Topic: Green Grass Beneath a Blade


Date: 2006-05-17 21:48 EST
( Author's Note: I just wanted to list the posts that are sort of preludes to this story:

1) "Of Rocks and Rivulets," where Viki firsts meets Alma.

2) "Of the People Inside," where Viki firsts meets Irrykin, since he is mentioned, although briefly.

3) "The Message," which sets the stage for the whole affair, and includes important dialogue between both Alma and Viki and seer and sandman. )


Date: 2006-05-17 22:12 EST
My love it is a black rose
Held out to you by hand of fate
And as this dark romance grows
It's not from the sun
But the starlight that's so far away
Above the Devil's garden.
- Tiger Army

The Following Day: Alma's Lodgings, WestEnd

Twisted. Tiffany-twisted came to mind, but originating from who and where? Viki woke with a start, off-blue orbs coming to rest upon the beautiful being beside her.

Her skin crawled: electric-blue. She was cold, in the dark, and her lover was elsewhere - the infinite planes of the dreamscape.

Her hand itched. Something unnatural glowed just beneath the surface of skin.

And her mind did wander to some time ago:


"Why are you drawing an unhome?"

"Cause I'd like to see where you live."

"It is much smaller and made of stone. It has no door, but it is warm."

"When is a door not a door?"

"When it keeps nothing, changes nothing."

He was making paper art. Viki smiled softly and reached for the pile of clothes at the side of the bed.

"I met a man who did that! He was very nice. His name was Irrykin."

"Another that made a bird?"

"Maybe you know Irrykin. Did you teach tha' trick tae him, Skado? He made a bird too. It flapped."

"Did it fly? Flying is not an illusion of flying."

No. Viki sighed quietly as her thoughts filled the room, colliding with memory, and unmemory.

"Blood inside of blood," she began.

"Blood inside of blood."

"Why do you have such questions?"

"Cause I must know you like how a door is not a door. So why do I see blood inside of blood all the same color?"

"Because you choose to look."

"But I can't help that. Looking is seeing is looking. Dun be mad Skado. We are friends."

"Some questions are better left to silence."

"But. Well. I."

"Have you been painted yet?"

"Well. Nau. I haven't gone there yet. Why ask? If only to turn the tables 'round and 'round 'less you think I should not go there."

"That remains your choice."

"Choice?" Viki whispered to the woman trapped by slumber. Sleep, the girl thought, was the enemy then. It made this conversation all the more one-sided.

"You dun like my gloved lady, do you? Why?"

"She was a vessel. One wonders what that hollowness now holds."

"We are all vessels for the soul."

Something inside of her questioned a person's privilege or right to a soul.

"Skado, someday I will visit you in your home and make lovely doors out of something rather than nothing and all this talk of hollowness will be forgotten. Because we are friends and you are most strange!"

"Curiouser and curiouser. Perhaps, little seer, perhaps. S'lai ahim ro te. Do not lose yourself, should you choose to be painted."

"Wherever you go, there you are."

Yes, she mused, though somewhat sadly, over her own cleverness. But then that cleverness was lost, and she wondered silently what had kept her so preoccupied in the last few moments.

"Lady," the girl murmured, "do wake up before I lose myself entirely."

But Alma was silent and still.


Date: 2006-05-18 19:01 EST
"But I did look for you. All over."
"Hmph. Where were you looking? Patagonia? Mars? The Emerald City?"
"Um. Places like that."
-Delirium and Barnabas, in SANDMAN #69: "The Kindly Ones:13," by Neil Gaiman

Two Nights Prior: Red Dragon Inn

"Skado! I haven't seen you in forever and ever." Viki came bounding toward him, a bright red balloon in hand. She tugged it with her as she approached, a rather happy look plastered on that adorable face. She was surely close then, threatening the personal space the sandman held dear.

"A curious forever that you hold so short." He half stepped back, yet reached for the hovering object. In a split second, he quickly withdrew, as if he recalled the last time he held one of her strange balloons. He popped it, of course, and Viki wore the pieces for a time.

"Yes well it felt like that because I do like you so." She craned her neck to examine his face, but he always seemed to hold the same expression. Then, a sudden smile formed as he seemed to regard the balloon. "Yes, I have another one of these. Mayhaps I will give this one to the sky and the birds. Unless you'd like to have it in pieces again."

"I think the birds may appreciate it more whole." He looked puzzled, though shadows seemed to swirl around his frame, hiding much - injuries, perhaps, and injustice.

"Will you.. 'take water?'" It was both an invitation and a mockery, though she hadn't meant it to be, as she had quoted Alma, and the subject of Alma seemed to hit the few nerves sandman allowed himself. Curious eyes then trailed up and down along his figure, which, was quite rude of course, but she was absent minded of these things and did as she pleased. "Are you.. in pieces?" She could not see clear through the shadows, but felt him unwhole, somehow, and pained.

"One usually drinks water," he began, his dark eyes moving to fall upon a particular patron of the Inn, though his attention soon shifted, and he was hers once more. "Not many, no." Pieces, he meant.

"Oh. Okay. I felt like I heard something that said like you were. Or that you almost were. Come!" She offered up and extended a hand to his, instead of simply taking it, like she would do anyone else. This the sandman did allow, and his clawed hand was soon entwined about her own.

He quotes ancient things. And a child shall lead them.

"Perhaps." He said, and that was that.

She was smiling, and happily, as if she'd won some small victory, as her delicate fingers laced about his clawed hand. Then, she lead him toward the bar, and only then would she release him. Hoisting herself into
a vacant bar stool, she gave a glance to its twin at her side, as if to say, "sit!"

But he did not, and instead, took to leaning against the counter.

We have him in stitches. Do you not see?

"You are well, little Seer?"

"Oh yes." She took up that habit of hers, the idle swing of her bare legs as she sat in her perch. Fingertips joined in, and absently began to drum on the counter. "What about you?" The other hand was still quite attached to that balloon string, and she gave it the occasional tug as she peered over to the tender.

"I breathe," he replied, and consequently joined in on the tugging of the balloon string. What an odd pair they were.

She gave Skado a warm smile and inched closer to him, but her eyes were at his shoulders, as if suddenly mesmerized by some invisible forces which lingered just beyond the stretch of his frame.

"You are quiet, and you stare."

He's right. You're staring, and it's rude.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Her brows dipped into a small frown as she leaned in further, only a breath away, as if she didn't want the others to hear. "There are all these secret things about you, you know. But I will pay them no mind when they glitter at me, if you like."

He did not withdraw as she closed in. This was most strange and not fitting his character.

"If you See, then you must See."

Did he not say once that you choose to look?

