Topic: How did we get here?

Rona Deykar

Date: 2010-01-26 19:56 EST
~The Past~

"Ila Mora. Silv's!" The gypsy shouted out into the waves as another one crashed at her feet and near toppled her over. Ever since the return from the last adventure that had them chasing after a shadow of a man... the man you didn't call by name unless you wanted punched in the face by Silver Starblade... Silv's had been downright reckless.

Charcoal colored waves were salt licked and ocean sprayed as she lifted up her skirts before an exasperated sigh as they were soaked to sticking at her legs. A faint growl of annoyance and the skirt was ripped near to mid thigh, high enough where even if the waves caught a lapping lick it wouldn't catch the fabric to make it a discomfort or an annoyance.

Rancuran had named his daughter Rona. The Sea.

And as she dived into its depths and swam effortlessly to Silver's ship it was obvious why. The woman had the grace with the sea as if she was a lost Selkie. The thought brought a smile to her lips as she submerged and grabbed the ropes at the side of Silver's ship to haul herself up.

The product of a Romanian gypsy and a Celtic pirate, Rona was if anything the legend and spirit of both mated together as one woman. Her muscles corded as she moved up those ropes as nimble as a spider and hauled herself over the edge.

Oh she knew the state she was in judging by Ty's bright and furious blush and she just laughed richly, the embered sound amused as she stared up at the stars.

A moment there and her eyes glittered like rich emerald jewels in the shadow play of night. A dance of dark fire in her eyes as she smiled to the full swell of the moon.

The night made her feel like dancing. So alive...

It was easier to forget it all. All that the pair traveled far away from.

Call it wanderlust. Call it an adventure.

Truth be told both woman knew the truth as Rona came to Silver's side and looped an affectionate arm around the pirate's waist. A lean of wet hip that sent Silver scowling before she was laughing herself and they were both grinning under a star filled sky.

Knowing well, deep down it was not another adventure to be had... but just another reason to run away and ignore the pain that captured them both.