Topic: The Week of Nightmares

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-23 18:13 EST
There was no moon on the night of July 12, 1999.?

Dannika woke at least 45 minutes before her normal waking time.? The sun was just slipping beyond the horizon when she opened her eyes in the dim light of the rented cottage in the Kentish countryside. Her dreams had been disturbing, as well - full of violence and bloodshed and terror. She was hit with an overwhelming hunger, a thirst for blood so strong that she nearly cried out with sheer desire.? She turned onto her side, peering across her pillow at the sleeping face of her childe...and all she could think was how he was nothing more than a bag of blood, ripe for the slaying.

"Jesus Christ," she said and skittered backwards off the bed, crab-crawling until her back was firmly pressed against the doors to their bedroom.? "What the hell is happening?"? Her voice rang hollow in the silence of the room and she had to force her eyes closed and exert her will to keep from staring at Luc hungrily.

Luc's eyes shot open and he sat up abruptly.? "Mon dieu," he said, falling back on his native French, as he still did in times of surprise.? He had been dreaming of blood and war, and voices crying out.? And he was hungry, hungrier than he'd been in a long time.? Danni wasn't next to him.? He looked around and saw her by the doors, eyes closed and concentrating.? "Danni?"

She raised a single hand and held it out, her palm facing him.? "Shhh, Luc.? It's...the Beast.? I'm so hungry."? A panicked note entered her voice and she opened her eyes to look at him.? "I dreamt...such horrible things," she whispered.? "Do you feel it, too?"

He nodded.? "Blood, and death...and Hunger.? It's strong.? What's going on?"? Though he had been seeking knowledge for more than two hundred years now, there were still many things that he knew nothing about, and this seemed to be one of them.

"An Old One is awake, Luc.? One of the ancient Ravnos."? She slowly, shakily stood, reaching out a hand to steady herself against the wall, while the other hand scrubbed down her face.? "Maybe more than one," she said softly.

"A Methuselah," he said softly.? "Records say that they can no longer survive on the blood of mortals.? That they have to have the vitae of other Kindred to fuel their ancient bodies."? He thought about it for a moment, putting pieces together rapidly.? "So an Ancient, or more than one, has risen, and is killing the childer.? We're feeling their Hunger, and the deaths of their victims."

She cocked her head to the side, startled out of the hunger she felt by this beautiful and clever fount of wisdom that had sprung up in her childe's place.? "Well, I see that you no longer have need of me," she said teasingly...and then was speared by another stab of hunger so sharp that it brought her to her knees with a savage moan.

He was struck by the same blow, though perhaps less strongly than her, for his blood was not so close to the Ancient's.? He clenched his teeth and gritted out.? "We must feed before we lose control and attack each other."

She nodded and climbed shakily to her feet once more.? "Dress quickly."? Then she turned, grabbed last night's clothes and fled the room.

He gathered up his clothes and quickly threw them on, then went to the door, gathering his will and forcing the intrusive hunger further from the surface.? "Danni?" he called out, before opening the door.

"Yeah," she called back as she slipped into her jeans and sweatshirt.? "It's okay, Luc.? But...I don't know how long I can control it."

He opened the door and looked at her with concern.? It seemed to be affecting her much more strongly than him.? "Fight it, love.? You're stronger than the Hunger."? He went to the front door and opened it, glancing quickly around to make sure there was no one nearby.

"Into the village or take our chances with walkers?" she asked once they'd stepped outside.? The moonless night was clear, the English skies above a sheet of black velvet with a spill of diamonds across it.? In any other circumstances, she would have been perfectly happy to stand and stare up at the beauty...but not tonight.

"The village," he said immediately.? "We can't afford the chance of coming up empty."? They had been here in Kent long enough to know the village and surrounding areas well, and had not had any trouble finding kine to feed on.

She nodded and took off at a sprint, her pace bringing her quickly to the village's outer houses.? She picked a home she'd scouted before - one with a large family living in it.? Using a tiny bit of her vitae, she faded slowly from view and slipped inside the house.? Moving quietly, unseen by anyone living inside, she picked them off one by one, draining them by half and sating the hunger of the Methuselahs before she slipped back outside and sprinted to the meeting place she and Luc had arranged months ago after they first arrived in Kent.

Luc chose a slightly different tactic.? He drew upon his blood to confuse the mortal's senses into believing he was just another villager.? Then he made his way to the local pub and took a seat in a shadowed corner.? He chose his first target, and, with his hand hidden under the table, made a mystic pass.? Through the power of Thaumaturgy, his victim's blood was instantaneously transported into Luc's body as though he'd just drunk of the man.? Luc repeated the transfer several more times with other pub-goers, careful not to take too much from any one.? His victims were always men and women who were already drunk, and would attribute any dizziness or weakness to being deep in their cups.? When the foreign hunger that burned inside him was driven off, he slipped out of the pub and went quickly to meet Danni at their chosen spot.

Dannika was sitting on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the village's central square when Luc arrived.? The incredible thirst she'd felt upon waking had at last been sated and now, she was taking a moment to think things through.? A Ravnos Methuselah, a Kindred that was of the same generation as her but easily five or even six times older, had awoken from its millennium-long torpor...and was f*cking hungry.? That explained her own hunger, and Luc's, too.? It also explained the horrible dreams - Methuselahs could no longer find satisfaction in the blood of mortals; they had to consume other Kindred. A frown pulled the corners of her mouth down as she wracked her memories.? Were there any reports of Methuselahs anywhere in the UK?? She didn't think so; she and Luc should be least for the time being.? Maybe a phone call to Beatrice in Montreal was in order.

