Topic: To Be Vampyri

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-08-31 03:28 EST
Luckily they still had more than half the night after stopping at Luc's home to retrieve his books.? Dannika wanted to cover as much ground as possible between Saints-Anges and Boston as she could; it was imperative to her that they put Luc's mortal past behind them quickly.? It would make the adjustment easier, she believed.? As they walked, she slowly told him of her past, the story coming out in small allotments, with long silences in between each part. "As I told you, I was born in 1594, in London," she told him.? "My mother was...well, there's no pretty way to say it.? She was a whore."? Dannika glanced at Luc out of the corner of her eye to gauge his reaction to this.

Luc had seen whores here and there, mostly in the cities.? He'd usually found them to be a curious cross between forbidden attraction and good-willed pity.? To a young man's body, a pretty woman was a pretty woman, whatever her status in life, while the scholarly side of him knew from his reading what sorts of horrors women in that profession often endured.? "It must have been a difficult life," he said.

She nodded.? "It was.? I...I was a thief, Luc.? I stole my first purse when I was only five years old.? I didn't want to do what my mother did, didn't want to sell myself like that.? So I stole.? And I was good at it.? I never got caught.? Well, that was until I chose to rob Gaius."

He had been forced to steal food for his own survival more than once; he knew what it was like to turn to theft out of desperation and could hardly condemn her for something he'd done himself.? "Gaius...that is a Roman name.? Was he vampyre, too?"

"He was my sire."? She was silent for a long, long time, her gait falling into a confident, ground-eating hill-walker's movements, steady and constant.? Finally after two or three miles had passed, she said, "He masqueraded as an Albanian Count, a wealthy Count with a large house and many servants.? There were stories about him, that he was a demon, that he'd made deals with the Devil."? A quicksilver grin passed over her features and she admitted, "That's what made me want to steal from him to begin with."

He looked over at her and smiled.? "You liked the challenge, oui?"

"Yes, absolutely.? I hid myself away for a month and watched him, learning his routines, befriending one of his servants, preparing myself to sneak inside his house.? I learned that one night he would be gone, at a party at Westminster Castle.? I chose that night as the night I'd go in and steal from him."

He listened to her story intently, hardly paying attention to the landscape around them.? His new senses were much keener than before, and he wasn't so worried about being surprised by anything, animal or human.

"I found a tiny window in his scullery and climbed inside.? Then I tip-toed up the stairs to his study and there was a big, iron box with heavy chains and a huge padlock keeping it closed.? I picked the lock and the box was filled with coins.? All kinds of coins, some I recognised, most I didn't.? I took a handful and stuffed them into my pockets.? I relocked the box and left."? She was silent again, though not for as long this time.? "I thought I'd got away clean, too.? Until the Count showed up at my house five nights later."

"He knew you had been there?"

"Yes.? He'd known I'd been watching him all along, you see.? He knew that I was going to steal from him.? He followed me around for a month and gave me those five days to think I'd been successful."

"He sounds like a cruel man, to do such a thing."

"He was horribly cruel, Luc."? Her voice had dropped to a whisper now, a fierce, angry whisper.? "He attacked me that night, drained me as I drained you and then forced me to be vampyri.? It was worse than rape."

"I...I am sorry, Dannika."? He reached out his hand as if to pat her shoulder comfortingly, hesitating at the last moment, unsure if she would react well to the gesture.

Her hand raised to meet his and give it a gentle, grateful squeeze.? "He taught me, though, what it was to be vampyri.? And you need to learn the same thing."? She stopped for a moment and looked over at him.? "Dawn is coming soon.? Do you know these woods?"

He nodded immediately.? "Oui, I know them well."? He was slow to take his hand away from hers, wanting the contact.

She kept his hand, holding it gently but firmly.? It was nice to be with her own kind again and it was made nicer still by his company.? "We need a cave or an abandoned cabin.? Is there anything near by like that?"

Again, he nodded quickly.? "Not far from here, there is a hunter's lodge that is always empty during the winter months.? I have spent the night there many times."? He pointed to the south-west with his free hand.? "It is that way, perhaps a half hour's walk."

"Bon.? Allons-y," she said and started off in the direction he'd pointed to, still holding his hand.? After about ten minutes of walking she spoke again, her voice soft, thoughtful, like that of a professor during a lecture.? "You are not too much of a heretic to recall the story of Cain and Abel, are you?"

"Of course I know it," he said with a touch of indignation, though he softened it with an immediate smile.? "Cain and Abel were the children of Adam and Eve.? Cain was the first-born son, but he was jealous of his brother Abel, and slew him; the first act of murder in the world.? For the act, he was cast out of the Garden of Eden."

"And he was cursed, too.? He was the first vampyri."

He nodded thoughtfully.? "The first murderer, cursed live off the life of others."

"Yes, exactly.? He made three childer - Zillah, who was his wife; Irad, who commanded Cain's armies; and Enoch, who ruled the first city, under Cain's guidance."

"The first city?"

She nodded, "Yes, called Enoch, after its ruler.? Those three made thirteen more childer, who are known as the Antedeluvians and are the...primogenitors of each of the current vampyri clans."

"Antediluvian...before the Flood?? The Biblical Flood?"

"Yes, very good."? She flashed him a proud smile.? "Shall I tell you of them?"

He would have blushed under her praise, but his new body no longer worked like that.? He couldn't help returning the smile, though.? "Oui, sil vous plait."

"You will have to be patient with me.? It has been a long time since I have spoken of this."? She frowned softly in thought and then continued slowly.? "Let's see, there is the Toreador clan whose sire is Arikel, who might be known to you as Ishtar."

"Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess," he said, nodding.

"Oui, Luc.? Tres bien," she said with another smile.? "Then there is Arikel's brother, Absimiliard, who founded the Nosferatu clan. The Gangrel clan was founded by Ennoia, who was the lover of our own clan's founder, Ravnos."

"Ravnos...this is your clan?? My...clan?"

"Yes.? We are Ravnos."? She paused again and then took a deep breath, her forehead furrowed in thought.? "The Assamites were founded by Haqim; the Brujah by Troile; the Salubri by Saulot; Cappadocians by Cappadocious; Setites by know that name?"

He nodded.? "Yes, the Egyptian God, brother of Osiris, whom he was jealous of and killed."? He paused, eyes widening a bit.? "That is almost the same as with Cain and Abel, though Osiris was returned to life by Isis."

"Cain was brought to life by drinking the blood of Lilith, or so some of the stories go."? She shrugged.? "Seems as though legends are the same throughout the world, doesn't it?"

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-08-31 03:30 EST
"I have found that to be so," he said, nodding.

"The rest of the clan's founders weren't so free with their names, so they're know by the clans' names.? There's the Malkavians, the Ventrue, Tremere, Lasombra, and Tzimisce."

"So many clans.? Are they very different from each other?"

"Yes, very different from each other.? The Toreadors love art and beauty.? They sponsor painters and sculptors and responsible for most of the cathedrals in Europe.? The Malkavians are all insane.? The Nosferatu are hideous, ugly beasts who skulk about in sewers."? She smirked.? "The Ravnos are tricksters, thieves, and liars."

"All of them?? You haven't been lying to me."? At least, he didn't think she had been.? Maybe he just couldn't tell.?

"Well...most other Cainites don't take kindly to being tricked and having their pockets picked, so they slander us."? She shrugged and looked ahead into the distance.? There was a ramshackle building ahead.? "Is that the lodge?"

He looked over and nodded.? "Oui, that is it.? The inside is nicer than the out."? He tugged gently on her hand, speeding up his pace towards the building.? "Tell me about the powers of Cainites."

She chuckled.? "So eager to learn, my childe."

He smiled.? "So I have been all of my life."? Then his smile vanished.? "It has landed me in trouble many times."

"No more, Luc.? Now knowledge is what will keep you out of trouble."? She followed him until they were about fifteen yards from the lodge.? She halted there and using the grip she had on his hand, tucked him protectively behind her.? "Stay quiet and stay still for a moment."

He liked the sound of that; knowledge had always been his great passion.? He halted obediently at her command, crouching down in the underbrush and making himself hard to see with the skills he had learned living in the wild and guiding Continental soldiers around British patrols.

She closed her eyes and drew on her blood-borne powers, heightening her senses.? She Listened intently for sounds of human habitation, Smelled for any scents of their presence in or around the lodge.? Finding none, she nodded.? "It is safe.? There is no one around.? Let's go inside before the dawn comes."

He rose from his concealment and went to the door of the lodge, slipping it open and holding it for her.? "After you, ma chere."

She curtsied and slipped inside, looking around immediately for the darkest, most out of the way corner of the place. The inside of the lodge was, as Luc has said, nicer than the outside.? While there wasn't much in the way of furniture other than a small table and a pair of chairs, there was a very soft-looking bear skin serving as a rug on the floor.? Luc pointed to it.? "I have slept upon that bear many times.? He makes a good bed."? The walls were adorned with various trophies and other skins were laid over racks.? The walls were thick and sturdy, as was the ceiling and floor.?

She glanced at the bear skin and smiled.? "Boris?" she asked with a grin and then turned to look at the door.? "Can we bar this?" she asked, indicating the door with a nod.

In one corner of the room was a fireplace, as well, which Luc headed for, intending to prepare a fire to warm the building.? "I call him Henri," he answered, laughing.? Then he looked to the door.? "There should be a bar on the floor near it."

She nodded and found the bar, setting it firmly into place and then went to all the windows, covering them with their shutters and making sure they were locked tightly as well.? Then she moved to Boris/Henri's side and dragged him into the farthest corner from the door, directly across from the hearth.? Carefully removing her boots and setting them side by side at the edge of one of the bear's great paws, she sat down on the skin and waited for Luc to join her.

Soon, he had a crackling fire going, throwing its warmth out in the room.? He set his boots next to hers and threw himself upon Henri, stretching out to his full length with a sigh.? "Henri, you feel differently now," he said, chuckling.? "Have you been to the barber?"

"Everything will feel differently to you now, mon cher."? She laid down next to him, cuddling against his side with her head pillowed in the hollow of his shoulder.? "You want to know about Cainite powers, ne c'est pas?"

He curled his arm around her and nodded.? "Oui, I do."? Then a pained expression crossed his face suddenly.? "I am very hungry suddenly," he said.