"All right." Without asking, and perhaps wagering that it was all right since he had let her already, she took his hand into hers and poured over it like a doctor with an obsession for the exam.

She was right. He tolerated such things, but only from her, or so it seemed. Her examination revealed many strange cuts on a bandaged hand and always the glitter of well kept claws.

And worry had suddenly transformed that young face and her eyes did darken. "You're hurt. Like I said before, in pieces. Maybe," she said, pausing to blink, "Almost. Yes." Off-blue eyes flickered up to meet his, which were always about the shadows, or so she thought.

"Small hurts mean little." If she could read him better, she would've seen the puzzlement over her concern, and a lingering curiosity. "They are there, and heal, and maybe mark the remaining presence of life."

"Yes, but." She frowned. How could she possibly convey her point without spouting nonsense or confusing him some other way? "There are things that would make bigger marks upon flesh which would never ever heal and then who would kill all my strange balloons?" She drew her lips inside of her mouth. Her eyes glittered, but not with a reflection of light.

Quite attached, you have become. The whispers were an audible singsong.

He curled the fingers his examined hand, perhaps as if to close. "There are always such things. I still breathe." He held a familiar smelling clove between his teeth and it had gone out with his inattention.

"Do not stop breathing." She said slowly, as if it were possible, and a secret too. She sat back, and a slow smile curled about those painted lips of hers as she noticed the unlit clove hanging from his mouth. And though his fingers curled to close, she did not remove her own from his. She simply let his fingers curl about it.

"We know what it is to stop, and do not intend to again." His attention was caught up by the entrance of a young girl and the re-lighting of his clove cigarette.

"Because when we stop, we cannot do so again anyway." She finished and rolled her small shoulders into a shrug, letting the riddles wind their way through the gray matter, as if they did matter, and yet they did. There was a wrinkle of her nose to the smell of new smoke and to his wavering attention.

It was the smoke that caught her full attention in turn, and she watched it wind through the atmosphere toward the ceiling.

"Little stories in smoke. I see much more in much less."

"My smoke always has stories, but snakes do not always sing true tales." As if on cue, the clove smoke to the shape of a coiling snack as it rose to the rafters.

Her pretty head was turned upward still, her eyes widening as the smoke took shape in this reality, a much different shape than the one she saw in her own mind. "Snakes not much different than men, but these say you have done much in the very recent time. There is danger. Perhaps because there is always danger. I am not sure of what I see." She contradicted herself quite well, she thought.

It was then that she lost him, to his student, the one she would come to know as Tina, and to the many other distractions of the Inn. He looked back to her once, as if to say instructing her to wait.

And so the Little Seer was now the Little Watcher, as her eyes did not stray from Skado from the moment he broke from her. He appeared to be making conversation with several, and though she could not make out the words from this vicinity, she could read their eyes, and the secret things which swirled about their forms.

Secret things indeed.


Date: 2006-05-18 19:54 EST
Secrets tend to tell themselves, I find.
I find I will not miss...
Clandestine heartaches buried years deep in stagnant days.
Writing lullabies across the moon
I have rescued dreams dying on yesterday's embers
Fashioning flowers from fancy.
Skipping stones across April showers.
We will dance upon days time has forgotten.
- Saetia

One Afternoon Prior: Red Dragon Inn

The pitter-patter of her slippered feet seemed porch-bounced. She stopped short just beyond the steps and looked up, orbs flickering to the overcast sky.

You're going to overwhelmed.

"You dun say?"

The wind whipped a reply.

"Well." The girl took the ends of her flowing skirts (a mishmash of fabric, really, and strangely sewn patchwork) and gathered it into a ball at her side. Slowly, suspiciously, she ascended the stairs to the porch, and headed for the door.

So there she appeared, to linger in the threshold.

"Between the worlds."

She pressed her side to the doorframe and whispered to the wood.

No answers this night.

She peered inside. "Hm. Ahem. Hm." She frowned, as if someone she'd expected did not appear. And where was that strange girl from the night prior? Tina. Viki spun, and glanced outside.

"Hello, Viki."

A voice. Clearly a voice in this plane. She felt she would turn in circles today, especially as her name was called. Off-blue orbs settled on the waving Lenika, and the girl managed a warm smile. "Hello!" She called out to her, her voice airy, light.

With a yaw, she began a slow saunter-shuffle to the bar. It was never to early for that - the sauntering, I mean. And she hoisted herself into a vacant barstool with relative ease, happily squinting at the many bottles which lined the walls.

It was there she would perch, for the moment, and enter a sort of awakened-sleep, with her eyes aloof and her mind entirely elsewhere.

Another carries the spice, the pes'cis, although she calls it something else.

That did it. It would seem to those around her that the girl became alert, and quite suddenly, and as if startled by some uncertain vision. She leapt from the barstool, and backed away from the counter.

Her reaction caused quite a response from the otherwise peaceful crowd. Eyes were upon her again, but not from the unwelcome or the unknown. She took her arms to her sides and straightened, as if aware of her own odd behavior, and flashed both Grem and Lenika a sheepish grin.

"Things in the dark. Sorry. I did nuh mean to confuse."

"It's a good idea to be wary, but some things in the dark aren't so bad." Said Grem, softly, and it occurred to Viki that his voice was always soft when he spoke to her.

If he only knew.

She dipped her head into a small nod, though wouldn't offer a further explanation for what she saw, or, didn't see. Her painted lips were forced into a further smile as she took Grem's advice to mind before backing away with quick feet. With a flutter of fabric and hair alike, she spun on her heels, entrance-bound once more. There were too many voices and bodies assembled, though in truth she had been present on much more crowded nights. Soft footfalls fell upon the polished floor and took her toward the threshold, then out onto the porch where she had lingered not too long ago.

"Ket'chka ril."

She felt her insides jump, yet she stood poisoned on the porch, as if posing for a photograph or an artist's paintbrush. "Skado." A singsong voice, accompanied by a light flutter of fingertips.

"You are nearly as strange a daytime creature, as myself... "

This brought an abrupt burst of rather musical laughter. "I sleep much, and forsake the sun for lesser stars." She stretched bare arms above her head and brought them back down in front of her, clasping her hands at her middle. "You left quick, last night, and I was lost without you."

There was a short, quiet laugh, and it did not seem like a laugh at all. "Lost leading the lost?" He looked quite tired as he leaned against the rail of the porch.

"Are you so lost?" Careful steps were taken toward him, and perhaps she was in tune to his own preference for space, or perhaps because she herself was weary, and caution was necessary to retain a certain amount of grace.

"Perhaps I am. I have so many faces, I do not truly know anymore." His tone was thoughtful, not sad, and as he spoke, the smoke from his clove bore tiny sparrows. They flew about briefly, or came to settle along the railing, and by some small miracle managed to cling to life as others were denied.

