Topic: The Blood Curse - Dark Dreams

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-03-08 08:18 EST
Spring was the time of birth, the time when the cycles of the year cleared away the old to make room for the new. Winter was the cycle of death, and incubation. Now were the in-between times. In the sphere of magic, time and space did not exist. The Great Web encompassed all; the layers of multiple dimensions, the innumerable vastness of many planes of existence, the past, the present, the future, that which will be and never was. In the mind of one who walks the corridors of magic, magic was the all, the nothing, and the in-between; this has always been the way of things.

Beyond the veil of reality, corridors spanned between ?the worlds? forming a web of crossroads, unseen to those with untrained eyes; it was between these folds of reality that the plane where the ?Black Wizard?s? demesne could be found, if one dared. Through special favor, charmed keys to mystical wards, and at the amusement of gods, both lawful and chaotic, one could find themselves in such a place. Deep within the Dar?Kath mountains was nestled a castle of the same name. Within one of its wintry wind-swept towers was the large temple of the Lunithaylian ?Dark Lord.? It was in the boundaries of these heavily warded temple walls that the ?Devil-kin? worked his vile sorcery this night.

Globes of cobalt blue flame ringed the circular walls of the room, suspended in mid-air to illuminate and cast ghastly shadows about the ritual space. Arctic storms cracked lightning and cast snow to the four directions and the terrible icy claws of winter gripped the land as the energy of the dark magic was manifested and woven into being. I ring of marble pillars surrounded the altar by which Lord Veighn knelt, supporting the ceiling as well as drawing upon the lay-lines like batteries by way of the Shar?Vae power glyphs etched into the stone surface.

With the bone-tipped quill fashioned from the entirety of a raven?s expanded wing, he began to scribe the woven characters of magical sigils and runes upon his bronze-dusted flesh in a mixture of Black Dragon and Lunithaylian blood; this was held in the vessel of a hollowed-out Snow Elf skull atop his altar, adjacent to a mirror held by snickering, bejeweled, mithril imps. Certain of these runes were the exact same as those glowing with the brilliant light of magic on the floor encompassing himself and the altar. He chanted in low tones, and the low thrum of magic echoed off the walls as he channeled both his immense personal power, and that borrowed, through his corporeal shell. A lesser ritual, improved upon, need only the fueling of the rudimentary arcane language of magic ? Draconic.

Within moments, the Shar?Vae power glyphs at the four compass directions of the circle?s quarters began to glow brighter, taking on a sickly pale green hue where the others flashed in tones of gold and crimson light ? The blood hex had begun.

?Unhallowed mirror, ias Si leer,
Si chiili unlock douta pathways ifni.
Sila ve ekess dreams di wer seer,
Shafaer hawi tides ekess nebeur shishin?s shore.
Ini iejir, illing, edar, ixen, thrae, vur ocuir,
Vur ereke wer sjachic di darkest night;
Victoria Si chikohk, jaka hexed qe wux,
Wux nishka vucot terror, panic vur fright.
Night-terrors whisper ekess wux,
Vur ereke these sjachic, Si manifest.
Sealed mrith iejir, nomeno arcaniska nishka qe,
Zyak coi stands, lest Si geou, usv ereke lowan!!?

The chill air smoldered with the heat of magic gathering, churning like a bubbling cauldron. Heat-waves rippled here and there where runes manifested themselves of pure energy leapt in the form of crackling pale-green lightning from the runes of the ceremonial circle to the power glyphs on the walls and pillars. The blood-runes danced and changed, scrolling on his flesh and bright crimson eyes blacked out the hue of inky jet. Semantic gestures beckoned the energies as a glowing hazy fog thickened, hovering over the floor as he entered the trance. Just then, as the energy pooled and channeled into the ?Devil-kin?s? body and through it to the source, the silvery surface of the mirror blacked out, rippled, and became incorporeal. With abyss-black eyes, the ?Black Wizard? gazed into the abyssal black depths of the mirror portal, and with both hands, he reached into the void, past the frame, and into Victoria Chylde?s dreams.

Lord Veighn Yhaull

Date: 2007-03-08 09:32 EST
Through time and space, the diabolical fiend reached his talon-tipped fingers. Astral tendrils and Shar?Vae Shade licked and lapped at the walls of the unstable seer?s mind. Like the rod finding the bolt-hole, those tendrils found a crack in that mental barrier. Blanket your mirrors at night Chylde, for they are gateways to unknown horrors.