Luc found Danni sitting at the fountain and walked over to sit beside her.? She looked much more relaxed now than when they'd woken, but the frown on her face suggested she was thinking something worrisome.? He was pretty sure he knew what, too.? "You're worried about the ancients rising," he said softly.? "They would love to get their hands on our blood."?

She nodded.? "Yeah.? I was trying to remember if I'd ever heard stories about one being here, in England, or somewhere near.? I don't think there is, but I can't be sure."? She reached for his hand, needing the contact of his skin against hers.? "What about you?? Are you okay?"

He took her hand and squeezed it gratefully, needing the contact just as much she did.? It had been almost two and a quarter centuries since they'd met and she'd Embraced him, yet his love for her was still a fierce and passionate thing.? Some Kindred bemoaned the loss of their chance for human love, but Dannika and Luc had shown each other that Cainite love was not only just as strong, but far more enduring.? Three human lifetimes they'd been together already, with no loss of the fiery passion and deep respect they felt for each other.? He leaned in and kissed her lips gently, then nodded.? "Yes, I'm fine now."? He chuckled, "There are several drunks in the pub who're finding the drink hit them much harder tonight, though."

She eagerly returned his kiss and grinned at his technique for feeding.? "I just bullied my way into a house and supped from a rather large Irish family."? She took a deep breath and shifted a bit on the edge of the fountain, turning to face him.? "Should we call Bea?? Should we continue the hunt for the Grondr?"

"I don't know.? If the Ancients are awakening, something bad is going on.? It takes an awful lot to stir then from their slumber.? Do you think there's much chance they'll come this way?"

She shrugged a little and shook her head.? "I honestly don't know.? I suppose it depends on where they are when they awake.? If it's on the continent, in Eastern Europe or even India, there are lots and lots of Ravnos between them and us.? They may eventually come this way, but it'll take a while."

He nodded, thinking.? "Do you think you'll feel if they're coming closer?"

"Oh, yes.? I'll know."

"Then I think we should continue our search," he said, "but maybe we should call Bea anyway, and see if she's heard anything about what's going on."

"Good idea."? She stood and turned to face the direction in which their cottage lay. The walk back was quiet, peaceful...if one could ignore the occasional flash of irrational rage and stabbing pain as more and more of their Clan lost their lives to feed the hunger of creatures so ancient they had long since ceased sharing any sort of commonality with the humans they resembled.

Their phone call to Beatrice didn't answer many of their questions.? She knew that something was happening in India - Bangladesh, to be precise - but she had no clearer details.? Bea promised to keep in contact with them if she discovered anything more worthwhile and they made the same promise to her.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-23 18:50 EST
The next two weeks passed by much in the same manner as the 12th of July - waking early, overwhelming hunger that was quickly sublimated by feeding, and the sporadic flashes of irrational anger and pain.? The constant feeling of impending doom also grew in the back of Dannika's head, but she tried to conceal it from Luc, focusing instead on their search for the Kinfolk of a long-extinct tribe of Changing Beasts.

Luc could tell that Danni was putting on a cheerful face for his benefit; after two centuries, he was really quite good at reading her moods.? He didn't call her on it, though, because he knew she only did it out of love and a need to protect him.? He poured all of his efforts into the search, spending long hours researching ancient species of boars, trying to find which ones might have descended from the Grondr kinfolk.? There was little hope of success, though.? Seven thousand years was just too long to accurately track the wereboars.

An hour before sunset on the 25th of July, Dannika found herself awake, suddenly and inexplicably.? The sense of doom that had been pressing down upon her for the past two weeks had come to a head - she knew what was happening.? "Oh, god, Luc," she said, shaking him to consciousness.? "God, Luc.? Wake up.? Wake up now!"

Luc woke under her shaking hand almost immediately, eyes squeezed shut, gasping for air he didn't need anymore.? "Putain la vache!" he exclaimed, "He split the mountain!"? His eyes popped open and he stared at Danni with shock.?

"Dracian has awoken."? Her voice was tremulous with fear, a razor-edged, greasy sickness that threatened to rise up and swallow her whole.? She gripped Luc's arm, her fingers digging into his flesh.? "He's calling.? I can hear him calling to me in my head."

"Oh my Lord," Luc said, even his vehemently heretical nature subdued by this revelation.? "The Founder is awake.? He'll eat us all."? A rush of panic tore through his body, and he leapt from their bed convulsively.? "We have to run, get away."? He was pulling on her arm, dragging her towards the door.

He succeeded in yanking her off the bed and half-way across the room before she could draw on her blood and cry out, "Luc, Stop!"? She sent a bolt of Domination speeding down the link formed between them by their mutual Bond and repeated the word again, throwing her Will into direct confrontation with his.

He jerked to a halt when her voice rang through his body, disrupting the panic that had gathered about him.? He let go of her arm and dropped his hand to his side.? "Sorry," he said.? "I lost my head."