Like Irrykin.

"I know. He makes birds like the other." Said the seer, aloud, her eyes fleeing to the side, as if she had spoken to some invisible presence, as if the sandman wouldn't hear. Then, her pretty face lifted, and her eyes were all for him again, him and the occasional ghost bird.

"I like this face. Do naut change it again if you can help it." She spoke to the birds, of course.

"Like the other." The sandman repeated, and all thought seemed to linger on that spilled secret. Simultaneously, the smoke birds puffed out of existence.

And then there were two.

Viki's teeth sunk into the lower portion of her painted lips. Speaking secrets aloud was never a good thing. Perhaps she would cover it with a simple change of subject.

"I met a girl last night. She stared at me with young eyes and I thought perhaps you knew her since she called you by a title, though I forget what that title was."

"Teacher, perhaps. You met Tina."

"Yes. That was her name." Her interest in him was perhaps apparent, though, it was more intrigue than anything else. So you say. He was strange. She was stranger, which she demonstrated with a click of her tongue and a new stance upon one foot. "How does one go about getting. .taught?"

"Choose to learn." He set his chin upon his claws and continued. "I would not call myself tutor though. That is favor the mother asked of me, and I merely speak sense or pretend logic on occasion."

"Artsblood. Yes, she spoke of her mother, and I asked her if she made art of blood, or blood of art, but rejected both." Viki took this all in, smiling-smiling, and settled at his side as if she fit there, though careful to leave a certain amount of space between them. Fabric did not dare touch fabric, but occasionally made the threat. "So you tutor with riddles and you are of the sand and that is all I know of you. I remember I made a house for you out of air and you said someday I could see the real thing."

"The house has changed, and perhaps would not be so pleasing as the unhome of air would like to imagine." Was that sadness in his voice?

Then she did the unthinkable and let her head fall softly to his shoulder. It was the sadness in his voice that pulled her, however faint it was. "I always wanted to live in a star, but I suppose it would be much too bright all the time."

He was tense. "And perhaps too warm."

"Yes." She laughed lightly, letting her head roll to align itself symmetric with her shoulders, much to his relief, perhaps. Twin orbs of off-blue found his in the daylight, though it grew much darker with the growing number of storm clouds. "Tell me a story?"

Black eyes paused to meet her own, then flickered to regard the weather. "My stories are rarely... pleasant."

"So?" She pressed him with her eyes and her face and the fire in that small whisper. The world was full of cruelty, but surely none of the world was within this man. There was a brief moment to follow his gaze to the horizon, but she had seen so many storm clouds, and did not mind the chance of rain. An onslaught, however, was another thing entirely..

Someone interrupted their conversation. It was Miles. They each offered an exchange of greetings before the man was well on his way.

Viki felt her heart ache as that one brushed past, though she would not know why until some time later. Perhaps his quick departure was the best thing. Besides, she liked having Skado for herself. His strange words and mannerisms were all a mystery, as were the secrets which swirled around him, though she had yet to decipher all of that. Perhaps, she wouldn't. It was rude and she counted him as a friend.

"You tried to give a story to a summer girl." He spoke then, but not to her.

"Summer girl?" Viki felt herself a shadow, suddenly, but only in his eyes. Would that she could join him there, if indeed she was. She would spend ages asking the inanimate, and the dead, of how to make such a transformation, because surely, it would make all the difference.

What is it that you want?

The sandman broke the silence with a short breath of air, or a laugh, perhaps, though it didn't seem like much. Then, as if by some sleight of hand, he produced another work of paper art: a tiny folded form of a clover.

Her eyes were glued to the strange new fascination he held in his hand.

"A summer girl with bluebird hair." He twirled the paper and offered it up to her.

She took it like something to be treasured, delicately, and inspected it under the fading daylight. Then, she smiled softly, and peered at him, this odd fellow, before holding the paper trinket to her chest. "I should like to hear that story, someday."

"They are many and small stories." He then produced a coin: silver on one side, onyx on the other? Was it the one from before? Tick-tock. It began a march to mark the passage of time.

"Did you love her very much?" It was suddenly important to know these things. She stepped around him in a semicircle, her eyes carefully following the trail of the coin into his wrapped palm. Perhaps, she asked too many questions. But ah, she saw so many things. Her eyes flickered from the coin back to meet his, as if she could somehow read him through his stoicism.

"Love? No. But perhaps I had care for her." His answer.

"Oh. I thought perhaps.." What was it she thought? There was a small sliver of hope, and it floated by invisible, and though she saw, she would not see. It was a careful decision, one she might agonize over later, or simply forget. Her little fingertips traced over the folded parchment, feeling the angles and partitions which made the paper clover.

"What thought, little Seer?" His head canted to one side as he posed the question, and the coin in his hand resumed its count of time in a march across his knuckles.

"I thought perhaps love was possible, for you." She was careful and calculating as she weaved new words to hide strange emotions. "We spoke once of lovers." Her eyes dipped from his and found the coin. The rhythm it set was strangely hypnotic. Then again, time did hypnotize ones such as she.

He looked as if he were weighing her words. Then, he straightened and spoke. "Love is not something that I manage with alacrity." The word "love" was armed to the teeth with violence and sharper things should she question him still, yet the rest of his reply was soft and simple.

She was privy to his changes in speech, and the sharpness of certain words were familiar to her. By now, she had known when to press him, and when not to, although there was a hint of frustration growing in her expressive face. "And I do not manage it at all. It just, is." She was a wild thing, truly, and what come would come. Her eyes lifted. Did the sun pour between lingering clouds? That was a good sign.

"Perhaps the chaos suits you." Is you, he means, surely.

"Does it suit you?" A strange question, a play on a play of words.

"Does it seem to?" The coin ceased its count of time.

"It might." She said quietly, exercising caution. "Perhaps it does." But just as easily, she would throw caution to the wind. "One does not spend such time riddling and making paper things on gently fixed porches if one did not think it suited himself."

Gently fixed, gently stitched, like the both of you.

"But in the grand scheme of time, I spend very little in speaking words upon gently fixed porches."

He would frustrate her to no end.

"All is small in the grand scheme of time.." Her disappointment was hidden with a flutter of fingers, which slowly began to trace the outline of his frame. "Small and precious."

"Small and forgotten."

But then, a curious thing. His frame seemed to flicker in and out of this reality, as shadows wavered and distorted the outline of shoulders and limbs. This she did notice, the strange disappearing-reappearing line of body, and if left her quite lost indeed. She blinked furiously, and took her fingers to her eyes, as if she would somehow rub away what she had seen. Reality or not, she would never succeed in this, no matter how hard she tried. He was there, and not there, pieces of him.. She stopped, and looked at him, for a long time, and perhaps, longing.

