Topic: More than Monsters

Vanion Shadowcast

Date: 2006-08-16 11:27 EST
The dark elf's voice could often be heard in song, bouncing off of the ghostly halls of the Temple. His songs, though, were never religious in nature - nor were they cruel or malicious. More often than naught, they were elvish, though sometimes other languages (the bardly songs of Man seemed to be the theme this night), and their lyrics were soft, sweet, and sometimes sad.

None within the religious cult dared to ask their leader of his intentions or his feelings, though many often wondered. In an odd way, this seemingly vulnerable action by Vanion ("Drakhar" is what they called him) helped make the Temple a more bearable place to live for those creatures of the night who had more savory tastes than others.


It was just another night in the Temple of Myr'Khul. Just another night, and Vanion Shadowcast - he was singing.

Vanion Shadowcast

Date: 2006-11-03 15:23 EST

Hushed rumors of missing people had surfaced in the Old Temple District. The rumors had been nearly unnoticeable at first, as even the whispering of them was thought to bring bad luck (or worse) by many of the citizens. Now though, the noise of those rumors had grown rapidly over the past weeks. It was impossible to say howmany had gone missing, but it was undeniable that people seemed to be vanishing from that section of the city.

The Temple of Myr'Khul was quiet. Not often could one see its followers leave or enter the Temple; even Vanion Shadowcast himself had been fairly scarce in the past month. Sometimes, singing could be heard from outside the Temple - the music played did not seem frightening or foreboding. Infact, the music was often of elvish origin, and had a quiet, soothing effect on those who heard it.

The Keeper of Water, Jono Slava, would sometimes be seen standing at the top of the Temple, gazing at the moon. Some claimed to hear him scream & cry & carry on in the middle of the night, but not many had the courage to watch him on those nights in which he gazed at the night-time sky.

Vanion Shadowcast

Date: 2006-11-03 15:24 EST
(cross-posted from Rings of Honor, posted by "Bran Bale")

Bran sat outside the Temple of Gorellik, that was located just beyond the RhyDin city walls, and read the latest edition of the Oracle. He read about the people that were going missing from the Old Temple District, and how it could be related to the Keeper of the Tower of Water, Jono Slava. Bran himself rarely went into the city, partly because of the reaction of the many humans that lived there, and partly because of the Inquisition that was starting to spin out of control. Bran had not challenged Jono because of those rumors, but he couldn?t help feeling that he might be doing the city of RhyDin a favor by knocking the member of Myr?khul from that position of power. His challenge had to do with fulfilling his mission in RhyDin City, to become the top dueler in one of the three sports. The Duel of Magic was the sport he was the best at, becoming an Enchanter in his first week, and now one win away from Magician once the new standings were posted. Becoming a Keeper of a Tower was the next logical step to him.

That was not what was weighing most heavily on Bran?s mind. Bran knew that he was going to have to use the shaman magic that he had been training to use for the last three months since coming to RhyDin City. Becoming a shaman was his destiny. He remembered the first time he tried to invoke a spirit, though, and it scared him to think that when he got into the ring with Jono, something could go wrong. Should he wait until he had more training? Or should the challenge for the Tower of Water be his first real test of his shamanist powers? He would have a week to decide and prepare.

Vanion Shadowcast

Date: 2006-11-03 15:24 EST
Vanion pushed through the sheer cloth leading into his private chambers. Torches lining the boney walls flickered to life in his presence, as the dark elf moved to the desk adjacent to his coffin.

"I delivered a message for you, Jonothan.", the dark elf quietly announced as he grabbed a cloth from the desk and dipped it in a jar of alcohol lying next to where the cloth had just been.

"Please, Lord. Please. Please. Do not let me lose the Key. I'll lose my mind again. My wits." - there was desperation in the creature's voice. Jonothan Slava was sitting in one corner of the room, garbed in his standard City Guard uniform - his oozing, green tentacle slithering along the ground next to him with a mind of its own.

Vanion Knightwood turned and looked on the undead soldier with pity in his eyes, as he began to clean drying blood off of his hands with the alcohol-soaked rag. "You still have a long road to recovery, Jono. However, your right to Power is in your own hands. I battered Bran's confidence and his body, but he will still press his challenge. The rest is up to you. Remember the strength of Blood & Bone Magic, and the strength of Myr'Khul, and destiny will decide the rest."

Jonothan Slava began to weep. The sound was not unfamiliar to those who lived in the Temple of Myr'Khul, but it was always unsettling - the spirits of many restless souls voiced their cries at once with Jono, and the sound was horrible to behold.

The dark elf looked away, as he replaced the rag on his desk and shut out the sounds. Rarely had Vanion ever regretted a course of action that he had taken, but even he was not without pity for the abomination that he had created. Jonothan needed the Life Magic of the Tower of Water to become closer to whole again, and short of murdering Bran, there was nothing more Vanion could do to interfere.

The Temple of Myr'Khul had been very cautious to not be caught doing anything that would draw fire from any sort of military or mob forces. Even their secretive actions in the Old Temple District themself were known to but a handful of Priests themselves.

Vanion slipped quietly from his chamber, leaving the tortured Jonothan behind. He had other pressing matters to deal with now - he needed to speak with Protector Kasiph about the coming sacrifices. Hundreds of feet beneath the Temple, Vanion could hear the screams for help now, sickly harmonizing with Jonothan's own sorrowful cries.


Date: 2006-11-03 17:01 EST
Spike stood outside of the Temple hearing the screams. He came to this spot everynight. He needed to get inside of it. He searched the temple looking for any kind of weakness in the walls, but to no avail.

Maybe I should run in shooting. He thought to himself,

Spike looked around for a few seconds then sprinted as fast as he could across the street. He slide against the wall looking from side to side. For a patrol, He looked up towards the roof spike grinned to himself. He jumped climbed and crawled up the wall.

After about half an hour of climbing up he finally got to the roof. He hid in the shadows waiting for this screaming man. His curiosity had gotten the better of him. He looked around drawing his handgun loaded a special kind of bullet. He would help ease this man's pain his way.


Date: 2006-11-07 17:32 EST
Spike waited but the screaming man never came up. Spike climbed on the roof saw a door and ran over to it opening it slowly and slide inside the temple. Spike went down floor after floor. He stopped at the ground floor and slammed into a door making a loud echoing sound throughout the entire temple.

"damn!" he yelled then hit his forehead.

He closed the door behind him looking around the dark room. He listened for footsteps or any other kinds of guards. He hid in the shadows waiting.