~~The Dream~~

A pack of coal-black hounds haunted Victoria?s heels, quick as the shadows cast by the moon?s silver light. The taste of blood was on her lips, her throat raw from the wind as she forced the chill, damp, night air into her lungs. She was the hunted. She could not stop or linger to rest, despite the hot breath of imminent death on the back of her neck and the chilling cold aura of evil becoming more tangible as it amassed behind her.

A glance back and she saw the five pares of glowing red eyes pursuing her at a quicker pace. Dodging through trees and over rocks and roots, her dark elf blood was no match for the beasts? uncanny celerity and agility. In panic, she caught herself wondering at how much longer she could keep up this pace before these beasts, the size of draft horses, would char her flesh and tear her into a scene of carnage worse than any horror she?d ever witnessed.

The Nessian Warhounds, the Arch-Devils of the Nine Hells of Baator?s personal hellhounds, were fanning out for attack, closing in fast to surround her. Two raced ahead, one at her right some thirty yards, and another to her left. The trio behind her scorched the earth with fire, burning the shrubbery and roots clear of their path. Her chest hurt, constricting tight as she ran for her life. Her body screamed for oxygen as her mind raced in her flight to stay alive. As panic has a wont to do, or be it fate, she bashed her foot against an oak root and toppled down a steep incline, fingers clawing the dirt in-between rolls as she slide down toward the lagoon.

Reeds! The shoreline was speckled with hollow reeds!

Knowing that beasts, otherworldly or not, had keener senses of smell than most humanoids, she considered the though of hiding her scent so they couldn?t track her. She heard the mastiff-like fiends baying in the lines of the trees, informing the others of the pack that they had lost their quarry momentarily and the need to assist in the tracking of their prey. She had only mere moments to set her plan into motion.

Uprooting one of the plants, she quickly stripped the bottom half from the stalk, and slipped the reed into her mouth. She then crept into the water, crawling to make as little noise as possible. The hounds sounded again as they found where she had fallen down the hill, and started tracking her by scent, their saliva like napalm as it scorched the earth where it dripped from their blackened fangs. It was only seconds until she was literally face to face with one of the Warhounds, watching its glowing hellfire eyes scan the dark surface of the water she lay still beneath. Thank her stars; the distant waterfall distorted the water with rippling which caused her image to be distorted so that the hound did not catch on.

For what seemed like eons, the Nessian hounds walked the bank of the lagoon, sniffing about, pawing here and there at the water, and growling in their frustration at having lost their prize. Three times, they almost found her, and three times, she had to adjust herself subtly not to be stepped on or pawed as they scoured where here scent trail was broken. After a thorough search, the hounds took off toward the west, and she lay still in the cold water, waiting for the coast to be clear with undeniable certainty.

Moonlight broke past the canopy of the leafless trees and showered silver light down upon her beneath the water. It was as though Luna had saved her from a terrible fate, and the chill water started to sooth over the fires of her fear with a sensation of tranquil serenity. Counting to ten, she rose from the lagoon, pulling the reed away from her lips, her former breathing tube and life support. With a wash of relief, she all but forgot herself and glanced down to the reflection of the moon on the water. As the water rippled, so did her very own image. The moon on the water formed a mirror, a mirror that began to distort her very image into something unforeseen. Fear once more shot through her heart like blood turned to ice. Paralysis and morbid curiosity kept her staring, her gaze transfixed as foreboding knotted in the pit of her stomach.

Her reflection changed fully, dark hood taking shape over a shadowed face, and then those blood-fire eyes opened and a clawed hand arose from the depths the water. Her image had become his, and he was the ?Black Wizard? who haunted her every moment. That hand caught her by the hair and pulled her fast to his snarling face...

?You cannot escape me, little mouse! You can never escape! You are and will be, FOREVER MINE!?

His lips curled back into a dark mockery of a Cheshire smile, more sinister than naught. Then the trio of tongues slithered out from between his teeth, licking along the edge of her jaw, over the corner of her mouth, and up her cheek.

?Forever, in life?. And? in death!?

Suddenly, with a might beyond his frame, he jerked her off her feet by the hair and pulled her into the deep of the lagoon with him. Blackness rushed up to catch her.


She shot up from a dead sleep, hands clutching her throat as her lungs burned for air. She chocked, and sputtered, eyes bloodshot as though she had been strangled. Perhaps, it was she who was strangling herself? Perhaps, however, that did not explain what happened next. Her body convulsed and her diaphragm forced water from her lungs and all over her lap.

She sat there for long moments, sobbing, shaking, sweating, cold and wet, a look of pure horror on her face. She rocked herself by the knees, trying to gather herself?