"I do not feel small. And how are you possibly? When you are everywhere and nowhere all at once."

"But do you not remember? I am in pieces... almost." He held up his palms in demonstration.

"I would have you in pieces and collect you, like in a jar, only it would be much nicer I assure you."

"Coin-poor eyes." He seemed to speak silently to himself before his black eyes snapped to attention and fixed upon her. Slowly, he left the railing and moved closer, his movements akin to a prowl around where she stood.

"Collect the pieces? But you see that which you romanticize in oddity. There are sharper, unkind things, and all the trappings of the cruel." His voice was harsh and his steps slowed as he circled her. He appeared to be sizing her up, or at least, taking measure.

"Do naut warn the forewarned." She stated simply, and quiet, though her eyes held back so much more as he took to that prowl about her figure. She wavered slightly, just as he seemed to step into her shadow, and caught his hand into hers. Caws and sharp words and pieces and all, she seemed still unafraid.

"You have never been cruel to me." She softened.

"No, you are right. I have not." The touch of hands was nothing more than temporary. He untangled himself and withdrew to the porch steps, but as he went she felt some piece of his linger, perhaps drowning in her shadow. Or, perhaps he had taken a piece of her.

Flip a coin.

She stood there, at the top of the steps, and had the look not much unlike a widow searching the sea for her fallen sailor. The paper clover was still held tight against her chest, and the rise and fall of it with every breath made it all the more noticeable.


Date: 2006-05-18 22:37 EST
( Author's Note: Okay, the beginning of this picks up where In the Wake of Passing leaves off. I hadn't meant to run these stories into each other, but it just sort of happened that way, so oh well. )

Watch this face
Still a child
Eyes red raw
Aching and tired
Issue your
Delicate voice
Sing through me
- My Dying Bride

One Night Prior: Red Dragon Inn

Viki was weeping beneath the porch of the Dragon for her lost Amthy, who died tragically by the hands of Jodiah Ayreg, a victim of some supernatural possession. Her sadness was like a living thing. It traveled along her limbs, through to her chest and true to her heart. She felt herself lurch, even curled like she was, and then.. a whimper.

"The dead hurled this way turn like wheels..." A voice. Her eyes adjusted as a figure loomed over the entrance to the underworld and blocked the moonlight. Strange though - he was shadow personified, and she extended a hand for him in the dark.


He crouched further into her world of darkness and reached beneath the porch for her hand. Her fingers laced about the wrist to a claw, and slowly, she crawled to him, squinting still before emerging, full of the earth and the grime of grief, or was it the other way around?

It didn't matter. She slumped against him, and he allowed it, as he allowed her so many privileges of touch.

Tina, the student, emerged from the road. Had Viki been in any other sort of state, she would have leapt for her, as she saw possibility in Tina, possibility for friendship and trouble and all things wayward and girlie.

"Hey, what's going on, somebody die or something?"

From the mouths of babes.

Viki's eyes were red and hard and flickered to Tina. The words she tried to piece together were meant to be sharp, like the ones the sandman had left her with while on the porch earlier in the evening, but they were swallowed by a pathetic little moan.

"Viki? What happened?" The adolescent would press.

"Secret silent things. Crushed beneath the green. A dance with puppet strings. I will naut say what I mean." She had meant to riddle her, but not to rhyme. Had it been done for a more joyous situation, she would've been quite pleased with herself. For now, she did not care or even seem to notice. She only pressed against Skado, simply because she could.

He has questions. They both do.

Her fingertips had found their way to her tear-streaked cheeks and she batted them away, quite furiously. Bare legs were covered both with dirt and grass stains, and she tucked them under the folds of her skirts as she curled against the stoic sandman and his eyes full of questions.

Teacher and student exchanged words, and the seer was quiet, though their were sniffles between intervals of silent, but she seemed unfocused, neither here nor there. She was a grieving thing in the dirt, curled next to a champion among strangers, or so she thought of him, beneath the flickering lamp of the porch.

She heard him sigh as Tina departed. It was then that Viki finally spoke.

"She is like a wall of water, crashing down all over."

"It is in her nature." And this was how they successfully avoided speaking about the cause of her grief.

She let her head drop to his shoulder, because by now she had grown quite comfortable against him, even as the strange shape of his frame morphed and twisted with shadow and time. Perhaps he was like a father figure. Perhaps. She had not attached herself to that sort of role model in so long.

Do not forget you took your father as your lover, though, you did not share blood, and he was never your father.

Victoria did not know how long Alma had been standing there, looking lovely in the moonlight, but quite suddenly, she was noticed. Her eyes shifted to take her in, but strangely enough, she remained entwined about the sandman, and stranger still, he had not moved her.

In turn, Alma had noticed her sadness almost immediately. It was apparent on her pretty little face: sadness, loss, grief, and guilt.

Guilt that you cannot tell Tara?

"Has someone hurt you dear girl? One of the bullies this realm seems to breed with such alacrity?"

"Not me." She blinked up at her, and took her in slowly, in pieces, as if she couldn't handle her presence and all at once. "Secret things. Can't say." And her eyes found the floor, and the blades of grass were soothing shapes in the darkness.

The sandman's dark eyes had narrowed when Alma approached. As the tension between the two seemed to grow, he moved and straightened somewhat, but not so much as to remove the girl from his side.

"You know I mean this one no harm....creature." Alma said softly, as if she could feel him seethe. Did he seethe? Show of emotion was rare for that one. Viki leaned forward, as if straining to hear.

"My cares are little for what you mean to do to this one, or even for the vixen that has caused such uproar. Our's is a past exchange." But his tone betrayed him as he mentioned the girl's welfare. Violence? Sharp things? Perhaps.

Alma redirected. "Can someone be blamed for her pain? Only tell me whom. Here there be monsters. I am surprised at their legions and variety."

"Not my words to be spoken. Besides, you are hardly one to hold a righteous mantle in regards for any being," he quipped, however dry and gray his tone, and shifted his weight once more.

Meanwhile, Viki hadn't a clue of what to do here. Her expression shifted from one of grief to worry. She helped herself to her feet then, one hand gripping the end of a stair, the other waving uneasily about in the air in the foreground.

Alma continued, lifting her chin to regard the sandman beneath those curious spectacles.

You doubt she even requires those.

"Indeed. I know you have no high regard for me, but I thought you a stairstep above the lynchmob. Perhaps I was too kind..."

"Please. Do naut argue. There is nothing either one of you could do, save breathe life into someone dead.." Argh! Viki's hands flew over her painted mouth. She was saying too much again.

"We do not argue, love, and on the subject of your well being even we two agree." Alma cooed.

