inn: Several Nights Later.

It was a rogue wind that told her where to go, and when. It was a rogue wind. What most of the denizens of Rhy'Din don't know is that rogue winds carry spirits of the Lost.

Victoria was no ordinary denizen.

She blew in on that rogue wind, all mismatched hair and wild eyes. She blew in screaming frantic whispers.

"Firefly! Firefly!"

Garen Corlagon, Murderer, the one who'd taken Ayreg's arms and made them to choke.. the one in his arms.. had arrived.

"Shimmer!" She heard Sid shout, but violence threatened to tear the Inn apart. Men and women were up in arms, drawing swords and all other manners of weaponry. Viki didn't handle the chaos well, what with the shouting and the fighting. Several members of her family were present, but she couldn't distinguish who was who. She looked quite lost for a moment, sticking a finger between painted lips and another into her hair.

"Gods...Viki...get out of the way!" It was Scottie this time. But where was his voice coming from? She didn't have to wonder for long. He grabbed her and started to pull her along. The room was a blur. The air seemed soaked with blood. And where was Jodiah Ayreg?

She couldn't see. She couldn't speak. Soon, Sid reached out and pulled Viki away from Scottie, away and close and the trio ducked behind the bar.

Tucked between Sid and Scottie, the seer whispered, "One with.. the puppet.. he is..." The rest was a riddle-ramble.

"Viki luv...speak straight or don't speak at all." Scottie said before his attention shifted to Tasha Oberon, who fired at Corlagon with all the ferocity her blaster could muster. Her little face twisted into a look of utter disbelief. For all Viki knew, she was speaking straight! It was Scottie's words that took sharp turns and dips along the road to forming a true statement.

Sid responded differently to the seer's riddle. She ran her fingers through the girl's mismatched hair. It was an attempt to soothe her while giving her a knowing nod.

Viki blinked and set herself against Sid, a breath for a breath, to draw her in. As Sid held her, she reached for her mate.

"Help me, m'love. Help me find those roots."

After that, things just got all kinds of strange. Some kind of supernatural energy surged between Sid and Scottie. Viki felt it run deep, but couldn't see the purpose from her hiding place. From far below, the floorboards gave up their roots, and roots became vines which broke through all those polished surfaces to surround Corlagon the murderer.

But the seer didn't see. Instead, she released a guttural groan, let her lids fall over those odd colored eyes, and then, she too fell limp, riding the wave of energy.

It was like sliding through a solar system. Her little face flushed, and she fell further in, in the physical, trapped in Sid's embrace. "Firefly," she whispered. It was all she could muster as the sound of battle swirled around her.

Now. Take her on that trip you promised. Take her to see the Sun and the Moon. She wants to ask questions. She needs to see the things you see, to travel where you tread.

"Kept his promise," said the half there happy captive. Viki took hold of the Ancient's elbow, and drew closer. It was time. It was the perfect time. She inhaled, and attempted to take her along, to the Elsewhere, but instead, unwittingly, she took something from her. The air sizzled. The girl glowed.

No! That was completely utterly and inexcusably wrong!

She glowed like she did when she was Travanix's captive. She could still hear the surprise in his voice:

"Oh...that's interesting. I'm going to have to explore that in the lab..."

It was a fleeting light, but to many who knew her well, the change was noticeable. She didn't always light up on the outside, but on the inside, it was blinding. Domikai, her Sandman lover, had been the first to call her a beacon. Perhaps he had seen it all along.


Date: 2007-03-28 15:53 EST
And in the darkest hour of night
Moments before sleep comes and dreams come into sight
Just know that you are on my mind
And through the darkness my love shines

Red Dragon Inn: And Several Nights After That

The air smelled of electrical storms and sweet wines. It would certainly announce her arrival. Small slippered feet were all pitter-patter on the cobblestone path. She wore a smile on her face and levity on her shoulders. Her delicate fingers were tangled with the lover's as they made their way along, with her singing some song she pieced together, snippets of languages both known and foreign to her. Perhaps at one point, it told a story. Now, it was just one big melodic ramble as they drew closer to the porch.

Domikai the Sandman, Victoria the seer, together tonight.

?Little song bird...? He remarked between a pause in her song and a pause in his smoking. His strides were slowed to match her own as they walked.

Her off-blue eyes rolled into her lover?s and caught that new term of endearment with a small laugh. It broke a big fat hole in her song, and unfortunately, the little seer couldn't piece it back together. No matter. Onto other things, other thoughts. Soon, her eyes were chasing his clove smoke, watching for shapes.

?I see song birds there..? She said with a wrinkled nose and a free hand which turned about all the clean air, reaching higher to upset the trailing cloud of smoke.

His eyes drifted from hers unexpectedly and moved to the awaiting porch.

?Not quite little birds, like nights not quite empty of eyes..? She saw his ears twitch, in search of sound. Her lover was alerted by something which lurked quite near.

But the Sight pushed through.

?I see..? Higher and higher, her hand climbed, reaching to touch what wasn't there at all, but there was something else too. It fell sharply to her side, and she increased the speed of her gait, with him in tow of course. ?..their wings,? said the girl.

?We hear bells.? The sandman said, easily adjusting his stride to meet her new speed. Soon, he untangled his hand from her grip and slipped behind her, but rested a palm on her shoulder.

She played the leader, with her feet approaching the stairwell, and her hand on the edge of the railing. ?Bells,? she whispered, and shot a look to him from over her shoulder, happy to be wearing his hand, but loathe to walk up the steps first. ?Or.. like bells,? she finished.

?Or like watching shadows...? Domikai commented, removing her hand from the railing with a lover?s tender care. Then, drifting in front of her, he ascended the stairs.

She was happy to trail behind him, with half steps at first, and great care to keep her hands at her sides. She abandoned the railing like it wore the taint of a trap. Up one-two-three, and for a moment her eyes flickered to the space beneath the porch, and a memory washed over her from a time not too long ago.

Where things go to die. Where you cried and cried when he first told you what he had done, what he let happen. And you keep his secret even now as he lays in bed in the in-between.

?Good evening Seer. I was hoping to catch you out tonight,? said a voice from the deepest shadows at the far end of the porch. Gabriel caught her off guard. She had been wrapped up in a memory before he announced himself.

She lifted her head, and a temporary terror took hold of her.

?Name-Like-Bells,? she whispered.

Domikai stood agitated from behind her and pulled her close by the shoulder. His shadow was unfocused on the floor and began to take on life, on shape, and rise up, pouring over her legs. Soon, those parts of the seer were completely covered, lost in the dark, in the protective shadow covering.

?Thief of eyes?? The Sandman?s dark eyes were blank as they took in Gabriel, but the seer felt his violence from below.

Gabriel only moved closer, recklessly perhaps, and intent on getting his point across. The seer only pressed her spine to the Sandman?s chest and begged the shadows to hurry, and swallow her up before, before?

?Ah, little seer, I have been watching you. You have been very bad. Stealing.? Gabriel?s voice was a soft, soothing thing, the type one would use to attract, to fold in, to lure.

?Little deaf harpies.? The Sandman?s reply was a strange reference, one perhaps only the seer understood. As if on command, his shadow did rise, and Viki saw her waistline disappear beneath the murky shield.

The seer, the creature of in-betweens, was now in-between the two. With a rustle of patchwork fabric, shifting feet moved to sink deeper against the lover, and, if possible, melt.

?Nau,? she spoke to Gabriel. Her confusion was clear, and fear apparent, but all of it started to disappear as the shadows climbed ever higher. Finally, though she was there, she was hidden, beneath a wall of black.

?I am coming for you, little one. Hide now for it will not stop me from the seeking. I know what you took, seer. It taints you even now. You can't hide from me forever.? The seraph?s soft words would haunt her much later. Perhaps that was his intention.

Though his words penetrated the shadow, thankfully Gabriel did not ? could not. Power hummed electric in the air, rolling off the shrouded seer, who was quivering, unseen.

?Did naut take...? She stuttered, and black was eating everything, even the faint glow of light clinging to her flesh.

?Thief calling thieves lacks merit. She is not yours to have.? Domikai?s voice had increased in volume and bore teeth.

Then, Alma appeared on the porch steps, wearing her signature tweed. Her eyes took in the trio as if in passing, but her held a certain tension as she spoke. Unfortunately, Viki couldn?t see.

?Is there a problem here, creature? Perhaps I might be of assistance??

Before any of them could react, Gabriel had hopped from the porch to settle on the roof of the building across the street. He was quick in his retreat. We?ll give him that.

Viki?s fingers gathered a handful of fabric at either end of a skirt when her anxiety reached a definite climax. Gabriel?s presence, felt so close, even between this wall of shadow, was a nightmare. Teeth sunk into her lower lip, an attempt to stop her quivering, but, just as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone! Not sensed, not smelled.. well, really, do his kind smell? Manon smelled of multiuniverses, of stardust.. She blinked and tugged on the lover's shirt.

But he covets and he waits. Beware.

Alma uttered a bored sigh. ?I do grow weary of men who assume they can prey upon women here.? She followed it up with a bit of laughter and shook her head. ?I will help the girl in need; there is nothing in it of you...?

Alma's honey-combed voice was heard, near, and then, far-off too. Confusion was ever-present, and that tug on his shirt became increasingly furious. ?Where is he??

?It will call stolen that which cannot be taken.? Domikai?s hand still gripped her shoulder, even beneath the blanket of shadow, which he soon allowed to recede.

?Above,? he said in reply.

?Name-Like-Bells. Run if he kisses them at you..? Her hands quickly released the fabric at her sides and fingers were displayed before his eyes. ?Them. These.?

?Kiss of the never living. We see...? His simple words were trailing them as he led her to the door, and consequently, within.

?Manon says.. he'll take you..? But she was still rambling as her feet crossed the threshold, and though the Inn was a sanctuary of sorts, she knew it was not truly safe.

?Some things cannot be caught by little nooses, accepted or non...? The Sandman drew the door shut, as if he could lock out the pair of eyes still watching from across the street. Upon entrance, the pair was received with the usual chatter and occasional friendly wave, the offering of drinks and the familiar service of the Red Dragon Inn. The scene here was very different than what the porch had promised them, but the seer could not shake her distress so easily.



Date: 2007-03-28 16:38 EST
In the tower above the earth,
There is a view that reaches far
Where we see the universe,
I see the fire, I see the end.

Seven miles above the earth,
There is Emmanuel of mothers.
With his sword, with his robe,
He comes dividing man from brothers.

In the tower above the earth, we built it for Emmanuel.
In the powers of the earth, we wait until it rips and rips.
In the tower above the earth, we built it for Emmanuel.
Oh my mother, she betrayed us, but my father loved and bathed us.

Still I go to the deepest grave,
Where I go to sleep alone.

-Sufjan Stevens


Date: 2007-03-28 16:39 EST
It?s in the air
For all our guests to stare
Their speech left pacified
With a cowards glare
- A Static Lullaby

Present Day

Winter's chill did not seem to penetrate the Unhome, though skillful Jack threw his frost over the tarp that hung as a makeshift curtain for the door that was not a door. The sleeping seer lay outstretched on their bedding, warmed by the imprint of Domikai?s body. Though he was not with her, his presence was everywhere. His warmth was a powerful adversary for the winter wind, and she carried her lover?s essence even as she wandered. She was often seen with her overcoat flapping in the open air, oblivious to February?s reign.

She woke with a start. Jolted, perhaps by a dream, she shot up and pulled her knees to her chin. Comfort came with a habitual humming-rocking rhythm, and Domikai?s bird stared awkwardly at her, then flapped her wings, as if to mirror Viki?s motions.

Distracted by the bird, the seer snapped out of her daze and crawled from the matt, shifting blankets and bedding alike on one side, but careful so as not to destroy the outline her lover left on the other.

?Did you hear his voice?? She asked the bird, who seemed preoccupied with an intruder insect and paid her no mind.

Ah, little seer, I have been watching you. You have been very bad. Stealing.

The girl shivered, but not for the cold. Frustrated by the bird?s refusal ? or inability ? to answer, Viki threw her coat haphazardly over her shoulders and ducked outside.

?Name-Like-Bells.? She lifted her face to the afternoon sky, marred ever so slightly by a passing cloud. It was three, or perhaps four, she decided, noting the position of the sun and the length of her shadow.

I am coming for you, little one. Hide now for it will not stop me from the seeking. I know what you took, seer. It taints you even now. You can't hide from me forever.

?Can too. Can-do.? She crossed her arms over her middle, then fumbled through the multicolored fabric of her patchwork skirt. After several moments of an awkward dance with her ensemble, she retrieved a small parchment, folded wildly and dog-eared.

?What are you?? She murmured, curling the paper like a child?s telescope and peering through the end.

And, just like that, she walked for several miles, one eye closed, the other fixed and focused through a paper spyglass titled toward the sky.


Date: 2007-03-28 16:41 EST
Bend around
The wind silently
Thrown about
Again I'm treading so
Soft and lightly
Compromising my will
I am
- A Perfect Circle

Red Dragon Inn
Several Days Ago

The seer had blown in with the wind, all color and words for the room as she entered, her slipper-clad feet taking up a signature stride for the bar.

"Cousin!" She cried, spotting Tara across the commons.

"Viki! Watch your toes! Tara let lose poisonous snakes!" It was Gavilean who sounded the first warning. Viki shot a look to Tara, then let her gaze scatter, taking in faces both familiar and - not. Her fingertips twitched at her sides, getting a feel for the air, which was electrified with the sound of alarm.

"Small poisons in comparison," was her soft reply.

Tara seemed unaffected. "Hi cous!" She even waved.

The girl's lips twisted and morphed into a smile. She mirrored her cousin's wave, but sidestepped, Manon-bound, and wary of those snakes. The Ancient's presence was strong in the spotlight.

"Ages and ages," said the girl as she rounded Sid's table. For the moment, as if overwhelmed by Manon's company, she was oblivious to the notorious Mister Howe, who served as this particular night's dark presence and lurked nearby. His eyes, of course, were glued to her movements. The seer, for her title and her large eyes, did not quite see the true snake, but her fingers took up a familiar tap-tap-taping rhythm at her right elbow.

Several other greetings were sounded before the girl lost track of reality.

Hey, it happened every now and then.

She stopped short, not quite reaching the Ancient, nor anyone else for that matter. She found her feet inexplicably glued to the floor.

"Something, something.." Her singsong voice broke the silence of her non-motions, but perhaps it was swallowed by the dull roar of the crowd.

Time marches without a coin for measurement. Giant snakes slither past her feet. Patrons and matrons alike had sharp words for her cousin Tara.

Meanwhile, Viki rolled her shoulders and settled in the midst of it all, dead center on the floor of the commons. The position served an obvious purpose: here she could better see the tables and chairs and legs entwined beneath them.

Who are we looking for?

"A-hunting-we-will-go..." It was an appropriate choice of music for the moment, and she began to slink forward, on hands and knees this time, with shifting fabric to follow - that familiar skirt with its patchwork pattern and a heavy overcoat.

Oh. There he is. Do you remember when Tasha lopped off his head? He grew it back since then. He found a second set of skin.

Her shriek was sudden, but all encompassing, and it shot up from her crawl on the floor and outward to victimize all. It could've shattered a glass or two, if there were any in her path.


Differentiate girl. They don't think you mean Howe.

Tara only sighed. "I know, I know."

Tera was next. "We know Viki!"

"Knowledge all over." Said the seer. Her face was colored appropriately, and she was pointing at the seemingly empty air. Howe's table was several feet away, but currently vacant. He seemed to have slithered off in her moment of discovery, but she was sure he had been there.

"It sat right there and ate a cigarette." Finally her hand fell, and her fingers rolled into place, tightening into a balled fist. She sat back, first on her feet before falling to one side, perplexed and quiet for the most part.

Cigarette? You confuse villains.

"Or maybe did naut eat but rather held between lips although the tar told me otherwise." Her nose twitched with the notion, and already those large eyes were moving onto bigger and better things.

Of course, it was then that Howe returned. He passed as near to her as he could manage without causing suspicion. But she was on the floor, transfixed as ever, but for what or who no one could tell. Every now and then, she murmured softly, some nothing-nonsense-singsong that let her loved ones know she was still there.

Lenika passed through and sent a wave her way.

That sudden movement was all she needed. She woke with a light tapping of fingertips on her bare knee - yes, bare knee. She weathered winter better than most. Though she realized the wave a bit late, she mimicked the motion, and she shot a smile to Lenika before shooting up, a bouncing ball of color and two-toned hair again. Wildly animated, she moved to the bar.

"Oh-oh-oh.." At the very end, just where the corner came to a point, did she lift herself. Aqua eyes were a bit on the cloudy side that day- a chance of rain. Her slender legs took up a habitual swing as she settled comfortably into her new perch. Dainty hands came to rest upon the counter top, leaving handprints at the surface with each shift in her seat.

Howe's associate, Mister Dewey, was not too far, and as he passed through the threshold, the walls wailed a warning that passed like a shockwave through psychic ether. That shifting air caught her attention - flesh slicing through atmosphere. The girl turned sharply, finally setting her eyes on Mister Howe.

"I told her so." She whispered.

Meanwhile, Dewey was moving through the crowd, his own eyes shifting to Viki and Tara before he reached his partner's table.

Her brows dipped into a severe little frown, and caution crossed her fine features.

"The bugses.."

Yes. And they never understood that warning either. How they infested Sid!

Time passed. The girl watched them watch her, then watched their exchange of words. Her courage was like a cloak, thicker than the outercoat she wore and made perhaps of metal - like that beast of Glanhelmion's. Thoughts of the guardian surfaced as she slinked along the bar, and when she came to a standstill between herself and a patron, she simply climbed over them.

This was how she moved, spilling from the counter to the floor.

Her slipper-shoes were barely noticeable in their soft swishing stride. When the overcoat started to sound her arrival by dragging on the floor, she slid out of it with a ballerina's grace. Then on tip-toe, she crept, weaving through the crowd, keeping her head low, herself to the shadows where they could be found.

She caught only small parts of their conversation.

"Have you seen whose sitting at the bar?" Asked Howe of Dewey.

Seer-stealth-mode continued. Though Viki was not exactly clad in camouflage - her clothing was rather loud - she was well hidden by the wall, and by the heads and shoulders of those gathered patrons and matrons. Finally, feet from them, she stopped, and ducked beneath neighboring booth.

"The barrister."
"Yes. Him. He refuses to die."

