Topic: When Worlds Collide: The Stolen Chylde

Arden Cale

Date: 2007-05-01 16:48 EST
Pale angel, go away
Come again some other day
The devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
- A Perfect Circle

Red Dragon Inn: The Porch
It's Still Thursday

The Jackal haunted the shadows of the porch in an easy seat upon one of the benches. He didn't even blink as the Seer went charging past, but a chill frown furrowed his brows. The silver chain said nothing as he turned his bizarre eyes back to the night, an ear ticking after the other woman passing.

Out of breath and nearly out of his mind, he clutched the briefcase to his chest, a crutch in leather and familiar locks, and headed for the stairs. Emerald colored eyes, enlarged by that which encased them, found that strange woman again, Lerida, moving inside. He followed in suit, but not pursuit.

And there in his path, a Jackal.

?We really need to ease you of your timid nature, bookworm...? The Jackal tilted his head to one side in nearly unkind humor, but the chain murmured a praise. Despite the thunder of the bookworm's heart, apparent to him, the delivery had been made.

?It is done.? His tone might just have reflected the wild flutter of his heart, for it oscillated in pitch and sound as he turned for the Jackal. Soon, his angles would settle, his newly crafted muscles relax.

A gloved hand beckoned the mock-barrister nearer, offered a seat beside him upon this porch bench. To the other side of Irrykin, an innocuous cane was leaning against the wood. A flask awaited Cale, and the Jackal's eyes drifted through the window and to the scene within, very briefly narrowed.

Arden moved like one possessed rather than one exhausted, and settled his bones to the bench, placing the briefcase on the floor at his feet. Slowly, he let his spine align with the back of the bench, and closed his eyes rather than follow the Jackal's attentions. Perhaps he knew what they were. ?She came to visit today.?

?I see. She engineered a mishap in room seven.? He said this all quite mildly and placed the flask in one of the younger man's hands before situating himself into stillness once more.

?She is..? A child? Clearly not. Fingers clutched the flask as if it were a lifeline. His knuckles were a rival for the color of his face. Mock-barrister. Surely he could come up with some mock-defenses. He lifted the flask to his mouth, washing away the thought.

?Be calm Arden. It is but a myriad of broken glass. It hardly calls for a return in kind.? The Jackal could lie as beautifully as he could smile, and he was quite, quite practiced. He left the mock-barrister the flask, touched a gentle gloved hand to the back of his neck. Just a presence, before it was gone.

He softened under the touch and the sway of alcohol, easily warmed by both, and half-lidded eyes fell unto the one beside him. The flask, half full, turned about in his hand. An idle motion to fill the time. Nervous habits never left this one. ?Thank you.?

?There is no need for such thanks. You complete such thankless tasks.? An ear was ever ticked back to the grime of the window, it's milky, warm light spilling onto the porch. The Jackal leaned in to breathe near the younger man's temple... a bit warmer, almost too warm, but far from scalding than the typical heat a blood and flesh thing gave to the air. There were words and there was silver to line them.

Arden flushed something fierce and drew his eyes to the trees, as if any may have actually heard what silver words said.

Then the Jackal leaned back, straightened, stood. ?I must see to sweeping up the rest of the shards. Try to keep to the backroads...some do not take kindly to the necessary deliveries.?

?Yes. She seemed, most vexed.? She of course meant the fearsome little pirate woman, though Arden was still actually debating the matter of her sex. He rose with the Jackal, a perfect match. Small mannerisms were rubbing off on him. ?I will see you home, then.? Short and proper speech in case ears might linger, though of who, the bookworm could not say. He did press however, very close to the Jackal's side, then brushed by him, taking to said roads, as quick as loafers might carry him.

A predatory smile flitted across the man's features, with some thrill of metal chime chasing after the bookworm's steps. The Jackal took up his cane from its lean and turned for the door.


Date: 2007-05-01 17:35 EST
The way you slide across the wonderful.
A connection and the last cut still bleeds as good as the first one does.
It?s just the opening seed of a new flame.
I look at you like a child but not at all like you looked at me...
-The Dillinger Escape Plan

Red Dragon Inn
Thursday, Thursday, Thursday

Cheeks still red, from memory or an uncharacteristic guilt, Lerida headed up the stairs and onto the porch, a hand lost to freewheeling curls that swam about her cheeks, unpinned and untamed.