"Oh, Mon Dieu.? I am so sorry, Luc."? She sat up and bit into her wrist, holding out for him.? "Boire, s'il-vous-plait." His nostrils flared as the scent of blood reached them, and he felt a great need to taste that blood.? He grabbed her arm with a convulsive movement, pulling it to his mouth and sucking greedily at the wound, soft sounds of pleasure escaping as he drank. She let him drink deeply for a few moments, until she judged that he'd had enough and then tried to pry her wrist out of his grip gently.

He resisted for a moment, clutching her wrist harder to his mouth.? Then his head cleared, and he realized what he was doing.? He let go immediately, lifting one hand to touch the crimson stain on his mouth.? "Does...does it hurt you when I do that?"

She shook her head.? "No.? It is...pleasurable."? She leaned over him, kissing and licking at his bloody mouth, before lying down once more and snuggling against his side.? "The dawn is coming, mon cher.? Can you feel it?"

He slid his arm around her again, pressing close against her.? "I feel something.? Like a weight pressing down upon me.? Is that it?"

"Yes.? Exactly it.? Close your eyes, Luc.? I will watch over you until I can no longer.? You will be safe here. In the evening, I will tell you of the powers of the vampyri."

His eyes slid closed, and he nodded gently.? "I trust you, ma chere," he said very softly. She hugged him tightly and then held him as he died for the day.? She felt the flare of the sun as it rose above the horizon and then felt no more.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-08-31 18:24 EST
Luc's eyes popped open and he stared at the half-familiar ceiling for an instant, until the weight of Dannika's arms around him registered.? He turned his head, and found himself looking into her dark eyes.? He smiled at her, and whispered, "Bon matin, ma chere."

She smiled and kissed his forehead.? "Bon soir, Luc.? How do you feel?"

He could feel the cool softness of her lips for a moment after she pulled back, and his smile grew.? "I feel good.? I feel more alive than I did...when I was alive, if that makes sense."

She nodded.? "It does.? I felt as if I were dead before Gaius Embraced me."? She hugged him tightly and then sat up and stretched like a cat.? "Are you ready to travel again?"

"With you, I am ready for anything."?

She climbed to her feet and slipped into her boots.? Reaching down for his hands to help him up, she gave him a little smile.? "Do you remember what we talked about last night?"

He sat up, then stood, glancing over to the fireplace.? No coals remained in the stone bed, only cold ash. He nodded.? "You were going to tell me about the powers of the vampyre."? He held onto her hands for an extra moment, then released them to put his own boots on.?

"I will, if you are still interested, that is."? There was a light teasing tone to her words.? She moved about the small lodge, opening windows and looking outside.? More snow had fallen during the night, covering their tracks.? There were new tracks, though - birds and what looked like squirrel or rabbit as well.

"It is my life now," he said simply.? "Of course I am interested."? He joined her at the window, looking out into the darkened forest.? It was cold tonight.? He wondered if vampires could get frostbite.

"Bon.? Put on warmer clothing.? Gloves, a hat if you have it.? It won't keep you warm, but it'll provide good camouflage."? She turned away and began doing just that - slipping into her jacket, putting on a hat and gloves as well.

He dug into the pack they had taken from his house and pulled out a heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat.? He dressed quickly, shouldered his pack then went to the door and opened it for her again. She chuckled softly and curtsied again before slipping out into the night.? A quick glance at the sky showed no clouds; only a perfect star-light night.? No wonder it was so cold!? "Which way is south?" she asked, turning to look back at him.

Without hesitation, he turned and pointed left past the rear of the lodge.? "That way."? He looked up into the clear sky, and inhaled a deep breath of the night air.? "Everything is so different.? So much more real than before you gave me this gift.? It is as though I walked around in a daze, seeing and feeling nothing, and now I see the world as it really is."

She smiled softly, basking in his praise.? "I knew you would appreciate it.? Come, let's go.? How far to Boston?"

"A long ways.? Perhaps three hundred miles.? I hope you like to walk."? He smiled teasingly at her.

"Some of can fly, you know," she said casually and started off in the direction he'd pointed out.? "And some of us can move so quickly that humans cannot see it."

"Can you fly?" he asked eagerly, hurrying to catch up with her.? "Will I be able to?"

She shook her head.? "I cannot, and it is doubtful that you ever will be able to.? But you will be able to run faster than can be seen by humans.? That is something, non?"

He nodded, though he couldn't hide a flash of disappointment.? How amazing it would be to be able to soar with the birds.? His disappointment didn't last long, though, as he thought about what she had just said.? "How fast can you run, then?" he asked curiously.

She smirked at him and disappeared from his side.? During the span of the next five seconds, she appeared in front of him four more times, appearing as nothing more than a blur of motion as she ran around the cabin in which they'd slept through the day.? The fifth time she appeared, she came to a halt next to him and grinned.? "That fast, mon cher."

"Mon Dieu," he gasped, reaching out to touch her when she stopped, as though he feared she was no longer real.? His fingers pressed against her cheek.? "It does not seem possible for a person to move so quickly.? And you are not even hot.? It's like magic."

"It's a kind of magic, I suppose.? I must draw on the blood inside me, you see.? It is dangerous to use your powers, Luc.? You must use the blood and to use too much of it stirs the Beast. And of course, using your powers in front of the kine, the humans, risks revealing your nature.? That is taboo.? You can be hunted and killed by other vampyri if you break the Masquerade."

"What is the Masquerade?? And the Beast?"? He did not like the sound of that last one bit.? It conjured images of childhood nightmares.

"The Masquerade is the secret that every vampyri carries - our true nature.? The Elders like to dress everything up in pretty words, make it sound much more important than it really is."? She shrugged and tugged gently on his hand, leading them south again.? "The Beast is the...spirit or whatever that lives inside you that causes you to hunger for blood.? If you lose too much of your human-ness, then the Beast will take over and you'll do nothing more than feed and kill and destroy."

It was easy to understand why the vampyres wanted to keep their existence secret; they would be hunted down and destroyed by the Church otherwise.? He was silent for several moments as they walked through the forest, thinking about the Beast.? "The Church would say that the vampyre...that you and I...have no soul.? Are they right?? Is the Beast what has taken the place of our soul?"

"I am no theologian, Luc.? I don't know and frankly, I don't care."? She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.? "And neither should you.? You have far more important matters to worry about, far more important than the state of your eternal soul...and whether it even exists."

"I suppose you are right.? I have never cared much for their talk of souls and Heaven.? I don't know why I would now.? Perhaps simply because everything is so different."? He shook his head, pushing the troubling thoughts away.? "Please, tell me more about the powers of Cainites."

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-08-31 18:26 EST
"There are three kinds.? Those that affect your mind, those that affect your body, and those that affect other things outside yourself - humans, animals, inanimate objects."? She paused to see if he was understanding her. He nodded encouragingly and squeezed her hand, keeping pace with her. She frowned softly, ordering her thoughts before continuing.? "Most of my own powers affect my mind, or allow me to affect the minds of others.? I can create illusions that seem real, make others do what I want, think what I want, remember what I want.? I can make them fall in love with me or fear me."

He looked over at her, a pensive expression forming on his face.? "Those used them on me, did you not?? That is why my leg didn't hurt like it should have, and why I felt so comfortable talking to you.? Are those powers the reason I like being near you?"

"Maybe at first, but they've worn off by now.? They're not permanent and the only reason they worked so well was because your defenses were low."? She didn't seem at all apologetic for the fact that she'd Entranced him.

"Are you still using them on me?"

She shook her head.? "Non, mon cher.? I am not."

He believed her.? In the back of his mind, he realized he could be believing her because she was using them, and he would never know.? That would mean everything she'd done and said so far was falsehood, though, and he didn't want to believe that.? He couldn't believe that she would let him lie with her, would make him into a vampire like her, if she didn't have some genuine feeling for him.? "Do these powers work only on normal people, or can they be used on another vampyre, as well?"

Instead of answering him, she stopped walking for a moment.? Suddenly in the woods ahead of them, appeared a unicorn, a beautiful, sleek pearly white horse with a single, silver, spiraling horn sprouting from the middle of its head.? The mythical equine pawed at the snowy ground, shook its head and whinnied. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide and fixed on the unicorn.? He lifted one shaking hand in its direction.? " you see that?"? He took a step forward involuntarily, feeling as though he had to nearer to the magnificent creature.

She chuckled and the beast disappeared into the thin air she'd used to conjure it.? "Does that answer your question, chere?"

He blinked, and rubbed his eyes.? " made that?"

She nodded.? "Oui, c'est vrai.? You believed you were seeing a unicorn, weren't you?"

He nodded, too.? "It looked as real as anything I have ever seen."

"It is one of the things that Ravnos excel at - creating illusions, showing reality to be the...falsehood that it is."? She began walking again, moving more slowly than normal to give Luc time to recover and catch her up.

He was still for a moment, staring at the place where the unicorn had stood.? Then he shook himself and hurried after her.? "So I will be able to do this, too?" he asked once he caught up to her.

"You are my childe; I would be very disappointed if you could not."? She gave him a smile and reached for his hand, remembering how nice it had been the previous night to walk through the woods hand-in-hand with him.

He took her hand, surprised anew by the smooth, cool skin.? "So when you make another vampyre, he is called your childe.? Does that mean I should call you mother?" he asked, giving her a teasing grin.

"If you like, though the term is usually 'sire'.? Do you want to try making something?? An illusion?? You should be able to manage something seen but not heard or smelled or felt when touched."

He shook his head.? "I could not call you mother, not after last night.? A man does not lie with his mother."? He was very interested in the thought of trying to make an illusion himself.? "What must I do to create an illusion?"

"You must concentrate on what you want to create, see it in minute detail, feel it perfectly, smell it so strongly that it brings memories of the first time you smelled it.? Then you must reach inside and find the blood that sustains you and use just a tiny bit of it to bring the illusion to life."

He tried, closing his eyes and concentrating on the image of the first deer he'd ever killed.? It seemed appropriate, here in the woods.? He pictured the way it had stood next to a tree, frozen for a moment in time before he fired his musket.? The large black eyes, the upright ears, proud antlers, everything about it.? When he had the image fixed in his mind, he tried the second part, reaching inside himself for the blood.? To his surprise, it wasn't hard at all to find.? It seemed to him like a glowing pool of power, radiating heat and light.? He touched that power, willing it to make the deer appear. There was suddenly a deer standing not too far from them.? It did not move, not even to breath, and certainly did not smell of anything.? Still, it looked exactly like a deer.? "Tres bien, cher," she whispered, trying not to break his concentration.? "Open your eyes and see what you've created."