She climbed to her feet and shook her head.? "No, it's all right.? I understand the fear.? I feel it more acutely than you.? But... We're safe here...for the time being, at least.? Time enough for us to figure out what to do, anyway."

"It's happening in India, isn't it?? Like Bea said.? That's where our Clan comes from, so that's where the Founder is, right?"

"Yes, that's right."? She frowned and glanced towards the southeast as another powerful call rang out in her head.? She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms tightly around her body, forcing the voice into silence.? Without opening her eyes, she said softly, "We'll be okay," though whether it was to reassure Luc or herself was anyone's guess.

He enfolded her in his arms, holding her small body against his.? "I know," he said softly, taking it as reassurance.? "We'll figure it out."? He was silent for a moment.? "We should go back to the States."

She snuggled against him, grateful for his solid presence and the comfort of his arms.? "Why the States?"

He laid his cheek on the top of her head, inhaling the cinnamon and clove scent of her hair.? "Geography.? Western US is about as far from India as a person can get."

She chuckled and looked up at him, a vague smile on her full lips.? "Two oceans and at least three continents in the way, right?"

He nodded, reaching up to smooth her hair back from her face.? "Yup.? Just seems like it would be best to be on other side of the world, you know?"

"Yes.? Wherever you think we should be, that's where we'll go.? Phone Bea?? Ask her if she knows anything and tell her what we think?"

"Yes, we should.? This is affecting every Ravnos, everywhere, I'm sure.? There are a lot of them in the Sabbat.? She might be in danger."? Though it had been a decade or more since the three of them shared a bed, Luc and Danni's friendship with Beatrice, the woman who first taught him Thaumaturgy, remained strong.

She stood on tip-toe and kissed his cheek, and turned to go and begin packing their things while he made his phone call.? Aware of the sun's slow progression across the western sky, she timed her actions until the sun was three or four minutes from disappearing beyond the horizon.? Rising from the bed where she'd been folding clothes and putting them in their bags, she went to the window and pulled back the tiniest corner of the heavy curtain.? With squinty, barely-burning eyes, she watched the sunset for the first time in nearly 400 years, blood-red tears streaking down her face from the sheer beauty of it.

It took him only a few minutes to explain to Bea what was going on; unlike the fools in the Camarilla who tried to pretend the Antediluvian didn't exist, the Sabbat was well aware of not only their existence, but their threat, too.? As none of her pack was a Ravnos antitribu, she hadn't known yet exactly what was going on.? Their conversation ended with Bea telling him to make sure he and Danni were very careful.? He promised to do and hung up.? When Danni turned from the window, he saw the blood tears running down her cheeks and saw the beatific expression on her face.? "What is it, Danni?"

"I watched the sunset, Luc.? It beautiful."? Her voice was hushed, reverent and she gave him the most peaceful smile.? "It was like...a gift."

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-23 18:54 EST
He moved up close to her, smiling, and rested his hands on her shoulders.? "I wish I'd seen it.? I didn't even think of it, that the sun hadn't set yet.? Too much going on."

She turned her head a bit, rubbing her cheek along his hand.? "Tomorrow...maybe," she said with a lightning-fast flash of a sad smile.? "What did Madame L'Angou have to say for herself?"? She kissed his knuckle and went to sit on the edge of their bed once more, continuing their packing as they talked.

"The news scared her, I could hear it in her voice.? You know the Sabbat have always been working to stop the Antediluvians from rising.? To hear that one is awake shook her.? She warned us to be very careful."

Danni nodded, a fond smile at Bea's warning.? "You promised her we would be?? Did you tell her of our plans?"

He nodded.? "I did promise.? I told her we were going to head to the States.? She asked us to come see her if we could."

"We should.? It has been..."? She trailed off and stiffened as another, louder summons rang through her mind.? "Oh, sh*t," she cursed softly, though vehemently, and closed her eyes, trying to fight off the voice's call.

This time, Luc felt it too.? A seductive call, drawing him to come and join with the Founder.? He took an involuntary step towards the door before his will reasserted itself and returned control of his body to him.? "Mon dieu.? I felt it, too, that time."

Taking a deep breath she no longer needed, she squared her shoulders and finished packing their things.? "Where shall we go?? Denver?? Calgary?? We should book our flight as soon as possible."

"Oh...Calgary, then."? He smiled.? "I would not be adverse to seeing Bea again."

She gave him a raised-brow sort of look and a slightly wry smile.? "Why am I not surprised to hear this?? Make the arrangements then, with a stop-over in Montreal."

"Oh hush," he said, sticking his tongue out playfully at her.? "You know you'll enjoy it, too."

"You have found me out.? It's true.? I do miss her."

"As do I."? He picked up the phone again and called Stansted airport, since it was much close than going all the way to Heathrow in London.? He spoke to an agent for a few moments, then covered the phone and looked at Danni, frowning.? "There are no open flights out of Stansted until tomorrow.? Do we wait, or head to Heathrow?"

"Tomorrow is fine.? London..." she shivered and trailed off.? He knew her feelings about the city; even after her escape, some 300 years earlier, she hadn't stepped foot in the city again, not wanting to dredge up the horrible, lingering memories of both her life and the first 80 years of her undeath.

He nodded in understanding, and turned back to the phone, confirming a booking for the next evening.? He put the phone away and walked over to her, hugging her again.? "Sorry for bringing up bad memories, love."