Once their attention was diverted, once their eyes were on Lucky, the obvious barrister, and not on their spread of papers and notes, did her hand shoot up and snatch the spine of Howe's nearest notebook. It vanished beneath the table in a blur of color, which raced across the room. Her feet were furious in their flight from the pair, and as her eyes searched for a sanctuary, she tossed the book into the very thick folds of her skirt.

Later she would find that the only thing retrieved from her mission with any obvious value was a very long list of names.

And much later she tore these pages free from the spine of the book. They remained, for the most part, folded in her pockets. One was even lucky enough to become a telescope. Of course, it lacked a lens and magnification, but it held another very important purpose.


Date: 2007-03-28 16:43 EST
Your head is humming and it won't go because you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady can't you hear the wind blow and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind
- Led Zeppelin

The road between Unhome and the woods to the south.
Present Day

Hours passed, and the landscape changed. Forest gave way to flatter lands, and in a clearing, in the midst of early evening, she stopped. The little paper telescope had captured something else besides passing clouds and bleak winter sky. The stars were out, and while that was to be expected, one in particular was more brilliant than the rest. In fact, as she squinted through the paper ring round her eye, Viki could see that the object of interest was not a star at all. In fact, it was changing color ? ivory to light blue to emerald green to steal gray. And it was getting closer?

She moved quickly, attempting to catch a better view from another angle.


The pain was only momentary. Something had obstructed her path, and, with her eyes still heavenward, she walked right into it.

Blinking back tears for her stubbed toe and wounded pride, she removed the spyglass from her eye and unrolled the parchment. It objected almost immediately, fluttering violently in her hand as the wind picked up.

But the seer was captivated by what was in front of her: a crystalline staircase, spiraling toward the sky.

Mister Howe?s list would not keep quiet. With more wind, it wrestled until it was free from her grip, landing dead center on the first of the steps, and the letters from each handwritten name began to peel away.

Losing lucidity, the seer crept forward, watching the event with a blend of awe and anticipation. As the letters fell from the list of names, they settled in order on the stairwell.


And then the parchment itself was lifted into the air again, carried upward, on a collision course with whatever lay ahead.

Viki started, slow at first in an attempt to keep her balance, jumping on tip toe when she thought she might catch the list again, but it was always just out of reach.

Onward and upward, the seer went, every now and then reading a new message just under her toes.


About six stories up, then seven, then eight, she stopped to catch her breath. The closer she came, the more she could make out of the object above: a crystalline structure, so like the stairwell that led to it, but in continual transition of color.

Finally, when the trees were just small specks of green, when night had overwhelmed all proper visibility of what was below, the girl sat, exhausted, but still so far from the source.

The air was thinning. Sleep whispered, lulling her into his arms.

She fell backward, her neck supported by the step above, her feet dangling dangerously over the side.

Viki didn?t notice when the stairs began to move, didn?t notice how they carried her further up and away, escalator-style.


Date: 2007-03-28 16:45 EST
Show me the dead stars,
All of them sing.
This is a riot
Religious and clean
Coma white:
All that glitters is cold, all that glitters is cold
- Marilyn Manson

Somewhere between here and there.
Present Day

?Hullo? Hullo!? The soft shaking of her shoulders alerted her. The small boy?s voice was an easy beacon toward the waking world.

?Hullo!? He said again, a slight boy of seven or eight, with a dusty complexion and ears shaped so similar to her own. His violet eyes gave her no cause for alarm. He laughed when she stared at him, then turned his back to her, his ecru locks unruly over his shoulders.

?Hi,? said the seer, cautious as she crept to his side. The scenery was something to behold. The stairwell sat in the center, and she and the boy were at the top of a crystal landing. Several yards away was the tower, and all around it a black ocean of stars.

The structure itself was made of the same material as the stairs and the floor. The walls were jagged tiers, at odds with one another as they climbed into the overhanging darkness. The color of the thing was never a constant, and Viki found herself attracted to it for that fact alone.

Then, she returned her attention to the boy.

?What are you doing?? She asked, her singsong way of speech melting through even with the most awesome of encounters.

?Fishing,? replied the child, and sure enough, in his right hand was a crude sort of fishing pole.

?For who??


Viki sat in silence, watching the little half-Drow at his work. For the first time in a while, thoughts of Howe and her family?s troubles were far from her mind. It might?ve seemed strange how she didn?t question her whereabouts, and perhaps it was because, also for the first time in a while, she felt right at home.

?Oh,? the boy murmured softly, setting his fishing pole on the landing beside them. ?Uncle wishes to see you. Come.? He stood and extended his hand to hers, the proper little gentleman.

She took it and followed. It was all she could think of to do.

The door to the tower was also, surprisingly, not a door. The crystal siding simply parted for their passing.

Inside, there were more stairs. They coiled up to the very top of the tower, like something out of a fairytale. Thankfully, Viki?s reflection remained unseen, devoured by the awkward angles of the glass-like paneling.

The single room was empty, save for the lone figure that awaited their arrival. He was a tower of a man himself, hairless, but with blue skin that glittered as he walked, though there was no light source. Strangely enough, the room was illuminated, but Viki couldn?t figure out the origin.

?Hello Shimmer,? he said with a smile that might?ve melted hearts and broken them all at once. He stretched his hand toward her, his palm facing up, then crooked his fingers in one obvious beckoning motion.

The boy broke ranks with her and scampered to the stranger?s side.

?This is Icarus,? said the blue one, ruffling the boy?s hair in a manner that was quite fatherly. The boy?s face lit up almost immediately, then actually lit, and he himself glowed a soft orange. Their flesh was one and the same, and that same radiance she too possessed.

It didn?t take her long. She was a seer, after all.

?Icarus, go play,? said the blue one to the boy, who, now a blaze of orange, sprinted past them and spilled down the stairs. The stranger?s laughter followed in his wake.

?I forget how it is to be young,? he said, moving toward her in a slow, confident manner. His whole person exuded confidence. He could?ve been likened to a modern day playboy if Viki was in tune to such things.

She got a better look at him as the first affects of shock and surprise died down. Still, there was that feeling of familiarity about the place, like she was supposed to be here. Her little slipper shoes moved across the floor before she could compel them to stop. When they did, he stopped his own advancements, his smile growing all the more intense.

His jaw line, nose, and cheekbones were well-defined and had all the traits of nobility. His eyes large were deeply set, and like his skin, a brilliant blue. To say he was beautiful would be an understatement, but the scale of his stature was enough to be intimidated by. He stood seven, possibly eight feet tall, a stark contrast to Viki?s five-foot-something.

?I have waited a long time for you, Shimmer,? he said, his voice a husky hum that grew wings and carried itself farther than what could?ve been called normal.

Finally, the seer spoke, but it was not singsong. ?Only Manon calls me so.? She had to lift herself on tiptoe just to look at him.

?Ahhh, Manon. Yes, I know of your friendship with the Ancient. And I know how you were able to get here. It was her power you breathed in that day, when your Lord Ayreg battled with the beast who murdered your friend.?

?Here is where? Who are you?? She eyed the windowless walls and then the man before her.

?Forgive me Shimmer, or, is it Victoria? Would you rather me call you that?? He caught her hair with his two blue fingers and curled the white with its chestnut twin. The warmth from those digits acted like a natural curling iron, making spirals of her wild locks.

?I am Taariq. I am your grandmother?s brother, and I am also a star.?


Date: 2007-03-28 16:47 EST
A binary star is a stellar system consisting of two stars orbiting around their center of mass. For each star, the other is its companion star. Recent research suggests that a large percentage of stars are part of systems with at least two stars.
- Wikipedia

The Tower
Present Day

Viki took in a breath, then killed the space between them. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to know him. In hindsight it was obvious how blood called to blood.

?Little seer, how I have waited for you.? He took her in willingly, and like her lover Domikai, Taariq?s skin was almost too-warm, yet hers responded in turn. A soft white radiation began to creep along her outline.

?Grand-brother-star,? she spoke quickly, stringing her words in wild twos and threes, ?how-did-you-know-of-me?? In her pleading eyes one thing was evident: she wished to know her story.

?Once upon a time,? Taariq began, in soft, soothing tones, as one might speak to a child, ?there were twin stars, (binary as some astronomers might call them) a brother and sister pair. They lived in happiness for eons, looking in on the birth of new worlds and civilizations, watching the eventual fall of others.?

?But the sister watched one world too closely, and fell in love with its people,? said Taariq, curling his arms around Viki?s back, tracing the blades of her shoulders.

?So she fell,? and at that last realization, he squeezed his little niece, in part for comfort, in part for effect. ?She left her brother alone, in the vast nothing of space. He was cold and he wept for her, though he watched her. Oh, how he watched her! He watched her fall in love with a half-breed male of an outcast race. He watched her take human form, and a human name, and mix with the abominations, and bear fruit from the union.?

As Viki listened, it was like a fog had lifted, and for once clarity intervened before she could find herself lost down one chasm of reality or another.

?Twinning. It runs in your family. It is the result of our own birth, our binary status. Ones and zeros. I could explain it to you, but I was supposed to have the Orion clan over for dinner, and our time is short.? He took her by the shoulder and led her to the far right corner of the crystalline tower room.

?I took the boy when he was only seven. He had more.. cosmic essence.. than his twin sister, your mother.? As he spoke, he let his free hand waft through the air, and soon an opening appeared in the wall, large enough for a window, but oddly shaped, oval at one end, triangular at the other, like rows of sharp teeth.

?I took him because he was mine to take. Because she left me and I wanted someone. So I took him. Do you know where the term rising star comes from? Ahh, now you do. I named him Icarus. Do you know where the name comes from??

?Melting wings,? said the girl, who looked no more at him but at the window, and hid her disdain.

?Yes, melting wings,? his laughter was just as musical as her own, but heartier in nature. ?He was better off with me anyway. I knew what would happen to your mother. She died, you know, right after you were born ? you and your twin brother. Twinning. Always twins. A pity I couldn?t bring her to me as well, but then, you would?ve never been born.?

He directed her gaze to the window, and to the outcrop of crystal below. Space twisted and changed. Soon, they were looking at a field, and the peasant farmers who worked it.

?Like the mouse in the maze, they cannot see the path ahead, but the scientist directing the experiment knows the way out.? He sidestepped and looped his arms over her sides, bringing her to his chest. She knew he craved closeness, but couldn?t contemplate the depths of his hunger.

?We are the scientist, little seer, little star-to-be. We stand above, looking over, looking beyond what is there. We see what they do not because of our lofty positions. Your madness unlocked that door. The Ancient has given you the key to the understanding of it.?

He dipped down, placing his mouth at the top of her head, and spoke into her hair.

?I would keep you here had I no knowledge of what you would do to yourself as my prisoner. I would ask you to join me if I did not already know your answer.?

Viki cut his speech short. ?Already have a lover.? Her words were clipped, and she spoke nothing of the taboo of incest.

?Think of it, Victoria. You remind me so of your grandmother, Uttara. The same white light. I would keep you safe from those who would hurt you, those who are seeking you still.?

?Name-Like-Bells.? She couldn?t help the quiver of her lips as she spoke of Gabriel, and since Taariq knew much of what was to come, she didn?t try to hide from him.

?There?s a trick to angels,? said the star, withdrawing and closing the window until no evidence of its existence remained. ?Their pride, of course. They say we are the prouder race, we being stars, but they?re wrong. (After all, a star is a star is a star.)?

?Angels,? mused the seer, as if the irony finally penetrated.

?Yes, and now you must go, because you have a delivery to make.? He presented her with the list that started it all, complete with Mister Howe?s handwritten names. No letters were missing. No names misspelled.

?Bel?la dos,? said the girl, and to her joy, Taariq winced.

?Do come back to me child. I know Icarus is quite fond of you, and now, at last, you know the way.? With a sigh befitting a star, Taariq hung his head, and reality crumbled. Crystal shards broke from the walls, split from their foundation, and were pulled into the sky, Taariq and Icarus with them. The girl stood slack-jaw, watching the dark take over, surround her, until at last, she opened her eyes?

?And found herself at the top of a tree, just a mile from the clearing where she wandered. Her shoes hung loose on the tops of her toes, and she struggled to balance herself just beyond the canopy.

Fighting the natural urge to fall, she held on, until salvation came when it finally dawned on her: the Blood lapel pin. It was still attached to her clothing over her right breast, and she pushed it instinctively, dematerializing in front of a thousand creepy-crawly witnesses.

Her destination? Blood House Onyx.


Date: 2007-03-28 20:56 EST
( Author's Note: Follow the bouncing ball... The Seer's Tower, The List of Names, and Cousin-Caller. )

I need a respite from this noise
The distant roar of static oceans
Give me a haven from this bedlam
And let my senses rust away
- Assemblage 23

Red Dragon Inn: Out Front
Day One

Cobble paved the way through busy city streets, until at last the seer came upon the Inn. Lantern light illuminated her soft features, wrapped in layers to keep out the cold. Slipper shoes lasted better than expected in such weather, proving their dexterity as well as her own as she leapt from stone to stone, skipping over threes and fours and fives, humming as she did.

They spoke.

?Mm?? Her game of skip-that-cobble was cut short by the sudden stopping of those feet. She stiffened, then glanced down, large off-blue eyes falling to one stone in particular. Hesitant, she gave a look around, then ducked. Squatting, then sitting on her heels, she murmured to the pavement.

She leaned forward, an easy motion, save for the shifting overcoat. It fell over her shoulders and bunched at her neck as she lowered herself, until at last her mouth was just inches from the stone. Then, she turned, one elegant ear placed just at its center, and there, she listened.

Cigar smoke tainted the air. The seer gave no notice.

?Slither, you say?? Seconds ticked by, measured by the clucking of her tongue.

Instantly, she withdrew, settling back onto her heels in the dirt. Aqua eyes lifted, filled with secrets though obscured by fog. They sought answers in the sky, but the sky was silent, for the most part.

Not all was silent.

?Psst? Girly, girl, what's the rock saying??

The inquiry belonged to one Mr. Howe, of the law firm DCH. Alerted, and perhaps slightly shaken, she turned toward him. He had stepped out of the shadows and settled down in front of her without warning, and though his smile seemed charming, the venom was still there.

?The stones announce your name, Snakeskin.? Her tone was singsong for the moment, but sharp, each syllable short and sweet.

He blinked. ?Oh, I see. So the stone thinks my name is snakeskin. I fear the stone has misled you sweet girl. I know your cousin, the Lady Tara Longden. She's a... friend of mine. And you would be...??

The wind issued a warning, tossing two-toned curls atop her head. As if to answer, she rose. The drifting air rustled the coat at her knees.

?Friend of the Cousin?? That question bordered on blasphemy. She shots him a half-smile, painted quite perfectly on her pretty little face. ?I am Victoria, and you are Snakeskin.?

True name. Unwise. Might as well be Ultrinnan.

?Ahh, Victoria. What a pretty name indeed.? The respectable bow of his head was matched with the offer of his hand. ?It is a pleasure to be sure, dear Victoria. And alas, although your... friend the rock seems to think my name is such, it's Mister Howe. You can call me Mr. Howe.?

?The stones rarely do lie, save for when the rain drowns their voices or when sets of heavy hooves trample all over. I do naut think it best to be a stone in the road. Your feet do naut threaten them so, because they are fake.? Her chin lifted with some element of pride and she crossed her arms at her middle, thus avoiding the connection.

?But you are Mister Howe, as you like,? she added.

?Why, thank you dear Victoria. Might I ask, how long have you been speaking to ah? Uh. Stones??

Tense as his inquiries intensified, stress was building along her spine. She looked at him, square in the eyes, and then further, as if to peel back his secrets. Gelatinous tissue gave way to blood and their vessels, and the hordes of spiraling connective chords that linked back to his brain. There, she delved, little thief she was.

?Since the fog rolled in,? she whispered, and even as those words were given breath and sound and body, she was there, standing very still, and stealing snippets of secrets.

But the seer?s invasion was thwarted by Howe?s sudden realization.

?What are you doing GIRL?!? Realization gave birth to shouting, and as he continued to glorify his outrage, he started for her, his intentions clear.


One second, she was just a strange girl, staring at him from her place along the road, her face marked by moonlight, her eyes marred by obvious madness. And then, the facade slipped, and she was found out! With a sharp and earth-shattering scream, she sidestepped and launched herself back upon the road, scrambling for higher ground.

?Stolen names! Stolen names!? She yelled back. There's a mockery to this latest fragmented exclamation. Half hoping to cause a distraction, she headed backwards, on knees and hands, toward the brush.

But he followed.

?WHAT GAMES Are These?! What Kind of Creature Are YOU?! Not Angel. Nor Demon!?

He has your scent!

Not angel, nor demon, and this was true. The girl looked strikingly Elvin, save for her taller stature, but at the mention of "Angel" she was frozen.

?Name-like-bells,? she whispered.

But cue the cavalry. An audience was gathering just as the blood began to drain from all the fine features of her face. Alysia Skye, Lucien Mallorek (affectionately known as Lucky), Sylvia Nightshade, Guthorm Othinsson, and Erin Dunbridge were spilling into the street, one by one, two by two, some taking to the shadows, others, like Guthorm, moving toward Howe.

?WHO Owns YOU, GIRL?? He roared, nearing her hiding place. Fear was a small obstruction to her flight. On the move again, and ducking into the sanctuary alongside of the road, she vanished, lost beneath a spray of leaves, though every now and then there was a snapping of a twig.

?HOWE!? It was Guthorm. He was gaining speed.

Howe was frantic in his search, bearing down on the smallest sound. ?Where did she GO?!?

Unfortunately, the seer was not dressed in camouflage. Far from it. Her loud display of color was an obvious hindrance to any attempt at hiding, though the overcoat shielded her somewhat. Caught between two bushes littered with bright red berries, she stayed put, the psychotic lawyer none too far.

?I WILL HAVE YOUR HIDE, CHILD! HOW DARE YOU?!? Fortunately for Viki, the forest gave her adequate protection. Her scent was lost with the thousand other smells, the dirt and the damp, flora and fauna. Nevertheless, he shouted for her. ?WHAT ARE YOU??

Luckily, Guthorm reached him at last and grabbed him by the shoulder. Surprised and glaring, Howe turned, then calmed and spoke his name.

The distraction came at the most beneficial time, as one Sylvia Nightshade dispatched one of her guards, and he moved toward the brush, dangerously close to Viki?s hiding place. Sylvia's guard was like a spotlight on her sanctuary. Hissing a curse, the seer dodged, then crawled between a tree stump and a fallen log. In the moss, in the mud, she lay, counting the march of time with every loud heartbeat.

Guthorm continued to distract Howe before the others could move in.

?Away!? He ordered, pulling him out of the brush and back to the road.