Slowly, he opened his eyes, finding the deer almost immediately.? A slow smile curved his lips as he saw it looked exactly like the deer in his mind.? "Oh," he said, "Il est excellent.? Just like in my mind."? Speaking was enough to break his concentration, though, and the deer vanished.? With it went a large portion of the glowing pool inside him, and he felt the pangs of hunger again.?

"You will soon be able to make your illusions affect more than one sense, and then give them movement and then permanency.? You might even be able to do as I did with the unicorn, and give it an attraction or the ability to frighten others away."? She began walking again, oblivious to his Hunger.

"It seems very hard to do," he said, following her.? "That took much of my strength."?

She nodded.? "You are a baby, Luc.? Your strength and your skill will grow as you age and practice and become more familiar with your nature."

He nodded.? "Then I must practice diligently, for I wish to learn it all.? What other powers do vampyres have?"

"Some can make their skin hard as marble.? Some can withstand sunlight or fire.? Some can talk to animals."? She frowned softly.? "Maybe you can do that.? It is a...hallmark of Ravnos, just as creating illusions is."

"Talk to animals?? What would they have to say?"

"Oh, I would imagine lots of things.? They can tell you whether there are men with muskets hiding in a building you want to seek shelter in for the day, for example."

"Oh," he answered, surprised.? "That would be very helpful indeed.? How do I do it?"

She shrugged.? "I've never seen it done; Gaius did not have the ability, nor have any of the other Kindred I have come across in my travels."

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-08-31 18:26 EST
"I see.? So each vampyre has different abilities?"? He resolved to try to figure out how to speak to the next animal he came across, though he had no idea what to try.

"Yes, though they are passed through the blood of the sire...or others."? She was silent for a while, her body language becoming perhaps a bit furtive.

"Others?? What do you mean?"? He turned his head to watch her, wondering what was making uncomfortable suddenly.

"Some vampires prey exclusively on other vampires.? And some have to...kill and drink from others in order to survive."? She gave him a hard look.? "It is a virtual death sentence to Diablerize your sire, Luc."

He was taken aback at her sudden vehemence.? "I don't understand what that means."

"Diablerize is to eat another vampyri, to drain their blood to the point of Final Death.? We grow more powerful when we do this.? But it is...more than taboo.? It's a death sentence if you are ever caught."

"You cannot think I would want to do this to you," he said softly.? The very idea made him recoil.

She shrugged.? "You may feel differently in 70 years."? Then softer, "I did."

"You did?? You...mean that you killed your sire, do you not?? Because he was horribly cruel to you."? They'd only spoken about her sire briefly, but he remembered the anger and the hurt in voice when she spoke of him.

She nodded.? "Yes, I did.? And he was cruel to me.? He treated me as if I was a dog.? He forced me to be his own personal thief and made me steal things for him.? He put me into danger constantly, while he remained safe."

"I cannot blame you for wanting him dead, then," he said.? "But...that means you are in danger if anyone ever learns of it, does it not?"

She gave him a sad smile.? "I was discovered, Luc.? I have been running for my life for the past 90 years or so."

He reached out towards her, wanting to make that sad look go away.? "What happened?? Will you tell me about it?"

She went to him, allowing him to hold her against his body.? "I will not tell you until you are stronger, Luc.? To protect you, you see?"

He clasped her to him, looking down at the top of her head.? She was so small, and yet so strong and powerful.? "I understand," he said softly.? "Let us speak of more pleasant things, then.? Tell me more about our powers, chere."

She tilted her head back and smiled gratefully up at him.? "Some vampyri can disappear from sight and others can weave the very shadows into tapestries in which they can hide.? Others have power over death and blood and the very flesh that makes our body."

"It all sounds so incredible.? Like fairy tale stories come true.? Can you do those things?"

She took a few steps back from him and slowly faded from sight. His eyes grew so wide they seemed in danger of rolling from his head.? He reached out his hand towards where she had been a moment ago, trying to see or feel some hint of her.? All he could feel was a slightly uncomfortable sensation, like something warning him away.? "Mon dieu," he said, as he had when she moved so quickly.

She popped into existence as soon as he touched her, chuckling at his expression.? "You can see, perhaps, how that would be handy to a thief?"

He took a startled step backwards, then laughed at his own reaction.? "I must seem a fool to you, gawking at everything you do."

"Not a fool, Luc.? A fledgling.? It will come to you in time.? You have only been vampyri for a day."

"Yes, but I have always been impatient to know more.? This is no different.? I wish to learn it all right away."? He chuckled ruefully.

"Your unlife is no different from your life, cher.? You will learn only as time passes, you will grow better and stronger only with practice."? She took his hand and began their trek south again.? "You know our strengths, perhaps it is time to learn our weaknesses?"

He was already familiar with at least one weakness, though he said nothing of it yet; the hunger that was slowly burning in his belly.? "I know that we must avoid the sun.? What else do we have to fear?"

"Fire.? Those with True Faith.? Being staked through the heart with a piece of wood will not kill us; it will, however, cause us to become incapacitated and utterly immobile.? Going too long without feeding will rouse the Beast and you will loose your Humanity if you let the Beast control you."? She looked speculatively at him, but decided that he would need to learn to sink or swim on his own.

"How long can we go without feeding, and must we drink from people?"

"You can get your blood from animals.? It takes more rats to fuel you than if you fed from a person.? And I don't know how long you can go without feeding.? At the least, you should feed once a week."

He nodded, thinking again.? "Must we drain all of their blood, or only some?"

"It is better to take only some and leave them living.? There is less risk of breaking the Masquerade that way.? You can blank their mind and close the wound after you have taken some of their blood, leaving them unknowing that you were even with them."

"I see."? This idea appealed to him much more strongly than having to kill someone every week.?

She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze.? "Want to run for a while?? Let's see how fast you can go and for how long."? She began jogging, letting him catch up easily and they ran in silence for a while, the miles disappearing beneath their feet at a steady pace.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-01 01:07 EST
It felt good to run after having to limp around on crutches or with a cane for those weeks before.? He pushed himself hard, and found that his muscles responded with ease.? There was no hint of fatigue to be found, his legs just kept pumping like a clockwork device.? He found he couldn't run much faster than he had been able to before the Embrace, but his stamina was far greater.

She allowed him to set their pace and dictate when they stopped to take breaks.? She could have run all night long without suffering any ill-effects, but her childe wasn't so gifted...yet.? Her childe...the thought made her smile.? This beautiful, green-eyed man at her side would be her legacy, even if the Elixir proved to be only a faerie tale.

He glanced over at her, seeing that smile, and though he didn't know what the cause was, it nonetheless sparked a smile of his own in return.? "Is there more about being vampyre you want to tell me?" he asked, finding that he could speak easily while running.

"Too much, I'm afraid.? There are so many tricks to this existence that I couldn't possibly catalog them all for you.? You will learn on your own; you will adapt and make your own way, regardless of that I tell you.? All I can hope to do is to give you enough knowledge to keep you safe."

"Is it very dangerous for new Cainites?"

She nodded.? "Especially for one with as much potential power as you.? There are many weaker fledglings who would take your blood for the promise of power it holds."

"Potential power?" he asked.? "What do you mean?"

"Each new vampyri presents a new generation.? Cain, obviously, was the first; his childer were the second, the clan's leaders the third, and so on and so forth."? She paused for a moment and looked over at him.? "Gaius was fifth generation and I sixth when he made me.? When I...Diablerized him, I became fifth generation."

He followed that logic easily enough.? "So that makes me of the sixth generation?"

She shook her head.? "Five years ago, in Romania, I found a fourth generation vampyri in torpor.? I...I took his power, too.? You are fifth."

"What is torpor?"?

"The closest we get to the Final Death without actually dying.? It's what happens when we're staked or go too long without blood.? Some of the Elders even choose it, sleeping in the Earth for millennium."

"Some sort of hibernation, then?"

"Yes, exactly.? And like bears, when we come out of it, we are ravenous beasts with little regard for anything but feeding."

"And you...found a hibernating fourth generation, and...drained his blood to become more powerful?"

"Yes."? She said it with such fierceness and absolutely no apology.? "To survive, you see?? To be able to outmaneuver my hunters."

"I understand," he said quietly.? "I cannot say that I would have done differently."? Some part of him was bothered by that admission, but it was buried by the larger, more practical part of him that was used to doing things he didn't always like in the name of survival.

"You mustn't, Luc.? Not until you are much, much stronger than you are now."? She stopped and reached for him, the expression on her face underscoring her seriousness.

He took her hands, nodding.? "I believe you.? I have seen some of what you are capable of, and know that I could not possibly defeat someone as strong as you."? He smiled.? "I have so much to learn about what you have already given me.? You don't need to tell me any more for now." He ran alongside her, turning over several thoughts in his mind.? One was the hunger that continued to burn steadily inside him.? Then there was her admission of committing not one, but two acts of Diablerie, which she had explained as a serious crime.? He still couldn't blame her for the first and understood the second. He couldn't help but worry, though, about her being hunted down in retaliation and what would happen to him if she was.? Finally, and more pleasantly, he wondered about the many powers she'd spoken of, and mused on which he might gain.

Dannika realized that she would have to tell him eventually why she chose him, though she'd let him broach the subject first.? She could feel the dawn threatening and slowed her pace a bit.? "Do you know these woods, cher?? The dawn is not too far off.? We need to seek shelter for the day."

He looked around and nodded.? "Oui, I know them, though not as well as where we came from.? I do not know of any cabins or lodges in the area, but I do know there are many caves in this area, and I believe one is not so far away."? He took her hand and lead her in the direction he thought the cave to be.

She followed him, glad once more that she'd chosen him.? She might have been sleeping in the Earth if not for his knowledge.? "Have you ever been to Europe?"

He shook his head.? "I have never had the privilege.? It is too expensive."

"Would you like to go, cher?? We have the entire world laid out before us; we can go anywhere you'd like."