She kissed him softly.? "Not your fault.? This whole night...hell, the past two weeks have been awful.? The future is uncertain, too."? She hugged him suddenly, fiercely holding him tight.? She was afraid for possibly the first time since her Embrace; afraid for herself, but more than that, afraid for Luc.

He reached up to stroke her long ink-black hair.? "Don't be scared.? You and I together, we can handle anything.? We'll find a way to get past this, too."

She looked up at him, stormy-gray eyes swimming in bloody tears.? "Luc...? If the stories are true, this is the End of Days.? Dracian will kill us all."

He shook his head resolutely.? "I don't care what the stories say.? We'll figure out a way."? He fell silent for a moment, as though unwilling to say the next words.? Finally, he spoke them.? "If the stories are true, then we'll die together.? I'll face death with a smile if you're by my side."

The tears spilled over and rolled down her cheeks.? She shook her head, denying his words.? "No, Luc.? You will not die the Final Death.? You.? Will.? Not." She would sacrifice anything to keep him safe.

He leaned down, kissing her tears away softly.? "My love, if you meet the Final Death, I will follow.? I couldn't go on without you."? He smiled, then, trying to make a joke of it.? "So you'd better stay alive."

?I will try.? She kissed him passionately, cupping her hands on his cheeks, holding his beautiful face close against hers.? Her fingers slid backwards into that glorious mane of his and down the back of his neck.? The sudden need to feel him...and taste him rose up inside.? She made a hungry noise and her fangs descended, pricking his bottom lip and drawing his thick, salty essence to the surface of his skin, where she could feed greedily from him.? She sucked great mouthfuls down, swallowing his blood, glutting herself on it.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-24 00:36 EST
He made a little sound of surprised pleasure when her teeth slid into his lip, fingers clenching in her hair, holding her mouth against him.? There was nothing else on earth that could compare with this feeling.? If she chose to suck him dry at this moment, he wouldn't complain at all.?

In her greed to drink more of him, she tore a chunk of flesh from his lip, not satisfied with the trickle from the holes her fangs had made.? She wanted a torrent of blood.? Her fingers closed on the back of his neck, catching him in a steely grasp and holding him firmly against her.

A bolt of bright pain flashed through his head and shocked him out of the pleasurable daze her teeth had created in him.? His eyes flew wide, and he suddenly realized that Danni had succumbed to the hunger being driven into them by the Ancients.? He had to free himself from her, or she would try to drain him dry.? Even so, he didn't want to hurt her.? He concentrated, drawing on his vitae and became mist around her, floating harmlessly away from her teeth.

A cry of pure frustration and anger escaped through her bared teeth.? She sank to the floor on her knees, holding herself and rocking back and forth, a single phrase whispered over and over under her breath - "I'm sorry."

He drifted across the room and settled on the far side of it, solidifying back into his normal appearance.? "Danni?" he said tentatively, ready to bolt if she attacked him.? No matter what, he was determined not to hurt her.?

She looked up at him, her porcelain skin streaked with angry red tears.? "Luc...? I'm...? I'm so ashamed.? Maybe we should...? Maybe I should go.? For your safety."

"No," he said immediately, real fear in his voice.? "Don't leave."? He took a step towards her, reaching out his arms.?

She held her hands up, warding him off.? "Luc.? I just tried to drain you dry.? It's not safe.? I can't guarantee that I can control it."? She closed her eyes and pressed her hands over her ears as the siren call of Dracian rang out in her head again, whispering seductively to her over and over, calling her to him, making promises she knew couldn't be kept.

"I don't care.? If you leave, you'll go to him, and he'll kill you."

"Luc, if I go, you'll be safe."? She opened her eyes and looked up at him, her expression pleading with him to understand.? "You'll be safe."? It was like a mantra she kept repeating over and over, the thin line that held her sanity intact.

"No, I'll be alone."? He stopped, then tried again.? "Danni, ma chere, you've taught me very well over the centuries.? I'm strong enough to save myself if I have to.? But if you leave, what will I have to fight for?"

She frowned severely at him but eventually nodded her reluctant agreement.? "Please, promise me something, though."

He nodded.? "Of course."

"If I do that again, you'll make me stop.? No matter what - no matter how good it feels, no matter how much you want - you'll make me stop."

"Yes, I promise.? I'll be more careful now.? Perhaps we should try to avoid becoming...passionate...until we get through this?"? He didn't like saying those words, but it seemed to be logical and safe course.

She wiped away her tears, her fingertips stained blood-red, and gave him a sad smile.? "Yes, that is perhaps the best decision."? Her brow creased in a frown and she bit her bottom lip.? "It pains me to even contemplate not being able to touch you, to taste you, to love you," she admitted softly.

"Believe me, mon coeur," he said softly, "It pains me just as much.? I believe we might still touch, if we're careful."? So saying, he walked towards her again, holding out his hand to help her up.

She slid her hand into his, her Will steeled against the sudden, invading pulse of hunger that threatened to overwhelm her the instant they touched.? She fought it off, though, and led him to sit next to her on the bed.? "Luc...? Do you remember the conversation we had with Rake earlier this summer?"

He sat on the edge of the bed, near her, but with a careful few inches between them.? He paused for a moment, thinking back.? "About the other worlds?"? He nodded.? "I do remember.? It was...interesting."