"Ah, you mistake my words. I am not one to hold righteous mantle either. My violences are far more petty." The sandman straightened with his words and met Alma's eyes with harsh severity, though the expression receded somewhat as Viki pleaded.

Alma's gloved hand met her cheek. She was smiling, and it dripped with sweetness. "We are as doting aunt and
uncle in your distress, darling."

If a voice could carry a child.. Her eyes flickered between the two suspected enemies, though she softened as a gloved finger trailed down her cheek, and slowly she managed a smile.

The tweed lady spoke very softly. "Only a finger on your chill cheek serves to warm what I use for a heart, little love."

Throughout this exchange the sandman was still in shadow, as if he were not there at all. Odd. No coin. No smoke. No riddles. But his eyes lingered. He watched.

"Family then, must not spill each other's blood.." Viki frowned. What had she meant? Something she plucked from the minds or hearts of both? Then, quickly, she spoke to Alma, "I do so try.." She added a coy smile for the lady, and a softening distant flicker of eyes toward the sandman.

Alma's laughter was as soft as a symphony. "I have no wish to spill the creature's blood, if blood he has. He and I have played on different teams in the past, but that game is over and I lost. We can move on I hope?"

"Games." Viki repeated, slowly moving toward her like a thing possessed, a faint lingering memory of a meeting, stolen by shadow.

Alma's arms opened wide and the air was suddenly filled with floral scents and hints of spring. Viki took to those arms with some delicate delight, like a wounded thing, as she had been wounded this night, though not physically.

The sandman blinked and then moved aside. Something like disgust took him toward the door as Alma's arms folded the girl against her. Briefly, Viki regarded the sandman's retreat, but then settled there in Alma's arms. There were kisses to be received and she felt comfort, and, perhaps, more.

But Alma called softly after him. "I have a surfeit of enemies, creature, I do not seek your enmity."

Perhaps he heard her, as he crossed the threshold and entered the Inn. Perhaps, or perhaps not.

"Are we better now, my wounded dove?"

Viki's eyes peered into the lady's, and suddenly, she found herself lost. Tears evaporated, and their presence on her face seemed to disappear altogether.

"Much. Will we go inside? I have had enough conversation with the earth."

Alma glanced at the door. "You will not find me loved within, and the desertman's dislike might seem a pale thing in contrast. Do you dare that lion's den at my side, little love?" She paused to kiss the girl full on the mouth, and it was not a kiss that sought to comfort. "Do you dare it tonight, in your distress?"

Viki returned that kiss with a hint of hunger for something more.

"Why could they possibly want to hurt you lady?" She whispered, but this did not really matter to the seer, no, because she saw things, and perhaps she already knew why. Then, she dipped her head into a small nod, and tresses of chestnut bounced with it.

Another kiss graced the lips of the girl. It sent shivers up and down her small spine. "If you see no desperate end, love, let us show ourselves to this little world," Alma whispered.

Viki smiled, lacing her fingers about one of Alma's gloved hands. "To that world within.." She whispered back.

Their entrance and stroll to the bar was strangely received but almost anticlimactic. There were no slings of arrows, no shouts of protest..

The pair settled onto a set of bar stools, but Viki's eyes were searching for the sandman in the interim, and she found him behind the bar.

"What will you drink little love?"

Alma's voice was soft, and Viki's eyes drifted back to her, and closed, as if to savor the sentence.


"I see no server, so I will serve us both." Alma threw a coy glance to the sandman. "I am fetching one water, it is as easy to fetch two. May I serve you, creature?"

Viki opened her eyes slowly, and temporarily transfixed by the lady's movements, sat poised and interested.

The sandman, it appeared, had already served himself.

Alma purred. "And a Boodles if you would?"

Now as Viki sat, she partly wondered if Alma would notice her change in poisons. Water was the sandman's influence, but in truth, she had lost her taste for the color green. It was reserved for the dead.

Midori Sours no more?

The sandman's movements behind the bar were simple and exact. If he was still disgusted, he did not show it. The drinks were gathered and settled in front of the supposed lovers before he returned to his place.

Viki felt Alma's gloved hand upon her shoulder and a single finger curling about a lock of hair.

"Thank you." She managed to muster and smile for the temporary tender before her fingers laced about the water glass and she took it to her lips. Her body, it seemed, had shifted into a relaxed state, and it only increased by the caress of hair.

"Tell me, sweet one, what do you see of us in the future, can you perhaps limit that gaze to a night?" Viki had Alma's full attention now, and her pale eyes were almost penetrating through their lenses.

Viki sipped at her water and began to stir it with a casual finger before slowly turning her head toward her lady lover. "You saw cliffs. I see myself fall. But I do naut want to fall like a forever being."

"There is a cliff one can fall from again and again, and every falling an ecstasy."

Her eyes were soft and this was hard, knowing what she was. "I am content to be held close if such is pleasing, or do you want to take me away?"

She speaks of spice, not blood.

Her pretty head canted to one side.

"Lady, I am quite wary of such strange cliffs. How can that be possible?"

Alma purred, leaning close. It was rather intoxicating. "We will be hand in hand, or closer still. You would not fear a little jump with my mouth on yours, would you sweet one?"

She was an addict already. "If it is just.. a little jump.."

"There are many jumps, little darling." Her mouth hovered over the girl's, and Alma's perfume overwhelmed her world.

She continued. "Each has its own thrill of fear and joy...will you run their steeplechase with me?"

"Am I so little to you?" There was a growing concern in that voice, although she lingered, mouth and mouth separated by a space of air.

"At the moment I can see nothing else in this world." Alma's voice held promise.

Viki had been stuck on the adjectives and not on the verbs. Now, she would try to think this through, but her mind was clouded by perpetual delirium and new secret grief. "Okay."

The one called Panther seemed to suddenly appear in front of them, hovering just above between them, though in reality, she knew this not to be possible. Perhaps she just hadn't noticed him until that moment, the moment where he set his mug down on the bar in front of them and spoke.

"Would you two be needing a room tonight?"

Alma did not answer him. Instead, she posed a question to the girl at her side.

"Will you share my bed tonight, love?"

Her unfocused eyes drifted to Panther, and back to Alma. Had she answered for them both? No. That was her job. The Seer blinked, and a steady stream of crimson rushed to her cheeks and colored her face. Alma was an enchantress and her question was meant to shock.

"I will follow you.. yes."

Viki's reply was received with a kiss to her cheek before Alma bowed to Panther.

"The best you have will do."

"I recommend the Vulgar Unicorn over in Badside," said Panther, flatly.

Sullivan would not be pleased.