He gave her a delighted smile, nodding.? "I have often dreamed of visiting the great libraries in Europe, and seeing the birthplaces of the so-called heretical scholars who knew so much about the real world."

"The 'real world'?"? She smirked.? "The 'real world' is what you make of it and only what you make of it.? Remember that.? Come, let's bed down for the day.? I wish to be close to you again."? She gave him a soft, though heated smile.

"I need no urging to accept such an offer," he replied, returning her smile and leading her to the mouth of the cave, which was almost exactly where he'd thought it would be.? Having a good memory for landmarks was essential for a guide, and he'd learned the lesson well.? The cave mouth was only big enough for one person to pass through at a time, and the passage he led her to was curved and twisted.? "It will be darker than the darkest night back there," he warned.

"I can see in the dark.? You? might be able to, as well.? Close your eyes and concentrate. Imagine what the world looks like on a starry night with a full moon. That is what you will see."? She did as she instructed him, closing her eyes for some five minutes.? When she opened them once more, she could see into the stark blackness of the cave as if it were a night exactly as she'd described to him.? Her eyes glowed red, like the chatoyance of a cat's.

He tried as hard as he could, willing himself to see in the dark, but when he opened them again, all he could see was the ruby-red glow of her eyes, a sight which startled him enough that he took a hurried step back and ended up cracking his head against a low-hanging stalactite.? It hurt enough that he cursed out loud and reached up to discern if he was bleeding. She tried to smother the giggle that threatened and just barely succeeded.? She could not, however, keep its presence out of her voice.? "Oh, mon cher.? I should have warned you about the glowing eyes.? Do you not have the ability then?"

For a moment, he was annoyed at the laughter in her voice, then the humor of the situation penetrated his annoyance, and he laughed, still feeling his head for damage.? There was none, a fact which surprised him; he felt as though he'd struck the rock hard enough to break the skin.? "It would seem I do not," he said.? He took a moment to study her glowing eyes, and concluded that the sight remained unnerving.?

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-01 01:44 EST
"Then perhaps I should lead, ne c'est pas?"? She cocked her head to the side, hearing a high-pitched squeaking.? "Bats," she said with a touch of distaste.? "Seems we will have to share with them."

"Lead me, ma chere," he said, reaching out to take her hand.? "I cannot imagine you would be afraid of bats?"

She took his hand and gave it a squeeze.? "Not afraid, just...? I do not like them.? Some habits and feelings die hard."? She began crawling forward carefully, letting him know when the ceiling was too low for his height or too narrow for his shoulders.? Soon enough, though, they popped out of a particularly tight passage into a small, cozy room that seemed just big enough for two people who really liked each other.? She glanced around and saw a small, iron-bound wooden chest in the corner, a neatly-stacked pile of wood, a lantern and a sack of some sort of foodstuff.? She frowned.? "There are things here, Luc.? Human things.? Could someone be living here?"

After she explained what she'd seen, he answered, "Not likely that someone is living here.? What you describe seems like a cache left behind by a hunter, or another guide like myself.? We often leave stores of equipment in hidden places near our usual routes of travel, in case we need something.? There is a tacit agreement that if you come upon another's cache you may use it, if you have need. You must be respectful of their belongings and try to replace what you use shortly thereafter.? There may be a blanket or skin in the chest we could lie upon.? The wood, of course, we may use and replace."

"That is very smart," she said and took him carefully over to the place that looked most likely to make the best bed.? "Sit down here.? I'll find a blanket and try to make a fire.? But don't laugh if I cannot.? I'm a city girl, after all."? She chuckled softly and ran her hand through his hair gently before moving over to the chest.

"I have faith in you, ma chere," he said, chuckling with her. He sat, and reached up to stroke her wrist gently before she moved away.? It was dark enough that he couldn't tell the difference between having his eyes open or closed when her glowing eyes were turned away from him.? So he closed his eyes and listened to her move around. She found a clean, fresh-smelling blanket in the chest, along with some lighter clothes more suited for the spring or even summer.? "Here," she said, holding out the blanket to him and made sure to gently touch his arm with it so he would know where it was.? "The blanket.? Hold on to it while I try to start a fire."

He took the blanket and held it against his chest.? "This must be what life is like for the blind.? It must be a terrible fate."

"Mmm," she said, mostly a noncommittal grunt as she concentrated on the fire.? She arranged the sticks in a triangle shape and stuffed some kindling between them at their base.? Then she started striking a flint she'd found in the chest against a bit of steel, making a spark but unable to make it catch.

"Drag the steel down the flint," he offered, seeing the spark and understanding her difficulty.

"Oh," she said and tried that suggestion.? Success!? A spark seemingly flew off the flint and landed in the kindling.? She leaned down and blew gently on it, giving it the air it needed to really catch hold and burn.? "It worked!" she cried and scurried over to take the blanket from him.? "I'll spread this out and then the fire will really be going and you should be able to see."

"A good job, for a city girl," he said, grinning teasingly at her.? His eyes were drawn to the slowly brightening fire, and he stood, waiting for her to spread the blanket out.? When it was ready, he slipped his boots off and sat down on the blanket.

She chuckled as she, too, slipped off her boots and joined him on the blanket, leaning against him comfortably.? "I would probably still be sitting there scraping the stupid things together if you hadn't helped.? How did you learn about all of this?"? She meant the wilderness survival, the fire making, the guiding and hunting - everything.

He draped his arm casually over her shoulders, and shrugged.? "Some of it, I learned as a child, but most of it I had to teach myself, when I had to leave the city behind."

"Because of the Church."? She made the question into a statement.

He nodded anyway.? "Because of the Church."

"You must have been very...vocal about your beliefs.? I can't think that the Church would be too concerned with the state of a man's soul when there is war afoot and savage red Indians running amok."

He looked sheepishly at the floor.? "I am afraid I brought it on myself.? I made the mistake of questioning a Bishop in public."

She chuckled ruefully.? "Oh, Luc.? That was not wise, not wise at all.? What of your family?"

"No, it was stupid.? I thought that logic would work."? He shook his head, still looking at the floor.? "My father is dead, he died in the battle on the Plains of Abraham when I was seven years old."

She gripped his hand hard, somehow trying to comfort him with that small gesture.? "I do not know this battle.? It was with the English perhaps?"

He squeezed her hand, grateful for the gesture, and nodded.? "Oui, it was the deciding battle which led to France ceding Quebec to the English."

"And your father gave his life defending his liberty and his land??

He nodded again, but didn't add anything to that.? When he was a young child, his father was a hero to him.? When he was a little older, his father was a fool who'd left his family to be killed.? When he was a young man, his father was somewhere in the middle.

"I never knew my father," she said softly, perhaps picking up on a little of those mixed feelings.? "My mother said I am very like him, though.? He was rrom.? Do you know this word?"

He shook his head.? "I have never heard it."

"A Gypsy, a wanderer from Romania.? He had dark hair and dark skin.? He was apparently very limber and quite an accomplished pick-pocket."? She smiled softly.? "Or so she told me.? I've always thought she was living in a fantasy world and made up stories because she had too little common sense and too many silly romantic notions."

"You certainly have the look of the people from that area," he pointed out.? It was, to him, a rather exotic and attractive look, at that.

"That part is certainly true.? And apparently thieving is in our blood as I have become quite good at it.? But...she told me she fell in love with him, though he only laid with her one night and didn't even pay her the right amount."? She shrugged as if it didn't matter to her.? "Now I will never know him or the truth."

"The world is what you make of it," he said, reminding her what she had told him not long ago.? "What do you believe?"

"I believe she was a whore who laid with too many men to remember who my father was until I was old enough for her to pick out his features in my face.? I believe she thought she had to make up some silly story so that I would feel better about being a bastard.? I also believe that the dawn is near and you will sleep soon."

Indeed, he was feeling the heaviness of the dawn upon him, but he struggled to keep his eyes open a moment longer.? "I believe it doesn't matter now," he said softly.? "You have a new family now, and so do I."? With that, his eyes closed and he went still. She smiled softly and leaned over him, kissing his forehead and then his lips gently before sinking down next to him and letting the day claim her.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-13 03:52 EST
Dannika woke soon after sunset and lay still in Luc's arms, watching as the life flowed back into his body. When he opened his eyes, she could see the Hunger lurking in them, the thin wall between his Humanity and the Beast. She frowned unhappily and said gently, "You should have told me, Luc."

"I...I thought I could withstand it," he said slowly, fighting to get the words out. His mind seemed wrapped in cotton, making it hard to think about anything but the hunger burning inside of him. He felt a great need to attack and kill something, consume it. It was only with great effort that he forced those feelings down.

"You're not strong enough, Luc." Her words were harsh, full of anger and annoyance. She bit into her own wrist and shoved it against his lips forcefully. "We will have to hunt tonight." The sight and smell of the blood drove any possible reply from his mind, overwhelmed by the hunger. He grabbed her wrist in both hands and drank deeply from the wound, swallowing her blood as fast he could. When she felt he'd had enough to sate the Hunger and sublimate the Beast at least a little, she struggled to pull her wrist away from him. He fought to keep his mouth locked on her wrist, still drinking from it. His eyes were wild, and he was growling softly, deep in his throat.

"Luc! Vous allez me tuer!" You'll kill me! She swung her free hand at his head, a hard, open-handed slap against his temple. "Arr?ter!" Stop! The blow rocked his head to the side, breaking his grip on her wrist and knocking him to the floor. He blinked once, and sanity flooded back into his eyes. He sat, raising his hand first to his bloody lips, then to the side of his head where he'd been struck.

She scuttled backwards, hissing like a scalded cat at him. "This is why you tell me when you feel the Hunger!"

Her anger and disappointment hit him harder than her hand had moments before. He hung his head in shame, bloody tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Please forgive me, ma chere." His hands rose, trying to cover the sight of his tears from her.

The sight of his tears melted her stern facade and she went to his side, kneeling next to him and gently prying his hands from his face. She leaned in and gently kissed the tears from his cheeks. "I am sorry, too. But please, mon cher, it is too important. You must tell me when the Hunger is so great." She put her hand beneath his chin and forced his head up, forced him to meet her eyes. "Do you promise?"

"I swear," he said, looking into her eyes. "I did not understand what the Hunger would do to me. I won't let it happen again." He looked down at her bloody wrist sadly. "Did I hurt you, mon coeur?" He closed his eyes so he wouldn't see the wound anymore, feeling terribly ashamed of himself.