Date: 2007-03-10 18:05 EST
You thought I was a little girl
You thought I was a little mouse
You thought you'd take me by surprise
Now I'm here burning down your house
This is not my idea of a good time

The Waking

Thin-limbed, the seer turned in full view of the mattress, reaching for a body and grasping at the air. Domikai's imprint was there, though the bedding was less warm than usual, as if it had been several hours since she'd last clung to his side.

"You are out."
"We are often."

Drenched in the aftermath of dreams, she struggled to stand, and though terror had trampled over the planes of her face, it was soon fading fast.

"Black Wizard," hissed the girl to the empty spaces surrounding her. Not even her lover's bird found solace in Unhome that morning.

"Sanctuary.. sanctuary.." A singsong slip of words broke the barrier of blue lips. She was unusually cold, and though her skin glimmered faintly in the light of their single candle, it sizzled not.

She crept outside, the crisp air of early March snapping at her wet clothing. The fabrics hampered mobility, so she drew the dress above her head and flung it aside. It objected, and rightfully so, drowned in dirt and thicket. The ground took offense. Pebbles filled the multiple strangely-sewn pockets. Naked, the seer didn't seem to care. She would make another costume, or, after a bit of time in the river, wear it again.

"Black Wizard!" She shouted, lifting her hands above her head and stepping into the sunlight.

Stars shrivel from the morning light, save for one.

She had commissioned killers in the past. Jodiah Ayreg had taken up the task to do away with a certain slaver, though a sort of death took him before he could accomplish the deed. Domikai was a hunter as well, though in truth she was loathe to ask this of him. He seemed to be always cloaking her in shadow and protecting her from danger. She wondered how long this role would suit him. She was his packmate. He had trained her with knives, giving her metal teeth and little claws so that she might be strong. And though his face held no stitch of disappointment, the girl thought perhaps it was there. Little beacon, he mused, in regard to the shady sort she seemed to attract. And then, there was Mish'Cael...

"Metal arrows," she said aloud. Her bare feet made a souvenir of earth as she moved into the brush. Though her nudity was well hidden beneath greenery and unruly two-toned hair, no human eyes nor human-sort ventured this far. She was a vision though, ah, with all the blessings of youth. Gaia nestled her near. Water nymphs gave up their jealousy in small splashes as she neared a small stream.

Her thoughts wandered, focusing for a time on all those things that crept and crawled in the riverbed. She stood there, staring, before spiraling into the past.

Yes, a gun would work. But what of your knives?

"Cannaut get close enough." She sighed aloud, chilled by the temperature of the water, but warmed by the light of the sun. It streamed through the canopy like an unstoppable force.

Is that what you want with the Blue One? You mean to hire him?

"Naut hire," with a singsong breath and a look about, she spoke quite plainly to the river plants.



Date: 2007-03-10 23:43 EST
Hear my voice it's telling stories
Telling just the truth
About the innocent elias lying next to you
Innocent elias, blood red messiahs,
Never coming home
Greetings from me following the wind

Red Dragon Inn
One Night Before Dreaming

Small sounds paved the way along ribbons of road. Dirt gave way to cobble, marking signs of civilization - more or less. The girl turned counter-clockwise in her steps, aqua eyes bidding the dark a long goodbye before feet made tracks for the porch. Her slipper shoes were thankful to find traces of floor beneath them, however weather beaten and raw. She climbed the stairs like one might climb Everest, her hands latched to the rail, makeshift rope, tugging her body higher and higher. She stopped at the landing, a flash of a smile for those lingering souls.

Then, she spilled inside - an onslaught of color. Blues mated with purples, reds trampled yellows. She had a dancer's grace as she moved toward the bar, quiet in steps, yet loud in ensemble.

Everett Ogden was the first to notice her.

So quick is he, in his bookish ways, much like Arden. We hope he will not fall in with the same sort.

Viki?s aqua eyes were bright this eve, but time was precious. The fog loomed. She meandered about table and chair and patron alike, shaking bits of forest from her skirt. To Everett, she offered a touch of a smile.

?Hullo keeper-of-books. Are you well??

?Hello, Mistress of Color. I am quite well. Does this night find you happy?" He inquired as he prepared his tea.

Meanwhile, her two-toned hair spiraled unruly down a shoulder, tempting faithful fingers to establish order again. She did so eventually, brushing curls behind an ear, and then the other, revealing far too much of the genetic marvel that was Viki. Elegant in their shape, though highly unnatural, those lobes were raised to a point. When his words echoed within, she did laugh, a sound these walls were familiar with. Bells indeed.

?He called me Mistress!? The exclamation for no one at all, really.

He paints you a gypsy. Notes all scribbled, meant for paper later on.