The outside spilled inside in the guise of a seer, a riot of color, a blur in Lerida's periphery as she charted a course for the bar and the hound that lay tied up behind it.

The door shut in a click and she moved after the Seer slowly, Lerida?s eyes sent this way and that for other patrons. None. She gathered herself onto a stool, pulling a knee close, to the side, and tilted her head, watching the animal with a smile.

?And his name?? She loosened up some, and swiveled to face the bar directly, eyes moving between the bar bound pooch and the glittering visage of the seer.

On hands and knees which sung of summer and grass stains and small scrapes from overgrown brush, Viki moved between spirits for a ball of fur and promptly took to scratching up his head.

?Hullo Jinx. We will show you to the Rose.?

Hands flat on her knees, Lerida leant forward with shoulders, smiling softly. ?Jinx, how fitting.?

?He is naut a jinx to you. I promise.? Little singsong beneath the counter. The buffer did not swallow her sound. Soon, the seer shot up, the furball in her arms. His speckles numbered fifteen. She made sure to point this out as she set him on the bartop.

A soft laugh, genuine, and she winked at Viki. ?He's quite the charmer.? Tentatively, a hand outstretched, and she set to counting the spots herself.

?Who is your Uncle, Viki??

?Lucien Mal. Though he is quite Lucky, you know. Everyone knows.? Viki hummed between the scratching of his ears. The pup flopped forward, its front paws much too large for its legs.

Lerida touched those paws, and smiled, red nails brushing along the fur. ?I had a dog once, Bob.? She withdrew her hand and placed it on her lap, her eyes lifting to Viki's. ?I can't say I know the man. But he's very kind to give you a dog. He's very adorable.? She looked down at her hand then, so pale against the black of her knee length skirt.

?Bob.? The seer echoed, as if to taste the name. She drew her tongue along her lower lip, looking for traces of paint. ?Xas, he is. There are many bodies in my family.? She did not attempt to count all of those. Rather, she pressed her small face into a patch of fur. The pup seemed not to mind.

Lerida?s chin lifted, and her brows arced, as she watched the exchange of girl and dog.

Suddenly, a lift of the seer?s own chin, a mirror of Lerida's motion but in reality, she had turned for the door. ?Him.?

Immediately, as the "Hims" in this town were quite the people, and often dark, Lerida spun to face the door, and her eyes drifted for the window. She saw the outline of the bookish fellow, and the snake of a black ponytail.

?Him who?? She asked, peering outside.

?I do naut like him and he has taken my Word-Keeper and I think he is out there.? Off-blue stole to the ceiling, perhaps in recollection of a time spent above, one colored by many shards of glass. She grinned something impish and patted the dog on the head.

Noting the need for subtleness, Lerida faced the bar again and sat there in silence, head bowed. Meanwhile, the seer lay claim to a perch, sending her legs into a lazy swing, shifting patchwork into a pair of bundles over either side.

?Your head is large and all full up of things naut spoken, Laaareeda.?

Lerida looked over to the bundle of colour, now nuanced in cuteness and fur. ?Speech is a wasteland. I mumble empty things.? She smiled a little at that, and her fingers tucked hair behind her ears, untamed curls, curls like spun silk, spinning, spinning. ?But I do listen, and I hear what other's forget to.? She lifted those green eyes, vivid and moist.

?You are naut empty, Rose.? Viki leaned in, another spill of summer heat and sweet wines, and as always, an onslaught of storm.

Lerida smiled, static from a seer enchanting her. ?Why do you not like the man I cannot see out there?? She leant a cheek towards a Seer, smiling. A breath in, as heavy silence weighted the mood.

?He is of..? Viki attempted to recreate the words the Lover spoke, but they came out in three different tongues, though the tale end of it was all Dark Elf. ?Uk zhah zuch d' jivviim.?

And once again, Lerida had no idea what that meant. She did not slump those shoulders or arch her brow or bite her lip or shake her head, she just nodded. She would assume this man was beyond words, and all their waste.

Cue. Enter the Jackal


Date: 2007-05-01 18:21 EST
Loved ones tell stories about me to me,
But I already know what it's like to die,
And to pluck at my ghost's sad eternal.
I wrote an apology on the mirror,
And one forget-me-not to yours truly.
Another ideal sculpted frame

You could speak of the devil, but the Jackal didn't hail from a word of hellfire pits and dancing demons. He merely slid into the door, looking as any gentleman proper might, though he had wolfish ears and odd tattoos.

