Topic: When Worlds Collide - Stealth

Guthorm Othinsson

Date: 2007-10-08 12:59 EST
Harder now to prowl the grounds under office. Dangerous since blood had spilled under the pulsing glow of magick light. Days past, a woman had come into the bowels searching. What he saw of it, that spilling, had tightened the knot. An addition of guards. Other...magickal securities. Guthorm could not understand the magicks made, but that they were there.

He could feel them.

Days past, that other interloper came, unknowing of where she was and who was watching. Who was watching? Cold eyes. Cold hjerte. Guarded and skilled, touched by Loki's fire, for that was all the Norskmann could equate with what he had observed of them.

Cold eyes. Dead? Men who thrummed with...oh, that he could see what it was that led them. For they were led. Towards death. And Death was theirs to wield in glory for their masters. Dewberry. Howe. And the Other Unseen.

The Norskmann was unseen. Had been for months. In the shadows, walking, patrolling dim-lit paths under the ground. Shadowman of naught but blood and bone. Of determination. Purpose. Patience. And unseen, he had seen her wandering. Her searching. He heard her whisper, for he was Close. Sooo close. "Viki?"

And when she had run headlong into Death, come out of nowhere, she had fought for her life. Instinct guided her swordarm. But the Norskmann could not help her. Too dear a price, to give up his shadowing. He watched, helpless to save the townswoman's life. One of his was going to die.

But she did not die that day. She left the guard in a pool of blood, and took it away with her in spatters. Outside, in street, a hunter's moon threw shafts of autumn light on her escape.

"Her white dress, so sweet, soured by the mess of vitae...her hair redder in parts with the splatter of blood there too."

And so she had walked away to join who was dear to her, in a room somewhere, no doubt, with the care of friends around her tattered frailty. The Norskmann knew this by instinct, that she, so sultry fair even in her fright, would find her comfort after so harsh a turn. He knew her face, glimpsed so close from the shadows, as near to feel her breath. He recalled her face, from nights he spent at the Inn. But he did not know her name. He had no name to thank for Trouble. For as she got gentle comforts for her folly, he, he paid the harder price.

What she left behind her in her escaping put the point of the knife to his throat. Magicks grew down in those hallways. Alarms spread guard to guard and anything that was loopholed and leaking was stopped up and sealed shut. His ability to move was made thricefold more difficult as the shadows he had worn were scoured day and night by Death's Cold Hounds. The very air had changed. The smell had changed. Sound had silenced into whisperings just below his hearing. The little humming Voice he heard was heard no more. But oh, he knew she was still there.

And with any luck, so did his secret planting....

Guthorm Othinsson

Date: 2007-10-08 15:28 EST
In One Orb's Eye

An awakening Orb-Eye's blink in the cool, dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Guttering light.
Creak of key to lock.
Whisper of a door opening.
Change of guard. A taunting laugher, low. A door closing.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Almost endless...

Until Footsteps.
Howe's huge eye and scowl pass by and his back grows ever muted into but a short distance and an exchange of voices, unpleasant ring, and followed by the creak of key to lock and the whisper of a door opening.

The dim light between the Eye and beyond doors leaks out into the corridor revealing in faint witness brick and stonework and the dull sheen of pikes that held grey chains. Deep in, Howe's shadow rubs hands together, behind him two others, seizing a small and dusky form by arms. Haul it up. Under the Eye, a third wheels in a shiny table. Yet another white-coated form glides past and in towards the small greyed shadow, tearing clothing away, leaving the slight and curvy shadow exposed. Two captors carry the girl to the waiting table. The waif did not struggle but movement was there in fingers tacking in the air a-frenzied. She was in captivity....

Dewey passes close, his nose fish-eyed huge, retreating into a gathering of pristine bright white lab coats inside the murk-laden space beyond. ?I wonder what the little mouse can tell us before her squeals die away in the strangles of gasping terror??

?Hmm, Interesting! What do you think it means? Yes, yes, we must see if we can't harness that energy; like we've done with that Ancient Dog. Bring in the machine!? Howe's voice.