Only when she had collected herself did she find a seat - abandoned bar stool still warm from its prior occupant. She near purred, tugging Joy along for the ride. It seemed the girl was in bright spirits indeed.

?Xas, very happy. Nau troubles nor crashing and screaming and following figures for days and days.?

"Splendid then. I do not think I should like to follow any for days and--" His words were lost when someone bade him a farewell. This seemed to rattle the lad in his shyness, something Viki found most amusing.

Thus, her laughter continued - it bubbled from her middle and upset the paint on her lips.

?All quiet, more or less. Nau bits of girl on you tonight, nau boys neither.? Singsong. The words were not laced with anything out of the ordinary. Innuendos seemed to escape her. Malice was an absent foe. All the while, one elbow found the countertop, and one hand caught her chin. Digits - three - plotted a course for her mouth, and tapped idly, as if the girl were in some sort deep pensive state. She wasn't, of course. Her eyes gave that much away - here, there, and everywhere, occasionally bumping into Everett as he prepared his tea.

?Would you drink tea? Or do you prefer water??

?Ooh.? Her eyes moved to fix on Everett, stitching into the side of his face with neither regret nor sense of etiquette.

?Xas, I mean, I would drink tea. I used to with the Gloved Lay-dee, but then the Lover was one for water, so that too, but I met a blue man the other night who poured me whiskey, and I do naut think the spirit sat well with me.? Long trail of words for such a simple request. She blinked at him a moment, then giggled, again at nothing.

?Mind yourself, it is hot,? he warned, though gently, pouring her a cup. A gentle warning for her. ?Beg your pardon, just a moment.? And then he left her to her thoughts and her tea and her whispering spirits, off to speak with a man she did not recognize, and a woman she vaguely remembered.

So it began. Slender legs crossed beneath the counter, swinging in place. The movement caused the overcoat to slip down her shoulders, revealing more angles than anything - the girl was mostly limbs, but not without shape. Inkings marked a wild trail down the sides of her neck, her shoulders, and her arms - the language of her Lover, no doubt, foreign and somewhat ominous in appearance. Black was a stark contrast to her pallor. Thank goodness for rosey cheeks.

?Bel'la dos. Amvel. Thank you.? Three tounges chimed true when Everett returned. The seer found the youth charming, to a degree. But right now, her attention shifted. Steam rose from that teacup, curling tendrils for her nose. She inhaled happily.

?Messages in the leaves..? She mused as a relic of memory surfaced. But the seer was no diviner. No looking glasses nor scrying bowls or balls of glass were needed - granted, she had been given such gifts of the latter two, but really had no use for them. She peeled the cup from the saucer then - and though it gave a cry of protest in doing so, she nonetheless lifted it to her mouth. Had Everett not failed to mention the name of this certain sort of tea, the seer would have rambled on for hours about a particular Earl of Grey.

Oh yes. Kain.

?Quiet.? A command for the wind, one could suppose, though when there was no wind to be found, she provided. She blew across the top of the teacup, then sipped, wary of the heat, when in reality, the surface of her skin easily matched in temperature.


Date: 2007-03-10 23:56 EST
Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
- The Smiths

Red Dragon Inn

?Where is your home, Viki?? Came Everett?s sudden question, complete with restless, drumming fingers.

?Unhome?? Topsy-turvey went the saucer, but not by any accident. The girl found a particular new joy in flipping the porcelain on its side. She set the teacup down, her fingers upsetting the trail of steam as she held her hand above.

?Secret place. North.. and West. You live here, do you naut??

?At present I do, though I would not call this my home." Home was where the heart was? Perhaps, perhaps.?

?Ahh, my word-keeper lies naut far from you. He would like you, I think, though he busies himself with poor company.? Her pretty face twisted with a look of disdain, and eyes followed the path of steam to the ceiling, then seemed like missiles, sharp and brimming with firepower. She shook off the feeling, for Everett's sake. He did not know much of her strangeness yet, and though she was well aware of her eccentricities, she couldn't help them, and didn't want to scare him off.

This raised eyebrows. ?Poor company? I am sorry for that. Poor company is not to be had.?

?You are all goodness. It mingles with your blood and you wear honesty like one might wear a robe.? She gave a nudge to the tea, as if to prod it into agreement, yet the drink did nothing but provide an endless supply of steam. ?I do naut like poor company either, though it tends to follow. My shadow is very wary as of late. Like you must be, of ships?? Off-blues swam into his own be-spectacled.

?I had grown vastly weary of ships. The sea liketh me not. It unsettles all my humors. What manner of company vexes you?? Though his words were plain and underwhelmed by drama, the seer new better, but sought not to delve.