Viki's eyes came to rest upon the inn keeper. Well, that was unexpected, and it caused her to frown. It was a frown she had practiced by copying her dear cousin, Tara, so it was fierce and quite ridiculous-looking upon her pretty little face.

Viki felt a kiss to her hair and an arm over her shoulder.

"I have lodgings of my own in WestEnd that would shame the offer here, and anticipation is a sweetener, darling." Alma said softly before leading her away.

"Was this not a liberal establishment?" Viki blinked as she followed her out, her love and her damnation all at once. There was some reservation about leaving the sandman, but that would be dealt with in the morrow, for sure.

Oh come now. It was more than just some reservation.


Date: 2006-05-19 22:58 EST
when you fall so spent from emotion
she is what brings you to your feet
where challenges lie on the verge of destruction
she pulls you back and she gives you wings
(death wont hold you as tight as she will)
can you feel her burning through your veins
she will always live forever
can you bear the burden

The Night Prior To The Following Day: Alma's Lodgings, WestEnd

Her eyes fell upon the gloved woman in the dark. She felt the pull of her essence. It was in every motion, every gesture, every glance and flicker of a smile.

She was indeed, overwhelmed.

"Lady.. I.."

Her words were swallowed by her need.

The room was dimly lit and their shadows grew strange along the walls. Alma reached for her then, in the near-dark, with her gloved hands and her pleasing face.

Viki hadn't the time to take in the sights and the sounds and the smells of the scenery. All of it seemed blanketed by blond and pale blue and the aroma of spring.

Alma drew her in, both mentally and physically.

Viki was warm to Alma's touch, and there was color to her cheeks, but she felt herself sway in the embrace as her little fingers caught the lady's petite yet powerful palms. The woman lifted them over their heads.

The light was fragile and the lady did seem quite larger in the dark.

A husky whisper: "Are you not at all frightened, little love?"

"Should I be?" Viki asked, quietly. They were the first words that formed a complete thought in a long while. Her painted lips hovered over Alma's chilled mouth as her eyes fluttered to a half-close. The lady's tone of voice did much all by itself, sending shivers along the girl's radiant skin. "Nothing to fear, save you, if I do remember so rightly, lady."

The lady's hands moved to the girl's hips, and there were kisses to her mouth as she closed the space between them.

"A little fear is a sweetener...but I will never do you lasting harm...I would wake you to new sunsets...hold you above pretty chasms...intoxicate and infatuate...and urge us in mutual exploration."

Viki's steps took her further until she almost seemed to fit against her. She did not tense as the woman's hands came to rest upon her hips. Instead, something of a smile curled into view, and she brushed her lips faintly across the lady's mouth, and wandered down to her jaw line. She craned her neck slightly in doing so, her eyes coming to a full close as she spoke the words softly:

"You have intoxicated me and I do believe you know it.. I am swimming with you now, or will you pull me under?"

Viki would manage riddles if she could, however hard it was, as secrets seemed to pour from Alma's innuendoes.

"I hear things. Of certain spices." Said the girl.

Alma stepped back, but never broke her gaze. It was glued to the seer.

And then she did undress. The sight of her was something to behold. Viki felt suddenly small, as if she had never felt small before, though indeed this was a lie. Her distinct aquamarine colored eyes had fluttered opened then and were wide in quiet shock, as if this were unexpected, or perhaps it was the sight of her. Those eyes roamed down the length of the lady's body, as if to study every curve, as if Viki were the real artist here, taking in her subject with careful respect and admiration.

"There are spices that could prolong our experience, love, but Alma is the spice of spices, no?"

"Yes. I did not want to bring up such a thing, 'for I was controlled by such before.. and.. " Viki found it extremely difficult to form words then. Her eyes turned away and flickered to the floor as her fingers fidgeting carefully with the hem of her strangely sewn dress. There was some new stitching to that dress, something she had done between the afternoon and evening: an odd new patchwork, haphazard stitching, and folded paper peeked through. If one could see through fabric, it would appear to be a clover.

Alma's steps moved to circle her, like a predator perhaps, her fingers tracing over the girl's and that line of fabric. Viki drew in a breath as flesh returned and met flesh, though it was much more like a gasp, audible enough to be considered loud, for a breath, that is.

"Do as you will, darling, or leave it for me to remove..." She picked up a small pipe which lay on the side table next to a bed. A candle burned, somewhere, but its location was lost for the moment. Viki couldn't focus on such things.

The lady continued. "I would shame myself if I needed such to control, darling. This will remove inhibition, enhance the appreciation of fleeting moment, and prolong our pleasure. Will you join me here?"

Slowly the girl turned to meet her halfway, her eyes falling to the forbidden thing in her hand, forbidden only because she told herself it was, and she was suspicious of such things.

"I will join you in many things, but perhaps, not that." She let her head fall softly to one side as she studied it with silent curiosity, the girl's chestnut locks coming to weigh heavily upon one shoulder, thick as they were, and streaked with a strange silver. Only her ears gave away her heritage, as there were things that gave away the lady's, for sure.

The, the girl's delicate hands swiftly moved behind her to the stitching in the back. She had made the garment herself and that fact was quite obvious.

"It is here if you wish, love, it can make every inch of a caress last forever, every eruption of climax a sequence of waves on a distant beach." Alma's smile in the near-dark. "And if you wish, I will loan my fingers to your current endeavor."

Viki's smile was coy in return. "The latter part only, lady, if you please." She brought about her small hands to settle them at her side. Then there was a slow stride toward the lady, and it bordered on the sensual.

The pipe was lit. Viki's eyes dipped to regard the thin curl of smoke.

"Stories in smoke," the girl whispered, but seemingly to herself.

Alma's laughter broke the quiet. It was low and rich and perhaps a bit.. wrong. Filthy. She leaned in and removed the pins one by one, tossing them aside.

And they fall...

Viki noted how there were worlds within that laugh. One had to be careful to keep the girl grounded to this reality, and perhaps the lady did this well. The girl's eyes snapped to the woman then, as each pin was removed, and slowly the frock began to slip down her shoulders, revealing a trace of collarbone. Then, sure though, when the space was provided, it simply fell.

Viki squinted at her, neither here nor there in the light, but found herself in the lady's seemingly hungry eyes, and her own flesh burned in anticipation. Her body was young, and lithe and exquisitely ready for the events that were bound to unfold.

And unfold they did. They fell upon each other: a swirl of sheets and flesh and human hair.

And they fell...


Date: 2006-05-21 17:36 EST
L'amour c'est l'amour et la morte c'est la morte; la morte c'est solement la morte, mail l'amour c'est l'amour.

No housecat in its pool of sunlight, no leopard draped limp over its tree limb, can match the regal langour of postcoital Alma. She splays in lovely disarray next to her conquest, her usual faint floral perfume spiced with a hint of more intimate fragrances. Loose-limbed there, she rides the occasional lingering frisson of pleasure, deft fingers stroking Viki and similar residual trembles surprise the girl.

