Topic: Life of (Lux)ury


Date: 2010-01-27 13:40 EST
"Holy Sh*t that girl is a fxcking Hellion!"
"I don't know man she seems more like a Hell Cat to me."

A nudge and boasting as elbows were shoved and people pushed aside to get a better look at the ring.

The bets had been made and the highest bids were going for the girl.

Bloody and sweaty, dirty and rough for wear in the flicker light of torches moved the combatants. The girl that they called nothing more then 'Hellion' or Hell Cat had thrown the next punch. A swift upper cut to the jaw.

She couldn't help but grin as she watched his head snap back and the stumble.

It was all that she needed to take the upper hand in the fight. It'd been close and she just wasn't about to let that slip on by. It was too easy.

A lunge forward and her foot snapped out to dart out nimble quick around the man's ankle and that extra motion to send him off balance.

"The Bigger they are..."

Teeth bared in a smile, ivory white as the woman laughed and slicked a palm through her soaked mane.

One of the others jumped forward to begin the countdown.

She prowled and paced till it was called. The gesture she needed.

There was no victory dance. No throw up of hands in the air in triumph.

Just a shove through the crowd and to the bar as she licked at her arm where a line of blood, perhaps hers, perhaps not was trickling.

"Where's my fxcking cut you pr*ck. I fought your battle now pay the fxck up."

Her smile was sharp as a brow lifted and a bottle of vodka claimed. Dumped over her head and then over the wounds as she shook herself roughly.

The empty bottle slapped down on the bar as she held out her hand in expectation.

"C'mon girl... give me a break."
"I fought your fight. You know the drill."
"Damn it. When did you become such a hardass b*tch?"

A laugh then as she snapped up the wad of cash he offered out and shoved it in her pocket.

"I always have been."

Grin as malicious as a lioness after taking down a kill she nudged the hip of the girl watching wide eyed and nervous at the end of the bar. Arm thrown around her shoulder.

"C'mon Ash... tonight I think I'm in the mood for something fine..."


Date: 2010-01-27 23:42 EST
Her hands were behind her back. Not by choice. Not by request.

On the pulpit she stood before them like a witch ready for burning times. There was no letters to be marked upon her chest. Her wrists flexed. Tested the iron.

"Do you repent? For your sins... my child."
"I don't believe we're reading the same book."

Head tilted, persian emeralds darted and danced over the crowd and their sudden shocked gasps.

Such a proper town for the little Hellion. All manners and dour faces. All the blending in of bland colors.

Nothing like Lux. Nothing like her at all.

Back tense, straight and rigid as she stared down the death toll. The crowd ignored as she watched the clocktower and the massive beast of a clock droning in its echo thrum of minutes passing by.

They would have used the simple ropes but they were smarter then that. They planned on hanging her like a witch, as a witch, but for extra measure... they'd behead her too.

She might just be a demon, they whispered.

"Last words?"

Lux just smiled and bared her teeth.


Pompous dour fools. They never realized. Never knew.

The noose around her neck, fit just right... just so.

She waited till judge and jury got a bit closer. She didn't need her eyes to know.

The bag over her head. Thick black to blind her.

Her arms looped over her head and wrapped around the beast of a man in front of her.


Using that noose near as choking leverage she wrapped her legs around him, pulling the iron chain that held her shackles in place tight around his neck.

She just needed a ... distraction.

He fell like a ton of bricks and she yowled out a protest when the floor gave way beneath her.



Focus... Concentrate...Just ... breathe

A squirm and clothes puddled to the floor and the noose was left empty.

Swinging low.

Lonely for Lux.

But Lux was far away... in street ways where the alley cats would caterwaul and play.


Date: 2010-01-31 21:08 EST
(part of post taken by the song Starstruck by 3OH!3 )

The notes were scribbled down on a notebook as the officer in blue looked over the woman across from him. Waiting for a response to the inquiry made. A jot down of notes as he wrote down her physical description on the paperwork.

Nice legs,
Daisy dukes,
makes a man go...

A grimace as the distraction was found by his thoughts as he found his eyes lingering too long on the way those hips fit so snug in denim. It was winter for christssake and yet here this woman was like it was an autumn festival.

Thats the way they all come through like...
Low-cut, see-through shirts that make you ...
Thats the way she come through like ...

He found himself staring as his thoughts trailed and he found his eyes drinking in her form like a man thirsty in the desert. She had leaned forward as if she knew. A slow smile as she answered his question finally. How had she done it?

"Cause I... just set them up... to knock them down."

A flatten of the persian emeralds as the woman nibbled at the edge of a feather like it was a sweet piece of candy.

She struggled against those handcuffs as she eyed the Po Po in Blue across from her. A kick up of boots as she defended herself and her recent exploits.

A slow curling smile as she flickered that feather in the cop's direction with near a husky purr to linger on her lips. Body arching as she kept her hands busy behind her in a work of the hairpin in those handcuffs. A rest of one delicious boot on the table as she threw her head back...a delicate pout as she wiggled her fingers as she looked to the black smudges of her fingerprints on the white paper. Darting eyes up to him as she spoke in that husky growl.