?Vexes..? The word was shot back almost immediately as it was uttered, for the seer had heard so little of it, and rather liked the way it rose from the back of her throat and met with the middle of her tongue. She was a language connoisseur. ?I do naut like.. I am vexed.. by the lawyer and his brood. They sit and stare out of skin that is naut their own. Why, just two weeks prior, I had to tumble through thicket as the beast came clamoring and screaming for secrets I stole of him. Secrets meant to harm. Your Erin was very brave.?

?Not my Erin.? Though he was quick to correct her, he did not linger on the subject. ?It does, nonetheless, sound like quite an ordeal. I prefer it to be quiet, always.?

?She had taken up my hand and led me back to light and sanctuary.? She attempted to paint the scene for him as she continued, but failed rather miserably. When she spoke, her words were a rush, bordering singsong even in their speed, and memory tugged her this way and that, making it hard to keep a proper timeline. ?Ooh, naut yours. But, friendship?? Blue collaborated with green in a swim up his shoulders. ?Then there was the other time. I do remember being in your arms and rather far from the floor.?

?Yes, friendship. I have many friends.? His brown eyes sought hers in study, even as he spoke. ?You seemed ill. I hope I did not offend.?

?Ill. Name-Like-Bells. When they touch me, the rise and fall of everything is too-too much.? She was taking notes in her own examination, relying less on the physical and more on what lay beneath. It wasn't really a look-over, at least, not in the sensual sense. She was more ethereal in her ways, and usually aloof in such matters, save with Domikai. ?The angels,? she confessed, and her eyes sought him in earnest, her silence a precaution.

He leaned in. ?Angels?? The youth?s eyes were wide, and understandably so.

?Xas. You know. Ones on high.? Her hands glided into her lap and met at the wrists. There, she flapped both sets of fingers for him - a child's depiction of wings. ?They are naut very nice. Power-hungry. Take care if they kiss at you with their fingers. Means they claim you as their's for always.?

"Claim- me?"

He thinks perhaps you are a bit touched.

Touched, though truthful. The fog hadn't even rolled in yet. She blinked at him, for the questions she could see scrolled upon his forehead, the ones he did not supply with sound. Then, to address those chopped syllables: ?Xas. Do take care, dear Everett, for-I-like-you-very-much.?

?I like you very much as well, sweet Viki. Colorful and peculiar, your funny ways delight me.? Warm in his words, though careful in his candor, Everett seemed the safe type, at least, to the seer.

?I will take care,? he promised her.

?Ooh. I do like colors. And I am glad I de-light you, for I am light - if ever in a small degree.? Her winged hands unfastened themselves and drew back into her lap, then settled at her knees, fingers tapping with some element of rhythm - perhaps to a melody long lost to memory. ?That is a story for another night, I think. If you do like stories??

?A larger degree than most.? He nodded, finishing off his tea, taking up her old elbow-to-the-counter stance that she abandoned only moments prior. ?I love stories. I would tell them myself, deal in stories and wonderful words for all days, if I might.?

This produced a short squeal from patchwork girl, and she killed a bit of distance between them, bringing to his senses an aroma of distant summer, of sweeter spirits, and rain. ?Words for words? Tales for tales? Do you promise, Ev-ver-ett??

You make the young one dizzy. We can see through his smile.

?A promise, Viki. I can tell you of my brothers.?

?Brothers. I have brothers, three.? She flashed him a trio of delicate fingers, some of them boasting rings in foreign runes, others old scars, souvenirs from darker times. Here, in this space between himself and her seat, did she hover. Her sense of balance was something extraordinary. Feet were curled inside those slipper-shoes, clasping a bit of barstool leg to secure her in place.

?As do I. Three brothers, and I am the third of the four.?

Coincidence clad in male youth tonight, the girl made a small noise as the number screamed for her attention. The seer liked numbers, and symbols of all sorts, both foreign and familiar, and words - as words were symbols of the civilized. She then cooed in her pleasure, tugging bits of patchwork finery with her free hands - a habitual dance of fabric and fingers. She was aware of his study, and made no attempt to cease in her own.

?I am a double.. ahh.. twinning. I would like to hear all your tales, of your distant lands where the sea does naut threaten you so.?

?The sea is no threat in Warwick. So far away was the ocean, I knew her only in stories and songs until I left there to adventure. Just this year.?

?Tales of the young, leaving to meet Adventure in the far-off Elsewheres. Did it once and stayed forever. Home is painted with mountain peaks that stretch for miles and miles. Have naut been for many years now..? The girl looked a bit wistful for all her airy ways, and she colored thought with a sad smile, then peered at him under curls of rebel white and casual chestnut.