As the aftershocks fade, the blonde traces a fingertip up her companion's back, fingernail lightly raking the ridge of a shoulderblade, and, leaning in close, follows the trail so blazed with soft brushes of her lips. When she speaks, her voice is a purred growl, all rust and honey.

"My springtime girl, all new green and vibrant, all soft and breaking against the blade, you are everything I imagined you might be." The kisses reach her neck now, soft mouthings under her chin, words kissed into place.

"But your Alma is incorrigible, and there is another cliff I would have us leap." The kisses become more eager, tongue-tip writing poems on the thin skin of throat. And when she speaks again, her voice carries a soft lisp, as the perfect jewels of her killing teeth, almost transparent, blue-white like skim milk, slide erect from her gums and add their own gentle punctuation to those kisses.

"I think you have known my nature from the first, my clever beauty. Will you explore it with me now, will you take this further leap with me?" With that she lifts her head, perfect lips in an open mouthed smile, and her pale eyes, looking so very naked without their usual wire-rimmed disguise, tease and plead and lead her lover on.


Date: 2006-05-22 02:21 EST
So let me take this medicine
To quench my love for violent things
My swan song will
- Senses Fail

The Night Prior To The Following Day: Alma's Lodgings, WestEnd

The conquest lay almost limp beside her lady-lover, riding each pleasurable aftershock like one might ride a rogue wave - it was unexpected, but not unexciting, and always it was a struggle not to lose oneself. She half opened her eyes. Her ears perked to the voice that spoke, a voice which was equally as intoxicating as the woman it belonged to.

My springtime girl. How they make you out of seasons now, but at least they are the best seasons.

For a moment she was lost in both the voice of the lady and the voices which plagued her, always-always. But then, as those kisses were placed so carefully, so softly, along her throat, the girl was pulled back to reality.

But the voice of the lady, honey-coated and hungry, was at it again.

Cliffs? She means to take you.

Viki saw herself at the edge of such a thing, in some alien place, with waves, rogue waves, crashing all around, and jagged rocks protruding from dark sand. Somewhere, there was a ship, but no lighthouse, and a storm on the horizon.

Alma's teeth, as they met girl-flesh, tore this reality apart. Yes, Viki knew her nature, and longed to be close to such a violence. It was her own secret addiction, not so far removed from Alma's love of the "spice."

Blood doll.

The girl, however, did not reply. She only stared with large eyes - not quite blue and not quite green. Her expression was almost unreadable, almost, save for some quiet need screaming through that lingering gaze. And then, she surrendered to it, and craned her neck, and closed her eyes.

It was, like they say, an open invitation.


Date: 2006-05-23 21:04 EST
and just remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is still a sigh

Like a stoat on a rabbit, like a stooping falcon striking a swan, the small blonde does not hesitate. She is, perhaps, even a bit unseemly in her eagerness; where her earlier conquest had unfolded with all the formality of a ballroom dance, this second seduction is beautiful only in the ferocity of its joining.

At first there is only the quick, sharp pain, as bright and sudden as a burn, but in only moments the hurt transforms itself, emerging from its brief chrysalis to spread wings as a pleasure of equal intensity.

And as Alma draws upon the wound her pretty mouth all unquenchable demand, her small body curled against the girl?s, her pale knee cleaving her thighs, the distant whisper of heart to heart begins. The blonde?s blood calls softly to Viki?s, persuasive as kin to kin; it is urging sweet surrender, singing of the joys of capitulation. The pull is felt throughout the girl's body, to the tips of her limbs and digits, from the rivers of vein to the rivulets of capillary. This is a closer touching than any lovemaking, a deeper union.

Alma?s hands roam her lover's body aimlessly, becoming as mindless as insects as the feeding slows. The beating hearts seem closer now, their rhythms synchronized; they dance in step. And when the little blonde breaks that kiss, follows it with a fastidious cleaning of the tiny wounds with a careful tongue, she sags against the girl, almost limp, sated in a way that the earlier intimacies could never equal. When she does speak, her voice is a murmer mouthed against adjacent skin.

"I can feel you in me, pretty love, and will hold you there. And I am within you as well, though you might not know it yet. Your memories of these intimacies will breed like a virus, will come to heat your skin with fevers of need."

Raising lazy eyes to Viki's face, she smiles a cat smile, a smear of blood seeming to stretch her mouth inhumanly wide. And she laughs a laugh like summer rain, like the wings of moths against a lampshade.


Date: 2006-05-24 15:08 EST
You sink your teeth in bite the blood that drains the life inside of me
and fills your soul with love and hate and all those things you need to breathe.
My body dies but still my soul remains eternally in search of
Caspian waves and shallow graves explain why me?

The Night Prior To The Following Day: Alma's Lodgings, WestEnd

The world was not so dark at first, no, not quite at all. First, she felt as though she were at the center of some great explosion, powerful enough to swallow the world with blinding light or raging inferno, and yet she was still whole in the core, whole and very much alive. The vampire kiss surpasses lust and love and sex entirely, and as the initial pain subsided, she reveled in her joy.

It was a twisted joy, this thing. It was a joy to be so desired and dangled above such heights, where only death and damnation lay below.

Her heart slowed. She grew weaker. That was when The Sight took over.

She opened her eyes.

She found herself standing in the midst of some new city, where well-kept people dressed in carnival finery brushed by. There were lights in the windows of tall structures which seemed to sprout from this alien soil and stretch themselves toward the sky. There was a breeze which kissed her face and fluttered her hair, a breeze which beckoned her to follow.. this way..

The girl was about to follow when she heard a voice rumble from the very sky over her head.

I can feel you in me, pretty love, and will hold you there.

The crowd was suddenly upon her, their painted face hiding the reality of what they were. They were all forever beings, and they all wanted her, tugging at her clothes and her hair and her limbs until she swooned and fell beneath them.

And I am within you as well, though you might not know it yet.

And when she opened her eyes again, they all wore her face.

Your memories of these intimacies will breed like a virus, will come to heat your skin with fevers of need.

They would always wear her face.

In the reality of what was, she felt herself sinking beside the whispering lady lover, sinking and slipping into sleep. And finally, the world was dark, though maybe there'd be sand in her eyes come morning.


Date: 2006-05-24 15:08 EST
So you're the fire and I'm the water
I am the balance and you are the color
I won't forget you when we're not together
This is the ending, it's my surrender
- Hawthorne Heights

The Following Day: Red Dragon Inn

There were two of them walking, a small blonde and a young girl. Perhaps they were friends or sisters or lovers or perhaps they were something entirely more sinister. Their gate resembled a dance, and their movements dripped with grace, particularly the blonde's. She was clearly the leader.