"What if...? What if we flee to one?? Before it gets bad?? Before it's too late?"

"How would we do such a thing?? The way he spoke of it, it seemed that only his kind could do so."

She shrugged and shook her head.? "Maybe he could...bring us somehow?? Take us with him?"

"Maybe it's possible.? I don't know."

"We have to try something, Luc.? I can't just sit here and wait for Dracian to kill everyone else and then make his way to us."

"No, you're right, we do have to try whatever we can."

"Phone Bea.? See if she can track down Rake and ask him to contact us.? I don't...? I don't know what else to do."

"Okay."? He pulled out the phone and dialed Bea up again.? She was surprised to hear from him so soon, and sounded worried when he told her about what they were feeling from the Ancients.? Unfortunately, she did not have a way to contact Rake; he always just showed up in her library.? She did promise to send him to them if came to her anytime soon, though.? He thanked her and hung up, then relayed the information to Danni.

"Then we will have to wait until the flight tomorrow evening.? There is no other alternative."

He nodded.? "We can handle it.? We just have to be careful."? He stood, pacing around the room as he thought, then speaking as he laid out his thoughts.? "We know that at least one Methuselah, possibly more, rose two weeks ago.? Based on the feelings we got from them, it's clear they killed any younger Ravnos they could find.? Then, they fought something else.? The Eastern vampires, maybe?"? They'd heard stories of the Kindred of the Eastern lands, how they were so different from Cainites, and almost invariably hostile.

She nodded, watching as he paced back and forth in front of her, a tiny smile tugging up one corner of her mouth.? It was for this reason that she was prone to calling him Professor Fournier.? "Perhaps; it does seem to fit, doesn't it?"

He nodded, lifting his hand and ticking off the points as he spoke.? "The battle in India between Ravnos and Eastern Kindred has been going badly for our clan in recent years.? We've heard rumors that they've taken to the mass Embracing that the Sabbat use in order to create expendable shock troops.? Undoubtedly, the vast majority of those shock troops met the Final Death at the hands of the Eastern Kindred.? My guess, then, is that the large amount of Ravnos blood spilled is what caused the Methuselahs to stir and rise.

"Then, since the Ancient ones can no longer survive on mortal blood, they would naturally attack and drain the remaining Ravnos in the area.? After that, they would surely turn their attention to the Eastern Kindred.? The battle would be hard, but the incredible power of the Ancient Ravnos would likely win out.? Not without casualties, though.? First there was a huge outpouring of young Ravnos blood, then a substantial amount of vitae from Methuselahs.? This would explain why the Founder has awoken.? His hunger must be...indescribable...after thousands and thousands of years in torpor."

Danni nodded again, pulling her bare feet up onto the edge of the bed and wrapping her arms around her jeans-clad legs.? "The dreams...? Have you dreamt of a ten-headed creature that devoured its own heads?"

He stopped pacing and looked over at her.? "Yes, I did.? I can only assume it's the Founder himself."

She leaned her chin against her knees.? "Yeah, I think you're right.? What do we do, Luc?? Do we just keep running?? Pitting our will against the thing that created our blood?"? She shook her head.? "That cannot last.? Dracian will find us...and he will drain us and leave us to burn."

"We can't give up, either, Danni.? Maybe...maybe the Eastern Kindred will stop him.? There are so many of them, and some must be very powerful."? It was probably wishful thinking, he knew, but he wasn't willing to lie down and die.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-24 00:39 EST
The look she gave him was dubious at best, and downright disbelieving at worst.? She didn't say anything, though, instead she unfolded her legs and climbed to her feet.? "You should feed...we should stay sated.? Perhaps I'll check thing while you're gone?"

He nodded.? "Yes, we should definitely try to avoid any hunger of own."? He grinned at the thought of her fumbling over a computer.? Some things were hard to get accustomed to for older vampires.?

She frowned at that grin, knowing exactly what he was thinking.? "Don't laugh at me," she said defensively and went to the small table where Luc's precious - and expensive - laptop computer was connected to the cottage's phone line.

He tried vainly not to laugh at her defensive reaction, and quickly retreated out of the door before she threw something at him.? On the way down to the village, he felt the siren call of the Founder again, urging him to come, join, and be invincible.? It took an effort of will to push the call away, even knowing that it was a lie, that to come meant death.

Dannika, too, felt Dracian's call, but found it easier to push away and ignore now that she had something else to focus on.? She signed into AOL, said her customary "Thanks," to the recorded "Welcome, you've got mail!" that played, and began to navigate her way through the labyrinthine information highway, as Luc insisted it was called.? "More like the bloody circus in Piccadilly," she muttered.? Her first stop was Schrecknet, the bulletin board system created and maintained by the Nosferatu.? There were rumblings and whispers, each post carefully coded to shield against mortals stumbling across things they had no business knowing.

Tonight, Luc didn't even have to go as far as the village to find sustenance.? Halfway there, he heard the sound of two people crashing through undergrowth.? He turned onto an intercept course, and quickly found a pair of campers walking around a tent.? He smiled, drawing on his blood to pull the shadows around him, making it all too easy for mortal eyes to slide right over him.? He crept up to the pair and rendered one insensible with a whispered command 'Sleep', reinforced by his powerful will.?