?Will you return? If ever. Ev-ver-ett.? Language was a game again. Sad thoughts were drowned with small giggles.

His smile seemed to give way to a sudden and quiet longing. ?I made a grave promise that I would not until I compel my heart to turn.? So sad, so sad was the youth that it became a struggle to answer her, and his eyes left hers, and his fingers fumbled, scratching at the back of his head.

Her little face contorted in sadness and concern, replacing silliness with softness. With that lean, she placed her hand upon the side of his face, a slow stroke of her thumb along a bit of cheekbone.

?Hearts, they bleed.? Less singsong, more secure in speech. She had collected herself enough to lend some bit of compassion to his obvious woe.


Date: 2007-03-11 00:04 EST
what if you covered the face of the sun
(i am just a man what gives me hope)
of shredding the pain for too long
i'm under the gun
(as i take a breath i'll take the plunge)
- A Static Lullaby

Red Dragon Inn

Look to your left.

The seer spied Mish?Cael from the sidelines. Without her eyes, the taint of nicotine would've given him away. He rounded the bar, somewhat close to their vicinity, and took up his usual whiskey and glass, though paid little attention to the glass itself. She had met him formally only days ago, introduced by her old cohort in anti-slavery Raye Howard, along with the charming Chuckie O?Corr, whose dialect made even the seer dizzy for a spell.

He smells of rot. Appropriate for his trade, no?

Back to Everett. The lad?s eyes had closed once the seer?s hand had cupped his cheek, and with the softest of smiles, he captured that hand, then placed a small, chaste kiss near to her knuckles.

?Sweet lady, you deal in truth. I think we shall be great friends, indeed.?

She offered up that same genuine smile - a blend of sadness and warmth. As he withdrew, her hand hovered a moment, as if to gain a feel for the air he previously occupied - but who knew the lengths of her oddities. She flexed her fingers, then set the hand into her lap. Like the rest of her, it was too-warm, and she herself was a few degrees off course.

?I do hope, friend Ev-ver-ett, Keeper-Of-Stories.?

?Do you need more tea??

His question was launched just as her aqua-eyes were on the move again, playing shadow to a path of whiskey glasses and the smoke that lingered all around. It was an attack on her nostrils. Her attention wavered just a second, and immediately her face was for the youth again, the question still ripe on his tongue.

?Ohh, nau thank you. I am well without drink for now.?

The blue one is watching, then, he watches all.

?Mish'Cael.? Temporary singsong of a greeting. A flutter of fingertips. She would acknowledge him, despite his willingness to wander. Already she mapped the path his feet might take, even so late in the evening.

?Viki, darlin'.? He smiled, though it was small, and strange, complete with a tipped whiskey glass in her direction. Cigarette smoke of a very particular brand overwhelmed the senses. Sweet wines and summer rain were no match for the armadillos, extra or plain.

Meanwhile, Everett had gone to fetch his tea. His movements behind the bar amplified the levity that hung on her shoulders, and for a moment she spun, semi-circle, side to side, at her stool. Her feet cast little shoe-shadows on polished floorboards. There was a glimmer of her reflection in the shine, but the seer was careful to keep her eyes a safe distance.

The two men regarded one another, one straining, one smoking. Viki, the rainbow fixture on the barstool, was for some time staring, though her interest shifted between the youth and the gunslinger. Their respective presences were a bit overwhelming - while one carried sadness and serenity, the other carted death. Off-blues flashed to a pair of weapons, and a pair of hips.

Mish?Cael seemed to regard her stare, but oh, where were her manners? She glanced to the ceiling, as if to pose the question to some greater authority, though etiquette was something that escaped her for the most part. Off-blues dipped, then tumbled into the gunslinger's with a start. She grinned, revealing nothing but flat teeth.

?Everett, this is Mish'Cael.? And vice-versa. She passed a delicate hand in the space between the duo.::

?Well met, Everett. Like tha pretty Seer says, name's Mish'Cael. Kin call me Mish er Mish'Cael er whatever else strikes yer fancy.?

?Aye. Everett Ogden, of Warwick.? The youth offered the killer a nod. ?Mish'Cael. Indeed.?

Mish?Cael chuckled. ?En't know we were goin' with tha full names. Changes thin's a might.?

The seer?s eyes narrowed. There was a twinge of tension. A hand settled at her middle, as if to hold something back. Her eyes continued to teeter between them, though she hadn't meant to flash that bit of discomfort at Everett. A finger spun a circle into the air. Small habits died hard.:

?True names? I did naut provide mine, Everett..?