?Yes, yes, of course. She took me by surprise,? said the lawyer as Guthorm tugged him along. Together, the two slipped away, and though Viki couldn?t get a visual on either, she did make out snippets of their conversation.

?What I have is??

But that was all. And since the shouting had stopped, she was content to lie in the muck of the undergrowth. As their footfalls became softer still, she waited, drawing symbols in the dirt, which, if ever examined, mirrored some distant constellation.

When at last the weeds whispered signs of safety, her head shot up.


Date: 2007-03-28 21:26 EST
walking down the streets at night
i see her stumbling through the rain
a skinny figure in the dark
her face a shade of grey
- Wolfsheim

Red Dragon Inn
Day One

Viki?s eyes caught sight of Lucky in the distance. Relief washed over her slowly, then shattered when she heard a foreign voice.

?You okay?? It was Erin?s voice from the road, in the light, soft and soothing. She drew closer as Viki revealed herself.

Aqua eyes took in Erin for an eon or so, then, as realization finally set in, the seer smiled. Her face was smeared with dirt. There were twigs wound into her hair.

?Oh, fine!?

?Good, good. Quite a racket out here, yeah?? The woman reached forward as if to grab a twig, but paused.

The seer, it seemed, was happy as a lark - the earliest bird with a worm still wriggling in its beak ? and she kept on grinning. No malice nor distress was evident on her little face, she shook out her hair, sending debris just about everywhere.

?I have stolen from him, again!? She confided in Erin, though proudly, in a rush of words that offered little intake of breath.

?Have you now?? Erin?s question came with an offered hand. ?Would you like an escort into the inn? I was going the other way, but I could backtrack a little for some good company.?

Good company, perhaps, but not necessarily clean. Grass stains and mud added to the swirl of color that made up the seer?s ensemble. The overcoat she wore to keep out the weather was looking like it had better days, though, her days were often stretched and long winded. Needless to say, it weathered that wind.

?Xas, well, maybe. I mean, if your feet are for other pathways, I will be fine.? In a whisper, she added, ?My lover will have to eat his eyeses.? Up and out of the brush, she moved to Erin, taking her hand.

?I think perhaps I am less than up for the walk at the moment.? Slowly, the pair moved back toward the Inn, and Erin seemed unphased by that bit about Viki?s lover. ?It is a good evening for walking,? said the lady to the seer.

?Xas, that's what the cobbles said before they warned me of the Snake.? Her grin betrayed nothing, and as she walked with Erin, their fingers laced, she shot a smile to Lucky and Alysia. The two were on the porch, speaking to one another in hushed tones.

?Your opponents are making more enemies than allies,? Alysia said to Lucky. ?It would be a relief to have an open confronta..? Her word?s ended sharply, just as Viki and Erin appeared.

?Viki seems no worse for wear,? Lucky observed, nodding to the girl.

No worse for wear indeed, save for the bit of forest she took as a souvenir. But tonight, the seer was pleased with herself, and the secrets she stole swirled in a space five inches above her head, circling like an invisible halo.

Alysia met them with half smiles, but no words.

Erin offered the same sort of pleasantries before turning back to Viki, prodding just a bit.

?The snake, you say??

?Xas and he would be slithering save for the feet he stole and the skin that covers it.? With a half skip up the steps, as if in continuity with her prior game of skipping stones, she landed at the top with a twirl that carried Erin along.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Lucky and Alysia mid-embrace.

?Goodnight Lady!? She snickered for the very visible kiss before tugging Erin inside.

Erin was laughing, even through her questions.

?Stole, you say??

Viki took a moment before she could reply. New sights, new sounds, new scenery. She crossed the threshold with easy familiarity, and as she spilled into the Inn with Erin in tow, those bright eyes flickered here, there, and everywhere, spotting recognizable faces and waving in turn.

?Stolen names. Stolen secrets.? She whispered and nodded like Erin had the faintest idea of what she was talking about, the continued to brush the dirt from her coat. ?I do naut like to wear the woods so much as to walk through it,? she murmured.

After a time, Erin excused herself, making for the direction Manon dubbed as ?the ladies? and left the seer at the door. She lingered there for a time, perhaps watching for signs of Howe and his companion.

When Erin returned, Viki was still propped against the doorframe, her face turned toward the outside. Winter licked her face in earnest, though she didn?t budge from her post. Erin's return went unrealized for the most part because of a new presence felt round the bend of brick and mortar. The spirits were restless tonight and did not include those lined up in bottles behind the bar. Bells and whistles were sounded from every height, and she pressed her cheek to the wood of the frame, frowning, slightly bewildered by what she heard.

Finally, Erin broke the silence. ?Is all allright??

Blinking back bits of Elsewhere, Viki turned her head, those pretty eyes full-blue on Erin.

?Oh, 'twas the wind, I s'pose,? she said, though she didn't sound at all convinced.

? The wind.? She repeated with a nod, and then, ?Would you like something warm, Viki? All that running around outside may have chilled you...?

?Warm?? Grateful for that suggestion, the seer turned from the threshold and shuffled further in, slipper-shoes tracking in pieces of the forest floor. ?Xas, maybe black-tar-cream-filled, you know.. It is..? She chattered, searching for the appropriate terminology. Her teeth sunk into her lower lip. The paint was ruined anyway. ? a goblet, with a saucer for a mate.?

?I know.? Already Erin was a master at Viki-speak and moved towards the bar, grabbing a cup and saucer, and proceeded to pour the coffee. ?Sugar too?? She called out.

?Mounds and mounds of it!? She chimed, her walk changing to a sprint, bar-bound. She caught the end of a barstool and climbed up, claiming the perch as her own.

?Bel'la dos, Erin. Amvel. Thank You!? Exclaimed in all three tongues.

?Don't mention it. You were a bit of a help, with that information on snakes.?

But Viki was busy with the cup and saucer, curling her fingers through the handle. ?Ooh, good!? She savored the bitter-sweetness of that drink, letting the warmth fill her and flow throughout. ?Mmpphh-better-than's-Tara's.?

?Don't let her hear you say that, she'll have me killed.? Giggling abound. Erin's input made her laugh out loud - symphonic sounds breaking the surface of her coffee, birthing bubbles in its wake.

?If that man, the snake you call him, took an interest in me, it would be safe to say it can be no good?? Erin asked when the laughter subsided.

?The cousin will naut kill you..? Viki promised. She replaced the cup and saucer on the counter, her eyes steering once more to the doorway, as if waiting on something, or someone. ?..she might tear your eyeses from your face so that you cannaut see the beans or bear the drink into the cup, and might take your fingers so you might naut be able to pour..? But when Erin asked yet again of Howe, her eyes widened, and shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she looked back at her coffee companion. Off-blues memorized her outline, captured her condition, sought out any unsaid motives for the gathering of such information.

?Naut good. Beware. False skin.? The seer warned her.

Smiling, but not saying anything on the mention of false skin, Erin returned to the topic of Tara. ?Your cousin can be dangerous. She had her eye on my teeth last week,? she said.

But alas! Without warning, the fine hairs at the back of her neck suddenly stood to attention, and though she continued to face Erin, she took note of the advancing presence at the corner of her eye.

Gabriel. Name-Like-Bells.

Sixth-Sense style, Viki placed her hands on the countertop, her fingers spread and pressed with all the weight she could muster.

She sat frozen beside a steaming coffee cup and a roaring hearth.


Date: 2007-03-28 21:33 EST
leaving home ...
and God is on your side
dividing sparrows from the nightingales
watching all the time
dividing water from the burning fire ... inside
- Wolfsheim

Red Dragon Inn
Day One

He moved slowly through the crowd, as if to savor the view of her.

?Vith,? Viki cursed through the commingling of celestial light ? his presence and that of her own - but light tends to play tricks. Her shining face became all the more radiant, and with it, the rest of her, though it was somewhat hindered by the obnoxious display of color in cloth.

Erin, poor thing, fidgeted in her confusion, sensing the tension but not the cause.

The angel stopped just behind her, whispering in tones so soft, if she had been entirely human, perhaps she wouldn?t have heard. Then again, if she had been entirely human, she wouldn?t have been much interest to him.

?Little thief, little thief, where have you been hiding, eh? I have sought for you high and low, from here to far away. Why do you hide from me Seer??

She gave only one reply: ?Manon-marked.? The answer was a sure-fire warning that only he would understand, and though she did not look at him directly, she watched for pursed lips and kissing-fingers.

For that is how he takes you!

Instead of kissing air, they came to stroke her hair. In surprise, she lost her grip on the counter and faltered, nearly falling from her stool. Her eyes locked onto Erin's, a silent urging to run, but the woman seemed frozen in time.

Gabriel seemed amused by all this, even chuckling as he moved to capture her and hold her steady.

?Yes, you took a taste did you not? It swims with you, surrounds you, but do you rely upon it to keep me away? Care I what the abominations do? Ask me, little bird, ask me if I care.?

Then he gave a look to Erin, and smiled.

?Ahh, a friend of my little bird.? His eyes were a kaleidoscope of color, changing without any pattern she understood. It reminded her of the Tower, but she kept those thoughts in check, in spite of the building terror.

?Any friend of the seer's is worthy to be mine.? He said to Erin, with charm that surpassed most men, but then, Gabriel was not a man ? exactly.

But, meanwhile ? about the touch, the physical connection between angel and seer. What exactly should happen when a celestial being lays his hands on another? Though they were not of the same sort of tribe, there was a reaction, nonetheless. It was a slight spark, as if static electricity could be so bold, and an immediate warmth rushed in to take its place. She was extraordinarily pale for the moment, though the dirt from the brush made up for the lack of color to her cheeks.

?Excuse me,? said Erin, shaking her head, obviously oblivious to what was going on. ?You gave me a start. Should I leave you to catch up? I wouldn't want to intrude.?

Viki's mouth opened just wide enough for the passage of air. Unexplicably dry and unable to form words, she just stood there, doing one of her better impressions of a statue.

Gabriel, though feeling the consequences of their contact, showed no emotional reaction, yet he did move his hands from the girl?s arms. In the wake of his touch, her spine connected to the counter. Propped up like a professional drunkard, and perhaps that?s how this sensation could be properly classified, she waited. Her aqua eyes, clouded yet crystalline, finally decided to take in Gabriel's, maybe to pull the same stunt that she already did with Howe.

He seemed not to notice. ?You are most kind, dear lady, but please do not depart on my account. You are no intrusion, truly. Nor would I wish to displease my little bird. My name is Gabriel, I am most pleased to meet you.? He played the proper gentleman, bowing to Erin respectably.

?Erin.? She smiled. ?It's lovely to meet you Gabriel. You have a lovely name.?

?Name-Like-Bells.? Repeated whispers of the same old warning, she locked her wrists together and made wings of her hands, fluttering her fingers accordingly. The absence of her primary protectors made the situation all the more dire. She had to provide some distraction. Yet she did not tear her eyes away from his.

Distraction provided. He issued a warm laugh, his eyes, now green, locked onto hers, though soon enough, he turned back to Erin, his smile never faltering.

?My pleasure, Erin. I find your name quite lyrical myself. And what of you, little bird? Are you fearful because Sid is not here to run me away? Or perhaps you expect another??

He means the Lover.

?The lover would eat your eyes, but yours do naut serve as windows,? whispered the seer. The force of the threat was hampered some by the quivering of her lower lip. Finally, her eyes were on the move again, shooting Erin an I-told-you-to-run before sinking back into the being who wore an angel's rank.

?Trouble in the sky. Awkward brothers...? Her words were meant to steer his attention away from her fingers, which climbed up her dress, found the lapel pin, and pushed it accordingly. In a fraction of a second, she was gone, though the air was charged with her presence, taunting him with a repetitious buzz.


Date: 2007-03-28 21:41 EST
I dream of the winter in my heart turning to spring
While the ice gives way under my feet
And so I drown with the sun

Red Dragon Inn
Two Days Later

( Author?s Note: I don?t usually put color in posts, except when to keep it obvious to the reader who is talking. Because this was such a long log, and I had to sort through so many inconsequential actions, and rearrange actions, I realized it demanded color. I hope I didn?t trample over anyone?s character in the process, and I tried to use colors that were representative of your character, or colors you yourself have used. But, god dammit, why does everyone like green so much? )

?Kitty!!!! You're back!? Belial?s voice breached the door.

?Back? Woman! I've been here for ages! I'm the bloody fricken Governor now. Where the hell have you been?? Kitty?s voice echoed in turn.

?Wait, a second?. Governor???!?

The seer walked with a bit more care this night, neither leaping nor humming in her approach toward the Inn. The familiar structure was a comfort. She stepped around the spotlights each streetlight threw her way and scrambled up the porch steps, her hands only hovering the rails as she made it to the landing, and at last, inside. Off-blues quickly settled on one face in particular.

That particular face was Obsidian?s. ?'ello, guvnor?. Shimmer!?

Slipper-shoes paved her path red, and the mock starlet strolled with purpose.

?Manon..? Singsong whisper as that term of endearment was given breath and sound.

Withdrawing a rolled parchment, the Ancient turned for Viki. ? 'ello, li'l Shimmer.?

?Hello Manon..? Her aqua eyes skipped over her head if only for a moment, settling on Belial, catching something too small to piece together - puzzles were coming in more and more parts, these days. ?So many things to say...?

?Ye can be sayin' wha' ye needs, Shimmer. To me, if'n ye wan'. I listen well.?

?Viki, sweets, how have you been?? Bel inquired, after a brief staring competition with Kitty, O Helston, the Governor.

Words in their stares, seer. Though you cannot hear them as well as us.

?I breathe,? answered the seer, with a lopsided grin that held back more words with paint and afterthoughts. The Governor blew her a kiss as she passed. She matched Kitty's kiss almost immediately, laughing, before Sid's reply rang through.

?Ooh. Xas. Things.? She twirled her hair with a single finger.

?Thin's, Shimmer?? As the Ancient posed the question, she crouched down, holding out a rolled parchment before the seer?s face.

?I 'ave a belated Yule gift jus' for ye, sweetlin'.?

?Yule. When the night eats up the day.. Crowns of green, patches of red, kissing-plants.? The girl grinned. Her eager little face was turned up to Sid.

Your winter hibernations keep you from holidays.

?Aye, the time when Spring can be felt to be on its way again. An', aye, this be for ye, sweet.?

Sid gave up the parchment to her, an offering wrapped in love no doubt. The seer?s shock was there, but not quite so evident as delight quickly swept across her pretty features - an open mouth, and open eyes, and greedy, yet careful fingers. She unrolled the paper slowly, smoothing it into place on the bar counter, then let out a short squeal.

?Jus' somethin' I worked up one night when I be thinkin' o' ye, sweet.?

?Painted-girl wearing star parts..? Viki murmured to the empty space at her other side, for Sid was quite close to her. Looking up with glee still stitched to that smile, she threw both limbs around the Ancient?s waist and hugged her tightly. The gift was just that: a lovely portrait of a girl looking quite like herself.

?Star parts, aye. Jus' like ye, Shimmer. All light and shiny,? said Sid, hugging the small seer close and smoothing a hand over her chaotic hair.

Meanwhile, the exchange between Belial and Kitty O Helston continued, and while it was well within of the seer?s range of hearing, the Ancient?s presence was always so overwhelming, Viki had little energy or focus for other people. Manon and Chylde were bound to one another by a kind of celestial cement.

?The Helstons have basically left Rhydin. Larook was only around long enough to lend me his shotgun.?

?My, my, but things have been changing in my absence...? A pause. ?Noooooo! Lars can't leave us!?

?He has. He might come for a visit, but he doesn't show any intention of ever returning for good. So I've been left alone in the House.?

?He will be back... He has to come back!?

?One can hope. In the meantime..?

?Well, Kitty, you know that if you ever need backup, I am here for you and the Helstons.?

?I appreciate that Bel. Although right now my Governor duties have me more stressed than taking care of the House.?

?Well, sweets... Happy to help you any way I can... as long as it's not as some form of lawman... Yes??

?I would never ask such a thing from you Bel. I know better.?

?I can hire you assassins should you have need of them...?

?I'm just glad you're back. I was truly worried.

?Ohhh... ah...Well... Yes, I'm back and don't plan on leaving again any time soon... Besides? Seems every time I leave? Something changes!?

Back to Viki and Sid. Though chaos ran rampant in her two-toned locks, there was something sacred, something akin to order, regarding the seer?s proximity to the Ancient. The thermostat was on the rise all around them.

?Ooh. The things.. Before I go losing myself here and there and everywhere...? Her little fingers fled Sid's sides and took up her Yule gift again, marveling at it once more before rolling it back into position and tucking it into one of the many crazy folds of her skirt.

?The Snakeskin has my scent. I am sorry, but I wanted to See his insides, and now he knows.? Her tone seemed to scream guilt and defiance all at once.

?Snakeskin?? Belial interjected with a start.

?Mmhmm.. you miss all the fun things.?


Date: 2007-03-28 21:48 EST
Calling on your sins
you're here in my dreams
a desert place
I'm not alone
- Lacuna Coil

Red Dragon Inn

?Uncle Lucky and the Lady Alysia were standing quite near. There was no danger. I covered myself in forest and he went wild in his search..? Viki tried to slow those syllables down. Storytelling was difficult for her. They had timelines. Structure.

Sid met her words with a low growl. ?The leeches. Och, Shimmer. Nae apologize, sweetlin'. But, now ye be marked an' tha' worries me. Ye make sure ye always cover yeself, then, in wha' e'er ye 'ave at hand. Promise me.?

Viki heard her, but nonetheless, continued, her story growing all the more wild and out of step.

?Then the one-whom-I-do-not-know came and tapped-tapped-tapped his shoulder shook him from his finding of me and fled. I think the guardian's secretary is well aware of his name..? She offered a light tap of her own chin in turn, though the gentle force of Sid?s words were not lost on her.

?Ooh. And the other,? the seer added, her aqua eyes catching sight of Erin Dunbridge across the commons, and locking onto her as she speaks. ?Name-Like-Bells was here.?


?This isn't good, Sid... I need to talk to you about the leeches, Sid...?

?The snakes have had me marked for some time. They just haven't had the guts to do anything about it.?

?The one ye dun know? The guardian's secretary??

Child, make sense. You speak of Guthorm and Glanhelmion?s Taneth.

?Wait a minute... They are still here?? In Rhy-Din? We are talking about DCH, yes??

?Yes.. they are.?

?Dee-See-Etch? Name-Like-Bells!?

?Aye, Bel. They be hangin' about.?

?Blood thins. Name-Like-Bells was here. Likened me to a bird. I pressed the button. Gone-gone-gone.?