Her partner, the girl, seemed enchanted, and she lavished all her attentions, both great and small, on the ethereal beauty beside her. Her delicate fingers were laced about the lady's glove.

Alma and Viki. Viki and Alma. The rumor mill was overloaded.

They headed up the porch steps, and he was waiting.

Victoria spotted Skado immediately by the small window, the one adjacent to the door. It was at this window where they had first met, and her mood suddenly shifted. The expression on her young face morphed into one of secret longing and sadness. Perhaps this was not too apparent to her lady lover. Alma was laughing. Suddenly, all was bright, and Viki was all smiles for her, as if that laughter was enough to carry her on her way.

The sandman's face was blank, as always, and he lit a clove as he watched them from the top of the stairs.

Alma's voice broke the silence, but not before she bowed to him. It was a formality, maybe. Viki didn't think to ask.

"Greetings, creature, can you say she does not shine more brightly for my polishing?"

"If she does, it must be her choice to." The sandman said.

He smells her all over you. You reek of flowers and sex and blood.

"'Lo, Skado." Viki was strangely stoic that night, and she began to fidget in her place beside the woman. Her free hand found itself wandering to a new bit of patchwork to her already unique designer dress. Bits of familiar paper protruded from the stitching.

He sees the clover, yes.

Alma lifted her chin. "And when have I ever directed someone against her choice? I have not the powers of many of the residents here...creature."

"Many, many choices.." Viki's sing-song voice broke their conversation, and she lifted the idle hand to twirl it about in the air. She was making pictures again. Lines met invisible lines, circles, and squares.

"Creature. You tread the line of impropriety, vessel." Skado did not snap at Alma. Instead, he mimicked her tone of voice rather perfectly.

Viki tried to speak up, but her words were so quiet still. "We are all creatures of vessels and vessels of creatures." She wished for a happy compromise, but no, there would be no happiness between these three gathered together like they were.

Two and two, yes, and perchance to dream.

"Does the puppet see its own strings?" Skado threw the question into the air like he had asked it of himself. Then slowly, he stepped away, and moved into the Inn.

Meanwhile, Viki had ceased to fidget. Instead, she was staring.. elsewhere. There were secrets between these two, the woman and the sandman, and they hung heavy in the air. Viki nearly choked.

"The girl and I improve each other's hours. You know more than enough to know that I mean her no harm, at least no harm that does not please all out of proportion to its pain..." Alma's eyes were fiercely intimate as they dove into the girl's.

She snapped out of it quite well enough. "Pain, Lady?" Her eyes moved to the woman beside her as the sandman gave himself to the threshold and what lay beyond.

"Don't pain yourself, my sweet thing, this one and I have history, though neither of us have any reason to do the other harm." She offered her the door, giving a quick glance ahead. "In fact, he resisted the mob when they would have turned on me."

Then, she added, and oh-so-softly, "Pain is ever a part of pleasure, dearest, and we will chose our treats together."

Viki slipped through the doorframe with the grace of a dancer and the expression of a psych patient. "Harm jingles like little silver things.."


Across the way, the sandman whispered, "Like a little silver chain."

Viki blinked and came to focus. "You spoke of cliffs, did you not? I do not want to be a thousand pieces save to be everywhere all at once.." She spoke over her shoulder as she sauntered in.

"A wise woman never shatters her glass menagerie..." Alma's reply was met with a wry smile.

The pair approached the bar. Coincidentally, Skado had taken a place behind it.

"I thought it was grass." Viki hoisted herself into a vacant stool and her bare legs began their idle swinging as her eyes danced up to meet her lover's gaze.

"You smell of grass beneath the blade, the bramble's new growth in the jaws of the shears, but you spoke of shattering, and thus my metaphors become dangerously mixed..."

"Shears do shatter.." Laughter spilled from Viki's very painted lips and that laughter took shapes that only her sight would see. "Metaphors are not the danger, lady. I think cliffs are, real, and metaphorical. It is rather like standing over everything and nothing all at once." She paused and brought her index finger to rest upon her own small chin, tapping once, twice, thrice.

Alma's eyes were serious things beneath their lenses. "Oh my sweet one, some times I wonder if there are any dangers other than words."

But happy were those fingertips upon Viki's chin, so much so that they began to dance their way to the bar top and move over the patterns in the wood. "War of the words."

Absence of mind.

"What moon--or sun--wells up behind that phrase?"

The girl frowned. "I... I do naut know!" She blinked in her confusion.

"I only indulge myself, love, and any wars we wage will be slow and soft and surrender will be mutual."

Viki's eyes lifted once more to the lady, and she peered into her frames, as if she could see worlds within. "Then, it is not war." Her smile was casual.

Perhaps Skado had been aware of their conversation all along. After all, he did watch. He was always watching. But perhaps they were not so terribly aware of him, that is, until he left their space and withdrew to the hearth. And although he was not an emotional creature, his disgust was quite obvious.

Viki sighed and her smile fled from her face. Propping an elbow against the countertop, she sought to support her heavy head, although it didn't feel like that was the only part with added weight. Her heart was suddenly racing, as if to work it off.

Heavy heart.

"Such quick judgments do not become you, creature." Alma shot from across the room.

"Why do you think it is a judgment I have made?"

"Alma, his name is Skado," Viki said, although quietly. These were the first words spoken in his defense, and perhaps they were too little and too late.

Alma's soft laugh at her ears. "Perhaps my sense of taste is off, perhaps my eyes have grown cloudy with passion. If I may blame your perceived condemnation of the doors of my perception I will hire a locksmith and a carpenter....Skado."

"First you must tell me what I am condemning," he said simply.

Viki's hands then fell to the hem of her strangely sewn dress, as if in search of a possible distraction, but a distraction would not be found there. She'd forgotten the new addition.

Alma brightened. "Perhaps I am wrong, I would love to be...." Then, she turned to Viki, slowly brushing her lips across the girl's. "Enjoy the company of your friend without my interference. I am for home, love, and my eyes will be like moons upon the door hoping to see the knob turn in your hands..."

Viki lifted her pretty head to receive the kiss, though her distraught was clearly visible. "The knob will turn." She said quietly, and offered Alma a small smile.

Turn, yes, but not by you.

"You still have not told me what it is you assume."

"I have assumed your dislike of me...Skado...and your disapproval of my influence upon your lovely friend. If my assumption is false I apologize; if it is correct I will strive for its reversal." Alma slipped to her feet and headed out the door. Viki's eyes slipped to the side to watch her departure, and then she was off again, in another plane, with the secrets and the shadows.