She kissed both of his eyelids then and said softly, "Non, it did not hurt. But you could have drained me, Luc." She stood and reached down for his hands. "Come. We should hunt."

His eyes slid open after the cool softness of her lips brushed them, and he took her hands, standing. "Yes, I must learn to feed myself, so this never happens again. I cannot bear the thought of hurting you."

She smirked. "It will take you a long, long time before you can hurt me, Luc. Maybe one day you'll be strong enough."

"I will never hurt you," he promised vehemently.

"We will see, ne c'est pas? Come, before it gets too late." She led them carefully out of the cave and into the comparatively bright night. No more snow had fallen, and their tracks were still obvious in the unmelted snow. "Is there a village or something close by?" she asked, turning to look up at Luc as he emerged from the cave.

He nodded. "Yes, there is a tiny village, not far at all. Rumors say the people there are Royalists." He pointed off to the east.

"Bon. It will make things easier, I hope. You will let me do the talking?"

"Of course," he answered immediately, giving her a tentative smile.

"Smile, Luc. Everything is all right. I'm not angry with you anymore, mon cher. I was just...worried."

It was like a great weight lifted from him when she told him she was not angry with him. His smile grew to its normal proportions for a moment. "I am sorry for worrying you, ma chere."

She chuckled. "Quit apologising, b?te." Taking his hand once more, she led them in the easterly direction he'd pointed her in. Soon, they were moving swiftly through the trees, the nearly-full moon making their passage easy. The woods were silent, not even animals made any sounds as the Kindred passed by. "Do you have more questions for me?" she asked.

"Have you known many other vampires? What are they like?" He was already adept at moving silently through the wilderness and that ability seemed to have grown even more after his Embrace.

"Not many. I have been running from other Kindred since I Diablerized Gaius, you remember. I did meet a Toreador Prince in Paris. He was...interesting."

"A Prince?"

"Not a mortal prince. A vampyri Prince, the ruler of a city."

"There are cities ruled by a vampyre?" he asked, surprised enough that he stopped and turned to face her.

She laughed and grinned at him. "Yes, Kindred society is very much like mortal society. There are Princes and Churches and businesses, just like what you're used to."

"And they all remain hidden from the mortals?"

"Well, the fact that they are Kindred, yes. They themselves don't necessarily hide away."

He shook his head and smiled wryly. "It is a complicated world I have become part of."

"No more complicated than the one you've left behind." She picked up their pace again and spotted smoke curling from chimneys in the distance. "We're close now."

He stayed close to her, falling silent when he too saw the smoke, and letting her edge ahead a little.

She slowed their pace to a walk, trying not to draw attention to them. Most of the people in the little village were behind doors and shuttered windows, but there were a few still moving around. She stepped closer to Luc and whispered, "We should present ourselves as husband and wife, traveling to tend to sick family in Quebec. Our horses were spooked and ran off, leaving us to travel by foot."

He nodded in agreement, squeezing her hand briefly. "Won't they find it strange if I do not talk, though?" he whispered back.

"Speak if spoken to and remember the Masquerade," she replied and then squared her shoulders confidently. She cast off the Dannika that he had known for the past month and became someone entirely different, someone friendlier, more out-spoken and out-going, as she approached a middle-aged man leading a horse. "Excuse me, sir? Is there a public house in this village?" she asked. Her transformation was remarkable, she seemed like a new person, someone he barely knew. He reflected that keeping his true nature hidden would probably require him to develop a different personality as well, and found the thought to be somewhat disturbing.

The man gave Luc a quick once-over and then turned to face Danni. As soon as he met her eyes, his face went slack, eyes glazed over, mouth fell open a bit. "No, ma'am. There ain't nothing like that 'round here. You and your...husband?" Danni nodded encouragingly and the man continued, "You in need of something?"

"Yes, we lost our horses this afternoon. Something spooked them and they ran off. We've been walking for ages and we're thirsty and hungry," Danni said.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-13 03:55 EST
"Well, I'm sure we can rustle up a little something for you both. C'mon with me. The wife'll love to meetcha. English, are ya?" the man said and turned back to the road, leading his horse and the two Kindred to a small, though well-kept little house. "Just go on in. I've got to put Chester up. The wife's probably in the kitchen." He nodded towards the house.

It was amazing how simple that had been. He wondered if they would have even needed her powers; the man seemed so open and trusting. Luc had received the same treatment on the first night of their acquaintance - she'd Entranced them both, though hopefully the effects wouldn't last as long with the man. Dannika nodded her thanks and went to the door, rapping lightly on it. She glanced at Luc and flashed him a smile. He smiled back at her, feeling a rush of admiration for how easily she had handled the man. Maybe one day she would teach him to be able to do the same.

The door opened and a small, middle-aged, plump woman looked out, a confused expression on her apple-cheeked face. "Yes? Can I help you?" Dannika smiled and the woman's face took on the same look as her husband's had when he'd first met Danni's eyes.

"We met your husband on the road and he said we were welcome to seek shelter with you tonight. I'm Mary and this is Joseph," Dannika said, nodding to Luc. "May we come in?" Such fine Biblical names she'd given them. She had a gift for irony, clearly.

"Oh, certainly! Certainly!" the woman said, her face lighting up like a child's. "Come right in and sit yourselves down at the table. I'm afraid I can't offer you any tea, it's been so long since we've had some, what with the rebellion and all. You're English?" The woman prattled on about how nice it was to have a proper English couple with them and Danni smiled over her shoulder at Luc, as she went and sat at the table. Luc sat down next to Dannika, glancing around the small house. It was neat and clean and seemed very cheerful. The housewife's words flowed over him without much taking hold. He could smell the blood in her veins, and it was making concentration difficult.

Soon, the wife was joined by the husband and they laid a humble meal on the table - a bit of mutton, a few potatoes, some bedraggled carrots, and something that smelled like dirt mixed with chestnuts that the wife swore tasted just like Earl Grey tea. Danni glanced aside at Luc, her eyes narrowed slightly, a look that asked if he was ready.

He tilted his head minutely, trying hard not to wrinkle his nose at the scent of the food. It would have smelled delicious to him the week before, but now he felt only revulsion at the odor. After they were served, Danni tried to show Luc surreptitiously how to push food around on the plate so it appeared as if she was eating. She listened attentively to the wife as she babbled about the rebellion and wanted to know everything about London and how nice it was to have company and on and on.

He toyed with the food, following Danni's lead and hoping the mortals were too busy to notice the amount of food on his place was not diminishing. He could practically hear the beatings of their hearts, and the blood rushing through their veins, and felt his canines being to extend in response. Eventually, the meal was finished and Dannika volunteered Luc's services to the husband out in the barn, feeding the animals and putting them to bed for the night. "Be patient," she whispered and went into the kitchen with the wife, ostensibly to help clean up after the meal.

He rose with the man, following him out to the barn without complaint. It was a task he had performed more than once before, working for bed and meals when there was no business for guides. Dannika caught the wife's wrist and forced her to look into her eyes, strengthening the Entrancement. Then she let her fangs descend and caught the woman up in the Embrace, draining her slowly, carefully. When she judged that she'd taken about half of the woman's blood, she let her go, Dominating her and removing any memories of the Kindreds' visit. The woman put herself to bed, muttering to herself about not feeling well, maybe it was something she'd eaten. Dannika paused in the kitchen, washing her face quickly, before heading out to the barn.

Once inside the barn, Luc hung back a bit, letting the farmer get a few paces ahead of him. When the man stopped and reached up to hang the lantern on a hook above his head, he looked, giving Luc a clear view of the pulsing vessel in his neck. At that sight, Luc's self-control broke, and he lunged forward, suddenly extended fangs sinking roughly into flesh in search of the hot blood beneath. The farmer stiffened, then went limp, falling against Luc, sank to his knees under the weight, lowering the man onto one of the piles of straw that were stacked in the barn. His body bent over the unmoving form, he drank and drank, swallowing great mouthfuls of the farmer's lifeblood. Luc could hear the thumping of the man's heart, realizing when it began to slow that he was killing the mortal. He couldn't stop himself, though, the call of the Hunger inside him was too great.

"Luc! What are you doing, you fool? Stop! You're killing him!" Dannika rushed into the barn and tried to pull the man from her childe's grasp, trying to save his life.

So deeply caught up in the sensation of the hot blood flowing into his mouth was Luc that he did not even realize Dannika had come into the barn until he was yanked unceremoniously away from the still form of the farmer. He yelped involuntarily, then froze in shock when he saw what he had done. What sort of monster had he become?

She was kneeling over the farmer's prone body, watching as the life left him. She snorted and rounded on Luc, her grey eyes flinty and hard. She pointed to the body at her feet. "You've bollocksed this one up good. You've killed him. Now clean it up."

"What...what do I do?" he stammered, still stunned by his unintentional murder of the man.

"Figure it out. I'm going inside. Find me when you've taken care of it." And she stormed out of the barn, angrily slamming shut the door behind her. She returned to the house and began pacing, her anger causing her to mutter blackly under her breath.

He stood mutely, watching as she left, feeling her anger like a physical pain inside him. He'd failed her twice in one night, now. He turned, looking down at the body of the farmer. It wasn't the first time he'd killed man; he'd shot British soldiers before, seen them fall...but this was different. It wasn't a soldier, wasn't a man who'd been trying to kill him. It was just a farmer who'd had the misfortune of being in their path. He knelt beside the body, bloody tears running down his cheeks again, and drew his tongue over the puncture wounds in the man's neck, as he'd seen Dannika do to her wrist after feeding him. Like magic, the wounds disappeared. Then he looked around for some way to cover up the death as a natural occurrence.

Finally, his eyes found the hayloft above them, and a plan came to him. He reached down and took the farmer's head firmly in both hands, then twisted sharply, breaking the corpse's neck. Then he laid the body on its face, splaying the arms and legs out as though it had fallen from a height. As a final touch, he took the pitchfork up the ladder to the loft and laid it near the edge, as though the farmer had lost his grip and fell to his death from there. Then he went to the door of the barn and opened it, walking out and leaving it ajar. He walked slowly towards the house, dreading the thought of having to face Dannika's anger again. She'd become the most important person in his life, and he didn't want to keep disappointing her like he had done for a second time tonight.