?Ahhh... We have a problem... DCH has ah.. Means to... Powers they can use against us.?

?They put in appearances here and there. They came here the night I won the election. I'm sure they were none too pleased.?

Enter Erin Dunbridge. She interrupted with a wave.

?Can I ask about this DCH??

?Ahhh? Ok, clue me in here... Does everyone know them??!?

?Wha' be ye wan' to know, sweet??

?Have I really been gone that long??

?Howe.. has taken an interest in me... offered me things. I get the feeling he's... bad. But... could that be useful??

?Oh, nonononononononononono! Stay away from them! Trust me in this.?

There was a moment of awkward silence. Erin bit her lip.

?By the way, hi, I'm Belial, most just call me Bel.?

?Erinalle Dunbridge: Erinalle. Erin. Good to meet you.?

?Dewey be here in town, too, Bel. I be... Excuse me a mo'.? The Ancient let her words trail as her thoughts drifted down the hall. The Governor?s frown followed her, and all too soon, the seer spoke:

?Little poisons that slither are naut so fierce as those airborn.? Her eyes bounced from Sid to Bel to Erin, and then, unable or unwilling to continue with further details, she started to hum - it was a soldier's song, had it any words.

?But? Wait? This can't be right! I can't have been gone that long?!?

?You have been.. I've been back for a very long time.?

?Ooo, my head is killing me! I have no idea where I've been!?

?Aye, Bel, at least three months or more.? Sid offered this last bit of news before skirting down the bar towards the hallway, and out of the seer?s sight.

Meanwhile, Viki kept a constant watch on Belial, even as her song took flight, and grew louder and louder still. Perhaps she was tracing the path of her feet.

So long, would you follow.

?Laaaaaa..... thrice the death and birth of moons.?

Whether it was the song or something quite else, Belial?s focus shifted to the seer.

?I'm going to go check on someone. Will you see to.. things??

Things? Stop your singing. You are missing their words in the air!

?Up in the sky. Twinkle-twinkle. How I wonder.?

Without warning, Bel reached out and took the girl by the wrist, making direct contact. Viki?s eyes were large as saucers, and the connection of flesh caused them to fill to the brim with tears.

?Up in the sky forever and ever, or very close.? She whispered to Belial. There was a sudden increase in temperature. The hearth blazed with envy.

?Viki, Oh, Viki, sweets... I'm sorry... I... I... I didn't mean to...? The connection was severed with soft words. The seer didn?t know quite how to react to it all, but she needn?t dwell for long. A steady fog had begun to roll in, halting the waterworks, and she simply stood there, statuesque for a time.

?Viki? Name-Like-Bells...?

?To the left,? said the girl, swaying in said direction, not completely made of stone.


Date: 2007-03-28 21:50 EST
It's a war on war
There's a war on
You're gonna lose
You have to lose
You have to learn how to die
- Wilco

Red Dragon Inn

Bel sighed, but soon Sid slid back into view, breaking the silence.

?Miss me??

The air was thick - saturated like Summer - and hot, though Viki showed no discomfort for the change in temperature, just a slight sparkle to the surface of her skin. And the fog was there too, clouding the color of her usually brilliant eyes. She was responsive, at least, for she looked at Sid when she inquired.


?Hell, yes. You need to ask Viki something for me, ok? Ask her when she saw Gabriel last.?

But Viki turned, and lifted herself onto an empty barstool, swinging legs to some distant rhythm of music - very distant. Think ages.

?An' ye be missed as well, sister.? Sid planted a kiss upon the seer?s head. ?Ye be warm, Shimmer. Name-like-Bells, sweetlin'? When be las' ye felt him??

?Name-Like-Bells.? Viki repeated at the mention of his name, her index finger tapping at her chin, matching the swing of her legs. ?The sun rose then set and rose all over. I like roses. And then maybe it set and did it one more time. I do naut know. I was picking roses on the way.?

?Day before yesterday. Possibly two days hence.? Sid nodded at bell, then turned to Viki with a grin and a shrug, as if brushing off her inability to correctly grasp time.

?Roses? Roses be pretty, sweetlin'. Where did ye find the roses??

?In the garden. Well it will be. I had a garden when the earth sizzled noon-day but all the flowers crawled back into the earth.? Happiness had stitched itself to her face again. She showed no cause for worry.

?Sid!? Kitty moved over to Sid and grabbed her wrist. ?We need to talk.?

?They be back soonest, Shimmer. Ye light be makin' them grow. Excuse me a mo'. Again.? Sid smiled to the pair of Blood-kin and nodded to the Governor. ?O' course, Kitty.?

?Ah? Ahhh...Ah?? Belial stuttered, looking between Viki and Sid, her shock apparent.

But the girl only smiled, and sang. ?Ah-Be-See-Dee-Ee-Eff-Geee. I learned that song from someone very small. It did naut make much sense.?

Bel only glanced her way, a minimal acknowledgement to the stream of a song she couldn?t place, then looked back to Sid and Kitty. ?Sure, you two ah... Go ahead and chat.? She shrugged. ?I'll keep Viki company.?

She turned to regard the seer in the softest of tones. ?Where are you staying currently, sweets? Are you safe? Perhaps you'd be better off coming back to Sid and Scottie's? Or Sun's and my house? We have plenty of room....?

?Two. He said there would be always two of us,? she said coolly, as if in passing. ?With the Lover, in Unhome. We are deep in thicket. Secret way.?

Bel nodded. ?Oh, yes, Domikai will keep you safe.... And ah, Names-Like-Bells? He can't find you there in the Unhome, can he??

The tilt of the seer?s head causes her mismatched locks to shift over a shoulder, revealing more of the inkings that were written into her not two seasons ago. She said nothing of what Domikai would think about her being somewhere else for safety. Mainly, it would cause him shame, and she was very sensitive to his feelings.

?Nau. The Lover has shadow-shield things. Glanhelmion, the guardian, sent them too, but then his and his clashed and there were shadows all over and I had to mop up the survivors and the Lover's won.?

This caused a chuckle in Bel. ?Then I suppose I'd best keep my watchers away...? She teased.

?Heh! Xas, they might be in pieces, especially if they had real eyes, and naut shadow-ones,? she said, and in a whisper, added, ? Lover eats them.?

?Hmm, eats them does he? Me? I am personally far too picky about what I munch on...?

?I like breads and chocolates and berries of straw, naut so much meat but then the Lover does so I eat it regardless.? There was a nose twitch, and a slight though longing look to the door.

?Sid will be back soon, I'm sure... Viki, sweets, stay away from Name-Like-Bells, yes? He's not a good... ah? Soul.?

?Angels,? the seer spoke softly, though her stare was harsh. ?Why the two-wars??

?Two...Wars...? Belial?s voice was broken with shock. ?Ah...?

?Above-and-below, then below-and-below. I hear them bellow-ing.?

?Well... ah? That would be more like three actually... Yes, they do like to howl, both Above and Below.?

?Three? Hmm. I did naut see the other.?

?Ok.? Belial looked as if she hadn?t an idea of what to say or how to say it.

?Hmm, I wonder what's taking Sid so long?? She threw a longing glance at the door, then, finally?

?Um, yes, well... the third... It's been... ah? Recent.?

?I would go to war with you, Belial,? she said simply, like she had when she solicited Jodiah to kill off that pesky Travanix. He never did get around to doing it. She meant to take the matter up with him, but she kept getting lost between the commons and the staircase.

?And, ah... Viki, sweets, I am most uncomfortable speaking about such things here...?

?All well. I do see.? Viki sat up, slowly, then eyed the Inn with suspicion - the actual Inn, mind you, the walls and the light fixtures and the support beams.

?Well, if I have to go to war Viki, I would want you on my side.?

?Ooh good. I used to go marching, leading men, and then he stuck me with wires and I sparkled for the first time..?

?Who stuck you, Viki??

?The Cousin has shortened his name and he hates it and he visited with her but the Cousin-In-Law threw him out. Travanix.? That bit of 'x' was held for a moment longer than it should've been. She clicked her tongue.

?Hmm, I don't know, Viki, sweets... Maybe we should stick him back, eh??

?Tried. Where is the Dark One? Have naut seen him in ages and ages. Not since the firefly came back, but we should naut tell her of the time in the ground.?

Belial nodded. ?As you like... I don't think we should mention it either...?

Affirmative. With a roll of her shoulders, the seer yawned, then stretched her limbs above her head.

Again, the lady nodded. ?Yes, sweets, I am getting tried myself... Do you want me to see you home, Viki??

?Ooh, xas. Well halfway? I cannaut bring you the full course..? With an awkward pose and coiling arms at her middle, she whispered, ?Secret place.?

?Yes, of course.. I shall take you as far as I am allowed then...?

The seer?s smile was genuine and warm, in part for the sharp increase in temperature she inflicted upon her surroundings, in part for, well, love and familial bonds. She slipped off her stool with slipper shoes making a near perfect landing, heals together, ballerina style.


Date: 2007-03-28 21:54 EST
When I find out what went on
We'll bring it back
But it won't be easy
They won't believe how a man
He could drown
In a starseed
- Our Lady Peace

Red Dragon Inn

Belial turned to wave to Erin, calling out to her as she followed the seer to the door. ?Good eve, hope to have a chance to speak with you another time!?

Erin returned the wave, then called back, but this time to Viki, who was busy counting bits of dust that had gathered on a nearby table. ?Goodbye, Seer!?

Viki turned, blewing kisses on that pathway toward the door, her shadow receiving Belial's feet. ?Goodnight Erin!?

As the pair neared the door, Belial turned to the girl, brows lifted. ?Viki? Do you always heat up like this, or is this something you do special??

?Heat? Ahhh... sometimes by touch, though the Lover is naut here.? Obvious confusion. Then she slipped out, a little patchwork ball of color in the night, on the porch.

The Ancient and the Governor were already there, but not waiting, no. Their exchange was a private matter.

?Shimmer, me li'l furnace,? said Sid, beaming as the girl appeared on the porch.

The seer?s laughter was a chorus line. She giggled down the steps. ?Manon of the moons and suns."

?Than' ye, Kitty.? Sid leaned in to give the Governor a warm and genuine hug. ?I mean tha'. Truly. I be 'avin' a lot to think on. Right now, though, I be needin' to hear wha' Bel be needin' to tell me.?

Kitty nodded and returned the hug. ?Of course. I expect to hear something as well.. eventually.?

Now what do you suppose that was about, hmm?

?Viki, we are going to wait down here at the bottom of the stairs for Mannon of the suns and moons, ok??


Viki?s fingers twirled at her sides, small semi-circles marked into spaces full of night air and fog and flies. They became letters, though no one was there to record the message. Perhaps it was simply the presence of all their psychic talk. She couldn't speak back, but perhaps in some small way, she picked up on it.

?Oohh. Xas!?

?Oh.. and Bel? Lucky is doing fine. He'll be glad to hear you're back.?

?Thanks Kitty! Let him know I am looking for him when you see him, please??

?Of course. But.. be prepared. He and Alysia have returned to each other.?

?Kissing, they were!?

?Really? We'll have to throw them a party! Finally! Some good news.?

?That might be a pleasant change. Now.. all of you.. Scoot! Governor's orders! Go home!?

?Home is Unhome,? Viki corrected.

Down the stairs, the Ancient stopped next to the seer, a finger running the length of one shining arm.
?Shimmer,? she said softly, and then she did a curious thing. Looking up to the night sky, she pointed out a black, vacant spot and brought her lips close to the girl?s ears. ?There used to be a lights there, lon' an' lon' back. Sisters. They sang so sweetly.?

?Twinning.? She leaned into Sid, close as conspirators, and in part to breathe her in.

?Aye, Shimmer,? Sid answered, taking in the seer as well. Then, she straightened, offering a wave to Kitty. ?Be well, sweet!?


Waves were passed among them. The seer mirrored Sid's wave to Kitty, then turned back to the Ancient, a small hand coming to rest upon her shoulder, knowledge apparent in those glazed eyes.

?Know what I am now.?

?An' mayhaps one day soonest I can be sayin' the same with conviction, sweetlin'. Happy to know ye found ye way to tha',? Sid said, her hand in Viki?s hair.

Bel looked antsy, standing in the open as they were, with the tree line suggesting both sanctuary and peril.

?Maybe we should get a move on, Ladies... hate to get caught out here by... ah... You know, folks intent on doing us harm....?

?I would ask him, but I do naut like him very much,? said the star to the universe. Then, Viki nodded for Belial's warning, understanding perfectly. ?This way!? She gestured to the path ahead, crooked with cobble.

?Bel be right, Shimmer.? They fell into line, one sister beside the other, the seer taking the lead.

Then Viki, armed to the teeth with Drow genetics, heard the Ancient murmur the strangest thing: ?Family do be a bitch.?


Date: 2007-03-28 21:55 EST
I adore the despair in your eyes
I worship your lips once red as wine
And I crave for your scent sending shivers down my spine
I just love the way you're running out of life

( Author's Note: Thanks to everyone involved so far. I'm having a blast! )

The Road
One day later

The patchwork skirt cried for color as she moved along ribbons of road, with cobble as far as aqua eyes could see - made for horses, no doubt, though metal beasts were sometimes seen rolling through these parts. Thankfully, the road was clear - just a speck of a girl with an overcoat flapping softly in the wind. She sang as she strolled - her voice a natural homing device.

She played superhero with her coat as a cape, fit her fingers over her eyes as a makeshift mask - thin knuckles and pale flesh framing her cheeks all upside-down and at odd angles. Sadly, the game ended just as it was begun. When she reached the porch of the Inn, she forgot herself again. Lantern light bore shadows into the timber. She climbed quickly, wanting to catch their names.

The Porch

?Follow-follow,? the seer whispered, and when she moved, so did they. Physics, my dear Watson. Not only was she an obstruction to the lantern light - she was a source as well. Shadows fell in step with her instructions, then scattered at her whim.

Elijah Thorpe, an older sort of fellow whom the seer was vaguely familiar, paused at her appearance and tipped his head. This sort of greeting was commonplace, though the shadows swirled in confusion.

?Evening, Ma'am,? he said, reaching for the door.

?He called me Ma'am!? Her exclamation rang with absolute amusement, then she tipped her own head in reply, upsetting the curls atop her two-toned head. She snapped at her side, urging the shadows to follow suit, but lacking three-dimensional space, they only wavered along the wall.

Elijah flashed a smile, kind, yet perplexed. Nonetheless, he held the door open for her. Etiquette wasn?t lost on that one.

?Ooh. Nau thank you. The performance is naut yet complete. You must come back when we are well-practiced and.. and...? Her words were lost midway, somewhere between thought and sound. Off-blues lifted and turned from Elijah to scour the street below.

Do you feel him?

Elijah only nodded, though his confusion was apparent, even in the smile he continuously wore. ?Yessum. I'll be sure to bring Shylah along to if you don't mind, Ma'am.?

Out Front

?I haven't seen you here before, babes.? A woman?s voice.

?Babes?? A low laugh followed another?s voice. Male, not man. ?Yes, well, one could say I am a new arrival.?

The Porch

?Name-Like-Bells,? the seer whispered unto the air. And what was that which came to light on her small face? A mix of intrigue, anger, and perhaps exhaustion. She sighed. The release of breath bore smoke into the air. She turned back to Elijah. ?Ooh, bring the Lady of the North. Tell her the Lover sends his best.?

?Yessum. I'll be right glad to pass the message along, Ma'am.? He nodded.

Viki mirrored his nod and stepped off to the side, catching the rail with skillful fingers. She leaned forward, reminiscing perhaps, waiting too. It was inevitable.

Out Front

?Little bird, little bird there you are.?

The Porch

?More like mouse,? the seer whispered back as Gabriel stepped into the light. Her little hand hovered over the lapel pin, ready, though not altogether willing, to give it a go if it was needed. She didn't like the idea of herself so physically scattered and reassembled. That was not how Tasha had explained it to her, but it's what it felt like, and when one's mind exists in parallels not yet conceivable by most persons, one tends to wish one's body was.. complete, and whole.

Out Front

?New is a relative terms, isn't it? You're not new... just... different.? The woman again. The one called Kairee. She was speaking with the angel as if all were well and ordinary. She even threw him a wink. It caused Gabriel to pause.

?Something on your mind, Babes?? Kariee raised her brows as she raised her question.

The Porch

Meanwhile, the seer waited. The shadows twisted and turned in the background, the backdrop of a play about to unfold. The literal star stood quite still, the porch her stage, the evening her audience, watching, ready.

Out Front

It was then that a stranger approached. Her clothes hung in bunches around her body. She moved closer to the trio, in boots caked with wet earth. ?Oi! Why? Why me?? She asked aloud, covering her face with her hands, so that she was nothing but boney knuckles and red hair.

The Porch

The seer?s eyes, not quite blue and not quite green, side-slipped to that stranger, something about her being not quite right. With a bird-like tilt of her two-toned head, she watched her, nearly forgetting Gabriel's presence. Nearly.

Out Front

Gabriel turned from Kairee and toward the newly arrived woman. With a cruel smirk, he gathered her close, his hands resting at the small of her back. They drew closer to the porch.

The Porch

?Little Bird, let me introduce you to someone very special,? he said, with all the benefit of mockery.

Then he pushed the woman forward. ?Introduce yourself,? he said coldly.

?Don?t do tha-at!? She whined.

Viki?s toes lifted in ballerina-formation with her hands still on the rail for support. It wasn't cheating - exactly. She turned with a pivot, becoming all the more entranced by the broken woman before Gabriel, like a child ready for a puppet-show.

?Signs of strings.. Kissed at you with open fingers, did he?? The seer?s slender limbs wrapped about one of the porch support beams. It wasn't much of a shield, but it would do.

The woman?s eyes were wide. They moved from the sight of the seer, back to Gabriel. She didn?t answer yet.

Gabriel took a lean against the railing of the porch steps, his charming smile painted on his face as he gazed at the seer.

?Why do you stink of Angels, little bird? Have you been playing with Sid again??

?Are you naut angel?? Viki?s question was worded quite carefully, each syllable placed in proper order, neither cold nor singsong. Then, her control shattered: ?I am so very very tired of you always at my shadow. I do naut like disappearing and reappearing in flight from you. What do you want??

The angel looked thrown by her directness. He paused for a moment, as if to gather his thoughts.

Finally: ?I want a taste Little Bird. I want to know what you are. I want to know what you know. I want to feast on your essence.?

