Topic: The Sound Between Heartbeats

Tag Sentry

Date: 2009-10-09 09:06 EST
The land is always alive. Where the horses shuffle in their stand sleep or move. Where Bey hops like a toy crow along various limbs and upon the earth. It was like the ground itself whispered something about growing.

The soft grey blue of morning outlines her figure in the bed. The long locks of her hair spilling over the pillow and pooling on the mattress. One hand combed through it gently, brushing at one of the ribbons in her hair. He leaned in and smelled her hair and skin and smiled at the memories she could still revive.

The bedroom had a soothing simplicity to it. A soft green color neatly applied and a stately bed with four posts central in the room. There was no great clutter but the twisted sheets wrapped around their feet and half up their bodies. Light curtains hung on the open window, billowing with tiny breaths of morning. There is a nightstand beside the bed with a put out candle and a set of keys atop of it.

Along the chilled outside of her arm he traced his fingers, hand dipping so that it was his full hand, stroking a warmth back into the sleeping flesh. He kissed her shoulder blade and shifted so that his chest was flush with her back again, his arm circling around her waist. He waited for the quiet transition where her mind would crawl from where dreams are spun to where they were now.

Rona Deykar

Date: 2009-10-10 06:33 EST
There was no transition between sleep and awareness in the waking that would have her body instinctively drawing toward his warmth. The claim of his embracing arms about her waist had her moving in her slumber to press her back flush against his chest.

A warmth stirred along the morning chill. Awakened by a touch that spread the warm that would ever pool deeper then skin deep. In sleep her hair had moved around. Kusinage ever had offered her good memories, but still her flesh would remain marked with the past.

The twin pinpoints of scars that marked her neck. Long since faded but still there. The brand on the nape of her neck that marked her as property of the Sea Dog. Things that she shielded from the world, those marks of her memories that were not so pleasant.

Save for him. Her quiet protector would always know the reason why she kept her hair long, why the ribbons would remain at throat and wrists.

She had learned in his presence to go without them, save when the gypsy indulged in a vibrant sense of her own fashion.

Stirring in his arms her body moved, shifted. Turning to face him as the night emeralds would open and touch upon his own. The warmest smile then that brought that ever brilliant sparkle to her eyes.

"Good mornin', my love"

These waking up hours. Waking up to find he was not a dream and that this all was reality... these were the moments that the gypsy would savor in her soul.

Tag Sentry

Date: 2009-10-10 09:59 EST
When her eyes open and she's awake he kisses her on the lips and says in a way that is soft and hoarse cause his throat was resting, "Good morning."

Laying in that bed the morning soft like could hide all the imperfections, briefly like a magic. Even the grooves in his flesh seemed less impressive. The marks on her neck near invisible. Fingertips crossed along the side of her face to beneath her chin where he kissed her once more. It is in this lover bed that he confides his heart to her.

"I've made a new friend," he says it like the friend had selected him. Eyebrows knit only slightly like he's properly recalling the details, "She is young and lost. She loves horses and needed work."

Mamoru didn't know why he worked as intensely as he did when there was no need. There was nothing expensive that he had to take care of. Already he'd saved up a good amount and he was beginning to feel that he worked the way he did because it was an old habit and not because it was even something he wanted to do. He was still too young to admit he was getting older and that the rest would be good for him.

"So I gave up two days, sometimes three, at Maranya's stables so that she can fill in for me." It was one of the reasons he was laying in bed with her still, so much later in the morning. There as the sun brightened and began to climb and the lines and ink which tell their past reappears.

"She will be by later on to pick up some clothes. I thought to g."ive her some money for it. She is lost and young, but too proud to take money. I thought it was something I needed and she could be paid for. She says she is good at mending."

It is after this that he weighs on Rona's thoughts to this friendship and what has unraveled from it's onset.

Rona Deykar

Date: 2009-10-10 13:42 EST
Her lips met his, warm and welcoming. Kusinage ever would hold her heart and her soul. She sighed against his mouth and drew him close.

Another kiss, a taste of lips in the morning hours that would be treasured. For a moment she found herself silent and content. Then... there was so much about Rona that was silent and tranquil.

Her laughter, her smiles, her spirit were ever gentle and sudden. A constant warmth rather then a surprising spark. Lips crossed his, tasting his flesh before stilled over his heart as she pressed her cheek to his chest, listening to the beat of his heart.

Rona smiled warmly because she loved the way his voice sounded as it vibrated in his chest and thus against her ear.

"A new friend? I would like to meet her... especially if she likes horses."

Her head lifted for those night emerald eyes to seek out his own, smiling warmly to him.

Kusinage had always been one that would save and look after the lost souls. On Ctesia they had saved each other.


She mulled over it for a moment. Save for Ariahn and Kusinage, all of her acquaintances had been found through him. Sigh breathed out as she thought it over. She missed Tyler and Patrick and Silver... all the others from Ctesia.

A close of eyes then as she thought it all over. He always had such a good, loving heart. This moment made her love him all the more.

"I suppose then... I should clean up a bit then if she will be here soon. I'm certain that Hope and ShadowVeil are restless."

She sat up for a moment and stared down at him lovingly.

"I... I think... I should try to go out more with you to the Inn... or just to go there to the Inn. I miss... having friends. I miss Silver and Ty."

Voice a whisper as she confessed the mourning over lost best friends. Her eyes drank in his features as she smiled a fragile smile.

"Could you help me?"