It took him several long minutes to work up the courage to open the door to the small house and walk hesitantly inside. She stopped when she heard him come inside. "Finished?" she asked curtly, her anger evident in her tone, her eyes, and the lines of her body.

He nodded silently, not meeting her eyes. His shoulders were slumped, and his head hung down towards the floor. "Fine. Let's go." She moved past him, going out through the front door and not bothering to wait for him before she began running south again. He turned and followed her without a word, trying to keep up with her.

She ran in silence for at least an hour, trying to put a great distance between them and the sad scene at the farm. Finally, she slowed to a walk and looked at him. "Why did you not wait, Luc?"

"I could not," he said quietly. "The smell of his blood was too strong. I had no control over my own body."

"I told you to wait. Do you want us to get caught? Do you want the humans to come after us? Do you want other Kindred to come after us? You violated the Masquerade tonight. You put us in danger. It cannot happen again. Do you understand me?"

"I tried to wait, but I couldn't. You didn't tell me it would be so hard to stop myself. Why did you send me alone with him?"

"It's easier that way. What would he have done if he saw me feeding from his wife? Do you think he would have just sat there and let me finish? No, he would have attacked." She shook her head. "There are ways to do things, Luc, specific ways to keep our nature hidden, ways to keep the humans safe. How am I supposed to teach you the right way if you just do whatever you want?"

"How am I supposed to learn the right way if you aren't there to show me?" he shot back.

Her brows rose to nearly meet her hairline. "Fine. Do it your way. You clearly know so much better than I do. What use is 180 years of experience and knowledge if you won't listen? Go on, Luc. Figure it out on your own." She turned and drew on the stolen blood in her veins and continued south at top speed.

"Wait," he called when she sped off faster than he could see. "Don't leave me here alone!" He stopped running and stood helplessly among the trees.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-13 03:56 EST
It had been about five minutes since Dannika ran off, and he knew that she could be miles away already at the speed she ran. He felt like she had take a piece of his spirit away with her; he could hardly bring himself to start moving again, and when he did, it was only at a slow walk. He'd only known her for a month or so, but he was quite sure he was in love with her. Maybe if he kept moving south, she'd forgive him and come back. There was enough moonlight for him to see by tonight, fortunately, so he was able to keep on their path, paralleling a nearby road, yet off in the forest far enough to avoid being seen.

Dannika ran for about fifteen minutes before she came to a halt. She realized that she'd been a fool, running off and leaving her childe alone like that, and not only for that, but also for shouting at him the way she had. She'd treated him as if he wasn't just a fledgling vampire. She'd acted as if he knew how to hunt, how to restrain himself when the Hunger was upon him. She'd treated him abysmally and unfairly and all her promises to herself that when it came time to make her own childe that she wouldn't behave as Gaius had were broken. She turned back and began moving to the place she'd left Luc behind.

Luc trudged along among the trees, only looking up from the ground once every few minutes to make sure he was keeping even with the road. His mind kept going back to that moment in the barn when he struck, sinking his fangs into the farmer. It had been like there was another person in his body, controlling it...or like a reflex, something his muscles knew to do without the need for input from his brain. And then, the anger in Dannika's eyes when she'd seen what he did. He felt like a child after a scolding. She had to think he was an imbecile to keep making mistakes like that.

She spotted him ahead and slowed down so she wouldn't spook him. Leaning against a tree, she waited until he noticed her, running through what she wanted to say to him, making sure it didn't sound too much like an angry mother scolding her child.

With his head down, he was only a foot or two away from her before he looked up to check his position alongside the road, and saw her there, smooth, pale skin shining in the moonlight. He froze, staring at her. For a moment, he thought he was hallucinating.

She gave him a soft, contrite smile,. "Luc, I'm... I apologize for running off and shouting at you. It wasn't fair of me to expect you to be able to control the Beast or even to know how to hunt and feed without killing."

Almost as soon as she spoke, the instant he heard the apologetic tone in her voice, he flung himself to his knees in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed his head against her stomach and whispered. "I'm so sorry, Dannika, mon coeur." He tried to keep his voice steady, but a tremble ran through it anyway as he continued. "I didn't mean to kill him. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop. Please tell me you forgive me."

She hooked her hands underneath his arms and dragged him bodily to his feet. "Stop grovelling. You couldn't help yourself. I have to remember what it was like to be a new vampyri and not be so harsh with you." She stood on tip-toe and brushed a kiss against his cheek and then smoothed back the rumpled hair from his brow. "Of course, I forgive you, cher. Don't be silly."

"I...I was afraid you weren't going to come back," he said, looking down into her eyes. Now that she was there with him, he felt so much better that it made him wonder if this wasn't part of being vampyre, too. Maybe all new Cainites felt like this about their sires.

"I almost didn't," she admitted softly. She tucked her arm through his and turned around so that they were headed south again. "But then I realised that I was acting too much like my own sire, something I promised I would never do when I made my own childe."

"It felt like part of me was torn away and left with you when you ran off. Is that normal?"

She sighed heavily and shook her head. "Not unless a childe is Blood Bound to his sire."

"Blood Bound? What is that?"

"It's's like falling in love. True, deep love." She glanced sidelong at him watching his face for reactions.

Had he still been able to blush, he would have at that moment. "That's what I feel for you," he said very softly.

She frowned and said softly, "It's my blood in your veins, Luc. You've drunk of me three times. You are my thrall now."

"In your thrall? I am your slave?" Part of his mind - the part that still thought of itself as human - was horrified by that thought. The rest of his mind, a much larger part, didn't mind the idea that much.

She nodded. "Yes, in a way, you are my slave." She frowned; the way he said that make her feel unclean.

"I...did you know this would happen if I kept drinking from you?"

"Yes." Her voice was tiny and she refused to look at him.

He was silent for a long time, turning the idea over and over in his mind. Finally, he spoke again. "I think I understand. Your sire was a terrible, cruel creature, and you killed him to be free from his cruelty. Your experience, naturally, leads you to worry that the same might happen to you. So you took this step, this Blood Bond, to remove that possibility."

She nodded slowly, realizing that what he was saying rang true. "Yes, I think you are right. But..." and here she stopped and looked up at him, her face serious, eyes sober. "I swear to you that I will not be like Gaius with you, Luc. I would rather seek the Final Death than to hurt you as he hurt me."

"I believe you," he said immediately, then paused. "Is that the Bond speaking, I wonder?" He seemed less bothered by the thought than interested in it. His thirst for knowledge was coming to the fore again. He shook his head, though, pushing that thought away. "No, it is just me. I believe you. I trust you."

She smiled and hugged him fiercely, a little shocked by the gesture and the depth of feeling behind it. "Would you...would you want me to reciprocate?" she asked hesitantly. After all, the Blood Oath worked both ways.

He thought that through as he held her. "It would be like getting married, oui?"

She blinked and then smiled. "Oui, I believe so." She found she rather liked that idea.

"Is this something you would like?" he asked. Her smile made him think that the answer was yes, but he had to be sure.

"I... Yes. I would. Very much."

He smiled happily, feeling almost giddily pleased. He had been worried that she didn't feel for him the way he felt for her, but surely she wouldn't offer something like this if that were true, or at least wholly true. "Then it would please me greatly," he said to her.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-13 03:57 EST
She smiled and hugged him again fiercely. When she stepped back, she held onto his hands and said, "It will take three nights, cher, for the bond to be complete."

"You must drink from me three nights in a row?"

She nodded. "But a little bit is sufficient. Only a sip or two is all I need."

"I would not complain even if you had to drink it all, as when you made me vampyre," he said, smiling. Then another thought occurred to him. "If I am already Bound to you, what happens if I drink from you again?"

"The bond is strengthened. You...fall deeper in love." She gave him a hesitant smile.

He reached up and cupped her face in his hands, then kissed her lips softly. "Then I hope you will let me do so," he said softly. She returned his kiss, a little surprised by the amount of emotion she felt for him. She broke the kiss but didn't move her head away, instead whispering against his lips, "May I?"

"Oh yes," he said, sinking to his knees before her once again. He tilted his head back, willingly offering her his throat. His hands clasped her waist, holding himself steady for her.

She let her fangs descend and took him quickly, sinking her teeth in the big vein in his neck and sucking to get the blood flow started. She sipped from him, trying to control herself and not take too much of his stolen life, but his blood was unlike anything she'd felt before; feeding the Hunger was a spiritual pleasure that threw mortal ecstasies into shadow. A groan broke from his throat and his fingers pressed hard into her sides. He would have happily let her drink from him forever, just to have that feeling continue. Even the blissful pleasure he'd felt when he'd taken her as a mortal man was as nothing next to what he felt now. She had to force herself to stop, had to push herself away from him. She took a stumbling step backward and tripped over an exposed tree root, falling to her rear. She reached up and pressed the tips of her fingers against her lips, licking away spilled droplets of his blood.

A little laugh, almost a giggle, escaped from him, then. "?a va bien, ma chere?"

"Mais oui, cher." She gave him a little smile and climbed carefully to her feet. "We should be on our way, Luc. Dawn is coming and we have a ways to go until we reach a haven for the day."

"Yes," he said, nodding and reaching for her hand. "Let us go."

She folded her hand into his, noticing for perhaps the first time how small it was when compared to his. She let him turn her around and get her pointed south before picking up their path again. "Do you not wonder why I chose you?" she asked after they'd walked for a while.

"I have wondered about it a great deal," he replied, looking over at her. "Will you tell me why?"

"You have knowledge I need," she said simply. "Scientific knowledge about plants and alchemy and things like that And it seemed..." she paused for a moment, a fleeting frown crossing her features. "It seemed a horrible thing to force you to walk with that damned crutch and to force you to give up your livelihood."

The last part made him smile. The Church would claim she was soulless, but how could someone without a soul feel pity and the urge to help the disadvantaged. For the first part, though, he was curious. "Why do you need this knowledge?"

"It's a cure of sorts, Luc." Her voice was lowered and she cast a look around as if expecting people to pop out of the woods and strike her down for repeating the story to him.

"A cure? For what?"

"The Beast. The Hunger."

"Now that would be a wonderful thing. What do you need for it?"

"I'm not... I'm not sure, actually. It's...complicated. Gaius was searching for it and I...I stole it from his mind. I'm not certain I understand any of it." She looked up at him. "Which is why I needed to find someone like you. Someone smart and clever and educated."