Her slipper-shoes barely sounded as she withdrew, a hunter's grace, a prey's methodology - put more distance between yourself and danger. No longer clinging to the support beam, her arms fell into empty air, somewhat weakened by his reply. The Blood's pin seemed to grow all the more heavy, as if to say, I am here.. Do it now!

?Those to get so close lose pieces of themselves,? she warned him.

Suddenly, the very special woman spoke up. ?Where have you brought me no-o-ow!? Her question hung as a whine in the air, as if the sight of the strange girl with the fairy ears was far too much to handle.

Gabriel looked at his companion with narrowed eyes. ?Stop whining. Is that all you can do?!? He snapped.

The woman in turn looked back to the seer, as if to answer her prior question. ?And yes, he,? but her words were cut off by a choking fit. Gabriel ignored her distress.

The whimper from the woman was cause for a distraction, and indeed, the choking that followed. Viki?s displeasure was obvious. ?Angel-slaver you are,? she hissed

?I have many pieces to lose, Little Bird.?

Quicker than a human (or Drow, or starling, or whatever else claimed her bit of DNA) eye could follow, Gabriel reached out and snatched hold of Viki's wrist, reeling her in. The connection complicated things. The scenery swirled. Beads of sweat gathered at her forehead, and her flesh glimmered, even in the dark.

?Ptew!? The woman in the background spat at the ground near the angel?s feet, helpless to do much else.

The angel only stepped closer, leaning his head down to brush a light but lingering kiss to the top of her head.

?Precious, so precious. I lay claim on you, Little Bird. You will be mine.?

Her eyes rolled back, until blue was swallowed by white, and she half hung in the air, her legs threatening to buckle beneath her small weight. The touch of lips. The promise that poured through. She began to shake..


Date: 2007-03-28 21:57 EST
I want a girl with lips like morphine,
Blow a kiss that leaves me gasping.
And I wanna feel that lightning strike me,
And burn me down.
- Kill Hannah

Red Dragon Inn

Erin Dunbridge was at the window, in the seer?s periphery, but the girl couldn?t cry out. Her face had the look of one horrified, though she seemed hesitant to intervene. A young man drifted to her side, in plane view of the windowpane.

Out Front

The red haired woman, obvious servant to Gabriel and unwilling at that, looked up, catching sight of Erin. She waved something frantic, wide-eyes and lifting brows. It was a call to arms.

Red Dragon Inn

The youth beside Erin crept ever closer, his hands set upon his hips, looking out, looking over her shoulders. Sharing her view, the lad looked dumbstruck, and then, quietly: ?Erin,? he said.

The Porch

Chryrie appeared quite suddenly, in a puff of smoke. ?Leave the Blood alone!? She glowered, and by a sleight of hand, sent a lightening bolt spiraling toward Gabriel. The strange woman at his side shrieked and fled down the stairs.

?Maaaaannnn..? The seer cried, a fumbling for words, or just one in particular, just as lightning evidently lit up their proximity. Her fall was quick.

Out Front

?Eep!? The redhaired woman squealed. ?Oi! Why me-ee? Why!??

The attack tore the seer from the angel, and the latter was sent sailing backwards, landing some twenty feet from the porch. The girl, meanwhile, was quite safe on the porch, though obviously rattled.

The Porch

The flash of lightning was enough to send Erin into action. She took off for the door, then clung to its frame.

?Viki,? Erin called softly, to a very startled seer.

?Leave the seer alone,? Chryie called after Gabriel, as if the lightning wasn?t enough to drive the point on home.

Erin reached for Viki, in an attempt to lure her inside. The seer was only happy to be received, her free hand seeking Erin?s grip, while she peeled herself from the floor.

Out Front

Cassandra, who by no fault of her own, appeared in the middle of the madness, on route for the Inn via the main road. She stopped short, perhaps in shock, perhaps to watch further.

?You will pay for that wench,? said Gabriel to Chryie, dusting himself off.

The Porch

?By doing what? Kill me? You cannot kill the elements unless you destroy the entire world.? She returned fire, in words this time, with a lifted chin.

?Erin.. get her out of here,? Chryrie called over her shoulder.

Erin complied with strangely cold fingers, frozen as if by terror. She tugged Viki higher, drawing her further into the doorframe, teetering between outside and in. The youth in Erin?s shadow, bespectacled and benign, kept the door from closing in on the women, watching all as if in a blur. The seer?s limbs coiled around Erin's neck, and her feet were slow and sluggish to follow. Nonetheless, she staggered inside, much like a drunkard, but without the benefit of wine on her breath.

Out Front

?Ptew!? Gabriel?s servant spat at him again, wearing a rather self-satisfied smirk on her face.

Gabriel spun, but did not charge her. Instead, he turned toward Cassandra.

?Ah, what a night this is proving to be. Must be free drinks for lady killers tonight. Am I right??

?Ha!? Exclaimed his servant, with her arms folding beneath her chest.

?Now, now,? chided the angel, ?all I was doing is spending a little time with my little bird. Isn't that right Viki??

Instead, Cassandra answered, all brightness and innocence, to his remark on the lady killers: ?No, but I don't ever have to pay for my drinks anyway.?

?Of course you wouldn't,? Gabriel mused, staring at her. ?Here in a town like this, I am sure you have plenty of offers.?

?And you know.. I don't like the way all of her actual friends are looking at you. So it'd be best if you left her be,? Cassandra added with a nod, keeping to her bight smiles, even as she stepped closer, placing a hand to his celestial chest, her fingers traipsing down his torso. ?You could say that.?

Gabriel shrugged, and then, shied away. ?You have a point. I shall leave. For now.? He shot a glance to the seer, who was being collected by Erin. ?But soon enough I will come to claim what is mine.?

?I'd suggest you not attempt to claim what's already claimed,? Cassandra cheerfully advised.

The Porch

Erin frowned, watching Cassandra from the door, then struggled to drag the seer in.

She turned to her young companion, who was still holding the door.

?We need to get her to a couch, I think. And water, I think she needs water...?

Chryrie kept to the porch, between the angel, and Erin and the seer.

?You leeched from a Blood.. family of my sibling. That's not acceptable,? she explained, a shot of rage in her voice even still.

Our Front

?Blood? Perhaps. Leeching? I did nothing but touch the girl. Ask her,? said the angel.

Red Dragon Inn

The seer was nearly dead weight, so she didn't much complain about her choice of protector for the evening. She muttered something about the eating of eyes before she began to slip down Erin?s side. Gabriel's voice, though far off, was enough for Elvish ears to distinguish from the chaos.

The youth at Erin?s side came to Viki?s aid once gravity took hold of her. A familiar Arms Trade was in effect, and as Viki was exchanged from Erin to her friend, she opened a single eye.

?Get Cassie,? he said to Erin, his words decisive and short.

Erin looked to the seer first. ?Viki this is my dear friend Everett. He is going to get you some water.? She pressed a kiss to the seer's forehead, light and airy before leaving her with the lad.

?Keep her away from the door,? she called out to Everett, moving toward that very thing.

The Porch

The palaver between Chryrie and Gabriel continued.

?Her energy screamed out in agony. Even now, she cannot collect her pieces. Your simple touch is not so simply.. one who has the energies of the divine,? she scolded.

Out Front

?Why, thank you, dear lady. Had you not told me this, I would not have known.?

The Porch

?You would only stop if she were dead?? Chryrie shook her head. ?Such love for the creations of your maker.? Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

Red Dragon Inn

?There is nau water in the desert,? Viki whispered, beginning to ramble, but such a thing was common for her sort.

Everett only smiled. ?Pleasure to meet you, Viki. Forgive the impropriety, but you do not look so well.?

?Vendui'... I breathe,? she assured him, the other eye to join its sister in the seeing of the new surroundings. The bar was a familiar comfort. The air of this place had a particular smell - old wood, leather, and spirits.

Everett tossed his head to the right, presumably to adjust his glasses. No longer blinded, he moved with her in his arms, crossing to the couch.

?Breathing is good. It will no doubt please Erin, who seems quite interested in your welfare.?

?The floor is far,? she whispered, her mind collecting itself. The realization of being lifted and carried finally dawning on her. She brought her eyes to the ceiling, counting the cracks. ?Seven hundred forty-two.?

?Fret not, I shall see that you do not become intimately acquainted with the floor,? Everett continued, all boyish charm as he claimed the couch, dropping to one knee in order to settle her into the corner.

?There,? he said, with hands into his pockets. ?You rest, Mistress.. Viki, yes? I can fetch water. Would that please you??


Date: 2007-03-28 21:58 EST
I think I've got a feeling I've lost inside
I think I'm gonna take me away and hide
I'm thinking of things that I just can't abide
- Oasis

The Porch

Erin spilled outside in seconds, taking in the scenery. Chryrie was still lingering on the porch, though Cassandra, Gabriel, and his servant were some distance off. Her eyes spiraled into Gabriel?s, alight with recognition from prior days.

Out Front

The red haired woman was dragging her feet, positioning herself between Gabriel and the rest. Her ties to him were darker than the seer dared to ask. Though, by the look on her face, the woman wasn?t enjoying herself.

The angel paused, meeting Erin's eyes with a sad lingering smile. ?Ah, they have polluted you as well. Perhaps I shall one day have my side known. Until then? May you have a grand evening. I know I will.?

He turned to look at Chryrie. ?You speak as if you know what I am, or who I am. Yet you know nothing. You say I wish her harm? When you have no idea what motivation I have. I don't have to justify myself to you. Who are you to dare judge me?! You attacked me remember? Was I attacking the seer? Think hard, but don't let it hurt you.?

It was then that Cassandra took up the final legs of her journey, finally advancing toward the lights of the Inn. But, the violet-haired lady moved once more close to Gabriel, so that she would smack her shoulder into him as she passed him by. He side-stepped, his superhuman speed being the culprit, and his servant received the brunt of the attack.

The Porch

?Your aura and energy speak volumes. And I am that which guards the balance.. and I protect the family of my family. I judge nothing. I only speak what I see,? Chryrie fumed.

?Polluted?? Erin stepped forward, lured by something only she could explain. ?Gabriel, name like bells...? She pieced together the seer?s puzzle, though with some difficulty. ?I like your name??

?Oh, by the way. The ah, ?polluted,? one, is mine too. Don't ever touch her without her express and uncoerced permission,? said Cassandra as she reached the porch.

Out Front

Gabriel dismissed much of this, focusing on Chryrie. ?Then you are blind. For what you think you see is not truth. Look harder.?

Then, with a spin on his heels, he beckoned for his lackey. ?Rachael, come.?

The red haired one, Rachel, followed, though quite reluctantly, simpering and sniffling all the way. ?Let me go-o. Ple-ease.?

But Gabriel said nothing, and then, stepped out sight, his servant in tow.

The Porch

?Stay away from the family of Belial,? Chryrie ordered, intent on getting one more warning in there.

?Bye now!? Cassandra called to Gabriel, mock brightness, even waving, before she turned for the door and slipped inside.

Erin turned to follow her, but called out once more to the angel in the road. ?Someday we should talk without the Seer around. I do prefer talking.?

?I just talked!? Cassandra exclaimed, and the pair pushed through the door.

Red Dragon Inn

The passage of time boded well for the seer, as every passing second seemed to nullify the effect of the intruder's connection. She even flashed Everett a lopsided smile - evidence of paint now gone from her lips. Then, quick laughter.

?Called me Mistress.. Xas, I would take water. Bel'la dos, amvel, thank you Ev-er-ett,? Thanks in three tongues, as was her habit.

With wrinkled brows and uneasy laughter, Everett posed his questions in careful tones. ?You are not hurt, are you Mistress??

Suddenly, Erin came in with a huff, chattering to Cassandra. Chryrie slipped in behind them. ?I know how you talk, cousin.?

?I wouldn't have knifed him without proper provocation..,? Cassandra said, flopping onto the couch between Everett and Viki. ?I was almost sure he'd turn around and try to swing at me after that landing..?

Viki laughed. The steady symphony of flowing sound threatened to bubble over the top of her. She titled to toward the floor. ?Why?? Question for Everett?s inquiry. The fog had rolled in. Her eyes had that glazed-over appeal. Bimbette at a social. Riddle-ramble. She flexed her toes, then pressed them into the cushions of the couch.

Everett flashed her an uneven smile, then looked to Cassandra. "Everyone is well, yes?"

?Quite well, thank you for asking Everett. And how about yourself?? Cassandra grinned, then glanced at Erin and added, ?It's a shame he wasn't. I think he would have been fun.?

?Perhaps not all people are looking for violence. I get the feeling he was avoiding it,? Erin replied, rounding the couch and kneeling next to Viki.

?Tell me, Seer, what does he want from you? Should we be keeping him away??


?Name like Bells,? said Erin, using the seer?s name for him.

Viki?s eyes grew wide. She stole a glance at Everett, then looked back at Erin, terror crisscrossing the planes of her face. ?Kisses with his fingers and steals your death. Puppetmaster, that one. Angel-naut.?

?He touches you... and something happens...??

But exhaustion had washed over the seer, and her body welcomed it, reclining into the sofa, her back stretched, her arms lazy above her head. She pressed her cheek to the fabric, and murmured her reply. ?Fire in the sky.?

?Would you like me to get you a room, Viki?? Erin inquired.

Everett moved off to the side, turning for the bar. ?I am perplexed, but have no cause for complaint. I am going to put on some tea. Please pardon...?

? Well. I certainly won't decline tea. If you need any help bringing everything over, give me a hollar.? Cassandra waved as he withdrew.

?His eyes, an empty room,? the seer continued, with off-blues flickering skyward, as if passing through ceiling and support beams to steal at glance at the floor above. ?Too many thoughts up there. Number seven is full of mirrors.?

Erin stood, frowning. ?I don't understand. Would you like a bed.. upstairs. Or...?

?She would probably prefer to go to her.. unhome. But I doubt she could make it alone.? Chryrie advised.

?Naut upstairs. I would Unhome, if I were naut so...? She focused her attention on the lifting of her legs. ??jellied.? Her smile returned when Everett appeared with the tea, and she half turned to see if any of the Harpies were in attendance.

They aren?t here.

?If a bed is needed for the night, she may have mine. I can stay the night down here, writing,? Everett offered, filling a waterglass and offering it to the seer. Viki?s nose crinkled at the thought of borrowed beds, but she hid it beneath the waterglass, and took small sips.

?No need for that, Everett. We can get Viki her own room if necessary,? Cassandra remarked between sips of tea. ?Thank you for the tea. Have you had any interesting confrontations this evening??

?Any interesting conversations?? Everett?s question hung in the air, misheard, and thus, manufactured. ?Not as of yet, though it would be false to call the evening dull in any way.?

?Well, do tell what's kept this evening from being terribly dull?? Cassandra asked.

?There was this... incident, and I find myself in the middle of something I am quite certain I have never seen before. Also, that strange and frightening fellow was very tall,? Everett began.

?There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than could be dreamt of in your philosophy,? Cassandra quoted, and smiled kindly. ?My father is about that tall as well.?

?Can you take her, Chyr? Or should I take her in the carriage?? Erin interjected. ?I need to go home... before I scare the daylights out of my husband. He thinks I'm dead when I come home late??

?No.. Kitty says where she lives is a secret. I can get her home.. if she can focus.?

?Tension in threefold,? Viki rambled. What was that? Amusement? Eyes flashed between the pair of cousins and the male before she set the waterglass upon an end table and curled into the couch. Patchwork ball.

Chryrie crouched near Viki, patting her shoulder. ?You are in so many pieces, my dear. Too many. Can you see your unhome in your mind? Can you feel it around you if you try??

The girl sat near to sleep in the corner of the couch, half listening to Chryrie's words with strangely shaped ears. ?Mm.. Thicket. Skeletal building.?

Erin broke in, first addressing Everett. ?I am sory to jar your night so. It seems today was a bit more action oriented than you seem ready for. I need to leave... get home. I wish you all well,? she said, collecting her things before turning to Viki with a smile. ?Stay safe, Seer!?

?Have a good evening. Don't bash Sebastian into the ground just yet,? Cassandra called after her.

?Good night, Erin. Sleep you well, sweet friend.?

?I could take him in a fencing match.? Erin said with a broad smile, then pressed a chase kiss to Everett's shoulder as she left. ?Sleep well, yourself, Evvie. I promise you a calm tea and pleasant talk come morning.?

?Watch for the falling.. will do.? The seer?s sleepy singsong chased Erin out the door.

Chryrie paused as Erin departed, but quickly got back to business once she had Viki?s focus again. ?Perhaps not so much. Would you be in less pieces in the Blood House Onyx manor??

The pin!

?Oooh. The button. Xas.? Neither here nor there, it's no wonder Viki had forgotten her get-out-of-jail-free card. But she was near sick of using it, for Gabriel was tireless in his pursuit of her.

Chryrie chuckled. ?Yes, the button. You must remember it when you wish to leave here.? Then, she turned to Everett.

?Sorry.. I'm Chryrie. My sister is very protective of this girl.. and that makes me protective of her too.?

?It is my folly that I have not introduced myself, Mistress Chryrie. I am Everett Ogden, of Warwick. I am protective of all women, though a lousy protector.? He smiled.

?Some are not made for brutish activities. I myself prefer to stay in my books unless I'm otherwise needed,? Chryrie quipped.

Meanwhile, Viki?s fingertips charted a course for the Blood lapel pin. It continuously sat just above her right breast, lost in a wild pattern of multicolored fabrics.

?'Til the morrow, or the one after that, unless the moon destroys the sun in passing.? She rolled over, casting a grateful glance to the trio. ?But I am to Blood, now. Watch for Bells in my wake.?

Chryrie smiled. ?Rest, dear child. You deserve it.?

Viki smiled back. She was shaken, and now she stirred, even on the cusp of sleep. A small pressure on the pin, and that was that. She hated this part. Dematerializing was a bother. Sometimes she found patches of color in the wrong place. Nevertheless, where there was once warmth and radiance, there was now a void - just a simple imprint of her curling lounge remained, fixed in cushions and cloth.


Date: 2007-04-09 17:59 EST
Once there was boy who had vibrant glow,
but as it goes, someone took it from him.
One day through the rain I heard him meekly moan,
he said "Will you wrap your arms around me
as I'm falling?"- AFI

Red Dragon Inn

Ribbons of road and ruin of forest gave birth to cobble streets. Moonlight held the seer close, stitched to even her small shadow. She jumped from stone to stone, always making light of travel, slipper-shoes complying as best they could. Finally, the Inn appeared, and she flocked to it, a moth to a flame. Familiar presences called, and the girl brushed a bit of stardust from her shoulders before she made her way inside.