She sank down to him then. Her rock. Her silent guardian. Her beloved. Fingers brushed his wrist where once the red ribbon laced in a silent profession of love and adoration. Her heart. Her life. Her Sanctuary. Her everything.

Tag Sentry

Date: 2009-10-10 22:01 EST
The lazy morning hours make the day seem unwanted. Why which for noon or anything harsher when the glow could be enough?

He did not know how she would interpret this new acquaintance. The woman that was a woman and yet still a young girl. Who walked along murky lines which did not quite define her and thus, his perception of her remained on edge observing. Madi felt familiar to him. He hadn't understood that part of it.

"Yes. I think it is her initial reason for trusting me. Horses. You will enjoy meeting her, I think."

When she shifts he feels her skin, the unmarred larger fractions like a powdered satin slipping soft and where it wished. A hand plays with her hair absently, those locks that are across her bare shoulder blades.

Ctesia. How many years ago had that been? He thought almost like a different man had lived all those lives in the years that were before him. After all, Ctesia was wrought with uncertainty and heartbreak. There were few good outcomes to Ctesia. He'd met her, and he'd quit stuttering since he'd met her.

"You should meet her later. At the inn, when she's prepared to see a new face." He knew that she'd also be coming back from work at Maranya's and may not give Rona a proper first impression. No one was impressive after several hours of hard work, outside, with the horses.

Rona spoke of her shyness and he smiled at her slightly. It was interesting to think that a quiet, less-than-social man was to help his even more quiet and less-than-social lover around. Rona had not always been so withdrawn. He thought it had to do with recent years. When they had met, their coupling seemed like an odd one. She was a beautiful woman who could engage the dead with her smile. He was a stuttering man who struggled with the humor all around him. Who struggled with the concepts of everything, actually.

Would he help her?

"I will always."

Rona Deykar

Date: 2009-10-11 19:21 EST
The path before had been dark and violent. The thought of it brought her curling against him,burying her head into his chest and breathing in the scent of him. He was comfort, he had saved her from that near death. Taken care of her.

It had unsettled her. Even back at Ctesia when she had been crucified in the Inn her spirit had been strong and unbroken but the months before that had promised her death had left her wary. Uncertain of even herself when he had seen the darkness that once was within her.

She was working to find that part of herself again that was vibrant and vivid and quick to laugh. That gypsy that once had been a shining star in the dark of the night.

His words calmed her as she smiled to him. "Should I make you breakfast? Or would it be lunch now? I still need to tend to the horses before your friend comes."

There was no desire to leave his embrace but she knew that bed could not always be her meant place.

Tag Sentry

Date: 2009-10-13 10:55 EST
"Brunch?" The offered medium to her inquiry as he shut his eyes and listened to the way the wind breathed through the window curtains. When she mentioned the horses he nodded in agreement, eyes opening but not looking, just directed towards the ceiling.

"I should start talking Hope to town. Walk her around crowds a bit more so that odd crowds don't startle her." Hope had still been too young for him to ride her. He was concerned about putting too much weight on a young pony's back. He instead kept a training harness on her and acting nonchalant when she watched Rona or him work with Shadowveil. He thought the more casual he was the less tense the pony would be about the changes. That seeing her future in the older mare would help the pony accept it.

"Should chop some firewood," he said absently to himself, "Winter is coming."

Rona Deykar

Date: 2009-10-20 19:36 EST
She had finally managed to ease out of bed, hands easing through the wild tousle of her hair as she smiled back to him. Kusinage. The love of her life. Her confidant. Her guardian.

She would get to taking care of the horses in a moment. Shadowveil would teach Hope well, as long as the ghost stallion's nature didn't get the best of him to take advantage of the pretty filly.

Rona's lips curled into a smile as she thought of it. Humming to herself as her hips swayed in the motion as she set to making brunch for them.

Fruits, sweet bread, eggs, and bacon. Perhaps a bit overzealous with her cooking but she knew with winter approaching they would want warmth. It was unusual to be in four walls and feeling safe... but with Kusinage it was different. She felt safe within those walls and never restless.

Still after the meal was finished she would go out and take care of the horses. Life. It was only just beginning.

Tag Sentry

Date: 2009-10-21 10:48 EST
He'd been torn about telling her something.

One might have thought it would be the instant-long kiss Madi had placed on his cheek-- but he regarded it to be on the same level of affection as a girl that kisses a dog out of love. She hadn't reached out and touched him, hadn't held his gaze long or appeared to wait for the affection to be returned. No, she'd withdrawn from him so shortly after, like to safeguard herself from that possibility. It wasn't one, and he was sure the girl had felt confident that she could be affectionate towards a man without it having to become something.

What plagued him was more. Recently he'd taken it upon himself the great endeavor of learning to read. He'd tried a time or two in the past with little success. He credited that to him not being ready to learn. But was he too old for it now? Did one have to learn this as a child or be doomed to slow and stumbling reading? Lilli didn't seem to think so.

For all the world he wanted to tell Rona his project-- and yet he also wanted to surprise her with it. He wondered if it would make the marriage ceremony greater if he unfolded paper and made the obvious show of reading it aloud to her. Would it, perhaps, distract from the wedding and instead be inappropriate? He thought it might be an indication of growth, that a marriage wasn't stagnant or still but had the ability to breath and still continue to alter those bound to it.

He watched her fix brunch and smiled softly, eyebrows arching up, "Do you like being surprised?"