"Well," he said, looking down and feeling vaguely embarrassed. "I will give you all the help I can, of course."

She smiled and squeezed his hand tighter, raising it to her lips to press a kiss against the back of it. "Merci," she said softly.

"De rien," he said, smiling at her. "So we will be searching for the ingredients to this cure?"

She nodded. "Yes, that is the hope anyway. The legend is very old though. And Gaius was having difficulty locating most of the ingredients. He was educated as you, however."

"It may be very difficult, if it is so old. Many names have changed."

"I have faith in you, cher. You will succeed."

He hugged her close, still smiling. "With you beside me, how could I fail?"

She grinned and kissed his cheek, standing on tip-toe. "We should hurry. I'm not certain how far Montpelier is and the dawn is fast approaching." He nodded and broke into a run, pushing himself like he had previously. It was easier tonight, there was no Hunger gnawing inside him right now. The farmer's blood powered his body effortlessly. She laughed and quickly caught up with him, surpassing him and taunting him a bit with her speed.

He took the jibe with equanimity and a chuckle. "One day, I shall be able to move as fast as you."

"Not for decades." She grinned and sped up again, making him work to keep up. They ate up the miles quickly and shortly before dawn, they arrived at the tiny village of Montpelier, VT. "There is a public house I have stayed in before here," she told him quietly as they walked down the streets. He followed, allowing her her to take the lead and glanced around the tiny village, quiet and all but empty at this time of night.

She led them to a small two-story building in the center of town, one of the only places with lights burning in the windows. Pausing on the porch of the place, she patted at her hair and scrubbed at her face, trying to neaten her appearance a bit. She cast an appraising look over Luc, picking stray bits of autumnal leaves off his jacket and taking a bit of string out of her pack to tie his hair back into a neat club. "There. Now we don't look quite like vagabonds."

He looked down at himself. "I have looked much worse, in my time." He chuckled.

She smirked. "Moi, aussi," she replied and then opened the door and stepped inside. The small bespectacled man behind the bar looked up and smiled. "Miss Dragomir! How wonderful to see you again!"

This time, Luc felt no urge to attack the man and drain his blood. The farmer's accidental death had at least one positive effect, then.

Dannika smiled at the man and moved closer to him. "It's Mrs Fournier now," she said and reached for Luc's hand. "Mister Pinter, this is my husband, Monsieur Fournier. Luc, this is Mister Pinter."

He took her hand in his, reaching the other one towards the man behind the bar. "A pleasure to meet you, sir," he said, smiling.

Pinter's face lit up and he handed Dannika a key. "Oh, 'tis a pleasure to meet someone who has conquered Dannika's heart. Please, take my best room with my compliments. 'Tis your honeymoon after all, is it not?"

"Yes, that's right," Luc said, keeping the smile pasted on his face. It wasn't that hard; he was genuinely happy at the thought of being married to Dannika, and being on a honeymoon with her, even if it wasn't quite the marriage Mister Pinter was envisioning.

Danni accepted the key and nodded her thanks to Pinter before turning and taking Luc's hand again. "Shall we?" she asked him softly, holding the key out to him.

He nodded, taking the key from her. "Thank you," he said to Pinter, then turned away and let her lead him to the room. They went down the hall and she paused in front of the last door. She glanced up at him and smirked. "Going to carry your bride across the threshold?"

"I believe I will," he answered, opening the door, then leaning down and sweeping her up into his arms. How light she felt, especially knowing how strong she really was. He carried her into the room and kicked the door carefully shut behind them before laying her gently onto the bed.

She slipped her boots off. "It will be nice to sleep in a proper bed again. Bar the door while I close the shutters?" She moved silently around the room, closing shutters and making sure they were locked securely before returning to the bed to pull down the covers. She shucked off her jacket and trousers, leaving just her shirt on. It was an over-sized man's shirt, so it hung down loosely to her knees.

"Seems as though it's been ages since I slept in a regular bed." He turned to the door and secured it, then went to the bed and sat down, kicking off his boots. He began to remove his clothes, as well, jacket and hat first, then his shirt. He glanced over at her before he removed his trousers, as though seeking permission. She had slipped into bed, pulling the covers up and letting them pool around her hips. She nodded and then patted the bed beside her. He finished undressing, dropping his trousers with the rest of his clothes, then slid into the bed with her. "Ah," he said. "It's so soft."

"It's very nice," she agreed and turned on her side, cuddling against him and closing her eyes. "Do you sing?" she asked softly in the dimness of the room.

His arms wrapped around her, and he nodded. "A little," he said.

"Lullabies? My mother never sang to me."

"I know a few, that Mother sang when I was very young." He sighed softly. "She stopped singing after Father died."

"I am sorry, cher. Perhaps I should not have asked."

He shook his head. "Do not be sorry. If I cannot talk to you about it, then who?"

"C'est vrai. Do you wish to talk about it, then? Or...anything else?"

"Perhaps not tonight. The dawn is very near, and I don't think there is time. I would like to sing to you, though, if you wish."

She nodded and snuggled closer. "Oui, sil-vous plait, cher. I should like that very much."

He smiled, and softly began to sing one of the lullabies his mother sang to him when he was a young child. His voice was untrained, but pleasant and strong, and he remembered the words well enough not to stumble at any point. She made a soft, noiseless sound of happiness and when the sun crept over the horizon, she fell asleep with a smile on her face for the first time in nearly two centuries.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-13 03:58 EST
After waking the next night in their rented bed in Montpelier, VT, and after Dannika had drunk of Luc's blood for the second night in a row, they took a late supper in the tavern's commons room. Mr Pinter, the tavern owner, waved away any payment that Dannika tried to foist on him and led them to his best table, a quiet, out of the way spot near the windows that looked out over the main street of the tiny hamlet. Dannika thanked Pinter effusively and poured Luc and herself a glass of wine each and then settled back in her chair, giving Luc a very careful once-over.

Luc was quite impressed at how well Pinter seemed to like Dannika. It didn't even seem as though she was using any of her powers on him; he'd begun to get a feel for when she employed her vampiric abilities. When they sat, the look she gave him made him look down at himself, wondering if he'd spilled something on shirt. When he didn't see anything amiss, he looked back up at her. "Why are you looking at me so, ma chere?"

She smiled and shrugged a little. "I was Bound to Gaius...but I hated him with a passion usually reserved for mortal enemies. It didn't feel...anything like this," she said and looked away, suddenly very shy in Luc's presence.

"I think it must be like love," he said. "Love spurned or repaid with cruelty can turn to hatred all to easily. It would be logical to assume this Bond echoes that. You hated Gaius because of his cruelties. Had he treated you well, perhaps you would have loved him."

"Maybe." She mimed taking a sip of the wine and then glanced back at Luc. "Let me tell you a story, all right? A story of antiquity, ancient blood, and the search for Heaven."

He imitated her action, still trying to perfect his ability to pass as human. Then he regarded her with interest. "Please do."

"You'll remember the litany of Antediluvian? The third generation of Kindred who founded the clans?"

He nodded immediately. "I remember well. Is this tale about them?"

"In a way, yes. It's mostly about Gaius, though. He was Embraced in Rome, in 39 AD. He was a wine merchant who drew the attention of a Cainite who had a penchant for merchants. Gaius's sire stayed with him for about ten years before leaving him to his own devices."

"That seems a very short time for an immortal."

"Some are like that. They make childer, stay with them long enough to teach them, and then move on to their next victim." She shrugged and leaned forward to take his hand gently in her own. "Gaius was alone for a long time after that. He wandered Europe for some time, 1400 years or so, until he came to Venice."

He pretended to take another sip of his wine, holding her hand and leaning forward as well, beginning to get caught up in the story.

"Now, Venice at that time was in the middle of its gloried time. It was rich, powerful, the center of civilized Italy. It was also ruled by very important men, merchants, in fact." She paused and looked around the room, wondering if anyone was paying too much attention to them. The rest of the tavern's patrons seemed to be ignoring her and Luc, so she continued. "Gaius met a Kindred called Augustus Giovanni, the head of a very powerful family."

"And Gaius, being a merchant himself, befriended him?"

"Yes, of course. Well, it seemed that Giovanni was being controlled by an ancient Cainite of his own Clan, a creature called Lameth. Lameth was using Giovanni to track down their shared sire, Cappadocius, and Diablerize him, thus freeing them both."

"Did they succeed?"

"Yes, they did. And in the following years, Giovanni, perhaps with Lameth and Gaius's help, managed to obliterate the rest of the Cappadocian line, and in so doing, created his own clan, the Giovanni." She took a sip of her wine and leaned forward again, her eyes intense now. "It seemed that with his sire gone, Lameth became somewhat of a braggart. He told Gaius a story about the cure for the Beast."

"So this Lameth is the source of the cure?" Their heads were almost close enough to touch now, as Luc's interest in the story grew stronger and stronger. An observer would no doubt think them a pair of young lovers murmuring pleasantries to each other.

"He is. You see, Lameth in his mortal life was a powerful sorcerer and alchemist. And he was one of Cappadocious's first childer. Rumours even hint at him not being a human at all, but an Atlantean." She paused for a moment, ordering her thoughts and giving him a chance to react to that bit of Kindred gossip.

His eyes widened in response to this tidbit, a delighted gleam coming into them as he contemplated this idea. "A sorcerer from the fabled Lost City," he breathed. "C'est incroyable!"

She smiled at his excitement and nodded. "Lameth took a lover, a Princess of the Second City, in fact. Anis, Queen of the Night, she was called. She, too, manipulated someone into Diablerizing their shared sire, freeing them both." She smirked a little smugly at this and then shook her head. "Somehow, through his magic and his alchemy, Lameth created the cure, the Elixir of Golcanda he called it, and made two doses. One he took himself, and the other he gave to Anis."

"What happened to them?"

"They gained amazing powers through the Elixir, most importantly the ability to control humans and use them as cat's paws. These humans even have access to some of their Kindred disciplines. I do not know what happened to Anis, but I do know that Lameth bragged to Gaius about the Elixir, telling him the process used to make it and even listed the ingredients."

"Why would he do such a thing? I would guard that secret most jealously."

"Because the Elixir was first made so many thousands of years ago, many of the ingredients have disappeared. I think he felt safe in telling Gaius about it because he knew it could not be replicated."