Aqua eyes spun round the room before Sid and Tasha and Talomar were caught up in them, and she waved something wild, then moved from the door, shedding her overcoat like one might shed a second-skin. It was, more or less. Patchwork finery was her true exoskeleton.

Sid tossed her a smile and waved her way, then chatted on with a young man whom the seer did not know. She was obviously tending bar that night, though the wind offered other explanations.

She is waiting.

?Aye, dux, ale comin'.?

The youth at the bar had his elbows propped on the counter, his eyes, sky blue, fixated on Sid. ?Names Evan and you would be...? His smile was boyish, inviting as he waited for the Ancient to offer her name.

?Well met, Evan. Ye can be callin' me Sid,? she said, settling an ale before him.

?Thank you again, lovely Sid. How much I owe?? As he spoke, he tossed a casual glance towards the seer, companion to a flash of a smile before his attention returned to Sid.

?First one be on the house, dux. Sort o' a tradition with me an' those from me home.?

?Hm, that is a welcoming gesture. Makes me feel right at home.?

Viki moved further in, her brows lifting once eyes wound their way to Kina, a vague snippet of memory rising to the surface. But the seer said nothing, well, nothing to her in the least. She whispered low to the spaces between, then meandered about table, chair, and patron alike, bar-bound, and at last spilled into an empty barstool.

We agree. She is not in league with the Black Wizard.

With bare legs dangling slow beneath the countertop, elbows settled above. Her free hands caught her chin with ease and a look of boredom surfaced. She hummed something sweet, something to match the wafting bits of universe emanating from the Ancient, but ceased, catching a certain pair of.. azure.. eyes.

Sid and the young man continued with their palaver.

?Aye? An' where be ye home, Evan? If'n I mayhaps be askin', tha' be.?

?Let me ask you, Sid. You like living here in Rhy'Din? What are your favorite haunts??

?Ye be answerin' me, dux, an' mayhaps I be returnin' the favor.? The Ancient turned her attentions to the seer nearby and Tass, who was a few feet further down the bar. ?Whilst I be here, m'dux, can I be gettin' ye both somethin'??

But the seer was distracted. ?Haunts,? echoed the bartop ball of color, and she stared at the young stranger with growing curiosity, and some impish intent. Then, Sid?s question hounded her ears.

?Nau, bel'la dos Manon..? Singsong flow of words for the Ancient, though her eyes rarely left the bits of the newcomer who sat so near.

?You know my answer, hun,? replied Tass.

The youth with the sky blue eyes continued. ?Oh, no problem, lovely Sid. I have no secrets really. I live a rather dull life. I hail from a small town west of Laredo, named Mercy. Ever hear of it? Never been famous, no tourist, but the best damn bass anywhere. You like fish, Sid??

The Ancient made no move to answer him. ?Viki, this be Evan. Seems he be new to town.? She nodded between the two of them. ?An' this be Tass.? She threw Tass a wink. ?Tass, Evan.?

The stranger turned once more, his eyes soft and approachable, his smile charming. ?Evening. It is truly a pleasure to meet you Viki.?

Tasslehofl only nodded to the image in the mirror, but his head never swiveled to meet the Evan in greeting.

?Laaa-ray-doh?? A tasting of that far-off place in language alone. Viki was a bit wary of newcomers, but would warm up eventually, and if not figuratively, well, certainly literally. Her skin sizzled and sparkled beneath the throw of lantern light. ?Hullo, Evan.?

His eyes slid over her multicolored garb. ?Interesting fashion statement.?

Meanwhile, Sid snatched a bottle from the shelf behind her and spoke over her shoulder to the newcomer. ?Laredo? Be tha' the same one in the... Now, dun tell me... Tejas? Earth Prime??

But it seemed Evan only had eyes and ears for the seer. ?Is that a trick, or a talent??


Date: 2007-04-09 18:01 EST
Be careful what you say
You said that yesterday,
Tell me something new
It's always ocean blue
- Ocean Blue

?You read well,? she remarked as she mused, her chin abandoned as her hands fled to the many folds of her skirt, twisting the fabrics between skillful fingers. ?What??

?I assume you aren't human,? Evan said, oh-so-casually.

?I am naut one for tricks,? ensured the seer.

Now that is a lie.


And just which part would that be? Your eyelashes?

?Your skin, young Viki. It sparked.?

He sees too much. Do not speak with him. We feel he is a cancer.

So many questions! Off-blues narrowed, filled to the brim with suspicion, yet the seer couldn't make sense of his own secrets - not yet. ?Oh, well. It-does-that.?

This close to the seer, Sid's own bits of skin visible seemed to reflect Viki's shine in luminescent glimmers. She moved from the bar to approach Kina, and speak with her.

?Ah.? Evan noted the narrowing of Viki's gaze perhaps, for he smiled wider, warmer. ?If I may be so bold as to ask if I may buy you a drink for being rude??

Bits of suspicion gave way to amusement. The girl flashed him a grin. Didn't he know that no one paid in Rhy'Din? ?Xas.. Would you take tea?? A twirl of two-toned hair, a sudden thought of Everett.

He is not like Everett. Do not make that mistake.

Viki ignored the voices for now. Her proximity to Sid was a continuous comfort, in light of Evan's questions. Between spaces of their exchange, she smiled.

?If the lady wants tea, then tea it is!? Evan exclaimed, sliding to his feet with a liquid grace, moving behind the bar.

?He called me lay-dee.? She chimed to the barstool beside her. It did nothing but offer up a bit of heat, reminisce of the last patron to perch there.

?Let me see.? He spoke as he rifled through tea cans. ?Strong and fitful, or light and flowery??

He feels you are both. We tend to agree. Little fragmented beacon.

?Ahhh, I am only familiar with the naming of one, Earl of Grey? I do naut think I would be turned off by a Duchess of Grey..? Her off-blues bounced into his cerulean ones. Legs picked up a faster, habitual swing, and slipper-shoes dangled along the tops of her toes. Her heels were free to catch a feel for the air while lying in wait for tea.

Holding her gaze briefly, he gave Viki a nod. ?Yes, I think I can handle that, milady.? Evan moved down the bar brushing past Sid to sit the pot of water on to boil.

Look at what care he takes to avoid touch.

Directing his words to Viki as he sauntered back towards her, he gathered up cup, saucer, sugar and cream. ?You know any good places to eat around town??

?My-lay-dee, this time..? She was whispering again, seemingly to herself. Small giggles rang like bells, and the sound set off a string of thoughts. Soon, Evan's motions were near ignored, and her gaze settled on the Blood lapel pin, still stuck in place to her dress - up top, and to the right.

You will yet use that again.

?Eat? Oh. There is the kitchen..? She gestured with a lift of her chin, then grinned in thanks - somewhat lopsided, though full of paint and flat teeth.

?Went to the market once, but to follow a man. It was alive with food-smells..? She shifted in her attentions, moving from Evan to the boiling water, and the stream of steam climbing to the ceiling.

His warm husky chuckle broke through her explanation of town before he set up the cup and saucer, placing the condiments within easy reach and putting a spoon to one side.: ?A kitchen? I can't cook! I am useless in a kitchen.?

He moved to the tea cans, hunting down the Earl Grey and dosing the teapot with several scoops. He shook his head while still speaking to the distracted seer. ?I was hoping more for a nearby restaurant. They have them here don't they??

?I do naut know..? She gave a look to the windows, as if the answer were pressed to the glass. ?Must??

Evan added the hot water to the tea mix, then poured it in place ? cup and saucer. ?There you go. Hot tea. Its about all I can cook. If you can call it cooking.? He set it out in front of her.

The cream was tasted with the tip of her finger, then lathered across the face of the spoon. Viki dipped the utensil dead-center of the cup, raining sugar along the rim, and to her delight, splattering the saucer as well. ?Amvel, Evan.? Two or three tounges tonight?


Date: 2007-04-09 18:02 EST
You flicker
And you're beautiful
You glow inside my head
You hold me hypnotized
I'm mesmerized...
Your flames
The flames that kiss me dead
-The Cure

She lifted the tea to the air, giving thanks to the streaming steam before sipping slowly, pinky up, though not really knowing why.

?You lived in Rhy'Din all your life, Viki??

?The Lover cooks, well, hunts..? She didn't elaborate there. She wore her smile well, though it was marred at times by the brim of that teacup. She returned it to its saucer and stared back at the youth, balancing his questions on the tip of her tongue. ?Naut all.. Some. Are you from Urth??

?Yes.? Evan nodded, placing a hand over where his heart rested. ?A lover? You are a taken lady. My hopes and dreams have been dashed.? His voice was light and playful.

Viki gave a playful poke to the spoon at the saucer's side - makeshit seasaw, or cannon? She lifted her head, giggling, obviously knocked off course by his charm. ?You do naut wear your want at all. That I do naut See.?

Evan?s chuckle rose up again, warm and husky like the first. ?Do I not? I have always thought I wear my lust too openly. Perhaps you haven't looked close enough?? He leaned in towards Viki from the opposite side of the bar, placing his face inches from hers, blue eyes to off blues. ?Can you see me now?? He whispered, and so very softly.

Her mouth lay open, a cherub's feature, all pouted and full and pink. She flushed, but not under the pressure of her own heightened temperature. Words were there, possibly mingled with girlish laughter, singsong riddle-ramble, but they were never allowed sound. Instead, she hung there, in the space between speech and sight, her eyes full and wide.. and daggers.

And now you will have him! Send up his secrets.

Evan, for the most part, looked unruffled. His boyish, disarming grin flashed once before he hung his head and stepped back a pace. ?Can't blame me for trying. You are a beauty, lady Viki.?

Then, the conversation blossomed into something entirely different, and dark. ?Does Death speak to you, lady Viki?? He leaned in towards her as if they were sharing secrets.

He is too quick to catch. And he knows us.

?Spirits, and naut-spirits, and voices on the wind,? she whispered. She wore levity again, dropping that secret guard, though her skin grew hotter with his closeness to her.

Evan nodded in return, his sky blues darkening with intensity. ?They whisper to me too. I hear them through trees, in creeks and lakes. Sometimes what they say I don't want to hear.?

He is not lying.

?That is when you must stomp them underfoot over and over and over..? She huffed, sending curls his way, result of their proximity. Frustration took hold of her features. Being a seer wasn't fun all of the time.

?I don't fear Death, do you? What I fear is what it steals from me.?

?Nau..? Nonchalance wound in that reply. She gave a glimpse at Sid, then looked back to Evan, attempting to find his eyes again. ?I know the arms that would rock me,? she whispered.

He met her eyes briefly but quickly dropped his gaze to the bar. A half shrug, he spoke softly, ?No arms are there to rock me, for Death has stolen them away.?

The heavy hearted girl on a barstool, she leaned in again, with small hands hovering, attempting to touch his face, though hesitant. Touch was something she didn't take lightly. ?Death is the best of thieves, I fear.?

?Yes.? With a heavy sigh, he pushed away from the bar, effectively avoiding contact with her hands. His sad smile haunted his handsome features as he peered up at the girl once more. ?It has been a pleasure meeting you, lady Viki, but I am not fit for company right now. Perhaps we'll meet again??

The seer offered him a small nod, her smile laced with equal sadness, for if anything, the girl was as much empathic as she was instilled with second-sight. ?Xas.. Listen to the air.?

You will meet. But you may not like the actual event.

Moving backwards, he saluted Viki. ?I have no choice. I must listen.? Turning, he moved out from behind the bar and headed towards the stairs. She watched his departure from the outline of his shadow, watching him make for the stairs, and, she assumed, the rooms above. Eyes lift in that regard, and the air hung heavy with intrigue.

Sid appeared once more, leaning her hip against the bar?s edge next to Viki, inhaling both her scent and her essence all at once. It seemed to have an overall calming effect on the Ancient. Why it was needed or whatever was the matter prior to her sudden reappearance, Viki did not ask. ?Wha' does he speak to ye, Shimmer? Inside.?

?Death and sad songs wash over that one. All alone, but I did naut see much of his eyes.? She swirled, enveloping the Ancient in her thin arms, whether it was warranted or not. A face to her side, then pressed into her clothing, a drug to surpass all drugs.

The Ancient embraced her readily, pressing her face into Viki?s hair of dual color.

She thinks of memories... something... sparking... just... Ahh it is gone!

?I be cautious o' strangers. Keep ye eyes bright, Shimmer. I note he kept from touchin', e'en incidentally.?

Snuggling for a stitch of time, Viki then peeled herself free to address the situation as best she could, though a collection of details was hard for her to handle. ?Maybe he is like the Lover, where touch is naut wanted.. Though I took it anyway.? Her grin was impish.

?Aye, mayhaps. An' ye be a clever one, Shimmer.?

And someone will come at you with the same opinion, and you will know him by the malice in his voice and the air he plays at breathing.

?Manon...? It was spoken without real meaning. Nay. It sounded much like Mother. A call for comfort before eyes began to roam again, landing on Tasha and Talomar. The pair were encased in shadow, talking low, flickering in and out of sight.

?Shimmer...? Sid whispered, her hand tangled in a soothing touch to Viki?s hair. The pet name was spoken with something the seer thought of as possession, but more loving.

?You know me..? Those syllables sung with secret meaning, secrets only the Ancient could've figured out, and Domikai, but that was a totally different mixture of emotion.

Sid?s silvery shot eyes with Viki's words. For a moment, she looked not Ancient at all. ?Aye, I do know ye.?

Viki would cling to Sid all night if such was possible. She was an airy thing, alight with something akin to a milky way, apparent in those strands of her hair.

Tasha emerged from her meeting and moved towards the bar, pausing to drop her pack on the floor near Sid and Viki. Thereafter, she hugged Sid close, joining both Ancient and seer, happily tangled.

Tasha's interjection was invited of course, another ray of sunshine to add to the swirling solar system in the corner of the commons. Viki hugged the two, pressing herself tightly... and then there were three.

?I soooo need a coke,? Tasha exclaimed, mid-tangle.


Date: 2007-04-09 19:11 EST
Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you'll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine
-Echo and the Bunnymen

Red Dragon Inn
Several moments after meeting Evan.

Something comes seer. From the shadows he glides, moving with an unnatural quiet.

?I would give you Title, Manon..? Viki whispered, as some sadness stilled her to loosen her grip on the two, one Blood, the other something more. Patchwork finery shifted as she settled back into the barstool, eyes making for the hearth, dancing partners for the flames.

Leaning, Sid pressed the softness of her lips to top of Viki?s head, and smiled very softly. ?Mayhaps it be nae time.?

You are not a child. And you are not her child.

?Well.. tonight has been good. No one has tried to bite me, kill me or kidnap me yet. I would call that good.? Tasha nodded, her eyes bright, twinkling saucers.

Sid?s touch to silvery strands and two-tone locks faded, and the Trueblood pulled back and look to Tasha and Viki. ?Coke for Ana, an' mayhaps more'n tea for Shimmer??

?Ahh, ohh..? She glanced to the lonely teacup, now cooled to room temperature and offering up no steam at all. ?Xas, please.?

Tasha and Sid charted a path behind the bar

?Tea, or somethin' different??

Viki nodded to this, though her eyes remained on the hearth, her small voice focused in the same direction as she sounded her reply. ?I am well with tea,? she said quietly.

Something is closer seer. He senses you on the light breeze, sweet as candy, spicy and enticing as a curried dish.

Something was amiss, no doubt. The woodwork creaked and the fire crackled and the seer sat so very still, as if weighing her options, or formulating a battle plan. ?Metal arrows..? To herself, for sure.

?Eyes an' heart places, li'l Shimmer.? Sid?s voice was barely a breeze of sound as she passed, moving for the steaming pots and her small herb chest behind the bar.

But the fog rolled in, or more like rushed in, and Viki was a solitary, silent creature with an obnoxiously loud dress. Sid's advice went unnoticed. Catatonic, she watched the fire within.

?West London the bad part of town? I wouldn't know, as I imagine you wouldn't know where my town is either. The world is strange and new here.? A nearby patron chatted up his companion, and his words filtered through the crackle of the fireplace.

Meanwhile, Sid attended to the Earl Grey, chatting with Destre, who just so happened to make an appearance so late in the evening. ?To lose a spark like the Countess, sweet, I can be understandin' the male's moods, Des.?

?Strange and new, to lose a spark..? Viki echoed, doing her better impression of a cavern, and she barely even twitched on that barstool, even with the static white noise around to soothe her, the small crowd offering a bit of a comfort. You know, the old saying? Safety in numbers.

Tasha?s voice broke through the chaos. ?Is there a slaver convention in town??

The teacup chimed. Two o'clock and all was well. Viki finally turned, a swivel in her seat, her face for the bit of heated air, her fingers for the spoon. ?Slavers??

There are greater dangers now. But look. The Egyptian. He has one of your brood. You would know him through the trap of your past, though we cannot feed you those memories now.

The seer gave Anubis a rather blank stare. The lights were on but obviously no one was home. Off-blues revealed that much, clouded with secrecy.. and tea. She toyed with the spoon and saucer for a while, then spilled off the stool, drawn to the hearth.

We speak of a Watcher in the Night. His is a raptor, little bird.

A shiver raced down the length of her spine, but not for any chill the air had to offer. Viki?s nearness to the fire did little to sooth. Ahh, but the seer only had so much time to process this. Tasha noted her stare, and decided to distract her with an appropriate bag of skittles. Viki?s eyes flickered from flame to windowpane, then were drawn sidelong, as Tasha threw the bag of candy into the air. The girl caught it, characterized with eager hands and greedy fingers.

Your touch is electric. You are his Addiction. He will know you in more ways than one.

?Amvel, Tasha..? Viki?s thank-you was a singsong chime, and a new sample of a smile was alight on her face. She turned back to the fire again, and simultaneously to the window, struggling with the bag, fishing out its multicolored contents.::

?Like dresses..? She squeaked, overcome with delight, fully forgetful of ominous fears. She lounged nearto the flames, comfort in the form of a carpet on the floor. Sprawled, the seer turned to her side, eyes shifting between glass and glaze. The candy-coated wonders were lined up alongside - rainbow soldiers on a march.


Date: 2007-04-09 19:30 EST
Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

Do not lose us to the Fog. He has an ache that cannot be soothed. You reek of nature and your Lover, and something very familiar to him. He will have at it.

?One by one, hoorah, hoorah..? A little song to fill the commons, perfectly obliviously to the small scene taking shape just beyond her periphery. Viki flicked the leader skittle by his head, and there he went, gliding over polished floorboards, slipping beneath the doorframe.

?Ahh!? A chase, a chase.. The seer would give chase. She stood up, upsetting her line of candy soldiers, creating more of a chaos than when she had separated them from their leader. Nonetheless, she followed - quick slipper-shoes in hot pursuit of the one who got away. She gripped the doorknob, but froze in her tracks.