The other turned, seeing his companion slump to the ground, but didn't have time to move or speak before Luc slipped up behind him and sank fangs into his neck.? The mortal's eyes glazed over and he stood motionlessly while Luc drank.? When he was done, Luc lowered the unconscious man to the ground, checking his pulse quickly to make sure it was stable, then turned to the other, a woman.? She didn't stir when his fangs slid into her throat.? A few minutes later, he carried both campers into their tent and zipped the flap closed.? He even added fuel to their fire, to keep the animals away while they recovered.? Then he headed back to Dannika.

When he came into cottage, she was still laboring over the computer, muttering blackly at it in Romanian, cursing it and all of its progeny to a life-time of turmoil and fruitless hard work. "Having troubles, dear?" he asked, trying very hard not to laugh again.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him and she stood abruptly.? "It hates me, Luc.? It doesn't behave at all for me."? She pointed to the screen, where a little picture of an hourglass turned over and over, ceaselessly.? "It's been doing that for the past five minutes.? Make it show me the BBC's news."

He walked over to the computer and closed out the program, restarting it for her.? "You have to be patient, love.? Don't hit keys over and over or it will freeze up like this."

She shook her head.? "It hates me, Luc.? I'm telling you this."? She sat down across from him and told him what she'd found on the Nosferatu's BBS.? "They're saying the dreams are affecting humans with the Sight, too."

"I guess that's not very surprising.? I can't even imagine how powerful the Founder's mind must be."

"What does the mortals' news systems say?? Anything?"

"Not much, yet.? There are a few reports of riots in mental hospitals, that's all."

"It will get worse," she said softly.?

He nodded solemnly.? "Much." The rest of the night passed without any major event.? Now and then they felt the siren call of the Founder, but the intervals between the calls were increasing.? Either it was busy with something else...or many Ravnos had already responded.? When the morning drew near, they thought it best to sleep apart, just in case they woke up with the Founder's hunger again.? Luc decided the best idea would be for him to go outside and sleep in the earth, one of the abilities he had developed long ago - one that Dannika did not share.? Thus he would be safe if she woke up in a frenzy.

It was strange to not share a bed with Luc, the first time since his Embrace that they'd been apart during the day.? She tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable without his strong arms around her, without his broad chest to press her face into.? Eventually, though, the sun rose and she succumbed to sleep, only to be plagued by more violent, bloody dreams.

He had never spent the entire night in the earth before, only short stretches of an hour or two. It was strangely comforting, but at the same time, he missed the touch of Danni's cool skin against his own. The earth held him, but it was a stranger's hands, not those of his constant companion for over two centuries. He hung, awake, in the cocoon of earth until the sun rose, and then slept. He dreamed of the ten-headed creature again.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-24 02:52 EST
The next night, the 26th of July, passed without notable event.? They both elected to stay away from the village, and he slept in the earth again.? This time there was a tiger, a dragon, and a crane attacking the ten-headed monster in his dreams. When the sun set on the evening of the 27th, he awoke without much hunger, but with a feeling of rage pressing down on his skull.? He wanted to kill something, to smash and destroy.

The rage woke Dannika, catapulted her out of sleep, out of the bed and half-way through the door before she realized what she was doing.? She came to her senses, exerting her Will and forcing herself to push the rage and the accompanying urge to destroy away, and slid down the wall, collapsing to the floor in a miserable heap. She thought of Luc, wishing for a single instant that he couldn't feel or hear or see any of this terrible month.

An instant after that childish wish was made, she felt her blood flare to life and something happened within her.? It felt as though she were using her vitae to create illusions, just as she had nearly every night since her Embrace...but this was far stronger than anything she'd ever experienced before.

Luc had just risen from the earth and was turning to walk inside when the world just...faded.? Everything went black, no sounds could be heard, no smells reached his nose.? He wasn't even sure he had a nose, because there was no sensation of body, either.? It was like floating in motionless air at midnight in a dead cave.? He tried to scream, but not a ripple of noise or movement reached his senses.?

Curiosity was too much for her and she went outside, looking around for any hint of what she'd done.? She found it in the prone body of her beloved.? "Luc!" she cried out and rushed to his side, falling to her knees and running her hands over him, shaking him and trying to rouse him.

His body was motionless and completely unresponsive to her touch.? He lay there like a dead thing.? A minute passed, then another, and still nothing. "Oh, god," she moaned and picked him up, cradling him in her lap, holding him close and rocking him like a child.? She closed her eyes, unaware of the sudden appearance of unicorns in the woods surrounding the cottage, unicorns that were exact duplicates of the ones she'd created in the forests of southern Quebec in the nights following Luc's Embrace.

Without anything to guide him, there was no time, no place.? It could have been a second or a year before his senses returned in a rush.? He sucked in a huge breath and opened his eyes, finding his head in Danni's lap, being rocked like a baby.? Her eyes were closed and there was such a look of horror and sadness on her face that it brought tears to his eyes.? His voice failed him, and he reached up to cradle her cheek in his hand.

She jumped, startled and shocked to feel his hand against her cheek.? "Oh, Luc.? I thought I'd killed you."? She crushed him to her chest, holding him fiercely tight against her, covering the side of his face in scores of kisses, her hands fluttering over him like butterfly's wings as she tried to convince herself that he wasn't just one of her illusions, that he was solid and real.