Lerida recalled the devil has seen in Mayan drawings, or mayhaps, Egyptian. She dared not a look over her shoulder, and kept her chin bowed and her eyes on her pale hands, clasped together.

There were many devils. Some wore foreign fashions and spoke in a strange tone the seer could not place. It was not like Arden's heavy stress on some syllables, or quick-paced speech. Off-blue tumbled into what the air expelled and narrowed.

Magenta followed. She is a bit more than 6' 2" tall, and most of that seems to be leg.. Her breasts, now straining against leather wear, are likely not entirely products of nature. Her eyes are the pale gray of dirty rain. Her hair white blonde, long, a carefully casual waterfall. Her features are both beautiful and cruel, with beauty and cruelty having rubbed against each other on that face until both are honed to a razor edge. She wears a new vulnerability like a transparent blouse...

?You're far too still to play the unaware.? Either the Jackal was well versed in the reading of people, or he was simply arrogant enough to make such a comment. But this was the only thing he said to the other woman. Strange eyes immediately moved to the Seer, wearing some indeterminate, but certainly unpleasant, emotion. Click-clack said the cane.

Attention halved. Off-blue took up Magenta a moment, and cradled her in constraining color, before snapping back to Irrykin. The Lover?s Brother. She had likened him to an in-law for Jewell's understanding. A smile flickered once, then faded, catching sight of the cane. ?Hullo Irrykin.?

Magenta took a pause in the doorway. Big hands splayed-finger lift and let fall the riches of her hair, free fragrances hidden between it and oh-so-delicious skin. Chill eyes sparkle as she strides to the bar, spike heels elegant as a tattoo.

A curl of rebel white bounced over an eye as Viki shifted in that stool. Bare legs still dangled from patchwork, and shoes threatened to topple off her toes.

A swivel, knees facing the door, and Lerida put the face to the name. A familiar one. There was the passing rainbow of grays and whites, that was Magenta, that held the eye a moment, and then there was the man who's name she did not recall, but whom she had not forgotten.

?Is there a reason why I would be playing anything?? Lerida observed, remarked, said straight, watching the Man as she slid a hand inside her jacket for a smoke and her lighter.

Susurration of thigh on thigh, of leather skirt on both, whispering surrender, as Magenta sits, hair tossed on good, strong shoulders, tiny purse pinned beneath one big hand like a jeweled fly beneath. ?A spider.?

There was a tchutch sound as the wheel was rolled and fire came. Lerida lit the smoke and dragged and exhaled, all in a careful and slow ritual, her eyes having left the Jackal's face to watch smoke rise into the rafters.

As a whip might slip across a silk-clad thigh, just laid there until its own weight carries it snaking off with a sigh of whisper, so her voice, all smoke and whiskey and chocolate and sin. ?I seem to have walked into a m?nage in the making. Don't bother about me, loves, I've watched before, even been paid to....?

The Jackal is not so irate as to refrain from appraising the length of woman with miles of leg in the door...though at the moment it was abstract. He more noted her height and its similarity to his, came to lean upon his cane near the Seer. ?Sound travels in infuriating ways.? A cold smile, before he dismissed the woman again..Daerli? It drifted for a time.
?Hello, Victoria. An...associate of yours ruined my mirrors.?

Viki watched him with some element of caution, though the proximity of the pup on the bartop divided her attention even further, which was not the best for one so weak in the world of Focus. The creature in turn simply sat and let loose an open yawn to one and all, neither phased nor pleased by the number of people or the possible tension. It was far past his bedtime. ?They did naut.?

Port captured and bled into a tiny glass, mingled flavor of nut and grape and lust paints her sculpted mouth, Magenta watches with the lazy attention of an aficionado.

Lerida bowed her head again and pressed her back into the counter, the cigarette held aside as she whistled out a trail of smoke, she would pay iciness to those that treated her as such, and left the man and the seer to the discussion, in mind, not body. Her thoughts elevated her elsewhere, where clouds streaked a pastel sky and thousands of balloons bobbed about the distance.

Magenta?s clever fingers tweeze within the little purse, chopstick out a small packet of crimson crystals. A dusting coats one fingertip, smoothed against her gums, the finger sucked clean while pale eyes glisten with sudden wet brightness.

?You lie poorly.? The Jackal was far from amused, but the only thing that betrayed this was the tone of his voice. His stance was utterly at ease, leaning there, ears tilted aside to this or that sound. The chain jingled idly, as any silver chain might.