Do not.. to this.. episode.. lose us.. outside.

Sid?s eyes chased Viki to the door.

?Captain?? She pressed her ear to the frame, listening as if to the very hinges. ?Your men lie in ruin..? She threw the door aside in one fell swoop, then tackled the night in all her youthful spry and vigor. Off-blues blurred as she went in search for the missing man.

And there he was, the Watcher of Night, Name-Like-Bells, her Gabriel. Lightening quick he moved, stepping in towards her as she dashed forward, but she spilled between his legs, after the absent skittle.

Instead, he took a stance behind the kneeling Viki and quietly cleared his throat. ?Uhum. Did you lose someone, Seer??

Viki looked up, in a very evident haze, her eyes like slits for Gabriel, but they mad no note of recognition. ?The Captain,? she whispered.

Sid?s voice echoed from inside, a hiss through gritted teeth. ?Gabriel.?

With his hands clasped behind his back, he granted her an angelic smile. ?Little Bird, I saw no Captain. But should you explain what he looks like, perhaps we may find him together??

Not? wait? no?

?Xas..? She inclined her head, as if to listen to something perfectly invisible, then turned in a pivot - ballerina like in all ways but one - the way she stared off, as if lost, as if she had lost more than "The Captain." ?Find him, find him..?

In the interim, Sid had raced through the commons and burst through the semi-open door, spilling out onto the porch, inches from the pair.

Seconds prior, Gabriel stepped in closer, but did not reach out and touch Viki. Instead he leaned in close and whispered to the shell of her ear. ?Yes, I will help you find him, Seer. Come with me?? He offered up his hand.

Her lashes fluttered once again, a series of blinks assaulting her finely chiseled face - perfectly noble in structure, rosy with youth. She stared off in the stillness, her tongue trailing across her lower lip, an instinctual taste of the air.

?Xas, xas... find him...? Her hand was given, small fingers lacing about his own.....

?Wha' ye be sellin', Gabriel, I be sure Shimmer nae wants a part o' it.? With a cold sneer, and ice in those dark cracked eyes, Sid?s fingers danced along a front pocket as she gripped the porch railing with the other hand.

Seconds later Tasha arrived, blinking in confusion, as if this small drama had interrupted some other exchange.

But the angel did not hesitate. Once the girl placed her hand in his, he moved quickly, with a speed inhuman. He swept the seer up into his arms and hopped over the porch railing, landing with ease on the street below.

And in that instant of contact, reality bent. Mental clarity is but a crackle of electricity. The girl was aglow, and it wasn?t for Gabriel's charm.

Now you SEE! Now you HEAR!

?Whoa.? Tasha peered around Sid's taller form, getting a look at the one holding Viki, finally in the loop. ?You!?

The heat coming from the petite girl in the angel?s arms was as scalding as boiling water. He staggered briefly, perhaps not used to such pain, but valiantly fought to retain his hold and regain his footing. There was a rush of power from touching Viki, and subconsciously Gabriel fed from it, drawing the energy in like a sponge.

But Viki was a beacon for their eyes, if they should follow. The girl's face contorted, confusion streaming with clarity, and obvious terror mixed blue and green. She cried out but once, a whimper-whine, as thin limbs were tangled with the angelic's, and the energy surge, like a battery to Gabriel, was a boon to herself.

?Frellin' crap!!? Sid cursed and moved forward, making sure she did not step on or jostle Tasha, spilling over the railing like water down a cliff's edge. ?Shimmer! Gabriel, ye touch one hair on tha' precious head an'...? She paused to sniff the air.

?Ha!? She nearly grinned. Her fist set on boyishly slender hip bones, arms akimbo. ?Fall a bit, Gabriel??


Date: 2007-04-09 20:17 EST
In starlit nights I saw you
So cruelly you kissed me
Your lips a magic world
Your sky all hung with jewels
The killing moon
Will come too soon

Tasha?s turn to cut in: ?Put her down you winged freak!? She was moving forward, bristling with annoyance.

Enter That Blue Bastard. Mish?Cael came at them in a slow stroll over ice and snow and cobbles, his guns set into hip holsters, perfectly visible to those in proximity. His black eyes took to the scene like professional appraisers, alight with recognition for some of the faces in his path, but wary all the same.

?My my.? He choked down an ill-timed bout of coughing. A cigarette's hot-red end dwindled from between two knuckles.

?An' lookee all this...? With the thinnest of smiles, he looked to Gabriel and Viki, to Sid and Tasha.

?Down, down, down,? whispered the girl in the angel?s arms, pressing a plea to the side of his face, still all fairy bells and lilting singsong, despite her focus to flee.

Sid?s slow steps circled in, tasting the scent that clung to him. She threw a glace to Mish'Cael, but her full attentions were on Gabriel. ?Well, well, well... Methinks this be development a sister o' mine needs hear o', an' soonest.?

Gabriel tucked Viki close, leaning to press a kiss to her forehead. It was such odd behavior, but with hidden point and purpose.

Every time your flesh touches, he feels more alive, and his energy throbs and thickens with fresh vigor?

?Take et he en't her mate,? said Mish?Cael, with eyes crawling to Sid, and then to Gabriel, perhaps sizing up the best spots to shoot him at.

?Nae.? Sid spoke to Mish, keeping her distance. ?An' he dun kill easily, I be thinkin'.?

?I en't kill easy, neither,? he said in reply.

On that note, Gabriel lowered Viki to the ground and released her once she had gotten her footing. His attention shifted between the other two women. ?Good evening, Mannon, Anastashia, isn't it? Raphael's halfling daughter.?

Meanwhile, the seer turned rag doll spied Mish'Cael from over a celestial shoulder. She made a motion to speak, but sound was the first to go, but from the shape of her lips, it could've been but one phrase.. Then, it got a bit dark, and off-blues succumbed to black space.

Metal arrows.

Mish?Cael?s cruel and terrible smile curled into view. ?'Sides. En't need ta kill 'im... Jes' put 'im on a knee fer now.?

?Geesh. I come in peace. Or haven't you heard, Manon? I am human. Just like,? he started, before making a face, rolling his eyes. ?Well, obviously not you.? He caught Viki once more, when she started to slip, when the dark claimed her vision. He actually looked concerned.

Tasha scowled darkly at the angel speaking her name and hopped down from the top step, landing with bracing legs before surging forward moving up beside Sid. ?Let.... her.... go,? she demanded.

Mish?Cael echoed the notion. ?Best set'er on tha groun' an' let me have 'er, doncha think.?

He would have you more ways than one, too.

The gunslinger dropped the cigarette to the ground and snuffed it out with a sizzle, underneath the bare flesh of his heel. No shoes. Mish?Cael did not wear shoes.

?Ye be many thin's, Gabriel, but human be nae one o' them. Nae matter wha' be happenin' to ye. An', though I smell the Fall, I canna tell wha' lingers. Howe'er, this be gran' news...? Sid smiled cruelly. ?I be dyin' to tell someone,? she said, stepping forward.

But Gabriel wasn?t paying them any attention. ?Seer? Seer? Are you alright?? As pressure surmounted by the other three, he kept his eyes on Viki.

The seer was limp, like driftwood, only much softer, and cosmically swept. She gurgled, and though her eyelids twitched, they remain closed.

Mish?Cael took a step forward. Gabriel looked panicked.

?Help her! You care for her too. Help her!? The angel pleaded.

Too, he says, too.

?Aye, Mish'Cael, is it?? Sid was grinning like a fiend, ignoring Gabriel?s plea. ?Take out a knee cap.?

?Kin do.?

?Ye 'ave the hands for it, methinks. Steady, accurate,? she affirmed.

But the constant connection between angel and girl had taken its toll on the seer. The world was in ripples, though their voices were distant, but heard.

The gunslinger?s Peacemaker was out so quick it seemed a bullet train of metal. The hammer cocked sickeningly against a calloused thumb, at his hip and steady as concrete. His left eye looked so brilliant and no longer black at all. It was a shiny, glistening gold. Hot against the skin of his cheek, it illuminated the entire half of his face.

?You?re draining her!? Tasha exclaimed with a hiss, falling as she started to dart forward, moving past Sid in a sudden effort to get to Viki.

But Sid was way ahead of her. Blurring with preternatural speed, she moved to grab for the Seer out of Gabriel's hands.

Alas, before they could get to her, Gabriel swirled. He picked the girl up, tucked her close and jumped upwards, landing on the roof. The seer dangled in his arms, murmuring bits of nonsense without the help of sound, though every attempt was a plea, a means to reason.

Mish?Cael?s smile was wide, so wide. He shot up of his head and dropped to a knee, perhaps debating on where to fire. Up and the man's shoulder was in his sights. There was an instant thunder-crack of shot. The silver bullet raced out of the barrel and exploded into flesh, but too soon. Gabriel had leapt toward the roof, and Mish?Cael?s bullet grazed not his shoulder but his knee.

?Tasha be right, ye frellin' fool!? Sid shouted as she followed the pair, swift and sure, upwards without a thought. Toes to branches and rails, and finally she found the roof. ?Ye canna touch them all... open!?

?Try an' en't git in tha way'a a shot, Sid,? Mish?Cael grunted from below.

Free falling? Perhaps.. Taint of blood in the air. Viki swooned, sure to slip from the angel's grip if the bullet sang truth.

The gunslinger moved inside with a quickness, up the stairs, bare feet slapping hard on the wooden steps and he burst through the first room on the next floor. A shriek from a whore and her john, and he lurched the window open.

Gabriel, from his place on the roof, caught what Tasha said. He glared at Sid. ?You think I want to hurt her?! You know nothing!?

Mish?Cael stepped out and onto the roof, his head swiveling around and the golden eye out and searching. He headed in their direction, both sizzling, shining boomdowns out and he got within a good ten feet of Gabriel. ?Put 'er down or y'kin git another in yer knee.?

Sid continued, attempting reason. ?Ye wan' he safe?? The Ancient barely stuck to the tiles, like wind across water her movements danced over the roof keeping Gabriel and the seer in front of her, at arm's length.

The seer was white on white, that ancient glow, a trail of stardust. She no longer looked tangible - just a light in the night, like so many more, but fashioned from blood and sweat and bone.


Date: 2007-04-09 21:33 EST
Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

Mish Cael had the other hammer cocked back hard and one barrel on his knee, the other out to one side, to lead the angel if he ran.

Tasha couldn't do anything but gaze upwards, as any spells she might use could harm Viki, so she just growled in annoyance.

?I know nae a thin'? Then be givin' her to me an' let me help her. Ye jus' be harmin' her more ye keep touch 'o her.? Sid snorted at the angel and his accusation. ?I know nae a thin'. Frell.?

But Gabriel only looked between the assembled threats, then dashed for the window, leading inside the keep.

A shot cracked at the knee, with the leading gun, as the angel fled.

?Jesus, get shit in yer ears.? Mish?Cael cursed audibly. He couldn?t open up with both guns. The seer still dangled in his arms.

Speaking of which, Viki was whisked away, though not with wings, as the girl was a dead weight to Gabriel, a hindrance in possible escape.

Sid lashed a hand out to still Mish'Cael, beginning to move after Viki and her brethren. ?Damn it to the nine planes, Gabriel!?

?En't need 'nother targit ta not hit in tha way...? Mish?Cael was after Sid with a sigh.

Below, Tasha moved along the street, keeping an eye upwards as she ran. She tried to keep Gabriel in sight, terrified he would drop Viki, and just in case, she was already planning a spell to handle gravity.

Inside the keep, where there are lounges, the angel took and tended to the seer. He knew the place, as he'd confronted several of the Bloods in there before. He moved with a liquid speed, too fast for a human eye to track, towards the nearest sofa. With a divine gentleness, he laid Viki down, then darted for a window on the opposite side.

?Gabriel?? ::Into the keep, spying his coat tails, Sid followed as he made for the window.

?Ya little shit,? Mish?Cael echoed, spilling after Sid. He heard the Ancient and followed her voice, then ducked out another window. His moving was quick and practiced and wasted not a breath. Guns up and no seer in sight, he let the hammers fly fast and true. Crack after crack of gunshot lit up a path in front of the fleeing once-angel.

Tasha ran back towards the inn and upwards, boots thudding on the steps as she moved, only to burst into the keep and skidding to a stop near Viki.

Gabriel took one last glance at the seer, as if he couldn?t resist. Briefly green eyes darkened and then he was gone. Dropping out the window it seemed he'd fallen into the shadows, simply vanishing.

?She be safe!? Sid called out loud. Scowling, she knelt beside the sofa and Viki. ?Shimmer?? A soothe of touch across the pale brow.
The rainbow spectrum of fabrics and frills, curls of intertwining colors, Viki had sunk into the cushions of that sofa, blissfully, unaware of the events unfolding, but bright as ever - a lightbulb, a candelabra, a roaring fire. She glowed.

?Something aint' right with that winged freak Sid.? Tasha leaned in slightly, looking over Sid's shoulder at Viki. ?She alright? She isn't hurt or anything is she??

The girl?s pallor remained, though the temperature of her skin was something fiercer than a fever. The Ancient?s hand had the adverse reaction of Gabriel's touch - Sid was both a catalyst and a cooling agent.

?She be fine with rest.? Sid spoke softly to Tasha, still keeping that soothing touch to Viki's skin. Moon glow seemed to leak from one to the other. Milky Way paths slip-slided from flesh to flesh. ?Gabriel has lost his Grace, methinks.?

?He.. has?? Tasha?s surprise was apparent. She darted a sharper look at Sid. ?He's one with Scratch now??

?Nae, I dun be thinkin' so, he scents more o' the physical. Though, with tha' one... I canna be sure. Could be a trick.?

Mish'Cael finally appeared back inside. His eyes were set back to blackest of black. With a look to Sid, Tasha, and then to Viki, he spoke, ?She alive.?

Tash was first to respond. ?Sid says she's alright. Nothing a bit of rest can't cure apparently.?

?Aye, she be needin' rest be all,? Sid echoed.


At that last word, Viki?s eyes fluttered open, breath filling her heated lungs in a rhythmic pattern, abreast with her heartbeat. It raced, though she lived, and wild eyes took in the change of scenery, and all those faces nearby. Still those shimmering pathways trailed from touch to touch, from Ancient to Seer, as Sid?shand soothed over brow and face and head.

?Manon. Tasha...? Viki uttered a low moan, gutteral though girlish, and a weakened reach for Sid, before off-blues toppled into Mish'Cael, widening in realization. Heroism would not go unnoticed.

?Methinks ye caught him. I smell our life force on the wind,? Sid said, aside to Mish?Cael, before turning to Viki. ?Shhh... li'l Shimmer. Ye needs rest. Then ye be right as rain.?

Mish?Cael?s head bent at an angle, studying Sid and Viki at the same time, from his distance. Thin, weatherbeaten fingers pulled a cigarette out and up and to his lips.

?Metal arrows..? A mess of wrinkled patchwork and knotted hair, a bit of bruising from her adventure in the arms of a celestial, but the seer was still no worse for wear. She gave the hunter a sample smile, locking their eyes for a time.

?Y'll git yer chance ta flash clover on 'im, Vik. En't worry 'bout thet. Teach yer, proper.?

?He cannaut touch me again.? Literal. Clipped syllables, short and sweet. She made an attempt to lift herself from the sofa, but only sunk further in. ?Teach..? How her face brightened - if such were possible. She was already glowing here, quick chemical romance between her touch and Gabriel's. She fixed on Mish'Cael.

?Ayup. Teach yer, Seer.?

The girl?s fingers flexed in the folds of those fabrics, heightened anxiety giving way to habits. ?Bel'la dos.? Very little words were meant after that, but how they lingered on him alone.

?How did he show up and none noticed? I mean I usually can sense them and he didn't even make a ripple.? Tasha turned to ask Sid.

?En't sense me.? Mish had a point. ?En't easy as et used ta be.? That was all there was to be, a nonchalant involvement in their conversation. He was much busier with the one he was having with Viki, through the LaBrea eyes alone. He stared over her and doted studiously.

Tell them of refuge in Two-Oh.

The seer murmured something about having allies none too far away, then let her eyes close, losing the view of LaBrea.

Sid attempted to further explain to her kin. ?Ye dun know him now as he be, Tasha. Tha' be me guess. I didna know 'twas wha' I felt bein' him 'til I be hearin' his voice.?

Mish smirked, squashing the last cigarette under a bare heel.

Sid turned her attention the gunslinger, a slow smile creeping into view. ?Methinks I be stayin' in a room with her, though mayhaps we can be usin' an extra set o' eyes??

His body suffered another fit of coughs, wracking through his lungs and throat. Mish?Cael curtailed it and nodded once. Back to his slow "self." The tarpit eyes finally dragged themselves to Sid. ?Ayup.?

?You don't think he will be back to try and snatch her again tonight do ya Sid?? Tasha?s inquiry was not without historical backing. Her eyes darting swiftly towards the window where Gabriel had fled.
?Strange to say, Tasha. But I do be thinkin' he be scared she be harmed, an' e'en more scared tha' he mayhaps caused it.?

?He en't make et out tha winder wit' 'er if'n he do try again.? The gunslinger assured them. The barrels of his guns were pointed between the window and door.

Sid gave a nod to Mish and she rose, bending over Viki to take her to her arms. ?Gran'. I be thinkin' I be hearin' two-oh??

?Ayup.? Mish?Cael made for the door, holding it open for the trio to step through.

?Yeah. Did seem that way Sid. Don't seem right to me either, as that one well he just isn't nice.? Tasha dwelled upon all that had just transpired, turning to adjust her pack. She sent a nod to Mish before falling into step behind Sid.

As she was thus carried, Morpheus was quick to claim Viki, to pull her into his own arms without threat of keeping, nor rumor of death.


Date: 2007-04-09 22:21 EST
Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you'll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine

Everett Ogden's Room

Sid held the seer in check, a near weightless bundle as she walked through the hall, muttering all the way to Room Twenty. ?Frellin' bastige. Sometimes fathers can seem nae so nice.? There were shadows in glamoured blue eyes as she knocked on the door of the room. Everett Ogden?s room.

?Yeah, I would agree there. Your staying with Viki right Sid?? Tasha asked as she brought up the middle. Mish?Cael of course was trailing the three, with bare feet plodding along.

?Aye, I be stayin'. Sent word to Scottie a'ready. Ye headin' back to where, sweet??

?Oh Shadowhold keep. Staying with Luc and family still, as I ain't been sent word to change that. Figure for now that's where Da wants me.?