?Mish jest be easier on tha regular..? The gunslinger continued.

?Oh...? Everett chuckled in turn, though it seemed laced with a little anxiety. ?Nay, no more than you desire. It is my habit, my custom, only. Do as you both please, indeed.?

?Mish'Cael Na'ar-Syntanzk.?

?Ultrinnan Victoria Alexandra Chylde Buckhannah LeVey LeFay De'Amberville Tesser.?

You forgot Valir, though we admit that it was a made-up name, offshoot of the LeFays.

?To my foreign ears, your name is quite exotic.? Everett exclaimed.

?LeFay.? Mish regarded her with a smirk, then a drink, either to her or to her name, the seer wasn?t sure.

?Many strings of people.? She passed a curious glance cast to the gunslinger, for his repetition of the surname. ?You know it??

?Know many names.?


?En't play like yer en't know whut I do fer scripture.?

Ask whom he has killed, and killed for. We know, we know.

?Would have you show me. Metal arrows??

?Bullets. Biters.? He corrected her.

?Teeth.? Seer-speak. Daring in the deed to fling questions at a killer, but she knew their sort well enough. Perhaps Everett's presence was a comfort, or a shield. His proximity was welcome, his odd bookish angles and all.

?Ayup,? he replied, and then, with a look over to Everett: ?S'thet yer get dere. Tea.?

?Aye. Earl Grey. There is still a little in the teapot, if it would suit you.? The question seemed answered already, yet out of politeness, there was Everett, asking away.

A storm had rolled in during their parlay, and it made it near impossible to hear the ?Thank'a, 'M set,? offered from Mish?Cael in reply to the youth.

?Angry night,? whispered the seer, a small comment for the blue one's ears, though it would lend itself to Everett if he so desired.

?Ayup.? The gunslinger seemed to take the storm in stride, unlike Everett, who was looking more nervous by the minute.

?Yer want me ter show yer,? he began, to Viki. ?Show yer whut, exactly.?
But the storm was a distraction. Suspicion wove itself around the girl like a clinging lover, and she slid off her stool suddenly, her eyes drifting from window to window, in search of the black sky for signs of the storm's source.:

?Show me..?? She only half regarded the gunslinger at first, then turned full on, complete with ballerina feet and hands clasping at the small of her back. ??the metal arrows??

Emotionless, and with the ease and grace of practice, he obliged, removing one .45 from his hip, and, in a series of moves the seer couldn?t memorize, withdrew a silver bullet and dropped it into her hand. Mish was as any artisan, and she was delighted to steal some of his skill, if only the elementary parts. Her fingers curled over the offering, and slowly, she took it to her chest.


Date: 2007-03-11 00:22 EST
Limb by limb and tooth by tooth
Tearing up inside of me
Every day every hour
I wish that I was bullet proof
- Radiohead

Red Dragon Inn

But meanwhile, a storm raged outside. Fire fell from the sky ? lightning? The seer smelled often smelled of electrical storms, though this seemed no natural occurrence.

Unnatural indeed. Without warning, the wind had blown him in. There before them stood a figure cloaked in black, radiating such darkness that the lantern light gave up its cause.

Kina, who had somehow slipped in unnoticed by the three, gave a small yelp once he appeared.

?Kina... a surprise to see ye. I thought ye dead.? Said the Black Wizard, Lord Veighn Yhaull.

?Dammit Veighn its bad enough I'm having nightmares while I'm sleeping, do I have to have them while I'm awake too??

?I never thought ye one to pass demon colts through those creamy thighs of yours, Kitty Cat. I see things have changed a bit ...?

?Everything and Nothing Veighn,? said Kina.

Mish?Cael turned aside to Everett. ?Yer reckon thet's all about.?

?Pardon?? Asked the youth, attempting to rid his unease with simple tasks, such as clearing the counter.

?Nuthin?.? Said the gunslinger.

But the seer had an inkling. Veighn's presence was met with a shiver down the length of her spine, but her eyes had skimmed his head and settled on Kina, alight with concern. She rose on her tip toes, casting worried glances between Mish and Everett, and simultaneously closing in on the gunslinger, backwards, but nonetheless, closer.

The lesser of two evils?

He turned toward her suddenly, the Black Wizard in all his cloaked glory. His eyes were slits of red. ?You.. donnae think I have forgotten... my sweet dulcet-tongued liar.. your time shall come.?

Everett seemed to make escape routes in his head while Mish did nothing but smirk and watch, interested, though, to what end?

Meanwhile, Viki?s eyes grew wider, blue threatening to swallow every bit of green, and she further backed into the pair of males, Everett in his seat, Mish in his stance. Her pallor was apparent. Anxiety crossed her features, reeking havoc on the loveliness that was.