He stroked and patted her back, running his fingers through her hair and over her clothes, overjoyed to be able to see and touch her.? "I don't know what happened," he said.? "Everything just went dark.? None of my senses worked.? It was like I became...nothing."?

She froze and then slowly leaned back to look at him, a wild, frightened look in her stormy gray eyes.? "Some Ravnos can do that - deprive someone of all their senses.? But...that takes talent and skill that is far beyond my reach," she said in a hushed voice.

He was silent for a moment, processing her words.? "Did you dream of the tiger, dragon, and crane," he asked, then.? "Attacking the Founder in his ten-headed form?"

She nodded slowly.? "Maybe you're right about the Eastern Kindred trying to control and kill Dracian."

He nodded slowly.? "I think he's fighting them now.? There's such a rage in the back of my head.? I want to smash and destroy, kill and main.? I feel like if I let go of my control for even a moment, I'll lash out at you or anything else.? I think it's his anger, his rage, at being attacked."

"Yes," she said softly.? "I feel it, too.? We should stay here again tonight, away from the village.? Maybe...maybe we should even stay apart."

"I don't want to be away from you," he said immediately.? "The Hunger's less now - and I think he's too busy fighting to call out for us..."? He broke off as the phone rang back in the cottage.? He stood and ran inside, answering it. She climbed to her feet and followed him inside, hovering in the doorway and listening to his side of the conversation.

"A typhoon?" he was saying.? "Right over Bangladesh?"? He listened for another moment.? "Mages?"? Silence.? "Yes, I know... Yes, I will... We're okay... It's been rough, but we're okay... Yes, of course I will... I hope so.? Be careful, mon amie."? He hung up, looking over to Danni.

"Bea?" she asked, not moving from her place in the doorway.

He nodded.? "There's a typhoon sitting right over Bangladesh, has been all evening.? It's not a natural storm, the meteorologists say.? No hint of bad weather around it.? She says they're getting reports that the Technocrats are involving themselves in the battle.? It's looking bad, Danni.? Bea says that a bunch of the Ravnos antitribu in Montreal have succumbed to the Beast already and had to be put down.? There are all manner of creatures converging on India, too."

She closed her eyes for a moment, her hand reaching out to grab the door frame.? "Beatrice...? She is safe?"

"Yes, she's fine.? Her library's like a fortress, and there aren't any Ravnos in her pack. She did say that all of them are having the nightmares.? No matter what their Clan."

Dannika nodded and opened her eyes, looking directly at him.? "All Kindred...everywhere?"? She pressed a hand over her heart and shook her head slowly.? She was beginning to despair - how would they survive this?? How would anyone survive this?

"Everywhere they can get reports from."? He went to her and wrapped his arms around her, pressing his face into her hair.? Was the world ending?? He didn't know.? The rage pulsed in the back of his mind, but he pushed it away again.? A small part of him ? a very small part ? wished he could be there, to see the battle that had to be going on.? It must be an awesome sight.

"Don't, Luc," she said and pushed him away gently.? "I know it's silly, but...we can't be close.? I don't...? His anger and his rage and his pain...? I'm scared of what it will do...what it will make me do.? Please, just..."? She pointed to the other side of the room.? "Stay over there."

He nodded once, dropping his arms to his sides.? He turned and walked to where she'd indicated, shoulders slumped.? He knew she was right, but that didn't do anything to stop the need for comfort and closeness he was feeling.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-24 03:05 EST
Watching him walk away was like having a knife shoved into her chest and twisted from side to side.? She wanted to follow him, run to him, wrap herself around him...drag him to the floor and drain his blood, consume him fully, kill him finally.? She made a helpless little sound and clenched her eyes and fists tightly, pushing away the rage that suddenly sprang to life inside her.

Her little noise sparked the rage in him, and he turned, opening his mouth to say something hateful and cutting.? Before he could speak, though, an incredible explosion of rage and searing, burning pain blasted through his body.? It felt like his body was suddenly submerged in lava.? He howled loudly enough to crack the windows in the cottage, and leapt for her, driven beyond control by the detonation in his mind.? Inch-long claws sprouted from his fingertips, and he drove them at her chest.

Simultaneously, Luc's bellow of anger and the most intense rage and pain she had ever felt hit her.? And then her beloved childe was flying towards her, murder in his eyes and sudden dragon's claws on his fingers.? He raked them across her chest, but didn't score her flesh.? "Luc, no!? Stop!" she cried out, scuttling backward, trying to roll his mind under hers, force him into submission with the single word.

He heard her dimly, and his attack faltered for a moment, but the rage and pain in him was too great to be denied, and he lashed out again, swinging lethal claws at her stomach.

His claws sunk into her stomach, tearing her shirt and ripping her flesh open.? The sudden, white-hot pain in her gut panicked her.? Not wanting to hurt him, she fell onto her back with the force of his attack, closed her eyes and wished for a safe place.? Her blood flared to life inside her, a powerful surge of the vitae-created illusions she excelled in. A snippet of the conversation they'd had with Beatrice's Changeling contact drifted through her mind - "different world" - and suddenly, above her and behind Luc's shoulder, a jagged-edged hole tore open in the air.? Through it she could make out a star-lit night sky, two moons and buildings that reminded her of 17th-century London.