Another in a white lab coat pushes a huge, cumbersome machine under and past the Eye. Cables project like too many tentacles, a crab-like appendage at the ends...bits of raw flesh ensnared in the craggy teeth of steel claws. Inside, past the door it goes. That gaping opening betrays cold sound and sight...the snap of restraints closing.

?I miss the old days, chap, when we used to bleed things.? Dewey's voice.

A farway glint of off-blue fragments of light somewhere just above the table, is swallowed whole inside a blink to be replaced by another tiny flash of lethal sharpness, colder stil, triangular. A sound rises, like a hum. ?Skinning, now there is another grand old tradition lost to the ages.? Dewey's shadow moves forward towards the captive on the table.

Sudden, a roar of rage and Howe-Shadow's hammy fists grab hold and slam a white coat violently into the wall. ?How dare this happen while she's under *OUR* Protections! I don't care who F**cked the bitch, but NEVER DO IT AGAIN!" A gyrating song, akin to a heartbeat. "Any of you lay another finger on her without strict permission from one of the *senior* partners?! You're dead meat. UNDERSTOOD?? The white coat crumples to the floor then tumbles over still as death. Howe stomps back to the table just as ankles are clamped into restraints. That odd sound, under voices, louder by the second. ?Where's Hans? I want him running this jig! He's our lead R&D guy, damnit!?

That odd sound, under voices, louder, louder, waves of vibrations cousin to knives, assaulting ears and piercing beyond the cell. Distortion comes in the Eye's view, a blurring vibration, as if the Eye was bouncing to and fro in tiny shakings.

The white coateds continue working drone-like. Another steps through the door, a too close blur of gleaming white, with a team behind him all dressed the same in white coats with surgical masks stretched across their faces. Flash of white, followed by flash white. Flash white. Flash flash white until only their backs are left and they are all inside the door that is left wide ajar. The first steps up beside the murk-coloured captive, hand waving his command while his team falls upon that prostrate form, hungry vultures on an abandoned carcass.

Hair is taken.
A pointed thing stuffed inside one ear, then the next, swabbed over one eye, then the other.
Spittle collected from an open, singing mouth.
Nose invaded.
Every swab gathered, bagged, marked and tagged...every move fast and efficient.

The singing goes on around it all.

?Goddamnit! Somebody shut her up! I can't take that railing!? Howe in irritation.

Dewey leans over the captive's face. ?Oh, little mouse, be assured in this place, in my hands...? a scalpel's mirrored surface held up and slowly tick-tocked before glinting-off blue gaze. The rest of words is buried beneath his whispering.

?Snip the cords, partner. Shut her up for good!? Howe eggs Dewey on with an evil snicker.

The song comes to a sudden end has run its course. The shaking of the Eye stops.

Glitter and shine flicker down the captive girl's limbs, neck, and torso. Creeping close, the glimmering chain of events paves over the plane of her stomach and spreads in heat around her body...heat shimmering and glowing, obstructing the Eye's view now through waves.

Swarming, a covered hand slowly snaking through methodical movements to curl about the base of the unfortunate's throat. ?I don't even have an idea of what species she is."

"Get on with it Hans! Hook her up to the machine; let's see if we can't dampen some of that glow!? The black Hans-Shadow doesn't move, waiting, it seems, for Dewey to finish in the glow, glow, glow....

?She seems to be getting hot for you, ol' chap.? Howe's voice, clear and excited.

Steaming heat and a whisper, barely there, colouring view, but unheard over distance, eaten by the scorching brightness. Rubber, in gooey strings, pulls away as Dewey releases the neck. ?Get on with it, Hans!?

Tugging melty gloves the coat called Hans tosses them aside, moving to pull a fresher and heavier pair from a nearby cart. He hooks the machine up to the glowing girl, her outline is so bright he can barely find her through the shine. He pushes forward, clamping one after the other of twisting, long cables to her until all of them are tight and secure. Hans steps back. His new gloves have also melted in the short time he'd been so close to her. He peels them free and tosses them aside. Moving to stand next to the machine, he gives the lab assistant a short nod, before turning to the senior partners present. ?Whenever you?re ready, Sirs.?