"But you believe it can be?"

"Gaius did. He spent the next two hundred years doing nothing but searching for ingredients, experimenting with different combinations, researching... He was obsessed, Luc. And I think it's because he knew somehow that he could replicate the Elixir."

"I assume that he never actually succeeded in replicating the cure."

She shook her head and sat back, a sad little sigh escaping bee-stung lips. "Non, he did not. But then..." She smiled, perhaps a little wickedly. "He did not have you."

He looked down at the table, a little embarrassed by her faith in him. "I hope that I can live up to your expectations," he whispered, squeezing her hand a little harder.

"Oh, but you have already, cher. You can read and you have knowledge of herbs and using them in medicines and the like." She raised his hand to her mouth and turned it over, kissing his wrist gently above his pulse point.

He held as still as stone when her cool lips pressed against his wrist. The desire to beg her to sink her teeth into his flesh flared up inside him like a bonfire. It was so strong that he felt his own fangs descend, forcing him to raise his other than to cover his mouth for fear that one of the other patrons might notice.

She, too, felt the desire to drink of him and shoved it away as she carefully lowered his hand. She took a deep breath and sat back, crossing her arms loosely over her chest and looked away from him, out the window and over the street, giving them both time to recover.

Slowly, after several long moments, he regained enough control over himself to speak again, returning both hands to the table. "How did you learn of Gaius' obsession. I cannot imagine that he spoke of it openly."

"When I...killed him, I took the information from his mind," she answered as she sat forward once more, remembering to pretend to drink the wine on the table in front of her. "The memories were as clear as day, as if he'd just experienced it all just moments before."

He shook his head; not because her act repulsed or disturbed him, but because he couldn't imagine what it must be like to have the memories of another in your head. "Does he remain in your mind?"

She nodded. "Yes, sometimes I can feel him in there, pushing at me. Marikasha, too."

" the one whom you found in torpor? I cannot imagine what that must be like, to have another's thoughts within your own."

"Yes, the Toreador who was slumbering under a mountain in northern Africa." She nodded and then made a thoughtful moue. "It is...disconcerting. I remember things that I couldn't possibly have experienced. And when I am weak, they try to take over, control me."

His eyes widened again, but this time in concern. "Control you? Like being possessed by a demon?"

"In a way, yes. Demon is a very good word for it." She looked around the room, seeing that it had cleared out. "We should go, Luc. Boston is only three nights away now."

He nodded and stood, reaching for her hand again. "You will tell me more as we travel?" he asked hopefully. Everything she had told him so far had been fascinating, if occasionally disturbing.

Standing next to him, she fished in her pack with her free hand and dropped a gold coin on the table. She gave Luc a slightly embarrassed look and said defensively, "The man will not take my money, so I leave it for him when I go." Then she started to the door, calling out a farewell to Pinter as she and Luc left. "Yes, cher. I will tell you whatever you want to know."

He smiled at her action, and the explanation for it. Once again, he reflected that the Church had to be wrong about souls. That simple act of kindness refuted their assertion that a being like her...and himself...having no soul. She had a soul, and he loved her for it. "Then let us be on our way," he said, leading her to the door and opening it for her. He waved a farewell to Pinter before they walked out.

The night's run went quickly, but Dannika was worried that she had allowed them to tarry too long at Pinter's tavern. She could feel the dawn pressing down on them when they were still some distance from Walpole, NH, the next stop on their flight south to Boston. She glanced aside at Luc, and pushed them even faster. With only 10 minutes to spare, she finally located an abandoned barn on the outskirts of the town and found a protected corner of the building. Pushing Luc in ahead of her, she quickly joined him in the Earth, blocking him from as much of the pinking sky with her body as possible. And then she knew no more.

Dannika Dragomir

Date: 2010-09-13 03:58 EST
The sun set, and awareness returned to Luc in a rush of sensation. Hard, cold earth all around him, the gentle weight of Dannika's cool and supple body atop his, and the sound of wind whistling through the gaps in the decrepit barn's walls. He opened his eyes and found himself looking into her eyes from mere inches away. As had happened every night so far, that she had awakened before him. Her eyes were soft and happy, and a gentle smile curved her lips. He thought then that he never seen anything so beautiful before.

She grinned when he opened his eyes and kissed him softly, her hands coming up to gently cup his cheeks, finger splayed over his face. She broke the kiss and murmured against his mouth, "Tu es le plus beau, mon cher." You are the most beautiful.

He shook his head gently, lifting his hands to bury them in her dark hair. "Non," he whispered, "C'est toi."

She kissed him again, nipping gently at his lower lip and sucking it into her mouth. She craved his blood; it was the third and final night before the Bond between them would finally be complete. She needed the taste of him, the hot, salty, thick essence of him. She made an impatient, hungry noise deep in her throat.

"Do it, please, mon coeur," he whispered, arching his back enough to both press his body firmly against hers and lean his his back against the earth, exposing his throat to her. His fingers pressed into her scalp, urging her head down towards his offering.

Her fangs descended and she plunged them into his neck, drinking deeply of him. The grip she had on his shoulders strengthened and she clutched at him, swallowing down mouthfuls of his vitae, moaning in ecstasy as she felt that connection between them become solid, the white-hot flare of love suddenly ignite in her chest, burning her alive even as it made her feel whole. She drew away from his throat reluctantly, licking the two, neat holes in his throat and healing them over completely in an instant. Then she sat up a little, drawing him up with her and bared her breasts for him, using one fingernail to split her skin. "Boire, mon amour, boire," she urged him.

His mouth hung open slightly, a wordless noise of ultimate pleasure escaping from it as she sucked at his throat, drawing the his essence into herself. It seemed an eternity before she pulled away, and he would gladly have wished it to be one in truth. When she offered herself to him, he needed no urging, wrapping his arms around her back and pressing his mouth to the curve of her breast, directly above her heart. His fangs pierced her flesh on either side of the slit she'd opened for him, tongue probing gently at it as he drank from her.

She clasped his head to her body, her own head tilting back, eyes falling closed as she cried out in mindless pleasure at the feel of his mouth on her, his fangs penetrating her. "Oh, mon Dieu," she whispered, the words torn from her throat with a harsh rasp. Nothing she'd felt in her entire nearly two centuries of existence felt like this; nothing ever could. The Bond they shared now was deeper, stronger than mortal love. Some small part of her pitied humans that they would never feel this depth of emotion.

He drank his fill of her, reluctantly pulling his mouth away from her and tenderly licking the wounds closed. He laid his cheek against her breasts and sighed softly, happily. "Je t'adore," he said softly, then again in English. "I love you."

She stroked his hair gently, running her fingers through the silken mass and lowered her mouth to kiss the crown of his head. "Et moi aussi, mon petit chou," she said softly, a little grin at the thought of calling him by the baby name of her little cabbage.

He smiled, then grinned, looking up at her. "My mother called me that as a child," he said softly, planting a kiss on the hollow between her breasts.

She chuckled. "Well, then I shan't call you that. What about...mon vaillant chasseur instead?" She grinned and then slowly climbed to her feet, reaching down to tug him up next to her. "My mighty hunter? Does that meet with Monsieur's approval?"

He stood slowly, feeling the wonderful languor suffusing his limbs begin to give way to a powerful vitality. "Call me anything you wish, ma chere, and I will be happy for it," he said, smiling.

She smiled and kissed his cheek. Then she buttoned her shirt and and stepped to the edge of the barn's wall, looking outside. More snow had fallen during the night, leaving the air crisp and cold. The nearly full moon cast a silvery glint to everything. "It's beautiful," she said softly. "Like a magical kingdom."

He moved up beside her, taking her hand gently. "Yes, it is. A magical kingdom for us." He took a deep breath of the cold night air. Though he no longer had any real need to breathe, there was still some urge that drove him to do so.

She looked up at him and then stepped out of the barn's protective shelter. "Come. After the close call this morning, I want to get to Worcester early tonight. Boston is only one more night away and then we can find a ship to take us to wherever in Europe you'd like to go."

He followed her out of the barn, glancing around. "I feel strong," he said. "I am ready to go when you are."

Instead of answering, she took off at a run, her pace slow enough that he could catch up to her, but fast enough that it would push him to his upper limits. He laughed aloud, running after her. Her blood sang in his veins, pushing him faster and harder than he'd ever run before. He felt as though he could run forever. She set a steady pace, one that would allow them to cover many miles without risking exhaustion. Soon, they crossed into Massachusetts and encountered streams of people traveling in the opposite direction. She slowed their pace to a sedate walk and glanced nervously to Luc. "What do you think is happening?" she asked him softly in French, hiding her English accent.

He studied the people passing them for a moment. "These are colonists," he said quietly. "Something terrible has happened. I fear the British have taken the city, or are invading it now."

"Oh, no." She stopped walking and turned a worried look on him. "They'll have blockaded the harbor. We won't be able to get out."

He took her hand and drew her to the side of the road, out of the direct path of the refugees. "But you are British," he whispered, making sure none of the humans passing nearby could hear him. "Can you not get on a British ship?"

"There will be no trade, mon cher. Nothing but soldiers coming and going. I do not think it would be wise for us to risk an ocean voyage on a ship full of soldiers, do you?"

"No, of course not," he said, annoyed at himself for missing that obvious point. "I did not think it through." He paused for a moment, then went on. "We must continue south, then. Surely the British cannot have blockaded the entire coast."

She gave him a quick smile and then turned their steps to the south and west, parallel to the coast now. They were close enough to the water that she could smell the salty tang in the air. "Where shall we go? New York? Philadelphia? The Carolinas?"

He thought for a moment. "Philadelphia. It is the capitol, and perhaps I can begin researching there. Do you think we should wait out the winter?"

"But wait. New York City has a harbor; Philadelphia does not. Perhaps we would have better luck finding a ship that would sail to Europe there?"

"You are right. And New York is still very large. There must be places I can find information from there." He nodded. "Yes, New York, then."

"But yes, I do think we should wait out the winter, wherever we end up. Ships won't be sailing during the winter storms and it will give you plenty of time to do your research, too."

"Good,? he said. ?It will be nice to stay in one place for a while. It is not a luxury I have had many times in my life." She smiled at him and picked up their pace once more, running closer to Worcester where they would spend the night before moving into Connecticut and then New York.