The sight of her on her back, bleeding, drove the Beast within to feed, to drain her potent blood.? He lunged forwards onto her, trying to sink his teeth into the wound.

Pushing past the pain and the rage and Dracian's fear, all which threatened to overwhelm her depleted Will, she curled her legs up and met Luc's rush with her feet.? Shoving with all her might, she sent Luc stumbling backwards through the rift in the air, through the gaping hole in reality and into a safe haven.

At the last instant, he swiped out one hand, claws sinking into her ankle, and dragged her along with him as he fell through the portal in space and time.? He landed heavily on his back, Dannika across his legs as the hole closed above them.? Like a switch being thrown, the Founder's pain and rage that was roaring through him vanished without a trace.? Sanity returned, and he stared uncomprehendingly up at the pair of moons in the sky.?

She lay across his body limply, the pain of her dual wounds a sharp throb that drowned out everything else.? She was dimly aware of a strong scent of garlic and cheese and wine, and the cool, firm surface of cobblestones beneath her cheek.

Slowly, the weight of her body across his legs, and the smell of her blood penetrated the fog that still clouded his brain.? He sat up, eyes widening at the sight of the jagged wound torn across her stomach.? "My god, Danni," he gasped out, reaching out towards her, only to notice the bloodstained claws that still adorned his fingertips.? He banished them with a small effort of will, then froze as he realized that it was he himself who'd hurt her.? "Oh, no.? Danni, I didn't mean it.? I'm sorry."? He leaned over, trying to see if she was conscious.

She groaned softly and turned her head to look at him.? Her cheeks were blood-stained, tears having left tracks down her face.? She tried to give him a soft, forgiving smile, but the pain in her stomach was too much.? "Shelter," she said through clenched teeth.

"Right, of course," he said, reaching down to carefully gather her up in his arms.? He stood, looking around.? They were in front of what looked--and smelled--like an Italian restaurant.? That wouldn't do, too many people.? He looked left and right, spotting a small structure that looked like a closed-down shop, and ran for it, shouldering the door open roughly, and kicking it closed behind them with a bang.? The main room was empty except for a few broken shelves and some discarded papers, but there was another door at the far end.? This one, he opened more carefully, revealing what looked like a small office.? A gunmetal-gray desk sat in the center of the little room, bolted to the floor.? He set her gently down on the desk and turned to lock the door behind them.

She struggled to sit up a little, looking down at her stomach.? She hissed in pain and dabbed gingerly at it.? "Did me a good one, didn't you?" she said and looked up at Luc.? "Are you okay?"

"I couldn't stop myself," he said, bloody tears filling his eyes.? "I was on fire, burning with hatred and pain.? I'm so sorry."? He took her hand in his, stroking the back of it gently.? "I'm fine," he said belatedly.? "Not even hurt."

She gripped his hand with all the strength she could muster.? "It wasn't your fault, love.? Are you listening?? It was not your fault."

He felt a great weight lift off of him at her words.? "No, it wasn't me.? I would never hurt you.? I love you."

"I know.? And I love you."? She looked around.? "Do you know where we are?"

"No...I don't know at all.? There...there are two moons in the sky.? What happened?"

"Two moons?"? She frowned and thought this one over.? She shrugged a little at his question and said in a thoughtful voice, "I panicked.? I thought about that conversation we had with Rake, the different worlds.? A hole tore open in the air behind you and I shoved you through it."

"A hole in the air?" he echoed.? "What do you mean?"

"It was like...a window.? I could see the sky here, two moons, the unfamiliar constellations...the buildings straight out of Shakespeare's London."? She shook her head.? "I...? I tore a hole through our Earth into this place."? Her voice was full of awe.

He put two and two together, realizing what had happened.? "It was the Founder's power, wasn't it?? You said before that what you did to me accidentally was something you'd only heard of the strongest Ravnos doing before.? And then this.? There are whispers that the Founder could make reality itself instead of illusion.? I think you shared his power for a moment."

"Well, whatever it was...? It was lucky for us."? She struggled to sit up more and turned so that her legs hung over the edge of the desk.? She looked down at her stomach again and then back up around the room.? "Can we stay here for a few days, do you think?? I need time to rest and heal these."

He leapt forward to help her sit up.? "Careful, don't tear it worse.? Yeah, I think so.? Judging from the dust, no one's been here for months, or even years.? I doubt anyone will notice if we're cautious."

She nodded and gripped his arm.? "Help me over there," she nodded to a sway-backed couch against the far wall of the room.? "Then will you go out and see what you can find about this place?"

He nodded, and helped her over to the dusty, battered couch.? "Sure you want to touch this thing?" he asked, giving her a little smile.

She prodded it with a toe.? It was soft and didn't smell too badly.? "It's softer than that sodding desk over there."? She sat gingerly and groaned at the movement.? Then, with his help, she laid back on it, stretching her legs out and folding her arms over her chest.? "Not bad.? No springs in my back as I suspected there would be."

"Well, good.? Now you just relax, and I'll go see if I can figure out where the hell we are."



"Je t'adore, mon coeur."

He smiled, leaning down to kiss her carefully.? "And I love you, chere."? He touched her cheek gently, then turned and went out, closing the door behind him.