Aqua cut clear across the way, lingering on Magenta a while. Perhaps she still held the scent of the Gloved Lady, awash with the aroma of spring, of flower beds and darker things beneath. Viki turned back to the Jackal and tugged the dog, Jinx, nearer to her breast, then cradled him like one might a child. Perhaps it was her play at the maternal. ?They did naut. I did most of it. You are all of far too many things you do naut need. Only need one door.?

The spell broke, and Lerida returned, eyes leading to Magenta, and she smiled, like a woman with an abusive husband, careful and wary, and then looked to the man and the seer, sensing the disquiet.

The twin attentions accepted, both rewarded with a spread of icing from cold-candy eyes, with a ripe pout from the perfect mouth. Magenta rolls her shoulders, her leather bondage top whines, she spares a soft laugh, simple womanly delight.

?That's a terrible habit, you realize...? In a completely different tone...sardonic humor...for a glisten of red crystal disappearing. And then he is considering the Seer again, her maternal protectiveness. ?Is that so? Why not take a long glance into the bar mirror there...? Cane gestured idly.

Viki grinned, but it was full of flat teeth, and kept her eyes aligned with his own. She made no motion to turn, nor to drop the dog from her arms. He looked at peace, ball of black and white. ?You know why naut.?

?For curiosity's sake...why don't we find out exactly why...? Narrowed snake eyes, smiling. The tattoos curled in bizarre methods around his cataract eye where a scar here and there crossed them.

Treasuring peace, herself, Lerida left the stool and pulled her jacket about her, cinching the belt tight with a hand, while her fingers of the other ashed her cigarette. She kept her eyes down as she did so, and then lifted them, wildly verdant, almost neon in this light.

Port tossed back, elegant little glass lost in Magenta?s hand. There is a Broadway show in her standing, in the slow journey of tongue that cleans her lips of sweet wine and her guns of residual powder. Pale eyes touch each in turn, their promises in the eyes of the beholder. ?Tell whomever might be interested that Miss Magenta is back, and that prices as ever are for me to ask and my customers to pay.? Soft laugh, sweet as a fingernail along a thigh. ?Regardless of which purse I'm paid to open....?

About to speak, and then quiet, Lerida turned and headed out the door, across the porch, down the stairs and for WestEnd.

Lerida's exit followed by Magenta, who knows how closely.


Date: 2007-05-01 19:19 EST
These creatures are waking up in these dark trees.
Awaiting like vultures.
And eyes rolled back turned white in time to feed
A salivating hunger...for you, and everything they need
To make a death complete... completely unnatural.
They salvaged the lives behind those dead eyes
And watched you while you sleep every night.
-Alkaline Trio

Viki pressed into her perch, one arm wrapped around the wriggling form in fur, the other extending to the countertop, her hand clutching the end for support. She would prevent a turning of that stool. But ahh, and then there were two. This did not bode well.

?You seem to be at a loss for advocates.? Or witnesses. Rap went the cane, sharp and unkind to the knuckles that held so tightly to the counter.

She tore the hand from the bar and pulled it to her mouth, encasing knuckles with overly pink lips while eyes drifted up and into the blood of the Lover, though not at all. ?I do naut need. There is one upstairs.? Albeit he resembled the bookworm in meekness and quiet.

?Your clone of what you lost in the mock-barrister?? The Jackal was a quick bastard, tucking the can beneath an arm and grabbing for the girl. Less a grab than and attempt to force weight, though even if she was armed, the Seer didn't seem inclined to drop the pup. That was probably very wise.

Armed she was, blades in the wild stitching of her skirt, though that, unfortunately, was quite far. The creature gave a soft groan as she grappled with the Jackal, suddenly out of limbs. One was still entwined about a dog, the other an extension to what was in her mouth. Feet lost their shoes. She forced her knees up, an attempt to block proximity.

?Clever girl.? Rumbled, since he rather just barely missed and unpleasant meeting of knee and groin, though now withdrew with the cane at distance again and aimed a harsh whack to the back of her head. Not at the temples..he didn't wish to kill her.

She doubled over upon impact, forehead crashing into up-ended knees. She nearly toppled against the counter, though caught it with a quickness akin to the Lover's graces.

Then came a new witness, Alisa Katz, though neither new her name or face. She took each stare like a hop scotch move, and kool-aid haired girl made her way down into the commons. She glanced at the bar as she headed for the break.

