Topic: Thy Will be Done

Nigel Alder

Date: 2010-01-27 03:09 EST
God had left him long ago.

It wasn?t the war. Or the Chowdhurys slain before his eyes while he stood helpless and watched the bullets burrow his greatest sin into their skulls.


It was this man. Who stood before him with the blade. Sinking it into his flesh in a desperate attempt to scrawl salvation.

God had left him when he created Brandon Higgins.


It slid from his lips with the knife?s edge. Down into the subcutaneous bits that caused him writhe against his bonds. Slicing fresh pools of crimson that dripped and spattered on the ground.

They wanted penance.

Kept in a cell much different from the one he was confined to during his first captivity, he was tortured daily. Cement walls were bare aside from the crucifix that hung at the head of his bed. Fingers bloodied, and knuckles ragged, he could never pry it down.


The blade dipped again and started its trek. A winding path that writ transgressions into his skin. Carving coursing pain while the SoGA doctor appointed to the POWs mended each rend with sloppy sutures without an anesthetic. They wanted him to feel it all.

And he did.

It had taken weeks before he had aired an inkling. Even with their best attempts Nigel remained silent. They brought him to mass, bound in a fresh frock instead of his favored fatigues. They forced him genuflect before the altar. He was driven and beaten in the streets, pulled, when he could no longer walk barefoot through Rome. Denied food and given just enough water to sustain life. They had not expected him to hold out so long.

They wanted a confession.

The cell was a poor substitute for the booth but they brought him before the Bishop while the blade bloodied his chest. They sat him before the Arch-Bishop while Higgins marked him everlasting as sinner.

Even Pius XIII deigned he would grant the renegade priest an audience.

?Father Alder.? Short and crafted from sinew Pius XII?s presence could be felt. He spoke with an air that his will would be done. He moved into the room with calm, his personal guard remaining vigilant while Higgins genuflected, grabbed his right hand, and kissed the ring.

Nigel refused to kneel. When Higgins forced him, he turned his head from the proffered ring. The other guards moved, and pushed his lips to face it. He spat on it.

Pius wiped his hand with a cloth in the breast pocket of his ornate frock. The Knight?s hand was almost as big as his face, and when it struck him he found himself sprawled on the floor.

?Now then, I wish you would stop this charade.? Pope Pius paced the length of his prostrate form. ?The Almighty asks of you a great task Father Alder. Confess. Pay your penance, renounce your wicked ways, and retake the cloth. Your parish will be taken from your family, of course. But you will be spared further torture, and canonized on your execution.? Pius smiled. A father gazing upon a wayward child.

?All He asks, is that you repent.? Pius pulled the chair and sat. The guards moved when he motioned.

He was bound again, and Higgins painted portraits of penance with that blade.

Oh, he screamed. Like he had from the day they had started with this tactic of torture.

But he never confessed.

Nigel Alder

Date: 2010-08-15 08:46 EST
Another beating wouldn't break him.

The Knight had thought, and the Pope too, that another would finally do the trick.


Just one more.

Just one more and he would not die a martyr.

They would not let him.

Higgins spent almost all his time with the priest now. The intent was to tempt him to a false confession that bore the promise of relent.

When the knife no longer worked they changed tactics. Where the blade had cut, now, Higgins got the satisfaction of becoming more intimate with the false father. There were times Nigel swore, even when the Knight's knuckles were ragged from striking bone, that he saw a smile over the young man's face with each blow that landed.

Even though there was was nothing left. Even though the pieces were so fractured, so shattered, that they remained infinitely indiscernible. They still tried to break him. To break what was already irrevocably broken.

Pope Pius came for a short period of time each day to cajole a confession. He watched while Higgins threw his best efforts into persuading the former priest. Still, the Knight's tireless tirades were futile.

A fresh frock always greeted him when the day started anew. Clean and pressed, and lacking any evidence of the previous day's attempt at penance. He was forced to wear that and a rosary fashioned with thick metal links, secured too tight around his neck to remove over his head. The Son weighed heavy on his chest in cast iron, leaving evidence of irritation between the now stark protrusion of his clavicles. It was a constant reminder of what he had betrayed and what had betrayed him.

The Knight's fury was always silent. And it raged with smolder behind an efficiently cold gaze. Blows fell on his chest first then escalated until it grew difficult for Nigel to remain conscious.

"We are beginning to tire of this." Pius stopped the Knight's display of prowess with a clap of his hands. "The Cardinals and I grow wary of this charade Father Alder. What purpose do you think you are serving? The world grows old and wretched with filth. The Church needed to intervene. The righteous shall emerge victorious. You suffer needlessly and your death will serve no purpose."

Nigel moved to rise, but his body would not comply. He drowned in the blood slipping down his throat and was smothered by the crush of starvation and exhaustion. Lips split from the Knight's strikes, he forced a final confession.

"All that blood." It sprayed now from his mouth with each laborious word. The ornate frock was often tarnished during these bouts of torture. But each drop that spattered that pristine cloth was born of Nigel's conviction.

"Those who came before you found life sacred. So much that they spoke out against war and capital punishment. They encouraged priests to hold rallies outside of prisons where men were put to death. Even in your own country."

He spat to clear his mouth. Saliva, viscous and red, struck the floor loud enough to resonate against thick stone walls.

"All that blood on your hands. Billions dead. You may claim I shall rot, and that may be true. But you shall rot with me. You shall rot most of all."

Pius sighed and gestured to the Priest.

The beating continued.

He hoped he would meet the penance so desperately sought that night he first hefted the pistol in his grip.

But they would not let him die a martyr.