?Black Wizard,? it came as a whisper.

?En't matter,? spoke the gunslinger, his bony hand suddenly resting on her small shoulder. ?En't worry, Seer. En't worry yer pretty little head.? His smile was a sneer, met of course with a bit of whiskey. His touch was received without protest. The seer was a strange one when it came to touch, and though she gave him no invitation, she said nothing to sway him otherwise. The small shoulder seemed warmer than what could've been considered normal - feverish fairy girl, same as always.

? Kina, I reckon. Rory is muh brother-in-law.? Mish called out, as Kina fetched Veighn a drink.

You can take the tender out of the Inn, no, wait?

?That makes you Family then...? She answered.

?Ayup. Thet makes yer an issue, wind up dead.? A warning for Veighn, no doubt, spoken through cigarette smoke, and whiskey-tainted air.

Everett, while without words, had his own form of protection. He offered her his arm and leaned down in a whisper. The seer allowed her arm to link with the youth?s, and his slow lean was met with a welcome ear - semi-pointed and screaming Drow - but every syllable, no matter how soft, was audible.

He is going to lead us to safety. Take it!

When the question was posed, she nodded, casting wary glances at the one dubbed Black Wizard, but Mish seemed to be a force field enough.

?Up and up. To spin stories??

?To spin stories up and up, to seek peace. Sanctuary.?

Meanwhile, Kina and Mish?Cael continued. ?No need for that yet, Vieghn and I go way back... Don't we Veighn??

?See thet et continues ter go back. Er there be an issue. I en't want an issue, y'ken??

?I'm sure there won't be tonight.?

?Good ta hear.?

Red eyes had moved from the seer to the gunslinger. ?Need I justify my actions now?? Snorted Veighn, the Black Wizard, giving Mish a dismissive wave.

?Yer need watch yer step.?

?I may... these boots cost more than ye hide is worth to me.. I'd rather not have cause to do so.. I donnae believe bile and acidic substances of ye stomach and bowels would be very kind to my leather boots.?

?Dose pieces'a shit. Would knock tha blindman made yer those..I was yer.?

?Veighn what have I told you about eviscerating my family?? Kina, again.

?That one?? Veighn inquired in a guttural rumble.

?Kin gut me, he likes. Hopefully he'll excise tha cancer.? Mish.

?He's family. and I've told you time and again you better have a damn good reason if you are going to gut family.? Kina.

Viki looked to Everett, her small fingers laced about the top of his arm, equal-distance from their sisters, lending a slight firmness to her grip on him. Her eyes were a whirlwind this evening, settling on one and then the other, pouring into Mish and mouthing her intention to exit.

?Have a nice evenin' Everett'a Warwick. Take care'a tha Seer fer me, y'ken.?

The youth only nodded, then possessively tucked her into his side with one arm draped around her shoulder. The seer?s slipper-shoes matched the steps of the youth, her shadow already melting into his own, becoming a strange sort of creature with an impossible number of extensions. She gritted her teeth, an attempt to hold back the hiss that was long overdue as the Black Wizard threw his weight around. Her eyes darted to Kina, then to Mish, softening in their brightness.

You would call a killer your friend? Oh wait, you call one lover.

Mish?Cael looked back at her, a smile in reassurance, which kept hold of his face as he spoke. ?Dreams full'a tha vision, ayup? Remember them ta tell me nex' time we cross.?

?Xas...? A trail of Drow to drift to Mish, affirmation for his question before the quest at hand. Stairs hummed with familiarity, and though she could've walked them with her eyes closed, she did not. A hand passed around, snatching Everett's, in lead of him to his own room.

?That one has a bit of spirit... I might consider him in her stead.. mmm?? Veighn turned back to Kina, weighing his options.

In her stead. In your stead, dear girl.

?Those two do not matter to me.?


?Which.. two?? He began to tap his finger, a show of impatience. ?Sort it fast.. or winner take all.?

?Do you expect me to pick and choose your prey now Veighn??

?Ye can stick to mixing the drinks I give ye. Picking and choosing is in my realm, and I have chosen.?

Chosen you, little seer.

?En't fergit yer spine. Think yer left et hangin' on thet coathook over there.?

Their voices faded as she and Everett poured into his room. Room Two-Oh. She didn?t spend the night, but she welcomed the stories he spun for her, tales of youth in far-away places. She settled in the middle of the floor, equidistant to all four walls, knees pulled up to her chin like a little child might, intrigued and delighted by names of ancestors and innocence and Everett?s glory days of yore.