Howe turns his head to Dewey. ?

But the glow evades their efforts and it rides around each one, and the girl, laughs and laughs an explosion of madness giving way to song and other strange sounds, sometimes snippets of words in triple tongues, other times nothing of any sense at all. ?They come. They come. Up and down is all the same.?

?Laugh, little mouse,? Dewey settles safety goggles over eyes as he gives a single nod to Hans. ?Now, Hans.?

Hans throws the switch, turning the monster machine on. Howe laughs with the same hint of madness as their captive as the machine springs to life with loud grinding noises then a whirring groan. A girl's laughter fades into ragged breathing, her spine sinking into the table, limbs still. But her light soars; wrapping around metal torture-limbs, sputtering and sparking into a Fourth of July display....chaos in the confines of the dungeon room. White coats frantically race to the machine but the energy coming from the dark form on the table is not stopped. Damage fatal for their machine. Sparks continue in a flurry, a rain of bright orange to threaten eyes. Shouting, white coats shielding their faces from further injury. White flash, terror close up...others race to put out the fire, off beyond the Eye. And suddenly, wires in a pile to the floor. Black spaghetti. The table and it's form, lost in the afterglow, outlines swallowed by the brilliance of her outburst. She is neither naked nor clothed nor even human in shape. On the table, only an elliptical white sphere, all encompassing, rendering the table like the surface of a stove.

Howe-Shadow steps back and away from the machine and ever intensifying glow, lifting his arms, (yes, arms, plural!) to shield himself from the explosive debris. "Hans! Shut it down, shut it down! This experiment is OVER!!! We'll have to come up with another idea! This ISN?T WORKING!!!?

Black Hans scurries. The machine whines and zings, pings and groans. Unplugged and in pieces, all activity should cease, however it doesn?t. Destruction still rains down over them as the machine literally disintegrates. Hans screams commands. Lab techs run willy-nilly this way and that screaming and trying to put out fires; friends, themselves, whatever was burning became targeted. The starburst is not a constant, and amidst the swirl of chaos, it simmers down, literally. Once expanding, and then collapsing, a shade of the universe, the glow settles back into a girl-form, and then, there is but her, sleeping, shining in her own slick sweat, and the aftermath. Her skin is a baby-fine shimmer.

Through the din a scalpel-edged voice cuts in. ?Call the Psions! Let us plow over this once and for all. Rip it from her!? Dewey and his pristine white lab coat are clean.

?Yes, we should summon the Psions. But we have to get this area cleared away first. Snap to it you slackers! I want this space spick and freakin? span by tomorrow night! You heard Mr. Dewey! We're bringing in the Psions! Tomorrow!!!? Howe is covered with gore and black burn spots.

Dewey bends to flick dirt from his shoes. Turning, he storms by the Eye and his footsteps ascend stairs."Mortimer!!"

Howe's greying temples pass, a loud snort as he moves off pass the hidden Eye. ?Put her in one of the secured cells, along with the Dog Ancient and the crazy Ancient's little pet Dragon. I want her locked up, tied down and drugged out and I won?t hear any excuses! Get to it boys, or heads will be rolling!?

Lots of Footsteps, hurrying.
Voices mumbling.
Voices complaining, scared tones.
Guttering light.
Change of guard.
A taunting laugher, low.
Whisper of a door closing.
Creak of key to lock.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Cool dusty dark.
Almost endless....

The scene rocks, pitching, wrapped in a calloused hand with shallow breathing above and a scabbard at Eye level. And in that scabbard a Nordic gripping beast carved into a triangular pommel stares back in a lingering gaze until every scene goes blank inside a leather bag tied tight.
Of a scuffle.
Norsk accents and the scraping of swords.
Scraping of bone.
A cry of surprise and Pain.
A dulled thud and dragging.
And a dance of muffled footfalls. Fast. Hesitant.
Soft breathing.
The whisper of a lock and door opening.
And nightbirds singing Autumn songs.