"I think I should know, how, to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints out, now L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce.How, do I say I'm sorry cause the word is never gonna come out, now L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce."

His pen tapped a rhythm as fingertips ran along the collar of his uniform. No apologies were from Lux. Listening to her sweet ploy of an explanation.

A grimace and he went back to writing in his notepad, only wincing as he found himself writing in such detail the description of the woman across from him.

Tight jeans, Double D's makin' me go.
All the people on the street know.
Iced-out, lit-up make the kids go.
All the people on the street know.

A faint groan, hardly audible as he crumbled up that write up and tossed it in the trash even as suddenly the woman was on the table.

"What the hell girl? How the fxck..."
"Now now..."

A dangle of handcuffs as her eyes glittered like feral jewels. Boot sudden to find its print upon his throat.

"You know that type of sh*t don't work with me. Don't take it personally..."

So close. A lean toward and her tongue brushed along his flesh to trace his jaw before Lux was out the door.

Hmm... a glance at the time brought a grin. Just in time for Happy Hour.


Date: 2010-05-02 11:22 EST
A hunger for life. The reckless outlaw and renegade will as she her body stretched out in the rain.

She wished for more.

The downpour was spring lazy and she would stretch out on the roof to indulge in the sensation of it against her skin.

It had been so unbearably hot. No wonder she strayed from the festival.

Just another small town that would not know her name, not know of the dangerous liasons that would be played.

Her fingers smudged the roof top left slick with rain before she pushed up on her elbows.

Twisted around before she was searching for new heights.

New feats to obtain and control.

She craved that adrenaline rush. To prove that she was more then anything ever they would expect of her.

Damned fools.

Save for Ash, when Lux looked back on her life she had no family.

Blood had abandoned her, why did she need them?

She needed no one else save for Ashira.

It was just the two of them.

As it was meant to be.

In those sleek ways of the night, rain drenched and wild she would return to the one that truly accepted her.

One that could seem like home.


Date: 2010-05-03 18:57 EST
The rain the pounded on the windows, a rhythmic sleepy taptaptap that nearly put her in a daydreaming trance. Ashira laid curled on the bed, an arm propped under her head as she stared at the rivulets the rain left on the windowpanes.

She had left the party early, opting to stop by her shop on the way home. Lux had come as her escort in all her sexiness. Faustus had showed up to escort both of them, much to Ashira's chagrin. That was the last thing she expected, but she had to admit, the thought of walking into the party with both of them was a nice feeling.

Ashira rolled onto her back, bare limbs splaying in all directions for a languid stretch before she sat up.


If it weren't for that one single person, Ashira had no idea where she'd be today. More than once, Lux had managed to get them out of a rather frightening jam. Lux had been her constant in a world full of variables.

Ashira pushed off the bed, smoothing her shorts and yanking her tank top down to meet the waistline. Lux's 'friend' had appeared last night as Ashira was leaving, but she had heard her roommate come back... and leave again.

It had to be the rain. The sweltering heat was unbearable at times and yesterday it had been nearly squelching.

Ashira stepped into a pair of flip flops before pulling open the door and stepping into the downpour. The feeling of the rain against her skin was a welcoming thing. She stretched her arms out as she wandered down the street; it was refreshing. A smile slid over her lips as she rounded a corner, her eyes falling on the fountain in the center of the market... and a lone female stalking toward her.

Ashira's smile widened as she crossed the market and leapt into the fountain, reaching down to throw armloads of water at the oncoming figure. This is what she lived for.


Date: 2010-05-03 22:12 EST
It had not been an argument. It had been a kiss of passion and desire and damnable fate of longing.

She closed her eyes as she walked through the marketplace, feeling the rain spill down her flesh.

Finally she managed to break free of Alex, running from his words of how things could be so different. That she would not have to be alone. That it would not be just her and Ashira only.

Her hand scrubbed along her features as she tipped her face back feeling the rain to glisten against the gilded gold of that sheba born mask of queens.

The woman was spotted in the distance, shaking from her the thoughts of Alex and his wishes.

A smile grew then despite herself at seeing Ashira in the fountain. Only would that woman be out playing in a fountain when it was pouring down rain.

Despite herself the throaty way of her laughter escaped her lips as her head was thrown back, persian emeralds bright with laughter as she was splashed.

Soon enough she was joining the woman in the fountain, taking her down in a twist of limbs, to send that water flying.

For a moment Lux again could forget herself and the nature of her heart.

This perhaps... was enough.

Animalistic Calm

Date: 2010-05-04 09:57 EST
She had gotten away.

But she had not gotten far.

She never does, really. Her claim that he had been gone might have been contradicted. After all, just because you can;t see it doesn't mean it's not there.

How surprised she might be to find that eyes of blue topaz were often watching from the shadows, much as they do tonight as the pair of Lux and Ashira play in the fountain like water sprites.

Just out of sight, unless perhaps one looked in just the right way for the lithe feline form resting in the shadows of the eaves of a rooftop, eyes wide, ears forward, wide awake and alert as he watches.

The thrill of seeking Death and flaunting his ability to escape those cold clutches has faded. What is the point of feeling so alive without someone to share it with?

And not just anyone.

Someone special.


Someone that can enjoy it as much as he has.