Within Room Twenty, a voice called out. ?I am coming...? It was loud enough to be heard through the door.

The youth would then open the door, blinking at the light that poured over his scrawny, only half dressed form. He had begun to recover from the sick months at sea, but Everett Ogden was still a farce of a man beside the typical RhyDinian specimen of masculinity. It took him a beat when he looked at those assembled, but those terribly warm brown eyes came to rest on the colorful friend in the arms of a stranger. Brows arched, and a careful whisper followed. "Gabriel?" He was honestly horrified. He hated to see Viki like that.

Sid only nodded to Tasha, then glanced to youth at the door. ?Ye be... Ev-er-ette? This mus' be why I felt need to bring her here.?

Mish?Cael leaned against the far wall. His bony, sinew-curled arms crossed over one another - only the necessary muscle to lift and fire all of the guns in his massive collection, not a stitch more. One foot up was propped against the wall underneath him. His inkwell eyes watched Everett, standing in the doorway, an owlish blink and all of the heartfelt candor that Mish didn't understand any longer.

?I am, I am...Godsteeth, come in.? He stood aside, holding the door open. Concern woke him fully, made his feet feel cold on the floor boards. His bed was half made, and he was happy to forfeit it to the gypsy- belled creature. No questions asked, though hundreds swam in that earnest gaze.

?Methinks she be wantin' to rest here. She be fine, jus' needs rest.? Sid spoke as she carried Viki over to the bed. Once past the door frame she glanced back to Tasha.

Mish?Cael allowed for a slow kick off of the wall, ambling after Sid, who held Viki, into the room. His body-language suggested that it was not up for discussion about his staying in the room the night.

Tasha?s silvery violet eyes widened slightly as she caught a feeling about the room but slipped into step behind Mish and just wandered in for a moment, making sure Viki was ensconced safely.

The room felt safe. Still, with what follows and ever-plagues her and hers, Sid could never be sure. Poor Everett, he was going to be having at least three for company tonight. Laying Viki down to the half-made bed, she grinned over at Tasha. ?Familiar touch, aye??

Tasha nodded slowly, perhaps relieved that Viki had such a place to hide when needed and nearby. ?It does.? She beamed at Sid.

Mish ducked to fit his head inside the doorjamb. He was just, just, just too tall for all of these doorways. Just by a smidgen. The tarpit eyes racing over every inch of the room. He looked at the window and whatever else made up Everett?s room.

?Mish'Cael.? Everett greeted the man by name, and a nod between them. They had a common interest, and Everett would not think to have him leave. No matter that something in the fierce eyes of the fellow terrified that bookish gent. A cautious peer into the hallway preceded his gentle closing of the door. The room was modest, a double bed, but between the armchair in the corner, the seat at the writing desk, and the two chairs at the very small table, there were places to sit. To be.

?Everett'a Warwick.? Mish offered a faint, minute smile to the man.

?I be Sid,? the Ancient interjected, and perhaps more gruffly than she planned as Viki was covered. The Trueblood rose, pinning the male with cunning stare. ?Ye 'ave comp'ny for the night, Ev-ver-ette.?

Mish pulled out a chair equidistant from the window and door. He drug into the corner and he plopped into it unceremoniously.

Tasha continued with the introductions. ?I'm Tasha. Viki's family to us and all. But, I'm not staying. Have to head back before Luc sends out a search party. He's taking his duties as guardian a bit over board but well.? She shrugged and chuckled quietly.

?Er... Welcome.? Everett scratched the back of his head, lowering his eyes. He had never been the alpha wolf in the pack. It was a point of self-consciousness at moments like these. Still, the man who had been rousted from a dead sleep recovered admirably well, a little smile quirking his lips. ?Do make yourselves at home.? He moved to his closet, pulled a rumpled shirt from the laundry basket there, and slipped it over his bare chest, fastening the buttons as he nodded to the ladies.

?Sid, Tasha... it is good to meet friends of Viki.? His gaze slipped again to the sweet lady in his bed, and he wondered that anyone would think to harm her. It was madness, indeed.

Sid gave a glance to Mish as she pulled out one of the chairs from the small table and set it next to the bed near Viki?s head, folding her long, lank frame into it. Crossing legs and leaning against the headboard with one arm, she threw a grin as Tasha apologized for her, for them. She'd have to study this "thinking of others" thing better.

The gunslinger cleared his throat, a low, hard sound, like something sticking and clawing and refusing to leave. He undid the buckle of the hip-holsters, and draped it over a thigh. The first cold, shimmering .45 out and with a loud click and whirr, out came the chambers, refilling them slowly, methodically from a little section of the holster's leather. Equally-shiny silver bullets slipped into their beds for the night.

?I will be back around tomorrow to check up on Viki. Um, thanks for letting her, um them, you know stay.? Tasha stammered, realizing that the man had just taken in more guests then the room allowed and was trying to ease a little.

?Uh, aye... Than' ye.? Sid added.

The gratitude is accepted even as it is dismissed with a gentle wave. ?I should want no less for her.? Everett peeled his gaze away and moved towards his writing desk, his own corner, turning the chair around so that he might look on his companions for the night.

?Nice to have met you Ev-er-ette. Um, you also Mish.? Tasha backed up towards the door quietly, worried Luc would send out his men to find her, as he had done it before already.

The gunslinger was busy at work. With another whirr and click, the chambers went back and he set the gun aside for now. The other finished in equal time and he slipped them both into comfortable hands. The holster draped over a level surface nearby, now. He nodded to Tasha. ?Ayup. Well met.?

Sid cut in before Tasha could leave. ?Ye be careful headin' back, Ana. I dun know wha' tha' one be capable o', wha' he be hidin' up his sleeves. An' there be nae jus' him, as ye know. Give me regards to Luc an' Fio. Dun forget to tell o' this new development.?

?Always careful these days. Got plenty enough to keep me on my toes.? With an impish grin both amused and wry at the same time, Tasha nodded, brushing hair from her eyes. ?I will let them know and will certain inform them about what happened tonight.?

Mish shifted in the chair, getting comfortable. The guns hung loose in his hands, gentle now. He was dozing with an eye up, waiting for the chance to snuff out a life or five. Leaning back in the chair, he threw a look to Sid, studying her for a long time without words.

Sid?s glamoured eyes moved between Tasha and Viki. Her long fingers of strangely elegant design dusting over the seer's brow, trailing stardust pathways from flesh to flesh contact. Her free hand rose, tucking softly chiming elflocks behind the large point of her left ear, strange symbol beneath that one visible as the 'locks shifted.

?Night all.? Tasha called over a shoulder and then slipped out into the hall, closing the door quietly behind her before heading for the stairs, the sound of her docks hitting them as she bounced her way down to the inn below.

?Be well, sweet.? Sid echoed softly.


Date: 2007-04-09 22:39 EST
Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him
You give yourself to him
La la la la la...

The Ancient settled into the seat, her summer blue eyes moving over to Everett. ?Um, again, than' ye. I be preferrin' to keep ye an' anyone else I can out o' this whole... But...? She half shrugged. ?It be seemin' this be where Viki be wantin' to be.?

Silence from the awkward poet. He leaned all the way forward in his chair, elbows propped on knees and hands laced together between. That statement brought a smile, and he shrugged. ?We came here the other night...? he cast a look to Mish. You know, that night, it said. ?I told her stories. She must have liked it.? Softly spoke, a bemused little grin quirked his lips. He looked to Sid again, getting a sense of her ferocity. So many strong women here, strong like soldiers and not just like mothers. ?My door is always open to friends.?

Mish?Cael?s black crowssoul eyes flickered to Everett, as he said it. There was a blink of recognition, followed by an unavoidable fidget of the guns, before then they settled again. He looked to Viki for a moment.

The Ancient, for all her apparent ferocity, provided a soothing touch over two-tone hair with mother's hand, as if Viki were a part of her. She gave a nod to Everett for his words, a softer turn of thin lips. ?Well, then well met, Everett. Let us hope friends dun get ye killed.? She quickly changed the topic. ?Be ye Bard??

Mish?Cael?s laughter was absorbed in the background.

Sid?s blunt words were harsh to Everett?s gentle heart, but he did his best to rally, sitting up straighter in that chair as worry etched itself into his brow, quite without his permission. ?I would be a playwright, a poet. I merely told her stories, mirthful and funny, tales of my brothers, back in Warwick. I have three...? After a beat, he added, ?so does she.?

?Aye, she does. Bard hol' great magic, Everett. Stories weave worlds.? Sid passed a glance to Mish, her fox lit grin given, legs uncrossing then recrossing before turning back to the youth. ?Do ye know this? Do they speak o' this in ye world o' Warwick? Amongst the Fae, ye be a prize to wage wars o'er, if'n ye talent be true.?

?My country?? The poet asked. Vanilla England. No magic, no demons, no madness save that considerable which man produces by his own vices. ?We know the importance of words, of stories, to guide us to be better men.? His greatest hope was to write something worth reading, something that could be as meaningful to someone, to many someones, as the words of others had been to him. Her speak of the fae, of wars, brought forth a bashful smile. ?I should never want to be the subject of a war.? He could barely stand being the subject of a mildly heated argument.

A quiet study, Mish had returned Sid's grin with a lightning-in-a-bottle-quick wink. It had almost not happened. Another fidget of the guns and he set them down for a moment. Hopefully no one would crash through right this instant. ?Mind if'n I smoke.?

?There be great magic in words, Everett.? There was something in her tone, in her voice. A power unbidden. A seriousness not to be overlooked. ?Obviously, ye 'ave felt such, or ye be nae wishin' so hard I can literally be tastin' it to be a writer o' words. A teller o' stories. A weaver o' tales.? Her eyes slid to Mish, her nose wrinkling, but she shook her head to send multicolored wraps to sound of fifty silver bells and nine. ?I nae mind.?

Everett only shrugged. Windows were amazing things. Open them and offenses to the air inside fly away, ferrying in the perfume of the night. To Sid, he spoke again, his artful grin a sheepish one, nonetheless. He was a picture of genuine humility, a man who believes fervently that most of his work is mediocre. High standards, that one. ?I am fit for nothing else.? If he could not write, he would have to be a clergyman, or a poor farmhand to one of his elder brothers.

?Aye, then it sings in ye core. Ye soul. Be I right??

Mish?Cael rose with a steady, slow movement, and pulled the window open halfway. Setting back down and he lit up a cigarette but quick. It would be the only one he smoked for the night, and so he savoured it. Once done he shut the window and got back to the task of watching over Viki, shimmering Peacemaker .45s in each hand. Ready to do his bidding. Ready to kill anyone who tried to do the same to the seer.

We are wondering why, sleeping seer.

?I suppose it must,? Everett conceded to Sid with a shrug, shifting a bit in his chair. He was unaccustomed to this manner of conversation. It felt strangely personal, but perhaps it had something to do with the stranger in his most private space, not eight feet from all his little words.

The backs of Ancient fingers curled against Viki's temple and paused there. Moonlight glimmered at the skin to skin connection. Her slanted eyes blinked to refocus at Mish'Cael's movement and Everett's words. ?I see ye heart's desire for ye, Everett. It waits in the wings. Dun forget it too lon'.?

?I.... I will not.? And then the poet went quiet, in apparent study of his toes. Behold, there were ten of them.

?Gran', see ye dun. 'Twould be a shame to ne'er realize a magic such as yers.? As she spoke, her body flowed from the seat like water rolling down hill, curving about Viki's sleeping form atop the covers like the crescent moon nestled about the morning star. She did not sleep, but her form went still and were it not for the clothes, her street savvy guise, she could have been formed of pure alabaster.


Date: 2007-04-15 15:53 EST
And no one knows
And no one sees us
Because they're drinking themselves senseless
And I'm writhing
And I'm writhing
And I'm writhing in the snakepit
- The Cure

Red Dragon Inn

Two snakes spoke at the bar.

?Hmmm... Manon's little pet.?

?No more fun to be had at their expense tonight. The Barrister is holding tight to his cool. As for the Mannon's pet? Her head is the only gift I will accept.?

?She sparks. Perhaps she can be of use??

?No. No use. She's unpredictable. She sees too much. Her head is all we want left of her.?

?As you wish, old man. I shall follow your lead on this, then.?

?Had you suffered at her hands, you'd be agreeing with me, partner. She's a risk we don't need to take.?

?She is nothing, then, partner. No more shall be considered but your most wise opinion on the matter.?


Date: 2007-05-02 00:25 EST
Kasey drifted in. He did like to drift. But one shouldn't be so bold as to label him a drifter. His clothing screamed style just as much as they sky screamed.. blue: all waistcoat and leather shoes and chiseled torso free of fabric. A cigarette hung between his lips, perfectly perpendicular with the corners of his mouth, but he wasn't smoking. It just sorta hung there, an orphan wrapped in white.

The evening called for a nightcap, but in truth Kasey would have a line of them before all was said and done. He strolled toward the bar, breezing through the crowd, meticulous in his mannerisms. He didn't touch a soul on the way. One more easy stride, and he was at the bar. Funny how the tension felt between his toes. He looked right, he looked left, and he chuckled, moving the smoke from his mouth to a bit behind his ear.

There was a crowd. How.. common.

?Like my head where it is..? Said the small voice of concern, pressed between the bartop and one other.

"Don't we all?" He mused, one quick swipe in the direction of Rainbow Brite, and her obvious protector.

?Eyeses and eyes.? Aqua settled on the newcomer, taking him in with her usual thievery, slits for his secrets, before drifting.

?We ain't gonna let them take your head Viki. Let them try and it won't be pretty either. I took Howe out once, pretty sure I can do that again if needed,? said the woman beside the girl.


Kasey needed to remember that.

And Viki. But then, he already knew her name.

Kasey was in like Flynn.

Patchwork girl gave a quick nod to her Uncle-of-sorts, curls mopping up her vision. ?Name-Like-Bells? What of him? Nau.. relation, to the snakes? Too many wars are all criss-crossing and I cannaut see my feet.? Her face fell.

"Name Like.. What?" He gave Viki a rather quizzical look, and moved it from her to the woman she spoke to. And once there, well, why stop? He was -all- over that.

?I don't know if Name-like-Bell's is involved with them, though I wouldn't be surprised if he was,? said the eye-candy, relaxing slightly.

?He... does naut want my pieces scattered.? Viki made an attempt to color the situation in her perspective, though that was an arduous task indeed.

Looking at Viki, the woman gave a quick nod, lightly brushing some of her multi colored locks in a brushing of fingers. ?I know Viki.?

Chestnut brows dipped, perhaps in lieu of Kasey?s invasion. Once more, she watched him, eyes skipping to his shoulders and the air above his head.

He only grinned, and went to retrieve his cigarette, nestled so comfortably behind his ear.

?Want in green and Time.? Thin limbs were gathered at her middle, and in the wake of the snakes' departure, the girl stepped into the light, and into Kasey?s periphery.

"Little bit," he chided, turning in his seat, looking utterly amused. "Who among us would not want those things?"

Viki shook herself free of thoughts of snakes and rolling heads and instead focused on the stranger with his questions so aloof in the air.

Then a newcomer upset Kasey?s perfect study.

?Hi ya Wil. You know Viki?

?Good eve, Viki, pleased to make your acquaintance. I've seen you around,? said the newcomer, male, and newly dubbed Wil.

?Time keepers and greenery, all full up.? A twist of her mouth, and then a turn from Kasey to the obvious Wil.. introductions and the like. She tugged at the hem of her multicolored skirt, patchwork fabric giving way to her jostling. ?I seee.. more than around. Only sometimes. Vendui'.?

?Viki this is Wil Savage.? She brushed Viki's hair again lightly.

?Savage? Oh I think naut.? A click of her tongue, a finger twirl for the man's outline.

?Only when necessary, I assure you.? The man winked.

?Metal birds!? Chirped the seer, as if unable to contain herself, and her stolen collection.

Satisfied, Kasey stood. Good things did come in small, extraordinarily bright packages. He snickered.

The woman with Wil and Viki chuckled. ?He is a sweetie, so far as I have seen.?

But Kasey hovered. One slide of eyes to two-toned hair, and another drift to her two companions. As much as he would've liked to place them all under the microscope, he only required the dissection of one.

?Insides and outsides?? Singsong gave way to teasing as she moved from Tasha and Wil, throwing a glance Erin's way. All the better to See her with.. The girl drifted.

Now, Kasey?s interests were eclectic, but the seer fit the bill. Once more, he followed, at her heels.

?Extra shadow?? A perfect pirouette, and eyes were alight on Kasey once more.

"Little bit." He let a hand drop to her head. It was a casual thing, ya dig? A nice little pat to the kiddo's crown, mismatched as it was, under all that hair.

Viki froze in her tracks, though her skin was doing anything but. The surface shimmered, glimmered, glistened, and glittered, and all those other synonyms, before all the air within a five foot vicinity grew heavy with heat, and damp. A bit of unnatural August, offered up to one and all.

"Ahhh, so you're one of those." The stranger smirked. Coffee stains and the aftermath of one too many cigarettes. He held his hand a moment longer before withdrawing and gave it a shake.

?Touch taken without..? The little thing hissed, through heat and radiating light, which dispersed quietly once he killed the connection.

"Forgive me?" Kasey leaned in. All bells and whistles, this one. So it was true? Well, he fell, her ancestors fell.. They were all falling for one another - oh, excuse me, casually sauntering. Let's get our stories straight.

Wary eyes ate up his frame, now creating a more accurate picture. She drew a hand to her face, a fingertip trail over the paint on her lips - now wet and half gone via obvious reactions. ?Name-Like-Whut??

"Everyone calls me Kasey, though sometimes its a string really, repetition in threefold, or four, or five, and louder than life. Kasey-Kasey-ahh.. How old are you?" He chuckled. "Somehow I think I shouldn't be concerned."

?Older than the wrinkles you have yet to bear.? Heels moved backward, inside those slipper-shoes.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star." He leaned in again, following, a predator with flair. Once there, he placed the smallest of kisses to the tip of her nose - a little cosmic zap so that she would remember, which, no doubt she would. Everyone remembered Kasey.

The seer?s face contorted - obvious outrage spilling over caution and concern. Fists were balls at her sides amidst the patchwork craze. She near lunged at him, but stopped short, on the cusp of contact, an inch from his face.

"Don't want to touch me, do you? Not to worry. I never covet the already-claimed." Okay, that wasn't exactly true, but the brands were there if one took the time to look. He sidestepped her fury and mapped a path to the door. Exit point. He'd be back.

Out into the street, a star winked overhead. Kasey paused to wink back.