Guthorm Othinsson

Date: 2007-10-08 16:32 EST
Risky Delivery

Time passed but it was the same when he came into the Inn. Front door or back door, it mattered little. The assaults came each time, one, two, three or more in succession or simultaneously. Some nights, he dipped his horn and left. Some nights he weathered the insults. This night, he picked the glass shards again from his hair and fallen down his tunic, sticking into scalp and shoulders. He had scabs from the time before. He had fireant welts on his back. His back still ached from his fall from icy rafters. Kitty, Chryrie, Jewell, Icer and others saw right in hounding him with continuous magicks he did not, would not answer.

They had the right. He was an accomplished traitor to their friends and family. He was a threat to friends. He had burned Sid with the blaster. He had driven Sylvia away with burning insults. Lucky was on the hit list and the Norskmann could not approach him. As were so many others.

And, he was a threat to foes. He was not to be trusted by anyone.
Alysia would soon as kill him as talk to him or allow his presence near her. But, for now, she drew uneasy truce underscored with warning...waiting.

He could have come innwards to take a stab at relaxing. But this night, he had another business, hidden away and secret. Dangerous. Deadly, the risk. But enough time had passed. The time was right to play risk closer....

And so he came and so he bid Kitty in with words weighed careful and given with command. Outside. Away from prying orbs. And, she took the invitation, porchwards.

Kitty was not pleased to be there with him. She spat her accusations loud and clear in her distrust. He could not blame or fault her for it. Instead, he asked her to hjelp. And they gave it discussion...him, betraying his position. Two now had information to use against him. More than putting ice under his feet and throwing glassware and bottles at his head. This he risked was more...this could get him killed. And oh! He Embraced that risk with a wild and reckless abandon!

He told her he could not fight with the plasma blaster. Unfair not to see the whites of an enemy's eyes when dealing out death. Unfair to him to fight beyond the reach of sword or axe. But he knew, without doubt, that Howe and Dewey and whoever they had in the shadows (and did they have anyone shadowing him...he had to keep up pretenses)...they had no such sense of man-to-man battle. He needed something else to help him leverage his man-to-man advantage and to survive whatever would come. A little something extra that he could use close in. Kitty was the Governor, and she knew his town. She knew his people far better than he did. Perhaps...?

Late into their quiet conversation, after the shine of her tears, after arrangements, he placed the dungeon-orb's Eye in the Governor's hand. "Do with it what you will."

And so he hoped she would use it to help him, and not to hang him.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2007-10-09 10:04 EST
She had encouraged the Norseman to go back into the Inn. They had been outside together too long.

Meanwhile she herself moved off into the shadows. The instant she was out of sight and away from prying eyes she pulled one of those beads from her pocket, crushing it between her fingers.

Fae magic enveloped the woman and instantly transported her to the the safest place for anyone. Inside of Chryrie's home. Not even an angel or demon could breach those wards for even a second without the fae knowing. She would feel it like a person feels their own breathing. She struggled to steady herself once she reappeared. Fighting to keep her stomach where it belonged.


Of course the ripple of magic would get the fae's attention and in an instant she was standing next to Kitty, peering at her curiously.

"Escaping from Veighn again?"

"Har har. No. This is far more important." And with that she pulled out the orb Guthorm had given her, handing it to the fae.

Chryrie peered at the orb before lightly touching it, letting it replay what it would.

Together the sister's watched in silence. Listening to every sound, voice, and nuance. They clutched hands as sisters do when confronted by something that disturbs the very soul. By something that breaks the heart.

"Where did you get this?"

"The traitor... who may not be what we thought. He wishes our help. Your help, actually. He asked for mine, but you have the magic that could do it."

Chryrie's eyebrows lifted. She knew exactly who Kitty spoke of. This turn of events was obviously surprising to her, and for many reasons.

"And what do you say to this?"

She pointed to the orb. "Do you really need to ask?"

"Very well then."

Chryrie handed the orb back to Kitty and then disappeared in a flicker of shadows.

Kitty stuffed the orb back into her pocket and flopped down in the nearest chair. A clawed hand came up to rub absently at one temple as she tried to wrap her mind around this latest twist. Was he lying to her? Could she trust him? Experience told her she shouldn't. But... something in the back of her mind told her she should.