?Hi!? A wiggle of red tipped fingers, all chipped up. She was in a black and red plaid miniskirt, knee high black boots, a black tank top and fishnets(ripped up) on her arms.

Another arc from the cane since the Seer wasn't quite out could wonder if the Jackal was a swordsman of some type. He managed to avoid pausing for one mildly flabbergasted moment at the friendly hello.

The bartop hand fell limp, and with it elbow, shoulder and side, leading in to an all-around slump of patchwork girl. Viki?s body gave itself to gravity, and the squirming thing within let out a howl, bounding for the counter as best it could.

The stranger paused. ?Hey...mister.... uh... stop that....?? She glowered at him and took a step towards the pair. She had half a mind to run straight through him, but since that almost killed someone the last time.... ?Or I'm gunna have to like hurt you and stuff.? Eyes were focused on Viki.

A loss of off-blue as eyes rolled back, though lids fell heavily into places, lashes charging the tops of cheekbones. Somehow, someway, the bespeckled thing made it to the counter, though perhaps it crushed parts of its mistress to get there.

A rather unamused and unimpressed glance to the young girl, before he nudged the dog out of the way. ?This is my niece. She's rather violent and mentally challenged and I am taking her home.? Simple, straightforward, the Jackal re-tucked his cane and leaned down to lift the Seer over a shoulder before she fell out of the stool. And he was walking to the door. He seemed unconcerned about the dog.

A dangled disarray of color and two-toned hair, the seer was draped over the shoulder of one she clearly did not call Uncle. The creature on the counter gave a whine to the obvious, mourning her abduction. Yearning for something with her scent still attached, he found it in threes:

A Blood lapel pin, discharged from her dress.

A broken ribbon.

A pair of slipper shoes.

Teething, the dog retrieved the pin and held it in check between his teeth. The ribbon seemed less interesting and the shoes were much too far. In fact, they lay wedged beneath the bar and hidden some by shadow of barstools. Perhaps a patron might find them later on. Perhaps he or she might know of their mistress. They were very unusual shoes, after all.

Luckily, Jinx did not have time to ponder his temporary lost status. Soon, in those early hours, the Inn was filled with poetry.

Ann Wii

Date: 2007-05-03 02:09 EST
"Tea leaves thwart those who court catastrophe,
designing futures where nothing will occur:
cross the gypsy?s palm and yawning she
will still predict no perils left to conquer.
Jeopardy is jejune now: na?ve knight
finds ogres out-of-date and dragons unheard
of, while blas? princesses indict
tilts at terror as downright absurd."
Sylvia Plath Ennui

Shortgirl all involuntary dancing. Too-big boots slopping on her tiny feet, too much vermouth slopping in her mind. The former mask the hated mincing gait she was raised to; the latter? Who knows what it hides or paints over, what it fences in or out.

Whatever its task, she has taken in ample for the fulfilling, her walk along the night road an old-river meander, occasional painless (for the moment at least) pinballings off of trees and walls serves to keep her between the gutters.

Dressed as she is (as she ever is); black hair, black tights, thriftstore grabbag of midnight blue and and onyx and dryblood red, one would be
excused for thinking that her white-powdered face was a thing entire, some rare Pokemon ghoul bobbing a random path through the night.

Perhaps the dark man, girl over his shoulder only lately ceased struggling, saw her in the street, beheld the little woman's random changes in direction. Perhaps, and perhaps not.

For her part Ann took in the tableau in the stop-action of drunken attention, one of those still-life memories that so puzzle and horrify the morning's after. She had certainly seen women, all complicit, carried on carnal shoulders from the Inn before, and the assumption served to prop up her image of the place, of its people.

Still, she is noone's coward for all of her lack of inches, and she spun in their wake, watching the retreat of this unnatural beast of two backs, ankles filling the wide neck of her boots as her feet saught sudden equilibrium.

If she called out a slurred challenge (and she surely might have) it was not heeded, and she was in no shape to take up pursuit. Instead, she clenched the fist of her memory within the cloud of vermouth and captured what images she could, visons that would be revealed when morning, all rudeness, pulls the sheltering sheets of wine away.

And even now they offer less comfort as she sways in the trashcans of her boots; already the self-doubts, the anger, flicker under the vinyard mist like little fires, driving it back. Already there is a part of her (really? a part? or other than?) once held down that would gladly ride her disquiet to the surface.....